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CAMBRIDGE aT STUDENT'S BOOK 1 ANNES ee ee een ite ee ede cary rvs hoe eeepc pan ‘ar nao pong up mana an ‘incre obser cua bes ee Tere sm anon hae aed evan ateen tite oa ee Tht ot Cre lan hate econ sg. ie elses ar yw era nbc ars, ‘elt rr tere, nar esr pon toqe Comiastg int outs sare Ca Faso uithen taro Rating ap ne (hi enone ee ete ‘tm mn Cnn eye i as ‘Shoyh pro tot pp np ge wtint ‘Steel nr eran (ice dau oy ‘2a Wout er spr po wo ee ene ‘CAMBRIDGE Pres as Camb C2, tenga reer an, 208 ie 1005 UA “27 wlamacnn tad ot bore W307, tle 31-27 st, Sent fo Ost Cee He eh asec 0-808, Sener TS6 ang vet es te est an, coe Set etre mn cn Sef cet ‘Sonia Comba re Comin smn ator ‘re Cmte ange seat Cm es Tertrbun apts poe ener bong. hat ‘elements Sees matty ert nant eta ‘lgehrntc scotouse poyone eas cou ‘Sete mag easement tah emt egntrae Cte eae tote Conon tropa ranaro tte agro Seca we eh ye \tioncr tanya ma man et ek ‘went comaag Dene (nny aire th writs net iy un eons ‘STenen ol gen he Stone oe scape one ‘acsourcenny Coon’ mb ey hes ‘ates te Gonna ny arias nde ne pasta ec, ig ndmsner ate a menor ot eee "orton te womans ik came ty Ps 2015 seteeanaaeeseenree eee, sonrenroceane es ‘cxf pon e909 BR Ly tne 08072 Ses te ah toy ate re ptt ‘canna See yore eee ey rt SiRiiicc eaten ences spor nomen mnie ed ‘estan eer son ree we sane eer ‘Sm Ueno rogue anyon Sea THINK STUDENT'S BOOK 1 Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks & Peter Lewis-jones eee nai ener noe, hte NSN CIENTS ig reser earey . Sao fa ‘ecgersinponaveting regen ss, Sc ry teat emer aoa Past spl Gear er) “Pets of shou and ornare iene, ae wht you the doi alone aed Post spe (regular verb) Pastime crpremon ees eee eee enlace Weeden econ” a pt ——— Past conmmuous. “Sport ad sports verbs a aes ‘Cem wes Geographical features ae eae Sroneer crm —— (ae A aera aa hates ease pees “ord enon ah Sympaine Pc Ting oaiergereces Reape ne ecteeeiae Toler rder ee CGeieight! pees t2-16 —Speskingactvtes pgs a8 (ees Vibes aro Sovencem ge a. ocho ta {ect snpaper Ore ht wg | ene aE stg Ade Gasgegioe aaa Teang Chega (i eg pny ei A ALL ABOUT ME Personal information ¢ 1 CORES ut the dialogue in order. Number the bores. Listen and cheek. Tux Hulme AEX —Tinfourteen. How about you? ‘AEX The United Sate, ‘AUX Helo Fabio. Where areyou fom? ABIOLA Me? Fmfourtecn, toa, FABIOLA. fmfrom aly. And you? FABIOLA. Hi Al My name's Fabio FABIOLA. Coll How old are you, Ale? 2. [CORKS Complete the dialogue withthe phrases inthe list Listen and check tue | mest | this | too Nx Fabiola my fend Ra Savi HiFabits Neeto? you TABIOLA. Nee tomest you,” Rav “And hit my fend her ame Par Tara Hi, gps How yu? Pati, Pata Lambertc 3 Imagine you area famous person Workin par, then groupe, 1 Tellyourparer who yousre, 2 Inrodie your partsertothersin the group, Hn Rye sing Natio alities and be 4 Complete the names of the countries (add the consonants). MW the a od Fauld Le 5 What nationality are the people? Write the 6 CURE complete the dialogue using the correct forms ofthe verb tobe, Then listen and check ABIOLA. So\Rev—where™_are_youtron? ma Merl from Britain Alex ere : ‘om the Unted Ste but : teh, arRia. bt,* yournane bh RAM Oh goed question Wel ois paren ‘rom nda and so ry nane? Tm nin too But ny ‘iter Anta and were bth bor ee, owe! 10% itch amon Tha? ‘ol thekyourname " rely aw Thankyou! And youtwo," you both alan? arma. That ® righ Bate ret rom the same cy. tom lag nd Fail ‘roman Were students athelangage shoo, Govan Names and addresses 7 ERIE Ravi phones for atan- Listen and complete the information Booking form Gino Pekupat * beret {8 CMI Now listen toa phone cal. Correct each ofthese sentences, © Alexphones Patria No ~ Patrizia phones Alex “They met et Wedneidy There’ party at Patra place nest Fy. “The pry sarsatseven hit. Paya les at 134 Markam Avenue Herphone numbers 0788 224234 B WHAT'S THAT? ‘Things in the classroom 1 Lookat the picture. Wilt the correct number next to each word. board [-] book [-) <> [) dae (] desk] floor pen || penal | ruler) window || door [| notebook Prepositions of place 4. [CORED Use one of the sentences in Exercise 3 to avira erase Complete ech minalogus Listen and check. vith preposition rom thet ou wl se 1 TeHER Good morning eveone Tomevordemor than one. SUDENTS Good moming cn | beter | in | under | nfonto | bebind achat Of Leister 0. Therotbookit_o1 _thechie 2 Techth So Meh what te answer 1 Thependin——-he oe. tects 2 Thepenlis thea ence TatkOK What abort you, Suse? 3 Theboocs ted 2 suet f peter cote rs McFarlane. ve gota question. asin cena vom, Mittens 4 Thebondis_—__ the door andthe window bees foaug? 7 The boot’ the pen. a rae Tcheh Reine envoy meen Classroom language 5 IED Pathe lines in ordertomake a 3 XENI Complete each sentence with a word Serene sone nd from thelist Usten and check AENOUGH sk gin | ean | ta | cont 1 Nath competely wong pes te | Sy [pa | undead 7) i Hewdo yout ov spel he word enough? 1 Bee 1 Natrol wou split 2 Gan! question plese? 8 OK how doyouspe then 2 Canyon tt ple? 8 Oh Late tink RENE 4 How doyou—__cawadoln Eng? 2 Youre kg! 5 Openyurbookt " § Spenibe—ee © IIE Workin kota 1h Engsh Can yourpartner peli Sorry. ident_—_ How deyou spel afd"? AWFUL, 9 Water thsword : 10 Excwreme Howdoyou___ that word? coe ERTHRED or FV-ED? Object pronouns 7 Completecach sentence with the correct pronoun, She good teacher we ike ale. et please? The gotanew book Im going tread thisafernoon Sony an you speakmore loud ant hear really ado this hamework~) Mea end ni, ©) Watch TV ane ly corte games ‘youn scone: ‘Most As: Yu tte god ce of oursel ou know ow ‘ote tun and eye Mostly Bs: Yu tt care of ourself OX ut an yu do ore? Try andi more efor yoursale, Most Cs: Yu on take god aro ours Try and 2 RERXMHIG Compare your ideas with partner ueston 7 shows us that bing wth people nora GRAMMAR Present simple review 1 Complete the sntences with he wordsin the te Check our answers inthe qulzon page 1- tel | do | does | dont | sae 0 never lax 1 Mybestiend dont ery often 21 realy ther 2 your teacher gue you alot of homework? 3 youlheexrce? 2 Lookatthesentences in Execie 1 and the table. ‘Complete the rule with do, dos, dat or doesn’, Positive Nessie ile elk. don't ike rik. Youllke mik You don't ike lk ae ‘We like mik. We don't li Tete |The don ke i en Do like rik es youdo | No,youdon't, Deyoulka mil? YexIda.—[No.done Derbi | Yes | No hee fa ee Dawe Nowe dont Do they ke nik? | No, they don't Je the presen simple for things that happen regulary or that are aways tue Inpostive sentences: 1 wth ne and ey se the basefomfte vr © othe an lors verbs hat end ‘ahd, nor | In ogatve sentences: | there and tay ase | thee and gas | Inquestions 1 thyme arth ae the ary wathte se ance we the sany ofthe verbs. © | ontlke (pte ror coasters. get (get rely scared on them, 1 Mydad_—__otsleep) alot He only (peed) ve oschous. 2A you 2 Yes! 3 My ded Complete the sentence, Use the present simple | (cud ngs (ook realy wellbuthesayshe (oot enjon A yoursiter__(@lay inthe schoo! foctbal team? . 8 Noshe 5 Myerendparents (pot ie) raving They (Greer to stay at ome, 6 Mybrother (vat) TVallday. He (oot de) anything ee. ‘sh fa, hz! sounds Gotopage 120. co VOCABULARY Hobbies 11 Complete the phrases wth the wordsin thei. ply | wre | beep | take | be | collet © 10 ply. aninsrument 2 t2___photos tt inachb 4 apet 2 to —ablog 5 to thinge 2 KEEESINIG Work in pairs. Ask questions about the hobbies inthe pietures. Doyo ply an instronet? Wha da you play? Deyo call something? What .? 1 HAVING FUN [EDIE Usten tothe conversations. Match each one witha picture, Listen again. Complete the sentences wth thenamesinthe lst. om | Car | Usa | Liisa | James | Jamers mum Tuy, has gotaheadache ants ton football doesnt ave tne to el, ‘hiks muses good for relsing arts to bea fameus plan player ‘hk football for boys MTHINK SELF-ESTEEM Why it’s good to have a hobby 1 Gra theperson from Listening Exercise 1. ink i godt havea hobby because 1 youcan make new ends Cara B Unc James 2 thelpsyoureae Gale pte ¢ Jane 3 youcan cover youhave ne talents Gar Bia C James 2 Copy the diagram into your notebooks and complete itwith the hobbies inthe i. paying the piano | joining tenis fallecingstamos | wing blog dancing cocking | watching TV Playing online games | tating photor Mata fiends Fete Discover you tants 3. BIEN Workin pairs. Compare diagrams ‘with you partner Paying the panes gan eh you tel 4 What hobbies have you got? Think about why they are good for you. Make nates. 5. Tellyour partner about yourhobbies. lance nok ery god ba itl me fo el, READING 1 Read the blog and answer the questions. 1 Howmany peoplelite colecting things? 2 Wha hr atthe strangesthobby? So what do you do in your free time? kK, we how you a he watching TV an paying computer games but we want to know some of he ‘er hings you do wen you've got some fee time, We us ale ort anc It us kn Tee coectng ungap fy tren an toy, Now et ot Trt big ony oS wha fy met uml tt ag Tey breon ry bck ar okng Shapes in them ts aly els sa Teceasonaly a soon core petbred bat ju go tothe by an get bane en (ce Wook my ned tse tit for a lz, i tong rd new get. 2 Read the sentences. Which ofthe people above. do you think is saying each one? © Acoust tht starts with om agp Rai, 1 Haney gt ab abot Birds? 2 Tellme more plese! aes 4 Sorry cance a he park ra. anti ny math Hey tha ove loa ike a ow GRAMMAR like + -ing 1 Lookat te sentences from the blog on page 16 Draw Wr nertto each one. 1 Tove clectng ato gph 2 feartsund wang ool 2 that balg ony om 4 Micwrtag pose z 2 Usethe sentences in Exercie 1 to complete therule RULE: Usethe | ___ form ofthe ver after verbs which expres kes and dies, «lite, foe, hate, enjoy, cant stand. © Tomle ne frmada® tothe beer © ther ends ine drop the fale eg eb) # Masher enckinaccrrant vowels conan we sal double teal croak Selo acdngthe-igleg min —sviing) 3. Completethe sentences. Use the -ing form ofthe verbrin thelist. | is | sim | eat | ide | tak © Thate raving. tcateh the busta chook 1 Mymunanddadenjoy__innice 2 Mybrobercantstnd onthe telephone 3 They ate lie Inthe sea when swarm, 4 Donal ies __her horse, 5 Welowe —__newplaceronholiday “4 IRIE What about you? Write two or three sentencesabout yours Adverbs of frequency 5 Complete the diagram with the words inthe lit aways | ocasinally | never | often Actes of tequancy 1 HAVING FUN 6 Completethe sentences so they are true for you. 1 clo my homework when gethome, | wte thankyou’ cad for my presents lan late for school. 1 watch TV nthe moning Mais ans if dont room, 1 tum ffthe Fis when leave the room 7 Complete these sentences from the blog on page 16. Check your answers and complete the rule eee, my ganda ‘ales me outfora miksile, 2 Iyatehit the TV new) ins tes mmercuooet ogress Seco ee Pras he very dy tice a week an cone tthe Begrnngorit fic end ofr setence 8 Write down things youdo. every ay give my mum. hse every day. three mer aweeke onceayear 9 BNI Work in small groups. Compare your answers to Exercises 6and8, ow on doy prtothecinem? ———Issoncee month rap WRITING Your routine ‘Complete the sentences so they are true for you. 1 trey 2 leant stand at the weshend ~ ehree mer every dy In August. ‘whentimtred.