3C Essaywriting

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College is not merely about one’s degree that will mold you into something in the near
future. Just like any other educational stage, there are days wherein we show more of who we
are, pertaining to the values and beliefs that we hold. CBEALYMPICS is one among those days
during which we uphold what binds us as an organization. What could CBEALYMPICS mean to
someone like me who is a participant or as a member of CBEA in general?
As a CBEA student, CBEALYMPICS is a thrilling and joyous day. Normally, it is a day
filled with what I would consider recreational activities such as mental gymnastics, sports, games
and many social interactions. It is a day with endless laughter and also the urge to win every
single contest. It is the day we stand divided as we all try our best to defend our team. All of a
sudden, these things needed to change because of a terrifying event. An event that revamped the
usual into a new normal environment. Suddenly, we were not allowed to go to school, to interact
freely with people and worst, CBEALYMPICS’ not like before. Frankly, I hesitated to
participate in any contest these days because it was not a vibe compared to when everything was
the way it was. As I was unoccupied the same day I wrote this, it got me thinking about how our
college department is exerting efforts to make sure that, at least, we could have CBEALYMPICS
again this year. Certainly, the most possible way it has to be done is contactless. The new normal
environment got us rethinking of ways to make the most out of it. As a participant of the newly
established CBEALYMPICS (online edition), I feel proud for being part of a movement that
caters excellence even through the different platforms. This event encouraged us to showcase
talents, share our thoughts and visualize our experiences to a wider audience. It reminded us to
strengthen our relationship as CBEANS amidst adversity. This might be a competition but the
winning part of all of this is that, we are as one in celebrating the first encounter of a new normal
CBEALYMPICS. As a youth of today, our minds might be distorted with all the noises going
around but with our simple act of commemorating our abilities, we can empower the younger
ones to be as resilient in times of crisis and doubts. We can teach everyone to turn obstacles into
opportunities that would lead to greatness. Through this occasion, we might have inspired
someone to create pieces of work that could light up one’s day or make those who feel down
right now appreciate life even in its least beautiful phase.
So, what could CBEALYMPICS possibly mean to me now? It means that whatever
challenges life throw at us, we are able to make our own way into this world. It might not look
like what I am about to say but as of the moment, we actually stand united and undivided.
Winners will be announced by the end of the day but what’s fulfilling is that when we put our
works out there, we represent the same name which is CBEA. This conveys that we won against
the unseen and unexpected because we were able to roll up our sleeves and continue to do the
things we used to do. I can definitely say CBEA WON.

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