Se-Kwon Kim - Handbook of Marine Microalgae - Biotechnology Advances-Academic Press (2015)

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Pukyong National University, Busan, South Korea


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Cynthia Alcantara Valladolid University, Depart- Technology, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)
ment of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi, India
Technology, Valladolid, Spain Eleftherios Bonos Laboratory of Nutrition, School
Sarmidi Amin Agency for Assessment and Applica- of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences,
tion Technology (BPPT), Indonesia Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki,
Cristiano V.M. Araujo Institute of Marine Sciences Greece
of Andalusia (CSIC), Research group of Ecotoxicol- Charlotte Bruneel KU Leuven Kulak, Research Unit
ogy, Ecophysiology and Biodiversity of Aquatic Food and Lipids, Kortrijk, Belgium; KU Leuven,
Systems, Excellence International Campus of Leuven Food Science and Nutrition Research
the Seas (CEIMAR), Puerto Real, Cadiz, Spain; Uni- Centre (LFoRCe), Leuven, Belgium
versidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí (ULEAM), Laura Bulgariu “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical
Central Department of Research (DCI), Manta, University of Iasxi, Faculty of Chemical Engineering
Ecuador and Environmental Protection, Department of Envi-
Ali Bahadar Department of Chemical and Materials ronmental Engineering and Management, Iasxi,
Engineering, King Abdulaziz University, Rabigh, Romania
Saudi Arabia; School of Chemical and Materials Faizal Bux Institute for Water and Wastewater Tech-
Engineering (SCME), National University of Sci- nology, Durban University of Technology, Durban,
ences and Technology (NUST), Islamabad, Pakistan South Africa
Lieselot Balduyck KU Leuven Kulak, Research Unit Poonam Choudhary Applied Microbiology Labora-
Food and Lipids, Kortrijk, Belgium; KU Leuven, tory, Centre for Rural Development and Technol-
Leuven Food Science and Nutrition Research ogy, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi,
Centre (LFoRCe), Leuven, Belgium Hauz Khas, New Delhi, India
Bernardo Ba~nuelos-Hernandez Universidad Aut o- Efterpi Christaki Laboratory of Nutrition, School of
noma de San Luis Potosí, Laboratorio de Bio- Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences,
farmacéuticos Recombinantes, Facultad de Ciencias Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki,
Químicas, San Luis Potosí, Mexico Greece
Luísa Barreira University of Algarve, CCMAR, Samuel Cirés James Cook University, College of
Centre of Marine Sciences, Faro, Portugal Marine and Environmental Sciences, Townsville,
opez Universidad Aut
Josué I. Beltran-L onoma de QLD, Australia; James Cook University, Centre
San Luis Potosí, Laboratorio de Biofarmacéuticos for Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture, Towns-
Recombinantes, Facultad de Ciencias Químicas, ville, QLD, Australia; James Cook University,
San Luis Potosí, Mexico Comparative Genomics Centre, Townsville, QLD,
Michael J. Betenbaugh Johns Hopkins University, Australia
Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineer- Luísa Custodio University of Algarve, CCMAR,
ing, Baltimore, MD, USA Centre of Marine Sciences, Faro, Portugal
Arghya Bhattacharya Applied Microbiology Labo- Cecilia Faraloni CNR, Istituto per lo Studio degli
ratory, Centre for Rural Development and Ecosistemi Sezione di Firenze, Firenze, ITALY


Panagiota Florou-Paneri Laboratory of Nutrition, Seong-Joo Hong Marine Bioenergy Research Cen-
School of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Health ter, Department of Biological Engineering, Inha
Sciences, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, University, Korea
Thessaloniki, Greece Roger Huerlimann James Cook University, College
Imogen Foubert KU Leuven Kulak, Research Unit of Marine and Environmental Sciences, Townsville,
Food and Lipids, Kortrijk, Belgium; KU Leuven, QLD, Australia; James Cook University, Centre for
Leuven Food Science and Nutrition Research Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture, Townsville,
Centre (LFoRCe), Leuven, Belgium QLD, Australia
Katkam N. Gangadhar University of Algarve, Pavan P. Jutur DBT-ICGEB Centre for Advanced
CCMAR, Centre of Marine Sciences, Faro, Portugal; Bioenergy Research, New Delhi, India
New University of Lisbon, Institute of Chemical Kyong-Hwa Kang Department of Marine-Bio.
and Biological Technology, Lisbon, Portugal Convergence Science and Marine Bioprocess
Maria Gavrilescu “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical Research Center, Pukyong National University,
University of Iasxi, Faculty of Chemical Engineering Busan, Republic of Korea
and Environmental Protection, Department of Envi- Prachi Kaushik Applied Microbiology Laboratory,
ronmental Engineering and Management, Ias xi, Centre for Rural Development and Technology,
Romania; Academy of Romanian Scientists, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi, Hauz
Bucharest, Romania Khas, New Delhi, India
Koen Goiris KU Leuven Technology Campus M. Bilal Khan Center for Advanced Studies in
Ghent, Laboratory of Enzyme, Fermentation and Energy (CAE), National University of Sciences
Brewing Technology, Ghent, Belgium and Technology (NUST), Islamabad, Pakistan
A. Catarina Guedes Interdisciplinary Centre of M.A. Asim K. Jalwana School of Electrical Engineer-
Marine and Environmental Research (CIIMAR/ ing and Computer Sciences (SEECS), National
CIMAR), University of Porto, Porto, Portugal University of Sciences and Technology (NUST),
Benoit Guieysse Massey University, School of Engi- Islamabad, Pakistan
neering and Advanced Technology, Palmerston Se-Kwon Kim Marine Bioprocess Research
North, New Zealand Center, Pukyong National University, Busan,
Abhishek Guldhe Institute for Water and Republic of Korea; Specialized Graduate School
Wastewater Technology, Durban University of Science and Technology Convergence, Pukyong
Technology, Durban, South Africa National University, Department of Marine-Bio
Sanjay Kumar Gupta Institute for Water and Convergence Science, Busan, Republic of Korea
Wastewater Technology, Durban University of Ayse Kose Ege University, Engineering Faculty,
Technology, Durban, South Africa Department of Bioengineering, Izmir, Turkey
Bernardo J. Guzman Johns Hopkins University, Man Kee Lam Chemical Engineering Department,
Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Bandar Seri
Engineering, Baltimore, MD, USA Iskandar, Perak, Malaysia
Kirsten Heimann James Cook University, College of Choul-Gyun Lee Marine Bioenergy Research Cen-
Marine and Environmental Sciences, Townsville, ter, Department of Biological Engineering, Inha
QLD, Australia; James Cook University, Centre University, Korea
for Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture, Towns- Keat Teong Lee Low Carbon Economy (LCE)
ville, QLD, Australia; James Cook University, Research Group, School of Chemical Engineering,
Comparative Genomics Centre, Townsville, QLD, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Nibong Tebal, Pulau
Australia Pinang, Malaysia
S.W.A. Himaya The Institute for Molecular Biosci- Yuan Kun Lee National University of Singapore,
ence, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, Department
QLD, Australia of Microbiology, Singapore
Baboucarr Lowe Pukyong National University, George A. Oyler Johns Hopkins University,
Department of Marine-Bio Convergence Science, Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineer-
Busan, South Korea ing, Baltimore, MD, USA; Synaptic Research,
F. Xavier Malcata University of Porto, Department of Baltimore, MD, USA
Chemical Engineering, Porto, Portugal; LEPABEd J. Paniagua-Michel Laboratory for Bioactive Com-
Laboratory of Process Engineering, Environment, pounds and Bioremediation, Department of Marine
Biotechnology and Energy, Porto, Portugal Biotechnology, Centro de Investigaci
on Científica y
Anushree Malik Applied Microbiology Laboratory, de Educacion Superior de Ensenada (CICESE),
Centre for Rural Development and Technology, Ensenada, BC, México
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi, Hauz Hugo Pereira University of Algarve, CCMAR,
Khas, New Delhi, India Centre of Marine Sciences, Faro, Portugal
Panchanathan Manivasagan Pukyong National José C.M. Pires Universidade do Porto, LEPABE,
University, Department of Marine-Bio Convergence Departamento de Engenharia Química, Faculdade
Science and Marine Bioprocess Research Center, de Engenharia, Porto, Portugal
Busan, South Korea Esther Posadas Valladolid University, Department
Ignacio Moreno-Garrido Institute of Marine of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Tech-
Sciences of Andalusia (CSIC), Research group of nology, Valladolid, Spain
Ecotoxicology, Ecophysiology and Biodiversity of Kurniadhi Prabandono Ministry for Marine affairs
Aquatic Systems, Excellence International Campus and FisherieseRepublic of Indonesia
of the Seas (CEIMAR), Puerto Real, Cadiz, Spain
Sanjeev K. Prajapati Applied Microbiology Labora-
ul Mu~noz Valladolid University, Department of tory, Centre for Rural Development and Technol-
Chemical Engineering and Environmental Technol- ogy, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi,
ogy, Valladolid, Spain Hauz Khas, New Delhi, India
Koenraad Muylaert KU Leuven Kulak, Research P.T. Pratheesh School of Biosciences, Mahatma Gan-
Unit Aquatic Biology, Kortrijk, Belgium dhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India
Asha A. Nesamma DBT-ICGEB Centre for Zhong-Ji Qian College of Food Science and Technol-
Advanced Bioenergy Research, New Delhi, India ogy, Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang,
Daphne H.P. Ng National University of Singapore, PR China
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, Department Ismail Rawat Institute for Water and Wastewater
of Microbiology, Singapore Technology, Durban University of Technology,
Yi Kai Ng National University of Singapore, Durban, South Africa
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, Department Sergio Rosales-Mendoza Universidad Aut onoma
of Microbiology, Singapore de San Luis Potosí, Laboratorio de Bio-
Dai-Hung Ngo Marine Bioprocess Research Center, farmacéuticos Recombinantes, Facultad de Ciencias
Pukyong National University, Busan, Republic of Químicas, San Luis Potosí, Mexico
Korea Julian N. Rosenberg Johns Hopkins University,
Victor H. Oh Johns Hopkins University, Depart- Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineer-
ment of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, ing, Baltimore, MD, USA; Synaptic Research,
Baltimore, MD, USA Baltimore, MD, USA
Jorge Olmos Soto Molecular Microbiology Labora- BoMi Ryu School of Pharmacy, The University of
tory, Department of Marine Biotechnology, Centro Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, Australia
de Investigaci
on Científica y de Educacion Supe- Rakesh Chandra Saxena Indian Institute of Petro-
rior de Ensenada (CICESE), Ensenada, B.C., México leum, Dehradun, India
Suphi S. Oncel Ege University, Engineering Faculty, Kashif M. Shaikh DBT-ICGEB Centre for Advanced
Department of Bioengineering, Izmir, Turkey Bioenergy Research, New Delhi, India

Hui Shen National University of Singapore, Giuseppe Torzillo CNR-Istituto per lo Studio degli
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, Department Ecosistemi Sezione di Firenze, Firenze, Italy
of Microbiology, Singapore Fazilet Vardar Ege University, Engineering Faculty,
Jasvinder Singh Indian Institute of Petroleum, Department of Bioengineering, Izmir, Turkey
Dehradun, India ao Varela University of Algarve, CCMAR, Centre
Poonam Singh Institute for Water and Wastewater of Marine Sciences, Faro, Portugal
Technology, Durban University of Technology, Jayachandran Venkatesan Pukyong National Uni-
Durban, South Africa versity, Department of Marine-Bio Convergence
Ganapathy Sivakumar Arkansas State University, Science and Marine Bioprocess Research Center,
Arkansas Biosciences Institute and College of Agri- Busan, South Korea
culture and Technology, Jonesboro, AR, USA M. Vineetha Department of Microbiology, Govern-
Isabel Sousa-Pinto Interdisciplinary Centre of ment Arts and Science College, Kozhinjampara,
Marine and Environmental Research (CIIMAR/ Palakkad, Kerala, India
CIMAR), University of Porto, Porto, Portugal; Thanh-Sang Vo Marine Bioprocess Research Cen-
University of Porto, Department of Biology, Faculty ter, Pukyong National University, Busan, Republic
of Sciences, Porto, Portugal of Korea
Leanne Sparrow James Cook University, College of Geng Yu Johns Hopkins University, Department of
Marine and Environmental Sciences, Townsville, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Baltimore,
QLD, Australia; James Cook University, Centre MD, USA
for Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture, Towns-
Luc De Cooman KU Leuven Technology Campus
ville, QLD, Australia
Ghent, Laboratory of Enzyme, Fermentation and
Keat H. Teoh Arkansas State University, Arkansas Brewing Technology, Ghent, Belgium
Biosciences Institute and College of Agriculture
and Technology, Jonesboro, AR, USA

The marine system has a huge amount of Chapters 22e27 explain the use of genetic
unexplored animals, plants, and microorganisms engineering in marine microalgae to optimize
of great interest to researchers. Among these, the bioenergy production.
marine algae have been extensively studied for Chapters 28e31 investigate the usage of
various biological and biomedical applications. marine microalgae in water treatment and bio-
Marine microalgae are typically found in the remediation.
marine system and are explored for industrial Chapters 34e36 deal with toxins in microalgae
applications. Microalgae have a capacity to pro- and their usage.
duce polymers, toxins, fatty acids, enzymes, I express my sincere thanks to all the authors
which can be useful for pharmaceutical, nutra- who have provided the state-of-the-art contribu-
ceutical, and cosmeceutical developments. tions included in this book. I am also thankful to
The present book Handbook of Marine Microal- Academic Press publishers for their continual
gae: Biotechnology Advances describes the charac- support, which is essential for the successful
teristic features of marine microalgae substances, completion of the present work.
their source, isolation, cultivation, production, I hope that the fundamental as well as applied
and applications (biological, biomedical, and in- contributions in this book might serve as poten-
dustrial applications). tial research and development leads for the
Chapter 1 of this book provides the general benefit of humankind. Microalgae biotechnology
introduction to the topics covered in the present will be an important field in the future aimed at
book and deals with marine microalgae technol- the enrichment of targeted algal species, which
ogy in all aspects. further establishes a sustainable oceanic environ-
Chapters 2e6 describe the diversity, signifi- ment. The current book is intended to be a hand-
cance, classification, isolation, and mass produc- book for emerging students and experts in the
tion of microalgae. field of biotechnology.
Chapters 7e12 explain bioenergy, the histori- Prof. Se-Kwon Kim
cal background use of microalgae, and biofuel Pukyong National University
(biohydrogen and bioethanol) production from Busan, South Korea
Chapters 13e19 deal with microalgae usage
in cosmeceuticals, nutraceuticals, and pharma-
ceuticals in detail.


I would like to thank the Publisher, Elsevier, throughout the course of this book project.
for their continuous encouragement and sugges- I strongly recommend this book for marine
tions to get this wonderful compilation published. algae researchers/students/industrialists, and
I would also like to extend my sincere gratitude hope that it helps to enhance their understanding
to all the contributors for providing their help, in this field.
support, and advice to accomplish this task.
Further, I would like to thank Dr. Jayachandran Prof Se-Kwon Kim
Venkatesan, Dr. Panchanathan Manivasagan, Pukyong National University
and Dr. S.W.A. Himaya, who worked with me Busan, South Korea


Marine Microalgae Biotechnology:
Present Trends and Future Advances
Jayachandran Venkatesan, Panchanathan Manivasagan,
Se-Kwon Kim
Pukyong National University, Department of Marine-Bio Convergence Science and Marine Bioprocess
Research Center, Busan, South Korea


Microalgae are unicellular species, commonly Isolation, production, and culture of microal-
found in marine and freshwater with the size gae are important steps to producing a commer-
ranging from a few micrometers to a few hun- cial product in sufficient amounts. Microalgae
dreds of micrometers. It has been estimated growths are dependent on light, water tempera-
that 2  105 to 8  105 species exist. Microalgae ture, nutrient concentration, salinity, and pH
are a promising source for several bioactive (Brennan and Owende, 2010; Mutanda et al.,
compounds (Cardozo et al., 2007; Norton et al., 2011). Collection, sampling, and preservation
1996). Polymers, peptides, fatty acids, caroten- techniques must be optimized to grow a high-
oids, toxins, and sterols are important bioactive quality microalgae sample. Three important
products produced by microalgae. Microalgae isolation techniques are commonly used for
do not contain stems and roots as do higher microalgae collection:
plants. The three most important classes of
1. Streaking
microalgae in terms of abundance are the dia-
2. Serial dilution
toms (Bacillariophyceae), the green algae (Chloro-
3. Single-cell isolation (He et al., 2012).
phyceae), and the golden algae (Chrysophyceae).
The cyanobacteria or blue-green algae (Cyano- Different kinds of culture techniques are
phyceae) are also referred to as microalgae, i.e., available to culture microalgae; culture media
Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis and Arthrospira and culture conditions are the main aspects to
maxima). be considered in microalgae cultivation.

Handbook of Marine Microalgae 1 © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Several important nutrients (nitrate, urea, Phaeodactylum, Chaetoceros, Nannochloropsis,

ammonium, vitamins, phosphorous, nitrogen, Skeletonema, and Thalassiosira genera (Brown
iron, manganese, selenium, cobalt, nickel, and et al., 1996; Spolaore et al., 2006). Marine algae
zinc) are required for the production of any have been used as food additives, for bivalve
microalgae species (Andersen, 2005; Harrison mollusks (oysters, scallops, clams, and mussels)
and Berges, 2005). and fishmeal. There is a promising work in the
Microalgae can be cultured mainly in two area of using microalgae as a food additive to
different kinds of systems: increase weight, oil content, and protein deposi-
tion in muscle. The nutritional composition of
1. Open cultivation
microalgae is made up of carbohydrates, pro-
2. Photobioreactor.
teins, vitamins, lipids, antioxidants, and other
The traditional open cultivation method trace elements. Kang et al. (2012) reported the
(lakes and ponds) has been used since 1950. nutritional composition of microalgae (Navicular
The photobioreactor system has more advan- incerta): crude lipidse8.76%, crude proteinse
tages than open cultivation, avoiding several 50.38%, and carbohydratese10.84%, respec-
issues such as contamination and environmental tively. A general overview of microalgae in
disturbance. There are three distinct algae pro- food usage is explained in Figure 1.
duction mechanisms: photoautotrophic, hetero-
trophic, and mixotrophic.
3.2 Fatty Acids
Microalgae are traditionally considered
3. APPLICATIONS OF MARINE good sources of fatty acids (Benemann, 1989;
MICROALGAE Borowitzka, 2013). The accumulation of fatty
acids by microalgae is well developed and
Microalgae have been widely used for various presented elsewhere (Griffiths and Harrison,
applications including human and animal nutri- 2009; Rodolfi et al., 2009). The presence of
tion, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, CO2 capture, eicosapentaenoic acid (C20:5) and docosahexae-
bioenergy production, and nutrient removal noic acid (C22:6) is of interest for their health
from wastewater. Biological properties of algae benefits (Harris et al., 2008; Mozaffarian and
and their components are well studied in the Rimm, 2006). Cyanobacterium Spirulina is rich
following areas of research: antioxidants, antimi- in linolenic acid and a good source for polyun-
crobials, anticancer agents, anti-inflammatory saturated fatty acid (PUFA) (Mahajan and
and cardiovascular health, anti-obesity, and anti- Kamat, 1995).
diabetic activity (Dominguez, 2013).

3.3 Nutraceuticals
3.1 Animal Feed
Microalgae are particularly of interest as a
Microalgae have been investigated as human source of nutraceuticals because algae can
and animal foods for over six decades (Liu produce a number of biomolecules, viz, beta-
et al., 2014). Although several hundreds of carotene, lutein, astaxanthin, chlorophyll,
microalgae species have been investigated for phycobiliprotein, and PUFAs, which are useful
food applications, only a few have been for human and animal health and development.
used in aquaculture. The most common species Marine microalgae pigments are carotenoids,
are Chlorella, Tetraselmis, Isochrysis, Pavlova, chlorophylls, and phycobiliproteins, which have

FIGURE 1 Food commodities from microalgae (Draaisma et al., 2013).

health-promoting properties such as vitamin pre- microalgae expressed as g per 100 g dry weight
cursors, antioxidants, immune enhancers, and are presented in Table 1.
anti-inflammatory agents. Accordingly, microal-
gae pigments can find commercial applications
as innovative functional ingredients in the food
3.4 Cosmeceuticals
and feed industries, as well as in pharmaceuticals Microalgae-derived skin care products have
and in cosmetics (Borowitzka, 2013). Microalgae been developed in the form of anti-aging
that have become more prevalent in food supple- creams, refreshing or regenerating care
ments and nutraceuticals are Nostoc, Botryococ- products, emollients and anti-irritants in peelers,
cus, Anabaena, Chlamydomonas, Scenedesmus, sunscreen creams, and hair care products. These
Synechococcus, Perietochloris, and Porphyridium cosmetic products have been developed with
because they contain vitamins and essential marine microalgae extracts or bioactive
elements such as potassium, zinc, iodine, sele- components. By the early 2000s, numerous
nium, iron, manganese, copper, phosphorus, cosmetic companies in Europe and the
sodium, nitrogen, magnesium, cobalt, molybde- United States started to launch cosmetics that
num, sulfur, and calcium. Algae are also high used extractions of microalgae such as Spirulina,
producers of essential amino acids and omega 6 Chlorella, Arthrospira, Anacystis, Halymenia,
(arachidonic acid) and omega 3 (docosahexae- Nannochloro, and Dunaliella which act on the
noic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid) fatty acids epidermis to erase vascular imperfections by
(Simoons, 1990; West and Zubeck, 2012). boosting collagen synthesis and thus
Average nutritional compositions of the possibly prevent wrinkle formation (Stolz and

TABLE 1 Average Nutritional Composition of the Microalgae Expressed as Grams per 100 g Dry Weight (West and
Zubeck, 2012)

Component Spirulina Dunaliella Haematococcus Chlorella Aphanizomenon

Protein 63 7.4 23.6 64.5 1

Fat 4.3 7 13.8 10 3
Carbohydrates 17.8 29.7 38 15 23
Chlorophyll 1.15 2.2 0.4 (red), 1.1 (green) 5 1.8
Magnesium 0.319 4.59 1.14 0.264 0.2

Beta-carotene 0.12 1.6 0.054 0.086 0.42

Vitamin B1 (thiamin) 0.001 0.0009 0.00047 0.0023 0.004
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.0045 0.0009 0.0017 0.005 0.0006
Vitamin B3 (niacin) 0.0149 0.001 0.0066 0.025 0.013
Vitamin B5 0.0013 0.0005 0.0014 0.0019 0.0008
(pantothenic acid)
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 0.00096 0.0004 0.00036 0.0025 0.0013
Vitamin B9 (folic acid) 0.000027 0.00004 0.00029 0.0006 0.0001

Vitamin B12 0.00016 0.000004 0.00012 0.000008 0.0006


Obermayer, 2005). Mycosporine-like amino 3.5 Pharmaceuticals

acids from Spirulina, Chlorella, and Dunaliella
Marine microalgae are rich in biologically
are known to act as sunscreens to reduce ultravi-
active compounds, which can be used for pharma-
olet (UV)-induced damage (Atkin et al., 2006;
ceutical and nutraceutical development. Microal-
Balskus and Walsh, 2010; Dionisio-Se Se, 2010;
gae have a capacity to produce toxins that can be
Garciapichel et al., 1993; Priyadarshani and
used for pharmaceutical applications. Cyanobac-
Rath, 2012). Carotenoids such as astaxanthin,
teria are known to produce extracellular and
lutein, zeaxanthin, and canthaxanthin found in
intracellular metabolites, which possess anti-
Haematococcus and Dunaliella protect against
fungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties
sun damage and also are reported to have anti-
(Baquero et al., 2008; Noaman et al., 2004;
oxidant activity (Gierhart and Fox, 2013; Guerin
Thillairajasekar et al., 2009). Figure 2 shows the
et al., 2003; Tominaga et al., 2012; Walker et al.,
important compounds of blue green alga Lyng-
2005). Beta-carotene and astaxanthin are impor-
bya majuscula which can be used for drug
tant microalgal products and are commonly
used in cosmetic applications (as protection
against oxidation of essential PUFAs, protection 1. Cytotoxic activity is important in anticancer
against UV light effects) (Lorenz and Cysewski, drugs (Sirenko and Kirpenko, 1999; Simmons
2000). et al., 2005)
OMe H N Me
Curacin A H H

H 3C H CH3 O


Majusculamide A
H 3C N

Lyngbyatoxin A Debromoaplysiatoxin

FIGURE 2 Variant structural types found in an identical species of the blue-green alga Lyngbya majuscula.

2. Antiviral activities are found mainly in 9. Gastric and hepatic protective effects (Abdel-
cyanobacteria but also in apochlorotic Wahhab, Ahmed & Hagazi, 2006)
diatoms and the conjugaphyte Spirogyra, 10. Antidiabetic and antiobesity properties
where certain sulfolipids are active, for (Mayer and Hamann, 2005)
example, against the herpes simplex virus 11. Antiviral activity (Hayashi et al., 2008;
(Muller-Feuga et al., 2003) Hernandez-Corona et al., 2002; Shimizu,
3. Antimicrobial activity is under investigation 1996)
to find new antibiotics, although currently 12. Asthma (Senevirathne and Kim, 2011).
the success rate is about 1% (Muller-Feuga Diatoms are a kind of microalgae and consist
et al., 2003) of biosilica; they are used for drug delivery due
4. Antifungal activity is found in different to their pore size and drug-holding capacity.
extracts of cyanobacteria (Nagai et al., 1992) Isolation, culture and characterization methods
5. Neuroprotective agents from Spirulina of diatom are important to use in commercial
(Chamorro et al., 2006; McCarty, 2007; applications (drug delivery applications).
Nuhu, 2013) Diatom biosilica have been used to load several
6. Antioxidants (Miranda et al., 1998) anti-inflammatory drugs and release them at a
7. Anti-inflammatory activity (Jin et al., 2006) sustainable rate (Dolatabadi and de la Guardia,
8. Cardiovascular health effects (Doughman 2011; Gordon et al., 2009; Losic et al., 2010; Nassif
et al., 2007) and Livage, 2011).

3.6 Biofuels
Algae have been widely used for fuel produc-
tion because of their high photosynthetic effi-
ciency, high biomass production, and fast
growth (Miao et al., 2004). Microalgae contain
proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids; the lipids
can be converted into biodiesel, carbohydrates
into ethanol and H2, and proteins into the raw
material of biofertilizer (Raja et al., 2013). Biofuel
from microalgae can be processed by using
thermochemical and biochemical conversion.
The thermochemical process can be divided in
to gasification, liquefaction, pyrolysis, and direct
combustion; meanwhile, the biochemical process
can be divided into anaerobic digestion, fermen-
tation, and photobiological activity. By using a
gasification process, the biomass produces CH2, FIGURE 3 Concept of two-stage hydrogen production by
microalgae (Rashid et al., 2013).
H2, CO2, and ammonia.

3.6.1 Bioethanol production of biodiesel from microalgae (Chisti,

Bioethanol is an alternative biofuel to gasoline 2007; Li et al., 2008; Schenk et al., 2008).
(Dale, 2007; Demirbaş, 2000; Naik et al., 2010),
which can be produced through yeast fermenta- 3.6.3 Biohydrogen
tion of carbohydrates, specifically from sugary Biohydrogen from microalgae is an alterna-
and starchy feedstock, such as sugar cane, sugar tive source of energy. A two-stage method of
beets, corn, and wheat (Balat, 2009; Naik et al., production has been used: carbon fixation and
2010). Certain microalgae species are able to anaerobic digestion (Rashid et al., 2013). This
accumulate large quantities of carbohydrate concept of a two-stage hydrogen production by
within their cells. The carbohydrate is usually microalgae is shown in Figure 3.
stored at the outer layer of cell wall (Chen
et al., 2013). Through hydrolysis reaction, the
carbohydrate can be hydrolyzed into ferment- 3.7 Wastewater Treatment
able sugar (e.g., glucose) for subsequent bio- Microalgae-based wastewater treatment
ethanol production via fermentation process relies on the ability of phototrophic microorgan-
(Harun et al., 2010). isms to supply oxygen to aerobic organic
pollutant degraders and enhance the removal of
3.6.2 Biodiesel nutrients and pathogens. Conventional methods
Microalgae have a strong capacity to produce for the removal of heavy metals from wastewater
lipids, which can be easily converted to bio- include chemical precipitation, coagulation, ion
diesel. Transesterification using homogeneous exchange, membrane processing, electrochemical
and heterogeneous catalysts and in situ transes- techniques, adsorption on activated carbon, etc.
terification are possible methods to produce bio- (Dabrowski et al., 2004; Gautam et al., 2014;
fuel from microalgae lipids (Lam and Lee, 2012). Llanos et al., 2010; Wan Ngah and Hanafiah,
Several advantages have been described for the 2008).

4. CONCLUSIONS Benemann, J., 1989. The Future of Microalgal Biotechnology.

Algal and Cyanobacterial Biotechnology. Longman
Scientific & Technical, Harlow, UK, 317e337.
Microalgae are microscopic plants that Borowitzka, M.A., 2013. High-value products from microal-
contain potential bioactive materials in the gaedtheir development and commercialisation. J. Appl.
form of proteins, lipids, glycerols, carotenes, Phycol. 25 (3), 743e756.
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review of technologies for production, processing, and
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of the most valuable marine sources. The use of
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transgenic microalgae for commercial applica- Tonon, A.P., Lopes, N.P., Campos, S., Torres, M.A.,
tions has not yet been reported but holds signif- Souza, A.O., Colepicolo, P., Pinto, E., 2007. Metabolites
icant promise (Spolaore et al., 2006). Drug from algae with economical impact. Comp. Biochem.
development is the most promising aspect of Physiol., Part C: Toxicol. Pharmacol. 146 (1e2), 60e78.
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microalgal biotechnology, although screening
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2003). Finally, marine microalgae promise to be 1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine neurotoxicity. Nutr. Neurosci.
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This research was supported by a grant from the Marine 25 (3), 294e306.
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An Introduction to Microalgae: Diversity
and Significance
Jasvinder Singh, Rakesh Chandra Saxena
Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehradun, India

1. INTRODUCTION based on pigment composition, storage profile of

products, and diversity of ultrastructural fea-
Microalgae are largely a diverse group of tures. Recently, families of the various algal
microorganisms comprising eukaryotic photo- groups and their relationships to other taxonomic
autotrophic protists and prokaryotic cyanobacteria groups have been determined using various tech-
(sometimes called blue-green algae). These mi- niques of molecular biology (Wainright et al.,
crobes contribute to half of global photosynthetic 1993; Hecht, 1993). Several interesting and sur-
activity and are virtually found in euphotic niches. prising results of these studies are presented in
(Anderson, 1996). Moreover, these microalgae a line map in Figure 1. It seems that various algal
form the source of the food chain for more than groups are scattered all over this line map. The
70% of the world’s biomass (Wiessner et al., blue-green algae, usually known as cyanobacte-
1995). Microalgae can be cultivated photosynthet- ria, are prokaryotes, which are linked to many
ically using solar energy and carbon dioxide as a common bacteria. These algae are also consid-
carbon source in shallow lagoons or raceway ered to be the progenitors of the chloroplasts of
ponds on marginal land or closed ponds. Usage some higher algae and plants (Gibbs, 1992). At
of plastic tubes in ponds can achieve up to seven the other end of the spectrum, green algae are
times the production efficiency when compared closely related to higher plants. Mesokaryotes
to open ponds (Singh and Gu, 2010). (dinoflagellates and euglenoids) possess certain
As per the literature on molecular biology, characteristics that are intermediate between pro-
algae are understood to be a group of microorgan- karyotes and eukaryotes (Lee, 1989). These meso-
isms that have independently acquired chloro- karyotes may be more closely associated with the
plasts, that is, intracellular structures with their red algae and the slime molds than with other
own photosynthesis mechanism (Gibbs, 1992). algal groups. While molecular methods of phylo-
Nevertheless, some disagreement still prevails genetic analysis are innovative and controversial,
in the taxonomic classification of algae (Bold the available information so far indicates that
and Wynne, 1985). Algae are classified into algae are heterogeneous at the molecular level.
more than a dozen major groups, predominantly The extensive phylogenetic diversity of algae

Handbook of Marine Microalgae 11 © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Golden algae
Yellow-green algae
EUKARYOTES Chloromonads
Brown algae

Green algae Dinoflagellates

Red algae


Plant chloroplasts

Blue-green algae

Plant mitochondria


FIGURE 1 Phylogenic scheme based on the analysis of ribosomal RNS sequences. Reproduced from BioScience vol. 46, No. 4.,
with permission.

shown in Figure 1 reflects many aspects of their the subsurface water column, and a few grow
existence. at the limits of the photic zone, that is,
200e300 m below the water surface. Microalgae
also grow in rich humus soil, desert sands, rocks,
2. MICROALGAE DIVERSITY snowfields, and in more unusual sites, like the
fur of sloths and polar bears. A number of spe-
The diversity of microalgae is vast and repre- cies of microalgae occur virtually in every type
sents an intact resource. The scientific literature of terrestrial environment, including the most
indicates the existence of 200,000 to several harsh, such as walls of urban buildings (Rindi
million species of microalgae when compared et al., 2007), biotic crusts in hot deserts (Lewis
to about 250,000 species of higher plants (Norton and Flechtner, 2002; Flechtner, 2007), Antarctic
et al., 1996). The genetic and phenotypic diver- snow (Broady, 1996), and air at 2000-m height
sity of microalgae is obvious in their nearly (Sharma et al., 2007). Often these are small
ubiquitous distribution in the biosphere. Green in size (mostly 5e50 mm) and characterized by
microalgae usually grow in fresh water and a simple morphology, usually unicellular.
seawater, whereas several other species of micro- Accordingly, most species are not observable as
algae grow in extremely saline environments, individual specimens and become visually
such as the Great Salt Lake in UT, USA, and noticeable only when producing large popula-
the Dead Sea in Israel. Within these aqueous tions, typically in the form of black, green,
habitats, some algae grow inside a few hundred red, or brown patches. It can be stated that
micrometers of the water layer, others populate microalgae can either be free living or exist in
association with other organisms, as in the case 2.2 Diversity in Terrestrial Green
of lichens (Radmer, 1996). Microalgae
Green microalgae are among the most preva-
2.1 Geographical Diversity lent microorganisms occurring in terrestrial en-
Territories with a coastline on the Mediterra- vironments (Rindi et al., 2009). A majority of
nean Sea between 45 and 30 N are suitable re- these organisms performing oxygenic photosyn-
gions for algae farming, in particular in those thesis in terrestrial environments represent a
territories at the south of the Mediterranean very heterogeneous and evolutionarily diverse
that experience warmer climates and whose tem- collection. Usually a general impression on the
perature do not go too much below 15  C diversity and biogeography of these organisms
throughout the year (Singh and Gu, 2010). This is entirely based on the concepts of morpholog-
type of warmer climate of the Mediterranean re- ical species. However, ultrastructural and molec-
gion can facilitate the algal growth in the open or ular data generated in the last three decades
closed pond system. These suitable conditions have uncovered a scenario in substantial contrast
can be the most efficient, economic, and favor- with morphological classifications. It has become
able way to grow the algal biomass. Innovative obvious that these organisms have been affected
technologies in algae harvesting have also suc- by an extreme morphological convergence,
ceeded in open pond farms located in slightly which has restricted their morphology to a nar-
cooler regions by covering them with special ma- row range, not indicative of their great genetic
terial and making them behave in a similar way diversity. Their pattern is very simple and uni-
as a greenhouse. This can certainly facilitate form, usually referable to a few types (unicellu-
algae farming at increased latitude. lar, uniseriate filamentous, sarcinoid colony)
The environmental parameters favorable for and offering very few characteristics useful for
potential algae cultivation are being explored in taxonomic and systematic purposes.
a number of countries in the Mediterranean ba- Terrestrial microalgae belong primarily to
sin. Israel, for example, has for a long time culti- three diverse evolutionary pedigrees: the blue-
vated algae and used them in medicines as well green algae (or Cyanobacteria), the green
as nutrient production. Recently, these Mediter- algae (Chlorophyta and Streptophyta), and the
ranean countries have also begun producing diatoms (Bacillariophyceae, Ochrophyta). By
several strains for fuel production. The southern and large, it is demonstrated that blue-green
Mediterranean Sea belt countries, for example, algae represent the main component of the
Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Egypt, have great terrestrial microalgal vegetation in tropical re-
potential for algae farming because of higher gions, whereas green algae represent the domi-
environmental temperatures and enormous un- nant element in temperate regions (Fritsch,
used desert land. At the same time, countries 1907; John, 1988). From a statistical point of
like Libya, Cyprus, and Turkey also have plenty view, the green algae and the blue-green algae
of marginal land to harvest algae. For these coun- include the majority of the species described.
tries a limited water resource is not a constraint Nevertheless, the understanding of the patterns
as it is well established now that algae do not of geographical distribution in terrestrial algae
require freshwater but rather can grow with is inadequate, mainly due to poor understanding
recycled brackish or saline water. With the high of the diversity of these organisms.
temperatures in the Mediterranean region, the Green algae are photosynthetic eukaryotes
open or closed pond system would probably be bearing double-membrane-bound plastids con-
the most efficient and suitable to grow algae. taining chlorophyll a and b, accessory pigments

found in embryophytes, for example, b carotene domains, algae cells contain membrane-bound
and xanthophylls, and a unique stellate structure organelles, including nuclei containing their
linking nine pairs of microtubules in the flagellar genetic information. However, each cell is only
base (Lewis and McCourt, 2004). These are one of its kind of life form and can sustain life
part of the most diverse groups of eukaryotes on its own, having a rigid cell wall, layered struc-
and include morphological forms ranging ture that surrounds the cell, and consisting of
from flagellated unicells, coccoids, branched or polysaccharides unlike animal cells. The cell
unbranched filaments to multinucleated macro- wall membrane allows materials to pass
phytes and taxa with parenchymatous tissues through, but its biochemical composition func-
oschold and Leliaert, 2007). According to tions as a selective barrier. The cell wall is a
Yoon et al. (2004) molecular dating data reveal more porous, rigid structure outside the mem-
that the most recent common ancestor of all brane. There are passageways, called plasmo-
green algae may have existed 1100e1200 million desmata, connecting cell to cell through the
years ago. wall and membrane. Most algae are unicellular
From a systematic point of view, the green organisms; nevertheless, there are a few multi-
algae have been traditionally a difficult group. cellular groups such as seaweeds and colonial
In the past the classification of these organisms species such as filamentous “string” algae.
has undergone several major rearrangements, Microalgae also contain lipid bodies, which
mostly due to the fact that different criteria, are a ready source of stored energy generated
based on different types of evidence (morpho- from photosynthesis. These characteristics com-
logical, ultrastructural, molecular), have been bined with their photosynthetic nature distin-
adopted at different stages (Lewis and McCourt, guish them from bacteria and other unicellular
2004; Pr€oschold and Leliaert, 2007). Significant microorganisms. Algae, like so-called higher
advancements have been made in the last vegetation, are vital in their capacity to produce
30 years, in which new types of data have com- their own food through the route of photosyn-
plemented the bulk of morphological informa- thesis. The algal cell component that makes this
tion produced in the two previous centuries. possible is the chloroplast. The chloroplast has
The development of electron microscopy in the a complex internal arrangement with a chloro-
1960s revealed many important ultrastructural phyll molecule at the core. Through a complex
characteristics of the green algae, which have series of biochemical reactions, chlorophyll uses
proved to be key features for classification. carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and light
energy to manufacture the sugar glucose.
The nucleus is the largest cell organelle, and
3. MICROALGAE CELL every cell possesses one. The nucleus in a micro-
STRUCTUREdA CLOSE LOOK algal cell is the control center, which contains
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), the genetic mate-
Microalgae are free-living microorganisms of rial of the cell. DNA contains the biological source
the kingdom Protista which can be found in a code that coordinates many complex cell func-
variety of aquatic habitats. Similar to plant cells, tions. The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of the
these life-sustaining microorganisms are photo- cell is a complex inner membrane structure like
autotrophic and have chloroplasts. Although a crumpled plastic bag with all of its folds and
microalgae do not contain roots, stems, or leaves wrinkles and the small space of the inside of the
as do higher plants, they do exhibit certain char- bag all compressed. This organelle’s function is
acteristics similar to cellular organelles. Like all constant synthesis and transportation of complex
eukaryotes, but unlike the bacteria and archaea proteins and other important cell-building blocks
containing lipids for usage within the cell and roots and leaves, they are not considered plants
other parts of the organism. Ribosomes are small (Chaudhary et al., 2014). Some algae have roots
organelles attached to some of the ER and are but these usually support algal structures and
active in protein synthesis. are not proper roots. Characteristically, algae
All cells possess a Golgi apparatus, which acts photosynthesize, generating energy directly
as a kind of “cell gland,” providing material for from the Sun’s radiation. This characteristic des-
the building and maintenance of the cell and ignates most algae as autotrophs, in contrast to
cell wall membrane. The Golgi apparatus repack- heterotrophs, which consume other organisms.
ages and effectively ships proteins and other On the other hand, some species of algae are
materials manufactured in the ER out to other mixotrophs, with both characteristics, and some
parts of the cell, functioning like the shipping are primarily heterotrophic. The algal photosyn-
department of the cell. For example, in the thesis is primarily based on the Calvin cycle
pancreas, the Golgi apparatus is responsible for wherein ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate reacts with
the production of digestive enzymes and protec- CO2 to synthesize 3-phosphoglyceric acid
tion of the cell from harmful substances (by (3-PGA), which is consumed during production
isolating them). of glucose and other metabolites (John et al.,
Mitochondria are the powerhouses of the cell. 2011). An ethanogenic recombinant of Rhodobacter
Mitochondria in the microalgae cells burn sub- sp. was developed for carbon redirection from the
stances to process respiration, using oxygen and Calvin cycle (Benemann, 1979).
generating the compound adenosine triphos- Microalgae have better photon conversion
phate (ATP). ATP is the metabolic carrier of the effectiveness and can produce and build up large
cell, providing the chemical energy necessary to quantities of carbohydrate biomass (Melis and
perform vital cellular processes. As per their re- Happe, 2001; Harun et al., 2010a). Aquatic algal
quirements, cells may possess up to 2000 of these cells are buoyant, and do not contain structural
power-generating plants. biopolymers such as hemicellulose and lignin
The vacuole is a bladder-resembling organelle that are vital for better plant growth in earthy
that can occupy considerable space in the cell environment. Microalgae can transform approx-
and disposes waste. Vacuoles are often such a imately 6% of the total incident radiation energy
large presence within the cell that they exert into fresh biomass (Odum, 1971). Compara-
pressure and help the cell maintain its structure tively, it can be observed that terrestrial crops
and shape. Algae do not have vascular struc- usually have less photosynthetic conversion
tures, which are tubes that are found within efficiencies.
plants to transport nutrients. Unlike the repro-
ductive structures of plants, most algae repro-
duce asexually or by cell separation; since they
do not need to generate elaborate support and 4. MICROALGAE AS A POTENTIAL
reproductive structures, they can devote more SOURCE FOR FUELS AND
of their energy into trapping and converting CHEMICALS
light energy and CO2 into biomass.
A wide range of products can be synthesized
from algae (Harun et al., 2010a; Brennan and
3.1 Photosynthetic Mechanism
Owende, 2010). These products vary from
of Microalgae human nutrients for livestock feed to organic
Though most microalgae use photosynthesis chemicals for pharmaceuticals, pigments, and
for their food, and like plants some even have various other industry and energy applications,

like biobutanol, acetone, biodiesel, bioethanol, nutritional and toxicological evaluations have
and biomethane. The protein and carbohydrate demonstrated the suitability of algae biomass
contents in various strains of microalgae are as a valuable feed supplement or substitute for
high, up to 50% of dry weight (Singh and Gu, conventional animal feed sources (Dhargalkar
2010). The maximum lipid contents in microalgae and Verlecar, 2009). They have investigated
are also around 40% on wt. basis, which is that certain edible seaweeds can be used as
reasonably good. All these factors make microal- food due to a lower number of calories, low fat
gae a potential source for bio-oil production. content, and high concentration of minerals,
Various products obtainable from microalgae vitamins, and proteins. Many studies have
are briefly discussed in the following subsections. reported the use of algae as aquaculture feed.
Microalgae species Hypnea cervicornis and Cryp-
tonemia crenulata, which are particularly rich in
protein, were tested in shrimp diets (da Silva
4.1 Dietary and Pharmaceutical Source and Barbosa, 2008). The studies carried out by
Microalgae are a potential source of various da Silva and Barbosa reveal that the amount of
food supplements and biomaterials used in the algae in fish meal results in a significant increase
pharmaceutical industry. Some of these are of shrimp growth rates. A better growth weight
omega-3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid and protein efficiencies ratio was observed by
(EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and chloro- Azaza et al. (2008) in the case of tilapia fish
phyll. Omega-3 fatty acids are usually obtained farming with algae as a nutritional food source
from fish oil. But poor supplies of fish oil in in feed. In addition, Phorphidium valderianum,
recent years, together with problems due to its marine cyanobacteria, were successfully used
unpleasant taste and poor oxidative stability, as feed for aquaculture based on their nutritional
have left this route less promising (Luiten et al., and nontoxic performance (Thajuddin and
2003). The literature highlights (Harun et al., Subramaniyan, 2005). In addition to their impor-
2010a) that microalgae naturally contain tance in aquaculture, Spolaore et al. (2006) have
omega-3 fatty acids that can be purified to pro- reported that up to 5e10% of conventional pro-
vide a high-value food supplement. The practical tein sources in poultry feed can effectively be
sources of omega-3 in microalgae are normally replaced by algae. Ginzberg et al. (2000) studied
EPA and DHA. In comparison to fish, microal- the role of the algae, Porphyridium sp., as feed
gae are self-producing omega-3, thus making supplement in the metabolism of chickens. Their
the process straightforward as well as econom- investigations show that cholesterol of egg yolk
ical (Belarbi et al., 2000). was reduced by about 10% and the color of egg
yolk became darker, indicating a higher content
of carotenoids. Belay et al. (1996) reviewed the
potential of Arthrospira (Spirulina) in animal
4.2 Livestock Feed
feed. Although Arthrospira is widely used as
Livestock feed is another useful product food additive and can replace up to 50% of pro-
that can be obtained from algae. A number of tein diets in existing feeds, it was concluded that
researchers have examined the biochemical protein sources from soya and fish meal were
composition of various algae for their suitability more cost-effective and thus preferred to Arthro-
as a substitute or primary livestock feed. It spira (Humphrey, 2004). Furthermore, a study on
has also been reported that microalgae play a the addition of Laminaria digitata suggested that
key role in high-grade animal nutrition food, algae-supplemented feed increased pig weight
from aquaculture to farm animals. Systematic up to 10% on a daily basis (He et al., 2002).

4.3 Biofuels Products from Algae: TABLE 1 Proteins and Carbohydrates Contents from
Biodiesel, Bioethanol, and Biomethane Various Species of Microalgae

4.3.1 Biodiesel Protein, Carbohydrate,

S.N. Algae strain % dwt % dwt
At this time, biodiesel has come to mean a very
specific chemical modification of natural oils. 1 Anabaena cylindrical 43 e 56 25 e 30
Oilseed crops such as rapeseed and soybean oil 2 Chlamydomonas 48 17
have been extensively evaluated as sources of bio- rheinhardii
diesel by various researchers (Meher et al., 2006; 3 Chlorella pyrenoidosa 57 26
Van Gerpan, 2005; Mata et al., 2010; Khan et al.,
4 Chlorella vulgaris 51 e 58 12 e 17
2009; Song et al., 2008). The viability of microal-
gae for biodiesel production has also been studied 5 Dunaliella bioculata 49 4
(see the comprehensive review by Mata et al. 6 Dunaliella salina 57 32
(2010)). Khan et al. (2009) have critically evaluated
7 Euglena gracilis 39 e 61 14 e 18
the prospects of biodiesel production from micro-
algae. They have emphasized the need to explore 8 Porphyridium cruentum 28 e 45 40 e 57
the possibilities of producing biodiesel from 9 Prymnesium parvum 28 e 45 25 e 33
microalgae, as it will not compete with the land
10 Scenedesmus dimorphus 8 e 18 21 e 52
and cereal crops. Microalgae are a potential raw
material for biodiesel production, as they meet 11 Scenedesmus obliquus 50 e 56 10 e 17
all of the following requirements. They possess 12 Scenedesmus 47 -
a high growth rate and provide lipid fraction for quadricauda
biodiesel production (Song et al., 2008). Microal- 13 Spirogyra sp. 6 e 20 33 e 64
gal lipids are mostly neutral lipids with a lower
degree of unsaturation. This makes microalgal 14 Spirulina maxima 28 e 39 13 e 16
lipids a potential replacement for fossil fuels. 15 Spirulina platensis 52 8 e 14

16 Synechoccus sp. 46 e 63 15
4.3.2 Bioethanol
17 Tetraselmis maculate 52 15
Recent attempts at producing ethanol are
focusing on microalgae as a feedstock for the
fermentation process. Microalgae are rich in The most recent work on bioethanol production
carbohydrates and proteins that can be used as by fermentation has been reported by Harun et al.
carbon sources for fermentation. Table 1 lists (2010b) They have carried out experiments for
the amount of carbohydrates and proteins studying the suitability of microalgae (Chlorococum
measured from various algal species. Bacteria, sp.) as a substrate, using yeast for fermentation. A
yeast, or fungi are microorganisms used to productivity level of around 38 wt% has been
ferment carbohydrates to produce ethanol under reported, which supports the suitability of micro-
anaerobic conditions. In addition to ethanol as a algae as a promising substrate for bioethanol
main product, CO2 and water are also formed as production. In his doctoral work, Moen (1997)
by-products. According to the following simpli- demonstrated that brown seaweed produces
fied reaction, stoichiometric yields are 0.51 kg higher bioethanol compared to other algae species.
ethanol and 0.49 kg CO2, per kg of carbon sugar, Another study by Hirayama et al. (1998) proposed
that is, glucose: a self-fermentation of algae to obtain ethanol. The
reported advantages of this technique over
C6 H12 O6 /2CH3 CH2 OH þ 2CO2 : conventional fermentation are a comparatively

simple process with shorter fermentation time. algae production costs. Due to the absence of
Ueda et al. (1996) have patented a two-stage lignin and lower cellulose, microalgae
process for microalgae fermentation. In the first exhibit good process stability and high
stage, microalgae undergo fermentation in an conversion efficiency for anaerobic digestion
anaerobic and dark environment and ethanol is (Vergara-Fernandez et al., 2008).
produced, which can be purified to be used as
fuel. The CO2 produced in the fermentation pro-
cess was recycled to algae cultivation ponds as a 5. PRODUCTS STORAGE
nutrient to grow microalgae. MECHANISM AND GENETIC
Although limited reports on algae fermenta- MODIFICATION POTENTIAL OF
tion are available, a number of advantages MICROALGAE
have been reported in the production of bio-
ethanol from algae. The fermentation process in- Major advances in microalgal genomics
volves less intake of energy and the process is have been accomplished during the last
much simpler in comparison to the biodiesel decade. With the latest biotechnological ad-
production system. In addition, CO2 produced vances, efforts at genomic alteration of micro-
as a by-product of the fermentation process can algal cells are rapidly increasing. However,
be recycled as carbon sources for microalgae the full potential of genetic engineering can
cultivation, thus reducing the greenhouse gas be fully realized only if usual breeding
emissions as well. However, the technology for methods become firmly established, thus
the commercial production of bioethanol from permitting useful mutations to be easily com-
microalgae is still in development and under bined (Radkovits et al., 2010). Historically,
investigation. green algae, namely Chlamydomonas reinhardtii,
have been the focus of molecular and genetic
4.3.3 Biomethane phycological research. Therefore, most of the
The remaining algae biomass slurry left after tools developed for the expression of transgenes
fermentation may be used in the anaerobic and gene knock-over are specific for this kind of
digestion process while keeping the pH in the species. Current genetic engineering research is
range of 6e9. This process produced methane, focusing on microalgae that are of greater inter-
which can further be converted to produce elec- est in industrial applications and environmental
tricity (Ueda et al., 1996) Thus, it is imperative conservation (Radkovits et al., 2010). Numerous
that the bioethanol production by fermentation approaches have been developed to improve
is also useful for simultaneous production of microalgae biomass or lipid production and
biogas. This has resulted in considerable atten- CO2 capturing efficiency (Zeng et al., 2011). A
tion toward the application of methane fermen- brief account of these is discussed in the
tation technology to algae to produce valuable following subsections.
by-products such as biogas. Biogas produced The basic energy-storing biochemical of plants
from anaerobic microorganisms by anaerobic including microalgae is starch; and the rate-
digestion mainly consists of a mixture of limiting molecules of starch synthesis are adeno-
methane (55e75%) and CO2 (25e45%). sine diphosphate-glucose pyrophosphorylase
Residual biomass from anaerobic digestion can (AGPase) and 3-PGA (Radakovitis et al., 2010;
be further reprocessed to make fertilizers. In addi- Stark et al., 1992; Zabawinski et al., 2001).
tion to being renewable and sustainable, this Numerous studies are reported on the catalytic
would encourage sustainable agricultural prac- and allosteric properties of AGPases in crop
tices in providing greater efficiencies and reduce plants to increase starch production (Smith, 2008;
Tjaden et al., 1998; Tetlow et al., 2004). A large growth and production (Maheshwaran et al.,
amount of cellular AGPases are far from the py- 1991; Wang et al., 2003).
renoid and this could result in 3-PGA inactiva-
tion. Nevertheless, some AGPases, such as
5.2 Genetic Engineering of Microalgae
Mos(1e198)/SH2 AGPase, have activity even
without an activator (Boehlin et al., 2009). In
to Enhance Lipid Storage
some microalgal species, starch production is Several microalgae do not produce large
improved when Mos(1e198)/SH2 AGPase or amounts of lipids at logarithmic growth. How-
other AGPases are overexpressed. Although the ever, when they come across environmental
exact mechanism of starch catabolism in most stress, such as lack of nitrogen, they slow down
microalgae is rarely known, some studies have their rate of production and start producing
reported decreasing starch degradation in micro- energy storage products, such as lipids and
algae cells (Ball and Starch, 2009; Beer et al., starch (Hu et al., 2008). Interestingly, it is
2009). Catabolism of starch provides stock and observed that overexpression of genes controls
intermediate of lipid and protein synthesis, and the lipid synthesis pathway and thus affects
this is sometimes the key rate-limiting step of microalgae abundance. This is attributed to the
lipid and protein synthesis (Yu et al., 2005). increasing rate of lipid synthesis that could result
in cell division reduction. In this case, overex-
pression of lipid synthesis genes may still be
5.1 Genetic Engineering of Microalgae beneficial if they can be controlled by an induc-
to Enhance Carbohydrate and Protein ible promoter that can be activated once the
microalgae cells have reached high densities
and have entered into the stationary phase. For
One of the main biochemicals in microalgae example, in C. reinhardtii, copper-responsive
is protein. Protein synthesis is the most impor- elements are inducible promoters (Kropat et al.,
tant as well as complex in all cells. The main 2005; Quinn and Merchant, 1995) and in diatoms
steps of the protein synthesis mechanism in a nitrate-responsive species are inducible pro-
cell are amino acid synthesis, peptide chain moters (Poulsen and Kroger, 2005).
condensation reaction, and modification of One more approach to increase lipid accumula-
the primary protein. The rate of amino acid tion is to decrease lipid catabolism. In the process
synthesis can be adjusted by changes in the of lipid catabolism, acyl-CoA oxidase, acyl CoA
expression levels of the enzymes involved. synthase, carnitine acyltransferase I, and fatty
Enzyme synthesis rate can be altered by chang- acyl CoA dehydrogenase are the vital enzymes
ing the activities of the related gene (Merrick, of b-oxidation of fatty acids. Studies have been re-
1992). For example, when a synthetic amino ported (Derelle et al., 2006; Molnar et al., 2009) on
acid production rate is too high, the pathway strategic knocking out of some of these enzyme
of the enzyme gene can be suppressed. Howev- genes to increase lipid storage. Microalgae
er, the encoding gene cannot be inhibited in case initiate TAG storage during light cycles and use
the synthetic amino acid concentration declines, it during dark cycles to provide cellular energy
thus the expression of enzyme required for for cell growth and proliferation. Consequently,
amino acid synthesis increases. Few studies inhibition of b-oxidation would prevent the loss
have been reported on knocking out relevant of TAG during the dark cycles, but also possibly
gene segments involved, and it is indicated at the cost of reduced growth rate. Several publi-
that this not only results in altering protein stor- cations have shown that knocking out genes
age but also leads to toxic effects on cellular involved in Saccharomyces cerevisiae b-oxidation

not only leads to increased amounts of intracel- antenna size decreases. However, this change is
lular free fatty acids but also leads to extracel- readily reversible when the cells are subse-
lular fatty acid secretion (Michinaka et al., 2003; quently transferred to light with low intensity
Scharnewski et al., 2008). However, due to the (Melis et al., 1998). Also, at high-light intensity
fact that cells rely on b-oxidation of fatty acids levels there is less efficient use of absorbed light
for cellular energy under certain physiological energy and also biochemical damage to photo-
conditions, this also might have deleterious ef- synthetic machinery (photoinhibition), making
fects on cellular growth and proliferation. light energy utilization even less efficient. Thus
the highest photosynthetic efficiency is realized
at a low-light intensity (Scott et al., 2010). This
5.3 Genetic Engineering of Microalgae approach may seem nonimpulsive, but it has
to Improve Photosynthetic Efficiency two positive effects; first, it permits a higher light
Light plays a vital role in all plant growth as penetration in high-density cultures, and second,
the source of energy. Microalgae are believed it allows a higher maximum rate of photosyn-
to be a great model of photosynthetic efficiency. thesis due to the fact that cells are less likely to
Optimal light delivery affects the photosynthetic be subjected to photoinhibition since their light-
efficiency of microalgae (Scott et al., 2010). Irre- harvesting complexes absorb less light (Melis,
spective of the method used to cultivate the 2009). Adjustment of antenna size through
microalgae biomass, the photosynthetic appa- nutrient levels management has received less
ratus must consist of photosystems, where light attention. However, conditions of nutrient denial
energy is used for photochemical reactions, leading to increased productivity of TAGs may
surrounded by antennae in the chloroplast cause a reduction in chlorophyll levels per cell
complexes that harvest the light energy and (Melis, 1996), suggesting that nutrient depriva-
transport to the photosystems. Microalgae have tion may have multiple beneficial consequences
evolved to absorb more light than needed for for feedstock production. On a microscale, ge-
their photosynthetic requirements. The excess netic exploitation could be employed to modify
light energy is dissipated as heat and the gene sequences involved. Earlier reported
fluorescence (Wang et al., 2003): studies endorse random mutagenesis strategies
to generate mutants with fewer or smaller chlo-
CO2 þ H2 O þ 9:5hv/ C6 H12 O6 þ O2 rophyll antennae, but recent publications
6 efficiently used an RNAi-based strategy to
According to the above equation, light knock down both LHCI and LHCII in
conversion efficiency as well as the ability of C. reinhardtii (Mussgnug et al., 2007; Wobbe
CO2 fixation increases with an increase in photon et al., 2009). This strategy can be widely applied
utilization in microalgae (Melis, 2009). Several to many different microalgae more easily than a
attempts have been made to improve the photo- random mutagenesis approach. It is quite
synthetic efficiency and reduce the effects of obvious that manipulation of light-harvesting
photoinhibition on microalgal growth. Most of complexes can lead to increased biomass pro-
these are focused on reducing the size of the ductivity under high light under controlled labo-
chlorophyll antenna (Radakovits et al., 2010; ratory conditions. However, it remains to be seen
Lee et al., 2002) and that can be achieved in how well these mutants will perform in larger-
following ways. On a macro-scale, microalgae scale cultures with more varied conditions and
growing at high-light intensity are kept for a perhaps with competition from wild invasive
long period to induce mutagenesis in which the microalgae or bacteria species.

6. TECHNO-ECONOMIC IMPACT (Spolaore et al., 2006), or fermented to produce

AND COMMERCIALIZATION bioethanol or biomethane (Hirano et al., 1997).
POTENTIAL The biochemical composition of the algal biomass
can be transmuted by varying growth environ-
The techno-economics of microalgae have ments, and thus considerably enhance the oil
become considerably more important in recent yield (Qin, 2005).
decades. Applications range from simple biomass Nevertheless, commercialization of algae bio-
production for food and feed to valuable prod- fuels is also reliant on the economics of the pro-
ucts for ecological applications and, more impor- cess. Ease of implementation is an additional
tantly, energy needs as microalgae can be important factor for success of a new technology
cultivated year round. Algae farming can also or process. In view of this scenario, “cheaper” and
address socioeconomic issues by generating local “easier” processes are important strategies for
job opportunities and transferring the technolo- promoting commercial utilization of microalgae.
gies to developing countries in particular. Since algae production systems are a complex
Economically, the quantity of oil production composite of several subsets of systems (i.e., pro-
from microalgae exceeds the yields of the best duction, harvesting, extraction, drying systems),
oil seed crops (Singh and Gu, 2010). The quick reducing the number of steps in algae biofuels
growth prospective and several species of micro- production is essential to providing easier, better,
algae with oil content in the range of 20e50% and lower-cost systems.
(dry weight of biomass) is another advantage Another crucial economic challenge for algae
for its choice as a potential biomass. The expo- producers is to discover low-cost oil extraction
nential growth rates of microalgae can double and harvesting methods. With the advent of
their biomass in periods as short as 3.5 h (Chisti, cheaper photobioreactors, this cost is likely to
2007; Spolaore et al., 2006). In addition, in spite reduce significantly in the next few years.
of growth in aqueous media, algae need Currently, reducing these costs is critical to algae
smaller quantities of water than regular land biofuel companies for successful commercial
crops, reducing load on freshwater resources implementation. Extraction systems with esti-
(Dismukes et al., 2008). Subsequently, microal- mates up to $15 per gallon of oil produced
gae can also be cultivated in brackish water on depending on the extraction method can be less
non-arable land without affecting land use, envi- than cost-effective. Another example is to
ronmental parameters (Searchinger et al., 2008), employ a method that uses algae cells as mini-
and foodefodder profile (Chisti, 2007). processors and refineries in a process referred
There is a twofold potential for treatment of to as “milking the algae” that will consume
organic effluent from the agro-food industry for CO2 and excrete hydrocarbon fuels directly.
algae cultivation (Cantrel et al., 2008). Apart
from providing growth medium, the nutrients 7. CONCLUSIONS
for its cultivation, for example, nitrogen and phos-
phorus, can also be obtained from wastewater. A Microalgae have been identified as a potential
significant advantage to the environment is that resource for a number of value-added products
algae cultivation does not require herbicide or as well as feedstock for future green fuels. Their
pesticide application (Rodolfi et al., 2008). In addi- wide diversity makes them an easily cultivable
tion, these can also produce valuable coproducts resource that does not interfere with the food, fod-
such as proteins and residual biomass after oil der, or other products from terrestrial crops. They
extraction, which may be used as feed or fertilizer require much fewer resources as compared to

other crops. They are easily modifiable by simple Broady, P.A., 1996. Diversity, distribution and dispersal
genetic engineering methods to enhance the yields of Antarctic terrestrial algae. Biodiversity Conserv. 5,
of desired products. However, significant issues Cantrell, K.B., Ducey, T., Ro, K.S., Hunt, P.G., 2008. Livestock
are yet to be resolved before microalgae to biofuel waste-to-bioenergy generation opportunities. Bioresour.
production becomes cost-effective and makes an Technol. 99 (17), 7941e7953.
impact on the world’s supply of transportation Chaudhary, L., Pradhan, P., Soni, N., Singh, P., Tiwari, A.,
fuels. The key issues that need to be addressed AprileJune 2014. Algae as a feedstock for bioethanol pro-
duction: new entrance in biofuel world. Int. J. ChemTech
are minimizing the capital and operational costs, Res. 6 (2), 1381e1389.
cost of drying and extraction, and research work Chisti, Y., 2007. Biodiesel from microalgae. Biotechnol. Adv.
to increase productivity by developing more effi- 25 (3), 294e306.
cient harvesting systems. It is estimated that full Derelle, E., Ferraz, C., Rombauts, S., Rouze, P., Worden, A.Z.,
commercialization of algae oil will begin to take Robbens, S., 2006. Genome analysis of the smallest
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Microalgal Classification:
Major Classes and Genera of
Commercial Microalgal Species
Kirsten Heimann1,2, Roger Huerlimann1,2
James Cook University, College of Marine and Environmental Sciences, Townsville, QLD, Australia;
James Cook University, Centre for Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture, Townsville, QLD, Australia

1. INTRODUCTION TO Protoctista (Hogg, 1860), and the Protista

MICROALGAL CLASSIFICATION (Haeckel, 1866), the latter being based on a phylo-
genetic framework. As such, the original
The hierarchical organization of life into king- kingdom Protista included amoebae, bacteria
doms, phyla (divisions), classes, etc. predates (initially until removed by Copeland in 1938),
the idea of evolution (existing forms of life arose myxomycetes, euglenoids, diatoms, some green
from preexisting ancestors). As human social algae (e.g., Volvox), radiolaria, foraminifera, rhi-
organization is hierarchical, hierarchical classifi- zopods, sponges, and some dinoflagellates, while
cation is deeply seated in human nature (Ragan, the seaweeds (red, brown, and macroscopic green
1998). This causes problems with classification algae) as well as filamentous cyanobacteria, des-
with regard to monophyly, particularly of the mids, fungi, lichens, and charophytes were
“lower” or less-complex unicellular and multicel- grouped with the kingdom Plantae and ciliates
lular forms, the so-called protists to which the to the kingdom Animalia (reviewed in Ragan,
eukaryotic microalgae and the multicellular 1998).
brown seaweeds belong. Development of power- Later, Copeland (1956, as reviewed in Ragan,
ful light microscopy and of the idea of evolution 1998) renamed the kingdom Protista to Proto-
(Darwin and Wallace), as well as observations ctista to include the brown and red algae, the
that some life forms did not fit neatly into either pyrrophytes (including cryptomonads, dinofla-
the animal or plant kingdom, that is, in terms of gellates, and euglenoids), chytrids, fungi, myxo-
motility, trophic status, etc. led several taxono- mycetes, rhizopods, heliozoans, myxozoans,
mists to suggest a third kingdom (as summarized sacrodinids, gregarines, sporozoans, and ciliates,
in (Rothschild, 1989)), the kingdom Protozoa while the green algae remained with the
(Owen, 1860), the Primigenum containing the Plantae. The kingdom Protista thus represents

Handbook of Marine Microalgae 25 © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

a collection of unrelated organisms that could algae/plants have one genome (the plastidial
not easily be classified elsewhere (Maneveldt one) in addition to the two common eukaryotic
and Keats, 2004). With regard to phylogenetic re- ones (mitochondrialdmitochondria also arose
lationships, retaining the kingdom Protista is from a single endosymbiotic event with an aero-
not defendable from a cladistic point of view bic bacteriumdand nuclear genomes). This
due to its polyphyletic nature, but classification makes it much harder to trace the origin of genes
aside, this group of organisms can be referred (acquired endosymbiotically (e.g., vertically)
to as protists, for the sake of convenience. The versus lateral and horizontal gene transfers). In
three-kingdom classification was later succes- addition, taxon sampling efforts can also skew
sively expanded to eight kingdoms: the Eubacte- conclusions regarding phylogeny (Sym and
ria (containing the cyanobacteria) and the Maneveldt, 2011). For example, analyses of the
Archae (formerly in one kingdom Monera), nuclear eukaryotic elongation factor 2 and the
Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, Archaezoa, Protozoa, plastid-targeted gene product glyceraldehyde-
and the new kingdom, Chromista, the latter 3-phosphate dehydrogenase support the close
containing the brown algae (phaoephytes), the relationship of the alveolates with the strame-
diatoms (bacillariophytes), the golden-brown nopiles but not with the haptophytes and cryp-
algae (chrysophytes), the oomycetes, and the sil- tophytes (as reviewed in Sym and Maneveldt,
icoflagellates (Cavalier-Smith, 1993); this was 2011). The argument whether the kingdom
later reduced back to six kingdoms, the Bacteria, Chromista is mono- or polyphyletic is raging
the Protozoa being basal to the Animalia, Plantae, (compare Cavalier-Smith, 2010 with Baurain
and Chromista (Cavalier-Smith, 1998), using ul- et al., 2010) and is based on whether one accepts
trastructural and reproductive traits. Inclusion multiple secondary endosymbiotic events for
of molecular data and information derived plastid acquisition or not.
from multigene trees led to the reclassification In essence, many scientists have attempted to
of the Chromista and Protozoa (Cavalier-Smith, reclassify the algae/protists and no attempt has
2010) (Table 1). been satisfactory, and, given that algae are the
The new kingdom Chromista is a good research basis of many different fields in biology
example for classification flux. Originally defined (not just systematics), many different classifica-
by ultrastructural characteristics of plastid (photo- tions are currently in use. The constant renam-
synthetic forms have plastids with chlorophyll a ing/reclassification and moving of organisms
and c, which are bordered by a periplastidial from one hierarchical category to another without
membrane and situated additionally in the rough following the clear aim to better represent likely
endoplasmic reticulum (ER), which is continuous phylogenies is of no help in resolving this issue
with the nuclear envelope) and the arrangements and certainly does not assist in a unifying, even if
of flagellar appendages (presence of stiff bipartite not monophyletic, representation of the genera
or tripartite hairs on either one or both flagella), and species within the current scientific literature.
which was then expanded to include organisms Since, as elaborated using the kingdoms Protista
as per the chromalveolate theory based on the and Chromista, it is presently impossible to arrive
argument that the complex protein import ma- at a classification that unambiguously groups
chinery required for plastids surrounded by monophyletic lineages, it is perhaps best to
more than two envelopes was unlikely to evolve dissuade further hierarchically inspired classifica-
more than once (Sym and Maneveldt, 2011). tion attempts and to adopt groupings that can be
Genetic data have added more complexity to more readily refined, as more information (sup-
the classification of the algae, as the plastids are port or otherwise) becomes available (see Figure 1;
of endosymbiotic origin (see below); thus Adl et al., 2005).
TABLE 1 Algae Phyla Distribution as per Six-Kingdom Classification Scheme by Cavalier-Smith (1998, 2010) with
Genera of Commercial Importance Included Where Possible

Kingdom Subkingdom Infrakingdom Phylum/Subphylum Examples

Plantae Biliphytaa Glaucophytaa Glaucophyta

Rhodophyta /Rhodellophytinaa
Viridiplantae Chlorophyta /Chlorophytinaa Prasinophytaea
Tetraphytaea (Ulva, Chlamydomonas,
Chlorella, Tetraselmis)
/Phragmophytinaa Charophytae

Chromista Harosaa Heterokonta Ochrophyta Diatoms, pedinellids,
silicoflagellates, pelagophytes,
brown algae, xanthophytes,
chrysophytes, eustigmatophytes
(e.g., Nannochloropsis),

Bigyra Labyrinthulae, e.g., Traustochytrids

Alveolata Myozoa Dinoflagellates (e.g.,
Crypthecodinium), Perkinsis,
Apicomplexa (incl. Chromera)
Ciliophora Ciliates

Rhizaria Cercozoa Chlorachniophyta, e.g., Bigelowiella

Retaria Foraminifera, Radiozoa
Hacrobia Haptophyta Pavlova, Prymnesium, Isochrysis,
Cryptista e.g., Rhodomonas, Cryptomonas
Heliozoa Centrohelia
Protozoa Eozoa Euglenozoa Euglenozoa Euglenoidea, e.g., Euglena,
Diplonemea, Postgaardeaa,
New classifications.

DIVERSITY different taxonomic groups. Eukaryotic life is
currently divided into six major supergroups,
The extant vast algal diversity arose from a including Opisthokonta, Amoebozoa, Archae-
complicated evolutionary history, giving rise to plastida, Rhizaria, Chromalveolata, and Exca-
widespread acquisition of photosynthesis over vata (Adl et al., 2005; Keeling et al., 2005), of

FIGURE 1 Taxonomic classification, plastid origins, and host phylogenetic relationships of protistan/algal phyla containing
plastid-bearing members.

which the last four contain photosynthetic mem- heterotrophic, eukaryotic host is called secondary
bers (see Figure 1). endosymbiosis and leads to a secondary endo-
The endosymbiosis of a cyanobacterium with symbiotic plastid. While the Archaeaplastida
a heterotrophic, eukaryotic host is called pri- only contain organisms with primary plastids,
mary endosymbiosis and leads to a primary secondary and tertiary plastids are restricted to
endosymbiotic plastid. There is strong evidence members of the Rhizaria (Chlorarachniophyta),
that the plastids of the Viridiplanta (land plants Chromalveolata (Cryptophyta, Stramenopiles,
and green algae), the Rhodophyta (red algae), Haptophyta, Apicomplexa, Chromerida, and
and the Glaucophyta (a small group of fresh- certain Dinoflagellata), and Excavata (Eugleono-
water microalgae), all containing plastids sur- phyta) (see Figure 1).
rounded by two envelope membranes, evolved The involvement of two organisms, a host and
from a single primary endosymbiotic event an endosymbiont, each with different phyloge-
involving a cyanobacterium, forming the super- netic relationships of their own, impedes the res-
group Archaeaplastida (Archibald, 2012; Ball olution of the complex relationships of these
et al., 2011) (see Figure 1). algae. This is even more confounded by the pres-
The endosymbiosis of a photosynthetic eukary- ence of plastid-lacking organisms, which either
otic organism containing a primary plastid with a lost their plastids or never acquired one. Looking
at the phylogenetic relationships on a host level, of a primary plastid-containing alga. Therefore,
recent phylogenetic analyses group the Strameno- the phylum Dinoflagellata contains plastids
piles together with the Alveolata (comprised of derived from Chlorophyta, Cryptophyta, Stra-
Apicomplexa, Chromerida, and Dinoflagellata) menopiles (heterokontophyta), and Haptophyta.
and the green plastid-containing Chlorarachnio-
phyta (Rhizaria), which are commonly abbrevi-
ated as SAR (see Figure 1). The Haptophyta
form a sister group to the SAR, the Cryptophyta
being more closely related to the Viridiplantae
(Burki et al., 2012), while the Euglenophyta (Exca-
vata) are only distantly related to all the other
groups (Figure 1).
3.1 Chlorophyta
On a plastid level, secondary endosymbiotic
events can be divided based on the origin of The members of the phylum Chlorophyta can
the plastid, either from a Chlorophyta (green be found in freshwater, marine, or even terres-
lineage) or a Rhodophyta (red lineage), while trial environments and include unicellular and
no endosymbiotic events from Glaucophyta are multicellular members possessing chlorophylls
reported. In the green lineage, two independent a and b in a single chloroplast surrounded by
endosymbiotic events from an ancestral core two envelope membranes. Chlorella vulgaris,
Chlorophyta (UlvophyceaeeTrebuxiophyceaee Dunaliella salina, and Haematococcus pluvialis are
Chlorophyceae) and a Prasinophycea gave rise unicellular representatives of the phylum Chlor-
to the Chlorarachniophyta (Rhizaria) and Euglo- ophyta and used today in commercial produc-
phyta (Excavata), respectively (Rogers et al., tions, while Parietochloris incisa and Botryococcus
2007; Turmel et al., 2009) (see Figure 1). This is braunii show potential for lipid and hydrocarbon
supported by the former host organisms of Rhi- production, respectively (see below). The
zaria and Excavata, not being closely related, UTS (Ulvophyceae, Trebouxiophyceae (Chlorella,
while their individual chloroplasts are geneti- Perietochloris, Botryococcus)), chlorophyceae
cally closely related (Archibald, 2009; Keeling, (Dunaliella, Haemotococcus) classes are character-
2010). By far the most diversity can be found in ized by closed mitosis, a cruciate flagellar micro-
the red lineage, which includes the Cryptophyta, tubular root system, absence of a multilayered
Haptophyta, Stramenopiles, Apicomplexa, and structure, and phycoplast formation-assisted
Chromerida (see Figure 1). There is strong ge- cytokinesis (Leliaert et al., 2012). At the light
netic and phenotypic evidence that all plastids microscopical level, the freshwater alga C. vulga-
were derived from the same ancestral red alga ris is a fairly nondescript round nonmotile
(Bodył et al., 2009; Keeling, 2010); however, the reproductive cell ranging in size from 2 to
exact circumstances of this acquisition have yet 10 mm with a single chloroplast, containing
to be resolved. amylose and amylopectin-based starch granules,
The phylum Dinoflagellata, which includes a single pyrenoid containing high amounts of
plastids from at least four different sources, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygen-
forms a special case. The plastids of dinoflagel- ase (RuBisCO) for CO2 fixation (Safi et al.,
lates are either derived from tertiary endosymbi- 2014). It reproduces vegetatively, producing
osis, where a heterotrophic eukaryote took four daughter cells that are liberated from the
up a secondary plastid-containing alga, or from mother autospore cell well by rupture. The cell
sequential secondary endosymbiosis, where a wall develops in complexity with cell age being
plastid was lost and replaced by endosymbiosis tougher in older cells, with glucosamine

incorporation providing cell wall rigidity, but the elongated parts of ovoid cells. B. braunii is a
sporopollenin incorporation was also reported floating colonial trebouxiophyte where 50e100
when grown heterotrophically (Martinez et al., oval cells are embedded in a complex hydrocar-
1991; Safi et al., 2014). Unlike Chlorella, vegeta- bon extracellular matrix, containing n-hexane-
tive cells of the marine D. salina are photoauto- extractable liquid hydrocarbons and fibrous
trophic biflagellate (flagella are of equal polymerized hydrocarbons, which are cross-
length), naked (without cell walls but sur- linked by race-specific hydrocarbons (see
rounded by a glycocalix) unicells, which divide below) and not extractable with n-hexane (Weiss
vegetatively by binary fission and sexually by et al., 2012). Colonies are surrounded by a
producing 32 daughter cells that are liberated carbohydrate-based retaining wall composed of
by rupture of the zygote wall, which contains arabinose and galactose, while cell walls sur-
sporopollenin (Borowitzka and Borowitzka, rounding the cells are the typical a-1,4- and b-
1988). Cell shape and size vary, but shape is typi- 1,3-linked polysaccharides (Weiss et al., 2012).
cally oval (4e15 mm wide and 6e25 mm long) un-
der good growth conditions, becoming round
under unfavorable environmental or growth
3.2 Rhodophyta
conditions (Tran et al., 2013). Like Chlorella, cells The members of the phylum Rhodophyta
of D. salina contain a single cup-shaped chloro- include mainly marine multicellular species,
plast with a central pyrenoid surrounded by while freshwater or unicellular species are rare.
starch granules (Cavalier-Smith, 1998). H. pluvia- Commercialization of the unicellular Porphyri-
lis is a freshwater unicell with biflagellate and dium cruentum is the research and development
palmelloid forms. Motile stages are pear- phase in Israel and France (Table 2). Cells are
shaped (8e50 mm in diameter) biflagellate, with spherical with an eccentric nucleus and contain
two flagella of equal length emerging from the a large single chloroplast surrounded by two en-
anterior papilla and cells are surrounded by a velope membranes with a single central pyre-
cellulose wall, while a thickened gelatinous layer noid (Gantt and Conti, 1965). Phycobilisomes,
traversed by simple or branched plasma containing phycocyanin and phycoerythrin,
strands is observed in palmelloid stages line the stromal side of thylakoids. Cells are sur-
(Boussiba, 2000). The cup-shaped chloroplast rounded by fibrillar and diffuse mucilage with
contains several scattered pyrenoids, and several thickness increasing with increasing age and
contractile vacuoles are present in the cytosol. composed of carbohydrates with xylose being
Unfavorable conditions induce encystment, one of the main sugars (Gantt and Conti, 1965).
when the cell produces astaxanthin and sur- Rhodella reticulata is another member of the Por-
rounds itself with a thick cellulose wall impreg- phyridales with promising characteristics for
nated with a sporopollenin-like substance phycobilin production. The brown-to-olive-
(Boussiba, 2000). The Mt. Tateyama (Toyema colored unicells are 8e32 mm in diameter
Prefecture, Japan) isolate of P. incisa was previ- coccoid, nonmotile with a single pyrenoid-
ously classified as Myrmecia incisa but has since containing chloroplast, and the mucilaginous
been renamed due to the presence of an incon- sheath may be unilaterally thickened (Deason
spicuous pyrenoid surrounded sparsely by thin et al., 1983). The plastid is deeply incised toward
starch granules within the deeply incised parie- the central pyrenoid with the resulting chloro-
tal chloroplast (Watanabe et al., 1996). Cells are plast lobes radiating out to the cell surface. The
round to oval (10e15 mm in diameter) covered pyrenoid is traversed by thylakoids, a distin-
typically by a thick cell wall, which is uniform guishing feature of R. reticulata from other
and even in round cells, but may be thinner in species of the genus (Deason et al., 1983).
TABLE 2 Morphological and Biochemical Characteristics of the Labyrinthulomycetes

feature Schizochytriuma Auranthiochytriuma Thraustochytriumb Ulkeniad

Thallus Thin walled Thin walled Amoeboid colonies Thin walled

Globose Globose Light orange Globose-pear-shaped
Pale yellow Orange Spherical thallus naked and
Pale cream amoeboid at maturity
exiting the sporangium
through a single
Colony Large Small e Small

Binary fission Continuous binary No binary fission

fission protoplasts divides into
tetrads and octads for
direct release of

Zoospores Biflagellate Biflagellate Biflagellate Biflagellate heterokonts

heterokonts heterokonts heterokonts Release from
Rentiform-ovoid Rentiform-ovoid Release from thallus zoosporangium which
originates from the
Pigments b-carotene only Astaxanthin Astaxanthinc Astaxathin
Phenicoxanthin Phenicoxanthin
Canthaxanthin Echininone
b-carotene b-carotene
Dominant FAs Arachidonic acid Docosahexaenoic Oleic acid (18:1) DHA (50e70% of TFA)
(AAd20% of TFA) acid (DHA) (w71% of TFA) depending on strain
(w23% of TFAb)

AA, arachidonic acid; DHA, docosahexaenoic acid; FAs, fatty acids; TFA, total fatty acids.
Yokohama, R., Honda, D., 2007. Taxonomic rearrangement of the genus Schizochytrium sensu lato based on morphology, chemotaxonomic
characteristics, and 18S rRNA gene phylogeny (Thraustochytriacea, Labyrinthulomycetes): emandation for Schizochytrium and erection of
Auranthichytrium and Oblongichytrium gen. nov. Myoscience 48, 199e211.
Arafiles, K.H.V., Alcantara, J.C.O., Cordero, P.R.F., Batoon, J.A.L., Galura, F.S., Lea~
no, E.M., Dedeles, G.R., 2011. Cultural optimization of
thraustochytrids for biomass and fatty acid production. Mycosphere 2(5), 521e531.
Yamaoka, Y., Carmona, M.L., Oota, S., 2004. Growth and carotenoid production of Thraustochytrium sp. CHN-1 cultured under superbright red and
blue light-emitting diodes. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 68 (7), 1594e1597.
Yokohama, R., Salleh, B., Honda, D., 2007. Taxonomic rearrangement of the genus Ulkenia sensu lato based on morphology, chemotaxonomical
characteristics, and 18S rRNA gene phylogeny (Thraustochytriaceaea, Labyrinthulomycetes): emendation for Ulkenia and erection of Botryochytrium,
Parietichytrium and Sicyoidochytrium gen. nov. Mycoscience 48, 329e341.

3.3 Haptophyta Haptophyta used as feed microalgae in aquacul-

The algae belonging to the phylum Hapto- ture. All haptophytes contain one or two
phyta are mainly marine and unicellular or colo- pyrenoid-containing chloroplast(s) and an antap-
nial, although some freshwater species are ical nucleus with the nuclear envelope being
known. Isochrysis aff. galbana (T-ISO) and Pavlova continuous with the chloroplast ER and a periph-
salina are the two best-known examples of eral ER underneath the plasma membrane

(Edvardsen et al., 2000). A fan-shaped Golgi 5 mm in diameter, with a characteristic papilla,

apparatus is located near the flagellar basal nonmotile containing a single mitochondrion,
bodies and the base of the haptonema. Based on Golgi body, and plastid, the latter with an eccen-
molecular and morphological differences, the au- tric pyrenoid (Suda et al., 2002).
thors removed P. salina from the genus and
erected a new genus, Rebecca, with the following 3.4.2 Bacillariophyceae
morphological characteristics: yellowish-green The members of the class Bacillariophyceae
biflagellate cells, containing a single chloroplast, can be found in freshwater and marine environ-
are elongate and slightly compressed bearing ments, and are mainly unicellular, although
two flagella of unequal length (the longer is some are colonial. A key feature of this class is
covered with fine nontubular hairs with a pit or the production of a siliceous frustule covering
canal at its base), a short haptonema and a stigma the cell, and many are used as aquaculture feed
(eyespot is absent). T-ISO was also recently reex- (see below). The centric diatoms Skeletonema cos-
amined morphologically and genetically and is tatum, Chaetoceros muelleri, and Thalassiosira pseu-
considered distinctly different in both aspects donana are cultivated at commercial scales
from Isochrysis galbana, and was consequently (Table 2); distinctive diagnostic features will be
reclassified as Tisochrysis lutea, with the first letter briefly described here. The chain-forming
of the genus referring to the Tahitian origin and diatom S. costatum is characterized by cylindrical
the species name describing the orange color of cells containing two chloroplasts where the face
older cultures (Bendif et al., 2013). Morphologi- of the valve margin bears long processes
cally, T. lutea is almost indistinguishable from (costae), which connect with processes origi-
I. galbana, but the color of old cultures of the latter nating from the adjacent daughter cell valve
is brown. Cells are typically covered with several face (Sarno and Kooistra, 2005). The valve face
layers of organic scales, are round to oblong, diameter for the genus is 2e38 mm. Detailed light
3e7.5 mm in diameter, biflagellate with apically and scanning electron microscopy, comple-
inserting flagella of equal length (7 mm) and a mented with molecular work by Sarno and
short, scaly haptonema of 100-nm length possess- Kooistra (2005) and Zingone et al. (2005), howev-
ing a central swelling. The single plastid is parie- er, shows that the species S. costatum represents a
tal containing a single pyrenoid. Nonmotile cells species complex, and the reader will need to
are embedded in thin layers of mucilage. refer to these publications in order to differen-
tiate between the species in the S. costatum spe-
3.4 Stramenopiles cies complex. However, in the context of
industrial use, it is relevant to note that S. costa-
3.4.1 Eustigmatophyceae tum cultures CCAP 1077/3 (Genbank accession
The members of the class Eustigmatophyceae number X85395), CCMP 780, UBC18/C (Gen-
characterized by containing only chlorophyll a, bank accession number M54988.1), and
not c as the other stramenopiles, are all unicellu- CCAP1077/6 (CS76 see reference in (Sarno and
lar and can be found in marine, freshwater, and Kooistra, 2005)) have been misidentified, with
terrestrial environments. Nannochloropsis oculata CCAP1077/6 from Australian waters being
is used frequently as a live aquaculture feed S. pseudocostatum, while the others are S. grethae.
(see below) and will be described here. The As a model for physiological studies, T. pseudo-
genus Nannochloropsis contains five species, of nana was the first marine phytoplankton for
which only N. limnetica occurs in freshwater, which the genome was completely sequenced
with few differentiating features (Suda et al., (Armbrust et al., 2004). The genus Thalassiosira
2002). Unicells are oval to round, not exceeding contains >100 species, with T. pseudonana being
a marine small (4e6 mm), centric, unicellular docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). It is a marine, het-
diatom belonging to the Coscinodiscophyceae erotrophic, colorless dinoflagellate characterized
and quite indistinctive by light microscopy. by dinokont flagellation, where the transverse
The detailed morphology of the siliceous frustule flagellum lies in a medial encircling cingulum,
(cell wall) varies with the availability of silica; which is displaced and descends downward on
however, a ring of 6e14 strutted marginal pro- the left, when viewed from ventral (Prabowo
cesses is present, with one labiate process also et al., 2013). The sulcus, which houses the longi-
present along with one subcentral strutted pro- tudinal flagellum, is broad. Cells can be motile or
cess (Hasle and Syvertsen, 1997). The centric nonmotile, are oval or round (sometimes in
diatom C. muelleri is frequently used in aquacul- ventral or dorsal view), and two cell sizes were
ture, as the cells are weakly silicified and the cells observed in culture: 5e20 and 8e30 mm, which
are solitary. The valves of vegetative cells are might represent different life cycle stages, i.e.,
elliptical (4.5e20 mm in diameter) in valve view the larger, nonmotile cells could be cysts, which
with four long setae (one on each corner of the are characterized by thin cellulosic plates. These
epi- and hypovalves, respectively), while auxo- cysts give rise to multiple daughter cells pro-
spores are spherical (6 mm in diameter) and duced by multiple fission of the cyst protoplast.
more heavily silicified, but nonetheless unorna- Planozygotes resulting from sexual reproduction
mented by light and scanning electron micro- within the same clonal culture are characterized
scopy (Reinke, 1984). In contrast, the valve by bearing two transverse and two longitudinal
diameter of resting spores is similar to the vege- flagella (Prabowo et al., 2013).
tative cells, but setae are absent (Reinke, 1984).

3.4.3 Labyrinthulomycetes
The Labyrinthulomycetes are heterotrophic,
filamentous protists that are classified in the
Stramenopiles, comprised mainly of marine spe-
4.1 Bioremediation of Waste Waters
cies. Most are saprotrophic decomposers, with
some acting as parasites (Tsui et al., 2009). Auran- The remediation of wastewaters does not
thiochytrium, Schizotrichium, Thraustochytrium, typically rely on the cultivation of a single spe-
and Ulkenia are of commercial interest for cies, as the end product of the process is the pro-
pigment and fatty acid production, which vision of clean(er) water as opposed to a
together with morphological criteria are being biomass-derived product. In most large-scale op-
used to distinguish between the genera (see erations, the native algal flora in the to-be-
Table 2 for a summary of morphological and remediated wastewater is encouraged to grow
chemotaxonomic details). fast (bloom) and through this fast growth absorb
the inorganic nutrients it requires into the
biomass. A classic example is the use of an algal
3.5 Dinophyta turf scrubber (ATS) system for the cultivation of
The phylum Dinophyta contains members periphyton (biofilms) for the remediation of sec-
that are unicellular and mainly marine, with ondary effluent in Patterson, California. The sys-
some freshwater species. Only approximately tem was used for phosphorous removal and
half of the Dinophyta are photosynthetic, while was152.4 m long and 6.5 m wide, handling be-
the other 50% are heterotrophs without chloro- tween 436 and 1226 m3 of effluent per day.
plasts. Crypthecodinium cohnii is of commercial Yearly phosphorous removal (0.73 g m 2 d 1)
interest for the heterotrophic production of could be optimized by regulating hydraulic

load rates and pH of the water, and the system loads, such as nickel from mining and metal-
produced biosolids with an average mean pro- lurgy, stainless steel, electroplating, battery and
ductivity of 35 g m 2 d 1 (Craggs et al., 1996). accumulator manufacturing wastewaters. C. vul-
Another memorable commercial-scale microal- garis was trialed in that regard and a biosorption
gae-based wastewater remediation study was of 60 mg Ni g 1 DW was achieved from a water
conducted in New Zealand, but this time, the source containing 250 mg L 1 (Aksu, 2002).
resulting biomass was considered for value- Other experiments have recently been per-
adding coproduct production (biofuel), and the formed with native microalgae consortia in syn-
native microalgal flora was encouraged to bloom thetic mine drainage to evaluate remediation
in suspension-based high rate algal pond and commercial potential (Orandi and Lewis,
(HIRAP) cultivation systems. Suspension sys- 2013). In this study, rotating biofilm cultivation
tems have the disadvantage over biofilm cultiva- was used to study the uptake, removal effi-
tion in that dewatering of the biomass is required ciency, and metal release by the biomass, which
and HIRAPs very rarely contain more than 1 g was enriched with typically present green fresh-
dry weight (DW) L 1. As such, dewatering is a water microalgae, such as Chlorella, Scenedesmus,
major cost and energy issue. In the New Zealand Ankistrodesmus, Franceia, Mesotaenium, and cya-
HIRAP study, the systems were enriched with nobacteria (Orandi and Lewis, 2013, and refer-
CO2 and a native flora of green freshwater algae ences therein), which were also essentially
established, which could be separated from the present in the HIRAP wastewater treatment
large volume of water by flocculation (Park study, which suggests that these native microal-
et al., 2011). gal consortia are stable and competent for
Microalgae have also been used for the reme- nutrient- and metal-rich wastewater remediation
diation of wastewaters containing high metal applications (Figure 2).

FIGURE 2 Micrographs of green freshwater microalgae growing in wastewater for bioremediation. From left to right, top:
Scenedesmus obliquus, Franceia sp., Ankistrodesmus sp.; bottom: Tetraedron sp., Chlorella sp., Mesotaenium sp.

4.2 Bioproducts and Bioenergy

reservoirs, and ponds, and is noted for its high
The commercial use of green microalgae pri- lipid content, especially hydrocarbons (Metzger
marily focuses on dietary supplementation and Largeau, 2005). Currently there are three
through either whole algae products, or algal ex- races of B. braunii, which are classified based
tracts. The freshwater microalgae C. vulgaris is on the type of hydrocarbons they accumulate.
the main alga used as dietary supplements for Race A mainly produces n-alkadiene and triene
humans (Moln ar et al., 2013) and animals hydrocarbons (Metzger et al., 1985), race B
(Kang et al., 2013). A summary of microalgal produces triterpenoid hydrocarbons (Metzger
products and how these relate to the organism’s et al., 1985) and methylated squalenes
taxonomy is provided in Table 3. (Achitouv et al., 2004; Huang and Dale Poulter,
Green microalgae are also high in antioxi- 1989) and race L produce lycopadiene, a tetra-
dants, of which b-carotene and astaxanthin are terpenoid hydrocarbon (Metzger et al., 1990;
of special interest. The halophile microalgae Metzger and Casadevall, 1987).
D. salina is commercially grown to produce Furthermore, there are three physiological
b-carotene due to its high content, but lacks states that have been characterized for B. braunii.
astaxanthin (Guedes et al., 2011). In contrast, In actively growing green colonies, nearly 17% of
the freshwater alga H. pluvialis is used to pro- the dry weight is made up of a complex mixture
duce astaxanthin. The highest amounts of astax- of hydrocarbons, while the brown resting stages
anthin are found in the resting stages of accumulate hydrocarbons up to 86% of their dry
H. pluvialis, which are formed under unfavorable weight (Brown et al., 1969). The third state con-
environmental conditions like nutrient depriva- sists of large green cells with low hydrocarbon
tion, increased salinity, high irradiance, and tem- content, into which the resting stage develops
perature (Collins et al., 2011). Astaxanthin, a once they are inoculated into fresh medium
strong antioxidant, is used as a nutritional sup- (Brown et al., 1969).
plement and anticancer agent, and exhibits pre- The majority of commercial Rhodophyta
ventive properties for diabetes, cardiovascular genera are multicellular and are mainly used for
diseases, and neurodegenerative disorders, and human consumption; however, certain genera of
also stimulates immunization (Ambati et al., unicellular Rhodophyta are being used for com-
2014; Guedes et al., 2011). Other potential pro- mercial production. The genus Porphyridium
ducers of astaxanthin are the freshwater algae (PorphyridiophyceaeC) has great potential in
Chlorella zofingiensis (Mulders et al., 2014) and the production of polysaccharides (Arad and
Chlorococcum sp. (Ambati et al., 2014). Levy-Ontman, 2010), arachidonic acid (Ahern
The production of lipids other than pig- et al., 1983), or phycobilins (Kathiresan et al.,
ments in general, and fatty acids in particular, 2007). Microalgal polysaccharides, which have a
is usually not associated with green algae on variety of biotechnological uses in medicine,
a commercial scale. However, there are two ex- nutrition, and cosmetics, could serve as replace-
ceptions, the production of arachidonic acid in ment of the depleted stocks of naturally
P. incisa and long-chain hydrocarbons in harvested red and brown macroalgae (Arad and
B. braunii. The freshwater alga P. incisa (Chloro- Levy-Ontman, 2010). Arachidonic acid from red
phyceaeC) is considered for the commercial pro- algae can be used in the same way as from
duction of arachidonic acid, which is important green algae. Lastly, Phycobilins are water-
in the production of infant formula (Tababa soluble pigments found in the chloroplasts of
et al., 2012). B. braunii is a colonial microalga Rhodophyta, which can be used for a wide range
that can be found in freshwater, brackish lakes, of applications including food and cosmetic

TABLE 3 Microalgae Bioproducts and Companies

Microalgal species Bioproduct Major producing countries (companies)

Chlorella vulgaris Dietary supplement Taiwan, Germany, Japana (Sun Chlorella,
Japan with headquarters in California,
Indonesia, England, Germany, Brazil,
China), Yaeyama Shokusan (Japan),
Wudi Xinhui (China)
Dunliella salina b-carotene Australiaa (Cognis), Israela (NBT), USA,
Haematococcus pluvialis Astaxanthin USA, India, Israela

Porphyridium cruentume Polysaccharides, phycobilins Israel, Franceb

Pavlova salina EPA, DHA aquaculture feed Globalb
Tisochrysis lutea (formerly Isochrysis DHA aquaculture feed Globalb
aff. galbana, T-ISO)

Chaetoceros muelleri Aquaculture feed Globalb
Nannochloropsis spp. Aquaculture feed Globalb

Skeletonema spp. Aquaculture feed Globalb

Thalassiosira pseudonana Aquaculture feed Globalb
Schizochytrium sp. DHA, EPA enrichment of nutritional DSM Nutritional Products LLCc
products (e.g., cereals, etc.) Omega Techd

Crypthecodinium cohnii DHA enrichment of infant Marteka
formulae etc.
Spolaore, P., Jaonnis-Cassan, C., Duran, E., Isambert, A., 2006. Commercial applications of microalgae. J. Biosci. Biotech. 101, 87e96.
Paul, N., Tseng, C.K., Borowitzka, M., 2012. Seaweed and Microalgae. In: Lucas, J.S., Southgate, P.C. (Eds.), Aquaculture: Farming Aquatic Animals and
Plants. second ed. John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Chichester, p. 268.
Jones, C., 2012. DHA and EPA rich oil from the microalga Schizochytrium. NFU 786. Foods Standards Agency, London.
ANZFA, 2002. DHA-rich dried marine micro algae (Schizochytrium sp.) and DHA-rich oil derived from Schizochytrium sp. as novel food ingredients.
Australia New Zealand Food Authority.
Research-and-development phase.

colorants (Borowitzka, 2013), biotechnological for the production of phycobilins (Yen et al.,
uses like fluorescent tags for flow cytometry and 2013).
immunology (Glazer, 1994), or medical uses as The main commercially used genera of Hap-
photosensitizers in cancer treatment (Hu et al., tophyta are Isochrysis (PrymnesiophyceaeC) and
2008; Pan et al., 2013). Rhodella (Rhodellophy- Pavlova (PavlovophyceaeC), which are important
ceaeC) is another genus with commercial potential aquaculture feeds due to their high content of
DHA and generally high nutritional value consumption. Phaeodactylum tricornutum con-
(Guedes and Malcata, 2012). Due to the impor- tains a large amount of EPA and fatty acids in
tance of DHA in human health, these two genera general; therefore, it is considered for both ap-
are also of interest as a replacement for fish oil, plications (Silva Benavides et al., 2013). Another
although the high production cost is still prohib- interesting candidate is Odontella aurita, which
itive for large-scale commercial production is being considered for the production of fuco-
(Gladyshev et al., 2013). Isochrysis aff. galbana xanthin (Xia et al., 2013) and aquaculture feed
(T-ISO strain) has also been noted for its high (Guedes and Malcata, 2012) and EPA (Haimeur
content of fucoxanthin (Kim et al., 2012), a et al., 2012).
pigment that is being investigated for its medical The main commercial applications of Laby-
properties in treating cancer, obesity, inflamma- rinthulomycetes focus on the order Thrausto-
tion, and diabetes (Muthuirulappan and Francis, chytrids. Even though Thraustochytrids are
2013; Peng et al., 2011). Lastly, the ubiquitous heterotrophic and not photosynthetic, their
marine cocolithophore Emiliana huxleyi (Prymne- saprotrophic nature has many advantages,
siophyceaeC) plays an important role in earth’s including being able to be grown on alternative
carbon cycle due to forming vast blooms. This carbon sources such as the readily available
characteristic of fast growth shows great potential glycerol (Gupta et al., 2013) or food waste
for the renewable production of hydrocarbons (Thyagarajan et al., 2014), and tolerating a
either as gasses (Wu et al., 1999a) or as long- wide range of salinities (Shabala et al., 2013).
chain alkenes (Wu et al., 1999b). The main genera of Thraustochytrids with com-
The main genus with commercial application mercial potential are Aurantiochytrium, Schizo-
is Nannochloropsis, which generally has a high trichium, Thraustrochytrium, and Ulkenia, which
fatty acid content, mainly in the form of triacyl- are noted for their high lipid content in general
glycerides. Furthermore, the fatty acids profile and high DHA content in particular (Lee Chang
of Nannochloropsis contains a large proportion of et al., 2014). This leads to potential applications
polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), including as fish feed (Conceiç~ao et al., 2010), the produc-
the essential eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) tion of DHA for human consumption (Gupta
(Huerlimann et al., 2010). The main application et al., 2012), or the production of biofuels (Lee
of Nannochloropsis sp. is as aquaculture feed Chang et al., 2013).
(Guedes and Malcata, 2012); however, they are Even though Dinophyta are mainly associ-
also considered for the production of EPA ated with harmful algal blooms, they are also
(Winwood, 2013) and biofuel (Passell et al., known for their generally high fatty acid con-
2013). Similarly, the freshwater Eustigmatophy- tent, especially the valuable omega-3 PUFAs.
ceae Monodus subterraneus can be used for the The marine, chloroplast lacking, heterotrophic
commercial production of EPA (Lu et al., 2001). C. cohnii is the only commercially grown dino-
Bacillariophyceae are known to accumulate flagellate species to date and exhibits a high
fatty acids, especially PUFAs. The main com- DHA content used for the production of infant
mercial use of Bacillariophyceae is as feed- formulas (Atalah et al., 2007). Up to 20% of
stock for larval cultures in aquaculture, with the dry weight of C. cohnii can consist of fatty
the following genera being most widely acids, of which up to 30% can be DHA (Ward
used: Chaetoceros, Nitzschia, Phaeodactylum, Skel- and Singh, 2005). As a heterotrophic algae,
etonema, and Thalassiosira. Due to their high C. cohnii can be grown on organic carbon sour-
lipid and PUFA content, the Bacillariophyceae ces like glucose, ethanol, or acetic acid, with
are also under consideration for the production yeast extract as a nitrogen source (Mendes
of biofuels and essential fatty acids for human et al., 2009).

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Microalgae Isolation and Basic
Culturing Techniques
Poonam Singh, Sanjay Kumar Gupta, Abhishek Guldhe,
Ismail Rawat, Faizal Bux
Institute for Water and Wastewater Technology,
Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa

1. INTRODUCTION product or application is a multistep process

comprised of sampling of environments, purifi-
Microalgae are ubiquitous organisms that are cation and isolation of monocultures, deter-
the primary producers for life on the earth. mining nutrient requirements and cultivation
Rapid growth rates and the simple structure of parameters, screening of microalgal species,
microalgae make them interesting organisms measuring growth, and developing suitable
for biotechnological applications. Cellular com- cultivation techniques (Mutanda et al., 2011).
ponents of microalgae such as carbohydrates This chapter describes the commonly adopted
and proteins can be utilized for various purposes techniques in isolation, screening, growth mea-
including biofuels and products of nutritional surement, determining cultivation conditions
and pharmaceutical value (Chisti, 2007; Harun and nutrient requirements, and cultivation tech-
et al., 2010; Singh et al., 2014). Researchers, in- niques. Choice of suitable technique depends
dustries, and governments are now focusing on upon the microalgal strain and its application.
the development of green processes. This has
extended to the exploitation of microalgae, espe-
cially for biofuels and pharmaceutical products. 2. MICROALGAL ISOLATION AND
Microalgae are a diverse group of organisms PURIFICATION TECHNIQUES
and found in various natural habitats. They
exhibit variation in their nutritional requirements Sampling and isolation of microalgae from
as well as metabolite production (Rawat et al., natural habitats is a well-established procedure.
2013). Isolation and culture development of Depending on their different habitats, algal
microalgal strains of interest are essential pri- strains vary in their ease of cultivation under lab-
mary steps toward laboratory investigations oratory conditions. A key step in the isolation of
and successful commercial application. Bio- microalgae is to provide culture conditions that
prospecting of microalgae for a particular mimic their natural habitats. Microalgae are

Handbook of Marine Microalgae 43 © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

sensitive toward physiological conditions such microscopic observation. These single cells are
as temperature, pH, and salinity (Brennan and transferred to sterile droplets of water or suitable
Owende, 2010). Some microalgal species require media. This technique requires expertise and
specific nutrients, for example, diatoms need precision. Shear stress caused by micropipette
silica-supplemented media, and some microal- or capillary tips can damage the cell. Damage
gae only grow in the presence of bacteria or other is evident from a number of factors such as fla-
algae. Purification of cultures to obtain algal gellates stop swimming, a shift in refraction of
monocultures is another challenging step. Isola- light by diatoms due to damaged frustules, and
tion of a pure culture from its natural environ- protoplasm leakage. Caution is necessary for
ment, cultivation under laboratory conditions, successful implementation of this purification
and maintenance of isolated cultures involve technique. Ultrapure droplets are required, espe-
various techniques. cially for marine samples, to distinguish between
microalgal cell and other particulates.
2.1 Sampling
The collection of microalgal samples is a crucial
2.3 Serial Dilution
step for isolation of microalgae from their natural Serial dilution is the most common and estab-
environment. Microalgae are found in different lished method of microalgal isolation from
environmental conditions and habitats such as collected samples. Serial dilution is the stepwise
ice, hot water springs, fresh water, brackish wa- dilution of a substance in solution. The dilution
ter, rivers, oceans, dams, wastewater, rocks, saline factor is usually constant at each step, resulting
bodies, coastal areas, soil, etc. Proper sampling in a geometric progression of the concentration
technique, sampling season, habitat assessment, in a logarithmic fashion. A set of sterilized test
and preservation of samples are essential factors tubes or flasks or wells with nutrient media can
for collection of microalgae. Sampling techniques be used for dilution. Dilution sets are determined
include syringe sampling, scraping, brushing, on the basis of known number of cells in the
inverted petri dish method, etc. It is necessary to enriched culture. Depending upon the habitat
record abiotic factors such as light, water temper- and specific requirements of algae of interest,
ature, dissolved O2 and CO2, nutrient concentra- the medium can be supplemented to provide se-
tion, pH, and salinity; it is also important to lective pressure toward a culture of interest. The
record biotic factors such as pathogens and any success of the technique is highly dependent on
competitors at the sampling site in order to mimic the accuracy of a measured amount of cell culture
these conditions at the laboratory (Mutanda et al., during transfer from one medium to another.
2011). Global positioning system coordinates This method is useful for production of algal
must be recorded for reference and resampling. monocultures; however, these are generally not
Microalgae are often present in consortium with axenic cultures.
complex population dynamics in natural habitats,
thus it becomes inevitable to isolate the strain of
interest from the collected samples. 2.4 Streak Plate
Streaking is a common technique for isolation
of a pure strain from a mixture of microorgan-
2.2 Isolation of Single Cells isms for investigation and identification. This
Isolation of a single cell of microalga is the method requires the preparation of aseptic agar
technique whereby a cell is picked from the sam- plates followed by introduction of a sterile inoc-
ple using a micropipette or glass capillary under ulation loop into the liquid sample or pinching a
morphologically distinct colony from the later physiology. Enrichment cultures using selection
membrane surface with a sterile pin tool. This pressure can be employed to obtain single-
technique is successful for most algal strains, species isolation. Commonly used enrichment
especially coccoids, diatoms, soil microalgae, substances include specific nutrient mediums,
filamentous algae, and small cyanobacteria. soil extracts, nutrients like nitrate and phos-
This is the best method to isolate axenic cultures phate, and trace metals (Mutanda et al., 2011).
without requiring any manipulation or modifi- Adjustment of pH is a commonly adopted strat-
cation of technique. Agar concentration does egy to obtain bacteria-free cultures. Organic sub-
not play a major role in the growth. Any concen- stances such as yeast extract, casein from various
tration from 0.8% to 2% is sufficient for growth fruits and vegetable juices may also be added to
of microalgae on the agar surfaces. Isolation is the medium (Andersen, 2005). Natural habitats
accomplished by streaking the natural sample may be deficient in one or more nutrients
across the agar surface, identical to the technique required for microalgae growth. In nature,
used for isolating bacteria. A loop containing a nutrients are recycled or provided by the physi-
small amount of sample is spread across the ological action of other organisms. Sampling re-
agar, with the use of one of several techniques or duces the recycling of nutrients and thus can
patterns. After streaking agar plates are incubated, cause death of microalgae. Enrichment sub-
providing optimum physiological conditions for stances are usually added in minimal quantities
the species/strain of interest. The incubation at sequential stages. Conventional methods of
period varies from a few days for soil and fresh- microalgal isolation have several limitations,
water algae up to several months for oceanic spe- thus there is the need to develop novel isolation
cies. The single-cell algal strain can be further techniques.
subcultured onto plates or into broth.