| once a week. 7 loceasonaly — 8 Lexy ater shoal rleikearesee ete Look the photos and answer the questions ‘What do you thnk Oliv bby hy det Ryan look worried? [CIEE Now read and listen tothe phototory. ‘Check your answers. [outa ti ryan.t Late [vas i Gttin Souehaare you wo ding? LURE Look is lisa and Megan OLIVIA Iesmy new hobby. eke psf Megan, RYAN Whatare they up? reading bookin strange paces. [HIKE Fm n>tsue whet the’ ding but {LUKE Coal Can video yon ny pone? they edefntelyhavinga god tne ‘OLIVIA Ofcourse you can. Come on VAN Letego and od oat WOKE Thi rea think Tvegots newhobby ‘OLIVIA thers gress Megan a [MEGAN Hurry up. hy arms are ted DEVELOPING SPEAKING 3) Workin pairs. Dicurs what happens net inthe story. Writs down your ideas We think Oia fal inthe water 4 CREE Wate to find out how the story canines, 5 Grlethecorect word in each sentence. © Ryan! doesn yo warn va 1 yanand ke hp don hep her ou fhe wate 2. Oba ces! doeury when heals he wate 3 ‘Olin leugh doe laugh when she sees hercamer, 46 Hercamea i int broken, 5 Loker does them what the surprieis 4: Lae give ei give Os the money. PHRASES FOR FLUENCY. 1 Find the expressions 1-5in the photostory. Who says theme Match them to the definitions © (Whstarethepupte? yan + Coo 2 Comeon. > Thats 4 Hurry 5 Lockout & Beck 4 tetssur, 1 Conec, # Dong, © Becaref © Geese 2 Complete the conversation with the expressions in Exercise 1. Inthe park SARAH Nancy Whatare you? pe? NCOLE Hotalotjstwaking Ave you here for valktoo? saat‘ tmabitboredathone, NICOLE Metoa Wear altogether you vant sata 2 1Ohno—?__ Mie Smiths ning | doi it Nicou 4 lee walk ver ee SARAH downto seme >, Nany! 1 HAVING FUN WordWise Collocations with have "1 Match the sentence parts from the story. 1 [| trmnot sure what theyre doing 2 |_| Dontstop, Luke. 3 |_| Youre really diy. Youneed to gohome 4 (| Myarms are tire. 4 |_| Ova think yu have o problem. « [Were at hovng dinner, 1 Tmboving fr think your camer broken «es piza Would you he some? Ind to have ore 1+ buttheye defintely having goed tine 4 andhove a shower, 2. Askand answer the questions in pairs. i Dae cca a aeal came eae ee aoe ae | 3 Sidon eae Ca FUNCTIONS Giving warnings and stating prohibition Putthe wordsin order tomake sentences. 1 Dan/Be/eaefal 3 do/that/Dont 2 eut/Lucyllook 4 push Dont /hard toe ‘Match the sentences in Exersie with the pietures A-D. READING 1 Say these ples. Liten and check £2, 149 “ a What are these objects? Match them withthe ries Exercee 1. Write T=6in the Bones. Liten and check AONEY AND HO SaeNiDeee = OBJECTIVES cron: bing thigh iho ting abou hat poor are Sgt the ment ‘Workin pies. Discus the fllowing ‘questions. Then compare your ideas with other students ‘Which of the thingsin erie 2 do you 1 thnk are cheap? 2 tholare expensive? 2 thinkare fanatic? 4 deem abouthaing? Look a the picture on page 21. Answer these questions. 1 Who doyouthink the boy nd gl are? 2 Doyouthinkthe gles the shir? Read andlisten othe seript froma soap opera and check your ideas. Mark the sentences T (rue) oF (ls) Correct the faze ones. ©. Wessedockon Fay afernoon es four deck on Frid afters. 1 Tom deciding what to wees. 2 Madéy thnks yelowisagood idea 2 Tomtinkshe ood! locking 4 Tom wants to buy expensive dothes. 5 Tom ants tobe faous Ea Hi nad ‘Whee are Mu and Dad? “Theyie out Atte superar thik “hoyle dongsome sopping someting hatare you doing? Me? moon fo someting (OK. What are you looking fr? [Athit Ande wouer ging out Tes Fay an have pla foronght So, Fimcoosing my dlothes. ies oly four dock on need ine to coe Do yuneed any hep? an hlp you. Ne. Wel maybe, OK yes. Thnkabout sour. Fi inkng fn thelng about. yew. Note good ides Wiynct? Bocas yollon jst sitresing, But ike yo Ue this mtringtobeip you Tom Andi ling you dnt wea yelow she "You bughng Why re you lughing st ma? Trmnetsghng you. tm ughing atthe shettook tee Ines some new dens “You tht Look thi Here inthe imagaie Se th guy? He's wear, bea clothe. Yeast het goodooing And cht, probiby mnt good oon ‘Yesou el Bt ofcourse, mony ing thatbeause youre my bother OK have ‘yougtyurtmoney? Ye Wy? Ianto ake yout town toa dates hop and maybe a shoe sop too. Tht icund rest. Nothng expensive though Dorf wor Nex cots tent bays cepersve. Come on ‘oulnon | ckeam about beng fous one iy and about having fat thes Do youdream about tht 00? Tomi nin year ole | dre aboutice (Ok, ve can getice creamer we bythe olin, 2. MONEY AND HOW TO SPEND IT BTHINK VALUES Fashion and clothes 11 Howimportant are these foryou? Give each one ‘anumber from 0105 (0=netimportant, 5 = very, veryimportant). Clothes - my value Iwanttolook oo Ianto feel comfortable always buy heap ches, ike ying signer ots Hove wening lean other, ike wearing bight colours. | day buy tes the same shops, 2 KIBINMMIG Work in pars Ask and answer ‘questions, How ingot ist for yt ok el? every portant have Spins What abou ou? Forme, i very important 5pits GRAMMAR VOCABULARY Present continuous Shops 1 Lookatthe examplesof the present continuous, 1 Witethe names ofthe shops under the photos. “Then complete the rule and the table. newsaget’s | chemists | bookshop 1 The/redoingsomeshoppingatthe wpemarat. thes shop | shoe shop | department store 2 He'wearing beaufl dates Sspermatat | spereshoe 2 Why are youlaughingatme? 4 Fmnotlaughingat yu, Tom, RULE: Uethe present !__tokaboutthgs ‘tatare pein or andthe te of eskng Form the present continuous withthe pretentsimple of ce ihe ngformleg rang dong weang, ottoman ver | Trnnot wong YoulWelthey ast wong Tthelt® working Short answers ‘esa ‘Yer outa Ne youwethey”_— Yes halibelt | Nene — 2 Complete the sentences. Use the present contnaes ofthe verbs 0: Scrnlennsnohere Sh. sing) soe shoppng now. 1 Theylenthelngroom. They (ly) comps ganes 2 hy bother gage He (ee) habie 2 Seve You__ trot iter tome 4 anton (69 my homework 5 Its3-01We_—(otply)verywelland 2 EDINNIN Complete the sentences with the ve tea ‘ames of shops fom Exercise 1. Then compare 6 8 you Goat is Yyourideas with other students. prgane? 1 amt thre’ avery good 2 Nel Youcan watcha diferent Weealed Re good bees cvetfyouwant 2 often go there becuse 7 What you__ do? 2 Inver go ro because they dot ere ne. 2 1 Geptofid Ientotengoto, beeae plots ony compute => ‘mum toon ther’ avery god clothes shop, Ws od becane th cle ere expend > GRAMMAR Verbs of perception 11 Lookat the sentences fom the script conpage 2 Answer the questions 1 ooks ee. What? 2 Thotsoundsgrect, What tha? 2 Match theverbs with the pletres. ‘Then complete therul. 1 took sound 3 smell RULE: verbs of perception are used nthe reer Tefeodtastes gear Thr iseo sounds good The word afer theverbsof peceptonare? 3 Match theresponses(a-) tothe first part of the conversations (1-4). 1 tmgoingto the nema 2 Mymoters making iz. 2 Timweatng my new shoes. 4+ Dont yeulhe the juice? 1 No.Rtateshorbl! bb Thatsounds rest They mel frase “Teylookies LISTENING 1) COE Listen. What shop is each person in? Write numbers. bookshop newsagents lthesshop [)_sporsshop 2 EIIIED Usten again. What does each person want to buy? FUNCTIONS Buying things in a shop 1 Read the sntences fom thelitening. Mark thee Customer) or A (asstand). Centhepyou? A Haveyou got? ‘What se do you tke? Canty ttm on please? How mush they? That’ venty pounds) please Have yes gtithem noe? 2. MONEY AND HOW TO SPEND IT when theyre sed ge ancpnien Totpmoamelle ne Here shit fol anal 2 REMI Putthe sentence inthe corect order 1-9. Listen and check Practise in pars, 1A tes 27500, 1A Hella. Cant help you? 1A. Grest So that £75, pss! 1 Serty no On brown 1A Yes ofeoure . canttryiton? Veryrice. ak ‘Yes please lke ths jacket Have you gettin? 8 Oh, well browns OK How muchis it? GBI Buying clothes in a shop Workin pairs. Student A: Go to page 127 Student: Go to page 128. Take two or three minutes to prepare. Then have two conversations ETRAINTOTHNK Exploring numbers 1 Youwant to buy somenew clothes. Here are rome things you ike. Answer the questions in pls, Thee £850 shoes £1275 jumper £225 bet jacket-35 1 Choose thee things How much do they cst? 2 Youve got £3000, Name tne hing you can buy, 3 Youve gt £75.00. Can youbuyallfive things? 2 URI Compare our eas th parr Contractions Gotopage 120. ca = VOCABULARY Clothes 11 CEERI Complete the names ‘ofthe clothes Listen and check, o belt 50 2 ee * 4 ae ° 2 Answer the questions 1 Whatae you wearing now? 2 Whatdo you usually wear at the weekend? 3, Whatd younever wear? 44 Whatdothes do yourealy ke / de buying? Hae ee ee 2) RUNING Workin pals. Askand aver the am fheston nbceceel, henverkwitancter | Sw, Parner Cm wering are Somat bdet onda mie oh ameter Sirtedjpae I erer wer sorts Finger ar oars? ora on r= READING Pigs 1 Read theweb chat, Answer the quetions Who isinterested inthe hy? ren Rees ny yaya goa sorta 2 sprobalyinthe kichen? 2 hase problem? a 4 sinfrontofa TV? eer 5 Issuptsng her parents? Inthe gang ne crarazutitea beat pense aca because yen end tengo pa ‘orth tn So erat mein son 1 am tray he ro ay 2 Think ofthree things you enjoy that don't need money. Vite them down, ing fora walk watching TV 3 REIN Work n pals. Tell our partner your Ideas. Litento what your partner says Are his! her kasreally things that dont need money? Say whatyou think. Iegig ira re ocean Iti Pal rst ho yu oor ‘nod oe go book abut and Frm haa are 03 ht EteParsons ode On Jia, rts arbi My da Sten hea penicen Sunde anal make hasnt ‘fanart So nro te Sarna arm rst earduies hehe ‘Bato ed a ellngeln lysate 2. MONEY AND HOW TO SPEND IT GRAMMAR Present simple vs. present continuous 1 We ey wear obs cing niin toxchoo 1 Lookat the examples. Complete the rule. 1 peal eeey eee CaT pan. present simple 3 Comin! aie 'ranng, usually watch fim atthe nema, 4 leat? Yoong atin Frm. Ima thesandviches he right before 5 tenca/ techiaa Be met! away goin town, 4 Mymoter coks' cooling lane every Sundy. present centinvour 7 Steves terrblel He never stn! never sering Right no Tm watching le. totheteachet les Saturdy night and im making sandwiches 8 Canyoube quit, please? ster! mlstening to “is weskend, Im staying athome ae : 4 Complete the sentences. Use the present simple lorpresent continuous form of the verbs. RULE: Ute! rotakabout abs roatnesantngs which a gerry o says te © Mandy wally gees _(g9)t0ehool on er Usetbe? totakaboutenpray thrge bike, buttodayshe is wuling (wall) ‘ich rehappening sound the momen pear + We (have scence lessons tree tines = a9 ‘week This week we ear) about trees 2 Tom (Go) some shopping thi afternoon 2. Match the sentences with the pictures. He ua yore orm Wiite1-4in the bors. at (bon et face but 1 Shesigs wall 2 He lye football. (ootremenber herrane 2 Shessigingwell. 