Congratulations For Registering in The 18 National Online Science Quest

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Congratulations for Registering in the 18th National Online Science Quest

Take Note of the following:

1. If you have not filled- up the registration form, you can go the this address

2. If you have not paid the registration fee , kindly settle them at this account
Bank: Metrobank, General Trias Cavite Branch
Account Number:3543354337372
Account Name: Association of Science Educators in the Philippines INC

3. The zoom link and the edmodo link will be given 2 days before the competition via email of to our Facebook
Group .

4. For Guidelines and Criteria

5. You will not be allowed to enter the competition if you haven’t complied the requirements.

6. Good luck and God bless!

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Summerfield Subdivision, Brgy. Osorio Trece Martires City

ASEP Virtual National Science Quest 2022

March 18-20, 2022


Science, Math, Sci-Histo, Sci-Spelling, Sci-Environmental, Sci-Bible and Techno Quiz Bee

1. ASEP Virtual and Online National Science Quest will be held on March 18 to 20, 2022.
2. All Participants are encouraged to attend the Virtual Opening Ceremony on March 18, 2022 at 8:00 AM.
3. All Science Quest events will begin on March 18, 2022 at 1:00 pm onwards.
4. Please observe the time and schedule given.

A. Qualified Participants
1. The ASEP Virtual National Science Quest are open to:
a. Division online science competition winner 1st to 5th Placer.
b. Winners from the Division and regional level the previous years as well as Intel
Philippines Science Fair are qualified for the upcoming ASEP Virtual National Science

B. Payment &Registration
1. The registration fee is 1,200.00 (one thousand two hundred pesos) as per ASEP Advisory No. 5
Series of 2021.
2. Registration of qualified participants should be made on or before March 4, 2022 for the
finalization of the lists per event.
3. After the registration, the school’s focal person who successfully register the qualified
participants will get a link to join the Group Chat per event (this GC is made for posting and
dissemination of information/announcement.)

C. Mobile Applications
After registration is being made, the qualified participants are required to install the following
applications available on Play store and Apple App Store.
1. Telegram
2. Zoom Meeting
3. Edmodo

D. Dos and Don’ts during Competition

1. Log in to your accounts on Zoom Meetings and Edmodo ahead of time.
2. Make sure to have strong internet connection and back-up data allowance (if in case
disconnection to internet) to avoid problems during the competition.
3. Please observe the given schedule
4. Your name should be in this format (Region, Division Surname, Given Name, School Acronym)
5. Listen to the instructions carefully, remain seated on the entire examination/competition.
6. Do not open other application while the competition is on-going.
7. Do not take a screenshot of your examination, it will trigger the LMS Test security.
8. Do not copy and paste the examination, it will trigger the LMS Test security.
9. Coaches/parents/guardians and others are STRICTLY NOT ALLOWED to help the
participant/s while taking the examination.
10. Do not close or refresh your application while taking the examination.
11. In case you are interrupted due to technical problem, use the same device to resume your
12. Do not attempt to open search engines such as Bing, Yahoo, Wiki Answers and Google while
taking the examination, it will lead you to disqualification.

E. Scoring and Announcement of Winners

1. Scoring will be the same as the previous years, participants who will get correct answers may
earn point/s in each question per round. 1-point Easy Round, 2 Average round and 3 Difficult
2. No more breaking of tie, instead if there are more than one contestant obtain the same highest
score, they will be declared 1st Places the same with 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Places.
3. Winner/s will be announced 30 minutes right after the competition.

F. Grounds for Disqualification

1. Use of Calculators, Math Applications and other forms of cheating.
2. Coaching while taking the examination
3. Dishonesty
4. Disrespecting the Chairman, Facilitators, and other members of the Board.