2.5 Density Centrifugation 3. STRAIN SELECTION AND

Centrifugation applies gravity settling to sepa- MICROALGAE
rate organisms based on the cell size. This tech-
nique is usually applied to separate larger Microalgal strain selection is important for
organisms from the microalgal cells. Density efficient and economically viable production of
gradient (e.g., Silica sol, Percoll) centrifugal tech- desired products. Screening criteria depend
nique separates the different species of microalgae upon the desired use or product for which micro-
into different bands. This technique is primarily algae are being exploited. For microalgal strain
used to concentrate the number of cells of a desired selection and screening, a number of factors
microalgal strain. From concentrated cells the such as growth physiology, tolerance toward bi-
isolation can be achieved by coupling this with otic and abiotic factors, metabolite production,
other isolation techniques. Centrifugation speed nutrient requirements, etc. are taken into consid-
and time vary depending upon the target microal- eration. Screening for metabolite production in-
gal species. Centrifugation can also damage the cludes determination of cellular components
delicate cells via shear stress. such as proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates of
microalgae. For CO2 sequestration, tolerance to-
ward high CO2 concentrations is an important
2.6 Enrichment Media screening criterion. For mass culture robustness,
Microalgal nutritional requirements vary stability and susceptibility to predators are
depending on their natural habitat and cellular considered (Mutanda et al., 2011). Fluorescent

dyes such as Nile red (9-diethylamino-5H-benzo[a] growth is in the visible range of the electromag-
phenoxazine-5-one) and BODIPY 505/515 (4,4- netic spectrum. For measurement that is more ac-
difluoro-1,3,5,7-tetramethyl-4-bora- 3a,4a diaza- curate, this technique is coupled with gravimetric
s-indacene) are employed to screen microalgae or counting methods to draw calibration curves.
for lipid accumulation, which can be used for Gravimetric assessment of microalgal growth is
biofuel production (Govender et al., 2012). based on the determination of the weight of dry
Various chromatographic methods such as or wet biomass of cells. Centrifugation is applied
thin-layer chromatography, liquid and gas chro- to concentrate the cell biomass, and the weight of
matography, and spectrophotometric methods the microalgal biomass pellet is determined gravi-
such as near infrared, Fourier transform infrared, metrically. In the case of dry biomass measure-
and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy ment, separated pellets are dried prior to weight
are applied to screen microalgae for metabolite measurements. Other suspended solids and me-
production, which has significant applications dia components could hamper the accuracy of
in nutritional and pharmaceutical industries growth measurement, thus the cells are washed
(Mutanda et al., 2011). Microalgae are a diverse prior to gravimetric analysis. Microscopic count-
group of organisms, thus rapid and efficient ing of microalgal cells mounted on specialized
screening techniques need to be developed to slides with chambers is another enumeration
screen a number of phenotypic characters at technique. Determining cells and other contami-
the same time. nants resembling microalgal cells can cause inac-
curate counting, however. Flow cytometry is an
automated technique that measures fluorescence
4. MEASUREMENT OF ALGAL and scattering of light caused by microalgal cells.
GROWTH This highly sophisticated technique minimizes
the human counting errors associated with the
Accurate measurement of microalgal growth is counting chamber method. A drawback associ-
a difficult task because of small cell size. However, ated with flow cytometry, however, is the need
several techniques are available to determine for costly and sophisticated instrumentation.
microalgal growth kinetics. Microalgal growth is
usually expressed as biomass, cell number, or by
determining pigments and proteins over the spe- 5. CULTURE TECHNIQUES
cific time period. Some of these methods are easy, FOR MICROALGAE
while others require sophisticated instruments.
Thus, choice of a growth measurement technique Several techniques are available for microalgae
depends upon the scale and available laboratory cultivation. The choice of technique is mainly
facilities. Techniques commonly used for mea- based on the selected microalgal strain as well
surement of microalgal growth include spectro- as its application. Choice of culture media, culti-
photometry, gravimetric biomass determination, vation system, and maintenance of the abiotic
cell enumeration using counting chambers, and and biotic cultivation parameters are the main
flow cytometry (Mutanda et al., 2011). Spectro- aspects of microalgae cultivation.
photometric determination of microalgal growth
depends upon the culture density and chloro-
5.1 Nutritional Requirements of
phyll content. This is a rapid and easy method,
although suspended and dissolved solid particles
may affect its accuracy. The wavelength Algae require a wide range of inorganic nutri-
(400e700 mm) used to determine the microalgal ents such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and vitamins
and trace elements such as iron, manganese, sele- 5.2 Cultivation System for Microalgae
nium, zinc, cobalt, and nickel. The growth and
the biomass productivity of any species depend Cultivation systems for microalgae are classi-
on the type of nutrient sources, its quantity, and fied into two main categories: open cultivation
the relative proportions of C, N, and P of the cul- and closed photobioreactors (PBRs). Cultivation
ture medium. Nutrient sources, especially the ni- systems are depicted in Figure 1.
trogen, such as nitrate, urea, and ammonium,
and carbon sources, which are maintained by
5.2.1 Open Ponds and Raceways
sparging of air þ CO2, are directly associated
with the pH change especially in poorly buffered The cultivation of microalgae in natural
cultures, and therefore have a high impact on the ponds or lagoons is the oldest cultivation tech-
algal growth. Sodium bicarbonate has been found nique and has been used since 1950; this was
to be better for carbon feedstock and less expensive later modified into artificial raceways, but oper-
than CO2 sparging (Lam et al., 2012). Optimization ated in a way to mimic the natural systems
of appropriate relative proportions of nutrient con- (Oswald, 1992). These microalgal cultivation
centrations and sources, which is species specific, systems may broadly be categorized as natural
is imperative for the maximum growth yields open ponds (lakes, lagoons, ponds) and artifi-
and economics. In general, other than carbon sour- cial ponds (raceway ponds). The pond cultiva-
ces, nitrogen and phosphorus in 16:1 ratio are tion system popularly known as “raceway
believed to be the best composition for the proper ponds” can be open type or closed type (Hase
growth of most of the algal species (Richmond, et al., 2000). Raceway ponds are basically
2008). shallow concrete trenches lined with thick plas-
tic sheets with varying length and depth (usu-
ally 1e100 cm). Paddle wheels are provided in
5.1.1 Culture Media for Microalgae the raceway system for the circulation of algal
The production of microalgal biomass is culture and even distribution of nutrients as
greatly influenced by the growth medium, well as sunlight. The major advantages of culti-
nutrient concentration, and nutrient type vation of microalgae in open ponds or raceway
(Andersen, 2005). Algal growth media can be ponds are its scalability, simple design, high
grouped as freshwater and marine algal media. production capacities, and lower operating
The suitability of growth media is monitored us- and maintenance costs (Ugwu et al., 2008).
ing photosynthetic health, chlorophyll content, However, microbial contamination such as
and biomass yields of algae. The major compo- bacteria, phycophases, parasites, zooplanktons,
nents of each media are nitrogen, phosphorus, and growth of unwanted algal species, evapora-
inorganic carbon, and essential elements such tive losses, low diffusion of atmospheric CO2,
as Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, etc. Common examples of me- requirement of large land area, poor productiv-
dia used for freshwater algae are BG 11, COMBO ity, limitation to a few strains, as well as
Medium, DY-V Medium, DY-III Medium, and extreme weather conditions (rain, temperature,
MES Volvox Medium, and for marine algae, and light intensities) are the major disadvan-
Black Sea medium, ES Medium, ASP Medium, tages of open pond systems (Ugwu et al.,
Aquil medium, Allen’s Cyanidium Medium, 2008). Thermal stratification or uneven distribu-
CCAP Artificial Seawater, Chry medium, tion of nutrients is also one of the challenges
ESAW Medium, ESM Medium, f/2 Medium, K in case of unavailability of electricity for
Medium, L1 Medium, MNK Medium, Pro99 long durations or failure/breakage of paddle
Medium, SN Medium, etc. wheels. Closed raceways are less vulnerable to

Co ntro sive


C h Con
Le Co

am led

ss nta

Co pen
Algal Culture Techniques



tro atio


Closed culture system Open Culture System

Axenic Culture Non-Axenic Culture

More reliable High Efficiency,

Batch mode Continuous Mode High Production
Easiest to maintain
Less Efficient
Semi-Continuous Less Reliable
Difficult to maintain

Easier to maintain

Less Reliable
Somewhat consistent

FIGURE 1 Generalized microalgal cultivation systems.

contamination and environmental disturbances The design of PBRs is versatile because it can be
in comparison to open raceway ponds. used indoors or outdoors and is customizable ac-
cording to the specific requirements and growth
5.2.2 Photobioreactors conditions. The major limitations with these sys-
Closed PBRs or Lumostats systems have tems are the economics and huge capital cost
been developed in order to overcome issues involved in installation and maintenance. Closed
associated with open pond systems. PBRs are bioreactors include various types such as flat
made up of glass/Plexiglas/transparent PVC panel (flat plate), vertical/inclined tubular, heli-
material with internal or external illumination cal, airlift, horizontal/serpentine tubular airlift,
and provided with a controlled gas exchange bubble column, membrane or hybrid type PBRs
and mixing/circulation of media. The size and (Qiang and Richmond, 1996; Rubio et al., 1999;
type of these PBRs may vary with strain type Ugwu et al., 2008).
and end use of biomass and scalability. The ma-
jor algal growth limiting factors such as light
5.3 Factors Limiting Microalgal Growth
type, intensity, duration, temperature, mixing
and gas exchange, CO2 and evaporation loss, A number of cultivation parameters such as
etc. can be easily controlled and managed in light intensity, photoperiod, temperature,
such reactors. The closed PBRs are less prone to salinity, pH, mixing, etc. influence the growth of
bacteria and other contamination and thus facili- microalgae. Thus, it becomes imperative to opti-
tate axenic algal cultivation of monocultures. mize and maintain these parameters during the
TABLE 1 A generalized set of conditions for The energy of each solar spectrum varies and
culturing microalgae hence could affect the photosynthesis and algal
Parameters Range Optima
cell growth as the penetration and distribution
of each spectral light vary, hence it is unequal
Temperature ( C) 16e27 18e24 within the water column (Qiang et al., 1998).
Salinity (g l ) 12e40 20e24 The white spectrum is believed to produce low-
a to-intermediate photosynthetic responses and
Light intensity (lux) 1000e10,000 2500e5000
growth. In various algal spp., comparatively
Photoperiod (light: e 16:8 (minimum) higher growth, an increase in protein and carbo-
dark) 24:0 (maximum)
hydrate ratio, and enhanced photosynthetic re-
pH 7e9 8.2e8.7 sponses can be observed in the red and blue
a spectrum (Aidar et al., 1994). Reduced photosyn-
Depends on volume and density.
Adapted from FAO (1991). thesis and growth, DNA damage, and altered
lipid profile in UV-A and UV-B radiation have
also been reported in various studies (Franklin
cultivation period. Generalized parameters and et al., 2003).
their optimum ranges are depicted in Table 1.
5.3.2 Photoperiod
5.3.1 Light Intensity and Quality The growth and the circadian rhythm of
In all photoautotrophic organisms, growth, photosynthesis in algal cells depend on the
nutrient uptake, and all metabolic activities depend length of photoperiod and vary from species to
directly on the corresponding light quality, its inten- species. Diurnal light and dark cycles have great
sity, and photoperiod, and can be explained by a light influence on the algal photosynthesis, nutrient
response curve or photosynthesiseirradiance (PeI) metabolism, synthesis of organic compounds,
relationship/curve (Curtis and Megard, 1987; etc., therefore the productivity varies with the
Meseck et al., 2005). The availability of light to algae change in light and dark (L/D) cycles and sea-
cultures is crucial; the photosynthetic activity of the sons (Thompson, 1999). Increased photoperiod
algal cells increases with the increase of light intensity generally corresponds to increase in the growth
up to the light saturation/threshold point (Manda- of algae (Meseck et al., 2005). Photosynthetic
lam and Palsson, 1998; Suh and Lee, 2003). Higher productivity of the euphotic zone of algal cul-
intensities damage the light receptors of the chloro- tures influenced by the L/D frequencies and
plasts, which results in photoinhibition and thus higher growth rate biomass production in
reduced biomass production (Lee, 1999). Exposure various species can be achieved in the range of
to prolonged periods of high irradiance increases 1e10 Hz (Kok, 1953). Low L/D frequencies
the biomass production and carotenoid contents in (less than 1 Hz) may lower growth productivity,
algal cells but decreases the light-harvesting pig- and very high L/D frequencies (more than
ments such as chlorophyll (Melis et al., 1998; Molina 20 Hz) may damage the cells (Grobbelaar, 2009;
et al., 2001; Qiang and Richmond, 1994; Ugwu et al., Sing, 2010).
Photosynthetic and metabolic responses vary 5.3.3 Temperature
and are species specific with respect to the white, Temperature plays an important role and
blue, green, and red wavelengths (Sing, 2010). directly influences the growth of microalgae
The quality of the light is crucial, as the effect of through changes in metabolic activities, enzyme
each spectra of light on the physiology of micro- kinetics, conformation of vital structures, etc.
algal cells is yet to be understood completely. and even the species dominance (Davison, 1991;

Fogg, 2001; Goldman and Ryther, 1976; Goldman the algal cells (Richmond, 2008). In outdoor cul-
and Mann, 1980). The temperature-dependent tures, mixing is imperative to avoid thermal
growth of algae may be exponential or linear stratification. Despite mixing playing a very
depending on other environmental variables important role in achieving high growth rates
(Goldman and Carpenter, 1974; Thompson and high biomass, rapid mixing is also associ-
et al., 1992). Algal cells are adaptable to a wide ated with physical cell damage, which depends
range of temperatures, characterized by various on the type of algal spp., its cell size, and type
physiological as well as biochemical responses, of cell wall (Kieran et al., 2000; Thomas and
but this is species specific (Davison, 1991). Based Gibson, 1990). Thus, optimization of the mixing
on the temperature tolerance, the microalgae of the culture and liquid depth is necessary to
can be broadly divided into two groups: the achieve even distribution of light and nutrients,
eurythermal that can tolerate broad temperature and to prevent sedimentation. Various kinds of
fluctuations and stenothermal that have low- mixing such as mechanical stirring, aeration
temperature shift tolerance (Marre, 1962). In gen- with air pumps, paddle wheels, and jet pumps,
eral, increased temperature is associated with etc. are used depending on the type and scale
enhanced photosynthetic rates and high nutrient of the culture system. Based on their shear toler-
assimilation. ance, major microalgal groups can be arranged
as green algae < blue-green algae < diatoms <
5.3.4 Media pH dinoflagellates (Sing, 2010).
The pH of the algal culture media plays a very
important role in regulating the uptake of essen- 5.3.6 Salinity
tial nutrients including nitrate and phosphate. The salinity tolerance in microalgal and cya-
The speciation of inorganic carbon sources such nobacterial species varies substantially, and
as CO2/HCO 2
3 /CO3 , ionization of biochemical they can be grouped as hypotonic (usually fresh
metabolites, precipitation of the phosphates, sol- water species, which can sustain only low salt
ubility and availability of trace elements, etc. are concentrations, and hypertonic marine species,
pH dependent (Andersen, 2005; Azov, 1982; which sustain high salt concentrations). Microal-
Meseck, 2007). Moreover, various algal species gae can be sustained in a wide range of salinity,
are pH sensitive and have preferences over the through their inherent defensive osmoregulation
various inorganic carbon sources, thus pH also abilities such as rigid cell walls, regulation of
regulates the species dominance within the salt uptake, synthesis of uncharged low-
mixed populations (Goldman et al., 1982a,b; molecular-weight compounds, and by excretion
Hansen, 2002). of water and salts (Kirst, 1990). However, a sub-
stantial increase of the salt concentration in
5.3.5 Mixing/Turbulence growth medium beyond the threshold of any
Mutual shading has been observed as one of species leads to inhibition of photosynthesis
the major limiting factors, especially in high and growth; in extreme conditions, plasmolysis
cell density cultures. The cells that present in or cell bursting can occur (Fogg, 2001; Kirst,
the euphotic zone receive maximum light, 1990). Salinities in the range of 20e24 g L1
whereas cells that present below a few centime- have been found to be optimal for most of the
ters receive the least amount of light. Mixing of microalgae (FAO, 1991).
the cultures is very important with regard to effi-
cient gas exchange, equal distribution of the nu- 5.3.7 Gas Exchange (CO2 and O2)
trients and metabolites as well as light energies, Algal cells are made up of approximately
and to prevent gravitational sedimentation of 45e50% carbon and require a continual uptake
of carbon for growth (Becker, 1994). Carbon is Fungi, bacteria, viruses, protozoa, zooplankton,
provided by sparging of air or air þ CO2. During and even unwanted algae are considered as
gas exchange, dissolved CO2 is converted into potent biological contaminants, which results
carbonic acid and utilized by algal cells during in unstable growth.
the photosynthesis. The high oxygen content
leads to irreversible photo-oxidative damage to
the photosynthetic apparatus due to an 6. ADVANCED ISOLATION
increased oxygen buildup, reactive oxygen spe- TECHNIQUES
cies, and photorespiration (Molina et al., 2001;
Richmond, 2008). Moreover, high oxygen con- 6.1 Micromanipulation
centrations promote the activity of oxygenase
enzymes, causing preferential uptake of O2 Micromanipulation is a powerful tool for
rather than CO2, resulting in a significant loss microalgal isolation, which allows the move-
of fixed carbon, and thus reduced growth and ment and culturing of a single cell. Conventional
biomass productivity (Hartig et al., 1988). CO2 techniques for isolation of microalgae do not ac-
also acts as a buffer, and proper gas exchange count for clumping and thus colony formation
maintains CO2/HCO balance against pH from a number of cells rather than a single cell
changes (Gross, 2013). A significant amount of (Frohlich and Konig, 2000). Traditionally, micro-
CO2 is unexploited during sparging due to manipulation utilized capillary tubes to target
very slow mass transfer of CO2 and bubble size microscopically identified cell/s and transfer
(macrobubbles, size 1e2 mm diameter) whereas these to sterile water or media. This is a manual
sparging of CO2 microbubbles (size 10e50 mm) task that is laborious and requires skilled opera-
offers unique benefits such as faster dissolution, tors (Jakob, 2013). Modern micromanipulation
slow rising, and high surface-to-volume ratio utilizes a micromanipulator and stereomicro-
(Zimmerman et al., 2011). Therefore, it is imper- scope employing microcapillary tubes or optical
ative to maintain a proper O2/CO2 ratio in the tweezers for cell separation with a high level of
sparging air to achieve maximum growth of accuracy, making it an ideal tool for screening
algae. and isolation (Frohlich and Konig, 2000; Muta-
nda et al., 2011). Microcapillaries are usually
5.3.8 Contamination made of glass with an outer diameter of 1 mm.
Contamination of microalgal cultures is one of These are melted under controlled conditions
the major limiting factors. Open pond systems and stretched to give inner diameters of
are more prone to both chemical and biological 2e10 mm (Ishoy et al., 2006). Optical tweezers
contamination. Algae have a tendency to bio- use a focused laser to capture and move a cell
accumulate various chemical contaminants of interest to a compartment from where it can
from the growth medium. Studies have revealed be transferred to sterile media (Wright et al.,
that some exudates and metabolites such as 2007). Due to the level of skill required and
15-hydroxyeicosapentaenoic acid, palmitoleic time taken, the technique is still in its infancy
acid, palmitic acid, and monounsaturated oleic in most laboratories (Frohlich and Konig, 2000;
acid, etc., secreted by the algae, are the potential Ishoy et al., 2006).
growth inhibitors and chemical contaminants
(Harris, 1970). The chemically or biologically
6.2 Automated Techniques
contaminated biomass may not be suitable for
human and/or animal consumption, thus can Flow cytometry coupled with fluorescence-
only be used for energy production purposes. activated cell sorting (FACS) is a rapid method

of microalgal isolation and purification from Andersen, R.A., 2005. Algal Culturing Techniques. Elsevier/
environmental samples (Jakob, 2013). FACS is Academic Press.
Azov, Y., 1982. Effect of pH on inorganic carbon uptake in
based on light scatter and fluorescence, resulting algal cultures. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 43, 1300e1306.
from the passing of a thin fluid stream through Becker, E.W., 1994. Microalgae: Biotechnology and
one or more laser beams. Cells scatter and/or microbiology. Cambridge University press, Cambridge,
absorb the laser beam and emit fluorescence, Great Britain, p. 293.
which provides information on cell size, integ- Brennan, L., Owende, P., 2010. Biofuels from microalgaeda re-
view of technologies for production, processing, and extrac-
rity, and photosynthetic characteristics, which tions of biofuels and co-products. Renewable Sustainable
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due to the removal of bacteria (Pereira et al., Davison, I.R., 1991. Environmental effects on algal photosyn-
2011). The method has gained popularity due thesis: temperature. J. Phycol. 27, 2e8.
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cytometric cell sorting. Algal Res. 1, 17e21.
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Mass Production of Microalgae
Jose C.M. Pires
Universidade do Porto, LEPABE, Departamento de Engenharia Química,
Faculdade de Engenharia, Porto, Portugal

1. MICROALGAE SCREENING AND 2005). Despite being a fast and efficient method
ISOLATION TECHNIQUES to isolate specific types of microorganisms from
complex cell mixtures, the equipment is expen-
Isolation is a required procedure to achieve sive and needs a trained and dedicated technician
pure cultures and represents the first step in the to run it properly. Other isolation methods that
selection of the species to any microalgal applica- can be applied are micromanipulation, density
tion. There are three main isolation techniques: (1) centrifugation, UV radiation, and addition of
streaking; (2) serial dilution; and (3) single-cell antibiotics (Lee and Shen, 2004).
isolations (Andersen and Kawachi, 2005; Black,
2008; He et al., 2012). Streaking is a rapid and sim-
ple process. A sample containing microorganisms
is streaked in sterile petri dishes. Single microal- 1.1 Species and Strain Selection
gal species may be easily distinguished based Microalgae are important in the food chain in
on morphological characteristics: size, shape, or marine environments. The main requirements
color. The observation of petri dish under the mi- for their growth are water, light, and soluble
croscope leads to posterior selection of the suit- salts (Chisti, 2007; Oncel, 2013), and the optimal
able colony. The serial dilution protocol is a composition of the medium is specific for each
procedure that reduces the microorganisms’ con- microorganism. An important step in achieving
centration in a liquid sample. It repeats the mix- microalgal culture on a large scale is selection
ing of a certain amount of source culture with of the best-suited species for growth. Local
sterilized liquid (medium). Thus, an axenic cul- microalgal species should be collected because
ture may grow in one of the higher dilution tubes. it can be expected that they have a competitive
Single-cell isolation based on traditional methods advantage under the local geographical, cli-
is time-consuming and requires sterilized cultiva- matic, and ecological conditions. This selection
tion media and equipment. An automated single- is performed based on the considered applica-
cell isolation method that has been successfully tion, such as food production, chemicals, drugs,
applied for microalgal cell sorting from water is biofuels, or wastewater treatment. For instance,
flow cytometry (Davey and Kell, 1996; Montero concerning biofuel production, the evaluated
et al., 2011; Sensen et al., 1993; Sieracki et al., characteristics of microalgae are (1) energy

Handbook of Marine Microalgae 55 © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

yields (photoconversion efficiency); (2) valuable chemical energy of organic forms of carbon
coproducts (hydrocarbons, proteins, lipids, (acetate or glucose) for their metabolic activities.
etc.); (3) environmental tolerance (temperature, Carbon is essential in algal growth and repro-
salinity, and pH); (4) mass culture performance duction (represents about 50% of the cell dry
(resistant to predators in open ponds and robust weight) (Chisti, 2007; Milne et al., 2012). The
toward shear stresses in photobioreactors); (5) fixed carbon is then used for respiration as an en-
media requirements (vitamins, trace metals, ergy source and as raw material for cell division.
etc.); and (6) data available on related strains Other macronutrients are nitrogen, phosphorus,
(Chisti, 2007; Dillschneider et al., 2013). These sulfur, potassium, and magnesium. Nitrogen is
characteristics are associated with screening an important element for the production of
and cultivation steps. The behavior of microalgal proteins and nucleic acids (Yen et al., 2014). It
cells is also important in downstream processes. accounts for 7e20% of cell dry weight. This
In the harvesting step, cell size and cell wall element can be available in the form of nitrate,
properties should promote autoflocculation nitrite, ammonia, or urea. Microalgae assimilate
(cheap harvesting process), and high sinking these nutrients from the medium, recycling
speed is required. Concerning biodiesel produc- them to meet changing physiological needs.
tion, cell wall properties are important in oil The absence of this nutrient promotes the accu-
extraction efficiency (Goncalves et al., 2013). mulation of lipids and reduction of protein con-
tent (Cakmak et al., 2012; Li et al., 2008; Rodolfi
et al., 2009). Phosphorus is an important element
in essential molecules, such as adenosine
2. BASIC MICROALGAL triphosphate (ATP; the energy carrier in cells),
CULTURING TECHNIQUES DNA, and RNA, and a key component of phos-
pholipids (a major component of total lipid con-
2.1 Algal Nutrition tent) (Sydney et al., 2014). It represents about 1%
Being aquatic microorganisms, microalgae of cell dry weight. In the medium, this element is
require access to some nutrients for their meta- presented in the form of orthophosphates. Nitro-
bolic activities. The production of lipids, pro- gen and phosphorus are usually limiting nutri-
teins, and carbohydrates is intrinsically linked ents in natural environments (Bergstrom et al.,
to environmental conditions (light, temperature, 2008; Davey et al., 2008; Persic et al., 2009). More-
and pH), nutrient availability, and presence of over, the limitation of phosphorus implies the
other microorganisms (Abdel-Raouf et al., 2012; reduction of synthesis and regeneration of sub-
Munoz and Guieysse, 2006). Carbon, hydrogen, strates in the CalvineBenson cycle, reducing
and oxygen are nonmineral nutrients that are the photosynthetic efficiency (Barsanti and Gual-
needed for microalgal growth. Hydrogen and tieri, 2006). Sulfur is a structural component of
oxygen are abundant in the media; thus, they some amino acids and vitamins and is important
never represent a limitation for microalgal in the production of chloroplasts (Barsanti and
growth. Carbon is one of the major nutrients Gualtieri, 2006). Potassium is important for
that should be supplied to cultures. Depending several enzymes and is involved in protein syn-
on the type of carbon source, microalgae can be thesis and osmotic regulation (Sydney et al.,
divided into two large groups: autotrophs and 2014). Magnesium is an important element pre-
heterotrophs. Autotrophic organisms are able sent in chlorophyll, a critical pigment for photo-
to use solar energy to convert inorganic forms synthesis reaction. Micronutrients, such as iron,
of carbon (CO2, carbonate, or bicarbonate). manganese, cobalt, zinc, copper, and molybde-
In contrast, heterotrophic organisms use the num are required in small amounts. Iron is one
of the most important trace elements for microal- 3 4

Log(cell concentration)
gal growth, due to its relevance in photosyn-
thetic and respiration processes. It acts as a
redox catalyst in photosynthesis and nitrogen 5
assimilation. Its limitation decreases photosyn- 2
thetic electron transfer, reducing NADPH
(key element for the sequential biochemical
reduction of carbon dioxide to carbohydrates in
the dark reaction of photosynthesis) formation 1
(Masojídek et al., 2004; Sydney et al., 2014). Time

FIGURE 1 Growth phases of microalgal cultures: (1) lag

2.2 Microalgae Culture Media or induction phase; (2) exponential phase; (3) declining
Andersen et al. (2005) presented several cul- growth phase; (4) stationary phase; and (5) death phase.
ture media (freshwater and seawater) composi-
tions commonly used to produce microalgae.
For instance, BG-11 medium has often been to higher light intensities. During this phase, a
used to culture freshwater green algae and cya- little increase of cell density may occur. To
nobacteria (Grobbelaar, 2004). It is particularly reduce the time of adaptation, the cultures can
rich in nitrate (NaNO3 concentration of be inoculated with exponentially growing algae.
1.5 g L1, equivalent to 1.09 L1 NO3eN) and During exponential phase, microalgae start to
exhibits an N:P ratio of 60:1, which is higher grow as a function of time according to an expo-
than the molar ratio of these elements in biomass nential function (growth rate follows a simple
(Redfield ratio 16:1) (Ernst et al., 2005; Geider first-order rate law). Declining growth phase is
and La Roche, 2002; Klausmeier et al., 2004). characterized by the reduction of the cell divi-
The Bold Basal Medium (BBM) is also used for sion rate due to a physical or chemical limiting
freshwater algae and cyanobacteria. Dayananda factor (nutrients, light, pH, carbon dioxide, and
et al. (2007) compared several culture media others). In the fourth stage, the limiting factor
(including BG-11 and BBM) for the culture of and the growth rate are balanced, maintaining
Botryococcus braunii and concluded that BG-11 a constant cell density. During the last phase,
was the best medium regarding biomass and the culture conditions (depletion of a nutrient,
hydrocarbon production. overheating, pH disturbance, or contamination)
do not favor sustainable growth, and the cell
density starts to decrease.
2.3 Algal Growth Kinetics and To achieve high microalgal production rates,
Measurement of Algal Growth the cultures should be maintained in the exponen-
tial phase of growth. In continuous cultures, fresh
The growth of microalgal cultures is charac- medium is continuously added to microalgae,
terized by five phases (see Figure 1): (1) lag or in- which allows permanent exponential growth culti-
duction phase; (2) exponential phase; (3) vation. For instance, in a well-stirred photobioreac-
declining growth phase; (4) stationary phase; tor, temporal variation of cell concentration is
and (5) death phase (Grobbelaar, 2004). The lag represented by the following mass balance
phase corresponds to the period of physiological equation:
adaptation of cell metabolism to new nutrient or
culture conditions. For instance, growth lag is dX F
¼ mX  X (1)
observed when shade-adapted cells are exposed dt V

where m is the specific growth rate, X the cell (or periods (Lopez-Elias et al., 2005; Masojidek et al.,
biomass) concentration, F the medium flow rate, 2003; Molina et al., 2001). Contamination with
and V the reactor effective volume. At steady predators could be avoided if closed systems are
state, the specific growth rate is equal to dilution chosen instead of open systems. The three opera-
rate (D). tional modes for microalgal cultures are batch,
continuous, and semicontinuous (Brown et al.,
m ¼ ¼ D (2) 1993; Ruiz-Marin et al., 2010).
V Table 1 compares open and closed systems for
In batch cultures, during the exponential microalgal culture (Grobbelaar, 2009; Harun
phase, the rate of increase of cells per unit of et al., 2010; Pires et al., 2012). Open bioreactors
time is proportional to the cell concentration at are the most used systems in microalgae cultiva-
the given time: tion due to their low investment and mainte-
dX nance costs, which results in lower production
¼ rX (3) costs (Pires et al., 2012; Stephenson et al., 2010;
Tredici, 2004). They include shallow ponds, race-
which is equivalent to: way ponds, tanks, and circular ponds (see
Xt ¼ X0 $er$t (4) Figure 2). They can have an area of 1e200 ha
and can be constructed on degraded and nonag-
where Xt and X0 are cell concentrations at time t ricultural lands, not competing with arable land
and at the beginning, respectively, and r is called used for the food industry. The depth should be
the instantaneous rate of increase defined by the 20e35 cm to ensure adequate exposure to light.
difference between the specific growth rate and Paddlewheels provide mechanical energy to
the mortality rate. Another parameter to eval- the culture, keeping the cells is suspension.
uate the growth kinetic of microalgae is the However, this type of bioreactor has some disad-
doubling time (T2). It is defined by: vantages. It presents poor light diffusion to cul-
T2 ¼ lnð2Þ=r (5) tures, which is an important drawback for
autotrophic cultures. As an open bioreactor,
Yield represents the production of mass per there are losses of water (by evaporation) and
unit of volume, expressed in g L1. Biomass pro- CO2 to the atmosphere, increasing the environ-
ductivity is the yield per unit of time, being mental impact of cultures. Due to the lack of con-
expressed in g L1 h1 or g L1 d1 (Pires et al., trol of these process parameters, microalgal
2014). production in open systems depends on the local
climate (biomass yield ranges between 10 and
25 g m2 d1, lower than the values achieved in
2.4 Technological Aspects of Algae closed systems: 25e50 g m2 d1). Moreover,
Culturing contamination with predators limits the com-
mercial applications of the produced biomass.
Microalgae can be cultivated in indoor and out- Thus, high biomass productivities are only
door environments. In indoor cultures, key param- achieved with microalgal strains resistant to se-
eters for microalgal growth (illumination, vere environmental conditions, such as high
temperature, pH, nutrient levels, and contamina- salinity (Dunaliella), alkalinity (Spirulina), and
tion with predators) can be closely controlled. On nutrition (Chlorella spp.) (Harun et al., 2010;
the other hand, outdoor cultures presented high Lee, 2001). Besides its technological simplicity,
variability in these variables, since it is difficult to production in open systems can be costly due
achieve higher production rates during extended to the downstream processing costs.
TABLE 1 Comparison Between Open and Closed Systems for Microalgal Production

Parameter Open systems Closed systems

Environmental impact Land High Low

Water High Low
CO2 losses High Low
Biological issues Algal species Restricted Flexible
Contamination High risk Low risk
Biomass productivity Low High

Biomass composition Variable Reproducible

Process issues Temperature control No Yes
Weather dependence High Low
Energy requirement Low High
Process control Difficult Easy
Use of wastewater Yes Yes

Reactor cleaning Not required Required

Costs Investment costs Low High
Operational costs Low High
Harvesting costs Low High

Adapted from Abdel-Raouf et al. (2012), Grobbelaar (2009), Harun et al. (2010), and Pires et al. (2012).

(a) (b)

FIGURE 2 Open systems for microalgal culture: (a) raceway ponds. (From and (b) circular ponds.

On the other hand, closed cultivation systems, distribution of light, and mixing regime (Grob-
usually designed as photobioreactors (PBRs), belaar, 2009; Harun et al., 2010). Consequently,
promote more controlled environmental condi- high biomass productivities can be achieved.
tions than open systems, in terms of CO2 and PBRs require less space, enhancing microalgal
water supply, optimal temperature and pH, areal productivity. Figure 3 shows the main

(a) (b)


FIGURE 3 Main configurations of photobioreactors: (a) air-lift bioreactor (van Benthum et al., 1999); (b) tubular bioreactor
(from; and (c) flat-plate bioreactor. (From

configurations of PBRs. Air-lift reactors may magnitude), presenting additional advantages:

play an important role in microalgae production, (1) lower power consumption; (2) high mass
due to low level and homogeneous distribution transfer rates between gaseous and liquid
of hydrodynamic shear that is an important phases; (3) absence of dark volumes; and (4)
disadvantage of closed production systems. In high photosynthetic efficiency. The main draw-
these reactors, mixing circulation and aeration backs of PBRs are the investment and opera-
is performed by gas injection, and the medium tional costs, reasons why the most current
circulates in a cyclic pattern through channels microalgal biomass production is performed in
built for this purpose. In addition, it promotes open ponds (Posten, 2009).
the fast exchange of O2 and CO2 between culture
and gaseous stream. On the other hand, tubular
PBRs are designed for outdoor cultures, having a
large illumination surface. They present high
CO2 uptake efficiency, as it increases the contact
time between gaseous and liquid phases
3.1 Principles of Algal Mass Production
(Stewart and Hessami, 2005). However, due to
this long contact time, O2 can accumulate in The technology to produce microalgal biomass
the culture, which is a stress factor to cells. More- depends on the selected application and commer-
over, this typology of bioreactors presents high cial value of the compounds that can be extracted.
pumping costs. In all PBR typologies, flat-plate In the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries,
bioreactors are the ones that can achieve higher closed systems are preferred for microalgal pro-
cell densities (in more than an order of duction to obtain the desired products. The costs
of microalgae production are supported with the used to produce animal feed or biomethane
high value of the extracted compounds. Howev- (through anaerobic digestion). The net balance
er, for environmental and energy applications, of carbon shows that microalgae biofuels can be
the production costs should be lower. Besides zero or negative emission fuels (Lam et al., 2012).
the selection of low-cost operating bioreactors,
the integration of processes will enhance the
economical viability of microalgal culture.
Figure 4 shows a scheme of integration of biofuel
3.2 Algal Production Systems
production and CO2 capture and nutrient Carbon sources are important for microalgal
removal from wastewater (Douskova et al., growth. Photoautotrophic cultivation means
2010; McGinn et al., 2011; Min et al., 2011). The that inorganic forms of carbon (CO2 or bicarbon-
use of wastewater (from determined sources) as ates) are supplied to the cultures. Light energy is
microalgal culture medium reduces the require- transformed into chemical energy through
ment of nutrients (their price has increased in photosynthesis (Ren et al., 2010). Other microal-
the last decades) and fresh water. Simulta- gal strains can use organic carbon (heterotrophic
neously, microalgal culture promotes the treat- cultivation); however, this option is only used to
ment of this effluent (secondary or tertiary). The produce high-value compounds. Mixotrophic
high photosynthetic efficiency of microalgae can nutrition mode is the combination of autotrophic
be used to capture CO2 from flue gases. This air and heterotrophic mechanisms.
pollutant is considered one of the most important
greenhouse gases, which are associated to the 3.2.1 Autotrophic Production Systems
global warming. Microalgal culture is considered Autotrophic production of microalgae can be
one environmentally sustainable option for CO2 performed in large ponds or in PBRs. CO2 can
sequestration. The produced biomass is reached be supplied using flue gases from power plants,
in lipids, which after extraction can be used to obtained from combustion processes (Lam et al.,
produce biodiesel. The residual biomass can be 2012; Pires et al., 2012, 2014). This process can be

FIGURE 4 Integration of biofuel production, CO2 capture, and nutrient removal from wastewaters.

used to recycle this greenhouse gas, reducing its 3.2.2 Heterotrophic Production Systems
emissions to the atmosphere and producing low Heterotrophic microalgae are cultivated in
carbon biofuels. Light supply is an important fermenters using glucose or acetate as carbon
variable in autotrophic culture. Depending on and energy source. This production pathway
its intensity, three regimes can be defined: (1) has the main advantage that it uses currently
light-limitation phase; (2) light-saturation phase; available and developed fermentation technol-
and (3) light-inhibition phase (Lee et al., 2014; ogy. Other advantages are elimination of the
Ogbonna and Tanaka, 2000; Wu et al., 2014). light requirement, high cell density, and high
To maximize the biomass production, light in- cellular lipid content (Chen, 1996; Garci et al.,
tensity should be supplied in saturation levels 2000; Miao and Wu, 2004; Perez-Garcia et al.,
to the entire cultivation system. Increasing the 2011). On the other hand, organic carbon sources
cell concentration, self-shading may occur, represent the major cost of culture medium,
reducing the light supply to lower layers of algae increasing the cost of heterotrophic production
in PBRs. Therefore, autotrophic cultures do not of algal oils and making them less economically
usually achieve high cell densities (being one or- attractive than those from autotrophic cultures
der of magnitude lower than the values achieved (Mitra et al., 2012). The composition of the me-
with heterotrophic cultures), a reason to require dium increases the probability of contamination
high culture volumes. Moreover, low cell den- with bacteria or fungi. Moreover, the majority of
sities lead to unsatisfactory biomass productiv- algae are photosynthetic, and only few species
ities and high harvesting costs. However, present heterotrophic growth.
microalgae present higher photosynthetic effi- Besides organic carbon, other nutrients, such
ciency than plants, making them the most as nitrogen, are also required. Nitrogen availabil-
important carbon-fixation group and oxygen ity has a strong impact on the profiles of lipids
producer on the planet. Wastewater treatment and fatty acids. A low concentration of this
can be an important application for autotrophic nutrient favors the accumulation of intracellular
microalgae (Perez-Garcia et al., 2011). These lipids (Chen and Walker, 2011; Li et al., 2013;
photosynthetic microorganisms absorb min- Morales-Sanchez et al., 2013). In this nutrition
erals oxidized by bacteria and, simultaneously, mode, oxygen plays an important role in micro-
enrich water with oxygen to promote an aerobic algae metabolism. The limitation in its supply re-
environment. The produced oxygen is then duces the observed specific growth rates and
used by bacteria for degradation of organic thus the biomass productivity (Wu and Shi,
matter. The consortium between microalgae 2007).
and bacteria has been extensively studied for
wastewater treatment (Cruz et al., 2013; de- 3.2.3 Mixotrophic Production Systems
Bashan and Bashan, 2010; de-Bashan et al., Mixotrophic microalgae are able to combine the
2004, 2011). two nutrition modes described above. They
The type of bioreactor used in autotrophic cul- consume atmospheric CO2 (in the presence of
ture has a strong effect on the biomass produc- light through photosynthesis) as well as organic
tion cost, considering the investment and molecules and micronutrients from the growing
operational costs. The viability of this process environment. Some microalgal species are not
could eventually be achieved by designing biore- truly mixotrophs but have the ability to switch be-
actors to achieve high efficiencies in light conver- tween autotrophic and heterotrophic metabo-
sion into biomass. The consequent increase of lisms, depending on the environmental
cell densities of cultures will then reduce the conditions (Perez-Garcia et al., 2011). In autotro-
downstream processing costs. phic cultures, the accumulation of oxygen
produced by photosynthesis can achieve levels of the products that could be commercialized
that can inhibit microalgal growth, causing pho- from the biomass.
toxidative damage (Sforza et al., 2012). Oxygen Conventional methods are centrifugation, floc-
reutilization by mixotrophic cultures can prevent culation, and filtration, which can be applied indi-
this phenomenon. In addition, availability of light vidually or in combination. They present some
energy is not a limitation for biomass production. economic or technological disadvantages, such
Mixotrophic cultures usually present higher as energy requirement (centrifugation), biomass
growth rates than autotrophic and heterotrophic contamination (chemical flocculation), or nonfea-
cultures (Chojnacka and Noworyta, 2004; Mitra sible scale-up (Oh et al., 2001; Rossignol et al.,
et al., 2012). Due to the presence of organic 1999).
compounds in the medium, mixotrophic culture Screening is a preprocessing method applied
may be easily contaminated by heterotrophic to microalgal cultures. Its efficiency depends on
microorganisms. the screen openings and the cells sizes (Show
The main disadvantage of mixotrophic cul- and Lee, 2014). Despite its simplicity and low in-
tures is the significant cost of medium that natu- vestment, its efficiency in biomass recovery is
rally increases the biomass production cost low. Moreover, biofilms with microalgae and
(similar to heterotrophic cultures). To overcome bacteria can be formed, which requires constant
this drawback, cheaper carbon sources from maintenance.
wastewaters of industrial and agricultural sec- Chemical coagulation/flocculation is a low-cost
tors can be used in microalgal culture. Another harvesting method. This process can concentrate
issue that should be taken into account is the the cultures 20e100 times (Vandamme et al.,
design of PBR (similar to autotrophic cultures), 2013). It increases the particle size, reducing the en-
to have a better control over culture conditions, ergy requirement in dewatering process. Coagula-
increasing the biomass productivities. tion/flocculation is usually followed by gravity
sedimentation. While coagulation involves pH
adjustment or electrolyte addition, flocculation is
3.3 Harvesting and Processing based on the addition of cationic polymers
(Banerjee et al., 2013; Show and Lee, 2014). The suc-
3.3.1 Harvesting Techniques cess of these processes is mainly influenced by cell
Microalgal harvesting is the removal of concentration, microalgal surface properties, coag-
biomass from the culture medium. This process ulant/flocculant concentration, pH value, and ionic
can involve one or more steps (chemical, phys- strength of the broth (Oh et al., 2001). Multivalent
ical, or biological methods) and represents one metal salts, such as FeCl3, Al2(SO4)3, and
of the most important challenges for biomass Fe2(SO4)3, have been tested. Their dissociation
production on a commercial scale. Microalgae lowers the electrostatic repulsion between microal-
grow suspended in large amounts of water; gal cells, enabling formation of cell aggregates. The
they have similar specific gravity to water; they referred flocculants are toxic when consumed at
keep a stable, dispersed state due to their nega- high concentrations. Ideally, the used flocculants
tively charged membrane; thus, dewatering is should be inexpensive, nontoxic, and effective in
energy and capital intensive. The harvesting pro- low concentrations. Additionally, they should not
cess can contribute 20e30% of the total costs of limit the applications for the harvested biomass.
microalgal production (Goncalves et al., 2013; Flocculation can also occur without addition of
Pires et al., 2012). The selection of adequate har- chemicals. Autoflocculation may occur naturally
vesting methods depends on the characteristics in microalgal cultures exposed to sunlight with
of the target microorganism and also the value limited CO2 supply (Gonzalez-Fernandez and

Ballesteros, 2013; Salim et al., 2013; Vandamme it is more effective only for small volumes. For vol-
et al., 2012); through photosynthesis, microalgae umes greater than 20 m3 d1, centrifugation may
uptake CO2 from medium, increasing its pH value. be more economical (Grima et al., 2003; Rossignol
To study this phenomenon, researchers used cal- et al., 1999).
cium, magnesium, and sodium hydroxides to Centrifugation is the fastest harvesting method
induce the pH increase. Harvesting based on high and can be applied to the great majority of micro-
pH value has the advantage of creating conditions algae. However, it is also the most expensive due
that negatively influence the growth of pathogenic to high energy requirements. Thus, this process is
microorganisms (Vandamme et al., 2012). Howev- only applied for high-valued products (Grima
er, this process may cause changes in cell composi- et al., 2003; Lee et al., 2009; Sim et al., 1988).
tion. The formation of cell aggregates can also be Another disadvantage is related to exposure of
possible due to biopolymers secreted by microal- microalgal cells to high gravitational and shear
gaedbioflocculation (Christenson and Sims, forces that can damage cell structure.
2011). Thus, chemical flocculants are not required,
reducing the cost and toxicity of the process. How-
ever, the mixed culture of microalgae with bacteria 3.3.2 Drying Techniques
or fungi results in microbiological contamination,
Drying is the last harvesting step and is a
which limits the biomass applications.
required to remove moisture content (to 12% or
Flotation is usually defined as “inverted”
less) to avoid interference with solvents used in
sedimentation in which gas bubbles fed into
downstream processes. It represents a significant
the culture provide a lifting force required for
fraction of the total production costs. It can be
particle transport and separation. It is also
performed using dryers (spray drying, freeze
commonly applied after coagulation/floccula-
dryingdlyophilization, and fluidized bed dry-
tion process. For microalgal harvesting, flotation
ing) or by exposing the biomass to solar radia-
is more efficient than gravity sedimentation.
tion (Brink and Marx, 2013). Sun-drying
Main advantages are the low space requirement,
corresponds to lower production costs as well
short operation time, high flexibility, and low
as power consumption. However, this process
initial equipment costs (Hanotu et al., 2012;
may not be efficient due to the high water con-
Kwon et al., 2014; Milledge and Heaven, 2013).
tent in biomass. Spray drying is the most
Filtration is a physical separation process that
commonly applied method. It is fast, which
requires the maintenance of a pressure drop across
maintains the product quality; however, it is
the system to force fluid flow through a mem-
not economically feasible for low-value prod-
brane. Microalgae can deposit on the membrane,
ucts, such as biofuels.
increasing the resistance to flow, reducing the
filtration flux (with constant pressure drop). This
phenomenon is called fouling and represents the
main drawback of the process, which increases
the operational cost (Christenson and Sims, 4. CONCLUSIONS
2011). Tangential flow filtration is considered
more appropriate for the harvesting of smaller sus- This chapter presents an overview of the
pended algae, as it presents minor fouling prob- technology associated with microalgal produc-
lems. The culture medium flows tangentially tion. The current market for algae corresponds
across the membrane, keeping the cells in suspen- to the production of high-valued products
sion. The major costs of filtration are related to (health foods, functional foods, antioxidants,
membrane replacement and pumping. Therefore, and others). For environmental and energy
applications (low-valued products), research ef- Banerjee, C., Ghosh, S., Sen, G., Mishra, S., Shukla, P.,
forts should be made to increase the economic Bandopadhyay, R., 2013. Study of algal biomass harvest-
ing using cationic guar gum from the natural plant source
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Microalgal Biotechnology: The Way
Daphne H.P. Ng, Yi Kai Ng, Hui Shen, Yuan Kun Lee
National University of Singapore, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, Department
of Microbiology, Singapore

1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Biodiesel Feedstock

Microalgae are a diverse group of eukaryotic The accumulation of atmospheric greenhouse
or prokaryotic photosynthetic microorganisms gases (GHG) as a result of human activities and
that can grow rapidly and live in harsh condi- industrialization is regarded to be the principal
tions due to their unicellular or simple multicel- cause of global warming with carbon dioxide ac-
lular structure. They are ubiquitous and can be counting for 68% of total GHG emissions (Ho
found in a variety of aquatic and terrestrial et al., 2011). The burning of fossil fuels is the ma-
environments (Richmond, 2004). Green algae jor cause of elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide
(Chlorophyta) and diatoms (Bacillariophyta) levels with power plant flue gas accounting for
are examples of eukaryotic microalgae, while more than one-third of global carbon dioxide
cyanobacteria are prokaryotic microalgae (Li emissions (Stewart and Hessami, 2005). Hence,
et al., 2008a,b). It has been estimated that sustainable energy production is a critical na-
more than 50,000 species of microalgae exist, tional economic issue. Although electricity can
but only a limited number of approximately be generated from renewable sources in many
30,000 have been studied and analyzed ways, biofuels are currently the only option for
(Richmond, 2004). the replacement of conventional liquid fuels in
Microalgae such as Nostoc and Spirulina have combustion engine vehicles (Mata et al., 2010).
been used by indigenous populations as food Microalgae represent an important alternative
since ancient times (Jensen et al., 2001). to agricultural crops for second-generation bio-
Currently, besides food and feed, there are fuel production. There are several advantages
numerous applications of microalgae such as of using microalgae for the production of biofuel.
the production of biodiesel feedstock, for biolog- Compared to plants, microalgae have higher
ical carbon dioxide sequestration and produc- growth rates (e.g., one to three doublings per
tion of bioactive molecules. day) and do not compete for resources with

Handbook of Marine Microalgae 69 © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

food production as they can be grown in closed Chrysophyceae, Prymnesiophyceae, and cyano-
photobioreactors or open ponds on non-arable bacteria; C14:0, C16:0, and C16:1 in the Xantho-
land using seawater or nutrient-rich agricultural phyceae (Cobelas and Lechado, 1988; Hu et al.,
wastewater (Chisti, 2007; Dismukes et al., 2008; 2008).
Downing et al., 2002; Ho et al., 2011; Kumar In contrast to higher plants, some algae and
et al., 2010). cyanobacteria possess the ability to produce
Biodiesel is a biofuel alternative to petroleum- medium-chain fatty acids (e.g., C10, C12, and
based diesel fuel. It is produced by the transes- C14) as the predominant species, whereas others
terification of triacylglycerols (TAG) with synthesize very long-chain fatty acids (C20) (Hu
methanol to yield the corresponding monoalkyl et al., 2008). The filamentous cyanobacterium
fatty acid esters. As many microalgal species Trichodesmium erythraeum was found to produce
are able to accumulate significant amounts of C10 fatty acids comprising 27e50% of the total
lipid with the content of some species exceeding fatty acids, while C14 fatty acids accounted for
80% of their dry cell weight (Banerjee et al., 2002; almost 70% of the total fatty acids produced by
Chisti, 2008), microalgae are potential candi- the haptophyte Prymnesium parvum (Lee and
dates for the production of biodiesel feedstock. Loeblich, 1971; Parker et al., 1967).
In comparison, most agricultural crops used in Microalgae also produce long-chain polyun-
biodiesel production have lipid yields of less saturated fatty acids (PUFAs) such as those in
than 5% of biomass (Chisti, 2008). the u3 and u6 families. PUFAs are essential in
The lipid composition of microalgae is depen- the diets of humans and animals as they are
dent on the physiological state of the cells. Under not able to synthesize these fatty acids (Gill
optimal growth conditions, algae synthesize and Valivety, 1997). In addition, PUFAs of the
fatty acids principally for esterification into u3 and u6 families such as eicosapentaenoic
glycerol-based membrane lipids (polar lipids). (EPA), docosahexaenoic (DHA), and arachidonic
The formation of polar lipids is also induced by acid are pharmacologically important in the
low-light intensities. In response to unfavorable treatment of chronic inflammation and the pre-
environmental or stress conditions for growth, vention of diseases like hypertension and
such as nutrient depletion (nitrogen limitation coronary heart disease (Mata et al., 2010).
in particular), algae alter their lipid biosynthetic
pathways toward the formation and accumula-
1.2 Biological Carbon Dioxide
tion of neutral lipids, mainly in the form of
TAG in their stationary growth phase. Under
the stress conditions, the flow of fixed carbon is Microalgae can also be used directly in photo-
also diverted from protein to lipid production synthetic carbon dioxide sequestration. Photo-
(Rodolfi et al., 2009). synthesis is a natural process that converts
Similar to fatty acids in higher plants, the sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to produce
most common microalgal fatty acids have chain oxygen and organic matter such as sugar. Micro-
lengths that range from C16 to C18 and are either algae have high carbon dioxide fixation effi-
saturated or unsaturated. In general, saturated ciencies (10e50 times greater than plants) and
and monounsaturated algal fatty acids are pre- can fix carbon dioxide from various sources,
dominant. For example, the major fatty acids of including gaseous carbon dioxide from the
C16:0 and C16:1 are observed in the Bacillario- atmosphere and industrial flue gases, and in
phyceae; C16:0 and C18:1 in the Chlorophyceae, the form of soluble carbonates (Kumar et al.,
Euglenophyceae, Eustigmatophyceae, and 2010; Sydney et al., 2010). Furthermore, some
Prasinophyceae; C16:0, C16:1 and C18:1 in the microalgae strains can tolerate high carbon
dioxide, NO, and SO2 concentrations as well as produced by microalgae include sterols and vita-
high temperatures, allowing efficient capture of mins (Mata et al., 2010; Spolaore et al., 2006).
carbon dioxide directly from power plant flue
gas without the need for pretreatment (Li et al.,
2008b; Ono and Cuello, 2007; Wang et al., 2008;
1.4 Human Food and Animal Feed
Zeiler et al., 1995). Hence, biological carbon diox- The high protein contents of various microal-
ide mitigation by microalgae with carbon diox- gae make them a potential source of protein for
ide being converted to organic matter through human and animal nutrition. Microalgae are
photosynthesis has been proposed as one of the also a source of essential amino acids and vita-
strategies for atmospheric carbon dioxide cap- mins in human and animal diets (Guil-Guerrero
ture (Ho et al., 2011; Sydney et al., 2010). et al., 2004). In aquaculture, microalgae such as
Several studies have quantified the carbon di- Chlorella and Tetraselmis are often fed directly
oxide fixation abilities of various microalgae to to mollusks and shrimp larvae or used indirectly
evaluate the potential of microalgae in biolog- as food for the live prey fed to fish larvae (Brown
ical sequestration of carbon dioxide via photo- et al., 1997; Muller-Feuga, 2000).
synthesis (Table 1, adapted from Ho et al. As compared to fish oils, which are the main
(2011)). dietary sources of long-chain PUFAs, the use of
Extracellular products synthesized by micro- PUFAs from microalgae is more environmen-
algae can also be used as carbon sinks. It was tally sustainable as fish stocks will be depleted.
found that Dunaliella tertiolecta releases extracel- DHA produced by the dinoflagellate Cryptheco-
lular glycerol continuously under normal dinium cohnii has been added to infant formula,
growth conditions, which translates into a five while EPA extracted from Nannochloropsis has
times larger capacity to perform carbon dioxide the potential to be used as a nutritional supple-
removal as compared to cellular material alone. ment (Spolaore et al., 2006).
Thus, extracellular glycerol may function as a
sink for carbon fixation (Chow et al., 2013).
1.3 Pigments and Other Bioactive MICROALGAE CULTURE SYSTEMS
Molecules Culture systems are critical in maximizing the
Several valuable compounds such as pig- productivity of microalgae cultures. Microalgae
ments, antioxidants, and other biologically can be cultivated in open ponds or enclosed pho-
active molecules can be extracted from microal- tobioreactors. Three parametersdproductivity
gae. Phycocyanin is a phycobiliprotein complex per unit reactor volume (g L 1 day 1), produc-
produced by cyanobacteria, which is used as a tivity per unit of ground area occupied by the
natural dye in food and cosmetics (Spolaore reactor (g m 2 day 1), and productivity per
et al., 2006). Carotenoids such as b-carotene unit of reactor illuminated surface area
and astaxanthin are used as food colorants as (g m 2 day 1)dare used to evaluate perfor-
well as antioxidant supplements in human mance achieved by open ponds and photobior-
nutraceuticals and animal feed (Spolaore et al., eactors (Richmond, 2004).
2006). b-Carotene is produced by the green halo- An advantage of utilizing an open culture
philic flagellate D. salina while astaxanthin is system for microalgae cultivation is its low
produced by the freshwater chlorophyte Haema- operating cost. Additionally, open ponds have
tococcus pluvialis (Lorenz and Cysewski, 2000; a larger production capacity as compared to
Metting, 1996). Other bioactive molecules closed systems and may be more durable

TABLE 1 Carbon Dioxide Fixation Ability and Biomass Productivity of Microalgae

Biomass productivity CO2 consumption Operation

Microalgal species (mg LL1 dayL1) rate (mg LL1 dayL1) mode References

Chlorella vulgaris 40 75 Batch Scragg et al. (2002)

Scenedesmus obliquus 85 160 Batch de Morais and Costa (2007c)
Scenedesmus obliquus 105 198 Batch de Morais and Costa (2007b)
Scenedesmus obliquus 140 263 Serial de Morais and Costa (2007a)
Spirulina sp. 200 376 Serial de Morais and Costa (2007a)

Spirulina sp. 210 394 Batch de Morais and Costa (2007b)

Scenedesmus sp. 217.5 408.9 Batch Yoo et al. (2010)
Scenedesmus sp. 188 460.8 Batch Jin et al. (2006)
Nannochloropsis sp. 270 508 Batch Negoro et al. (1991)
Scenedesmus obliquus 292.5 549.9 Batch Ho et al. (2010)

Chlorella vulgaris 273 612 Batch Jin et al. (2006)

Chlorella sp. 335 700.2 Batch Chiu et al. (2009)
Chlorella sp. 381.8 717.8 Batch Chiu et al. (2009)
Chlorella sp. 171 857 Batch Chiu et al. (2008)
Chlorococcum littorale 530 900 Batch Kurano et al. (1995)
Botryococcus braunii 900 1000 Batch Murakami and Ikenouchi (1997)

Chlorella sp. 610 1147 Semi-batch Chiu et al. (2009)

Chlorella sp. 700 1316 Batch Sakai et al. (1995)
Synechocystis aquaticus 590 1500 Batch Murakami and Ikenouchi (1997)
Chlorella sp. 940 1767 Batch Sung et al. (1999)
Chlorella vulgaris 150 3450 Batch Fan et al. (2008)
Aphanothece microscopica 1250 5435 Batch Jacob-Lopes et al. (2009)

(Mata et al., 2010; Richmond, 1987). However, it have the potential to produce large quantities
has been reported that more energy is required of microalgae, extensive land area is required.
to homogenize nutrients in ponds. Another Furthermore, mass transfer of carbon dioxide
drawback of an open system is its susceptibility to the culture is low due to the low levels of car-
to weather conditions, with little control of bon dioxide in the atmosphere (0.03e0.06%),
water temperatures, evaporation, and lighting. and this limitation may result in the slow growth
Because of its open nature, this system is also of microalgae (Mata et al., 2010).
more prone to contamination from other algae On the other hand, photobioreactors are flex-
and bacteria. Although open culture systems ible systems that can be optimized according to
the biological and physiological characteristics estimated to be 8e10% with a maximum produc-
of the algae species. Unlike open ponds, photo- tivity of 77 g-biomass m 2 day 1, it has been
bioreactors offer better control over culture con- observed in outdoor cultures that actual
ditions and growth parameters such as pH, algal biomass productivities do not exceed
temperature, carbon dioxide, and oxygen gas 4 g L 1 day 1 with short-term areal productiv-
mixing. The closed nature of a photobioreactor ities ranging from 20 to 40 g-biomass m 2 day 1.
also minimizes the likelihood of culture contam- This translates to a 3% solar-to-biomass conver-
ination as direct exchange of contaminants with sion efficiency, which is much lower than the
the environment is limited. In addition, light theoretical solar-to-biomass conversion effi-
penetration into the culture can be optimized to ciency (Melis, 2009). The low productivity of
achieve maximum productivity (Mata et al., outdoor cultures implies that the absorbed
2010; Richmond, 1987). solar energy was not efficiently converted into
Despite the advantages, photobioreactors are biomass. Several factors such as light saturation,
prone to various problems such as overheating, slow rate of carbon dioxide fixation, and slow
biofouling, oxygen accumulation, difficulty in response to varying solar irradiance could have
scaling up, high cost of operation, cell damage limited the conversion of absorbed light energy
by shear stress, and deterioration of material into biomass (Green and Durnford, 1996).
used for the photo stage (Mata et al., 2010). As
a result of these limitations, photobioreactors
are not expected to have a significant impact in 4. OVERCOMING BIOLOGICAL
the near future on any product or process that LIMITATIONS IN MICROALGAL
can be attained in large outdoor ponds (Mata CULTURE
et al., 2010; Richmond, 1987).
Therefore, a combination of a closed culture In photosynthetic microalgae, photons
system with an open pond system may be the for photosynthesis are trapped by a light-
way forward in enhancing the cultivation of harvesting antenna array consisting of a core
microalgae (Richmond, 1987). Productivity of an light-harvesting antenna complex that includes
outdoor culture of the filamentous cyanobacte- a reaction center and other peripheral antenna
rium Arthrospira platensis was increased when pigment protein complexes (Green and Durn-
cultivated in an integrated device coupling a race- ford, 1996). In response to growth irradiance,
way pond with a flat alveolar panel, which main- the light-harvesting complex changes the abun-
tained a near-optimum temperature regimen for dance of specific components in the photosyn-
growth of the microalgae. The total productivity thetic apparatus (Laroche et al., 1991). This
(g reactor 1 day 1) obtained in the integrated requires the organism to sense differences in
system was 15% higher than the sum of the pro- light intensity for conversion of the signal to
ductivities of the pond and panel systems when biochemical information. The information is sub-
operated separately (Pushparaj et al., 1997). sequently transferred to regulatory elements
responsible for gene expression, resulting in
changes in the abundance of light-harvesting
3. PHOTOSYNTHETIC chlorophyll protein complexes (Teramoto et al.,
MASS CULTURE For maximum absorption of light for survival,
microalgae are genetically predisposed to assem-
Although the theoretical solar-to-biomass bling large antenna complexes due to light-
conversion efficiency of microalgae has been limiting conditions in the natural environment,

such as in the water column in a pond. alteration of chlorophyll antenna regulatory

Pulsed light-emitting diode experiments have genes (Michel et al., 1983; Tanaka et al., 2001).
demonstrated an efficient uptake of instanta- Some genes such as tla1 have been identified to
neous but discontinuous irradiance flux of be important in chlorophyll antenna regulation.
5000 mmol m 2 s 1, which is almost three times When the tla1 gene was disrupted by DNA inser-
that of the solar irradiance measured at noon, tional mutagenesis, the mutant demonstrated a
without flux saturation (Tennessen et al., 1995). smaller antenna size with a two-fold higher
This reduces single-cell solar energy conversion maximum photosynthetic rate (Polle et al., 2003).
efficiency as the chlorophyll antenna absorbs The decrease in photosynthesis efficiency due
more photons than can be processed by the reac- to light saturation may also result in a slow rate
tion center. Furthermore, the large chlorophyll of carbon dioxide fixation. Thus, another strat-
antenna prevents light from penetrating and egy to improve the photosynthetic efficiency is
reaching cells deeper in the culture. Lastly, to increase the rate of photosynthetic carbon
excess photons may be lost during nonphoto- assimilation through genetic modification of
chemical quenching, which can downregulate the carbon fixation pathways. The Calvin
photosynthetic machinery or activities (Holt cycle occurs in the stroma of chloroplasts
et al., 2004). These factors result in light satura- and is responsible for photosynthetic carbon
tion at relatively low-light intensities as well as assimilation. A key enzyme in the cycle is sedo-
damage of its associated reaction centers, thus heptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase (SBPase). SBPase
reducing the number of available reaction catalyzes the dephosphorylation of sedoheptu-
centers for photosynthesis. Hence, in a dense lose-1,7-bisphosphate (SBP) in the regeneration
culture, algal cells at the surface would over- of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) from glycer-
absorb incoming photons and dissipate the aldehyde-3-phosphate (PGAL) (Raines, 2003). It
excess excitation energy and the process may has been suggested that the catalytic activity of
become photoinhibited. On the other hand, cells SBPase may limit the rate of carbon fixation
further from the top layer would be shaded and (Raines et al., 2000). In the halophilic green
receive insufficient light for photosynthesis microalga Dunaliella bardawil, the overexpression
(Naus and Melis, 1991). of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii SBPase (CrSBPase)
To improve light harvesting and photosyn- resulted in a 50e100% increase in photosynthetic
thetic efficiency, it has been suggested that a performance in addition to increased total
reduction in size of the functional chlorophyll organic carbon content and glycerol production
antenna would allow greater transmittance of (Fang et al., 2012).
light into a dense culture (to reduce the cell har- In addition to modifying microalgal cells by
vesting cost), reduce the number of photons genetic engineering, culture systems can also be
collected by surface cells, and reduce photoinhi- optimized to attenuate the effect of light satura-
bition (Beckmann et al., 2009; Mussgnug et al., tion. The distribution of photosynthetically
2007; Nakajima et al., 1998; Polle et al., 2003; active radiation (PAR) can be varied by orien-
Radmer and Kok, 1977). Microalgal cells can tating the photobioreactor at various angles to
reduce their chlorophyll antenna size as a protec- the sun (Hu et al., 1998a; Lee and Low, 1991;
tive mechanism when exposed to extended du- Pirt et al., 1983; Tredici et al., 1991). At an inclina-
rations of high irradiance (Kim et al., 1993). tion of 45 when the sun is directly overhead, the
The reduction in chlorophyll antenna size can PAR measured at the surface of the bioreactor
also be achieved through genetic engineering ap- remained constant throughout the day at
proaches such as UV mutagenesis, direct modifi- approximately half the maximum irradiance
cation of chlorophyll biosynthesis genes, or the measured horizontally. This diluted the sun
irradiance impinging on the surface of the photo- increased by only 20% despite a five-fold in-
bioreactor as the irradiance was distributed over crease in the solar irradiance received by the cul-
a large surface area when the sun approached ture from early morning to noon (Lee and Low,
midday, preventing the irradiance from reaching 1992). Thus, the photosynthetic conversion effi-
photosynthetically saturated levels (Lee and ciency in the early morning could not be
Low, 1991; Pirt et al., 1983). Besides adjusting maintained. The inability to respond to rapid in-
for diurnal fluctuations in PAR, the tilt angle creases in solar irradiance has also been reported
can also be varied based on seasonal variations in a laboratory study in which the transitional
of PAR. In summer and winter, a tilt angle of responses of the marine diatom Thalasiosira
10e30 and a larger angle of 60 , respectively, weisflogii to increases in light intensities were
resulted in maximum productivity for that sea- investigated. It was noted that the specific
son (Hu et al., 1998a). growth rate of the diatom remained relatively
The depth of culture in a photobioreactor can constant for approximately 10 h after an eight-
also be optimized to increase photosynthetic effi- fold increase in light intensity, followed by a
ciency. In a photosynthetic culture, the light en- sharp increase in the specific growth rate within
ergy should be available at all times in order to the next few hours (Post et al., 1984). Hence, it is
maintain the growth of cells. For a given light likely that many microalgae are not capable of
source and culture depth, an optimal cell density responding rapidly to increases in solar irradi-
(OCD) exists where the highest photosynthetic ance, resulting in a more gradual increase in
efficiency and areal biomass yield (g m 2 biomass output rate as compared to the rate of
day 1) were achieved (Hu and Richmond, increase in growth irradiance. Consequently,
1994). At a cell density below OCD, the culture there is a rapid decrease in the bioenergetic
was light saturated, whereas at a cell concentra- growth yield in the morning (Lee and Low,
tion above OCD, cell shading resulted in nonpro- 1991).
ductive dark fraction and increased maintenance Photobioreactor design can play a key role
energy requirements (Lee and Pirt, 1981). in mitigating the slow response of microalgae
Therefore, a reduction in the depth of a culture to varying solar irradiance. It is recognized
will significantly increase both volumetric (g L 1 that there is a “flashing light” effect when
day 1) and areal productivity (g m 2 day 1) microalgal cells are exposed to intermittent
(Hu et al., 1996, 1998b,c). lightedark cycles in which light energy
captured in the photic zone is able to sustain
the dark carbon dioxide fixation for a brief
5. IMPROVE RESPONSE TO period of time (Vejrazka et al., 2012). This
VARYING SOLAR IRRADIANCE implies that as long as an algal cell is returned
to the photic zone before the ATP and NADPH
Solar irradiance varies in intensity during the reserves are exhausted in the dark zone, contin-
day reaching the maximum near noon; it also uous photosynthesis is possible in the culture.
varies throughout the year, with the highest so- It was observed that a lightedark cycle of
lar irradiance occurring in summer. However, frequency of 100 Hz resulted in a 35% higher
increases in the specific growth rate of microal- biomass yield than that obtained in continuous
gal cultures lag behind rapid increases in light light (Vejrazka et al., 2012). Turbulence facili-
intensity (Lee and Low, 1991, 1992; Post et al., tates cycling of cells between photic and dark
1984; Prezelin and Matlick, 1980). It was zones. It was observed that photosynthetic ac-
observed that in an outdoor Chlorella culture, tivity of Chlorella cultures and the biomass pro-
the specific growth rate of a light-limited culture ductivity of Spirulina cultures were dependent

on the stirring speed or aeration rate (Hu and cells to produce lipid without compromising
Richmond, 1996). Hence, an optimal level of growth.
stirring or aeration should be considered in Lipid productivity has also been improved by
photobioreactor design in order to achieve metabolic engineering of lipid catabolism.
the maximum photosynthetic efficiency and Recently, it was reported that the targeted
biomass production. knockdown of a multifunctional lipase/phos-
pholipase/acyltransferase increased neutral
lipid yields without affecting growth in the
6. ADVANCES IN MICROALGAL diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana (Trentacoste
Despite the enormous potential of microalgal
6.2 Optimizing Fatty Acid Compositions
feedstock-based biodiesel, there are unique chal- to Produce Biodiesel with Desired
lenges in this field that should be addressed Properties
before large-scale production is possible. Recent In addition to the selection and genetic engi-
advances in molecular biology coupled with a neering of algal strains with high lipid produc-
greater understanding of the lipid production tivity, fatty acid compositions of microalgae
processes in microalgae have allowed genetic should also be optimized. This is because the
manipulation of growth and lipid metabolism. properties of biodiesel are largely determined
Critical engineering breakthroughs related to by the structure of its component fatty acid es-
algal mass culture and downstream processing ters. The most important characteristics include
have also been demonstrated. ignition quality (i.e., cetane number), cold-flow
properties, and oxidative stability. Of the range
of fatty acids found in nature, saturated
6.1 Selection and Genetic Engineering
medium-chain fatty acids (C8eC14) are ideal
of Algal Strains for biodiesel with superior oxidative stability
For industrial-scale production of algal (Durrett et al., 2008). On the other hand, bio-
feedstock-based biodiesel to be feasible, the ideal diesel from PUFAs has good cold-flow proper-
microalgal strain must be highly productive with ties but is particularly susceptible to oxidation
a constitutional lipid accumulation and fatty (Hu et al., 2008). Hence, it is important to modu-
acids that mimic conventional diesel. The occur- late the species of fatty acids produced by micro-
rence and the extent to which TAG is produced algae so that biodiesel with the desired
are species/strain specific and are ultimately properties can be produced.
controlled by the genome of individual organ- Temperature has been found to have a major
isms. Hence, an important component of the effect on the degree of fatty acid saturation in
design of algal biofuel production processes is microalgae. A general trend toward increasing
the selection and genetic engineering of algal fatty acid unsaturation with decreasing tempera-
strains. ture and increasing saturated fatty acid content
A limitation of lipid accumulation in the with increasing temperature has been observed
microalgal cell through nitrogen deficiency is in many algae and cyanobacteria (Lynch and
that lipid productivity is offset by lower pro- Thompson, 1982; Murata et al., 1975; Raison,
ductivities attained under nutrient (nitrogen) 1986; Renaud et al., 2002; Sato and Murata,
shortage (Rodolfi et al., 2009). Hence, it is 1980). For example, both chloroplast and micro-
desirable to genetically engineer microalgal somal phospholipids fatty acid unsaturation
increased during acclimation to low temperature biological and culture system limitations that
in Dunaliella salina (Lynch and Thompson, 1982). result in low productivity of microalgae cul-
Microalgal fatty acid chain lengths can also be tures. Hence, there is an urgent need to enhance
altered for the production of biodiesel. This has the yield and productivity of microalgae mass
been demonstrated by expressing plant FatB cultures. With the advancement of molecular
thioesterases (TEs) from the California bay biology and engineering, these limitations
plant U. californica in the diatom Phaeodactylum can now be better understood and overcome
tricornutum and cyanobacterium Synechocystis through approaches such as genetic engineering
sp. PCC6803 with the goal of short circuiting and culture system design. It is hoped that these
fatty acyl chain elongation so that shorter- biotechnological advances will increase the pro-
chain fatty acids (C12 and C14) can be produced ductivity of microalgae cultures and transform
(Liu et al., 2011; Radakovits et al., 2011). Howev- microalgae cultivation technology into a sus-
er, these efforts were met with limited success. tainable industry with environmental and
societal benefits.
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Stability of Valuable Components during
Wet and Dry Storage
Lieselot Balduyck1,2, Koen Goiris3, Charlotte Bruneel1,2,
Koenraad Muylaert4, Imogen Foubert1,2
KU Leuven Kulak, Research Unit Food and Lipids, Kortrijk, Belgium; 2KU Leuven, Leuven Food Science
and Nutrition Research Centre (LFoRCe), Leuven, Belgium; 3KU Leuven Technology Campus Ghent,
Laboratory of Enzyme, Fermentation and Brewing Technology, Ghent, Belgium; 4KU Leuven Kulak,
Research Unit Aquatic Biology, Kortrijk, Belgium

1. INTRODUCTION Microalgal cells consist of 10e30% lipids,

depending on the species and the nutritional
Microalgae are an evolutionary old group and environmental factors during culturing
comprising very different lineages, which (Spolaore et al., 2006; Ryckebosch et al., 2011).
makes them extremely diverse from a biochem- Because of these substantial amounts of lipids,
ical point of view. Microalgae thus contain microalgae can possibly have a role in the
many different unique and valuable compo- supply of biodiesel. In addition, long-chain
nents that are not often found in terrestrial omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (u-3
plants. Each of these components has its own LC-PUFA) are found in microalgae, representing
specific importance and applications. Depend- the only plant source of these nutritionally inter-
ing on the characteristics of these components, esting lipids. Several studies have demonstrated
stability during storage can be a problem the health-promoting functions of u-3 LC-PUFA,
(Gordon, 2001; Ryckebosch et al., 2011). Storage particularly eicosapentaenoic acid (C20:5n-3)
of microalgae differs fundamentally from and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA; C22:6n-3)
storage of lipid-rich seeds. After harvesting, (Kagan et al., 2013). These fatty acids protect
microalgae appear as a paste with a dry weight against cardiovascular diseases (Breslow, 2006),
of only 5e25%, which can pose several pro- can have beneficial effects against inflam-
blems during storage. These stability problems mations (Calder, 2011, 2013), and can have posi-
are also reported in fruit oils, for example, olive tive effects against dementia and depression
oil and palm oil, where the harvested fruit also (Nemets et al., 2001; Freund-Levi et al., 2008;
contains high amounts of water (Dijkstra and Sublette et al., 2011). Commercially used u-3
Segers, 2007). LC-PUFA (in supplements or functional foods)

Handbook of Marine Microalgae 81 © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

normally originates from fish, but this will be a 2. STABILITY OF LIPIDS DURING
problem in the future because of the global STORAGE OF MICROALGAL
decline in wild-harvest fish stocks. Microalgae BIOMASS AND OIL
and other alternative sources of u-3 LC-PUFA
are thus necessary (Ryckebosch et al., 2012). A first stability problem than can arise with
For both biodiesel and food applications, the lipids during storage of microalgae is lipolysis,
stability of the lipids is of major importance, a hydrolytic process mostly caused by endoge-
although thus far there has been little research nous lipases, during which free fatty acids
on this issue. (FFA) are released from lipids. FFA are not desir-
A second important group of valuable able in food applications because of their rancid
components in microalgae are the antioxidants, flavor. In biodiesel applications, the presence of
which protect microalgae against photo- FFA is also unfavorable because saponification
oxidative damage during photosynthesis (Stahl reactions take place between FFA and alkaline
and Sies, 2003; Goiris et al., 2012). Especially catalysts during transesterification. Conse-
autotrophic microalgae, which are exposed to quently, the corresponding soaps are formed,
light, contain important amounts of antioxidants leading to a reduced amount of catalyst present
(Duval et al., 2000; Kov acik et al., 2010). The and several downstream separation problems
extensive amount of antioxidants in autotrophic (Greenwell et al., 2009; Halim et al., 2012).
microalgae can improve the stability of the A second stability problem is oxidation of
lipids in the microalgae and in the extracted oil lipids, during which hydroperoxides are formed
(Ryckebosch et al., 2013). However, some of (primary oxidation products), which are later
these antioxidants are quite thermolabile, and decomposed to a variety of secondary oxidation
care must thus be taken to minimize losses of products such as aldehydes, ketones, and
antioxidants during processing. alcohols. Oxidation of fatty acids is promoted
A few other components of microalgae can by high temperatures and the presence of light
also be considered valuable, for example, some and can be retarded by the presence of antioxi-
essential amino acids and proteins. Essential dants. Unsaturated fatty acids are preferably
amino acids from microalgae can act as precur- oxidized, especially those containing double
sors to hormones and can have functions in bonds, separated from each other by one meth-
metabolic pathways such as the citric acid and ylene group, as is the case for u-3 LC-PUFA
urea cycle (Welladsen et al., 2014). Phycobilipro- (Frankel, 1980; Gordon, 2001; Gunstone et al.,
teins, a group of proteins involved in photosyn- 2007; Knothe, 2007). Oxidation of lipids can be
thesis, are important components mainly initiated by free radicals (autoxidation) or singlet
produced by Arthrospira and Porphyridium. oxygen (photo-oxidation) and can also be cata-
These proteins have several applications, for lyzed by the enzyme lipoxygenase (LOX)
example, in cosmetics, food pigments, and (Knothe, 2007). Nu~ nez et al. (2002) isolated
fluorescent labels in analytical techniques. Phy- LOX from Chlorella by precipitation with
cobiliproteins also have medical applications, (NH4)2SO4 and further purification. The purified
as they have some hepatoprotective, anti- LOX produced 9- and 13- hydroperoxide deriva-
inflammatory, and antioxidant properties (Plaza tives from linoleic acid and had an optimal pH of
et al., 2009; Spolaore et al., 2006). 7.5. Cutignano et al. (2011) showed the presence
The next section will focus on the stability of of oxylipins in marine diatoms. These oxygen-
lipids and antioxidants in microalgal biomass ated derivatives of PUFA are most often formed
and oil during processing and storage. by sequential action of several enzymes, among
others lipases and LOX, but some can also be The stability of lipids during the storage of
formed chemically (Mosblech et al., 2009). microalgae strongly depends on the moisture
Lipid oxidation can have negative effects on content and consequently on the stage in the pro-
product quality, for both food and biodiesel duction process where storage is performed.
applications. Secondary oxidation products, There are two stages of microalgae storage: (1)
many of which are volatile components, can storage of microalgal paste with a dry weight
cause different off-flavors in food, depending of 5e25%, called “wet storage,” and (2) storage
on the fatty acid composition of the lipids and of dried microalgae with a dry weight of
the oxidation conditions. Aldehydes are the 90e95%, called “dry storage.”
most prevalent volatile components in microal-
gae and can give desirable as well as rancid
flavors. Shorter chain linear aldehydes are often 2.1 Stability of Lipids during Wet
formed by chemical lipid oxidation, whereas Storage of Microalgal Biomass
branched and aromatic aldehydes are typically
the result of enzymatic lipid oxidation (Van 2.1.1 Lipolysis
Durme et al., 2013). Besides the development of Ryckebosch et al. (2011) showed that after
rancid flavors, oxidation can also cause bleach- 2 days of wet storage at 4  C of centrifuged
ing of food by reactions with pigments, reduc- microalgal paste of Phaeodactylum, pronounced
tion of nutritional quality by loss of u-3 lipolysis was observed, which was not the case
LC-PUFA and vitamins, and formation of poten- when the paste was dried immediately after
tial toxic products, for example, 4-hydroxy- harvest (Figure 1(b)). As a consequence, the total
nonenal. For these reasons, oxidation must be lipid content also decreased significantly
minimal in food applications (Kubow, 1992; (Figure 1(a)). It was thus concluded that even
Gordon, 2001). In biodiesel applications, oxida- short-term storage of fresh wet biomass can
tion can cause reduced fuel quality by formation have detrimental effects on biomass quality
of deposits in tanks, fuel systems, and filters dur- and should be avoided where possible.
ing decomposition of lipids (Singer and R€ uhe, Budge and Parrish (1999) showed that
2014). Polymerization reactions between hydro- boiling water treatment of harvested diatoms
peroxides can also increase viscosity (Dunn, could be used to avoid elevated amounts of
2005; Knothe, 2007). FFA, as this treatment was supposed to inacti-
In many studies, oxidation of lipids is vate lipases. The formed FFA seemed to origi-
measured by comparing the fatty acid profile nate more from phospholipids than from
and the amount of u-3 LC-PUFA in it. However, triacylglycerols. This is in agreement with
more accurate and sensitive methods to quantify the studies of Berge et al. (1995) and Pernet
lipid oxidation measure primary and secondary and Tremblay (2003), which also indicate
oxidation products. Primary oxidation products that phospholipids in microalgae are more
(hydroperoxides) are determined by peroxide sensitive to lipolysis than triacylglycerols. A
value or level of conjugated dienes or trienes, possible explanation is the presence of lipases
while thiobarbituric acid value and p-anisidine that specifically act on phospholipids, also
value are used as measures for secondary oxida- called phospholipases.
tion products. The latter methods, however, lack Despite the importance of the lipases for
sensitivity and specificity; therefore, it is better to hydrolytic stability, they have been sparsely
quantify secondary volatile oxidation products studied. Terasaki and Itabashi (2002) investigated
by gas chromatography (Frankel, 1993; Shahidi the features of galactolipases in Chattonella marina.
and Zhong, 2005). The enzymes have an optimal temperature

FIGURE 1 Influence of short-term storage, spray drying, and lyophilization of Phaeodactylum tricornutum on the total lipid
content (a) and FFA content (b). Reprinted with permission from Ryckebosch, E., Muylaert, K., Eeckhout, M., Ruyssen, T., Foubert, I.,
2011. Influence of drying and storage on lipid and carotenoid stability of the microalga Phaeodactylum tricornutum. J. Agric. Food Chem.
59, 11063e11069. Copyright (2011) American Chemical Society.

of 20e25  C and preferentially act on monoga-

lactosyldiacylglycerol (MGDG), but also on 2.1.2 Oxidation
phosphatidylcholine. This confirmed the Ryckebosch et al. (2011) evaluated the degree
results of Cho and Thomson (1986), who stud- of oxidation in fresh wet microalgal paste
ied lipases from the chloroplast of Dunaliella compared to dried biomass of Phaeodactylum tri-
salina. The enzymes also preferentially attacked cornutum by determining conjugated dienes and
MGDG, which is distinct from other lipases trienes of PUFA with a spectrophotometric
studied in green plants. However, further method. They showed that short-term storage
research on lipases in microalgae is required (48 h) at 4  C showed no significant differences
for an insight into optimal conditions to mini- in the degree of oxidation when compared to
mize lipase activity during wet storage. biomass that was immediately freeze-dried or
Cell wall disruption is performed during the spray-dried. It was concluded that short-term
production process to improve the extraction of storage of microalgal paste contributes no signif-
lipids or other valuable components. Pernet icant oxidation problems.
and Tremblay (2003), however, showed that Welladsen et al. (2014) evaluated the oxida-
cell wall disruption can have negative effects tive stability on a longer term of two microalgal
on stability. They showed increased production concentrates, Nannochloropsis and Dunaliella, and
of FFA during wet storage after two disruption two other diatom concentrates, Melosira dubia
processes (ultrasonication and grinding) than af- and Entomoneis punctulata. Lipid oxidation was
ter one of these disruption processes. They examined by measuring the loss of n-3 PUFA
explained this by the enhanced contact between content in the fatty acid profile. They found a
enzymes and substrates if the degree of cell big difference in the oxidation of n-3 PUFA
disruption increases. between the two chlorophytes, Nannochloropsis
and Dunaliella, on the one hand and the two
diatoms, M. dubia and E. punctulata, on the other
hand. The two chlorophyte concentrates
retained more than 95% of n-3 PUFA during
2 months of storage in a refrigerator, while it
was only 10% in the other two diatoms. It was
hypothesized that this difference is due to a dif-
ference in antioxidant content or in cell wall
structure. Natural antioxidants, present in
Nannochloropsis and Dunaliella, could have
protected the lipids against oxidation. On the
other hand, the silica frustules of the diatoms
are possibly more permeable to oxygen than
the cell wall of chlorophytes, resulting in
increased lipid oxidation in diatoms. FIGURE 2 Relative rates of deteriorative reactions in
foods as a function of water activity (Kerr, 2013). Reprinted
from Kerr, M.,2013. Food drying and evaporation processing oper-
ations. In: Kutz, M.(Ed.), Handbook of Microalgae: Biotechnology
2.2 Stability of Lipids during Dry Storage Advances, Second ed. pp. 317e354. Copyright (2013), with
of Microalgal Biomass permission from Elsevier.

The drying step has a crucial role in the stability an important influence on the properties and
of valuable components in microalgae and also in stability of dried microalgae during storage,
food in general, as it reduces the moisture content although relatively little research has been done
and water activity. However, water activity is a on this topic.
better predictor of stability in food products, since
it is a measure of the availability of water for reac- 2.2.1 Lipolysis
tions occurring in food products. Drying, and Esquivel et al. (1993) showed that hot air dry-
consequently reducing water activity, diminishes ing as well as freeze-drying of P. tricornutum and
the growth of microorganisms and retards enzy- Chaetoceros sp. caused a loss of 70% of the lipids.
matic reactions because of the reduced contact be- This was, however, not observed by Babarro
tween enzyme and substrate (Figure 2). Some et al. (2001) after freeze-drying of Isochrysis
enzymes are also inactivated during the drying galbana, by Ryckebosch et al. (2011) after freeze-
process, depending on the time and temperature drying and spray drying of P. tricornutum
used. Enzymes that are particularly important in and by Balasubramanian et al. (2013) after hot
lipid stability are lipases and LOX. Autoxidation air drying, sun drying, and freeze-drying of
is also dependent on water activity, since the Nannochloropsis. A possible explanation is the
oxidation rate decreases when drying until a wa- storage of the wet biomass before drying
ter activity of about 0.2, but increases again when detailed by Esquivel et al. (1993), since it has
water activity is lower than 0.2 (Figure 2) (Belitz been shown that even short-term storage of
et al., 2009; Kerr, 2013). Disadvantages of the dry- wet biomass can cause substantial lipid losses
ing process are the promotion of lipid oxidation (Ryckebosch et al., 2011).
because of the high temperatures and the inacti- The drying process can possibly affect the
vation of antioxidants (Knothe et al., 2007; Lim extent of lipolysis occurring during dry storage.
and Murtijaya, 2007; Nindo et al., 2003). The dry- Balasubramanian et al. (2013) observed a
ing technique and process parameters may have different amount of FFA in biomass depending

on the drying technique. FFA content was three were not active in the oil medium nor were
times higher for sun-dried biomass than for co-extracted with the lipids. Oxidation, on the
freeze-dried and oven-dried biomass. On the other hand, posed a problem in the extracted
other hand, freeze-dried biomass was shown to microalgal oils. Because of the substantial
be more prone to lipolysis during storage than amounts of unsaturated fatty acids, the lipids
spray-dried biomass (Ryckebosch et al., 2011). are more prone to oxidation, especially if they
The latter authors hypothesized that the higher are exposed to air and/or light.
temperatures during spray-drying caused dena- Important factors in the production process
turation of the lipases, while this was not the that influence the oxidative stability of the lipids
case during freeze-drying. are the extraction solvent and eventually purifica-
tion steps after extraction. Ryckebosch et al. (2013)
2.2.2 Oxidation observed that oils extracted with hexane showed
Next to lipolysis, oxidation of lipids can be a lower oxidative stability than oils extracted
dependent on the drying process. Oliveira et al. with hexane/isopropanol (Figure 3(a)). Two
(2010) observed an influence of process parame- explanations are hypothesized for this observa-
ters (temperature and sample thickness) of hot tion. Firstly, other antioxidants were extracted
air drying on the degree of lipid oxidation of with different solvents. Polyphenols, for
Spirulinadhigher temperatures and lower thick- example, are better extracted with a more polar
ness yielded less oxidation. Morist et al. (2001) extraction solvent (Dai and Mumper, 2010). As
detected no significant differences in the fatty they are present in microalgae in amounts in
acid profile of Spirulina platensis after spray the same order of magnitude as carotenoids
drying. Ryckebosch et al. (2011) observed more (Li et al., 2007; Goiris et al., 2012), but have a
primary and secondary oxidation products higher antioxidant capacity (Podsedek,
during the storage of spray-dried P. tricornutum 2007), they contribute strongly to the antioxidant
compared to the storage of freeze-dried biomass. capacity of microalgae (Goiris et al., 2012). A
This may be linked to the temperature depen- second possible explanation is the higher extract-
dence of the oxidation mechanism, as spray ability of glycolipids and phospholipids in
drying causes higher heat exposure than hexane/isopropanol than in hexane. It has
freeze-drying. Moreover, antioxidants, which already been shown that these polar lipids
are often thermolabile components, are also have a higher oxidative stability than triacylgly-
more degraded during spray drying, compro- cerols (Song et al., 1997; Lyberg et al., 2005;
mising the protection of lipids against oxidation. Yamaguchi et al., 2012) and that addition of
phospholipids improves the oxidative stability
of triacylglycerols (Nwosu et al., 1997; Khan
2.3 Stability of Lipids in Extracted and Shahidi, 2000).
Ryckebosch et al. (2013) also found that the
Microalgal Oil
oxidative stability of microalgal oils was much
Ryckebosch et al. (2013) observed a different better than that of several commercial oils rich
impact of lipolysis and oxidation during storage in u-3 LC-PUFA, such as fish and tuna oil and
of oil extracted from Isochrysis, Nannochloropsis oil from heterotrophic microalgae (DHA-S oil)
gaditana, and Phaeodactylum. While lipolysis (Figure 3(b)). A possible explanation is the pres-
was an important problem in the storage of ence of endogenous antioxidants in the autotro-
wet and dry biomass, no FFAs were produced phic microalgal oils. Although antioxidants are
in the extracted oil during an accelerated storage added during the production process of the com-
test at 37  C. It was suggested that lipases mercial oils, they still seem to be quite unstable.

FIGURE 3 Peroxide value (in mequiv active oxygen/kg oil; mean  SD; n ¼ 2) as a function of storage time at 37  C of Nan-
nochloropsis sp. oil and Phaeodactylum oil, obtained with hexane/isopropanol (HI) and hexane (H), and the commercial omega-3
LC-PUFA oils (Ryckebosch et al., 2013). Reprinted with permission from Ryckebosch, E., Bruneel, C., Termote-Verhalle, R., Lemahieu,
C., Muylaert, K., Van Durme, J., Goiris, K., Foubert, I., 2013. Stability of omega-3 LC-PUFA-rich photoautotrophic microalgal oils
compared to commercially available omega-3 LC-PUFA oils. J. Agric. Food Chem. 61, 1014510155. Copyright (2013) American Chem-
ical Society.

3. ANTIOXIDANT PROTECTION efficient in preventing the initiation of lipid

AND STABILITY DURING STORAGE oxidation. During processing, care must be taken
to limit exposure to light as these carotenoids are
Microalgae reduce (lipid) oxidation in living prone to photochemical bleaching. Also, thermal
cells using two strategies: antioxidant enzymes stress during spray drying has been shown to
and antioxidant molecules. The most important reduce carotenoid content in P. tricornutum
antioxidant enzymes in microalgae are superox- biomass (Ryckebosch et al., 2011).
ide dismutase, catalase, and peroxidases such as Although phenolics are well-studied antioxi-
ascorbate peroxidase and glutathione peroxi- dant components in higher plants, the acknowl-
dase. However, when microalgae are harvested edgment of their presence in microalgae is fairly
and dried, enzymatic activity is greatly reduced recent. Li et al. (2007) and Hajimahmoodi et al.
due to inactivation during the drying process (2010) screened microalgae for polyphenol con-
and low water activity in the dry biomass, and tent and antioxidant activity and found large
thus enzymatic protection in dry biomass is variations between species. Microalgae can
limited (Lesser, 2006). further produce some remarkable polyphenolic
On the other hand, both in living cells and antioxidant molecules such as marennine (struc-
dried biomass, several antioxidant molecules ture not yet fully elucidated) in the diatom Haslea
protect the cell content against oxidation. An ostrearia (Pouvreau et al., 2008), purpurogallin
important class of low-molecular-weight antiox- in the extremophile snow algae Mesotaenium
idants, present in microalgae, are antioxidant vi- berggrenii (Remias et al., 2012), or even butylated
tamins. High levels of vitamin C or ascorbic acid hydroxytoluene, the well-known food additive
have been reported in Chlorella sp. (Running (E321) that is usually obtained synthetically
et al., 2002), Dunaliella sp. (Barbosa et al., 2005), (Babu and Wu, 2008). Phenolics are efficient anti-
Chaetoceros calcitrans, and Skeletonema costatum oxidant molecules and exhibit a wide range of
(Brown et al., 1998, 1999). Due to the thermola- chemical structures and polarities. Many pheno-
bile nature of ascorbic acid, care must be taken lics show good thermal stability.
during the processing of microalgae in order to Next to the common antioxidant components
minimize losses of ascorbic acid. As ascorbic that are found in other plants, some microalgae
acid is hydrophilic, it is not transferred into the produce specific types of antioxidants such as
oil when extracted and is therefore of low impor- the phycobiliproteins, for example, phycocy-
tance for the stability of processed oils. On the anin and phycoerythrin in rhodophytes and
other hand, the fat-soluble vitamin E (tocoph- cyanobacteria (Huang et al., 2007), dimethylsul-
erol) is also produced in high amounts by micro- fide/dimethylsulfoxide (Sunda et al., 2002), and
algae such as Dunaliella tertiolecta and Tetraselmis sulfated polysaccharides (Tannin-Spitz et al.,
suecica (Carballo-Cardenas et al., 2003). Tocoph- 2005). Thermostability of phycobiliproteins can
erols are more thermostable and lipophilic and vary significantly, but in most cases they should
are therefore important for the stability of micro- survive thermal stress during spray drying
algal oils. Next to antioxidant vitamins, caroten- (Pumas et al., 2011).
oids (both primary and secondary) are another
important group of lipophilic antioxidants that 4. CONCLUSIONS
protect LC-PUFA. Important microalgal caroten-
oids include lutein, astaxanthin, fucoxanthin, Stability of valuable components in microal-
and b-carotene. Carotenoids are efficient gae is an often understudied topic, but is of
quenchers of singlet oxygen and are therefore a major importance for several applications.
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does not seem to be a problem, and the oxidative nema costatum. Phytochemistry 39 (5), 1017e1021.
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Many different types of antioxidants, both diets. Aquacult. Nutr. 4, 151e156.
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vation by Science and Technology, Brussels, Belgium (IWT phys. Acta 878, 353e359.
strategic research grant L. Balduyck). Cutignano, A., Lamari, N., D’ippolito, G., Manzo, E.,
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Application of Microalgae Protein
to Aquafeed
A. Catarina Guedes1, Isabel Sousa-Pinto1,2, F. Xavier Malcata3,4
Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research (CIIMAR/CIMAR), University of
Porto, Porto, Portugal; 2University of Porto, Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Porto, Portugal;
University of Porto, Department of Chemical Engineering, Porto, Portugal; 4LEPABEdLaboratory of
Process Engineering, Environment, Biotechnology and Energy, Porto, Portugal

1. INTRODUCTION fish meal production has plateaued for several

years now. There is a definite need for a new
Fisheries are the most important sources of source of nutritious fish food. Therefore, the
feedstock for fish meal. Only a small percentage aquaculture industry has recently succeeded in
of global fish production is indeed channeled to reducing the inclusion rates of fish meal and
human consumption, with the remainder being fish oil in feeds of farmed aquatic animals.
used for fish and animal feed. However, the pro- However, due to the increase in production of
portion of fish processed into fish meal is not likely all farmed species, there is still a growing
to grow due to an increasing demand for fish demand for such ingredients (Naylor et al.,
products in such emerging economies as China. 2009). Fish meal is the principal source of pro-
In 2011, for the first time ever fish farming tein in commercial aquatic feeds. As a result of
exceeded beef production worldwide, and it is the steep increase in the price of fish meal and
currently growing five times faster than beef the decline in fishery resources going into fish
production. This increased demand, along meal production, finding and testing alternate
with limits on wild fish catch, has driven fish protein and lipid sources are important for the
meal prices up by almost three-fold in the past aquatic feed industry (Kiron et al., 2012).
decade. Fish meal is a protein-rich food ob- Increased production in aquaculture is depen-
tained after processing fish caught in the wild, dent on overall economic management,
and sets the basis for any balanced formulation improved water management, better feeding
used in commercial aquaculture. For the rea- strategies, more environmentally friendly feeds,
sons mentioned above, a problem in current genetically fit stocks, improved health manage-
fish farming is the fact that fish food can account ment, and integration with agriculture. Although
for up to 30e60% of its operating costs and is aquaculture dates back to early human history in
anticipated to keep on rising as worldwide Asia, Europe, and the Pacific islands (New and

Handbook of Marine Microalgae 93 © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Wagner, 2000), it is only in the last few decades several folds higher production. Since they uti-
that aquaculture has begun to catch up with the lize sunlight energy more efficiently, their poten-
science of feed manufacture and nutritiond tial for production of valuable compounds or
almost 40% of all aquaculture production is biomass is widely recognized, and they can be
now firmly dependent on commercial feed. used to enhance the nutritional value of feed.
This is especially true of high-value carnivo- Microalgae combine properties typical of higher
rous species like shrimp, salmon, and trout, plants with biotechnological attributes proper to
whose feed contains large portions of marine in- microbial cells. In other words, they can repro-
puts in the form of fish meal (Alvarez et al., duce fast in the liquid medium with simple
2007). The percentage of farms using commercial nutritional requirements (they do not require
feeds varies from 100% for salmon and trout to an organic carbon source, like fungi or bacteria
83% in marine shrimp and 38% in carp farms do) and accumulate interesting metabolites.
(Hemaiswarya et al., 2011). However, of particular importance is the possi-
Therefore, the potential use of unconventional bility to increase the production of biomass or
feed ingredients, such as microalgae, as feed in- desired compounds by manipulating cultivation
puts to replace high-cost feed stuffs has been conditions. For example, the lack of nitrogen
increasing. Any satisfactory alternative feed in- compounds in the medium of microalga Chlorella
gredients must be able to supply comparable can lead to lipid accumulation of 85% in biomass
nutritional value at competitive cost. Conven- (Blazencic, 2007), or mixotrophic cultivation of
tional land-based crops, especially grains and microalga Spirulina can increase productivity
oilseeds, have been feasible alternatives due to five-fold (Chen and Zhang, 1997). Considering
their low costs, and have proved successful for their intrinsic enormous biodiversity and the
some applications when used as substitutes for ongoing developments in genetic engineering,
a portion of the fish meal. But even when these microalgae represent one of the most promising
plant-based substitutes can support good biological resources for new products and appli-
growth, they can cause significant changes in cations (Pulz and Gross, 2004).
the nutritional quality of the final fish produced. Currently, microalgae have been used in
As microalgal protein is of good quality, with aquaculture as food additives, fish meal and
amino acid profiles comparable to those of other oil replacement, coloring of salmonids, inducers
reference food proteins (Becker, 2007), it could be of biological activities, and enhancers of nutri-
a plausible alternative to fish meal protein. tional value of zooplankton fed to fish larvae
Therefore, microalgae, the source of most photo- and fry. Therefore, the use of microalgae as an
synthetically fixed carbon in the food web of additive in aquaculture has received a lot of
aquatic animals (Kwak and Zedler, 1997), may attention due to the positive effect on weight
be an ideal replacement for fish meal in aquatic gain, increased triglyceride and protein deposi-
feeds. Microalgae are also a more reliable and tion in muscle, improved resistance to disease,
less volatile source of protein, and their availabil- improved taste and consistency of flesh,
ity is not dependent on fish captures. This pro- decreased nitrogen output into the environment,
vides industry with better control of their costs increased omega-3 fatty acid content, physiolog-
and supports a potential for future investment ical activity, starvation tolerance, carcass qual-
due to the reduction of risk in aquaculture ity, and increase in the rate of growth of
farming operations. aquatic species due to better digestibility
Microalgae can be cultivated in areas unsuit- (Becker, 2004; Fleurence, 2012). Their impor-
able for plants (with less or no seasonality), tance in aquaculture is thus not surprising, since
and, compared to plants, some species have they are natural food for these organisms.
Therefore, microalgae provide a way of con- better the digestibility, the faster the growth;
trolling the nature and amount of nutrients given this is the reason for reports of increased produc-
to aquatic species, as emphasized in Table 1 dis- tion on aquaculture operations after switching
playing the nutritional characteristics of selected from mostly corn/soybean feed to microalgal
microalgal strains. feed.
By choosing microalgae with the highest pro- Microalgae are utilized in aquaculture as live
tein content, manufacturers can reduce the over- feeds for all growth stages of bivalve mollusks
all pricing of their feed by mixing microalgae (e.g., oysters, scallops, clams, and mussels), for
biomass with other feed sources such as soy or the larval/early juvenile stages of abalone, crus-
corn, while maintaining digestibility so as to taceans, and some fish species, and for
assure maximum growth of aquatic crops. The zooplankton used in aquaculture food chains.
digestibility determines the metabolic processes Over the last four decades, several hundred
that induce growth in aquatic species for a given microalgae species have been tested as food,
set of physical and chemical conditions. The but probably less than 20 have gained

TABLE 1 Chemical Composition of Selected Microalgae, Expressed on a Dry Matter Basis (%)

Class Microalga Proteins Carbohydrates Lipids Nucleic acids

Chlorophyceae Chlamydomonas rheinhardii 48 17 21 e

Chlorella pyrenoidosa 57 26 2 e
Chlorella vulgaris 51e58 12e17 14e22 4e5
Dunaliella bioculata 49 4 8 e

Dunaliella salina 57 32 6 e
Scenedesmus dimorphus 8e18 21e52 16e40 e
Scenedesmus obliquus 50e56 10e17 12e14 3e6
Scenedesmus quadricauda 47 e 1.9 e
Cyanophyceae Anabaena cylindrica 43e56 25e30 4e7 e
Aphanizomenon flos-aquae 62 23 3 e

Spirulina maxima 60e71 13e16 6e7 3e4.5

Spirulina platensis 46e63 8e14 4e9 2e5
Synechococcus sp. 63 15 11 5
Euglenophyceae Euglena gracilis 39e61 14e18 14e20 e
Labyrinthulomycetes Schizochytrium sp. e e 50e77 e
Porphyridiophyceae Porphyridium cruentum 28e39 40e57 9e14 e

Prasinophyceae Tetraselmis maculata 52 15 3 e

Prymnesiophyceae Prymnesium parvum 28e45 25e33 22e38 1e2
Zygnematophyceae Spirogyra sp. 6e20 33e64 11e21 e

Adapted from Becker (2007), Chisti (2007), Kovac et al. (2013), FAO (1997), Lakshmanasenthil et al. (2013).

widespread use in aquaculture (Brown, 2002). is not the major factor determining food value.
The most frequently used species are Chlorella, The protein quality of all microalgae is high.
Tetraselmis, Isochrysis, Pavlova, Phaeodactylum, Sugar composition is variable, and in some in-
Chaetoceros, Nannochloropsis, Skeletonema, and stances may affect the nutritional value. The
Thalassiosira genera. Combination of different essential PUFAs (EPA and DHA) are key nutri-
algal species provides better balanced nutrition ents in animal nutrition, and most microalgae
and improves animal growth better than a diet are rich in one or both such acids. Chlorophytes,
composed of only one algal species (Spolaore however, lack these acids, and this contributes
et al., 2006). To be suitable for aquaculture, a to their low food value. Microalgae are rich
microalgal strain has to meet various criteria, sources of two key vitamins, ascorbic acid and
such as ease of culturing, lack of toxicity, high riboflavin, but some species lack specific vita-
nutritional value with correct cell size and mins (Brown et al., 1997). Because microalgae
shape, and digestible cell wall to make nutrients may be limited in one or more key nutrients,
available (Raja et al., 2004; Patil et al., 2007). Pro- mixed-microalgal diets provide a better
tein and vitamin content is a major factor deter- balance, and are thus normally used in
mining the nutritional value of microalgae. In mariculture.
addition, polyunsaturated fatty acid (e.g., eico- The biochemical composition of microalgae
sapentaenoic, EPA; arachidonic acid, AA; and can be manipulated readily by changing the
docosahexaenoic acid, DHA) content is of major growth conditions, but the effects vary from
importance. one species to another. Knowledge of how spe-
cies respond to different environments is useful
to mariculturists, who may then grow microal-
2. NUTRITIONAL FEATURES gae to optimize the level of specific nutrient(s)
OF MICROALGAE needed by the feeding animal.
Microalgae also serve as relevant zooplankton
Several factors can contribute to the nutri- food, since important microalgal nutrients (e.g.,
tional value of a microalga, including its cell fatty acids and vitamins) are transferred to
size and shape, digestibility (related to cell wall higher trophic levels via zooplankton intermedi-
structure and composition), production of toxic ates (Brown et al., 1997).
compounds, biochemical composition (e.g., nu- Since early reports that demonstrated
trients, enzymes, and toxins if present) and re- biochemical differences between microalgae
quirements of the animal feeding on microalga. in gross composition (Parsons et al., 1961) and
Together with differences among species and fatty acids (Webb and Chu, 1983), many studies
method of production, this explains the vari- have attempted to correlate the nutritional value
ability in the amount of protein, lipids, and of microalgae with their biochemical profile
carbohydrates, i.e., 12e35%, 7.2e23%, and (Richmond, 2004; Durmaz, 2007). However, re-
4.6e23%, respectively. This level of fluctuation sults from feeding experiments encompassing
can be influenced by culture conditions (Brown microalgae differing in a specific nutrient are
et al., 1997); for example, rapid growth and often difficult to interpret because of the con-
high lipid production can be achieved by some- founding effects of other microalgal nutrients.
how stressing the culture. Nevertheless, analysis of literature data,
Microalgae vary appreciably in their including experiments where algal diets have
biochemical composition, even when grown un- been supplemented with compounded diets or
der standard conditions. Gross composition dif- emulsions, permits a few conclusions to be
fers between species, but for many species this reached (Knauer and Southgate, 1999).
The high protein content of various microal- chlorophytes generally have low nutritional
gal species is one of the main reasons to consider value and are not suitable as single species diet
them as unconventional sources of proteins, as (Brown et al., 1997).
microalgae are capable of synthesizing all amino While the importance of PUFAs is widely
acids, including essential ones. Moreover, the recognized, the quantitative requirements of
average quality of most examined algae is larval or juvenile animals feeding directly on
similar, or superior, to conventional plant pro- microalgae are not well established (Knauer
teins (Becker, 2007). For example, dried Spirulina and Southgate, 1999).
biomass contains all essential amino acids and The content of vitamins can vary between
ca. 68% of biomass is proteins, which is three- microalgae; however, to put the vitamin content
fold the content in beef. Another microalga, of microalgae into context, data should be
Chlorella, contains ca. 50e60% of proteins, whose compared with the nutritional requirements of
quality is comparable to those of yeast, soy flour, the consuming animal. Unfortunately, nutri-
and milk powder (Blazencic, 2007). Milovanovic tional requirements of larval or juvenile animals
et al. (2012) investigated the protein content in that feed directly on microalgae are still poorly
dry biomass of several cyanobacterial strains understood. The requirements of the adult are
originating from Serbia, and their results showed far better known (e.g., for marine fish and
that all of them possess very high values, prawns) (Conklin, 1997) and might serve as a
ranging from 42.8% to 76.5%. guide for the larval animal. These data suggest
The amino acid composition of proteins of that a carefully selected, mixed-algal diet should
microalgae is very similar between species provide adequate concentrations of vitamins for
(Brown, 1991) and relatively unaffected by aquacultured food chains.
growth phase and light conditions (Brown Sterols (Knauer et al., 1999), minerals
et al., 1993a,b). Furthermore, the composition (Fabregas and Herrero, 1986), and pigments
of essential amino acids in microalgae is very also may contribute to nutritional differences of
similar to that of protein from oyster larvae. microalgae.
Hence, it is unlikely the protein quality is a factor Microalgal species can vary significantly in
contributing to the differences in nutritional their nutritional value, and this may also change
value of microalgal species. under different culture conditions (Brown et al.,
Certain algal polysaccharides are of pharma- 1997).
cological importance, as they act on the stimula- Nevertheless, a carefully selected mixture of
tion of the human immune system (Pulz and microalgae can offer an excellent nutritional pack-
Gross, 2004) or possess potential antiviral activ- age for larval animals, either directly or indirectly
ity (Hemmingson et al., 2006). Oil content in (through enrichment of zooplankton). Microalgae
microalgae can exceed 80% by weight of dry found to have good nutritional propertiesd
biomass, while levels of 20e50% are quite com- either as monospecies or within a mixed
mon (Chisti, 2007). dietdinclude Chaetoceros calcitrans, Chaetoceros
PUFAs derived from microalgae, i.e., DHA, muelleri, Pavlova lutheri, Isochrysis sp., Tetraselmis
EPA, and AA, are known to be essential for suecica, Skeletonema costatum, and Thalassiosira
various larvae (Langdon and Waldock, 1981; pseudonana (Enright et al., 1986; Thompson
Sergeant et al., 1997). The fatty acid content et al., 1993; Brown et al., 1997).
showed systematic differences according to taxo- Microalgae grown to late logarithmic growth
nomic group, although there were examples of phase typically contain 30e40% protein,
significant differences between microalgae from 10e20% lipid, and 5e15% carbohydrate (Fujii
the same class. Because of this PUFA deficiency, et al., 2010). In the stationary phase, the

proximate composition of microalgae can phycobiliproteins, and vitamins (Plaza et al.,

change significantly; for example, when nitrate 2008). Being photosynthetic organisms, microal-
is limiting, carbohydrate levels can double at gae are exposed to light and high oxygen con-
the expense of protein (Liang et al., 2009). A centrationsdand in cultures with high cell
strong correlation between the proximate density in closed photobioreactors, oxygen con-
composition of microalgae and their nutritional centrations can be very high. Such conditions
value is not apparent, though algal diets with promote accumulation of highly effective antiox-
high levels of carbohydrate have been reported idative scavenger complexes to protect cells, e.g.,
to produce the best growth of juvenile oysters, the antioxidative potential of Spirulina platensis
Ostrea edulis (Ponis et al., 2006). Larval scallops, can increase 2.3-fold during oxygen stress (Pulz
Patinopecten yessoensis, provided PUFAs in and Gross, 2004). For functional feed, the radical
adequate proportions. In contrast, high dietary scavenging capacity of microalgal products is of
protein provided best growth for juvenile growing interest, especially in the beverage mar-
mussels, Mytilus trossulus, and Pacific oysters, ket segment (Pulz and Gross, 2004).
Crassostrea gigas (Knuckey et al., 2002). Synthetic colors used in the food industry are
Microalgae can improve production of larvae, mainly coal tar derivatives, although they have
although the exact mechanism of action is un- been banned in many countries. Since the world
clear. Theories put forward include: (1) light trend for colorants is to replace artificial with nat-
attenuation (shading effects), with a beneficial ural ones, and extraction from plants requires
effect; (2) maintenance of nutritional quality of greater amount of biomass, microalgae appear
zooplankton; (3) growth-promoting substances, to be a good alternative. Besides chlorophylls,
such as vitamins provided by the algae; (4) pro- other types of pigments can be found in microal-
biotic effects. The mechanism is most likely a gae, such as carotenoids and phycobiliproteins.
combination of several of these possibilities. Some microalgae are a rich source of carotenoids,
While microalgae provide food for zooplankton, used as natural feed colorants, additive for feed,
they also help stabilize and improve quality of vitamin supplements, and health food products.
the culture medium. For numerous freshwater The most important carotenoid is b-carotene and
and seawater animal species, the introduction is most active as provitamin A; it is used as
of phytoplankton to rearing ponds leads indeed colorant, provitamin, additive to multivitamin
to much better results in terms of survival, preparations, and health food product under the
growth, and transformation index (Muller-Feuga, antioxidant claim. The natural form of this
2000). The reasons for this are not entirely known, pigment has a stronger effect than the synthetic
but may include water quality improvement and one, from which it is much more easily absorbed
stabilization by algal oxygen production and pH, by the body. Although the richest known food
action of some excreted biochemical compounds source of this carotenoid is Spirulina, the most
along with induction of behavioral processes important microalga for natural production on a
(like initial prey catching), and regulation of bac- large scale is Dunaliella salina, with an accumula-
terial population, probiotic effects, and stimula- tion up to 16%/dry weight (del Campo et al.,
tion of immunity (Raja and Hemaiswarya, 2010). 2007). There is increasing evidence suggesting
Microalgal biomass may be considered as a that astaxanthin surpasses the antioxidant bene-
multicomponent antioxidant system, which is fits of b-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, and
generally more effective due to interactions be- many xanthophylls. This carotenoid is used in
tween various antioxidant components (Gouveia aquaculture as a pigmentation source, as well as
et al., 2008). The most powerful water-soluble in feed industries. Although the natural form
antioxidants found in algae are polyphenols, cannot compete commercially with the synthetic
one, it is preferred for a few particular applica- in chain length, which apparently induce lysis
tions, and Haematococcus pluvialis represents a of bacterial protoplasts (Guedes and Malcata,
rich source suitable for cultivation on a large 2012).
scale (Spolaore et al., 2006). Phycobiliproteins The ability of fatty acids at large to interfere
are a group of pigments with commercial value with bacterial growth and survival has been
found only in algae, but not in all divisions of known for some time, and recent structuree
algae. Although they are used as natural dyes, function relationship studies have suggested
there is also evidence of many health-promoting that said ability lies on both their chain length
properties. Phycocyanin is one of the most prom- and degree of unsaturation. Cholesterol and
ising commercial substances in Spirulina; it has other compounds can antagonize antimicrobial
been shown to possess antioxidant, anti- features (Mendiola et al., 2007), so both composi-
inflammatory, neuroprotective, and hepatopro- tion and concentration of free lipids should be
tective activity, but also appears to be a potential taken into account (Benkendorff et al., 2005).
chemotherapeutic, as well as hypocholesterole- The activity of extracts of Phaeodactylum tricornu-
mic, agent (Gantar and Svircev, 2008). tum against Vibrio spp. was attributed to EPA, a
Microalgal pigments, as well as the whole compound synthesized de novo by diatoms
biomass, can be used to color feed and also to (Smith et al., 2010); this PUFA is found chiefly
improve textural parameters. It has been shown as a polar lipid species in structural cell compo-
that phycocyanin significantly improves emul- nents (e.g., membranes) and is toxic to grazers
sions’ rheological properties, with a linearly (J€
uttner, 2001), as well as a precursor of alde-
increasing trend on phycocyanin concentration hydes, with deleterious effects upon such con-
(Batista et al., 2006). On the other hand, due to sumers as copepods (d’Ippolito et al., 2004).
the antioxidant properties of natural pigments, Similarly, unsaturated and saturated long-chain
it is possible to improve resistance to oil oxida- fatty acids isolated from Skeletonema costatum
tion that is particularly advantageous in high (Naviner et al., 1999) and organic extracts from
fat products like emulsions (Gouveia et al., Euglena viridis (Das et al., 2005) display activity
2008). The incorporation of microalgal biomass against that bacterial genus.
in emulsions by Gouveia et al. (2006) resulted
in a wide range of appealing colors, from green
to orange and pink, and also enhanced resistance 3. USE OF MICROALGAE IN
Another relevant issue is that marine envi- AQUACULTURE
ronments are filled with bacteria and viruses
that can attack fish and shellfish, and thus Many different microalgae already play a vi-
potentially devastate aquaculture farms. Bacte- tal role in aquaculture. It is widely known that
ria and viruses can also attack single-celled addition of microalgae to larval fish culture
microalgae, so these microorganisms have tanks confers a number of benefits, such as pre-
developed biochemical mechanisms for self- venting bumping against the walls of the tanks
defense; such mechanisms involve secretion of (Battaglene and Cobcroft, 2007), enhancing pre-
compounds that inhibit bacterial growth or dation on zooplankton (Rocha et al., 2008), and
viral attachment. For instance, compounds syn- enhancing nutritional value of zooplankton
thesized by Skeletonema costatum, and partially (Van Der Meeren et al., 2007), as well as
purified from its organic extract, exhibited ac- improving larval digestive (Cahu et al., 1998)
tivity against aquacultured bacteria because of and immune (Spolaorea et al., 2006) func-
their fatty acids longer than 10 carbon atoms tionsdsuch as lipid metabolism (G€ uroy et al.,

2011), antiviral and antibacterial action, referred to as the “green water” or “pseudo-
improved gut function (Michiels et al., 2012) green water” rearing technique.
and stress resistance (Nath et al., 2012; • The zooplanktonic live prey referred to above
Sheikhzadeh et al., 2012)dbesides providing a are microscopic filter feeders that are
source of protein, amino acids, fatty acids, vita- themselves commonly fed on microalgae,
mins, minerals and other biologically active phy- although inert formulated feeds have been
tochemicals (Becker, 2004; Pulz and Gross, 2004; developed as a more convenient diet form for
Gouveia et al., 2008). Furthermore, it has also hatcheries (Shields and Lupatsch, 2012).
been shown that larvae of some fish benefit
greatly from direct ingestion of microalgae.
It is not surprising that the biochemical com- 3.1 Microalgal Strains Used
positions of certain marine microalgae are well in Aquaculture Hatcheries
matched to the nutritional requirements of
Often the algae chosen for fish feeding studies
some marine fish. Larval feeds probably deserve
appear to have been selected largely for conve-
the most attention in efforts to discover how
nience, because they are low cost and commer-
algae can best be used in fish feedsdbecause
cially available. For example, Spirulina,
microalgae are a natural component of the diet
Chlorella, and Dunaliella spp. can be produced
of many larval fish, either consumed directly or
by low-cost open-pond technologies and are
acquired from the gut contents of prey species
marketed as dry powders, with their nutritional
(such as rotifers and copepods).
profiles being well documented.
The role of microalgae in aquaculture hatch-
In more traditional, extensive forms of aqua-
eries may thus be summarized as follows:
culture, adventitious populations of microalgae
• All developmental stages of bivalve mollusks are bloomed in ponds or large tanks that act as
directly rely on microalgae as feed source. mesocosms, in which the aquaculture species
Bivalve hatcheries therefore cultivate a range occupy the highest trophic level. By contrast,
of microalgal strains for brood stock intensive aquaculture hatcheries cultivate indi-
conditioning, and larval rearing and feeding vidual strains of microalgae in separate reactors,
of newly settled spat. and administer these regularly to the farmed
• Farmed gastropod mollusks (e.g., abalone) species.
and sea urchins require a diet of benthic In recent years, there has been great interest in
diatoms when they first settle out from the the potential of algae as a biofuel feedstock, and
plankton, prior to transferring to their juvenile it has often been proposed that the protein
diet of macroalgae. portion remaining after lipid extraction might
• The planktonic larval stages of commercially be a useful input for animal feed (Chen et al.,
important crustaceans (e.g., penaeid shrimps) 2010). However, the algae chosen for biofuel pro-
are initially fed on microalgae, followed by duction may not be optimal for use as a feed
zooplanktonic live prey. input, and the economic pressure for the
• The small larvae of most marine finfish lowest-cost methods of fuel production is likely
species and some freshwater fish species also to result in protein residues with contamination
initially receive live prey, often in the presence that makes them unfit for use as feed (Hussein
of background microalgae. Depending on et al., 2013).
whether these microalgae are allowed to Conversely, the high-value microalgae that
bloom within the fish larval rearing tanks or are used in shellfish and finfish hatcheries are
are added from external cultures, this is generally produced in closed culture systems to
exclude contaminating organisms, and they rockfish (Bai et al., 2001), Spirulina fed to sea
cannot be dried before use without adversely bream (Mustafa and Nakagawa, 1995) and Nan-
affecting their nutritional and physical proper- nochloropsis-Isochrysis combination fed to
tiesdthus greatly reducing their value as feed. Atlantic cod (Walker et al., 2009, 2010).
Inevitably, their production costs are higher, While scientific studies have demonstrated
but their exceptional nutritional value justifies the ability to manipulate the nutritional compo-
the extra cost. sition of individual microalgal strains, hatchery
Just as it would be senseless to arbitrarily sub- operators do in practice focus on maintaining
stitute one conventional crop plant for another uninterrupted supplies of microalgae by avoid-
(e.g., potatoes for soybeans) in specific feed ing system crashes or culture contamination.
formulation, the particular attributes of each Delivery of a balanced diet to the aquaculture
alga must be carefully considered. In addition species is generally achieved by supplying a
to the protein/amino acid profile, lipid/PUFA/ mixture of different microalgal strains, guided
sterol profile and pigment content, there are by typical nutritional profiles available for these
additional important issues. strains (Brown et al., 1997; Guedes and Malcata,
The type and quantity of extracellular poly- 2012).
saccharides, which are very abundant in certain
algae, may interfere with nutrient absorption, 3.2 Supplement for Nutritional
or conversely be useful binding agents in form- Enhancement
ing feed pellets. The thick cell walls of such
microalgae as Chlorella can prevent absorption 3.2.1 Pigments
of nutrients. On the other hand, depending on From the point of view of consumers, the con-
growth and processing conditions, algae can cepts of sustainable, “chemical free,” and organic
contain high concentrations of trace elements farming have become quite appealing, including
that may be detrimental. use of natural forms of pigments instead of syn-
Further careful study of the properties of thetically produced ones.
algae will be necessary in order to optimally The carotenoids are a class of yellow, orange,
exploit the great potential offered by this diverse or red naturally occurring pigments that are
group of organisms. But it is already anticipated distributed everywhere in the living world.
that microalgae will play an important role in the Only fungi, algae, and higher plants are able to
effort to move formulation of fish feed “down synthesize carotenoids de novo, so animals rely
the food chain” to a more sustainable future. on the pigment or closely related precursor to
Only a small number of microalgal strains be supplied in their dietsdthat in nature would
are routinely cultured in aquaculture hatch- have passed on through the food chain.
eries, based on practical considerations of strain A few microalgae are used as sources of pig-
availability, ease of culture, cell physical charac- ments in fish feeds. Farmed salmonid fish there-
teristics, nutritional composition, digestibility, fore require supplementation of dietary
and absence of toxins or irritants (Muller-Fuega astaxanthin to achieve the pink color of the fillet.
et al., 2003a,b; Muller-Feuga, 2004; Tredici et al., Synthetic carotenoids are mainly used for this
2009; Anon, 2010; Guedes and Malcata, 2012). purpose in commercial aquaculture, although
A nonexhaustive list of the most commonly microalga-derived carotenoids can also effec-
used strains and their typical areas of application tively impart pigmentation (Choubert and
in aquaculture is depicted in Table 2, for Heinrich, 1993; Soler-Vila et al., 2009). Haemato-
example, Chlorella or Scenedesmus fed to Tilapia coccus is used to produce astaxanthin that is
(Tartiel et al., 2008), Chlorella fed to Korean responsible for the pink color of the flesh of

TABLE 2 Groups, Genera, and Species of Major Microalgal Strains Used in Aquaculture and Their Areas of

Group Genus Species Area of applicationa

Cyanobacteria Spirulina platensis FFI

Spirulina sp. FFI
Chlorophyta Tetraselmis suecica, chui B, CL
Chlorella sp., vulgaris, minutissima, R, FFI
virginica, grossii
Dunaliella sp., tertiolecta, salina FFI
Haematococcus pluvialis FFI

Scenedesmus sp. FFI

Eustigmatophyceae Nannochloropsis sp., oculata R, GW, FFI
Labyrinthulea Schizochytrium sp. RAD
Ulkenia sp. RAD
Bacillariophyta Chaetoceros calcitrans, gracilis B, CL
Skeletonema costatum B, CL

Thalassiosira pseudonana B, CL
Nitzschia sp. GU
Navicula sp. GU
Amphora sp. GU
Haptophyta Pavlova lutheri B
Isochrysis galbana, add. galbana B, GW, FFI
“Tahiti” (T-iso)
Dinophyta Crypthecodinium cohnii RAD
FFI formulated feed ingredient; B bivalve mollusks (larvae/postlarvae/brood stock), C crustacean larvae (shrimps, lobsters); R rotifer live prey; RAD rotifer
and Artemia live prey (dry product form); GU gastropod mollusks and sea urchins; GW “green water” for finfish larvae.
Mustafa and Nakagawa (1995); Bai et al. (2001); Tartiel et al. (2008); Walker et al. (2009, 2010); Shields and Lupatsch (2012).

salmon, and is typically used for organically Spirulina sp. are used as a source of other carot-
certified salmon production. enoids that such fish as ornamental koi can
Hematococcus pluvialis has been shown to suc- convert to astaxanthin and other brightly
cessfully enhance the reddish skin coloration of colored pigments (Gouveia and Rema, 2005;
red porgy, Pagrus pagrus (Chatzifotis et al., Sergejevova and Masojídek, 2012; Zatkova
2011), and also of penaeid shrimp, Litopenaeus et al., 2011). Dunaliella produces large amounts
vannamei (Parisenti et al., 2011). Both natural of b-carotene.
and synthetic sources of carotenoids have been
successfully used to augment the yellow skin 3.2.2 Vitamins and Minerals
coloration in gilthead sea bream (Gomes et al., Microalgae also contain vitamins that can
2002; Gouveia et al., 2002). Chlorella sp. and be beneficial to the health of the consumer (either
human or other animal). However, the content of due to differences in processing, drying, and
vitamins varies widely among microalgae. Ascor- storage of algae, as ascorbic acid is very sensitive
bic acid shows the greatest variation, that is, to heat (Shields and Lupatsch, 2012); other vita-
16-fold (1e16 mg g1 dry weight) (Brown and mins typically show a two- to four-fold variation
Miller, 1992). Concentrations of other vitamins between species (Brown et al., 1999).
typically show a two- to four-fold difference be- Moreover, every species of microalgae ex-
tween species, that is, b-carotene from 0.5 to hibits low concentrations of at least one vitamin,
1.1 mg g1, niacin from 0.11 to 0.47 mg g1, so a careful selection of a mixed microalgal diet
a-tocopherol from 0.07 to 0.29 mg g1, thiamin would be necessary to provide all vitamins to
from 29 to 109 mg g1, riboflavin from 25 to cultured animals feeding directly on microalgae.
50 mg g1, pantothenic acid from 14 to The aforementioned information highlights
38 mg g1, folates from 17 to 24 mg g1, pyridox- the drawbacks associated with supplying essen-
ine from 3.6 to 17 mg g1, cobalamin from 1.8 to tial micronutrients via natural sources, i.e., there
7.4 mg g1, biotin from 1.1 to 1.9 mg g1, retinol is too much variability arising from the com-
less than 2.2 mg g1, and vitamin D less than bined effects of different algal species, growing
0.45 mg g1 (Seguineau et al., 1996; Brown et al., seasons, culture conditions, and processing
1999). Some species of Chlorella genus contain methods to reliably supply the required micro-
more vitamins than most cultivated plants nutrients in a predetermined fashion. Accord-
(Kovac et al., 2013). Spirulina genus also contains ingly, microalgal biomass offers a supplement,
over 10-fold more b-carotene than any other food, rather than complete replacement, for manufac-
including carrots (Mohammed et al., 2011), and tured minerals or vitamins in animal feeds.
more vitamin B12 compared to any fresh plant On the other hand, microalgae exhibit a poten-
or animal food source. Compared to green algae, tial as mineral additives to replace inorganic min-
spinach, and liver, this genus represents the rich- eral salts commonly used by the animal feed
est source of vitamin E, thiamine, cobalamine, industry. It has been suggested that natural forms
biotin, and inositol (Gantar and Svircev, 2008). are more bioavailable to the animal than synthetic
Several microalgal species produce a-tocopherol forms, and can even be altered or manipulated
(the most biologically active form of vitamin E) through bioabsorption (Doucha et al., 2009).
to very high concentrations. Rodriguez-Zavala Mineral-rich microalgae have been incorpo-
et al. (2010) found that the production of rated in commercial salmon feeds to 15% in
a-tocopherol in heterotrophically grown micro- lieu of manufactured vitamin and mineral pre-
alga Euglena gracilis after 120 h reaches mixes (Kraan and Mair, 2010). Final tests sug-
3.7  0.2 mg g1, which, compared to sunflower, gested that salmon fed with microalgal feeds
soybean, olive, and corn (some of the most were healthier and more active, and their flavor
common natural sources of vitamin E), is ca. and texture were improved.
13-, 18-, 95-, and 56-fold higher, respectively.
If reported high biomass yields of microalga 3.2.3 Taurine
T. suecica were reached, it would compete with Often overlooked as a nutrient, taurine is a
E. gracilis for commercial a-tocopherol produc- nonprotein sulfonic acid that is sometimes
tion (Carballo-Cardenas et al., 2003). lumped with amino acids when discussing nutri-
As mentioned above, the vitamin content of tion issues. It is an essential nutrient for carnivo-
algal biomass can vary significantly among spe- rous animals, including some fish, but is not
cies. This variation is greatest for ascorbic acid found in any land plants. Although taurine has
(vitamin C), from 1 to 16 mg g1 dry weight been scarcely investigated when compared with
(Brown and Miller, 1992), although this may be other amino acids, it has been reported to appear

in significant quantities in certain microalgae, developing nervous system is quite susceptible

for example, the green flagellate Tetraselmis (Al-A- to even low levels of these contaminants); (2) un-
moudia and Flynn, 1989), the red unicellular alga pleasant odor; (3) unsuitable for vegetarians; and
Porphyridium (Flynn and Flynn, 1992), the dino- (4) sustainability of fish as basic source (many
flagellate Oxyrrhis (Flynn and Fielder, 1989), species have been caught almost to extinction)
and the diatom Nitzschia (Jackson et al., 1992). (Spolaore et al., 2006; Cannon, 2009).
Unlike terrestrial crops, microalgae can
3.2.4 Lipids directly produce PUFAs such as AA (20:4n-6)
Farmed fish and shellfish offer rich sources of (Porphyridium), EPA (20:5n-3) (Nannochloropsis,
long-chain PUFAs, owing to inclusion of fish Phaeodactylum, Nitzschia, Isochrysis, Diacronema),
meal and fish oil in formulated aquafeeds. PUFAs and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6n-3) (Cryp-
are crucial to human health and play an important thecodinium, Schizochytrium). While most of these
role in prevention and treatment of coronary heart algae are not suitable for direct human consump-
disease, hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, and tion, they may indirectly boost their nutritional
other inflammatory and autoimmune disorders. value for humans if added to animal feeds. How-
Due to global shortages of fish oil and fish meal ever, few studies have been carried out to date to
since they currently cannot be synthesized in the evaluate microalgal lipids in feeds for farmed
laboratory, researchers have increasingly looked fish (Atalah et al., 2007; Ganuza et al., 2008).
for alternative sources of lipids for use in fish feeds Lipids in microalgal cells play roles as both
(Miller et al., 2008), for example, microalgae. energy storage molecules and in formation of
Furthermore, there are many problems associated biological membranes, and can account for as
with using fatty fish as a source of PUFAS: (1) high as 70% of dry weight in some marine spe-
mercury and polychlorinated biphenyl levels cies (Table 3). Under rapid growth conditions,
are often unacceptable for most consumers (espe- such lipid levels can drop to 14e30% dry weight,
cially children and pregnant women, as the a level more appropriate for aquaculture. These

TABLE 3 Oil Contents of Some Microalga Strains

Oil content (% of
Class Microalgae dry matter basis)

Phaeodactylum tricornutum 20e30
Cylindrotheca sp. 16e37
Nitzschia sp. 45e47

Dunaliella bioculata 8
Dunaliella primolecta 23
Dunaliella salina 6
Scenedesmus dimorphus 16e40
Scenedesmus obliquus 12e14
Scenedesmus quadricauda 1.9
TABLE 3 Oil Contents of Some Microalga Strainsdcont’d

Oil content (% of
Class Microalgae dry matter basis)

Chlamydomonas reinhardtii 21

Nannochloris sp. 20e35

Nannochloropsis sp. 31e68
Chlorella pyrenoidosa 2
Chlorella sp. 28e32
Chlorella vulgaris 14e22
Neochloris oleoabundans 35e54

Aphanizomenon flosaqua 3
Spirulina maxima 6e7
Spirulina platensis 4e9
Synechococcus sp. 11

Crypthecodinium cohnii 20
Euglena gracilis 14e20
Schizochytrium sp. 50e77

Porphyridium cruentum 9e14

Tetraselmis maculata 3
Tetraselmis sueica 15e23
Isochrysis sp. 25e33

Prymnesium parvum 22e38

Botryococcus braunii 25e75
Spirogyra sp. 11e21

Becker (2007), Chisti (2007), Kovac et al. (2013).


lipids are composed of PUFA as DHA, EPA, and been reported (Wen and Chen, 2003; Martínez-
AA (Brown, 2002), and to high levels; most spe- Fernandez and Paul, 2007). The diatoms P. tricor-
cies possess EPA within 7e34% (Brown, 2002). nutum and Nitzschia laevis have been intensively
There is a substantial literature devoted to anal- investigated for their EPA potential (Wen and
ysis of PUFA content of microalgae, particularly Chen, 2003). Unlike a large number of
those used in aquaculture, because they have EPA-containing microalgae, only a few microal-
long been recognized as the best source of gal species have demonstrated industrial pro-
such essential nutrients for production of duction potential (Raja et al., 2007). This is
zooplankton necessary for feeding of larval mainly due to a poor specific growth rate and
fish, as well as filter-feeding shellfish. low cell density of microalgae when grown un-
As emphasized above, PUFAs derived from der conventional photoautotrophic conditions.
microalgae (e.g., DHA, EPA, a-linoleic acid The requirement for DHA fatty acid in marine
(ALA), and AA) are essential for various larvae fish and shrimp nutrition has been established
(Sargent et al., 1997); and the proportions of via feeding diets, both rich and deficient in these
these important PUFAs in 46 strains of microal- lipids (Hemaiswarya et al., 2011).
gae have been clearly shown (Volkman et al., Many shellfish producers are aware that the
1989; Dunstan et al., 1993). The fatty acid con- sterol profile of feed lipids is of critical impor-
tent showed systematic differences according tance, but much less attention has been paid to
to taxonomic group, although there were exam- the importance of the sterol profile in fish feeds.
ples of significant differences between microal- Aside from alterations in the normal sterol pro-
gae from the same class. Most microalgal file of the final fish, the possible endocrine effects
species have moderate to high percentages of plant phytosterols in fish feeds (e.g., soy phy-
(7e34%) of EPA. Prymnesiophytes, Pavlova tohormones) have yet to be thoroughly investi-
sp., Isochrysis sp., and cryptomonads are rela- gated (Pickova and Mørkøre, 2007).
tively rich in DHA (0.2e11%), while eustigma-
tophytes, Nannochloropsis, and diatoms have
3.3 Source of Protein
the highest percentages of AA (0e4%). Chloro-
phytes, Dunaliella and Chlorella, are deficient in Proteins are present in animal cells and tis-
both C20 and C22 PUFAs, although some spe- sues, and are continuously used to replace dying
cies exhibit small amounts (3.2%) of EPA. body cells and supply building body tissues
Because of such a PUFA deficiency, chloro- (e.g., ligaments, hair, hooves, skin, organs, and
phytes generally have low nutritional value, muscle are indeed partially formed by protein).
and thus are not suitable as single species diet Apart from their important role as a basic struc-
(Brown, 2002). PUFA-rich microalgae, such as tural unit, they are also needed for metabolism,
Pavlova sp. and Isochrysis sp., can be fed to hormone, antibody, and DNA production.
zooplankton to enrich them in DHA. When proteins are fed in excess, they are con-
EPA has been found in a wide variety of verted into energy and fat.
marine microalgae, including Bacillariophyceae Proteins are complex organic compounds
(diatoms), Chlorophyceae, Chrysophyceae, with high molecular weight. As with carbohy-
Cryptophyceae, Eustigamatophyceae, and Prasi- drates and fats, they contain carbon, hydrogen,
nophyceae. Nannochloropsis species are widely and oxygen, but in addition they all contain ni-
used as feed in aquaculture and have accord- trogen and generally sulfur. Proteins are
ingly been proposed for commercial production composed of amino acids, arranged in a linear
of EPA (Apt and Behrens, 1999). A high propor- chain and folded into a globular form, which
tion of EPA in Porphyridium propureum has also are released upon hydrolysis by enzymes, acids,
or alkalis. Although over 200 amino acids have TABLE 4 Typical Composition of Formulated Feeds
been isolated from biological materials, only 20 for Several Species of Commercial Fish
of these are commonly found as components of (on % of Feed Basis) and Feed/Gain Ratio
proteins. Within all known amino acids, 10 are % Crude Metabolizable
classified as essential (EAA) because animals % Crude % Crude carbo- energy
cannot synthesize them, and they must therefore protein lipid hydrate (MJ/kg)
be supplied in the diet. Although nonessential Salmon 37.0 32.0 15 21.0
amino acids (NEAA) are not classified as dietary
Sea 45.0 20.0 20 19.1
essential nutrients, they are necessary because
they perform many essential functions at cellular
or metabolic levels. In fact, they are termed die- Tilapia 35.0 6.0 40 13.5
tary nonessential nutrients only because body Shrimp 35.0 6.0 40 13.5
tissues can synthesize them on demand. From
Adapted from Shields et al. (2012).
a feed formulation viewpoint, it is important to
know that the NEAA’s cystine and tyrosine can
be synthesized within the body from the EAA’s target species. Since protein is generally one of
methionine and phenylalanine respectively, the most expensive feed ingredients, targeted ra-
and, consequently, the dietary requirement for tions are used and the amounts of protein in the
these EAA is dependent on the concentration diet are reduced as animals grow. As can be
of the corresponding NEAA in the diet. easily concluded, feeds for aquatic animals are
The requirements of amino acids in animals more energy and nutrient dense than those for
are well defined in various sets of recommenda- terrestrial animals; therefore, fish need to be
tions, such as those of National Research Council fed less to support each unit of growth.
in the United States. Requirements vary depend- Traditionally, fish meal and fish oil have been a
ing on the species and age of animals. For substantial component of feeds in aquaculture,
instance, the dietary EAA for fish and shrimp yet this source is finite. With fish meal and fish oil
are threonine, valine, leucine, isoleucine, methio- prices increasing, there has been a growing interest
nine, tryptophan, lysine, histidine, arginine, and in partial or complete replacement of fish meal by
phenylalanine. alternative protein sources of either animal or plant
In both aquaculture and agriculture, pro- origin. Raw materials other than fish meal are
ducers commonly rely on formulated feeds to selected for their nutritive value, balance of amino
ensure optimal growth, health, and quality of acids, digestibility of proteins, quality of fatty acids
the farmed animal(s). Given the economic and other lipids, absence of antinutritional factors,
importance of feeds and feeding, nutritionists availability and costdand lipid-rich algal biomass
need to develop nutritionally balanced diets us- is being considered as an alternative ingredient
ing commonly available raw ingredients. Once for the future (Lupatsch, 2009).
there are reliable data on the nutrient and energy Fish meal is widely used in feeds, largely
requirements of the target species for a given thanks to its substantial content of high-quality
production performance, specific feeds can be proteins containing all essential amino acids.
formulated and the feeding regimen established. A critical shortcoming of crop plant proteins
Typical compositions of feed and feed/gain commonly used in the formulation of fish feeds
ratio are summarized in Table 4 for several is their deficiency in certain amino acids, such
aquatic animal species; this table just provides as lysine, methionine, threonine, and trypto-
an overview, as different feed formulations are phan, whereas analyses of amino acid content
used depending on the production stage of the of numerous algae have found that they

generally contain all the essential amino acids above that of conventional plant proteins
despite significant variability. For example, ana- (Becker, 2007).
lyses of microalgae have found high contents of Although microalgal varieties vary in their
essential amino acids, as exemplified by a proximate composition, their amino acid and
comprehensive study of 40 species of microalgae fatty acid profiles (Table 6) suggest that they
from seven algal classes (Brown et al., 1997). can be made into valuable ingredients for
To help in assessing algae as a potential aquatic animal feeds. Furthermore, the amino
source of protein and energy in the form of car- acid composition of the protein is relatively unaf-
bohydrates and lipids, data in Table 5 allow fected by growth phase and light conditions
comparison of the typical nutritional profiles of (Brown et al., 1993a, 1993b). Aspartate and gluta-
commercially available aquafeed ingredients mate occur to the highest levels (7.1e12.9%),
with some selected microalgae. whereas cysteine, methionine, tryptophan, and
Most figures published on the concentration histidine occur to the lowest concentrations
of algal proteins are based on estimations of (0.4e3.2%), with other amino acids ranging
crude protein, and such other constituents of 3.2e13.5% (Brown et al., 1997).
microalgae as nucleic acids, amines, glucosa- Based on the reported amino acid require-
mides, and cell wall materials that contain nitro- ments of species studied (Wilson, 2002), the
gen; this can result in overestimation of the true microalgal products are able to provide most of
protein content (Becker, 2007). the essential amino acids.
The nonprotein nitrogen can reach 12% in Sce- In addition to quantifying the gross composi-
nedesmus obliquus, 11.5% in Spirulina, and 6% in tion of feed ingredients, knowledge of their di-
Dunaliella. Even with this overestimation, the gestibility is needed to assess nutritional value.
nutritional value of microalgae is high, with Digestibility trials are usually carried out in
average quality being equal, sometimes even vivo by adding an indigestible marker to the

TABLE 5 Typical Composition of Commercially Available Feed Ingredients and Microalgae Species (Per Dry

% Crude % Crude % Crude Gross energy

protein lipid carbohydratea % Ash (MJ/kg)

Fish meal 63.0 11.0 e 15.8 20.1

Poultry meal 58.0 11.3 e 18.9 19.1

Corn-gluten 62.0 5.0 18.5 4.8 21.3

Soybean 44.0 2.2 39.0 6.1 18.2
Wheat meal 12.2 2.9 69.0 1.6 16.8
Spirulina 58.0 11.6 10.8 13.4 20.1
Chlorella 52.0 7.5 24.3 8.2 19.3
Tetraselmis 27.2 14.0 45.4 11.5 18.0
Schizochytrium 12.5 40.2 38.9 8.4 25.6
Carbohydrates calculated as difference % DM e (% protein þ % lipid þ % ash).
Commercial product, martek biosciences.
Adapted from Shields et al. (2012).
TABLE 6 Amino Acid Profile of Various Microalgae as Compared to Conventional Protein Source
(g Per 100 Protein)

Source Ile Leu Val Lys Phe Tyr Met Cys Try Thr Ala Arg Asp Glu Gly His Pro Ser

Egg 6.6 8.8 7.2 5.3 5.8 4.2 3.2 2.3 1.7 5.0 e 6.2 11.0 12.6 4.2 2.4 4.2 6.9
Soybean 5.3 7.7 5.3 6.4 5.0 3.7 1.3 1.9 1.4 4.0 5.0 7.4 1.3 19.0 4.5 2.6 5.3 5.8
Chlorella vulgaris 3.8 8.8 55.5 8.4 5.0 3.4 2.2 1.4 2.1 4.8 7.9 6.4 9.0 11.6 5.8 2.0 4.8 4.1
Dunaliella Bardawil 4.2 11.0 5.8 7.0 5.8 3.7 2.3 1.2 0.7 5.4 7.3 7.3 10.4 12.7 5.5 1.8 3.3 4.6
Scenedesmus obliquus 3.6 7.3 6.0 5.6 4.8 3.2 1.5 0.6 0.3 5.1 9.0 7.1 8.4 10.7 7.1 2.1 3.9 3.8

Spirulina maxima 6.0 8.0 6.5 4.6 4.9 3.9 1.4 0.4 1.4 4.6 6.8 6.5 8.6 12.6 4.8 1.8 3.9 4.2
Spirulina platensis 6.7 9.8 7.1 4.8 5.3 5.3 2.5 0.9 0.3 6.2 9.5 7.3 11.8 10.3 5.7 2.2 4.2 5.1
Aphanizomenon sp. 2.9 5.2 3.2 3.5 2.5 e 0.7 0.2 0.7 3.3 4.7 3.8 4.7 7.8 2.9 0.9 2.9 2.9

feed at a known amount, collecting fecal matter digestibility coefficients compare favorably
by a suitable method, and analyzing the ratio be- with terrestrial plant ingredients, thus confirm-
tween nutrient and marker in the fecal matter. ing the high potential of Spirulina as a protein
Very few of the required digestibility trials source for farmed fish.
have been completed with microalgal biomass In addition to digestibility measurements, in
to date, partly due to the limited availability of vivo growth trials need to be carried out in which
material. In this context, a digestibility trial the novel feed ingredient is supplied in suf
with carnivorous mink, a model used for salmon ficient amounts. Even with seemingly nutritionally
and other farmed monogastric species, was adequate diets, poor weight gain may be found in
recently reported by Skrede et al. (2011). Three practice, because of low palatability of the test
microalgaedNannochloropsis oceanica, P. tricor- ingredient, and therefore reduced feed intake.
nutum, and Isochrysis galbanadwere included at Coutinho et al. (2006) found that supplementing
levels up to 24% (dry weight) in the feed. feeds for goldfish fry with freeze-dried biomass of
The protein digestibilities determined by linear I. galbana, as a substitute for fish meal protein,
regression for N. oceanica, P. tricornutum, and had a negative effect on growth and survival
I. galbana were found to be 35.5%, 79.9%, and (Coutinho et al., 2006). Aside from the question of
18.8%, respectively. The algae used had been palatability, one of the reasons may have been
freeze-dried prior to the trial, and those authors that the feeds were not isonitrogenousddietary
hypothesized that the cell wall of the diatom P. protein levels decreased with increasing algae
tricornutum may have been more easily broken inclusion level, and it is known that protein is a
down by digestive processes than the others limiting factor, especially in the small, fast-
(Shields and Lupatsch, 2012). growing larval stages.
Elsewhere, digestibility coefficient of solar- In contrast, Nandeesha et al. (2001) reported
dried Spirulina biomass has been tested for Arctic improved growth rates for Indian carp fry
char and Atlantic salmon at 30% dietary inclu- with increasing levels of S. platensis in feeds.
sion level (Burr et al., 2011). Protein digestibility Palmegiano et al. (2005) reported that sturgeon
ranged between 82% and 84.7% for the two fed Spirulina-based feeds even outperformed
fish species, respectively. These relatively high those receiving fish mealebased diets.