4 He plyingfooball 4 Alex (oot wate) the game tonight =e toes becausehe (pot fotball very muck 5 What thieword (ean? 1 oc ree SPEAKING 1 Lookat these photos. Who ate the people in cach one? LOOK: Thee verbs are almast never sel inthe Feet codncu 2 Workin pals Discuss the questions. believe | lnow | undertand | mean Fer each person ay remember need ke | ate want © who they ae ‘know the ensue (Not: mowing the answer) 1 whatthey do. understand he problem (Not Famandertonding what they are doing | theprbien) E edema he Se 1 Lookat the photos. Nae one ot two things youcan buyineach market. + Where:anyousee stall? + Wheresanyousee canal? 2 Read and listen tothe article. Matchthe photos withthe places. Write the numbers 1-5 lathe boxes Wherever you goin the world, you find shops and stores but you dan find wonderful markets in most cities, to. Hero's a saloction trom five diferent countries. ‘The Spice Bazaarn Istanbul never closets ry BUS ‘eB wh both tots and —_betwean the Pours of 00 an people tomisianbul Thee re §.00am, when people rom he los of shops anc and trey shops anc restaurants Tyo alsolmary.iferen keds of buy the Fash sh rat they neo pees, wets orn, You can forthe cay ie alo vary pope buy spies fom alt of eaunas wth tours, but thay can oly (ke ren, Ching, Russa anc of at the mare tr he day, ‘cours Tukey) are the amals and fer the ear mame bing ‘colours ae amazing, and ating Klong Lt Phils 2 very URES 4 In Madrid hero i famous rraket abou 60 kometes sou BBE ert calc El astro, ff Bangkok Thaland.Eary every _wrichis open on Sunday reming uncrds oiacal people memings. Tee are ove 3,000 8 Portobello Road Market in folfut endvegatable fom the Sale a ol many diferent ‘London's popdar vith toursts boats on he BBB. ITS nthe ngs ooks, COS, paintings, _andwth Londones oo. You can onl boat markotin ho county but aques~boowti oi thngs, Sod aks of BA nee. Isa very acpulartoust ore. One ate ates sas ony The market hm Noting Hi hes ‘rina and bees. And ofcourse ve aerent pats and you can Doyoue fen? Then the vitor can ston 1 et‘taas' and bu new or seconcshend things Taunt Manet nTokyo\sthe gBtecmetng cn, ance Oke Oothe) aswel a rut anc } Tight lace foryou. ste biggest ste many test muacans win vegetables, and aaues. ts very Flood matt in the word. and er gute making musitoo, __D48Y a the weskend 2) MONEY AND HOW TO SPEND IT 3 RENIN There are eight highlighted WRITING ‘words inthe article. Match the words with ‘these meanings. Write the words. © bgtabksorsmallshopswthancpenfiont sal 1 Readthe email from Paultohis frend Lucy. An email to say what you're doing 1 notinsde a building ran arene 2 handther hg et om thesea 1 Where Pal nd vhs ding? 2 der oraeprane 2 Wherearehisftherand tet 4+ sallminnad et 2 Whats fay thn tngh? Safa peple 2. How does Pau start hisemal? And how dost he 6 they lot of people Shi Complete the table wth the words in 7 hes at youbiy tora god cheap price elit. 4 Read the tle again. Correct the information Dear | Love | Helo | Seyouscon | Set wishes Inthese eters. staringanemall__| endinganemsi © Aiea Speedo toh feperw eso ‘Neale spe are rm Take. You can Wee [o ey ipes om abt Sferntid eh e 1 AtKbong at Pi, peopl sel sce rom ther 5 boat 2 The Tux Mrtetdomerbetveenfourandfie 3 Lookst paragraphs 1 and 2ofPaus mall. inte omng atch the factions wth the paragraphs. 3 Tousen goth Tak Matt inthe ely Wiitea-d. wemning Paragraph ;___an 4 Youcan getfoodt Rast Pangagh2. and 5 PonbeloRoudMaretisvryauetonSaudan, sa earyuare cng SPEA| 1 tang bout yur plane Fh tered lew «saying where yousre sentences about the marketsthataretree 4 aductponcf the pace where youre foryou Use adjectives from thei, or other ey adjectvesifyou want 4. Tik(V) the thing Pal wrtes about nis mal feast | steresing | cating 1 wate es aboutthe oy cen | sna | tate payee ca 1 ink the— markets feta in very 2 spl fortonght, interesting because 4+ whereheistoyng 5 whats moter are dig 2 Workin groups. Compare your sentences an eeeice ‘dass. bo) 5 Wite an emailtoa friend (about 100-120 words). imagine you rein waft or shop In 8 shopping centre. Use the example email and language above to help you. 1 think the lanl pce navel fas bcase 8) 7 ey Opemaconk ‘Sib: loom Na (0)%0u a ings th you? Im More et We re ey Maaco pk. Thee ots ot et ‘gs to snared ere = eps eras adel cass eet sadn Wee annna al tt hike msde Nadie tro ee {imcingn cats at neat. nthe oft oy. mee wl yu id we hning a rk becaie ey Fetter ad my ert art near =o ookrg er ame csr ae eg wae wang ‘araco carey chow ae apn ane tal any 2 (5) te ate caring back 0 gon om We soon ale ow oH ope youre, Pat y THINK EXAMS READING AND WRITING Part 3: Multiple-choice replies 11 Complete tre five conversations. Choose thecorrectanswer A, Bor. © © Whatareyoudoing? 1 Iplaycomputer games. ® tmadoctor, © Fimeyng ofl my school bag 1 Howoftenare youlate for shoal? 2» on Mondays 8 sboutenceamont atenaldock 2. Does yur brother got your school? 1 Yes tedoer ge Beste goes. Yes ted. 2 Whit doyouthikof my newhieu? 2 Ielooc realy good. 8 losing realy good. © sounds gest 4 Doyouke doing pues? 1» Yes, 8 Teetimesaweek {© Noylcant anthem. 5 Doyoulveinabig town? 1 Nowwearent B Yer ned. € No,joudont Part 6: Word completion 2 Read the descriptions of clothes. What isthe word {or exch re? The frst eter is already there. There Isone space foreach other later in the word © Youcanwear ths overyourshirt when you go cut, jacket 1 Woortee shoes to play sport 2 Putthson fiscal) 3) Some bie wear wousers to sehool other boys wear thse 8 4 You wert round the op of your rouse. b 5 Alotofteenagers wear these j CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: Key LISTENING Part 1; Multiple-choice pictures 3. ERIE Youwillhear five short conversations. “Ther is one question foreach conversation. For ‘ech question, choore the right answer (A, Bor ©. © Whatarethe gi tling about =4 24 = m@EST YOURSELF 5 UNITS 1& VOCABULARY 11 Completethe sentences with the words in the ist, There are two extra words. emg | lake [them |b | woke [pays | cers Sportsshop.| supermaret | jumper” shoe shop | belt 1 vances blog about pop music 2 Hote cole why dort you puton > She_____the guar andthe plan, Shel relly good atboth need goto the and buy some temisal Mydad ld toy ears He’ jstabig chi YYouneed some new boots Let goto the Fimthinkingaboutoning the gl Tuts vary expensive, Your trousers are fling down, You need CCanyou get some eggs and sore mik when you go tothe please? 18 lake tet photons enel 0] GRAMMAR 2 Completethe sentences withthe wordsin the ist. “aworking | te weting | works | pay | ‘replying | write 1 My dads acook,He__atarestaurantin town. ike pet. atleast five poems every week. ‘Mum's he ofce She Cnsometing very important Paulsinaband He the deus, JanandDanare on the computer. They thei bog, Ley and Rachel aren the garden They football 2 Find and corract the mistake in each sentence 1 Leantsandto estate, 2. Wed playing very welltoay. 3 They does ie plying video games 4 Thatsadich tating very good. 5 Does yeu speak French? {6 He got avay vimming at the weekend FUNCTIONAL LANGUAGE 4 Write themising words. 1A Be Itloks vey dress 2 Dortvenntin fn 1A Hon doyouvathh TV? : hy when geome fe sho 2A Loder dogeoning Cm 8 Ande lookhpp nt 44 Peon shot Te baby ep 8 Oh 9k Im My score [JE aa ‘owectives swt food ode ne ty tormech mang obeofl 4 Read and listen to the article. Match the parts of the sentences In]upan people think square watermelons [e READING Bananas ae a popular fruit because they 11 What food and drink nthe picture can youname? What food and drink do you Enowrin English? 2 Inland people dort ite 2 Honey's heathy and good 4 Avocado lea dessrt in 2. Make serences that are true for ou Potato doxks are very opularin Conant tine Sugarisnot ony in sweets salon ' dinner foe our looks. fruit. hatin igeatermaerr.) (ike: Se eeaeee Yes youre right. think fo. / Na think that’s impossible lye InJopan square wotemelens are very popular Pople atten uy tam os presents But rose Speck fore of couse very expense one watermotons dono! oot 0 much, se | Hii ie CL: People at ovr the word ove Bananas. Food ‘per Say to! bananas canta a chemical mot Maps he body fo reduce sean sometimes coted the boas oun happines People nfoland lave eating nasal oo ‘rears Thar pz ice eam souroge ee ‘teamand evan ah and chips ice tear. ‘ond they are ol very popu opie eat ham vt alot of ketchup But you dont fre ony Jamonor manga ice creams how lslands Jus den ha ther THINK VALUES Food and health 1 Complete the five conversations. Choose the correct anover A, Bor. 1 De youwan some ee eean? 2 No thnks. Can have anapole ra banans? 5 Shesnochunry € Theyrevery goed. 2 Have sone wate, Ide Neto, mot hi © Lookatthem 2 Would you ie more chocolte? A Wor there © Yess, Tele some, but trying not tot oo much 4 Doyousatany vegetables? 1 Thateapples, 8 Refut food © Nojldont dont ke them, 5 Hove some bic. ‘A Thanks but one's enough for me Youanhaves banana, © Tmveryhethy. 3 FOOD FOR LIFE Honey ory hoc thar got of vrs, ‘Some people sy thot honey mats ut beau They inks good tor eho ond te sin. Honeys io ver spect bocaue 1s he ony food we eat tat never goes of We can eo 3000-1 4C0Dyeara4 ener The evocodois a ful. nol a vegetable camer from Cental and South america ong but "ow ial glows inaer hot counties Many people ke avocados os a ser bear a ‘rah meal Bu now meny people sat as (dessa Wellin Ba people eat avocado ‘wth oe ream ane mie People in Wes ita ura a patato-cock tel ho me Every moming, hey put enact 7.Sklos of poltoes ne Cock ook ka ‘ebig pot Toy put ton he Toy kno hat ices we hours to coak he poses Everybody knows nat a how got sugar ns But now much sugars tera in mn? AI Move than thew 9 srowbanyt 2 RIMINI Workin pairs. Compare your answer Do the people care sbout healthy food? doco tant. Teper test insunbert He/She aks fer = He/She ss never eats / disks He/She won. thie cares about e/the doe care abot Pa 2 VOCABULARY Food and drink 11 EERE Write the names of the food under the pictures Listen and check. kT 2 EBENENA Workin pals. Askand'answer iguestons to find out three things your partner Wlevanddesnihe. grereeemee GRAMMAR Countable and uncountable nouns 1 teal eens Te ec hee rd inthe rule. ears a 2 doit te ice RULE: Nea tatyou an count one cat two ot are coe /ancounable rs Nn yucanot our ecuntabl /uncuntoble rent Thejhave plufors. | \ 2 Lookeaihe photos in Exerene 1. Whi ‘countable and which are uncountable? ‘alan, some, any 2 Complee the sentences with alan, sme and any. Shenae the correct wordsin there. 1 Would youthe eater Northants ve got te. 2 Ganihve sppleer banana? 2 Have seus 4 Nebere ‘vegetablesin the chen? 5 Theriot rik the ee. ae es & RULE: Ure afanath ng pol ourble Use some wth *ngulr/ pl countable and countable nue Us yin uations rin pte negate erences sesame n guess hen oflringerrequsng sone | “4. Complete the sentences with aan, some and ary 1A Would youlte vegetable? 1 No,thanks I dontke vegetables 2A eke straberes please 8 Stawberer? Yes, thnk wehave 2 fie tomatoes. 4 dont want coffe 5 Canthave orange, plese? 