Multiple Choice English Test

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Level Advanced

Trnh nng cao - Bi 1

Lend me 20 $, please, John. I'm ________ at the moment. (A) broke (B) down the drain (C) stuck up (D) a bit thick I haven't had an accident yet but I had a number of ________ shaves. (A) narrow (B) near (C) close (D) tiny I've heard that argument before and quite frankly it just doesn't ________!

(A) face the music (B) hit the nail on the head (C) carry weight (D) hold water I don't like turning down work, but I'll have to, I'm afraid. I've got far too much ________ at the moment. (A) up my sleeve (B) on my plate (C) on my mind (D) in effect Unfortunately, somebody spoke to a reporter, and the whole thing ________.

(A) poured forth (B) spilled over

(C) leaked out (D) splashed down He waited in the ________ for the front door to open. (A) perch (B) threshold (C) inlet (D) porch A child will ________ half an hour of your complete attention. (A) delight (B) appreciate (C) consider (D) compensate Driving with ________ brakes endangers not only yourself but also all other road users you encounter. (A) deficient (B) insufficient (C) inadequate (D) defective From his palace, this subtle and abstemious man ________ an immense power.

(A) practises (B) wields (C) sways (D) manages The new safety regulations were agreed on after ________ with the work-force.

(A) conference (B) participation (C) intervention (D) consultation When I learned that I had passed the examination I felt ________ and relaxed.

(A) careless (B) troublefree (C) negligent (D) carefree The old house had low ceilings supported by thick wooden ________. (A) beams (B) girders (C) sticks (D) rafters If you put too many potatoes in that bag, it will ________. (A) separate (B) demolish (C) crack (D) burst The Minister declared that a further period of pay ________ was essential during the present economic crisis. (A) deflation (B) constraint (C) restraint (D) devaluation There are some interesting old ________ on the tombstones in St Mary's churchyard.

(A) epigrams (B) epitomes (C) epitaphs (D) epigraphs Everything possible was done to ________ the suffering of the wounded soldiers.

(A) alleviate (B) pacify (C) modify (D) console

That unfortunate woman was ________ to insults from all her fellow workers.

(A) subjected (B) subdued (C) submitted (D) subjugated The witness told many lies in court and so committed ________. (A) perjury (B) forgery (C) quackery (D) hypocrisy Peter tells me he is ________ the Queen's horse in the Derby. (A) wagering (B) betting (C) backing (D) staking The new trainee had been very slack in his work, and was told to ________ or he would be out of a job.

(A) pull his socks up (B) gain the upper hand (C) raise his sights (D) take the plunge

Trnh nng cao - Bi 2

A person who is rather reserved or cold in behaviour can be described as ________.

(A) standoffish (B) carried away (C) overdrawn (D) outcast Sarah desperately wanted to be an actress, so when they offered her a part in the

play, she ________ it. (A) burst into (B) seized on (C) ran after

(D) jumped at After his long illness, the old man appeared so thin and ________ that a gust of wind might have blown him away. (A) flimsy (B) powerless (C) frail (D) withered The townspeople were always so well-behaved and ________ that the police had an idle life.

(A) systematic (B) orderly (C) methodical (D) meticulous Even the most detached and indifferent spectator can be ________ away by enthusiasm at a horserace. (A) carried (B) moved (C) excited (D) stirred The Romans ________ a large part of Europe and the Middle East. (A) submitted (B) subdued (C) surpassed (D) oppressed He never ________ to read the news but turned at once to the crossword on the last page.

(A) worried (B) noticed

(C) pained (D) troubled The wing of the car was badly ________ in the accident. (A) crashed (B) injured (C) dented (D) wrinkled It was a ________ for the climbers to reach the top of the mountain. (A) stretch (B) struggle (C) pain (D) force The fire was ________ by the time the firemen arrived. (A) in (B) off (C) out (D) away The prisoner ________ that he had assaulted a policeman. (A) denied (B) rejected (C) contradicted (D) declined We were rather upset by his ________ to support our proposals. (A) rejecting (B) denying (C) refusing (D) delaying I ________ this book to all who enjoy an exciting story. (A) recommend (B) praise (C) approve of

(D) compliment Only two of the candidates can be seriously ________ for this post. (A) contemplated (B) commended (C) considered (D) reviewed You have taken ________ far too many responsibilities. (A) in (B) on (C) out (D) upon The campers ________ their tent in a sheltered valley. (A) established (B) installed (C) pitched (D) fixed When the fire broke out in the factory the automatic ________ came on and stopped it spreading.

