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Multiple Choice Questions

15 the set of zorces that energize, direct, and sustan behavior

d socialzation

2 Which or the tollowing statements segarding ntermal torces ot motivation is true?

sa tan external torces of motivation
hThThey zorces ot motivation.
Thev are as inomortant eal
d They are seldom recognized by managers.

3. Whieh of the following is NOT a "pull force of motiration"

a availability of traning
b performance-jevel gou
C. rewards and compensatio0
d pressure tor high levels of output

4Which of the follong is NOT an internal nmotivational force?



S. Characteristics of a job are coussdered forces, which tocus on_

a external or push; what happens in the work setting
external oror pall. what aa person does in the work setting
C.nternal push, what person brings to as or her work
d internal or pull, what happens outside of the work setting

6. Which of the following is NOT a "push" force of motivation?

ecarity needs
b. career adrancement goals
cattitudes about the superisor
d the amount and timing of feedback
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ro yor textbook
fram all of the following EXCEPT
can be used to form
in the workplace.
he chaete
b. the characteristics of the individual
Cthe characteristics of the work situation
d the characteristics of the business environment

oCs onthattheseem
needs a person is trying to satisfy and the features of the work
to satisty those needs
ocess theories
.Content theorze
Satuational theoties
d Motrational thedories

9.1o begin motivating an apathetic associate, a manager informally questions her about
her satisfaction wath her job's ability to provide safety. social interaction, self-respect,
and opportunities for growth What theory of motivation is this mauager most likely
yng to aPpiy m workng with the associate?
O need aierarcay
" pectey tieory
MeCle eOTy
d.ccleLnnd s acqured needs thedary

10. Which of the following is NOT a conteat theory?

a. Maslow s need hierarehy
s expectaucy theory
Herzberg's two-tactor theoryy
d McClelland s acquired needs theory

.Apiant manager im a small tactory wishes to raise morale in his workforce. The
manager notes that tne working conditions at the plant are sate, clean, and pleasanat
aud that recent expansion of the worktorce has assured the employees that their jobs
are secure. Which of the following actions should the manager take to ensure that the
belongingness needs in Maslow s hierarchy are satistied
a pay bonuses to workers who achiere specified goals

b. publicly praise those workers who have been most productire

TOster tae evelopient or SALs

tea. to allow more social interaction
workers wao show talent in a particular area

12. Maslow 's hierarchy of needs includes all of the following categories EXCEPT
Copyright & (2009) Pearson Education. Inc. Publishing as (Prentice Hal)
18. iavrolves increasing the complexity of a job to prov1de a greater sense of
Tesponsibility, accomplishment, and achiervemeat.
a Goal setting
Job enrichmeat
Job enhancement
Posstive reinforcement

19.Wile they agree that satusfaction 1s a factor in motivation, scholars note that there is

ttie evidence that increasing employee satssfactson actually increases motitvation

Lis has led them to critscize the as being orerly simplistic.
qury theory
b. expectancy tneoty
C. two-factor theory
d hierarchy of needs theory

20 asserts that individials are ikely to compare the ratios of inputs to outcomes
tey teceve agamst the ratios of other people, such as colleagues or acquaintances
Acqf ed needs theory

yu tOr theory

21. Accordng to the job characteristics model. the degree to which a job hasa
substantal mpact on the lives of other people
a autonomy
b. task sdentty
d. feedback from the job

22. Hackman and Oldham proposed that is the degree to which a job requires the
completion of a "whole and identifiable piece of work
a. autonomy
b. Skill ¥atiety

Ctasa0 nce

23. Whereas focus on which vaniables affect motivation. focus on how the
variables affect motivation.
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a. content theories, process tuO
b. proces5 theories,

equity the0
rentorcement theories
d. goll-setting theories,

24. All of the following EXCEPT are process taeories ot work motuvation.
a goal-setting theory
b. exxpectancy theory cogustre theory
d acquired needs theory