4 Doyouwant sugar in you tea? (how much) /(how) many /a lot of Hots of |5 Look. the examples. Complete the rule How much oparithce | Howmany people ct inelomor? boodon denen {don eat mich ‘Wie vet pot ma ‘oust ey Bananas have goa lot ‘Alot of pope ile of sugar rma ease ‘Watermlonshave pt Honey has got lots of lots of water = many gusto ins negetive sorters se many tpl Use altos wlth countable and ‘countable RULE: Wet se(Hom) mach nd (Hom) nouns rd much th 6 Gic the correct wordsin questions 1-4 n match them withthe answers -f, Hew much [many apples do you want? Hew much! many sug isthere nan avocado? ‘Arethere much! many boysin your ess? How much mary peppers are there? How much many tine have you gat? Hore you gotmary/aletofhomevork? tink thre are about five. stone plese Only TOminutes ‘No, thas got any + thaven ides. dont thnk is at Yes thee are 12nd gl LISTENING 1 LINE Complete the menu with words from thelist. Lien and check cheesecae | chips | tomato | onion ings | chicken ‘pinachane mushroom | hotchocolate rut ws vanana ‘esslecren ‘un pecs smurexs ram an he eat ten srs legs isa wen torte 2 CORI Jene and Sam aren the Blues Café. Listen andfind out who eats more. Listen again and complete the sentences below. 1 Jane wantsthe 2 Samonders 3 He ent want 3 FOOD FOR LIFE 3. EDREE| Complete the sentences with get, ‘menus drink, wet some and il Then listen Ihe someting Heresthe? ‘What woud you > An aang uc forme, eto? > ewe Ibert <—— A \Whatcan|®__—> Ii ike the spinach anc yor rrusroom omelet ‘Yes plese Can have the ‘Wei you tie ——<> lease No, thas. Cane fave the? _ pene? Ofcourse Thats £ Hereyouare Trekyen ete! Tankoecy mie Thankyou ye “4 EBBEEMING Work in groups. Ones the waiter, the ‘others are customers. Order meals. Ure the ment In xerese 1 and the conversations in Exercise 3. THINK SELF-ESTEEM Being happy 11 Read these statements. Tick /) the ones that you think re important for being happy. Write ‘ross 3) against the ones that you think are not Soimportant. 1 There's body shape or sae. Healthy anc happy people omen al shapes and es, 2 Youcanonly fd ow what kindof peron someone ef you get to lnow them beer 2 Never hugh bout people for being oo {hy too sry to al ort fa 4 Never aught other peopeotes about People ks Tat uta and thurs. 5. Beingthinis not the same as being hey and apy. 46 Gheyounel fra you are and or the hing you ae good 2 RUMI Workin pairs. Say whatyou think Important for being happy. Vowel sounds: // and fi! Gotopage 120. co 3 READING 11 Lookatjenny's blog for not more than 1Ssecordsand answer the questions. “Then reed and check your answers. 1 How aldisfenny? 2 Hewteshe folng? 3 Whats the problem? Read the blog agun, Answer the questions. 1 How do ny parents reaco Jeremy's cocking? \Whatdoes Jeremy sometimes do with the food way dont ex? Why does Jeremy sing when he serves his spagheni? \Whatdoes Jenny ke about he meas Jeremy serves? ‘Why does jeny5y that her mum ard dactsdance cas unhealthy? WRITING - Your favourite meal 11 Put the entences or phrases in order to make an email from Jenny te her rend. ‘Actually this week i's nota surprise, ay rte lay cus seid ow te Best Jenny ‘Wu youl to come and try the week suprise ‘Ae you fee on Fda nigh Ike pearandbean omelet. Pease sy youcan come, ‘And fordesterts some ee ream and strane, Dear jinn, Dos thitsound pood? ‘White out the emallin your notebooks. ‘Wite a paragraph describing your favourite of least favourite mes Not god dy My oderbrothe Jeremy is cooking tonight. Whats the problem? ean hearyou saying Wl the problem that you dr know my bother You dnt ow hon hacooks, nd you dont know tht evry Frissy isanightnar forme becuse my parents got el ‘ance leas Whe they come back wal st dow and ‘leroy sarezering what he claps ui mea ‘events bad cock Heb a cxtartephel Fstf al heshaye coke too many hing, he fa, tak ‘hate too michfoodfors week How an ora peronest ‘the inane eal? Mur apd Dad on ny 3 word of ous, They to pole tnd hey don't wart to he up ther dance dss, Spaghet tonight Whon Jeremy says ‘pachet be oeartsay He sing (ha loos cooking sachet, Sal itepe rare ee tat doom ea> 1 loyence tnt tile, Thas isnt enough tomato ‘ect oni Te 00 ch pat. And there ton ‘hoch sl kt Another one ofmy botbars favours ‘egetable ou, tr alvay too sand there are never ‘rough vegetbles nt ba puts init pica oh, ‘Bonk, ham hikan anc nung You can Ques where theyre om iste ftoves om the wee fore, Myers desensarentbad, He gets them tthe permaiat He uly ce cea ih ances ot hoclate mouse wth mango But ofcourse, here ate ovetencagh senha be here gh ‘Seay Iwantt talk to Mur and Dad toss, wan than tore upcancing ts they. ou knew not mee, Sunbelt forme when they ge daring evry Fi Leia GRAMMAR too many /too much /(not) enough +noun 1 Completethe sentences with much, many and enough ard then complete the rule 1 Healwyscoots toe sings 2 Ther’st00. salen the spaghe, 2 Theresnt tomato sauce oni. 4 There sent vegetables nthe soup, 5 Ther’snot____ sugar inmy coos RULE: Vrtoo" __ wah curable non, dicot coun cunt se pot emsagh wih? an 2 Complete with too much, too many, notenough 1 There are mushrooms on ths pa hate then, 2 Theres satin thissoup leat att 3 There. sugar in yee, Can have some mors, plese? 4 Thereste chars, Can youstand? 5 Therese cars onthe road angeresto ride my bike. 6 Weve gt homework tonight want to svat FY, to0 + adjective, (not +) adjective + enough 2 Usethe example sentences to Gr the correct options inthe ule, Fivegetablesoyp salva too spicy Ths psa snot hot ough RULE: Wee bo saci ty ht sot 1 Wetaerot adjective» ennaght sy hat 2onethngi nae ethane he 4 Complete he sentences. © Thetestistooeay snot hart onsugh. 1 The iit excting enough. Ws 2 The Tatitistoo expensive. ts 3 Wesnot warm enough ody. ts 4 Your bil’ to0 amalforme. is 5. Hiscarsnotfastencugh ts 3 FOOD FOR LIFE 5 Completewith not enough or too. Dy dad always says there's __much rain inthe Ukin the summer andthat ts? hot He's right And feel thatits_— boring to spend holdaysher, Sol happy thatwe usally got the south af aly for our holidays. There lometes of beaches andso tere are never nay tourists ve the fo ther, thats whyleten est much Ep VOCABULARY Adjectives to talk about food 1 Wt the adjectives under the photos. roa | bled | ged | fed 2. Putthe words inthe lstin order from ‘very good” to very bad rice | hoble | delicous | (abit) boring 3. EBNIMG] Workin pairs. Ask and answer questions. Ure the words from Exercise 2 bled or roast beef? | gle or ied chicken? bled ofeas potatoes? | boed or fried epg? siled or fed fos? ht de you prefer, Roast beef bee or at be? Ws deine 4 How do you say these words In your language? ‘Write two types of food next to each word. sweet | spicy | savoury | fe | tay yum ty | egurtng sty sweet: choclate, strawberries 2 = Lookat the photos and discus the questions Then lirten and ead and check your answers. Wha food and dink have Megan and Luke got? Why is Olva unhappy? OLIVIA Whatdinks ave you gt Megan? MEGAN Letme es. Pve gotorane ee, [MEGAN Alene, oe penis What ret ides, lemonade and eppeuce Oh and some water ‘OLIVIA Yes Ayan. wat an awesome es OLIVIA Tha’ ret What aboutyou yan SVAN Don! beso urpled Isnt ny feo YAN Tvegotirle ples andbananes. Of, and IKE Una Actual think proba couple of ccolatebars. ‘OLIVIA Lake? Wht aboutthe andwiches HORE Wel ve gotham. ve got chicken, nd tuna adTve gta sek tnwch to CLIVia ‘ins Bu what sbout me? eat LUKE Wh noe [RYAN Oh Lake iia ell upsetno TUDE ese puetwith ne Why Tell me. Pe got OLIVIA Bers Tv got problem with enting ‘meat simportanto het tet ra vepreaian remember? KE Dontvepearans eat oe Soft? ou can have tbe tuna MEGAN Maybe ome do, but Oba nde then. te Ob! DEVELOPING SPEAKING ‘Werk n prs. Discuss what happens nett inthe story. Write down yourideas. We think Olivia eats a chicken sandwich 3. (CEERI Watch to find outhow the story continues. 4 Mark the sentences T (True) or (False) 1 Luke feds bad for not hinking about Ola 2 yank gotlotrofbicuts 2 Megan end Ryan pay football againstthe other wo. 4. Luke secty makesa phone cl 5 They den enjoy the football match 46 The plz man brings Olviaa plaza wth no PHRASES FOR FLUENCY 11 Find the expressions 1-5 in the story. Who says ‘them? Match them tothe definitions 3-f © Actually. luke [é 4 naval 2 acme, 3. Whatabout me 4 Sowhat™ 5 upset wth unhappy wih € oneor wo (butnot many) «4 Whatisthestuaton Gor me)? © Infect £ Whyietita problem? 2 Complete the conversations. Use the expressions ingxercise 1A Mun? jb gthis sandwiches But me? 8 Wel. mating _cheese ard tomato sandviches for youright nom ‘A CoolCanthavean apple —_? 2 Ibeote your watch. msory. Are you me? 3 Don worry/aboutit.__twasttavery soc watch Trango tothe nema. ve gothomewerk. 1» "7 Youcan do tat the weekend, 3 FOOD FOR LIFE WordWise Expressions with have got 11 Complete he things that Luke and Ola say. 1 Tvegeta with eating meat. 2 tregst ides 3 got todo fist. 2 Complete wit the expressions inthe ist ‘apreblem | anidea | aheadache time somethingt2 do 0A Dadi ve got apron with Englsh homework I 1 Engle Sorry! cahlp you t 1k Are you OK Is something wrong? B treget want to got be. 1A Whatcan we dothisafirnoon? 1 doth © OhIvegst 1 1 Janeanyou helpme, pease? 2 rmresly srry, Tom Theleston sarin two minutes! Thavent got 4A Uethgpts town toner: Tomorrow? Soryno, ve got tomorrow. isa secret! Lace FUNCTIONS Apologising ‘Who says these sentences? Mark them (0 (Olivia) ork ake. 1 finrealyzony. 3. Dontwory. 2 Heelbad 4 0k. 2 EINE Complete the conversation Listen and check, Then acti out in pals MAN Ohno.tinrealy! WOMAN 2 worl not my verte pees MAN tibroken I” relybad. WOMAN +” OK Rely dontrely ei ayy. 3. Workin pais. Write short dalogue forthe pleture below. Acti out Find the pis of words ‘ brother father wife husband mother sister [BEI Describe each personin the picture Ure two words from Exercise I The gis a daghtr and sister ‘Work n pis. Welte down as many examples asyoucanaf the following. 4a TVbretherand ster 2 aTVhusbind and wife ‘OwecTives tino ding pri “Seger Ber cna pov neces detooevnar cr | ‘Compare your ideas with another pat. Read andlisten tothe article on page 39. Do they mention any ofthe families you talked about? Read the article agin. Correct the information in there sentences 1 BartSimpron has gotacat called Santas Lite Helper 2 Le Simpronhas gt one aunt. 2 Ben Tennyson eon holiday in rope. 4 He canchange into 12 diferent ales. 4 Greg Hefle as gota lite brother aed Rede 6 Hisideas ar hays succesel o E Oa xe Lay a ee one a? c- ij [SX Aone GRAMMAR Possessive adjectives and pronouns 4 Complete the sentences with the words inthe list Look at the article on page 39 and check youranwers. our | ows | your | yours 1 Whoare_favourte TVfaniy? 2 Hereae some of 23 Theseare tree of ___fevourte TV fans, 4 Nowwrte vandals about 2 Complete the rule with pronouns and adjectives. ‘Then camplete the table. RULE: Aosesive 1_caa before anaunto ‘how wa something berg tomy book Pouesie?