Contradictory results were reported by Olvera- antioxidant and antimicrobial compounds,

Novoa et al. (1998), where Spirulina-supple- although they still need to be screened for their
mented feeds depressed growth performance of activity and utility in fish diet formulations.
tilapia fry. A more recent study by Walker and The benefits of introducing algae as protein
Berlinsky (2011) tested the nutritional value of source, feed additive, and source of antibacterial
a Nannochloropsis sp. and Isochrysis sp. mix for ju- compounds might further increase aquaculture’s
venile Atlantic cod. These authors described usefulness in human food production.
decreased feed intake, and subsequently As pointed out by Glencross et al. (2007),
reduced growth with increasing algal inclusion. ingredient digestibility and palatability are
They concluded that reduced palatability of essential pieces of information to evaluate alter-
algal meal caused deterioration in cod growth. nate ingredients in aquafeeds. Detailed investi-
As noted above, the costs of fish meal and fish gations, covering these and other aspects, will
oil are steadily increasing. Hence, if a source of be reviewed next.
protein- or lipid-rich algal meal came to the mar- The following short-term studies will help to
ket at an affordable price, the animal feed indus- explain the potential of microalgal meals as
try would certainly consider using it based on replacements for fish meal in the feeds of
existing evidence of the nutritional value of algal zooplankton, bivalve mollusks, gastropod mol-
biomass. However, all categories of microalgal lusks, and echinoderms, Atlantic salmon, com-
products are currently much higher in cost than mon carp, and shrimp.
the commodity feedstuffs used in aquafeed
(Shields and Lupatsch, 2012). In conclusion, 3.3.1 Zooplankton
currently, fish meal and plant protein concen- Although larvae of aquaculture species are
trates constitute the vast majority of feed for predatory rather than filter-feeding (e.g., finfish
farmed fish. However, evaluating alternative pro- larvae and decapod crustacean larvae), the
tein sources, such as microalgae, in fish diets is most common husbandry strategy is to feed
critical to the economic success of the aquaculture with zooplanktonic live prey rather than formu-
industry. Demand for fish meal is highdand thus lated inert diets.
one of the main reasons for existence of the aqua- Microalgae have an important role in aqua-
culture industry; and plant protein concentrates culture as a means of enriching zooplankton
are expensive, while fish are unable to absorb for feeding fish and larvae (Chakraborty et al.,
much of the protein from soybean meal in their 2007). As such, the microalgal and zooplankton
diets. In addition, the use of fish for aquaculture strains with the correct size and nutritional con-
feed shapes a public perception of aquaculture tent have been identified for each major aquacul-
as depleting ocean resources. ture species. The zooplankton most commonly
The high protein content of microalgae and used are rotifers Brachionus plicatilis and Artemia
their amino acid profiles are the main reason salina (Chakraborty et al., 2007). To a much lesser
for them being considered valuable components extent, cladocerans (Moina macrocorpa, Daphnia
of fish diets. Microalgae are increasingly incor- sp.) and copepods (Euterpina acutifrons, Tigriopus
porated in aquafeeds to replace plant protein japonicus) are used. For zooplankton to grow and
concentrates. Research has demonstrated that reproduce in the hatchery microalgal food, it is
in Tilapia diets, substituting soybean meal for necessary to provide it to the newly hatched ro-
6% of fish meal or 10% of meat-and-blood tifers or artemia (Nauplii) until such zooplankton
meal, can be accomplished without compro- reach the desired size. Just prior to harvesting,
mising fish growth. Microalgae are also carriers zooplankton may be given a boost of microalgae
of high-value molecules that produce numerous or a formulated emulsion to pack the gut of the
organism. This increases its nutritional value to plankton feeder preys, such as the rotifer Brachio-
the target culture species feeding on it. nus plicatilis, is still a prerequisite for success in
Hatchery production of rotifers was initially hatcheries of small larvae finfish like sea breams.
based on feeding with live microalgae and/or These preys can be raised on yeast-based artifi-
baker’s yeast. Commonly used microalgal cial feeds, but this is much less efficient than
strains for this purpose are Nannochloropsis with phytoplankton. Microalgae are interesting
sp., Tetraselmis sp., P. lutheri, and I. galbana on three levels: (1) quick (7e13 days) recovery
(Conceiç~ ao et al., 2010). Commercial off-the- of rotifer populations, whereas yeasts take
shelf formulations have been developed and 20e35 days; (2) improved nutritional quality of
are now widely used as alternatives to live live prey; and (3) lower bacterial contamination,
microalgae and yeasts. Depending on their spe- especially from Vibrio. For numerous fresh- and
cific formulation, these products are intended to sea-water animals, introduction of phyto-
optimize growth and reproduction of rotifers plankton in rearing ponds leads to much better
and/or to enhance their final nutritional compo- results in terms of survival, growth, and trans-
sition before feeding larvae. This latter process formation index than in clear water. In the case
is widely referred to as “enrichment.” Even of sea bream, this condition has become an eco-
where hatcheries have adopted such artificial nomic need, but the reasons behind the positive
feeds for mass rotifer cultivation, it is common role of microalgae in the larvae-rearing ponds of
to retain rotifer master cultures on live microal- fish, as well as shrimp, have not been completely
gae, as this simplifies hygiene assurance and elucidated (Richmond, 2004). There is no doubt
lessens the probability of culture crashing. that the water quality is improved and stabilized
Hatcheries prefer to use Artemia whenever by oxygen production and pH stabilization, but
possible because the cysts are purchased as this fails to provide a complete explanation.
a dry dormant phase. Upon immersion in The action of some excreted biochemical com-
seawater, the cysts hatch and can be ingested pounds is generally mentioned, as well as the in-
immediately. In addition to providing protein duction of behavioral processes like initial prey
and energy, they provide other key nutrients catching; yet other positive functions (such as
such as vitamins, essential PUFAs, pigments, regulating bacterial population, conveying pro-
and sterols that are transferred through the biotic effects, and stimulating immunity) have
food chain. For instance, rotifers fed with micro- also been suggested, although they are not suffi-
algae become rapidly enriched with ascorbic ciently understood (Hemaiswarya et al., 2011).
acid. After 24 h, rotifers fed on Isochrysis sp.
and Nannochloropsis oculata contained 2.5 and 3.3.2 Bivalve Mollusks
1.7 mg g1 dry wt, respectively, whereas roti- Intensive rearing of bivalves has so far relied
fers fed on baker’s yeast alone were deficient on production of live microalgae that comprises
in ascorbate and contained only 0.6 mg g1 an average of 30% of the operating costs in a
dry wt (Brown, 2002). Finfish hatcheries pro- bivalve hatchery. The relative microalgal re-
ducing algae to feed rotifers or Artemia typically quirements of the various stages of bivalve cul-
use the following: Chlorella sp., Chlamydomonas ture depend on whether the operation aims at
sp., N. oculata, Tetraselmis tetrathele, and Tetrasel- mass production of larvae for remote setting or
mis chuii. growing millions of seed until planting size
The use of microalgae in fish hatcheries is (Lavens and Sorgeloos, 1996). In either case, ju-
required for both producing live prey and main- veniles consume the largest volumes of microal-
taining quality of the larvae-rearing medium gal culture to respond to a demand of large
(Spolaore et al., 2006). The use of small live biomass with high weight species. Bivalve

hatcheries rely on a broad range of microalgal The experimental feeds prepared by replacing
species, such as Chaetoceros sp., Chlorella minutis- a portion of the fish meal protein with microalgal
sima, Gomphonema sp., I. galbana, Nitzschia sp., protein contained cellulose as inert filler. Cellu-
Pavlova sp., P. tricornutum, Skeletonema sp., T. lose at levels up to 150 g kg1 in the feeds of sal-
pseudonana, and Tetraselmis subcordiformis. The monids did not have any influence on
microalgal species that were reported in an inter- digestibility of the main nutrients (Aslaksen
national survey among hatchery operators in et al., 2007; Hansen and Storebakken, 2007). The
1995 are Isochrysis sp., C. gracilis, C. calcitrans, inclusion of the algae did not reveal any statisti-
and T. suecica (Hemaiswarya et al., 2011). cally significant difference in the growth data.
Protein efficiency ratio (PER) of fish fed with
3.3.3 Gastropod Mollusks and low levels of algae was close to that of the control
Echinoderms group, thus indicating that replacement with
Unlike bivalve mollusks, the larvae of abalone algal protein may not have affected the rate
(gastropoda) and some species of sea urchin of protein utilization. However, both microalgae
(echinoidea) do not require microalgae during at the higher inclusion levels seemed to lower the
their planktonic phase, relying instead on inter- PER values, although the effect was not statisti-
nal yolk reserves for energy. This simplifies cally significant.
hatchery rearing procedures (no microalgae No significant differences in growth or feed
required), yet abalone and urchins do initially performance were observed for microalgae-
graze on benthic microalgae (those living on sur- based feeds relative to controls, at either 5% or
faces) when they settle out from the plankton 10% replacement level. Atlantic salmon, being
(Azad et al., 2010). carnivorous, may not be able to tolerate high
Natural assemblages of benthic diatoms are amounts of plant materials in its feed (Torstensen
typically encouraged to grow as a feed source, et al., 2008). However, in a recent study on
by preexposing artificial substrates or macroal- another carnivorous fish, Atlantic cod, replace-
gal germlings to unfiltered seawater, upon ment of 15% and 30% of fish meal protein with
which the microalgae grow (Heasman and a microalgal mix of Nannochloropsis sp. and Iso-
Savva, 2007). This natural colonization process chrysis sp. caused a significant growth reduction
becomes limiting at higher abalone stocking at the higher replacement level (Walker and
densities, where the rate of algal growth can Berlinsky, 2011).
be outpaced by grazing (Dyck et al., 2011).
The addition of cultured diatoms, such as 3.3.5 Common Carp
Navicula sp., Nitzschia sp., and Amphora sp. In the study conducted by Kiron et al. (2012),
(Viçose et al., 2012), offers greater control for the performance parameters of the groups of
intensive abalone nurseries, although challenges common carp that received microalgae-based
exist in optimizing their methods of cultivation feeds (25% and 40% protein replacement) did
and deployment. not differ significantly from those of fish that
were offered the control fish mealebased feed.
3.3.4 Atlantic Salmon Microalgal protein was used to replace fish
A study conducted by Kiron et al. (2012) meal in the experimental feeds, and cassava
showed that growth performance, feed perfor- was incorporated to balance the nutrient compo-
mance, and body composition of salmon fed sition. The inclusion of cassava up to 45% in the
with microalgae-based (5% and 10% protein feeds of carp fingerlings was found to enhance
replacement levels) and those fed with control both carbohydrate and protein digestion
feed were not different (P > 0.05). (Ufodike and Matty, 1983).
Common carp are omnivorous and can digest trend is toward specialized production, particu-
substantial amounts of carbohydrate from larly with supply of postlarvae in the hands of
plants, and may utilize the energy from this big centralized hatcheries. They open a pathway
component more effectively than carnivorous to new techniques, especially genetic selection of
fishes. This ability is reflected in the growth rates strains with stronger immunity.
attained by carp receiving algae at higher levels, In a study conducted by Kiron et al. (2012),
even though not statistically supported. whiteleg shrimp readily accepted all feeds
Other varieties of microalgae have been tested, thus demonstrating the palatability of
employed in feeding trials on carp, but direct the new ingredients. Shrimp that were fed
comparisons are not attempted here because algae-based feeds (25% and 40% protein replace-
there are wide differences in biochemical profile ment) did not differ from the control fish
between microalgae. Atack et al. (1979) reported mealefed group, in terms of growth and feed
poor feed conversion for fingerling mirror carp performance. However, some differences were
(C. carpio) fed cyanobacterial protein (Spirulina noted in their body proximate composition. In-
maxima) as compared to casein- or petroyeast- clusion of 37% tapioca in the diets contributed
protein feeds of similar protein and energy to better growth and feed conversion ratio in
values (2.50 vs 1.39 for casein and 1.55 for Indian white prawn Penaeus (Fenneropenaeus)
petroyeast). indicus (Ali, 1988).
The digestibility of the algae was also lower There is hardly any information on the use of
(87.1%) compared to casein (93%) and petroyeast microalgae as a dry feed component for shrimps,
(96.6%). The PER of the microalgal feed was 1.15 though there are ongoing efforts to replace fish
against 2.08 for petroyeast and 2.48 for casein. meal protein with microalgal proteins. Further-
Most studies pertaining to application of more, beneficial impact of algal inclusion on
algae in feeds of carps have focused on shrimp health has been reported recentlydfeed
freshwater algae; and Kiron et al. (2012) auth- diets supplemented with marine algal meals
ored the first report on the potential of commer- rich in DHA and AA produced significant
cially produced marine microalgal protein as improvement in immune responses (Nonwachai
replacement of fish meal protein in carp feeds. et al., 2010). The evidence from these studies in-
dicates that microalgal meal that is capable of
3.3.6 Shrimp replacing fish meal protein also has the potential
In shrimp farming production, microalgae are to improve health of shrimp. However, the latter
necessary from the second stage of larval devel- aspect needs to be validated through additional
opment (zoea) and in combination with studies.
zooplankton from the third stage (myses). Natu-
rally occurring microalgal blooms are encour-
aged in large ponds with low water exchange, 4. ALTERNATIVES TO FRESH
where larvae are introduced. Sometimes fertil- MICROALGAE
izers and bacteria are added to induce more
favorable conditions. This production system, As mentioned in previous sections, marine
with poor control of microalgae, provides a microalgae have been the traditional food
good part of shrimp production (L opez Elías component in finfish and shellfish aquaculture,
et al., 2003). On the other hand, large-sized for example, for larval and juvenile animals;
hatcheries require highly paid technicians, they are indeed essential in the hatchery and
multimillion dollar investments, and highly nursery of bivalves, shrimp, and some finfish
controlled medium conditions. The observed cultures. Microalgae are also used to produce

zooplanktondtypically rotifers, which are in An alternative diet with an apparently better

turn fed to freshly hatched carnivorous fish. As potential is microalgal pastes or concentrates
the aquaculture industry expands, and since (Nell and O’Connor, 1991; McCausland et al.,
microalgal biomass cultivation on site may 1999; Heasman et al., 2000); these are prepared
represent up to 30% of the operating costs, there by centrifugation (ca. 1:500 concentration) or
is a demand for marine microalgae that cannot flocculation (ca. 1:100 concentration). Commer-
be met by the conventional methods used in cially available concentrates offer a convenient
hatcheries, thus enforcing the use of substitutes source of microalgae for aquaculture hatcheries.
with mediocre results and several associated This area of microalgal product development
problems. was recently reviewed by Tredici et al. (2009),
Despite the obvious advantages of live including the technologies involved in concen-
microalgae in aquaculture, the current trend is trating and stabilizing microalgae, and descrip-
to avoid using them because of their high cost tions of a range of commercially available
and difficulty of production, concentration, products (with prices).
and storage (Borowitzka, 1997; Becker, 2004). The practice of concentrating live microalgae
Alternatives that are potentially more cost- originated in local use within individual hatch-
effective have been investigated, including eries, typically using disk-stack centrifuges or
nonliving food, viz microalga pastes (centrifu- membrane filters (Molina-Grima et al., 2003).
gation, flocculation, foam fractionation, and This practice is still used in some large hatch-
filtration), dried microalgae, microencapsulates, eries, although commercial concentrates have
cryopreservation, lipid emulsions (Coutteau become widely adopted.
et al., 1996), bacteria, or yeasts (Robert and From an aquaculture hatchery perspective,
Trintignac, 1997; Knauer and Southgate, 1999). the key desired attributes for microalgal concen-
However, nonliving diets generally give lower trates are:
growth and higher mortalities compared to
• high cell concentration without damage to
those fed with live microalgae (Ponis et al.,
2003). Products other than live microalgae
• suitable nutritional composition;
must be exempt from contamination and
• acceptable shelf life (to maintain nutritional
nontoxic. Hence, several criteria should be
quality and avoid spoilage) using standard
addressed for a substitute of live microalgae
cold storage methods, thus avoiding use of
as a diet in aquaculture.
preservatives that would be harmful to live
Bacteria can provide only a part of the meta-
prey or larvae;
bolic requirements in aquaculture, by supply-
• hygienic and free from pathogens;
ing a few organic molecules and vitamins.
• clumping-free and easy to suspend uniformly
Under conditions close to those found in rear-
in water; and
ing facilities, the bacterial input represents
• commonly available and affordable.
less than 15% of the microalgal contribution
for mollusk larvae and juveniles of many spe- Two main categories of product have emerged:
cies (Brown et al., 1996; Langdon and Bolton, (1) concentrates of those microalgal strains that
1984). Yeasts were also investigated as an alter- are particularly favored for aquaculture, and (2)
native food source, but poor results were industrial biotechnology strains, such as hetero-
observed (Coutteau et al., 1993; Robert and trophically produced Chlorella sp., available at
Trintignac, 1997). Therefore, these two alterna- higher volume/lower price but with a more
tives do not appear suitable to replace live limited scope of application, such as in the pro-
microalgae. duction of live prey (Shields and Lupatsch, 2012).
The advantage of such concentrates is that they empirically (Karlson and Toner, 1996). Temper-
can be used “off the shelf,” thus contributing atures used for cryostorage are well below free-
favorably to the cost-efficiency in hatcheries. On zingddown to 196  C in liquid helium when
the other hand, the lower nutritional value of biological specimens are to be stored without
most dried microalgae compared to live feed limit (Mazur, 1984). While cryostorage is gener-
and the poor availability of commercial dried ally thought to be innocuous to the cell, the
products, appear as main disadvantages. Spray- events occurring upon freezing or thawing can
dried microalgae and microalgae paste may be lead to severe damage and, ultimately, cell
useful to replace up to 50% of live microalgae death. Moreover, cryoprotectants that enhance
(Guedes and Malcata, 2012). cell viability at cryogenic temperatures are usu-
Alternative processes have meanwhile been ally toxic at physiological temperatures (Fahy,
developed that are potentially less damaging 1986)dan obstacle overcome by reducing expo-
to cells, including foam fractionation (Csordas sure time or temperature of incubation prior to
and Wang, 2004), flocculation (Millamena cryopreservation (Fahy et al., 1990). Knowledge
et al., 1990; Poelman et al., 1997), and filtration of cryoprotectant tolerance levels for microal-
(Rossingol et al., 1999). However, a common gae is still limited (Taylor and Fletcher, 1999),
disadvantage encountered is that the harvested as well as for early larval stages and
cells are difficult to disaggregate back to single zooplankton that are cultivated and rely on
cells, a requirement to feed them to filter- availability of microalgae for growth. In gen-
feeding species such as bivalves (Knuckey eral, cryopreservation is a technique possessing
et al., 2006). a high potential for culture collections, and may
The artificial or nonliving diets are rarely offer a solution for reliable supply of microalgae
applied in the routine feeding process of bi- in aquaculture. For instance, marine microalgae
valves, and are mostly considered as a backup used in aquaculture were successfully cryopre-
food source. The feasible alternative to live served at 4, e20, and 80  C using common
microalgae is freeze-dried forms, since they cryoprotectants (i.e., methanol, dimethylsulfox-
maintain the original cell shape and texture. ide, propylene glycol, and polyvinylpyrroli-
Air-dried or spray-dried microalgae shrink done), with promising results at least for C.
and shrivel due to high processing tempera- minutissima, Chlorella stigmatophora, I. galbana,
ture, and this decreases product quality. and Dunaliella tertiolecta (Tzovenis et al., 2004).
Freeze-dried products are easy to use, main- Several products based on thraustochytrids
tain, and store, and many research articles (i.e., microorganisms whose taxonomy may be
have shown that there is no difference in using related to certain algal classes), from the genus
live algae or freeze-dried algae. For many ap- Schizochytrium, have been marketed. These
plications, freeze-dried microalgae even give products possess high concentrations of DHA
higher yields (Lubzen et al., 1995; Yamasaki (Barclay and Zeller, 1996), and so have been
et al., 1989). applied as alternatives to commercial oil enrich-
Cryopreservation has been thoroughly adop- ment for zooplankton fed to larvae. As direct
ted by culture collections to preserve strains, feeds, most such products have a lower nutri-
but may also find application in aquaculture tional value than mixtures of microalgae, yet
(Tzovenis et al., 2004). Viable cryostorage of some performed well as components of a mixed
biological specimens has been achieved diet with live microalgae (Robert and Trintignac,
following various protocols of cooling/thawing €
1997; Langdon and Onal, 1999).
rates and cryoprotectant addition, which have In general, substitutes of live microalgae
been developed and tuned more or less should exhibit an appropriate physical behavior,

and this constitutes a significant challenge; in 5. BENEFITS AND SHORTCOMINGS

particular, they should not aggregate or easily
break apart. Drying microalgae can cause, due 5.1 Advantages
to oxidation, a loss of PUFAs (Dunstan et al.,
1992), which are essential components for larval The development of the aquaculture industry
growth (Brown et al., 1996); and the poor perfor- worldwide is constrained by the supply of fish
mance reported for dried microalgae was associ- meal produced from fish caught in the wild.
ated chiefly with the difficulty of keeping cells in However, the use of farmed microalgae reduces
suspension without disintegrating them, so as to the cost of fish meal, which can be as high as 35%
avoid said oxidation (Coutteau and Sorgeloos, of a farm’s total operating costs.
1992). Moreover, when cell walls are broken, a In a general way, the advantages of microal-
high fraction of water-soluble components gae feeding to aquaculture species includes
cannot be ingested by the organism and may increased growth, increased health benefits,
consequently interfere with the water quality of and improved taste, as the seafood would pre-
aquaculture (Dhont and van Stappen, 2003). sent a taste that is equivalent to fish and shrimp
Therefore, pathogenic bacterial proliferation caught in the wilddthus increasing the value of
may occur and cause costly production losses. aquaculture products in food markets. More-
There are similar difficulties when using micro- over, microalgae have a great potential for use
algal paste, because the preparation procedures in sustainable aquaculture, as they are not only
(i.e., centrifugation, flocculation, or filtration) a source of protein and lipids, but they are pho-
and/or preservation techniques (i.e., additives totrophic and can thus produce these directly
or freezing) must ensure that cell wall integrity from sunlight.
is essentially preserved. CO2 affects the metabolic processes that
Products other than live microalgae must induce growth in aquatic species; it is expelled
obviously be free of bacterial contamination by the gills of the fish when they take oxygen
and toxicity. The use of bacteria as a food source from water and use it in their metabolic pro-
in hatcheries consequently seems inappropriate, cesses. Just like with any other animal, excessive
since physical and chemical treatments are often concentrations of CO2 in the medium (in this
used to limit bacterial contamination that would case water) induce CO2 poisoning that stresses
be responsible for drastic larval mortality fish and hampers growth. CO2 poisoning is
(Elston, 1990). easy to observe when fish swim to the surface
In conclusion, mitigated or unsuccessful re- of the water and gasp for air. When microalgae
sults when using nonliving microalgae has are added to the production pond or tank, the
driven one to consider live microalgae as the first CO2 exhaled by the fish is taken by the algae
choice in aquaculture feeding. Only partial and emits oxygen back to the water. This reduces
replacement thereof has proven successful in the stress of the fish and increases their metabolic
studies using preserved nonliving algae growth rates. The use of green water systems
(Donaldson, 1991), microencapsulated diets provides the additional advantage of providing
(Langdon and Bolton, 1984), or spray-dried food for some herbivorous filtering species
algae (Zhou et al., 1991); and no whole replace- (such as rotifers-copepods-artemia systems,
ment can be recommended, despite intensive tilapia, or oysters). Hence, microalgae manage-
research efforts (Langdon and Onal, € 1999). ment allows the safe use of microalgae to remove
Novel solutions to totally replace microalgae in CO2 from ponds, thus reducing stress and mor-
aquaculture diets cannot at present be widely tality and increasing growth rate of aquatic spe-
adopted (Guedes and Malcata, 2012). cies. Producing 100 tons of algal biomass also
fixes roughly 183 tons of carbon dioxide, which feeds, like nucleic acids, toxins, and heavy-
has obvious implications in the light of the cur- metal components.
rent climate change. Other issues that might constrain microalgal
Unlike terrestrial plants that require fertile incorporation as dietary supplements are their
land or irrigation, microalgae can grow in a digestibility, and the high amount of salt in
wide range of habitats (Tamaru et al., 2004) marine microalgal species. Regarding microalgal
and are not nutritionally imbalanced with regard digestibility, the cellulosic cell wall of most
to amino acid content (as is soybean). Further- microalgae strains poses problems in biomass
more, microalgae are rich in omega 3, so fish digestion; it is not digested by nonruminant
fed with algal-based food would bring about animals (e.g., chickens, turkeys, pigs, pets, hors-
much better health benefits than fish fed with es). From the tests performed thus far, the overall
soy or corn-based fish meal. digestibility of alga carbohydrates is good, and
Regarding microalgal production, their culti- there seems to be no limitation in using dried
vation can be done independently of external microalgae as a wholedbut this has to be evalu-
conditions, as they more efficiently convert solar ated for each alga identified as a potential feed
energy compared to higher plants, do not require material (Becker, 2004). If a certain algal strain
fertile soil, produce a wide range of substances, has low digestibility levels, the biomass may
can be used for different applications, and anyway be incorporated as feed material, but
some species reproduce very fastdso these or- needs effective treatment to disrupt the cell
ganisms constitute a remarkable source of wall and thus make the algal constituents acces-
biomass and certain compounds. An advantage sible to digestive enzymes. The processes
of particular importance is the possibility to employed may be physical (e.g., boiling), high
regulate and define metabolism and production temperature drying, and, to a certain extent,
of a target compound by manipulating the culti- even sun drying, as well as chemical methods
vation conditions. While a mixture of different (e.g., autolysis) (Becker, 2004).
species opens up many possibilities, their use There are still some obstacles, such as the
in feed can also address the issue of using certain powder-like consistency of the dried biomass
plants that are, in the first place, used as a food. and applications to feed manufacture, produc-
They can also lower the price of animal feeding tion costs, and pests and pathogens that may
(Kovac et al., 2013). affect large-scale algal cultivation sustainability.
The use of microalgae will allow use of more Many feeding trials are still required, as most
available and reliable feed, and this will free research has focused on improving the nutri-
the aquaculture industry to keep growing and tional value of rotifers and not microalgae as a
meet current and future demands. potential replacement of fish meal and fish oil.
Specifically, quite a number of animal nutrition
studies have claimed a “super food” status for
5.2 Constraints algae, and these have been publicized and
Although microalgae are able to enhance the reviewed, but the challenge remains to support
nutritional content of conventional feed prepara- such claims on scientifically based evidence. Re-
tions, and thus to positively affect the health of sults from experimental studies can be difficult
animals prior to commercialization, microalgal to interpret, as several compounds in algae can
material must be analyzed for the presence of have confounding effects (Shields and Lupatsch,
toxic compounds to prove their harmlessness. 2012). Unfortunately, it has rarely been possible
Some constituents of microalgal biomass may to determine the particular nutritional factors
represent constraints on their incorporation in responsible for these beneficial effects, either

because no attempt was made to do so, or species is already available to support the aqua-
because of poor design of the study. There is culture industry. However, specific applications
also interest in storing microalgal pastes and and industrial subsectors demand novel species
thus extend shelf life (2e8 weeks). More and with improved nutritional quality or growth
better-designed studies are necessary before it characteristics that are compatible with attempts
is possible to gain a good understanding of to improve hatchery efficiency and yield.
how algae can best be used in fish feeds. Assuming sufficient quantities of algal
On the other hand, the successful use of the biomass have become available at a suitable
“green water” CO2 control in aquaculture sys- price, alga producers and animal feed manufac-
tems for carnivorous species has been difficult turers will still need to take into account the
to achieve, given that if algal density increases potentially large variations in proximate compo-
over a threshold (because is not being consumed), sition (proteins, lipids, fatty acids, minerals) and
it dies and takes the oxygen out of the water dur- digestibility encountered among different micro-
ing its decay. In order to prevent algae density algal strains and growing conditions. Efforts are
from reaching this threshold, aquaculture pro- needed to ensure a more consistent composition
ducers are required to do frequent water changes, of algal biomass so that manufacturers can
and thus take algae away or harvest them via readily incorporate this new feedstuff alongside
costly methods. existing ingredients in formulated feeds. To
The production costs of microalgae are still improve their digestibility, some types of algal
too high to compete with traditional protein biomass may require additional processing steps
sources for aquaculture (Becker, 2007). However, (over and above those applied to conventional
there has been a shift away from typical systems, feedstuffs), which will add further to their cost
such as outdoor ponds and raceways, to large- (Shields and Lupatsch, 2012).
scale photobioreactors that have a much higher Although genetic engineering of microalgae
surface area-to-volume ratio, which could poten- has been studied in its application for biofuel
tially reduce production costs (Brown, 2002). production and bioremediation of heavy metals,
However, this is only achievable through econo- there is scarce research on its application in
mies of scale. aquaculture. The insertion of genes determining
the nutritional parameters into microalgae can
increase the quality of fish in aquaculture.
6. FUTURE PERSPECTIVES A combined effort to standardize a genetically
modified microalga coupled to a controlled bio-
The high production costs of microalgae process system will lead to an upliftment in the
remain a constraint to many hatcheries. Despite status of aquaculture (Hemaiswarya et al., 2011).
efforts over several decades to develop cost- Finally, a better understanding of the mecha-
effective artificial diets to replace microalgae as nism of green water systems, both in intensive
hatchery feeds, on-site microalgal production re- and extensive culture, will aid in optimizing usage
mains a critical factor for most marine hatcheries. of microalgae in larval cultures. A broader range
Improvements in alternative diets may continue, of microalgae species, especially mixtures and
but production costs of microalgae may also including species rich in protein, should thus be
decrease due to uptake of new technology by assessed in green water systems (Brown, 2002).
hatcheries. Therefore, it is unlikely that microal- Finally, it is important to reflect on the impor-
gae will be totally replaced, at least on the tance of the biorefinery concept. For more than
medium term. A wide selection of microalgal 40 years, aquaculturists have devised robust
methods for culturing a diverse range of photo- Aslaksen, M.A., Kraugerud, O.F., Penn, M., Svihus, B.,
trophic microalgal strains with high nutritional Denstadli, V., Jørgensen, H.Y., Hillestad, M.,
Krogdahl, A., Storebakken, T., 2007. Screening of nutrient
value, but these are more susceptible to crashes digestibilities and intestinal pathologies in Atlantic
and contamination than those extremophiles salmon, Salmo salar, fed diets with legumes, oilseeds, or
that are mass cultured for other purposes in cereals. Aquacult. 272, 541e555.
open ponds or raceways (e.g., Spirulina sp., Atack, T.H., Jauncey, K., Matty, A.J., 1979. The utilization of
Dunaliella sp., Haematococcus sp.) (Shields and some single cell proteins by fingerling mirror carp
(Cyprinus carpio). Aquaculture 18, 337e348.
Lupatsch, 2012). Atalah, E., Hernandez Cruz, C.M., Izquierdo, M.S.,
Aquaculture-associated technologies (e.g., Rosenlund, G., Caballero, M.J., Valencia, A., Robaina, L.,
affordable closed PBRs) for culturing “sensitive” 2007. Two microalgae crypthecodinium cohnii and Phaeo-
microalgal strains may add value to the current dactylum tricornutum as alternative source of essential
microalgal biotechnology agenda of biofuels, fatty acids in starter feeds for sea bream (Sparus aurata).
Aquaculture 270, 178e185.
and high-value biomass extracts through inte- Azad, A.K., McKinley, S., Pearce, C.M., 2010. Factors influ-
grated biorefineries. It is expected that signifi- encing the growth and survival of larval and juvenile
cant benefits will return to the aquaculture echinoids. Rev. Aquacult. 2, 121e137.
sector via current biotechnology investments, Bai, S.C., Koo, J.-W., Kim, K.W., Kim, S.K., 2001. Effects of
in the form of more efficient microalgal produc- Chlorella powder as a feed additive on growth perfor-
mance in juvenile Korean rockfish, Sebastes schlegeli
tion systems and greater availability of high- (Hilgendorf). Aquacult. Res. 32, 92e98.
quality microalgal biomass (and extracts for Barclay, W., Zeller, S., 1996. Nutritional enhancement of n-3
use as hatchery feeds). and n-6 fatty acids in rotifers and Artemia nauplii by
feeding spray-dried Schizochytrium sp. J. World Aquacult.
Soc. 27, 314e322.
Acknowledgments Batista, A.P., Raymundo, A., Sousa, I., Empis, J., 2006. Rheo-
logical characterization of coloured oil-in-water food
A postdoctoral fellowship (ref. SFRH/BPD/72777/2010),
emulsions with lutein and fycocyanin added to the oil
supervised by authors F.X.M. and I.S.P., was granted to
and aqueous phases. Food Hydrocolloids 20, 44e52.
author A.C.G., by Fundaç~ao para a Ci^encia e Tecnologia
Battaglene, S.C., Cobcroft, J.M., 2007. Advances in the culture
(FCT, Portugal) under the auspices of POPH/FSE.
of striped trumpeter larvae: a review. Aquaculture 268,
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From the Ancient Tribes to Modern
Societies, Microalgae Evolution
from a Simple Food to an Alternative
Fuel Source
Suphi S. Oncel1, Ayse Kose1, Fazilet Vardar1, Giuseppe Torzillo2
Ege University, Engineering Faculty, Department of Bioengineering, Izmir, Turkey;
CNR-Istituto per lo Studio degli Ecosistemi Sezione di Firenze, Firenze, Italy

1. INTRODUCTION the Chinese materia medica by the emperor

Shen-Nung (Niang and Hung, 1984; Pallela and
From the flying bird to the swimming fish the Kim, 2011; Pohl et al., 1979; Wang et al., 2014).
human eye has captured each scene and stored it Pedanius Dioscorides, a Greek-origin Roman
in its brain for evaluation. All these data sooner physician and botanist, reported the use of algae
or later play some role in human life. Such obser- as medicine in his five-volume book De Materia
vations from nature have been key to human Medica, some of the first medical records in
progress in many scientific areas. Microalgal Europe (Hoppe, 1979). Ancient Egyptians and
research is not an exception, in this regard. Romans used algae for cosmetic purposes, in
Microalgae blooms, far before they were taxo- Asian countries they were mainly used as food
nomically defined, captured the attention of the and medicine, and in Europe they were used as
first human communities because they were fertilizer (Hoppe, 1979; Fox, 1996; Costa et al.,
consumed by animals for food (Becker, 1994). 2003). A Chinese proverb “Big fish eat little fish,
The history of algae utilization goes back to little fish eat shrimp, shrimp eat mud” is dedicated
ancient tribes mainly as traditional and folk to algae and their importance in the food pyra-
medicines for their antifebrile, antiedema, mid and a source of medicine is highlighted by
diuretic, and expectorant functions as well as to Schwimmer and Schwimmer (Schwimmer and
prevent goiter, nephritic diseases, catarrh, and Schwimmer, 1955).
as anthelmintics. The oldest knowledge about Early records of the consumption of microal-
algae (mainly macroalgae) utilization is known gae to back to the ninth century where Kanem
to be 2700 BC according to the list of species in Empire used Arthrospira as a food source in

Handbook of Marine Microalgae 127 © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Africa (Barzanti and Gualtieri, 2006). Aztecs also 1890s in Japan (Spoalore et al., 2006). In 1977,
harvested Arthrospira as a food source in the thir- Spirulina production was also started in
teenth century on a different continent, America, Thailand. By the 1980s, 46 companies were
later reported to the world by the first colonial- actively producing more than 1000 kg/month
ists (Belay, 2013). This is good proof of the of microalgae, mostly Chlorella. In 1996,
importance of observation in life, in different 2000 tons of Chlorella was marketed in Japan.
continents at different times, but doing the New companies were also started to produce
same thing with the help of nature (Abdulgader microalgae in Israel, the United States, and later
et al., 2000; S
anchez et al., 2003). China and India (Borowitzka, 1997; Fernandez
In 1940, P. Dangeard made the first scientific et al., 1997). In a relatively short period of time,
report mentioning the use of algae as a food rapid progress was established by the microal-
source in Africa around Lake Chad, which was gae industry (Tamiya, 1957).
the first spark for the microalgal industry (Ciferri, Microalgae as a source evolved from three
1983; S anchez et al., 2003; Belay, 2013). This is unique paths: (1) history of the ancient tribes
because even if studies on microalgae like Chlor- and traditions, (2) scientific progress related to
ella increased the scientific popularity with its first technology, and (3) engineering work in the
unialgal culture achieved by Beijerinck in 1890, environment, chemistry, and biology fields
and its cultivation started in 1919 in Otto War- (Soeder, 1980). The aim of this book chapter is
burg’s lab, the target was to use them as a model to focus on the progress and engineering of the
for physiology and photosynthesis research not microalgae industry, with a special emphasis
as a potential food or fuel source (Beijerinck, on the current big debate of using microalgae
1890; Warburg, 1919; Soeder, 1980; Zallen, 1993; as an alternative fuel source.
Sanchez et al., 2003; Grobbelaar, 2012).
Even though algae utilization has a strong his-
torical background, commercial production was 2. DISCOVERIES IN
not started until the 1950s; one of the driving PHOTOSYNTHESIS AS A TOOL TO
forces was World War II and the following UNDERSTAND MICROALGAL
food crisis (Borowitzka, 2013). The first attempts METABOLISM FOR BIOFUEL
to grow microalgae in mass cultures were quite DEVELOPMENT: A LITERATURE
sporadic because of World War II, but then SURVEY FOR A HISTORICAL
accelerated when studies were united with the SNAPSHOT
efforts of John S. Burlew who edited the famous
book Algal Culture from Laboratory to Pilot Plant Photosynthesis, formerly known as assimila-
(Burlew, 1953), which triggered research work tion (Gest, 2002), has a strong historical back-
around the globe, particularly in the United ground. The very first hypothesis about
States, Germany, Israel, Czech Republic, Japan, photosynthesis comes from ancient Greece, but
Thailand, France, and Italy focusing on the culti- the tree and soil experiment of Jan van Helmont
vation of microalgae and investigating their in 1648 is the most memorable event. After van
chemical composition and industrial applica- Helmont’s studies, Joseph Priestly, John Wood-
tions (Chaumont et al., 1988; Chaumont, 1993; ward, Jan Ingen-Housz, and Antoine-Laurent
Sanchez et al., 2003; Spoalore et al., 2006; Becker, Lavoisier made critical contributions to research
2013; Belay, 2013). on photosynthesis from a physiological point of
Before World War II, commercial production view (Huzisige and Ke, 1993; Govindjee and
started with Spirulina during the 1870s in Mexico Krogmann, 2004; Blankenship, 2010; Yu et al.,
(Sosa Texcoco S.A.) and with Chlorella during the 2012).
In 1818, the chlorophyll pigment was isolated modes, for example, heterotrophic and photomix-
from plant leaves and referred to as light harvest- otrophic, research applied to microalgal meta-
ing machinery in photosynthesis. Chloroplasts bolism resulted in important findings; for
were discovered in 1881 as photosynthetic appa- example, algae were able to assimilate certain car-
ratus of individual cells. The C14 isotope labeling bon sources under dark using pure organic carbon
technique to prove that O2 evolution comes from and nitrogen sources, wastewater, and industrial
H2O not from CO2 (Ruben et al., 1939; Ruben and by-products (Theiarult, 1965; Kawaguchi, 1980;
Kamen, 1941; Gest, 1997, 2005) was another Ogawa and Aiba, 1981; Kaplan et al., 1986;
breakthrough. Calvin Melvin and his colleagues Chen, 1996; Yang et al., 2002; Perez-Garcia et al.,
published numerous studies highlighting the 2011).
origin of photosynthesis and stated that CO2 is Going back to 1919, the relation of photosyn-
fixed into organic structures in cells (Calvin and thesis with microalgae was researched by Otto
Benson, 1948; Benson and Calvin, 1948; Stepka Heinrich Warburg. He used microalgae, Chlor-
and Benson, 1948; Benson et al., 1949; Calvin, ella, because of its fast-growing, nonmotile,
1949; Badin and Calvin, 1950; Calvin et al., and simple life cycle properties (Zallen, 1993).
1950, 1951). Later named as the CalvineBenson Warburg’s study was important because he
cycle, these studies highlighted the metabolism was able to understand the number of quantas
and pathways of inorganic and organic sub- required to possess photosynthesis and he
stances in both plant and microalgae metabolism. also proposed the concepts of light utilization
The evolution of photosynthesis in microal- efficiency and light to chemical energy
gae is also considered as key in terms of finding (Warburg, 1919, 1920; Warburg and Negelein,
certain metabolic pathways and common ances- 1923; Nickelsen, 2007). Warburg also used the
tors with other photosynthetic organisms terms photolysis and acceptors in discussing
(Burris, 1977; Xiong, 2006). Regarding combined photosynthesis reactions. His studies of photol-
studies of carbon utilization (de Saussure, 1804; ysis are now widely used in microalgal bio-
Kortschak et al., 1965; Hatch and Slack, 1966; hydrogen production (biophotolysis of water
Benson, 2002; Bassham, 2005; Yu et al., 2012), into electrons, protons, and oxygen) (Myers,
the CalvineBenson cycle was later used for 1974; Benemann, 1997).
various carbon assimilation modes in microalgal
metabolism (Sager and Granick, 1953; Kratz and
Myers, 1955; Goldman et al., 1971; Chen, 1996; 3. MICROALGAE, A MILESTONE IN
Perez-Garcia et al., 2011; Pires et al., 2012; LIGHT TO FUEL CONCEPT
Wang et al., 2010). With this metabolism, stor-
age chemicals were further evaluated for Andrei Segeyevic Famintsyn, a Russian bota-
various applications, for example, biodiesel pro- nist, was the first scientist to use artificial light
duction from microalgal lipids (Sheenah et al., in plant research (1868) and to culture algae in
1998a, 1998b; Chisti, 2007; Oncel, 2013) and the a simple culture medium including inorganic
role of starch for biohydrogen production salts (1871) (Andersen, 2005); however, the mod-
(Kruse et al., 2005), and cell composition for bio- ern culture of microalgae started after Martinus
ethanol and biogas production (Samson and Beijerinck established unialgal Chlorella vulgaris
LeDuy, 1982; Mussatto et al., 2010). Highlights cultures in the laboratory (Beijerinck, 1890;
in the CalvineBenson cycle further encouraged Andersen, 2005; Borowitzka and Moheimani,
studies on the relation of carbon nutrition and 2013). E. J. Allen published detailed research
valuable products (Perez-Garcia et al., 2011). Be- (Allen and Nelson, 1910) on culture methods
sides work on various growth and nutrition including both previous studies and his own

experiments. After this, knowledge of the physi- and chemical composition analysis of algal cells
ology, biochemistry, and metabolism of microal- grown in 20-L glass bottles and two batches of
gae started to accumulate thanks to the efforts Chlorella pyrenoidosa grown in 2000-L tank
of many scientists (Bewicke and Potter, 1993; fermenters.
Toerien et al., 1987). Ernst Pringsheim, in 1921, As the knowledge about microalgae physi-
was the first to introduce acetate in culture me- ology and metabolism expanded, large-scale culti-
dium as an organic carbon source for heterotro- vation of microalgae continued in the early 1960s
phic growth of algae (Andersen, 2005). Myers through 1970s. Information about large-scale
and Clark (1944) developed a system for contin- cultivation of algae for biofuel production using
uous culture of Chlorella, which enables the main- high-rate algal ponds was first presented in the
tenance of culture density at a constant value by literature by Oswald and Golueke (1960). Mayer
adding fresh medium. Myers also conducted ex- et al. (1964) developed a 2000-L, 1-m deep, contin-
periments on the effects of high-light intensity on uously stirred culture unit with its one side (fac-
the photosynthesis of Chlorella (Myers and Burr, ing south) and top transparent, in which
1940). At the same time, studies on the effects Chlorella vulgaris, C. pyrenoidosa, C. ellipsoidea,
of nitrogen and phosphate on the growth me- Chlamydomonas, and Phaeodactylum were culti-
dium of algae were done by Chu (1942) using vated. A yield of 13 g dry weight m-2 illuminated
several species such as Botryococcus braunii area per day was reported in addition to solubil-
(K€utzing, 1849), a promising algal hydrocarbon ity of gases in tank, photosynthetic rates, and the
feedstock (Watanabe and Tanabe, 2013). effects of stirring speed, temperature, and light in-
The first steps into large-scale production of tensity. Several patents on algae cultivation pro-
microalgae were taken during the late 1940s cess and production units (Buisson et al., 1969;
and early 1950s with the efforts of von Witsch Masahito, 1969), separation of algae (Ort, 1970),
in Germany (1948), PM Cook in the United States and industrial cultivation of algae (Minoru et al.,
(1950e1951), and Gummert in Germany (1953) 1967a, 1967b) were obtained in the late 1960s.
(Andersen, 2005) with Chlorella strains. First ex- During the same period, the concept of thin-
amples of outdoor large-scale production layer culture (cascade) to optimize the light utili-
included both closed tubular reactors (the first zation efficiency (Setlik et al., 1970) was studied
one in 1951 in the United States) (Borowitzka in Trebon (Czech Republic). Although, cascade
and Moheimani, 2013) and open ponds belongs to the open systems, it presents some ad-
(Richmond, 1999; Zittelli et al., 2013). The major vantages of the closed photobioreactor (PBR),
issues with these processes, first described at this namely the possibility to grow cultures at very
time and which are still being discussed, include high densities (10e15 g L-1), which dramatically
temperature control, prevention of contamina- reduces the cost of harvesting. This system, how-
tion, choice of flow rate, and the effect of climate ever, has been tested only with Chlorella cultures.
on cultures (Pulz, 2001; Carvolha et al., 2006). Goldman and Rhyter (1977) argued the feasi-
Pruess et al. (1954) published a detailed report bility of large-scale algae systems solely for en-
using several different strains of algae including ergy production and proposed smaller scale
Chlorella, Scenedesmus, Chlamydomonas, and systems capable of wastewater treatment, waste
Chlorococcum cultured in different volumes start- recycling, and protein, fertilizer, and drug pro-
ing from 100 mL in 500-mL flasks to 12 L in 20-L duction (Becker, 2007). They also noted the
glass bottles and up to 300e2500 L in deep tank importance of culture mode (batch, continuous,
fermenters. They presented the dry weight or semicontinuous), source of nutrients, surface
yields obtained from cultures (maximum value area and depth of culture, mixing method, and
being 2.4 g L-1 per day with Chlorella vulgaris) residence time. Mass production experiments
using two continuously mixed 2000-L ponds years, at a thermodynamics class, he had the
with 2.3-m width and 0.5-m depth reported algal very first seeds of his idea after learning about
yields of 12.7 and 19 g dry weight m 2 day the Carnot theorem (Diesel, 1913; Knothe,
(Goldman and Ryther, 1975), and Goldman pub- 2010). At the 1900 World Fair in France, the first
lished a review on outdoor mass cultures of diesel engine was exhibited by a French Com-
algae and compiled biomass yields obtained in pany named Otto; its engine was designed by
previous experiments by various researchers Rudolf Diesel. Diesel used peanut oil to run the
(Goldman, 1979). In order to be economically engine and it worked! (Knothe, 2005).
feasible, Goldman emphasized the exploitation Apart from the first and second generation
of other applications such as production of biodiesel sources, microalgal lipids were also
chemicals, wastewater treatment, and aquacul- evaluated as a promising and sustainable biofuel
ture, in addition to bioconversion of solar energy source after the 1970s oil crisis and food vs fuel
by microalgae. debate. Developments in microalgal biodiesel
First reports on closed PBR systems for mass production have taken two different routes: (1)
cultivation of algae came in the mid-1980s (Lee, screening of suitable strains with high oil-
1986) and were followed by several articles on producing properties considering nutrition as a
PBR design in the late 1980s. Weissman et al. key, and (2) screening the metabolic basis of
(1988) compared an open raceway pond to a hor- microalgae lipid synthesis metabolism for strain
izontal glass tubular reactor. Miyamoto et al. improvement (Wang et al., 2014).
(1988) presented a vertical tubular reactor with Heterotrophic production from Chlorella pyre-
an inner diameter of 5 cm and a length of nidosa was achieved in 1977. Before this study,
2.3 m, which holds about 4 L of culture medium. the ability of Chlamydomonas to live in dark con-
By the late 1970s and early 1980s, after almost ditions was also known (Sager, 1955). The results
40 years since Gaffron and Rubin first demon- pointing out lipid accumulation motivated
strated the production of hydrogen by Chlamydo- further studies. With heterotrophic production
monas (Gaffron and Rubin, 1942), photosynthetic techniques algae could be used in conventional
hydrogen production received some attention, fermenters (Endo et al., 1977; Xu et al., 2006;
and several articles, both research (Neil et al., Yang et al., 2000).
1976; Miyamoto et al., 1979) and review (Mitsui, From the 1940s to today, the history of bio-
1976; Weaver et al., 1979), on the production of diesel as one of the most promising commercial
hydrogen using algae, were published. Stuart microalgal biofuels (Ackman et al., 1968;
and Gaffron (1972) also published an article on Benemann et al., 1978; Aaronson, 1973; Banerjee
hydrogen production by several strains of micro- et al., 2002; Borowitzka, 1988; Brown et al., 1996;
algae (Chlamydomonas, Scenedesmus, Chlorella, Certik and Shimizu, 1999; Grossman, 2005; Hu
and Ankistrodesmus). et al., 2008) has shown the following: (1) nutrient
The next section discusses in detail microalgal stress is a critical strategy to enhance the lipid
biofuelsdbiodiesel, bioethanol, biogas, and the storage as TGA (Borowitzka, 2013); (2) screening
latest trend in sustainable biofuels, biohydrogen. of potential species for microalgal biodiesel pro-
duction can be promising; however, the lipid
content of microalgae is more or less the same
3.1 Biodiesel and further improvements should be required
The idea to use transportation fuels from (Sheehan et al., 1998a, 1998b); (3) not only is
renewable sources came from the early thoughts the lipid content an important parameter but
of Rudolph Diesel (Patil et al., 2008). According also biomass productivity is critical to develop
to Diesel, he stated that during his university feasible production (Hu et al., 2008); (4) the cell

structure of microalgae is the barrier for extrac- applicable. Oil extracted microalgae waste
tion, thus an efficient extraction technology and biomass is one of the promising sources for this
downstream process requires further research purpose (Oncel, 2013).
(Chisti, 2007); and (5) for a reliable process, ge-
netic engineering tools could be necessary
(Radakovits et al., 2010).
3.3 Biogas
The first laboratory study of anaerobic diges-
tion using algae biomass as a substrate was done
3.2 Bioethanol by Golueka using Scenesmus sp. and Chlorella vul-
Bioethanol from renewable sources began to garis for waste treatment processes (Golueka and
be discussed as a reliable transportation fuel after Oswald, 1959). In later studies, open ponds were
concerns were raised about global warming used to treat wastewater with microalgae, and
and an oil crisis (Bai et al., 2008). The raw mate- microalgal biomass has been used for anaerobic
rials for bioethanol production are based on digestion (Oswald and Golueka, 1960; Golueka
crops mostly of sugarcane and corn (Oncel, and Oswald, 1965). This work can be considered
2013). Cellulosic materials have also been intro- as an important milestone for the development of
duced to the technology (Sun and Cheng, 2002). algal studies in terms of integrating bioprocesses
Apart from microalgal bioethanol, plant materi- and also for using the mass cultivation concept.
alederived bioethanol was introduced in to the Anaerobic digestion of microalgae was more
transportation sector in the late nineteenth like a literature knowledge until the 1970 fuel cri-
century (Solomon et al., 2007). Henry Ford ris. However similar to other alternative fuels,
launched a new car that worked with pure bio- biogas began to be considered again as a possibil-
ethanol or blends with gasoline (Mussatto et al., ity, with a special emphasis on the biorefinery
2010). The country of Brazil developed the ProAl- concept (Ward et al., 2014).
cool project in 1975 (Soccol et al., 2005) and In the case of biogas, microalgal biomass is it-
currently leads the world in ethanol export poten- self the main substrate (Samson and LeDuy,
tial, even compared to the United States, Japan, 1982). Thus the cellular composition of biomass
and Europe. Brasil also launched another project, directly affects the yield of anaerobic digestion
OVEG, in 1983 aimed at biodiesel production (Droop, 1983; Sialve et al., 2009). The complex
from vegetable oils. The success of the bioethanol structure of algae made it hard to estimate sub-
program was a solution to the 1970s fuel crisis; strate ratios for digestion, so basic equations
however, it introduced another crisis related to were adapted from conventional strategies
competition with food sources (Soccol et al., (Symon and Buswells, 1933; Harris and Adams,
2005; Mussatto et al., 2010). 1979; Sialve et al., 2009).
In theory, microalgae are a reliable feedstock Currently, rather than being a separate pro-
that does not compete with food sources, besides cess, biogas production from microalgae is
accumulating a higher content of carbohydrates considered as a step in the biorefinery concept
in the form of starch (Chisti, 2008) However, it (Mussgnug et al., 2010; Oncel, 2013). The disrup-
is not realistic to cultivate algae to use as sub- ted and oil-extracted waste biomass still contains
strate for ethanol production. Approaches to in- high concentrations of proteins, carbohydrates,
crease the carbohydrate content in microalgae and other compounds. Utilization of waste for
for ethanol fermentation are another point to biogas production could be a more feasible
discuss (Hirano et al., 1997); however, rather pathway for the waste treatment policy, too. Un-
than combining bulk cultivation with ethanol til now, diverse research on microalgal biogas
fermentation, bio-refinery concept is more production has been conducted. Commercially
important strains such as Spirulina sp., Chlorella The restrictive nature of microalgal bio-
sp., Tetraselmis, Scenesmus, Dunaliella salina, hydrogen production requires anaerobic envi-
Arthrospira and their biogas production capac- ronments. The history of anaerobiosis aiming
ities have been investigated. A brief description to produce microalgal biohydrogen is achieved
of these results appears in the latest review via using inert gasses to purge oxygen, using
related to anaerobic digestion of microalgal PSII inhibitors to lock down the photo-damage
biomass (Ward et al., 2014). repair system; the addition of O2 scavengers is
also another approach (Torzillo and Seibert,
2013). However, even to sustain a laboratory
3.4 Biohydrogen study, these procedures are impractical, expen-
Biohydrogen, one of the latest trends in algal sive, and have no chance for scaling up. In
biofuel studies, appears first in the literature in 1998, Wykoff presented the sulfur-deprived
1942 (Gaffron and Rubin, 1942). Today the PSII blocking, and later Melis et al. introduced
known metabolism of algal hydrogen production a two-stage protocol separating aerobic phases
is activation of certain enzymes called as hydrog- and anaerobic phases with sulfur-deprived con-
enases under anaerobic conditions (Meyer, 2007). ditions (Melis et al., 2000).
Algal biohydrogen production has been evalu- Photobiological hydrogen production is the
ated regarding the following aspects: (1) the direct product of metabolic activation, which
sensitivity of hydrogenase enzymes to oxygen; has encouraged further developments. The
(2) the relation of inhibitors with hydrogen pro- rise in the cost of energy, along with the carbon
duction mechanism; (3) microalgae species- balance-related crisis, has been a driving force
specific hydrogen production and screening of in the need for sustainable green energy, and
certain strains as hydrogen-producing machin- thus the introduction of a clean fuel aiming
eries; (4) genetic basis of hydrogen production for a clean future. Besides renewable energy
both in terms of enzymes and mechanistic features, combustion characteristics are also
models; (5) regulation of cell metabolism to shift another strong point to encourage further
their storage metabolism; (6) the effect of nutri- studies (e.g., by an on-site fuel cell system
tion to PSII system; (7) evaluation of bio- linked to the electricity grid) (Oncel and
photolysis; (8) genetic engineering tools for an Vardar, 2011; Oncel, 2013). Biotechnology of
efficient production; (9) commercialization and algal biohydrogen is a young branch of research
scale-up; (10) immobilization for sustainable bio- that requires further interest. After a two-stage
hydrogen production; and (11) evolutionary protocol, environmental conditions, nutrient
development of hydrogen-producing machinery, regimes, possible algae strains with high
which were highlighted in a series of comprehen- biohydrogen production capacity were
sive reports (Ghirardi et al., 1997; Wykoff et al., screened. However, still none of them achieved
1998; Melis et al., 2000; Kosourov et al., 2002; the introduction of an oxygen tolerant process.
Forestier et al., 2003; Posewitz et al., 2004; After 2000 the interest on biohydrogen produc-
Ghirardi et al., 2005; Kruse et al., 2005; Meyer, tion shifted to genetic engineering (Posewitz
2007; Laurinavichene et al., 2008; Kosourov and et al., 2004; Kruse et al., 2005; Beer et al., 2009;
Seibert, 2009; Matthew et al., 2009; Faraloni Srirangan et al., 2011; Kose and Oncel, 2014;
and Torzillo, 2010; Gaffron, 1939; Kruse and Mathews and Wang, 2009) and since 2000
Hankamer, 2010; Oh et al., 2011; Srirangan transcriptome, metabolome, system biology,
et al., 2011; Meuser et al., 2012; Oncel and and omics became the new areas of focus to
Sabankay, 2012; Scoma et al., 2012; Oncel, 2013; study microalgal biohydrogen production
Torzillo and Seibert, 2013; Oncel and Kose, 2014). (Rupprecht, 2009).

4. GENETIC ENGINEERING TOOLS in microalgae is the desired target to reach.

TO DESIGN CONCEPTUAL Because the downstream processing is expensive,
STUDIES: TIME TRAVEL FOR approaches must be developed to reduce the pro-
GENETIC EVOLUTION OF cess costs and also enhance the yield. With this in
MICROALGAL BIOFUEL RESEARCH mind, in 1994 and 1996 the successful plasmid
transformation with diatoms Cyclotella cryptica
There are over 40,000 microalgae species and Navicula saprophila was achieved in terms
known in current databases (Safi et al., 2014); of enhancing lipid synthesis. With these studies,
however, around 100 species are attractive for the role of ACCase enzyme was also clarified
cyanobacteria, green algae, and diatom studies and lipid accumulation was enhanced in mutant
(Pulz and Gross, 2004). Genetic engineering and strains (Dunahay et al., 1996). Blocking metabolic
system biology can be a new-generation research pathways, overexpression of related gene prod-
tool for further studies to make algal biofuels ucts or enzymes, altering lipid profiles, regula-
feasible (Rupprecht, 2009) but also as simulations tion of lipid catabolism, and inhibition of lipid
for outdoor or large-scale productions, which are oxidation have been studied. Other promising
another possibility for fuel efficiency. approaches for feasible biofuel production are
Currently most of the studies are conducted also considered to be in situ biofuel production
with the aid of molecular genetics tools. “Strain and secretion of lipid bodies as extracellualar
improvement” as a known concept has also been compounds (Rosenberg et al., 2008).
introduced into algal research, in addition to Another crucial biofuel, biohydrogen, is also
screening new promising strains. Microalgae the focus of genetic studies (Posewitz et al.,
with three genomes (chloroplast, nucleus, and 2005). The biohydrogen metabolism within the
mitochondria) can be seen as a pool in terms of ge- cell is composed of complex reactions, and ac-
netic material (Walker et al., 2005; Neupert et al., cording to the previous studies, each approach
2008). However, today there is not adequate in molecular metabolism gives positive results
knowledge about algal genomics to go beyond to upgrade biohydrogen studies. The following
this point (Radakovits et al., 2010). Chlamydomo- studies have been done: starch metabolism
nas is used as a model for most of the algal genetic (Kruse et al., 2005; Esquível et al., 2006; Chochois
studies, providing good feedback; it has been sug- et al., 2009); introduction of foreigner genes to
gested that future studies on algal genomes enhance carbon utilization (Doebbe et al.,
should be accelerated (Merchant et al., 2007). 2007); role of electron transport chain and elec-
The life cycle of Chlamydomonas was described tron pools, the role of D1 protein (Faraloni and
back in 1876. Since then, Chlamydomonas was Torzillo, 2010); the effect of light-harvesting
used as model microalga because of its high antenna size and the photosynthetic light utiliza-
growth rates and ability to grow in dark condi- tion efficiency (Tetali et al., 2007); the role of
tons (heterotrophic metabolism), and lately it is Rubisco in the accumulation of electron pool
the most studied genome representative for algal (Hemschemeier et al., 2008); the molecular evo-
studies (Sager, 1955). Mutation and transgene lution of hydrogenase enzymes (Meyer, 2007;
studies unfortunately took a long time to be Kim and Kim, 2011; Oh et al., 2011); and the
able to present a permanent transformant, but oxygen sensitivity of hydrogenase enzymes
in 1988 the first stable chloroplast transformation (Ghirardi et al., 2006; Nagy et al., 2007; Boyd
was introduced (Radakovits et al., 2010). et al., 2009; Meyer, 2007).
In the case of biodiesel enhanced lipid accu- Using genetic engineering tools, researchers
mulation via overexpression of lipid synthesis can now search and finalize the genome sequences
of other microalgae that have potential for biofuels from saline, brackish, and freshwater sources.
in addition to the completed genomes of Nanno- The strains were screened according to their
chloropsis gaditana, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, environmental needs and lipid accumulation ca-
Chlorella variabilis, Micromonas pusila, Ostreococcus pacity. Selection of 300 strains, mostly green
tauri, Ostreococcus lucimarinus, Thalassiosira psudo- algae and diatoms, which were promising in
nana, Emiliana huxleyii, Fragilariopsis cylindrus, terms of biodiesel production for commercial
Aerococcus aophagefferens, Cyanidioschyzon merolae, scales, increased scientific curiosity worldwide
and Phaeodactylum tricornutum (Oncel, 2013). (Sheehan et al., 1998a, 1998b).
Molecular-based focusing on the microalgae The 18 years of study also accomplished the
will accelerate the progress for future studies of evaluation of microalgal biofuels, mainly bio-
biofuel production with enhanced productivities diesel. A final report suggested the following
targeting commercial-scale applications. (Sheehan et al., 1998a, 1998b): (1) oil accumula-
tion in the algal cells attained with nitrogen
starvation does not increase the total oil produc-
5. GLOBAL PROJECTS tivity; (2) there is little prospect for any alterna-
tive for a more productive culture system to
The era of microalgal biofuels started with the achieve low cost, for example, closed PBRs as
recognition of the risky balance of fossil fuel sup- an alternative to open ponds; (3) difficulties in
ply and demand forcing an economic imbalance. maintaining axenic cultures for more than
Even though the potential of microalgae was 2 weeks or months; (4) even with aggressive as-
mentioned by various outstanding researchers sumptions about biological productivity, the
decades ago, awareness of the risk has acceler- prospective costs for biodiesel are still higher
ated for further investments on reliable and than fossil fuels. However, the report also sug-
green futures for society. Thus, various projects gested that genetic engineering tools for algal
have been conducted to find potential sources, biofuels are a trusted asset for further develop-
production technologies, and commercialization ment, strain improvement, strain resistance,
of microalgal biofuels. and overall yield. Besides being able to compete
with fossil fuels or at least obtain an efficient
commercialization, biorefinery concept with
5.1 Aquatic Species Program
zero waste strategy was also another aspect
Aquatic Species Program (ASP) is one of the during the project. However, the budget cut
glorious algal biofuel projects that was launched and finalization of the project is a de-
in 1978 by the US Department of Energy’s Office motivational result for the progress of algal bio-
of Fuels Development to develop renewable fuels, the only competitive fuel source from
transportation fuels from algae (Borowitzka, biomass.
2013). The program first focused on biohydrogen
production (until 1982), then shifted to screening
potential species for biodiesel production from
5.2 The RITE
microalgae; the program ended in 1996 because In 1990, the Japanese Ministry of Interna-
of budget cuts (overall funding, $25 million) tional Trade and Industry launched an innova-
(Pienkos and Darzins, 2009). The aim of the proj- tive R&D program including projects at the
ect was not only to find microalgae species but Research Institute of Innovative Technology
also to define production strategies, including for Earth (RITE) to develop technologies for
cultivation systems such as open ponds and biological fixation of CO2 via photosynthesis
PBRs. During ASP, 3000 strains were isolated (Michiki, 1995; Borowitzka, 2013). Although

the project was not concerned with biofuel pro- production for commercialization. The project
duction, it contributed a great deal to the devel- was launched in April 2009 by the Scottish
opment of large-scale microalgae production. Association for Marine Science, supported by
The major research themes addressed by the partner organizations from Scotland, Northern
RITE projects were: (1) highly efficient photo- Ireland, and the Republic of Ireland (http://
synthetic bacteria and microalgae with high Project objectives were to
CO2 fixation capability, which identified 13 define high oil-producing microalgae strains,
strains including Chlorococcum sp., Galdieria define genes responsible for oil synthesis,
sp., Chlorella sp., Synechococcus sp., and Scedes- marine seaweeds and marine biomass for anaer-
mus sp.; (2) development of devices and technol- obic digestion, and design techno-economical
ogies to utilize sunlight with maximum and feasible PBRs for microalgae cultivation to
efficiency, which is the major bottleneck to produce bioethanol and biogas. Total budget
developing sustainable production; (3) develop- of the project was 6 million V for 7 years. So
ment of large-scale PBRs for CO2 fixation using far, the research team has screened 2700 micro-
dense microalgal culture; and (4) development algae strains from culture collections in order
of a technology to produce biomass, oil for bio- to define promising strains for lipid production.
diesel, proteins, and other valuable compounds The team has published a few papers, mostly
(Usui and Ikenouchi, 1997). dealing with climate change and global warm-
ing risks, alternative species for lipid
production and strain screening, strain
5.3 Carbon Trust improvement, reviews about biogas production,
Carbon Trust was also one of the leading pro- techno-economic development , and research on
jects to develop a new carbon economy in the biogas production from seaweeds (Allan, 2011;
scope of algal biofuels for sustainable future. The Callaway et al., 2012; Day et al., 2012; Hughes
project was launched in 2001 by the government et al., 2012; Roleda et al., 2013; Dave et al.,
of the United Kingdom, with £30 million of invest- 2013; Slocombe et al., 2013a, 2013b; Vanegas
ment. The project mostly concentrated on and Bartlett, 2013).
screening potential strains for biodiesel produc-
tion, enhancing solar energy conversion,
designing techno-economic production systems
5.5 OMEGA (Offshore Membrane
for an algal fuel process facility, and designing Enclosures for Growing Algae)
open ponds for mass cultivation. The project OMEGA was established by NASA between
also acted as a funding pool for algal investments. 2009 and 2012. The system consisted of light-
But in 2011 the government cut 40% of the penetrating plastic bag PBRs with specially
budget, resulting in job losses and also loss in designed osmosis membranes (Hughes et al.,
trust to algal biofuels is damaged in public 2014). Algae cultures within the bags floating
eye ( on the water surface used sunlight and nutrients
2011/feb/14/carbon-trust-funding-cut). in water to release clean water and oxygen back
into the water environment. In other studies,
lipids extracted from harvested biomass were
5.4 BioMARA (The Sustainable Fuels
used as feedstock for biodiesel and waste
from Marine Biomass)
biomass was also used as fertilizers. The proto-
The aim of the BioMARA project was to find type studies started with 1e2 L of PBRs and
alternative marine resources for biofuel scaled up to 110, 1600 L; respectively. The very
first findings reported 14.1  1.3 g dry biomass utilization for illumination should be
per square meter of PBR surface area per day. accomplished with increasing the
The project was not a leading one in terms of illumination area of PBR, considering light
innovative algae cultivation, but it established dilution as a challenge.
the usefulness of various equipment and appa- • Construction materials for PBRs should be
ratus to measure temperature, photosynthetic designed to allow light penetration from PBR
active radiation, and oxygenecarbon dioxide surface into the culture broth, where
levels. In addition, the ecological aspects of the microalgae harvest light. However, light/
floating PBR on the sea surface were also dis- dark zones are the main problems to
cussed and evaluated (Trent, 2012; Hughes achieving desired light utilization. Culture
et al., 2014). mobilized with the mixing within the PBR is
supposed to transfer within the PBR visiting
light and dark zones. It is advised to keep
dark volume-to-total volume ratio below 0.05
6. INTRODUCING A FEASIBLE (Torzillo and Seibert, 2013).
APPROACH TO ALGAL BIOFUEL • Surface-to-volume ratio (S/V) is a critical
ECONOMY: CURRENT STATUS value for an efficient scale-up strategy
FOCUSING ON synchronized with mixing time (Oncel and
Kose, 2014). A high S/V ratio reduces the light
path and also is an important parameter in
The strategy to decrease the cost of produc-
terms of volumetric productivity, considering
tion of algal biomass is complex. One of the
light utilization. Mixing time also has various
main issues is the strain selection, which should
effects on microalgal metabolism, light
be based on the following aspects: (1) strains
distribution into PBR, light/dark cycle
with high productivity under high light (i.e.,
frequency, and heat and mass transfer
not affected by light saturation and photo inhibi-
properties affecting bulk biomass production.
tion); (2) large cell with thin membrane to facili-
Also, it is stated that mixing time has a
tate cell rupture; (3) insensitivity to high oxygen
significant effect on H2 production, too (Oncel
concentration; (4) resistance to shear stress; (5)
and Sabankay, 2012). Reduction in the mixing
cell must flocculate easily; (6) robust cells resis-
time is the key to a better transfer. To reach
tant to grazing; and (7) the oil should be excreted
effective mass transfer coefficient turbulent
outside cells (hydrogen is an example) (Wijffels
mixing is advised. To achieve a turbulent
and Barbosa, 2010). Another key issue is the opti-
regime, Reynolds number is the criteria
mization of the PBR design. As a guideline, an
(Torzillo and Seibert, 2013).
optimal PBR design should have the following
• The utilization of PBRs in terms of orientation
is another point. For outdoor cultivation the
• From open ponds to sophisticated PBR surface meets with illumination is crucial.
designs with various modifications, mostly One-sided illumination and two-sided
focused on light distribution to PBR surface illumination differ in terms of light
and light utilization from microalgal penetration into the culture. In the case of one-
cultures. Unfortunately, lack of a well- sided illumination, inadequate mixing will
defined and optimized strategy also blocks result in a loss of culture and a decrease in the
the pathway for fuel production. overall biomass accumulation. The
Considering the sun as a free and geographical region is a parameter for the
sustainable light source, natural sunlight capture of solar irradiation. East/west

orientation panel and tubular PBRs intercept future in a few seconds but we have to work and
more light than southenorth orientation change our destiny by using lessons from the
(Sierra et al., 2008; Torzillo and Seibert, 2013). past. Knowing that with today’s technology and
knowledge, microalgal biofuels may have a long
way to go but it is not impossible to reach the
7. CONCLUSIONS desired target of a sustainable and greener future.

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Biofuel Production from Microalgae
Kurniadhi Prabandono1, Sarmidi Amin2
Ministry for Marine Affairs and FisherieseRepublic of Indonesia; 2Agency for Assessment and
Application Technology (BPPT), Indonesia

1. INTRODUCTION for production of methane gas from carbohy-

drate fractional cells. This idea was further
Microalgae as biomass has chemical compo- developed by Oswald and Golueke in 1960
sition, which varies depending on algae used, (Demirbas and Demirbas, 2010).
and it can be rich in proteins, lipids or have a Production of methane gas from algae
balance composition of proteins, carbohydrates, received a big push during the energy crisis
and lipids (Raja et al., 2013). The first unialgal of the 1970s (Anonymous, history). The produc-
cultures were achieved by Beijerinck in 1890 tion of microalgal lipids that can be synthesized
with Chlorella vulgaris, and the use of such into biodiesel has been of interest to the US
cultures for studying plant physiology was Department of Energy (DOE) since the 1970s
developed by Warburg in the early 1900s (Weldy and Huesemann, 2013). But because of
(Anonymous, beam). After World Wars I and financial constraints and cheap oil in 1995,
II, scientists continued their research for this production was terminated (Anonymous,
sustainable food sources (Edward, 2010). history). Then it was continued again by the Na-
Mass culture of microalgae really began to be tional Renewable Energy Laboratory and DOE;
a focus of research after 1948 at Stanford (USA), the product was commercial grade fuel from
Essen (Germany), and Tokyo (Anonymous, triglyceride-rich microalgae (Danielo, 2005).
beam). The first attempt in the United States Recently, researchers and companies are not
to translate the biological requirements for only focusing on algae as a source for powering
algal growth into engineering specifications cars and trucks but also as a source for renew-
for a large-scale plant was made at the Stanford able aviation fuel. Biojet fuel has already been
Research Institute during 1948e1950 (Demirbas, successfully tested in both commercial and
2010). In 1952, an Algae Mass Culture Sympo- military aircraft. The fuel has been praised for
sium was held at Stanford University, Califor- having a low flash point and sufficiently low
nia. One important outcome of the symposium freezing point, issues that have been problem-
was the 1953 publication of Algae Culture from atic for other biofuels (Gouveia, 2011). Luf-
Laboratory to Pilot Plant edited by J. S. Burlew thansa (German airline) with Algae Tec
(Boriwitzka, 2013). The concept of using algae (Australian company) in 2012 signed a collabo-
as a fuel was first proposed by Meier in 1955 ration to build an industrial-scale plant to

Handbook of Marine Microalgae 145 © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

produce aviation fuels from algae (Bussiness, Gasification is the conversion process of
Green, 2012). biomass into CH4, H2, CO2, and ammonia. The
product gas from this process can be burned
directly or used as a fuel gas engine, or can be
used as a feedstock (synthetic gas) (McKendry,
1.1 Biofuel Production 2003). But in the case of microalgae biomass
Bio-oil from microalgae can be used directly that has high water content (80e90%) (Patil
as fuel or chemically transesterified into bio- et al., 2008), the gasification process is not
diesel. Other microalgae biofuels such as ethanol suitable. It is better through a biological conver-
and methane are produced as organic substrates sion process (McKendry, 2003) or liquefaction
and can be fermented by microbes under anaer- process (FAO, oil production). Direct hydrother-
obic conditions. Hydrogen can be produced by mal liquefaction in subcritical water condition is
photosynthetic algae and cyanobacteria under a technology that can be employed to convert
certain nutrient- or oxygen-depleted conditions, wet biomass material to liquid fuel (Patil et al.,
and by bacteria and archae utilizing organic 2008). The separation scheme is presented in
substrates under anaerobic conditions (Drapcho Figure 2 (Minowa et al., 1995; FAO, oil produc-
et al., 2008). The conversion technology of tion; Minowa and Sawayama, 1999; Yang et al.,
microalgae biomass can be classified into two 2004; Murakami et al., 1990; Itoh et al., 1994;
categories: biochemical and thermochemical. Amin, 2009). The liquefaction is performed in
Figure 1 shows the energy conversion process an aqueous solution of alkali or alkaline earth
from microalgae to biofuel (Tsukahara and salt at about 300  C and 10 MPa without a
Sawayama, 2005). Spolaore et al. (2006) sug- reducing gas such as hydrogen and/or carbon
gested that microalgae can also produce valu- monoxide (Minowa et al., 1995).
able coproducts such as proteins and residual Pyrolysis is conversion of biomass to biofuel,
biomass after oil extraction, which may be charcoal, and gaseous fraction by heating the
used as feed or fertilizer. biomass in the absence of air to around 500  C

GasificaƟon Syngas

Thermochemical LiquefacƟon Bio-oil

Pyrolysis Bio-oil, syngas, charcoal

Algae biomass CombusƟon

Methane, H2

FermentaƟon Ethanol

Photobiological Hydrogen

FIGURE 1 Energy conversion process.


Algal cell


ReacƟon mixer Extract with CH2Cl 2


CH2Cl 2 soluble Washing with H2O

CH2Cl 2 insoluble FiltraƟon


H2O soluble H2O insoluble

Gas Oil
Aqueous phase Residue

FIGURE 2 Separation scheme for liquefies microalgal cells.

(McKendry, 2003; Miao et al., 2004) or by heating Hydrolysis is the first step of organic matter
in the presence of a catalyst (Agarwal, 2007), at enzymolyzed externally by extracellular en-
high heating rate (103e104 K/s) and with short zymes, cellulose, amylase, protease, and lipase.
gas residence time to crack into short-chain mol- Bacteria decompose long chains of complex
ecules and then be rapidly cooled to liquid (Qi organic matter such as carbohydrates, proteins,
et al., 2007). Low heating rate and long residence and lipids into small chains. During hydrolysis,
time may increase the energy input (Agarwal, complex organic matter (polymers) are con-
2007), and fast pyrolysis processes for biomass verted into glucose, glycerol, purines, and
have attracted a great deal of attention for maxi- pyridines (Al Seadi et al., 2008). Proteins are
mizing liquid yields (Miao et al., 2004). split into peptides and amino acids (Sorathia
The advantage of fast pyrolysis is that it can et al., 2012). In the first step, the complicated
directly produce a liquid fuel and also produce molecules like polymers, fats, proteins, and
biogas. A conceptual fluidized bed fast pyrolysis carbohydrates are converted to monomers,
system is shown in Figure 3 (Bridgwater and fatty acids (FAs), amino acids, and saccharides
Peacocke, 2000). However, since microalgae (Alexopoulos, 2012).
usually have a high moisture content, a drying The second step is acidification, converting
process requires much heating energy (Yang the intermediates of fermenting bacteria into
et al., 2004). Organic compounds such as carbo- acetic acid, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide. The
hydrates, proteins, and lipids, in natural micro- acidification step has two parts: acidogenesis
organisms, break the complex carbon into and acetogenesis. The third step is decomposi-
smaller substances through the digestion tion of compounds having a low molecular
process. There are two types of digestion pro- weight. They utilize hydrogen, carbon dioxide,
cesses: aerobic and anaerobic (Suyog, 2011). and acetic acid to form methane and carbon
The anaerobic digestion process can occur at mes- dioxide, with other small traces of H2S, H2,
ophilic temperature (35e45  C) or thermophilic and N2, etc. (Sorathia et al., 2012). According
temperature (50  C). to Al Seadi et al. (2008), 70% of the formed

Biomass Bio-gas

Heat for drying

Cool &

Reactor Cyclone
Fluidizing gas Heat for pyrolysis Gas recycle

FIGURE 3 Fast pyrolysis principles.

methane originates from acetate and 30% is microalgae with nitrogen cycling combined
produced from conversion of hydrogen and with low-temperature catalytic gasification of
carbon dioxide. the microalgae has been proposed (Minowa
Continuous and batch are two types of pro- and Sawayama, 1999). Elliot and Sealock
cesses for anaerobic fermentation. Gasification (1999) have also developed a low-temperature
converts the biomass to syngas by means of par- catalytic gasification of biomass with high mois-
tial oxidation with air, oxygen, and/or steam at ture content. Biomass with high moisture is
high temperature, typically in the range of gasified directly to methane-rich fuel gas
800e900  C. A flow diagram of a microalgae without drying. In addition, nitrogen in
system for fuel production by low temperature biomass is converted to ammonia during the re-
catalytic gasification of biomass is shown in action (Minowa and Sawayama, 1999).
Figure 4 (Tsukahara and Sawayama, 2005).
A novel energy production system using

Microalgal culƟvaƟon
There are two main populations of algae:
filamentous and phytoplankton. Microalgae
are unicellular, photosynthetic microorganisms,
Low-temperature catalyƟc living in saline or freshwater environments, that
gasificaƟon convert sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to
algal biomass (Ozkurt, 2009). The three most
important classes of microalgae in terms of
H2, CH4 abundance are the diatoms (Bacillariophyceae),
CO 2 Ammonia
the green algae (Chlorophyceae), and the golden
Energy algae (Chrysophyceae). The cyanobacteria or
blueegreen algae (Cyanophyceae) are also
FIGURE 4 Flow diagram of microalgal system for fuel referred to as microalgae, that is, Spirulina
production by gasification. (Arthrospira platensis and Arthrospira maxima).

2.1 Source of Energy highly vulnerable to contamination by other

microorganisms. The water temperature is
Algae have been suggested as good candi- important condition for microalgae culture,
dates for fuel production because of their higher because most type of algae grow well at tem-
photosynthetic efficiency, higher biomass pro- peratures from 17  C to 22  C. The lower tem-
duction, and faster growth compared to other peratures will not usually kill the algae but will
energy crops (Miao and Wu, 2004). The produc- reduce their growth rate, and above 27  C, most
tivity rates of microalgae are higher than most types of algae will die (Laing, 1991).
other plantsdup to 12.5 kg m 2 year 1 (Shay, Open pond cultivation can exploit unusual
1993). According to Shay (1993) and Minowa conditions that suit only specific algae. For
et al. (1995), among the biomasses, microalgae instance, Spirulina sp. thrives in water with a
usually have a higher photosynthetic efficiency high concentration of sodium bicarbonate and
than other biomasses. This biomass is a highly Dunaliella salina grows in extremely salty water;
promising resource according to Hall in these unusual media exclude other types of
Sawayama et al. (1999) and Minowa et al. organisms, allowing the growth of pure cultures
(1995). Microalgae also have potential in the in open ponds (Wikipedia, algaculture). The
production of gaseous biofuel. According to open ponds raceway type usually is paddle-
Benemann (in Liewellyn and Skill, 2007; www. wheel driven for circulation of the water with, hydrogen can be produced via a nutrients, no more than 30 cm deep (Janssen,
number of photobiological processes either us- 2002).
ing hydrogenase through direct or indirect
photolysis or using nitrogenase. Microalgae 2.2.2 Closed Bioreactors
also can be converted to synthesis gas by means A PBR is a bioreactor that incorporates a
of partial oxidation with air, oxygen, and/or light source. Because PBR systems are closed,
steam at high temperature, typically in the range the cultivator must provide all nutrients,
of 800e900  C (Amin, 2009). Chlorella, Dunaliella, including CO2. A PBR can operate in batch or
Chlamydomonas, Scenedesmus, and Spirulina are continuous mode. The grower provides steril-
known to contain a large amount (>50% of the ized water, nutrients, air, and carbon dioxide
dry weight, dw) of starch and glycogen, useful at the correct rates. This allows the reactor to
as raw materials for ethanol production (John operate for long periods (Wikipedia, algacul-
et al., 2011). Biojet fuel can be also produced ture). There are two types of closed systems:
from microalgae. flat panel PBR and tubular PBR with air-lift
2.2 Cultivation of Microalgae
Microalgae cultivation using sunlight energy 2.3 Harvesting and Extraction
can be carried out in open ponds or photobior- The most common microalgae harvesting
eactors (PBRs). There are three distinct algae methods include gravity sedimentation, floccu-
production mechanisms: photoautotrophic, het- lation, centrifugation, filtration and microscre-
erotrophic, and mixotrophic. ening, flotation (sometimes with an additional
step with a combination of flocculation and
2.2.1 Open Ponds flotation), and electrophoresis techniques. The
Algae can be cultured in open ponds (such selection of harvesting technique is dependent
as raceway-type ponds and lakes) and PBRs. on the properties of the microalgae. Microalgae
Open ponds are less expensive, but they are harvesting can generally be divided into a

two-step process, including (Brenann and enzymes in algal cells. For example, lipase con-
Owende, 2010): tained in the cells can rapidly hydrolyze cellular
lipids into free fatty acids, which are not suitable
• Bulk harvesting is used to separate microalgal
for biodiesel production.
biomass from bulk suspension.
Oil extraction from dried biomass can be
• Thickening is concentrated in the slurry with
performed in two stepsdmechanical crushing
filtration and centrifugation.
followed by solvent extraction. Oil extraction
Gravity sedimentation is commonly applied from algal cells can also be facilitated by
for separating microalgae in water. Flocculation osmotic shock or ultrasonic treatment to break
is frequently used to increase the efficiency of the cells. In other equipment for cell disruption,
gravity sedimentation, but addition of floccula- besides the mechanical crushing, there are cell
tions is currently not a method of choice for homogenizer bead mills, ultrasound, autoclave
cheap and sustainable production (Schenk and spray drying, and nonmechanical crushing
et al., 2008). Autoflocculation also occurs as a that uses freezing, organic solvents, osmotic
result of interrupting the CO2 supply to an algal shock, and acid, base and enzyme reactions
system (Dermibas, 2010). There are two main (Mata et al., 2010). Lee et al. (2010) investigated
classifications of flocculants: inorganic and several methods for effective lipid extraction
organic. from microalgae, including autoclaving, bead-
Filtration is often applied at a laboratory scale, beating, microwaves, sonication, and 10% NaCl
but in application on a large scale it has prob- solution, to identify the most effective cell
lems, such as membrane clogging, the formation disruption method.
of compressible filter cake, and high mainte- Recent research of bio-oil production by py-
nance costs. Centrifugation is a preferred rolysis of biomass has received much interest
method, especially for producing extended (Huang et al., 2010; Miao and Wu, 2004). Pyrol-
shelf-life concentrates for aquaculture; however, ysis was first used for production of bio-oil or
this method is time-consuming and costly. biogas from lignocellulose. However, such tech-
Centrifugation is a very useful secondary har- nology may be more suitable for microalgae
vesting method to concentrate an initial slurry because of the lower temperature required for
(10e20 g/L) to an algal paste (100e200 g/L) pyrolysis and the higher quality oils obtained
and could possibly be used in combination (Bridgwater et al., 1999). Fast pyrolysis is a
with oil extraction (Schenk et al., 2008). Flotation new technology (see Figure 3) that produces
is a gravity separation process in which air or gas bio-oil in the absence of air at atmospheric
bubbles are attached to solid particles, which pressure with a relatively low temperature
then carry them to the liquid surface. Zhang (450e550  C) and a high heating rate
et al. (2010) developed an efficient technology (103e104  C s 1) as well as short gas residence
for harvesting of algal biomass using membrane time to crack into short-chain molecules and be
filtration. cooled to liquid rapidly (Bridgwater et al.,
After separation from the culture medium 1999; Bridgwater and Peacocke, 2000). Fast py-
algal, biomass must be quickly processed rolysis has proved to be a promising way to pro-
because it can spoil in only a few hours in a duce bio-oils compared to slow pyrolysis (Miao
hot climate (Mata et al., 2010). According to Liu and Wu, 2004) for the following reasons: (1) less
et al. (2011), after harvesting, chemicals in bio-oils were produced from slow pyrolysis; (2)
biomass may be subjected to degradation the viscous bio-oils from slow pyrolysis are not
induced by the process itself and also by internal suitable for liquid fuel; and (3) the fast pyrolysis
process is time saving and requires less energy TABLE 1 Composition of Selected Microalgae,
compared to the slow pyrolysis process. It was % Dry Matter Basis
reported that the experiment was completed at Strain Protein Carbohydrates Lipid
500  C with a heating rate of 600  C s 1, a sweep
gas (N2) flow rate of 0.4 m3/h, and a vapor resi- Scenedesmus obliquus 50e55 10e15 12e14
dence time of 2e3 s. Scenedesmus quadricauda 40 12 1.9
Liquefaction process can be also used to pro-
Scenedesmus dimorphus 8e18 21e52 16e40
duce biofuel directly without the need of drying
microalgae (Minowa et al., 1995). It was reported Chlamydomonas rheinhardii 48 17 21
that Dunaliella tertiolecta cells with 78.4% water Chlorella vulgaris 51e58 12e17 14e22
content convert to oils directly. The yield of oil
Chlorella pyrenoidosa 57 26 2
reached 37% of the total organic matter.
Sawayama et al. (1999) investigated the energy Spirogyra sp. 6e20 33e64 11e21
balance and CO2 mitigating effect of a liquid Dunaliella bioculata 49 4 8
fuel production process from Botryococcus braunii
Dunaliella salina 57 32 6
using thermochemical liquefaction.
Euglena gracilis 39e61 14e18 14e20

Prymnesium parvum 28e45 25e33 22e38

3. LIPID PRODUCTION Tetraselmis maculata 52 15 3

Microalgae contain proteins, carbohydrates, Porphyridium cruentum 28e39 40e57 9e14

and lipids as shown in Table 1, which displays Spirulina plantesis 46e63 8e14 4e9
the lipid content and FA profile of microalgae.
Spirulina maxima 60e71 13e16 6e7
Lipids can be converted into biodiesel, carbohy-
drates to ethanol and H2, and proteins as raw Synechoccus sp. 63 15 11
material of biofertilizer. Lipid is a general Anabaena cylindrical 43e56 25e30 4e7
name for plants and animal products that are
Adapted from Raja et al. (2013).
structurally esters of higher FAs. The FAs are
a variety of monobasic acids such as palmatic
(C16:0), stearic (C18:0), oleic (C18:1) (Klass, The group of neutral lipids is formed by triacyl-
1998), linoleic (C18:2), and linolineic (C18:3). glycerols or TAGs, steryl esters, and wax esters
The FAs can be classified as medium chain (Lang, 2007). TAGs generally serve as energy
(C10eC14), long chain (C16eC18) and very storage in microalgae that once extracted can
long chain (>C20) species and FA derivates. be converted into biodiesel through transesterifi-
However, under unfavorable environmental cation reactions. This neutral lipid bears a com-
conditions, many algae alter their lipid biosyn- mon structure of a triple ester where usually
thetic pathways to the formation and accumula- three long-chain FAs are coupled to a glycerol
tion of neutral lipids (20e50% dw), mainly in molecule. Transesterification displaces glycerol
the form of triglycerides (TAGs). For biodiesel with small alcohols or methanol. Structural
production, neutral lipids have to be extracted lipids typically have a high content of polyunsat-
(Alcaine, 2010). urated fatty acids (PUFAs), which are also essen-
Lipids can be divided into two main groups: tial nutrients for aquatic animals and humans.
(1) the storage lipid (neutral or nonpolar lipid) Polar lipids and sterols are important structural
and (2) structural (membrane or polar lipid). components of cell membranes that act as a

selective permeable barrier for cells and organ- by using a centrifugal separator or other
elles (Sharma et al., 2012). methods. Beal et al. (2013) reported that
The oil content of some microalgae exceeds the concentrated algae were exposed to
80% of the dw of algae biomass (Patil et al., electromechanical pulsing in a process designed
2008; Christi, 2007). According to Shay (1993), to lyse the cell. After lysing, the algae were again
algae can accumulate up to 65% of total biomass left in a dark container at room temperature
as lipids, but according to Oilgae, some algae (w24  C) overnight (for about 20 h). Another
have only about 15e40% (dw), whereas palm researcher (Alcaine, 2010) reported to dry the
kernel has about 50%, copra has about 60%. Oil algae after concentration process. Several
content itself can be estimated to be 64.4% of to- methods have been employed to dry the algae,
tal lipid component (Hill and Feinberg, 1984). including spray drying, freeze-drying, or sun
Microalgal oil can be produced through either drying, and it follows the cell disruption of
biological conversion to lipid, hydrocarbon, or microalgae. Several methods can be used such
thermochemical liquefaction of algal cells. Direct as bead mill, homogenizer, freezing, and sonicat-
extraction of microalgal lipid appears to be a ion, and then algal oil can be extracted using
more efficient methodology for obtaining energy chemical or mechanical methods.
from these organisms than fermentation of algal
biomass to produce either methane or ethanol
3.3 Optimization of Algal Production
(FAO). D. tertiolecta with a moisture content of
78.4 wt% were converted directly into oil by It is possible to increase the concentration of
chemical liquefaction at around 300  C and the lipid content by optimizing the growth-
10 MPa. The oil yield was about 37%. The oil ob- determining factors. The flue gases from indus-
tained at a reaction temperature of 340  C and trial power plants are rich in CO2 and can be
holding time 60 min had a viscosity of 150e330 used as fertilizer for algae cultivation. Waste-
mPas and a heating value of 36 MJ/kg (Minowa water from domestic or industrial sources
et al., 1995). contains essential salts and minerals for growth
of algae. Chinnasamy et al. (2010) reported
that their study to evaluate the feasibility of
3.1 Lipid Profile
algal biomass and biodiesel production was con-
Properties of biodiesel can be predicted from ducted using wastewater containing 85e90%
the FA profile of lipid feedstock. Table 2 dis- carpet industry effluent with 10e15% municipal
plays total lipid and FA profile (Barman et al., sewage. About 63.9% of algal oil obtained
2012), but just selecting the major FAs such as from this cultivation could be converted into
palmitic (C16:0), oleic (C18:1), and linoleic biodiesel.
(C18:2), and minor FAs such as myristic (C14:0) Light from sun or from artificial light is
and palmitoleic (C16:1). needed for the photosynthesis process in open
ponds or closed PBRs. The ponds are kept
shallow because of the need to keep the algae
3.2 Lipid Production Pathway exposed to sunlight and the limited depth to
The production pathway of lipids consists of which sunlight can penetrate the pond water.
cultivation, harvesting, drying, cell disruption, Race way ponds are about 15e35 cm deep to
and extraction of algal oil or lipid separation ensure adequate exposure to sunlight. A tubular
(Beal et al., 2013). The selective microalgae PBR has tubes that are small and limited in
were cultivated in a PBR or in outdoor culture. diameter (0.2 m or less) to allow light penetra-
After harvesting, the algae were concentrated tion to the center of tube (Dermibas, 2010).
TABLE 2 Total Lipid Content and Fatty Acid Profile of Microalgae

Fresh water microalgae

Synechocystis Nostoc Spirulina Spirogyra Chlorococcum Rhizoclonium

Genus pevalekii ellipsosporum plantensis orientalis infusionum fontinale

Total lipid (%) 92 7  1.5 8.5  2 21  2.5 11.34  1 7.5  1.4


Saturated FA C14:0 1.0 12.0 13.27 0.8 8.5 6.49
C16:0 34.2 22.05 21.1 34.08 25.62 29.36
Monounsaturated C16:1 3.8 6.6 9.32 5.46 2.26
C18:1 29.8 17.85 11.27 6.4 15.66 22.13
Polyunsaturated C18:2 14.9 2.5 0.24 6.7 7.5 e

Brackish water microalgae

Entero- Poly
Lynghya Rhizoclonium Pithophora Cladophora Cheatomorpha morpha siphonia
Genus birgei riprium cleveana crystallina gracilis intestinalis mollis

Total lipid (%) 12  2.8 8.65  1 19  2 23  1.8 16  0.5 12  1 7.8  1.6


Saturated FA C14:0 3.2 7.8 9.4 8.8 13.0 9.96 7.5
C16:0 59.6 37.4 37.0 39.1 52.4 22.57 44.7
Monounsaturated C16:1 2.3 3.1 3.1 2.8 6.0 9.7 3.7
C18:1 13.1 17.3 34.3 31.8 15.9 18.49 10.3

Polyunsaturated C18:2 9.1 17.2 11.6 3.6 14.83 e


Marine water microalgae

Phormidium Phormidium Rhizoclonium Ulva Navicula Catenella Geledium Ceramium

Genus valderianum tenne africanum lactuca minima repens pasillum manorensis

Total lipid (%) 7.8  2.8 8.01  2.2 7.2  2.7 11  1 16.23  8  1.5 9.7  2.8 8  1.9


Saturated FA C14:0 1.9 4.8 6.5 0.9 2.7 5.3 2.0 2.4
C16:0 35.8 32.9 30.2 45.2 26.4 56.2 36.2 60.6
Monounsaturated C16:1 16.1 24.3 9.3 2.0 18.7 7.6 9.2 2.0
C18:1 23.8 15.2 20.0 10.8 25.3 10.4 25.6 17.4
Polyunsaturated FA C18:2 2.5 2.9 5.3 4.89 2.2 7.0 7.1 9.6

Adapted from Barman et al. (2012).


Microalgae are typically grown under auto- productivity was demonstrated to have a
trophic conditions. In autotrophic growth, algae maximum of 150 mg/L-day at 5e6% cell nitro-
utilize sunlight as an energy source and carbon gen and was apparently independent of the
dioxide as a carbon source. Certain species of light supply and cell density when the initial
algae can also grow under heterotrophic condi- nitrogen concentration exceeded 25 mg/L (Klass,
tions, where algae utilize a reduced organic com- 1998). Shiffrin and Chrisholm (in Weldy and
pound as their carbon and energy source Huesemann, 2013) reported that Monallantus
(Drapcho et al., 2008). Miao and Wu (2004) and salina produced as much as 72% lipid in
Xu et al. (2006) studied green algae Chlorella pro- nitrogen-deficient conditions. Xin et al. (2010)
tothecoides and found that lipid content in hetero- compared the freshwater microalgae Scenedes-
trophic conditions could be as high as 55%, mus sp. with 11 species of high lipid content
which was four times higher than in autotrophic and reported that Scenedesmus sp. showed the
conditions under similar conditions. Chlorella best ability to adapt to growth in secondary
vulgaris showed an increase in biomass produc- effluent, and that it had the highest lipid content
tion when the organism was grown under meso- at 31e33%. Benemann et al. (2013) reported their
trophic conditions. study on eight strains of microalgae, and all of
There has been a wide range of studies car- microalgae were subjected to nitrogen limitation
ried out to identify and develop efficient lipid in batch cultures.
induction techniques in microalgae such
as nutrient stress, osmotic stress, radiation,
pH, temperature, heavy metals, and other chem- 4. PROPERTIES OF MICROALGAE-
icals. In addition, several genetic strategies for DERIVED BIODIESEL
increased triacylglyceride production and
inducibility are currently being developed The most common FA profile of algae consists
(Sharma et al., 2012). mainly of palmatic (C16:0), stearic (C18:0), oleic
Stress growth conditions can often be used to (C18:1) (Klass, 1998), linoleic (C18:2), and linoli-
increase the formation of natural lipid. The stress neic acids (C18:3) (Knothe, 2009). These FAs
was caused by either the use of nutrient-deficient have a direct impact on the chemical and phys-
media or the addition of excess salt to nutrient- ical properties of biofuel. Along with these major
enriched media. The combination of both FAs, there are varieties of FAs in minor amounts
nutrient deficiency and salt enrichment appears that have some influence on fuel property. The
to enhance lipid formation with Isochrysis sp. minor FAs are C8:0, C10:0, C12:0, C13:0, C14:0,
but to reduce it with D. salina. Interestingly, the C15:0, C15:1, C16:1, C18:3, C18:4, C20:0, C20:2,
free glycerol content can apparently be quite a C20:5, C20:6, C22:6, C24:0, and C24:1. However,
bit higher for Dunaliella sp. Botryococcus braunii there is no single FA that is responsible for any
exhibited relatively high lipid content under particular fuel property (Islam et al., 2013a).
each set of growth conditions, but the highest Microalgal lipids are predominantly polyunsatu-
was 54.2% (dw) under nutrient-deficient growth rated (C16:2, C18:2, C20:2, C16:3, C18:3, C20:3)
conditions (Klass, 1998). Kishimoto et al. (1994), and therefore they are more prone to oxidation.
using CO2 as a carbon source, found that the This is a serious issue with biodiesel while in
microalgae growth reached 1.0 g/L under non- storage.
sterilized conditions after 1 week. Gunstone and Hilditch in Schenk et al. (2008)
Nannochloropis sp., when grown in media un- measured the relative rate of oxidation for
der nitrogen-limited conditions, will increase the methyl ester of oleic (C18:1), linoleic (C18:2),
the lipid content from 28% to over 50%. Lipid and linolenic (C18:3) acids to be 1:12:25. It is
5. SUMMARY 155
therefore preferable that the level of PUFAs in investigated by Barman et al. (2012), the FAME
biodiesel is kept to a minimum. In contrast, composition of Phoramidium tennue was closest
higher levels of polyunsaturated fats lower the to the recommended ratio of 5: 3.16: 1 (Table
cold filter plugging point; the temperature at 2). According to Knothe (2008), the ideal bio-
which the fuel solidifies and blocks the fuel filter diesel feedstock would be composed entirely of
of an engine. C16:1 and C18:1 (monounsaturated FAs). In
Table 3 presents the melting point of the practice, a biodiesel feedstock should have high
major FAs. It can be seen that the more concentrations of C16:1 and C18:1 with less vari-
unsaturated the oil is, the lower the melting ation in the FA profile.
point (Knothe et al., 2005). Therefore, the colder The Cetane number (CN) is another measure
climates require a higher unsaturated lipid con- describing the combustion quality of diesel fuel
tent to enable the fuel perform at low tempera- during compression ignition. Higher CNs have
ture. A good-quality biodiesel should have a 5: shorter ignition delay periods than lower CN
4:1 mass FA ratio of C16:1, C18:1, and C14:0, as fuel. Ramos et al. (2009) proposed the equation
recommended by Schenk et al. (2008). Of the to calculate some critical parameters like CN,
nine microalgae species investigated by Islam iodine value, oxidation stability, and cold filter
et al. (2013b), the fatty acid methyl ester plugging point. Ramirez-Verduzco et al. (2012)
(FAME) composition of Nannochlopsis oculata developed a calculation method of physical
was closest to the recommended ratio of 5.1:3.5: properties of methyl esters and an average abso-
1, but eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) is also present lute deviation. They concluded that CN, viscos-
in appreciable quantities (fourth most dominant ity, and heating value increase because of the
FA). From eight marine water microalgae species increase of molecular weight, and decrease as
the number of double bonds increases.
TABLE 3 Profiles of Fatty Acids

Cetane Melting 5. SUMMARY

Fatty acid number point ( C) Ester MP

Caprylic (8:0) 33.6 16.7 Etyl, 43  C Biofuel is a biomass product that can be used
Capric (10:00) 47.7 31.6 Etyl, 20 C as a substitute for petroleum fuels. Biofuel from
microalgae can be processed by using thermo-
Lauric (12:00) 61.4 44.2 Etyl, 1.8  C chemical and biochemical conversion. The ther-
Myristic (14:0) 66.2 54.4 Etyl, 12.3  C mochemical process can be divided into
Palmitic (16:00) 74.5 62.9 Etyl, 24  C
gasification, liquefaction, pyrolysis, and direct
combustion; meanwhile the biochemical process
Palmitoleic (16:u7) 45 0.1 NA can be divided into anaerobic digestion, fermen-
Stearic (18:00) 86.9 69.6 Methyl, 39  C tation, and photobiological process. By using
Oleic (18:1u9) 55 14 Methyl, 20  C
the gasification process, the biomass produces
CH2, H2, CO2, and ammonia. Liquid fuel can be
Linoleic (18:2u6) 36 5 Methyl, 35  C produced by using the liquefaction process.
Linolenic (18:3u3) 28 11 Methyl, 57  C Pyrolysis is conversion of biomass to biofuel,
Gadoleic (20:1u9) 82 23 NA
charcoal, and gaseous fraction. The anaerobic
digestion process can produce methane and H2,
Arachidonic NA 50 NA meanwhile the fermentation process can produce
ethanol, and the photobiological process can
Sumber: Knothe et al. (2005). produce hydrogen.

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Biohydrogen from Microalgae, Uniting
Energy, Life, and Green Future
Suphi S. Oncel
Ege University, Engineering Faculty, Department of Bioengineering, Izmir, Turkey

1. INTRODUCTION to shift their attention to renewable energy

sources (Amponsah et al., 2014) to fulfill
In 1990, an astonishing photograph of our the needs for a sustainable and environment
planet Earth, taken from a distance of 6 billion friendly future (Wijffels and Barbosa, 2010;
kilometer dnearly at the border of our solar sys- Oncel, 2013).
tem, by the space probe “Voyager I” which had Fossil fuels are the flagship of the energy
started its journey in 1977dbecame one of the system for today’s world with a share of more
landmarks of man’s great achievements. This than 70% in the energy market (Parmar et al.,
photograph, which was the idea of the well- 2011). Attempts to increase renewable fuels’
known scientist Carl Edward Sagan, showed share in the energy spectrum, which can be
once again the vulnerability and small size of tracked with reports published by leading oil
Earth in the vast ocean of space. Today, Voyager companies (Bentham, 2012; Dudley, 2014) and
I is somewhere in the universe, 1.925  1010 km energy agencies (Muth, 2013; Conti, 2014;
from Earth according to the real-time odometer Hoeven, 2014) considering post fossil fuel
at the NASA Jet Propulsion Lab Website scenarios, accelerated the research activities
(, and also encouraged the flow of the new players
and still running into deep space as the farthest to the sector.
manmade spacecraft from Earth. On the other Among the other alternatives of renewables,
hand, the tiny “Pale blue dot,” the phrase used biobased sources with the ability to produce
for the photograph, is still in its place as the various biofuels like bioethanol, biomethanol, bio-
only home for humans. But the question is, diesel, biomethane, and biohydrogen are attrac-
“Are we aware enough of the vulnerability of tive for the energy market (Schenk et al., 2008;
this planet as being the one and only home for Parmar et al., 2011; Singh et al., 2011; Shamsul
humans?” et al., 2014; Nasir Uddin and Daud, 2014).
Rising awareness after the environmental Starting with the first generation followed by
and economic crises through the nineteenth the second, third, and even the fourth, new con-
and twenty-first centuries forced societies cepts for biofuel technologies with the ultimate

Handbook of Marine Microalgae 159 © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

aim of fulfilling the sustainable, safe, diversified, ability to utilize salty and brackish waters, no
environmentally friendly, and energy efficient direct competition with food crops, potential
demand of the energy future are the driving force for continuous supply of biofuels by harvesting
of the progress (Naik et al., 2010; Oncel, 2013; year long, ability to sequester CO2, and ability
Chaubey et al., 2013). to be used in waste water systems both for
With regard to the importance of biofuels, treatment and biofuel production (Oncel, 2013).
this review aims to cover progress in the concept The US Aquatic Species Program accomplished
of microalgal biohydrogen production, high- an extensive study to screen potential microalgal
lighting theory, technology, economy, and species for transportation fuels (Sheehan et al.,
ethics. 1998).
Comprehensive reviews (Chisti, 2007; Schenk
et al., 2008; Singh et al., 2011; Kruse and
2. A NEW PARTNERSHIP THAT Hankamer, 2010; Parmar et al., 2011; Oncel,
CAN CHANGE THE GAME: 2013; Uggetti et al., 2014) and reports (Weaver
MICROALGAE AND BIOFUELS et al., 1979; Sheehan et al., 1998; Puri, 2009;
Ryan et al., 2009; Lundquist et al., 2010) have
Microalgae are a group of diversified microor- covered the potential of microalgal biofuels in
ganisms that can convert solar energy to cellular detail, showing that competition with fossil fuels
components by fixing CO2 through photosyn- is the main challenge for future. The key is to be
thesis. Even if their classification differs depend- realistic about their advantages and disadvan-
ing on the specifications of the microorganisms, tages while to be optimistic in their potential as
the term microalgae usually covers all micro- a source of biofuel.
scopic prokaryotic cyanobacteria and eukaryotic Microalgal biodiesel and bioethanol have
algae without the focus on their taxonomy attracted most of the attention as an alternative
(Pulz, 2001; Tomaselli, 2004). This simple termi- transportation fuel. But because their combus-
nology is quite convenient and accepted by tion still forms CO2 to reach the desired reduc-
researchers, keeping in mind their differences, tion levels, researchers have also considered
especially in the area for microalgal bioproducts biohydrogen from microalgae as a zero emission
and biofuels (Pulz, 2001; Schenk et al., 2008; fuel.
Oncel, 2013). After the discovery of hydrogen by Henry
The history of the human use of microalgae Cavendish and naming by Antoine Lavoisier,
goes back to human observations of wild ani- hydrogen came to the stage of science with its
mals feeding on microalgae. Mimicking this unique properties like non-toxicity, high energy
observation opened the doors of microalgal density, carbon-free combustion and flexibility
biotechnology and how microalgal biomass to be applied in economy with various produc-
came to be used in many areas (Spoehr, 1976; tion processes (Midilli et al., 2005a,b; Parmar
Abdulqader et al., 2000; Olaizola, 2003; Pulz et al., 2011). Technically, even if hydrogen is
and Gros, 2004; Spolaore et al., 2006; Oncel, the most abundant element in the environment
2013) and today is reflected in the stage of because it is not in the molecular form, its pro-
energy. duction is energy consuming (Oncel, 2013;
Because of increasing demand on fuel utiliza- Sakurai et al., 2013; Torzillo et al., 2014). The
tion and rising CO2 levels, microalgae have target of building a hydrogen economy and
become more important due to their advantages rapid developments in the technology like fuel
over higher plants especially with regard to their cell cars have become the accelerators for pro-
potential for high photosynthetic efficiency, duction of microalgal biohydrogen.