(A) sprayers (B) sprinklers (C) waterers (D) irrigators The young couple gradually lost interest in each other and ________ apart.

(A) floated (B) drifted (C) inched (D) idled I can't even afford a new pair of shoes, ________ alone a winter coat. (A) save (B) let

(C) all (D) even Although my father has made a study of the stars, he is only an ________ astronomer.

(A) untrained (B) itinerant (C) amateur (D) intermittent

Trnh nng cao - Bi 3

I usually buy my clothes ________. It's cheaper than going to a dressmaker.

(A) off the peg (B) on the house (C) in public (D) on the shelf You really dropped ________ the other day when you told Brian you'd seen his wife at the cinema. He thought she was at her mother's. (A) a brick (B) a stone (C) a log (D) a plank Charlie had such a bad stomach ache that he was ________ with pain. (A) bent down (B) folder over (C) doubled up (D) snapped off Yesterday the pound fell to a ________ low level against the dollar, according to this morning's news. (A) final (B) major

(C) record (D) remote She bought a blue and yellow hat to ________ her new blue dress. (A) match (B) shade (C) combine (D) pair After a long and exhausting journey, they arrived ________. (A) finally (B) at least (C) by the end (D) at last If we ________ the plan you suggest, we are more likely to be successful.

(A) decide (B) adopt (C) command (D) vote The bully tried to take away the younger boy's violin but the youngster ________ him with considerable courage. (A) disobeyed (B) challenged (C) defied (D) rebelled I'm in no ________ this evening to listen to his silly jokes. (A) feeling (B) attitude (C) mood (D) opinion He says he would write an English course book if he could find ________ to deal with the less interesting parts.

(A) an accomplice (B) an ally (C) a collaborator (D) a confederate ________ he fails his final examination, he is still sure of a University place.

(A) if (B) in case (C) although (D) even if Poisons should be kept in a place that is ________ to children. (A) unavailable (B) insurmountable (C) inaccessible (D) impracticable Have you seen my brother's latest ________ to his stamp collection? (A) edition (B) exhibit (C) acquisition (D) appendix That evening he reached the theatre late, only just ________ time to dress and make up.

(A) on (B) in (C) by the (D) with The victory was ________ annually by a ten-gun salute. (A) memorised (B) commemorated (C) reminded (D) recapitulated

The Judge decided to ________ the case for two days. (A) reserve (B) delay (C) dismiss

(D) adjourn Mr Jones is such a ________ speaker, I always lose the thread of what he is saying.

(A) half-hearted (B) back-handed (C) loud-mouthed (D) long-winded This is a very rare poison for which there is no known ________. (A) deterrent (B) antiseptic (C) antidote (D) anticoagulant The social worker was asked to ________ the in formation received about the Harrison family.

(A) follow through (B) follow round (C) follow up (D) follow after He ________ up the sheet of paper and dropped it into the waste paper basket.

(A) coiled (B) crinkled (C) crumpled (D) crumbled

Trnh nng cao - Bi 4

She would do anything for her youngest son. He was the ________ of her eye.

(A) plum (B) apple (C) star (D) pupil You'll have to shout, I'm afraid. My father's as deaf as ________.

(A) a leaf (B) a post (C) a politician (D) a stone He badly ________ his back digging in the garden last Sunday.

(A) stretched (B) strained (C) pulled (D) burst She had just been to the hospital to see her husband and had returned home rather ________ by her experience.

(A) taciturn (B) silenced (C) reticent (D) distressed "See you ________." she said casually. (A) at some time (B) some times (C) sometime (D) some time The room was so ________ with furniture that it was hard to move about.

(A) burdened (B) cluttered (C) assembled

(D) muddled The first night is never as good as the ________ rehearsal.

