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DIVYAK SH) THRE 1021955 Corps ft SSIGN Ment - a FR. CONCEICAO RODRIGUES INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, VASHI BASI TECHNICAL WRITIN 4 Q) || Describe any one 3) toe _followfng objec with « Jefnirons iagiam, dtcnption Of component parts 5 worEfng. (alll Sin ple caleulator [DEFINITION = A catrutato: ls a smal) portable, elechonit device ted bo potprm beth bast€ aad comptes oparahsns o} cuithmetic. DIAGRAM — CASIO NATURAL DISPLAY fe x ex G DIERIaw z 36) | _— mode bey She SHUEY Alpe \mooc ON Key. POSE EN "FY O4— No bey Alpha. Roy Sy ey Cursor _conho) bu ttan E ”g = : SEE pmetion rey HOS =f peleke Fey efi | see, ; al Number — = Bartle operation Fey us i eo Eauol bey Tait answer Fey DIVYAKSH) TARE loziss @me B Components - Th general, a bane — elechonr caleulater const 8p the following = Component+ a. Power Source Chattery or solou Cell). be Keypad Ckeys wed to input number ©: Function commands ore basic operation reys (add", mutipicatten ) ete ds Processor chip € €neoder unit Ceonvetts numberand funchtone nts bmary code). fe X register and Y-regisker CHempocary shores while Calect lative). + Decoder unit Cconveit brary code (nto “dedinal” number which Can be displayed en tne display uolt), h» Display panel (display Inpud numbers commands and wesults caleulakes dually have hquid onycted airplay). WORKING- Calailater woale by processing information fh) bmaryy form. When we fopur a number inbo a calelabor , an Totegrated Aircuit converts those, number to brary sting of zews and ones. Tre ICS men use me rings of zews and ones. Tne TCS tren use the shings to tum transistor on and off etechiclty — to perform tre Desire calculatvne - |00 calculation has been completed, the anrwer to binary form 16 been Converted back =f the normal base Lo Syskem and display en the altalator screen. wth, dicplay FR. CONCEICAO RODRIGUES INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, VASHI (hy Elechic toulb EFINITION — An elecbs Joulb ic a lamp consirtina of, ‘Yani parent Or -panclucent flare how ing contal ing 4 wit fila ment Lotti rhingsten) Naat emits iat then heated tay lecha chy. DIAGRAM. Gloss -fiilin [ \— Glass bulb * TW Tangren filament Suppose Luairen, Lead wis Pumet wires skera COMPONENTS — fm elechic bulb Consist gy a veer Hiepte. Bd tepreempttcated metal bases an blechical conductor, a alars bulb» WORKING - fm elechic bulb FH a coysce which produces Jigint wohen elechiaty i passed tre gh ih terminal. Tne _bulp has two tick contact wives in the conber with tith wire _atiached pohveen +hem. Whe Jecha hy is passed throug tne terminals fine pulbs tn filam nt ges heated ap and produces tights DIVYAKSH | TARE lozjass compe © Computer DEANTION > A compuktr Fe an elechonre mechineg that processes information TO other vosde, an Information processor? VW takes in caw ~ infermaton (ex data) at one ends storeo tH Unk itr ready te work on ity chews and Crunches il fora bit, tneq spitz out the resullf ot tne otner end, DIAGRAM. — Main supply Dvp Rom = DRIVE Monitor £2) Gia © [pues AA Bs ® a ° Po fe \ 3 cPeu Speake. =I OED -Lo-6.6 | oD a mouse ReyBoarRD mouce pad ®@ ComPo NeNT¢~ A Computer consuts of = Motherboard , Power supply» CPUs RAM, Driwo, Cooling devices, Cables. WORKING- 1 fake, jmformation 6, aata fem one ends stor ie fo processy and Finally, after cOmpletag the processing ,it output tne Yesult On other hand, The th formation WwW dates at one end “Ww bnown ao Computer Tnput, and the result that 4 provides after “Processing 4 Enown as Computtr Outputs FR. CONCEICAO RODRIGUES INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, VASHI pun) = ctrarfter DEFINTHON ~ Dre mh) diatier ic a vernatile too) and canbe used to iaw almost even tings Tb can be wird > draw pevaltol linea, porependicular Wn’ taclines lines OQ any clegree ott unrrciched speed - PT _consits_ one tong scale ae cl one small «ale and Dye fetes cure ta SL" shaped whith can be fit on ing drawing board aly Dinar am LOMPONENIS— mini ciafier consists 4 shar t+ box Drawing beatdor Practices sel squar, sheet container, @ Poonid clips, ple casted yin drafter. woth cere ws + WORKING - Sethe circular Scale of tne Arafier at zero dearees and tightn tn: adpusting knob. Take tne Clapping bnob towards tne bop eda. ef me board od aliga the linear secon with He wertcal ancl Lomontal loundans Ime q tn Leasing Shoot Froly gp tne scalen and tighten the clamping knob of me cats crafter: Te mint drafter mechanitra pill leeep tre Lent ludaus Portallet fo the ginal positon hereby WM May side over tre hoard. DIVYAKSH) THRE lone Compra Ot Walle — precke definitions 4 tne Fonowtng (4) Mowscope ~ An optical Mshument — consisting % lens or combination af lenses for mating enlorged tm ageo 4% mrouke — elbjechs- (B Process oy avinhg — Drilling ve a cuttmg process snot urea & drill bit tO Cul hole with & circular Crosisccction jn Sold materials. Me avill 1 usually @ a rotating cutting told, ofter multi point + © Screwdriver — A too) for turnin Screws, concn ef a handle fommed at amthal rod shaped atone end to fit iM The Cur Th tHe FOP yy the screw- @ Refiqerator— A refigeralor Wan appitance or COMportment which otificralt kept cool and used to shore food and dame, _ QR Descvive tre procera Htraton With a efimitiens diagram, apparars/ materia) required and eorting. DEFINIMON- A Htatton 36 4 technique or procedure of determinia Me concentraton A a dissolved Substance tT terms Sh the smatiest amount 4% veagent ef tnousn concenhaten required to bring avout a given effect I reactren — olth a Enowh NMolume 8% Hest Solution. FR. CONCEICAO RODRIGUES INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, VASHI DIAGRAM = Clamp ———> Stand Burette Thration——ay{ Fase TX Apphratis /MAteriAL RE@UIREN~ Bureties cavical forks Stand, pipette, and Horch, WORKING= Mme whole apparahie I Warhed property With water, The burche if also winced When filled with Ha olution op 10th woaquired MAL th Such en wna to consider Dith _+Hy lower Mmenifcus- fnsure Hock oul “ne dir bubples are remo ved. Mm pipette as_then imed wits Nao scolubon. 10 mt +. pipette out ina lean cenical -flasie- Two dimac Ob wre Hay) etc indicator re added and the soliton ic 4thated agains Hcy sOldtton tilt the solution chang « tym yollsin 1D orange, A pilot reading taken Followed by three Snstant ath

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