_eanalethe pace ofthe posesive jee and non: The back mie otessveadjecves possessive pronouns © Ws» book Thebook tine 1 tsyourbook ‘The bookie 2 Ws book Thebook thers 2 ks book. Thebook sis 4 Rsourbook Theboot it 5 hs book. Thebook thes VOCABULARY Family members 1 Read the text Complete the spacesin the pleturewith the missing family words. Here's photo of my das side of the fay My ‘d's get big brother ele Bob He my nce and hes great He's fury His wife erm iy ae, of ecure (and shes my dad's terre, She's aso ‘eal nize. The/ve got two son jy a hile bretherbin They remy cousins amy ao best fiend (Of cure ny dad and Bol have the ame mum and dda. Thay are my grandparent eallthem Granda Diana nd Granda Roger Theyre realy nce tome because in ther only granddaughter 2 EEIIEM Werkin pairs. How many sentences ‘anyou make about the family in two minute? Dias Roger wife ‘Sing jonas sn. > whose and possessive's 3 Girla)the correct words and complete the rlé, 1 Woe / Wo son Bare 5 Buti Homers/Homeron A Whe /Who ais mun? RULE: To aikabout posasin, se the question werd? Tosakabou posesson add? rane on the renner an adel the apostahe () Meret tothe endofa 4. Grea the comect words. 1 & Whose /Who phone sti 2 kj thks ers 2 Hey! That ny/ nine sch not yor er 2 fmt thats Rte Kt ie lok pt he here 4 Whose Who doyou stent ton Maths? 2 Rede 5A sthayour parent/pre dog? 2 Yess ta/tere > FAMILY TIES Read anc match three ofthe sentence with the pictures Write the numbers the boxes ‘Wi MY FAMILY DRIVE ME MAD 1 Mysiser always wants to borrow my clothes Ives me mae (ie, 17) 2 My uc tll realy bad jokes Noone eer laugh justin oware 15) 2 My dad never gies me any money He's mean aie 18) 4+ My genoa jut tals about the goodly Tr potrealyimerested. (Vi 12) 5 Lofenfight wth my parents about going out “Thy vaya want meta say at home Tom 4) My brather play gamer ll day He never ete ay. al, 1) Listen tothe conversations Whats the relationnip between the speakers? Conversation 2 Listan agin ond anewer the mesons 1 What does Ly ster Kathy want to borrow? 2 Whycoesshewantto borrow 2 Does cy say yes orn? 4+ Where does Tom want ogo? 5 What does his mum ay? 5 What doeshis dad 7? ener er [a at the end of words Gote page 120. IONS Asking for permission Complete the sentences fom the lstening, Asking fr perm ion | Saying yes | Saying no 1 Abrrawyour | Ofcourse yelowandbc tin? | youcan Igpout ‘oni Noyeu Wirt a short conversation forthe picture Think of requests that you make to different ‘members of your family Write them down. cantare GT” “cat ascae 4 Read them to your partner. Can helthe guess who you say this to? READING 1 Lookatthe photos. How do you think ‘these gis were heroes? Read the article and ing out. THE SWIMMING POOL ;133{023 Bion Perreene, sd ine, and hers earl Sister Tifa were the sins pool in the back arden of tr house in Grandi, Michigan, USA ‘The father David was with carn. twas lovely ay, Mere wan coud in the sky. Suen Divi shouted He was in rouble. Iwas slog. Misleg were ight. He was in pa ‘Then he was nderthe wate. The gs werent cared ut they were worried, Ws I-jus joke oF ‘ons he real in trouble? Ten seconds ater he ‘To il under the water Now Mpa wae card ‘There wasro ime to wan seconds Mla was under the vater wih hee father He was heary but tr the heb of the water se was able to pall im tone se the poo Now his head was out ofthe sate, He salve but he wasn conscious ‘There was amie phone nthe house any called the energen Services. Ten minutes later ‘nambulanve wa there, Soon tel father was ‘conscious asin. The gis were relieved. David stl hes now what was wrong with his Jeg on that dy. But he knows that is daughters were Reoer and hanks them every dy for sang isle, He a very proud father 2 Read the article again. Put the sentences the correct order. There ls one ting nt mentioned Inthe article. Where do you think ik goes? 1 My goer under the water to heipher da 1b Tifary phone for an anbulance «¢ Theirmotherarveshome. 4. Davdhasa problem wah isles. «Dave elsappearsunder the water. 4 Myaand Tiffany ae wining th thet dad, Dai, ETRANTOHN Making inferences 11 Wirk in pairs. Who says these sentences? Mark them M Oya), Tian or D (Dac. 1 Hep min tou "What og, aa? “Halpin Gounder the water: ‘Callin anbulnce! ‘My needs My bres 2 Workin pairs Weite one more thing to say to each person, 1 Mya 4 Theambulance driver 2 Tiny 5 Thaghlé mother 2 Did 3 ERIM Read your sentences to another pair for them to gues. hk iy aye hat ‘That’ probaly Tf GRAMMAR was | were 1 afer empath aon pg correct words. 1 wos) were a lovey day. There wos werent 2 Thegswere/ werent scared but they were werent worried 2 War] Veh ey in trouble? 2 Complete the table. Positive Negative theheln® was | Uhehet (wasnt Youwathy®_ware | Youwetbey? (werenod Question: Short answers 3 Whether | Yeu ihebbefe® Nehethal jaunt? | Yes youtwathy? No joulwatey 3. Complete the questions and answers with was, were, wasnt or erent. 14 youlnbed 9 pmlat night? 3 Nol inthe kitchen whiny rumand dad 1 yourteacher happy th yourhomevert? 2 Yesshe She very happy witht A __nhotyesterday? Bonk realy cold A we techool yesterday? 8 Nowe ik Sunday! ‘A __yourparens born nthe UK? 8 Noey They bomininds (4. RERINIITA Werkin pir. Ase and anewar the ‘questions in Exercise 3. 4 FAMILY TIES Feelings Match the sentences. 1 Ourdaughtr was rt nthe rac tas 9 pen and Mum wasnt home, “That wasn ance thing toto Mian “Tratmathsleson was realy dil. twat expecting big pay Theses wee realy iy Itvas areal good hor fin, “The tex wa realy hard Sets upeat noe bb Andthe teacher was angry. vas very surprised to ee so many people there, 4 Timely confused now. fe Weare so proud ofher. 1 Ivae relieved when Ra over, las abitwortied. Where wa she? 1 loves rely seared atthe end oft [Match the sentences in Exercise 1 withthe pletures. Write the numbers 1-8, ETE Lookat tre photos. What ean you se? |What's the same inthe fv photos? [CARED aead and stan tothe ati Which eeuntsies do the photos show? eo peopl celebrate Children's Day in your country? feo how do they celebrate it? sax hic atone Po oli siren ee Seen ‘er feo gone by Scircnome, Sieech eerie The fle cre’ Mr bute pol 0, ir Mere orgs ana one oF ‘Sry for boson 5th May ty ‘year sears (a wpe on Aan forthe se 4. Read the article again. Answer the questions, Sometimes theres more thanone correct answer. Invi country | 1 dothedirenspend more time wih ther mum and da 2 dotheyhave more than one 6 Childrens? 3 Cher Day aoa famous perso bth? 4 dochieen get presents? 5 dochiken celebrate with hire rom ather eure? 46 do chldeen celebrate Chere’ Dayatshool? WRITING An invitation 1 Real the mals. Answer the questions 1 Who Dana? 2 CanLiangotothe pany? 4 FAMILY TIES [SIZING Workin small groups. Talk about the perfect CChikren's Day. Al ldo ge big present. Schl cle for the whl dey. ‘May and Dad do your homework [IGNITE There are six words in boldfunderined inthe arte, ‘Match the words with these meanings, Write the words, © tohae fn, do something spec for ample on ends birthday 1 with ther people 2 todo wih whole country 3 tohave something at the same tine with other people celebrate te do wah two or more courte: something you gv toa person ona special day ese __ Sine Fe Pat ha, eto cone your arya Fie but gts ee. Ne tft raring fom 6b 720 pan are Dae sat Na pion wth pas. eget sone eat 2 gs 808 ee 1 Lar iateatooay eso sie Pa ur, Wea ou acme ny use nat ity spay at pes youn ars re, als 32 Une Stet. koa pai please, yur ma ag yucan oe atm nw sn Ta Sor Di. ts aoe. 2. Mate thevenicines ml esa meaning, Write ae inthe box 1 Would oul to come to my par)? 2d lovera come to your pay 3 Imsorry cant ome to your party, 4+ Makea alist please, Dont tliDana. 1 I dont want Dana to know 1 Canyoumakea payst? © Canyoucome omy pary? 4 Fdloverocomebut cant. edb very happy to accept your um 3 Which pairs of sentences in Exercise 2 can you use dothete things? 1 greanorder 4 ake amination 2. aceptaninvtaton 5 refuse animation 2 makearequest 4. Read the invitation again, Anewer the questions. 1 What the ination for 2 What paca equests does Tina mae? 5 Youwantto vite a fiend to your house, What information should you include? Tick (the corect answers. 4 Your adres 2 How manybrothes and sisters youve got 3 Thetine youwant them to come, 4 Theretson, 5 Whe your four singers 6 The dy ordat you wan them tocome {6 Write an invitation (50 words). Choose one ofthese reasons. Include aspectal requestor instruction, * esyour birthday Youve gota reat new DVD towatch Youve gota new computer game CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: Key Boi EXAM) i as READING AND WRITING Part 2: Multiple-choice sentence completion KES=I=reEn) 1 Rett sentences about rp ona. Chon the est word (Bor foreach pce © 99%in my maths test Mums ely @proud —B scared ¢ upset 1 Shetikesmeand my lise Tothecaleforaniceceam —-Aunde aunt C ster 2 leat ‘fice ceam, Amy Bay Cat 3. Mymum doses want erie cet sont too. A her Bimne Chere 4 And hen denk cla [A notenough B toomany ¢ toomh 51 {eel ery well owe gohome. A ot B dow Camnot Part 3: Dialogue matching SIISSEN> 2 Complete the conversation. What does Anta say tothe waite? For questions 1-5, choose the correct letter A-H. WAITER Gani help you? 1A Hom muchisi ATA © 6 8 Anorange pice please. WAITER. Ofcourse here you ae ‘dea cheese omelet peace (Srminteloe) _Andthe orange cs (WALTER. Ok; sowhat an get you? E Canthavethe bi? ANITA OD FNo,thaks Just the omelette (WAMTER Ofcourse Wouldyou he atarter? {G-Falke to see the menu please. Anta @ H Yes peste, Can have some strawberry WAITER And what would you tke oink? icecream? antta 0) WAITER And would youlke a dessert? Anta @ WAITER OX, 0 tat'sa cheese omelette an sranbery ke cream. omar) aNTA (9) WAITER OF coue. be buck soon. LISTENING Part 3: Taree-option multiple-choice IEIEESYNED> 3 EIEN Listen to Jacki aking to Olver about her family. For each question, choose the right answer Bore). © Thepartywarast Birday evening» Sturdy evening. ¢ Fridayatemoon 1 Theparywasfor Olver’ A brother B dad, unde. 2 Olver undeis 20. 334, 44 2 Olver aunties 1 ona 8 Cara, Ruth 4 Mikeis livers A brother Bad € coun 5. Olver as got Awositers 8 onesiter one ster andl ne cer. TEST YOURSELF VOCABULARY 1 Complete:he sentences with the words in thelist. Tere are two extra words ane | big | ole | glad | rated | seared randparens | carats conised | spi | chicken | proud 1 I dont te many vegetables jut peppers and 2 Iwas rely worried about the exam 0 wae when was re 2 Theawryistoo__leateat it © 4 eas areal stupid hingto do My parents wererealy __withme 5 Tomake ___ potatoes youneed to cook them in water for about 20 minutes, {6 There as strange nose out the house, We were bit 7 Nigelsavegearan He does eat _—_ 8 I doitrelly understand this homework fn bit 9 Freddle my __bethe.m Mand he's 20, 10. My mis mother and ther ae GRAMMAR 2 Complete:he sentences withthe wérds in thelist uch | may | ours | ur | was | were 1 How __sugarde you wantin your cafe? 2k realy cold yesterday 3 Thatsnctyour dog ts 4 There aretoo ‘eckson your bedroom floor! 