G. Competition Proper
1. Opening Prayer
2. Checking/Verification of Participants
3. Examination Proper
4. Announcement of Winner/s

H. Quiz Bee Mechanics

1. Participants will be given a unique code to join the Edmodo Room to take their respective
2. Participants will be use 2 gadgets for (1) camera for zoom meetings and (2) for Edmodo LMS.
3. Participants should turn on and turn around the camera while microphone is open for monitoring
purposes. Participants are required to wear headset/headphone during the examination.
4. Make sure to place a big mirror in front of you and place your camera at your back fronting the
5. The LMS is set up for 1st attempt-final answer in all questions. It will not allow participants to
change and go back to previous questions.
6. Each round is consisting of 5 questions and should be answer in one (1) minute time frame.
APPLICATIONS during the examination.
8. Follow the time and schedule given to avoid delays. LATE COMERS will not be entertained if
the competition is ON-GOING.
9. All questions and clarifications will be entertained after the competition.
I. Schedule of Quiz Bee

March 18, 2022 March 19, 2022 March 20, 2022

(1PM onwards) (8AM onwards) (8AM onwards)
NKP Grade 3 Grade 7
1pm to 2 pm - Science QB 8am to 9am - Bible QB 8am to 9am - Bible QB
2pm to 3pm - Techno QB 9am to 10am - Envi QB 9am to 10am - Envi QB
3pm to 4pm - Math QB 10am to 11 am - Math QB 10am to 11 am - Math QB
11am to 12nn - Science QB 11am to 12nn - Science QB
Grade 1 1pm to 2 pm - Sci Spelling B 1pm to 2 pm - Sci Spelling B
1pm to 2 pm - Math QB 2pm to 3pm - Techno QB 2pm to 3pm - Techno QB
2pm to 3pm - Science QB 3pm to 4pm – Sci-Histo QB 3pm to 4pm – Sci-Histo QB
3pm to 4pm - Techno QB
Grade 4 Grade 8
8am to 9am – Sci-Histo QB 8am to 9am - Techno QB
Grade 2 9am to 10am - Techno QB 9am to 10am - Bible QB
1pm to 2 pm - Techno QB 10am to 11 am - Envi QB 10am to 11 am - Envi QB
2pm to 3pm - Math QB 11am to 12nn - Math QB 11am to 12nn - Math QB
3pm to 4pm - Science QB 1pm to 2 pm - Scince QB 1pm to 2 pm - Science QB
2pm to 3pm - Sci Spelling 2pm to 3pm - Sci Histo QB
QB 3pm to 4pm – Sci Spelling QB
3pm to 4pm – Bible QB

Grade 9
Grade 5 8am to 9am - Sci Spelling Bee
8am to 9am - Sci Spelling B 9am to 10am – Sci-Histo QB
9am to 10am - Techno QB 10am to 11 am - Bible QB
10am to 11 am - Bible QB 11am to 12nn - Envi QB
11am to 12nn - Envi QB 1pm to 2 pm - Math QB
1pm to 2 pm - Math QB 2pm to 3pm - Science QB
2pm to 3pm - Science QB 3pm to 4pm – Techno QB

Grade 6 Grade 10
8am to 9am - Science QB 8am to 9am – Sci Histo QB
9am to 10am - Sci Spelling B 9am to 10am - Sci Spelling Bee
10am to 11 am - Techno QB 10am to 11 am - Techno QB
11am to 12nn - Bible QB 11am to 12nn - Bible QB
1pm to 2 pm - Envi QB 1pm to 2 pm - Envi QB
2pm to 3pm - Math QB 2pm to 3pm - Math QB
3pm to 4pm – Science QB

Grade 11
8am to 9am - Math QB
9am to 10am - Science QB
10am to 11am - Sci Spelling
11am to 12nn - Techno QB
1pm to 2 pm – Sci-Histo QB
2pm to 3pm - Envi QB
3pm to 4pm – Bible QB
Grade 12
8am to 9am - Envi QB
9am to 10am – Techno QB
10am to 11 am - Science QB
11am to 12nn – Sci-Histo QB
1pm to 2 pm – Bible QB
2pm to 3pm – Sci Spelling
3pm to 4pm – Math QB

For more information, please message us at:

Facebook :
Email :
Tel. No. : (046)-443-5647
Mobile No. : (0939)-380-7456

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