3. MICROALGAL BIOHYDROGEN light-harvesting antenna, photosystem I (PSI),

PRODUCTION photosystem II (PSII), cytochrome b6f, and ATP
synthase complexes. Photosystems also have
Similar to some other scientific breakthroughs, reaction centers P700 (PSI) and P680 (PSII) where
biohydrogen from microalgae was initially specific wavelengths of light can be harvested.
investigated without the aim of utilization for The light reactions are responsible for the supply
a specific reason like energy. The first report of NADPH2 and ATP to fix inorganic carbon
of biohydrogen was published in 1896 by during the CalvineBenson Cycle of the dark
Jackson and Ellms about filamentous cyanobacte- stage (Walker, 2009; Antal et al., 2011; Masojidek
ria Anabaene, which produced biohydrogen et al., 2013). On the other hand, photorespiration
(Benemann, 1998; Lopes Pinto et al., 2002; Prince is a light-independent reaction that converts
and Kheshgi, 2005; Torzillo and Seibert, 2013). organic carbon back to CO2. During respiration,
Later, Gaffron and Rubin reported the ability of the CO2-fixing Rubisco, which actually has the
green microalgae Scenedesmus obliquus to produce ability to bind to both O2 and CO2, acts as an
biohydrogen in the dark (Gaffron and Rubin, oxygenase. Rubisco fixes according to the partial
1942). The productivity was not remarkable pressure changes of CO2 and O2; if the pressure is
until the introduction of a two-stage process in favor of CO2 it will fix CO2, and if not, it fixes
(Melis et al., 2000), which was based on the sepa- O2. Photorespiration is an unfavorable process
ration of biomass production from biohydrogen that decreases the efficiency of photosynthesis
production under sulfur-depleted anaerobic in microalgae, because it consumes energy but
conditions accomplished by a sustainable pro- does not produce any sugars. But because it
duction of 140 mL L1 in 80 h by using Chlamydo- can decrease oxygen levels in the culture, it can
monas reinhardtii culture in flat photobioreactors be important for hydrogen production (Miyake,
(Melis et al., 2000). This achievement caused a 1998; Zhu et al., 2008; Masojidek et al., 2013;
great deal of excitement among scientists. Oncel, 2013; Torzillo and Seibert, 2013). This pre-
Considering the production of biohydrogen lude is the first step to understand metabolic ac-
from microalgae two strategies can be followed: tivities for biohydrogen generation.
(1) direct biohydrogen production by microal- Hydrogen plays an important role in photosyn-
gae, which is the main focus of this review thesis as being the vehicle in the photosynthetic
(Table 1) and (2) the utilization of microalgal transport grid where plants and microalgae can
biomass as a substrate for other microorganisms, utilize water as the source of hydrogen (Antal
which is the strength of microalgae in a et al., 2011; Polander and Barry, 2012). Different
biorefinery approach (Table 2). routes that are active in the hydrogen evolution
process of microalgae are related to the dissipa-
tion of excess electrons of the electron transport
3.1 How do Microalgae Produce
chain when the main electron acceptors CO2
Biohydrogen? and O2 are absent or the other processes like
Microalgae are photosynthetic microorgan- Calvin cycle, photorespiration, and Mehler reac-
isms that can harvest solar energy by special tions used as sinks are blocked (Ghysels and
molecules (chlorophyll, carotenoid, phycobilin) Franck, 2010; Antal et al., 2011). The key of
to fix CO2 and produce carbohydrates. Photosyn- these routes is the transfer of electrons to
thesis can be classified basically into two stages: hydrogen evolving enzymes, whether supplied
(1) the light-dependent stage and (2) the light- directly from water splitting or indirectly from
independent (dark) stage. Light reactions takes organic materials such as starch (Kruse and
place in the thylakoid membranes that contain Hankamer, 2010).
TABLE 1 Microalgal Biohydrogen Production, a Brief Survey of Literature

Microalgae Cultivation Process PBR type Culture medium procedure Time H2 production References
Aphanothece Batch- Lab Vial (10 mL) BG-11 þ salt *Under argon 7e21 days Up to 13.8 mmol mg Taikhao et al. (2013)
halophytica photomixotrophic solution flushing Chla1 h1 with N-free
(containing *Under different medium containing
various amounts light intensities 0.4 mM Fe3þ
of NaCO3, MgSO4,

NaCl, Fe3þ, Ni2þ,
Anabaena variabilis Continuous- Lab Stirred Nitrogen-free *Nitrogen-free 35 days 12  14 mL g1
DW h Markov et al. (1997)
(CCAP 1403/4B) photoautotrophic (300 mL) AlleneArnon Allen-Arnon
*Under vacuum for
15 min
*Increased light
intensity for 5 h at
the 6th day of

A. variabilis Continuous- Lab Vial (14 mL) AlleneArnon Under argon 80e100 h Up to 5 nmol mg Tsygankov et al.
(ATCC 29413) photoautotrophic (containing flushing Chla1 h1at pH levels (1997)
Na2MoO4 or of 7e9 with Na3VO4
Na3VO4 or neither) added cultures
Anabaena sp. Batch- Lab Sealed BG 11 *Nitrogen-free BG 32e40 h Up to; 0.8e1 mmol per Masukawa et al.
PCC 7120 photoautotrophic polystyrene 11 medium cuvette (4.7 mL) (2002)
(3 hydrogenase cuvettes (1 cm *Under anaerobic
mutants from light path, conditions
PCC 7120) 4.7 mL *Various light
capacity) intensities
Anabaena sp. Continuous- Outdoor Tubular-coiled BG 11 *Nitrogen-free BG 7 days 14:9 mL h1 L1 PBR Lindblad et al.
PCC 7120 and its photoautotrophic (4.35 L) 11 medium ð373 mL totalÞ (2002)
mutant AMC 414 *Under argon with the mutant

A. variabilis (ATCC Batch- Lab Panel (500 mL BG 11 *Nitrogen free BG 50 h Up to; 40e50 mL Yoon et al. (2006)
29413) photoautotrophic capacity) 11 medium
*Under anaerobic
*Increased light
Chlamydomonas Batch- Lab Stirred glass TAP TAP-S medium 80 h 140 mL Melis et al. (2000)
reinhardtii (C137 photomixotrophic bottles (1.2 L)
C. reinhardtii Batch- Lab Stirred glass TAP TAP-S medium 140 h *102 mL (with 4 h Tsygankov et al.
(CC124) photomixotrophic, bottles (1.2 L) (transferred by synchronized cultures) (2002)
synchronous, and centrifugation) *86 mL (with
asynchronous unsynchronized
growth, cultures)
C. reinhardtii Batch- Lab Stirred glass TAP *TAP-S medium Up to 140 h 175 mL L1 (with Laurinavichene et al.
(Dang 137C mtþ) photomixotrophic bottles transfer by centrifuged cultures, (2004)
2 1
(500 mL) centrifugation under 20-40 mE m s
*TAP-S medium average light intensity)
inoculation by TAP
culture (10%

C. reinhardtii Continuous- Lab Stirred glass TAP-S (90 mmol *TAP-S medium, 4000 h Up to; 0:58 mL Federov et al. (2005)
(CC124) photomixotrophic bottles sulfate added) two stage h1 LPBR
(1050 mL) chemostat with
aerobic stage and
anaerobic stage

C. reinhardtii (Dang Batch- Lab Panel (160 mL) TAP (0.46 mM *TAP-S medium 23 days 45 mL day1 (380 mL Laurinavinchene et al.
137C mtþ and a photomixotrophic- sulfate replete) *TAP medium with total) (2006)
nonmotile mutant immobilized limiting sulfate
CC 1036 pf18 mtþ) (10e20 mM)



C. reinhardtii Batch- Lab Flat glass HS (CO2 bubbling); *Sulfur-free 60e80 h *1.1  0.4 mmol L1 Kosourov et al. (2007)
(Dang 137C mtþ) photoautotrophic, bottles (1.5 L TAP with or medium (w2.8 mL (hL)1) in
mixotrophic, and volume) without CO2 *Anaerobic Photoautotrophic
heterotrophic bubbling cultures
*4.5  1.6 mmol L1
(w4.0 mL (hL)1) in
*0.9  0.8 mmol L1
(w6.9 ml (hL)1) in
C. reinhardtii Batch- Lab Flat glass High salt *HS sulfur-free 100 h *71  3 mL L1 Tolstygania et al.
(Dang 137C mtþ) photoautotrophic bottles (1.5 L) medium (175 mE m2 s1 light (2009)
*Argon purging intensity, pH 7.7)
during the first 24 h *52  2 mL L1
of deprivation (420 mE m2 s1 light
intensity, pH 7.4)
C. reinhardtii Semi-continuous- Lab Stirred tank TAP *TAP-S medium 127 days 1108 mL Oncel and Sukan
(CC124) photomixotrophic (2.5 L) *Various dilutions (2009)
C. reinhardtii Batch- Lab Vials (75 mL) TAP *TA-S-P (no sulfate, 160e180 h 0.30  0.02 mol m2 Kosourov and Seibert
(CC124) photomixotrophic- no phosphate) (12.5 mmol mg1 Chl (2009)
immobilized medium h1)
harvested cells
flushed with or
without argon


TABLE 1 Microalgal Biohydrogen Production, a Brief Survey of Literaturedcont’d

Microalgae Cultivation Process PBR type Culture medium procedure Time H2 production References

C. reinhardtii Batch- Lab Glass bottles TAP *TAP-S or TAP-N 192 h *3.95 mmol  106 Philipps et al. (2012)
(CC124) photomixotrophic (325 mL) *DCMU mixed cells1 h1 with TAP-S
ethanol addition *3.4 mmol  106
*Dark anaerobic cells1 h1 with TAP-N

C. reinhardtii Batch- Lab Stirred tank TAP *TAP-S medium 192 h Max with 1.22 kJ s1 Oncel and Sabankay
(CC124) photomixotrophic (1, 2.5,5 L) transfer by m3 light energy and (2012)
centrifugation 2.5 min mixing time:
*Various mixing *1 L PBR: 1.53 
time 0.05 mL L1 h1
*Various light *2.5 L PBR: 1.32 
energy 0.05 mL L1 h1
*Scale-up *5 L PBR: 1.02 
0.05 mL L1 h1
C. reinhardtii Batch- Lab Tubular (110 L) TAP *TAP-S medium 48 h 3121.5  178.9 mL Giannelli and Torzillo
(CC124) photomixotrophic transfer by (0.6 mL L1 h1) (2012)
*Modified with
silica nanoparticle
to enhance
C. reinhardtii Batch- Lab Glass bottles TAP *TAP-S medium 120 h Up to 500 mL mg Sun et al. (2013)
(CC400) photomixotrophic (100 mL) transfer by Chla1 h1 with
centrifugation mutants
*Wild type and
fnr-RNAi mutants
C. reinhardtii Batch- Lab Glass bottles TAP *TAP grown 21 days Max 300 mmol Shuangxiu et al.
(CC849 and Iba photoheterotrophic- (60 mL) Chlamydomonas and with 849 þ B. (2012)
mutants) co-culture YEM grown japonicum
Bradyrhizobium co-culture (100:1)
japonicum was
washed and
transferred to
TAP-S for co-
inoculation ratios
C. reinhardtii Batch- Lab Glass bottles TAP *TAP grown 13 days Max 61.5 mmol with Li et al. (2013)
(CC849) photoheterotrophic- (60 mL) Chlamydomonas and 849 þ L4 co-culture
co-culture YEM grown (80:1)
bacteria L2, L3, L4
Pseudomonas) were
washed and
to TAP-S for
inoculation ratios
C. reinhardtii (C238) Batch- Lab Flat glass Modified Bristol *Microalgae was 12 h (Dark) Max 2.39 mmol Miyamoto et al. (1987)
photomixotrophic- bottles (1 L) medium mixed cultivated 156 h (L/D) mg1 DW 12 h1


mixed-culture with Rhodospirillum (total mass base)
rubrum NCIB 8255 during dark
*Transferred to Max w3 mmol
tubes (10 mL) for mg1 DW 12 h1
dark tests with L/D cycle
*Transferred to Both at 8:2
membrane reactor population ratio
(15 mL) for L/D
cycles (12:12) test

C. reinhardtii Batch- Lab Stirred tank TAP *TAP medium with 660 h 650 mL g1 dry Lehr et al. (2012)
(Stm6Glc4 mutant) photomixotrophic (2 L) different sulfur biomass with 280 mE
concentrations m2 s1 intensity
(5e70 mg L1)
*11 mg L1 initial
applied for PBR
*At 120 h culture
sealed and
hydrogen phase
*Various light
intensities were
tested (80e
721 mE m2 s1)


TABLE 1 Microalgal Biohydrogen Production, a Brief Survey of Literaturedcont’d


Microalgae Cultivation Process PBR type Culture medium procedure Time H2 production References
3 1
C. reinhardtii Batch- Lab Flat glass TAP *Cells suspended in 18e48 Up to 8.81 mL g DW Hoshino et al. (2013)
(CC124 mt) photoheterotrophic bottles TAP medium with CC3723 mutant
and 4 mutants (125 mL) under dark
(CC4348,CC2890, anaerobic
CC1354,CC3723) conditions for 3 h
with nitrogen
*Different lights
were tested (White,
Red690 nm, no
lightedark cycles
tested (15:15 h:h)
*TAP-S cultures
tested for

C. reinhardtii Batch- Lab Glass bottles TAP *Cells flushed 12 h Up to 20 mmol Yang et al. (2014)
(CC124) photoheterotrophic (130 mL) with nitrogen mg1 Chl with
*CCCP CCCP-treated
(15 mmol L1) cultures
C. reinhardtii Batch- Lab Stirred tank TAP *TAP-S, TA-P or 140 h (With Up to 80 mL L1 Batyrova et al. (2012)
(Dang 137C mtþ) photomixotrophic (0.5 L) and flat TA-S-P tank)
glass bottles *TA-P also tested in 300 h (With
(0.55 L) flat PBRs (sealed flat PBR)
after 80 h, initial
Chl concentration
diluted to
w1.5 mg L1)

C. reinhardtii Batch-heterotrophic Lab Shake flasks TAP *Cells in dark 120 h *Maximum Pinto et al. (2013)
(rbcS-T60-3 mt (80 mL) harvested and 709.24 mmol L1 with
mutants; transferred to S Y67A mutant under
Y67A,Y68A,Y72A) deplete and S S-deplete medium
replete medium *Maximum
433.23 mmol L1 with
Y67A mutant under
S-replete medium
C. reinhardtii Batch- Lab Tubular and TAP *TAP-S medium 120 h *1.3  0.05 mL L1 h1 Oncel and Kose (2014)
(CC124) photomixotrophic flat panel (5 L) transfer by with panel type PBR
centrifugation *1.05  0.05 mL L1
*Mixing time and h1 with tubular type
light intensity as PBR
the comparison

C. reinhardtii Batch- Outdoor Tubular (50 L) TAP *TAP-S medium 75 h *No hydrogen Scoma et al. (2012)
(CC124) photomixotrophic transfer by produced with cultures
centrifugation directly transferred
*Effect of outdoor from laboratory
solar light on the *930 mL H2 under solar
outdoor acclimated light with acclimated
cultures cultures
*930  100 mL under
artificial light


C. reinhardtii (WT Batch- Lab Flat glass TAP *TAP-S medium Up to 240 h *0.47  0.11 mL Faraloni and Torzillo
and D1- mutants) photomixotrophic bottles (1.1 L) transfer by L1 h1 with WT (2010)
centrifugation *1.54  0.31 mL
L1 h1 with D240
*2.60  0.18 mL
L1 h1 with D2390-40
C. reinhardtii Batch- Lab Flat glass TAP and olive oil *TAP-S medium 120 h *1.03  0.18 mL L1 Faraloni et al. (2011)
(CC124) photomixotrophic bottles (1.1 L) mill wastewater transfer by h1 with TAP grown
(OMWW) centrifugation culture
*Effect of OMWW *1.29  0.14 mL
concentration on L1 h1 with
hydrogen TAP-OMWW
grown culture
C. reinhardtii Batch- Lab Flat glass TAP *TAP-S medium Up to 280 h Mean production rates Torzillo et al. (2014)
(CC124) (WT and photomixotrophic bottles (1.1 L) transfer by between:
D1-mutants) centrifugation *0.3  0.11 mL L1 h1
*Effect of D1 with WT
mutations on *5.15  0.11 mL
hydrogen L1 h1 with A250L
Chlorella Batch- Lab Bubble column Modified Bristol Nitrogen flushing 60e65 h 6.9  102 m3 kg1 cell Kojima and Lin (2004)
pyrenoidosa photoautotrophic (650 mL) under dark for
(C-101) “>20” hours
Chlorella vulgaris Batch- Lab Stirred Modified BG11 and *Anaerobic 6e7 days 26 mL Amutha and
(MSU 01) photomixotrophic (500 mL) MJ conditions Murugesan (2011)
*Corn stalk as
carbon source in
the medium


TABLE 1 Microalgal Biohydrogen Production, a Brief Survey of Literaturedcont’d

Microalgae Cultivation Process PBR type Culture medium procedure Time H2 production References

Chlorella Batch- Lab Stirred vessels TAP (with various *Harvested, 140 h Max 233.7 mL L with He et al. (2012)
protothecoides photoheterotrophic (650 mL) NH4Cl washed and TAP-S cultures
concentrations; transferred to (0.35 mM NH4Cl)
0.35e7 mM) TAP-S or TAP-N
medium under
Chlorella vulgaris Batch- Lab Glass bottle MA *Harvested, 40e120 h Maximum volume of Rashid et al. (2013)
(NIER-10003) photomixotrophic- (1 L) washed, and 1315 mL L1 with
immobilized transferred to pH ¼ 8,
MA-S sucrose ¼ 5 mg L1
*Nitrogen flushed Maximum rate of
*Various carbon 24 mL L1 h1 was
sources, their with fructose
concentrations and
medium pH were
*Optical fibers

Chlorella Batch- Lab Glass tubes TAP *Harvested, 120 h Up to w140 mL L1 Zhang et al. (2014)
protothecoides photoheterotrophic (20 mL) washed, and (with simultaneous
transferred to nitrogen and sulfur
TAP-S or TAP-N limitation)
medium with/
without DCMU

Microcystis Batch- Lab Glass bottle BG 11 *Sealed samples 26 days 6.11 mmol mg Wei et al. (2013)
flos-aquae photomixotrophic (60 mL) (30 mL) were Chla1 h1
placed under dark
or light
Platymonas Batch- Lab Serum bottle Sea water medium *Sulfur deprive 50 h 11720 nL h1 (with Guan et al. (2004a)
subcordiformis photoautotrophic (295 mL) medium Seawater-S medium)
*Incubation under
Platymonas Batch- Lab Serum bottle Sea water medium *Dark incubation 8h 0.339 mL h1 L1 Guan et al. (2004b)
subcordiformis photoautotrophic (295 mL) *Anaerobic (1.44 mL); based on
nitrogen 1  106 cells mL1 at
atmosphere 15 mM CCCP added
*Addition of culture after 8 h of
specific effectors illumination
DBMIB, and

Platymonas Batch- Lab Torus (1.5 L) Defined mineral *Dark incubation 4e6 days 7.20 mL h1 (236.6  Ji et al. (2010)
subcordiformis photoautotrophic *Anaerobic 7.0 mL)
*15 mM CCCP



Platymonas Batch- Lab Jars (130 mL) F2 *Anaerobic 25 h *0.002 mmol L1 with Zhang et al. (2012)
helgolandica var. photoautotrophic *Illuminated-S eS medium
tsingtaoensis medium *0.160 mmol L1 with
*Dark CCCP/ CCCP medium
DCMU or both *0.014 mmol L1 with
added medium DCMU medium
*0.290 mmol L1 with
Spirulina platensis Batch- Lab Erlenmeyer SOT *Nitrogen-free 20 h 2 mmol mg1
DW Aoyama et al. (1997)
(NIES-46) photoautotrophic flasks (60 mL) medium
*Under dark

Synechocystis sp. Batch- Lab Vials (2 mL) BG 11 *Nitrogen 5 days 0.005e0.045 mM Dickson et al. (2009)
(PCC 6803 and its photoautotrophic- atmosphere
mutant NDH-1 encapsulated *Under cycled light
complex deficient and dark exposure
Tetraspora sp. Batch- Lab Vials TAP (with, or *Sulfur and >24 h 17:3161:7 Maneeruttanarungro
(CU2551) photomixotrophic without, 0.5 mM b- Nitrogen deprived mmol mg1Chla h et al. (2010)
mercaptoethanol medium
for 24 h) *Argon flushed

TABLE 2 Integrated Biohydrogen Processes With a Special Emphasis on Microalgal Biomass as a Substrate for Fermentation
Microalgae System Max hydrogen production References
Anabaena sp. PCC7120 Fermentation of hydrogen produced residual algal 0.0114 kg kg biomass Ferreria et al. (2012)
biomass by Enterobacter aerogenes

Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis, Anaerobic fermentation of thermal pretreated 8.5 mmol L1 day1 Efremenko et al.
Nannochloropsis sp. and Dunaliella algal biomass by immobilized Clostridium (2012)
tertilecta acetobutylicum
Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis Fermentation of pretreated (boiling, bead 92 mL g1 DW Cheng et al. (2012)
milling, ultrasonication, enzymatic hydrolysis)
wet biomass by anaerobic activated sludge
Arthrospira maxima Enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation of 78.7 mL g1 Cheng et al. (2011)
algal biomass by activated sludge

Chlorella vulgaris ESP6 Dark fermentation of acid or alkaline/enzyme 246 mL L1 h1 Liu et al. (2012)
pretreated algal biomass hydrolysate
by Clostridium butyricum CGS5
Chlorella sorokiniana Dark fermentation of HCl-heat pretreated 148 mL L1 h1 Kumar et al. (2013)
algal biomass by Enterobacter cloacae IIT-BT08
Chlorella sp. Simultaneous hydrolysis and fermentation 1.01  0.09 mmol g1 powder Ho et al. (2013)
of algal biomass (Chlorella sp. ESP-6 and
commercial Chlorella powder) by sewage
sludge consortia
Chlorella vulgaris and Dunaliella Fermentation of algal biomass by 12.6 mL g1VS. from Lakaniemi et al.
tertiolecta anaerobic activated sludge D. tertiolecta (2011)
Thalassiosira weissflogii Dark fermentation of algal biomass with 18.1  5 mL L1 h1 Dipasquale et al.
the thermophilic bacterium Thermotoga (2012)
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (IAM C-238), Fermentation of algal biomass by Lactobacillus 8 mol mol1 starcheglucose Ike et al. (1997)
Chlorella pyrenoidosa (IAM C-212), and amylovorous (ATCC 33620) and Rhodobacter equivalent from C. reinhardtii
Dunaliella tertiolecta (ATCC 30909) sphaeroides RV, Rhodobacter capsulata biomass with R. marinum
(ATCC 11166), Rhodospirillum rubrum
(ATCC 11170), Rhodovullum sulfidophilus
(ATCC 35886), Rhodobium marinum (ATCC 35675)
C. reinhardtii (IAM C-238) and Fermentation of algal biomass by Lactobacillus 2.47  0.21 mmol h1 L1 with Kawaguchi et al.
Dunaliella tertiolecta (ATCC 30909) amylovorous and Rhodobium marinum D. tertiolecta biomass (2001)
(A-501) mixed culture
C. reinhardtii (UTEX 90) Fermentation of algal biomass by C. butyricum 8.30 mol mol1 starcheglucose Kim et al. (2006)
to hydrogen and organic acids followed by the equivalent algal biomass
photodissimilation of organic acids to
hydrogen by R. sphaeroides
Chlamydomonas (MGA 161) Fermentation of algal biomass by 0.1875 mmol L1 h1 Miura et al. (1997)
Rhodovulum sulfidophilum (W-1S)
C. reinhardtii (UTEX 90) Fermentation of heat-HCl and enzymatic 227  9.4 mL L1 h1 Nguyen et al. (2010)
pre-treated microalgal biomass by
hyperthermotolerant eubacterium T. neopolitana
Nannochloropsis sp. Dark fermentation of algal biomass extraction 60:6 mL g1
DW Nobre et al. (2013)
residues by E. aerogenes


Scnedesmus sp. Fermentation of algal biomass by anaerobic 3.84 mL h1 ð19:53 mL g1
Volatile solids Þ Zhiman et al. (2011)
digested sludge
Scenedesmus obliquus Fermentation of algal biomass by C. butyricum 2:9  0:3 mol mol1
algal sugars Ferreria et al. (2013)
1 1
S. obliquus (YSW15) Fermentation of algal biomass by anaerobic 120.3 mL L h Choi et al. (2011)
digester consortia
S. obliquus Fermentation of algal biomass by 113:1 mL g1
VS C. butyricum Batista et al. (2014)
bacteria (E. aerogenes ATCC 13048
and C. butyricum DSM 10702)
Spirulina platensis, Anabaena variabilis, and Processing of algal biomass by an 1080 mL L1 day1 with Chlorella sp. Teplyakov et al.
Chlorella sp. integrated system of methanogenic Biomass by R. capsulatus (2002)
culture, R. capsulatus and
Thermohydrogenium kirishi


The first route is the direct biophotolysis of water Tamburic et al., 2012; Catalanotti et al., 2013;
into hydrogen and oxygen where the water- Sakurai et al., 2013).
splitting PSII and ferredoxin-reducing PSI act Considering the input of 2 ATP per electron in
cooperatively. The second route is the indirect the nitrogenase-based hydrogen, production ef-
biophotolysis where the electrons from glycol- ficiency decreases nearly by half compared to
ysis are transferred to the linear electron trans- the ATP-free hydrogenase-based production
port chain and utilized only by a PSI active (also the advantage of high turnover potential
hydrogen evolution pathway. A third route of hydrogenases (up to 106 s1) should be
other than these light-dependent routes is the mentioned) both for direct and indirect bio-
dark fermentation of the decarboxylated pyru- photolysis. Apart from this disadvantage, nitro-
vate from glycolysis by pyruvate ferredoxin genases are less sensitive to oxygen, and
oxidoreductase (Beer et al., 2009; Maness et al., because of the hydrolysis of the ATP they can
2009; Ghysels and Franck, 2010; Torzillo et al., generate hydrogen up to 50 atm pressure, while
2014). hydrogenases cannot, where the free energy is
Applications that can show important relatively small (Kruse et al., 2005; Prince and
enhancement with regard to biohydrogen Kheshgi, 2005; Oncel, 2013). Even if the effi-
productivities in microalgae (Lopes Pinto et al., ciencies (hydrogenase: 10e13%; nitrogenase:
2002; Mathews and Wang, 2009; Oncel and 6%) and the mechanisms (hydrogenase: 4 pho-
Kose, 2014; Torzillo et al., 2014) include the tons/produced H2; nitrogenase: 15 photons/
proper changes in several culture parameters produced H2) are different, the important com-
such as adjusting salinity, percentages of sparged monality for both of these enzyme classes is the
gasses (CO2, Ar), nutrient levels, illumination sensitivity to oxygen, which shaped the strate-
patterns as well as partial pressure of head space. gies for biohydrogen production by microalgae
in a way that anaerobiosis should be accom-
3.2 Enzymes in Microalgal Biohydrogen plished (Kruse et al., 2005; Prince and Kheshgi,
2005; Mathews and Wang, 2009).
Cyanobacteria (unicellular, filamentous, or
Hydrogen is catalyzed by specific enzymes colonial) have different strategies for hydrogen
that differ according to the taxonomic cluster production. A heterocyst-forming group that
of the hydrogen-producing microorganisms, is able to fix nitrogen can separate the oxygen
microalgae, or cyanobacteria (Melis, 2002; from hydrogen evolution spatially with the help
Lopes Pinto et al., 2002; Lindblad, 2004; of the differentiated heterocyst. Heterocysts are
Simmons et al., 2014). Cyanobacteria have constructed by an oxygen impermeable glycolipid
NiFe-type uptake hydrogenase (used for energy layer with the lack of oxygen-evolving PSII and
conservation and hydrogen oxidation, so not have high respiration rates, which are able to
wanted in a sustainable hydrogen production consume the produced oxygen easily and act as
process), NiFe-type bidirectional hydrogenase a safety chamber against the negative effects of
(used for energy conservation and maintaining oxygen (Maness et al., 2009; Srirangan et al.,
intracellular redox balance), and nitrogenase 2011; Sakurai et al., 2013). The nonheterocyst
(used for hydrogen production and nitrogen fix- group does not have the ability to shield the ef-
ation). Eukaryotic microalgae have FeFe hydrog- fects of oxygen from vegetative cells but can still
enases utilized in hydrogen production, which fix nitrogen and produce hydrogen by the oneoff
are used for both energy conservation and control of the photosynthesis with a specialized
fermentation (Prince and Kheshgi, 2005; Math- mechanism, special storage granules (cyanophy-
ews and Wang, 2009; Srirangan et al., 2011; cin) and nitrogenase-comprising group of cells
(Sakurai et al., 2013). On the other hand, some Dunaliella, or Chlorella even if they can be con-
unicellular cyanobacteria can produce hydrogen structed in greenhouses or with artificial illumi-
with the indirect separation of the oxygenic pro- nation systems (mostly lab or pilot scales) (Pulz
cesses under light and dark cycles. Oxygen and Gross, 2004; Chisti, 2007). These systems
from photosynthesis continued by the nitrogen can be subdivided according to their presence of
fixation in the day followed by the oxygen mixing strategy, as unmixed and mixed.
consuming respiration ended up in the produc- Unmixed ponds are primitive systems
tion of biohydrogen at night (Mathews and where the mixing and aeration is established
Wang, 2009; Srirangan et al., 2011; Sakurai by the help of the wind acting on the water
et al., 2013). surface or sometimes by manpower in
Similarly, eukaryotic microalgae can produce smaller scales (Becker, 1995; Grobbelaar, 2009;
hydrogen directly by utilizing their FeFe hydrog- Borowitzka and Moheimani, 2013). Today the
enase enzymes during photosynthesis, but the biggest commercial Dunaliella production in
production is very transient due to the sensitivity the world, owned by BASF, has a productivity
to concomitantly produced oxygen from the of about 1 g m2 day1 and produces b-caro-
splitting of water or by the separation of the tene; it uses unmixed natural lagoons in
oxygen evolution by the day and night shift Australia (Borowitzka, 2013).
with the help of the oxygen-consuming respira- Mixed open systems (Figure 1) having an
tion (Oncel, 2013; Torzillo and Seibert, 2013). average surface-to-volume ratio around 10 m1
Table 1 summarizes the microalgae and cyano- have found greater application in commercial
bacteria species in terms of biohydrogen produc- productions (Pulz, 2001; Chisti, 2007; Masojidek
tion, giving an idea about the state of the art and et al., 2013). Raceway ponds are one of the highly
research focuses. recognized mixed systems in the industry both
in wastewater treatment and microalgae cultiva-
tion (Stephenson et al., 2010). They are shallow
4. MICROALGAL CULTURE (around 0.3 m deep), rectangular-shaped ponds
SYSTEMS: OPEN AND CLOSED divided by a separator wall to define the
flow channels (Chisti, 2007; Borowitzka and
The first step of a sustainable biohydrogen Moheimani, 2013). The world’s largest facility
production is microalgae cultivation, which of raceways is owned by the Earthrise Farms
needs special production systems with optimum and covers an area of about 440,000 m2 (Chisti,
conditions. Optimum conditions for light, tem- 2007). Another important design, circular ponds,
perature, nutrients, and pH should be met to can be scaled up to 50-m diameter and 50,000 m2
prevent inhibition or cell death (Long et al., in area and are mainly used in Japan, Taiwan,
1994; Ort, 2001; Pulz, 2001; Posten, 2009; Zitelli and Indonesia (Lee, 2001; Borowitzka and
et al., 2013). According to the atmospheric inter- Moheimani, 2013; Costa and Morais, 2014).
action, culture systems can be classified as either Another design that is modified with the aim
open systems (Figure 1) or closed systems of contributeing high light utilization and turbu-
(Figures 2e4). lent mixing regime is the cascade (also called
thin layer cascade or inclined) open systems.
Cascade systems that were developed in Trebon,
4.1 Open Systems Czech Republic, in the 1960s have the advantage
Open systems target the outdoor production of reaching higher culture densities (up to
with minimal investment and having a special 35 g L1) and higher surface area-to-volume
emphasis on the resistant species like Spirulina, ratios (100 m1) (Becker, 1995; Masojidek et al.,

(a) (b)

(c) (d)


FIGURE 1 Open systems: Raceway type (a), multi-grid raceway (b), circular type (c), thin layer with undulating base (d),
covered pond (e).

2011; Borowitzka and Moheimani, 2013; Zitelli used for heterotrophic, mixotrophic, or photoau-
et al., 2013). totrophic cultivation with different modes
such as continuous, batch, or semicontinuous
to investigate various process parameters
4.2 Closed Systems (Photobioreactors) (Becker, 1995; Ogbonna and Tanaka, 1997;
Closed systems, technically termed photobior- Ogbonna et al., 1995; Pulz, 2001; Oncel and
eactors (PBRs), are systems where the culture is Sukan, 2008, 2009; Oncel and Sabankay, 2012;
partially or completely isolated from the sur- Fernandez et al., 2013; Oncel and Kose, 2014).
rounding environment. PBRs can be constructed PBR designs focus on two main units: illumi-
outdoors to interact with the environment for nated area (solar receiver or solar stage) and the
heat exchange and light harvesting to be cost- culture reservoir. Solar stage is the naturally or
effective, while isolating the culture to prevent artificially illuminated zone that targets light har-
contamination. vesting with the awareness of the optimum levels
Compared to open ponds, PBRs have diversi- and inhibition risks. On the other hand, the cul-
fied designs that have the ability to produce ture reservoir unit, which actually houses a
more species other than the resistant ones. Espe- smaller volume relative to the illuminated area,
cially in the area of energy, thousands of comprises the degassing, control, mixing, and cir-
different species can be investigated with the culation systems. Depending on the design, these
help of the PBRs, enabling the opportunity to units can be separated or unite according to the
find alternative high producers. PBRs can be needs of the process. Considering their major

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

(f) (g) (h) (i) (j)

(k) (l) (m) (n)

FIGURE 2 Panel type PBRs: Vertical flat panel (a), with baffles (b), airlift type (c), inclined (d), V-shaped (e), rocking (f),
integrated compartment (g), Roux-type (h), Torus type (i), accordion type (j), submerged bag type (k), with pressed tubular
grid (l), dome type (m), immobilized (n).

designs, PBRs can be classified as flat panels surface-to-volume ratio for better light harvest-
(Figure 2), tubular (Figure 3), and fermenter types ing. With the modular design, they have the
(tanks and columns) (Figure 4). ability to be oriented according to the sun, which
Flat panel (or flat plate) PBRs are compact ver- makes them applicable outdoors (Ugwu et al.,
tical designs that are widely used in microalgae 2008; Xu et al., 2009; Wijffels and Barbosa,
cultivation both in the laboratory and outdoors 2010). From cheap plastic materials to costly
(Tredici and Zitelli, 1998; Pulz, 2001; Oncel and glass, various materials increase the chance for
Kose, 2014). They are basically shear friendly the economic competitiveness of these PBRs for
hydraulically, pneumatically, or mechanically specific targets like biofuels to high-value chemi-
mixed (with/without baffles). PBRs having high cals (Zitelli et al., 2013). Technically, the height

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(e) (f) (g) (h)

(i) (j) (k) (l)

FIGURE 3 Tubular PBRs: Vertical with manifolds (a), fence type with u-bends (b), a-type (c), helical (d), conical (e), pyramid
(f), inclined (g), horizontal (h), strongly curved (i), multi stack (j), Vertical loop like (k), with static mixers (l).

and width of the panels are around 1.5  2.5 m generally constructed by transparent tubes of
with an optical path of 0.1 m to avoid high con- 0.1 m in diameter for light harvesting; the
struction loads and allow for better light utilisa- length of the tubes should be well designed to
tion (Posten, 2009; Fernandez et al., 2013). prevent O2 accumulation or the need for high
Tubular PBRs are the other well-known pumping power (Tredici and Zitelli, 1998; Pulz,
category with various subtypes that are 2001; Chisti, 2007).
developed and applied for both laboratory Fermenter-type PBRs can be classified as the
and commercial scales. They are basically a stirred tanks and aerated columns. The concept
horizontal- or vertical-oriented stack of tubes of design actually depends on standard bioreac-
attached by U-bends or manifolds, in which cul- tors used in bioprocesses usually modified with
ture circulation and mixing are accompanied by mixing and illumination systems for microalgae
pumps or airlifts (Grima et al., 2003; Wongluang cultivation. Airlift and bubble columns are the
et al., 2013; Zitelli et al., 2013). Similar to the flat vertical PBRs with no moving mechanical parts
panels, tubular PBRs have surface-to-volume ra- (unless modified with internal mixers) having
tio up to 80 m1 (some very high ratios up to mass transfer coefficients about 0.006 s1 and
2000 m1 have also been reported) and are low power inputs for mixing by supplying

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g)

(h) (i) (j) (k) (l) (m) (n)

FIGURE 4 Fermenter type PBRs: Stirred tank (a), bubble column (b), internal loop draft tube sparged airlift (c), anulus
sparged (d), divided column (split cylinder airlift) (e), external loop (f), perforated plate column (g), static mixer (h), packed
bed (i), fluidized bed (j), draft tube baffled airlift (k), mechanical mixer adapted draft tube sparged (l), annulus sparged (m),
Collector adapted stirred tank (internal illumination by optic fibers) (n).

aeration rates of 0.25 vvm (Posten, 2009; Xu goal of sustainable, environment friendly, clean,
et al., 2009; Dasgupta et al., 2010). Column and feasible supply of energy with an equal share
PBRs can be constructed as simple polyethylene of sources and wealth for a better future. The
bags or in more sophisticated designs up to 500 L major bottlenecks in photobiological hydrogen
working capacity (Oncal and Sukan, 2008; Xu production are the sensitivity to oxygen and
et al., 2009; Zitelli et al., 2013; Oncel, 2014; limited utilization of light. Processes should be
Pirouzi et al., 2014) Stirred tank bioreactors, modified biologically or mechanically for sustain-
which can also be used as PBRs, are mechani- able biohydrogen production.
cally mixed, sparger or nozzle-aerated glass or
steel tanks usually used in laboratory scales
5.1 Sensitivity to Oxygen
with a typical height-to-diameter ratio up to 3
for an adequate mixing (Shuler and Kargı, 1992). To overcome oxygen sensitivity some strate-
gies like applying PSII inhibitors (DCMU, SAL,
DBMIB, C1-CCP), purging inert gas, or using
5. CHALLENGES lightedark cycles have been tested. But because
they are not practical or are even damaging to
The term challenge can be defined as passing the cells, especially in the case of inhibitors, these
each production bottleneck to reach the ultimate techniques are not preferred for sustainable

production (Melis, 2002; Melis and Happe, 2001; cultures with different light regimes and light cy-
Oncel, 2013; Torzillo and Seibert, 2013). cles are being investigated to increase the bio-
hydrogen levels by using the two-stage process
5.1.1 Two-Stage Approach (Aparico et al., 1985; Miura et al., 1997;
To avoid hydrogenase inactivation by oxy- Tsygankov et al., 2002; Laurinavichene et al.,
gen, a two-stage process that combines the direct 2004, 2006, 2008; Kim et al., 2006; Kosourov
and indirect biophotolysis pathways with the et al., 2007; Oncel and Sukan, 2011).
model microalgae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii tar- A similar approach by using nitrogen depri-
geting the separation of oxygenic reactions from vation was also investigated in nitrogen fixing
hydrogen evolution becomes the primary focus cyanobacteria, which resulted in higher bio-
(Melis et al., 2002; Antal et al., 2011). The key is hydrogen productivities (Masukawa et al.,
to block the PSII repair cycle under light by sul- 2002). The target is to stimulate the formation
fur deprivation based on the fact that sulfur is of the heterocysts, which are only 10e20% of
essential for the amino acids (cysteine and methi- the vegetative cells, in order to prevent the
onine) of the D1 protein in the PSII reaction cen- oxygen stress on the nitrogenases by the spatial
ters (Melis et al., 2002; Melis and Happe, 2001; separation of the oxygen evolving reactions
Melis, 2009; Sakurai et al., 2013). After a lag from enzymatic reaction evolving biohydrogen
time in sealed cultures, residual PSII activity (Mathews and Wang, 2009; Sakurai et al., 2013).
drops the respiration limit of mitochondria trig-
gering anaerobiosis. Suffocating cells stop prolif- 5.1.2 Molecular Approach
eration and start to breakdown proteins, Genetic modification is another approach used
especially Rubisco, resulting in an increase in to circumvent the oxygen stress. Considering the
storage compounds like starch and lipids and a key role of the D1 in biohydrogen production,
shift to hydrogen metabolism for survival (Melis various D1 mutant strains of Chlamydomonas
et al., 2002; Ghysels and Franck, 2010; Sakurai reinhardtii with different amino acid deletions
et al., 2013). Electrons needed during the produced in longer periods (up to 13 days)
hydrogen production are supplied from water have reached maximum daily productivities of
splitting by the residual PSII activity and from 7.1 mL L1h1 (Faraloni and Torzillo, 2010;
the breaking down of the stored starch linked Torzillo et al., 2014). Also to target the higher
with bidirectional FeFe hydrogenase (which accumulation of starch to support the anaerobic
also has hydrogen uptake activity) related to metabolism, a new Chlamydomonas mutant Stm6
PSI activity (Ghysels and Franck, 2010; Antal (locked in state 1) with random gene insertion
et al., 2011; Peters et al., 2013). After reaching reached higher productivities up to 13 times rela-
maximum levels within 3e4 days (Melis et al., tive to the wild type due to its higher respiration
2002; Kosourov et al., 2007; Oncel and Sabankay, rates (Mathews and Wang, 2009; Antal et al.,
2012), hydrogen production starts to decrease 2011; Torzillo et al., 2014). The modifications
and ceases, even if some amount can be detected are done on an enzymatic basis both for matura-
up to 30 days later (Oncel and Sukan, 2009), and tion proteins or mature enzyme itself in order to
levels are not meaningful to continue. The reason achieve more tolerant enzyme active site to oxy-
for the stop mechanism is probably due to the gen (Mathews and Wang, 2009; Kim and Kim,
negative effect of sulfur deprivation as well as 2011; Oh et al., 2011; Srirangan et al., 2011). Other
the building up of the potential inhibiting prod- mutants with low sulfate permease, which is
ucts like ethanol and formate (Ghysels and responsible for the transfer of the sulfate to chlo-
Franck, 2010). Various applications like roplasts, are potentially high-producer candi-
semicontinuous, continuous, or immobilized dates (Chen et al., 2005; Antal et al., 2011).
For cyanobacteria, heterocyst formation is loss can be explained by the lower electron trans-
enhanced by the overexpression or inactivation port rate compared to the photon capture rate by
of related genes, and the mutants targeting these antennas (Mathews and Wang, 2009). Even if
genes like hetR, hetN, patS, patA, show effective large antennas can contain 600 chlorophyll mol-
results in high heterocyst frequency (Buikema ecules in PSII and PSI reaction centers, a mini-
and Haselkorn, 2001; Mathews and Wang, mum number of 132 chlorophylls to be enough
2009; Sakurai et al., 2013). Also a type I NADH for survival makes the idea realistic (Melis
deficient mutant of Synechocystis showed a higher et al., 1999; Melis, 2009). Antenna size truncation
production potential (Sakurai et al., 2013), again will serve as a dilution effect and increase the
good proof of the potential for mutation. photosynthetic efficiency up to three-fold (Melis,
2009); a list of truncated chlorophyll antenna
transformants tla1, tlaX, and tla-CWþ of Chlamy-
5.2 Light Utilization domonas are reported with tla1 reaching higher
With regard to light utilization by microalgae, biohydrogen productivities when immobilized
a major limitation was related to the efficiency of (Mathews and Wang, 2009; Melis, 2009; Torzillo
photosynthesis to convert solar energy into and Seibert, 2013).
biomass, which is lower compared to its theoret-
ical potential (z36%) keeping in mind that 5.2.2 PBR Design
48 photons (40 kcal/photon) are needed to fix 6 Conventional PBRs should be modified when
carbon dioxide to form glucose (DGoglucose ¼ the topic comes to biohydrogen production with
686 kcal/mol) (Atkinson and Mavituna, 1983; a special emphasis on leakage risks and ability to
Pirt, 1986; Walker, 2009). On the other hand, in scale-up (Table 4).
conversion of solar energy to biohydrogen, Mixing should be sufficient enough for the
considering direct biophotolysis, the losses due uniform illumination of the culture considering
to the reflection and scattering, radiation outside shear effects and wall growth variations depend-
photosynthetic active radiation region and non- ing on the strains, without disturbing anaerobic
photochemical reactions decrease the efficiency environment (Dasgupta et al., 2010; Zitelli
to a theoretical limit of 13  1%. But taking into et al., 2013). Construction materials of all the
account the two-step process like sulfur depriva- ports, fittings, and seals should be gas tight
tion, addition of cell maintenance and down and also nonpermeable to prevent hydrogen
regulation of PSII steps, will further decrease to escape as well as be nontoxic against inhibition
only 1  0.5% (Long et al., 2006; Walker, 2009; risk on the cells (Skjnes et al., 2008; Dasgupta
Torzillo and Seibert, 2013). These values can et al., 2010; Torzillo and Seibert, 2013). Materials
even fluctuate with the dynamic nature of the should be selected according to the needs of the
outside environment as well as the cell itself designsdsome should be rigid and some flexible
(Table 3). with a good ability to be attached and detached
(Chaumont, 1993). Also, produced hydrogen
5.2.1 Antenna Size Truncation should be collected easily through gas-tight
A strategy to increase the efficiency is related ports for storage or direct utilization without
with the antenna size of the chloroplasts in increasing the head space biohydrogen partial
microalgae. Microalgae cells target to harvest pressure, which decreases the productivity
as many photons as possible for survival, but (Oncel and Sukan, 2011; Kosourov et al., 2012;
because their capacity to utilize light is limited, Oncel and Kose, 2014).
this results in a wasted energy up to 90% (Melis, Apart from these general specifications, PBRs
2009; Kruse and Hankamer, 2010). This energy will need to meet the expectancy for high

TABLE 3 Energy Flow from the Sun to Biohydrogen

Loss Remaining Efficiency Energy (3 1012 W)


Total radiation energy reaching to earth 100 173,000
Reflected by the atmosphere 6 94 0.94 162,620
Absorbed by the atmosphere 16 78 0.83 134,975
Reflected by the clouds 20 58 0.74 99,882

Absorbed by the clouds 3 55 0.95 94,888

Reflected by land and oceans 4 51 0.93 88,246
Absorbed by land and oceans 51 0 88,246
Energy outside PAR 25.5 25.5 0.50 44,123
Reflected and transmitted light 2.5 23 0.9 39,711
Absorbed by nonphotosynthetic pigments 0.9 22.1 0.96 38,123
Photochemical inefficiencies 4.2 17.9 0.81 30,880
Hydrogen production 10.6 7.3 0.41 12,661
Energy outside PAR 25.5 25.5 0.50 44,123
Reflected and transmitted light 2.5 23 0.9 39,711
Absorbed by nonphotosynthetic pigments 0.9 22.1 0.96 38,123
Photochemical inefficiencies 4.2 17.9 0.81 30,880
Carbohydrate synthesis 11.4 6.5 0.36 11,117
Photorespiration 1.75 4.75 0.73 8115
Dark respiration 1.7 3.05 0.64 5194
PSII downregulation during sulfur deprivation 2.62 0.43 0.14 727

Modified from: Atkinson and Mavituna (1983), Cengel and Turner (2005), Long et al. (2006), Zhu et al. (2008), Walker (2009), Torzillo et al. (2014), http://

productivity in outdoor cultures where the con- ground surface area ratio will serve as an advan-
trol of temperature and light plays a vital role. tage for outdoor productions (Posten, 2009;
Specific temperature control units can be con- Dasgupta et al., 2010; Olivieri et al., 2014;
structed inside or outside the PBRs to prevent Torzillo and Seibert, 2013).
temperature fluctuations both on the culture
and biohydrogen stages. Modular designs ori-
ented properly according to the sun, with a flex-
5.3 Scale-up
ible adaptation for different strains, having high Scaling-up is another challenge that actually
surface-to-volume ratio and illuminated area covers all of the process from laboratory to
TABLE 4 Microalgae Production Systems, Comments on the Key Features for Biohydrogen
Type Mixing Illumination Temperature applications Commercial Biohydrogen

Unmixed ponds *No mechanical mixing Utilization of direct sun No control, depend on Large areas of natural *Production of biomass Has potential as a
*Mixing done by wind light the climate (thermal lagoons or reservoirs for feed, food, biomass supplier for
and convection flows convection and chemicals, and liquid hydrogen phase
radiation mechanisms) biofuels
especially if
constructed in
convenient climates
Mixed ponds (raceway Various types of *Utilization of direct *Usually no control, *Large ponds with *Production of biomass *Has potential as a
ponds and circular mechanical mixing sun light or artificial depend on the climate multimixers for feed, food, biomass supplier for
ponds) (paddle wheels, illumination as a *Some limited *Modular designs chemicals, and liquid hydrogen phase
horizontal arms, water support (usually lab applications integrated for larger biofuels *Has potential if
jets, airlifts, propellers, scale) constructed in green culture volumes *Competitive modified with
pumps, Archimedes *Modified with white houses are temperature especially if hydrogen impermeable

screws, and drag colored base to controlled constructed in covers and
boards) modified with distribute light inside *Special awnings or convenient climates construction materials
baffles the culture reflecting covers are (but not feasible and
*Special awnings or used for sun protection technically not easy)
reflecting covers are
used for light dilution


Tubular (horizontal, Various types of *Utilization of direct *Depend on climate at *Long tubes attached *Production of biomass *Has a potential as a
fence, conical, helical, mixing systems sun light or artificial outdoors by manifolds or for feed, food, biomass supplier for
pyramid, a-type) (hydraulic, pneumatic illumination *Some constructed in U-fittings chemicals and all hydrogen phase
or mechanical) *Modified with light green houses for *Modular designs biofuels *Has potential if
modified with baffles scattering particles, temperature control integrated for larger *Competitive in harsh modified with
and static mixers optical fibers *Special awnings or culture volumes climates where open hydrogen impermeable
*Modified with white reflecting covers are systems are not construction materials
colored base to used for sun protection applicable with a special emphasis
distribute light inside *Conventional heat *Competitive in the on hydrogen sealed
the culture exchange systems are case of hydrogen mixing and degas
*Special awnings or used with internal production systems
reflecting covers (concentric tubes) or
*Multi-stack formation external (jackets)
for light dilution attachments
*Water sprays or pools


TABLE 4 Microalgae Production Systems, Comments on the Key Features for Biohydrogendcont’d

Type Mixing Illumination Temperature applications Commercial Biohydrogen
Flat panels (vertical, Various types of *Utilization of direct *Depend on climate at *Modular designs *Production of biomass *Has potential as a
baffled, airlift, rotating, mixing systems sun light or artificial outdoors integrated for larger for feed, food, biomass supplier for
swing, V-shaped, (hydraulic, pneumatic illumination *Some applications culture volumes chemicals, and all hydrogen phase
Roux-type, bag-type) or mechanical) *Modified with light constructed in green biofuels *Has potential if

modified with baffles scattering particles, houses for temperature *Competitive in harsh modified with
and static mixers optical fibers control climates where open hydrogen impermeable
*Tilt and turning *Special awnings or systems are not construction materials
assemblies for better reflecting covers are applicable
illumination used for sun protection *Competitive in the
*Special awnings or *Conventional heat case of hydrogen
reflecting covers exchange systems are production
*Close-up formation used with cooling
for light dilution fingers or jackets
*Water sprays or pools
Tank (stirred tanks, Various types of *Utilization of direct *Depend on climate at *Modular designs *Production of biomass *Has potential as a
bubble columns, mixing systems sun light or artificial outdoors integrated for larger to be used for feed, biomass supplier for
internal airlifts, (hydraulic, pneumatic, (internal or external) *Conventional heat culture volumes food, chemicals, and all hydrogen phase
external airlifts, or mechanical) illumination exchange systems are biofuels *Has potential if
divided columns, modified with baffles *Modified with light- used with cooling *Competitive in harsh modified with
mechanical mixer scattering particles, fingers, coils, or jackets climates where open hydrogen impermeable
integrated columns) optical fibers with systems are not construction materials
special collectors like applicable *Has potential if
Fresnel and Himawari *Competitive for conventional
hydrogen-targeted fermentation systems
productions can be modified for
hydrogen production

Open ponds and PBRs Various types of Utilization of direct *Depend on climate at Flexible application Increase Has potential if
mixing systems from sunlight or different outdoors according to the design competitiveness in modified well with a
each concept artificial illumination *Can be controlled with for example larger broader climates with good integration of the
systems conventional strategies volumes in open ponds the integration of both systems
used for both concepts and smaller volumes in concepts
PBRs and PBRs Various types of Utilization of direct *Depend on climate at Flexible application Increased Has potential if
mixing systems from sunlight or different outdoors according to each competitiveness in modified well with a
each design artificial illumination *Can be controlled with design, for example, broader climates with good integration of the
systems conventional strategies aeration at panel type the integration of both systems
used for both concepts illumination at tubular concepts that can be
type. Or heterotrophic applied for numerous
cultivation at fermenter microalgae species
type and
photoautotrophic at
panel type
outdoors. Scale-up criteria of microalgae produc- tag of high purity pigments such as astaxanthin,
tion can be defined as the projection from unit which can rise up to 10,000 $/kg (Oncel, 2013).
volume to the total volume. Power input, kLa, With regard to biohydrogen, the two-stage
dissolved oxygen, surface-to-volume ratio, light process has captured the attention of scientists
supply coefficient, lightedark cycle frequency, and entrepreneurs. The concern about the two-
mixing time, Reynolds number, dissolved CO2, stage process is the need for a culture shift,
blade tip velocity, or optical path length are which on a large scale adds an extra cost for har-
some of the key factors for an efficient scale-up vest and transfer of the culture addition to the
strategy (Oncel, 2013). Even if scale-up subsumes high cost PBRs. For commercial scale, a process
a volume increase, the modular construction with efficient light conversion for high produc-
approach can be a circumventing way to pass tivities other than the low cost PBRs will be
the construction and maintenance challenges important, keeping in mind the alternative uses
such as durability, gas build-up, cleaning and of microalgae. There are two routes for the pro-
sterilization, temperature control, uniform illumi- duced biohydrogen: to store or to use immedi-
nation, orientation, leakage, etc. by portioning to ately. Storage of hydrogen is a challenging step
smaller volumes. This gives elasticity in operation for applications because it needs energy and
against contamination and productivity losses special systems (Mao et al., 2012; Durbin and
with the ability to respond locally to a single Jugroot, 2013; Dutta, 2014). There are several
module without disturbing all of the system methods like storage: in high-pressure gas cylin-
(Posten, 2009; Xu et al., 2009). Each PBR design ders, as liquefied hydrogen by cryogenic appli-
has its own pros and cons for scale-up, but for cations, by adsorption on carbon structures, by
biohydrogen where the mixing is the limiting absorption in host metals and metallic hydrides,
step, flat panels or tank-type PBRs with easier in complex compounds such as borohydrides,
adaptation to a mechanical mixing system will and by metals and complexes together with wa-
be advantageous relative to long, tubular PBRs. ter (Z€uttel, 2004; Kim et al., 2005; Zhou, 2005;
Chen and Zhou, 2008). Direct usage of bio-
hydrogen by proton exchange membrane fuel
6. COMMERCIALIZATION cells can have potential for commercial applica-
AND ECONOMY tions as the direct conversion to electricity, which
can be used as a support in the processes or can
Commercialization of microalgal biofuels de- be transferred to a main electric network without
pends on the interactive relations between the any storage step (Oncel and Sukan, 2011; Dutta,
market and the production technologies. Experi- 2014).
ence from the conventional food, feed, cosme- The dynamic energy market dominated by
ceutical and pharmaceutical industries provide fossil fuels is a hard game to enter. Changes in
information that can be valuable if properly fossil fuel prices and increasing cost of produc-
directed to biofuel sector. From the economic tion pushes the sector for alternatives. To have
aspect of the microalgae in these sectors, the an idea about the transportation sector in which
cost of production of the raw algal biomass biohydrogen can have a chance, the costs
changes from 1 to 7 $/kg can increase up to including lifting and finding of crude oil depend-
1000 $/kg depending on the production system ing on the oil field are in the range of 16e52 $/
and downstream processes for the desired prod- barrel, which can rise up to 75 $/barrel in the
uct. But it is noteworthy to mention that the Arctic fields (Wullf, 2014). Considering the pro-
higher the cost of production in biotechnology duction, which is dominated by the onshore or
usually pays a higher revenue, like the price offshore fields in Middle East and America, the

average cost can be roughly estimated as 34 $/ harvesting, and transferring to anaerobic envi-
barrel (Bawks, 2011). With the average value of ronment. Assuming each step has a high yield
103 $/barrel (West Texas and Brent; average of 90%, the biohydrogen production gives a role
price of crude oil for July 2014) (http://www. throughput of %73 (RT (three steps) ¼ (90/ the cost of production actually 100)3), while an increase in process steps, like in
equals 33% of selling price. But this percentage biodiesel, shows the negative effect more clearly,
will decrease depending on included costs other than the addition of extra costs for down-
of refining, distribution, marketing, and taxes stream and extraction processes.
( The target of direct biophotolysis that has a
Even if all countries have the same global market potential solar conversion efficiency of 13.4%
prices, because of taxes or sometimes subsidies, while biomass production is 9.4% will also sup-
the retail prices can have a sharp fluctuation port realization of feasible prices. On the other
all over the globe between 1.59 $/barrel (in hand, an ultimate target of direct biohydrogen
Venezuela) up to 408.6 $/barrel (in Norway) production with oxygen tolerant species will
( make possible the usage of cheaper ponds that
prices/). Compared to the estimated values of will reduce the high costs, serving as an advan-
the microalgal green diesel with a cost of produc- tage like microalgal oils for biodiesel.
tion ranging between 413 $/barrel and 863 $/ Scale-up should also be considered because it
barrel depending on the production strategy is the main step for building up the market.
(open ponds or PBRs) even the highest retail Today different companies having various prices
price of fuel is still lower than the cost of micro- according to their projections are the main ques-
algal fuel; this is a good sign of the competitive- tion mark in front of realization. Especially in an
ness in the fuel market, which will be very harsh emerging market like microalgal biofuels, to
(Oncel, 2013). These values are important to blend the scientific knowledge with industry
know in order to have a clear view of the chal- will need the proper scale-up approaches and
lenges in this field. their real-life applications supported with all
An estimation of the biohydrogen production optimization possibilities to reach a realistic
by microalgae without the storage costs can be price.
1.38 $/kg, which is lower than the estimate of
USDE and NREL having set a target to 2.99 $/
kg biohydrogen by using oxygen-tolerant micro- 7. FUTURE
algae (James et al., 2009; Sakurai et al., 2013). The
capital cost in biohydrogen production can be For the future of microalgal biohydrogen two
summarized as the total costs of subcomponents basic areas of progress may act as the game
like PBRs (42%), hydrogen collection assembly changers: (1) the progress in microalgae biotech-
(34%), microalgae feed assembly (4%), recycle nology and (2) the process of production. Consid-
and pumping systems (13%), and other costs ering microalgal biotechnology, there is still long
like control systems, consumables (7%), which way to go, with thousands of microalgae species
shows the vital role of the main infrastructure to screen having higher oxygen tolerance and
of specific PBRs on the cost determination for productivities for biohydrogen production.
the retail price (James et al., 2009). Apart from Under optimal conditions, estimations of 20 g
microalgal oils, biohydrogen has a potential hydrogen per m2 of culture area can be produced
advantage that will help attain a feasible price with the future progress in genetic modifications
tag because it is a shorter process path with three incorporating omics and systems biology with
major steps for production: biomass production, special emphasis on a single cell to a culture
7. FUTURE 185
having a reduced amount of chlorophyll per Considering the mixing strategies, modular
antenna, high photosynthetic efficiency, high PBRs with modified mixer systems that can
respiration rates, high carbohydrate accumula- be applied to different scales and designs will
tion ability to survive under stress conditions be helpful for real-life applications. Compact
like anaerobic cultures, and high xanthophyll PBRs with decreased land usage should be
cycle (Melis, 2000; Kruse and Hankamer, 2010; selected both for economy and light dilution
Torzillo et al., 2014). There will be screening for modified with special sterilization and cleaning
truncated antenna, D1 protein, starch producing, systems to prevent contamination and fouling.
thermotolerant or oxygen tolerant microalgae or Special illumination systems based on LEDs,
their mutants with the ability to survive in optical fibers, and solar collectors (Fresnel
fluctuating light outdoors, form flocs, be suscep- lenses, Himawari lenses), or light scattering
tible for genetic modifications, grow fast in waste particles inside the culture may also act as an
or saline waters, with stable and robust nature. enhancer for light utilization (Posten, 2009;
Using specified protocols like elimination of the Scoma et al., 2012; Zitelli et al., 2013). Using
electron sinks or the regulation of photosyn- renewable sources like solar or wind to support
thesis respiration equilibrium and analyses the energy requirements of the production sys-
with the finalization of the genome sequences, tems will also be very important for the future
each species can further be investigated, and applications to be more competitive
this will catalyze the progress for a competitive (Mohammed et al., 2014; Nasir Uddin and
biohydrogen production (Chisti, 2007; Melis, Daud, 2014). Also, integration of open systems
2009; Xu et al., 2009; Wijffels and Barbosa, and PBR systems can decrease the cost of the
2010; Ghysels and Franck, 2010; Ortiz-Marquez production.
et al., 2013; Oncel, 2013; Kose and Oncel, 2014; Sustainable, environment friendly, and feasible
Scoma et al., 2014). biohydrogen economy targeting on the PBR
In addition, new genes from other organisms design and construction with special emphasis
will play a role in the progress of the construc- on materials and all the system assemblies should
tion of the ultimate producer. Good examples target a reduction in the capital cost for both
of progress (Sakurai et al., 2013) include the biomass (100 $/m2) and for biofuel (15 $/m2)
case of HUP1 hexose uptake protein from Chlor- production to be competitive (Chen et al., 2011).
ella kessleri introduced to Chlamydomonas, which The SWOT analysis of microalgal biohydrogen
gave the ability to assimilate glucose in dark het- production gives an idea about the future consid-
erotrophic environment (Mathews and Wang, erations and studies (Table 5).
2009); using marine phage PsaJF subunit in An idealized process should cover the “light
Synechocytis, which enabled its transformant to to fuel concept” integrated with biorefinery,
accept electrons from alternative sources (Mazor which totals the process with all its subunits
et al., 2012); and introducing the hydrogenase like potential alternatives for nutrients, by-
enzymes from Clostridium pasteurianum into Syn- products, and especially other potential fuels
echococcus sp., which resulted in the active FeFe (methane, ethanol, biodiesel) or high value
hydrogenase production. chemicals (pigments, lipids, vitamins, etc.) and
The future of microalgal biohydrogen will even wastes (Figure 5). Some LCA analysis
be tied to new materials and innovative de- showed that the wastewater treatment technolo-
signs that will make biohydrogen effective gies integrated with microalgae for eco-friendly
and cost efficient. Durable, transparent, and treatment and biofuel production at the same
hydrogen-tight materials with practical con- time will result in feasible production costs
struction techniques need to be developed. (Oncel, 2013). Also carbon credits will play a
TABLE 5 SWOT Analysis Focusing on Biohydrogen With Specific Comments for Progress
Key points for
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats progress
Production Biohydrogen Clean and Limited Increasing Immature Applications in
sustainable source applications with awareness for daily technologies with daily life to catch
for fuel and energy regards to the need life applications high costs blocking the attention of the
of new like using fuel cell the interest of the public with a

technologies for vehicles with the consumers and the competitive price
storage and usage integration to industry
that are still in conventional fuel
progress grid
Microalgae Various potential Few species are Screening of new Productivity Selection of high
species, some with studied species out of the fluctuations production species
defined genetic Lack of knowledge vast collection of between lab and that can live in salt
codes in the cellular nature with a large scales or wastewaters
metabolism of special emphasis with durable and
microalgal on high sustainable nature
bioprocesses productivity and especially with
outdoor large-scale high oxygen
productions tolerance
PBR Various designs Need of more Already Hydrogen leakage New materials and
experience on established risks designs for outdoor
outdoor large-scale conventional types large scale
applications with a potential to hydrogen
modify for production
Illumination Usage of various Risk of Focusing on low Need of high Integration with
sources like sun or productivity loss energy consuming energy for renewable sources
artificial light by the lack of illumination illumination as a support for the
proper illumination systems especially in case of energy
especially in large artificial consumption
scales illumination

Mixing Application of Risk of Flexible mixing High energy need Integration of new
various systems for productivity loss systems with the for large scales mixing systems
lab and pilot scales by the improper ability to integrate with renewable
mixing especially different PBR sources as a
in large scales designs having low support for the
energy energy
consumption consumption
Temperature Easy adaptation of Need of a proper New systems to High energy cost to Integration with
conventional control especially minimize the control (heat or renewable systems
systems like heat outdoor large energy cool) and sterilize as a support of
exchangers and scales where the consumption with all the systems energy and high
control units fluctuations are an ease on the especially in large efficiency
very dynamic integration to the scales temperature
depending on the PBRs control systems
environment well applied to
large scales
Nutrients Usage of various Utilization of fossil Utilization of Risk of Integration to
nutrient sources fuel-based recycle streams environmental wastewater or
fertilizers or from various problems recycle streams for
depleting sources industries or crops eutrophication if large-scale
like phosphate not handle applications
Scale-up Experience from Limited experience Proper procedures Productivity losses Practical and
the conventional to transfer up to and methods to due to dynamic reliable strategies
microalgae outdoors where the apply for a scale-up outdoor conditions for scale-up with an
productions large-scale PBRs strategy with the and dynamic easy application
will be more ability to modify responses in large potential in
complex compared and adapt culture volumes industry
to open pond according to
systems used in microalgae
Energy Quite a direct Usage of artificial Focusing on low Energy gap Integration with
requirement production illumination and energy-consuming between the renewable sources
eliminating high mixing systems systems with an produced to support the
energy consuming ease on the hydrogen and energy
downstream and integration with consumption consumption
refining processes renewable sources leading a
dependence on
fossil fuels

Environment Clean combustion Necessity to use the Integration with Waste streams Wastewater usage
gasses limited sources for recycle streams and from the process
water and land wastewaters and risk of strain
escape especially if
Economy Potential of Limited daily life New legislation Lack of interest by Building up a
hydrogen as a applications with a and politics to the governments sustainable market
sustainable and need for a well- catch the attention and end users with a special
environment defined market of investors and based on the emphasis on new
friendly alternative entrepreneurs to experience technologies,
with a high build up the biorefinery
flexibility to industry with the concept, and
integrate to catalysis of carbon opportunities for
different sectors credits and new jobs
Ethical Issues A new perspective Dependence on Equally shared Lack of knowledge Focusing on
putting the human limited sources like knowledge and and experience knowledge transfer
and environment in water, land, and experience to build with a risk of and a well-defined
the center also fossil fuels up a new industry monopolization market, giving
for all humanity equal opportunities
to all the societies
to spread the


products PatenƟng Scale-up New product ideas or
areas of interest

Technology push Lab scale R&D Pilot scale R&D DemonstraƟon development CommercializaƟon Feedback Market Pull

Inputs: Microalgae Light,, Biomass Biomass harvest, Inputs: chemicals, Chemical,thermal Biofuels: hydrogen,
Nutrients, Air, CO2 , Water,
r, producƟon transfer and enzymes, and biological ethanol, diesel,
Land, Energy downstream microorganisms processes methane

Microalgal biofuels:
hydrogen and ethanol Recycle streams for
biorefining chemicals
or valuable materials

Inputs: Waste streams, excess energy Waste or residues

and flue gasses from other industries for for cogeneraƟon
carbon sequestraƟon and recycle heat and power

FIGURE 5 Techno-economic flow of microalgal biofuels with a biorefinery approach. Modified from: King (2010), Isaka
(2013), Oncel (2013).

role in the cost reduction, especially with the 8. ETHICAL ISSUES

new legislation forcing countries to reduce emis-
sions. Organizations with well-defined networks Today even if the wild competition for energy
of raw materials and products will be the key forces industries to forget or ignore ethical is-
players that are successful with the concept sues, increasing awareness is also forcing policy
(Parmar et al., 2011; Koller et al., 2012; Kondo makers to consider new ethical principles. Con-
et al., 2013; Lakaniemi et al., 2013; Oncel, 2013). struction of a better future should use justice, sol-
Future strategies to share knowledge between idarity, sustainability, and stewardship as the
industries will support the development of the building blocks and stick them all with the
microalgal biohydrogen technologies. A radical cement of equity and human rights (Oncel,
but useful attempt that was announced recently 2013).
( The ability of microalgae to be cultivated
-patent-are-belong-you) by the electric car maker without interfering with potential food crops
Tesla about open access to patents for the new and limited clean water by integrating with
players that are interested in the field has already different production routes and processes serves
positively affected acceleration of the technology as a flexibility to build a bio-economy that is
(with a resulting positive reaction on financial eco-friendly, sustainable, safe, and fits with
stock exchanges). ethical values. Jobs in renewable energy are
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Bioethanol Production from Microalgae
Man Kee Lam1, Keat Teong Lee2
Chemical Engineering Department, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Bandar Seri Iskandar, Perak,
Malaysia; 2Low Carbon Economy (LCE) Research Group, School of Chemical Engineering, Universiti
Sains Malaysia, Nibong Tebal, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia

1. INTRODUCTION duce the feedstock (Harun et al., 2010b).

Therefore, lignocellulosic biomass is proposed
Recently, increasing demand and usage of as the second-generation feedstock for bio-
fossil fuels have escalated global concerns about ethanol production; it is the most abundant
several environmental issues, such as air pollu- biomass in the world and does not compete
tion, melting of Arctic ice, and the frequent with food commodities (Alvira et al., 2010).
occurrence of droughts (Lam et al., 2012). As However, the main challenge of using lignocel-
the energy crisis is beginning to affect almost lulosic biomass for bioethanol production is
every part of the world due to rapid industriali- the requirement of an additional pretreatment
zation and population growth, the search for step to break down the complex structure of
renewable energy sources is the key challenge lignin, so that the cellulose and hemicellulose
in this century to stimulate more sustainable en- can be released for subsequent hydrolysis and
ergy development for the future (John et al., fermentation (Cardona and Sanchez, 2007).
2011; Lam and Lee, 2012). The production of third-generation bioethanol
Bioethanol is an alternative biofuel to gaso- mainly refers to use of aquatic microorganisms as
line since they share similar physical and chem- the main feedstock. Specifically, microalgae
ical properties (Dale, 2007; Demirbaş, 2000; Naik biomass has recently gained wide attention as a
et al., 2010). Bioethanol is usually produced plausible renewable source for biofuels produc-
through yeast fermentation by using carbohy- tion. Microalgae are one of the oldest living
drate (e.g., glucose) as the main substrate. microorganisms on Earth (Song et al., 2008) and
First-generation bioethanol is derived from represent a vast variety of photosynthetic species
food crops, specifically from sugary and starchy dwelling in diverse environments (John et al.,
feedstock, such as sugar cane, sugar beet, corn, 2011; Mata et al., 2010; Nigam and Singh, 2011).
and wheat (Balat, 2009; Naik et al., 2010). Never- They can grow at an exceptionally fast rate,
theless, the sustainability of bioethanol produc- which is a hundred times faster than terrestrial
tion from food crops is heavily debated due to plants, and they can double their biomass in
their priority for food purposes and requirement less than one day (Tredici, 2010). Besides having
of large amount of agricultural land to pro- high lipid content for biodiesel production,

Handbook of Marine Microalgae 197 © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

some microalgae species also can accumulate 2. MICROALGAE SPECIES WITH

high content of carbohydrates within their cells HIGH CARBOHYDRATE CONTENT
(Figure 1) that can be used as a carbon source
or substrate for the fermentation process to pro- Apart from lipids, certain microalgae species
duce bioethanol (Harun et al., 2010b; Radakovits are able to accumulate large quantities of carbo-
et al., 2010). In this chapter, studies reported in hydrate within their cells. The carbohydrate is
the literature on bioethanol production from usually stored at the outer layer of cell wall
microalgae biomass are comprehensively dis- (e.g., pectin, agar, alginate), inner layer of cell
cussed, including species selection, carbohydrate wall (e.g., cellulose, hemicellulose), and inside
hydrolysis and saccharification methods, and the the cell (e.g., starch) (Chen et al., 2013). Through
fermentation process. hydrolysis reaction, the carbohydrate can be

H2 CO2 Fermentative
Light H2

Starch organic
Plastid synthesis
Fatty acid
synthesis Calvin
Acetyl- Benson
Alkanes CoA cycle

Endoplasmic Maltose
Isoprenoids Alcohols
Free Higher chain
fatty alcohols
acids Alkanes

Amino acid

lipid body

FIGURE 1 Metabolic pathways of microalgae for biofuel production. Modified from Radakovits et al. (2010).
hydrolyzed to fermentable sugar (e.g., glucose) TABLE 1 Carbohydrate Content of Different
for subsequent bioethanol production via fermen- Microalgae Species
tation process (Harun et al., 2010b). The carbohy- Carbohydrate
drate contents for specific microalgae species and Microalgae content (% dry
composition of fermentable sugars are shown in species weight) References
Tables 1 and 2, respectively.
Chlamydomonas 17 Becker (1994)
As indicated in Table 1, Porphyridium cruentum, rheinhardii
Prymnesium parvum, Scenedesmus abundans, Scene-
Chlorella pyrenoidosa 26 Becker (1994)
desmus dimorphus, Scenesdesmus obliquus, Spirogyra
sp., and Tetraselmis suecica are among the microal- Chlorella sp. 19 Phukan et al.
gae species that could accumulate high carbo- (2011)
hydrate content and suitable to be cultivated Chlorella vulgaris 12e17 Becker (1994)
for bioethanol production. The carbohydrate
Chloroccum sp. 32.5 Harun and
content ranges from 21% to 64% of their cell dry Danquah
weight, which is considered high compared to (2011a)
lignocellulosic biomass. In addition, microalgae
Dunaliella bioculata 4 Becker (1994)
do not contain lignocellulosic compounds,
in which mild pretreatment (hydrolysis) is Dunaliella salina 32 Becker (1994)
already sufficient to release the carbohydrate for Euglena gracilis 14e18 Becker (1994)
subsequent fermentation process and bioethanol
Isochrysis galbana 7.7e13.6 Fidalgo et al.
production. In addition, the most abundant car- (1998)
bohydrate after hydrolysis process is glucose
Isochrysis sp. 5.2e16.4 Renaud et al.
(Table 2), which is a preferred carbon source for
conventional fermentation by Saccromyces seriviea.
Mychonastes afer 28.4 Guo et al. (2013)

Nannochloropsis oculata 8 Biller and Ross


The accumulation of carbohydrates within the Porphyridium cruentum 40 Biller and Ross
microalgae cells is mainly due to carbon fixation
during photosynthesis process (Chen et al., Prymnesium parvum 25e33 Becker (1994)
2013). Specifically, there are two stages in the Scenedesmus abundans 41 Guo et al. (2013)
photosynthetic reactions, known as light and
Scenedesmus dimorphus 21e52 Becker (1994)
dark reactions (Figure 2; Richmond and Hu,
2013). During light reactions, light energy is Scenesdesmus obliquus 15e51.8 Ho et al. (2012)
absorbed to split water to oxygen and producing Spirogyra sp. 33e64 Becker (1994)
chemical energy (NADPH and ATP). Subse-
Synechoccus sp. 15 Becker (1994)
quently, during dark reactions, NADPH and
ATP are utilized to reduce CO2 to carbohydrates Tetraselmis maculate 15 Becker (1994)
via the CalvineBenson cycle (Markou et al., 2012; Tetraselmis sp. 24 Schwenzfeier
Richmond and Hu, 2013). In the CalvineBenson et al. (2011)
cycle, CO2 fixation is catalyzed by ribulose-
Tetraselmis suecica 15e50 Bondioli et al.
1,5-biphosphate carboxylase oxygenase (Rubisco) (2012)
enzyme to form two three-carbon compounds

TABLE 2 Sugar Composition of Different Microalgae Species

Monomers (simple reducing sugar)

Microalgae Arabinose Galactose Glucose Mannose Xylose Fucose Rhamnose Ribose References

Chaetoceros calcitrans 0.2 20.5 54.7 2.0 1.7 14.3 3.3 3.3 Brown (1991)
Chlamydomonas 3.2 4.5 74.9 2.3 e 0.7 1.5 e Choi et al. (2010)
Chlorella vulgaris e e 98.0 e e e e e Ho et al. (2013a)
Chlorococcum e 8.9 46.8 15 29.3 e e e Harun et al.
infusionum (2011a)
Chroomonas Salina 0.08 2.7 87.5 2.3 1.6 3 0 2.5 Brown (1991)
Dunaliella tertiolecta 0.65 1.1 85.3 4.5 1 0 5.5 2 Brown (1991)
Isochrysis galbana 5.7 19 76.5 3.6 2.3 0.6 0.3 2 Brown (1991)
Nannochloropsis oculata 0 3.8 68.3 6.1 4.4 4.4 8.3 4.6 Brown (1991)

Pavlova salina 1.6 4.4 81.0 5.0 8.0 0.51 0 2.5 Brown (1991)
Scenesdesmus obliquus 5.0 13.0 56.0 19.0 7.0 Miranda et al.
Spirulina platensis 2.6 54.4 9.3 7.0 22.3 Shekharam
et al. (1987)

Tetraselmis chui 0.4 11.3 84.7 1.8 0 0 0.04 1.8 Brown (1991)

Light reactions Dark reactions

O2 (CH2O)

FIGURE 2 Light and dark reactions in photosynthetic reaction. Modified from Richmond and Hu (2013).

(3-phosphoglecerate) from a five-carbon com- production in microalgae cells is clearly illus-

pound (ribulose 1,5-biphosphate) (Markou et al., trated in Figure 3.
2012; Richmond and Hu, 2013). One of the
formed three-carbon compounds is then used as
the substrate for carbohydrate synthesis, while 4. PRETREATMENT AND
the other is used to continue the next SACCHARIFICATION OF
CalvineBenson cycle (Markou et al., 2012). The MICROALGAE BIOMASS
carbohydrates are usually formed in the plastids
as storage components (e.g., starch) or become A major portion of microalgae carbohydrate
the structural components in cell walls is usually entrapped within the microalgae cells.
(e.g., cellulose, pectin, and sulfated polysaccha- Therefore, a pretreatment step is usually
rides) (Chen et al., 2013). The metabolic pathway required to disrupt the microalgae cell walls to
of carbohydrates (starch and other sugars) release the carbohydrate. Carbohydrate is a



Benson Triose P
cycle pSFBA

Maltose MEX1 Maltose
Fructose-6-phosphate Glucose
HPI Starch-(P)n
Starch Glucose-1-
Glucose-1-phosphate βAMY
αAMY phosphate
AGPase ISA Heteroglycan
ADP-Glucose MOS Maltose
Glc α-1,4 Glcn
Glc α-1,4 Glcn+1 WSP3


FIGURE 3 Metabolic pathway for carbohydrate synthesis in microalgae. Glucans are added to the water-soluble polysac-
charide (WSP) by a-1, 4 glycosidic linkages (WSP1) until a branching enzyme highly branched the ends (WSP2). Some of these
branches are trimmed (WSP3), and this process is repeated until a starch granule is formed. Abbreviations: aAMY: a-amylase;
bAMY: b-amylases; AGPase: ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase; BE: branching enzymes; DBE: debranching enzymes; DPE: dis-
proportioning enzyme (1 and 2) a-1,4 glucanotransferase; FBPase: fructose biphosphatase; Glc: glucose; GWD: glucan-water
dikinases; HPI: hexose phosphate isomerase; ISA: isoamylases; MEX1: maltose transporter; MOS: maltose-oligosaccharides;
PGM: plastidial phosphoglucomutase; pSFBA: plastidial sedulose/fructose-biphosphatase aldolase; P: phosphate; Pi: inorganic
phosphate; PPi: pyrophosphate. SP: starch phosphorylases; SS: starch synthases. Modified from Radakovits et al. (2010) and
Subramanian et al. (2013).

complex compound and a hydrolysis step is v/v, reaction temperature of 140e160  C, and
required to break it down to a monosaccharide, reaction time of 15e30 min were sufficient to
such as glucose, for the subsequent fermentation cause a rupture in the Chlorococcum humicola
process. The following subsections will describe cell wall and to release the entrapped carbohy-
possible methods in pretreating and hydrolyzing drate for bioethanol production. The study also
carbohydrate from microalgae biomass. reported that increasing the reaction tempera-
ture and reaction time beyond the optimum
point could reduce the bioethanol yield, predom-
4.1 Chemical Method inantly due to the degradation of carbohydrate.
Chemical pretreatment using acid (e.g., H2SO4, Similar findings were also reported by Ho et al.
HCl, and HNO3) or alkali (NaOH, KOH, and (2013a); 1% of diluted H2SO4 concentration, reac-
Na2CO3) is a widely employed method to tion temperature at 121  C, and reaction time of
pretreat lignocellulosic biomass for bioethanol 20 min could recover 96% of glucose yield from
production (Bensah and Mensah, 2013; Sun and Chlorella vulgaris biomass. Table 3 compares the
Cheng, 2002). This method is usually fast and bioethanol yield from microalgae biomass using
relatively inexpensive compared to enzymatic different hydrolysis methods.
pretreatment. However, due to the extreme reac- Besides acids, the use of alkali has also been
tion conditions required in this process (high tem- successfully demonstrated for the hydrolysis of
perature and pressure), degradation of microalgae carbohydrate (Harun et al., 2011a).
carbohydrate is usually observed. The degraded Harun et al. (2011) used 0.75 w/v% NaOH at
carbohydrate, such as furfural (2-furaldehyde), 120  C for 30 min to obtain optimum glucose
5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF), acetic acid, yield of 0.35 g/g biomass from Chlorococcum
gypsum, vanillin, and aldehydes (4-hydroxy- infusionum. The results indicated that NaOH is
benzaldehyde) could directly inhibit yeast able to rupture the microalgae cell wall, causing
fermentation and subsequently reduce bioethanol the cell wall to lose its integrity and release
yield (Bensah and Mensah, 2013; Chen et al., the carbohydrate. Then, the carbohydrate was
2013). Thus, optimizing suitable reaction condi- further broken down to simple fermentable
tions (temperature, pressure, moisture content, sugar (glucose) by the presence of NaOH. How-
and reaction reagent concentration) is the key ever, a contradictory observation was reported
factor in chemical pretreatment to reduce inhibi- by Miranda et al. (2012b) in which the use of
tory effect and to improve operational efficiency NaOH as hydrolysis catalyst could not give
(Chen et al., 2013). high glucose yield from Scenedesmus obliquus.
Using chemical pretreatment method to pro- The reason given was that the high alkaline con-
duce sugar from microalgae biomass has been centration used in the study caused severe sugar
recently reported by many researchers (Harun degradation. Thus, more research is still required
and Danquah, 2011b; Ho et al., 2013a; Miranda to explore the potential of alkaline catalyst
et al., 2012b). Due to the simple cellular structure in pretreating and hydrolyzing microalgae
of microalgae and absence of lignin, only mild carbohydrate.
reaction conditions are required for simulta-
neous pretreatment (to release carbohydrate
from inner cell wall) and hydrolysis reaction
4.2 Enzymatic Method
(to hydrolyze the complex carbohydrate mole- For enzymatic hydrolysis of carbohydrate
cules to simple fermentable sugars) (Ho et al., (particularly referring to starch), a-d-(1 / 4)-
2013a). As reported by Harun and Danquah glucosidic linkages in starch will be hydrolyzed
(2011b), diluted H2SO4 concentration of 1e3% by a-amylase (liquefaction) in a random manner
TABLE 3 Bioethanol Yield from Microalgae Biomass via Different Hydrolysis Methods

Total Bioethanol
Hydrolysis carbohydrate Sugar yield yield
method Microalgae (%) (g/g algae) (g/g algae) Reference

H2SO4 Chlorella vulgaris 51 0.5 0.233 Ho et al. (2013a)
H2SO4 Scenedesmus obliquus 51.8 0.50e0.51 0.213 Ho et al. (2013c)

H2SO4 Chlorococcum humicola 32.5 e 0.52 Harun and Danquah

H2SO4 Scenedesmus obliquus 50 e 0.202 Ho et al. (2013b)

NaOH Chlorococcum infusionum 32.5 0.35 0.26 Harun et al. (2011a)

a-amylase and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii 59.7 0.561 0.235 Choi et al. (2010)
Pectinase Chlorella vulgaris 22.4 0.177 0.07 Kim et al. (2014)
Cellulase Trichoderma reesei 32.5 0.222 e Harun and Danquah
Endoglucanase, Chlorella vulgaris 51 0.461 0.178e0.214 Ho et al. (2013a)
b-glucosidase and

to produce oligosaccharides (usually denoted as and Danquah, 2011a; Ho et al., 2013a; Kim et al.,
maltodextrin) with three or more a-(1 / 4)- 2014). Choi et al. (2010) studied sugar production
linked D-glucose units as an intermediate prod- from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii biomass by using
uct (Choi et al., 2010; Montesinos and Navarro, a-amylase from B. licheniformis and amyloglucosi-
2000; Richardson et al., 2000). Subsequently, dase from Aspergillus niger for liquefaction and
starch saccharifying enzyme (amyloglucosidase) saccharification, respectively. The optimum condi-
is introduced to the liquefied starch, in which tions for liquefaction process were identified as
the enzyme can act on both a-d-(1 / 4) and 0.005% a-amylase, 90  C, and 30 min; whereas
a-d-(1 / 6)-glucosidic linkages, and therefore for saccharification, the optimum conditions
maltodextrin is converted to simple reducing were 0.2% amyloglucosidase, 55  C, pH 4.5, and
sugar (b-D-glucose) (Choi et al., 2010; Van Der 30 min. In addition, the study also found that bio-
Maarel et al., 2002). Enzymatic hydrolysis has ethanol yield produced from microalgae biomass
several advantages over chemical hydrolysis, (0.235 g/g biomass) is comparable to other cellu-
such as higher conversion yield, minimal by- lose and starch-based feedstock, such as corn sto-
product formation, mild operating condition, ver (0.260 g/g biomass), cane bagasse (0.111 g/g
and low energy input (Taherzadeh and Karimi, biomass), wheat (0.308 g/g biomass), and corn
2007; Wald et al., 1984). (0.324 g/g biomass). However, as shown in
Several successful studies on the use of enzymes Table 3, most of the studies concluded that diluted
for hydrolysis of microalgae carbohydrate have acid hydrolysis could attain higher sugar recovery
been recently reported (Choi et al., 2010; Harun and bioethanol yield from microalgae biomass

than enzymatic method (Choi et al., 2010; Ho expansion and collapse violently, generating
et al., 2013a). Besides the advantage of mild reac- energy for chemical and mechanical effects
tion conditions, enzymatic hydrolysis method is (Colucci et al., 2005; Luo et al., 2014). In a recent
actually more expensive than chemical hydrolysis study, it was found that ultrasonic-assisted
and faces difficulty in the recovery of enzymes, extraction (UAE) method could extract more
which makes the process apparently not econom- glucose from Chlorella sp. biomass than conven-
ically feasible. tional solvent extraction and fluidized bed
extraction (Zhao et al., 2013). The highest glucose
yield attained using UAE method was 36.9 g/
4.3 Mechanical and Other Alternative
100 g dry cell weight using the following extrac-
tion conditions: ultrasonic power of 800 W,
Mechanical pretreatment usually refers to using extraction time of 80 min, flow rate of 1.52 L/
physical force to reduce the particulate size of min, and cell concentration of 0.3 g/L. It was
biomass, such as milling, grinding, and extrusion observed that ultrasonication caused complete
(Tedesco et al., 2014). Up to now, this pretreat- lysis of the nucleus membrane and extensive in-
ment method is still rarely being explored for ternal cell wall damage, thus, causing carbohy-
microalgae biomass except macroalgae (seaweed) drate to be excreted to the exocellular medium
(Schultz-Jensen et al., 2013; Tedesco et al., 2014). (Choi et al., 2011; Jeon et al., 2013).
This is probably because microalgae biomass is Supercritical fluid technology is a relatively
a relatively new feedstock for bioethanol produc- new and alternative pretreatment technique.
tion, and, hence, commercial production of the The basic principal of this technology is
biomass is still very limited and not sufficient achieving a certain phase (supercritical) that is
for mechanical pretreatment process that requires beyond the critical point of a fluid, in which
a large amount of biomass. On the other hand, the meniscus separating the liquid and vapor phases
production of macroalgae biomass is already very disappears, leaving only single homogeneous
high, reaching up to 110,000 tons in the year 2005 phase (Sawangkeaw et al., 2010). Supercritical
(Goh and Lee, 2010). Some successful studies fluids that are currently being explored include
of applying mechanical pretreatment to release ethylene, CO2, ethane, methanol, ethanol, ben-
carbohydrate from macroalgae biomass were zene, toluene, and water (Mendes et al., 2003;
reported by Tedesco et al. (2014) and Schultz- Sawangkeaw et al., 2010). Among these, super-
Jensen et al. (2013). critical CO2 has received the most interest,
Apart from mechanical pretreatment, using typically in extraction of pharmaceutical and
ultrasound technology is an alternative way to health-related products from microalgae (Jaime
rupture microalgae for the release of carbohy- et al., 2007; Kitada et al., 2009). Research on the
drate (Zhao et al., 2013). Ultrasound is defined use of supercritical CO2 to extract microalgae
as sound with frequency beyond the capability carbohydrate for bioethanol production has
of the human ear to respond. The normal sound recently been reported (Harun et al., 2010a).
frequency that can be detected by humans lies Harun et al. (2010a) observed that after the pre-
between 16 and 18 kHz; the frequency for ultra- treatment of supercritical CO2, the cell wall of
sound generally lies between 20 kHz and Chlorococum sp. was ruptured due to the high
100 MHz (Vyas et al., 2010). This high-frequency process temperature and pressure. This led to
sound wave will compress and stretch the mo- the release of the carbohydrate embedded in
lecular spacing of a medium through which it the cell wall. From the report, microalgae
passes. Thus, molecules will be continuously biomass with supercritical CO2 gave 60% higher
vibrated and cavities will be created. As a result, ethanol concentration for all samples than the
microfine bubbles are formed through sudden biomass without pretreatment.
5. FERMENTATION PROCESS maximum bioethanol yield produced was
0.213 g ethanol/g biomass (99.8% of the theoret-
Fermentation using sugar derived from ical yield) within 4 h of fermentation time. The
microalgae as substrate for bioethanol produc- study also pointed out that microalgae biomass
tion has been recently explored. There are two after acid hydrolysis process needed to be sepa-
common methods for the fermentation process, rated out from the hydrolysate. This is because
namely separate hydrolysis and fermentation the wet biomass will increase the viscosity in
(SHF), and simultaneous saccharification and the hydrolysate and leads to mass transfer limi-
fermentation (SSF). The following subsections tation during fermentation process, thereby
will discuss the SHF and SSF processes with reducing bioethanol production rate.
emphasis on microalgae biomass. In another study reported by Harun et al.
(2011a), SHF process was applied to produce
bioethanol from C. infusionum. In that study, af-
5.1 SHF Process ter hydrolyzing microalgae biomass with alkali,
For SHF, hydrolysis and fermentation process fermentation was carried out using conventional
are carried out separately using two different re- yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, at 30  C and
actors (Xiros et al., 2013). The advantage of this 200 rpm for 72 h. The highest bioethanol
approach is that hydrolysis and fermentation yield obtained was 26.1 wt% (g ethanol/g micro-
can be carried out independently at their respec- algae) resulting from biomass pretreatment with
tive optimum conditions, such as pH, tempera- 0.75% (w/v) NaOH at 120  C for 30 min. The
ture, and time (Harun et al., 2011b; Xiros et al., study also found that fluctuation of glucose
2013). Thus, during the hydrolysis process using concentration was observed throughout the
acid, alkali, or enzyme, more substrate could be fermentation process. This could be because
produced for subsequent fermentation process. the bioethanol that was produced during the
However, this approach will face some limita- fermentation process was simultaneously being
tions when acid or alkali is used in the hydrolysis used as substrate by yeast (changing in meta-
step. Additional neutralizing and purification bolism) (Piskur et al., 2006) instead of solely
steps are required to neutralize the acid or alkali depending on glucose.
and to remove by-products formed during the
hydrolysis step. On the other hand, if an enzyme
5.2 SSF Process
is used during the hydrolysis step, the accumula-
tion of glucose and cellobiose could lead to inhi- For SSF, hydrolysis and fermentation occur
bition of cellulases that will progressively reduce simultaneously in the same reactor (Hahn-
the hydrolysis rate (Tengborg et al., 2001). H€agerdal et al., 2006). Therefore, inhibition by
The potential of the SHF process in produc- glucose and cellobiose could be minimized
ing bioethanol from microalgae biomass has because both compounds are directly converted
been revealed in recent studies (Guo et al., to bioethanol by yeast (Xiros et al., 2013). SSF
2013; Harun and Danquah, 2011b; Harun would also require lower enzyme loading, and
et al., 2011a,b; Ho et al., 2013a,c; Kim et al., higher bioethanol yield could be attained as
2014). In a study carried out by Ho et al. compared to SHF (Lin and Tanaka, 2006). Other
(2013c), diluted acid hydrolysis on Scenedesmus advantages of SSF are eliminating the needs of
obliquuswas biomass was carried out to obtain separate reactors for saccharification and fermen-
simple reducing sugar (mainly glucose) before tation, shorter fermentation time, and reduced
proceeding to fermentation process by bacte- risk of contamination by external microflora
rium Zymomonas mobilis. Under the fermenta- (Lin and Tanaka, 2006). However, the main draw-
tion condition at 30  C, initial pH of 6, and back of SSF is the need to compromise operating
glucose concentration of 16.0e16.5 g/L, the conditions (e.g., temperature and pH) suitable for

both saccharification and fermentation (Gupta production. The carbohydrates, mainly consisting
and Demirbas, 2010). In addition, recycling of en- of starch, can be hydrolyzed to simple reducing
zymes and yeast is difficult in SSF, which makes sugars through chemical (e.g., diluted H2SO4 or
the process more challenging when considering NaOH) and enzymatic (e.g., amylase and amylo-
scale-up for commercialization purposes glucosidase) methods before proceeding to a
(Olofsson et al., 2008). yeast fermentation process. More research and
Apparently, reports on using SSF process for studies on the life cycle energy and techno-
producing bioethanol from microalgae biomass economic analysis are still required to further
are still scatted in the literature (Harun et al., justify the feasibility of bioethanol production
2011b; Ho et al., 2013a). Ho et al. (2013a) studied from microalgae biomass.
the potential of SSF process by using C. vulgaris
microalgae biomass as the substrate. The Acknowledgments
process was carried by using endoglucanase, The authors would like to acknowledge the funding given by
b-glucosidase, and amylase as the saccharifying Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) Malaysia (long-term
enzymes, while Z. mobilis was used as the Research Grant (LRGS) No. 203/PKT/6723001) and Univer-
fermenting bacterium. The maximum bio- siti Sains Malaysia (Research University Grant No. 814146,
Postgraduate Research Grant Scheme No. 8044031, and
ethanol concentration and bioethanol yield
USM Vice-Chancellor’s Award) for this project.
attained were 4.27 g/L and 92.3%, respectively,
at biomass concentration of 20 g/L, tempera-
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Medicinal Effects of Microalgae-Derived
Fatty Acids
Luísa Barreira1, Hugo Pereira1, Katkam N. Gangadhar1,2,
Luísa Custodio1, Jo~ao Varela1
University of Algarve, CCMAR, Centre of Marine Sciences, Faro, Portugal;
New University of Lisbon, Institute of Chemical and Biological Technology, Lisbon, Portugal

1. INTRODUCTION (Haematococcus pluvialis in the United States

and India; Spolaore et al., 2006).
Humans have long used microalgae as food, Although their protein content was initially
particularly as a source of protein (e.g., Nostoc the driving force for mass production of microal-
in China and Arthrospira (syn. Spirulina) in gae, their content in polyunsaturated fatty acids
Chad and Mexico; Milledge, 2011). However, (PUFAs) is currently recognized as key to their
the chemical composition of microalgae allows overall nutritional value. This is particularly
them to be valuable sources of other compounds true in the aquaculture field, where the biomass
with human interest. Microalgae also produce of Chlorella, Tetraselmis, Isochrysis, Phaeodactylum,
carbohydrates, mainly in the form of starch or Nannochloropsis, Skeletonema, and Spirulina is
glucose, and lipids, mainly in the form of used as feed for larvae of invertebrate and verte-
triacylglycerols (TAG) (Spolaore et al., 2006). brate species with high commercial value
Additionally, they produce secondary metabo- (Roy and Pal, 2014). However, the importance
lites, for example, pigments (e.g., carotenoids, of microalgae as major feedstocks for PUFA pro-
phycobilins), phytosterols, and other com- duction is bound to increase even further in the
pounds with applications in the pharmaceutical near future. For example, diets rich in marine
industry (e.g., dolastatin 10, an antitumoral oily fish with health-promoting PUFA profiles
drug produced by the cyanobacterium Symploca have been highly encouraged by the World
sp.; Borowitzka, 2013). Some of these secondary Health Organization (WHO) (FAO, 2010).
metabolites are already exploited commercially, However, the global depletion of fish stocks
such as b-carotene (Dunaliella salina in Australia, has made this recommendation highly unsus-
Israel, and the United States) or astaxanthin tainable. It is thus clear that alternative sources

Handbook of Marine Microalgae 209 © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

of health-promoting n-3 PUFA, such as eicosa- namely saturated (SFA; 0 double bonds), mono-
pentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) unsaturated (MUFA; 1 double bond), and PUFA
acids, must be found (Adarme-Vega et al., 2014). (2 double bonds). Though the FA profiles may
This chapter addresses the potential of micro- vary considerably among strains, the most abun-
algae as sources of PUFA, in particular of n-3 dant FAs are generally those with an even num-
PUFA, as well as the cultivation of microalgae ber of carbons with chain lengths of 14, 16, and
and how their content in PUFA can be modu- 18 carbons. Table 1 shows the profile of several
lated. How microalgae can be applied as a func- microalgal strains belonging to different classes
tional food, as well as sources of nutraceuticals of the Bacillariophyta, Chlorophyta, Crypto-
and/or pharmaceutical drugs, will also be phyta, Cyanobacteria, Dinophyta, Ochrophyta,
discussed. Haptophyta, and Rhodophyta megagroups.
The most common C14 is usually C14:0 (myristic
acid), and its occurrence and abundance are
2. MICROALGAE AS A SOURCE highly variable among classes and even among
OF PUFA species belonging to the same class. The highest
abundances were found in Cyanobacteria,
2.1 Fatty Acid Profile of Microalgae Bacillariophyta, Dinophyta, and Haptophyta
The fatty acid (FA) profile of different micro- (Table 1). Concerning C16 FA, besides C16:0,
algae species has been extensively analyzed several unsaturated forms of C16 are often
and reviewed by several authors searching for found, such as the MUFA C16:1 (palmitoleic
interesting species with applications not only in acid) and the PUFA C16:2 n-6, C16:3 n-3, C16:3
the aquaculture feed market but also in the n-6, and C16:4 n-3. In general, the C16:0 and
search for and development of new microalgal the C16:1 are the most abundant FA with 16 car-
strains for biodiesel production (Renaud et al., bons, being virtually ubiquitous in all microalgal
1999; Pereira et al., 2011, 2013; Benemann, megagroups. However, C16 PUFA are appar-
2013). The FA profile is generally considered as ently more megagroup specific. For example,
a chemotaxonomic marker to define groups of the C16:4 n-3 is almost restricted to the Bacillar-
various taxonomic ranks. In fact, different algal iophyta, whereas the C16:3 n-3 is more
groups generally show different lipid composi- frequently detected among the Chlorophyta
tions, though FA profiles can be species specific (Table 1). Looking at the C18 FA, the MUFA
as well (Zhukova and Aizdaicher, 1995). C18:1 n-9 and all the C18 PUFA appear to be
Recently, Lang et al. (2011) published an exten- more discriminative than C18:0 or C18:1 n-7.
sive analysis of the FA profiles of more than Specifically, C18:1 n-9 and the C18:2 n-6 are
2000 strains of microalgae from the SAG culture more frequently detected and abundant amid
(Culture Collection of Algae at Goettingen Uni- the Chlorophyta, while the C18:3 n-3 occurs at
versity). In this study, common FA distribution significant levels in Cyanobacteria, Cryptophyta,
patterns were found in species belonging to the and Rhodophyta. Though the C18:4 n-3 PUFA
same phyla or classes; however, at lower taxo- can be found in several different megagroups,
nomic levels, FA contents could be rather vari- its abundance seems to be higher in Chloro-
able (e.g., between closely related species or phyta, in particular, in Nephrophyceae and Pra-
among multiple isolates of the same species; sinophyceae strains (Table 1). The long-chain
Lang et al., 2011). Typically, microalgae display polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA, carbon
FA profiles comprising molecules with a chain chain length  20) are notably abundant in
length of 12e24 carbons and several degrees some strains. C20:4 n-6 (arachidonic acid;AA)
of unsaturation or number of double bonds, is commonly detected at high levels in diatoms
TABLE 1 Fatty Acid Composition of Microalgae Belonging to Different Phyla
FA (% of total)

Species 12:0 14:0 14:1 16:0 16:1 16:2 n-6 16:3 n-3 16:3 n-4 16:4 n-3 18:0 18:1 n-7 18:1 n-9 18:2 n-6 18:3 n-3 18:3 n-6 18:4 n-3 20:4 n-6 20:5 n-3 22:6 n-3 Others


Amphora sp. e 9.7 0.3 19.6 28.0 e e 1.1 e 1.7 0.2 0.5 3.4 0.6 2.7 2.4 4.9 13.9 0.3 10.7
(Renaud et al.,

Nitzchia spp. e 7.4 0.1 24.0 34.2 e e 6.8 e 0.6 1.5 0.5 0.6 0.1 0.5 0.4 8.0 8.4 0.3 6.6
(Renaud et al.,

Phaeodactylum e 7.4 0.1 11.3 21.5 1.0 e 12.3 0.1 0.4 0.5 2.3 1.5 0.9 0.5 0.5 0.3 28.4 0.7 10.3
(Zhukova and

Chaetoceros e 15.0 e 17.3 30.0 1.6 e 7.8 0.1 0.8 0.5 1.4 0.7 0.3 1.1 0.8 1.7 12.8 0.8 7.3
(Zhukova and

Chaetoceros e 14.0 0.6 16.4 14.3 1.0 e 7.9 e 4.8 1.5 4.7 1.8 0.2 0.3 0.3 3.3 18.8 0.6 9.5
(Zhukova and

Skeletonema e 12.7 0.4 9.4 19.0 0.9 e 10.2 e 2.2 e 2.6 1.6 0.2 e 2.9 0.2 15.4 2.3 20.0
(Zhukova and

Thalassiosira e 8.8 e 36.6 28.7 e e e e e e 14.0 e e e e e e e 11.9

(Lang et al.,
2011 (and

TABLE 1 Fatty Acid Composition of Microalgae Belonging to Different Phyladcont’d

FA (% of total)

Species 12:0 14:0 14:1 16:0 16:1 16:2 n-6 16:3 n-3 16:3 n-4 16:4 n-3 18:0 18:1 n-7 18:1 n-9 18:2 n-6 18:3 n-3 18:3 n-6 18:4 n-3 20:4 n-6 20:5 n-3 22:6 n-3 Others

Fragilaria sp. e 1.6 e 32.1 24.6 e e 5.2 e 2.4 1.0 2.6 1.4 1.0 1.1 1.9 8.7 6.8 1.0 8.6
(Renaud et al.,


Chlorella sp. e 2.0 0.5 19.6 6.2 3.6 12.0 e e 3.3 1.6 5.7 11.8 22.3 0.3 0.1 0.5 1.3 e 9.2
(Zhukova and

Dunaliella e 0.6 e 26.0 0.9 e e e e 1.6 e 16.3 7.0 38.7 e 0.6 e e e 8.3
(Lang et al.,
2011 (and

Dunaliella e 0.4 0.1 11.8 2.7 1.1 2.7 e 22.6 0.4 0.4 2.1 4.1 42.6 3.2 1.3 e e e 4.5
(Zhukova and

Dunaliella salina e 0.5 0.1 17.8 0.8 1.5 2.1 0.3 18.2 1.5 0.6 2.8 6.1 36.9 2.5 0.7 e 0.1 e 7.5
(Zhukova and

Dunaliella e 0.3 0.1 10.3 4.0 2.0 3.2 e 23.9 0.3 0.5 1.7 5.2 38.7 3.2 1.3 0.3 0.4 e 4.6
(Zhukova and

Scenedesmus sp. e 1.3 e 20.5 19.0 1.9 2.4 e e 0.8 e 0.9 10.3 39.3 e e e e e 3.6
odio et al.,
Nephroselmis e 1.7 0.6 19.9 5.9 3.1 1.8 e 13.1 2.3 3.8 2.4 3.0 14.0 1.3 18.0 1.9 2.4 3.0 1.8
sp. (Renaud
et al., 1999)

Tetraselmis sp. e 0.7 e 24.9 7.9 1.7 1.9 e e 0.4 e 27.1 21.3 e e e 2.9 9.4 e 1.8
(Custodio et al.,

Tetraselmis e 0.8 0.2 15.9 3.3 0.3 1.2 e 19.9 0.8 3.1 4.6 3.1 15.0 0.2 13.3 0.2 6.7 e 11.4
(Zhukova and

Botryococcus e e e 18.1 9.7 2.2 3.1 e e 0.8 e 35.8 23.2 3.4 e e e e e 3.7
odio et al.,

Nannochloris e e e 32.5 12.1 e 3.8 e e 2.3 e 33.8 15.4 e e e e e e 0.1

sp. (Pereira
et al., 2013)

Parietochloris e e e 19.8 e 5.2 e e e 18.2 e 10.2 14.3 14.3 e e e e e 18.0

incisa (Lang
et al., 2011
(and references

Picochlorum sp. e e e 26.1 12.0 7.2 5.7 e e 3.2 e 22.0 23.8 e e e e e e 0.0
(Pereira et al.,

Desmochloris e e e 33.6 e e 1.3 e e 1.9 e 28.2 28.6 2.2 e e e e e 4.2
sp. (Pereira
et al., 2013)


Chroomonas e 5.0 0.3 13.5 2.0 e e e e 3.0 2.9 2.3 1.2 10.8 e 30.3 2.8 12.9 7.1 5.9
(Zhukova and

TABLE 1 Fatty Acid Composition of Microalgae Belonging to Different Phyladcont’d

FA (% of total)

Species 12:0 14:0 14:1 16:0 16:1 16:2 n-6 16:3 n-3 16:3 n-4 16:4 n-3 18:0 18:1 n-7 18:1 n-9 18:2 n-6 18:3 n-3 18:3 n-6 18:4 n-3 20:4 n-6 20:5 n-3 22:6 n-3 Others

Cryptomonas e 1.0 e 11.9 3.8 e e e e 1.5 1.1 1.1 0.6 25.1 e 30.7 0.2 12.0 6.6 4.4
sp. (Renaud
et al., 1999)

Rhodomonas sp. e 6.4 0.4 13.7 3.5 e e e e 2.5 4.7 2.4 e 25.2 1.8 22.6 e 8.7 4.6 3.5
(Renaud et al.,


Nostoc commune e e e 25.3 24.1 e e e e e e e 12.5 38.1 e e e e e 0.0
(Lang et al.,
2011 (and

Synechocystis e 42.5 e 18.8 30.1 e e e e e e e e 14.2 e e e e e 0.0

sp. (Lang et al.,
2011 (and


Gymnodinium e 12.4 e 26.7 1.8 e e e e 8.5 e 6.5 3.7 7.2 e 15.6 e 0.1 9.5 8.0
(Zhukova and


Nannochloropsis 0.5 4.6 e 15.7 26.9 0.3 e e e 0.3 e 4.3 4.5 e e e e 41.9 e 1.0
(Custodio et al.,

Heterosigma e 6.6 e 40.0 12.7 4.0 e e e e e e 4.5 6.7 e 5.2 3.5 14.8 e 2.0
akashiwo (Lang
et al., 2011 (and

Pavlova lutheri e 10.1 e 11.1 26.3 e e e e e e 5.2 0.6 0.5 e 9.1 0.3 18.0 9.7 9.1
(Lang et al.,
2011 (and

Pavlova salina e 13.1 e 15.1 30.4 0.6 0.1 0.4 e 1.0 0.7 3.1 1.5 e 2.2 4.2 3.7 19.1 1.5 3.3
(Zhukova and

Emiliana huxleyi e 18.8 e 10.3 e e e e e 10.8 e 42.2 e e e 8.7 e e 9.2 0.0
(Lang et al.,
2011 (and

Isochrysis e 18.3 e 14.4 20.5 0.7 e e e 0.3 e 15.2 12.1 e e e 0.7 2.8 12.7 2.3
galbana T-ISO
(Custodio et al.,

Isochrysis sp. e 17.3 0.2 12.0 3.1 e e e e 1.1 1.1 6.9 4.0 5.7 1.0 19.0 e 0.9 9.9 17.8
(Renaud et al.,


Porphyridium e 0.5 e 28.6 1.1 e 0.2 e e 0.8 0.7 1.3 8.2 0.4 0.3 e 27.6 21.1 e 9.2
(Zhukova and

Rhodosorus sp. 7.4 0.4 0.4 24.5 1.6 e e 2.8 e 1.6 2.8 13.9 9.8 20.7 e e 2.5 7.8 0.4 3.4
(Renaud et al.,

(Bacillariophyta). However, even higher con- Although microalgal lipid profiles are un-
tents can be found in the rhodophyte doubtedly an expedient way of deducing the
Porphyridium cruentum (27.6% of total FA). The potential of a microalga as a source of n-3
distribution of the n-3 LC-PUFA, C20:5 n-3 PUFA, one must keep in mind that the amount
(EPA), and C22:6 n-3 (DHA) is further discussed of total lipids in microalgae, and thus the real
below. amount of these compounds in the microalgal
biomass, may vary considerably among strains
(Borowitzka, 2013; Roy and Pal, 2014). In this
2.2 n-3 PUFA in Microalgae sense, higher amounts of EPA are probably
Microalgae are traditionally considered good delivered by diatoms and by Nannochloropsis
sources of PUFA (Borowitzka, 2013). In fact, and Tetraselmis microalgae (Martins et al., 2013;
the data here collected and summarized in Roy and Pal, 2014). Concerning DHA produc-
Table 2, in the form of sums and ratios of partic- tion, Isochrysis galbana and Pavlova lutheri, which
ular FA, agree with this assumption: about 62% possess a lipid composition enriched in this n-3
of the microalgal strains here reviewed possess PUFA (12.7% and 9.7%, respectively) and a total
a ratio of S PUFA over S SFA higher than 1. lipid content of 20e25% of total biomass dry
Moreover, must of these PUFA are n-3 PUFA. weight, are estimated to produce about 2e3 g
In most strains under review, their n-3 PUFA of DHA per 100 g of dry biomass (Fidalgo
content accounts for more than 20% of the total et al., 1998; Rodolfi et al., 2009).
FA, and around 70% of the strains in Table 2
show a S n-3 PUFA/S n-6 PUFA ratio higher
than 1. Strains with exceedingly high levels of
n-3 PUFA (higher than 50% of total FA) can
be found in Chlorophyta, in particular, those
from the genus Dunaliella (Dunaliella maritima,
3.1 Microalgae Cultivation and PUFA
D. salina, and Dunaliella tertiolecta), but also in
the strains Tetraselmis viridis and Nephroselmis
sp., and in Cryptophyta (Chroomonas salina, Large-scale production of microalgae was
Cryptomonas sp., and Rhodomonas sp.). Strains effectively established decades ago, being the
with considerably low n-3 PUFA contents most successful examples of the commercial
(<5% of total FA) are mainly found in Bacillario- production of Chlorella, Spirulina, and D. salina
phyta (Thalassiosira weissflogii) and Chlorophyta (Spolaore et al., 2006). Nowadays, mass produc-
(Desmochloris sp. and Nannochloris sp.). Consid- tion of microalgal biomass is performed
ering just the levels of EPA and DHA, most of autotrophically or heterotrophically, allowing a
the Bacillariophyta, Cryptophyta, Ochrophyta, continuous supply of biomass and secondary
Haptophyta, and Rhodophyta reviewed in this metabolites (e.g., PUFA) from different commer-
study can be considered good sources of cial ventures (Martins et al., 2013).
EPA, ranging from 6.8% (Fragilaria sp.) to Photoautotrophic microalgae use light, nutri-
41.9% (Nannochloropsis oculata). The number of ents, and CO2 to generate chemical energy
strains with high amounts of DHA is far less through photosynthesis. The major advantage
than those with EPA; nonetheless, Cryptophyta, of photoautotrophic growth over heterotrophic
Dinophyta, and Haptophyta microalgae appear is the environmental benefit of CO2 fixation
to be good sources with DHA levels ranging (grossly for each Kg of microalgae produced
from 4.6% (Rhodomonas sp.) to 12.7% (Isochrysis autotrophically 1.8 Kg of CO2 is captured;
galbana; Table 1). Gouveia and Oliveira, 2009). Moreover,
TABLE 2 Fatty Acid Composition, IA and IT of Microalgae from Different Phyla and Classes

S PUFA/ S n-6/
Species S SFA S MUFA S PUFA S SFA S n-3 S n-6 S n-3 IA IT

Amphora sp. (Renaud 31.0 29.0 29.3 0.95 17.2 11.0 0.64 1.02 0.42
et al., 1999)
Nitzchia spp. (Renaud 32.0 36.3 25.1 0.78 9.20 9.10 0.99 0.98 0.62
et al., 1999)
Phaeodactylum 19.1 24.4 46.2 2.42 30.6 3.30 0.11 0.70 0.17
tricornutum (Zhukova
and Aizdaicher, 1995)
Chaetoceros muelleri 33.1 31.9 27.7 0.84 14.8 5.10 0.34 1.49 0.50
(Zhukova and
Aizdaicher, 1995)

Chaetoceros constrictus 35.2 21.1 34.2 0.97 19.9 6.40 0.32 1.53 0.46
(Zhukova and
Aizdaicher, 1995)
Skeletonema costatum 24.3 22.0 33.7 1.39 20.8 2.70 0.13 1.32 0.29
(Zhukova and
Aizdaicher, 1995)
Thalassiosira weissflogii 45.4 42.7 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 e 1.68 2.13
(Lang et al., 2011 (and
references therein))
Fragilaria sp. (Renaud 36.1 28.2 27.1 0.75 10.7 11.2 1.05 0.77 0.68
et al., 1999)

Chlorella sp. (Zhukova 24.9 14.0 51.9 2.08 35.7 16.2 0.45 0.42 0.20
and Aizdaicher, 1995)
Dunaliella primolecta 28.2 17.2 46.3 1.64 39.3 7.00 0.18 0.45 0.21
(Lang et al., 2011 (and
references therein))
Dunaliella maritima 12.6 5.30 77.6 6.16 69.2 8.40 0.12 0.16 0.06
(Zhukova and
Aizdaicher, 1995)

Dunaliella salina 19.8 4.30 68.4 3.45 58.0 10.1 0.17 0.27 0.11
(Zhukova and
Aizdaicher, 1995)


TABLE 2 Fatty Acid Composition, IA and IT of Microalgae from Different Phyla and Classesdcont’d

S PUFA/ S n-6/
Species S SFA S MUFA S PUFA S SFA S n-3 S n-6 S n-3 IA IT

Dunaliella tertiolecta 10.9 6.30 78.2 7.17 67.5 10.7 0.16 0.14 0.05
(Zhukova and
Aizdaicher, 1995)

Scenedesmus sp. 22.6 19.9 53.9 2.38 41.7 12.2 0.29 0.35 0.16
odio et al., 2014a)
Nephroselmis sp. 23.9 12.7 61.6 2.58 52.3 9.30 0.18 0.36 0.14
(Renaud et al., 1999)
Tetraselmis sp. 26.0 35.0 37.2 1.43 11.3 25.9 2.29 0.38 0.40
(Custodio et al., 2014a)
Tetraselmis viridis 17.5 11.2 59.9 3.42 56.1 3.80 0.07 0.27 0.09
(Zhukova and
Aizdaicher, 1995)
Botryococcus braunii 18.9 45.5 31.9 1.69 6.50 25.4 3.91 0.23 0.34
odio et al.,
Nannochloris sp. (Pereira 34.8 45.9 19.2 0.55 3.80 15.4 4.05 0.50 0.82
et al., 2013)
Parietochloris incisa 38.0 10.2 33.8 0.89 14.3 19.5 1.36 0.45 0.65
(Lang et al., 2011 (and
references therein))

Picochlorum sp. (Pereira 29.3 34.0 36.7 1.25 5.70 31.0 5.44 0.37 0.59
et al., 2013)
Desmochloris sp. (Pereira 35.5 28.2 32.1 0.90 3.50 28.6 8.17 0.56 0.91
et al., 2013)

Chroomonas salina 21.5 7.50 65.1 3.03 61.1 4.00 0.07 0.46 0.11
(Zhukova and
Aizdaicher, 1995)
Cryptomonas sp. 14.4 6.00 75.2 5.22 74.4 0.80 0.01 0.20 0.05
(Renaud et al., 1999)
Rhodomonas sp. (Renaud 22.6 11.0 62.9 2.78 61.1 1.80 0.03 0.53 0.10
et al., 1999)
TABLE 2 Fatty Acid Composition, IA and IT of Microalgae from Different Phyla and Classesdcont’d

S PUFA/ S n-6/
Species S SFA S MUFA S PUFA S SFA S n-3 S n-6 S n-3 IA IT

Nostoc commune (Lang 25.3 24.1 50.6 2.00 38.1 12.5 0.33 0.34 0.19
et al., 2011 (and
references therein))
Synechocystis sp. (Lang 61.3 30.1 14.2 0.23 14.2 0.00 0.00 4.26 1.06
et al., 2011 (and
references therein))

Gymnodinium 47.6 8.30 36.1 0.76 32.4 3.70 0.11 1.72 0.43
kowalevskii (Zhukova
and Aizdaicher, 1995)

Nannochloropsis oculata 21.1 31.2 46.7 2.21 41.9 4.80 0.11 0.44 0.14
odio et al.,
Heterosigma akashiwo 46.6 12.7 38.7 0.83 26.7 12.0 0.45 1.29 0.49
(Lang et al., 2011 (and
references therein))

Pavlova lutheri (Lang 21.2 31.5 38.2 1.80 37.3 0.90 0.02 0.74 0.13
et al., 2011 (and
references therein))
Pavlova salina (Zhukova 29.2 34.2 33.3 1.14 24.9 8.00 0.32 1.01 0.30
and Aizdaicher, 1995)
Emiliania huxleyi (Lang 39.9 42.2 17.9 0.45 17.9 0.00 0.00 1.42 0.53
et al., 2011 (and
references therein))
Isochrysis galbana T-ISO 33.0 35.7 29.0 0.88 15.5 13.5 0.87 1.35 0.46
(Custodio et al., 2014a)
Isochrysis sp. (Renaud 30.4 11.3 40.5 1.33 35.5 5.00 0.14 1.57 0.25
et al., 1999)


TABLE 2 Fatty Acid Composition, IA and IT of Microalgae from Different Phyla and Classesdcont’d

S PUFA/ S n-6/
Species S SFA S MUFA S PUFA S SFA S n-3 S n-6 S n-3 IA IT

Porphyridium cruentum 29.9 3.10 57.8 1.93 21.7 36.1 1.66 0.50 0.35
(Zhukova and
Aizdaicher, 1995)
Rhodosorus sp. (Renaud 33.9 18.7 44.0 1.30 28.9 12.3 0.43 0.56 0.25
et al., 1999)

photoautotrophic microalgae can grow in waste- of D. salina grown under high salinity, which
water, recycling the nutrients present in the prevents the proliferation of other microalgae
water. However, apart from bioremediation, (Borowitzka, 1999). Another serious limitation
nutrient availability is considered a serious is that controlling and regulating the culture con-
constraint for industrial production of microal- ditions are very difficult or virtually impossible
gae (Chisti, 2013). Large-scale production of (Pulz, 2001), which can be a serious disadvan-
photoautotrophic microalgae is commonly tage for most sensitive strains. Moreover, light
achieved in two distinct culture systems: open penetration and the surface-to-volume ratio in
(e.g., open ponds and raceways) and closed sys- open systems are lower than in closed systems,
tems (photobioreactors; PBRs). leading to lower volumetric productivities
Commercial production of microalgae in open (Pienkos and Darzins, 2009).
systems has been fully established by different
microalgae ventures (e.g., Qualitas Health,
Aurora Algae) that use open ponds and race-
ways for mass cultivation (Figure 1), being the
cultured biomass later processed into commer-
cial oil enriched in PUFA (Martins et al., 2013).
The main advantages of open systems over
closed systems are the initial lower capital costs
coupled with low maintenance and reduced
energy requirements (Lee, 2001). The main
drawback of open systems is their higher suscep-
tibility to contamination, since cultures are
directly exposed to the environment (Pulz,
2001). For this reason, only a narrow number of
strains, which withstand specific culture condi-
tions (e.g., high salinity, extreme pH) or display
higher growth rates than competing microorgan- FIGURE 1 Small-scale raceway for microalgae produc-
isms, can be cultivated in monoculture (Lee, tion. Depicted image was kindly provided by Necton S.A.
2001). One key example is the large-scale culture (Algarve, Portugal).

(a) (b)

FIGURE 2 Examples of closed systems used for commercial mass cultivation of microalgae biomass at the facilities of
Necton S.A. (Algarve, Portugal). (a) Tubular photobioreactor. (b) Flat panel flow through photobioreactor.

Microalgae cultivation in closed systems is per- energy sources. Heterotrophic cultures can lead
formed in specialized systems commonly called to significantly higher biomass and lipid produc-
PBR (Figure 2). To date, several PBRs have been tivities, being thus an alternative to photoautotro-
developed and optimized for different microalgal phic growth systems (O’Grady and Morgan,
strains. However, for large-scale commercial 2010). Large-scale production of heterotrophic
systems, they can be divided into three main microalgae is performed in conventional bioreac-
categories: tubular (horizontal), air-lifts (vertical), tors/fermenters. Although this technology is
and flat panel flow through PBR (Sierra et al., expensive, it can be used for large-scale produc-
2008; Kunjapur and Eldridge, 2010). PBRs display tion of biomass containing high levels of valuable
key advantages over open systems for large-scale metabolites (Lee, 2001). Currently, most of the
production of microalgae; since the system is heterotrophic production of biomass is devoted
closed, cultures are less prone to contamination to PUFA production (Bumbak et al., 2011).
and culture conditions can easily be controlled Nowadays, different commercial ventures (e.g.,
and manipulated (Lee, 2001). PBRs are thus DSM-NP, Source-Omega) provide purified
known to display significantly higher biomass DHA-rich oil obtained from microalgae grown
productivities, also enabling the culture of sensi- heterotrophically (Martins et al., 2013). Although
tive strains (Ugwu et al., 2008). High investment heterotrophic growth presents promising advan-
and operational costs (e.g., capital, maintenance, tages for PUFA production, there are still some
and energy; Carvalho et al., 2006) are important drawbacks that need to be considered: (1) the
economic constraints as far as their widespread addition of energy and of an organic carbon
use is concerned. However, further developments source to the media present significant costs; (2)
in PBR design, and implementation of large-scale only a restricted number of strains are able to
facilities, mainly driven by the research in the grow heterotrophically; (3) there is a high risk
field of biofuels, are expected to decrease these of contamination; and (4) excess organic sub-
costs, enabling the culture of microalgal biomass strate might inhibit culture growth (Chen, 1996).
for the exploitation of high-value products, such
as PUFA.
Instead of atmospheric CO2 and light, hetero-
3.2 Modulation of PUFA Content
trophic microalgae use dissolved organic com- Microalgae biomass is known to present
pounds (e.g., glucose, acetate) as carbon and different biochemical profiles under different

culture conditions. Lipid synthesis is affected by light irradiance) generally result in decreased
the imposition of unfavorable/stressful condi- amounts of PUFA in the lipid fraction despite
tions in microalgal cells, causing considerable the overall increase in total lipids and TAG
alterations in the lipid content as well as in the (Khozin-Goldberg et al., 2011; Guiheneuf and
FA composition of the produced biomass (Hu Stengel, 2013). Under these conditions, cells shift
et al., 2008). Therefore, the manipulation of culti- their metabolism in order to store energy in the
vation parameters is a key strategy for the mod- form of TAG, which usually contain SFA and
ulation of the biochemical profile in microalgae MUFA rather than PUFA. However, this lower
cells in order to obtain the target end product. unsaturation levels can be prevented if the right
The understanding of lipid biosynthesis mecha- strain and experimental conditions are selected
nisms is essential for the modulation of FA pro- (Griffiths et al., 2012). Indeed, Guiheneuf and
duction under mass cultivation of microalgae Stengel (2013) have recently reported that inor-
with the purpose of increasing the production ganic carbon availability is a major factor
of n-3 PUFA. limiting the accumulation of n-3 PUFA under
Lipids are present in different structures nutrient depletion in P. lutheri. In this study,
within microalgal cells, mainly in the form of bicarbonate addition improved biomass produc-
structural (polar lipids) and storage lipids tivity under nutrient depletion, which was
(nonpolar lipids). Structural lipids are present accompanied by improved accumulation of
in cell membranes in the form of glycerol-based EPA and DHA in TAG. This result highlights
phospholipids and glycolipids and are known how little is known about the way metabolic
to contain high levels of PUFA. Conversely, stor- pathways leading to n-3 PUFA production in
age lipids tend to accumulate SFA and MUFA in microalgae are regulated. Therefore, further
TAG, forming intracellular lipid droplets in the research is urgently needed in order to under-
cytosol and/or in the chloroplast. There are, stand how specific genomes respond to environ-
however, exceptions, as it has been found that mental cues, such as bicarbonate.
a limited number of strains are able to accumu- Temperature shifts are probably one of the
late significant amounts of PUFA in TAG as most studied procedures for modulating the
well (Khozin-Goldberg et al., 2002). TAGs are FA profile of living cells. Generally, FA profiles
used by cells as an energy-rich carbon source present higher degrees of unsaturation when
when culture conditions are favorable for the biomass is cultured under low temperatures,
growth; under unfavorable/stressful conditions, while higher temperatures generally increase the
when growth is reduced, cells tend to accumu- saturation of the lipid fraction (Sharma et al.,
late FAs in the form of TAG (up to 70% of total 2012). Temperature shifts have successfully
dried biomass) as an energy storage product been used to increase the content of EPA and
(Hu et al., 2008). DHA in different microalgae (Jiang and Chen,
Different culture parameters (nutrient levels, 2000; Jiang and Gao, 2004). This change in satu-
temperature, photon flux densities, pH, osmotic ration allows the cell to counteract alterations in
stress, among others) can be manipulated during membrane fluidity caused by the temperature
the cultivation of microalgal strains in order to shift, ensuring that cell integrity and physiolog-
enhance the total lipid content of biomass ical functions are maintained (Jiang and Chen,
(Sharma et al., 2012). Among these, limitation 2000). However, modulation of PUFA in large-
of nutrient levels is one of the most studied scale production systems through the regulation
and most effective procedures for high lipid of cultivation temperature can only be per-
induction. Unfortunately, nutrient depletion as formed in closed systems and has never been
well as other stressful conditions (e.g., salinity, reported.

