Vocabulary Journal: Language of Development Studies

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Student’s Name: TRAN THI MAI PHUONG Class: 2NC21

Unit/Topic: 2- GLOBALIZATION Date of submission:

Teacher’s signature: _______________________________

1. Glossary Sheet:
Academic Phonetic
No Word Example
vocabulary Transcriptio Definition
. form (Complete sentence)
(AWL) n
Diminish v  /dɪˈmɪn.ɪʃ/ I don't want to diminish
to reduce or
her achievements, but
1 be reduced in size or i
she did have a lot of
Profanity n  /prə (An example of) show It was the song's
ˈfæn.ə.ti/ ing no respect for opening line, a series of
2 a god or profanities, that caused
a religion, especially t the record to be banned
hrough language on the radio station.
Intrinsic adj  /ɪnˈtrɪn.zɪk/ being
Maths is an intrinsic
an extremely importan
3 part of the school
t and basic characterist
ic of a person or thing
Relegate v  /ˈrel.ɪ.ɡeɪt/ to put someone or
something into The story was
4 a lower or relegated to the middle
less important rank or  pages of the paper.
Influx n   /ˈɪn.flʌks/
the fact of
Turkey is expecting an
a large number of peo
influx of several
5 ple or
thousand refugees over
things arriving at the
the next few days.
same time
Tenures n   /ˈten.jər/ being
the legal owner of lan
During his tenure as
d, a job, or
dean, he had a real
6 an official public posit
influence on the
ion, or
the period of time duri
ng which you own it
Punitive adj  /ˈpjuː.nɪ.tɪv/ The UN has imposed
intended as
7 punitive sanctions on
a punishment
the invading country.
Partake v /pɑːˈteɪk/ Would you care to
8 To eat or drink partake of a little wine
with us?
Galvanise v  / to cause someone The prospect of his
ˈɡæl.və.naɪz/ to suddenly take actio mother coming to stay
9 n, especially by shocki galvanized him into
ng or exciting them in action and he started
some way cleaning the house.
Tangentially /tæn However, these only
adv ˈdʒenʃəli/ in a way that has only appear with labeled
a slight or indirect event structures, which
connection with we touch on only
something tangentially in this

Explanation of your
No Word understanding
vocabulary/ Phonetic Transcription
. form (complete
Cultural leveling n /ˈkʌl.tʃər.əl/ Cultural leveling is the
process by which different
1 cultures approach each other
as a result of travel and
Standardization n /ˌstæn.də.daɪˈzeɪ.ʃən/ the process of making
things of the same type all
have the
same basic features.
n /ˌstæn.də.daɪˈzeɪ.ʃən/  /ˌkɔː.pər A multinational
Multinational ˈeɪ.ʃən/ corporation (MNC) is one
corporations that has business operations
in two or more countries.
n /ˈhaɪ.brɪd/  /ˈkʌl.tʃər/ A hybrid culture is a work
environment with a mix of
4 Hybrid culture employees working on-site
while others work remotely
as well as a mix of both.
adj /ˈɪn.tɪ.ɡreɪ.tɪd/
with two or more
5 Integrated things combined in order to 
become more effective
adj /ˌɪn.tə.dɪˈpen.dənt/ depending on each other, or
6 Interdependent
of groups that depend on
each other
v /ˈledʒ.ɪ.sleɪt/
If a government legislates, it
7 Legislated
makes a new law

adj /ɪnˈsen.tɪv/
8 Incentive that encourages a person to
do something
n Intergovernmental refers to an entity created by
Organizations a treaty, involving two or
9 IGO(s) more nations, to work in
good faith on issues of
common interest.
n international non-governmental is an organization which is
organization independent of government
involvement and extends the
10 INGO concept of a non-
governmental organization
(NGO) to an international

2. Summary of content :

3. Reflection question:
It is said that Globalization has had certain impacts on countries’
cultures and economic development. How do you perceive the
influence of Globalization on a nation’s culture and economy?
On one hand, there is Globalization of culture promotes the sharing of cultural values and the
blending of traditions from many countries. Cultural globalization. On the other hand, is defined by
the convergence of corporate and consumer cultures across countries and the expansion of
worldwide communication.

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