5 og’scalled spe 6 Where youlastrigh® 2 Fincland correct the mistaken each sentence, 1 Thisad has got too much beans 2 That net your sandvich. my 3 My parents was ver proud ofmy school report. 4 ike Cla and realy ke hers ser oo. 5 How many water do you wan? {6 thinktheiskevinw book. FUNCTIONAL LANGUAGE 4 Wie the nising words 1A timlee meal © Dont Weve al gotletof tne zat ‘hi question's rely eu tink te, aA crow your bie, Da? 2 oF youan, 44 Canigo tonight? 8 Noyyou UNITS 3 & Ci Cm my score [TE Ba ea a [III Match the words inthe ist with the ‘Photos Wete 1-6in the boxes. Then listen, ‘heck end repeat 4 lsingroam | 5 dningroom | 4 guden ‘Match she ver in the lst withthe roomsin Exercise (Some verbs go with more than ‘oneroem) fest | sep | cook | wash ‘rach TV | ply football EERE Workin pairs. Have you got the same ideas? What other activites do you do inthess rooms? tao dl in th th, singin headroom Oojectives: Tang abot evensinthe pt casunat: ps single ogser veh mir tee, = ‘vocattan par ofa hse nd fata ajcer wh ing; pal vee whoo [EERIE Look at the photos on page 49. What en yeusay about the house? [CINE Read and listen to the magazine article Choose the corect option A, Bor 1 The queue ofpople wantedto help ames May tobuy Aight 8 Wrong ¢ Doestsay 2 Tey fished bulng the house none month ArRaght 8 Wong. ¢ Doesttsay 2 The LEGO fridge worked Aight 8 Wrong 4 James May ied he bed ‘Right 8 Wrong. ¢ Doestsay 5 There were photos ofthe house on 2 Facebook page Atight B Virong.C Does say 6A charity for chien has got the pce of LEGO now A Right 8 Wrong. € Docsntssy € Doesnt ay ihe (se Tats few yeorsagoin August. thee was very ong {ueve of people in he courtside near London, inEngand Some people sorted queuing st 430m the moving, Vy were they there? They wand to Bot the was ne an exdnary house, No, this was 3 TEGO hae. “Together, 1200 people used 3.3 mon Ves, 3800000 LEGO tay nck to make area house, Iewas parte TY show clad Toy Seven Inthe yaremes es May used anal toys to mek oa tings Wy LEGO? Wel because wen he wae young, Jones ey leved LEGO ana ployed wih tal etime The people shed buling the house on 17 September amort seven wee fer thy started Eventing war LEGO. Ath wal, dors and windows wre LEGO. There wos a LEGO bedroom soda LEGO ted There was # LEGO bathroom wih LEGO tolet cls shower and they waked! Inthe kitchen there ‘tas LEGO fdge (but oa cook anlthere were EGC tables ad chars There wos ever LEGO cat Ses Hay stayed in he house one ight ond wes Funpesod Deca the bed wis quite comfortable eft,» theme pert coledLEGOLAND planned ‘to buy te house but ete they decided not. James May tet find ster bayer. He started Facencok ge and ake other people to buy but robody Namtod 50 en 22 Sepomber thy started take Theouwe to ces Ae days iter, there wean LEGO hovse ny more “nes Moy was not hapy about its moe then 1000 people worked hao buldthe house ond venting Inset Other people were nots0 sa, The televslon comoeny donated the tes miion LEGO pesto a chant foreign, 5 IT FEELS LIKE HOME | THINK VA Community spirit 1 Read what people sad about the LEGO house. Match the activities a-d with the comments T=4. 2 working together «have fun I Beingerestve can for others hpi igh eit 2 tle ing ith ae many peopl ding the san tng . enews Put the actives a-din Exeris Tin ‘order of importance for you. Compare your ideas witha partner. think wring tethers realy ingertat 1 oy mame Mees yar 2 What’ your mune 1? ‘0 GRAMMAR Past simple (regular verbs) Find thepast simple forms ofthese verbs inthe article and write them below. Ten complete the rules. 9 sare started. 5 say 1 want 6 pln 2 ue 7 dedde 3 fh ay 4 work 9 ak RULE: Use the pastsimpe to tak about ished sections inthe pa Wehr verb © Wemlysdd!_wiheverd (eg sae saned ay aed) © Rey endsn-ofeg a) mead 1 Haswerb end nconeaat yond + conorart (egpenkwe dastlete® ands © Weasd-edto verbs ending nvowil 7 legstyed). © the mbendincensnant «eg Mave ange andada® ceeaac satan tot parent aes a reer om eae Re Ta, hs rere Stee cee etme ese anaes Sess Ceci oe See ee ere iaanme epetatae Paee cee emis Bene eS en oe cs oe a (pla to organise is ‘wate teension instead, cre -edendings fd! Got page 120. VOCABULARY Furniture 1 CRIES Match the words with the photos. Wirlte 1-12 in the boxe. Then listen check and repeat. 3 dese | 6 lamp [7 mivor | shelves 9 shower | 10 ofa | 1 tolet | 12 wardrobe 2 BBIENINIA Workin pales. Where are these things In your house? Tell our partner. There are rr in or bation oy patent bers and in arn om > 5 IT FEELS LIKE HOME [BUN Workin ples, Describe the pictures. [EDIE Listen to four people talking about home’ ‘Waite the names under the correc plctures, Sophie | James | Mia | Darel [CDIIE Listen again. Complete the table with the mising information. What ishome? Home where feel” “Semehece hel inaurfat inthe eden, wah? GRAMMAR Modifiers: quite, very, really 11 Wit the name ofthe person from Exercte 3 win saye these things. Ten underline the words before the adjectives and complete the rule. 1 Heel realy happy there 2 Ourkthen is qute smal 2 The amen very comfortable, RULE: Use werd eyealyan utero ay more sboutan acre | _Treworesveyand"_ ge ued tomate an Sparecoge Nowadays =e oe 2 Write tue entences about your home using the words. © chen big small ua ithe i very big / quite mall, 1 bedkoon = tidy untdy 2 sofa confortable uncomfortable 2 home busy quet ‘What lke doing there. THINK SELF-ESTEEM Feeling safe 1 Thinkaboutthe questions and make notes. 1 Where doyou fee! athome’? Derr the pice 2 Whats mostimpotat for youthere? ature ings colour? people) 21 Whit des that place fee efor you? (ling? sf? eomfoale) 2 NEMEE Wire 2 oF 3 sentences abou where youfeel at home. Read them outin groups. Baeaeerertatee eee meas daa nie a READING 11 Read enty’sholday blog and complete the sentences witha word ota number, Dad gets it right! (finally) fn Naples. We eves ree a yes Ieming, ua Use we were oly the ot fer aout Wve minute btore Das werted ako us somewhere. Ths tne ‘os fo he ancient ty of Pom near Nagle." realy wart ogo warted to go stopping fo shoos We trac thre by rin, Th journey dr takalng butler ercugh x Das total ue abr about het. Mary yoers ‘390, Pompel was lage alan cy rear 8 eicana sled Mourt Yesaius~ enc 24 ast 79 CE wana upiod and ‘Comply covered the oy mash. bles ‘out 20,00 peopl But the ash dt ‘estoy ts bulling and now, 2000 years le you can wak axoura he ow peop eal os years go 2000-yea-ca houses: thanks, Dad rely orn | hough tu Iwas wrong! The rouse ver ery intresting, Most ot thm ‘ere realy ig wt ts of rooms 60 ot spa00 9 get ana rom annoying bathers {a eta) Thor wore pamtngs ard mosses over tha wal, [love a cman ‘mosaic ofOne Disc an my becroem Wal lowes amazed at bathrooms, Talove aig bstvoom n ourhousa cure | got 0a htrested in Pore. wast bored tens, ve got ta fo ‘ur house when we gt nama 2. Answer the questions. 1 Wheres Jenny's famly saying the moment? 2 How dd they goto Pomel? 2 What Jennys dad tell them about onthe ray thre? 4 Whendid Vesuvius rope 5 What Jem ke about the Forpet houses? {6 Whats Jenn oerallopinion of Pompei? More than? thom covered in ash “Te palitings and > sare really beaut years od WRITING Ute your answers in Exercise 2 to write a summary ‘ofthe textin no more than 100 words, Jenny did tart goto Pompei and. GRAMMAR Past simple negative 4) Compete the sentences from Jennys blog and then complete therule. 1 really wanto go. 2 Thejoney ‘ate ng 3 Thesth estoy the buen [RULE: To nake any verb negative inthe past simple use "the base form ofthe ver 2 Here are seme more things Jenny wrote about Pompei. ake them negative. © Wevistedallofthe houses, We dit visi alo the houses 1 Twartedto ge home, 2 The poor people tvedinbighouses 3 Dad ordered piezafolnch 4 Itranedin the aerncon. 3 BEESMNIG Workin pairs. Tellyour partner ‘wo things that you did and two things that you did de last weekend. Choose from the ‘verbs in thelist, wet | io | play | eel | clean Walp | sd | | cnc | wa dit thang TV. vied yids > VOCABULARY adjectives with ed /-ing 1 How isn fesing? Wet the adjectives tinder the pltures snnoyed | lied | bored Interested | amazed LOOK! Wewse-edadjecivesto sayhow we el about something Yieuse ing actives to say what ‘we think bat something orto descbe something 5 IT FEELS LIKE HOME 2 What Jenny sy about Pomp? Complete the sentences with terested or Interesting 1 Igotrealy 2 Thehowes were very 3. Gre) the correct words. 1 getannayed anoying when people gree me 2 Hs pang was bilan. | as amazed /omezng, 3 Bob aks about fotballalthe tine! He's ely bored borg. 4 Ahotshowerisanays ver lone /relonng. 5k Maths rely nereted/trestng, InPompet 4. Complete the sentences so that they are true for you. 1 tmneverbored when 2 Med realy annoying 3 isthe most armang singer 4 meal interested in 55 never elased when 5 BRRIRING Workin pales. Compare your answers. WRITING A log post 1 Thinkabout a real holidaythatyou went on ot aninvented holiday. Make notes about these ‘auetions. 1 Wheredidyou go? ‘Who cid you go with? ‘What il youd that was very special een? ‘What aid youl /not ke about the hoy? ‘What wasborng exing amazing interstng annoying about hela? 2. Use yournotes from Etercise 1 to write blog post about your holiday Write about 120-150 words. Wet three paragraphs Paragraph ~your asversto and? Paragraph ~ your asver‘o3 Paragraph ~ your asversto4 and 5 AL nVAN suplookingstyoursatnay-weknow to geo school (LIVIA ery nny Hey, loktthat YAN ‘What about hin? [MEGAN Tthnkbewashereysterdy 0. MEGAN Buitsealiysat ‘OLIVIA Ino what yurnean. watched a programme oa TV whl ag about homeless people. AWE BGAN Canyoulmagine? No place tov, must be horrible HOKE Well mse hat tr Buti ntelly ou problem. Loakat the photos and answer the questions ‘What o you think the fou andl are saying about the man? ‘What they knw about hi? Now read andlisten tothe photostory. Check your answers LURE Sot Aomelens guy. snot big dea RYAN That righ RYAN Wl to beonest =o, not ery ch OLIVIA ter and alkto him, YAN Hangon!Doyou thinkihat+a goodies? [MEGAN What do you mean? He oor bt that ‘dovsttmean he's dangerous LUKE OK maybe not dangerous He's probably not ery me hough COUVIA Maybebe need, 2 Workin pars. Dicuss what happens next in ‘the story. Write down your ideas We think the bys got schoo but Megan and Olivia talk othe ma 4 EXEEEI Vistch to find out how the story continues 5 Putthe sentences in the correct order. ‘Waite 1-Bin the bower, The students decide toa somebody oma chart for bap. bb The girs are wortied about the man When hey go bak tthe pak the man _Bvs Oar neclce “he fiend ar on ther way to choo 1 Other students startlaughing the yantlsthe othersudents2bout the Fomles person. lathe pak they see ahomelss person 1 Theteacher noes that lvaisnot yingatenton PHRASES FOR FLUENCY 1 Rnd hese enressionsinthe stor Who says 1 snot bide 2 tobe hone, - 3 Texow what you mean. 4 ‘tspotealyour problem. Harge! ua though 2 Use the esprestons in Exercise Ito complete the dalogues. 