3.3 Expedite Methods of PUFA To concentrate and/or enrich in PUFA the

Detection and Quantification extracts from natural sources such as fish or
microalgal oils, several approaches have been
The detection and quantification of PUFA established, such as thin-layer chromatog-
(and other FA) in microalgae and other sources raphy (TLC), molecular or fractional distilla-
of biomass are commonly performed by tion, liquideliquid extraction, membrane
chromatographic techniques, mainly gas chro- filtration, silver-based chromatography, urea
matography (GC) coupled with an appropriate complexation, supercritical fluid, supercritical
detector, such as mass spectrometry (GC-MS) fluid chromatography/or semipreparative
or flame ionization detector (GC-FID). However, supercritical fluid chromatography, metal ion
alternative methods that are able to accurately complexation extraction, low-temperature
determine total saturated and unsaturated FA crystallization, and lipase-catalyzed hydrolysis
composition in oils have successfully been or transesterification (Nakano et al., 2008;
established. Examples are mass spectroscopy, Rubio-Rodríguez et al., 2010; Dillon et al., 2013
Raman spectroscopy, FTIR, and 1H-NMR and references therein). Each method has innate
(Dong et al., 2013; Nuzzo et al., 2013; Vongsvivut advantages and disadvantages, and most of
et al., 2014). The latter methodologies were them are difficult to scale up or are energetically
shown to possess several advantages over inefficient.
chromatographic techniques including speed, A well-known approach is based on the
cost effectiveness, eco-friendliness, and suit- complexation of SFA/or esters with urea, which
ability for routine research and industrial pur- is a rather efficient and simple method (Hayes
poses. Nevertheless, for precise determination et al., 1998). Using this method, Crypthecodinium
and purification of PUFA, chromatographic cohnii microalgae oil was enriched in DHA (from
methods are still more accurate than spectro- 47.4% to 97.1%), with a process yield of 32.5% of
scopic analyses. the weight of the parent oil (Senanayake, 2010).
Still, urea can lead to the formation of carcino-
genic ethyl or methyl carbamates, and it can
3.4 PUFA Extraction from Microalgae
only be applied for oils with low amounts of
In order to separate the PUFA from microal- SFA (Baeza-Jimenez et al., 2014). Therefore, an
gae, crude lipids must first be extracted from integrated/or a combination of two or more of
the biomass. Various methods have been estab- the described methods is advised. For example,
lished for lipid extraction from microalgae: (1) Mendes et al. (2007) reported a four-step method
mechanical (e.g., expeller, bead-beating, or high to obtain DHA (99% pure) from C. cohnii oil,
pressure homogenization) and (2) chemical which involves saponification (i.e., liquideliquid
(e.g., solvent, enzymatic, supercritical fluid, or extraction for the separation of unsaponifiable
ionic liquids)dthe most common are solvent- matter), methylation, winterization (e.g., cool-
based extractions, which are generally coupled ing) followed by urea complexation. However,
with methods for cell disruption such as micro- it relies on the use of strong bases (e.g., NaOH)
waves, ultrasonication and/or autoclave, and and large amounts of organic solvents to solubi-
pressurized fluid extractions (Grimi et al., 2014 lize all components and to perform the necessary
and references therein). After the extraction, extraction steps (Baeza-Jimenez et al., 2014).
lipids need to be converted into Fatty Acid Even though several methods exist, an efficient,
Methyl Esters (FAME) by hydrolysis and/or simple, and inexpensive procedure for the pro-
transesterification using either chemical or enzy- duction of a product enriched in n-3 PUFA (i.e.,
matic catalysts (Takisawa et al., 2013). EPA and DHA) is still required to meet the

future demand for highly pure/or EPA and with EPA and DHA are helpful in the primary
DHA enriched products. prevention of CHD and post-MI, sudden car-
diac death (SCD), heart failure (HF), atheroscle-
rosis, and atrial fibrillation (AF; Lavie et al.,
4. n-3 PUFA HEALTH BENEFITS 2009; Swanson et al., 2012).
Deficits in n-3 PUFA dietary intake, however,
Health benefits of PUFA were first described may not be the only cause of CVD. The Western
in the 1930s. While experimenting with rats, diet has become increasingly rich in n-6 PUFA in
Burr and Burr (1930) observed that rats fed detriment of the n-3 PUFA (Blasbalg et al., 2011).
with fat-free diet would develop skin, kidney, Whereas it is believed that the human race has
and ovary lesions leading to deficiencies in evolved on a w1 ratio between n-6 and n-3
reproduction and often death. Such conditions PUFA, nowadays this ratio is close to 15:1 or
could, however, be ameliorated by treatment 16:1 (Simopoulos, 2002). The PUFA composition
with linoleic acid (PUFA) or complex unsatu- of cell membranes is generally determined by the
rated oils (e.g., corn oil or linseed oil, which profile of the FA ingested, and, since mammalian
are rich in PUFA) but not with oleic acid cells cannot convert n-6 PUFA to n-3 PUFA due
(MUFA) or saturated FAs. Burr concluded that to a lack of the converting enzyme, the composi-
linoleic acid, and possibly other PUFAs, were tion of cell membranes will reflect the ratio of n-3
essential for healthy nutrition (Burr and Burr, PUFA/n-6 PUFA of the diet. The proportion of
1930). From this study onwards an increasing each FA in the membrane is bound to have an
amount of evidence suggests that PUFA and effect on its fluidity hence affecting its function
n-3 PUFA, in particular, produce several (Candela et al., 2011). A diet enriched in EPA
health benefits including: (1) prevention of and DHA is able to replace the n-6 PUFA (e.g.,
cardiovascular diseases; (2) prevention and arachidonic acid (AA)), in membranes of prob-
treatment of inflammatory conditions; and (3) ably every cell (Figure 3; Simopoulos, 2002).
aid brain development and function (Ruxton Since the oxidation of AA may lead to the pro-
et al., 2004). duction of prostaglandins, thromboxanes, leuko-
trienes, hydroxy fatty acids, and lipoxins, which
can, when in large quantities, contribute to the
4.1 Cardiovascular Diseases
formation of thrombus and atheromas, a diet
The role of n-3 PUFA in the prevention of rich in n-6 PUFA may induce pro-thrombotic
cardiovascular diseases (CVD) is probably and pro-aggregatory processes and lead to
the most consensual. The meta-analysis CVD (Simopoulos, 1991; Candela et al., 2011).
concluded that n-3 PUFA could reduce overall Recently, a behavioral study performed with
mortality, mortality because of myocardial men and women with MI, stroke, angina pecto-
infarction (MI) and sudden death in patients ris, coronary angioplasty, and coronary bypass
with coronary heart disease (CHD). Several associated the adherence to a Mediterranean-
observational studies have related fish-eating style diet (e.g., richer in n-3 than in n-6 PUFA)
habits (e.g., higher ingestion of n-3 PUFA) with lower all-cause mortality in individuals
with lower rates of CVD, improvement in with CVD (Lopez-Garcia et al., 2013).
the high-density lipoprotein (HDL) to low-
density lipoprotein (LDL) ratios, and low
levels of blood triglycerides (Sidhu, 2003;
4.2 Inflammatory Disease
Ruxton et al., 2004). Clinical trials have also Inflammation is a process designed to deal
demonstrated that dietary supplementation with injury, invading pathogens, allergens, and

FIGURE 3 n-3 and n-6 PUFA biosynthetic pathway showing the oxidative metabolism of arachidonic acid (C20:4 n-6) and
EPA (C22:5 n-3) by the cyclooxygenase and 5-lipoxygenase pathways.

toxins leading to damaged tissue repair (Rangel- and acute respiratory syndrome are character-
Huerta et al., 2012). It involves the timely release ized by high levels of TNF-a, IL-1, and IL-6
of mediators and expression of receptors such as (Rangel-Huerta et al., 2012). n-3 and n-6 PUFA
acute phase protein reactants (C-reactive pro- compete in the oxidative metabolism that leads
tein; CRP), vasoactive amines, vasoactive pep- to prostaglandin formationdhigher dietary
tides, lipid mediators (e.g., eicosanoids such as levels of n-6 PUFA lead to the formation of IL-
prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and leukotriene B4 1 and IL-6 and are associated with higher levels
(LTB4), docosanoids and platelet-activating fac- of thromboxane A2 (TXA2) and LTB4 (Figure 3).
tors), cytokines (e.g., tumor necrosis factor In fact, EPA and DHA have been reported to
(TNF-a), interleukins (IL-1, IL-6, IL-8)), chemo- decrease circulating levels of CRP, TNF-a, IL-1,
kines (e.g., monocyte chemotactic protein 1 and IL-6 and hence may be related to anti-
(MCP-1) and macrophage inflammatory protein inflammatory processes (Swanson et al., 2012).
1 alpha (MIP-1a)) and proteolytic enzymes Part of the anti-inflammatory effects of n-3
(Rangel-Huerta et al., 2012). Chronic inflamma- PUFA may be related to the inhibition of the
tion diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and in- 5-lipoxygenase pathway in neutrophils and
flammatory bowel disease and pathological monocytes that lead to lower levels of LTB4
inflammatory responses like endotoxic shock (Simopoulos, 2002). In randomized controlled

trials in humans, the consumption of n-3 related to mental health and behavior, including
LCPUFA decreased the plasma levels of pro- attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder
inflammatory n-6 eicosanoids and cytokines and (ADHD), depression, age-related cognitive
was associated with reduced levels of some in- decline, and neurodegenerative conditions such
flammatory biomarkers in plasma (James and as Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and Parkinson’s dis-
Cleland, 1997; Rangel-Huerta et al., 2012). ease (PD; Ruxton et al., 2004; Chang et al., 2009;
Bradbury, 2011; Simopoulos, 2011). ADHD is
characterized by hyperactive and impulsive
4.3 Brain Development and Function behavior, and attention deficit, and researchers
have found that these symptoms are often asso-
The brain is mostly made of fat and contains
ciated with lower levels of n-3 PUFA (Chang
high amounts of AA and DHA. It is believed
et al., 2009). However, RCTs have failed to
that these FA, DHA in particular, enable
neuronal membranes fluidity and help to regu- demonstrate that such conditions may be
reversed by treatment with EPA and DHA
late neurotransmitters, both being central func-
(Ruxton et al., 2004).
tions for optimal brain performance (Chang
The possible link between depression and n-3
et al., 2009). Experiments with pregnant rats
PUFA deficiency or imbalance between n-6 and
led to the conclusion that DHA deficiency dur-
n-3 PUFA may be provided by evidence in
ing brain maturation reduces its plasticity and
which the psychological stress in humans in-
impairs brain function in adulthood (Bhatia
duces the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines
et al., 2011). Therefore, it appears that n-3
PUFA are essential for fetal brain development, such as TNFa and IL-6 (Simopoulos, 2011).
However, Tiemeier et al. (2003), working with
and since they must be supplied to the fetus
the elderly, found that depressed subjects had a
through the mother, it is crucial that pregnant
significantly higher ratio of n-6 to n-3 PUFA,
women include EPA and DHA in their diet
and that this relationship was not secondary to
(Ruxton et al., 2004; Food and Agriculture
inflammation or atherosclerosis, indicating that
Organization of the United Nations, 2010).
there might be a direct link between fatty acid
This has also been assessed through several
composition and mood. Clinical trials, however,
randomized clinical trial (RCT), which link
maternal DHA intake with several benefits in provide conflicting results with evidence of both
positive or absence of beneficial results from the
infants, namely: problem-solving skills (at
intake of n-3 PUFA in the treatment of depres-
9 months old), better eye-and-hand coordina-
sion symptoms (Simopoulos et al., 2011).
tion (at 2.5 years old), decreased incidence of
Recently, DHA has been established as a
asthma (at 16 years old) and allergies, and
precursor for the synthesis of a newly identi-
decreased release of maternal and fetal inflam-
fied neuroprotectin, a docosanoid found in ner-
matory markers, which may be related to pre-
vous tissues, which is thought to induce nerve
term labor (see Swanson et al., 2012 and
references therein). regeneration. This discovery unveils new ther-
apeutic opportunities in the treatment of
neurodegenerative diseases like AD (Bradbury,
4.4 Mental Health and Behavioral 2011). In addition, epidemiological studies have
found an inverse relationship between fish con-
sumption and the risk of developing dementia
The imbalance in FA composition of the or AD, indicating that relatively high intakes
brain has been linked to several other disorders of DHA and EPA are linked to lower risks of
dementia incidence or progression (Chang PUFA sources. These include farmed fish, oleag-
et al., 2009). inous plants, and large-scale production of
Marine microalgae seem to be one of the best
5. MICROALGAE AS FUNCTIONAL alternatives since they are the primary producers
FOODS AND SOURCES OF of n-3 PUFA and therefore contain all the genes
PHARMACEUTICAL DRUGS encoding the enzymes required for the synthesis
of EPA and DHA (Vaezi et al., 2013). In
Considering some of the more well- Section 2.2, the best sources of microalgal n-3
established health benefits of n-3 PUFA ingestion PUFA were identified, based not only on their
mentioned in the last section, several organiza- lipid profiles but also on their total lipid produc-
tions such as the WHO, Food and Agriculture tion, which resulted in higher net production of
Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and n-3 PUFA. The importance of microalgae, how-
North American Treaty Organization (NATO) ever, lies beyond a good source of n-3 PUFA;
have proposed the following daily dietary in- some microalgae strains also present balanced
takes: (1) general adult population, 300e400 mg PUFA composition. Table 2 presents, in addition
of EPA þ DHA; (2) pregnant/lactating women, to total n-3 PUFA contents, the n-6 to n-3 PUFA
200 mg of DHA; and (3) children (2e10 years), ratios and the indexes of atherogenicity (IA) and
100e250 mg of EPA þ DHA (Simopoulos, 1989; of thrombogenicity (IT). The significance of a low
FAO, 2010). n-6 to n-3 PUFA ratio was already amply dis-
The amounts described are total daily cussed in the previous section and almost all of
amounts independent of their source: whole the microalgal strains here reviewed have very
foods (e.g., oily fish, seeds), supplemented low amounts of n-6 compared to n-3 PUFA:
foods (e.g., designer eggs or meat enriched in over 75% of the strains have a ratio lower than
n-3 PUFA), or dietary supplements (e.g., fish- 1% and 67% a ratio lower than 0.5. The IA and
oil capsules) (FAO, 2010; Plaza et al., 2009; IT indexes may be used to estimate the lipid
Swanson et al., 2012). It is estimated that the quality of several foods, in order to predict its
ingestion of one to four portions of oily fish cardiovascular-related health benefits (Ulbricht
per week could represent an average daily and Southgate, 1991). The IA is a ratio between
intake of EPA plus DHA of 0.45e0.9 g, which the main classes of saturated and unsaturated
is more than the amount proposed for the gen- FA. Since the first are considered pro-
eral adult population (Ruxton et al., 2004). atherogenic and the latter anti-atherogenic, a
Considering the close-to-depletion state of low IA ratio is desirable (Garaffo et al., 2011).
some populations of fish in the oceans, it is The IT is related to the tendency to form clots
debatable if fish captures can sustain the global in the blood vessels and is defined as the rela-
demand required to supply all the n-3 PUFA tionship between the pro-thrombogenetic (satu-
(Adarme-Vega et al., 2014). Moreover, safety rated FA) and the anti-thrombogenetic (MUFA
concerns have been raised concerning the and n-3 and n-6 PUFA). Similarly to IA, a low
contamination of wild fish with metals (e.g., value of IT is also desirable (Garaffo et al.,
methyl mercury), persistent organic pollutants 2011). The majority of the strains reviewed in
(e.g., polychlorinated biphenyls, dioxins, and this work (around 67%) have low IA values
organochloride pesticides), and other environ- (e.g., lower than 1). The lowest values, however,
mental contaminants (Verbeke et al., 2005). are found in the Chlorophyta megagroup, in
These issues have promoted efforts toward which all the strains reviewed have IA values
land-based production of alternative n-3 close to or lower than 0.5. These IA values are

similar to those of olive oil (0.14), sunflower oil of dry algal biomass), or Spirulina (Arthospira) as
(0.07), raw mackerel (0.28), or the Eskimos’ diet a source of linolenic acid (e.g., DIC producing
(0.39), and considerably lower than those of 300 t/year; Spolaore et al., 2006; Milledge,
lamb (1.00) or beef meat (0.70e0.74; Ulbricht 2011). Most of these products are sold and
and Southgate, 1991), or even of raw tuna advertised as preventing atherosclerosis and
(0.69e0.76; Garaffo et al., 2011). Concerning the hypercholesterol, among others (Milledge, 2011).
IT index, the results are overwhelming: around A large number of investments are currently
73% of the microalgal strains in Table 2 have being made in the food industry. Consumers
an index of thrombogenicity lower than 0.5, sug- are increasingly aware of the importance of
gesting their biomass is healthier than all types healthy eating habits, allowing for the expansion
of meat and again comparable to other sources of markets such as that of “functional foods”
of n-3 PUFA such as olive oil (0.32), sunflower (Bigliardi and Galati, 2013). “Functional foods”
oil (0.28), raw mackerel (0.16; Ulbricht and are defined by the Functional Food Center as
Southgate, 1991), or raw tuna (0.27e0.28; “Natural or processed foods that contains [sic]
Garaffo et al., 2011). known or unknown biologically-active com-
Despite the growing evidence of the future pounds; which, in defined quantitative and qual-
role of microalgae as sources of n-3 PUFA, few itative amounts, provide a clinically proven and
clinical studies are found in the literature in documented health benefit for the prevention,
which microalgae or microalgal-derived oil sup- management, or treatment of chronic disease”
plements have been used. Nonetheless, a (; and their market is
DHA-rich, but almost EPA-free, microalgal oil expected to display the highest growth index,
(Ulkenia sp.) supplementation was shown to especially in Europe and Asia (Borowitzka,
improve some CHD risk factors such as plasma 2013).
triacylglycerol (TG) and TG:HDL cholesterol ra- This chapter has provided a comprehensive
tio in a randomized trial (Geppert et al., 2006). picture of the microalgal content of n-3 PUFA
Similar effects were observed with several inde- and of the health benefits associated with the
pendent human clinical trials in which both consumption of these compounds in addition
healthy and CVD and diabetes patients took to their placement in the markets as functional
supplements of Spirulina spp (Deng and Chow, ingredients or functional foods. Several species
2010 and references therein). are already commercially available and have
Notwithstanding the lack of evidence sup- proven to be nontoxic for human consumption,
ported by clinical trials involving microalgae or providing a safe and viable alternative to fish
microalgal-oil supplementation, some com- products as sources of health-promoting com-
panies currently produce a DHA-enriched prod- modities as the n-3 PUFA.
uct resulting from the blend of sunflower oil
with oil extracted from the heterotrophic thraus-
tochytrids Crypthecodinium (e.g., DSM-NP life’s References
DHATM), Schizochytrium (DSM-NP life’s DHA Adarme-Vega, T.C., Thomas-Hall, S.R., Schenk, P.M., 2014.
plus EPATM) and Ulkenia (Lonza DHAidÔ ) Towards sustainable sources for omega-3 fatty acids
and an EPA-enriched oil from the Chlorophyta production. Curr. Opin. Biotechnol. 26, 14e18.
N. oculata (e.g., Qualitas Health EicoOilÔ ; Baeza-Jimenez, R., No, D.S., Otero, C., Garcia, H.S., Lee, J.S.,
Martins et al., 2013). Whole microalgal products Kim, I.H., 2014. Lipase-catalyzed enrichment of
g-linolenic acid from evening primrose oil in a solvent-
have also reached the markets as “health foods”; free system. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 91, 1147e1153.
these include Chlorella sp. (e.g., Taiwan Chlorella Benemann, J., 2013. Microalgae for biofuels and animal feeds.
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Innovative Microalgae Pigments as
Functional Ingredients in Nutrition
Efterpi Christaki, Eleftherios Bonos, Panagiota Florou-Paneri
Laboratory of Nutrition, School of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences,
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece

1. INTRODUCTION in biotechnology (Gouveia et al., 2008; Christaki

et al., 2011; Borowitzka, 2013).
Isolating and identifying bioactive com-
pounds from marine microalgae have emerged
as a recent trend, mainly to develop new func- 2. MICROALGAE
tional foods. The interest in functional food in-
gredients derived from microalgae in relation For centuries, microalgae have been recog-
to nutritional genomics (nutrigenomics and nized as the basis of the food chain in aquatic
nutrigenetics) aims to minimize the risk of ecosystems. They are primitive prokaryotic
chronic diseases that have a genetic predisposi- (e.g., cyanobacteria: blue-green algae) or eukary-
tion (Simopoulos, 2010; Cadoret et al., 2012; otic (e.g., chlorophyta: green algae) photosyn-
Freitas et al., 2012). From a biotechnological thetic microorganisms, which range in diameter
point of view, a great deal of interest has from 0.2 to 2.0 mm (Richmond, 2004; Lordan
been expressed for the commercial large-scale et al., 2011). Because of their simple structure,
production of microalgae; several different they can grow rapidly and live in harsh environ-
research fields are exploring the use of algal mental conditions such as heat, cold, anaerobi-
biomass. osis, salinity, and exposure to ultraviolet
Due to their abundant availability in the radiation (Richmond, 2004; Batista et al., 2013).
aquatic ecosystem, microalgae have the potential Microalgae, as an alternative to higher plants,
to become excellent sources of high-biological- have the ability to be cultivated on nonarable
value compounds with health benefits, such as land or seashores; consequently, they do not
lipids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, proteins, vi- compete with food and feed cultivation. For
tamins, minerals, and pigments, which can be these reasons, microalgal biomass is attracting
used in different markets. Thus, microalgae worldwide attention to satisfy the so-called
represent an important and dynamic new area bioeconomy demand (Gouveia et al., 2008;

Handbook of Marine Microalgae 233 © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Christaki et al., 2013). Some edible microalgae enzyme-assisted extraction, microwave-

are already commercialized and being used assisted extraction, ultrasound-assisted extrac-
in biotechnology, including Chlorophyta tion, supercritical fluid extraction, and
(green algae), Rhodophyta (red algae), and Cya- pressurized liquid extraction (Plaza et al.,
nobacteria (blue-green algae) (Spolaore et al., 2009; Kadam et al., 2013; Reyes et al., 2014).
2006; Christaki et al., 2010, 2011; Mulders et al., Therefore, to make microalgal biomass econom-
2014). ically feasible, it is mandatory to develop
The cultivation of microalgae can be per- the technology and to optimize the use of
formed in open-culture systems (e.g., lakes, la- all produced substances (Vanthoor-Koopmans
goons, artificial ponds) and highly controlled and Wijffels, 2013; Wijffels et al., 2013).
closed-culture systems (photobioreactors) (Mata
et al., 2010; Wijffels et al., 2013). Closed systems
offer better options for the growth of most micro- 3. PIGMENTS FROM MICROALGAE
algae strains, providing the ability to protect the
culture from contamination by undesirable One of the most prominent characteristics of
microorganisms, control processing conditions, algae is their color, which is determined by their
and allow higher productivity and better quality pigments. These pigments are colorful chemical
for the biomass; however, they are expensive. substances that are part of the photosynthetic
Consequently, much effort has been expended system of microalgae. They are distinguished
toward finding more cost-efficient modes of into three classes: carotenoids (0.1e0.2% of dry
microalgal mass cultivation with regard to weight on average, and up to 14% of dry weight
open systems. The main advantage of open sys- for b-carotene in some species), chlorophylls
tems is their use of sunlight to produce biomass (0.5e1.0% of dry weight), and phycobiliproteins
and lower costs to build and operate. On the (up to 8% of dry weight) (Gouveia et al., 2008; de
other hand, environmental factors are not fully Jesus Raposo et al., 2013; Markou and Nerantzis,
controlled (Freitas et al., 2012; Barra et al., 2013; Barra et al., 2014).
2014). Recently, some new concepts for new To be deemed suitable for producing pig-
bioreactors have been proposed (e.g., hybrid ments commercially, microalgae strains have to
systems combining open ponds and photobior- meet various criteria, such as ease of culture,
eactors, floating photobioreactors); most of lack of toxicity, high nutritional value, and pres-
them aim to reduce costs (Norsker et al., 2011; ence of digestible cell walls to make the nutrients
Zittelli et al., 2013). available. As shown in Table 1, the most
Microalgae could be used as whole frequently used species are Dunaliella salina, Hae-
biomass without extraction because their matococcus pluvialis, Chlorella spp., Muriellopsis
bioactive compounds are more stable in their spp., Scenedesmus spp., Spirulina (Arthrospira)
natural matrix than in the extracts (Gouveia spp., and Porphyridium spp. (Eonseon et al.,
and Empis, 2003; Christaki et al., 2013). Tradi- 2003; Herrero et al., 2006; Spolaore et al., 2006;
tionally, microalgae pigments are extracted Hu et al., 2008; Mata et al., 2010; Borowitzka,
with solvents after breaking the cell walls 2013).
through mechanical or thermal treatments
(Freitas et al., 2012; Batista et al., 2013). In recent
3.1 Carotenoids
years, in order to obtain bioactive compounds
from microalgae, some novel environmentally Probably the most commercially valuable
friendly and efficient selective extraction tech- groups of algae pigments are the carotenoids.
nologies have been developed, such as They are isoprenoid molecules, yellow to red in
TABLE 1 Commercially Interesting Pigments Across Another distinction of carotenoids can be
the Most Common Microalgae Groups made between primary and secondary caroten-
Microalgae Pigments References
oids. Primary ones, such as b-carotene and
lutein, are structural and functional components
Dunaliela salina b-carotene, Plaza et al. (2009); of the photosynthetic apparatus and are directly
zeaxanthin, Herrero et al. (2006);
involved in photosynthesis. They have a light-
chlorophylls a, b Hu et al. (2008)
harvesting role as well as a photoprotective
Haematococcus astaxanthin, Plaza et al. (2009); one, which can be expressed either by filtering,
pluvialis canthaxanthin, Herrero et al. (2006);
quenching, or scavenging (Christaki et al.,
lutein, Jaime et al. (2010);
chlorophylls a, b Batista et al. (2013) 2013; Skjanes et al., 2013; Latowski et al., 2014;
Mulders et al., 2014).
Chlorella spp. astaxanthin, Wu et al. (2007);
Secondary carotenoids, including astaxanthin
canthaxanthin, Mulders et al. (2014)
chlorophylls a, b and canthaxanthin, are not bound to the photo-
synthetic apparatus. They are synthesized in
Scenedesmus lutein, Del Campo et al.
the chloroplast and accumulate in the cytoplasm
spp. b-carotene (2007); Plaza et al.
(2009) (Eonseon et al., 2003; Mulders et al., 2014). Some
environmental and cultural factors, such as high
Muriellopsis lutein Del Campo et al.
light density, nutrient starvation, temperature
spp. (2007); Fernandez-
Sevilla et al. (2010) changes, pH values, high salt concentration,
and oxidative stress, exclusively induce the over-
Spirulina spp. b-carotene, Maoka (2011);
production of secondary carotenoids as an adap-
zeaxanthin, Eriksen (2008); de
phycocyanin, Jesus Raposo et al. tation to the above conditions. Thus, these
allophycocyanin (2013) carotenoids, produced in microalgae via carote-
nogenesis process, act only as photoprotective
Porphyridium phycoerythrin Borowirka (2013);
spp. Rodriguez-Sanchez pigments with a filtering role so they can defend
et al. (2012); Plaza themselves (e.g., from harmful radiation;
et al. (2009) Lemoine and Schoefs, 2010; Takashi, 2011;
Christaki et al., 2013; Skjanes et al., 2013;
Mulders et al., 2014). Chlorophyta microalgae
color, and were some of the first pigments in na- is the only group known to contain species that
ture. Because the carotenoids are lipid-soluble overproduce secondary carotenoids (Lamers
substances, they are absorbed with fats and enter et al., 2008; Mulders et al., 2014). Nevertheless,
the circulation in the blood bound to different li- there is a lack of data about metabolic pathways
poproteins (Lordan et al., 2011; Christaki et al., in microalgae for the overproduction of both pri-
2013). Humans and animals (with the exception mary and secondary carotenoids, because the
of an aphid genus) are incapable of synthesizing genes and enzymes involved are largely unpre-
carotenoids and hence require them in their diet dictable (Takashi, 2011; Mulders et al., 2014).
(Moran and Jarvik, 2010; Christaki et al., 2013; b-Carotene was the first high-value product
Latowski et al., 2014). Chemically, carotenoids commercially produced from the green algae
can be divided into two groups: the carotenes Dunaliella salina, which is its richest source
(hydrocarbons; e.g., a-carotene, b-carotene, lyco- (Herrero et al., 2006; Gouveia et al., 2008; Hu
pene) and the xanthophylls (oxygenated mole- et al., 2008; Borowitzka, 2013; Dewapriya and
cules; e.g., astaxanthin, lutein, canthaxanthin; Kim, 2014). Natural b-carotene is a mixture of
Eonseon et al., 2003; Guedes et al., 2011; all-trans and 9-cis isomers, which is rarely ob-
Christaki et al., 2013). tained in synthetic carotenoids. Although it is

in competition with the less-expensive synthetic Lutein is a yellow primary carotenoid found
form, it is often preferred because it is considered in microalgae species, such as Scenedesmus
to have anticancer activity (Gouveia et al., 2008; (4.5e5.5 mg/g) and Chlorella (4.6 mg/g) (Plaza
Lordan et al., 2011; Borowitzka, 2013). Further- et al., 2009). Another microalgae species, Muriel-
more, natural b-carotene produced by algae is lopsis spp., was found to possess high lutein con-
absorbed better by the body compared to the tent (up to 35 mg/l) that does not seem to be
synthetic form (Lordan et al., 2011; Skjanes triggered under stress conditions, coupled with
et al., 2013). a high growth rate. Therefore, this microalga
Although b-carotene is a primary carotenoid, could be exploited for commercial production
under stress conditions, it can act as a secondary of this carotenoid (Fernandez-Sevilla et al.,
carotenoid. For example, in the cultivation of 2010; Guedes et al., 2011; Skjanes et al., 2013).
Dunaliela salina under high salinity, light stress, Lutein, apart from being a strong antioxidant,
and nitrogen starvation, b-carotene is accumu- is used as a natural colorant in the feed industry,
lated to more than 14% of the microalgae dry in drugs, and in cosmetics (Wu et al., 2007; Plaza
weight, the highest content in the known sources et al., 2009; de Jesus Raposo et al., 2013).
(Del Campo et al., 2007; Lamers et al., 2012). Canthaxanthin, a secondary carotenoid, is
Other researchers (Gomez and Gonzalez, 2005; produced in large quantities by Chlorella spp.
Coesel et al., 2008) reported that the shift in low and Scenedesmus spp. under salt stress,
culture temperature of Dunaliela from 30  C to nitrogen deprivation, and ultraviolet irradiation
10  C resulted in a twofold increase of b-carotene (Takaichi, 2011; Skjanes et al., 2013).
and 9-cis-b-carotene, while increasing the salt
concentration from 4% to 9% had a 30-fold in-
3.2 Chlorophylls
crease in the accumulation of b-carotene.
Astaxanthin derived from microalgae is gain- Chlorophyll, present in all higher plants, is a
ing importance commercially. It can be pro- valuable bioactive constituent that can be
duced under stress conditions from the green extracted from the microalgal biomass. It is a
freshwater alga Haematococcus pluvialis, which green pigment that is ubiquitous in nature
contains up to 0.2e3.0% on a dry weight basis; because it is responsible for the photosynthetic
this is currently the prime natural source of process (Hosikian et al., 2010; Stengel et al.,
astaxanthin (Dufosse, 2009; Jaime et al., 2010; 2011). Nowadays, there is a strong focus on the
Chandi and Gill, 2011; Batista et al., 2013). This commercial production of dhlorophyll as a natu-
red-orange secondary xanthophyll is a powerful ral pigment in the food and feed industries, in
biological antioxidant that occurs in nature, pro- pharmaceuticals, and in cosmetics (Hosikian
tecting membranous phospholipids and other et al., 2010; Stengel et al., 2011). Chlorophyll is
lipids against peroxidation (Hussein et al., a tetrapyrrole with a centrally bound magne-
2006; Mata et al., 2010). Furthermore, astaxan- sium ion (Pangestuti and Kim, 2011; Mulders
thin has some additional advantages over other et al., 2014).
carotenoids: it is more stable, it can easily cross There are several kinds of chlorophylls in
the bloodebrain barrier, and it has high tincto- microalgaedchlorophylls a, b, c, d and fdwhich
rial properties (Dufosse, 2009). Astaxanthin is have some small differences in their absorption
probably best known for eliciting the pinkish- spectra and consequently their tonality. Chloro-
red color in the flesh of salmonoids, shrimp, lob- phyll a has a blue-green color, chlorophyll b is
sters, and crayfish (Eonseon et al., 2003; Chu, a brilliant green, chlorophyll c is yellow-green,
2012), representing 74e98% of their total pig- chlorophyll d is a brilliant/forest green, and
ments (Lordan et al., 2011). chlorophyll f is emerald green (Chen et al.,
2010; Roy et al., 2011). Chlorophyll a, which is which differ in their spectral properties (Wright
the major light-harvesting pigment, appears in and Jeffrey, 2006; Eriksen, 2008; Blot et al.,
all photosynthetic organisms. Chlorophyll b ap- 2009; Chu, 2012; Freitas et al., 2012; Mulders
pears exclusively in chlorophyta and their et al., 2014). In addition to being natural food col-
descendants, whereas chlorophyll c appears orants, these phycobiliproteins are strongly fluo-
exclusively in rhodophyta (Jeffrey and Wright, rescent markers and have antioxidant properties
2005). (Eriksen, 2008; Stengel et al., 2011; de Jesus
Although chlorophyll is a natural pigment, Raposo et al., 2013). Also, the above-mentioned
there are some disadvantages associated with substances can neutralize the reactive oxygen
its use. For example, it is unstable in foods where species (ROS) due to their chemical structures
it is incorporated under different pH conditions and chelating properties, thus reducing oxida-
(Hosikian et al., 2010). Additionally, when the tive stress (Roy et al., 2007; Rodriguez-Sanchez
magnesium ion is lost, chlorophyll becomes et al., 2012).
pale and dusky colored (Humphrey, 2004). Phycocyanin from Spirulina spp. and phycoer-
It has been reported that the chlorophylls may ythrin from Porphyridium spp. are two of the
not need to be overproduced to make a most well-known phycobiliproteins that have
microalgal-based production process economi- been produced commercially (Plaza et al., 2009;
cally feasible (Mulders et al., 2014). Conse- Rodriguez-Sanchez et al., 2012; Borowitzka,
quently, rapidly growing species like Chlorella 2013).
can contain the two main types of chlorophylls The content of these protein-bound unique
(a, b), up to 4.5% of dry weight, and therefore pigments found in microalgae is degraded under
could be the most attractive production some stress conditions, such as phosphorus, ni-
material when grown under optimal conditions trogen, and sulfur starvation (Eriksen, 2008;
(Cuaresma et al., 2011; Miazek and Ledakowicz, Hifney et al., 2013). Nevertheless, the increase
2013). On the other hand, it has been reported in salt concentration up to 0.6 M resulted in an
that chlorophyll content in microalgal biomass elevation of the total phycobiliprotein content
is reduced significantly under stress conditions in Spirulina spp., from 25% to 45% of dry matter,
(Markou and Nerantzis, 2013). while a further increase to 0.9 M salt affected
negatively the phycobiliprotein synthesis
(Hifney et al., 2013).
3.3 Phycobiliproteins
Phycobiliproteins are deep-colored, water-
soluble proteins that are present mainly in cya- 4. BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES OF
nobacteria and rhodophyta. They capture light MICROALGAE PIGMENTS AND
energy, which is then passed on to chlorophylls HEALTH BENEFIT EFFECTS
during photosynthesis. Phycobiliproteins are
composed of proteins and covalently bound via Several studies have focused on the use of nat-
cysteine amino acid chromophores called phyco- ural pigments derived from microalgae, because
bilins, belonging to open-chain tetrapyrroles they have health-promoting properties and a
(Eriksen, 2008; de Jesus Raposo et al., 2013; broad range of potential industrial applications.
Watanabe and Ikeuchi, 2013; Mulders et al., Consumers are becoming increasingly aware of
2014). Phycobiliproteins that are not essential the correlation between diet, health, and disease
for the function of cells include phycocyanin prevention; thus, microalgae represent an impor-
(blue pigment), phycoerythrin (red pigment), tant and dynamic new area in biotechnology
and allophycocyanin (light-blue pigment), (Figure 1).

FIGURE 1 Distribution, biological activities, and commercial applications of natural pigments derived from microalgae.

Because humans and animals cannot synthe- lipophilic part from lipid peroxidation or scav-
size pigments de novo, these are either provided enging ROS in photo-oxidative processes (Stahl
by the diet or partly modified through metabolic and Sies, 2003; Christaki et al., 2011; Lordan
reactions from precursor substances. For et al., 2011; Pangestuti and Kim, 2011). However,
example, b-carotene can be metabolized to it has been reported that b-carotene might act as
vitamin A (retinol). b-Carotene has a very high a pro-oxidant in the process of lipid peroxidation
pro-vitamin A activity because every molecule when there is a high oxygen pressure and high
of this compound produces two molecules of carotenoid amount (Polyakov et al., 2001; Stahl
retinol (Liaanen-Jensen, 1998; Graham and and Sies, 2003).
Rosser, 2000; Christaki et al., 2013). Apart from their high concentration in the
Regarding b-carotene and astaxanthin, and to microalgal biomass and the even larger quanti-
a lesser degree other microalgae pigments, it ties produced by controlling some environ-
must be noticed that they have strong antioxi- mental conditions, the antioxidants from
dant activity, which aims to mediate the harmful microalgae can act synergistically to increase
effects of free radicals by protecting the the positive effects on human health (Stahl and
Sies, 2003; Heydarizadeh et al., 2013). These pig- Studies both in vitro and in vivo have shown
ments have greater antioxidant effects than the cancer-preventive effects of chlorophylls,
vitamin E, but weaker than synthetic commercial with particular emphasis on their antimutagenic
antioxidants, such as butylated hydroxytoluene effects (Ferruzi and Blakeslee, 2007; Gouveia
or butylated hydroxyanisole (Natrah et al., et al., 2008; Hosikian et al., 2010). The protective
2007; Pangestuti and Kim, 2011). The use of syn- effects of carotenoids and phycobiliproteins on
thetic antioxidants is under strict regulation, the development of cancerous tumors and leuke-
especially in the European Union countries, mia have also been reported (Plaza et al., 2009;
due to their potential health hazards. Therefore, Vilchez et al., 2011; Heydarizadeh et al., 2013).
natural antioxidants can be used as safe alterna- Microalgae pigments are able to boost the im-
tives in the industry (Spolaore et al., 2006; Gou- mune system (e.g., antibody production) and
veia et al., 2008). to act as anti-inflammatory agents against
Dietary intake of marine microalgae-derived asthma, ulcers, arthritis, and muscle damage
antioxidants has shown the ability to protect or- (by providing increased muscle endurance;
ganisms against various chronic disorders, such Mata et al., 2010; Guedes et al., 2011; Stengel
as cancer, diabetes, atherosclerosis, coronary dis- et al., 2011; de Jesus Raposo et al., 2013), as
ease, ischemic brain development, metabolic well as antiproliferative agents (Plaza et al.,
syndromes, gastrointestinal and liver diseases, 2009; Lordan et al., 2011). In addition, some
as well as neurodegenerative diseases such as epidemiological data explain the above proper-
Alzheimer disease and Parkinson disease ties of carotenoids, which could directly act to-
(Riccioni et al., 2011; Cadoret et al., 2012; ward the DNA to regulate the production of
Gouveia, 2014; Martins et al., 2014), or to amelio- RNA (Guerin et al., 2003; Hussein et al., 2006).
rate cognitive functions (Kidd, 2011). According Moreover, chlorophylls seem to be a good
to Guerin et al. (2003), astaxanthin could be approach for the treatment of ulcers and postop-
effective against human prostatic hyperplasia erative wounds (Hosikian et al., 2010). Also, pa-
and prostatic cancer through the enzyme tients with pancreatitis can possibly be treated
5-a-reductase, which is involved in the abnormal with chlorophyll a (Yaakob et al., 2014).
prostate growth. Other researchers have
described the use of phycocyanin as a nephro-
protector (Rodriguez-Sanchez et al., 2012) or a 5. NEW TRENDS IN COMMERCIAL
protector of human pancreatic cells (Chu, 2012). APPLICATIONS OF MICROALGAE
In addition, the carotenoids lutein and zeax- PIGMENTS
anthin, due to their antioxidant capacity, can
protect the eye macula from adverse photochem- Pigments from microalgae are now strongly
ical reactions (Friedman et al., 2004), while b- demanded by the market as renewable natural
carotene helps to prevent premature aging color enhancers for foods and feeds, which
caused by ultraviolet radiation (Miyashita, simultaneously provide certain health benefits.
2009; Fernandez-Sevilla et al., 2010) or to treat Furthermore, these pigments, which are particu-
skin melasma (Yaakob et al., 2014). Generally, larly strong dyes even at very low levels (parts
b-carotene, apart from limiting photooxidative per million), have important applications in the
damage to the skin, provides protection against pharmaceutical industry (e.g., as fluorescence-
sunburns (erythema solare) (Eonseon et al., based indicators, as biochemical tracers in im-
2003; Stahl and Sies, 2003). Moreover, in marine mune assays) and in the cosmetic industry
animals, b-carotene is stored in the gonads, so it (e.g., as skin cream to stimulate collagen
is essential for reproduction (Maoka, 2011). synthesis).

The development of foods with attractive ap- example, astaxanthin is recognized as a food
pearances is an important goal in the food and colorant by the Food and Drug Administration
feed industries. b-Carotene produced by micro- in the United States, in Japan, and in some
algae serves as one of the most utilized food col- European countries, it but has not yet been
oring agents in pasta, fruit juices, soft drinks, approved in the European Union countries
confectionary, margarine, dairy products, and (Lordan et al., 2011; Borowitzka, 2013; Ambati
salad dressings (Gouveia et al., 2008; Plaza et al., 2014). Pigments derived from microalgae
et al., 2009; Christaki et al., 2011; Guedes et al., are unique, so extensive assessment tests (e.g.,
2011; Christaki et al., 2013). Phycocyanin, with acute toxicity, mutagenicity, teratogenicity,
its blue color, can be used in various food prod- embryotoxicity, and reproductive toxicity) to
ucts such as chewing gums, candies, dairy prod- confirm their safety for consumers need to be
ucts, jellies, ice creams, and beverages; its color is considered before their introduction into the
stable in dry preparations, but it is sensitive to market.
high temperatures and light (Gouveia et al., Apart from the conventional (nontransgenic)
2008; Dufosse, 2009). Phycoerythrin, with its approach, the biotechnological production of pig-
red color, can be used for the pigmentation of ments and other valuable substances from micro-
confections, gelative desserts, and dairy prod- algae with the use of genetic engineering is a very
ucts. This color is stable when phycoerythrine tempting alternative. Such an approach may result
is incorporated in dry food preparations (stored in improvements of nutritional value and optimi-
under low humidity) and has a long shelf life at zation of metabolite production with functional
pH 6e7 (Dufosse et al., 2005). In addition, properties, which makes these substances better
Chandi and Gill (2011) reported that novel suited for commercial applications (Freitas et al.,
food applications of pigments can include to- 2012; Htet et al., 2013; Rasala et al., 2014). Never-
mato ketchup, processed meats such as sausage theless, the use of transgenic microalgae faces
and ham, and marine products such as fish paste some problems and challenges, at least in Europe,
and surimi. It is important to notice that microal- such as competitiveness, public acceptance, regu-
gae pigments in foods besides the coloring and latory issues, and biosafety concerns (Freitas
nutritional purposes can also cause significant et al., 2012; Htet et al., 2013; Rasala et al., 2014).
changes in the rheological properties (Gouveia Generally, genetically modified food is viewed
et al., 2008). with a large degree of skepticism by consumers.
Carotenoids are also used as feed additives in
the commercial rearing of many aquatic organ-
isms to enhance the reddish color of the flesh 6. CONCLUSIONS
of salmon, trout, and shrimp, as well as feed sup-
plement for some types of zooplankton (e.g., ro- Microalgae pigments such as carotenoids,
tifers and copepods (Plaza et al., 2009; Mata chlorophylls, and phycobiliproteins could be a
et al., 2010; Guedes et al., 2011)). Also, microal- leading natural resource for innovative potential
gae pigments could be used to enrich the functional ingredients in nutrition. Nowadays,
yellowish color of egg yolk and chicken skin these natural pigments are preferred over syn-
(Plaza et al., 2009; Mata et al., 2010; Guedes thesized substances and are finding commercial
et al., 2011) or to improve the appearance of applications, mainly in the food and feed indus-
pet foods (Spolaore et al., 2006; Skjanes et al., tries. Nevertheless, some bottlenecks, such as
2013). high production costs and low yields, need to
Laws and regulations concerning food addi- be solved before microalgae can be moved
tives and functional foods vary by country. For from niche markets to large-scale use.

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Application of Diatom Biosilica
in Drug Delivery
Jayachandran Venkatesan1,2, Baboucarr Lowe1, Se-Kwon Kim1,2
Pukyong National University, Department of Marine-Bio Convergence Science, Busan, South Korea;
Marine Bioprocess Research Center, Pukyong National University, Busan, Korea

1. INTRODUCTION not only regulate silica formation but also act as

templates to mediate the growth of the frustules
Many unicellular organisms in nature make and the creation of holes and slits (i.e., nanopat-
use of cell wall surfaces or vesicles formed by or- terning; Chen et al., 2012). Poulsen et al.
ganelles as biomineralized stents to manufacture (2003) used biosilica-associated phosphoproteins,
mineral tissues. Diatomsdone type of eukary- known as silaffins, to create a silica assembly with
otic unicellular algaedhave a mineralized shell pores having nanodiameters.
that provides protection. There are 10,000 Depending on the species of diatom and the
species of diatoms, and they have unique cell growth conditions, frustules can display a wide
walls made of silica (hydrated silicon dioxide) range of different morphologies. It is possible
called frustules (Hamm et al., 2003). The frus- to design and produce specific frustule morphol-
tules, made of a composite of organic material ogies that have potential applications in nano-
and silica that is often intricately and ornately technology (Parkinson and Gordon, 1999).
shaped, are not as stiff as calcite but are more Diatoms secrete a hydrated silica cage
flexible (Hildebrand, 2008). In diatoms, the silica (SiO2$nH2O) that is not as stiff as calcite; thus,
is formed on the surface of the cell in a complex it can undergo more deformation per unit load,
three-dimensional (3D) network that is only making it more flexible. Young’s modulus of
partially understood. the glass sponge spicule is w40 GPa (Woesz
Each diatom species has a specific biosilica cell et al., 2006) and the diatom frustule is 22.4 GPa
wall with regularly arranged slits or pores, ranging (Hamm et al., 2003), whereas that for calcite is
from 10 to 1000 nm in size. Biosilica morphogen- w76 GPa. Diatoms contain two valves with a
esis takes place inside the diatom cell within a regular set of perforations through which they
specialized membrane-bound compartment, filter the nourishment from the ocean. Several
termed the silica deposition vesicle. It has been types of diatom structures are shown in Figure 1.
postulated that the silica deposition vesicle con- Biologistsdand diatomists in particulardhave
tains a matrix of organic macromolecules that long studied the properties of single-cell algae,

Handbook of Marine Microalgae 245 © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(e) (f) (g) (h)

(i) (j) (k) (l)

FIGURE 1 Different morphologies and diversity of diatoms. (a) Thalassiosira pseudonana, scale-1 mm, (b) close up of Cosci-
nodiscus wailesii, scale-5 mm, (c) Cocconeis sp., scale-10 mm, (d) rimoportula from Thalassiosira weissflogii, scale-500 nm, (e)
corona structure of Ditylum brightwellii, scale-2 mm, (f) Bacilaria paxillifer, scale-10 mm, (g) close up of pores in Gyrosigma
balticum, scale-2 mm, (h) Skeletonema costatum, scale-2 mm, (i) valve of C. wailesii, scale-50 mm, (j) close up of pores in D.
brightwellii, scale-2 mm, (k) seta of Chaetoceros gracilis, scale-1 mm, and (l) Stephanopyxis turris, scale-10 mm. Reprinted with
permission from Hildebrand, M., (2008). Diatoms, biomineralization processes, and genomics. Chemical Reviews. 108, 4855e4874. Copy-
right @ American Chemical Society.

and engineers are just discovering how to exploit particle separations (Losic et al., 2006a), silica
features unique to these organisms. Their uniform immobilization (Poulsen et al., 2007), bone tissue
nanopore structure, microchannels, chemical engineering (Wang et al., 2012, 2013a), and
inertness, and silica microcrystal structure suggest nanotechnology (Gordon and Parkinson, 2005).
many nanoscale applications. Diatom-derived Progress toward the goal of creating frustules
biosilica has been widely used for several applica- synthetically was made when the genome of the
tions, including drug delivery (Wee et al., 2005), marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana was estab-
biodetection (Li et al., 2014), molecular and lished (Armbrust et al., 2004), including novel
genes for silicic acid transport and the formation milliliters of the same agar media, molten, was
of silica-based cell walls. Based on this, it was pro- poured on to the mesh. After solidification, the
posed that the first step is to identify cell wall syn- mesh with extra fixed agar was removed from
thesis genes involved in structure formation; the the agar plate. In this procedure, the nylon
completed genome sequence of T. pseudonana mesh created a dimpled surface on the smooth
may open the door for genomic and proteomic agar plate. Axenic clonal C. tenuissimus strains
approaches to accomplish this (Hildebrand, 2e10 were grown in modified SWM3 liquid
2005, 2008; Hildebrand et al., 2006). An approach medium under a 12-h lightedark cycle of
that is also used in other organisms is to modify w110e150 mol of photon m2 s 1 using cool
gene sequences or expression, introduce the white fluorescent illumination at 15  C. The cell
modified genes into the diatoms, and monitor growth on the dimpled plate was compared
the effect on structure. with that on an agar plate with a smooth surface
The unique morphologies and properties (smooth plate). All plates were cultured under
of the diatom silica shelldwith its intricate, the conditions described above for 7 days. It
hierarchically organized 3D structures with was concluded that C. Tenuissimus grew well
nanoscale dimensionsdhave attracted consider- on agar plates, with a suggestion that the daub-
able interest in materials science and nanotech- ing method was not suitable for plate culturing
nology in recent years. This chapter highlights of diatoms (Kimura and Tomaru, 2013).
emerging applications for diatom nanotech- Sanjay et al. (2013) used three different
nology research in drug delivery (Losic et al., methods to culture diatoms: shake flash, poly-
2009; Kurkuri et al., 2011). thene bag, and a photobioreactor culture. In the
shake flask method, 100 mL of Chu medium
was prepared and transferred to 500-mL conical
2. CULTURE AND HARVEST flasks. Then, 10 mL of collected samples were
METHODS IN DIATOM transferred aseptically to the conical flasks. The
PRODUCTION flasks were kept in an incubator shaker with an
illuminator at 20  C and 120 rpm for 10 days.
Diatoms are the major contributors to phyto- After 10 days, diatoms were identified using a
plankton blooms in lakes and in the sea; hence, stereomicroscope and subsequently isolated.
they are prominent in aquatic ecosystems and In the polythene bag culturing method,
the global carbon cycle (Hamm et al., 2003). autoclavable polythene bags were used. A total
Scientists have developed culturing techniques of 200 mL of medium was transferred to each
and carried out experimental designs to study bag and sterilized at 121  C with 15 lbs of pres-
the biological and ecological features of microal- sure for 15 min. The bags were inoculated asep-
gae. Distinguished among them is the agar plate tically with 20 mL of a pure culture of Navicula
culturing method, which was first developed and kept at 20  C below the light source (6 W).
more than half a century ago. Aerators with sterile filters were used for suffi-
Kei Kimura and Yuji Tomaru (2013) described cient aeration for the growth of diatoms (Sanjay
a simple and easy agar plate culturing method et al., 2013).
for centric diatoms using the planktonic species A vertical photobioreactor with a glass cham-
Chaetoceros tenuissimus Meunier (Centrales), ber was designed for culturing diatoms. The
which had been difficult to culture on regular reactor was provided with a source of light
agar plates. The agar plates were prepared (12 W), aerator, thermometer, inlet, and outlets.
with 25 mL of 1% agar in medium enriched A total of 15 L of sterilized Chu medium was
with 2 nM Na2SeO3 in a plastic petri dish. Five transferred to the reactor and 1.5 L of inoculum

was added aseptically. The temperature was silica in C. concinnus (36%), Coscinodiscus spp.
maintained at 20  C, with sufficient aeration (30.71%), and O. mobiliensis (34.27%), and they
and light, and incubated for 15 days. The suggested future investigations on the nanopo-
biomass was transferred to a preweighed clean rous diatom silica for applications in the antire-
petri plate and dried at 50  C to determine the flection coating of materials (Figure 2). The SEM
dry weight of the biomass, then stored under stereoimaging technique was used to reconstruct
refrigerated conditions (Sanjay et al., 2013). the surface features of the diatomaceous frustules
Lewin (1966) showed the boron requirement to quantitatively evaluate specimens. Geomet-
for 12 species of marine pennate diatoms, four rical parameters, such as volume and area, were
species of centric diatoms, and eight other fresh- given based on the reconstructed 3D image
water species. He concluded that boron was (Chen et al., 2010). Atomic force microscopy,
essential for the growth of most (probably all) histochemical analysis, infrared spectrometry,
diatoms. molecular spectroscopy, and confocal infrared
microscopy are also used to study diatom bio-
nanotribology (Gebeshuber et al., 2005).
3. ISOLATION AND In fossilized and recent diatoms, the complex
CHARACTERIZATION OF DIATOM patterns of silica shell are statistically stable and
BIOSILICA lightweight. Young’s modulus E of the diatom
silica of a pleura was 22.4 GPa, which is compa-
Silica is a material with many technological rable to cortical bone (20 GPa) or medical dental
applications in biotechnology, including many composites (about 6e25 GPa). Like diatom silica,
industrial and synthetic production processes. this is composed of inorganic particles associated
Diatoms have delicate porous structures that are with an organic matrix (Hamm et al., 2003).
very beneficial in improving the absorbing The procedure for pore size modifications of
ability of the biodetection field (Li et al., 2014). two centric diatom species, Coscinodiscus sp.
The chemical synthesis of silica in industrial and Thalassiosira eccentrica, using atomic layer
applications requires extreme temperatures, pres- deposition of ultrathin films of titanium oxide
sures, and pH levels, as well as dangerous chem- (TiO2) has been described. TiO2 was deposited
ical compounds. In contrast, biological synthesis by sequential exposures to titanium chloride
of silica in nature (e.g., in diatoms) occurs at (TiCl4) and water. These techniques confirmed
ambient temperature/pressure and neutral pH. the controlled reduction of pore sizes while pre-
Diatoms produce nanostructured silica as a serving the shape of the diatom membrane
component of the cell wall (Manurung et al., pores. Pore diameters of diatom membranes
2009). In living diatoms, the diatom’s silica skel- can be further tailored for specific applications
eton is covered with an organic envelope by varying the number of cycles and by chang-
composed of polysaccharides and proteins. The ing their surface functionality (Losic et al.,
high degree of complexity and hierarchical struc- 2006b; De Stefano et al., 2008).
ture displayed by diatom silica walls is achieved A diatom frustule is functionalized with an
under mild physiological conditions (Dolatabadi alkyl halide to allow the growth of a polymer
and de la Guardia, 2011). from its surface via deactivation-enhanced
Gnanamorthy et al. (2014) conducted a scan- atom transfer radical polymerization. The
ning electron microscopy (SEM) investigation of diatom core is partially dissolved to form a
three diatom species: Coscinodiscus spp., Canthar- more translational platform. This method can
ellus concinnus, and Odontella mobiliensis. The au- be used to create an array of nanostructured
thors revealed the elemental composition of composites derived from the species-specific

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

FIGURE 2 (a) Structure of Cantharellus concinnus. (b) Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) image (2 mm) of
the surface showing the porous topography. (c) Well-arranged FESEM image of foramen surface. (d) Enlarged FESEM image of
a foramen shows the details of pore organization (1 mm). (e) High-resolution FESEM image of one typical pentagonal pattern is
marked on the pore array and star-shaped hyaline area of the surface of the diatom with nanoporous diameter and inter pore-
distance details. (f) Corresponding EDS graph shows the silica element presence. Reprinted with permission from Gnanamoorthy,
P., Karthikeyan, V., Prabu, V. A., 2014. Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) characterisation of the porous silica nano-
particulate structure of marine diatoms. Journal of Porous Materials, 1e9. Copyright @ Elsevier.

diatom architecture (O’Connor et al., 2014). accordingly, it favors the immobilization of the
These modified structures have potential appli- positively DOPA/Fe3O4 nanoparticles. In addi-
cations in antibody arrays and may have use in tion, experiments on nitrogen adsorption/
techniques such as immunoprecipitation. These desorption confirmed a moderately fair surface
silica structures are produced in diatoms using area of 18.5  0.8 m2 g 1 of hollow diatom frus-
only light and minimal nutrients and, therefore, tules; this unique feature allows them to accom-
generate an exceptionally cheap and renewable modate a large amount of drugs (Losic et al.,
material (Townley et al., 2008). 2010). To understand this better, Aw et al.
(2011) conducted structural and spectroscopic
analysis using scanning electron microscopy
4. APPLICATION OF BIOSILICA IN (SEM), Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy
DRUG-DELIVERY VEHICLES (EDXS), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR),
and X-Ray Powder Diffraction (XRPD) charac-
Nature has developed an elegant, biologically terizations of encapsulated drug molecules in
based, self-assembling synthetic route to pro- diatom microcapsules. Drug molecules were
duce silica biomaterials with complex 3D porous physisorbed on the diatom silica surface, with
structures, offering great potential to replace a small proportion integrated into the diatom
synthetic materials with suitable drug carriers structure. There are many potential applications
for cost-effective delivery systems (Bariana in diatom nanotechnology using its silica. How-
et al., 2013b). The biocompatibility, biodegrad- ever, characterization of the biosilica of diatoms
ability, and pore size of diatom biosilica are the will require much engineering to suit application
most important features for use in drug delivery. models in biosensing, biophotonics, and drug
The incorporation of nanocarriers into drug delivery (Aw et al., 2011).
molecules can protect against degradation as Various silica-based morphologies, from
well as offer possibilities and target release. mesoporous nanoparticles to implantable micro-
Studies have proposed several methods of func- carriers, have been synthesized and applied for
tionalizing cylindrical frustule for controlled drug-delivery purposes, with the aim of address-
two-step release (Wang et al., 2013b). Bio- ing common therapeutic problems, such as
silicified nanostructured microshells from the limited drug solubility leading to poor bioavail-
marine diatom Coscinodiscus wailesii have been ability and undesirable pharmacokinetics in
properly functionalized to bind a molecular drug release over weeks (as required for thera-
probe that specifically recognizes a target ana- peutic implants; Aw et al., 2011).
lyte. Fluorescence measurements demonstrate The easy functionalization of diatom biosilica
that the antibodies used, even if linked to the can offer protection, design, and control of drug
amorphous silica surface of C. wailesii micro- release through pores or by covering an ultra-
shells, still efficiently recognize their antigens thin polymer layer. Diatom structures in
(De Stefano et al., 2008). dopamine-modified iron oxide nanoparticles
Diatomaceous earth (DE), which is naturally with magnetic properties showed an ability to
available silica that originated from fossilized di- work as magnetically guided drug-delivery
atoms, has been explored for use in drug- microcarriers (Losic et al., 2010). This was
delivery applications as a potential substitute accompanied by in vitro drug dissolution
for synthetic silica materials. DE’s particle zeta studies, oral delivery, implant delivery, and
potential (Losic et al., 2010) shows that surface NMR characterization of encapsulated drug
diatom silica structures are negatively charged molecules in diatom microcapsules. Results
in aqueous media in the pH range of 2e11; demonstrated the effectiveness of diatom
microstructures, with 12e14% drug loading from diatom pores and internal hollow struc-
capacity and sustained release for 2 weeks. tures (Aw et al., 2012; Figure 3).
Zhang et al. (2013) also demonstrated diatom Aw et al. (2013) also reported indomethacin de-
biosilica’s remarkable features for application in livery using diatoms. Surface modification of the
drug delivery. They proved that DSMs have diatoms was performed with two organosilanes,
almost no toxicity in Caco-2, HT-29, HCT-116, 3-aminopropyltriethoxy silane and N-(3-(trime-
and Caco-2/HT-29 cells at concentrations thoxysilyl) propyl) ethylene diamine and phos-
greater than 1000 mg mL 1 (Zhang et al., 2013). phonic acids (2-carboxyethyl-phosphonic acid
According to Gordon et al., the physical and and 16-phosphono-hexadecanoic acid), providing
structural properties of porous silica capsules organic surface hydrophilic and hydrophobic
of diatoms are ideal microscale bodies for properties. Differences in the loading capacities
designing robotic devices for medical applica- of diatoms (15e24%) and release times
tions (Gordon et al., 2009). (6e15 days) were observed, which were due to
Biosilica is much preferred over other mate- the presence of different functional groups on
rials because of its natural origin and nontoxicity the surface. It was found that 2-carboxyethyl-
with hydroxyl groups (Bayramoglu et al., 2013). phosphonic acid, 3-aminopropyltriethoxy silane,
Using silica hollow flower, Chen et al. (2014) and N-(3-(trimethoxysilyl) propyl) ethylene
confirmed the nontoxic sustained release of diamine render diatom surfaces hydrophilic, due
BMP-2, with much biocompatibility in osteo- to a polar carboxyl functional group (COOH)
blasts of MC3T3-E1 cells. Thus, amorphous silica and active amine species (NH and NH2) that favor
is applicable in system delivery for tissue regen- drug adsorption. Better encapsulation efficiency
eration (Chen et al., 2014). and prolonged release of drugs over the hydro-
Water-insoluble (indomethacin) and water- phobic surface were created by 16-phosphono-
soluble (gentamicin) drugs were loaded in DE hexadecanoic acid (Aw et al., 2013).
particles to study their drug release perfor-
mances. In vitro drug release studies were per-
formed over 1e4 weeks to examine the impact 5. FUTURE DIRECTIONS
of the particle size and hydrophilic/hydropho-
bic functional groups. The release studies Diatoms have been known to play important
showed a biphasic pattern, comprising an initial roles on earth and in oceans as oxygen synthe-
burst release for 6 h followed by near-zero order sizers and biomass sources. Before the late 1980s,
sustained release (Bariana et al., 2013a). diatom nanotechnology was a minor field of aca-
Aw et al. (2012) proved the drug-delivery demic research, with little or no thought given to
concept based on diatoms for implants and its applications. Today, however, the situation is
oral drug delivery; indomethacin, as a model quite different. Diatom nanotechnology has great
of a poorly water-soluble drug, was investi- potential for applications in many areas of
gated. The effectiveness of diatom silica for research, such as in the design of complex drug ve-
drug-delivery application was approximately hicles, biosensors, biophotonics, and cell labeling.
22 wt% drug loading capacity with sustained The interdisciplinary approaches required in
drug release over 2 weeks. A two-step drug diatom nanotechnology research for creating
release from diatom structures was observed: useful technologies are quite promising. Accord-
the first is a rapid release (over 6 h) attributed ing to Richard Gordon, in basic research, dia-
to the surface-deposited drug, whereas the sec- toms are likely to contribute to the solution of
ond is a slow and sustained release over 2 weeks one of the major unsolved biological problems:
with zero-order kinetics, as a result of release how the genome is involved in creation of form

FIGURE 3 Scheme of drug release from diatom silica microshell. Reprinted with permission from Aw, M. S., Simovic, S., Yu, Y.,
Addai-Mensah, J., Losic, D., 2012. Porous silica microshells from diatoms as biocarrier for drug-delivery applications. Powder Technology.
223, 52e58. Copyright @ Elsevier.

or how form evolves (Gordon et al., 2009). smaller than 10 mm, the long central spine of
We now have a few competing hypotheses some centric diatoms (e.g., Ditylum spp.), and
for diatoms, and there is a great need for intracel- some thin and long substructures of frustules
lular observation to resolve what is going on. (e.g., strutted processes of Skeletonema spp.).
There is still work to be done to answer the These may serve as testers, force actuators/
following questions, which will widen the sensors, optical parts, or filters in biomedical
scope and application potentials for diatom microelectromechanical systems and microflui-
nanotechnology in major biological and medi- dic systems (Wang et al., 2013b).
cal problems: Almost all studies have shown that silica
could be an excellent, biocompatible candidate
• What are the processes involved in the
for gene transfer into different cells and tissues.
formation of diatom frustule?
From published works, it is clear that surface-
• What role does biosilica play in the aggregate
modified silica can improve the in vitro transfer
formation of diatom patterns, shapes, and
of plasmid DNA and RNA into mammalian
cells. Considering the chemical inertness and
• What are the genetic characteristic and roles
biocompatibility of silica, Dolatabadi and
of specific functional molecules to ascertain
Guardia suggested that such technology might
diatom motility and speed?
offer a new platform for nonviral gene delivery,
In addition, the phylogenetic characterization as well as a contrasting agent in magnetic
of other diatom species is critical. For diatom bio- imaging (Dolatabadi and de la Guardia, 2011).
silica features such as biocompatibility, pore size
will be important for a wide range of applica-
tions in the future, such as drug-delivery vehi- 6. CONCLUSIONS
cles. The diatom biosilica structure, which is
less than 300 nm in thickness, shows better elas- Diatom biosilica is a very important biomed-
ticity, such as the girdle band of most diatoms, ical agent for the development and study of
the septum and thin valve of pinnate diatoms novel therapeutic agents, diagnostic techniques,
and drug-delivery vehicles. There have been a Chen, S., Shi, X., Osaka, A., Gao, H., Hanagata, N., 2014.
great deal of scientific studies on this subject, Facile synthesis, microstructure and BMP-2 delivery of
novel silica hollow flowers for enhanced osteoblast
and its prospects for industrial applications in differentiation. Chem. Eng. J. 246, 1e9.
the production of therapeutic agents are Chen, X., Ostadi, H., Jiang, K., 2010. Three-dimensional
showing great signs of progress each day. surface reconstruction of diatomaceous frustules. Anal
Studies related to diatom biosilica will continue Biochem. 403 (1e2), 63e66.
to attract more attention in nanotechnology De Stefano, L., Lamberti, A., Rotiroti, L., De Stefano, M.,
2008. Interfacing the nanostructured biosilica
and biomedical engineering, as well as materials microshells of the marine diatom Coscinodiscus
science engineering. wailesii with biological matter. Acta Biomater. 4 (1),
Dolatabadi, J.E.N., de la Guardia, M., 2011. Applications of
Acknowledgments diatoms and silica nanotechnology in biosensing, drug
This research was supported by a grant from the Marine and gene delivery, and formation of complex metal
Bioprocess Research Center of the Marine Biotechnology nanostructures. TrAC Trends Anal. Chem. 30 (9),
Program, funded by the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, 1538e1548.
Republic of Korea. Gebeshuber, I.C., Stachelberger, H., Drack, M., 2005. Diatom
bionanotribologybiological surfaces in relative motion:
their design, friction, adhesion, lubrication and wear.
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Microalgal Nutraceuticals
J. Paniagua-Michel
Laboratory for Bioactive Compounds and Bioremediation, Department of Marine Biotechnology, Centro de
on Científica y de Educaci
on Superior de Ensenada (CICESE), Ensenada, BC, Mexico

1. INTRODUCTION diseases (Bishop and Zubeck, 2012). Moreover,

the increasing costs of health care, increasing
Marine and freshwater ingredients have been life expectancy, and individuals’ desire to
used for millennia. Consumers in modern improve their health quality (Plaza et al., 2009)
societies have also embraced these dietary com- have increased the demand for nutraceuticals in
ponents, now termed “nutraceuticals,” because recent years. Algae have been recognized as hav-
of their recognized health benefits, as evidenced ing diverse nutritional components, along with
from scientific findings. The word nutraceutical, simple and rapid growth characteristics. As auto-
as originally coined, is a combination of the trophic organisms, microalgae exhibit properties
words nutrition and pharmaceutical. A nutraceu- of nutraceuticals and have health benefits for the
tical is defined as a food or food product that immune system to fight cancer and heart disease
provides health and medical benefits, including (Bishop and Zubeck, 2012). Nutraceuticals in
the prevention and treatment of disease (Kim, aquaculture are used to enhance the growth of
2013). Essential nutrients can be considered shellfish under intensive and controlled condi-
nutraceuticals, but only when they confer addi- tions because of the rudimentary immune system
tional attributes on the normal growth or main- of shellfish. Microalgae also supply nutritional
tenance of organisms (Wildman and Taylor, protein, pro-vitamin compounds, and fatty acids
2006). Contrary to pharmaceutical drugs, nutra- (FAs) to enhance the flesh color of fish and
ceutical foods are not subject to testing and crustaceans, mainly salmonids and Penaeidae.
regulation protocols, which has resulted in their The objective of this chapter is to review and
wide distribution. analyze the use of nutraceuticals from microal-
The increasing world population requires gae in human and aquaculture applications.
adequate and proper nourishment of high nutri- Their respective characteristics and effects for
tional value for specific and possibly chronic consumers are also discussed.

Handbook of Marine Microalgae 255 © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

2. NUTRACEUTICAL: DEFINING natural source. The ability of microalgae to syn-

THE TERM thesize a variety of compounds confers nutra-
ceutical properties, with an elevated potential
There are several definitions of the term for industrial exploitation (Bishop and Zubeck,
nutraceutical, which often is confused with or 2012). Different types of microalgae are used
used as a synonym for dietary supplement, for current commercial and potential nutraceuti-
functional foods, and/or medical food (Gonz alez- cals, such as Chlamydomonas, Scenedesmus, Syne-
Sarrías et al., 2013). Such foods are regulated chococcus, Dunaliella, Haematoccoccus, Chlorella,
by the US Food and Drug Administration and Porphyridium. Moreover, certain microalgae
(FDA) under the authority of the Federal have the ability to accumulate essential ele-
Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, even though ments, such as potassium, zinc, iodine, selenium,
they are not specifically defined by law. iron, manganese, copper, phosphorus, sodium,
De Felice (1989) coined the term nutraceutical, nitrogen, magnesium, cobalt, molybdenum, sul-
which the American Nutraceutical Association fur, and calcium, which can be used in nutraceu-
has defined as follows: “A nutraceutical is any tical formulae. Carotenogenic microalgae
substance conceived as a food, or part of a biosynthesize secondary carotenoids, such as
food which provides medical or health benefits, canthaxanthin and astaxanthin, in lipid globules
as well as the prevention and treatment of a of the chloroplast plastids. Algae are also high
disease” ( producers of essential amino acids, as well as
Nutraceutical-Association-(ANA).html). Unlike omega-6 (arachidonic acid) and omega-3 (doco-
pharmaceutical drugs, within the United States sahexaenoic acid (DHA), eicosapentaenoic acid
nutraceutical products are monitored as “die- (EPA)) FAs (Simoons, 1991). A lucrative market
tary supplements.” for algae and derived nutraceuticals has devel-
Generally, nutraceuticals play a positive role in oped due to their abundant production of
enhancing health and wellness in the consumers. health-promoting molecules and respective
Hence, health-promoting nutrients that are nutritive contents. Microalgae can use solar en-
derived from food or food products to enhance ergy to transform wastewater, CO2, and some
the prevention or treatment of a disease and/or nutrients into useful biomass rich in lipids,
disorder (Bishop and Zubeck, 2012) are also sugars, proteins, carbohydrates, and other
considered to be nutraceuticals. There are more organic compounds. These microorganisms
than 470 commercial nutraceuticals with health- convert inorganic substances into colored
promoting properties. The consumer trend in biomass (Batista et al., 2013).
nutraceuticals is aimed at promoting health as Microalgae are able to produce a rich diver-
well as treating potential neurodegenerative dis- sity of critical nutrients to support human and
eases, such as Alzheimer disease, heart disease, animal health. Microalgae are found worldwide
cancer, and Parkinson disease, among others. in numerous types of environments; therefore,
they have enormous potential as nutraceuticals.
Their properties and adaptations have resulted
3. MICROALGAE: THE in benefits to different organisms further up the
NUTRACEUTICAL BENEFITS food web. For instance, the unique characteris-
tics of many microalgaedincluding phycobilins,
Microalgae are a diverse group of autotrophic phycoerytrines, carotenoids, micronutrients,
organisms that have the ability to grow rapidly, amino acids, and carbohydratesdhave led to a
efficiently use light energy, fix atmospheric CO2, number of compounds that have important
and produce more biomass per surface than any benefits for human health (Figure 1). However,

FIGURE 1 Different uses and applications of microalgal nutracuticals.

despite the above-mentioned properties and performed in open raceway ponds. The massive
benefits of microalgae compounds, their devel- accumulation of beta-carotene production by D.
opment is still in its infancy, although many salina is inversely proportional to high salinity
products are currently available. In recent years, and nutrient-deprivation conditions. The cells
several products or extracts with microalgal ori-
gins have been used in nutritional supplements
TABLE 1 Main Microalgal Products and
and cosmetics, such as Dunaliella, Spirulina, Applications as Nutraceuticals
Chlorella, and Haematococcus (Gellenbeck, 2012).
The use and acceptance of new species and Species/group Product Application areas
bioproducts must overcome many barriers and Arthrospira platensis Phycocyanin, Health food
regulatory aspects, although they are not as
Chlorella vulgaris Minerals, trace Health food, food
strict as for pharmaceuticals. Among the many
elements supplement, feeds
examples and applications of microalgae in
the area of nutraceutical products (i.e., algal ex- Dunaliella salina Lutein, beta- Health food, food
carotene supplement, feeds
tracts and powders used for human nutritional
supplementation), many are being produced Haematococcus Astaxanthin Health food, feeds
for commercial use (Gellenbeck, 2012), as pluvialis
described in Table 1. Porphyridium Polysaccharides Pharmaceuticals,
cruentum cosmetics,

3.1 Beta-Carotene: A Nutraceutical Isochrysis galbana Fatty acids Animal nutrition

from Extreme Algae
Phaedactylum Fatty acids, Nutrition,
The richest natural source of the carotenoid tricornutum fucoxanthin aquaculture
beta-carotene is the microalgae Dunaliella salina,
Lyngbya majuscule Immune Health food,
which thrives in hypersaline coastal water modulators nutrition
bodies; large-scale production also can be

from noninductive conditions are green; howev- a positive influence on intracellular communica-
er, under stress conditions, cells turn red from a tion, immune response (Becker, 2004), and pro-
massive accumulation of carotenoids. tection against many types of neoplasms
Of all the carotenoids, beta-carotene is the (Arag~ao, 2004). Supplements of Dunaliella have
most prominent, accounting for 95% on a dry also shown excellent hepatoprotective effects
weight basis. The pigment accumulates in the and reduced the occurrence of liver lesions
interthylakoid spaces of the chloroplast. The (Chuntapa et al., 2003).
current price output of this natural product on Despite the benefits and the advancement in
a pure basis is valued around US $1500 per the natural production of beta-carotene from
kilogram, which can vary depending on the mar- Dunaliella, more than 90% of commercialized
keting and commercial demand for the product beta-carotene is produced synthetically. Howev-
(Gellenbeck, 2012). er, natural beta-carotene exhibits a higher
The nutraceutical use of this pigment is based bioavailability compared to the synthetically
on its function as a nontoxic vitamin A precursor, manufactured analog beta-carotene (Lio-Po,
which is used in multivitamin and specialty for- 2005). The amount of the antioxidant enzymes
mulations (Linan-Cabello et al., 2002). Because catalase, peroxidase, and superoxide dismutase
of its unique growth environment and halotoler- has been reported as significantly greater in
ance of saline conditions (up to 100 g NaCl/L) naturally produced beta-carotene from Duna-
carotenogenic Dunaliella strains cannot use the liella compared to synthetic. The health benefits
same water as for agricultural and domestic uses. from Dunaliella are numerous and diverse, and
The global production of Dunaliella is esti- there are no risks associated with consumption
mated to be 1200 tons dry weight per year of supplements containing this alga. When rats
(Gouveia et al., 1996). The major producers were fed 10% Dunaliella in their diets, they
of Dunaliella, mainly for beta-carotene, are located showed no significant negative effects, which is
in Israel, China, United States, and Australia: indicative of the safety of Dunaliella for human
Betatene, Western Biotechnology, AquaCarotene consumption (Rodolfi et al., 2003).
Ltd, Cyanotech Corp., Nature Beta Technologies,
and more (Benedetti et al., 2004).
3.2 Astaxanthin: The Red Nutraceutical
Dunaliella produces numerous carotenoid
pigments, with the most prominent being beta- This red pigment is produced by the fresh-
carotene (up to 14% dry weight), along with water alga Haematococcus. This unicellular, green
smaller amounts of alpha-carotene, lutein, and alga is a common component of nutraceuticals,
lycopene (Desmorieux et al., 2005). The total carot- pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, aquaculture, and
enoid content of Dunaliella varies with growth numerous food products (Ambati et al., 2014;
conditions; it can yield around 400 mg beta-caro- Guerin et al., 2003). Astaxanthin has shown
tene/m2 of cultivation area (Muller-Feuga, 2004). innovative anti-inflammatory and antioxidant
Beta-carotene is an antioxidant that can trap applications in human nutrition. A theoretical
reactive oxygen species involved in the aging analysis of the costs of production of astaxanthin
process (Muller-Feuga, 2000; Borowitzka, 1991). was estimated at US $ 718 per kilogram (Li et al.,
Several studies have shown beta-carotene to pre- 2011). The dry weight production of Haematococ-
vent cancer of various organs, such as the lungs, cus is around 300 tons annually in the United
stomach, cervix, pancreas, colon, rectum, breast, States, India, and Israel (Irianto and Austin,
prostate, and ovaries, by means of antioxidant 2002). The annual world market of this pigment
activity. Findings on the role of beta-carotene is estimated at $200 million, with 95% of this
from Dunaliella as a nutraceutical have reported market consuming synthetically derived
astaxanthin (Irianto and Austin, 2002; Guerin hematology (Wen and Chen, 2003). Haematococ-
et al., 2003). The current price of astaxanthin is cus pluvialis is generally regarded as safe by the
approximately $2500 per kilogram dry weight FDA; since 1999, it has been approved for mar-
(but for human consumption astaxanthin from keting as a new dietary ingredient in the United
Haematococcus pluvialis can be sold over 7000 States (Kroes et al., 2003).
US$ per kg (Ambati et al., 2014)). Companies
that commercially produce Haematococcus, pre-
dominantly for astaxanthin, include Cynotech 3.3 Spirulina: The Original Blue
Corporation, Parry Nutraceuticals, BioReal, Nutraceutical
Inc., Fuji Health Science, Aquasearch Inc.,
Spirulina is probably the best documented
Valensa International, and Alga Technologies.
example of microalgae as a food, being used by
The astaxanthin level in Haematococcus (the
ancient cultures such as the Aztecs in Mexico
largest natural source of astaxanthin) comprises
1.5e3% of its dry weight (Spolaore, 2006; and the Kanembu tribes in Lake Chad, Africa
(Paniagua-Michel et al., 1992). Spirulina was
Waldenstedt et al., 2003). Astaxanthin has shown
sold in the Tlatelolco market (Mexico City) and
antioxidant activity that is more than 10 times
eaten with maize or a sauce made of chili pep-
stronger than beta-carotene, and close to 1000
pers and tomatoes (Figure 2).
times more effective than vitamin E (Lorenz,
This cyanobacteria, through photosynthesis,
2000; Zittelli et al., 1999). Research demonstrated
converts sunlight into protein, FAs,
that this pigment is effective in decreasing arterial
carbohydrates, and nearly every other nutrient
blood pressure, plasma levels of triglycerides,
and nonesterified FAs (Robinson et al., 2005).
Among the main metabolic functions of astaxan-
thin in humans, the following have been re-
ported: protection against oxidation of essential
polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), protection
against ultraviolet radiation effects, and enhanced
vision, immune response, pigmentation, and
reproductive behavior (Yuan et al., 2011). Several
studies have indicated antioxidative (Kim et al.,
2009), anticancer (Gradelet et al., 1998), anti-
inflammatory, and antibacterial activities and
properties for this pigment.
To date, there have been no reports of nega-
tive consequences associated with the use of
Haematococcus as a direct dietary supplement.
In studies with rat models, no adverse effects
were reported when consuming 5e18 g per kilo-
gram per day (Jiang, 1999). The effects of astax-
anthin extracts from Haematococcus in humans
were investigated and did not reveal significant
differences for a period of 8 weeks (Molina-
Grima et al., 2003). After that time, exposure to
doses of 20 mg/day for 4 weeks revealed no FIGURE 2 Scheme representation of Aztec people activ-
negative effects on blood biochemistry or ities harvesting tecuitlatl (Spirulina) at Texcoco Lake, Mexico.

essential to life. Its characteristic blue color is have pointed out its positive uses in lowering
derived from the exotic pigment phycocyanin cholesterol by increasing HDL levels, which can
(PC). PC is a blue, light-harvesting pigment in lead to healthy cardiovascular functions (de Caire
cyanobacteria and in the two eukaryote algal et al., 1995). The antioxidant and anti-
genera, Rhodophyta and Cryptophyta. In fact, the inflammatory properties of C-phycocyanine of
bluish color of cyanobacteria is due to PC. The Spirulina have been successfully demonstrated
phycobiliproteins in this cyanophyted in mice models as well as in humans (Romay
allophycocyanin (APC) and c-phycocyanin et al., 1998). The potential effects of Spirulina for
(CPC)dcan have several applications like nutra- the improvement of digestion, food absorption,
ceuticals, mainly as colorants in food and fluo- and enhancement of the immune system to help
rescent labels. These proteins harbor a fight infections have been investigated (Archer
tetrapyrrolic pigment, called phycobilin, which et al., 1985).
is covalently attached to their structure. Despite all of the above-mentioned benefits
Sprirulina has been reported as a supplemen- of Spirulina as a nutraceutical, there are still
tary food and a rich source of nutrients, questions concerning the assimilation, diges-
such as B vitamins, phycocyanin, chlorophyll, tion, and bioconversion capacity and the antag-
vitamin E, omega-6 FAs, and abundant min- onist effects of the other nutrients contained in
erals (Paniagua-Michel et al., 1992; Gershwin, Spirulina extracts or meals. Some findings
2008). According to the culture conditions, this pointed out the need for efficient processing
cyanophyte can accumulate around 60e70% and engineering techniques to formulate nutri-
protein by weight, including many amino acids, ents in a digestible way for humans. Potential
and beta-carotene. Commercial presentations side effects related to the consumption of
are packed with protein, essential amino acids, Spirulina include allergic reactions, diarrhea,
and gamma linolenic acid, also providing alpha nausea, and vomiting.
linolenic acid, linoleic acid (LA), stearidonic
acid, EPA, DHA, and arachidonic acid (AA).
Spirulina is also a rich source of potassium, cal-
3.4 Chlorella: The Green Nutraceutical
cium, chromium, copper, iron, magnesium,
manganese, phosphorus, selenium, sodium, The green cellular microalga Chlorella is
and zinc. Commercial brands of Spirulina are widely sold as a health food, food supplement,
used for the health promotion of weight loss, and nutraceutical (Morita, 1999). In the Far
diabetes, high blood pressure, and hypertension East, Chlorella has been used as an alternative
(Iwata, 1990). There are some reports empha- medicine since ancient times. In China and the
sizing its antiviral properties and anticancer ef- Orient, this Chlorophyte is considered as a tradi-
fects (Mishima et al., 1998). tional food similar to a nutraceutical. Nowadays,
The commercial value of dried Spirulina the microalgae Chlorella is produced and mar-
biomass is valued at about US $15e50 per keted as a health food supplement in many
kilogram, depending on production and countries, like China, Japan, Europe, and the
market-driven variables (Gellenbeck, 2012). United States. Its estimated total production is
Approximately 3000 tons dry weight is currently around 2000 tons/year (Batista et al., 2013) of
produced annually in the United States, Thailand, dried Chlorella in the United States, Japan, China,
India, Taiwan, China, Pakistan, and Burma (Raja Taiwan, and Indonesia. Because of its content of
et al., 2007). Spirulina has been used as a weight nutrients and positive health effects, Chlorella is
loss supplement, as well as to control diabetes, considered an important functional food and nu-
high blood pressure, and hypertension. Reports traceutical. Concerning its composition, Chlorella

FIGURE 3 The main pigments contained in microalgae used as Nutraceuticals.

is composed of 55e60% protein, 1e4% chloro- nausea, and vomiting. This Chlorophyte has
phyll, 9e18% dietary fiber, and numerous min- been classified as a weak allergen. Figure 3
erals and vitamins (Shim et al., 2008). Reports shows the different pigments contained in the
on the protein of Chlorella reveal all essential diverse microalgal nutraceuticals.
amino acids required for the nutrition of hetero-
trophic organisms. The detoxication of metals
and pesticides performed by Chlorella is associ-
3.5 Lipids and Omega Fatty Acids
ated with porphyrin rings in chlorophyll or
glutathione-induced pathway production by During the last decade, efforts have been
vitamin B12. Chlorella also accumulates large focused on the use of algal oils containing
amounts of lutein, which has been associated long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPU-
with prevention and treatment of macular FAs) as nutraceuticals. Among, these, the
degeneration (Shibata et al., 2003). This Chloro- omega-3 LCPUFAs: DHA and EPA are among
phyte is also able to lower cholesterol levels the most prominent (Kirk and Behrens, 1999).
and decrease blood pressure. The consumption Docosahexaenoic acid is an omega-3 LCPUFA
of Chlorella significantly decreased the low- with 22 carbon atoms and six methylene-
density lipoprotein and the cholesterol levels. interrupted cis-double bonds (22:6) (Figure 4).
As in the case of other microalgae, Chlorella con- It is a dominant FA in neurological tissue,
sumption as a nutraceutical product could constituting 20e25% of the total FAs in the
exhibit side effects (Gouveia et al., 2007). Among gray matter of the human brain and 50e60%
the registered effects, each commercial brand in retina rod outer segments (Kirk and Behrens,
could exert different response among con- 1999). In the heart muscle tissue and sperm cells
sumers, as cases of gastrointestinal diseases, it is also abundant. Limited storage of the n-3

fish oils have long been recognized as the

common sources of LCPUFAs, because of their
enriched DHA and EPA content. Microalgae
is considered the alternative of these FAs,
because like humans, fish receive much of their
LCPUFAs from dietary sources, which in this
case are the primary producers in the oceanic
environment (Robles-Medina et al., 1998). Actu-
ally, the main advantage of microalgae over fish
oils is the lack of unpleasant odor. These FAs
with methylene-interrupted double bonds in
their structure are essential for normal cell func-
tion. The elucidation of the biological role of
these FAs in obesity and cardiovascular dis-
eases allowed their inclusion as nutraceutical
(Cardozo et al., 2007; Sayanova and Napier,
2004). In humans and animals, the adequate
dietary supply of DHA is an important issue
because its precursor linolenic acid is very
poor (Qiu, 2003).
Docosahexaenoic acid is also considered an
essential nutrient during infancy, and is the
natural nutritional source for a human infantits
mother’s breast milk. Several algae have been
proposed for production of EPA, mainly dia-
toms like Nitzschia sp., Navicula sp., and Phaeo-
dactylum. In addition, EPA is an LCPUFA, but
with 20 carbons and five double bonds (20:5).
One of the main biological roles of PUFAs is
in cellular and tissue metabolism, as well as
the regulation of membrane fluidity, electron
and oxygen transport, as well as thermal adap-
tation (Funk, 2001). Particularly, the PUFA fam-
ily (u-3), named eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA,
C20:5D5,8,11,14,17, 20:5 u-3), is one of the
most studied and considered effective FA. The
FIGURE 4 Scheme for D6-pathway for biosynthesis of five double bonds of the carboxy [D] terminus
EPA and DHA polyunsaturated fatty acids. From Adarme-
Vega et al. (2012).
of the molecule, may exhibit also the condition
with the last double bond at the third carbon
from the methyl [u] terminus (Petrie et al.,
fatty acids, such as DHA in adipose tissue of 2010). EPA forms complex lipid molecules and
mammals suggests that an exogenous dietary is an important precursor of a group of eicosa-
source is needed (Arterburn, et al., 2006). noids, hormone-like substances such as prosta-
Thus, adequate supplies of DHA must glandins, thromboxanes, and leucotrienes that
be obtained from dietary sources. Fish and are crucial in regulating developmental and
regulatory physiology (Wen and Chen, 2003). to enhance the equivalent of defense mecha-
EPA is common in a wide variety of marine nisms in these organisms, nutraceuticals must
microalgal classes, particularly Diatoms and supply the required molecules having immu-
some Chlorophyte are valuable nutraceuticals, noenhancer properties. Moreover, the need for
specifically omega-3 FAs. These FAs are very nutritional sources safer than commercial and
important in products directed at maintaining traditional animal products has developed the
heart health. FA purified can reach an approxi- interest particularly in microalgae. The nutri-
mate value of around US$260/L. As noted tional composition supplied by nutraceuticals,
earlier, omega-3 oils, which are rich in long- generally is critical for the proper development
chain u3 PUFA, are another important group or enhanced properties of organisms, because
of bioactive compounds, mainly from marine aquatic organisms when cultured in hatcheries
sources. During the last couple of decades, the or under controlled conditions generally are
health benefits from seafoods rich in u3 have lacking in these nutrients. During the last
been recognized as one of the most promising decade, the supplementation of new immuno-
developments in human nutrition and disease stimulants in aquafeed has increased the possi-
prevention research (Shahidi 2009). Probably, bility of safer production through aquaculture
long-chain u3 PUFAs are the most used as well as for increasing yield of shellfish flesh
nutraceutical because of their effectiveness in (Robinson et al., 2005; Molina et al., 2003). More-
prevention and treatment of coronary heart dis- over, in the aquaculture feed, microalgae is a rich
ease (Schmidt and Skou, 2000), hypertension source of a number of biomolecules including
(Howe, 2006), diabetes (Krishna Mohan and chlorophyll, astaxanthin, lutein, beta-carotene,
Das, 2001), arthritis and other inflammations phycobiliprotein, and PUFAs, which can be
(Babcock and Helton, 2000), autoimmune disor- considered nutraceutical compounds with rele-
ders, and cancers. Recent studies have pointed vant commercial importance. Most of the shell-
out the importance of FA in the maintenance fish organisms are unable to synthesis
and development of normal growth (Anderson carotenoids de novo, in such situation the exog-
et al., 1990). Moreover, the frequent consump- enous diet is the exclusive source (Linan et al.,
tion of u3 PUFA can lower the rate of incidence 2002; Harrison, 1990). Hence, the actual commer-
and death from cardiovascular disease cial utilization of microalgae relies in the
including ischemic heart disease, nonischemic utilization of nutraceuticals and nutritional sup-
myocardial heart disease, and hypertension plements, antioxidants, food coloring, immu-
(Arterburn et al., 2006). noenhancers, and PUFAs (Spolaore et al.,
2006). Microalgal species rich in long-
chain PUFAs, mainly EPA (20:5u3) and DHA
(22:6u3) could be considerd nutraceuticals. Sal-
4. NUTRACEUTICALS AND monids, shrimp, lobster, seabream, goldfish,
AQUACULTURE and koi carp under intensive rearing conditions
are fed with carotenoid pigments in their diet,
In aquaculture activities and industries, to attain their characteristic muscle color. More-
microalgae have gained huge interest as a source over, pigmenting effects, carotenoids, namely
of biomolecules and biomass for feed purposes. astaxanthin and canthaxanthin, exert benefits
Microalgae as nutraceutical, presently, is having on animal health and welfare, promote larval
a great acceptation in the shellfish aquaculture development and provide growth and perfor-
industry, since marine invertebrates have mance stimulatory effects in farmed fish and
rudimentary immune systems. Hence, in order shrimp (Gouveia et al., 1996; Baker and

shape according to the mouth of organisms; (2)

high content of bioactive compounds,
nutritional value, and a digestible cell wall; (3)
high growth rates; (4) easy to cultivate; (5)
non-toxic; (6) few and weak allergenic proper-
ties and side effects (Raja et al., 2004; Patil
et al., 2007; Hemaiswarya et al., 2011). Table 2
shows different commercial applications of
FAs from microalgae.


In spite of the useful properties of microalgae
as a natural material to be used as nutraceutical
for human and animal applications, this area is
just beginning. Still there are many consider-
ations concerning the physiological and
therapeutic doses to be specified to consumers,
mainly on aspects of safety, allergenics, and
side effects. Labels should play an important
role in the specification of the amounts of all
FIGURE 5 Presentation of different commercial nutra- ingredients contained in the product. In
ceuticals from microalgal origin. USA FDA regulates nutraceuticals under the
authority of the Federal Food, Drug, and
Gunther, 2004). Figure 5 shows the different Cosmetic Act, even though law does not specif-
commercial presentations of nutraceutical prod- ically define them. In most of the cases, the use
ucts from microalgae. In aquaculture, the of a nutraceutical relies on the responsibility of
following criteria are recommended for species the consumer, which needs to change in order
selection as nutraceuticals: (1) cell size and to make safer its consumption. The role of

TABLE 2 Representative Fatty Acids from Microalgae, Uses and Potential Applications

PUFA Structure Potential application producer

g-Linolenic acid 18:3 w6, 9, 12 Infant formulas, NS Arthrospira sp.

Arachidonic acid 20:4 w6, 12, 15 Infant formulas, NS Phorphyridium sp.
Eicosapentaenoic acid 20:5 w3, 6, 9, 12, 15 Aquaculture, NS Nannochloropsis,
Docosahexaenoic acid 22:6 w3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 Infant formula NS, Crypthecodinium,
aquaculture Schizochytrium

NS, Nutritional supplements.

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Microalgae as a Novel Source of
Antioxidants for Nutritional Applications
Koen Goiris1, Koenraad Muylaert2, Luc De Cooman1
KU Leuven Technology Campus Ghent, Laboratory of Enzyme, Fermentation and Brewing Technology,
Ghent, Belgium; 2KU Leuven Kulak, Research Unit Aquatic Biology, Kortrijk, Belgium


LO2 , þ LO2 , /LOOL þ O2 (4)
1.1 Lipid Oxidation LO2 , þ L, /LOOL (5)
, ,
Along with microbial stability, oxidative L þ L /LL (6)
stability is a determining factor in the overall
shelf life of foodstuffs. In most cases, lipid oxida- Alternative Initiation:
tion determines the oxidative stability of foods, LOOH/LO, þ HO, (7)
although other food components are also subject , ,
to oxidative transformations. Lipid oxidation is 2 LOOH/LO þ LO2 (8)
crucial for food stability as highly flavor-active Mnþ þ LOOH/LO, þ HO þ Mðnþ1Þþ (9)
aldehydes are formed, resulting in flavor deterio-
ration. The most important mechanisms leading In the first step in Reaction (1), the lipid radical

to lipid oxidation are spontaneous oxidation of L is generated through the intervention of an
lipids (auto-oxidation), light-induced oxidation initiator molecule that induces the abstraction of
(photo-oxidation), and lipoxygenase-mediated an a-methylenic hydrogen atom from the lipid

oxidation. The different stages in the process of LH. Once the free radical L is generated, Reactions
auto-oxidation, which is a free-radical reaction, (2) and (3) lead to a chain reaction; the lipid
are given in Reactions (1)e(9): peroxide radical, which is formed in the fast reac-
Initiation: tion (2), attacks lipid molecules with formation of
lipid hydroperoxides (3) and another lipid radical
LH þ X, /L, (1) 
L . The function of chain-breaking antioxidants
Propagation: (ArOH) is the reaction with lipid peroxide, which
halts the chain reaction, as given in Reaction (10):
L, þ O2 /LO2 , (2)
LO2 þ LH/LOOH þ L ,
(3) LO2 , þ ArOH/LOOH þ ArO, (10)

Handbook of Marine Microalgae 269 © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Effective antioxidants must react slowly with hydroxyanisol (BHA), and t-butyl hydroqui-

the substrate LH but rapidly with the LO2 and, none, are restricted in their applications and

secondly, the formed ArO radical must be levels (<0.02% of lipid content) because their
relatively stable. The weaker the OH bond in toxicological safety has been debated (Namiki,
ArOH, the more effective the antioxidant will 1990). Therefore, they are replaced with natural
be in donating an H-atom. Well-known chain- antioxidants where possible. Examples of natu-
breaking antioxidants that inhibit lipid peroxida- ral antioxidants are tocopherols, polyphenols,
tion are tocopherols and phenolics (Wright et al., and carotenoids. Well-known sources of natural
2001). sources of food-grade antioxidants are rose-
There are two main pathways by which mary (rosmarinic acid), tea (catechins), and
nonenzymatic antioxidants can deactivate radi- grape (flavonoids).
cals and prevent oxidative damage, namely
hydrogen atom transfer (HAT) and single elec-
tron transfer (SET), which often occur in parallel. 2. ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY
The dominant mechanism is predetermined by IN MICROALGAE
the properties of the antioxidant as well as the re-
action environmentdthat is, solubility of the 2.1 Reactive Oxygen Species: Formation
antioxidant and solvent used (Prior et al., and Physiological Role
2005). The general reaction of the HAT mecha-
nism, with AH being the hydrogen-donating The most important pro-oxidants in biological
antioxidant, is given by Reaction (11): systems are reactive oxygen species (ROS), which
are formed in varying physiological processes.
AH þ X, /A, þ XH (11) In microalgae, ROS are continuously produced
The second mechanism by which an antioxi- in chloroplasts, mitochondria, and peroxisomes
dant can deactivate radicals is single electron (Figure 1). To avoid damage to cell components,
transfer, given by Reactions (12)e(14): production and scavenging of ROS must be
strictly balanced; hence, antioxidant protective
X, þ AH/X þ AH,þ (12) mechanisms must be in place.
H2 O
AH,þ # A, þ H3 Oþ (13) 2.1.1 Reactive Oxygen Species
X þ H3 O /XH þ H2 O (14) In its ground state, molecular oxygen or
triplet oxygen can be considered a biradical
Considering Reaction (13), it is obvious that because it contains two unpaired electrons in
the overall electron transfer mechanism is pH parallel spin. Ground-state oxygen can be
dependent and the reactivity of the antioxidant converted to much more reactive ROS forms by
increases at higher pH values. energy transfer or by electron transfer reactions,
leading to radical ROS and nonradical ROS
(Figure 2).
1.2 Commercial Antioxidants: Synthetic
and Natural Alternatives 2.1.2 Formation Sites of Reactive Oxygen
To reduce the oxidative adulteration of Species
food or bulk oils, many synthetic and In photosynthetic organisms, including micro-
natural antioxidants are added during food algae, ROS are continuously produced as
processing. Synthetic antioxidants, such as byproducts from various metabolic pathways
butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), butylated (Apel and Hirt, 2004). Under light stress, excited

FIGURE 1 Cellular pathways of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in microalgae. Based on Cirulis et al. (2013) and Laloi et al.

FIGURE 2 Generation of different ROS by energy transfer (production of singlet oxygen) or sequential univalent reduction
of ground-state triplet oxygen. Based on Apel and Hirt (2004).

triplet chlorophyll from the photosystem II reac- may affect the ability of photoautotrophic organ-
tion center in the chloroplasts may transfer its isms to tolerate oxidative stress when exposed to
excitation energy onto triplet ground-state oxy- high light irradiance.
gen, yielding the highly reactive singlet oxygen. Another group of enzymes that catalyze reduc-
A second ROS-generating mechanism originates tion of hydrogen peroxide to water are peroxidases.
in the electron transfer system. When the light- They differ from catalase in their requirement of
driven electron transport exceeds consumption an electron donor that subsequently becomes
of electrons needed for CO2 fixation or NADP oxidized. Ascorbate peroxidase (EC, pre-
supply is limited, molecular oxygen can be sent in the stroma and thylakoids of chloroplasts,
reduced by photosystem I to superoxide, which has a significantly lower Km value for hydrogen
is rapidly converted to hydrogen peroxide by peroxide than catalase and uses vitamin C as a
superoxide dismutase. Furthermore, in the peroxi- specific electron donor (Asada and Akahashi,
somes, recycling of glycolate from photorespira- 1987). Glutathione peroxidase (EC requires
tion and fatty acid oxidation are both processes glutathione for the removal of hydrogen peroxide.
that produce hydrogen peroxide, which in its Several isoforms have been detected in the micro-
turn is mitigated by catalase. A third endogenous algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (Dayer et al., 2008)
ROS source is the generation of superoxide by and Chlorella sp. (Wang and Xu, 2012).
ubiquinone in the electron transport chain during
oxidative phosphorylation in the mitochondria. 2.2.2 Nonenzymatic Antioxidant
However, mitochondrial ROS production is Protection
much lower than the production in chloroplasts. L-Ascorbic acid or vitamin C, abundant in
A last source of superoxide is the activity of photosynthetic organisms, can reduce many
NADPH oxidase in the plasma membrane. ROS. Vitamin C is present in both cytosol and
chloroplast where it takes part in the ascorbatee
glutathione cycle to remove hydrogen peroxide
2.2 ROS Detoxification in Microalgae (Mallick and Mohn, 2000). Next to its vital role
To counteract the detrimental effects of ROS, in the elimination of hydrogen peroxide, vitamin
all living organisms have several defensive sys- C also scavenges superoxide, hydroxyl radicals,
tems at their disposal, both enzymatic and non- and lipid hydroperoxides (Lesser, 2006). In the
enzymatic. In this section, the most important chloroplast, vitamin C plays a crucial role in
ROS-associated enzymes and antioxidants found the regeneration of membrane-bound caroten-
in microalgae are discussed. oids and tocopherols, thereby protecting the
photosynthetic apparatus (Mallick and Mohn,
2.2.1 Enzymatic Antioxidant Protection 2000). High levels of vitamin C have been re-
Superoxide dismutase (EC consists of a ported in Chlorella sp. (Running et al., 2002),
mixture of metalloproteins differentiated by Dunaliella sp. (Barbosa et al., 2005), Chaetoceros
their metal cofactor. The three isoforms common calcitrans, and Skeletonema costatum (Brown
to plants (CuZn-SOD, Fe-SOD, and Mn-SOD) et al., 1998, 1999). Production of vitamin C is
are also present in microalgae (Janknegt et al., stimulated by high light exposure (Barbosa
2009). Superoxide dismutase catalyzes the neu- et al., 2005), allelochemicals such as ethyl
tralization of superoxide radicals with the forma- 2-methyl acetoacetate (Yang et al., 2011), or ul-
tion of hydrogen peroxide and oxygen. traviolet stress (Abd El-baky et al., 2004).
Catalase (EC catalyzes the conversion Glutathione (GSH), a tripeptide (Glu-Cys-Gly)
of hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen. found in animals and photosynthetic organisms,
The catalase enzyme is sensitive to light, which acts as an antioxidant in many ways including
reaction with superoxide, singlet oxygen, and hy- phase, vitamin C is able to reduce the tocopher-
droxyl radicals. Glutathione also acts as a chain- oxyl radical, thereby recycling the active form of
breaker of free-radical reactions and is crucial in tocopherol in the chloroplast (Buettner, 1993;
the regeneration of ascorbate (Lesser, 2006). As a Niki, 1991).
substrate for glutathione peroxidase, it donates a-Tocopherol is produced in high amounts
the electrons necessary for decomposition of by Dunaliella tertiolecta and Tetraselmis suecica.
hydrogen peroxide (Kohen and Nyska, 2002). Carballo-Cardenas et al. (2003) demonstrated
Tocopherols are located in the lipid bilayers of that production of a-tocopherol is highly vari-
cell membranes. The most widespread homologs able throughout the growth cycle and that
in nature are four tocopherols and four tocotrie- nutrient composition can be used to control
nols: a, b, g, and d -tocopherol as well as a, b, g, its production in both species. In Dunaliella
and d -tocotrienol (Colombo, 2010). Tocopherols salina, a-tocopherol production is stimulated
and tocotrienols have the same basic chemical by UV-stress, nitrogen limitation, and salt stress
structure characterized by a long chain attached (Abd El-baky et al., 2004). Another study showed
at the 2-position of a chromane ring. However, that decreasing N-concentrations in the growth
tocotrienols contain three conjugated double medium leads to increased a-tocopherol accu-
bonds in the aliphatic side chain instead of the mulation in Nannochloropsis oculata, but growth
saturated C16 side chain found in tocopherols rate is reduced under these conditions (Durmaz,
(Figure 3). 2007).
The most active antioxidant form is a-tocopherol, The lipophilic carotenoids are produced de novo
which is only synthesized in the chloroplasts of by photoautotrophs. In photosynthetic organisms,
photosynthetic organisms. a-Tocopherol acts carotenoids are present in the pigmenteprotein
as an antioxidant through its ability to quench complexes of the thylakoid membranes of chloro-
both singlet oxygen and (lipid) peroxides plasts, where they fulfill a dual function (Cogdell
(Lesser, 2006; Mallick and Mohn, 2000). Although et al., 1994). Some carotenoids (especially keto-
a-tocopherol is located in the membranes and carotenoids such as fucoxanthin, Figure 4) act
the hydrophilic vitamin C is located in the liquid as accessory light-harvesting pigments by

FIGURE 3 Chemical structures of tocopherols and tocotrienols.


transferring light energy of wavelengths that chemical quenching with formation of carot-
cannot be captured by chlorophylls (Takaichi, enoid epoxides also occurs (Liebler, 1993).
2011). Next, carotenoids also have a protective
function by dissipating excess energy and by
O2  þ CAR/3 O2 þ 3 CAR (15)
quenching ROS that are produced during photo- During physical quenching (reaction (15)), the
synthesis (Goss and Jakob, 2010). The xantho- carotenoid triplet state is produced through
phyll cycle, that is, the cyclical interconversion energy transfer. This excited state can return to
of violaxanthin, antheraxanthin, and zeaxanthin the ground state by dissipating energy as heat
in chlorophytes, provides zeaxanthin needed for or by translocation over the conjugated double
dissipation of excess energy from excited chloro- bond system. Therefore, the ability to quench
phylls in photosynthetic organisms. In diatoms singlet oxygen increases with longer chain
and dinoflagellates, an alternative xanthophyll lengths of the conjugated system (Edge et al.,
cycle exists where diadinoxanthin is converted 1997). Next to the ability of carotenoids to
into diatoxanthin (diatoms) or dinoxanthin quench singlet oxygen, they can also react with
(dinoflagellates). free radicals. Carotenoids can react with peroxyl
Another mode of photoprotection by caroten- radicals and are involved in recycling of
oids is the quenching of excited triplet-state phenoxyl radicals and tocopheroxyl radicals,
chlorophyll and singlet oxygen by b-carotene. which are formed upon reaction of phenolic
The main mechanism in carotenoid photopro- antioxidants and tocopherols with peroxyl and
tection against singlet oxygen functions alkoxyl radicals (Burke et al., 2001; Burton,
through electronic energy transfer as given by 1989; Edge et al., 1997). However, unlike quench-
reaction (15) (Edge et al., 1997); however, ing of singlet oxygen, which mainly leads to

FIGURE 4 Chemical structures of some carotenoids occurring in microalgae.

energy dissipation as heat, the reactions of carot- by increasing pH and temperature during culti-
enoids (or any antioxidant) with free radicals vation (Guedes et al., 2011b). Further, Wei et al.
will lead to electron transfer or addition (2008) showed that lutein content of heterotro-
reactions. Three reaction mechanisms describe phically grown Chlorella protothecoides increased
the reaction of free radicals with carotenoids, in response to singlet oxygen, but was reduced
that is, electron transfer, hydrogen atom transfer, when cells were exposed to hydroxyl radicals.
and radical addition to the carotenoid (Martínez Growth-limiting conditions, such as pH values
and Barbosa, 2008; Martínez et al., 2008). In of six or nine and a temperature of 33  C, were
order to scavenge free radicals, carotenoids can found to stimulate carotenogenesis in the chloro-
either donate or accept unpaired electrons. phyte Muriellopsis sp. (Del Campo et al., 2000),
Usually, antioxidant molecules become oxidized which is currently the commercial source of
by donating electrons to the free radical. Howev- lutein. Lutein content in this species is the high-
er, carotenoids can also quench free radicals by est in early stationary phase. Another microalgal
accepting an unpaired electron, rendering it pigment, sold as antioxidant, is the secondary
harmless by translocation over the conjugated carotenoid astaxanthin, produced by Haematococ-
side chain. In a comparative study, it was cus pluvialis. Accumulation of astaxanthin occurs
observed that the apolar lycopene as well as when H. pluvialis cells are exposed to stress,
the xanthophylls were the most effective carot- induced by a combination of high light, high
enoids in reducing ferric ions (FRAP assay) salt levels and nitrogen deprivation (Boussiba,
(M€uller et al., 2011). In the same study, it was 2000; Wang et al., 2003). The last microalgal
further demonstrated that the group of carotenes pigment that is currently produced commer-
(lycopene, a- and b-carotene) were more efficient cially for its antioxidant properties is b-carotene,
quenchers of the ABTS þ radical than most of the

extracted from the halophile D. salina. Caroteno-
xanthophylls and that keto-carotenoids were genesis in this microalga is induced by Fe2þ, as
most efficient in scavenging peroxyl radicals, well as by UV-stress. Also in Chlorella vulgaris,
due to their more pronounced conjugated an increase in carotenoid content is observed
double bond systems. upon metal exposure (Mallick, 2004). A good
In microalgae, a distinction is usually made overview of the optimum conditions for carot-
between primary and secondary carotenoids. enoid production is given by Guedes et al. (2011a).
Whereas primary carotenoids are structural A last group of antioxidant secondary metab-
and functional components of the photosyn- olites are polyphenols, which are present, often at
thetic apparatus, and thus essential for survival, high levels, in virtually all plants (Pietta, 2000).
secondary carotenoids are produced at high Polyphenols comprise a structurally diverse
levels when cells are exposed to specific environ- group of components, including simple phenols,
mental stimuli (Jin et al., 2003). At present, carot- phenolic acids, flavonoids, tannins, and lignans.
enoids (both primary and secondary) are the Polyphenols can inhibit lipid oxidation in
most commercialized products from microalgae. different ways, that is, by directly scavenging
One such carotenoid that can be sourced from HOCl, singlet oxygen, lipid peroxyl, superoxide
microalgae is lutein. Lutein is also found in the and hydroxyl radicals, by metal chelation or by
human retina where it acts both as an optical fil- inhibiting lipoxygenase (Dugas et al., 2000;
ter and as an antioxidant to protect long-chain Rice-Evans et al., 1996; Salah et al., 1995).
polyunsaturated fatty acids and is therefore The general mechanism of radical scavenging
important for our eye’s health (Rapp et al., by phenolics is given in Figure 5. In the first
2000). In Scenedesmus, lutein production, as step, a hydrogen atom is donated to the radical,
well as b-carotene production, can be stimulated and an aroxyl radical is produced. This radical is

FIGURE 5 General radical scavenging scheme of phenolics. R represents superoxide anion, peroxyl, alkoxyl, or hydroxyl

relatively stable through resonance and can Mesotaenium berggrenii (Remias et al., 2012) or
interact with another radical yielding a quinone. even BHT, the well-known food additive (E321),
This means that, in the general mechanism, one which was found in the chlorophyte Botryococcus
polyphenol molecule is able to quench two braunii and the cyanobacteria Cylindrospermopsis
radical molecules. However, if high metal con- raciborskii, Microcystis aeruginosa, and Oscillatoria
centrations are present, the aroxyl radical can sp. (Babu and Wu, 2008).
interact with oxygen, generating a quinone In microalgae, little is known about the
and a superoxide anion, rather than terminating response of phenolic components to environmen-
the radical chain reactions. This mechanism is tally induced oxidative stress. Duval et al. (2000)
responsible for the undesired pro-oxidant effect examined the effects of UV-exposure on antioxi-
of phenolics that can occur under specific condi- dant properties of Chlamydomonas nivalis and
tions (Pietta, 2000). observed an increase in phenolics upon exposure
Next to their direct radical scavenging prop- to UV-C light. Another study on potential effects
erties, polyphenols are able to chelate metals, of UV on phenolic content was performed with
hereby reducing the oxidative stress as transi- Scenedesmus quadricauda (Kovacik et al., 2010).
tion metals are involved in ROS generation This study found no significant changes in total
(Pietta, 2000). phenolic content when cells were exposed to
Although phenolics are well-studied antioxi- elevated levels of UV-A but noticed a 50%
dant components in higher plants, the acknowl- decrease in the flavonols quercetin and kaem-
edgment of their presence in microalgae is pherol. When the cells were exposed to UV-C,
fairly recent. Li et al. (2007) and Hajimahmoodi these flavonols were not found in the biomass,
et al. (2010) screened microalgae for polyphenol suggesting breakdown of these components by
content and antioxidant activity and found UV-C. On the other hand, benzoic acids
large variations between samples. More recently, increased upon UV-A exposure and cinnamic
Goiris et al. (2012) indicated that the antioxidant acid decreased when cells were exposed to
potential of microalgae is not only determined UV-A or UV-C. Others found that production
by its carotenoid content but also other compo- of BHT (Babu and Wu, 2008) was stimulated un-
nents, including phenolics, are important con- der high light irradiation in B. braunii, C. racibor-
tributors to overall antioxidant activity. Next to skii, M. aeruginosa, and Oscillatoria sp. Other
the presence of simple phenols in microalgae studies described the influence of metal stress
(Klejdus et al., 2009; Onofrejov a et al., 2010), on the phenolic content in microalgae. Ulloa
the presence of flavonoids in microalgae has et al. (2012) found that phenolic content was stim-
been acknowledged, albeit at low levels (Goiris ulated by strontium addition to cultures of T. sue-
et al., 2014; Klejdus et al., 2010). Microalgae can cica. Also in S. quadricauda (Kovacik et al., 2010)
further produce some remarkable polyphenolic and Phaeodactylum tricornutum (Rico et al., 2013),
antioxidant molecules such as marennine in the phenolic content was higher when cells were
diatom Haslea ostrearia (Pouvreau et al., 2008), exposed to metals. A better understanding on
purpurogallin in the extremophile snow algae how polyphenol concentrations change in
response to oxidative stress will clarify the role of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae to reduce cupper-
polyphenols as antioxidants in microalgae and induced oxidation of plasma lipids and found
learn how to maximize production for use in that at a concentration of 1 mM phycocyanin,
the food, feed, or chemical industry. oxidation of blood lipids was reduced by a factor
three. Lee et al. (2010) assessed the antioxidant
properties of the microalgae Halochlorococcum
2.3 Other Antioxidants porphyrae and Oltamannsiellopsis unicellularis
Next to the antioxidant components com- using both solvent extracts and enzymatic di-
monly found in other plants, some microalgae gests. Lipid peroxidation was strongly inhibited
produce specific types of antioxidants such as by all methanolic extracts, as well as the ethyl
the phycobilin proteins phycocyanin in cyano- acetate fraction of H. porphyrae and the chloro-
bacteria (Benedetti et al., 2004; Huang et al., form fraction of O. unicellularis which inhibited
2007; Thangam et al., 2013; Yoshikawa and lipid peroxidation similar to a-tocopherol. In
Belay, 2008) and phycoerythrin in rhodophytes addition, some enzymatic digests exhibited ef-
and cyanobacteria (Huang et al., 2007). Espe- fects similar to the synthetic antioxidant BHT.
cially the cyanobacteria Arthrospira platensis is Several studies demonstrated the efficacy of
known to produce high amounts of phycocyanin ethanolic extracts of Chlorella sp. on lipid perox-
(Oliveira et al., 2009). Also dimethylsulfide/ idation and measured similar degrees of inhibi-
dimethylsulfoxide (Sunda et al., 2002) and sul- tion compared to BHT (Choochote et al., 2014;
fated polysaccharides (Tannin-Spitz et al., 2005) Rodriguez-Garcia and Guil-Guerrero, 2008).
contribute to the antioxidant pool of microalgae. Another study by Natrah et al. (2007) screened
14 samples of Malaysian indigenous microalgae
and identified six species, that is, S. quadricauda,
C. vulgaris, N. oculata, Tetraselmis tetrathele and
3. POTENTIAL OF MICROALGAL especially Isochrysis galbana and C. calcitrans, of
ANTIOXIDANTS TO REDUCE LIPID which crude methanolic extracts inhibited the
oxidation of linoleic acid to the same extent as
the commercial antioxidants BHA and BHT.
3.1 Current Knowledge and Applications
Recently, the use of whole biomass of C. vulgaris
Over the last decade, increasing evidence has and H. pluvialis has been shown to retard lipid
been gathered on the potential of microalgal oxidation in bulk oils (Lee et al., 2013) as well
extracts for retarding lipid oxidation. For as in food emulsions (Gouveia et al., 2005).
instance, Ranga Rao et al. (2006) studied the Although all studies mentioned above describe
effect of crude acetone extracts of B. braunii on the activity against lipid oxidation in view of
lipid peroxidation in model systems. The rela- radical scavenging activity of the extracts, earlier
tively high degree of inhibition of lipid peroxida- work by Matsukawa et al. (1997) looked at the
tion, in comparison with the synthetic potential of microalgal extracts for inhibition
antioxidant BHT, was ascribed to carotenoids of two important oxidative enzymes that are
and polyphenols in the extracts. Tannin-Spitz involved in oxidation of lipids and proteins, that
et al. (2005) studied the effect of sulfated polysac- is, lipoxygenase and tyrosinase, respectively. In
charides from Porphyridium cruentum on lipid this study, it was indicated that ethanol extracts
oxidation and found inhibition rates of up contained efficient inhibitors of the lipoxygenase
to 80% at a concentration of 10 mg mL1 activity, whereas methanol extracts showed the
Benedetti et al. (2004) reported the use of a highest tyrosinase inhibition, compared to ethanol
phycocyanin-rich extract from the cyanophyte and aqueous extracts.

