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ITEC95 System Analysis and Design

System Analysis - study of a business problem domain to recommend improvements and specify the business requirements for the solution System Design - specification or construction of a technical, computer-based solution for the business requirements identified in system analysis System Analysis and Design - step by step process for developing high-quality information systems

Information System (IS) arrangement of people, data, processes, and information technology to support business requirements (to improve day to day operations in a business and to support the problem-solving and decision-making needs of management and users)

Who develops Information Systems? In-house applications company developed its own IS Software packages purchased systems Internet-based application services Outsourcing

Information Technology (IT) combination of hardware and software products and services that companies use to manage, access, communicate and share information Many organizations consider IS and IT to be essential to their ability to compete or gain a competitive advantage.

STAKEHOLDERS FOR INFORMATION SYSTEM stakeholder any person who has an interest in an existing or new information system

1. system owners - pay for the system to be built and maintained (systems sponsors, responsible for funding) - own the system, set priorities for the system and determine policies for its use 2. system users - use the system (client) - define the business requirements and performance expectations for the system to be built 3. system designers - design the system to meet the users requirements (translate users business requirements into technical solutions) 4. system builders - construct, test, and deliver the system into operation (construct the IS components based on the design specifications from the system designers) 5. system analysts - facilitate the development of IS and computer applications by bridging the communications gap between the nontechnical system owners and users and technical system designers and builders 6. IT vendors and consultants

Cavite State University Cavite City Campus Instructor Mr. Jan T. Samartino

ITEC95 System Analysis and Design

- Sell hardware, software, and services to businesses for incorporation into their IS All of the stakeholders have one thing in common they are information workers

Information workers People whose jobs involve the creation, collection, processing, distribution, and use of information

SYSTEM ANALYST Why Do Businesses Need System Analysts? to bridge the communication gap between those who need computer-based business solutions and those who understand IT

System Analysts are people who understand both business and computing. (They study business problems and then transform business requirements into a computer-based information systems that are implemented by various technical specialists) System Analyst is basically a problem solver System Analyst is an agent of change. (He is responsible for showing end-users and management how new technologies can benefit their business and its operations; they must be aware of existing and emerging information technologies and techniques) System Analyst must know how to program (because they are the principal link between business users and computer programmers) System Analyst should be able to communicate with business experts (to gain knowledge of problems and needs) System Analyst must be able to take a large business problem (divide and conquer) System Analyst must be able to define alternative solutions to problems and needs System Analyst must be able to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing

INFORMATION SYSTEM COMPONENTS 1. Hardware - Consists of everything in the physical layer of IS 2. Software - Programs that control the hardware and produce the desired info or results 3. Data - Raw material that an IS transforms into useful information 4. Processes - Describe the tasks and business functions that users, managers, and IT staff members perform to achieve specific results - Building blocks of an information system, bec. They represent the actual day to day business operations To build a successful IS, analysts must understand business processes and document them carefully. 5. People - People who interact with an IS, both inside and outside the company

Cavite State University Cavite City Campus Instructor Mr. Jan T. Samartino

ITEC95 System Analysis and Design

Internal users administrators, managers, technicians, sales staff, and corporate officers External users customers The success or failure of a system usually depends on whether users are satisfied with the systems output and operations

Cavite State University Cavite City Campus Instructor Mr. Jan T. Samartino

ITEC95 System Analysis and Design


1. Planning - is the fundamental process of understanding why an information system should be built (the analyst must discover what the business is trying to do; identifying objectives) - determine how the project team will go about building the IS - composed of two planning steps: Project Initiation the systems business value to the organization is identified (How will it lower costs or increase revenues?) Project Management the project manager creates a work plan, staffs the project, and puts techniques in place to help the project team control and direct the project through the entire SDLC. 2. Analysis - answers the questions of who will use the system, what the system will do, and where and when it will be used - the project team investigates any current system(s), identifies improvement opportunities, and develops a concept for the new system. - composed of three analysis steps: Analysis Strategy analysis of the current system who (people who are involved), what (business activity), where (the environment in which the work takes place), when (timing), how (how the current procedures are performed), and why (why the business uses the current system) problem identification Requirements Gathering The systems analyst uses the info collected to accomplish the logical design of the IS development of a concept for a new system (initial design for the new system) System Proposal The proposal is presented to the project sponsor and other key individuals who decide whether the project should continue to move forward describes what business requirements the new system should meet 3. Design - It is decided how the system will operate, in terms of the hardware, software, and network infrastructure; the user interface, forms, and reports that will be used; and the specific programs, databases, and files that will be needed - composed of five design steps: Design Strategy clarifies whether the system will be developed by the company or outside the company. Architecture Design describes the hardware, software, and network infrastructure that will be used Database and File Specifications define what and where the data will be stored Program Design defines what programs need to be written and what they will do 4. Implementation

Cavite State University Cavite City Campus Instructor Mr. Jan T. Samartino

ITEC95 System Analysis and Design


the system is either developed or purchased (in the case of packaged software). is usually the longest and most expensive part of the process composed of three implementation steps: System Construction The system is built and tested to make sure it performs as designed The analyst also works with users to develop effective documentation for the software, including procedure manuals, online help, and web sites featuring Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), on Read Me files shipped with the new software Documentation tells the user how to use the software and what to do if software problems occurs A series of tests to pinpoint problems is run first with sample data and eventually with actual data from the current system Installation Prepare to support the installed system Training users to handle the system Support Plan Includes a post-implementation review

Cavite State University Cavite City Campus Instructor Mr. Jan T. Samartino

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