1A Shebusalyanice git he sometimes gets abbtanery ‘Yesterday she really shouted at 2 Inetd el, Youve gotte help me with ny horewort! » __theeyourhomework—s rely, 2A Werenly a emalest tomorrow Ten quastons Rig? Tima biewored about / 5 IT FEELS LIKE HOME | WordWise + Phrasal verbs with look | 1 Lookat these sentences from the story. Complete them with the words from thelist ser | up | for + Hey look 2 Thechantyloks 2 Tmjutlookngit 4 Weneed tolook Latslook him, 2 Gil theconectwordinenchdalogue, > 1 & Whatsjne ing? I 2 Sheroling fe te baby ; 2A Why are you looking for/otme Ie tha? ae | “homeless people. > renee a vinghéchonles, 8 Because mangry with you. 1 leant fed my pen. © ilhelp youlook ote frie 4A Dothe police know what hppened? 5 . No they ae llokng fr “What esther ear? | "ort know et ook Raer/pin Seder, EONS FUNCTIONS Making suggestions 1 Complete the sentences frm the story with words ‘rom the ists. Then write 7 (agree) X lsagre) or Hancertan). A. How | could | Lets | Why Biden | do | great | sure 8A ene about aking ue parent for mane? 3 dont think thatsagood idea. 1A dente ty ad help hi? 2 moto 24 gue himourschool inch 8 Lets that — 2A We take hima bit food after school © Iehinkahats ‘des (BBD Ata market 2 Workin pairs. Student A: Go to page 127, Student 0 to page 128. Take two or three minutes to prepare. hen havea conversation. 5s ‘Owectives roenons ling bout pat yer ang fat ou he dong, Scietnd th thers ing ost ended ane caanuan, ps sn rag ver) dae gre pak Sine quston peony eces Xv READING |BEEEIE Look at the photos. Say what the people are doing ‘There suring the tern SEEN Match these words ‘vith he photos and compare with "partner (Some words go with ‘more than one photo) alone | together | hapey sad | bored | excited 4 Lookat the photos on page 57. What kind of television show aaa isthe Who are the boy andthe gt? andthe rte [COME Read an latent the web arte. heck your ideas IEGRUINI Workin pats. Talkabout Ce era et |G tendtn rice nuh, Corvecthefceatonin there ‘things you like doing together with To other people, Herearesome ideas 1 Ther parents hate de of thm sing ogee. twhelpyou. 2 Jonathan thought that Charote didi look right for veoh afin | ok fedow Soterenort | sy | read 3 Gro and ostan wee the ame age have breakfast | ge shopping “4 Everyone laughed when Charlotte and Jonathan eee te 5 Smon Covel ad tt osthan needed sing wth Ln yng! another gl . (cig men ce 6 Jonathan told Senon Cowell that he wanted to go home 1 Jonathan and Charlot etme stn the competition, 1 They recordedasong called Together Ina school n Enlan ow years 90, tenage ge heard boy finging nance room. She kad eto ot at th boy's Git Chari aconel also Sea singing. Aut te te Inul eachar st e700 sugges {hatha cousin together ‘Thay cand thy started singing ‘ogethorae ce. They alco Scare vty god tends. They ven sang togetor a the musta (sacnera wedding television progarme called Betas Got Tart show to fi new singers and partormers Chart want onto th show ‘wth Jonathan but he was word Shout he way hooked. However, Charotapoatsdea hin and hey ween onthe show, Chart was Stage thy wor very ‘ee. Some peop xe , ieichbhehiiedete tacos etka STHINK VALUES Friendship and loyalty 1 2 Choose thebest way tofnish thissentence, 5 akin his sty telethon fe, imporant tolok good, tobe good at what you do, tocar ist, tolodkater your fends tobenietoother peop thie lt and ot offend “Tey he ra audio n Ap 2012. When they care oto tho four judge didn thnk they loka Ieaghed whon hy saw thm. Thon thoy began to sing nc everyone ‘wat amazod. They sang ered ‘wal sapecilyonatnan Wn 6 BEST FRIENDS ‘AN the udges thought Charota ‘an Jonathan are rot but one Jug, Simeon Cowed, suggested "at Jonathan sng oni own ‘without Charlot because, though she was good was onatban ean ik or long. Held at his fend an hon ‘looked back atthe judges. and ‘ni that he wartaat sty in {he competion wth Chart ‘hoy camed on ager bu they nt win the competion thoy cama scond (cing {og wont However, thy wore ‘Saeppointed ‘fon wooks ate, Sion Cowel {avethom the chanos to ecard & (60. They made the CD, an than ‘hoy thought about ate or ‘They chose the word Together THB SEE i A i tri Compare your ideas with a partner Choose theee ofthe values in Exercise 1 Putthem inorder of importance for you (1, 2,3). ‘Then compare wth others thse he mes inportant hing Uehara ‘That's my nner. think it realy ingrtant toe ies ler pol GRAMMAR Past simple (irregular verbs) 11 Read thee sentences abou the article on page 57. Allthe verbrare nthe past simple. How are ‘he verbsin diferent from the verbsin 2? 1 Shelled sngng They tated ss advo Seve sop laughed 2 Theysng together. People stood up Weeame hee aa do, 2 Look backatthe article on page 57. Write the past simple forms of these verbs. © fod found think 1 becone 5 come 2 eo 6 ge 3 see 7 make | east four move leregular pas simple forms inthe article on page 87. Write the verbs. 4. Correctthese two sentences fom the arti Make them negative. 1 Jonathan though for along ine 2 Theywonthecompestion 5 Lookatthe pictures and the prompts and write the sentences inthe pas simple. 1 Wego! aly bute yo to Rone Le swertte Maly but we aide’ ‘pole Roe 3 Sue/ cone to my party but Dan come. = VOCABULARY Past time expressions 11 Complete the lit wth appropriate expressions. ‘When we talk abou the pst we often ue expressions The thee: + yesterdhy.yesterday!_yesterdayaftermaen 1 lstright last week lst? st December * anhour ago, two weeks go, a month go, 2 ge 2 Complete the sentences witha time expression with age (0 Andy istwenty He ft school when e was saten. ‘Ady lf choo four years ago 1 es otdock had realest t 7 lock Thad breakfast. 2141020. The fim began a 1000 “The fn 2 WteDecember Your ald was nu. Myhotiy 3 Complete the sentences with your own, information. Use irregular verbs + Ayearag 2 Tenyearsago,! 2 Latyesn | 4+ Yesterday morning, 5 Lastight 4 mak /sandvches ut ake cae LISTENING 2 CINE Listen toa story about Cristiano Which sentences do you agree with? a Forbes are never rends with payers fom ater teams. Feesbalers never help other payers Feobllers ony want to ven cps Ronald, Tick /) the correct box. “Tae two frend think the trys [DINED Listen again and choote the right answer ABorc. ceraly tue posse A ceraly nat tue, Whatasthefumiyarme ofRonsides frend? 2 Abert 1 Theboy doesn remember © The boy dt find the name, How many places were there atthe footbal hoo? Aone b two C three ‘Why ai Alber pas the ball te Crstino? 1 Becaue Albert wanted fiend, 1 Because Alber war ted, 6 BEST FRIENDS 4 EIB Workin pars. Tellyour partner about {reat pretent someone gave yOu, Lata orm eel hag / ciolbana om GRAMMAR Double genitive 1) Read the sentence. Then choose the correct options to ‘complete the rule. Renaldo wos there and there wa fist cled Abert RULE: Wefom th double gente wthnoun + of pene "prnounerecive rine yours i arcu yours es “We aofomthe double gente’ wehnoan + f+ pomesive adjective yor ht yuh) noun + pssst ‘We we to tlkabout2necf nary things many gs tate hae 2 Gea the correct word. €: Sha fendof ne 1 Hr Smithiva teacher fy terms 2 Shes coun thn Joh 2 Mrsensianeghour of u/s 3 Rewrte the undetined part of th sentences. 0 See that man? Hes myfather' frend, BecaeCistano wat abate player, He's a friend of my fer’ 4 Whatvas the foslicore ofthe game? 1 Steve sau fiend. Att 920 c 30 Steveis _ 5 WhatsAlbert’ob no? 2. Mike borrowed my bit. 1 He'a footballer ike borowed 8 We dent know 2 Host mymun’tsaok € Heervescare. Het {5 What Ronaldo ge to end? Aaa 8 Abouwe © Acranda hue RANOHN Making decisions 1 Drawamind map © Complete the three ces wth names ofpople who © Whatdo these people le? Wire yourieas onthe ines 2 HERXIDIG Workin groups. Imagine t's their birthdays Show your mind maps, make suggestions and decide on present fr each person. ae dos to you fend, fami). - & Richard. We frst metin 2012, ne memringat bout READING 1 Read themagazine article quill. Complete he sentences. 1 Richard and Sharon met forthe fst me on To renee tera eit 2 Theseiond time they met, they went ‘So first of all, when and whore did you meat? 10130 mon Bondi Beach, n Sydey ‘Sharon Acta, we metin te water OK, so how did you meet? Richard | vas outin the deep watoron my surtbosd teen anther boors knocked eon he head, “Thanextthng knot, was onthe bach looking wp at his face ‘Sharon was onthe beac that ay. saw what happened so swam out an brought chars 2 Read the article again. Put the events in ‘askin He was urconscus, but chy got the order they happened. Write the fh tw star bresting agen. Gator amin umber: 1-8. ‘thought ha was dea. Rehard ae Sharon gotoashow together. Richard. nd then they took me to hospital. have 2 camara? hance ve 9 ark to Sharon «Rebar es Suronapresent ‘So what did you do? 4 Shon snes Riards We hr Tema oy nm dt ca oa haa a ponuir Bejan Aran soe coed Gate pe ore | bought two tickets for Sharon and left therm at canes ahaa _work for har @ few days later. | thought she cout Te Rebar goes sug ‘Wo sornesn wh ar abot eat 1 Rebar ser Sharon rth fst ne Saytnanle vty ephone number on Sharon. He we ry gare. Tey were expensv 23 KNBNEE Workin pac Tellthe story Use tee dean Exercise 2. Pu hemi the 3 eet eae Did you take a friend tothe show? ‘Sharan |e row wo oak and hen hada rt hd wet uring Heh an aie i What was i? FUNCTIONS Ard whe thane amv ee Talking ebout past events ‘vad et gu inher Ne has eae ‘She was o choot ad eay-ging, We bexme 11 Thinkabout atime when youmade anew ‘aly good nds ih away. friend. Make notes. + Who? Where + Wher ‘+ Whathappened? 2 Inpairtellyourstory Inn fd fea ton ke iy rs isch as ch wri cin ead fc fo ‘ind pnt a th baa teeter 6 BEST FRIENDS GRAMMAR Past simple questions 1 Pathe werdsin order tomate questions Check your answers nthe article on page 60. 1 dolde/vbstiyou!? 2 daliyeu/meet/how!? 3 fend /ihon ake your ofa he? 2 Gompletthe table Quertin newer "Weather the show? | Yuya Na ljoutebetetbey! eh nad. \Whatime? ___ joule ethane | Douay? home st hight 3. Match thequetions and answer 1 Dedyutve good weekend? 4 Yes ident or eve 2 Dedyouneycomputer games yesterday? Wenet at shel four ers. 2 Where dd you meetyour be fend? «Wehad chckenand hips 4+ Wh di you tert ystery? 