(A) high (B) dress (C) main (D) last I should like to rent a house, modern, comfortable and ________ in a quiet position. (A) before all (B) above all (C) over all (D) first of all He ________ the figures very carefully before making any comment.

(A) estimated (B) scrutinised (C) watched (D) remarked The police managed to ________ down the man in Glasgow.

(A) trace (B) track (C) catch (D) search Occasionally we experience westerly gales, but the ________ winds are from the north-east. (A) existing (B) prevailing (C) particular (D) special During their first teacher-training year, the students often visited local schools for the ________ of lessons.

(A) observation (B) investigation (C) inspection (D) examination The dentist ________ her decayed tooth again. (A) filled (B) injected (C) repaired (D) mended The jury ________ him of having committed the robbery and he was then sentenced to five years' imprisonment.

(A) convinced (B) accused (C) charged (D) convicted He is unable to find a post ________ with his ability.

(A) commensurate (B) appropriate (C) applicable (D) suitable There can be no change in the plans now; everything is ________.

(A) cut and thrust (B) cut both ways (C) cut and dried (D) cut to the quick Harry ought to be able to give you a few ________ for the Derby; he's a bookmaker. (A) nudges (B) winks

(C) tips (D) nods Large ________ of snow drifted down and settled on the grass.

(A) drops (B) flakes (C) Crystals (D) lumps That woman is always complaining; I do wish she would stop ________. (A) jeering (B) grumbling (C) sulking (D) mumbling Nowadays many skirts are permanently ________ and need no ironing.

(A) pleated (B) creased (C) folded (D) tucked

Trnh nng cao - Bi 5

Stop ________ about the bush, James! Just tell me exactly what the problem is.

(A) rushing

(B) hiding (C) beating (D) moving My father refused to eat meat that had been fried. He had ________ in his bonnet about it causing cancer. (A) a bug (B) a fly (C) a bee (D) a bull The last item on an agenda is "Any Other Business", which gives people a chance to ________ items that were not dealt with during the main meeting. (A) set forth (B) call out (C) bring up (D) hint at If you ________ your demand, then maybe you will have more chance of getting what you want. (A) conduct (B) dismiss (C) grant (D) moderate The evening's entertainment was ________ by an electrical power cut. (A) curtailed (B) condensed (C) abbreviated (D) abridged The book is full of practical ________ on home decorating and repairs. (A) helps (B) tips (C) nods (D) clues The ________ of the book, with the text on the left and the notes on the right, makes

it a pleasure to use. (A) layout (B) method (C) system (D) pattern

The doctor managed to ________ the wound on his leg. (A) cure (B) recover (C) stitch up

(D) repair The bishop preached a farewell sermon to ________ that filled the church to overflowing.

(A) a congregation (B) an audience (C) a procession (D) a crowd This ________ was conducted to find out how many people prefer butter.

(A) examination (B) inspection (C) survey (D) opinion ________ lighting has made an important contribution to the cultural development of humanity. (B) false (C) imitation (D) counterfeit After the collision he examined the considerable ________ to his car. (A) destruction (B) damages (C) injuries

(A) artificial

(D) damage Many poets have ________ the beauties of the countryside. (A) applauded (B) extolled (C) enamoured (D) appealed I hurried to ________ Smith so that we could discuss some of the new plans as we were walking.

(A) come up with (B) overtake (C) reach up to (D) catch up with The teaching profession offers good career ________ for the well-qualified teacher.

(A) scales (B) ladders (C) prospects (D) perspectives The eagle carried the dead lamb away in its ________. (A) claws (B) fangs (C) nails (D) paws Do you think Mrs Barker will be able to ________ with the children and the housework while you are away? (A) manipulate (B) organise (C) cope (D) handle Mary didn't seem very well this morning; she looked rather ________. (A) black and blue

(B) pink and white (C) highly coloured (D) off colour Poor Mary, all her colleagues teased her; she was the ________ of all their jokes.

(A) outlet (B) brunt (C) butt (D) burden That actress has the most beautiful eyes, brown ________ with green. (A) patched (B) dappled (C) brindled (D) flecked

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