D. within the context of the job characteristics model, 15 1nrolred when
ace oesigner knows
the machine snop
tnat er Seueiaics Are cotect, as *ery tew ate ejected

a skill variety
0. task 1dentry
c.task significance
d feedback from the job

26. A low-lerel manager in a certam compauy finds out thnt a colleague who pertorms
Smlar work 1s getting paid coasiderably more than he 1s. According to equiry theory,
which of the following 1s the LEAST nkely way this worker might thnk in order to
teauce as eeing or nequity
1sot very good at what I do.
D5uPpose er job st be a lot more demanding than mine
ooes not
d On ell
Oh T I m do1ng better than anyone else in mygettamaily
we. at least ie anywhere
ever ded.

27. The basic components of_ are effort., performance, and outcomes.
a equaty theory
b. goal-setting theory
c. expectaney y
d. social cognitive theory

28. Expectancy theory asserts that "instrumentality" or

is the probability thata
particular lerel of pertformance will lead to particular outcomes or consequences.
a ettort-to-o1ifc ome
. etort-to-consequences
a. pertormance-to-outcome

Copyright e (2009) Pearson Education Inc. Publishing as (Prentice Hal1)
34. Albert Bandura's social cognitive theory defines as gaining knowiedge by
obserting how others perform a task and then modeling one 's on behario in a
Similar m
.tteractitte mastery
b icarious ie arlng
C.ocular discernment
d pliyssological observation

35.A call center manager hopes to improve the performance of her staff by decreasing
aege e pe o1c Fst, Sue Sets up a perotmance boara wiere the

copae to ae avetage
ealt teneth foe the rasa T
average.Aeor ording to zoal theory, how could she improve this scheme?
a. She should make the goal easier
.She should make the goal moe specific
C.She should make the goal less specific.
d. She should make the goal more elaborate

36. Goal-setting research suggests that people will exert higher levels of effort when
goals are
a easy and general
b. challenging and specific
C. rery difficult to attain and specific
dmoderately easy to attain and general

31. A study jointly conducted on Amencan and Israeli students showed that a lack of
participation had a muchmore senous negatie ettect on the Istaeli students than on

will not harre

a nositite f thisst nce.
unlessthey are propetny
are properly
b. goals have little positire effect on performance, erven if they set
articeination in goal setting will be more effective in countries and cultures Where
collectire decision making is the norm
d. participation in goal setting will be more effective in countries and culnures where
ndsTadualism 1s the norm

38. Aproduction supervisor receitres a bonus for each day a project is completed ahead of
schednle. Thus 1s an exampie of
negative reinforcement
posite renrorcement
d equitable incentiv1zation

Copyright E 2009) Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as (Prentice Hall)
39. Shortiy arrer Christmas, a catalog company 15 besieged by complaints or poor service,
so a task force desigus an incentite plan motrate associates to fll orders more
quickly and more accurately. To be an etfective positire reinforcement strategy, the
proposed incentive plan should NOT be
. excusave

40. A sales
representatie is told that if he exceeds his sales for the last quarter by 20
w De tansterred to another sales
Tepresentatite Ths
9dE pie
a. extinction
b. punishment
Cnegatie reinforcement
d positire renforcement

41. When a manager uses to lessen the lkelahood of a beharior being repeated, he
or she avoids providing any positire consequences as a result of that behavior
a extinction
b. rererSibility
d negative reinforcement

42. Manager A takes the time to know her subordinates well enough so that she can adapt
her motirational strategies to each consequentiy, the work groups she supervises
cousistentiy pertorm vey we wBen anager 5 resigns unexpecteay, a senior
mager congralates anager.A on ler excelleat maagng ss andeasignser
b. unintended punishnment; decrease
C. negative reinforcement, decrease
d positivre reinforcement, increase

