RESEARCH METHODS and Technical Writing

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Highlight the different products of technical writing

Feasibility report.

This reports the financial, economical, and technical benefits/practicability of a proposed

business project.
Survey report.

It is an initial report on any subject or product service using subjects like potential market,
labour policies, public opinion, and community resources.

Laboratory report.

This is a record of laboratory tests with corresponding procedures done. It contains

descriptions of the scope, equipment, procedures, results, and possibly conclusions and


It is a plan or a scheme proposed to elicit action for a change or performance which may help
solve a problem


(Books and technical journals). This may refer to an abstract, summary, introduction and
discussion submitted and published in books or journals.

Contract. It is an agreement between two parties enforceable by law in doing or not doing


It contains a definite course of action adopted and pursued by the government, company
management, or any organization

Progress report. It pertains to an account of work on what has been accomplished during a
specified period of time, including future expectations in the next period.

Technical paper.
It is a research paper describing a new concept or development intended for a professional
journal or magazine.


It is a summary of a conducted study

b.Outline the different characteristics of a good technical writer

Writing skills are important as technical writers are supposed to excel at writing itself.

A good technical writer must have the ability to work with technical writing tools. A good
tech writer needs to be aware of what’s offered on the market. e.g Word, PDF, CHM and

Being Good at Single-Sourcing is a time saver for any technical writer as it allows creating
multiple documents using one and the same source.

Common sense will help you see when you are doing the right thing. Like, how many
screenshots will be enough to explain this topic on rocket science.

Language Skills

You should be able to convey your message in short. The more precise your content the more
people will consider it to be an effective one.


While working they should maintain professionalism and should handle the occupational
hazards with dignity

Teaching Skills

A good writer must have the ability to teach and lead the readers. Thus, through their write-
up they should make them understand what you are trying to say.

Ability to organize and schedule work. Ability to use Excel for project record-keeping,
accountability and transparency

Caring about the audience. Seeking to understand the backgrounds, roles, and needs of the
readers. Seeking to make their jobs and lives easier. Always thinking of the impact on them.
c.Difference between Technical and business writing

Technical writing deals with science, engineering and technology. Typical documents

include specifications, manuals, data sheets, research papers, field reports and release notes.

Business writing is just about any other kind of writing people do at work, except journalism
and creative writing. It includes reports, emails, proposals, white papers, minutes, business
cases, letters, copywriting, bids and tenders.

Business Writing is a form of writing used in organizations to communicate with internal and
external audiences

The purposes of business communication are:

To distribute information: policy memorandums or reports are used to share knowledge;

To share recent events outside or inside the company;

To instruct: some professionals may use business writing skills to give employees different

To influence: business writing may be used to influence others to take action, for example,
influence customer purchase decisions.

Business writing should be clear and accessible. The tone depends on the target audience and
the goal of the message. For example, you may use conversational style in letters and emails,
legalistic style is for contracts, formal style for an internal memo

The main goal of technical writing is to simplify complex information and deliver a message
in an effective and clear manner. Technical writing is is about developing user manuals, user
guides, release notes and other types of technical writing documentation

Technical writing is a method used in different fields technology, engineering and science. It
is a writing form that is required to be impersonal and easy-to-interpret in order to
effectively communicate information to the target audience.

Technical writing tone is neutral.

The difficulty of technical writing texts depends on the target audience. If technical
documentation is written for professionals, it may contain jargon and complex terms. Or if
it’s a user manual for general audience who don’t have appropriate knowledge. So a technical
writer should explain the terms or should not use them at all.
Anastasia, 2017. ClickHelp. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 8 September 2019].

Anon., n.d. Tech Writing. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 8 September 2019].

Sen, N., 2011. bussinesstocommunity. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 8 September 2019].









