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HOME - ASSIGN MENT MA (Lovtntwn) TOPIC 4 What % educabranat phlewPhy ? How +s offperenl Geom — pvlowePhy g eclutalion Once Le rulalioninp helen Pre loophy anol Lolucatiton » Bilionty Orel — Seruyatual A KoweU 6% qrethodt G Peowledg « WANE % WAoREM ROBLRT SiiGH MA (Edlucalitn) 1 Serester Pate Ra - 7 SUBMITTED TO, On. Labka Mea euhaliapp 0. 99984 ThIOT 3% preemben , 202) LI thal oh extucalioral phulisgpg ? WOU ss ke clyyprend from Phitorephy yf eclucalion ? Ao Plorepay arct etucstin are clotity valtn « palate | arcl snl cbepnrclent Prilerophy pont Cal? the sang Aecobier (etlow “t Mibigul — plrbophy —cauertion evdulel koa Alrd — oferk Orel us treat etucilisr pr loeyeg Aieuth he tHypled Mideling ti Toby Lusuy” Phetosoply <4 the thuerg 4 education in 4 mat quval pho” Puwreling Le fiche wee "Te ant ¢ atucetier, | sell peur olleyn — Chmplale Charen chu preter Aecsiching te Speers tn" ye Jun — echucalion Pract wate te Far phudonofbura” Ths , ve frag dire ecluca tion Pritocoptig. te a i Opplitalten — af phloreptseal — prererpple jn the selacgliorek prac — Ausbath Cehack Gf Wutaion Leunely bh Qin, g tumor Life Gn Mort ecteccelvnat Ploopty rll, —phelesephy Ap WO Be pectim Yt uation y wh, Po Pilani Yo teat tems a pare fom Ph leeptry - fecbitrat —phiteuphing + ton &4 ag pare Y CM anode Plelorphittnn Y we au & ye hl an ealticalitrat enfrans ae aug nay Val ak Oe pareernat tant eluleping Legal md — Conailint —ppanawbih. Mistigh sulich thy eclucabue pion. areuy be fat pely Lutwed . be pet, prtomphy Yo tualio, prowdu 0 meen | Prlbeabstttek — frome Gf Pufetente Mista suis A wees the — etucalitrat —prwat . Ulbiwolaly al probhins ¥ eelucer- | ior an Lhe prtlin of philomphry. Philorephg g eucalidn phot Cugprad don Jagatclo gy | all aytd 4 eclucalign porteelarely edtucalipred Qtrra , reo gy aching cursed , Lincnr , Alalent phe HM duck heat thucalionn — phitowphg Gus Ayeunt wine , but thes tlw hior 14 mot arrrfud , Halter ak bln i fe oul stutly~ Se fp oly fn Ute in fouling uation accercling g phelomphy 4 wu tabion Jeftekt te orulliplicity dred aeaswtn gf Ammo. 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