3.2 Future Perspectives Brown, M.R., Mular, M., Miller, I., Farmer, C., Trenerry, C., 1999.
The vitamin content of microalgae used in aquaculture.
Although the efficacy of microalgal antioxi- J. App. Phycol. 11, 247e255.
dants toward lipid oxidation has been proven, Brown, M.R., Skabo, S., Wilkinson, B., 1998. The enrichment
and retention of ascorbic acid in rotifers fed microalgal
little data are available on how these novel antiox-
diets. Aquacult. Nutr. 4, 151e156.
idant formulations perform compared to commer- Buettner, G.R., 1993. The pecking order of free radicals and
cially available antioxidant products, both from a antioxidants: lipid peroxidation, alpha-tocopherol, and
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2001. One-electron reduction potentials of dietary carot-
still need to be further characterized to allow stan-
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foods. Since only a few species are currently Choochote, W., Suklampoo, L., Ochaikul, D., 2014. Evalua-
allowed for human consumption, many microal- tion of antioxidant capacities of green microalgae.
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Production of Biopharmaceuticals
in Microalgae
Bernardo Ba~nuelos-Hernandez, Josue I. Beltran-Lopez,
Sergio Rosales-Mendoza
Universidad Aut
onoma de San Luis Potosí, Laboratorio de Biofarmaceuticos Recombinantes,
Facultad de Ciencias Químicas, San Luis Potosí, Mexico

1. INTRODUCTION BF complexity (e.g., required specific glycosyla-

tion patterns or oligomeric structure formation).
Recombinant DNA and hybridoma technolo- Therefore, BFs with high complexity are pro-
gies made it possible to produce, at large scale, duced in appropriate eukaryotic platforms such
proteins acting as drugs, which are referred to as mammalian cells, whereas simpler molecules
as biodrugs, biologics, or biopharmaceuticals that do not require complex posttranslational
(BFs). Many disorders are currently treated modifications, such as insulin and some interleu-
with such BFs, which comprise cytokines, mono- kins, are typically produced in bacterial systems.
clonal antibodies, clotting factors, hormones, Production of BFs in mammalian cells is
and enzymes. BFs differ from traditional drugs characterized by the most appropriate post-
in terms of manufacturing processes, structure, translational processing, yielding high-quality
and action. BFs are much more complex due to proteins with optimum functionality and proper
their high molecular weight, specific tridimen- half-life (Almo and Love, 2014). However, the
sional structure (or even quaternary structures), limitations of this system comprise the required
and heterogeneity given by the number of post- scaling-up procedure and the potential contami-
translational modifications to which they can be nation with pathogenic viruses or prions. The
subjected (Schellekens, 2004; WHO, 2013). latter factor demands strict purification processes
Because BFs are of key importance in the fight and quality control procedures, leading to costly
against a myriad of both infectious and noncom- BFs. On the other hand, although the production
municable diseases, they are typically produced, of recombinant proteins in bacteria cells is more
at a commercial scale, using mammalian cells, economical than in mammalian cells, the system
yeast, or bacteria as the expression host. The is limited by the lack of capability to perform
election of the production platform mainly complex posttranslational modifications and the
depends on the requirements determined by the frequent production of nonsoluble proteins that

Handbook of Marine Microalgae 281 © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

require refolding processes, which in fact do not 2. CURRENT OUTLOOK OF BFs

always guarantee functionality (Overton, 2014; PRODUCED IN MICROALGAE
Hochkoeppler, 2013).
Given this outlook, the development of new Since genetic engineering tools are avai-
BFs production platforms is a relevant aim in lable for a number of algae species, the notion of
this area. Proper functionality, safety, and low using them as recombinant protein production
cost are the main desired attributes, considering platforms emerged in the early 1990s (Kindle,
that low-income countries have an urgent need 1990; Kindle et al., 1991). Figure 1 presents a gen-
for these drugs to be more accessible. In recent eral outlook of the methodology that currently al-
years, progres in genetic modification procedures lows for the development of genetically
in combination with plant biotechnology has led engineered algae clones. Following this type of
to propose next-generation platforms for the pro- procedure, approximately 13 vaccine prototypes
duction of BFs. Among them, plants have the po- have been produced in microalgae during the
tential to serve as a low-cost and robust platform. last decade, targeting both infectious and non-
Microalgae have also been proposed as a potential communicable pathologies of relevance in
platform because these organisms offer some of humans, such as hypertension (Soria-Guerra
the strengths of the mammalian and bacterial sys- et al., 2014), hepatitis B virus (Geng et al., 2003),
tems. The characteristics identified in microalgae and human papillomavirus infection/cervical
for the potential BFs production include: (1) high cancer (Demurtas et al., 2013), among others. In
growth rates can be achieved in low-cost media the veterinary field, these approaches have also
culture, (2) efficient genetic modification technol- been applied, such as in the case of the VP28
ogies are available, (3) technologies for bioreactor- protein-based vaccine against the spread of white
based production are available, (4) many species spot syndrome virus (WSSV), which is of rele-
possess the machinery to perform complex post- vance in shrimp farms (Feng et al., 2014a).
translational modifications, and (5) numerous Twelve of these candidate vaccines have been
species are edible and thus may serve as oral produced in C. reinhardtii and only one in D. sal-
delivery vehicles of certain BFs. ina. The characterization of most of these vaccines
The exploration of this topic has been mainly comprised the detection and quantification of the
performed using the freshwater microalga spe- recombinant antigen in algae candidate clones
cies Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, with promising and preclinical studies conducted in mice to eval-
results in terms of yield and functionality. A sub- uate their immunogenic potential in terms of
stantial number of BFs have been produced in antibody titers and polarization of the immune
Chlamydomonas thus far, comprising mainly vac- response (see Table 1).
cines and antibodies. These cases have generated On the other hand, antibodies have consti-
a solid expectation of the potential impact of this tuted another key target in this field. Although
technology in the pharmaceutical industry antibodies are effective therapeutics against a va-
(Specht and Mayfield, 2014; Rosales-Mendoza, riety of human diseases, the high cost of such BFs
2013; Specht et al., 2010). This chapter analyzes remains a limiting issue for their massive use.
the current outlook on the use of microalgae as C. reinhardtii has been used for the production
expression hosts of BFs, emphasizing the poten- of different types of antibodies, which range
tial of marine algae as convenient platforms, in from large single-chain antibodies directed
particular the species Phaeodactylum tricornutum, against the glycoprotein D of herpes simplex
Dunaliella salina, and Nannochloropsis spp., for virus (HSV) (Mayfield et al., 2003) to immuno-
which genetic transformation procedures are toxins that consist of chimeric antibodies
currently available. comprising variable regions that recognize a

FIGURE 1 A general workflow for the development of genetically engineered microalgae clones for recombinant protein

FIGURE 1 cont’d.
TABLE 1 An Overview of the Recombinant Vaccines Expressed in Microalgae Species

Features of vaccine

Transformation Integration Route of

Target antigen Expression host method site Yields administration Adjuvant Findings References

White spot Dunaliella salina Glass beads Nuclear Approximately Oral e Immunogenicity Feng
syndrome virus genome 780 mg/L of not assessed et al. (2014b)
VP28 protein recombinant VP28


Angiotensin II Chlamydomonas Agrobacterium Nuclear Up to 0.05% of TSP e e Immunogenicity Soria-Guerra
fused to reinhardtii tumefaciens genome not assessed et al. (2014)
hepatitis B
virus capsid
Human C. reinhardtii Glass beads Chloroplast Up to 0.12% of TSP Subcutaneus Quil A Vaccination in mice Demurtas
papillomavirus genome 0.02% of TSP for the induced high titers et al. (2013)
type 16 E7 His-tagged version of specific IgGs
mutant, E7GGG)
Plasmodium C. reinhardtii Biobalistic Chloroplast Up to 0.09% TSP Intraperitoneal Aluminum Intraperitonial Gregory
falciparum surface genome and oral salt immunization et al. (2013)
protein Pfs25 elicits IgG
fused to cholera responses that
toxin B subunit recognized Pfs25.
Oral vaccination
elicits secretory
IgA responses
C-terminal C. reinhardtii Biobalistic Chloroplast Not quantified; e e Pfs48/45 protein Jones
domain of the P. genome detected by Western was expressed et al. (2013)
falciparum surface blot after affinity and properly
protein Pfs48/45 purification folded;
not assessed

TABLE 1 An Overview of the Recombinant Vaccines Expressed in Microalgae Speciesdcont’d

Features of vaccine


Transformation Integration Route of
Target antigen Expression host method site Yields administration Adjuvant Findings References

P. falciparum C. reinhardtii Biobalistic Chloroplast Not quantified; Intraperitoneal Freund’s Both candidates Gregory
surface genome detected by Western are immunogenic et al. (2012)
proteins 25 (Pfs25) blot and Coomassie in mice inducing
and 28 (Pfs28) blue staining after antibodies against
affinity purification the target pathogen
form. Pfs25 elicits
blocking antibodies.
Chimeric protein C. reinhardtii Glass beads Nuclear 0.2e1 mg of protein Oral LTB Immunogenic in Dauvillee et al.
comprising the genome per mg of purified mice inducing (2010)
Intraperitoneal Freund’s
granule bound starch systemic protective
starch synthase immune responses.
(GBSS) and either
the C-terminal
domains from the
Apical Major
Antigen (AMA1)
or Major Surface
Protein (MSP1)

Chimeric protein C. reinhardtii Biobalistic Chloroplast Up to 0.7% of TSP Oral e Immunogenic in Dreesen et al.
comprising the genome mice inducing (2010)
cholera toxin B mucosal and
subunit and the systemic immune
D2 fibronectin- responses. Induced
binding domain immunoprotection
of Staphylococcus against S. aureus
aureus challenge
VP28 protein of C. reinhardtii Biobalistic Chloroplast Variable, ranging e e Immunogenicity Surzycki et al.
the White spot genome from 0.2% to 20.9% not assessed (2009)
syndrome virus of total cellular
protein (0.1e10.5%
Human glutamic C. reinhardtii Biobalistic Chloroplast 0.25e0.3% of TSP e e Showed a positive Wang et al.
acid genome reactivity with (2008)
decarboxylase 65 sera from diabetic
patients and is
immunogenic in
nonobese diabetic


Structural protein C. reinhardtii Biobalistic Chloroplast 1.5e2% of TSP Subcutaneous Freund’s Immunogenic in He et al. (2007)
E2 of the classical genome mice inducing
swine fever virus Oral e systemic immune
responses only
Hepatitis B D. salina Electroporation Nuclear 1.64e3.11 ng/mg e e Immunogenicity Geng et al. (2003)
surface genome of TSP not assessed
Chimeric protein C. reinhardtii Biobalistic Chloroplast 3e4% of TSP e e Displays antigenic Sun et al. (2003)
comprising the genome determinants from
cholera toxin B both components;
subunit foot and immunogenicity not
the mouth assessed
disease virus
VP1 protein


relevant cell-specific target (e.g., CD22) fused to a and Mayfield, 2014; Mayfield et al., 2003), ma-
toxin (e.g., gelonin toxin) that is intended as a ther- rine algae species are also being explored for
apeutic agent against neoplastic diseases (e.g., this purpose. The attributes that justify the use
chronic B-cell lymphoid leukemia; Tran et al., of new species include efficient protein secretion
2013). Genetic engineering procedures at the mechanisms, higher yields, use of seawater to
chloroplast compartment have allowed for the avoid interference with potable or agriculture
successful assembly of these antibodies, which water sources, and the feasibility of growing
have shown proper reactivity (see Table 2). algae under full containment favoring biosafety.
Besides vaccines and antibodies, many recom- The following sections describe these cases
binant proteins have been expressed successfully and the potential for using them as new
in microalgae, including reporter genes such as microalgae-based platforms in the biopharming
luciferase (Matsuo et al., 2006; Mayfield and field.
Schultz, 2004; Minko et al., 1999), green fluores-
cent protein (GFP) (Franklin et al., 2002), and
b-glucuronidase (Ishikura et al., 1999). In addi-
3.1 Phaeodactylum tricornutum
tion, selection markers such as aminoglycoside Phaeodactylum tricornutum is a diatom that has
transferase (aphA) (Bateman and Purton, 2000) emerged in the biotechnology field for various
and the adenine aminoglycoside transferase applications, such as a biofuel precursor and re-
(aadA) (Goldschmidt-Clermont, 1991) have combinant protein expression host due to its
been expressed properly, allowing for the selec- biosynthetic capacity and high growth rates.
tion of transformed clones. Both biolistic and electroporation-mediated ge-
Other BFs that have been expressed in micro- netic engineering methods have been reported
algae include the Kunitz trypsin inhibitor of soy- for P. tricornutum (Hempel et al., 2011; Hempel
bean (SKTI), which is used to downregulate and Maier, 2012; Zaslavskaia et al., 2000; Apt
inflammatory activity (Chai et al., 2013); the et al., 1996; Niu et al., 2012; Miyahara et al.,
mammary-associated serum amyloid A protein 2013). Initial attempts comprised the use of vec-
(M-SAA), which stimulates mucin production tors containing selection markers targeting the
in gut epithelial cells to protect the bowel in new- nuclear genome via a biolistic method. Apt
borns (Manuell et al., 2007); and the human tu- et al. (1996) showed that the sh-ble (phleomy-
mor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing cin-resistance gene) and cat (chloramphenicol
ligand (TRAIL) for cancer therapy (Yang et al., acetyltransferase) genes serve as appropriate se-
2006). Although most of these proteins have lection markers. Another important genetic engi-
been expressed in C. reinhardtii, a remarkable in- neering tool applied in this species consists of the
terest in expressing recombinant proteins in use of reporter genes. Zaslavskaia et al. (2000)
other promising microalgae species, such as developed P. tricornutum clones expressing
P. tricornutum and D. salina, has been reflected both the GFP and GUS proteins, which are the
in the recent literature (see Table 3). main reporter genes used to monitoring either
transient or stable transgene expression.
An important advance related to BFs produc-
3. OTHER MICROALGAE AS tion consisted of the production of functional an-
PLATFORMS TO PRODUCE tibodies in P. triconutum. Hempel et al. (2011)
BIOPHARMACEUTICALS expressed a monoclonal human immunoglob-
ulin (Ig) G antibody against the hepatitis B
Although C. reinhardtii has been the main surface protein. Assembling and binding proper-
microalga applied for BFs production (Rasala ties of the antibodies produced were positively
TABLE 2 An Overview of Antibodies Expressed in Microalgae Species

Description of Transformation
antibody Expression host method Integration site Findings Yields References

Immunotoxin Chlamydomonas Biobalistic Chloroplast Functional aCD22 accumulates Tran et al. (2013)
protein containing reinhardtii genome immunotoxin is at approximately
a ribosome expressed in the 0.7% of TSP.


inactivating protein chloroplast of aCD22Gel
named gelonin with C. reinhardtii, having accumulates at
variable regions of as perspective the approximately
heavy and light use of therapies in 0.2e0.3% of TSP
chains from an neoplastic diseases aCD22CH23Gel
antibody (scFv) that such as B-cell chronic accumulates at
recognizes CD22 lymphocytic leukemia approximately
0.1e0.2% of TSP
Human monoclonal Phaeodactylum Biobalistic Nuclear genome Functional IgG IgG antibodies were Hempel and Maier
IgG antibody tricornutum antibody was secreted to the (2012)
CL4mAb against the expressed and medium at levels
hepatitis B virus secreted into the of up to 2.5 mg/mL
surface protein culture medium.
Human monoclonal P. tricornutum Biobalistic Nuclear genome Functional antibody Monoclonal IgG Hempel et al. (2011)
IgG1 antibody is expressed and antibody is
CL4mAb against the assembled in the accumulated at
hepatitis B virus endoplasmatic up to 8.7% of TSP.
surface antigen reticulum of P. HBsAg is
tricornutum using accumulated at
the endopasmic up to 0.7% TSP
reticulum retention
signal (DDEL) at the
C-terminus of both
antibody chains and
use a nitrate-inducible
promoter system
HBsAg was expressed
and accumulated in P.
tricornutum more
efficient than in other
plant systems, such as
N. tabacum

TABLE 2 An Overview of Antibodies Expressed in Microalgae Speciesdcont’d


Description of Transformation
antibody Expression host method Integration site Findings Yields References

Human IgG1 C. reinhardtii Biobalistic Chloroplast Human antibody was Not quantified; Tran et al. (2009)
monoclonal antibody genome successfully expressed detected by Western
83K7C against the PA83 and the levels of blot
anthrax antigen expression are similar
to the same antibody
expressed in
mammalian cells

Single-chain variable C. reinhardtii Biobalistic Chloroplast Functional Antibody is Mayfield and Franklin
regions antibody genome immunotoxin protein accumulated at up to (2005)
against the Herpes is expressed in C. 0.25% of TSP
simplex virus reinhardtii chloroplast
glycoprotein D
Large single-chain (lsc) C. reinhardtii Biobalistic Chloroplast HSV8-lsc antibody is Antibody is Mayfield et al. (2003)
antibody directed genome produced in a accumulated at >1%
against herpes simplex functional manner TSP
virus (HSV) in C. reinhardtii
glycoprotein D chloroplast
TABLE 3 An Overview of Other Biopharmaceuticals and Reporter/Marker Genes Expressed in Microalgae Species

Description of Transformation Integration

recombinant protein Expression host method site Findings Yields References

Soybean Kunitz trypsin Dunalliela salina LiAc transformation Nuclear SKTI gene was successfully 0.68% of TSP Chai et al. (2013)
inhibitor (SKTI) method genome expressed in D. salina cells
as an approach to down
regulate inflammatory



Chloramphenicol P. tricornutum Electroporation Nuclear CAT gene was successfully Not quantified; detected Niu et al. (2012)
acetyltransferase (CAT) genome expressed in P. tricornutum by Western blot
cells. An interesting strategy
consisted of the use of an
NaNO3-inducible promoter.
Mammary-associated serum Chlamydomonas Biobalistic Chloroplast Robust expression of 12.5% of TSP Manuell et al. (2007)
amyloid A (M-SAA) reinhardtii genome bioactive M-SAA was
achieved, with the potential
to protect against intestinal
bacterial and viral infection
in newborns.

Firefly luciferase C. reinhardtii Biobalistic Chloroplast Firefly luciferase was Not quantified Matsuo et al. (2006)
genome successfully used as a
reporter gene that will be
useful in chloroplast gene
regulation studies

Human tumor necrosis C. reinhardtii Biobalistic Chloroplast Chlamydomonas-made 0.43e0.67% of TSP Yang et al. (2006)
factor-related apoptosis- genome TRAIL was functional,
inducing ligand (TRAIL) with possible use for
therapies in viral disease
and cancer.
Human metallothionine-2 C. reinhardtii Biobalistic Chloroplast The hMT-2 human gene Not quantified; visible by Zhang et al. (2006)
genome was integrated into the Western blot
chloroplast genome of C.
reinhardtii and successfully
expressed in the
transplastomic alga. hMT-2
transplastomic algae were
resistant to UV-B radiation

TABLE 3 An Overview of Other Biopharmaceuticals and Reporter/Marker Genes Expressed in Microalgae Speciesdcont’d

Description of Transformation Integration
recombinant protein Expression host method site Findings Yields References

Allophycocyanin C. reinhardtii Biobalistic Chloroplast Successful expression of 2%e3% (W/W) of TSP Su et al. (2005)
genome polycistronic arrays of
prokaryotic cyanobacteria
in C. reinhardtii.
Bacterial luciferase C. reinhardtii Biobalistic Chloroplast A codon-optimized Not quantified; detected Myfield and Schultz
genome bacterial luciferase gene by Western blot (2004)
was successfully used as


a reporter gene that will be
useful in chloroplast gene
regulation studies.
Green fluorescent C. reinhardtii Biobalistic Chloroplast A codon-optimized green 0.5 of TSP Franklin et al. (2002)
protein genome fluorescent protein gene
was successfully used as
a reporter gene that will be
useful in chloroplast gene
regulation studies.
Aminoglycoside C. reinhardtii Biobalistic Chloroplast The aphA-6 gene serves as Not quantified Bateman and Purton
phosphotransferase genome a selectable marker that (2000)
confers kanamycin and
amikacin resistance in
Chlamydomonas clones.

b-Glucuronidase C. reinhardtii Biobalistic Chloroplast Expression of GUS, a Not quantified Ishikura et al. (1999)
genome functional reporter gene
using different promoters
in C. reinhardtii.
Renilla luciferase C. reinhardtii Biobalistic Chloroplast Renilla luciferase was Not quantified; detected Minko et al. (1999)
genome successfully used as a by Western blot
reporter gene that will be
useful in chloroplast gene
regulation studies.
Aminoglycoside adenine C. reinhardtii Biobalistic Chloroplast Functional aadA gene is Not quantified Goldschmidt-
transferase (aadA) genome expressed in C. reinhardtii Clermont (1991)
and allowed for the
selection of transformed
evidenced by enzyme-linked immunosorbent other species, such as Chlamydomonas. In addi-
assay (ELISA). In terms of production, recombi- tion, D. salina is able to grow under high-light
nant protein yields were of up to 8.7% of the total intensity, high temperatures, and a wide pH
soluble protein, which represents approximately range (Cifuentes et al., 1996). Another important
1.6 mg of antibody per liter. The expression sys- characteristic is the absence of a rigid cell wall,
tem used in this approach was driven by an which creates a natural protoplast, facilitating
inducible promoter from the nitrate reductase, the DNA transfer step during genetic transforma-
which is activated by the presence of nitrate tion procedures (Ben-Amotz and Avron, 1990).
and downregulated by ammonia. Another char- Several methods have been applied to
acteristic of this system was given by the inclu- transform D. salina: electroporation, particle
sion of an endoplasmic reticulum retention bombardment, Agrobacterium tumefaciens, glass
signal to avoid the complex glycosylation pat- beads, and the lithium acetate/polyethylene gly-
terns that occur in the Golgi apparatus. col (LiAc/PEG)-mediated method, with the last
In 2012, Hempel and Maier made a modifica- two methods being the most efficient (Feng
tion in the expression system that removed the et al., 2014b; Feng et al., 2009). D. salina has been
endoplasmic reticulum retention signal. This cultivated for several decades for pigment pro-
modification allowed for the antibody to be duction at industrial levels (Olaizola, 2003;
secreted by the diatom into the culture medium. Gomez et al., 2003; Ben-Amotz, 1993), but in
Because P. tricornutum essentially does not secrete recent years it has also emerged as a new plat-
endogenous proteins, the secreted recombinant form for BFs production. Hepatitis B surface an-
protein can be easily purified, which makes the tigen (HBsAg), VP28 from WSSV, and Soybean
production extremely cost efficient (Hempel and Kunitz trypsin inhibitor are important recombi-
Maier, 2012). Importantly, the expression levels nant proteins produced in D. salina. These ap-
in this system were higher (2250 ng per mL) proaches are presented in the following sections.
than those observed when the protein was sub-
jected to endoplasmic reticulum retrieval. 3.2.1 HBsAg
The first nuclear stable transformation of D.
salina was accomplished by Geng et al. 2003.
3.2 Dunaliella salina Microalga was transformed by an electropora-
Dunaliella salina is a unicellular, biflagellate, tion method, obtaining approximately 50 col-
naked green alga that is morphologically similar onies per plate in a period of 3 weeks. The cat
to Chlamydomonas, with the main difference gene that confers chloramphenicol resistance
being the lack of a rigid cell wall (Emeish, 2013). was used as a selection marker. The transformed
The first description of D. salina was made in colonies were subcultivated 60 times, and then
1832 by Dunal, who initially considered it as a the presence of the transgene was evaluated.
variety of Haematococcus salinus. In 1905, Teodor- All colonies were positive, which reflected a
esco designated it as a new genera of microalgae. highly stable transgene insertion. The best pro-
The Dunaliella genus currently comprises many ductivity was of 3.11 ng HBsAg/mg of soluble
algae species (Oren, 2005; Borowitzka and Siva, protein (Geng et al., 2003). The expression of
2007). An important feature of D. salina is the HBsAg is important because of the epidemio-
ability to be grown in high salt concentrations logic relevance of the hepatitis B virus. In addi-
of up to 35% w/v (Brown and Borowitzka, tion, this antigen can also serve as an
1979). This property diminishes the contamina- immunogenic carrier of genetically fused, nonre-
tion problems that are frequently present in lated epitopes from other pathogens.

3.2.2 VP28 from WSSV calculated at about 0.68% of total soluble protein,
WSSV is a serious problem affecting shrimp and the stability of transgene insertion was posi-
yields (Lightner and Redman, 1998), and vacci- tively evaluated after 35 subcultures (Chai et al.,
nation with plant-made vaccines has been 2013).
applied to reduce lost production (Thagun
et al., 2012). Feng et al. (2014b) obtained trans-
genic D. salina clones expressing the Vp28 pro-
3.3 Haematococcus pluvialis
tein of WSSV. A nuclear transformation was Hematococus pluvialis is an autotrophic fresh
achieved through the glass bead method, and water microalgae that has been applied for in-
the vector pUU-GUS designed by Geng in 2003 dustrial production of pigments (Fabregas
was used to drive the expression. By means of et al., 2000; Sarada et al., 2002; Olaizola, 2000).
ELISA, the Vp28 protein productivity was esti- Although H. pluvialis is a freshwater microalgae,
mated at levels of up to 3.04 ng/mg of total pro- it is able to grow in extreme environments and
tein in D. salina clones. In terms of production by survive extreme fluctuations in light, tempera-
volume of culture, approximately 780 mg of re- ture, and salt concentration (reviewed by Saei
combinant VP28 protein was produced per liter. et al. (2012)). An important feature in H. pluvialis
Lysates from these transgenic microalgae clones is its codon usage, which is highly similar to
were used to orally immunize shrimp, as was re- codon usage in Homo sapiens, as reported by
ported by Fu et al. (2010). This immunization Saei et al. (2012). This is an important trait
approach was able to diminish shrimp mortality because codon optimization is not necessary in
by 40% with respect to the nonvaccinated the case of human origin BFs to avoid the low
shrimp population (Feng et al., 2014b). It is envi- productivity associated to codon usage issues.
sioned that this algae-based vaccine will be a The development of genetic engineering
breakthrough in resolving aquaculture tools for H. pluvialis has been reported. Gutierrez
problems. et al. (2012) have developed a chloroplast-
transforming vector, designed using the endoge-
3.2.3 Soybean Kunitz Trypsin Inhibitor nous 5’ rbcL as promoter and 30 rbcL as
Soybean Kunitz trypsin inhibitor (SKTI) is a terminator. These elements were used to express
serine proteinase inhibitor against the activities the aadA selection marker. The construct was
of both trypsin and chymotrypsin, which leads introduced into the chloroplast through the bio-
to anti-inflammatory and anticarcinogenic activ- listic method. The transgene insertion was stable
ities (Hsieh et al., 2010; Lippman and Matrisian, through 40 subcultivation steps in three trans-
2000; Ribeiro et al., 2010). Kobayashi et al. (2004) genic lines, although only one line became ho-
showed that SKTI can suppress ovarian cancer moplastic after the selection rounds. Another
cell invasion by blocking urokinase upregula- important advantage of H. pluvialis is the avail-
tion. Trypsin inhibitors are mainly extracted ability of nuclear transformation protocols via
from human urine, soybean, and pumpkin. To agro-inoculation. Kathiresan et al. (2009) used
diminish production costs, the expression of agrobacterium and elements from the pCAMBIA
SKTI in D. salina has been attempted. Using the vector to express the reporter genes gfp and uidA.
expression vector pCAM2201, in which the The integration of the transgene was maintained
transgene skti is under the control of the 35S pro- after 2 years of subcultivation. These genetic
moter, Chai et al. (2013) transformed D. salina via engineering tools will be critical to explore the
the lithium acetate/polyethylene glycol method. use of H. pluvialis as a new BF production
Expression levels of SKTI in algae clones were platform.

3.4 Nannochloropsis spp. are in the pipeline. All of these candidates will
have implications on the development of phar-
Nannochloropsis spp. are microalgae living in maceuticals, nutraceuticals, cosmetics, and hu-
freshwater and seawater that are related to dia- man and animal health nutrition products;
toms and brown algae (Sukenik et al., 2009; applications in agricultural and other retail mar-
Andersen et al., 1998). Nannochloropsis species kets are also envisioned.
have been used for several decades to produce Although current biologicals produced in
nutraceuticals and feed supplements (Rodolfi Chlamydomonas are promising and interesting
et al., 2009). Genetic engineering tools for nuclear cases, relevant perspectives related to the expan-
transformation have been recently developed for sion of this field can be also outlined. Improve-
this species. Kilian et al. (2011) established a pro- ments in distinct aspects can be identified as a
tocol for nuclear transformation of Nannochlorop- need in the Chlamydomonas-based approaches.
sis via homologous recombination with a high For example, Chlamydomonas cultures are prone
transformation efficiency. These tools increase to contamination, which causes frequency delays
the possibilities of implementing robust BF pro- in clone propagation steps. On the other hand,
duction platforms based in this species. many BFs require posttranslational modifica-
tions, such as glycosylation; in this case,
4. PERSPECTIVES following a nuclear-based expression, it is neces-
sary to direct the protein to endoplastmic reticu-
Green microalgae are potential expression lum and Golgi apparatus or even the secretory
hosts for the production of biomolecules of high pathway. However, nuclear-based expression
biotechnological value because these organisms in Chlamydomonas has shown generally low
have unique advantages, such as low production yields (Rasala et al., 2012). In addition, the use
costs, high growth rates, high yields, and the abil- of seawater to cultivate algae is desirable in
ity to accomplish posttranslational modifications. this process to avoid the use of freshwater, which
They are compatible with high biosafety proce- is also used as potable water or for agricultural
dures, with some of them considered Generally purposes. It is envisioned that these pitfalls
Recognized as Safe by the US Food and Drug would be overridden by the use of marine algae
Administration. Among green algae, C. reinhard- species with distinct characteristics.
tii is the eukaryotic green microalga mainly The identified marine algae species in this
used as an expression host in this field. The adop- chapter, for which culture and genetic modifica-
tion of these approaches by the industry high- tion tools are available, constitute relevant hosts
lights the potential of algae-based platforms. to generate new BFs production platforms with
For example, Triton Algae Innovations is a com- improved features, including the following:
pany that produces proteins, enzymes, and other low-contamination events due to cultivation un-
biologics in Chlamydomonas. One of the products der extreme culture conditions (e.g., pH, and
currently in the market is the mammary- high salinity); higher protein yields; the use of
associated amyloid, which is contained in the seawater instead fresh water; and the use of the
colostrum of mammals and can be used to treat secretion machinery to facilitate downstream
intestinal disease in livestock, companion ani- processing in the case of BFs requiring parenteral
mals, and humans. In addition, antibacterials, an- administration. The coming years will be critical
tioxidants, biosurfactants, DNA repair enzymes, to assess the potential of these candidate species
antimicrobials, intestinal health proteins, growth to determine their performance with a wide
factors, bone growth enhancers, and vaccines number of specific BFs.

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Nutritional and Pharmaceutical Properties
of Microalgal Spirulina
Thanh-Sang Vo1, Dai-Hung Ngo1, Se-Kwon Kim1,2
Marine Bioprocess Research Center, Pukyong National University, Busan, Republic of Korea;
Specialized Graduate School Science and Technology Convergence, Pukyong National University,
Department of Marine-Bio Convergence Science, Busan, Republic of Korea

1. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS species and within the same strain. The body
OF SPIRULINA surface of Spirulina is smooth and without
covering, so it easily digestible by simple enzy-
1.1 Morphology matic systems. Its main photosynthetic pigment
is phycocyanin, which is blue in color. It also con-
Spirulina is symbiotic, multicellular, and fila-
tains chlorophyll a and carotenoids. Some contain
mentous blue-green microalgae with symbiotic
the pigment phycoythrin, giving a red or pink co-
bacteria that fix nitrogen from air. It is recogniz-
lor. Spirulina are photosynthetic and therefore
able by the arrangement of the multicellular
autotrophic (Capelli and Cysewski, 2010; Habib
cylindrical trichomes in an open left-hand helix
et al., 2008; Ali and Saleh, 2002).
along the entire length. The blue-green nonheter-
ocystous filaments, composed of vegetative cells
that undergo binary fission in a single plane,
show easily visible transverse cross-walls. The
1.2 Natural Habitat and Source
presence of gas-filled vacuoles in the cells, The largest Spirulina lakes are found in Central
together with the helical shape of the filaments, Africa around Lakes Chad and Niger, Lake
results in floating mats. The trichomes have a Texcoco, and in East Africa along the Great Rift
length of 50e500 mm and a width of 3e4 mm. Valley. Lakes Bodou and Rombou in Chad have
The trichomes, enveloped by a thin sheath, a stable monoculture of Spirulina dating back
show more or less slightly pronounced constric- centuries. It is also a major species in Kenya’s
tions at cross-walls. Although the helical shape Lakes Nakuru and Elementeita and Ethiopia’s
of the trichome is considered to be a stable and Lakes Aranguadi and Kilotes. Spirulina thrives
constant property maintained in culture, there in alkaline lakes, where it is difficult or impossible
may be considerable variation in the degree of for other microorganisms to survive (Kebede and
helicity between different strains of the same Ahlgren, 1996). The algae population grows

Handbook of Marine Microalgae 299 © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

rapidly, reaches a maximum density, and then Spirulina is rich in g-linolenic acid (36% of total
dies off when nutrients are exhausted. A new PUFAs), and also provides g-linolenic acid
seasonal cycle begins when decomposed algae (ALA), linoleic acid (LA, 36% of total), stearidonic
release their nutrients or when more nutrients acid, eicosapentaenoic acid, docosahexaenoic
flow into the lake. Spirulina is found in soil, acid, and arachidonic acid (Li and Qi, 1997).
marshes, freshwater, brackish water, seawater, Moreover, it also contains relatively
and thermal springs. Alkaline, saline water high concentrations of vitamin B1 (thiamine),
(>30 g/L) with high pH (8.5e11.0) favors good B2 (riboflavin), B3 (nicotinamide), B6 (pyridox-
production of Spirulina, especially where there ine), B9 (folic acid), B12 (cyanocobalamin),
is a high level of solar radiation at altitude in vitamin C, vitamin D, and vitamin E. Notably,
the tropics. Spirulina is an obligate photoauto- all of the essential minerals (about 7%) are
troph; thus, it cannot grow in the dark on media available in Spirulina, including potassium,
containing organic carbon compounds. It reduces calcium, chromium, copper, iron, magnesium,
carbon dioxide in the light and assimilates mainly manganese, phosphorus, selenium, sodium, and
nitrates. The main assimilation product of Spiru- zinc. Furthermore, Spirulina contains many
lina photosynthesis is glycogen. Spirulina shows pigments, including chlorophyll a, xanthop-
an optimum growth between 35 and 39  C hyll, beta-carotene, echinenone, myxoxanthop-
(Richmond, 1986). hyll, zeaxanthin, canthaxanthin, diatoxanthin,
3-hydroxyechinenone, beta-cryptoxanthin, oscil-
laxanthin, c-phycocyanin, and allophycocyanin.
2. NUTRITIONAL VALUES OF In addition, Spirulina contains about 13.5%
SPIRULINA carbohydrates, which is mainly composed of
glucose, along with rhamnose, mannose, xylose,
2.1 Spirulina Biochemical Composition galactose, and two unusual sugars, including
2-O-methyl-L-rhamnose and 3-O-methyl-L-
Microalgae are considered to be the actual rhamnose (Habib et al., 2008; Koru, 2009).
producers of some highly bioactive macromole-
cules in marine resources, including carotenoids,
long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs),
2.2 Use of Spirulina as a Human Food
proteins, chlorophylls, vitamins, and unique pig-
ments (Kay, 1991; Pasquet et al., 2011). Notably, Spirulina has been used as an additive in a
Spirulina is one of the more promising microalgae, variety of human foods and animal feeds.
being rich in proteins, essential amino acids, The current use of this resource has three prece-
PUFAs, vitamins, minerals, and many phytonu- dents: traditional, scientific, and technological
trients. Spirulina has a high protein concentration, development, and the so-called green tendency
with 60e70% of its dry weight, depending upon (Koru, 2009). It has long been used as food in
the source (Phang et al., 2000). It is a complete Mexico, dating back to the Aztec civilization
protein, containing all of the essential amino approximately 400 years ago. It was reported
acids, including leucine, isoleucine, and valine, that Spirulina maxima was harvested from the
although with reduced amounts of methionine, Lake Texcoco, dried and sold for human
cystine, and lysine when compared with consumption in a Tenochtitlan market (Sanchez
standard proteins such as those from meat, et al., 2003). It is still being used as food by the
eggs, or milk. Kanembu tribe in the Lake Chad area of the
Spirulina has a high amount of PUFAs, Republic of Chad where it is sold as dried bread
1.5e2.0% of 5e6% total lipid. In particular, called “dihe” (Fox, 1996; Belay, 2002). In 1967,
Spirulina was established as a “wonderful future contamination of outdoor culture by other cyano-
food source” in the International Association of bacteria is a possibility. Thus, it is very unlikely to
Applied Microbiology (Sasson, 1997) and is be a problem in proper control and management
now widely cultured throughout the world. It of monoculture of Spirulina.
has been produced commercially for the last
30 years for food and specialty feeds. Commer-
cial Spirulina are normally produced in large
outdoor ponds under controlled conditions or
produced directly from lakes. Current produc-
tion of Spirulina worldwide is estimated to be Spirulina is a great product which can be used
about 3000 metric tons. Currently, more than to improve overall health due to many essential
70 per cent of Spirulina market is for human con- nutrients for human body. There are several com-
sumption, mainly as health food because of its panies producing Spirulina, and the product is
rich content of protein, essential amino acids, sold as a food supplement in many health food
minerals, vitamins, and essential fatty acids. stores around the world. Recently, more atten-
Arthrospira platensis and Arthrospira maxima, tion has been given to the study of the therapeu-
which are commonly used as food, dietary tic effects of Spirulina. A number of published
supplement, and feed supplement (Wikfors studies suggest significant therapeutic effects of
and Ohno, 2001). Nowadays, Spirulina has been Spirulina. Many preclinical studies and a few clin-
marketed and consumed as a human food and ical studies have suggested several therapeutic
has been approved as a food for human effects ranging from reduction of cholesterol
consumption by many governments, health and cancer to enhancement of the immune sys-
agencies, and associations of almost countries tem, an increase in intestinal lactobacilli, reduc-
(Becker and Venkataraman, 1984; Vonshak, tion of nephrotoxicity by heavy metals and
2002; Koru, 2009; Henrikson, 2010). drugs, and radiation protection (Belay et al.,
1993; Blinkova et al., 2001; Khan et al., 2005).
2.3 Safety Assurance for Spirulina In addition, it has been experimentally proven,
in vivo and in vitro, that Spirulina is effective
Beside nutritional values, several cyanobacteria for treating certain allergies, anemia, cancer,
contain a certain level of toxin that has become a hepatotoxicity, viral and cardiovascular diseases,
major issue in public health due to the increased hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, immunodefi-
occurrence of toxic cyanobacterial blooms. These ciency, and inflammatory processes (Chamorro
toxic blooms contain algae that produce hepato- et al., 2002).
toxins called microcystins (Carmichael, 1994).
That toxin with low levels of exposure may
have chronic effects in humans (Martinez, 2007).
3.1 Antioxidant Activities
Therefore, the strict and reliable control of these
toxins should be carried out in order to prevent The antioxidant properties of Spirulina and
serious public health problems. For this reason, its extracts have attracted the attention of many
Spirulina has been subjected to extensive safety researchers. According to Miranda and col-
studies with human, animals, and fish in many leagues, the antioxidant activity of a methanolic
countries (Cevallos et al., 2008). However, there extract of Spirulina was determined in vitro and
has been no report of cyanobacterial toxins in in vivo (Miranda et al., 1998). The in vitro antiox-
Spirulina species to date. Although Spirulina idant capacity of the methanolic extract of Spiru-
does not normally contain toxins but lina was related to reduction of oxidation on a

brain homogenate with an IC50 value of damage by reducing the accumulation of ROS
0.18 mg/mL. The in vivo antioxidant capacity (Zhang et al., 2011) through the activation of
was evaluated in plasma and liver of animals the antioxidant enzyme systems of catalase,
receiving a daily dose of 5 mg for 2 and 7 weeks. SOD, and glutathione peroxidase (Thaakur and
Upon treatment, the antioxidant capacity of Jyothi, 2007). Recently, Bhat and Madayastha
plasma was 71% for the experimental group reported that c-phycocyanin from Spirulina effec-
and 54% for the control group. The antioxidant tively inhibited CCl4-induced lipid peroxidation
effect was suggested to be associated with in rat liver in vivo with an IC50 of 11.35 mM (Bhat
beta-carotene, tocopherol, and phenolic com- and Madyastha, 2000).
pounds working individually or in synergy in
Spirulina. Moreover, the neuroprotective effect
3.2 Anti-inflammatory Activities
of Spirulina against the harmful effect of free rad-
icals was evaluated by Tobon-Velasco et al. C-phycocyanin is a protein-bound pigment
(2013). The pretreatment with 700 mg/kg/day soluble in water and found in some blue-green
of Spirulina resulted in the reduction of various microalgae such as Spirulina, which is used in
indicators of toxicity such as nitric oxide levels, many countries as a dietary supplement. Accord-
ROS formation, lipoperoxidation, and mitochon- ing to Romay et al. (1998b), phycocyanin shows
drial activity in rat injected with a single dose anti-inflammatory activity in four experimental
of 6-hydroxydopamine, 6-OHDA (16 mg/2 mL). models of inflammation. It reduced significantly
Spirulina supplement possesses free radical scav- and in a dose-dependent manner ear edema
enging function against gamma-irradiation- induced by arachidonic acid and tetradecanoyl
induced oxidative stress and tissue damage in phorbol acetate in mice as well as carrageenan-
rats (Makhlouf and Makhlouf, 2012). Aqueous induced rat paw oedema in intact and adrenalec-
extract of Spirulina has a protective effect against tomized animals. Moreover, phycocyanin also
apoptotic cell death via scavenging free radicals exerted an inhibitory effect in the cotton pellet
(Chu et al., 2010). In addition, Spirulina has been granuloma test. In the further study, Romay
shown to exert protective effects against oxida- and colleagues have revealed that phycocyanin
tive stress caused by lead acetate in the rat liver exerts inhibitory effects on TNF-a and NO
and kidney (Ponce-Canchihuaman et al., 2010). production in serum of mice treated with
Notably, the c-phycocyanin from Spirulina has lipopolysaccharide (Romay et al., 2001). Further-
been found to be a strong free radical scavenger more, phycoryanin treatment (50e200 mg/kg)
(Huang et al., 2007). Romay et al. (1998a) showed inhibited in a dose-dependent manner edema as
that phycocyanin was able to scavenge hydroxyl well as PGE2 and LTB4 levels in the mouse ear
(IC50 ¼ 0.91 mg/mL) and alkoxyl (IC50 ¼ 76 mg/ treated with arachidonic acid (Romay et al.,
mL) radicals with activity equal to 0.125 mg/mL 1999, 2000). In another study, anti-inflammatory
of dimethylsulfoxide and 0.038 mg/mL of trolox. activities of phycocyanin was found to be related
In addition, the hepatoprotective effect of phyco- to attenuation of myeloperoxidase activity,
cyanin was exhibited due to its radical scav- inhibition of inflammatory cell infiltration, and
enging activity, and thus reducing the reduction to some extent in colonic damage in
hepatoxicity caused by carbon tetrachloride rats (Gonzalez et al., 1999). Similarly, Remirez
and R-(þ)-pulegone (Vadiraja et al., 1998). et al. (1999) have found that phycoryanin signifi-
Studies in vitro and in vivo have shown that cantly reduced the levels of b-glucuronidase,
the antioxidant components produced by inhibited cellular infiltration, reducing synovial
Spirulina (Reddy et al., 2000a,b; Kulshreshtha hyperplasia and synovitis in a zymosan-induced
et al., 2008) can prevent or delay oxidative arthritis model in mice. Notably, c-phycocyanin
from Spirulina was determined as a selective has confirmed that Spirulina inhibited histamine
inhibitor of cyclooxygenasee2 (COX-2) with a release and TNF-a production from rat peritoneal
very low IC50 COX-2/IC50 COX-1 ratio (0.04). mast cells (Yang et al., 1997; Kim et al., 1998).
Interestingly, it was shown that the IC50 In addition, Spirulina exhibited the protective
value obtained for COX-2 inhibition by phycocy- effect against the lead-induced increase in mast
anin was much lower (180 nM) as compared to cells in the ovary during the oestrous cycle of
those for celecoxib (255 nM) and rofecoxib rats (Karaca and Simşek, 2007).
(401 nM), the well-known selective COX-2 inhib- Recently, phycocyanin has been found to be
itors (Reddy et al., 2000a,b). It was suggested that an inhibitor of different allergic responses
the anti-inflammatory activities of phycocyanin such as histamine release from rat peritoneal
might be due, in part, to its selective COX-2 mast cells, ear swelling in mice induced by
inhibitory, anti-oxidative and oxygen free radical OVA, and skin reactions in rats caused by
scavenging properties. histamine and compound 48/80 (Remirez et al.,
2002). Moreover, phycocyanin was shown to
enhance biological defense activity against
3.3 Anti-allergic Activities
infectious diseases through suppressing
Consumption of various edible microalgae can antigen-specific IgE antibody and thus reducing
modulate both adaptive and innate aspects of allergic inflammation in mice (Nemoto-
immunity (Price et al., 2002), which may provide Kawamura et al., 2004). In the most recent
protective effect against allergic responses. study, Chang et al. (2011) have evaluated the
Indeed, Spirulina are able to decrease IgE therapeutic potential of R-phycocyanin (R-PC),
antibody level, and increase IgG1 and IgA anti- a novel phycobiliprotein, against allergic
body production in the serum of the mice immu- airway inflammation. Interestingly, R-PC treat-
nized with crude shrimp extract as an antigen. ment resulted in a decrease of endocytosis and
Moreover, an enhancement of IgA antibody augmentation of IL-12 production in mouse
production was observed in culture supernatant BMDCs. Additionally, R-PC-treated dendritic
of lymphoid cells, especially in the spleen and cells promote CD4þ T-cell stimulatory capacity
mesenteric lymph node from mice treated with and increase IFN-g expression in CD4þ T cells.
Spirulina extract for 4 weeks before antigen stim- Meanwhile, intraperitoneal administration of
ulation (Hayashi et al., 1998). In a clinical trial, R-PC suppressed OVA-induced airway hyper-
Spirulina consumption resulted in significant responsiveness, serum levels of OVA-specific
amelioration in the symptoms and physical IgE, eosinophil infiltration, Th2 cytokine levels,
findings of allergic rhinitis patients compared and eotaxin in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of
with placebo, including nasal discharge, sneez- mice. These findings implied that R-PC pro-
ing, nasal congestion, and itching (Cingi et al., moted activation and maturation of cultured
2008). The clinical effect of Spirulina on allergic dendritic cells, and enhanced the immunolog-
rhinitis was also determined due to inhibiting ical function toward Th1 activity. Taken
the production of IL-4 and thus may suppress together, Spirulina and its phycobiliprotein are
the differentiation of Th2 cells (Mao et al., expected to be a useful foodstuff for regulating
2005). Moreover, Spirulina has been recognized allergic inflammatory responses.
to be a great inhibitor of allergic reaction via
suppressing anaphylactic shock, passive cuta-
neous anaphylaxis, and serum histamine levels
3.4 Anti-cancer Activities
in rats activated by compound 48/80 or Spirulina, either alone or in combination with
anti-DNP IgE. Further, the in vitro experiment certain other compounds, has been studied for

anti-cancer activities, and its role and mecha- breast adenocarcinoma MCF-7 cells via induction
nisms of actions were well-described through of apoptosis, accumulation of sub-G1 cell popula-
various pathways. Experimental studies in ani- tions, DNA fragmentation, and nuclear conden-
mal models have demonstrated an inhibitory ef- sation (Chen and Wong, 2008). Calcium
fect of Spirulina algae on oral carcinogenesis. spirulan (Ca-SP), a sulfated polysaccharide, was
The local injection of phycotene (extract of Spiru- found to be effective in reducing the lung metas-
lina and Dunaliella algae) 250 mg into DMBA (7, 12 tasis of B16-BL6 melanoma cells, by inhibiting the
dimethylbenz(a)anthracene)-induced squamous tumor invasion of basement membrane, thus
cell carcinomas of hamster causes tumor regres- contrbuting to the prevention of adhesion and
sion. Total tumor regression was found in 30% migration of tumor cells (Mishima et al., 1998).
of animals, while partial tumor regression was On the other hand, c-phycocyanin showed anti-
found in the remaining 70% of animals (Schwartz cancer effects on human chronic myeloid
and Shklar, 1987). Moreover, the algae extract leukemia cell line (K562) due to a decrease
delivered by mouth in continued dosages of (49%) in the proliferation of K562 cells and
140 mm for 28 weeks presented a complete down-regulating antiapoptotic Bcl-2 with no
absence of gross tumors induce by DMBA alterations in propoptotic Bax (Subhashini et al.,
(Schwartz et al., 1988). Twice weekly injection of 2004).
Spirulina-Dunaliella algae into DMBA-induced
squamous cell carcinomas of hamster signifi-
3.5 Anti-viral and Anti-bacterial
cantly induced the production of tumor necrosis
factor in macrophages, suggesting a possible
mechanism of tumor destruction (Shklar and According to Hayashi and co-workers, the
Schwartz, 1988). water extract of Spirulina platensis was shown to
Akao and collaborators have reported that the inhibit the replication in vitro of HSV-1 in
hot-water extract of Spirulina when taken orally HeLa cells within the concentration range of
in adult human enhances NK activation 0.08e50 mg/mL (Hayashi et al., 1993). Addition
(Hirahashi et al., 2002). Moreover, ingestion of of the S. platensis extract (1 mg/mL) at 3 h before
Spirulina confers both IFN-g production and infection causes blockade of virus-specific pro-
NK-mediated Rae-1-positive cell killing activity tein synthesis at 50% effective inhibition dose
in mice, thus leading to retardation of implant tu- (ED 50) value of 0.173 mg/mL without affecting
mor growth in mice (Akao et al., 2009). host cell protein synthesis. Moreover, it was
In addition, the chemoprevention of cancer by observed that food containing the S. platensis
Spirulina has been demonstrated in dibutyl extract effectively prolonged the survival time
nitrosamine induced rat liver toxicity and carci- of infected hamsters at doses of 100 and
nogenesis (Hamidah et al., 2009). Spirulina sup- 500 mg/kg per day. Subsequently, Hayashi
plementation reduced the incidence of liver et al. isolated from S. platensis a novel sulfated
tumors from 80% to 20%. Reduction of p53 polysaccharide, calcium spirulan (Ca-SP), which
was significant along with inhibition of inhibits the replication in vitro of several envel-
cell proliferation, increased p21 and decreased oped viruses including HSV-1, human cytomeg-
Rb expression levels at 48 h post-treatment. alovirus, measles virus, mumps virus, influenza
Spirulina also increased Bax and decreased Bcl-2 A virus, and HIV-1 virus. The anti-HSV-1 activ-
expression, indicating induction of apoptosis. ity of Ca-SP was determined to be fivefold higher
Notably, selenium-containing phycocyanin than that of dextran sulfate (Hayashi et al.,
(Se-PC) showed potent antiproliferative proper- 1996a,b). In a similar trend, other bioactive
ties in human melanoma A375 cells and human components from S. platensis were explored
due to anti-HSV activity. As expected, (Mani et al., 1998). Meanwhile, Becker
a polysaccharide with rhamnose as the main et al. (1986) have found that a supplementary
sugar component and a glycolipid sulphoquino- diet of 2.8 g of Spirulina three times/day
vosyl diacylglycerol were found to be active over 4 weeks resulted in a statistically significant
against HSV-1 at IC 50 values of 21.32 and reduction of body weight in obese outpatients.
6.8 lg/mL, respectively (Chirasuwan et al., Spirulina has also been found to suppress
2007, 2009). While S. platensis was efficient for high blood pressure in rats (Iwata et al., 1990).
anti-HSV-1, S. maxima exposed inhibitory activ-
ity against HSV-2. A hot water extract of S. max-
ima showed appreciable suppression HSV-2
3.7 Other Biological Activities
infection at the initial events of adsorption and The protective role of dietary Spirulina in lead
penetration (ED 50, 0.069 mg/mL) (Hern andez- toxicity in Swiss albino mice was investigated
Corona et al., 2002). Recently, Ayehunie et al. by Shastri et al. (1999). Dietary Spirulina resulted
(1998) reported that an aqueous extract of S. pla- in a significant increase of the survival time
tensis inhibited HIV-1 replication in human as compared with a control group without
T-cell lines, peripheral blood mononuclear Spirulina. The crude ethanol precipitate of
cells, and Langerhans cells. The extract inacti- S. platensis was studied due to its radioprotective
vated HIV-1 infectivity directly when pre- effect (Qishen et al., 1989). The extract caused a
incubated with virus before addition to human significant reduction of micronucleus frequencies
T-cell lines. induced by g-radiation. It was concluded that
Microalgal cultures of Spirulina have displayed the protective extract probably acts as a
significant anti-bacterial activity against six DNA-stabilizing factor, and they ruled out the
Vibrio strains: Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Vibrio possibility of a radical scavenging mechanism.
anguillarum, Vibrio splendidus, Vibrio scophthalmi, Moreover, Spirulina exhibited a significant
Vibrio alginolyticus, and Vibrio lentus (Kokou reduction of the low-density lipoprotein to
et al., 2012). Moreover, purified C-phycocyanin high-density lipoprotein ratio after 4 months of
from S. platensis markedly inhibited the growth supplementation (Mittal et al., 1999). Spirulina
of some drug-resistant bacteria such as Escherichia supplementation decreased the levels of
coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, plasma lipid concentration and reduced blood
and Staphylococcus aureus (Sarada et al., 2011). pressure by promoting vasodilation and restrict-
ing vasoconstriction (Schwartz et al., 1988).

3.6 Anti-diabetes and Anti-obesity

Recently, Spirulina has also evidenced to
possess anti-diabetes and anti-obesity activities. Spirulina is well known as a non-toxic and
The water-soluble fraction of Spirulina was nutritious food with various health beneficial
found to be effective in lowering the serum effects. It is believed that Spirulina is a potential
glucose level at fasting while the water- source of wonder food supplement and alterna-
insoluble fraction suppressed the glucose level tive medicine. However, the harvest of Spirulina
at glucose loading (Takai et al., 1991). Following may be contaminated with harmful elements
2 g/day for 21 days of Spirulina supplementa- and toxic substances that can potentially cause
tion, it was observed that the fasting blood sugar several serious human health effects. Moreover,
level of patients was significantly decreased Spirulina may contain toxins called microcystins,

which accumulate in the liver and cause cancer or Chang, C.J., Yang, Y.H., Liang, Y.C., Chiu, C.J., Chu, K.H.,
other liver diseases. Thus, the extensive studies of Chou, H.N., Chiang, B.L., 2011. A novel phycobiliprotein
alleviates allergic airway inflammation by modulating
Spirulina will contribute to the development immune responses. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 183,
of safe health food. 15e25.
Chen, T., Wong, Y.S., 2008. In vitro antioxidant and antiproli-
ferative activities of selenium-containing phycocyanin
References from selenium-enriched Spirulina platensis. J. Agric. Food
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Enhancement of antitumor natural killer cell activation 2009. Anti HSV-1 activity of sulphoquinovosyl diacylgly-
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Applications of Microalgae-Derived
Active Ingredients as Cosmeceuticals
BoMi Ryu1, S.W.A. Himaya2, Se-Kwon Kim3,4
School of Pharmacy, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, Australia;
The Institute for Molecular Bioscience, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, QLD, Australia;
Marine Bioprocess Research Center, Pukyong National University, Busan, Republic of Korea;
Specialized Graduate School Science and Technology Convergence, Pukyong National University,
Department of Marine-Bio Convergence Science, Busan, Republic of Korea

1. INTRODUCTION significantly (Kawaguchi, 1980). Interest in the

potential of microalgae has been concentrated
Microalgae use by humans was reported on their wide range of compositions and metab-
approximately 2000 years ago in China, when olites, such as proteins, lipids, carbohydrates,
people used Nostoc to survive during a period and pigments for health products, food and
of famine; edible Spirulina and Aphanizomenon feed additives, cosmetics, and energy sources
species also have been used for many centuries (Arad and Yaron, 1992; Christaki et al., 2011;
in Africa and Mexico (Jensen et al., 2001; Olaizola, Guedes et al., 2011; Markou and Nerantzis,
2003; Spolaore et al., 2006). Attempts to develop 2013; Skjanes et al., 2013; Stolz and Obermayer,
commercial products from microalgae were 2005).
adopted in the late 1800s and early 1900s. In Microalgae (photosynthetic planktons) are
1910, Allen and Nelson in Berlin, Germany, pro- able to regenerate and protect themselves from
posed a source of lipids that could be used as stress in severe conditions. They have protective
food for aquaculture purposes; Harder and von mechanisms to prevent the accumulation of free
Witsch proposed their use as fuel; and the radicals and reactive oxygen species, thus coun-
commercialization of Chlorella production for teracting cell-damaging activities. Thus, much
nutrition succeeded in Japan, Taiwan, and the interest in microalgae has resulted because they
United States in the 1960s (de la Noue and possess valuable characteristics for the cosme-
de Pauw, 1988; Harder and von Witsch, 1942; ceutical field. The properties of microalgae are
Preisig and Andersen, 2005). rapidly gaining importance as a natural substi-
With the commercial production of microal- tute for synthetic components in cosmetics.
gae, microalgae research grew and diversified Microalgae can be used as a cosmetic ingredient

Handbook of Marine Microalgae 309 © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

in two ways: as an excipient in the formulation, drives the development of new functions for
such as a stabilizer or emulsifier, or as the phar- cosmetic products (Table 2).
maceutical agent itself. By the early 2000s, numerous companies in
This chapter provides a broad review of the Europe and the United States started to launch
application of microalgae as cosmetics or cosme- cosmetics that were made by extraction of micro-
ceutical sources, as well as the high-value mole- algae such as Spirulina, Chlorella, Arthrospira,
cules extracted from these microorganisms. Anacystis, Halymenia, Nannochloro, and Duna-
liella. These microalgae act on the epidermis to
erase vascular imperfections, boost collagen syn-
2. COSMECEUTICAL VALUE thesis, and possibly prevent wrinkle formation
OF MICROALGAE eventually (Stolz and Obermayer, 2005).
Phytomer (France) used Chlorella vulgaris
Although microalgae blooms mainly occur in extraction, which is claimed to neutralize inflam-
aquatic habitats, they also could inhabit severe mation and improve the skin’s natural protec-
conditions, including high or low temperatures, tion. Skinicer, produced by Ocean Pharma in
anaerobiosis, high salinity, photo-oxidation, Germany, included the extraction of Arthrospira
high osmotic pressure, and ultraviolet radiation. maxima to strengthen the skin’s natural protection
As a result of microalgae’s response and adapta- and regeneration, thus allowing the preservation
tion to environmental change, they have received of the youthful characteristics of the skin. Photo-
much attention due to their more efficient utiliza- somes and XCELL-30 from Estee Lauder and
tion of their abundant availability that cannot be Greentech, respectively, in the United States
found in other organisms (Chu et al., 2005; also used microalgae to strengthen skin’s immu-
Kaya et al., 2005; Teoh et al., 2004; Wong et al., nity. Pentapharm in Switzerland produced
2007). Pepha-Tight using extraction of Nannochloropsis
oculata, which is reported to have anti aging
properties via skin contraction and regeneration.
2.1 Commercialized Cosmetics and
Microalgae are known as potential sources for
Cosmeceuticals high-value products, including polyunsaturated
Many commercialized products using microal- fatty acids (PUFAs; e.g., g-linoleic acid or algur-
gae as cosmetics and cosmeceuticals are manufac- onic acid), polysaccharides, carotenoids, and
tured based on the activity of the microalgae itself phycobiliproteins (e.g., phycocyanin or phycoer-
or its ingredients; however, research to find the ythrin), which have protective activity against
potential sources has not always resulted in com- stress. Therefore, microalgae are cultured on a
mercial applications. A few sources of microalgae large scale for the production of these chemicals
that are commercialized in the skin care market (Table 1). Efforts to obtain the active chemicals
include antiaging creams, refreshing/regenerat- have led to the development of advanced cos-
ing care products, emollients and anti-irritants metics, which act on a specific target on the skin.
in peelers, sunscreen cream, and hair care prod- Pepha-Ctive by Pentapharm (Switzerland)
ucts (Table 1). These cosmetics and cosmeceuti- and Dermochlorella by Codif Recherche and
cals include the algae in an extract formulation Nature (France) contain rich carotenoids from
or bioactive components derived from microal- Dunaliella salina and C. vulgaris, respectively,
gae. The products could offer promising and that are known to have protective activity
innovative alternatives to existing cosmetics and against ultraviolet light and oxidative damage,
TABLE 1 Microalgae in Commercialized Cosmetics

Company and
Species Product Ingredient Activity claimed references

Spirulina spp. Spirulina firming algae Extract Improves moisture Optimum Derma
mask balance of skin and Aciditate (ODA, Great
strengthens skin’s Britain) Chakdar et al.
immunity (2012)
Spirulina spp. Spirulina whitening Extract Improves skin Ferenes Cosmetics
facial mask complexion, reduces Chakdar et al. (2012)
Chlorella Vulgaris Phytomer Extract Neutralizes Phytomer (France)
inflammation and
improves skin’s natural
Arthrospira maxima Skinicer Extract Strengthens skin’s Ocean Pharma
natural protection and (Germany)
Anacystis nidulans Photosomes Extract Protects the skin against Estee Lauder (USA)
sun damage and
strengthens skin’s
Halymenia durvillei XCELL-30 Extract Improves radiance and Greentech (USA)
skin luminosity
Nannochloropsis oculata Pepha-Tight Extract Excellent skin- Pentapharm LTD
tightening properties (Switzerland) Stolz and
(short- and long-term Obermayer (2005)
Dunaliella salina Pepta- Ctive b-Carotene Stimulates cell Pentapharm LTD
proliferation and (Switzerland) Stolz and
turnover and positively Obermayer (2005)
influences the energy
metabolism of skin

Spirulina platensis Protulines g-Linoleic acid Help combat early skin Exsymol S.A.M
aging, exerting a (Monaco) Stolz and
tightening effect and Obermayer (2005),
preventing wrinkle Sanatur GmbH
formation (Germany)

Anacystis nidulans Algenist Alguronic acid Strengthens skin’s Solazyme (France)

immunity Harwati (2013)
Porphyridium spp. Alguard Sulfated Protects the skin against Frutarom (Israel)
polysaccharide sun damage and Harwati (2013)


TABLE 1 Microalgae in Commercialized Cosmeticsdcont’d

Company and
Species Product Ingredient Activity claimed references

C. vulgaris Dermochlorella Cartenoids Stimulate collagen Codif Recherche and

synthesis in skin Nature (France) Stolz
supporting tissue and Obermayer (2005)
regeneration and Microlife S.R.L. (Italy)
wrinkle reduction
Spirulina spp. Lina-Blue Phycocyanin Cosmetics (eye shadow) Dainippon Ink and
Chemicals Inc.(Japan)
Arad et al. (1997), Arad
and Yaron (1992), and
Hirata et al. (2000)

Porphyra spp., e Phycoerythrin Cosmetics (face powder Dainippon Ink and

Porphyridium cake, eye shadow) Chemicals Inc.(Japan)
spp. Arad et al. (1997)

which can lead to premature aging and other Porphyra, or Porphyridium by Dainippon Ink
disorders. Carotenoids are a diverse class of and Chemicals (Japan) (Arad et al., 1997).
naturally occurring pigments in photosynthesis
that has been found to have a defensive role in
2.2 Valuable Sources of Microalgae
the protection of cells and tissues from oxidative
as Cosmetics and Cosmeceuticals
stress. The antioxidant activities of carotenoids
are mostly based on their lipophilicity, which is Research on microalgae’s activities as cosmetics
likely to accumulate in lipophilic compartments and cosmeceuticals has led to the development of
such as membranes or lipoproteins (Stahl and a multitude of products. Cosmetics contain active
Sies, 2003; Tapiero et al., 2004). components derived from microalgae, such as
In addition to carotenoids, PUFAs (which have PUFAs, carotenoids, polysaccharides, and phyco-
high total lipid proportions) are used as a lipo- biliproteins, which are incorporated into cream,
philic source, with significant antioxidant activity lotions, and ointments, as discussed previously
(Sahu et al., 2013; Zhukova and Aizdaicher, 1995). (Table 1). These sources are considered to have
Protulines (Exsymol S.A.M, Monaco, Sanatur functional cosmeceutical effects or drug-like
GmbH, Germany) and Algenist (Solazyme, effects on skin that affect its appearance. Some
France) contain PUFAs, g-linoleic acid, and algur- components derived from microalgae are claimed
onic acid (Harwati, 2013; Stolz and Obermayer, to have potential as cosmetics and cosmeceuticals,
2005). Sulfated polysaccharides from red microal- but they have not yet been commercialized. Some
gae Porphyridium spp. are used in Alguard examples are examined in this section.
(Frutarom, Israel), which has protective activity Mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) from
from sun damage and microorganisms. Spirulina, Chlorella, and Dunaliella are known
Phycobiliproteins (mainly phycocyanin and to act as sunscreens to reduce ultraviolet light-
phycoerythrin) are photosynthetic pigments induced damage (Atkin et al., 2006; Balskus and
used as cosmetic dyes. For example, Linablue, Walsh, 2010; Dionisio-Se Se, 2010; Garciapichel
which is used in products such as face powder et al., 1993; Priyadarshani and Rath,
and eye shadow, is produced using Spirulina, 2012). MAAs are small secondary metabolites
TABLE 2 Potential Application of Microalgae as Cosmetics

Species Group Components Claimed activity References

Spirulina spp. Cyanobacteria Mycosporine-like amino acids Protect against sun damage Balskus and Walsh (2010) and
Gloeocapsa spp. (MAAs) Garciapichel et al. (1993)
Spirulina platensis, Cyanobacteria, Sporopollenin, Scytonemin, Protect against sun damage Atkin et al. (2006), Dionisio-Se Se
Dunaliella salina, Chlorophyta, mycosporine-like amino acids (2010), and Priyadarshani and


Chlorella vulgaris, Heterokontophyta (MAAs) Rath (2012)
and Nannochloropsis

Odontella aurita Heterokontophyta Polyunsaturated fatty acids Prevents oxidative stress on skin Pulz and Gross (2004)
Traustochytrium, Chlorophyta, Squalene Improves skin elasticity and Achitouv et al. (2004), Fan et al.
Botryococcus braunii Thraustochytrium moisture retention, prevents age (2010), and Spanova and Daum
and Schizochytrium spots and hyperpigmentation (2011)
Haematococcus Chlorophyta Astaxanthin Protects against sun damage Guerin et al. (2003) and
pluvialis Tominaga et al. (2012)
Dunaliella spp. Chlorophyta Lutein, Zeaxanthin, and Enhances a tanned appearance Gierhart and Fox (2013)
Canthaxanthin and/or protects against sun
Dunaliella bardowil Chlorophyta Carotenoids, b-carotene Improves bioavailability and Walker et al. (2005)
antioxidant properties on skin
Porphyridium spp. Rhodophyta Polysaccharides, Phycoerythrin Improves antioxidant properties Pulz and Gross (2004) and
on skin; an additive for Spolaore et al. (2006)


produced by marine organisms that live in envi- Porphyridium, have been reported to enhance
ronments with high volumes of sunlight; they antioxidant properties on skin and could be
are assumed to have scavenging activity against used as a dye in cosmetics (Pulz and Gross,
free radicals and reactive oxygen species, which 2004; Spolaore et al., 2006).
cause sun damage. Their metabolites generally
absorb at 310 or 320 nm and consist of a cyclohex-
enone ring conjugated with a nitrogen substituent
of an amino acid or amino alcohol (Bandara-
nayake, 1998; Conde et al., 2000).
Cosmetics and cosmeceuticals are increas-
Squalene, which is a natural triterpene and an
ingly using active ingredients from natural
important intermediate in the endogenous syn-
sources. Microalgae are an emerging source
thesis of sterol, is reported to have several bene-
of these ingredients, representing an exciting
ficial properties, including being a natural
new frontier for cosmeceutical manufacturers.
antioxidant that hydrates skin and prevents
Microalgae are readily available and able to
age spots and hyperpigmentation (Achitouv
grow quickly, producing the desired compo-
et al., 2004; Fan et al., 2010; Spanova and
nents in mass quantities. With the increasing
Daum, 2011). Microalgae do not accumulate as
demand and interest with regard to finding
much squalene in shark liver, which is the tradi-
new ingredients, microalgae’s multibiological
tional source, but their advantage is fast and
effects and better delivery systems make them
massive growth. Squalene isolation from Traus-
potential sources for cosmetic and cosmeceuti-
tochytrium, Botryococcus braunii, and Schizochy-
cal ingredients. Therefore, research into micro-
trium mangrovei has been reported (Banerjee
algae use for cosmetics and cosmeceuticals
et al., 2002; Bhattacharjee et al., 2001; Jiang
requires a comprehensive approach for overall
et al., 2004; Yue and Jiang, 2009). Also, PUFAs
skin care.
from Odontella aurita are claimed to have antiox-
idant activity that maintains youthful skin (Pulz
and Gross, 2004).
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anthin, and canthaxanthin, which are rich in Achitouv, E., Metzger, P., Rager, M.N., Largeau, C., 2004.
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Supercritical Fluid Extraction of
Microalgae (Chlorella vulagaris) Biomass
Ali Bahadar1,2, M. Bilal Khan3, M.A. Asim K. Jalwana4
Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, King Abdulaziz University, Rabigh, Saudi Arabia;
School of Chemical and Materials Engineering (SCME), National University of Sciences and Technology
(NUST), Islamabad, Pakistan; 3Center for Advanced Studies in Energy (CAE), National University of
Sciences and Technology (NUST), Islamabad, Pakistan; 4School of Electrical Engineering and Computer
Sciences (SEECS), National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Islamabad, Pakistan

1. INTRODUCTION solvent extraction techniques. SC-CO2 is a widely

and commonly used solvent in SCFE. The unique
Among the various biomasses that may be characteristics of SC-CO2 have made it attractive
used for biodiesel production, microalgae have for separating essential oils, neutral lipids,
great potential to produce renewable liquid fuels. flavors, fragrances, antioxidants, and pigments
Algae grow in open ponds, raceway ponds, and from both terrestrial and nonterrestrial biomasses.
closed systems (Mata et al., 2010). Naturally, SC-CO2 is lipophilic and is able to separate
they are grown in open ponds, but they can be most nonpolar solutes. The separation of CO2 is
cultivated in specially fabricated raceway ponds
and in closed photobioreactor systems (Gouveia
TABLE 1 Oil Yield Comparisons of Various
and Oliveira, 2009). One of the major advantages Biofuel Crops
of algae is that they do not require land for
cultivation. Also, they have a higher lipid Biofuel crops Oil yield (L/ha/y)
content than any terrestrial plants (Chen et al., Corn 174
2011; Li et al., 2008). The comparative oil yields
of various feedstocks are presented in Table 1. Soybean 446
For efficient and selective component extrac- Jatropha 2200
tion, supercritical fluid extraction (SCFE) has Coconut 2889
been used extensively as a separation method
in the food processing and pharmaceutical Oil palm 6050
industries. Supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) Microalgae (70% oil) 146,900
fluid extraction has emerged as a greener Microalgae (30% oil) 70,000
technology than conventional petroleum-based

Handbook of Marine Microalgae 317 © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

easy, simple, and leaves no residues in the extract and a gas. This method is very efficient for
as compared with petroleum-based solvent extracting lipids for several reasons: (1) The
extraction (Rizvi et al., 1986; Tonthubthimthong crude lipid products are solvent free. (2) The
et al., 2001). The solvation capability of SC-CO2 solvent rapidly penetrates the algal cells, giving
can be tuned by changing the pressure and a higher lipid yield. (3) Solvent power is a func-
temperature of the system, making it desirable tion of fluid density, which can be tuned by
to separate specific compounds from plant and adjusting the temperature and pressure to get
animal resources. CO2 is nontoxic, inexpensive, neutral lipids (acylglycerols). (4) Supercritical
and abundantly available, with a critical temper- fluids are noncorrosive, nontoxic, nonflam-
ature of 31  C and a pressure of 1072 psi (Eggers, mable, and inert. (5) No degumming is required
1985; Johnson et al., 1998). because SC-CO2 does not solubilize polar phos-
In the supercritical phase, the liquid-like pholipids (Sahena et al., 2009; Mendes et al.,
density increases the interactions between the 2003; Herrero et al., 2006).
substrate. The solvent- and gas-like diffusivity Hence, it is essential to provide suitable
properties allow excellent mass transfer. In addi- modeling of the SCFE to improve operating con-
tion, low viscosities like gas and zero surface ditions and simulate the global process. In this
tension allow the SC-CO2 to penetrate easily chapter, some most significant and physically
into a microporous matrix to extract the desired sound models published in the literature for
compounds (Amajuoyi, 2001). Thus, the collec- SCFE of solid matrices and liquid, such as the
tive actions of density, diffusivity, surface ten- linear driving force (LDF), shrinking core, broken
sion, and viscosity, together with the tenability and intact cells, and a combination of Broken
of temperature and pressure dependence, make Plus Intact Cells (BIC) and shrinking core
SCFE an attractive green separation technique models, are discussed. The basic equations used
for desired products (Meireles, 2003). for these models are presented in Table 2 (Huang
In the study presented in this chapter, we et al., 2012; Pawliszyn, 1993).
separated oil from a promising biofuel feed-
1. Linear Driving Force Model
stock, Chlorella vulgaris (microalgae), to produce
biodiesel. The LDF model assumes that the mass trans-
fer flux is proportional to the difference between
an average solute concentration in the particle
2. THEORETICAL MODELS FOR and the solute concentration in equilibrium
SUPERCRITICAL FLUID with the fluid phase. This model demonstrates
EXTRACTION that when the solute concentration in the particle
follows a parabolic profile, the LDF model is
Advances in green chemistry and biorefinery exact (Liaw et al., 1979). Do and Rice (1986)
concepts have led to the extensive use of SCFE have shown that these assumptions are valid,
for liquids and solids in recent years. Conven- except at the beginning of the extraction of
tional solvent-based extraction has certain each particle in the column, when the concentra-
drawbacks, such as the presence of traces of tion profile is still very sharp.
solvent in the final product and the possibility
2. The Shrinking Core Model
of causing thermal degradation (Reverchon
and De Marco, 2006; Pourmortazavi and The shrinking core model assumes that there
Hajimirsadeghi, 2007). SC-CO2 extraction is a is a sharp boundary between the extracted and
green technology that promises to replace nonextracted portions of the particle. As extrac-
organic solvent extraction. When the tempera- tion is carried out, this boundary is reduced until
ture and pressure of a fluid increase above its it reaches the center of the particle (with all
critical point, the fluid behaves as both a liquid solute being exhausted).
TABLE 2 Different Kinetic Models used for SCFE and Their Respective Equations

S/N Model name Equations

1 Linear driving force Model qi ¼ qi ðCi Þ

tmin ¼ De
¼ kLDF ðqi  qi Þ
kLDF ¼ 15De

qi ¼ Ki Ci
Jf ap ¼ rS kLDF ðqi  qi Þ
˛vCs;i vq
þ ð1  ˛p Þrs vti ¼ KLDF ðCs;i  Ci Þ
¼ KLDF ðqi  qi Þ
R 5kf ap
¼ 1
k f ap
þ 5Depap 4KLDF ¼ kf R
5þ De
qi ¼ Ki Cs;i
Jf ap ¼ KLDF ðCs;i  Ci Þ
t ¼ 04Cs;i ¼ Cs;i;0 ; q ¼ qi;0

¼ kf ap ðCs;i r¼Rp  Ci Þ
2 The shrinking core Model vt
De v r vCs;i
r2 vr vr
¼ 0
qi ¼ qi;0 Rp rc

Jf ¼ kf ðCs;i r¼Rp  Ci Þ
cr ; t ¼ 0 qi ¼ qi,0
ct ; r ¼ rc Cs;i ¼ Cs;i
D vC
ct ; r ¼ Rp  e vr s;i ¼ kf ðCs;i  Ci Þ
< kf ðCi  Ci ÞCs;i  solubility >
3 Broken plus intact cells model > =
¼ Jf ap ks
: ðCi  Ci ÞCs;i < solubility >
¼ Jf af þ JS as
¼ Js as
Jf ¼ kf ðCi  Ci Þ
Js ¼ kS(Cintact,i  Cbroken,i)
¼ Jbroken ap
¼ Jintact ap

Jbroken ¼ kf ðCi broken  Ci Þ

Jintact ¼ ks ðCi intact  Ci Þ

Jf ¼ Jintact þ Jbroken
( )
Cbroken;i ¼ Cbroken;i;0
t ¼ 0
Cintact;i ¼ Cintact;i;0


TABLE 2 Different Kinetic Models used for SCFE and Their Respective Equationsdcont'd

S/N Model name Equations

4 Broken plus intact cells þ vt
¼ Jf ap
shrinking model
Jf ¼ k0 ðCi  Ci Þ
t¼0 qi ¼ qi,0

3. Broken Plus Intact Cells Model Agriculture Research Council. The sample was
inoculated in a glass column by providing speci-
This model shows how, after grinding, the
fied media, light, and air for its initial growth.
extraction is done. A few cells break down dur-
Bold Basal Medium and Modified Bold Basal Me-
ing the grinding process and a few remain intact.
dium were used as the stock solutions. Microal-
This model takes both types into account.
gae were cultivated in a closed solarized air lift
4. Broken Plus Intact Cells and Shrinking Core tubular photobioreactor, as shown in Figure 1.
Combined Model Microalgae were dried by naturally available sun-
light for 4 h to avoid decomposition, as shown in
This model combines both the broken plus
Figure 2.
intact cells and shrinking core models. The model
therefore adds the properties of both. For
example, extraction of oil from milled grape 2.2.2 Soxhlet Solvent Extractions
seed, due to milling there is cell breakdown while
The initial oil content in microalgae species
the layered structure suites to shrinking.
(C. vulgaris) was found by conventional n-hexane
solvent extraction using a Soxhlet extractor for
2.1 Response Surface Methodology 14 h. The total lipid content for three replicates
was found to be in the range of 18  1.2% w/w.
Response surface methodology (RSM) is a sta-
tistical method that uses quantitative data from 2.2.3 Supercritical Fluid Extraction of
appropriate experimental designs to determine Microalgae (C. vulgaris)
and simultaneously solve multivariate equations. The SC-CO2 fluid extraction of microalgae
These equations can be graphically represented as biomass was performed using an SFT-150 bench
response surfaces, which can be used in three scale SC-CO2 fluid extraction unit (Supercritical
ways: (1) to describe how the test variables affect Fluid Extraction Fluids, Inc.). The system consisted
the response; (2) to determine the interrelation-
ships among the test variables; and (3) to describe
the combined effects of all test variables on the
response (Raymond and Montgomery, 2002;

Ozkal et al., 2005).

2.2 Materials and Methods

2.2.1 Microalgae (C. vulgaris)
Samples of the locally grown freshwater algal FIGURE 1 In-house designed tubular photobioreactor at
species C. vulgaris were taken from the Pakistan CES, NUST.

(a) (b)

FIGURE 2 (a) Wet microalgae, (b) dried microalgae.

of a 1000-mL pressure vessel and could be pressur- occurs from inside the pressure vessel to atmo-
ized up to 10,000 psi. Bone-dry CO2 contained in spheric pressure, the restrictor valve is heated
dip tube cylinders was purchased from Linde up to 80  C to avoid freezing. The extracted oil
Pakistan Ltd. The process flow diagram is illus- was collected in the glass collection vessel during
trated in Figure 3. the dynamic cycle and CO2 was purged to the
A 30-g algal biomass was used in each exper- outside. Again, the biomass was soaked for
iment. In each experiment, the biomass was 10 min. The static/dynamic cycling continued
loaded into the pressure vessel; if needed, glass for 3 h. The oil in the collection was weighed
spheres were added to make a completely and the extraction yield was calculated by the
packed bed vessel. First, the desired temperature following equation:
was achieved in the vessel before pressurizing.
% Mass collected ¼ ðgram of oil collected=
The diaphragm pump was used to pressurize
the vessel; to ensure the liquid feed of CO2, the gram of biomass loadedÞ
CO2 was fed into a chiller (5  C) directly from 100
cylinders. Then, the liquid CO2 was pumped (1)
and discharged into the pressure vessel from
the bottom and the desired operating pressure Experimental runs were carried out for a wide
was achieved. The biomass was soaked each range of operating conditions. The temperatures
time for 10 min, then dynamic valve was opened ranged from 40 to 50  C, while pressure ranges
for 10 min at 0.375 L/min. Typically, a 1000-mL from 4000 to 9000 psi were used for both of the
vessel exchanges 7.5 volumes; here, we used biomasses.
8.5 volumes to get all of the oil out of the pres-
sure vessel, ensuring that all of the oil would 2.2.4 Experimental Designs for RSM
flow out of the pressure vessel (Chrastil, 1982). For RSM, a central composite design model
A restrictor valve was used to regulate the consisting of 30 runs with six replicas at the cen-
purged CO2 flow rate. As a large pressure drop tral points was used to optimize the process
¼ Turn
ball Relieving
valve, regulator
Bulkhead brass
supply Inlet safety head
& rapture
disc assembly
tubing PD PT

Bulkhead Cross
Bulkhead Vessel
CO2 100-2000 mL
¼ Turn Check
Bulkhead valve
ball valve, Liquid CO2
SS pump

Tee capped
line fot test
Bulkhead guage

Inlet & Cosolvent Check
outlet Bulkhead pump valve
bulkhead Restrictor
3/8" Nylon valve
shutoff valve

1/8" SS tube

FIGURE 3 Process flow diagram for sft-150 supercritical fluid extraction unit.
variables (temperature, pressure, flow rate, and 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
static/dynamic cycling time). Optimization and
experimental data analysis using RSM were 3.1 Supercritical Fluid Extraction of
performed using Design Expert statisti- Microalgae (C. vulgaris)
cal software. Data was fitted into a polynomial
equation that shows all of the possible interac- SC-CO2 was also used to extract lipids
tions of the SCFE parameters (X1, X2, X3, and from C. vulgaris in the temperature range of
X4) and their effects on the response (the yield). 40e80  C and pressure of 4000e9000 psi. Light
For RSM, a preliminary experimental study was green oil was obtained in all the experimental
conducted. Based on that study, the indepen- runs. The effects of temperature and pressure
dent variables used in the Central Composite on SCFE of microalgae (C. vulgaris) are shown
Designs (CCD) model are presented in Table 3. in Figures 4 and 5. Because the supercritical
To analyze the response (Y), the experimental extraction of seeds is strongly dependent on
data were fitted with the polynomial regression temperature and pressure, C. vulgaris oil extrac-
equation of the following form: tion also shows its dependence on these two
Xk variables.
Y ¼ b0 þ i¼1
bi Xi Figure 4 shows the yield of algal oil against
Xk Xk Xk temperature at constant pressure. The maximum
þ i¼1
bii X i þ i¼1 j>i
yield was found at the highest temperature

(80 C) and highest pressure (9000 psi), and the
bij Xi Xj þ εi ¼ 1; 2; .; k; j ¼ 2; .; k; i s j
lowest yield was obtained at the lowest pressure
(2) (4000 psi) and highest temperature (80  C). At
Here, Y is the response (percent of oil yield), the lowest pressure (4000 psi), the highest yield
b0 is a constant, and bi, bii, bij are the linear, of algae oil was obtained at 40  C and the lowest

quadratic, and interaction terms, respectively. at 80 C. Subsequently, at the highest pressures

Xi and Xj are the levels of the independent (9000 psi), an inversion effect was observed as
variables. compared to 4000 psi. At 6000e6500 psi, the
The analysis of variance (ANOVA) was also effect of temperature was less and yielded
used to evaluate the quality of the fitted model the same value in the range of 14.5e17.7%. The
for microalgae oil extraction in RSM. The statisti- inversion effect above and below at intermediate
cal difference was based on the total error with a pressures of 5500e6500 psi was observed, as
confidence level of 95%. shown in Figure 5.
This effect was also reported in previous
SCFE studies of different microalgae strains to
TABLE 3 Experimental Ranges used in the CCD for extract neutral lipids and also for specific com-
Oil Yield for Chlorella vulgaris Biomass ponents of interest. This type of behavior is
typical of a solid-fluid binary system, termed
Levels the cross-over phenomenon. Below this pressure,
Factors Codes L1 0 D1 an increase in temperature will decrease the sol-
ubility of microalgae biomass in SC-CO2. Above
Temperature ( C) X1 40 50 60
the cross-over pressure, an isobaric increase
Pressure (MPa) X2 4000 5500 7000 in temperature will increase the microalgae
Flow rate (L/min) X3 1 1.5 3 biomass solubility in SC-CO2, thus increasing
the overall yield. The cross-over effect mainly
Extraction time (h) X4 1 1.5 3
occurs due to two factors: density and volatility.

prominent below the cross-over pressure, which

increases the solubility and subsequently the
yield at lower temperatures. Above the cross-
over pressure, the volatility effect gives way to
higher yields at higher temperatures.
Figure 6 shows the scanning electron micro-
scopy (SEM) of unextracted microalgae cells
and ruptured cells of algae after extraction
when SC-CO2 is used.

3.2 Response Surface Analysis

3.2.1 Response Surface Analysis for
Microalgae (C. vulgaris)
Four extraction process parametersdtemper-
FIGURE 4 Effect of temperature on oil yield of Chlorella ature, pressure, flow rate of CO2, and extraction
timedwere selected to study the effects on
SC-CO2 extraction of microalgae (C. vulgaris)
At higher densities, the SC-CO2 is exposed using CCD design in RSM. The extraction yields
to more surface area, translating to a higher con- of algal oil obtained under 30 different process
centration that allows more penetration; thus, conditions are presented in Table 4.
more oil dissolves from the biomass and more The results of the ANOVA, F-test, and proba-
oil is extracted. The effect of density is more bility are shown in Table 5. The oil yield (Y) was

FIGURE 5 Effect of pressure on oil yield

of Chlorella vulgaris.

(a) (b)

FIGURE 6 (a) SEM showing oil pouches of algae (b) SEM showing ruptured oil pouches of algae after oil extraction using

estimated by the following quadratic multiple actual and predicted yields of C. vulgaris oil is
regression equation: shown in Figure 7 and is in close agreement.

Extraction Yield ¼ þ14:82 þ 0:20  A þ 1:43  B þ 0:15  C þ 0:34  D þ 1:24  A  B þ 0:30  A  C

 0:17  A  D  0:51  B  C þ 0:14  B  D þ 0:22  C  D þ 0:46  A2  0:92
 B2 þ 1:20  C2  1:32  D2

Here, the extraction yield is the yield of micro- 3.2.2 Analysis of Response Surface for
algae (C. vulgaris) oil (%), A is the extraction Microalgae (C. vulgaris)
temperature ( C), B is the extraction pressure A three-dimensional (3D) plot is used to repre-
(psi), C is the flow rate of CO2 (g/min), and D sent the significant (p < 0.05) statistical interac-
is the extraction time (h). tion of variables in surface response for algal oil
The F-values and the probability values in extraction, which is shown in Figure 8(aef).
Table 5 indicate that the model is significant. Four key SCFE parametersdtemperature (A),
This reflects that the model and actual runs of pressure (B), flow rate (C), and time (D)dwere
SCFE of C. vulgaris were best fitted. The lack of selected to study the SC-CO2 extraction process
fit value was not significant, implying that the by CCD design in RSM on the orthogonal test
model was fit for SC-CO2 extraction of C. vulgaris using actual experiment runs.
oil. R2 was 0.962, which shows accurate fitness of RSM was employed using CCD design on
the model. The regression quadratic equation SCFE of C. vulgaris to investigate the effects of
(Eqn. (3)) explains all the response surfaces and SCFE parameters on algal oil yield within
is accurate for predicting the yield of the micro- experimental space runs. Response surfaces
algae oil. Table 5 represents the significant terms and 3D contour plots from the model under
(p > 0.001) that effect the extraction yield and investigation were obtained. Pressures of
their interactions with each other. The plot of 4000e7000 psi (higher pressures were not

TABLE 4 CCD Matrix of Factors and the Responses of Oil Yield for Microalgae (Chlorella vulgaris)

A B C D Actual Predicted
Run Temperature (oC) Pressure (psi) Flowrate (g/min) Time (h) yield (%) yield (%)

1 50 5500 2 2 14.37 14.66

2 60 7000 1 3 17.19 17.22
3 40 4000 1 1 13.32 13.35
4 40 4000 3 3 14.58 14.60
5 50 5500 2 2 15.1 14.66

6 50 5500 2 2 14.64 14.66

7 40 4000 1 3 13.54 13.72
8 50 5500 2 2 14.47 14.66
9 40 4000 3 1 13.51 13.46
10 40 7000 1 3 15.82 15.48

11 60 4000 3 3 13.08 12.84

12 60 7000 3 1 16.96 16.75
13 50 5500 2 2 15.14 14.60
14 50 4500 2 2 13.79 13.24
15 50 5500 2 2 14.96 14.66
16 50 5500 3 2 15.78 15.94

17 50 8500 2 2 13.73 13.83

18 60 7000 3 3 17.7 17.65
19 50 5500 2 2 14.35 14.66
20 50 5500 2 3 13.64 13.80
21 60 5500 2 2 14.98 15.42
22 50 5500 2 2 14.32 14.66

23 60 4000 1 3 10.36 10.47

24 40 7000 1 1 14.29 14.51
25 40 7000 3 1 12.8 12.68
26 70 5500 2 2 17.36 17.29
27 60 4000 1 1 11.1 10.93
28 40 7000 3 3 14.26 14.41

29 60 7000 1 1 17.13 17.09

30 60 4000 3 1 12.18 12.52
TABLE 5 ANOVA for Response Surface Quadratic Model of Chlorella vulgaris oil Extraction

Source Sum of squares df Mean square F value p-value prob > F

Model 85.60441 14 6.114601 47.73043 <0.0001 Significant

A-Temperature 0.685538 1 0.685538 5.351296 0.0353
B-pressure 37.64491 1 37.64491 293.8553 <0.0001

C-flow rate 0.298882 1 0.298882 2.333069 0.1475

D-Time 1.652791 1 1.652791 12.90165 0.0027
AB 25.1001 1 25.1001 195.9308 <0.0001
AC 2.2201 1 2.2201 17.33005 0.0008
AD 0.6889 1 0.6889 5.377538 0.0349
BC 3.744225 1 3.744225 29.22733 <0.0001

BD 0.342225 1 0.342225 2.6714 0.1230

CD 0.600625 1 0.600625 4.688465 0.0469
A 2
3.913424 1 3.913424 30.5481 <0.0001
11.57596 1 11.57596 90.36167 <0.0001
C 2.233732 1 2.233732 17.43646 0.0008
D 2.357389 1 2.357389 18.40172 0.0006

Residual 1.921604 15 0.128107

Lack of fit 1.075917 8 0.13449 1.113209 0.4503 Not significant
Pure error 0.845688 7 0.120813
Cor total 87.52602 29

considered due to negative cost implications on increasing temperature from 40  C to 80 C, the
the SCFE process) and temperatures of algal oil yield increased from 14.2 wt% to
40e80  C, with a flow rate of 1e3 g/min, were 17.2 wt%. At 4000e4800 psi, the increase in this
used in this RSM. In Figure 8, these responses temperature did not affect the yield. This was
and plots show the effects of temperature and because 4800 psi is near the cross-over pressure
pressure on algal oil yield, where the CO2 for C. vulgaris yield (the cross-over phenomenon
flow rate was 2.0 g/min and extraction time occurs between 5000 psi and 5500 psi), as
was 2 h. Here, temperature and pressure are discussed in Section 3 and Figure 4. The solubil-
both affecting the yield and are significant ity of C. vulgaris oil increases with an increase in
terms, according to Table 5. temperature above the cross-over pressure. As
It was observed in this contour that when the the pressure decreases to cross-over pressure,
pressure decreased from 7000 psi to 4000 psi, the the solubility decreases due to the combined
effect of the extraction temperature decreased effects of solvent density and solute volatility

from 40  C to 80 C; low yield was observed at (Bulley et al., 1984; Norulaini et al., 2009). Also
4000 psi. At a high pressure of 7000 psi and an in Figure 8(a), it can be noted that at higher

Predicted vs. Actual an increase in convection and decrease in film

18.00 thickness. The effects of time on the other three
SCFE parameters with regard to the yield of
microalgae are also presented in Figure 8(def).


1. Supercritical CO2 fluid extraction was

employed on microalgae (C. vulgaris) for
biofuel production. SCFE was demonstrated
10.00 to be a valuable green technology as
10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00
compared to petroleum-based solvent
Actual extraction techniques in terms of the
environment, extraction time, and extraction
FIGURE 7 Predicted vs. actual yields of microalgae oil
extraction. efficiency. The results using SCFE displayed
in this chapter were in close agreement with
the Soxhlet petroleum-based extraction. Both
temperatures the effect of pressure was more experimental and simulated results were
prominent than at lower temperatures. discussed.
Increasing pressure from 4000 psi to 7000 psi at 2. The RSM using CCD was employed on

40 C increased the oil yield of C. vulgaris from microalgae. A quadratic regression model
13.1 wt% to 14.8 wt%; at the same pressure was fitted well and was sufficient to explain
change at 80  C, the yield increased from and predict the optimized process conditions
12.1 wt% to 16.8 wt%. This was due to the higher for microalgae oil yield using SC-CO2
effects of pressure changes at high temperatures extraction within the experimental ranges. A
compared to the low temperatures on solubility. response surface plot represents the linear and
Figure 8(b) and (c) show the interaction of quadratic terms of pressure, temperature,
flow rate with temperature and pressure. The flow rate, and extraction time. The predicted
oil yield of microalgae increased with the flow and actual oil yields for C. vulgaris were in
rate of CO2 and temperature at constant pressure close agreement.
(Figure 8(b)). This was due to decrease in density 3. The optimum yield for microalgae was
of the solvent; consequently, the vapor pressure 17.7 wt% at a pressure of 7000 psi,
of the solute increases, which leads to an increase temperature of 60  C, CO2 flow rate of 3 g/
in the solubility of microalgae in SC-CO2 and its min, and extraction time of 3 h, which was in
mass transfer rate (Wei et al., 2009; Wang et al., close agreement with the n-hexane-based
2008). Figure 8(c) visualizes the possible interac- solvent extraction. Thus, the model using
tion of pressure and flow rate at constant tem- CCD of RSM can be used to find the optimal
perature. With an increase in pressure from SCFE conditions for microalgae.
4000 psi to 7000 psi and flow rate from 1 m/ 4. The actual experimental results were also
min to 3 m/min, the oil yield increases. With discussed and the yield of algal oil at wide
an increase in pressure at constant temperatures, ranges of temperatures (40e80  C) and
the solubility increases and an increase in flow pressure (4000e9000 psi) was presented. The
rate facilitates the mass transfer rate, hence maximum yield was found at the highest
decreasing the mass transfer resistance due to temperature (80  C) and highest pressure

(a) (b)
Yield (%)


Yield (%)
13 14
12 13
11 12

7000.00 60.00
6250.00 55.00 3.00 60.00
5500.00 50.00
2.50 55.00
Pressure (psi) 4750.004000.00 40.00 Temperature ºC 2.00 50.00
1.50 45.00
Flow rate (g/min) 1.00 40.00 Temperature ºC
(c) (d)
16 18
Yield (%)

15 17
14 16

Yield (%)
13 15
12 14
3.00 7000.00
2.50 6250.00
3.00 60.00
2.00 5500.00
2.50 55.00
1.50 4750.00
Flow rate (g/min) Pressure (psi) 2.00 50.00
1.00 4000.00
1.50 45.00
Time (h) 1.00 40.00 Temperature ºC

(e) (f)
Yield (%)

14 16
Yield (%)

12 14

10 12

3.00 7000.00
2.50 6250.00 3.00 3.00
2.00 5500.00 2.50 2.50
1.50 4750.00 2.00 2.00
Time (h) Pressure (psi)
1.00 4000.00 1.50 1.50
Time (h) 1.00 1.00 Flow rate (g/min)

FIGURE 8 (aef). Plot of response surfaces for microalgae (Chlorella vulgaris) oil yield. (a) Effect of temperature and pressure
on yield at a fixed flow rate of 2.0 g/min and extraction time of 2.0 h. (b) Effect of temperature and flow rate on yield at a fixed
pressure of 5500 psi and an extraction time of 2.0 h. (c) Effect of pressure and flow rate on yield at a fixed temperature of 50 oC
and an extraction time of 2.0 h. (d) Effect of temperature and time on yield at a fixed pressure of 5500 psi and an extraction time
of 2.0 h. (e) Effect of pressure and time on yield at a fixed temperature of 50 oC and an extraction time of 2.0 h. (f) Effect of flow
rate and time on yield at a fixed pressure of 5500 psi and a temperature of 50 oC.

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same value in the range of 14.5e17.7%. The oil Palavra, A.F., 2003. Supercritical carbon dioxide extrac-
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Exploiting the Molecular Genetics of
Microalgae: From Strain Development
Pipelines to the Uncharted Waters
of Mass Production
Julian N. Rosenberg1,2, Victor H. Oh1, Geng Yu1,
Bernardo J. Guzman1, George A. Oyler1,2, Michael J. Betenbaugh1
Johns Hopkins University, Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Baltimore, MD, USA;
Synaptic Research, Baltimore, MD, USA

1. INTRODUCTION Currently, no standard expression system ex-

ists for the production of recombinant proteins
Cyanobacteria and microalgae comprise count- or specialty biomolecules. While most recombi-
less species and strains that are adept at surviving nant pharmaceuticals are produced by bacteria
in diverse habitats (Tirichine and Bowler, 2011). and yeast, the choice of hosts is largely dictated
As a result, these microbes have evolved versatile by the characteristics of the end product. While
metabolic functions, which give rise to diverse bacteria and yeast are considered economic plat-
biomass compositions. Since the early 1960s, forms because of their relatively low operating
various classes of metabolites produced by algae costs and inexpensive media components, yeast
in response to environmental cues have been and eukaryotic algae may be more suitable hosts
used as animal-free nutritional additives and for the production of complex therapeutics due
high-value pigments for cosmetics and biotech- to their ability to perform posttranslational mod-
nology (Pulz and Gross, 2004). Beyond natural ifications necessary for functional protein activ-
products, marine and freshwater algae are ity (Fletcher et al., 2007; Walker et al., 2005). In
emerging as systems for the tailored biosynthesis addition to algae, other plant cells have been
of energy-dense hydrocarbons for biofuels, anti- developed for suspension culture and are
oxidant pigments, and free fatty acids for health becoming more prevalent in biomanufacturing
care and consumer products, and recombinant (e.g., tobacco, carrot) (Manuell et al., 2007;
protein products as therapeutics and nutraceuti- Shaaltiel et al., 2007; Sun et al., 2011; Xu et al.,
cals (Rasala and Mayfield, 2014). 2011). However, cost projections for antibodies

Handbook of Marine Microalgae 331 © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

produced by algae are only 0.002 USD per gram, costs and is currently only economical for high-
compared to 150 and 0.05 USD per gram in value products. However, with improved
mammalian and plant expression systems, biomass yields and more favorable biomass com-
respectively (Mayfield et al., 2003). positions, the technoeconomics and overall sus-
As for commodity-scale production of tainability have the potential to become viable
biochemicals or biofuels, the choice between (Rogers et al., 2014). One approach to increased
terrestrial, microbial, and aquatic crops also de- yields stems from genetic enhancement of algal
pends strongly on the target compounds and bal- species, which has only recently become readily
ance between natural metabolic traits of the host available. Although the ability to perform genetic
and tools available for genetic improvement. manipulation and engineer metabolism is still
Microalgae are an attractive alternative to current limited to a select subset of algal species, the mo-
platforms and possess many of the hallmarks of a lecular genetic framework that has been success-
sustainable feedstock. With simple growth re- ful with these strains will undoubtedly be
quirements of carbon dioxide and sunlight, applied to other species. As such, genetically
photosynthetic microbes exhibit fast growth rates modified (GM) algae have now entered strain
and produce biomass that is generally regarded development pipelines and are currently being
as safe (GRAS) for human consumption. As validated for commercial-scale cultivation. This
such, natural products derived from algae have chapter addresses technological advancements
contributed to markets including infant formula, in molecular genetic tools for algae, highlights
fish feed, human nutritional supplements, and examples of biosynthetic pathway design and
cosmetic pigments, as well as specialty chemicals selection of industrial fitness, and discusses the
for research purposes (Rosenberg et al., 2008). regulatory aspects of growing GM algae
Furthermore, established genetic transformation outdoors.
methods exist for a number of species (Rosales-
Mendoza et al., 2012; Surzycki et al., 2009),
which has enabled the use of algae as model 2. ADVANCES IN MOLECULAR
photosynthetic organisms for biosensors TOOLS FOR CHLOROPLAST AND
(Marshall et al., 2012; Bachman, 2003), biological NUCLEAR GENE EXPRESSION
fuel cells (Powell et al., 2014), and biocomputing
(Harrop et al., 2014; Zhang et al., 2011). For bio- Because algae can be leveraged for food, feed,
fuel and agrochemical production, the scale of fuel, and high-value recombinant proteins, a
algal cultivation will require farms that are multitude of different natural microalgal and
many orders of magnitude larger than most cur- cyanobacterial species have been characterized
rent operations. These immense projects are for specific production objectives (Sheehan
coupled with entirely different technical hurdles, et al., 1998; Rodolfi et al., 2009; Griffiths and
ranging from the logistics of water handling to Harrison, 2009; Li et al., 2011; Liu et al., 2011;
regulatory control and potential for varying Vazhappilly and Chen, 1998). However, some posit
degrees of public acceptance. that we have reached the limit of naturally occur-
Although outdoor evaluation of algal cultiva- ring traits and further bioprospecting efforts will
tion has begun in raceway ponds and other pho- not yield meaningful results in a timely manner
tobioreactor systems (Table 1), microalgae and (Gressel, 2008). Others even claim that natural
cyanobacteria have yet to reach production matu- variation and recombination of traits by means
rity at commercial scales (tens of thousands of of cross-breeding will be exhausted by 2050
acres). Algae biomass is still relatively expensive (Sayre, 2014). In direct response to this bottle-
to produce due to high capital and operating neck, the ability to manipulate genomes with
TABLE 1 Companies and Academic Algae Programs with Advanced Research and Development Projects in the
United States

Program Location Technology Regulatory status

Hydromentia Ocala, FL Benthic algal turf
Sapphire Energy Columbus, NM Open raceway ponds TERA approved
for green crude
Triton Algae San Diego, CA Strain engineering for
Innovations recombinant proteins
Joule Unlimited Hobbs, NM Photosynthetic biofuel MCAN reviewed
Technologies secretion in PBR
Bioprocess Algae Shenandoah, IA Solid-phase growth,
integrated biorefinery

Algenol Fort Myers, FL Photosynthetic ethanol MCAN filed

secretion in PBR

Aurora Algae Hayward, CA Strain development for

food, feed, and fuel
Phycal Highland Heights, OH Biofuels from auto/
hetero algae, cassava
Algae to Omega Oakland Park, FL Closed bioreactors for
nutritional products
Heliae Gilbert, AZ Modular ponds for
mixotrophic growth
Solazyme Peoria, IL Heterotrophic algae for MCAN filed
nutritional oils
Cellana Kona, HI Hybrid system for
biofuel and fish feed

Arizona State Mesa, AZ Outdoor raceway
University ponds and PBRs
California Polytechnic San Luis Obispo, CA Algae biofuel from
New Mexico State Las Cruces, NM Geothermal greenhouse
University testbed
UC-San Diego/ La Jolla, CA Outdoor raceway TERA approved
Sapphire ponds and PBRs

This list of companies with large-scale facilities showcases some groups that have received regulatory approval from the US Environmental
Protection Agency for outdoor field testing and commercial production. Universities with demonstration-scale test beds are also examining
alternative pathways to algal biomass production in parallel.
MCAN, Microbial commercial activity notice; PBR, photobioreactor; TERA, Toxic Substances Control Act Environmental Release Application.

facile molecular genetic tools may open the door Compared to 5e10% TSP in the chloroplast, the
to previously unattainable traits. nuclear genome does provide other advantages,
In developing various microalgal species as such as posttranslational modifications and local-
platforms for genetic engineering, the few strains ization of protein products to organelles (Zhang
that can be stably genetically transformed are and Potvin, 2010).
limited to members of Chlamydomonas, Chlorella,
Volvox, Haematococcus, and Dunaliella genera 2.1.1 Constitutively Active Promoters and
(Rosenberg et al., 2008). While the molecular Untranslated Regions
physiology, genetics, and growth characteristics To achieve high-level transcription of trans-
of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii have been exten- genes, promoters positioned directly upstream of
sively documented, it is not an ideal species for genes regulate transcription, while untranslated
commercial production (Raja et al., 2008). Even regions (UTRs) mediate mRNA stability and initi-
in this model organism, the commercial applica- ation/termination of translation/transcription
tion of recombinant protein expression has been (Cadoret et al., 2012). In C. reinhardtii, the most
hindered by low expression levels. widely used endogenous promoters for transgene
expression from the nuclear genome have had
2.1 Genetic Tools to Improve Transgene success in expressing transgenes individually,
but chimeric promoters, such as the rubisco
Expression and Recombinant
(RbcS2) promoter fused to heat shock protein
Protein Yield
(Hsp70A) regulatory elements, have been shown
Although there are many obstacles that prevent to be more effective by many orders of magnitude
microalgae from being a viable expression system (Cadoret et al., 2012). In the chloroplast, the most
on a commercial scale, significant advancements effective promoters have been taken from photo-
in the development of genetic engineering tools synthetically associated genes (e.g., psbA) and
have ushered in tremendous efforts to optimize those likened to energy generation (e.g., atpA),
the “upstream” side of process design. While re- along with their respective 50 /30 UTRs (Rosales-
combinant protein expression at commercially Mendoza et al., 2012; Surzycki et al., 2009).
viable levels has only been reported from the chlo- Although the PsbD promoter and RbcL pro-
roplast genome, both nuclear and mitochondrial moters have also been used to successfully ex-
genomes have achieved successful recombinant press recombinant proteins in the chloroplast,
protein expression (Zhang and Potvin, 2010). the highest reported expressions were only
The disparity between expression levels from w0.25 and w0.7% TSP, respectively (Rosales-
chloroplast and nuclear transformants can be Mendoza et al., 2012). A head-to-head compari-
attributed to the way transgenes are incorporated son of the most widely used nuclear promoters
into the respective genomes. Genetic transforma- in C. reinhardtii concluded that the PsaD (photo-
tion of the chloroplast is almost exclusively system I complex) promoter gave the highest
executed through homologous recombination. transgene (luciferase) expression levels when
Thus, the transgene inserted into the plastid paired with its terminator sequence. Using this
genome can be site-specific, leading to precise tar- PsaD promoter/terminator expression vector,
geting of “silent sites,” which are regions void of the authors were able to achieve accumulation
any known coding sequences (Tam and Lefebyre, of a human butyrylcholinesterase (huBuChE)
1993; Goldschmidt-Clermont, 1991). Conversely, protein fused to luciferase up to 0.4% TSP
expression levels of barely 1% of total soluble pro- (Kumar et al., 2013). A summarized list of widely
tein (TSP) are considered high for nuclear expres- used promoter and UTR pairs is shown in
sion as a result of random transgene integration. Table 2.

TABLE 2 Summary of Useful Genetic Elements for Bioengineering in Various Microalgal Species

Genome Category Element Gene source References

Nuclear Promoter b-tub Beta-tubulin Blankenship and

Kindle (1992)
Nuclear Promoter TubA1 Alpha-tubulin Kozminski, Diener, and
Rosenbaum (1993)
Nuclear Promoter Pcy1 Plastocyanin Quinn and Merchant
Nuclear Promoter AtpC Chloroplast ATPase Quinn and Merchant
gamma-subunit (1995)

Nuclear Promoter RbcS2 Ribulose biphosphate Kindle (1998)

carboxylase small
Nuclear Promoter Hsp70A Heat shock protein 70A Schroda, Blocker, and
Becka (2000)
Nuclear Promoter PsaD Photosystem I complex Fischer and Rochaix
Nuclear Expression vector ble-2A-X Foot-and-mouth- Rasala et al. (2012)
disease-virus 2A

Nuclear Gene-stacking strategy DNA assembly Constructing multigene Noor-Mohammadi et al.

method pathway in (2013)
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
and transfer to algae
Nuclear Nuclear-targeting ble-2A-X-2SV40 Tandem localization Rasala et al. (2014)
vector sequence from SV40
Nuclear Mitochondria-targeting ble-2A-atpA-X Mitochondrial ATP Rasala et al. (2014)
vector synthase alpha-subunit
Nuclear ER-targeting vector ble-2A-bip1-X-HDEL Hsp70 superfamily Rasala et al. (2014)
Nuclear ER-targeting vector ble-2A-ars1-X-HDEL Arylsulfatase secretion Rasala et al. (2014)

Nuclear Chloroplast-targeting ble-2A-psaD-X Photosystem I protein Rasala et al. (2014)


Nuclear Multigene expression ble-E2A-X-F2A-Y Equine-rhinitis-A-virus Rasala et al. (2014)

vector 2A peptide, FMDV 2A
Nuclear Gene-stacking strategy Mating Cross-breeding Rasala et al. (2014)
transgene lines and
sorting progeny
Nuclear Selectable marker GAT Glyphosate Bruggeman et al. (2014)


TABLE 2 Summary of Useful Genetic Elements for Bioengineering in Various Microalgal Speciesdcont'd

Genome Category Element Gene source References

Nuclear Selectable marker protox rs-3 Protoporphyrinogen Bruggeman et al. (2014)

oxidase with rs-3
Nuclear Selectable marker PDS (R268T) Modified Bruggeman et al. (2014)
reinhardtii phytoene
desaturase gene to
encode Thr at position
268 in place of Arg
Chloroplast Promoter atpA Adenosine Sun et al. (2003)
triphosphatase alpha
Chloroplast Promoter psbD Photosystem II D1 Manuell et al. (2007)

Chloroplast Promoter rbcL Ribulose biphosphate Dreesen, Charpin-El

carboxylase large Hamri, and
subunit Fussenegger (2010)
Chloroplast Promoter psbA Photosystem II psbA Rasala et al. (2010)
Chloroplast Vector Gateway system Lambda-phage att Oey et al. (2014)

X and Y represent hypothetical transgenes of interest.

2.1.2 Codon Optimization Using protein (GFP) accumulation was observed when
Gene Synthesis C. reinhardtii was transformed with codon-
In designing transgene expression vectors, optimized GFP (Franklin et al., 2002). The same
codon dependency is another important factor phenomenon has also been observed as a result
affecting the expression of recombinant proteins of codon optimization in diatoms (Corbeil et al.,
in microalgae. This causes shifts in tRNA abun- 2012). Given that the price of gene synthesis has
dance that potentially lead to translational stalling, dropped dramatically to less than 1 USD per
premature translation termination, translation base pair, codon optimization is now a more
frame shifting, and amino acid misincorporation widely accessible tool to ensure high-level expres-
(Kurland and Gallant, 1996). For example, C. rein- sion in various species of microalgae.
hardtii has an extremely high GC content, around
61%, and its chloroplast genome preferentially 2.1.3 Endogenous Introns
uses codons with adenine or thiamine nucleotides Although the precise mechanism of how
in the third position rather than guanine or cyto- introns upregulate transgene expression is still
sine (Leon-Banares et al., 2004; Nakamura et al., unclear, it has been shown in other organisms,
1999). Codon optimization of a transgene for a including microalgae, that inserting introns from
particular microalgal genome can lead to a signif- native genes in heterologous sequences
icant improvement in recombinant protein expres- results in increased protein yields (Rosales-
sion, as shown in a 2002 study by Franklin et al., Mendoza et al., 2012). A 2009 study by
where an 80-fold increase in green fluorescent Eichler-Stahlberg, Weisheit, Ruecker, and Heitzer
reported a 4-fold increase in a Renilla-luciferase this study, robust accumulation of monomeric,
gene used as a reporter, with the random inser- cytosolic GFP and xylanase (xyl1) was achieved
tion of at least one intron into the rbsc2 gene. by linking their expression to bleomycin antibi-
Interestingly, none of the three rbsc2 introns alone otic resistance (ble) via the 2A peptide. The study
increased nuclear expression, but integration in further demonstrated an w100-fold increase in
their physiological order and number had a pos- xylanase expression using the construct coupled
itive effect (Specht et al., 2010; Rosales-Mendoza with ble-2A. Additionally, by fusing an endoge-
et al., 2012). nous secretion signal between ble-2A and xyn1,
significant accumulation of active xylanase was
detected in the culture media (Rasala et al.,
2.2 Significant Advances in Genetic
Engineering of Microalgae
The FMDV 2A peptide encodes an approxi-
The prospects of microalgae as a recombinant mately 20 amino acid sequence that self-cleaves
protein expression system has attracted incred- during translation elongation of the 2A sequ-
ible efforts to prepare microalgae for mainstream ence. When the 2A links two genes in a single
implementation as a standard commercial plat- open reading frame, the product is two discrete
form. For nuclear expression, a major obstacle proteins, with the short 2A sequence fused to
has been low transgene expression and recombi- the C-terminus of the first protein product.
nant protein yields. This is largely due to the high While the FMDV 2A and similar self-cleavage se-
level of transgene silencing that takes place in the quences have been used for heterologous gene
nuclear genome. In the past, work has been done expression in many eukaryotic systems, this
using ultraviolet mutagenesis to develop strains study showed that the 2A peptide is fully func-
with enhanced transgene expression with under- tional in the algal cytoplasm. The bleomycin
whelming results (Zhang and Potvin, 2010). resistance is a key factor in the high expression
In recent years, development of new genetic of the transgene of interest. The Ble protein func-
tools for both the nuclear and chloroplast genomes tions by antibiotic sequestration rather than
of model algal organisms represents major enzymatic inactivation, binding to bleomycin
advancements in this discipline. Furthermore, (or ZeocinÔ ) in stoichiometric equivalence.
with the development of low-cost and high- Therefore, high levels of expression are neces-
throughput nucleotide sequencing, a wealth of sary to survive antibiotic selection (Rasala
algae genomes have become available for public et al., 2012).
and private use. These advancements are described The development of this FMDV 2A nuclear
in detail here and summarized in Table 3. expression strategy is a significant achievement,
enabling the C. reinhardtii nucleus to achieve pro-
2.2.1 Coupling Selectable Markers with tein accumulation levels comparable to the high
Transgenes for High-Level Nuclear expression levels previously only seen in the
Expression chloroplast. In 2013, Rasala et al. further applied
Several advancements have been developed this technique to demonstrate the first successful
to overcome poor transgene expression in the expression of an extensive set of six fluorescent
nucleus. In 2012, Rasala et al. developed a nu- proteins (blue mTagBFP, cyan mCerulean, green
clear expression strategy to overcome transgene CrGFP, yellow Venus, orange tdTomato, and
silencing using the foot-and-mouth-disease- red mCherry) from the C. reinhardtii nuclear
virus (FMDV) 2A self-cleaving sequence to tran- genome. All fluorescent proteins were localized
scriptionally link the transgene of interest to an throughout the cytoplasm, well-expressed, and
antibiotic selection marker in C. reinhardtii. In easily detectable in whole cells. Additionally,

TABLE 3 Genome Information for Green Microalgae, Diatoms, and Cyanobacteria Species

Status Species and strain number Genome size Reference

Sequenced and annotated Chlamydomonas reinhardtii CC-503 120 Mbps Merchant et al. (2007)
Cyanidioschyzon merolae 10D 16 Mbps Matsuzaki et al. (2004)
Cyanophora paradoxa LB555 140 Mbps Price et al. (2012)

Thalassiosira pseudonana CCMP 1335 34 Mbps Armbrust et al. (2004)

Thalassiosira oceanica CCMP 1005 81.6 Mbps Lommer et al. (2012)
Phaeodactylum tricornutum CCMP 2561 27.4 Mbps Bowler et al. (2008)
Ectocarpus siliculosus Ec32 214 Mbps Cock et al. (2010)
Aureococcus anophagefferens 56 Mbps Gobler et al. (2011)
Nannochloropsis gaditana CCMP 526 29 Mbps Radakovits et al. (2012)

Nannochloropsis oceanica CCMP 1779 28.7 Mbps Vieler et al. (2012)

Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 3.6 Mbps Kaneko et al. (1996)
Sequenced, unannotated Picochlorum sp. SENEW3 13.5 Mbps NAABB
Auxenochlorella protothecoides UTEX 25 21.4 Mbps Unpublished data
Chrysochromulina tobin 75.9 Mbps NAABB
Dunaliella salina CCAP 19/18 To be announced JGI

Chlorella sorokiniana UTEX 1230 To be announced Rosenberg et al. (2014)

Chlorella vulgaris UTEX 395 To be announced Rosenberg et al. (2014)
Botryococcus braunii UTEX 572 (race A) 166 Mbps JGI
Coccomyxa subellipsoidea sp. C-169 49 Mbps Blanc et al. (2012)
All six Nannochloropsis species 25.3e32.1 Mbps Wang et al. (2014)
In progress Tetraselmis sp. LANL1001 220 Mbps NAABB

Chlorococcum sp. DOE0101 120 Mbps NAABB

Chlorella sp. DOE1412 aka NAABB 2412 55 Mbps NAABB
C. sorokiniana Phycal 1228 (UTEX 1230) 55 Mbps Unpublished data
Haematococcus pluvialis To be announced Unpublished data
Chlorella zofingiensis UTEX 32 To be announced Unpublished data

Chlorella minutissima UTEX 2341 To be announced NCBI: PRJNA245012

Chlorella emersonii To be announced NCBI: PRJNA243839
Pelagophyceae sp. CCMP2097 To be announced JGI

This compilation of industrial and academic sequencing projects represents the current status of genomes for photosynthetic microbes.
Comparative genomics underway with many of these organisms, particularly Chlorella species relevant to biofuel production.
the researchers showed that they could fluores- transformed into the nuclear genome of C. rein-
cently label an endogenous protein by express- hardtii. Using this method, they demonstrated a
ing a mCerulean-a-tubulin fusion protein proof of concept by expressing up to three re-
through the ble-2A expression vector. The fusion porter proteins (Ble, AphVIII, and GFP) simulta-
protein localized to the cytoskeleton and flagella neously from the nuclear genome of C. reinhardtii
and the cells exhibited normal cellular function (Noor-Mohammadi et al., 2013). These new tools
(Rasala et al., 2013). for multi-gene engineering may enable the intro-
In 2014, Rasala et al. constructed a set of trans- duction of more sophisticated biochemical
formation vectors that enabled protein targeting pathways into the nuclear genome of C.
to four distinct subcellular locations: the nucleus, reinhardtii.
mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum (ER), and More recently, complementary methods for
chloroplast. Each organelle-targeting vector robust expression of multiple nuclear-encoded
was generated by inserting a respective transit transgenes within a single cell of C. reinhardtii
sequence between the ble-2A gene and a gene have been developed. The first method involves
encoding a different fluorescent protein (Rasala a modification of their original ble-2A expression
et al., 2014). Enabling specified localization of strategy by including a second 2A peptide from
the expressed recombinant protein is a signifi- equine rhinitis A virus (E2A) followed by a third
cant step in minimizing proteolytic degradation protein coding sequence. When properly inte-
(Rosales-Mendoza et al., 2012). grated, the multi-cistronic transgene cassette
successfully expressed two different fluorescent
2.2.2 Transformation Vectors and proteins localized to separate organelles with
Selectable Markers high levels of accumulation. The second method
In 2013, Life Technologies Corporation involves a gene-stacking strategy using succes-
released the first commercially available genetic sive rounds of cross-breeding to generate trans-
modification and expression systems for C. rein- genic algae strains that express up to four
hardtii and Synechococcus elongatus. The new fluorescent proteins with subcellular localiza-
GeneArtÒ Chlamydomonas Protein Expression tion, shown in Figure 1 (Rasala et al., 2014). In
Kits and GeneArtÒ Synechococcus Protein Expres- addition to multiple fluorescent genes, many
sion Kits contain vectors claimed to drive expres- novel selectable markers are being bio-
sion levels up to 10% TSP and new proprietary prospected. Bruggeman et al. developed and
transformation reagents that improve the trans- tested the use of three genes conferring resis-
formation efficiency up to as much as 1000-fold tance to the herbicides glyphosate, oxyfluorfen,
over current techniques (LifeTech Inc., 2013). and norflurzon. Separate transgenic C. reinhardtii
While the Life Technologies vector expresses cell lines expressing a synthetic glyphosate ace-
single genes, multigene integration has also tyltransferase (GAT), a mutated Chlamydomonas
been developed in C. reinhardtii using either ge- protoporphyrinogen oxidase (protox, PPO),
netic linker elements to express multiple genes and modified Chlamydomonas phytoene desatur-
from the same transcript or cross-breeding of ase (PDS) genes exhibited increased tolerance to
genetically modified (GM) strains. In 2013, their respective herbicides by 2.7-, 136-, and
Noor-Mohammadi et al. developed a new 40-fold, respectively. Additionally, the low con-
method for multiple transgene expression in centration requirements for both norflurazon
the nucleus of C. reinhardtii by first assembling and oxyfluorfen suggest that these two herbi-
the cassettes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by in cides may be effective crop protection tools for
vivo homologous recombination. The assembled commercial-scale algal production facilities
plasmid was then isolated from S. cerevisiae and (Bruggeman et al., 2014).

