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Test 7:
Part 1:
- Green spaces
- Psychologist
- Make a priority = accept………A vital element of a healthy
society. ( nhân tố quan trọng sức khỏe xã hội)
- Incorporate in ( hòa nhập )
- Too few of us really understand that……tend not to make
enough use of ones we already have = people fail to
appreciate them as much as they should.
- Important = play a crucial role in ( ensuring our well-
- a potentially catastrophic(/,kætə'strɒfik/) situation:
một tình thế thảm họa tiềm tàng.
- Consequence( hậu quả) is Potentially very serious: tiềm
tàng nghiêm trọng
- after being insulted like that my blood is really up
sau khi bị lăng mạ như thế, máu trong người tôi đã thực
sự sôi lên

2. singer, musician
- Staying in good physical shape
- Calm s.o down
- Require similar skills to singing: concentrate, develop self
control, pace your breath and maximise the use of your
- Energetic mạnh mẽ họa bát đầy sinh lực/ energetically/
energetic( năng lượng học + sồ nhiều dùng như số ít)
3. Actor, husband:
- Sat next to s.o in …
- Appeared in A play( một vở kịch) with s.o: be good for
the part of the heroine in a play he was about to appear in
- Script :kịch bản
- Meet on stage at the reheasals
- The rest is history
- Through and through hoàn toàn
Ex: to be wet through and through ướt hoàn toàn
To look s.o through and through nhìn ai đó từ đầu đến chân
To read a book through and through đọc đi đọc lại một quyển
- He is a nice person though
Ex: sleep the whole night through
she nursed me through my long illness
bà ta săn sóc tôi suốt cả thời gian dài tôi bị bệnh

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