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Learning Experience

and Self- Assessment Activities (SAAs)

Human Experience: Picture Interpretation

Guide Questions:

What depicts in the picture?

 It is a picture that depicts the extreme effect of poverty. With poverty taking a toll on Filipinos,
parents often can’t make enough money to support their families; Some children then have to go
to street and beg for money, food or whatever they need to survive the day.

What can you do to address this issue?

 As a student, I can address this issue by raising awareness to my fellow youth the basic causes of
poverty and begin practices that will not contribute to systems of injustice that propagate the
wealth of only a few. At an early age, we can begin to practice respect for all human beings no
matter what their income level. They can choose a lifestyle that does not require the
accumulation of many expensive things and be willing to share when they have more than

Value in Focus: Appreciating Life

Reflection Question:

What are the things you need to do to appreciate and value human life?

 Organize an outreach program to those people in needs.

 Attend and serve in church
Word of God:

Reflection Questions:

What is the biblical passage all about?

 It is all about what true beauty is, it comes from what inside of people. Not the physical
appearance or materials. It is about being kind and respecting others.

How this biblical passage affect your views about life?

 It affects my in a sense that it made me realized that I don’t need to impress people by looks just
be myself, respect and help others.

Is external appearance reflects the real beauty of our self?

 Physical appearance plays a great role in every aspect of your life. However, by letting the
physical appearance, or better said, your perception of it affect your self-esteem, self-worth,
happiness and positivity, you actually allow outer appearance to reflect on your inner beauty.

In what way you can develop your inner beauty?

 Focusing on the positive qualities of others brings out the best in you.

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