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Raymart E.


Theme PROF. ED. 106 The Teacher and the Community, School Culture
and Organizational Leadership
Topic SG6 and SG7 Chapter 4: The Strengths and Weaknesses of
Filipino +-Character: A socio-cultural issue
Training 1 hour and 30 minutes (Thursday-Friday, Time: 10:30-12:00 PM)
Overview According to the article published by Dr. Patricia Licuanan Entitled “ A Moral
Recovery Program: Building a People--Building a Nation” she stated that the task
of building our nation is an awesome one. There is need for economic
recovery. There is need to re-establish democratic institutions and to
achieve the goals of peace and genuine social justice. Along with these
goals, there is a need as well to build ourselves as a people. There is need
to change structures and to change people. Building a people means
eliminating our weaknesses and developing our strengths; this starts with
the analysis, understanding, and appreciation of these strengths and
weaknesses. We must take a good look at ourselves--objectively with
scientific detachment, but also emotionally (i.e., lovingly) and, when
appropriate, with disgust. We must view ourselves as might a lover viewing
a loved one but also as might a judge capable of a harsh verdict. We must
not be self-flagellating, but neither can we afford to be defensive. This
material is from Filipino Values & Moral Development published by the
Economic Development Foundation in November, 1992. The study was
sponsored by the Philippine Senate and it was headed by Senator Leticia
Shahani. It was conducted by the task force headed by Dr. Patricia
Licuanan. The findings were based on bibliographic surveys and interviews
and consultations with researchers and practitioners in the behavioral and
social sciences, education and social welfare, journalist, and social analysts;
a nationwide survey of 2000 respondents; and focus group discussion
among residents of an urban poor resettlement area in Bagong Bayan,
Dasmarinas, Cavite. From the study was developed” A Moral Recovery
Program- Building A Nation” submitted to the Philippine Senate.
Targets/ At the end of 1-hour and 30-minute session, the participants shall have:
Objectives 1. List the strength and weaknesses of a Filipino Character
2. Differentiate the strength and weaknesses of a Filipino Character
3. Compare and contrast the strength and weaknesses of a Filipino -------
4. Reflect on the strength and weaknesses of a Filipino Character
5. Explain strength and weaknesses of a Filipino Character and how it ----
affects the perception of the other country
Content Activate
Outline 1. For 5-7 minutes, each participant will share its knowledge pertaining to
the strengths and weaknesses of Filipino Character
TASK: How much learner they know about the strength and weaknesses of
Filipino Character.
2. The participants will be grouped into five (5) and they will list all of their
ideas they know about the strength Strengths
and weaknesses
and of Filipino Character
using the bubble graph. weaknesses of
Filipino Character

A 10-minute discussion /brainstorming will be given to the participants to

collaborate and share with their groupmates. Each group is allotted for 5-
minute time presentation.

By filling out the pie chart below, they will be going to classify the strengths
and weaknesses with the recently activity which was they listed.

Strength Weakness

A 10-minute discussion /brainstorming will be given to the participants to

collaborate and share with their groupmates. Each group is allotted for 5-
minute time presentation

ACQUIRE: The facilitator will prepare lecture discussion so that the

participants can have their independent and interactive learning. (5 minutes
per lecture discussion, 20 minutes for this task)

Lecture 1 The Strengths and Weaknesses of Filipino Character: A

--------------socio-cultural issue

APPLY: Using the Venn diagram, compare and contrast the strength and
weaknesses of a Filipino Character.

*After contrast and comparing the strength and weaknesses they going to
write a reflection and present it to the class.

Target 1. Write a list of strength and weaknesses of Filipino Character

Activities 2. Determine the strength and weakness of Filipino Character.
3. Assimilate and differentiate the strength and weaknesses of Filipino
4. Write a note on the strength and weaknesses of Filipino Character.
5. Illustrate the strength and weaknesses of a Filipino Character and how it
----affects the perception of the other country
Target 1. Bubble Graph of ideas on Strength and Weaknesses of Filipino
Deliverable Character
s Weaknesses

Extreme Family Lack of


Family Joy and
Oriented humor

2. Pie Chart on distinguishing ideas on strengths and weaknesses of

Filipino Character

Strength and Weaknesses of Filipino Characteristics

Extreme Fam-
Joy and Humor ily Centered-
Family Oriented
Extreme Per-
Hard Working sonalism,

Ability to survive Lack of disci-


Strength Weaknesses

3. Venn Diagram on Strength and Weaknesses of Filipino Character

4. Reflection paper on Strengths and Weaknesses of Filipino Character

The Filipino's strengths and weaknesses derive from a variety of factors,

including their home environment, social environment, culture and
language, history, educational system, religion, economic environment,
political environment, mass media, leadership, and role models. We can all
acquire strengths and shortcomings, but we should recognize and be proud
of our strengths and make changes if we have weaknesses.
Assessmen 1. Create and Infographics that explain strength and weaknesses of a
t Filipino Character and how it ----affects the perception of the other

s building-people-building-nation-patricia-licuanan

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