Vocabulary Journal: Language of Development Studies

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Student’s Name: TRAN THI MAI PHUONG Class: 2NC21

Unit/Topic: 1- POVERTY Date of submission:

Teacher’s signature: _______________________________

1. Glossary Sheet:
Word Phonetic Example
No. vocabulary Definition
form Transcription (complete sentence)
n /ˌɪm.plɪˈkeɪ.ʃən/ a suggestion of
something that is The implication of the manager
1 implication made without was that he hadn’t already done
saying it directly well on that mission.
(hàm ý)
n /sɜː.kəm.stɑːns/ an event or
connected with
There are many circumstances of
what is
2 Circumstance people losing their jobs because
happening or has
of the Covid-19 pandemic
(trường hợp,
hoàn cảnh)
adj /ˈhæz.ə.dəs/ Very dangerous Many poor people accept to work
and involving risk, in hazardous conditions for little
3 hazardous
especially to pay because of their low
someone's health education.
n /kəmˈpæʃ.ən/ a strong feeling of
sympathy and
sadness for the
I was hoping she might show a
suffering or bad
4 compassion little compassion for the
luck of others and
a wish to help
them (lòng trắc
n /ɡʊdˈwɪl/ friendly and
We expect the business to raise
5 goodwill helpful feelings
at least $100,000 in goodwill.
(thiện chí)
v /ˈstrʌɡ.əl/ to experience
difficulty and
make a very great Fish struggle for survival when
6 struggled
effort in order to the water level drops in the lake.
do something
(đấu tranh)
adj /ˈɪn.t̬ə.mət/ having, or being
likely to cause, a
very close
friendship or He's become very intimate with a
7 intimate
personal or classmate.
relationship (thân
v /ˈskæv.ɪndʒ/ to look for or get
food or other
8 scavenging objects in other
people's rubbish
(nhặt rác)

Topic- Wo
N related rd Explanation of your understanding
Phonetic Transcription
o. vocabulary for (complete sentence)
/ Concepts m
Extreme n  /ɪkˈstriːm/ a condition characterized by severe
poverty /ˈpɒv.ə.ti/ deprivation of basic human needs, including
food, safe drinking water, sanitation facilities,
health, shelter,…
Cycle of n  /ˈsaɪ.kəl/ /əv/ the cycle of poverty has been defined as a
2 poverty /ˈpɒv.ə.ti/ phenomenon where poor families become
impoverished for at least three generations.
n  /pəˈlɪt.ɪ.kəl/  /ˌɪn.stə the propensity of a government collapse either
Political ˈbɪl.ə.ti/
3 because of conflicts or rampant competition
between various political parties.
n  /ˌɪn.ɪˈkwɒl.ə.ti/ the unfair situation in society when
4 some people have more opportunities, money,
etc. than other people
n  /ˈpɒv.ə.ti/
5 Poverty the condition of being extremely poor

v  /ˈmɑː.dʒɪ.nəl.aɪz/
 Marginal to treat someone or something as if they are
ize not important
v  /ˈmʌn.i/  /ˈlendɪŋ/
Money the act or occupation of lending money at
lending interest

adj  /ˈɪn.trəstˌbeə.rɪŋ/ used

8 to describe a financial product that pays mone
y in the form of interest
n  /ˌniː.əʊ the policy of supporting a large amount of free
neoliberal ˈlɪb.ər.əl.ɪ.zəm/ dom for markets, with
ism little government control or spending,
and low taxes

2. Summary:
3. Reflection question:
Do you think globalization narrows the wealth-poverty dynamic?
Globalization has aided in the narrowing of the wealth gap between the rich and the poor. Many wealthy
countries can assist the poor in developing, resulting in a more prosperous environment for the people,
because globalization is defined as the increasing interdependence of the world's economies, cultures, and
populations as a result of cross-border trade in goods and services, technology, and flows of investment,
people, and information. As more international corporations seek low-cost labor in developing countries,
more jobs will be generated for local residents. Workers will be able to provide for their families by earning
a consistent pay. Workers will have gained all of the necessary skills to help them in the future after working
in the factories.

There are a variety of reasons why people become poor or fall into a poverty cycle, and education is the only
way out. Because of globalization, more schools can be built and teaching quality can be enhanced. As a
result, more people will be able to become educated and skilled workers in the future, bolstering the
workforce. Because skilled workers are in great demand, they will have a better chance of getting a well-
paying job.

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