43. A shift manager at a fast-food restaurant is using when she fines a habitually
tardy crewmember the equraleat of one lhour s pay each day he is late tor work
Cnegatre reinforcement
d employment psychology
Copyright (2009) Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as (Prentice Hall)
50. Scholarly research has defined as the degree of general mportance that
individual at a point in time.
OEKAng Das in the life ot an
b selr-ernce
work centrality
positive reintorcement

Short Essay Questions

51. Identify the three basic categories of variables that determine motivation in the
woTK Settng
The three categories inchude the following characteristics of the individual-needs
lnd attitdes: characteristics of the job-feedback, workload, and variety and
teristics of the work situation the social environment and orgaizat:onal actions.

52. Explain Maslow's need hierarchy.

Maslow suggested that our needs are aranged in a huerarchy. tn the followng order
physiological, safety, belongingness. esteem and self-actualization He sad that people
focus on satisfying higher-level needs, only when their most basic needs hare been met
If basic needs were to become threatened, then people would refocus ou lower-level
aeeds, moreorer, they would decrease their ettorts to satisty social, esteem, and
achievement needs uatil the threat to basic needs had passed

$3. Discuss Alderfer's ERG theory

The ERG theory presuzes that different levels of ueeds can be actire at the saie time,a
level needs can
oe t
to foeusin oa
lver lerel
eu3 a higher-level
atisfe e en if that
need, even
ager-ierel need, that lower-
lervel need has already been

4. Within the context of the two-factor theory, what are "motivators" and "hygiene
Motivators are intrinsie factors directly related to dong a job, for example., the aature ot
e woktset, teopOnsiDy ievel, persolai growm, and the senst or achierement or
to doing
recognition directly receired from dong the work Hygiene factors are extrinsic
Copyright 2009) Pearson Education Inc. Publishing as (Prentice Hall)
the job. pertaining instead to the condations surrounding it, for instance, supervision.
to beuefits
reiations ith coworkers, workimg conditions, and company policies related
and compensation.

55. What is equity theory?

Equity theory proposes that indiiduals compare their circumstances with those of others,
and that such comparisons may motivate certain kinds ot behaviors. This theory
eople knor what kind of effort and skills they put into their jobs and wDat mds o
utccomes fthey recete from their employer. 1he theory also assumes that indeviduals are
ikely to compare ther input outc ome ratios with thne nput/outcome rati10s ot colleagues
or acquaintances. These comparisons determine whether an ndavdual eels equrab
treated. ir the comparisons result in teelings of mequity toward others, then the indivzdual
making the observation wll be motivated to take steps to reduce those feelings.

0. How can managers use expectancy theory to intluence the motivation of


Managers can potenfially inthuence the motivration of employees n the followng ways:
1dentiyng rewards that are valued, strengthening employee s beliefs that their elforts
rill lead to valued rewards; helping employees understand where they should direct their
efforts, rewarding employees immediately after they reach targeted levels of
performance and providing rewards that are consistent with realistic expectations.

$7. What is self-efficacy? How can it be inereased

Self-efficacy is an individual's confidence that he or she can complete a certain task

e-ePeieice, rasion and physiological and
terbal pers1uasion, and phvsiolozical
and psychological
58, Describe the relationship between goal-setting theory and management.

Goal-setting theory asstumes that hUman action is directed by goals and targets
Lheretose, it managers can mtiuence goals and targets, tney can directiy attect
performance. Ihe level at which goals are set 1s a potentaly powertl determinant of
mottatson, and obtainimg a person s commitmeat to particular goals 1s cratical. Despte
regular findungs supportung a goal-seting approach, it is not clear whether goals that are
et tatougn aprocess oT participarion tesut m gnet
iees ot perOAnce taan goais
assagned by a superrisor or manager Howeter, research has shown that setting goals has
a positive ettect on pertormance, no matter how those goals are se

59. What is the difference between positive reinforcement and negative


Copyight (2009) Pearson Education, Inc. Publushng as (Prentice Hall)

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