A study on Control Technologies and Strategies for Reducing Exposure of Underground

Miners to Diesel Emissions


Research areas of the topic include (1) Diesel Exhaust Fumes

(2)Exposure Monitoring of Dust and Exhaust Fumes

On Diesel Exhaust Fumes,

Exposure to elevated diesel exhaust concentrations has a detrimental health impact on miners
such as eye and nose irritation, headaches, nausea, and asthma. Diesel particulate matter
(DPM) has been classified as a possible carcinogen. Diesel engines are a major contributor to
elevated concentrations of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, and
hydrocarbons in underground coal and metal/non-metal mines.

On Exposure Monitoring of Dust and Exhaust Fumes,

Monitoring can be used to measure and quantify a miner’s exposure to toxic aerosols.
Personal monitoring, area monitoring is the most common approach to assess worker
exposure, with an integrated sample or multiple samples taken from the breathing zone of the
worker during a period of time that can be extended to a full shift.
Problem Statement

A research focus on the Health and Safety problem faced by mine workers employed in
mining facilities as they are exposed to elevated levels of toxic aerosols including respirable
dust, diesel particulate matter (DPM), and crystalline silica. Exposure to airborne aerosols
can lead over time to debilitating respiratory diseases that can affect the health of workers.

Traditional monitoring techniques are based on the collection of a representative toxic aerosol
sample on a filtering media and later off-site laboratory analysis. The mine operators
generally do not receive the results of the analysis until weeks after the sampling. For this
reason, the use of these data in making decisions that will positively affect work practices and
engineering changes is difficult and limited.


This project’s aim is to implement the current and emerging control technologies and
strategies that are used to reduce the exposure of workers to DPM.

The research aims of this project were:

●Evaluation of exhaust after treatment systems designed for particulate emissions control
such as diesel particulate filter (DPF) systems and flow through filters (FTFs), and the
systems for control of gaseous emissions such as diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC) and
selective catalyst reduction (SCR).

●Evaluation of filtration systems used on enclosed cabs, with the emphasis given to the
efficiency of those systems that remove DPM from the mine air. The potential for reducing
NO2 concentrations was also examined.

●Evaluation of alternative fuels such as biodiesel and potentially gas-to-liquid synthetic


●Detailed physical and chemical characterization and speciation of diesel aerosols collected
during laboratory and field studies.

●Examination of metrics for monitoring exposure to diesel aerosols.

●Assistance to the underground mining industry in the selection and implementation of these
technologies and strategies.
Preliminary Literature Review

In recent years, health effects associated with exposure to diesel particulate matter (DPM)
and other combustion-generated nanometre and ultrafine aerosols have received substantial
attention. Diesel engines, which are widely used to power vehicles and equipment in mining,
trucking, and many other industries, were found to be a major source of workers' exposure to
nanometre and ultrafine aerosols. The study is necessary as it will focus on reducing
exposures of underground miners to diesel particulate matter and gases via development,
evaluation, and implementation of various control technologies and strategies and through a
better understanding of the risks associated with exposure of workers to aerosols and gases
emitted by diesel engines.

Research Methodologies

The physical, chemical, and toxicological properties of DPM were characterized through a

series of engine/dynamometer tests at a Laboratory and through a series of isolated zone
studies in production mines. As part of the technology transfer, some of the evaluated
technologies and strategies will be implemented in participating mines and evaluated over an
extended period of time.

A Survey research method will be used to assess the air quality of an underground
mine.Design of this research is an observational research with a cross sectional design. Data
of air pollution will be measured by using OSHA analytical method number ID-209 and
NIOSH method number ID-6014 and 5040.Details of mining activities and vehicles
characteristics among workers control system to be recorded in relation to mining activities.
Kriging method will be used to obtain quantitative information on workplace exposure to
Diesel Particulate Matter (DPM).

The Project will begin in October and finishing in December.

An estimated budget funding will be calculated with mainly Labour and Equipment cost.
Bugarski, A., 2016. Centers For Disease Control and Prevntation. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 22 September 2019].

Elis, C., 2004. Coal Services. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 5 September 2019].

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