(a) (c) (e)


(b) (d) (f)

FIGURE 1 Micrographs of successive Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mating illustrate gene stacking of multiple fluores-
cent proteins. After cross breeding a mating-type plus (mtþ) strain expressing mCherry targeted to the ER (a) with a mating-
type minus (mt) strain expressing mCerulean targeted to the nucleus (b), progeny were screened for transgenic cells that
expressed both fluorescent proteins (c). These cells were crossed again with transgenic cells expressing Venus targeted to the
mitochondria (d). Progeny expressing three distinct fluorescent proteins (e) underwent a third round of mating with a strain
stably expressing a-tubulin-mTagBFP (f) to obtain progeny successfully expressing four different fluorescent proteins, all local-
ized to four unique subcellular organelles with high levels of expression (g). Adapted from Rasala et al. (2014) “Enhanced Genetic
Tools for Engineering Multigene Traits into Green Algae” and licensed under CC BY 4.0 (

Although there is a long history of genetic 2.3 Sequencing and Functional

manipulation of the C. reinhardtii chloroplast Annotation of Microalgal Genomes
genome, Oey et al. introduced the lambda-
phage based GatewayÒ system to microalgae While targeted molecular genetic tools have
as an alternative to traditional cloning, which allowed researchers to achieve even more pre-
can be complex and laborious (Oey et al., cise engineering design goals, fundamental
2014). The GatewayÒ system uses recombination insight into microalgal metabolism can be
sequences that facilitate the transfer of DNA reached through comparative genomics and, in
fragments between vectors (Hartley et al., turn, leveraged for industrial production of
2000). Oey et al. used GFP to demonstrate how desired metabolites. Viewed from phylogenetic
the flexible, versatile, interchangeable vector sys- relationship with land plants, the closest algal
tem allows rapid insertion of different expres- relatives of land plants are Rodophyta (red
sion cassettes into destination vectors of choice algae), Chlorophyta (green algae), Glaucophyta
for high-throughput cloning (Oey et al., 2014). and Charophyta. In Rodophyta, five species’
genomes have been sequenced and annotated, production, the National Alliance for Advanced
with Cyanidoschyzon merolae being the first Biofuels and Bioproducts (NAABB) has finished
(Matsuzaki et al., 2004). Many more Chlorophyta the sequencing and assembly of eight distantly
genomes are publicly available, with C. reinhardtii related strains with potential for biomass and
(Merchant et al., 2007) being the most well- lipid accumulation under large-scale cultivation
characterized representative. More recently, the conditions, including Picochlorum sp., Chrysochro-
first genome in the phylum Glaucophyta became mulina tobin, Nannochloropsis salina, Tetraselmis
available with the sequencing of Cyanophora sp., and a number of Chlorella isolates (Table 3).
paradoxa (Price et al., 2012). Unfortunately, no Besides the Chlorella strains chosen by NAABB,
genomic sequence information is available for other fast-growing oleaginous Chlorella strains
Charophyta organisms yet. have also been successfully sequenced, such as
Eukaryotic algae that are distantly related to Chlorella sorokiniana UTEX 1230 and Chlorella vul-
land plants are classified as Stramenopiles (or garis (UTEX 259 and UTEX 395) (Rosenberg et al.,
Heterokonts), including Bacillariophyta (dia- 2014). Botryococcus braunii is a slow-growing
toms), Phaeophyta (brown algae), Pelagophyte algae, but it was also chosen for genome
(golden-brown algae), and Eustigmatophyceae sequencing because 90% of its biomass can be
(Nannochloropsis). Diatoms with completed converted to drop-in fuels. Pelagophyceae sp. and
genome sequences are Thalassiosira pseudonana Cyclotella cryptica are next on the list for
(Armbrust et al., 2004), Thalassiosira oceanica sequencing due to their potential as biofuel sour-
(Lommer et al., 2012), and Phaeodactylum tricor- ces. For more about the ongoing algal genome
nutum (Bowler et al., 2008). Ectocarpus siliculosus sequencing projects, readers are referred to the
(Cock et al., 2010) in Phaeophyta and Aureococ- Joint Genome Institute’s project list (JGI, 2014).
cus anophagefferens (Gobler et al., 2011) in
Pelagophytes have also been sequenced. In 2.4 Computational Tools for Genome-
Eustigmatophyceae, Nannochloropsis gadaiana
Scale Bioinformatics and Metabolic
(Radakovits et al., 2012) and Nannochloropsis oce-
Network Interrogation
anica (Vieler et al., 2012) genomes were initially
released, although the genomes of all six Nanno- To focus bioengineering efforts toward the
chloropsis species are now available (Wang et al., fine-tuning of algal metabolism, computation
2014). Compared to the eukaryotic algal ge- biology provides a number of avenues for
nomes, more Cyanophyta (cyanobacteria or metabolic and genetic elucidation. With the expo-
blue-green algae) have been sequenced. Synecho- nentially expanding algae genome sequence infor-
cystis sp. PCC 6803 (Kaneko et al., 1996) was the mation, functional annotation of algal genes has
first cyanobacteria to be fully sequenced. Since become a challenge. The Algal Functional Anno-
then, more than 90 cyanobacterial genomes tation Tool is the first algae-focused gene list
have been released and more remain as ongoing annotation tool (Lopez et al., 2011), which inte-
sequencing projects (Nakao et al., 2010; Shih grates several independent databases to annotate
et al., 2013). large gene lists.
Several industrially relevant algae species are Gene functional annotation may be further
also in the process of having their genomes improved by incorporating protein-oriented
sequenced, including Dunaliella salina, Haemato- subcellular localization prediction tools, such as
coccus pluvialis, and Chlorella zofingiensis. D. salina PredAlgo (Tardif et al., 2012). The knowledge
is cultured to produce b-carotene, while H. pluvia- obtained from gene annotation can be further
lis and C. zofingiensis are cultured for astaxanthin. used to construct genome metabolic models
After screening 2200 algae isolates for biofuel and the first photosynthetic algal model has

recently been built (Chang et al., 2011). This first genetic modification of cyanobacteria can be
green algae genome metabolic model has offered more technically feasible than microalgae, the
insights into the effects of light quality on algal integration of transgene fragments can lead to
metabolism. Besides genome annotation and novel functions in algae (Heidorn et al., 2011).
modeling, the gene expression profiles of algae In recent years, microalgae have been genetically
grown under various conditions generated by engineered for improved photosynthetic effi-
next-generation sequencing have been inte- ciency by redirecting electron flow within the
grated in a freely online web portal AlgaePath photosystems (Veyel et al., 2014; Lassen et al.,
for transcript abundance analysis and 2013). Moreover, certain strains can secrete
co-expression analysis (Zheng et al., 2014). byproducts under conditions of continuous
A complementary experimental approach to growth (Mendez et al., 2009; Rasala et al.,
these computational tools, called metabolic 2012). Increasing product yield is also possible
flux analysis, allows for the elucidation of rates through the addition of matrix attachment re-
of metabolite generation and consumption in gion binding proteins or by modulating gene
a biological system, which provides valuable silencing/expression (Wang et al., 2010; Allen
information on cellular metabolite utilization et al., 2000). Microalgae have also been used as
(Zamboni et al., 2009). By cultivating algal or- a host for human antibody production, demon-
ganisms using 13C-labeled organic substrates, strating their capabilities in recombinant protein
considerable pathway information can be deduced and vaccine development (Hempel et al., 2011;
based on the final distribution of labeled-carbon Surzycki et al., 2009; Mayfield and Franklin,
tracer in the biomass by gas chromatograph 2005; Gregory et al., 2013; Jones et al., 2013).
mass spectrometry (GCeMS). For example, this In the interest of renewable oil production,
method has been applied to understanding carbohydrate biosynthetic pathways have been
carbon metabolism in the heterotrophic micro- redirected toward lipid production (Li et al.,
alga Chlorella sorokiniana (Xiong et al., 2010) 2010a; Ramazanov and Ramazanov 2006, Lohr
and photosynthetic processes in the cyanobacte- et al., 2012). These and other accomplishments
rium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 (Young et al., of metabolic engineering are compiled in Table
2011). Applying this technique to photosynthetic 4. This compendium of examples combining
organisms has led to an increased study of metabolic engineering with synthetic biology
proteomics and metabolomics in microalgae demonstrates that product biosynthesis can be
(Guarnieri and Pienkos, 2014) and has offered a enhanced without hindering the cell’s ability to
means to improve and validate the results from grow.
computational tools. Commercial endeavors are also pioneering
strain development pipelines based on newly
bioprospected host species that exhibit robust
3. APPLICATION OF METABOLIC baseline growth aptitudes and are also amenable
ENGINEERING FOR BIOSYNTHESIS to genetic transformation (Figure 2). After supe-
AND SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY rior strains are identified, transgene expression
systems can be developed by adapting known
The accumulation of endogenous compounds genetic elements and selectable markers to the
and overexpression of transgenic products can strains’ unique genome. Various classical
benefit from metabolic engineering either methods of genetic transformation, including
through enhanced product generation with agrobacterium vectors, plant promoters, and
increased throughput in desirable pathways or other basic methods of gene incorporation (e.g.,
by inhibiting alternative pathways. While microparticle bombardment, electroporation)
TABLE 4 Summary of Metabolic Engineering Accomplishments in Microalgae

Target modification Product Host species Genome Reference

Light-harvesting complex Photosynthesis Chlamydomonas Chloroplast Beckmann et al.

size efficiency reinhardtii (2009)
Carbon fixation Organic carbon Synechococcus Nucleus Shih et al. (2014)
Deletion of mating and Strains cannot spread All algae species Nucleus Henley et al. (2013)
recombination genes genetic information
Rearrange essential gene Strain cannot spread All algae species Nucleus Allutt et al. (2013)
under inducible promoter genetic information
Mutagenesis of gene Enhanced gene C. reinhardtii Nucleus Neupert et al. (2009)
silencing mechanism expression

Stm6 mutation Hydrogen C. reinhardtii Nucleus Kruse et al. (2005)

PDS L516F overexpression Astaxanthin Chlorella Nucleus Liu et al. (2014)

Knockout of starch Lipids C. reinhardtii Nucleus Li et al. (2010b)


Knockdown of lipid Lipids Thalassiosira Nucleus Trentacoste et al.

catabolism pseudonana (2013)
Expression of exogenous Lipids Phaeodactylum Nucleus Radakovits et al.
genes tricornutum (2010)
Ribose sensor T. pseudonana Nucleus Marshall et al. (2012)

Human antibodies P. tricornutum Nucleus Hempel et al. (2011)

Enzyme (xylanase) C. reinhardtii Nucleus Rasala et al. (2012)
Immunotoxin C. reinhardtii Chloroplast Tran et al. (2012)

Further characterization of photosynthetic microbes and their genomes has led to significant advances in the bioengineering of microalgae.
Applications range from renewable energy and high-value products for human health to biocontainment and biosensing.

can then be used to accomplish transgene inte- enhanced enzymatic or regulatory characteris-
gration (Rosenberg et al., 2008). Concurrently, tics; and (3) executing hypothesis-based selection
gene targets that may confer industrial fitness, of previously characterized genes with desired
expanded metabolic capabilities, or increased function. Once gene targets are identified, they
rates of biomass production can be determined can be cloned into expression vectors and trans-
in a somewhat independent manner. formed in an algal platform ready to enter the
Trait discovery campaigns may follow a few GM strain pipeline for assessment and valida-
different approaches to achieve lead transgene tion. For example, competition-driven selection
candidates, including (1) panning large cDNA li- of industrial fitness can be accomplished using
braries generated from different organisms turbidostat experiments, in which a mixed cul-
grown under different conditions; (2) pursuing ture of wild-type algal cells are grown with a mi-
directed evolution of proteins for variants with nority population of engineered organisms.




FIGURE 2 Approximate timelines for commercial development of transgenic microalgae. This figure depicts strain
development milestones for three production scenarios: (a) commodity-scale products derived from GM algae biomass
(e.g., biofuel), including an initial bioprospecting stage for a novel strain platform; (b) similar commodity-scale GM algae pro-
duction using an existing transgenic strain platform; and (c) recombinant expression of high-value proteins in the C. reinhardtii
chloroplast. While EPA approval is required for open-air cultivation of transgenic algae, strains grown in closed photobioreac-
tors under greenhouse facilities may likely evade such regulatory regimes (Johanningmeier and Fischer, 2010).

While keeping the culture’s cell density constant, and the range of industrially relevant traits have
GM cells with particular survival advantages increased dramatically (Stephens et al., 2013).
will dominate the population over the growth Both commercial and academic endeavors are
period and can be recovered for further analysis now poised to reach advanced stages of meta-
and characterization. bolic engineering, process development, and
research-scale production of recombinant cell
lines in both contained and open-air environ-
3.1 Biocontainment: Proactive Measures
ments (Table 1). Open-air cultivation of microal-
for Maintenance of Culture Integrity
gae and cyanobacteria poses uniquely different
As a result of improved molecular genetic risks with potentially greater probability of
tools, the pace of microalgal strain development unintended mutations and nonnegligible
release to the environment by means of acci- transgenic strains do not possess the ability to
dental spills (Gressel et al., 2013a, 2013b). As out-compete naturally occurring species in the
such, it is important to proactively address con- wild. Invasion studies and bioburden testing in
cerns with preventive measures so that these which GM organisms are purposefully released
organisms only grown in their intended into natural bodies of water, soil, and air support
bioreactors. the conclusion that GM algae survival rates are
During commercial cultivation, microalgae many of orders of magnitude less than wild-
encounter abiotic and biotic stress factors that type strains. Furthermore, molecular diagnostic
can limit cell growth (Affenzeller et al., 2009; approaches to tracking both culture integrity as
Radakovits et al., 2010; Vuttipongchaikij, 2012). well as the presence of potential contaminant or-
Because cellular survival during environmental ganisms holds potential for future tracking of
stresses relies on robust stress response networks GM algae populations (Fulbright, Dean, Wardle,
(Vinocur and Altman, 2005), engineering these Lammers, Chisholm, 2014).
pathways can be an important trait for industrial
fitness, but it may also increase the organisms’
ability to survive outside of contained cultiva- 4. IMPLICATIONS FOR
tion (Torres et al., 2003) One method to prevent REGULATORY CONTROL OVER
these microorganisms from surviving in the GM ALGAE
wild can be conferred by inserting a “suicide”
gene that will only allow the organism to grow For nearly two decades, genetic improvement
under specific conditions. Through the addition of microbial hosts and agricultural crops has
of a lethal gene that remains inactive in the pres- impacted areas of human life ranging from
ence of a specific compound, the culture will advanced medicines to our daily meals. With
grow. When the organism encounters an envi- recent debate over the role genetically modified
ronment where the compound is not present, organisms (GMOs) in our food supply, its label-
the lethal gene will be activated, leading to self- ing, and a growing hesitance toward the “unnat-
destruction. This can be accomplished in ural” in general, it appears that the benefits of
conjunction with an essential gene linked to an these biotechnological advancements greatly
inducible promoter, where the promoter is outweigh any potential negative effects. Some
activated by another compound only found in advantages of genetically enhanced plants
the artificial environment (Henley et al., 2013; include: (1) lower cost of production, reduced
Allnutt et al., 2013). Alternatively, the use of energy inputs, and less acreage required for
gene deletion as a method to reduce an alga’s cultivation (all due to increased productivity);
fitness is an alternative approach to prevent it (2) improved biochemical composition of the
from thriving outside of a raceway pond or pho- biomass by expanding the plants metabolic ca-
tobioreactor. By removing genes used for mating pabilities for nutrition, fuel, and chemical appli-
or recombination, the microorganism will not be cations; (3) stress tolerance to enable cultivation
able to pass specific traits onto wild-type organ- in non-ideal climates (e.g., drought tolerance
isms (Henley et al., 2013). for arid climates); (4) and the potential for phar-
In terms of the ecological effects of inadver- maceutical production using a host that is
tent escape of GM algae, the resilience and devoid of human pathogens.
response to GM algae release have been modeled In recent years, GMO development has
and reviewed extensively (Henley et al., 2013; explored new ground with the first cases of
Flynn, Greenwell, Lovitt, & Shields, 2010; Shurin GM insects and fish to combat disease transmis-
et al., 2013). Nearly all findings agree that sion and improve the sustainability and

profitability of aquaculture (Franz et al., 2014; Commercial Activity Notice” (MCAN) must be Theses two particular cases filed with the EPA to rule out the possibility
are receiving attention as landmark accomplish- that any recombinant products or non-essential
ments of biotechnology, but also controversial transgenes may carry toxic or allergenic effects.
applications of genetic engineering as the tides Historically, MCANs and TERAs have sought
of public concern for commercial cultivation of approval for the production of biochemicals,
transgenic organisms continue to rise. While such as industrial enzymes (e.g., amylase, phy-
public sentiments disagree on the use of GMOs tase), cellulosic ethanol, and soil additives using
in foods, immediate concern for chemical and recombinant heterotrophs. These host organisms
fuel production using transgenic crops is less se- were predominantly bacteria and fungi
vere, but not absent. Despite the fact that GM including Escherichia coli, Trichoderma, Pseudo-
algae may not apply extensively to food prod- monas, Bacillus, Zymomonas, Saccharomyces, Bra-
ucts, algae oils (initially developed for biofuels) dyrhizobium, and Pichia species cultivated in
are being included in personal products (e.g., closed bioreactors with contained effluent.
soaps) (Strom, 2014). As such, the potential for Before new embodiments of GM microalgae
concerns by the public about GM algae and can even be considered for EPA approval, a
discordance between policies governing their lengthy pipeline of trait selection and design of
distribution exists. Ecological impacts of GM mi- a suitable expression system must be developed
crobes cultivated in open systems will also for each application. This timeline can span
necessitate relevant regulatory regimes and many months to multiple years prior to filing
adequate control measures for this emerging in- TERA or MCAN requests (Figure 2). For
dustry (Snow & Smith, 2012). example, native strains of algae and cyanobacte-
Initial regulatory oversight for large-scale ria are often bioprospected as platforms for bio-
cultivation of microalgae in the United States fuel production with certain selection criteria,
was considered by the US Department of Agri- such as robust growth, hardiness during condi-
culture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection tions of environmental stress, resilient
Service (USDA APHIS), the Environmental population dynamics in response to intruding
Protection Agency (EPA), and possibly the microbes, and resistance to predation.
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). With a wide range of efforts focused on
Ultimately, transgenic algae for renewable fuel enabling the transition of these organisms from
production fell under the EPA’s existing mecha- bench-top laboratory experiments to field trials,
nisms of assessing biotechnological use of micro- two algal biofuel companies have already
organisms is appropriate; however, future received regulatory approval for the controlled
applications of algal cultivation for agricultural outdoor cultivation of proprietary transgenic
use may be regulated by the USDA. In 1998, algae and cyanobacteria, which is truly an indus-
the EPA established two routes for regulatory re- try first (Joule Unlimited Technologies, 2012;
view of transgenic microbes, focusing on associ- Sapphire Energy, 2013). Two additional com-
ated environmental safety and human pathogen panies currently have EPA TSCA applications un-
control. Photosynthetic microbes and their der review (Table 1). Aside from Sapphire
byproducts are regulated under the EPA’s Toxic Energy, all of these applications involve
Substances Control Act (TSCA), which requires a contained growth systems, but still represent sig-
“TSCA Environmental Release Application” nificant steps toward commercialization of GM
(TERA) to be filed before pre-commercial field- algae in outdoor environments. One of roughly
testing can be conducted in open systems. For five national testbeds for open-air algae cultiva-
commercial-scale operations, a “Microbial tion is the University of CaliforniaeSan Diego
Biology Field Station, which is the designated communities grown in open-air systems cannot
experimental site for Sapphire’s TERA. Scale-up be kept axenic, and it is well understood that
of open cultures at this facility using polyethylene biomass composition is strongly affected by
hanging bags and air-lift driven raceway ponds intruding organisms. While conventional
has been described recently by Schoepp et al. mechanisms of crop protection and biological
(2014) with anticipated transition to a 300-acre control have proven effective at large scales
commercial site in Columbus, New Mexico. (McBride et al., 2013), lipid accumulation pheno-
With a nearly exponential increase in MCAN fil- types certainly vary depending on trophic condi-
ings between 2010 and 2013, it is anticipated tions with interdependence between competing
that GM microbes will become even more preva- phototrophs and predators (Letcher et al.,
lent in industrial biochemical production. 2013). Therefore, future developments in this
field may build upon synthetic biology tools
for individual organisms by engineering mutu-
5. CONCLUSIONS AND alism or symbiosis between two or more organ-
PERSPECTIVES isms with a unique opportunity to access an
expanded complexity of metabolism within mi-
The recent development of new molecular crobial consortia (Zengler and Pallson, 2012).
tools has enabled significant advancements in By examining monocultures in crop rotation
harnessing the full potential of microalgae as a and year-round polycultures, we may eventually
platform for producing nutraceuticals, specialty reach a better understanding of “synthetic ecol-
biomolecules, renewable biofuels, and bulk ogy” within industrial algal production systems
chemicals. For the first time, strategies for (Kazamia et al., 2012; Hamilton, 2014; Carney
expressing multiple genes from a single cell et al., 2014).
were successfully developed for C. reinhardtii
allowing for the introduction of more complex
biochemical pathways into the nuclear genome
of microalgae. Through methods of coupling
transgene expression with selectable markers, This work was supported in part by funds from the National
Science Foundation under grant number NSF-EFRI-1332344
protein accumulation levels previously only
to MJB and a fellowship to JNR from the Johns Hopkins Envi-
seen from the chloroplast were achieved from ronment, Energy, Sustainability & Health Institute (E2SHI).
the nuclear genome. The availability of new This material is also based upon work supported by the
transformation vectors, genetic engineering U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Biological Sys-
kits, and selectable markers has simplified the tems Science Division, under Award Number DE-SC0012658.
traditional cloning process allowing for more
rapid strain development. References
In light of the advances in molecular genetic
tools for microalgae and cyanobacteria that Affenzeller, M.J., Darehshouri, A., Andosch, A., L€ utz, C.,
L€utz-Meindl, U., 2009. Salt stress-induced cell death in
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Microalgal Systems Biology Through
Genome-Scale Metabolic
Reconstructions for Industrial
Seong-Joo Hong, Choul-Gyun Lee
Marine Bioenergy Research Center, Department of Biological Engineering, Inha University, Korea

1. INTRODUCTION provide opportunities for enhancing microalgal

biomass and productivity.
Since the publication of the complete genome Microalgae are a major natural source of
sequence of Synechocystis sp. PCC6803, an enor- many valuable compounds. In industry, micro-
mous amount of genomic data for microalgae algae have been used in aquaculture as live
has been made available on the web. As of feeds, in food production as color additives, in
November 2013, genome information for 39 cya- cosmetics as vitamin supplements, and in food
nobacteria and 24 eukaryotic microalgae is pub- as a source of astaxanthin and polyunsaturated
licly accessible. Additionally, the development fatty acids. Recently, owing to oil shock and at-
of high-throughput omics technologies has mospheric pollution, microalgae have attracted
driven the accumulation of information on attention as precursors for biodiesel production
microalgal metabolism. With the evolution of that consume carbon dioxide. These industrial
omics technologies, systems biology has become applications originated from the diversity of
a tool for processing massive amounts of omics microalgae and their photosynthetic ability.
data; it has revealed global microalgal metabolic Photosynthesis provides sustainability because
networks and enhanced our understanding of it converts carbon dioxide and light energy into
cellular physiology and regulation. Using in biomass, and diverse microalgae function as
silico models of microalgae generated by sys- “cell factories” to produce industrially important
tems biology, researchers can investigate the metabolites (Burja et al., 2003).
photosynthetic pathways that convert inorganic Despite the various industrial applications for
carbon to organic carbon and cellular responses microalgae, there are significant problems in
to environmental changes. Such studies will biomass production. Light energy is a major

Handbook of Marine Microalgae 353 © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

requirement for photosynthesis, and although
the sun produces a vast amount of energy, it is
a limiting factor for microalgal growth. Light
energy for photosynthesis is lost due to several
2.1 Photosynthesis
causes, from the reflection of radiation to the
formation of biomass (Zhu et al., 2008). If the Photosynthesis occurs via two main reactions:
problems in the photosynthetic process, from light-dependent and light-independent reac-
photochemical inefficiency to respiration, are tions. In the light-dependent reaction, adenosine
improved, the theoretical photosynthetic effi- triphosphate (ATP) and nicotinamide adenine
ciency could be increased by 80%. Another limi- dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) are generated
tation for algal biotechnology is that the via proton motive force and the electron trans-
metabolic pathways of microalgae species differ port chain (Figure 1). The production of ATP
greatly because of symbiosis and evolutionary via photosynthesis is called photophosphoryla-
selection (Facchinelli and Weber, 2011). There- tion. Generally, photophosphorylation is
fore, their overall cellular metabolic networks divided into two types: noncyclic and cyclic
need to be analyzed through a systematic phosphorylation. In cyclic phosphorylation, elec-
approach. trons move within a closed loop. The electrons
The purpose of this chapter is to present the from light energy begin in photosystem I and
current state of microalgal omics technologies pass from plastoquinone to the cytochrome
and metabolic network modeling of cyanobacte- bc-type complex. Then, they are transferred to
ria and eukaryotic microalgae. This chapter also the cytochrome c-type complex before returning
provides information on photosynthesis and to chlorophyll or bacteriophyll. This electron
lipid metabolism, which are discussed from the chain generates the proton motive force required
perspective of the microalgal industry for inte- for ATP synthesis; however, with the exception
grating the fields of systems biology and micro- of the system in purple bacteria, NADPH is
algal biotechnology. not produced. Noncyclic phosphorylation can

FIGURE 1 Schematic of light-dependent photosynthesis.

produce both ATP and NADPH with photosys- from ferredoxin to plastoquinone (Yeremenko
tems I and II. et al., 2005).
The ATP:NADPH ratio in the Calvin cycle is
Additionally, the hydrogenase in the thyla-
3:2 because 18 ATP and 12 NADPH are required
koid membrane functions as an electron valve
to synthesize one hexose molecule from six CO2
to maintain redox stability under the overloaded
molecules. However, ATP synthase in chloro-
electron transfer caused by excess light energy
plasts has a 14-fold, not a 12-fold, rotational pro-
(Appel et al., 2000). For example, Synechocystis
portion (Seelert et al., 2000). Thus, the ATP:
sp. PCC 6803 possesses a bidirectional hydroge-
NADPH ratio for noncyclic phosphorylation is
nase that is able to take up and generate
3  (12/14):2. Noncyclic phosphorylation com-
hydrogen (Tamagnini et al., 2002). This enzyme
bined with cyclic phosphorylation is the solution
consists of five components, HoxE, HoxF,
to fulfill the proton deficiency for ATP synthesis
HoxH, HoxU, and HoxY. It is known to interact
(Allen, 2003). To reconstruct a stoichiometric
with NADH:plastoquinone oxidoreductase and
photosynthetic model, it is assumed that the
transport electrons from photosystem I during
Hþ ions for ATP synthesis are transferred by
photosynthesis (Schmitz et al., 2002). Studies of
three mechanisms (Hong and Lee, 2007):
hydrogen production systems have been acceler-
1. The role of plastoquinone: Plastoquinone is ated using this hydrogenase (Khetkorn et al.,
reduced to plastoquinol by four electrons 2013; McNeely et al., 2014; Navarro et al., 2009;
generated when a water molecule is divided Ortega-Ramos et al., 2014; Pinto et al., 2012;
into O2 and Hþ in photosystem II. Schmitz et al., 2002). Moreover, the green micro-
2. Metabolic consumption of Hþ: Proton ions algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii has also
from photosystem II move to the lumen via garnered attention as the best eukaryotic
the thylakoid membrane and play an hydrogen producer due to its transformation
important role as electron donors in ability (Chochois et al., 2009).
photosystem I (Hervas et al., 2003). Organic energy molecules (ATP and NADPH)
3. Proton ion pumping: Hþ ions move via from the light-dependent reaction are consumed
conformational changes in protein pumps, by the synthesis of glucose from carbon dioxide
such as cytochrome b6f. in the Calvin cycle. The equation for the light-
independent reaction is as follows:
Based on the following four previously pub-
lished assumptions, the protons can be pumped 6CO2 þ 12NADPH þ 18ATP/C6 H12 O6
across the thylakoid membrane:
þ 12NADP þ þ18ADP þ 18Pi
1. Spinach ATP synthase has 14-fold rotational
symmetry (Seelert et al., 2000). This biosynthetic process, which converts
2. The structure of the cytochrome b6f complex CO2 to energy-rich compounds powered by the
was determined by isomorphous energy generated by cleavage of the P-bond of
replacement, and the cytochrome b6f complex ATP, is called CO2 fixation.
transfers 2Hþ to the lumen (Kurisu et al., 2003;
Nelson and Yocum, 2006).
3. The ratio of photosystem I to photosystem II
2.2 Lipid Metabolism
reaction centers is between 1.1 and 1.2. Lipid composition and metabolism in
Therefore, photosystem I must recycle one of cyanobacteria differ from those in bacteria
every five electrons (Allen, 2002). and plants. Cyanobacterial cells contain four ma-
4. A novel thylakoid membrane protein jor glycerolipids: monogalactosyldiacylgycerol
(ssr2016, PGR5) transfers the recycled electron (MGDG), digalactosyldiacylglycerol (DGDG),

sulfoquinovosyldiacylglycerol (SQDG), and acyl carrier protein as a cofactor not only to elon-
phosphatidylglycerol (PG). Other glycerolipids, gate fatty acids but also to generate glyceroli-
such as phosphatidyl choline, phosphatidylinosi- pids. As shown in Figure 2, glycerol
tol, phosphatidylethanolamine, diphosphatidyl- 3-phosphate passes through two acylation steps
glycerol (cardiolipin), and phosphatidylserine, leading to the formation of phosphatidic acid.
are not found in cyanobacteria (Wada and Phosphatidic acid is an essential intermediate
Murata, 1998). Lipid biosynthesis is divided of glycerolipid metabolism because the major
into the Gro3P (glycerol-3-phosphate) pathway glycerolipids are generated from phosphatidic
and the GrnP (dihydroxyacetone phosphate) acid. Diacylglycerol is converted into glucosyl-
pathway. diacylglycerol by glucosyldiacylglycerol syn-
In the case of bacteria and plants, the thase, which is encoded by sll1377 (Awai et al.,
enzymatic activities of the GrnP pathway are 2006). MGDG is produced from diacylglycerol
deficient (Athenstaedt and Daum, 1999). by stereochemical isomerization at the C-4
Accordingly, they use the Gro3P pathway to atom of the glucose unit. DGDG is generated
generate glycerolipids using glycerol by transfer of galactose (Sato and Murata,
3-phosphate. In particular, cyanobacteria require 1982), and SQDG is synthesized by sulfolipid

FIGURE 2 Biosynthesis of glycerolipids in cyanobacteria. DG, diacylglycerol; SQDG, sulfoquinovosyldiacylglycerol;

ACP, acyl carrier protein; CDP-DG, PGP, phosphatidylglycerolphosphate; PG, phosphatidylglycerol; DGDG,
digalactosyldiacylglycerol; MGDG, monogalactosyldiacylgycerol.
biosynthase, which is encoded by sqdX (Guler 3.1 Genomics
et al., 2000). These major glycerolipids contain
only hexadecanoate, octadecanoate, and their The early published genome sequence of Syn-
polyunsaturated fatty acids because phospha- echocystis became a driving force for accumu-
tidic acid, which is a precursor of glycerolipids lating a large quantity of genome sequence
in cyanobacteria, consists of hexadecanoate information in public databases (Table 1). The
(C16:0) and octadecanoate (C18:0). Desaturation CyanoBase of the Kazusa institute in Japan,
of the fatty acids in glycerolipids is catalyzed by which was set up in 1995, is a notable database
acyl-lipid desaturase (Murata and Wada, 1995). for Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 that is continu-
Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 has three types of ously updated along with the user interface.
acyl-lipid desaturases, and these desaturases The last update (2010) included a circular chro-
generate polyunsaturated fatty acids at the D6, mosome map, gene list, function classifications,
D9, and D12 positions of C16 and C18 fatty acids and search capability to improve data accessi-
(Gombos et al., 1996). bility. In this update, the data presentation was
The de novo fatty acid synthesis in eukaryotic improved by the addition of genome context, a
microalgae strongly resembles that in cyanobac- table view, protein domains, and a word cloud
teria due to their endosymbiosis. The elongation (Nakao et al., 2010). The CyanoBase also makes
of fatty acids occurs until C16:0, C16:3, C18:0, comparisons between cyanobacteria strains
and C18:1 are synthetized in chloroplasts. These more efficient because this database provides
fatty acids are released to the endoplasmic retic- the complete genome sequences and genomic
ulum for chain elongation and desaturation (Chi information for 39 cyanobacterial strains.
et al., 2008). They are converted to triacylglycerol Due to the large size of their chromosomes,
(TAG) and exported into the cytosol as lipid the complete genome of a eukaryotic microalga
droplets (Scott et al., 2010). De novo TAG synthe- was published about 10 years later than the first
sis in the chloroplasts of Chlamydomonas reinhard- cyanobacterial genome. The Chlamydomonas
tii was reported by Fan et al. (Fan et al., 2011). reinhardtii nuclear genome was the starting point
TAG is formed and stored in both the chloroplast for whole genome analyses of eukaryotic
and the cytosol under nitrogen starvation microalgae (Merchant et al., 2007). The complete
conditions. genome sequences of several eukaryotic
microalgae, including Phaeodactylum tricornu-
tum, Ostreococcus lucimarinus, Ostreococcus tauri,
Micromonas pusilla, and Coccomyxa subellipsoidea,
3. SYSTEMS BIOLOGY RESOURCES have been determined by whole genome
FOR MICROALGAE: MULTI-OMICS shotgun sequencing (Blanc et al., 2012; Derelle
DATA et al., 2006; Palenik et al., 2007; Worden et al.,
2009). Since the development of next-generation
The repository of diverse high-throughput sequencing (NGS) technology for high-
experimental data produced by using omics throughput low-cost genotyping, genomic
technologies, such as genomics, transcriptom- analyses of microalgae is now relatively straight-
ics, proteomics, and metabolomics, has forward compared to analyses using previous
expanded the availability of bioinformatics methods. NGS technology was used to obtain
tools and facilitated analysis of the complexity complete genome information for Nannochlorop-
in cellular processes and the relationships sis gaditana, Porphyridium purpureum, and Mono-
between genotypes and phenotypes with sys- raphidium neglectum (Battchikova et al., 2010;
tems biology. Bogen et al., 2013; Radakovits et al., 2012). In

TABLE 1 Genome and Pathway Databases for Cyanobacteria and Eukaryotic Microalgae

Database Content Website


CyanoBase Genomes
CyanoMutant Mutants
Cyano2Dbase Proteins
CYORF Gene annotation
PCC Description and
properties of
cyanobacterial strains
Cyanosite Experimental protocols
SynechoNET Proteineprotein
interactions SynechoNET/
CyanoCluster Homologous proteins in http://cyanoclust.c.u-tokyo.
cyanobacteria and plastids


Chlamydomonas connection Chlamydomonas genomes
Nannochloropsis genome portal Nannochloropsis genomes
Porphyridium purpureum genome project Porphyridium genome http://cyanophora.rutgers.
Ostreococcus tauri


NCBI Genes, proteins, and
JGI Genomes
JCVI Genomes
BRENDA Enzyme classification
UniProt Proteins
KEGG Genes, proteins, and
TCDB Transporters
addition, a large number of genome projects sup- et al., 2008), and the effect of light quality (Singh
ported by the Joint Genome Institute of the US. et al., 2009). NGS technology can overcome the
Department of Energy (http://genome.jgi.doe. limited ability of microarray systems since the
gov/genome-projects/) are ongoing. full catalog of genes can be analyzed and diverse
RNA molecules can be quantified (Ozsolak and
Milos, 2011). Georg et al. attempted to screen
3.2 Transcriptomics and identify the function of antisense RNAs
Transcriptomic data can be easily obtained (asRNAs) using northern blotting, 5ʹ-RACE,
owing to the availability of the first commercial and microarrays. They found 73 candidate cis-
microalgal microarray called the IntelliGeneÔ asRNAs and 60 free-standing genes among the
CyanoCHIP (Takara Bio Inc., Japan). The term putative ncRNAs (Georg et al., 2009). In compar-
transcriptome refers to the total set of RNA mol- ison, Mitschke et al. discovered many more
ecules, including mRNAs, rRNAs, tRNAs, and candidate noncoding RNAs using pyrosequenc-
non-coding RNAs, produced by a genome. The ing, including 1112 aTSS (annotated RNAs) pro-
transcriptome can be controlled by internal and ducing asRNAs, and 1165 gTSS (upstream of
external factors under various conditions. It annotated genes) giving rise to mRNAs, 821
serves as a dynamic link between an organism’s iTSS (annotated genes by inverse origin) for
genome and its phenotype (Velculescu et al., internal sense transcripts, and 429 nTSS (in inter-
1997). Therefore, transcriptomic studies on Syne- genic spacers) (Mitschke et al., 2011).
chocystis sp. PCC6803 using microarrays have NGS technology has even impacted the tran-
mainly focused on gene expression levels and scriptomic analysis of eukaryotic microalgae
regulation under certain conditions. Studies us- without whole genome sequences. Lipid and
ing microarray analyses include gene regulation starch metabolism in Dunaliella tertiolecta and
under various conditions, including high-light Botryococcus braunii were reconstructed via de
intensity (Hihara et al., 2001; Singh et al., 2008; novo transcriptomic studies for biofuel produc-
Tu et al., 2004), phosphate limitation (Suzuki tion (Molnar et al., 2012; Rismani-Yazdi et al.,
et al., 2004), nitrogen depletion (Osanai 2011). Comparative transcriptomic analyses of
et al., 2006), iron deficiency and reconstitution Chlorella variabilis, Nannochloropsis gaditana, and
(Singh et al., 2003), inorganic carbon limitation C. reinhardtii under nitrogen depleted and nitro-
(Wang et al., 2004), salt and osmotic stress gen replete conditions revealed differential
(Kanesaki et al., 2002; Mikami et al., 2002), expression of lipid metabolism genes in these
lightedark transition (Gill et al., 2002; Kucho strains (Boyle et al., 2012; Carpinelli et al., 2014;
et al., 2005; Schmitt and Stephanopoulos, 2003), Guarnieri et al., 2011). Therefore, transcriptomic
and low temperature shock (Inaba et al., 2003), analyses are essential for systems biology
the effect of redox state using inhibitors of the because de novo and comparative transcrip-
photosynthetic electron chain (Hihara et al., tomic analyses can provide a frame work for
2003), oxidative stress induction by methyl viol- metabolic reconstruction instead of genomics
ogen (Kobayashi et al., 2004), red and far-red and metabolic network analysis combined with
light for phytochrome mutants (Hubschmann mathematical simulations.
et al., 2005), heat shock (Singh et al., 2006; Suzuki
et al., 2005, 2006), acid stress (Ohta et al., 2005),
growth mode shift from light to glucose (Lee
3.3 Proteomics
et al., 2007), alkaline conditions (Summerfield Proteomics is the analysis of all the proteins
and Sherman, 2008), sulfur starvation (Zhang expressed by a genome. For metabolic

reconstruction, proteomics can provide addi- (Herranen et al., 2004). After Synechocystis
tional information that cannot be observed in was shown to have three compartments by
mRNA expression analyses. The tools typically analysis of signal peptides and N-terminal seg-
used for protein analysis are two-dimensional ments (Rajalahti et al., 2007), Pisareva et al.
gel electrophoresis (2DE) techniques. Under attempted to analyze proteins purified from
defined conditions, specific spots are sorted the plasma membrane, and Wang et al. isolated
and extracted for protein identification. After and identified proteins extracted from the outer,
that, the amino acid composition of the extracted plasma, and thylakoid membranes (Pisareva
proteins is determined by mass estimation. et al., 2007; Wang et al., 2009). The function
The common method used for mass estimation and regulation of proteins from these mem-
is matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization branes were inspected continuously under
time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF different stress conditions, such as high pH
MS). Recently, increased implementation of and copper- and iron-depleted conditions
ESI/MS has provided more accurate mass (Castielli et al., 2009; Zhang et al., 2009). Pro-
measurements. teins binding to the membrane are thought to
Proteomic analyses of Synechocystis sp. have significant roles in photosynthesis and
PCC6803 began in 1999, with the construction respiration. Therefore, proteomic studies of
of a 2DE database. The Kazusa institute isolated membrane proteins will continue with an aim
234 soluble protein spots and analyzed them to determine the complete photosynthetic
along with their genome data. In 2000, Wang mechanism. A different approach for proteomic
et al. identified peripheral proteins from the analysis is to examine the expression changes of
thylakoid membrane. They detected 200 spots proteins in carbon metabolism under various
by 2DE, and 116 proteins were extracted and trophic conditions. Proteins expressed under
analyzed by MALDI-TOF MS. Among them, heterotrophic conditions were reported by
78 proteins were expressed from 58 genes, and Kurian et al. Differential expression of proteins
their metabolic categories were classified as in the citric acid cycle, pentose phosphate
photosynthesis and the carotenoid pathway pathway, and CO2 fixation was examined
(Wang et al., 2000). In the same year, Fluda under photoautotrophic and heterotrophic con-
et al. reported the identification of proteins ditions (Kurian et al., 2006). Battchikova et al.
expressed under osmotic shock conditions via identified 19% of the cyanobacterial proteome
2DE and MALDI-TOF MS analysis (Fulda and quantified the expression changes in 17%
et al., 2002). Huang et al. isolated proteins in of the theoretical ORFs under CO2 limitation
the plasma and outer membranes by sucrose by using isobaric tagging for relative and abso-
density centrifugation and aqueous two-phase lute quantification (iTRAQ) technique (Battchi-
partitioning. They analyzed proteins related to kova et al., 2010).
transport systems (Huang et al., 2004, 2002). Thus far, proteomic analyses of microalgae
Herranen et al. also analyzed proteins in the have focused on lipid accumulation for biofuel
thylakoid membrane. They isolated 20 spots production, and nitrogen starvation is a major
and predicted photosynthetic electron flow factor that induces lipid accumulation in micro-
through the isolated proteins and confirmed algae. In a study by Nguyen et al. (Nguyen
their predictions by comparison of wild type et al., 2012), 33 C. reinhardtii proteins regulated
to a DpsbA1 mutant under various growth in lipid metabolism were identified among a
modes. In addition, they clearly determined group of 248 proteins. The global proteomic
the structure and function of the type I-NADH changes in Nannochloropsis oceanica IMET-1
dehydrogenase in Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 observed under long-term nitrogen starvation
included global downregulation of protein used to construct biomass object functions
expression, maintained expression of proteins (BOFs) by quantitative analysis.
involved in glycolysis and fatty acid synthesis, Cyanobacterial metabolomic studies have
and upregulation of proteins involved in nitro- mainly focused on carbon footprinting to screen
gen scavenging and protein turnover (Dong bioactive natural products (Burja et al., 2001;
et al., 2013). Under heterotrophic nitrogen depri- Tan, 2007). An early study of intracellular
vation, Chlorella protothecoides was shown to metabolites was reported by Pearce et al. in
upregulate 13 proteins, including proteins 1969. They traced carbon flow in the citric acid
involved in photosynthesis, protein synthesis/ cycle with [14C]-acetate. Consequently, cyano-
folding, gene regulation, and b-oxidation of fatty bacteria were found to have an incomplete citric
acids. Under these conditions, 15 proteins in acid cycle by measuring metabolites and assay-
carbohydrate metabolism, stress response and ing enzymes (Pearce et al., 1969). The intracel-
defense, amino acid biosynthesis, and secondary lular metabolites in central metabolism were
metabolite biosynthesis were downregulated (Li measured by capillary electrophoresisemass
et al., 2013). P. tricornutum was shown to redirect spectrometry under photoautotrophic and mixo-
the metabolic network from carbon flux toward trophic conditions (Takahashi et al., 2008). The
lipid accumulation (Yang et al., 2014). Investiga- analytical methods used for fingerprinting of
tion of the Synechocystis sp. proteome under Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 were fast filtering
diverse environmental stresses, including nitro- and centrifugation combined with gas
gen deficiency, revealed that a common stress chromatography-mass spectrometry (GCeMS)
response is activation of atypical pathways for (Krall et al., 2009).
the acquisition of carbon and nitrogen from Metabolomics analyses of eukaryotic microal-
urea and arginine (Wegener et al., 2010). Quia gae have also focused on the differences in lipid
et al. attempted to analyze the overall protein characteristics between species and the changes
expression changes in Synechocystis sp. in the in lipid composition with growth. Inoculum
resistance mechanism upon exposure to ethanol, size affected the cell growth, lipid accumulation,
hexane, and butanol (Qiao et al., 2012; Tian et al., and metabolic changes of Chlorella sorokiniana
2013; Wegener et al., 2010; Zhu et al., 2013). (Lu et al., 2012). Metabolic changes in lipids
These proteomic studies provided an overall were observed during different growth stages
view of complicated metabolic networks and of Nitzschia closterium f. minutissima (Su et al.,
serve as useful references for metabolic 2013). Nitrogen-deficient conditions also
reconstructions. induced changes in the lipid profile of C. rein-
hardtii, Nannochloropsis oceanica, and Dunaliella
tertiolecta (Courant et al., 2013; Kim et al., 2013;
Xiao et al., 2013).
3.4 Metabolomics
Compared with transcriptomics and prote-
Metabolomics is the global study of all the omics, there are currently a limited number of
metabolites in a cellular system (Rochfort, published metabolomics studies. However, the
2005). Metabolites are the intermediate com- amount of metabolomic data for microalgae
pounds used as substrates and generated as will likely increase and contribute to the devel-
products by enzymes translated from the opment of in silico models as a useful reference
genome. Metabolomics plays an important role to fill the metabolic gaps and construct BOFs
in metabolic reconstruction, which was with the development of advanced analytical in-
improved by the addition of missing metabolic struments for liquid chromatography and mass
pathways through qualitative analyses and is spectrometry.

4. IN SILICO ANALYSES: sequences (Thiele and Palsson, 2010). An ORF

GENOME-SCALE METABOLIC database that includes genome annotation was
RECONSTRUCTION AND downloaded from the genome database Website
SIMULATION (Table 2). The layout of the metabolic reconstruc-
tion was obtained using the KEGG pathway
4.1 Metabolic Reconstruction and map, as well as the ChlamyCyc (http://pmn. and AraCyc (www.arabidopsis.
org) metabolic pathway databases. Translated
An in silico model of microalgae for gene- metabolic proteins were identified using genome
protein-reaction associations (GPR associations) annotation tools such as CYORF and CyanoBase,
was generated based on complete genome and were assigned to biochemical reactions with

TABLE 2 Network Properties of Genome-Scale Metabolic Reconstructions for Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 and
Eukaryotic Microalgae

Strain Year Nm Nr Status References


Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 2002 e 29 C Yang et al. (2002)
2005 e 72 C Shastri and Morgan
2007 C Hong and Lee (2007)
2008 704 831 510 W Pengcheng (2009)

2009 29 43 C Navarro et al. (2009)

2010 291 380 W Knoop et al. (2010)
2010 790 882 W Montagud et al. (2010)
2011 911 956 W Montagud et al. (2011)
2012 795 863 W Nogales et al. (2012)


Chlamydomonas reinhardtii 2009 458 484 C Boyle and Morgan
2009 259 467 C Manichaikul et al.
2011 278 280 C Cogne et al. (2011)
2011 1068 2090 W Chang et al. (2011)
2011 1869 1725 W Dal’Molin et al. (2011)
Ostreococcus lucimarinus 2012 1100 964 W Krumholz et al. (2012)
Ostreococcus tauri 2012 1014 871 W Krumholz et al. (2012)

Ng, number of genes; Nm, number of metabolites; Nr, number of reactions.

C, in silico model of central metabolism; W, whole genome-scale metabolic reconstruction.
Recounted data because the published reactions overlapped.
the EC number on the BRENDA Website. They reconstructed glycolysis, the citric acid
To create the biochemical reactions, the catalytic cycle, Calvin cycle, and pentose phosphate
activity and cofactors were validated by refer- pathway, but not photosynthesis. Using a carbon
ring to the universal protein resource UniProt. isotope labeling technique, the flux distribution
The formula and charge of the compounds in of the reconstructed pathways was investigated
each biochemical reaction were calculated using under heterotrophic and mixotrophic conditions
the pKa value of their functional group. The (Yang et al., 2002). An in silico model of the com-
reversibility of reactions was determined accord- plete central metabolism was reconstructed by
ing to thermodynamic correlations, such as the Shastri and Morgan. This model included two
specificity of enzymes related to high-energy rounds of ATP and NADPH generation by
metabolites (ATP, GTP, etc.). The metabolic photon absorption and BOF in three growth
pathways were built using GPR association to modes obtained by calculating cellular
identify the biochemical reactions regulated by composition (Shastri and Morgan, 2005).
gene expression. After the oil crisis in 2008, Synechocystis sp.
The BOF for the simulation includes biomass PCC6803 has attracted great attention as a
synthesis and maintenance requirements. The bioenergy producer. Because this microalga
most important ATP maintenance requirements was not only already fully sequenced but also
were cellular molarity, maintaining cellular known as an efficient transformant with a pilus
osmolality, macromolecule turnover, and main- system, Pengcheng attempted to reconstruct a
tenance of transmembrane gradients. Through whole-genome model to predict cell growth
the biochemical reactions in the in silico model, and ethanol production following insertion of
a stoichiometric matrix, S(m  n), was generated ethanol production genes (Pengcheng, 2009).
to analyze the metabolic characterization of Syn- Navarro et al. analyzed hydrogen production
echocystis sp. PCC6803. This matrix could be in the central metabolism of Synechocystis
solved by flux balance analysis based on linear (Navarro et al., 2009). Knoop et al. attempted
programming (Varma and Palsson, 1993a,b). to build a primary metabolic network to under-
For the computational analysis of cell growth, stand the regulation of Synechocystis photosyn-
BOF was defined as an object function to be thesis (Knoop et al., 2010). A large-scale
maximized in simulation software, such as genome network of Synechocystis was published
COBRA Toolbox. by Montagud et al. (Montagud et al., 2010,
2011). They simulated cell growth under three
physiologically relevant growth conditions by
4.2 The Current Status of the in Silico
flux balance analysis and flux coupling analysis.
Model Through integration of transcriptomic data,
With the development of modern omics they found metabolic hot spots during light-
technologies, it has become possible to build shifting growth regimes. In 2012, a manually
whole-genome metabolic reconstructions and curated in silico model of Synechocystis sp.
to characterize them more accurately. Systems PCC6803 was published by Nogales et al.
biology aims at a system-level understanding (Nogales et al., 2012). This model was the first
of the cellular systems by integrating the tran- in microalgae to reconstruct metabolic reactions
scriptome, proteome, metabolome, and genome stoichiometrically and thermodynamically.
(Kitano, 2002). The first step in systems biology This study showed that the electron flow path-
is to form a cellular network using various omics ways in photosynthesis are simulated under
data. The first metabolic model of Synechocystis carbon-limited and light-limited conditions,
sp. PCC6803 was published by Yang et al. and metabolic flux was analyzed under various

trophic conditions by flux balance analysis according to light source efficiency, and compre-
(FBA). hensively expanded our understanding of lipid
A metabolic reconstruction of central meta- metabolism to engineer industrial strains for bio-
bolism in the eukaryotic microalga Chlorella pyr- fuel production. Validation of the model focused
enoidosa was proposed by Yang et al. (Yang et al., on gene knockout simulations and various
2000). This model included 61 metabolites and growth simulations under light regulated and
67 metabolic reactions in two compartments. trophic conditions. At the same time, AlgaGEM,
The influence of carbon and energy metabolism which is another genome-scale metabolic
under various trophic modes was explained by reconstruction of C. reinhardtii, contains 1725
the use of metabolic flux analysis, even though unique reactions and 1869 metabolites in four
this model was not based on genomic informa- compartments (Dal’Molin et al., 2011). The
tion. After the complete genome sequence of C. reconstruction methodology for AlgaGEM was
reinhardtii was determined in 2007, the first based on the GEM of Mus musculus, Arabidopsis
genome-based model of central metabolism (AraGEM), maize sorghum, and sugarcane
was published by Boyle et al. (Boyle and (C4GEM) using MATLAB and the COBRA
Morgan, 2009). The reconstructed network was Toolbox. AlgaGEM predicted phosphoglycolate
built with 484 metabolic reactions and 458 intra- recycling in photorespiration and the metabolic
cellular metabolites in three compartments, and changes for enhancement of H2 production yield
was used to predict metabolic fluxes under three under mixotrophic conditions. In addition to C.
growth conditions: autotrophic, heterotrophic, reinhardtii, the metabolic networks of the picoal-
and mixotrophic growth, by FBA. The second gae O. lucimarinus and Ostreococcus tauri were
genome-based model (of C. reinhardtii) was reconstructed, and they included 1100 metabo-
reconstructed with verification using bioinfor- lites and 964 reactions, and 1014 metabolites
matics and experimental tools to fill the meta- and 871 reactions, respectively. The models of
bolic gaps due to the incomplete genome the Ostreococcus strains focused on thermody-
sequence (Manichaikul et al., 2009). This model namically constrained, elementally balanced
contained 259 reactions and 467 metabolites in methodologies for the metabolic reconstruction,
five compartments. To validate the model, they and were functionally evaluated with the
compared the results of FBA simulation with KEGG database and the gap-filling approaches
the literature on growth yield and photosyn- between phylogenetic distance and sequence
thetic oxygen exchange. Another constraint- similarity.
based model of C. reinhardtii was developed to Notwithstanding the efforts of the latest
investigate the differences in thermodynamic research, the phenotypes of microalgae under
and energetic processes between respiration various culture conditions have not been fully
and photosynthesis (Cogne et al., 2011). Their covered by in silico model analyses. For
modeling showed that respiration interacted example, the flux distribution of the Synechocys-
with photosynthesis under autotrophic condi- tis sp. model could not explain the published
tions through regulation of redox state during growth patterns, such as light-activated hetero-
photosynthesis and maintenance of the ATP trophic growth (Anderson and McIntosh, 1991).
supply. A genome-scale metabolic reconstruc- Additionally, the difficulty in the genetic trans-
tion has been built for C. reinhardtii, including formation of microalgae due to epigenetic
1068 metabolites and 2190 metabolic reactions silencing causes a big problem for in silico model
(Chang et al., 2011). This model was introduced validation by knockout simulation (van Dijk
to determine the photon absorption at various et al., 2006). To improve the accuracy of in silico
wavelengths for quantitative growth prediction models, the high-throughput experimental data
produced by omics technologies will be used for sustainability. To improve the productivity of
the integration, and additional genetic tools for target compounds in large-scale systems, it is
microalgae will be developed for validation. necessary to optimize both the upstream and
downstream bioprocesses. Systems biology ap-
proaches are useful tools for strain improvement
5. INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS OF in terms of the upstream bioprocesses.
SYSTEMS BIOLOGY: ENGINEERING In Figure 3, the photosynthetic carbon flux
METABOLIC NETWORKS shows that various carbon metabolites of micro-
algae are synthesized in the chloroplast. Antiox-
Microalgae contain numerous bioactive com- idant compounds, such as carotenoids and
pounds that can be of commercial use. They tocopherols, are produced as part of a protective
have been used as additives in infant formula, mechanism against oxidative stress. The pig-
supplements in aquaculture, natural dyes, cos- ments, such as chlorophyll and phycobilipro-
meceuticals, and pharmaceuticals. Nowadays, teins, are involved in photosynthesis and are
biofuel precursors produced by microalgae are synthesized in the chloroplast. Interestingly, de
important for environmental crises due to their novo synthesis of fatty acids occurs in the

FIGURE 3 Carbon flux pathways and valuable metabolites in photosynthetic microorganisms, including cyanobacteria and
the chloroplasts in eukaryotic microalgae.

chloroplast, and 16- or 18-carbon fatty acids are systems biology of microalgae can provide a
produced, just like in cyanobacteria. Therefore, deep understanding of cellular mechanisms.
carbon partitioning between fatty acids, carbo- Furthermore, these powerful tools can be used
hydrates, and proteins in the chloroplast will to describe metabolic pathways and modify
be a key factor for optimizing single-cell produc- target genes to produce valuable compounds.
tivity. To enhance the productivity of the target
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Genetic Engineering of Marine
Microalgae to Optimize Bioenergy
Pavan P. Jutur, Asha A. Nesamma
DBT-ICGEB Centre for Advanced Bioenergy Research, New Delhi, India

1. INTRODUCTION et al., 2009; Chisti, 2007; Georgianna and

Mayfield, 2012; Gimpel et al., 2013; Hannon
Marine algae, which include cyanobacteria, et al., 2010; Jones and Mayfield, 2012; Jutur and
eukaryotic microalgae, and seaweed, are respon- Asha, 2015; Lin et al., 2011; Pulz and Gross,
sible for approximately 40e50% of the photosyn- 2004; Radakovits et al., 2010; Raja et al., 2008;
thesis that occurs on earth each year (Falkowski Rasala et al., 2014; Rosenberg et al., 2008; Specht
et al., 1998). They are seen as increasingly attrac- et al., 2010; Specht and Mayfield, 2014; Spolaore
tive options for bioenergy production to et al., 2006; Walker et al., 2005; Wijffels et al.,
improve fuel security and reduce CO2 emissions 2013).
because they are renewable, potentially carbon- However, little is known regarding the com-
neutral, and scalable alternative reserves mercial potential of these marine microalgae
(Larkum et al., 2012). Furthermore, emerging due to their complexity, their unique genetic
microalgal technologies contain bait sources for and evolutionary patterns, the lack of available
biofuels, including oils (e.g., triglycerides), poly- molecular tools, and overall poor expression of
saccharides (e.g., algin, agar), and pigments (e.g., heterologous genes from the nuclear genome in
phycobiliproteins, carotenoids). They also have microalgal species, with the major concern being
potential as new pharmaceuticals, nutraceuti- at least partially due to rapid gene silencing;
cals, therapeutics, industrial chemicals, and (Cerutti et al., 1997; Fuhrmann et al., 1999;
protein-rich animal feeds. This has shifted the Neupert et al., 2009; Rasala et al., 2012). A set
research paradigm significantly toward the opti- of validated vectors for targeting transgene
mization of low-cost bioenergy constituents, products to specific subcellular locations gener-
which will be further advanced by genetic ally does not exist, nor does a vector to allow
engineering and enhanced algae-based sustain- the expression of multiple nuclear-encoded
able valuables (Apt and Behrens, 1999; Beer genes within a single cell.

Handbook of Marine Microalgae 371 © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Genetic engineering of marine microalgae as to optimize bioenergy production through

cell factories and marine bioreactors has been genetic engineering.
investigated (Khan et al., 2009; Larkum et al.,
2012; Le on-Ba~nares et al., 2004; Liu and
Benning, 2013; Mata et al., 2010; Qin et al., 2. TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES FOR
2012; Tabatabaei et al., 2011; Wijffels et al., GENETIC ENGINEERING IN
2013). Because of the rapidly growing demand MICROALGAE
for the development of bioenergy from marine
microalgae and the profitable market for cos- Marine microalgal genomes provide leads for
metics and pharmaceuticals from algal natural understanding fundamental genetic manipula-
products, genetic engineering of marine algae tion and later followed by optimization through
has been attracting an increasing amount of genetic engineering will not only identify the
attention as a crucial systemic technology to gene loci and the distribution patterns of meta-
overcome the biomass problem in industrial bolic pathways and enzymes, but also aid in the
applications (John et al., 2011), modify the meta- identification of elements including cis-acting ele-
bolic pathway for high-value products (Schmidt ments, trans-acting factors, and other regulatory
et al., 2010), engineer biobricks, and design an elements that can improve the production of bio-
artificial photoautotroph for the rising and energy precursors (Qin et al., 2012). The critical
promising field of synthetic biology (Heidorn and fundamental issue of marine algal biotech-
et al., 2011; Keasling and Venter, 2013; Muers, nology is to obtain “seed” culture in commercial
2011; Wang et al., 2012). Nevertheless, to date, large-scale cultivation to produce valuable prod-
only a few marine algae species have been ucts for algal economic feasibility. Several genera
genetically manipulated successfully. The of marine algae have been successfully cultivated
development of this technology is in its early for commercial exploitations, such as Dunaliella,
stages and much remains to be done to optimize Laminaria, Undaria, Porphyridium, Nannochloropsis,
the business models and lifecycle analysis, as Porphyra, and Gracilaria (Hallmann, 2007; Lamers
well as in testing pilot- and demonstration- et al., 2008; Raja et al., 2008; San Pedro et al.,
scale systems (Frank et al., 2013; Han et al., 2013). For an effective expression system to be
2014; Kumar et al., 2010; Pfromm et al., 2011; successful in marine algae, several scenarios
Resurreccion et al., 2012; Shirvani et al., 2011; play a crucial role in the production of commer-
Sills et al., 2013). cial bioenergy such as economical target
Investigations are underway to determine construction, technological methods at low cost,
optimal microalgae species, select strains, and engineering design for better instrumentation,
implement subsequent genetic/metabolic engi- and certainly aspects related to biosafety issues
neering. Modifications involve target improve- (Lin et al., 2011).
ment of cellular activities by the manipulation Bioprospecting of microalgae can be carried
of enzymatic, transport, and regulatory func- out from versatile environments using different
tions of the photosynthetic cells using biological methodologies, including physical extraction
modulators and/or engineering methods to from crude marine water samples using
refine sustainable fuel production systems micromanipulation (Kacka and Donmez, 2008;
(Franz et al., 2013; Gong and Jiang, 2011; Han Moreno-Garrido, 2008; Subburamu, 2013),
et al., 2014; Larkum, 2010; Larkum et al., 2012; isolation of individual cells by dilution
Lu et al., 2011; Radakovits et al., 2010). This procedures, selection by antibiotics, and enrich-
chapter reviews the research progress and poten- ment of cultures using specific selection para-
tial approaches in the use of marine microalgae meters (e.g., photoautotrophic conditions)
(Franz et al., 2013; Larkum et al., 2012; San Pedro Construction and application of engineered
et al., 2013). Individual microalgal strains can be microalgal mutants require comprehensive
isolated based on traditional colony selection or knowledge of the microalgal genomes and access
high-throughput fluorescence-activated cell sort- to molecular and gene manipulation tools,
ing approaches, before these axenic cultures are including selectable markers, vectors and tech-
cryopreserved to prevent any genetic drift (Sub- niques for systematic insertion in screening
buramu, 2013). Screening of microalgae is cate- libraries (Larkum et al., 2012). Advanced technol-
gorized based on their optimal growth and/or ogies such as RNAi-targeted gene up- and down-
the production of specific metabolites of rele- regulation approaches and other facets of
vance. Commonly used methods for initial transcriptional regulation will enhance the
screens are response surface modeling and prin- research progress, where limited knowledge is
ciple component analysis to identify conditions available only for few microalgae species that
and the key variables controlling these metabolic fulfill even some of these crucial requirements to-
changes among microalgae (Mohamed et al., ward sustainable bioenergy production (Cerutti
2013; Shen et al., 2014). et al., 2011; Molnar et al., 2009). Extensively,
Few technical criteria where microalgae have some model systems like Chlamydomonas
significant advantages are shorter life cycles reinhardtii (Pratheesh et al., 2014), Phaeodactylum
(either in hours or in days instead of seasonal cy- tricornutum (Bowler et al., 2008; Xie et al., 2014b;
cles), when compared to other bioenergy crops Zhang and Hu, 2013), Chlorella kessleri (El-Sheekh,
systems. Their unicellular nature assisting in 1999; Rathod et al., 2013), Porphyridium (Lapidot
the miniaturization of breeding systems, which et al., 2002), Nannochloropsis (Kilian et al., 2011;
greatly reduces cost and the ability to replicate Radakovits et al., 2012), and Dunaliella salina
both sexually and asexually, accelerates the gen- (Feng et al., 2009) have been successfully trans-
eration of genetic diversity. The bioprospecting formed, but new tools will be developed as
of microalgae for particular phenotypes with genomes and the factors regulating them are
the application of UV and chemical mutagenesis increasingly understood in detail.
with specific selection parameters can greatly For any successful transformation in marine
enhance the rate of strain development (Bonente microalgae, certain hurdles are associated with
et al., 2011; Bougaran et al., 2012; Cagnon et al., gene efficiency, integration, or stability which
2013), and further screening can be done by are essential to overcome by implementing mea-
either using flow cytometry or other high- sures where suitable vectors for successful incor-
throughput methodologies (Larkum et al., poration, reporter genes, and homologous
2012; Subburamu, 2013; Xie et al., 2014a). promoters need to be exploited along with new
The analyses of microalgal growth parame- DNA incorporation methods such as optimized
ters are essential under controlled conditions of homologous recombination strategies and data-
light intensity, pH, CO2 supply, and mixing, bases for modeling species-specific codon usage
that can be directly deployed in the development between donor and host organism would be
of different types of photobioreactors such as more beneficial (Hallmann, 2007; Kilian et al.,
flat-plate, tubular, helical, and other more com- 2011). Reverse genetics approaches a new tool
plex geometric designs; thus these systems are for direct isolation of mutants to produce tar-
advancing rapidly in the diversity of their design geted knockouts where reports and/or patents
and will make a significant contribution to futur- are in pipeline for few species such as Chlamydo-
istic solutions in algal bioenergy production monas, Nannochloropsis, and Dunaliella, capable of
(Posten, 2009; Rodolfi et al., 2009; Tredici, 2007) performing efficient homologous gene recombi-
(Figure 1). nation in the nucleus with desirable phenotype

FIGURE 1 Schematic representation of bioenergy production in microalgae.

and/or genotype characteristics (Cha et al., 2011; to diminishing oil reserves and demand for sus-
Gonzalez-Ballester et al., 2011; Pazour and tainable system capable of converting atmo-
Witman, 2000). spheric CO2 to substantial biomass and
Certainly, one of the major obstacles in micro- valuable biofuels along with low- or/and high-
algal biofuel production is maximization of the value products. A broad range of industrially
light capture efficiency by photosynthesis relevant products include biofuels, nutraceuti-
because this is the first limiting step in all biofuel cals, therapeutics, industrial chemicals, and ani-
production processes, wherein out of w43% of mal feeds that have shifted research paradigm
the energy in the solar spectrum that can be significantly toward the production of bioenergy
captured via photosynthesis only w4e8% is con- constituents under low-cost platform, and further
verted by wild-type strains to chemical energy in improvements through genetic engineering will
the form of biomass (Blankenship et al., 2011; enable and enhance microalgal-based bio-
Larkum, 2010). Furthermore, understanding products (Rasala et al., 2014). However, the trans-
both biology and engineering advances to maxi- genic marine microalgae are yet to be exploited
mize the light reactionsda complex phenome- for optimized bioenergy production. The major
non (i.e., chemical reduction of CO2, the concern to optimize microalgae for genetic engi-
complex interplay between spectral range, light neering is lack of molecular tools and overall
capture mechanism) plays a crucial role in poor expression of heterologous genes from the
balancing of CO2 and O2 supply to rubisco, as nuclear genome of many microalgae species,
it catalyzes the competing reactions of CO2 and also may be at least partially due to their
fixation and oxygenation (photorespiration) rapid silencing (Cerutti et al., 1997; Neupert
(Larkum et al., 2012). et al., 2009; Rasala et al., 2012). Tools such as pro-
moters, transcriptional terminators, ribosome
binding sites, and other regulatory factors, etc.
3. INTEGRATED “OMICS” - for synthetic biology and genetic engineering in
SOLUTIONS FOR PATHWAY marine microalgae are yet to be developed or still
ENGINEERING in their infancy (Wang et al., 2012). A novel sce-
nario has been pipelined to understand the
The commercial relevance of microalgae behavior of biological systems as a whole by inte-
including cyanobacteria as potential feedstock gration of “Omics” research, where the metabolic
for renewable biofuels gained importance due pathways are often highly regulated and

FIGURE 2 Conceptual illustration of Integrative “Omics” research with systems biology and genetic engineering approach
for optimization of microalgae for bioenergy production.

connected with a number of both feed-forward Tomita, 2009; Zhang et al., 2010), which will even-
and feed-back mechanisms that can act positively tually provide new insights into marine microal-
and/or negatively ultimately affecting the sys- gal cellular metabolism. Liu et al. (2013) defines
tems output (Jutur and Asha, 2015). Understand- systems biology as an inter-disciplinary science
ing the marine microalgal system through that studies the complex interactions and cumula-
integrated “Omics” research will lead to the iden- tive behavior of a cell or an organism. From
tification of relevant enzyme-encoding genes, “Omics” to systems biology, the primary goal is
and reconstruct the metabolic pathways involved to develop conceptual knowledge of a biological
in the biosynthesis and degradation of precursor system by evaluating its behavior and interaction
molecules that may have potential for biofuel between its individual components (Jamers et al.,
production, aiming toward the vision of tomor- 2009). One of the key steps in this process in-
row’s bioenergy needs (Figure 2). volves modeling, where the structure of the sys-
The integrated “Omics” biology is foreseen as tem is unraveled by mathematical algorithms
foundation for hypothesis-driven research pre- allowing its dynamics, but also allow the predic-
dicting the role among cellular molecules which tion of the system’s response to perturbations. A
includes transcriptome, proteome, and metabo- framework of studies in systems biology initially
lome and their interactions in the cells, which understand the structure and identify key
would lead to a systematic quantified model of elements in the system, such as gene networks,
cellular metabolism at a genome scale (Ishii and protein interactions, and metabolic pathways

(Ideker et al., 2001), thus constructing a primary metabolism and quantitative systems biology
model of systems behavior. Secondly, the system (Chang et al., 2011). Systems biology will also
is perturbed either genetically or using environ- make available synthetic biology tools more reli-
mental stimuli, and corresponding responses are able, enabling the precise control of transcription
measured using high-throughput measurement and translation regardless of the under-
tools, wherein the data generated at different controlled gene (Mutalik et al., 2013). Similarly,
levels of biological organization are integrated simplified understanding of genetic systems
with each other and with the current model of created in synthetic biology will provide systems
the system. Obviously, the model is adapted in biology with new insights into the fundamentals
such a way that the experimentally observed phe- of native gene regulation among microalgae,
nomena correspond best with the model’s predic- thus allowing simultaneous integration of
tions. These steps are continually repeated, “Omics” data at global scales in living cells, forms
thereby expanding and refining the model until a direct networking between systems and syn-
the model’s predictions reflect biological reality thetic biologists that will hasten rapid progress
(Liu et al., 2013). For microalgae, few studies on in areas pertaining to genomics, transcriptomics,
systems biology with extensive computational proteomics, and metabolomics (Liu et al., 2013).
modeling efforts have been reported so far to
our knowledge (Hildebrand et al., 2013; Veyel
et al., 2014). Studies on metabolic, genomic, and 4. METABOLIC ENGINEERING TO
transcriptomic data in C. reinhardtii provide OPTIMIZE BIOENERGY
genome-wide insights into the regulation of the PRODUCTION
metabolic networks under anaerobic conditions
associated with H2 production (Mus et al., Understanding of metabolic network in ma-
2007). Metabolic network reconstruction in model rine microalgae is highly complex and intricate,
alga C. reinhardtii encompasses organism’s meta- and the characterization of the metabolic path-
bolism and genome annotation, providing a plat- ways is required before metabolic engineering
form for omics data analysis and phenotype to optimize bioenergy production. Genetic engi-
prediction. The morphological characteristics neering plays a key role in transforming these
and metabolome profiles of the oil-rich alga systems into the desired cell factories and higher
P. ellipsoidea exposed to þN and eN conditions productivity based on the crucial enzymes that
were analyzed to determine how lipids synthe- can be targeted for various metabolic pathways
size and the mechanisms in which they accumu- (Radakovits et al., 2010; Williams, 2010). Such
late in eN conditions. This study revealed few “wonder” strains also known as “transgenic”
hypothetical metabolisms where advanced sys- generated through genetic engineering approach
tems biology approaches such as metabolic flux should have a combination of characteristics such
analysis, turnover analysis, and pulse-chase ex- as faster growth, high productivity, broader
periments are required for more effective under- resistance, and suitable for large-scale cultivation
standing of the physiological phenomenon in different environments. Another upcoming
occurring among these microalgal strains technique is gene silencing by RNA interference
(Ito et al., 2013). (RNAi) that occurs either through repression of
Integrating biological and optical data, recon- transcription, termed post-transcriptional gene
structing a genome-scale metabolic network offers silencing, or through mRNA degradation (Angaji
insight into algal metabolism and potential for ge- et al., 2010; Xu et al., 2010), due to its high tar-
netic engineering and efficient light source design, geted specificity and efficiency used for
a pioneering resource for studying light-driven analyzing the biological function of the targeted
gene and manipulating the metabolic process by strains are important in terms of economic
sequence-specific knockdown (Cerutti et al., competitiveness and environmental impact.
2011; Dafny-Yelin et al., 2007). A wide range of Despite the numerous hurdles, these organisms
RNAi components, which promotes stable gene still represent one of the best options available
repression and the transient gene silencing, as a source of renewable bioenergy that has
were identified in the algae, such as red alga P. rationale to be economically viable for produc-
yezoensis (Liang et al., 2010), diatom P. tricornu- tion of biofuels from marine microalgae. The
tum (De Riso et al., 2009), T. pseudonana interdisciplinary approach and integrated
(Armbrust et al., 2004), green alga D. salina (Jia “Omics” research will provide leads to optimize
et al., 2009), and brown alga Ectocarpus siliculosus the growth parameters, harvesting techniques,
(Cock et al., 2010). Metabolic engineering of and low-cost processing of these microalgal,
microalgae for increased biofuel precursors is still systems, thus creating an extremely versatile
in its infancy due to the fact that sequenced ge- and efficient production platform for bioenergy.
nomes, transformation techniques, promoters to
drive gene overexpression, selection markers
and many more are still under progress, and
it remains questionable if a single-gene References
overexpression/deletion will be sufficient Angaji, S.A., Hedayati, S.S., Poor, R.H., Madani, S., Poor, S.S.,
enough to redirect the whole metabolic flux in Panahi, S., 2010. Application of RNA interference in treat-
cells, and/or whether a multi-gene manipulation ing human diseases. J. Genet. 89, 527e537.
of a regulatory gene approach is more beneficial Apt, K.E., Behrens, P.W., 1999. Commercial developments in
(Courchesne et al., 2009; Schuhmann et al., 2011). microalgal biotechnology. J. Phycol. 35, 215e226.
Armbrust, E.V., Berges, J.A., Bowler, C., Green, B.R.,
A deeper understanding of carbon flux Martinez, D., Putnam, N.H., Zhou, S., Allen, A.E.,
throughout the full range of cellular processes Apt, K.E., Bechner, M., Brzezinski, M.A., Chaal, B.K.,
is necessary to optimize both growth and lipid Chiovitti, A., Davis, A.K., Demarest, M.S., Detter, J.C.,
accumulation in marine microalgae cultures to Glavina, T., Goodstein, D., Hadi, M.Z., Hellsten, U.,
facilitate bioenergy production. Engineering Hildebrand, M., Jenkins, B.D., Jurka, J., Kapitonov, V.V.,
Kroger, N., Lau, W.W., Lane, T.W., Larimer, F.W.,
metabolic pathways which are unique and prac- Lippmeier, J.C., Lucas, S., Medina, M., Montsant, A.,
tical for increasing biofuel yields from eukaryotic Obornik, M., Parker, M.S., Palenik, B., Pazour, G.J.,
microalgae without compromising growth are Richardson, P.M., Rynearson, T.A., Saito, M.A.,
essential for optimizing the vision of tomorrow’s Schwartz, D.C., Thamatrakoln, K., Valentin, K.,
bioenergy needs. Vardi, A., Wilkerson, F.P., Rokhsar, D.S., 2004. The
genome of the diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana: ecology,
evolution, and metabolism. Science 306, 79e86.
Beer, L.L., Boyd, E.S., Peters, J.W., Posewitz, M.C., 2009. En-
5. CONCLUDING REMARKS gineering algae for biohydrogen and biofuel production.
Curr. Opin. Biotechnol. 20, 264e271.
Genetic engineering of marine microalgae will Blankenship, R.E., Tiede, D.M., Barber, J., Brudvig, G.W.,
Fleming, G., Ghirardi, M., Gunner, M.R., Junge, W.,
be a challenging task to optimize bioenergy pro- Kramer, D.M., Melis, A., Moore, T.A., Moser, C.C.,
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Genetic Optimization of Microalgae for
Biohydrogen Production
Suphi S. Oncel1, Ayse Kose1, Cecilia Faraloni2
Ege University, Engineering Faculty, Department of Bioengineering, Izmir, Turkey;
CNR, Istituto per lo Studio degli Ecosistemi Sezione di Firenze, Firenze, ITALY

1. INTRODUCTION and cyanobacteria (Lindblad et al., 2002;

Allakhverdiev et al., 2010; Ghirardi and
Hydrogen produced from biological Mohanty, 2010; McKinlay and Harwood, 2010;
sourcesdknown as biohydrogendis renewable, Oncel, 2013). The focus of this chapter is on
sustainable, and environmentally friendly. Theo- microalgal biohydrogen production strategies,
retically, biohydrogen is a good candidate for a but it will also discuss the essential information
reliable energy source; however, in reality, the about cyanobacterial biohydrogen.
scenario changes because of major bottlenecks Microalgae and cyanobacteria are photosyn-
such as low productivity and storage issues thetic microorganisms that fix CO2 under natural
(Melis et al., 2000; Ghirardi et al., 2006; Melis light (sunlight) or artificial light into complex
and Happe, 2001; Kosourov et al., 2007; Oncel macromolecules and building blocks. From a
and Sabankay, 2012; Oncel, 2013; Torzillo et al., metabolic perspective, biohydrogen can be pro-
2014). Its feasibility and contribution to the duced under certain illumination and anaerobic
global hydrogen economy are other challenges conditions (Benemann, 1997). This metabolic
to be addressed, but the main drawbacks come evolution has provided new insights on the
from the lack of an adequate production strategy research of biohydrogen production after the
and knowledge. Attempts to eliminate the chal- first attempt by Gaffron and Rubin in the 1940s
lenges associated with biohydrogen and intro- (Gaffron and Rubin, 1942). In 2000, Melis and
duce a well-established production strategy are coworkers introduced a new method that sepa-
becoming more positively viewed by society. rated production into aerobic and anaerobic
However, these challenges will likely remain phases (Melis et al., 2000). Sulfur deprivation in
for a long period of time. the anaerobic stage is key for prolonged bio-
Biohydrogen can be produced by diverse hydrogen production because of the amino
taxonomical clusters of microorganisms with acid sequence of the D1 protein in the photo-
certain metabolisms (Figure 1), generally named system II (PSII) repair system (Faraloni and
as bacteria (Srirangan et al., 2011), microalgae, Torzillo et al., 2010; Scoma et al., 2012; Kose

Handbook of Marine Microalgae 383 © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Biological hydrogen production

Photofermentation Biophotolysis Dark fermentation

H2O Organics [FeFe] H2ase Nitrogenase [NiFe] H2ase

Electron donor

FIGURE 1 Biohydrogen production pathways in bacteria and microalgae.

and Oncel, 2014). Currently, lightedark cycles cycles (Hahn et al., 2007; Kosourov and Seibert,
(Oncel and Sukan, 2009), purging inert gas to 2009; Laurinavichene et al., 2008).
remove oxygen, and inhibitor chemicals are A current trend in biohydrogen production
used to prolong biohydrogen production (Melis from either microalgae or cyanobacteria is to
and Happe, 2001). Laboratory-scale and pilot- adapt genetic engineering tools to develop sus-
scale photobioreactors have also been con- tainable biohydrogen-producing machinery or
structed in an effort to scale up production cell factories (Mathews and Wang, 2009; Kruse
(Gianelli et al., 2009; Oncel and Sabankay, 2012; and Hankamer, 2010; Srirangan et al., 2011).
Oncel and Kose, 2014). Some studies on photo- Numerous studies have been conducted to
bological hydrogen production have focused screen and sequence new genomes that may
on screening potential biohydrogen producer have the potential for biohydrogen production
species (Melis et al., 2000; Antal et al., 2003; and complete whole genome sequencing (Beer
Oncel, 2013). Immobilization techniques have et al., 2009; Radokovits et al., 2010), investigate
been adapted for biohydrogen production to protein engineering, and identify the protein
use cell captured beads in aerobic/anaerobic machinery involved in hydrogen production
(Meyer, 2007), enhance the oxygen tolerance of hydrogen yield. Thus, the PQ pool plays a
hydrogenase enzymes (Meuser et al., 2012), crucial role in the processes for both direct and
investigate engineering in starch catabolism indirect biophotolysis. Apart from photosyn-
(Kruse et al., 2005), examine trophic conversion thesis, when the metabolism shifts to anoxia,
(Doebbe et al., 2007; Mathews and Wang, certain genes are activated to synthesize en-
2009), and investigate engineering of direct bio- zymes called hydrogenases, which catalyze bio-
photolysis mechanisms and D1 protein activity hydrogen evolution (Meyer, 2007).
(Faraloni and Torzillo, 2010; Kose and Oncel, Hydrogen evolution in aerobic conditions
2014). This chapter highlights the concept of may be viewed as proof that microalgae are
microalgal hydrogen production from a meta- capable of catalyzing biohydrogen; however, un-
bolic perspective. The model microalgae Chlamy- der aerobic conditions, hydrogenase enzymes
domonas reinhardtii is used to examine the genetic are deactivated by the O2 that is produced or ex-
engineering aspects. ists in the production chamber (Schulz, 1996;
Melis, 2002). Researchers determined that micro-
algae are capable of producing visible amounts
2. STATE OF THE ART: of hydrogen in anaerobic dark conditions, which
PHOTOBIOHYDROGEN encouraged further studies (Melis, 2002). The re-
PRODUCTION BY MICROALGAE action is thought to be the same in dark fermen-
tative bacteria; however, later studies showed
As unicellular, photosynthetic, and oxygen- that sulfur deprivation is key for biohydrogen
evolving microorganisms, microalgae have production under anaerobic and illuminated
remarkable theoretical potential to produce conditions (Melis et al., 2000). Before the intro-
biohydrogen (Melis et al., 2000). The initial duction of a two-stage protocol, Wykoff et al.
step for both photosynthesis and biohydrogen (1998) showed that photosynthetic activity un-
production is light capture at PSII in the light- der sulfur-deprived conditions in aerobic cul-
harvesting complex II (LHCII). Water splits into tures decreases due to impairment of the D1
electrons, protons, and O2. Biophotolysis is essen- protein in the PSII system, which has sulfur-
tial to microalgal or cyanobacterial biohydrogen containing amino acids as building blocks.
evolution (Srirangan et al., 2011). It is classified Also, light increases the supply of Hþ and e
as direct or indirect biophotolysis based on the to the PQ pool, and the total amount of trans-
use of an electron donor or water/organic sub- ported Hþ and e to hydrogenases results in a
strates, respectively (Kim and Kim, 2011). dramatic increase of biohydrogen evolution
After the first step, electrons are transferred in when compared to dark conditions. Light acts
electron transport chains of chloroplasts (the as a reaction accelerator, which demonstrates
photosynthetic chain in the cytoplasm of cyano- that the photosynthetic electron transport chain
bacteria); under aerobic conditions, CO2 is fixed is essential for microalgal hydrogen production
into organic complex molecules. The Plastoqui- (Figure 2).
none (PQ) pool plays a critical role in the trans- It is known that microalgae and cyanobacteria
portation of e and Hþ through the electron are good candidates when photobiological
transport chain, either for photosynthesis or for hydrogen production is the target. Spirulina,
biohydrogen production (Wykoff et al., 1998). Synechococcus, Anabaene, Chlorella sp., and Chla-
Because the substrates of hydrogenase enzymes mydomonas sp. are model strains in terms of
are e and Hþ, the effective supply of these com- microalgal studies (Oncel, 2013). Among them,
ponents directly affects the enzyme activity and Synechococcus (Antal and Lindblad, 2005) and

Aerobic condition
Starch accumulation
PSII photodamage repair
Calvin–Benson cycle Starch assimilation

D1 protein
D1 synthesis Photosynthesis Indirect biophotolysis

Hydrogenase activation [FeFe] hydrogenases [NiFe]hydrogenases

Anaerobic conditions


Direct biophotolysis


2H+ + 2e–→H2
Sulfur deprivation
e– flow

FIGURE 2 Biohydrogen production pathways in microalgae.

C. reinhardtii are thought to be the best hydrogen species that enable single-step biohydrogen
producers, according to current knowledge production.
(Torzillo et al., 2014). Metabolic engineering is
an efficient tool to enhance yield in several
ways (Mathews and Wang, 2009), but limitations 3. HYDROGEN-CATALYZING
come from a lack of knowledge in the whole ENZYMES IN MICROALGAL
genome sequencing of certain important METABOLISM
species (Radakovits et al., 2010). C. reinhardtii
has been one of the most studied species because The enzymes responsible for biological
of its fully sequenced genome, high photosyn- hydrogen production are generally referred as
thetic activity, ease of cultivation, and high hydrogenases, but their enzyme maturation,
biohydrogen production capacity (Oncel, 2013); enzyme activity, and structure diversity vary
however, cyanobacteria are also thought to by microbial source. In N2-fixing cyanobacteria,
be promising candidates because of their nitrogenases are also able to generate significant
various biohydrogen production pathways and amounts of hydrogen under anaerobic and
hydrogen-producing enzyme diversity (Carrieri nitrogen-deficient conditions (Carrieri et al.,
et al., 2011). The ultimate goal of genetic 2011; Kim and Kim, 2011; Oh et al., 2011). Both
engineering tools for biohydrogen production enzymes play a major role in the reduction of
is to establish oxygen-tolerant microalgae Hþ ions to H2 gas. The catalyzed reaction

(a) (b) FIGURE 3 Hydrogenase enzymes

in microalgae (Kim and Kim, 2011).




S S Cys S S
CN S Cvs66 S CO
Fe Ni Fe Fe
CN S Cvs530 CN CN
[NiFe]-hydrogenase [FeFe]-hydrogenase

(2Hþ þ 2e / H2) seems to be a very basic, The active site, called the H cluster, is composed
single-step reaction equation, but the mechanism of [FeFe] bonds with sulfur bridges and also
is far more complex and yet to be elucidated. 4Fee4S residue (Nicolet et al., 2001; Meyer,
2007), with non-proteinous ligands at CO and
CN junctions (Figure 3(a)). [FeFe] hydrogenases
3.1 Hydrogenases
can catalyze either hydrogen evolution or proton
Hydrogenases are noteworthy enzymes in release from hydrogen (Meyer, 2007). The active
evolutionary studies. They are found in most mi- site of the enzyme, where electrons are trans-
croorganisms, from Archaea to eukaryotes ferred from ferrodoxin, is highly sensitive to
(Meyer, 2007). The genetic diversity of hydroge- even trace amounts of oxygen, causing reversible
nases is the reason for the different hydrogen activity losses; this is also the reason why bio-
production capacities among species. The hy- hydrogen cannot be accumulated naturally
drogenases can be classified into three main under oxygenic conditions.
groups: [NiFe] hydrogenases, [Fe] hydroge- [FeFe] hydrogenases are encoded by hydA
nases, and [FeFe] hydrogenases (Meyer, 2007). (hydA1, hydA2) genes (Happe and Kaminski,
[Fe] hydrogenases are a small group of enzymes 2002; Forestier et al., 2003; Gadaux et al., 2013).
whose active site consists of FeeS bonds (Meyer, Studies have shown that hydA1 is much more
2007; Kim and Kim, 2011; Oh et al., 2011). active than hydA2 (Meuser et al., 2012). Matura-
tion of the active enzyme is controlled by a set of
3.1.1 [FeFe] Hydrogenases genes hydE, hydF, hydG (Boyer et al., 2008). To set
[FeFe] hydrogenases in microalgae are known a mature hydrogenase enzyme, maturation pro-
to be coded in the nucleus; however, after matu- teins are required to be synthesized. Structural
ration, the enzyme is localized in the chloroplast studies of maturation enzymes and sequence
(Stephenson and Stickland, 1931; Meyer, 2007). It analysis of maturation genes prove that other
is the best hydrogen-catalyzing enzyme in terms than mature enzyme maturation system is also
of catalytic activity (Florin et al., 2001; Vignais highly sensitive to oxygen (Posewitz et al.,
et al., 2001; Meyer, 2007). It has a monomeric 2005; B€ock et al., 2006; Meyer, 2007). Thus, strict
composition and a molecular weight of around anaerobiosis is required for maturation genes to
45e50 kDa (Meyer, 2007). Bacteria and microal- be activated and translated in the cytoplasm
gae have the same cluster of hydrogenases. The (Skjanes et al., 2008). If hydrogenase enzymes
enzyme activity, channels in which O2 is are that sensitive to oxygen, what is needed for
diffused, active sites, and molecular weight this pathway to be used for biotechnological
vary by species; microalgal hydrogenases are purposes? Researchers are struggling with this
the smallest enzymes (Srirangan et al., 2011). question.

3.1.2 [NiFe] Hydrogenases (bidirectional or uptake) in vegetative forms; het-

[NiFe] hydrogenases constitute the most erocyst forms can use nitrogenases known as
distributed class of hydrogenases. They are MoFe nitrogenases (Shestakov and Mikheeva,
divided into four major groups (i.e., Groups 2006; Srirangan et al., 2011). Under N2-containing
IeIV) according to enzyme activity and taxonomy environments, the nitrogenase enzyme uses 2 mol
(Kim and Kim, 2011). Cyanobacteria have [NiFe] of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to transfer a sin-
hydrogenases as bidirectional and uptake hydrog- gle electron. When 1 mol of N2 is converted into
enase enzymes. The basic structure of the enzyme ammonia, 16 mol of ATP is consumed and 1 mol
consists of two compartments. The active site is of H2 is generated (Srirangan et al., 2011). In the
the larger one (w60 kDa), which has [NiFe] absence of N2, only 4 mol of ATP is required
bonds, whereas the small subunit (w30 kDa) and 4 mol of H2 is generated (Kim and Kim,
only has an FeeS (4Fee4S or 3Fee4S) cluster 2011). Thus, nitrogenase-catalyzed biohydrogen
(Figure 3(b)). Four cysteine residues are bonded production is an energy-expensive process, and
to metallogenic compartments with sulfur bonds. the turnover rate of nitrogenase is lower than
The small subunit transfers electrons to the active [NiFe] and [FeFe] hydrogenases (Meyer, 2007;
site and protons are reduced to hydrogen. [NiFe] Oh et al., 2011; Srirangan et al., 2011).
hydrogenases can also work as uptake hydroge- Because hydrogenase and nitrogenase en-
nases, oxidizing hydrogen gas to form electrons zymes are catalytic motors for biohydrogen pro-
and protons that are later used to reduce NADPH. duction, establishing a route around enzyme
Sequence studies show that [FeFe] and [NiFe] activity is another research objective. The bottle-
hydrogenases are not related, but they both have neck of the enzyme machinery is oxygen sensi-
a dimetallic compartment, CO and CN ligands tivity; thus, oxygen-tolerant production should
attached to iron, and cysteine residues (Kim and be introduced to obtain realistic numbers. Other
Kim, 2011). than environmental studies, genetic engineering
and transcriptome studies may be more effective
in designing a permanent strategy (Nguyen
3.2 Nitrogenases et al., 2008), which is aiming toward one-step
production (Srirangan et al., 2011). The problem
The role of nitrogenases in cyanobacteria is is the structural diversity of the enzymes; the
different from hydrogenases. To have an active isolation of both maturation proteins and mature
nitrogenase enzyme in terms of catalyzing bio- enzymes is another issue. Microalgal enzyme
hydrogen production, the culture environment machinery studies have been conducted with
must be strictly anaerobic. The evolutionary na- bacterial systems and adapted to algal systems
ture of nitrogenase enzymes fixes nitrogen into (Nicolet et al., 2001; Meyer, 2007).
ammonium ions (Carrieri et al., 2011). Genetic
regulation and synthesis of nitrogenases only oc-
curs in cyanobacteria when nitrogen sources 4. PHOTOSYNTHESIS AND
such as ammonium, urea, and nitrate are BIOPHOTOLYSIS
depleted. Therefore, the use of nitrogenase
would require nitrogen-starved cultures in order Microalgal metabolism is essential for
to produce hydrogen catalyzed by nitrogenase photosynthesis when an adaptation to heterotro-
enzymes via indirect biophotolysis. phic cultivation has not been introduced. Photo-
Although microalgae only have [FeFe] synthesis can be defined as the conversion of
hydrogenases to catalyze hydrogen gas produc- solar energy into biochemical substances such
tion, cyanobacteria can use [NiFe] hydrogenases as proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids, with O2
as a byproduct. Photosynthesis is a complex water and light to supply electrons and
redox reaction starting in the thylakoid mem- protons in the hydrogen production pathway
branes of the chloroplast, when light is captured (Hallenback et al., 2012). Light is the reaction
by the PSII reaction center. In cyanobacteria, initiator; when it reaches PSII, water splits into
photosynthesis occurs in the photosynthetic its protons and electrons and oxygen. Step-
membrane (Masojidek et al., 2013) in the cyto- by-step oxidation and reduction reactions occur
plasm. The photosynthetic apparatus transfers until the electrons reach hydrogen-catalyzing en-
electrons from PSII to PQ pool, Cytb6f, Photo- zymes. Electrons are transferred from PSII to the
system I (PSI), and ferrodoxin, respectively. PQ pool, with a larger PQ pool resulting in
Finally, CO2 is fixed in the form of starch (in higher electron flow, then PSI and finally ferro-
microalgae) or glycogen (in cyanobacteria) in doxin as the final electron donor to hydroge-
the CalvindBenson cycle (Srirangan et al., 2011). nases. This flow occurs in microalgal [FeFe]
Photobiological hydrogen is generated via a hydrogenase-mediated reactions; cyanobacteria
pathway similar to photosynthesis. However, also use nitrogenase enzymes or [NiFe] hydrog-
because of strict anaerobiosis, the final ferrodoxin enases. Direct biophotolysis is limited by oxygen
donates electrons to hydrogenase enzymes. sensitivity; also, nitrogenases require higher
Photobiological hydrogen production faces its amounts of ATP, with a reduction of NAD or
very first challenge in the initial phase of photo- NADP required in the case of [NiFe] hydroge-
synthesis (Benemann, 1997): light conversion effi- nases (Melis and Happe, 2001; Mathews and
ciency is very low in natural conditions. A Wang, 2009; Antal et al., 2011; Srirangan et al.,
significant enhancement can be done under 2011; Masojidek et al., 2013).
controlled laboratory environments, although
these results are still far less than the theoretical 4.2 Indirect Production of Biohydrogen
limit of 13.4% (Torzillo and Seibert, 2013).
Biophotolysis is the initial step of microalgal Indirect biophotolysis requires starch or
biohydrogen production. The very basic defini- glycogen reserves for hydrogen production.
tion of biophotolysis is the process of light- The advantage of indirect biophotolysis is the
dependent water splitting at photosynthetic ability to use other carbon sources to provide
reaction centers. This process is most promising protons and electrons for hydrogen generation
in terms of sustainability because the required (Mathews and Wang, 2009). Endogenous sour-
components are only water and light, which ces are used via anaerobic fermentation, result-
are thought to be convenient, accessible, and ing in CO2 production as a byproduct rather
cost-effective sources (Carrieri et al., 2011; Kim than O2 as in direct biophotolysis. Indirect bio-
and Kim, 2011; Oh et al., 2011). Biophotolysis is photolysis mechanism is studied mostly in cya-
divided into two major groups according to the nobacteria (Carrieri et al., 2011). Indirect
electron donor: direct biophotolysis and indirect biophotolysis is promising in terms of avoiding
biophotolysis. oxygen, but it is still a challenging pathway for
4.1 Direct Production of Biohydrogen 4.2.1 Two-Stage Hydrogen Production:
(Direct Biophotolysis) Sulfur Deprivation Approach for
Direct biophotolysis is thought to be the most Sustainable Biohydrogen Production
promising pathway for sustainable hydrogen Two-stage hydrogen production in green
production. The reaction itself is independent microalgae is a breakthrough in the development
from any organic compounds, only requiring of sustainable hydrogen production methods

(Melis et al., 2000), the very first step in the road and Lindblad, 2005; Kosourov et al., 2007). In
toward commercialization. The method covers addition, process-related problems include
both aerobic and anaerobic production and also expensive photobiorector design, inadequate
points out some certain metabolic essentials know-how and technology to produce and stor-
related to microalgal biohydrogen production, age hydrogen, and scale-up issues with the two-
which is a highly conserved metabolic pathway stage protocol (Srirangan et al., 2011; Gianelli
among biohydrogen-producing species. and Torzillo, 2012; Oncel and Sabankay, 2012;
Before the introduction of two-stage protocol, Oncel, 2013). The metabolic issues may be over-
Wykoff et al. (1998) found that when sulfur is come with genetic engineering tools. Genome
deprived in culture, the photosynthetic activity studies have attempted to modify the D1 activity
is also decreased. The amino acid sequences of of wild-type strains (Faraloni and Torzillo, 2010;
the D1 protein in the PSII photodamage repair Kose and Oncel, 2014). These studies showed
system consist of sulfur-containing amino acids; that mutations in the D1 protein have a positive
sulfur-deprived cultures also showed less D1 effect of obtaining higher yields of hydrogen for
synthesis. Melis et al. (2000) separated aerobic a longer period of time, but oxygen sensitivity
and anaerobic stages to produce biomass and remains a problem.
biohydrogen, respectively. Cells were cultivated
in a sulfur-containing medium in aerobic condi- 5. METABOLIC PATHWAY
tions but transferred into sulfur-deprived media, ENGINEERING AS A TOOL TO
and sulfur-containing substances were changed DEVELOP HYDROGEN-PRODUCING
with counterparts. When sulfur is deprived un- CELL FACTORIES: IMPROVEMENT
der anaerobic conditions, photosynthetic activity OF H2 PRODUCTION BY GENETIC
falls behind respiration. When complete anaero- OPTIMIZATION OF MICROALGAE
biosis is achieved, hydrogenase enzymes are also
activated. The solution comes with a problem: Metabolic engineering has been used mainly
water splitting provides protons and electrons to enhance the desired properties of a certain
for hydrogenases, but oxygen is also generated component or target product, introduce new fea-
as a byproduct. The accumulation of metabolic tures to an organism, or adapt new techniques
oxygen blocks the hydrogenase activity. In addi- for further strain development (Leon-Banares
tion, when D1 protein synthesis is decreased, the et al., 2004; Gimpel et al., 2013). In the case of bio-
PSII reaction center cannot be fixed as it is in hydrogen production, an array of metabolic en-
photosynthesis. The activity of PSII is also gineering techniques are being studied to avoid
decreased, along with the decreased proton the main challenges of biohydrogen (Wu et al.,
and electron flow to hydrogenases (Faraloni 2011; Posewitz et al., 2005; Godaux et al., 2013).
and Torzillo, 2010). Green microalgae are suitable platforms for
A two-stage protocol is a way to sustain bio- genetic engineering, mutations, and metabolic
hydrogen and pave the way for further studies pathway engineering. Their diverse genetic ma-
and developments; however, there are some terial (nucleus, mitochondria, and chloroplast)
challenges that cannot be avoided physically. offers a reliable base for those who wants to con-
Metabolic bottlenecks include the oxygen sensi- trol the genes or gene products (Rosenberg et al.,
tivity of hydrogenases, low light conversion effi- 2008). Microalgae have various applications in
ciency, electron loss at cyclic electron transfer genetic engineering, with perhaps the most so-
around PSI, low hydrogen production efficiency, phisticated one being the production of vaccines
and a limited number of species with hydrogen- using microalgae as a host organism (Mayfield
producing nature (Melis and Happe, 2001; Antal and Franklin, 2005).
New tools (Martens and Liese, 2004) and conditions in the cultures (Wykoff et al., 1998).
genome sequencing for certain microalgal or cya- In C. reinhardtii, sulfur starvation may induce a
nobacterial strains have been introduced in genetic decrease in photosynthetic activity to 75% of the
engineering studies. Systems biology and omics initial value within 24 h and create anaerobic con-
(genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolo- ditions. The reason is that under sulfur starvation
mics) may be used to study the integration of and light exposure, the repair cycle is blocked due
essential pathways, regulation metabolism, diver- to lack of sulfur; the cells are not able to resynthe-
sity, and new characteristics (Matthew et al., size proteins, particularly the D1 protein, which is
2009; Nguyen et al., 2008; Rupprecth, 2009). To associated with PSII and is important for its func-
develop an efficient metabolism to sustain microal- tionality. The role of the D1 protein in bio-
gal biohydrogen production, challenges must be hydrogen production is critical. The D1 protein
addressed. A detailed list of genetic studies is pre- synthesis is related to oxygen evolution, which
sented in Table 1. is the inhibitor for hydrogenase enzymes. Recent
investigations are related to the role of D1 protein
activity with a special approach: obtaining D1
5.1 Chlamydomonas reinhardtii as a
mutant strains to see the effect of mutations on
Model Organism for H2 Production biohydrogen production (Faraloni and Torzillo,
Microalgal hydrogen production has been 2010). Will it be helpful to sustain biohydrogen
studied for many years (Gaffron and Rubin, production and level up?
1942; Melis, 2007; Oncel, 2013). In recent years, During the phase in which the O2 evolution is
it gained more attention when prolonged H2 present (aerobic phase), starch accumulation in C.
production was achieved with comparison to reinhardtii can be detected, which represents a
theoritical efficiency; 0.1% light conversion effi- storage of excess reducing power that is degraded
ciency to hydrogen has been achieved under sul- in parallel to H2 production (Melis et al., 2000;
fur deprived conditions (Melis et al., 2000). C. Melis, 2007). The starch metabolism plays a
reinhardtii was used for this very promising central role in H2 production, as its catab-
study, and it also became the model for bio- olism sustains the electron transport chain to
hydrogen studies. C. reinhardtii has been known hydrogenase. In particular, during the aerobic
for long time with regard to its photoheterotro- phase, starch is accumulated and subsequently
phic and heterotrophic growth characteristics. degraded under anaerobic conditions, sustaining
It has been used in several genomic studies the H2 production (Melis et al., 2000; Torzillo and
(Mayfield and Franklin, 2005; Rosenberg et al., Siebert, 2013). It has been proposed that starch
2008). Its chloroplast, mitochondrial, and nuclear catabolism sustains respiration in mitochondria,
genomes have been sequenced (Radokovits maintains anoxic environment for the PSII-
et al., 2010). Moreover, both its chloroplast and dependent direct pathway (Melis, 2007), and sup-
nuclear DNA are easily transformed, enabling plies electrons to the chlororespiratory pathway
genetic modifications to obtain strains with for the activation of hydrogenase enzymes by
enhanced H2 production capabilities (Kruse the electron transport chain in chloroplasts via
and Hankamer, 2010). an indirect pathway using PSI (Fouchard et al.,
2005; Mus et al., 2005; Melis, 2007).
5.1.1 Metabolism of C. reinhardtii during Chochois et al. (2009) concluded that starch
Sulfur Deprivation breakdown feeds electrons to the PQ pool. Ace-
Nutrient deprivation, particularly of sulfur, is tate in the culture medium is used by microalgae
known to promote the downregulation of photo- as a carbon source during the aerobic phase and
synthetic O2 production, establishing anaerobic results in the biomass accumulation. There is an
TABLE 1 Key Studies in Genetic Engineering for Microalgal Biohydrogen Production

Aim Method Results Contributions References

Trophic Gene insertion to • Stm6Glc4 mutant cell growth • Various carbon sources can be Doebbe et al. (2007)
conversion C. reinhardtii stm6 observed under dark conditions used as substrates for


strain HUP1 gene supplemented with glucose biohydrogen production after
from Chlorella kessleri • Exogenous glucose utilization successful transformation
to generate biohydrogen • Biohydrogen production under
(150% increase) dark conditions
• A new approach for sustainable
and feasible hydrogen
Increase the Random mutagenesis • Starch over accumulation, • Role of endogenous substrate Kruse et al. (2005)
amount of the increase in the cellular on biohydrogen production
storage respiration rate, inhibition of
material cyclic electron transfer around
PSI, increase in the hydrogen
• The mutant is named as stm6
(state transition mutant)
Action of starch Two-stage culture • Sta mutants produced less • Direct and indirect Chochois et al. (2009)
assimilation hydrogen than the wild type biophotolysis is the electron
related to • Sta6 starchless mutant source for biohydrogen
biohydrogen produced hydrogen production
production • Addition of DCMU had no • Biohydrogen can be produced
effect on light activation of via direct biophotolysis in the
hydrogenase absence of starch
• Sta mutant with DCMU • PSII is a must to sustain
addition had no hydrogen biohydrogen production
Amino acid substitute • Increased O2 evolution (Y68A, • The effects of Rubisco on Esquível et al. (2006),
mutant strains (Y67A, highest) hydrogen production and the Pinto et al. (2013)
Y68A, Y72A) cultivated • Increase in Rubisco followed by relation with sulfur nutrition
according to the two- a rapid decrease are introduced
stage protocol • Y67A showed 15- to 16-fold • Rubisco mutation could be a
greater hydrogen production new approach to observe
than wild-type biohydrogen production
without nutrient alteration
Increase the • DNA insertion • Smaller size in the LHC-I and • Increase in the light utilization Tetali et al. (2007)
photosynthetic mutagenesis LHC-II complexes efficiency could have a
efficiency with • Increase in the Chl a/Chl b ratio significant role in the PSII
regulating LHC (from 2.6 to 6) activity
size • Decrease in the total • Ability to work under high-


chlorophyll/cell light conditions (outdoor
Understand the • PSII-deficient strain • FuD7 activated HydA1 genes • Effect of the electron supply Hemschemeier et al. (2008)
electron transfer (FuD7) and Rubisco but no further H2 production sources for biohydrogen
and its role in deficient strain occurred production
microalgal (CC-2803) cultivated • Strain CC-2803 showed
biohydrogen according to decreased photosynthetic
production two-stage protocol efficiency but hydrogen is
metabolism produced after a fast
Decrease the D1 • Amino acid deletions • Reduced amount of chlorophyll • Role of D1 protein amino acid Faraloni and Torzillo (2010)
protein activity in D1 protein content/dry weight, duration sequences in biohydrogen and Oncel and Kose (2014)
of aerobic phase production is highlighted
• Increase in the respiration/ • Introduction of new mutant
photosynthesis ratio, starch strains with elevated
accumulation, light to hydrogen biohydrogen production
conversion efficiency (3.2%) capacity
total hydrogen produced
• Prolonged H2 production
• Effective mutants are D239-40,
D240-41, D240
Decrease the PSII • Antisense • Decrease in the SulP synthesis • Sulfate is the key nutrient for D1 Schroda et al. (1999), Melis
repair activity of transformation of • Impaired sulfate uptake synthesis and Chen (2005) and Chen
D1 protein sulfate uptake genes • Decrease the O2 evolution rate • Decrease in the SulP synthesis et al. (2005)
SulP/SulP2 • Hydrogen production under could be a key for nutritional
anaerobic sulfur-containing modification of biohydrogen
conditions production from microalgae
Drop PSII • Chloroplast • Inhibition in the PSII synthesis • The role of PSII and the Surzycki et al. (2007)
activity below expression system • Strict anaerobiosis is required importance of anaerobic
respiration (copper sensitive for the expression system; the environment have been
cyc6 promotor) results were not satisfied established


TABLE 1 Key Studies in Genetic Engineering for Microalgal Biohydrogen Productiondcont'd

Aim Method Results Contributions References

Increasing the • RNAi approach to • Stm3LR3 had significantly • Mutations in LHC gene family Mussgnug et al. (2007)
photochemical down regulate LHC reduced levels of LHCI and can be used to cultivate cells
utilization of gene family LHCII mRNAs and proteins under high-light conditions
light • Reduced levels of fluorescence, • A route for outdoor cultures
sensitivity to photoinhibition • Improved light penetration


• Higher photosynthetic properties and potentially
quantum yield reduced risk of oxidative
• Increased efficiency of cell photodamage of PSII for
cultivation enhanced biohydrogen

To overcome • Rational mutagenesis • Mutant strain L283W 29% • Oxygen diffusion channels and Ghirardi et al. (2006), Nagy
oxygen (in silico mutagenesis increased in hydrogen their effect on the globular et al. (2007), Boyd et al.
sensitivity and volumetric production; hydrogen hydrogenase enzyme structure (2009) and Meyer (2007)
oxygen accessibility production is decreased 90% in are highlighted
maps) other strains • Introduction of recombinant
• Gene shuffling, DNA • Redox properties of H cluster is hydrogenase library to obtain
extraction sequenced. FeeS bonding O2-tolerant enzymes
sequence is highlighted.
Conserved genetic structure is
Identify the role • Artificial mRNA • Downregulation of HydA1 (four The regulation mechanism of Godman et al. (2010)
of hydrogenase silencing fold lower activity), HydA2 and hydrogenase genes under
coding genes in Hydrogenase-like protein hypoxia
hydrogen (Hyd3)
production • HydA2 and Hyd3 mutations
have no significant effect on
hydrogen production
Role of Hyd • Insertional • Hyd enzymes capable of HydA1 is the dominant gene in Meuser et al. (2012)
genes in mutagenesis of fermentative hydrogen terms of hydrogen production
photobiological psL72 vector to production
biohydrogen HydA2 and • HydA1 is the most abundant
production HydA1 genes gene responsible for hydrogen

obvious pH increase in the culture during the 5.1.2 Screening of C. reinhardtii Mutant
aerobic phase; a shift to anaerobiosis results in Strains for H2 Production
a decrease in the pH value (increase from 7.4 to An important approach to increase overall H2
8.5 in aerobic phase and decrease to 7.9 in production has focused on C. reinhardtii mutant
anaerobiosis). The changes in the pH value strains with upgraded hydrogen production
demonstrate the metabolic pathway of the or- properties. Increased H2 production has been re-
ganism itself: during the aerobic phase, cells ported in D1 protein mutants (Posewitz et al.,
use acetate, whereas during anaerobiosis, respi- 2005; Kruse et al., 2005; Mathews and Wang,
ration releases CO2 to the culture media. 2009; Torzillo et al., 2009; Faraloni and Torzillo,
When the O2 evolution balances with the 2010). D1 protein is a crucial component of the
respiration rate (Melis et al., 2000; Melis, 2007), photosynthetic electron transport chain
this condition is fundamental for the synthesis (Tolletter et al., 2011), acting at the reducing
and activity of hydrogenase in C. reinhardtii. side of photosystem II (Edelma and Mattoo,
Under these conditions, it can produce 2008). The changes in D1 protein activity and
hydrogen for some days, reversibly. When functionality, and their implication in the H2
anaerobiosis is attained in the cultures, a lag production process, in C. reinhardtii have
time is needed to induce H2 production (i.e., attracted much attention after the introduction
lag phase), which is the time necessary to syn- of sulfur starvation and the downregulation of
thesize and activate the hydrogenase enzyme. PSII activity, which cause the reduction in the
Hydrogenase enzymes catalyze a reduction oxygen evolution rate (Wykoff et al., 1998;
reaction (Hþ ions to H2); thus, the redox poten- Takahashi et al., 2001). However, it is not
tial changes from positive to negative, up to adequate to establish a compatible amount of
550 mV. This phenomenon may be related to biohydrogen in comparison of even among other
the fact that the hydrogen production pathway biofuel sources. Biohydrogen as a direct meta-
uses required components from a pool that is bolic product should be enhanced via genetic
established during the aerobic phase, making engineering.
it possible to partially decrease the degree of The D1 protein is a light-dependent protein
reduction of the plastoquinone. with the highest turnover rate (Edelman et al.,
In the following H2-production phase, both 1984). In particular, the QB binding site of the
the PSII-dependent (due to the residual PSII ac- D1 reaction center protein is thought to be essen-
tivity) and PSII-independent pathways act as tial to electron flow through the photosynthetic
major sources of electrons. It has been demon- chain, mainly related to PSII (Vermaas and
strated that the PSII contribution to the process Ikeuchi, 1991); also, it is the mechanism respon-
is dominant with respect to starch mobilization sible for photodamage (Ohad et al., 1994).
(Ghirardi et al., 2000), providing up to 80% of This site is located within a stromal hydro-
the supplied reducing power (Kruse et al., philic loop between transmembrane helices IV
2005; Scoma et al., 2012; Volgusheva et al., and V. Known as the DeE loop, it contains an
2013). After a period of 2e3 days, depending amino acid sequence that is conserved among
on the strain, the damage on PSII becomes cyanobacteria, algae, and higher plants (Trebst,
consistent, no photosynthetic activity can be 1987; Sobolev and Edelman, 1995). Moreover,
detected, the starch is degraded, and the H2 pro- this amino acid region is involved in the rapid
duction stops. turnover of the D1 protein (Kettunen et al.,

1996); thus, this photobiological hydrogen pro- pigments. Moreover, the induction of the synthe-
duction site is thought to be a critical observation sis of lutein was observed to be higher in these
in the PSII-dependent pathway that microalgae strains than in the wild type. Some examples
use (Kless et al., 1994; Nixon et al., 1995; of the most productive strains are reported
M€aenp€ a€
a et al., 1995). in Table 2.
For the study of H2 production by D1 protein In particular, phenotypic characteristics of
mutant strains, mutants were obtained from two amino-acid deleted mutants, D240 and
wild-type (11/32b) genetic manipulation, as pre- D239-40, and a mutant with two amino-acid
viously described (Johanningmeier and Heiss, substitutions, L159I/N230Y, are summarized
1993). D1 protein mutation of different regions in Table 3 and compared with the wild type.
of D1 protein involved various functions of the The deletion of the D240 and D239-40 is
D1, promoting diverse changes in the phenotypic located in the D1 protein region involved in
characteristics and photosynthetic parameters of the binding of QB and D1 degradation, while
the strains. The mutations influenced the yield the mutation of the other mutant strain
of the hydrogen production in a different manner involves a region implicated in the electron
(Faraloni and Torzillo, 2010). In most of the donor capacity to the oxygen evolving com-
strains, the mutated D1 protein conferred the plex (OEC).
capability for a higher H2 production than in These strains exhibited phenotypic charac-
the wild-type strain. Only few exceptions that teristics that are considered to be important
did not produce any hydrogen were observed. for the improvement of the H2 production pro-
During H2 production, several biochemical cess. In particular, all the mutants showed an
pathways operate together; although the total amount of chlorophyll per dry weight biomass
H2 outputs resulted in a wide range, some of that was 36e56% lower than in the wild type,
the most productive strains showed certain which is a useful requisite because the cultures
common features. In particular, they showed a can grow under relatively high cell densities,
reduced amount of chlorophyll/dry weight and improving photosynthesis efficiency by
chlorophyll/cell ratios, high photosynthesis reducing the chlorophyll antenna size or the
and respiration rates, high starch accumulation, number of light-harvesting complexes (Polle
and high synthesis of xanthophyll cycle et al., 2002; Beckmann et al., 2009; Donald

TABLE 2 Some Phenotypic Characteristics of the Most Productive D1 Protein Mutant Strains, Compared to the
Wild Type1

Respiration (R)
D1 region Chl % of (mmol O2 Pmax (mmol
affected by dry Chl/cell (mg mgL1 O2 mgL1
Strain mutation weight 10L6) Chl hL1) Chl hL1) R/P ratio %

Wild-type e 3.63 (0.51) 3.57 (0.12) 72 (0.25) 260 (2.8) 27.70 (0.21)
D240 D1 degradation 1.60 (0.18) 1.56 (0.05) 95 (5.8) 220 (25.0) 43.18 (2.04)
D239-40 D1 degradation 2.33 (0.32) 2.08 (0.09) 78 (1.75) 119 (2.0) 65.55 (0.36)

L159I/N230Y QB interaction 1.80 (0.20) 3.32 (0.14) 190 (2.5) 487 (36.0) 39.01 (2.20)
Chlorophyll content and cellular parameters in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii wild-type and mutants D240 and D239-40. Maximum photosynthesis and
respiration rates measured during the logarithmic phase of growth. Pmax: maximum rate (oxygen evolution plus dark respiration) of light saturation
photosynthetic oxygen evolution; R/P: respiration rate versus oxygen evolution rate.
TABLE 3 H2 Production Parameters and Changes in Pigment Composition after the H2 Production of the Most
Productive D1 Protein Mutant Strains, Compared to the Wild Type1

H2 total production Pigment composition at the end of H production
Aerobic Production volume rate)(ml lL1
Strain phase (h) Lag phase (h) time (h) (ml l ) h
L1 L1

Wild- 34 (1) 16 (5) 55 (4) 26 0.47 13.06 8.87 77.20 191.41

type (5) (0.11) (0.22) (0.73) (3.63) (1.47)

D240 2 (1) 26 (4) 207 (39) 318 1.54 16.12 4.62 108.91 323.64
(23) (0.31) (8.03) (2.26) (13.06) (5.31)

D239-40 3 (2) 30 (1) 183 (70) 475 2.60 23.73 12.66 103.31 288.84
(50) (0.18) (0.93) (1.92) (14.46) (12.45)
The pigment content is reported as mmol mol1 Chl a.; V: violaxanthin; A: antheraxanthin; Z: zeaxanthin; L: lutein.

et al., 2011). With these cells under sulfur star- The results indicated that D239-40 has higher
vation, it is possible to work with denser cul- fluorescence activity, which can be counted as
tures, which can reach anaerobiosis faster. an increase in the number of electrons from
Quantification of the photosynthetic parame- light-dependent water splitting being transferred
ters revealed that the D1 protein mutation to certain hydrogenase enzymes. Another impor-
conferred different properties, as deleted mu- tant feature of the D1 mutants is the relatively
tants exhibited lower oxygen evolution rates high level of fluorescence yield (0.300) compared
and higher respiration rates than those for the to the wild type (below 0.1) during the H2 pro-
wild type. By contrast, double amino acid substi- duction phase. This may be related to a higher
tution mutant L159I-N230Y led to increased oxy- xanthophyll cycle pool found in these strains,
gen evolution and respiration rates, which were which allows greater protection of PSII from
87% and 164% higher than in the wild type, photo-inactivation (Faraloni and Torzillo, 2010).
respectively. An increase in the respiration-to- The findings suggest that genetic engineering is
photosynthesis ratio is a very useful peculiarity a reliable tool to achieve sustainable and pro-
in C. reinhardtii strains for the production of longed biohydrogen production, which may
hydrogen. This helps the culture to shift to help to introduce technoeconomic and applicable
anaerobiosis in a shorter period of time, which production. The diversity of metabolic pathways
means that the lag phase is decreased. In the cul- indeed contributes to the development of new
tures of the best producing mutant strains, H2 insights. In particular, the D1 protein mutations
production was 12e19 times greater than in the could provide different phenotypes to the
wild type; these strains exhibited better perfor- mutated strains. Altering the photosynthetic per-
mance in overall biohydrogen production, as formance may alter the rate of oxygen evolution,
well as increased biohydrogen production rates. thereby ameliorating the performance in terms of
A very interesting strain was found to be the hydrogen production. It has been shown that mu-
D239-40 mutant. Among D1 protein mutant tations at level of the QB binding and the OEC
strains, D239-40 has a higher amount of starch, interaction site of the D1 protein are important
which is required for survival. However, the in improving H2 productivity. Moreover, acting
hydrogen production is not only related to starch at the level of metabolism of carbohydrates is a
catabolism; PSII activity is another critical effect. crucial step, allowing greater accumulation of

starches from the medium and changing the

Apart from the route of biohydrogen in micro-
algal metabolism, the main problem is the light
conversion efficiency in biohydrogen produc-
tion, which is still less than 1% under controlled
laboratory conditions. Using mutants in prop-
erly designed photobioreactors (PBRs) (3.22%
of Photosynthetic Active Radiation (PAR),
Scoma et al., 2012a), immobilizing algae (1.53%
of PAR, Kosourov and Seibert, 2009), or control-
ling partial gas pressure within the culture
chamber (1.65% of PAR, Kosourov et al., 2012)
may enhance the light-to-fuel efficiency. Howev-
er, these methods are applied in laboratory con-
ditions; results in outdoor environments will be
far below these conditions (0.055% of solar light,
Scoma et al., 2012b).