4 Nolet rained all he tine $5 What you hve for diner last igh? 4 ested my best ne 4 RBIETEI Workin pairs. Askthe questions 1-Sand give your own answers. ISSR Personality adjectives Lookat the pitures. Read the sentences and write the ames under the people PPS 427 ies iellgent He knows lt about everthing “Arca is cheerful She's lays got asl on er fae, Kalisjelous He's nethappy when you ako other fiends EECUMUIsE We) Ben shelpi He's always ready to help you Stressed syllables in words fuby sconfdet she's notaeret alin publ. ioe Lizis generous. She's always happy to share her things with you. pee ‘Choe easygoing She never es angry about anything, Connor's fy. He aways makes melaugh > a Look atthe photos of friends. Who's having a good time? Who'shavinga bad time? . [CIIIE Read andlisten to the web page. Five people commented on the different ‘myths about friendship. Match the people to the myths. yh Myth. yin Myth yh [IEE Which ofthe fve people here do you agree with? Who do you disagree with? Compare wth thersin the cas. wt * Friendship myths Evaryone wan to have frends, and frendhips ae important to teenagers al cer he world. However when peop start a tendship, hey “sometimes expect to much rom f Hees fv things about enship that some pecpe ble ret, Buin fact thay aren't = they are myths. Myth no. t+ Friends ar there to make you happy. Myth no. 2: rea! fend wil never disappoint you. Myth no. 3: The mote iands you have, the better. Myth no. 4: Friends share everthing IMythno. §: youve goto tends, somethings wrong wth you. Fos porte so wy dove Thsecanbetresinyoar fe when sve | No, feydor taste us Seana wce me | giealtattinds ant oer tmeswten | agpdiiantip. You Gt wat lake rst, sion Youeery toner we. Mabe ouvert | yore ating ou use tora at hr ae resent Het ght now oss a Tre ay cur esp. v ard (outs ramtan te eta, youre nanow yo sa. rend ann ar sane is. Peraps oo ri a iy Youre tay ede sina” | Bis ng remember viet oye leoestyos | 10a al bo paint No sue oe Pere rahi al you dot eaten tesa | stip ctrpevento || mth ch ror Sie ord 9 oyour | Make ends ith ot Tadao tin, Pea dos Dot. a B uta: Ootoge tat aries we yr es re resto ovitpoy ttn | Yuva be agate igh? Tobald | snata gcd wal eso frjeatt uh yu te way eu | 2000 ens, Rs inp ala oan, The ares wen ‘ase Ben Ba ater siseteractana itn | arab aaa tne en tse astro, otptem ten | yur sd Ad when yur le Tey eeu ero gp ana natin || yer, What carl cote sp is? fuer cry sone su. Anat tes | Hochman fine Tats ey eK Bete hae ere | apace sur happiness, bit eyo res, scr a aa ens. thro maybo tres wn yuan your farsa) oats 8 “4 Read the web page again. Who say. 1 youneec te havea good ine wth your rend? 2 youwort make fendsifyouare an nftendly 3 weneed remember hat ou Fends have bad Says t00: 4 youdbrithave to tell your fiends everything Bout you? 5 wewonltawayshave he same numberof fends Inurl 6 thatitsnot aye a god thing tohave alot of fend? 17 we shouldnt expect our frends toalvays get ‘everything igh? | weshoulnt aways expect ends to make ws ape? 9 youcartahvays expect your fends tobe hapey? 10 youcant make rei good frend quik? 5 IDRIINEN There are eight words in bold Inthe web page. Match the words with these meanings. We the words. © anidea tht many people beSeve, bt thats not true te 1 thestate of felng happy 2. therelatanships youve wth rend 2 show thatyouare not ina hurry an hve got ine 4 worried for example when youhane to mach ror 5 gettolnowand ikea person 6 ‘keep a your mind 7 adie moment SPEAKING 1 Choose the words that make the sentences true feryou. 1 When maa want fends to itn tome tele aja ave me lone. 2 When happy, wantto watch fl / play ‘spre en tome! go shopping wth my frend 2. Werkwith apartner- Read out your sentences and compara your answers. 6 BEST FRIENDS WRITING ‘An apology 1_Read the message and answer the quetions 1 Howdloesjohn fel and why? 2. Whatdoeshe want odo about i? Deer Ale, Finely srry or Frgeting your bith. was 3 tenblethng todo want phone you bi forgot bbcauset hi alot of work to del ely bad he tose you soon tsa so. ve also got something | Canwemeet up on Thursday? 2. Read the messages. Which the answer toJohn? Thank fr your message Dont worry about not ups And ys love tosee you on Thursday leant wa 08 what youve got forme. Thanks forthe message Fi sory cat come te your bithy party on Thursday btm realy buy Have Rathod me. 3. Putthe word inthe ight order. Write the 1 bithday your realy sry for orgeting 2 wat teil 3/1101 dating 3 realy/ bad fee! 4 Match the phrases with the photos. ‘atthe ae | breaksomeone tablet notwater the fowers ob 5 Write an apology for exch photo Include an ‘explanation with each apology. Uw really sorry. was an accident {6 Choose one ofthe situations from above and ritea message to apologies (60 words) a“ READING AND WRITING Part 5: Multiple-choice cloze 11 Read the article about a strange house. Choose the bert word (A, Bor C) for each pace. (ends wih my ayn California ‘ew years 0) wen Dad soa advert for "te Cri Nous the Wort inte cl paper. We ecdedto stb onthe way there we gatos Dat @)__wanttoaskanjonefordiretions butaher ‘ula our Mam al hit stop We founda ely {@)___-manonastretinthe town. He(8) ura ep fore And ten inate ater, we wee eth ose ‘rom thot justlooked () anormal bighouse, When we went inside wesuw bow (6) i ‘was. Thefouse hse bedrooms, heels 47 fireplaces find 467 does twas the project ofarich American woman called Sarah Winchester They) buldngitin 1864 Athy ory topedin 1822 when ara ded She ever drewaty plant everytime she pt). vith the athe stale the uldersto come and ‘ull ene ne oom foe akan Cac were 1 Ala Before ago 2 Ademt sd ¢ deht 3 -Abpfol 8 jealous confdent A Age baw Caine Salle px Chr 6A amazed 8 reong€ amazing 7 Asa Bared —C sarting 8 Abored Boring intresting Part 6: Word completion 2 Complete the words (© Youusslly keep your clthes inthis wardrobe 1 Youcankeep yeurbocks on this s 2 Youuse thetolook at yourself m 3 Someone wha knows alt f things ths ' 4 Someone who away shares tht hings ths. a 5 Soneone who's relasedand dest wery much iste CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: Key Hi EXAMS ESE Sere aaa Part 3: Dialogue matching 3 Complete the converstion between two fiends. LISTENING Part 2: Matching 4+ CARER Listen ten eling Mark about her What does Nick say to Sue? For questions 15, vite the correctetter A-H in each space, SUE tsAdanebithday nest week, Nick @_F SUE ehinkthat a gratia, But what? ick () SUE Idont thnk hat good ides, He does ke reading cx @) SUE He dowrlosdsallhismusic He hasnt even sta CD play. nick @) SUE frnmot so sre, fel to buy dothes forhim. wick SUE Lets ite into the cinema He loves fms ick () SUE Great gethee tickets 1 OK. Have you got any ideas? ‘We could get hima CD He aves must Why doritwe asks dad? D Letsdo that © Wi? F ‘Why dente gethimapresent Hom about buying him bok? “hat true How ours Tie? > room. Who gave her each ofthe plces of Furniture? For questions 1-5, welte letter AH, ext to each present. Present People © andar A Dad awe 8 Unde Tin © Aunt Abi 2 otis D brother 2 carpet Grandpa Unde Simon 4 desk es 5 lamp 1 Mum TEST YOURSELF , UNITS 5&6 VOCABULARY 1) Use the werd inthe list to complete the sentences. There are two extra words after | male | fr | relly | cheerful | do | annoying | shower | lst | Jeslous | annoyed | cooker 1 Shetntappy when seeyou hikes abt you 1 ineduvehbainentin te 2 Mendel ar Mol ipedOadeck __ ny ler 1 hie borewedn shoe she ee wey cctools oy apo ‘ tmioang. Ame Boyeutnor ere se 1) Weterely oye det bs 1 Inaagetine gtk renting Bern conaralie aca uma arterbou 10 beewtibe lin cm GRAMMAR 2 Complete the sentences with the past form ofthe verbs in the lit choose | fd | go | think | ike | see vt he was my fend but now in nto se 2 The present wasvery expensive. hope she & at to apartylast night and only got home at 11pm, 4 ‘liked We green Tshirt but eventual | the redone 5 We dog llalone inthe street owe teckithome. 16 Noaothat ln Ina week 3. Find and corect the mistake in each sentence 1 Tthinked you were at schoo 2. Did youerjoyed your meal Si? 3 Paula goto school today He stayed at home 4 Werner ted sowed goto bed ety 5 Where de you and Lacy met {Tae mgr soci ate aryhing FUNCTIONAL LANGUAGE 4 Wits the nising words. 1A Howa Inetng Jae to our party? 2 dort think tata good Remember the ast ine he went toa pst! Wee have iz for nck letid that love pzal Ifyou need some money. dat you geta Saturday job? Tmnoteos Tort thik my dae woul ike Ow L____gotothe parka school. Thateag Idea. We an pay ers myscore [I a 0 OMECTIVES THE EAS See = feels READING 1 What are the objects here? o Match the words inthe ist withthe photos. ‘Write 1-6in the bores. Listen, check and repeat. 1 ereader | 2 digtlcamera | 3 fat screen TV 4 able 5 laptop | (stop) computer er ak tear be (cee 5 ren cates Tide ee Sete evs ee a Soritatentvece eee 4 cam kadtiemmimeninigenne 6 Cm Redan acest ‘correct answer Listen and check your answers {alee (F? Correct the false ones. harem yan sch. 1 2: yeu ear something hat ssocking makes you savas Seana lope ears eral aca 2. Milos of people get wachama ever ye Sie aes naa athe 3 Techomatranlloes that es peopl bid ewe 4 Ldickwantedto hep people wth vachona 4 Wat ahuge problem for Aes? Tere ret 5 Ludvi’sdeam ast lp peopl fd clear ough ceo water Tere enatenughspac for water poe 6 "Drath shelingtostve slot of ater alle 5 Yovcangettrachoma fom dt woter/ bod shewoed 4 Gating an eye nection cane people dof! 7 Dryfthasuces bin 2 Lndikwansto inventor things 17 You buy gelinaplosicbote poper bog Timor waristaneso 7 erat south African, was with his frends in Limpopo when ‘hey started talcing about inventing something to put ‘on your skin soyo dont have to take bat, Lidvick ‘hough that hi was great ides, He sed his mobile todo some esearch onthe Internet, and he und some shocking tact Tio point ebilion people around the wold Dave go eeu eater This in huge problem because diety water can create terrible illness. One of them Is trachoma ight milion people ll over the word set eachome every year hey wash hei aces ith ‘ity water, getaninletion and become bind. To HNVALE Caring for people and the environment 1 Match the values in thelist with the sentences in the speechbubbles. Write a-din the boxes caring atout the environment ‘aringatout the quality of your work «© caingatout your appearance 4 carngatout cher people 1 Themis ws a 2 ned tush ny hair ty 2 reo fling cold? Tan gio my per 7 THE EASY LIFE stop trachoma, people don’ have to take expensive ‘medication. the dot have ote pills They dont hhayeto ave njetions They have to wash their faces th eleun water. That, Lodwick started thinking He wanted to make Something to lp people part ofthe world where {edict to find lean water He did more rserch fonhlsmobie, andhe did more thinking Ladwiek had ‘plan, He wanted to make a gel for people to pat on {heir skin so they dnt have to take a bath He wrote ‘he formula for the gelom his mobilephone. When he was at univers, he never stopped thinking about his vention. He stated to tlk to other people about tnd thre years ltr the dream cametrue. He made the fpland called t Dey: odick Marshaneis the winner oft of prizes People cll him’one ofthe brightest young men inthe ‘world: Hels very happy abouts succes DeyBath is helping people tobe healthy. And DryBath also ps to save water Tha'smportant in many parts ofthe work ‘where ities ofind clean water Now he wants to Invent other tgs. an he wast help other young peopl to became inventors ton. i s vr, 2 ‘Workin pars. Ask and answer {questions about Ludwick Maishane, Try and find as many answers as posible Dees he care au he enirment? is apearavce? the gual of his wok? the pep Yes cause Drath ep te save water,

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