5.1.3 Chlorophyll Fluorescence Changes

during Sulfur Starvation
The chlorophyll fluorescence measurement is
considered to be a useful tool to monitor photo-
synthetic activity. It is commonly used to eval-
uate the effect of different kinds of stresses on
the photosynthetic apparatus. During sulfur
starvation, PSII activity decreases, resulting in
protein degradation and the inability to resyn-
thesize new protein; hence, chlorophyll fluores- FIGURE 4 Fluorescence and oxygen changes of D1
cence can be used to measure the changes in mutant strains D239-40 and D240 with time. Measurements
PSII maximum and effective quantum yields, of the effective quantum yield of PSII (DF/F0m ) and dissolved
oxygen (pO2) are shown. Chlamydomonas reinhardtii wild-type
both during the aerobic phase under sulfur star-
and mutant strains D240 and D239-40 are compared during
vation and in the occurrence of anaerobiosis and incubation under sulfur starvation for hydrogen production.
hydrogen production.
A typical example of the kinetics of The transition from state 1 to state 2 has photo-
chlorophyll fluorescence during sulfur starva- protective properties, such as the partial migra-
tion has been reported for some mutant strains tion of the LHCII from PSII to PSI, which is
and the wild type, as shown in Figure 4. As the known to occur in C. reinhardtii with the migra-
oxygen content decreases, a reduction in chloro- tion of more than 85% of LHCII (Endo and
phyll fluorescence, measured as effective PSII Asada, 1996; Finazzi et al., 1999; Cournac
quantum yield, DF/F0m , can be detected. DF/ et al., 2002; Cardol et al., 2003).
F0m drops from 0.6 to 0.2. The rapid drop in fluo- As soon as the anaerobic condition is attained,
rescence is followed by hydrogen production, hydrogenase is expressed and becomes active.
which was first reported by Antal et al. (2003). This may induce a partial reincrease in DF/F0m ,
which is very accentuated in the culture of the
strain D239-40 as a consequence of the hydroge-
nase activity. This partially oxidizes photosyn-
thetic carriers, including the PQ pool, thereby
establishing the linear electron transfer from
PSII and hence the primary photochemical yield.
The measurement of chlorophyll induction
kinetics is a complementary technique to investi-
gate nonphotochemical reduction of the PQ
pool. It is generally accepted that chlorophyll
(Chl) a fluorescence kinetics reflect the progres-
sive reduction of the photosynthetic electron
transport chain (T oth et al., 2007)dthat is, the
reduction of QA to Q A , and the reduction of
the PQ pool.
The effect of sulfur starvation on the PSII reac-
tion centers has been studied. Wykoff et al. (1998)
reported the formation of PSII QB nonreducing
centers and consequently a limitation of the rapid
electron transfer from Q A to QB. This retardation
may induce further PSII damage, with a reduc-
tion in the number of functional PSII reaction cen-
ters. The measurement of the rate of closure of the FIGURE 5 Chlorophyll fluorescence changes of D1 pro-
tein mutant strains with time. Shown is a comparison of
PSII reaction centers has been determined by the kinetic rise in Chl a fluorescence (a) and relative vari-
changes in the Mo parameter, which is a mea- able Chl a fluorescence (b). Vt ¼ (Ft  F0)/(Fm  F0) in C.
surement of the slope of the transient curve reinhardtii: WT (-), D240 (:), D239-40 (;), and D240-
(Wykoff et al., 1998; Antal et al., 2006, 2007). 41, D1 (B) protein mutant strains, measured in photomix-
otrophically grown cultures. The inset shows the initial rise
The use of C. reinhardtii strains with a reduced
in Vt (from 50 ms to 1 ms) of the curves on a linear scale.
constitutive capability to transfer electrons
further than QA has been found to be important
for improving H2 production under sulfur star-
vation (Faraloni and Torzillo, 2010). It has been
shown that D1 protein mutant strains, which 6. CONCLUSIONS
exhibited transient curves with increased Mo
and VJ parameters with respect to the wild- Microalgal biohydrogen production has a
type strain, were able to achieve a higher H2 pro- sophisticated metabolism, regarding both the
duction performance (Figure 5). In particular, regulation of the photosynthesis pathway as a
these phenotypic characteristics were trans- result of anaerobiosis and the enzymes that cata-
lated, under sulfur starvation, into an earlier lyze the metabolic hydrogen evaluation. Thus,
decrease of photosynthetic activity than in the biohydrogen production is a trending topic in
wild-type. This induced anaerobiosis in a very the urgent area of renewable fuel sources. Using
short time (2 h), whereas the wild-type reached a two-stage protocol, microalgal biohydrogen
anaerobic conditions in 34 h (Faraloni and production can be studied in laboratory condi-
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Genetic Engineering of Microalgae
for Production of Value-added Ingredients
Asha A. Nesamma, Kashif M. Shaikh, Pavan P. Jutur
DBT-ICGEB Centre for Advanced Bioenergy Research, New Delhi, India

1. INTRODUCTION rates and higher photosynthetic efficiencies

when grown under specific environments
Increasing demand for energy, the depletion (Klein-Marcuschamer et al., 2013); they might
of fossil-based resources, global climate change, be cultivated on nonarable land and/or even
and environmental issues are emerging as the offshore, consequently they do not compete for
main challenges that have motivated the search arable land for food production (Brennan and
for alternative “clean” energy sources, along Owende, 2013; Markou and Nerantzis, 2013;
with an impetus for a transition to a bio-based Singh et al., 2011b).
economy with a low carbon footprint (Hariskos Some salient features of microalgae as a
and Posten, 2014; Wichuk et al., 2014). Due to source of renewable fuels are:
their unique properties, microalgae including
• the ability to utilize sunlight as their only
cyanobacteria represent an extremely diverse
source of energy that can be converted into
group of organisms, considered as promising
energy-rich biomolecules;
feedstocks for applications in food and feed pro-
• their efficient capture and utilization of atmos-
duction, bioactive pharmaceuticals, nutraceuti-
pheric CO2, thus reducing greenhouse gas
cals, functional foods, and biofuels (de la Noue
emissions and environmental issues;
and de Pauw, 1988; Lee et al., 2010; Pangestuti
• the ability of some microalgal species to grow
and Kim, 2011; Pulz and Gross, 2004;
in diverse environments such as marine,
Vanthoor-Koopmans et al., 2013; Wijffels and
hypersaline, wastewater, or other sources of
Barbosa, 2010). The genetic diversity corre-
water, which are not feasible for any domestic
sponds to a broad range of habitats almost found
purposes; and
in all environments, although knowledge of their
• their most promising feature is their faster
organismal and biochemical diversity is not yet
growth rate, thus facilitating high rates of
fully known. The major advantages that render
biomass production.
microalgal species as a potential new generation
of feedstock for biofuel production and high Murray et al. (2013) proposed the scenario of
value-added renewables are their high growth sustainable production of biologically active

Handbook of Marine Microalgae 405 © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

molecules of marine-based origin to develop a 2012; Spolaore et al., 2006; Sun et al., 2014).
harmonious relationship with the marine envi- Co-extraction of other HVABs such as eicosa-
ronments by applying sustainable natural prac- pentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid
tices to the valorization of high value-added (DHA), vitamin E (a-tocopherol), and arachi-
biomolecules (HVABs) from marine life (Murray donic acid (AA) may also further enhance the
et al., 2013; Urreta et al., 2014); such an approach nutritional and/or nutraceutical value of these
will permit a conscientious means to maximize microalgae (Dewapriya and Kim, 2014; Durmaz,
both human and economic benefits from the ma- 2007; Ryan and Symington, 2014; Ryckebosch
rine environments, an excellent solution toward et al., 2014).
meeting the soaring demands for tomorrow’s Carotenoids are hydrophobic pigments with
bioenergy needs. 40-carbon structures and mainly classified into
Microalgae under stress conditions have the two groups: the carotenes (nonoxygenated
ability to alter their biomass composition and molecules) and the xanthophylls (oxygenated
accumulate lipids and/or carbohydrates, the molecules) (Markou and Nerantzis, 2013). In
major precursors for biofuel production. Mean- microalgae, the significant roles played by the
while, some species cultivated under stress con- carotenoids are in the process of photosynthesis
ditions accumulatedalong with the lipids and such as light harvesting, photoprotection, free
carbohydratesdspecific secondary metabolites radical scavenging, excess energy dissipation,
that are HVABs, such as pigments, vitamins, and structure stabilization (Frank and Cogdell,
carotenoids, etc., which are relevant to the 1996). Marine microalgae such as Dunaliella
cosmetic, food, or pharmaceutical industries salina (Fu et al., 2014), Tetraselmis suecica (Jo
(Skjånes et al., 2012). Therefore, improvements et al., 2012), Isochrysis galbana, (Cust
odio et al.,
in economic feasibility through the concept of 2014), and Pavlova salina (Zhou et al., 2007) are
biorefinery can be achieved with advanced further exploited for commercial production
genetic engineering and modeling, where these (Ahmed et al., 2014) as carotenoids are associ-
microalgae will have the ability to simulta- ated with various health benefits, for example,
neously produce specific HVABs and biofuels helping in the prevention of age-related macular
under specific conditions (Campenni et al., degeneration and cataract formation (Snodderly,
2013; Carriquiry et al., 2011; Durmaz, 2007; 1995; Weikel et al., 2012), cancers (Gerster, 1993;
Nobre et al., 2013; Singh et al., 2011a). Lupulescu, 1994; Willett, 1994), rheumatoid
arthritis, muscular dystrophy, and cardiovascu-
lar diseases (Giordano et al., 2012; Kohlmeier
2. HIGH VALUE-ADDED and Hastings, 1995), and they may also have
BIOMOLECULES IN MICROALGAE an effect on the immune system and influence
chronic diseases (Meydani et al., 1995; Park
Microalgae are an excellent source of HVABs, et al., 2010).
having a high content of antioxidants and pig- Diverse pharmaceutical applications and
ments, that is, carotenoids such as fucoxanthin, their commercial relevance led to screening of
b-carotene, astaxanthin, lutein, phycobilipro- new HVABs with biological activity from
teins, long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids marine microalgae that have the potential to
(LC-PUFAs), polysaccharides, and proteins prevent or reduce the impact of several
(Balavigneswaran et al., 2013; Gouveia, 2014; lifestyle-related diseases such as antiviral
Kawee-ai et al., 2013; Kim and Mendis, 2006; (including anti-HIV), antitumor, antibiotic, cyto-
Reyes et al., 2014; Rodriguez-Garcia and toxic, enzyme inhibitory agents, and other ther-
Guil-Guerrero, 2008; Samarakoon and Jeon, apeutic applications along with antimicrobial
(antibacterial, antifungal, antiprotozoal) as well 2010), and these should also be commonly appli-
as biomodulatory effects such as immunosup- cable for a variety of end products (HVABs)
pressive and anti-inflammatory issues (Burja (Brennan and Owende, 2010; da Silva et al.,
et al., 2001; de Jesus Raposo et al., 2013; Guedes 2014).
et al., 2013; Shanab et al., 2012; Shibata et al., Major pathways of carotenoid metabolism
2007, 2003). Furthermore, microalgae HVABs are discussed below in some species such as
are effective in the reduction of cardiocirculatory Chlorella vulgaris, D. salina, Haematococcus
and coronary diseases, wounds, gastric ulcers, pluvialis, and Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Carot-
constipation, anemia, hypertension, atheroscle- enoids play an essential role in the light-
rosis, and diabetes (Lee and Jeon, 2013; Nu~ no harvesting complex of microalgae and higher
et al., 2013; Yamaguchi, 1996). plants. Carotenoid biosynthesis is complex, as
These microalgae can also synthesize polysac- it is coordinated with the biogenesis of chloro-
charides that can be used as emulsion stabilizers phylls, the photosynthetic apparatus, and elec-
or as bioflocculants, isoprene molecules for syn- tron transport (Bohne and Linden, 2002;
thetic rubber, adhesives, and surgical gloves, Cardol et al., 2011). Some carotenoids, such as
etc., and polyhydroxyalkanoate for bioplastics diadinoxanthin, diatoxanthin, and fucoxanthin,
(Matos et al., 2013). Biofertilizers are the are only present in diatoms, while others, such
growth-promoting substances produced from as d-carotene, ε-carotene, a-carotene, lutein,
these microalgae that will be eco-friendly and astaxanthin, are only produced in green
organic agro-input and are more cost-effective algae (Hildebrand et al., 2012). D. salina can
than current chemical fertilizers (Painter, 1993). overproduce b-carotene and lutein under stress
Finally, the microalgae biomass leftovers after conditions, and H. pluvialis is a good producer
the extraction of added-value compounds will of astaxanthin (Katsuda et al., 2004). As these
be used for the production of liquid biofuels (bio- microalgae are able to synthesize very diverse
ethanol, biodiesel, biobutanol, and bio-oil) carotenoid biomolecules, characterization of
(Gouveia and Oliveira, 2009; Miranda et al., metabolic pathways is an important step prior
2012) and/or gaseous biofuels (biomethane, bio- to engineering microalgal strains for industrial
hydrogen, syngas, etc.) (Ferreira et al., 2013; applications.
Marques et al., 2011). Biorefinery is an integration of various pro-
Unfortunately, the economic viability of cesses and equipment to produce biofuels,
microalgae-based biofuels and HVABs is still bioenergy, and HVABs from biomass, aiming
not feasible and sustainable (Clarens et al., to provide sustainable processing of biomass
2010; Norsker et al., 2011; Razon and Tan, feedstock and thus maximizing its value into a
2011; Soratana and Landis, 2011). The only solu- range of commercial products and energy
tion is the coproduction of HVABs; simulta- (Demirbas, 2009; Nobre et al., 2013; Subhadra,
neously, the environmental issues could 2010; Vanthoor-Koopmans et al., 2013). The
eventually offset the high production costs of microalgal-based biorefinery concept (Figure 1)
mass microalgae cultivation and would support includes: cultivation of microalgae, biomass har-
a microalgae-based bio-economy such as food, vesting, cell disruption and compound extrac-
feed, energy, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and tion, fractionation, and purification. The main
chemical industries (Gouveia, 2014). The main aim of the biorefinery processes is to separate
bottleneck of the microalgal biorefinery and recover the desired compounds from the
approach is the availability of optimized separa- same biomass batch in a reproducible manner
tion techniques to overcome preliminary hurdles as intact commercial HVABs. The fractionation
(Vanthoor-Koopmans et al., 2013; Wijffels et al., step is considered to be one of the major

FIGURE 1 Schematic representation of microalgal biorefinery concept.

bottlenecks because of the difficulty of sepa-

rating the various HVABs without causing 3. PATHWAY ENGINEERING OF
damage to other relevant fractions (Vanthoor- MICROALGAE FOR ENHANCED
Koopmans et al., 2013). HIGH VALUE-ADDED
Microalgal proteins might also be of special BIOMOLECULES
interest because of their nutrition quality, due
to their good profile and proportion of the amino These microalgae are photosynthetic eukary-
acids (Becker, 2007), but their poor stability and otes capable of fixing CO2 into biomass with
their denaturation patterns under acid, alkali, a higher efficiency of photosynthesis than
or highly thermal conditions while being vascular plants (Dismukes et al., 2008); they
extracted and separated make them challenging are also highly diverse in their evolutionary
for commercial production (Zeng et al., 2013). patterns (Armbrust, 2009). The availability of
After the extraction of the desired HVABs, the some advanced genetic modification tools
remaining unexploited biomass could be utilized (Radakovits et al., 2010) makes it possible to en-
by one of the biomass energy conversion tech- gineer microalgae for the efficient production of
nologies, like anaerobic digestion, anaerobic relevant biofuels and bioproducts. In addition,
fermentation, and liquefaction, to produce bio- microalgae are a rich source of natural value-
fuels (Alzate et al., 2014; Ehimen et al., 2011; added products, such as carotenoids and unsat-
Nobre et al., 2013). urated fatty acids. There is a high demand in
global markets (Cordero et al., 2011) for natu- microalgae were grown in modified BG11 me-
rally synthesized carotenoids such as b-carotene dium at a NaNO3 concentration of 1.50 g/L us-
and lutein. However, the productivity of ing LED-blue as the light source, showing an
carotenoids in microalgae has been low, and optimal EPA content (5.57%) and EPA produc-
the economic viability of algal biotechnology tivity (12.29 mg/l/day), indicating the great po-
is limited by processing costs and photosyn- tential of using this system for the commercial
thetic efficiency. production of EPA from microalgae (Chen
The combination of iterative metabolic engi- et al., 2013).
neering and lipidomics can help drive forward The relationship between abiotic environ-
both our understanding of acyl metabolism in di- mental stresses and lutein biosynthesis in the
atoms and also the establishment of P. tricornutum green microalga D. salina (Fu et al., 2014) demon-
as an algal synthetic biology chassis to produce strated that experimentation using the rational
high value fatty acids such as omega-3 LC- design of adaptive evolution can be an effective
PUFAs or medium-chain fatty acids for biofuels and promising approach for optimizing the pro-
(Hamilton et al., 2014; Radakovits et al., 2011). duction of carotenoids. However, there are a few
The metabolic relationship between the n-6 and limitations that need to be addressed to under-
n-3 fatty acid series in the marine flagellate stand carotenoid metabolism and characterize
Pavlova lutheri, which is a microalga known to the relevant rate-limiting steps prior to the
be rich in LC-PUFAs and able to produce large rational design. Such approaches to character-
amounts of n-3 fatty acids, such as EPA, 20:5n- izing metabolic pathways can also pave the
3, and DHA, 22:6n-3 (Guiheneuf et al., 2013), way for further optimization of microalgal cell
was demonstrated by studying microalgal factories through metabolic and/or pathway
LC-PUFA biosynthesis pathways with reference engineering.
to desaturase and elongase activities in vivo, using
externally radiolabeled fatty acid precursors as
The expression of exogenous carotenogenic RELEVANCE
genes in C. reinhardtii (Le
on et al., 2007) showed
that there are limitations to obtain high-yield Various species of microalgae accumulate
productions of new carotenoids, which are not high concentrations of specific pigments. Red,
feasible in native strains; these constraints are orange, and yellow carotenoid pigments such
due to our limited knowledge of the mechanisms as b-carotene from Dunaliella (Fu et al., 2014),
and signals that control carotenoids biosyn- astaxanthin from Haematococcus (Reyes et al.,
thesis, modification, and storage. Nevertheless, 2014), and canthaxanthin (from various green
the main challenge here is to optimize the strains algae) have wide applications as antioxidants,
for producing higher levels of carotenoids nutritional supplements, food-coloring agents,
through metabolic engineering of the carotenoid color-enhancement agents in fish and shellfish,
biosynthetic pathway. and sunscreens (Wichuk et al., 2014). Squalene,
Engineering of microalgae N. oceanica CY2 a carotenoid precursor that occurs in all microal-
revealed that medium composition, nitrogen gae, is a widely used cosmetic and skin care
source concentration, and light sources all play preparation (Huang et al., 2009). Many rapidly
crucial roles in affecting the microalgae growth growing eukaryotic microalgae, such as species
and EPA accumulation (Chen et al., 2013). The of Porphyridium, Nannochloropsis, Phaeodactylum,
most efficient EPA production with lower and Nitzschia, can accumulate high concentra-
electricity consumption occurred when the tions of neutral lipids that have long-chain

FIGURE 2 Production of low and high

value-added biomolecules (HVABs)
among microalgae through genetic
engineering. Cosmetics and Pharmaceutical

Food and Feed Ingredients

Carbon compounds for industrial non-food

Value index production

Bulk Chemicals and Fuel


Energy and Renewable Fertilizers

omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as Detailed screening during the last 20 years has
EPA, DHA, and AA, are of particular interest revealed a whole new range of molecules with
since they are essential components of human antibiotic, antiviral, and anticancer activities as
and animal diets (Dewapriya and Kim, 2014; well as anti-inflammatory, hypocholesterolemic,
Durmaz, 2007; Ryan and Symington, 2014; enzyme inhibition, and various other pharmaco-
Ryckebosch et al., 2014). Botryococcus braunii is logical activities (Burja et al., 2001; de Jesus
a green algae that often forms extensive blooms Raposo et al., 2013; Guedes et al., 2013; Shanab
and which, under appropriate conditions, can et al., 2012; Shibata et al., 2007, 2003). Some ma-
synthesize and secrete hydrocarbons that accu- rine genera include species of Dunaliella, Nano-
mulate up to 86% of the alga dry weight. chloropsis, Isochrysis, and Pavlova (Hallmann,
Although technical limitations have thus far pre- 2007) that are used in farmed fish and shellfish in-
cluded commercial production of this alga, dustries, representing a huge and expanding mar-
studies have shown that certain strains (mainly ket for fresh, frozen, or dried biomass from algae
within “A Race” Botryococcus) can produce sub- that accumulate specific compounds of HVABs.
stantial quantities of hydrocarbons during expo- With the exception of some microalgal com-
nential growth (Hirose et al., 2013). pounds that are already produced at a commer-
Microalgae are a rich source of novel low and cial level, the majority of the microalgal HVABs
high-value bioactive compounds that may have are either not established in the market or still
diverse applications in human and animal med- not commercialized. It seems clear that there is
icine, as well as in agriculture (Figure 2). a future wider scope for production of sustainable
environmentally conscientious marine microalgal Borowitzka, M.A., 2013. High-value products from
high-value biomolecules (Borowitzka, 2013). microalgaedtheir development and commercialisation.
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towards meeting advanced fuel standards. In: Lee, J.W.
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EPA, phycobilin pigments, and algal extracts Burja, A.M., Banaigs, B., Abou-Mansour, E., Grant Burgess, J.,
extensively used in cosmeceuticals, nutraceuti- Wright, P.C., 2001. Marine cyanobacteriada prolific
cals, and functional foods. In the last few years, source of natural products. Tetrahedron 57, 9347e9377.
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HVABs, driven in part by the attempts to microalga Chlorella protothecoides under nutritional,
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Genetic Engineering of Microalgae for
Production of Therapeutic Proteins
P.T. Pratheesh1, M. Vineetha2
School of Biosciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India; 2Department of
Microbiology, Government Arts and Science College, Kozhinjampara, Palakkad, Kerala, India

1. INTRODUCTION its own merits and demerits in terms of protein

yield, ease of manipulation, cost of production,
Developments in the field of recombinant and cost of operation (Dove, 2002). The rapid
DNA technology have revolutionized the phar- growth of bacteria, high production rates, and
maceutical industry in recent years, creating a the ease of genetic manipulation-prokaryotic
global multibillion dollar industry. GBI Research expression systems are often the methods of
analysis in 2012 reported that the global thera- choice for small proteins and peptides. However,
peutic proteins’ market value was estimated to they lack machinery for expressing eukaryotic
be $93 billion in 2010 and expected to reach proteins, which undergo a variety of posttrans-
$141.5 billion in 2017. To meet rising demands, lational modifications like proper folding,
bioreactors are becoming increasingly more glycosylation, phosphorylation, formation of
important for the production of large amounts disulfide bridges, etc.
of recombinant proteins, particularly in cases As unicellular eukaryotes, yeasts combine the
where traditional sources are limited due to benefits of the bacterial system with eukaryotic
cost and/or availability. characteristics of gene expression, but posttrans-
lational modifications are often performed
1.1 Expression Systems Used in incorrectly, for example, resulting in misfolded
and hyperglycosylated products. Mammalian
Therapeutic Protein Production
cell cultures for the expression of recombinant
There are a number of expression systems proteins exhibit a number of advantages over
available for the large-scale production of thera- the microbial systems; however, animal cell
peutic proteins; prokaryotic and eukaryotic cultures are often difficult to handle, particularly
systems are the two general categories of expres- in large-scale production, and costs for media
sion systems. Though different expression sys- and cultivation are considerably high, leading
tems are currently available for heterologous to a price range of $150e1000 per gram protein
protein expression, each of these systems has before purification. A major disadvantage of

Handbook of Marine Microalgae 415 © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

mammalian cell cultures is the risk of contamina- inexpensive growth requirements and capabil-
tion of the isolated protein with potentially path- ities for posttranscriptional and posttranslational
ogenic agents such as viruses and prions. processing of plants, with the rapid growth rate
Methods using transgenic animals delivering re- and potential for high-density culture of micro-
combinant proteins in their milk have gained organisms (Walker et al., 2005). Unicellular
much attention (Maga, 2005). But the establish- photosynthetic green algae are most commonly
ment of transgenic animals is still extremely used for protein production as they only require
time-consuming and very expensive. inexpensive salt-based media, carbon dioxide,
Plants offer an attractive system for expres- and light for growth. Most green algae are also
sion of recombinant proteins and perhaps the classified as generally regarded as safe, making
best economic alternative for the expression of purification and processing of expressed prod-
multimeric proteins such as antibodies. Proteins ucts much less onerous for many targeted
purified from plants should be free from toxins applications. Contrary to transgenic plants,
and viral agents that may be present in prepara- which must be strictly contained to avoid the
tions from bacteria or mammalian cell culture. transfer of transgenic material to surrounding
While plants afford an economy of scale unprec- wild-type flora by airborne vectors, microalgae
edented in the biotechnology industry, there are can be cultivated in open facilities as no such
several inherent drawbacks to this approach. transfer can occur. On the economics side, based
The length of time required from the initial trans- on recombinant antibody production studies, the
formation event to having usable quantities of cost of production per gram of functional
product can take up to 2 years for crops such as antibody is $150, $0.05, and $0.002 in mamma-
tobacco and over 3 years for species such as lian, plant, and microalgal bioreactor systems,
corn. Another concern surrounds the expression respectively, making the latter system very
of human therapeutics in food plants, with the economically attractive (Mayfield et al., 2003).
potential for gene flow (via pollen) to surrounding A comparison of different recombinant protein
crops. expression systems is shown in Table 1.
Eukaryotic microalgae as an alternative plat- Despite the recent surge of interest and suc-
form for recombinant protein production has cessful transformation of a myriad of microalgal
been gaining a lot of attention in recent years. species, transgenic strains belonging to the
Protein production in transgenic algae could pre- Chlamydomonas, Chlorella, Volvox, Haematococcus,
sumably offer many of the same advantages as and Dunaliella genera remain the most widely
transgenic plants, including cost, safety, and used and studied (Griesbeck et al., 2006; Raja
rapid scalability. This chapter discusses different et al., 2008; Rosenberg et al., 2008); many obsta-
factors involved in therapeutic protein produc- cles remain to be overcome before microalgae
tion using microalgae and its current and future can be considered standard expression systems.
perspectives. The green microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
has been the center of attention for a number of
human therapeutic protein developments. Since
2. ADVANTAGES OF all three genomes (chloroplast, mitochondrial,
THERAPEUTIC PROTEIN and nuclear) have been completely sequenced,
PRODUCTION IN MICROALGAE they provide valuable information for genetic
engineering studies. Each of these genomes can
Although transgenic microalgal technology is be transformed in Chlamydomonas, and have
still in its infancy, microalgae may represent the distinct transcriptional, translational, and post-
“best of both worlds” by combining simple and translational properties that make them distinct.
TABLE 1 Comparison of Different Recombinant Protein Expression Systems

Expression system characteristics

Molecular Operational

Expression to shear Recombinant Production Cost of Scale- Cost
systems Glycosylation Gene size stress product yield time cultivation up cost of storage

Bacteria None Unknown Medium Medium Short Medium High Low

(20  C)
Yeast Incorrect Unknown Medium High Medium Medium High Low
(20  C)
Insect Correct, but Limited High Medium Long High High High
depends on to high (liquid N2)
strain and
Mammalian Correct Limited High Medium Long High High High
cells to high (liquid N2)
Plant cells Correct Unlimited N/A High Long Low Very Low (room
low temperature)
Unicellular Correct Unlimited Low Generally Short Very low Low Low (room
microalgae low temperature)

These factors make Chlamydomonas the ideal corresponding resistance gene. Selectable
microalgal species for therapeutic protein devel- marker genes may encode an enzyme capable
opment studies. of either detoxifying a phytotoxic compound
(negative selection) or metabolizing a substrate
(e.g., a carbon source) that wild-type cells cannot
3. DEVELOPMENTS IN utilize (positive selection). In microalgal trans-
MICROALGAL TRANSFORMATION formation studies, a number of homologous
TECHNOLOGY and heterologous selectable marker genes have
been used for both nuclear (Table 2) and chloro-
Choice of suitable selectable marker genes, re- plast (Table 3) transformation.
porter genes, and efficient promoters are key fac-
tors governing transformation. These molecular
tools can greatly enhance, reduce, or even silence
3.2 Promoters
transgene expression. The studies conducted so One important aspect in the development of a
far in this regard have facilitated the improve- transformation system has been the choice of a
ment of microalgal transformation studies in promoter to drive expression of the transgene.
recent years. One of the most widely used promoters in plant
molecular biology is the cauliflower mosaic virus
35S (CaMV 35S) promoter. Although the CaMV
3.1 Selectable Marker Genes 35S promoter drives strong and constitutive
An important aspect of transformation is the expression in most dicotyledonous and some
choice of an appropriate selective agent and its monocotyledonous plants (Benfey et al., 1990),

TABLE 2 Homologous and Heterologous Selectable Marker Genes Used for Nuclear
Transformation of Microalgae

Gene Gene product

aadA Aminoglycoside 30 -adenyl transferase from Escherichia coli

Als Acetolactate synthase gene mutant

aphA Aminoglycoside 3-phosphotransferase from Streptomyces rimosus Kanamycin
aph7 Aminoglycoside 3-phosphotransferase from Streptomyces hygroscopicus
aphVIII Aminoglycoside 3-phosphotransferase from Streptomyces rimosus
ble Bleomycin-binding protein of Streptoalloteichus hindustanus
hpt Hygromycin phosphotransferase of E. coli

nptII Neomycin phosphotransferase II of E. coli

Oee-1 Oxygen evolving enhancer protein

AC29 AC29 gene product (albino-3 homolog)

Als Acetolactate synthase

Arg7 Argininosuccinate lyase
Cry1 Mutant cytosolic ribosomal protein S14
Nic7 Guinolinate synthetane A
Nit1 Nitrate reductase
Ppx1 Protoporphyrinogen oxidase

Thi10 Hydroxyethyl thiazole kinase

it has not proven to be a useful promoter in most marker gene (Lumbreras et al., 1998). This intron
algal species. Algal transformation has been appears to contain a transcriptional enhancer
most successful using promoters derived from element as it can act in an orientation-
highly expressed algal genes (Table 4). A widely independent manner and is effective when
used promoter for Chlamydomonas transforma- placed either upstream or downstream of the
tion is derived from the 50 untranslated region promoter. Synthetic promoters have also been
of the C. reinhardtii ribulose bisphosphate developed by fusing the promoter from the Chla-
carboxylase/oxygenase small subunit (RbcS2) mydomonas Hsp70A (heat shock protein 70A)
(Stevens and Purton, 1997). It was also shown gene to other Chlamydomonas promoters. The
that transformation frequency was significantly Hsp70A promoter serves as a transcriptional
increased when Chlamydomonas introns (particu- enhancer of promoters RbcS2, b2-tubulin, and
larly the first intron of RbcS2) were introduced Hsp70B leading to high-level expression under
into the coding region of the ble selectable inducing conditions (Schroda et al., 2000).
TABLE 3 Homologous and Heterologous Selectable TABLE 4 Commonly Used Promoters for Microalgal
Marker Genes Used for Chloroplast Transformation Studies
Transformation of Microalgae
Promoter Derivation
Gene Gene product
Amt Chlorella virus adenine methyltransferase
aadA Aminoglycoside 30 -adenyl transferase from
Escherichia coli Ca1/Ca2 Carbonic anhydrase

aphA6 Aminoglycoside 3-phosphotransferase from CabII-1 Chlorophyll a/b-binding protein of

Streptomyces rimosus photosystem I

Cat Chloramphenicol acetyltransferase CaMV 35S Cauliflower mosaic virus 35S

nptII Neomycin phosphotransferase gene from Hsp70A Heat shock protein 70A
E. coli Hsp70B Heat shock protein 70B
nitl Nitrate reductase Nia1 (Nit1) NAD(P)H nitrate reductase
HOMOLOGOUS GENES Nos Agrobacterium tumefaciens nopaline
atpA,B,E a-, b-, and ε-subunits of the CF1 ATP synthase
synthase complex PsaD Photosystem II subunit D
chlL/chlN Protochlorophyllide reductase RbcS2 Small subunit of ribulose-1,5
petA & D Subunits I and IV of cytochrome b6/f complex bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase

psaA Photosystem I reaction center protein TubB2 b2-tubulin

psaB Photosystem I reaction center protein SV40 Animal adenovirus SV40

psaC Iron sulfur protein of photosystem I CHLOROPLAST

psbA Photosystem II reaction center protein D1 atpA a-subunit of the ATP synthase CF1
psbC P6 photosystem II core protein
atpB b-subunit of the ATP synthase CF1
psbD D2 protein of photosystem II complex
rbcL Rubisco large subunit chlL UV resistance
rps4 & rps12 Ribosomal protein S4 & S12 petD Subunit IV of cytochrome b6/f complex
tscA Photosystem 1 complex rbcL Large subunit of ribulose
16S rDNA 16S rRNA rrn16 Bisphosphate carboxylase 16S rRNA

23S rDNA 23S rRNA

and the green fluorescent protein gene (gfp)

3.3 Reporter Genes
from the bioluminescent jellyfish Aequorea victo-
Transformation systems are generally devel- ria (Chalfie et al., 1994). There has been consider-
oped using an efficient reporter gene, which able difficulty, to date, in the expression of
encodes a protein that can be easily detected heterologous reporter genes in the nuclear
and quantified in transgenic lines. The most genome of Chlamydomonas. The uidA gene has
commonly used reporter genes in higher plants not been a successful reporter gene for nuclear
are uidA, which encodes b-glucuronidase (GUS), transformation of C. reinhardtii even when under

TABLE 5 Commonly Used Reporter Genes for Transformation Studies in Microalgae

Reporter gene Gene product Assay method

Ars Arylsulfatase Chromogenic detection using X-SO4 as a substrate
GFP Green fluorescent protein of Aequorea victoria Luminescence or antibody based
PC1 NADPH: protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase Assay protochlorophyllide reductase mRNA or
enzyme activity
Cgluc Luciferase of Gaussia princeps Luminescence

aadA Aminoglycoside 30 -adenyl transferase from Escherichia AAD assay
GFP Green fluorescent protein of Aequorea victoria Fluorescence or antibody based

LUC Luciferase from Renilla reniformis Luminescence or antibody based

uidA b-Glucuronidase of E. coli Histochemical or fluorometric

the control of a native promoter (Blankenship under the control of the RbcS2 promoter. GFP
and Kindle, 1992). Commonly used reporter fluorescence was observed in the nucleus, dem-
genes for transformation studies in microalgae onstrating nuclear accumulation of the GFP-
are shown in Table 5. BLE fusion protein (Fuhrmann et al., 1999).
The use of GFP as a reporter gene in both the GFP fusions have proven to be a useful tool for
nuclear and chloroplast genome of Chlamydomo- the in vivo study of dynamic processes such as
nas has been developed (Franklin et al., 2002). flagellar and centriole assembly and cell cycle
Unfortunately, the unmodified GFP gene under events in Chlamydomonas (Ruiz-Binder et al.,
the control of heterologous promoters gave 2002).
poor expression when used as a reporter for
nuclear transformation of Chlamydomonas 4. METHODS USED IN
(Fuhrmann et al., 1999). Reasons for poor expres- MICROALGAL TRANSFORMATION
sion may include the predominance of A/T rich
codons in the native gene and the possible pres- Appropriate transformation method used for
ence or absence of sequence motifs that regulate the delivery of foreign DNA to target microalgal
transcription or the processing and targeting of genome greatly influences transformation effi-
the transcript. To overcome these limitations, a ciency and expression. Research over the years
modified gfp gene has been synthesized utilizing has developed a number of methods for genetic
the codon preference of C. reinhardtii nuclear manipulation of C. reinhardtii, making it a top
genes (Fuhrmann et al., 1999). Additional modi- candidate for biotechnological applications
fications known to modify the spectral proper- (Fuhrmann, 2002). Although some of these
ties of GFP protein for fluorescence imaging methods may not have significantly changed
were also introduced. This modified gene was since their initial development, they are still
fused in-frame to the ble gene and expressed being applied and studied. A number of recent
studies have presented methods that seem to This method has been shown to be effective for
offer advantages over earlier techniques. the stable nuclear (Mayfield and Kindle, 1990)
and chloroplast (Ramesh et al., 2011) transforma-
tion of C. reinhardtii, the transformation of Volvox
4.1 Cell Wall-Deficient Strains carteri (Schiedlmeier et al., 1994), Chlorella soroki-
ana (Dawson et al., 1997), Chlorella ellipsoidea
The use of cell wall-deficient strains, or the (Chen et al., 1998), and Chlorella kessleri
removal of the cell walls from wild-type strains, (El-Sheekh, 1999) species, transient transfor-
greatly increases the number of transformants mation of Haematococcus pluvialis (Teng et al.,
recovered following transformation. Protocols 2002), and the stable nuclear transformation
for cell wall removal have been developed that of the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum (Apt
facilitate the study of microalgae. These proto- et al., 1996). Studies have shown that the particle
cols involve the mating of mating type plus bombardment method is also effective for the
(mtþ) and mating type minus (mt) gametes transformation of more complex algal species,
of C. reinhardtii. The specific cellecell recognition such as the multicellular Gonium pectorale
resulting from flagellar interaction leads to the (Lerche and Hallmann, 2009).
release of enzymes, autolysin or lysin, that cause
cell wall degradation. These enzymes can be
purified and used as a pretreatment to transfor- 4.3 Glass Beads Method
mation. A detailed protocol for production and
A simple and effective transformation method
purification of these enzymes is given by
consists of agitating cell walledeficient microal-
Buchanan and Snell (1988), and a detailed study
gal cells with recombinant DNA, polyethylene
of the mating process was reported by Hoffmann
glycol, and glass beads, which greatly increases
and Beck (2005).
transformation efficiency. Despite the drop in
cell viability to 25% following agitation with
4.2 Particle Bombardment the beads, a nuclear transformation efficiency
of about 103 transformants/mg DNA was
Bombardment of target cells with DNA- achieved using this method, and an efficiency
coated metallic particles is a widespread, simple, of 50 transformants/mg DNA was achieved
effective, and highly reproducible transforma- for the transformation of C. reinhardtii chloro-
tion method. This method has been successfully plasts (Kindle, 1990). Compared to the particle
employed for the transformation of most stan- bombardment method, the glass beads method
dard cellular expression systems, and it is there- is simpler, more efficient for nuclear transforma-
fore not surprising that it is also useful for the tions, and much less expensive as it does not
study of microalgae. The main drawback of the require specialized equipment. Studies have
particle bombardment method is the cost of shown that glass beads method is more
the required specialized equipment. Although the efficient than particle bombardment for the
number of transformants recovered following transformation of microalga Dunaliella salina
particle bombardment can be low, it remains (Feng et al., 2009).
the most effective method for the transformation
of chloroplasts, as it allows for the delivery of
multiple copies of recombinant DNA through
4.4 Silicon Carbide Whisker Method
both the cellular and chloroplast membranes, A similar protocol, using silicon carbon whis-
increasing the chance for a successful integration kers instead of glass beads to pierce cells, has
event to occur (Boynton and Gillham, 1993). also been used successfully (Dunahay, 1993;

Wang et al., 1995). Cells are transformed by mix- microalga D. salina (Sun et al., 2008), Dunaliella
ing with the SiC whiskers and DNA, and vortex- viridis (Sun et al., 2006) and Dunaliella tertiolecta
ing briefly. Although the exact mechanism for (Walker et al., 2005), C. reinhardtii (Kovar et al.,
whisker-mediated transformation is unknown, 2002; Ladygin, 2004), Chlorella sp. (Wang et al., 2007),
it is known that fractured SiC crystals readily and Nannochloropsis oculata (Chen et al., 2008;
form sharp cutting edges. The surface of SiC Li and Tsai, 2009).
whiskers is negatively charged, which probably
results in there being little affinity between whis-
4.6 Agrobacterium tumefaciens-
kers and DNA in a neutral pH medium. It has
been suggested that the whiskers do not carry
Mediated Transformation
the DNA into the treated cells but function as The prospects of A. tumefaciens-mediated
needles that facilitate DNA delivery by cell transformation were first reported in microalgae
perforation and abrasion during mixing (Wang by Kumar et al. (2004). The microalga C. reinhardtii
et al., 1995). The cell viability following agitation was successfully transformed with uidA
is much improved, but due to low transforma- (b-glucuronidase), gfp, and hpt (hygromycin
tion efficiencies, high cost of materials, and phosphotransferase) genes in the presence of
health concerns associated with the handling of acetosyringone (AS). Later, Kumar and Rajam
the whiskers, the glass beads are generally reported a successful transformation of C. rein-
preferred. However, SiC whiskers have since hardtii even in the absence of AS (Kumar and
been reported to be extremely hazardous to Rajam, 2007), with about 50-fold increase in
humans, and therefore are rarely used. transformants compared to the commonly used
glass beads method for genetic transformation
in C. reinhardtii.
4.5 Electroporation The major difficulty associated with the nu-
Electroporation or electropermeabilization is clear transformation of C. reinhardtii was gene
a transformation technique that uses induction silencing, as in many other organisms (Manuell
of macromolecular uptake by exposing cell walls and Mayfield, 2006). Integration of transgenes
to high-intensity electrical field pulses. The effec- into the nuclear genome of C. reinhardtii and
tiveness of microalgal electroporation was first their expression without any silencing was ob-
reported by Brown et al. (1991). Electroporation tained in the studies conducted by Kumar et al.
specifically disrupts lipid bilayers, leading to (2004) and Kumar and Rajam (2007). This can
efficient molecular transport across the plasma be attributed to the possible advantages of
membrane. Efficient electroporation-mediated Agrobacterium T-DNA to be targeted to and inte-
transformation was achieved in both wild-type grated at potentially transcribable regions of the
and cell walledeficient Chlamydomonas cells genome (Hiei et al., 1994). Similar promising
(Brown et al., 1991). The transformation effi- results were observed in the Agrobacterium-
ciency of electroporation is two orders of magni- mediated genetic transformation of other micro-
tude higher than the glass beads method, and algal species, H. pluvialis (Kathiresan and Sarada,
only requires relatively simple equipment. 2009), Dunaliella bardawil (Anila et al., 2011),
Important parameters affecting the effectiveness Nannochloropsis sp. (Cha et al., 2011), Schizochy-
of electroporation include field strength, pulse trium (Cheng et al., 2012), and Chlorella vulgaris
length, medium composition, temperature, and (Cha et al., 2012). The Agrobacterium-mediated
membrane characteristics, as well as the concen- genetic transformation technique is a simple,
tration of DNA (Wang et al., 2007). Electropora- stable, and efficient method for transgene exper-
tion was successfully used for the transformation iment studies in microalgae.

5. CURRENT STATUS OF ALGAL proteins is as likely to be achieved in algae as it

EXPRESSION SYSTEM is in any eukaryotic system. In a recent study,
Hepatitis B virus capsid antigen was expressed
Since the first demonstration of mammalian in the nuclear genome of C. reinhardtii
protein expression in the chloroplast (Mayfield (Soria-Guerra et al., 2014). This was the first algal
et al., 2003), therapeutic protein expression in vaccine to be expressed from the nuclear
microalgae has progressed fairly rapidly. Rasala genome, but it only accumulated to 0.05% TSP.
et al. (2010) attempted the expression of a set of More than 25 different proteins of significant
seven recombinant proteins in the chloroplast therapeutic value have been expressed in micro-
of C. reinhardtii and met with very good success. algae (Table 6).
This work demonstrates that recombinant Algal-produced human vaccine production
protein expression in algal chloroplasts is on platform is expected to develop as an alternative
par with any other expression platform, and for very expensive vaccines like human papillo-
shows that expression of complex mammalian mavirus or for novel vaccines against diseases

TABLE 6 Therapeutic Proteins Expressed in Microalgae

Gene Function Source

HSV8-lsc First mammalian protein-expressed antibody Mayfield et al. (2003)

CTB-VP1 Cholera toxin B subunit fused to foot and Sun et al. (2003)
mouth disease VP1
HSV8-scFv Classic single-chain antibody Mayfield and Franklin (2005)
hMT-2 Human metallothionine-2 Zhang et al. (2006)
hTRAIL Human tumor necrosis factor-related Yang et al. (2006)
apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL)
M-SAA Bovine mammary-associated serum amyloid Manuell et al. (2007)
CSFV-E2 Swine fever virus E2 viral protein He et al. (2007)

hGAD65 Diabetes-associated autoantigen human Wang et al. (2008)

glutamic acid decarboxylase 65

ARS2-crEpo-his6 Human erythropoietin fused to ARS2 export Eichler-Stahlberg et al. (2009)

sequence w/6xhis tag
83K7C Full-length IgG1 human monoclonal antibody Tran et al. (2009)
against anthrax protective antigen 83
IgG1 Murine and human antibodies (LC and HC) Tran et al. (2009)

VP28 White spot syndrome virus protein 28 Surzycki et al. (2009)

CTB-D2 D2 fibronectin-binding domain of Dreesen et al. (2010)
Staphylococcus aureus fused with the cholera
toxin B subunit
10NF3, 14FN3 Domains 10 and 14 of human fibronectin, Rasala et al. (2010)
potential antibody mimics


TABLE 6 Therapeutic Proteins Expressed in Microalgaedcont’d

Gene Function Source

M-SAA-Interferon b1 Multiple sclerosis treatment fused to M-SAA Rasala et al. (2010)

Proinsulin Blood sugar leveleregulating hormone, type I Rasala et al. (2010)
diabetes treatment
VEGF Human vascular endothelial growth factor Rasala et al. (2010)
isoform 121

HMGB1 High-mobility group protein B1 Rasala et al. (2010)

HBsAg Hepatitis B surface antigen
Pfs25 and Pfs28 Plasmodium falciparum surface proteins Gregory et al. (2012)
Pfs25 -CTB P. falciparum surface protein Pfs25 fused to Gregory et al. (2013)
cholera toxin B subunit
aCD22PE40 Gene encoding a single-chain antibody (scFv) Tran et al. (2013)
genetically fused to domains II and III of
Exotoxin A (PE40) from Pseudomonas
aCD22CH23PE40 Gene that contained the hinge and CH2 and Tran et al. (2013)
CH3 domains of a human IgG1 placed
between the aCD22 scFv antibody and PE40
HBcAg HBcAg-based antigen carrying angiotensin II Soria-Guerra et al. (2014)
E7GGG Human papilloma virus type 16 E7 protein, Demurtas et al. (2013)
attenuated mutant

for which no alternative currently exists (Martinez at the high cell densities required to keep costs
et al., 2012). Studies of algal-produced vaccine low (Ugwu et al., 2008). Recombinant protein
antigens verified that dried algae can be stored production in algal chloroplast also has some
at room temperature for long periods of time limitations. Proteins expressed in the algal chlo-
without losing antigenic properties (Dreesen roplast cannot be secreted, which means that
et al., 2010; Gregory et al., 2013). Microalgae the cells must be harvested and lysed in order
have the potential to revolutionize the way sub- to purify the desired recombinant protein. In
unit vaccines are made and delivereddfrom addition, like bacteria, the algal chloroplast is
current costly parenteral administration of puri- not capable of protein glycosylation. However,
fied protein to an inexpensive oral algae tablet both these limitations can be overcome if the
with effective mucosal and systemic immune recombinant gene is expressed from the nuclear
reactivity (Specht and Mayfield, 2014). genome of microalgae. Nuclear transformation
A significant obstacle for algal protein expres- of C. reinhardtii is well established, and many
sion systems is the lack of production systems heterologous genes have been expressed from
optimized for large-scale growth and harvesting the nuclear genome (Leon-Banares et al., 2004).
of algae under photoautotrophic conditions. The But the disadvantage of recombinant protein
main limitations arise from limited gas exchange expression from the microalgal nuclear genome
and light penetration in large cultures, especially is product yield. To date, the yield achieved
through nuclear expression tends to be much dominant selectable marker in a nit1- nit2- strain. Mol.
lower compared to chloroplast expression. Cell. Biol. 12, 5268e5279.
Boynton, J.E., Gillham, N.W., 1993. Chloroplast transforma-
Because the algal expression system is still in tion in Chlamydomonas. Methods Enzymol. 217, 510e536.
its infancy, there are many potential improve- Brown, L.E., Sprecher, S.L., Keller, L.R., 1991. Introduction of
ment strategies that still need to be tested to in- exogenous DNA into Chlamydomonas reinhardtii by
crease recombinant protein accumulation. As electroporation. Mol. Cell. Biol. 11, 2328e2332.
each of these improvements is introduced, we Buchanan, M.J., Snell, W.J., 1988. Biochemical studies on
lysin, a cell wall degrading enzyme released during
can expect production to increase and costs to fertilization in Chlamydomonas. Exp. Cell. Res. 179,
decrease, potentially making algal recombinant 181e193.
protein production the most cost-effective sys- Cha, T.S., Chen, C.F., Yee, W., Aziz, A., Loh, S.H., 2011.
tem for a variety of recombinant proteins. Cinnamic acid, coumarin and vanillin: alternative
phenolic compounds for efficient Agrobacterium-mediated
transformation of the unicellular green alga, Nannochlo-
ropsis sp. J. Microbiol. Methods 84, 430e434.
6. CONCLUSIONS Cha, T.S., Yee, W., Aziz, A., 2012. Assessment of factors
affecting Agrobacterium mediated genetic transformation
of the unicellular green alga, Chlorella vulgaris. World J.
The research data available till date undoubt- Microbiol. Biotechnol. 28, 1771e1779.
edly establish the capacity of microalgae to pro- Chalfie, M., Tu, Y., Euskirchen, G., Ward, W.W.,
duce complex therapeutic proteins. Extensive Prasher, D.C., 1994. Green fluorescent protein as a marker
research on optimal transformation constructs for gene expression. Science 263, 802e805.
and gene optimization have greatly increased Chen, H.L., Li, S.S., Huang, R., Tsai, H.J., 2008. Conditional
production of a functional fish growth hormone
yields of recombinant protein, though further in the transgenic line of Nannochloropsis oculata
work is still needed to address nuclear gene (Eustigmatophyceae). J. Phycol. 44, 768e776.
silencing, plastid auto-attenuation, and to opti- Chen, Y., Li, W.B., Bai, Q.H., Sun, Y.R., 1998. Study on tran-
mize reactor design for large-scale use. The use sient expression of GUS gene in Chlorella ellipsoidea (Chlor-
of microalgae for the production of therapeutic ophyta), by using biolistic particle delivery system. Chin.
J. Oceanol. Limnol. 47, 9e16.
proteins has enormous economic and biotech- Cheng, R., Ma, R., Li, K., Rong, H., Lin, X., Wang, Z., Yang, S.,
nology promise for the future, as they have the Ma, Y., 2012. Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated transfor-
potential to be the alternative to current mation of marine microalgae Schizochytrium. Microbiol.
mammalian, yeast, or bacterial recombinant pro- Res. 167, 179e186.
tein production systems. Dawson, H.N., Burlingame, R., Cannons, A.C., 1997. Stable
transformation of Chlorella: rescue of nitrate reductase-
deficient mutants with the nitrate reductase gene. Curr.
Microbiol. 35, 356e362.
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An Expressed Sequence Tag Database
Analysis of Fatty Acid Genes in
Stichococcus bacillaris Strain Siva2011
Keat H. Teoh, Ganapathy Sivakumar
Arkansas State University, Arkansas Biosciences Institute and College of Agriculture and Technology,
Jonesboro, AR, USA

1. INTRODUCTION three hydrocarbons such as n-nonadecane

(C19H40), nonacosane (C29H60), and heptade-
Algal biomass can be used in the pharmaceu- cane (C17H36), as well as two free fatty
tical or energy sectors by producing useful acids C16:0 and C18:3 (Sivakumar et al.,
lipids, hydrocarbons, and valuable small mole- 2014b); and (3) it has the ability to biosynthesize
cules (Sivakumar et al., 2012). Indeed, algae bioactive vitamin E, RRR-a-tocopherol
provide a carbon-neutral feedstock to these in- (Sivakumar et al., 2014a). The essential fatty
dustries and could help minimize the negative acids and natural antioxidant RRR-a-tocoph-
effects of CO2 in the environment (Sivakumar erol can be used in the pharmaceutical sector
et al., 2010). The Stichococcus bacillaris strain as an alternative to fish and vegetable oils. The
siva2011 (UTEX 3000) is a green microalga other fatty acids and hydrocarbons can be
that produces significant lipid (over 30%) and used in liquid fuels such as biodiesel and jet
biomass (Sivakumar et al., 2014b). In addition, fuel.
it reproduces quickly and has efficient photo- Nevertheless, the S. bacillaris strain siva2011
synthetic and lipid biosynthetic mechanisms is a new species; the genomic information for
as well as can tolerate a wide range of environ- the lipid metabolism is unavailable. In order
ments. The S. bacillaris strain siva2011 has to improve fatty acids or triacylglycerols
shown special commercial potential for several (TAGs) overproduction in S. bacillaris strain
reasons: (1) it biosynthesizes a high degree of siva2011 via metabolic engineering, the fatty
unsaturated fatty acids: methyl hexadecatrie- acid and TAG pathways genes need to be
noic acid (C16:3), oleic acid (C18:1), linoleic screened. The lipid metabolism has been exten-
acid (C18:2), and linolenic acid (C18:3); the sively studied in microorganisms, plants, and
predominant saturated fatty acid is palmitic mammals. However, the biosynthesis and regu-
acid (C16:0) (Figure 1); (2) it also biosynthesizes lation of fatty acids and TAGs in microalgae

Handbook of Marine Microalgae 429 © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.






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FIGURE 1 Gas chromatography mass spectrometry profile of fatty acid methyl esters from Stichococcus bacillaris strain
siva2001, biomass from 50-mL flask culture on day 4. Methyl palmitate (C16:0), methyl hexadecatrienoate (C16:3), methyl
oleate (C18:1), methyl linoleate (C18:2), and methyl linolenate (C18:3).

remain unclear. Although genome sequence in- encode for fatty acids could allow comprehen-
formation is available for several microalgae sive characterization of this pathway and
(Khozin-Goldberg and Cohen, 2011; Wang knowledge-based modification of lipid meta-
et al., 2014), much of the current understanding bolism. This chapter reviews current efforts
of fatty acid and TAG biosynthesis in microal- toward screening the fatty acid pathway genes
gae is based on knowledge gained in plants in S. bacillaris strain siva2011 using the cDNA
and animals. The fatty acid pathway is the key library.
metabolism for TAG or hydrocarbon biosyn-
thesis in S. bacillaris strain siva2011, and the
manipulation of fatty acid biosynthesis requires 2. FATTY ACID, TAG, AND
a complete understanding of pathway genes HYDROCARBON BIOSYNTHESIS
and corresponding enzyme functions. Thus,
the objective of this research was to identify The fatty acid and TAG biosynthesis in micro-
the likely fatty acid pathway genes that algae occurs in two separate organelles: the fatty
control the fatty acid biosynthesis in S. bacillaris acid is synthesized in the plastid and TAG
strain siva2011. Expressed sequence tag (EST) assembly is in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
databases have been established for a number (Jillian et al., 2013; Wang et al., 2014). Fatty
of algal species (Radakovits et al., 2010; Palenik acid synthesis begins with the carboxylation of
et al., 2007; Grossman, 2005; Armbrust et al., plastidial acetyl-CoA to form malonyl-CoA by
2010). Access to the sequence information of acetyl-CoA carboxylase. Then malonyl CoA-acyl
these genes will greatly facilitate genetic manip- carrier protein (ACP) acyltransferase catalyzes
ulation for high fatty acid production. Identi- the transfer of a malonyl group from malonyl-
fying S. bacillaris strain siva2011 genes that CoA to the malonyl-ACP. The encoded protein
may be part of a fatty acid synthase; fatty acids 3. ESTABLISHMENT OF cDNA
are biosynthesized by a type II fatty acid syn- LIBRARY
thase in an NADPH-dependent reaction. Thus,
consecutively adding two carbons following 3.1 RNA Isolation
each elongation cycle does the following: (1)
condenses acetyl-CoA with malonyl-ACP to The S. bacillaris strain siva2011 cells were
form a b-ketoacyl-ACP by action of 3-ketoacyl- cultured according to Sivakumar et al. (2014b).
ACP synthase; (2) the b-keto group is reduced Exponential growth and significant fatty acid
by the NADPH-dependent b-ketoacyl-ACP biosynthesis were noticed on the fourth day.
reductase to form a b-hydroxy intermediate; Thus the full-length cDNA library was con-
(3) the b-hydroxy group is dehydrated by the structed from 4-day-old S. bacillaris strain
b-hydroxy acyl-ACP dehydratase to form an siva2011 cells. The total RNA was isolated
enoyl-ACP; and (4) the reduction of the enoyl from S. bacillaris strain siva2011 cells following
chain by enoyl-ACP reductase produces an the protocol described in the aurumÔ total
acyl-ACP with an elongated acyl chain. This RNA fatty and fibrous tissue kit (BioRad,
cycle repeats several times until C14eC20 fatty Hercules, CA). A DNase I digestion step was
acids are on ACP; a thioesterase catalyzes hydro- included in the extraction to remove any
lysis of the long-chain fatty acid and release from contamination by DNA. Concentrations and
ACP. Some of these fatty acids are precursors of integrity of the total RNA were assessed using
glycolipids and polar lipids, which are building the experionÔ automated electrophoresis sys-
blocks of the semipermeable bilayer membranes. tem (BioRad). The mRNA was purified from
The fatty acids esterified to acyl-CoA can be the total RNA using the DynabeadsÒ mRNA
channeled through the cytosol into specialized purification kit (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA)
domains of the ER for neutral TAG assembly. following the manufacturer’s protocol.
In the ER, these fatty acids can be further
modified by a variety of membrane-bound desa- 3.2 Full-Length cDNA Library
turases, thus producing mono- and polyunsatu-
rated fatty acids. The esterified free fatty acids
are introduced into the different positions of The full-length cDNA of S. bacillaris strain
the glycerol-3-phosphate backbone with sequen- siva2011 was constructed using the Super-
tial transfer of acyl groups from the acyl-CoA ScriptÒ full-length cDNA library construction
pool by acyltransferases of the Kennedy kit ll (Invitrogen). The purified mRNA served
pathway to generate the final product, a TAG as a template for the synthesis of first-strand
(Kennedy, 1961). The hydrocarbon biosynthesis cDNA using an oligo dT primer that included
from fatty acid is by the reduction of acyl-ACP a biotinylated GatewayÒ recombination site
to fatty aldehydes, which is catalyzed by acyl- attB2. The reverse transcription was carried
ACP reductase. In other words, an acyl-ACP out with SuperScriptÒ lll RT (Invitrogen). Trun-
reductase cleaves the thioester bond and uses cated cDNA/RNA moieties that resulted from
NADPH to reduce the fatty acid to an aldehyde the first-strand cDNA synthesis were removed
(Lennen and Pfleger, 2013). The aldehyde decar- with RNAse I digestion, and full-length cDNAs
bonylase catalyzes aldehydes to alkanes via were selected using a Cap-antibody that recog-
decarbonylation, a cytochrome P450 enzyme nized the Cap structure at the 50 end of full-
catalyze decarboxylative oxidation of fatty length mRNA. An adapter that included a
acids to matured hydrocarbons (Peralta-Yahya GatewayÒ attB1 recombination site was ligated
et al., 2012). to the 50 end of the cDNA, and the second

strand was synthesized using 30 and 50 primers according to the cyclic profile recommended by
that included the attB2 and attB1 sites, respec- the manufacturer. Excess dye-labeled terminators
tively. The cDNA library containing both the were removed by ethanol precipitation. Purified
30 and 50 adapters was cloned into a GatewayÒ extension products were dried in a SpeedVac
vector, pDNORÔ 222 through GatewayÒ BP (ThermoSavant, Holbrook, NY) and then sus-
recombination. The cloned cDNAs were trans- pended in Hi-Di formamide. Sequencing reac-
formed into ElectroMAXÔ DH10BÔ T1 phage- tions were then analyzed on applied biosystems
resistant competent cells (Invitrogen) using the 3730 genetic analyzers using POP-7 sieving
Eppendorf electroporator 2510 (Eppendorf, matrix and 1X capillary buffer.
Hamburg, Germany) with the settings at
2.2 kV, 200 U, and 25 mF. The cDNA library
was plated on Laura Broth (LB) supplemented
3.4 Sequence Assembly and Analysis
with 50 mg mL1 kanamycin and grown over- Initial assembly of the sequences was
night at 37  C. The transformed clones were performed with Paracel Transcript Assembler
analyzed with restriction digestion as well as (PTA) version 3.0.0 (Paracel Inc, Pasadena,
colony PCR. The restriction digestion was per- CA). In PTA, all sequences were masked for
formed with restriction enzyme BsrG I, and universal and species-specific vector sequences,
the colony PCR was carried out with primer adapters, and PCR primers used in cDNA
M13 forward and a primer specific to the 30 libraries. Escherichia coli contamination as well
adapter. A total of 2880 individual clones of as mitochondrial and ribosomal RNA genes of
the cDNA library were selected from solid LB S. bacillaris strain siva2011 were identified and
plus kanamycin plates. The clones were grown removed from input sequences using default set-
on 96-well plates containing 200 mL of tings to ascertain the novelty of the sequences.
freezing medium consisting of liquid LB The poly (A/T) tails and intrinsic repeats, such
with 50 mg mL1 kanamycin and 8% glycerol. as simple sequence repeats and short inter-
The plates were incubated overnight in a spersed elements, were annotated prior to clus-
37  C shaker platform shaking at 200 rpm. tering and assembly. Low base-call quality data
were trimmed from the ends of individual se-
quences, and the sequences with length <50 bp
3.3 Sanger Sequencing were excluded from consideration during initial
DNA from a saturated culture, transformed pair-wise comparison. After cleanup, sequences
with a plasmid from a DNA library and grown were passed to the PTA clustering module
in 96-well plates, was amplified by rolling cycle for pair-wise comparison and then to the
amplification according to the manufactur- CAP3-based PTA module for assembly. The
er’s protocol (GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences). large-scale homology searches of the consensus
Sequencing reactions were performed from sequences resulting from the PTA assemblies
only the 50 end of the clones using ABI prism against the NCBI’s NR and NT databases using
BigDye terminator cycle sequencing protocols BLAST were conducted using a computational
developed by applied biosystems (Perkin-Elmer pipeline. To obtain a more complete description
Corp., Foster City, CA). Cycle sequencing of gene function, for each query sequence,
reactions were performed in 10 mL reaction the top 100 BLAST hits were retrieved, and
volume by adding 10e20 ng of the purified the best scoring BLAST hit and the tentative
PCR product, 5 pmol primer, 1 mL BigDyeÔ GO classification with e-value  1e-4 were
terminator, and 2 mL sequencing reaction buffer, annotated to query sequences. These GO term
assignments were organized around GO hierar-
chies that were divided into biological processes,
cellular components, and molecular functions.
Clones with e-values higher than 1e-4 are not
statistically significant and therefore are not
included in searching for GO terms.


FIGURE 2 Top gene category in Stichococcus bacillaris
The library consisted of 2880 ESTs. The raw cDNA library.
ESTs were subjected to a filtering process that
removed 27 sequences that did not meet the
filtering criteria. The remaining 2853 sequences carboxylase, ACP, 3-ketoacyl-ACP synthase, b-
were assembled into overlapping contiguous ketoacyl-ACP reductase, fatty acid-binding pro-
sequence (contigs) and singlets. The assembly teins, and palmitoyl thioesterase (Table 1). The
resulted in a total of 380 contigs from 1394 identified likely genes and corresponding
sequences and 1459 singlets. These assembled clones were as follows.
ESTs represent unique transcripts that can be
mined for targeted gene discovery. The me- 4.1 Acetyl-CoA Carboxylase
dian length of the assembled ESTs falls within
601e700 nucleotides, and the number of ESTs In green algae, fatty acids are mainly bio-
per contig ranges from 2 to 49. synthesized from acetyl-CoA in plastids. Acetyl-
A homology search of the 1839 assembled CoA carboxylase (ACCase) catalyzes the first
sequences against the nonredundant (NR) committed step in the de novo synthesis of fatty
database at the NCBI using BLASTX yielded acids by converting acetyl-CoA to malonyl-CoA
1024 (55.6%) queries with good hits and 815 (Liu and Benning, 2013). Malonyl-CoA is an
queries without hits based on the e-value cutoff important intermediate that serves as a carbon
of less than or equal to 1e-4. Of the 1024 queries donor for fatty acid synthesis. There are two
with good hits, 63% have at least a match with physically distinct types of ACCases: hetero-
sequences from fungi, 8% with sequences from meric and homomeric. The heteromeric type of
plants, 1% with sequences from algae, and the ACCase is a multifunctional enzyme complex
remainder 28% with sequences from nonplant consisting of multiple subunits. The heteromeric
organisms. The top nine categories of proteins type ACCase is found in prokaryotes and in the
represented in the cDNA library are opsin, plastids of plants. The homomeric ACCase con-
kinase, ribosomal, transcription, maturase K, sists of a single large polypeptide found in the
fatty acid, histone, dehydrogenase, and trans- cytosol of plants and other eukaryotes (Sasaki
porter (Figure 2). A few of the clones in the and Nagono, 2004). ACCases isolated from two
S. bacillaris strain siva2011 cDNA library showed unicellular algae, the diatom Cyclotella cryptica
high-sequence homology (e < 1e-34) to genes (Roessler, 1990) and Isochrysis galbana (Livne
associated with fatty acid biosynthesis, modifi- and Sukenik, 1990), were very similar to
cation and metabolism such as acetyl-CoA ACCases in the plastids of higher plants in that
TABLE 1 Putative Fatty Acid Genes Represented in the cDNA Library of Stichococcus bacillaris Strain siva2011


Clones Amino acid sequences Putative gene


FLPTAI carboxylase (ACCase)





Amino acid residues in bold and underlined are conserved residues of the active site.
Amino acid residues underlined represent conserved NADP binding motif in SDR proteins.
they consist of multiple subunits. SB1H07 is a homology at the amino acid level with lipid
partial clone in the S. bacillaris strain siva2011 transfer proteins (Table 1). The amino acid
cDNA library, which consists of 265 nucleotides identity with the lipid transfer proteins of plants
(Table 1). The clone contains a translated pro- and fungi is greater than 80%, and the e-value
tein of 60 amino acid residues that was used is <1e-100. Further analysis of the amino acid
to search the protein database for homologs. sequence revealed the presence of a sterol car-
At the top of the hits were two proteins identi- rier protein (SCP)-x thiolase domain and one
fied as the b-subunit of ACCase of the plants, of the three cysteine residues that make up
Silene furticosa and Nothofagus nitida. There the active site of this domain. The thiolase
is 39% identity between the amino acid domain is associated with SCP-x isoforms,
sequences of the top two hits and the translated which might be a peroxisome-associated thio-
protein of the clone. lase. The SCP-x proteins are members of the
condensing enzyme superfamily. Ketoacyl-
ACP synthase (KAS III) is one of the three
4.2 Acyl Carrier Protein condensing enzymes used in fatty acid biosyn-
thesis. KAS III initiates the fatty acid elon-
ACP is a carrier of acyl intermediates during
gation in the type II fatty acid synthase system
fatty acid synthesis. It is a small and highly
found in bacteria and plants. The elongation be-
conserved protein present in all organisms. It is
gins with the condensation reaction between
a monomeric protein closely associated with
acetyl-CoA and malonyl-ACP. KAS III directs
the other elements of the fatty acid synthase
this process by specifically using acetyl-CoA
complex. The clone SB3G08 for ACP in the S.
over acyl-CoA. The resulting product is a
bacillaris strain siva2011 cDNA library is 788 nu-
4-carbon acetoacetyl-ACP that serves as a sub-
cleotides long and includes an open reading
strate for the next four sequential reactions
frame (ORF) of 375 nucleotides (Table 1). The
involving the addition of two-carbon units
translated ORF, which has 124 amino acid resi-
(Jillian et al., 2013).
dues, shows highest homology to the plastid
ACP of microalgae Coccomyxa subellipsoidea and
Heaematcoccus pluvialis with 66% and 58% iden- 4.4 b-Ketoacyl-ACP Reductase
tity, respectively. A conserved acpP domain is
The S. bacillaris strain siva2011 cDNA of clone
identified in the translated sequence (Nguyen
SB16C12 is 1006 nucleotides long and includes
et al., 2014). This clone is a member of the
an ORF consisting of 795 nucleotides (Table 1).
PP-binding superfamily, which includes ACPs.
The translated protein derived from the ORF
Members of the PP-binding family have an
has 264 amino acid residues. A sequence homol-
attachment site for a 40 -phosphopantetheine
ogy search based on the amino acid sequences
prosthetic group through a serine residue. This
produces strong matches with two b-ketoacyl-
prosthetic group acts as a “swinging arm” for
ACP reductases of Metarhizium acridum at 66%
the attachment of activated fatty acid through a
and 65% amino acid identity, respectively.
thiol ester bond at the distal thiol of the phospho-
Further analysis of the amino acid sequence of
pantetheine moiety.
clone SB16C12 shows the presence of a short
chain dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR) domain,
the conserved NADP-binding motif, TGXXX
4.3 Ketoacyl-ACP Synthase
[AG]XG, and all the four conserved amino acid
The clone SB4A01 in the S. bacillaris strain residues of the active site. It is very likely that
siva2011 cDNA library showed a very strong clone SB16C12 belongs to the family of SDR

proteins. SDRs are a functionally diverse family domain. Proteins with this domain are part of
of oxidoreductases that catalyze oxidation and the palmitoyl thioesterase superfamily. The thio-
reduction reactions and often require cofactors esterases play a role in the termination of fatty
such as NADP or NADPH. The NADPH- acid synthesis. Thioesterases are a class of
dependent reduction of b-ketoacyl-ACP to enzymes that hydrolyze the thioester bond be-
b-hydroxyacyl-ACP is catalyzed by b-ketoacyl tween the acyl chain and the ACP moiety. This
reductase, which is the first reductive step in hydrolysis reaction releases the unesterified
the elongation cycle of fatty acid biosynthesis fatty acid, allowing the fatty acid to be trans-
(Price et al., 2001). ported outside the plastid for further modifica-
tion in the ER. Palmitoyl thioesterases from
plants have been shown to have a preference
4.5 Fatty Acid Binding Protein
for C16:0 fatty acids (Jones et al., 1995). This
Three clones in the S. bacillaris strain siva2011 clone does not appear to contain the complete
cDNA library have sequences that overlap each protein. It has only about 75% of the amino
other to form contig100 (Table 1). This contig is acid residues reported for palmitoyl thioes-
663 nucleotides long and includes an ORF that terases in the NCBI protein database. All the
has 378 nucleotides. The protein translated missing amino acids are in the C-terminal of
from the sequence of the ORF has 125 amino the protein.
acid residues. Results from the homology search Lu et al. (2011) reported that in transgenic
with the translated protein showed that con- oilseeds the expression level of key enzymes for
tig100 suggests a sequence very similar to the biosynthesis of fatty acids was usually low. To
fatty acid binding protein of various fungi. enhance production, additional genes from natu-
The highest similarity at 76% and 75% identity ral species are required. Since S. bacillaris strain
is with the fatty acid binding proteins of Gaeu- siva2011 biosynthesizes significant amounts of
mannomyces graminis and Neurospora crassa, fatty acids, the strain could be used as a potential
respectively. A search for the conserved domain candidate. To clone genes encoding enzymes for
within the translated sequence identified a ste- fatty acids in S. bacillaris strain siva2011, a refer-
rol carrier protein 2 (SCP2) domain. This ence transcriptome is necessary. A wide array
domain is involved in the binding of sterols. of next-generation sequencing efforts and tran-
The fatty acid binding proteins are also known scriptome annotation was established in microal-
as lipid transfer proteins; they are a family of gae to screen the fatty acids pathway genes (Lv
carrier proteins for fatty acids or other lipophilic et al., 2013; Zheng et al., 2013). In addition, com-
substances. These proteins were proposed to plete or semicomplete genome sequences of
facilitate the transfer of fatty acids across the Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (Merchant et al., 2007),
plastid membranes (Weisiger, 2002). Phaeodactylum tricornutum (Bowler et al., 2008),
etc. are available, which could help comparative
genomic analysis of the algal fatty acid pathway.
4.6 Palmitoyl Thioesterase Time-course transcriptome analyses of S. bacilla-
The S. bacillaris strain siva2011 cDNA clone ris strain siva2011 could facilitate identification
SB6C06 is 755 nucleotides long (Table 1). The of the upregulated fatty acids pathway genes
translated protein shares the highest identity, and their expression profiles. Once identified,
75% and 73%, with palmitoyl protein thioes- these genes could enhance the fatty acids pro-
terases from two fungi, Glomerella graminicola duction via metabolic engineering, which might
and Colletotrichum higginsianum, respectively. be a robust way to produce natural fatty acids
This clone harbors a conserved palm thioest for pharmaceutical and energy industries.

5. CONCLUSIONS Lippmeier, J.C., Lucas, S., Medina, M., Montsant, A.,

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This research was funded by the Arkansas Biosciences during the process of lipid accumulation. Genomics
Institute grant (# 262178 and 200109). 101, 229e237.
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Microalgae-based Wastewater Treatment
Cynthia Alcantara1, Esther Posadas1, Benoit Guieysse2,
Raul Mu~noz1
Valladolid University, Department of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Technology,
Valladolid, Spain; 2Massey University, School of Engineering and Advanced Technology,
Palmerston North, New Zealand

1. INTRODUCTION Table 1 describes key wastewater pollutants

and the typical mechanisms used to remove
Maturation and facultative ponds provide them during conventional and microalgae-
simple and cost-effective wastewater treat- based treatment. In the latter, Microalgae
ment (WWT) capabilities that are used by photosynthesis takes place ‘parallel’ to normal
thousands of communities worldwide (Shilton, biological reactions occurring during conven-
2005). However, while microalgae contribute tional aerobic biological treatment (Table 1),
to pollutant removal in these systems (Rittmann thereby boosting nutrient assimilation while
and McCarty, 2001), neither facultative nor providing oxygen to aerobic heterotrophs. A
maturation ponds are specifically designed key driver behind the current popularity of
and operated to optimize algal biomass produc- microalgae-based WWT is that this technology
tivity and recovery (Craggs et al., 2012). These offers synergetic advantages for algal biofuel
systems are therefore not considered as repre- feedstock production and biological WWT:
sentative of microalgae-based WWT in this Indeed, in situ photosynthetic aeration reduces
chapter where an emphasis is instead given to the costs and environmental impacts associated
WWT in high-rate algae ponds (raceway with conventional mechanical aeration, while
ponds). This technology has been shown to photosynthetic productivity improves the re-
support efficient treatment for a broad range covery of energy and/or nutrients via biomass
of influents (García et al., 2000; De Godos anaerobic digestion or biomass use as slow-
et al., 2009a; Tarlan et al., 2002; Park et al., release fertilizer (Mulbry et al., 2005; Alcantara
2011a), including at full scale in 5-ha ponds et al., 2013). Finally, the high pH and dissolved
(Craggs et al., 2012). As witness of the vitality O2 concentrations induced by microalgal photo-
of this field, several 10-ha facilities were being synthesis can also enhance nutrient and heavy
commissioned across the world at the time of metal removal and trigger pathogen deactiva-
writing. tion, as discussed below.

Handbook of Marine Microalgae 439 © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
TABLE 1 Summary of the Main Pollutants Found in Wastewater and Conventional versus Microalgae-based Removal Mechanisms

Pollutants (associated risks) Conventional treatment mechanisms Microalgae-based WWT

Suspended solids (reduce water Gravity settling prior to or during biological Microalgae-based WWT systems are well mixed and not designed
clarity, clog waterways, many treatment. for the removal of inert (nonbiodegradable) solids. Prior primary
solids are also biodegradable settling of suspended solids may often be needed to avoid
organic pollutants). operational issues and improve light penetration in the influent.
Biodegradable organic pollutantsa Aerobic or anaerobic biodegradation by Aerobic biodegradation by heterotrophs, microalgae provide
(uncontrolled biodegradation heterotrophs, the former often preferred for treating additional metabolic abilities and support aerobic heterotrophic
triggers oxygen depletion in low-strength effluents such as domestic wastewater degraders via exchange of substrates (Section 2.1).
wastewater discharge recipients, and inhibitory and/or recalcitrant influents such as
some organics are also industrial wastewaters.
Nutrientsb (trigger uncontrolled Microbial assimilation, nitrification/denitrification Microalgae photosynthesis enhances nutrient assimilation by
algae growth in recipient processes (see Section 2.2), biological phosphate boosting biomass productivity. Environmental conditions also
ecosystems). removal via accumulation of poly-P in bacterial favor N volatilization and P precipitation (Section 2.2). Certain
cells, chemical phosphate precipitation. algae are capable of intracellular P accumulation as stable poly-P.

Pathogens (active vectors of Disinfection in maturation ponds, chemical Microalgae photosynthesis can promote pathogen disinfection by
human and animal diseases). disinfection (e.g., UV irradiation, chlorine, ozone). contributing to raise pH and dissolved oxygen concentration. The
high-illuminated surface/volume ratio also favors disinfection via
UV radiation (Section 2.3).
Heavy metals (acute and chronic Chemical precipitation (lime), electrochemical Microalgae-based WWT has the potential to generate significant
toxicity, bioaccumulation). precipitation, ion exchange, adsorption onto GACc amounts of cost-effective biosorbent (Section 2.4). Algae
or various biomaterials (e.g., waste wood chips, photosynthesis can also favor heavy metal precipitation at
bacteria or yeasts from industrial fermentations). high pH.
Typically expressed as bCOD (biodegradable chemical oxygen demand, g m3), which represents the amount of biodegradable organic pollutants expressed as the amount of oxygen required for their
oxidation to CO2, or BOD5 (biochemical oxygen demand), which represents the amount of oxygen required by aerobic heterotrophs to convert biodegradable organic pollutants into biomass and CO2 in 5 days.
Typically, bCOD ¼ 1.6 BOD5 in domestic wastewater.
In the context of WWT, nutrients include nitrogen (mainly found as NH þ4 in domestic wastewater, minor forms including NO3 ; NO2 and organic-N) and phosphorus (mainly found as phosphate and
organic phosphate).
Granulated activated carbon.

2. MECHANISMS OF POLLUTANT 2.1 Organic Pollutant Removal

REMOVAL Numerous microalgae are capable of growing
photoautotrophically using inorganic carbon
Microalgae productivity is dictated by num-
and sunlight as carbon and energy sources,
erous biological (e.g., photosynthetic response),
respectively, heterotrophically using organic
environmental (e.g., temperature), design, and
compounds as carbon and energy sources, and
operational factors during WWT. Photosynthetic
mixotrophically by combining phototrophic
productivity can be reasonably estimated based
and heterotrophic metabolisms (Barsanti and
on the average light intensity reaching a given
Gualteri, 2006). In addition, microalgae synergis-
specific location. For example, assuming a
tically interact with aerobic heterotrophs and au-
photosynthetic efficiency (PE) of 2.5% of the total
totrophs via exchange of substrates (Figure 1).
light irradiance and a biomass heat value of
These metabolic abilities and interactions sup-
21 kJ g1, a yearly average productivity of
port the biodegradation of biodegradable organic
around 14e21 g biomass m2 per day can be
pollutants (i.e., biodegradable Chemical Oxygen
expected depending on location (Table 2).
Demand (bCOD)), reduce energy use and its
Given that heterotrophic growth would
associated impacts (see Box 1 and Section 6),
typically yield w3 g biomass m2 per day dur-
and reduce the risks associated with hazardous
ing WWT in high-rate algal ponds (HRAPs)
pollutants and pathogens (Mu~ noz et al., 2004).
(Box 1), a total biomass productivity of
Considering an HRAP with a typical depth of
19e26 g m2 per day would be expected, which
0.3 m and microalgae productivity of 20 g
is consistent with experimental rates reviewed
algae m2 per day, the HRT theoretically req-
by Park et al. (2011a). These productivity esti-
uired for stabilizing 200 g O2 m3 of BOD would
mates can be used to predict photosynthetic
be approximately 4 days (i.e., a surface loading of
oxygenation and nutrient assimilation rates as
0.075 m3 wastewater m2 land per day) when
detailed below. It should be noted that these
process oxygenation is only provided by O2
productivities can only be achieved if inorganic
diffusion from the atmosphere. However, this
carbon supply does not limit photosynthesis, a
HRT decreases to 1.3 days (0.23 m3 (m2)1 per
condition that often requires external CO2 sup-
day) when active photosynthetic oxygenation
ply during episodes of strong photosynthetic
supplies oxygen demand (typically 1.5 g of O2
activity (Park and Craggs, 2010).

TABLE 2 Predicted Yearly Average Photosynthetic Algal Biomass, Oxygenation, and

Carbon Fixation Productivities at Various Locations (Guieysse et al., 2013a)

Average productivity (g mL2 per day)

Solar irradiance
Climate (GJ mL2 per year) Algal biomass O2 C

Arid 7.73 21.4 33.2 11.21

Mediterranean 6.59 18.3 28.4 9.59

Subtropical 6.41 17.8 27.6 9.33

Tropical 5.01 13.9 21.5 7.28
Temperate 5.44 15.1 23.4 7.91

PE ¼ 2.5%, biomass heat value ¼ 21 kJ g1.




Input data and assumptions: The average flow (42.9 g per capita per day) and boosted potential
rate of 0.325 m3 per capita per day and primary- energy recovery from biomass more than six-
settled influent loading factors of 68 g bCOD per fold. An energy input for mixing of 0.023 kWh
capita per day, 13.3 g N per capita per day, and m3 wastewater treated (0.16 W m3 reactor or
3.28 g P per capita per day were based on the 0.0074 kWh per capita per day) was calculated
typical values for US individual residences based on Borowitzka (2005) assuming a pond
(Metcalf and Eddy, 2003), assuming 50% bCOD channel width of 6 m, a mean fluid velocity of
removal efficiency during primary treatment 0.15 m1, a paddle wheel efficiency of 0.17, and
and a bCOD/BOD5 ratio of 1.6. The HRAP was a Manning coefficient of 0.012 (smooth plastic
designed based on a depth of 0.3 m and an HRT on granular earth). Based on an electricity genera-
of 6 days. Heterotrophic growth was modeled us- tion carbon footprint of 362 (EU) - 610 (USA)
ing standard kinetics for aerobic wastewater treat- g CO2 kWh1 (IPCC, 2014), this energy input
ment with activate sludge at 20  C (Metcalf and would generate a CO2 footprint of 8.3e14 g
Eddy, 2003) assuming well-mixed steady-state CO2 m3 wastewater treated (2.7e4.6 g CO2 per
conditions. Algal productivity was estimated to be capita per day). In comparison, the same influent
20 g m2 per day based on simulations shown in treated using the activated sludge process (energy
Table 2. The N and P contents of the heterotrophic input 0.33e0.62 kWh m3, Plappally and
and phototrophic biomasses were estimated to be Lienhard, 2012) would contribute to 119e378 g
9% and 1%, respectively. CO2 m3 wastewater treated (38.7e123 g CO2
Results: The net yield of heterotrophic growth per capita per day). Anaerobic digestion of the
at 20  C was estimated to be 0.30 g biomass dry biomass generated could generate 48 L CH4 per
weight g1 bCOD loaded (computation not capita per day (0.736 kWh per capita per day)
shown), yielding a productivity of 20.5 g bio- during microalgae-based WWT against 6.56 L
mass per capita per day and N and P assimilatory CH4 per capita per day (0.100 kWh per capita -
removals of 13.9% and 6.25%, respectively. The per day) during conventional treatment, thus
area required for treatment, 6.5 m2 per capita per - yielding energy ratios of nearly 100 against and
day, supported a high phototrophic productivity 0.5e1 (assuming 80% digestion efficiency,
(130 g per capita per day) and thereby signifi- methane yield of 0.4 L g1 biomass loaded,
cantly improved N (100%) and P assimilation methane high heat value of 55 kJ g1, methane
(46%). Photosynthetic aeration (195 g per capita density of 0.67 kg m3).
per day) exceeded heterotrophic oxygen demand

per g alga cultivated when ammonium is the operated at high HRT in comparison to activated
only N source) (Figure 2). HRAP can therefore sludge processes (Metcalf and Eddy, 2003),
entail a considerable reduction in HRT/land use photosynthetic oxygenation significantly lowers
compared to stabilization ponds (z15e30 days) energy demand, which represents an economic
(Kivaisi, 2001). Although HRAP are typically and environmental advantage (40e60% of the

CO2 wastewater to ensure efficient N and P removal

NO3– via assimilation only (Box 1). This limitation is
irrelevant during photosynthetic growth as
Bacterial Microalgal nutrient assimilation is mainly a function of light
N-NH4 Biomass
P-PO4 3-
oxida on photosynthesis and inorganic carbon availability. The contents
of N and P in microalgae range from 6.6% to
9.3% (Chisti, 2007; Oswald, 1988) and from
0.2% to 3.9% (Powell et al., 2009), respectively.
FIGURE 1 Principle of photosynthetic oxygenation The large variability in P content is due to luxury
(C-DOC ¼ dissolved organic carbon).
phosphorus uptake by some microalgae species,
total economic cost in a WWTP using activated when phosphorus is accumulated as polyphos-
sludge as secondary treatment is associated phate. Luxury uptake depends on the dissolved
with the mechanical O2 supply, see Box 1) phosphate concentration, light intensity, and
(Chae and Kang, 2013). temperature (Powell et al., 2008, 2009). Assuming
a microalgal nitrogen and phosphorous content
of 9% and 1%, respectively, a HRT of 7.5 days
2.2 Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal would be required to completely remove via
assimilation the concentrations of N and P
Several mechanisms cause nutrient removal
typical in medium-strength domestic wastewater
during microalgae-based WWT. Under typical
(Figure 3). Therefore, microalgae-based WWT
operational conditions in HRAPs, assimilation
allows for simultaneous N and P removal at rela-
and abiotic mechanisms can support N and P
tively short HRT, which represents an advantage
removal efficiencies as high as 90e98% and
in comparison with conventional stabilization
90e95% (De Godos et al., 2010; Posadas et al.,
ponds (higher HRT than in HRAPs).

2.2.1 Assimilatory Nutrient Removal 2.2.2 Abiotic Nutrient Removal

Nutrient removal via assimilation is limited Microalgal photosynthesis can cause the
during conventional biodegradable chemical wastewater pH to increase when the rate of
oxygen demand (bCOD) removal because aero- photosynthesis is carbon limited, a situation
bic heterotrophs must sacrifice a considerable that occurs frequently in algae raceway ponds
amount of organic substrate for energy genera- at peak sun hours. This rise in pH shifts the
tion. Consequently, there is not enough organic NHþ 4 =NH3 equilibrium toward NH3 formation,
carbon available in primary-settled domestic which then increases the rate of N removal via

Minimum HRT required 1.3 d


H ≈ 0.3 m 1.5 g O2 Treated

Waste water 20 g Algae / mz∙d g alga 100 g O2 50 g O2 150 g O2 effluent
(typical depth m3∙ d
+ m3 ∙ d
= m3 ∙ d
Medium strength:
200 g O2/m3 BOD and productivity)

FIGURE 2 HRT required for stabilizing medium-strength domestic wastewater in a photosynthetically oxygenated HRAP.

HRT required ≈ 7 days

Wastewater NBIOMASS = 9% − effluent

HRT required ≈ 7.5 days

− effluent

FIGURE 3 Estimated HRTs required for the treatment of typical N and P concentrations in medium-strength domestic


Wastewater NH4+ effluent
NH4+ BOD Photosynthetic O2

NO3-, NO2-

FIGURE 4 Schematic of a denitrificationenitrification process implemented in algalebacterial photobioreactors.

ammonia volatilization. It also favors phosphate occur simultaneously due to the occurrence of
precipitation with Ca2þ as follows: diffusional gradients between the inner part of
the algalebacterial flocs or biofilms and the
4 þ 5Ca

þ 4OH /Ca5 ðOHÞðPO4 Þ3 culture broth (De Godos et al., 2009b). A recent
study in our laboratory successfully imple-
þ 3H2 O
mented two-stage and single-stage denitri-
(1) ficationenitrification processes based on a
photosynthetically oxygenated nitrification (De
2.2.3 Dissimilatory Nutrient Removal Godos et al., 2014) (Figure 4).
Conventional biological nitrogen removal
2.3 Pathogen Removal
typically involves the oxidation of NHþ 4 into
NO 2 and NO 
3 by chemolithotrophic aerobic Microalgae photosynthetic activity can contri-
bacteria and archaea, a process known as nitrifi- bute to the deactivation of pathogens by
cation, followed by the reduction of NO 2 and increasing wastewater pH, temperature, and
NO 3 into N2 under anoxic conditions by hetero- dissolved oxygen concentration (Mu~ noz and
trophic bacteria, a process known as denitrifica- Guieysse, 2006). For example, Schumacher
tion (Rittmann and McCarty, 2001). During et al. (2003) found a reduction in the concentra-
microalgae-based WWT, these processes may tion of total coliforms and Escherichia coli of

FIGURE 5 Passive and active mechanisms underlying heavy metal removal from wastewaters in microalgae biosorbents.

four and six orders of magnitude concomitantly functional groups), and chemisorptions
with a pH increase from 8.4 to 10.5, respectively. (Chojnacka et al., 2005) are passive
The key role of alkaline pH in E. coli removal mechanisms that occur at a cell surface level.
was also confirmed by Heubeck et al. (2007), These fast (0e10 h) and reversible initial
who observed significantly higher E. coli re- mechanisms are followed by irreversible
movals at pH 9.5 (z100%) than at pH 8 heavy metal covalent bonding or surface
(z50%) in an HRAP treating domestic waste- precipitation (Wilde and Benemann, 1993;
water. Similarly, El Hamouri et al. (1994) re- Ozturk et al., 2014).
ported total coliform removal rates of 92% in • Exposure to high metal concentrations causes
an HRAP treating domestic wastewater at a microalgae to synthesize and excrete metal-
pH of 9.4 and dissolved oxygen concentrations chelating exopolysaccharides that decrease
of approximately 20 mg O2 L1. In addition to the toxicity associated with dissolved heavy
the effect of pH, solar irradiation is also sus- metals such as chromium and cadmium
pected to contribute to disinfection during (Ozturk et al., 2014).
microalgae-based WWT (Oswald, 2003). For • The active ATP-driven transport of heavy
example, Craggs et al. (2004) reported that sun- metals inside algae cells and their subsequent
light irradiation caused an increase in the E. coli binding to Class III metallothioneins or
removal by 75% attributed in a 0.2-m-depth polyphosphates can significantly contribute
HRAP treating digested dairy farm effluent. to wastewater detoxification (Yu and Wang,
2004; Perales-Vela et al., 2006; Pereira et al.,
2.4 Heavy Metal Removal • Heavy metal precipitation is also mediated
Microalgae support heavy metal removal when pH increases during carbon-limited
through a combination of active and passive mech- photosynthesis.
anisms (Figure 5). These mechanisms include:
Overall, the biosorption capacity of microal-
• Physical adsorption, ion exchange (with gae for a specific heavy metal depends on cell
protons from ReCOOH, ReOH, and ReNH biochemistry (a function of the algae genotype

and phenotype), pH, and the synergistic 4. PROCESS DESIGN AND

(increased membrane permeability) or antago- OPERATION
nistic (competition for active sites) interactions
within other heavy metals (Chojnacka et al., Microalgae-based WWT systems are
2005). Eukaryotic microalgae genera such as designed and operated to optimize light supply
Chlorella, Chlamydomonas, or Scenedesmus exhibit (high surface/volume ratio) and provide
typical bioaccumulation capacities of 30e200 mg adequate mixing, carbon supply, and degassing
metal g1 microalgae for Cu, Zn, and Pb (Akhtar under low hydrodynamic stress, while mini-
et al., 2003; Maznah et al., 2012), and accumula- mizing construction and operation costs
tions as high as 240e420 mg metal g1 microalgae (Mu~ noz and Guieysse, 2006; Tredici, 2004).
have been reported for the cyanobacterium Numerous configurations have been tested for
Spirulina (Chojnacka et al., 2005). These capac- WWT and these can be broadly categorized as
ities are suitable for full-scale use as biosorbent either suspended-growth or biofilm-growth sys-
based on criteria set for similar materials (Mu~noz tems (Figure 6).
et al., 2006). While the high cost of axenic micro-
algae biomass prohibits the use of this biosorbent,
the increasing implementation of microalgae- 4.1 Suspended-Growth Systems
based WWT may contribute to generate signi-
4.1.1 HRAPs
ficant amounts of low-cost residual algale
bacterial suitable for heavy metal removal. HRAPs, also known as raceway ponds, are
open shallow ponds equipped with a paddle
wheel that continuously mixes and promotes
3. ENERGY RECOVERY AND the access of microalgae to light and nutrients
CARBON SEQUESTRATION (Figure 7(a), Table 3). These systems are rela-
tively easy to construct and operate, and there-
Microalgae typically consume 1.8 kg of CO2 fore overwhelmingly preferred for microalgae
per kg of biomass photosynthesized (Alc antara production (De Godos et al., 2009a). The use of
et al., 2013). This ability to convert CO2 into HRAPs for WWT started in the early 1950s
organic biomass can be used to mitigate climate (Oswald et al., 1957) and is broadly considered
change following biomass conversion into bio- as the most (only) cost and resource efficient
char (Lehmann et al., 2006) or biofuel following means to mass-produce microalgae biomass
fermentation (bioethanol), lipid transesterifi- for biofuel generation. Although these systems
cation (biodiesel), or anaerobic digestion have been tested at a meaningful scale for
(biomethane), the latter option currently being WWT, there is still a lack of long-term field expe-
the most economical with CH4 yields ranging rience for providing precise design and operational
from 0.15 to 0.4 m3 per kg of microalgae (Alzate guidelines.
et al., 2012). Given that microalgae photosyn-
thesis is often carbon-limited in HRAPs, WWT 4.1.2 HRAP Design Guidelines
can be combined with CO2 capture from The design and operation of any WWT
point-source emissions. Despite the inhibitory unit depend on influent properties, removal
CO2 concentration thresholds in microalgae targets, how the particular unit is integrated
that are strain specific, tolerances to CO2 concen- within the complete plant, and local conditions
trations of up to 50% have been reported in (e.g., discharge ecosystem sensitivity, associated
Scenedesmus Obliquus strains (Lam et al., 2012; nuisances and hazards, temperature, access to
Arbib et al., 2014). energy, etc.). Local climatic conditions are of

FIGURE 6 Suspended-growth raceway (a) and attached-growth algal turf scrubber (b) treating domestic wastewater at the
Department of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Technology, Valladolid University (Spain). Photograph by the author.

paramount importance during microalgae-based case of bCOD removal, HRAPs for secondary
WWT because on-site solar irradiance largely WWT are typically designed by matching
dictates photosynthetic activity (Table 2), evapo- the photosynthetic oxygenation rate with the
ration losses (Guieysse et al., 2013a), and temper- amount of oxygen required by aerobic hetero-
ature changes (Bechet et al., 2011) in these trophs to oxidize the biodegradable organic
systems. The targeted efficiency is also critical matter present in wastewater (Rittmann and
because, as illustrated in Box 1, complete McCarty, 2001). This normally requires an esti-
P-removal will normally require a larger treat- mation of light penetration and biomass concen-
ment area than N and bCOD removal. In the tration in relation to biomass productivity; an

(a) (b)




Paddle Wheel

FIGURE 7 Schematic of a (a) high-rate algal pond photobioreactor and (b) enclosed tubular algalebacterial photobioreactor.

TABLE 3 Key Design and Operation Parameters of TABLE 4 Design and Operation Parameters of Tubular
HRAPs (Oswald, 1988; Molina-Grima, Photobioreactors (Janssen et al., 2003)
Parameter Typical value
Parameter Typical range
Investment costs 100 V m2
Investment costs z10 V m2
Tube length 10e100 m
Typical size of single unit 1500e5000 m2
Tube diameter 2e12 cm
Depth 0.15e0.40 m
Frequency of light/dark >1 s1
Lengthewidth ratio (L:W) 40:1 cycles
Recirculation rate 0.15e0.30 m s1 Culture rate 1 m s1
Engine rotation rate 5e20 rpm Productivity 15e27 g m2 per day

Productivity 10e25 g m2 per d Power consumption 200e1000 W m3


Power consumption 0.12e1 W m3

reactor Janssen, M., Tramper, J., Mur, L.R., Wijffels, R.H. (2003). Enclosed Out-
door Photobioreactors: Light Regime, Photosynthetic Efficiency, Scale-up,
and Future Prospects. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 81, 193e210.

empirical protocol for this purpose was estab-

lished by Oswald and coworkers based on photobioreactors (TPBRs) constitute the most
30 years of experience on full-scale domestic commonly implemented enclosed microalgae
WWT in HRAPs in California (Oswald, 1988; culture technology (Table 4).
Molina-Grima, 1999). A similar approach is The efficient control of the operational condi-
described by Rittmann and McCarty (2001) tions and the higher ratio of illuminated surface/
where (1) photosynthetic oxygenation is calcu- volume in these photobioreactors compared to
lated at a given location and season; (2) a target open ponds allow operating with a high biomass
HRT is determined with consideration of micro- concentration (Arbib et al., 2013). The main dis-
algae growth kinetics and safety factors of 3e10; advantages of enclosed photobioreactors are
and (3) pond area is determined from the HRT high cost and operational issues such as temper-
by fixing depth. Regardless of the method ature control (Bechet et al., 2010) and fouling.
considered, the pilot and full-scale HRAP des- Arbib et al. (2013) thus reported that produc-
cribed in the literature are typically designed tivity (initially 35 g biomass m2 per day) and
with an HRT of 2e8 d and depth of 0.2e0.5 m nutrient removal (initially 98% for N and P) of
(Shilton, 2005). More advanced design can acc- a 0.350 m3 TPBR treating wastewater collapsed
ount for specific heterotroph kinetics, gas transfer, after 30 days of operation due to internal
hydraulics, and a more complex model for biofouling reducing light supply.
photosynthesis and broth temperature (Bechet
et al., 2013; Buhr and Miller, 1983; Shilton, 2005).
4.2 Biofilm Photobioreactors
4.1.3 Enclosed Suspended-Growth Biofilm photobioreactors (BPBRs) are based
Photobioreactors on the attachment of microalgae and hetero-
Enclosed photobioreactors (Figure 7(b)) trophs onto the photobioreactor walls (Boelee
maintain microalgae cultivation broth protected et al., 2011; Mu~
noz et al., 2009). BPBRs poten-
from the environment, which allows the mainte- tially allow for the simultaneous recovery of
nance of monoalgal and even axenic cultures in carbon and nutrients from wastewaters in the
industrial microalgae mass cultivation. Tubular form of easily harvestable biofilm particles,
and the production of a biomass-free effluent for microalgae (mainly filamentous) and benthic
(Christenson and Sims, 2011a). Other potential bacteria immobilization with intermittent wave
advantages for WWT include efficient nutrient surges operated with a downstream wastewater
removal rates at low HRTs, low risks of total flow (Figure 8(a)). The main advantages of
biomass washout, and microalgae protection ATSs are their simple design and construction
against pollutant toxicity as a result of the and their high biomass productivities (15e27 g m2
diffusional gradients (Hoffman, 1998). On the per day) (Adey et al., 1993). ATSs have been
negative side, continuous exposure of attached successfully applied for the treatment of aqua-
microalgae to high irradiances is expected to cultural, agricultural, domestic, and industrial
induce photosaturation or photoinhibition under wastewaters (Adey and Loveland, 1991; Mulbry
outdoor conditions (Cuaresma et al., 2011). et al., 2008; Craggs et al., 1996; Adey et al., 1996).
Different BPBR configurations have been evalu- WWT in ATSs is performed by the periphyton
ated for the treatment of a large variety of influ- (a mixture of microalgae and heterotrophic
ents (Table 5), although feasibility at full scale is bacteria). Biomass harvesting in ATSs is
still uncertain (Christenson and Sims, 2011a). normally carried out by periodic vacuuming of
Biomass harvesting in biofilm photobioreactors the growth surface, which removes inhibitory
is also a critical issue during photobioreactor metabolites or predators accumulated in the
maintenance. ecosystem and enables a continuous biomass
Algal turf scrubber photobioreactors (ATSs) production and nutrient removal
consist of an inclined plastic mesh (solid support) (Craggs et al., 1996). ATSs exhibit high

TABLE 5 Different BPBR Configurations for WWT

Total cultivation
Photobioreactor Wastewater surface (m2) Scale References

ATS Secondary domestic 1021 Large Craggs et al. (1996)

ATS Raw and anaerobically 1 Laboratory Mulbry et al. (2008)

digested dairy manure

ATS Raw domestic 0.5 Laboratory Posadas et al. (2013)

EBPR Raw domestic 1 Laboratory Zamalloa et al. (2013)
EBPR Swine manure 1.8 Laboratory De Godos et al. (2009b)
EBPR Raw domestic 0.5 Laboratory Posadas et al. (2014a)
RBAP Synthetic petroleum 0.83 Laboratory Chavan and Mukherji
hydrocarbon-rich (2010)
RBAP Secondary domestic 4.3 Laboratory Christenson and Sims
Flow-cell algal Synthetic/real domestic 0.02 Laboratory Boelee et al. (2011)
Periphyton-fish Fish farm 48 Large Rectenwald and Drenner

ATS: algal-turf scrubber; EBPR: enclosed algalebacterial biofilm photobioreactor; RBAP: rotating biological algal-bacterial photobioreactor.
Rectenwald, L.L., and Drenner, R. (2000). Nutrient Removal from Wastewater Effluent Using an Ecological Water Treatment System. Environ. Sci. Technol.
34, 522e526.

(a) (b)
0.25-2% TUBE


(c) (d)


FIGURE 8 Schematic of an (a) algal turf scrubber; (b) enclosed tubular algalebacterial photobioreactor; (c) enclosed flat
panel algalebacterial photobioreactor; (d) rotating biological algalebacterial photobioreactor.

evaporative losses (1e7 L m2 per day at labora- efficiencies of 94e100% and 70e90%, respec-
tory scale) and therefore high carbon and tively, at influent loadings of 656  37 mg
NeNHþ 4 removal rates by stripping, which NeNHþ 4 L
and 117  19 mg PePO3 4 L1
causes a deterioration in the quality of the (De Godos et al., 2009b). Tubular (Figure 8(b))
treated wastewater and a decrease in both (Gonzalez et al., 2008; De Godos et al., 2009b;
biomass productivity and nutrients recycling Mu~ noz et al., 2009; Posadas et al., 2014a) and
potential, respectively (Murphy and Berberoglu, flat panel (Figure 8(c)) (Zamalloa et al., 2013;
2012; Posadas et al., 2013). Ruiz et al., 2013) photobioreactors are the most
Enclosed algalebacterial biofilm photobior- common configurations used during laboratory-
eactors (EBPRs) were devised in order to over- scale WWT, although these systems have not yet
come the disadvantages of open ATSs during been tested outdoors at a meaningful scale.
the treatment of agricultural effluents, domestic, Rotating biological algal-bacterial photobio-
and industrial wastewaters (Gonz alez et al., reactors (RBAPs) consist of a series of rotating
2008; De Godos et al., 2009b; Posadas et al., discs partially submerged in wastewater. The
2014a; Zamalloa et al., 2013; Mu~noz et al., 2009). algal-bacterial biofilm develops onto the surface
Although the establishment of phototrophic bio- of the rotating discs (Christenson and Sims,
films reduces light penetration and should there- 2011a) (Figure 8(d)). To date, RBAPs have been
fore impact carbon and nutrient removal, the exclusively applied for tertiary WWT at lab scale
few lab-scale trials conducted with EBPR have (Torpey et al., 1971; Christenson and Sims,
shown promising results, with N and P removal 2011b).


Due to photosynthetic oxygenation, microalgae-
Efficient harvesting of the algalebacterial
based WWT has a considerably lower carbon
biomass generated during microalgae-based
footprint than conventional alternatives using
WWT processes is critical to environmental per-
mechanical aeration (Box 1). Atmospheric car-
formance and economic viability of biomass
bon fixation can even support climate change
valorization (Posten, 2009; Acien et al., 2012).
mitigation if the biomass photosynthesized is
However, and despite significant research
used for bioenergy production (see below) or
ongoing in this area, the only economical alter-
converted into biochar for long-term carbon
native for WWT remains gravity settling. Fortu-
storage. On the negative side, various studies
nately, experimental evidence suggests HRAP
have reported N2O emissions from algal cultures
generates algalebacterial flocks that quickly
caused by either associated microorganisms or
settled under quiescent conditions (Shilton,
microalgae (Fagerstone et al., 2011; Guieysse
2005). Moreover, recent research on full-scale
et al., 2013b). While the carbon footprint associ-
HRAPs treating real effluents has demonstrated
ated with the emissions rates hitherto reported
that biomass recycling considerably stabilizes
is minor, further research is needed in this
ecology and favors fast-settling algae species
(Park et al., 2011b, 2013; De Godos et al., 2014).


MICROALGAE-BASED WWT During conventional biological WWT,
biomass productivity is limited by the amount
6.1 Land Use of biodegradable organic material found in the
influent. The positive impact of photosynthetic
As can be seen in Box 1, WWT in HRAPs
biomass production on potential energy recov-
requires a significant amount of land, for
ery is evident in the case study shown in Box 1
example, 6.5 m2 per capita per day in the case
where productivity increased more than seven-
study, although a lower HRT may be applicable
fold at a considerably lower energy input,
if only bCOD removal is targeted. Yet, even a
yielding energy recovery ratios potentially
conservative estimate of 5e6 m2 per capita
100e200 fold higher than during conventional
(high PE, external CO2 supply) could represent
secondary biological treatment.
a considerable burden for domestic WWT as
this would normally require the availability of
flat land near dwellings to reduce sewage collec-
tion costs and risks. It should, however, be noted
6.4 Water Footprint
that because the cost of microalgae-based WWT Although algae-based WWT improves water
is largely driven by the cost of land, expenditure quality, significant amounts of water may be
is not lost as the land value would remain, and lost from local ecosystems due to free-surface
even increase, and is thus reclaimable. In com- evaporation. Guieysse et al. (2013a) predicted
parison, the majority of the expenditure incurred evaporation up to 2.275 m3 (m2)1 per year in
during “low-footprint intensive” WWT is related Arizona in 0.25-m algae raceway ponds, which
to mechanical/electrical/civil equipment and represented 15% of the amount of water treated.
structures that depreciate in value. Although this may sound “affordable,” the

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and Esther Posadas (Contract No. E-47-2011-0053564 2011. Universal temperature model for shallow algal
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Bioremediation of Heavy Metals by
Laura Bulgariu1, Maria Gavrilescu1,2
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and

Environmental Protection, Department of Environmental Engineering and Management, Iaşi, Romania;

Academy of Romanian Scientists, Bucharest, Romania

1. INTRODUCTION waste streams, so as to reduce their impact on

the environment. This could be also essential
The rapid growth of industrialization and economically, due to the high value of such
urban populations has affected the quality of metals.
surface waters, mainly due to the excessive input Conventional remediation methods for the
of hazardous substances that are discharged removal of heavy metals from wastewaters
daily. Of various types of water pollutants, the include chemical precipitation, coagulation, ion
heavy metals are among the most dangerous exchange, membrane processing, electrochemi-
due to their toxicity, persistence, resistance to cal techniques, adsorption on activated carbon
biological degradation, and long-term accumula- etc. (Dabrowski et al., 2004; Wan Ngah and
tion in the food chain (Mendoza et al., 1998), Hanafiah, 2008; Llanos et al., 2010; Gantam
thus causing serious health problems for many et al., 2014). The selection of a particular remedi-
forms of life. Even as they have a serious negative ation technique depends on various factors, like
impact on the environment, heavy metals type and concentration of heavy metals, effluent
continue to largely be used in various industries, heterogeneity, required level of cleanup, as well
such as mining, plating, smelting, plastics, as cost of decontamination process (Gavrilescu,
textiles, painting etc. (Abdel-Ghani and El- 2004). Unfortunately, most of these methods
Chaghaby, 2014), as important material in are disadvantageous since they (1) involve high
various technological processes. Consequently, operation costs; (2) are inefficient especially
industrial and municipal wastewaters contain, when large volumes of wastewater with low
in many cases, large amounts of heavy metals, heavy metal contents (1e100 dissolved metal/
which represent one of the major sources of L) have to be treated (Montazer-Rahmati et al.,
natural water pollution. As a result, it is beneficial 2011); (3) are not environmentally friendly
to eliminate the heavy metals from industrial because large inputs of chemical reagents are

Handbook of Marine Microalgae 457 © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

required; and (4) could generate secondary Generally, the microalgae used in the remedi-
wastes that require disposal or further treatments. ation processes have the ability to accumulate
Due to progressively stricter governmental legis- toxic heavy metals from aqueous effluents both
lations, the cost-effective remediation methods by passive uptake and via the metabolic activity
have become more interesting. of living organisms. Even if the living microalgae
In recent years, biosorption developed into a have shown promising capabilities in the
promising alternative method for environmental removal processes of heavy metals from different
remediation and has proved to be very effective types of wastewater, their use is limited by
in the removal and recovery of numerous toxic different factors that affect their growth (pH of
heavy metals from aqueous effluents. The wastewater, contents of heavy metals, etc.),
advantages of this method include: high effi- which can influence the efficiency of the remedi-
ciency, cost-effectiveness (especially when the ation process in various degrees. From this
biosorbent can be recycled and heavy metals perspective, the nonliving microalgae are more
recovered for reuse), wide adaptability, strong profitable for industrial applications, mainly
metal binding capacity, high efficiency in dilute because (1) dead microalgae biomass can be
effluents, and environmental friendliness. stored at room temperature; (2) they can be
The success of the biosorption process is largely used as biosorbents for a long period of time
determined by the selection of biosorbent material without losing their biosorptive characteristics;
and the design of the biosorption process. Thus, (3) they are not affected by the toxicity of heavy
various types of biological materials, including metals from polluted effluents; and (4) the
agricultural wastes, peat, algae, fungi, bacteria, nonliving microalgae have a comparable or
yeasts, cellular products, etc. (Gavrilescu, 2004; even higher biosorption capacity than living
Demirbas, 2008; Lupea et al., 2012), have been microalgae, and this characteristic can be signifi-
tested in various experimental conditions in cantly improved by various simple chemical
order to establish their performance in the heavy treatments (Gautan et al., 2014).
metals uptake processes. In most cases, these In this chapter we discuss the potential use of
biological materials have proven to have the eco- microalgae for bioremediation of aqueous efflu-
nomic potential to be used as biosorbents for the ents that contain heavy metal ions. A detailed
reduction of environmental pollution. description of the factors that influence the
The use of microalgae for the removal of heavy metal biosorption process is outlined,
heavy metals from aqueous effluents has been along with new updates on biosorption process
well studied over the past 40 years (Fu and modeling and some recent advances in the eluci-
Wang, 2011; Hubbe et al., 2011). Since the dation of the retention mechanism. The analysis
1980s, many studies in the literature have been indicates that the microalgae have the potential
devoted to the utilization of microalgae as bio- to become an effective and economical bio-
sorbents for the remediation of contaminated sorbent for the removal of heavy metals from
environmental compartments, especially with industrial waste effluents.
heavy metals (Hubbe et al., 2011). The microal-
gae are particularly attractive because they are
available in large quantities in many regions of 2. MICROALGAE
the world, can grow both in fresh and saltwater CHARACTERISTICS
in various climatic conditions, are low cost to
prepare, and have an excellent retention capacity Microalgae are considered microscopic photo-
for most toxic heavy metals (Inthorn et al., 2002; synthetic organisms that can be found in all
Munoz et al., 2006). aquatic environments (salty to fresh water) or
TABLE 1 Chemical Composition of Some Microalgae Expressed on a Dry Mass Basis (;
Rojan et al., 2011)

Microalgae Starch Protein Carbohydrates Lipids Nucleic acid

Chlorella vulgaris 12e17 51e58 12e17 14e22 4e5

Chlorella pyrenoidosa 21.5 51 26 2 e
Scenedesmus obliquus 23.7 50e56 10e17 12e14 3e6
Spirogyra sp. 43.3 6e20 33e64 11e21 e
Dunaliella salina 57 32 6 e

Dunaliella bioculata 49 4 8 e
Spirulina maxima 32.2 60e71 13e16 6e7 3e4.5
Porphyridium cruentum 28.0 28e39 40e57 9e14 e

can be cultivated in either indoor or outdoor con- Although the constituents of the cell walls
ditions. They are unicellular species that can provide an extensive array of ligands with
exist individually or in chains, while their size various functional groups capable of binding
can vary from a few micrometers to a few hun- metal ions, their role in the biosorption process
dreds of micrometers, depending on the species. depends on several factors. Thus, the number
Different criteria can be applied for the classi- of active sites on the biosorbent material surface,
fication of microalgae, including their pigmenta- the accessibility and chemical state, and the af-
tion, life cycle, or basic cellular structure. If their finity of metal ions for a given functional group
abundance is considered, the most important will directly influence the efficiency of the
classes of microalgae are diatoms (Bacillariophy- biosorption process.
ceae), green microalgae (Chlorophyceae), and
golden microalgae (Chrysophyceae) (Demirbas,
2010). The differences among these types of 3. MECHANISMS OF
marine algae consist essentially in the structure HEAVY METAL UPTAKE BY ALGAE
of cell walls, where the retention of heavy metal
ions takes place. Elucidation of the biosorption mechanism
The cell walls of microalgae generally contain involved in the metal uptake process is essential
important quantities of starch and glycogen, but for successful utilization of this method in
also cellulose, hemicellulose, and polysaccha- practice and for biosorbent regeneration in
rides (Arief et al., 2008; Wang and Chen, 2008). multiple re-useable cycles. Usually, the bio-
These constituents contain numerous reactive sorption processes are quite complex, and
functional groups (e.g., amino, hydroxyl, the overall metal uptake mechanism results
carboxyl, sulfate, etc.) that can be involved in from the combination of different elementary
chemical binding with metal ions and are mechanisms, such as electrostatic interactions,
responsible for the excellent biosorption poten- ion exchange, complexation, chelation adsorp-
tial of microalgae. Table 1 summarizes the tion, microprecipitation, etc. which occur
main constituents present in the structure of concomitantly or successively (Volesky, 1987;
some microalgae. Gavrilescu, 2004).

As a function of elementary processes where R is the functional group from the micro-
involved in the uptake process, the biosorption algae surface; Xþ is a mobile ion (e.g., Naþ, Kþ,
mechanism can be classified as: chemical bio- Ca2þ, Mg2þ, etc.); and Mþ is the heavy metal
sorption, which involves a chemical reaction, ion present in aqueous solution.
and physical biosorption, where the retention of The microalgae can retain heavy metal ions
metal ions occurs via van der Waals or electro- from aqueous solution and release such mobile
static interaction. The difference between these ions in solution.
two types of biosorption mechanisms is given The biosorption of various heavy metals (such
by the magnitude of enthalpy change (DH) for as Pb(II), Cd(II), Cu(II), Zn(II), etc.) using
a given biosorption process, calculated from bio- different types of microalgae (Scenedesmus
sorption isotherms obtained at different temper- obliquus, Chlorella pyrenoidosa) occurs predomi-
atures (Senthilkumaret al., 2006). Thus, it was nantly by ion-exchange interaction (Zhou et al.,
considered that an enthalpy change ranging 2012; Mirghaffari et al., 2014). The experimental
from 0.5 to 5 kcal mol1 (2.1e20.9 kJ mol1) studies have shown that the amount of light
indicates a physical biosorption mechanism, metal ions is higher at the end of biosorption
while a value of enthalpy change between 5 process.
and 100 kcal mol1 (20.9e418.4 kJ mol1) shows
2. Complexation e is another possible mechanism
that the chemical interactions are predominant
that can appear in the biosorption process,
in the biosorption process (Deng et al., 2007). In
which involves the formation of a complex on
general, the biosorption process on nonliving
the cell surface, between heavy metal ions
microalgae follows a chemical mechanism, while
from aqueous solution and functional groups
the main important factors that determine the
of microalgae. For example, Aksu et al. (1992)
nature of elementary processes are (1) type of
have shown that the biosorption of Cu(II) ions
functional groups present on the microalgae sur-
onto Chlorella vulgaris occurs via a
face; (2) nature of heavy metal species from
complexation mechanism that involves the
aqueous solution; and (3) characteristics of
formation of coordination bonds between
aqueous solution (pH, ionic strength, presence
metal ions and amino and carboxyl groups of
of competing ions etc.).
the polysaccharides from the microalgae cell
1. Ion exchange e is considered to be the wall. It should be noted that in the
dominant mechanism of heavy metals complexation mechanism, both electrostatic
biosorption on microalgae (Davis et al., 2003; interactions and covalent and/or
Herrero et al., 2006), where the elementary coordinative interactions are involved, and, in
interactions may range from physical comparison with an ion-exchange
(electrostatic or van der Waals forces) to mechanism, the resulting superficial
chemical (ionic or covalent). complexes are more stable. Because of this, the
regeneration of such biosorbents requires the
In general, the microalgae contain in their
utilization of strong complexing agents, like
structure mobile metal ions such as Kþ, Naþ,
ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid.
Caþ2, and Mgþ2, which are bound to the acid
functional group of the microalgae. In the bio- Nevertheless, the complexation interactions
sorption process, these anions are exchanged have been evidenced as elementary interactions
with heavy metals, according to the reaction: in many biosorption processes on various types
of microalgae, especially at a high initial concen-
R  Xþ þ Mþ %R  Mþ þ Xþ (1) tration of heavy metal ions.
3. Microprecipitation e can take place when the ( indicated that the
solution pH drastically increases during microalgae growth in saline medium have a
biosorption and/or even when concentrations higher content of polysaccharides than those
of metal ions in aqueous effluents increase up developed in fresh water (see Table 1), their effi-
to their saturation. In this case, the heavy ciency in biosorption process varied in a wide
metals from the solution can precipitate, and interval. However, it was demonstrated that
the obtained microprecipitates are deposited the microalgae having a large number of avail-
on the biomass surface. Microprecipitation able functional groups on their surface will
can take place dependent or not on the nature exhibit better biosorption characteristics, but
of microalgae, and can produce a distortion of this depends on both the nature of microalgae
biosorption results and hinder the and the pretreatment of biomass cells before
determination of the amount of metal ions utilization as biosorbent.
uptake. Usually, the microalgae biomass is centri-
fuged at different speed and time intervals, in or-
der to obtain the raw biomass. This biomass is
4. FACTORS INFLUENCING then pretreated, in most cases by drying, and
THE HEAVY METALS thus the biosorbent results, which is more easily
BIOSORPTION ON MICROALGAE conserved, and can be used for a long period of
time. This pretreatment step is most often carried
The design of an efficient heavy metals biore- out at a temperature interval of 50e60  C during
mediation process for aqueous effluents by 12e24 h, because under these conditions the
biosorption on microalgae mainly supposes the biomass is not degraded and the superficial func-
identification and optimization of the most tional groups are not altered.
important factors that can influence the uptake
2. Process factors
capacity of the biosorbent. This happens because
it is well known that the removal of metal ions Depending on the methodology, the main
from aqueous solution by biosorption takes process factors that significantly influence the
place with maximum efficiency only in well- biosorptive performance of microalgae and that
defined experimental conditions. should be optimized are (1) for batch systemsd
In the case of microalgae, the most important solution pH, biosorbent dose, contact time, tem-
factors that affect their biosorptive performance perature; (2) for continuous systemsdheight of
can be divided into two categories (Han et al., biosorbent bed, flow rate of aqueous solution
2007): (1) biomass factors, such as growth containing heavy metals, initial concentration
medium, specific surface properties of microal- of heavy metal ions.
gae, pretreatment of cells, etc.; and (2) process Solution pH it is one of the most important
factors, such as initial pH of aqueous solution, experimental parameters that influences not
biosorbent concentration, contact time, tempera- only the speciation and solubility of heavy metal
ture, experimental methodology, bed height, ions but also the dissociation degree of func-
solution flow rate, heavy metal concentration, tional groups from the biosorbent surface (e.g.,
etc. hydroxyl, carboxyl, carbonyl, amino, etc.),
considered as biosorption sites (Gao and Wang,
1. Biomass factors
2007). From this point of view, many studies
Growth and development conditions can in- have shown that pH values at the interval of 3
fluence the biosorptive performance of microal- and 6.5 lead to increased biosorption capacity
gae. Even if the data presented in the literature of the most heavy metals species on microalgae

TABLE 2 Optimal Experimental Conditions used in the Case of Heavy Metals Biosorption on Some Microalgae

Biosorbent Contact
Microalgae Heavy metal pH dose, g LL1 time, min Temperature,  C References

Scenedesmus Zn(II) 6.0e7.0 0.02 90 25 Monteiro et al. (2011)

obliquus Cu(II) 5.0e7.0 0.03 60 Room temperature Kumar et al. (2014)
Scenedesmus Cd(II) 5.0 0.20 60 Room temperature Mirghaffari et al. (2014)
quadricauda Pb(II)

Chlamydomonas Cr(VI) 2.0 0.10 120 Room temperature Arica et al. (2005)
reinhardtii Pb(II), Cd(II), 5.0e6.0 0.20 60 25 Bayramoglu et al.
Hg(II) (2006)
Chlorella Cd(II), Ni(II) 4.0 e 120 25 Aksu and Donmez
vulgaris (2006)
Chlorella Cr(III) 4.0e5.0 0.1 60 25 Nasreen et al. (2008)
Oedogonium Cr(VI) 2.0 0.8 110 45 Gupta and Rastogi
hatei Ni(II) 5.0 0.7 80 25 (2009)
Gupta et al. (2010)

(Table 2). This is in agreement with the chemistry the cost of biosorption processes but also will
of metal solution, where heavy metals possess a generate large amounts of waste loaded with
high solubility and are present in solution as heavy metals, which will have a negative impact
simple ionic species, having the most toxic effect on the environment. On the other hand, a too
and higher bioavailability (Stumm and Morgan, small amount of microalgae will significantly
1996). Consequently, heavy metal speciation and affect the biosorption efficiency, and the biore-
solubility as a function of pH variations is one of mediation processes will become inadequate
the most important criteria in selecting the type for large-scale applications. Therefore, in order
of microalgae biosorbent. At pH values lower to design an economically viable bioremediation
than 3, the uptake capacity of microalgae is system for heavy metal ion biosorption, the
lower, mainly because of the competition optimal biosorbent dose should be selected after
between protons and heavy metal ions for the a careful comparison of the experimental results.
binding sites of biosorbent (Priyadarshani Table 2 summarizes the values of optimal
et al., 2011; Zhao et al., 2013). Above pH 6.5, biosorbent dose used for the removal of heavy
the heavy metal ions tend to precipitate as metal ions from aqueous environments, in
hydroxides, and only a low amount of heavy different types of microalgae.
metals remain in solution and can be retained The contact time also has an important role in
by interactions with superficial groups of ensuring the efficiency of the biosorption pro-
microalgae. cess. Unsatisfactory value of this parameter
The biosorbent dose is another parameter that could drastically limit the practical use of a given
should be optimized in order to ensure the eco- biosorption process, even if its efficiency in
nomic and environmental feasibility of the biore- heavy metal ions removal is high. In a large
mediation process. Thus, the utilization of large number of studies from the literature, the effi-
amounts of biosorbent not only will increase ciency of heavy metal ion biosorption on
microalgae increases with increasing the contact inert and porous materials, such as silica, agar,
time, and the biosorption process generally rea- polyacrylamide, alginates, cellulose, and different
ches equilibrium within a time interval of cross-linking agents (Valdman and Leite, 2000).
180 min (Table 2). In most studies, the experi- The biosorption of heavy metal ions on micro-
mental observations have shown that no further algae in continuous systems is mainly influenced
significant biosorption is observed after 3 h in by three key experimental parameters: bed
the case of microalgae biosorbents (Wang and height, flow rate of aqueous solution, and initial
Chen, 2008). concentration of heavy metal ions. According to
The influence of temperature is, in the case of the results found in the literature, the metal up-
microalgae biosorbents, more important for the take capacity and the breakthrough time in-
thermodynamic description of biosorption pro- crease with the increase of the bed height,
cess than for the increase of heavy metals uptake which means an increased total surface area of
efficiency. In many studies from the literature biosorbent. Also, the increase of flow rate
has been shown that a drastically increased tem- directly affects the efficiency of the bioremedia-
perature (up to 40  C) determined a slight in- tion process and the treated effluent volume by
crease or decrease of microalgae biosorption decreasing breakthrough and exhaustion time.
capacity (with 5e15 mg g1) (Aksu, 2001; The uptake capacity of metal during biosorption
Febrianto et al., 2009). Considering these results, decreases with increased initial concentration of
it is recommended that for large-scale applica- metal in solution, because the biosorbent satu-
tion, the biosorption of heavy metals from rates faster at high concentration. For this reason,
aqueous solution on microalgae should be per- the optimal values that ensure the efficient deliv-
formed at ambient temperature (see Table 2), ery of the bioremediation process have to be
because the cost of operation will be kept low established for each of these parameters, for
under these conditions. practical applications.
Unfortunately, batch systems are usually The use of microalgae for heavy metals bio-
limited to the bioremediation of small volumes sorption in continuous systems facilitates the
of aqueous effluents. The use of continuous treatment of large volumes of aqueous effluents,
systems seems to be more adequate for the large- but research is still underway in other areas
scale application of bioremediation processes us- related to biosorption in continuous systems.
ing microalgae biosorbents, where the biosorbent
can be used in multiple biosorptionedesorption
cycles (Febrianto et al., 2009). However, it should
be mentioned that the utilization of microalgae 5. EQUILIBRIUM ISOTHERM
in continuous systems has an important disad- MODELS AND EVALUATION OF
vantagedeasy clogging of the column, due to BIOSORPTIVE PERFORMANCE
the small size of biosorbent particles. Therefore,
to ensure an adequate flow rate of the aqueous The performance of certain biosorbent mate-
solution through the column, many studies rials can be described by equilibrium biosorption
from the literature have proposed the immobili- isotherms, which are characterized by definite pa-
zation of microalgae in various matrices, which rameters directly correlated with the surface prop-
improves the mechanical strength, particle size, erties and affinity of this for different heavy metal
and resistance to chemicals that could be present ions. Equilibrium isotherm parameters were suc-
in the aqueous effluent. The main immobilization cessfully used to predict practical biosorption ca-
method of microalgae involves the entrapment pacity and optimize biosorption systems design
into polymers or the natural retention onto (Pelhivan and Arslan, 2007; Bulgariu et al., 2013).

TABLE 3 Langmuir Isotherm Parameters for the Biosorption of Heavy Metals on Some Microalgae

Microalgae Heavy metal R2 qmax, mg gL1 KL, g LL1 References

Chlorella vulgaris Cr(VI) 0.960 163.93 0.036 Gokhale et al. (2008)

Cd(II) 0.999 28.30 0.020 Aksu and Donmez (2006)
Ni(II) 0.999 70.90 0.030
Chlorella sorokiniana Cr(III) 0.991 56.56 0.110 Nasreen et al. (2008)
Scenedesmus obliquus Zn(II) e 836.50 e Monteiro et al. (2011)
Microcystis novacekii Pb(II) 70.00 Ribeiro et al. (2010)
Scenedesmus quadricauda Cd(II) 0.996 135.13 0.07 Mirghaffari et al. (2014)
Pb(II) 0.983 333.33 0.03
Oedogonium hatei Cr(VI) 0.993 31.02 0.034 Gupta and Rastogi (2009)
Ni(II) 0.9991 40.90 0.026 Gupta et al. (2010)

Many mathematical models were developed where qmax is the maximum sorption capacity
to describe biosorption equilibrium, but the upon complete saturation of sorbent surface
Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models remain (mg g1) and KL is the Langmuir constant
the most commonly used, essentially because (L mg1), related to the sorption/desorption en-
these models can be applied for the mathematical ergy;the parameters qmax and KL can be evalu-
description of the biosorption process, both for ated from the intercepts and the slopes of
single component and multicomponent systems linear plots c/q versus c. Table 3 summarizes
(Chong and Volesky, 1995; Bulgariu et al., 2007). the values of Langmuir isotherm parameters ob-
The Langmuir model was frequently found to tained in the case of heavy metal biosorption
be the best-fit model for the experimental data onto various microalgae.
obtained during the biosorption of different The Freundlich isotherm model is an empirical
heavy metals on various types of microalgae. model, which can be used for the description of
This model is based on three assumptions biosorption process on a heterogeneous surface
(Febrianto et al., 2009): (1) the biosorption pro- or a surface supporting sites of different affin-
cess occurs until heavy metal ions form a mono- ities, assuming that the stronger binding sites
layer coverage on the outer surface of microalgae are occupied first, while the binding strength de-
biosorbent; (2) the surface of microalgae bio- creases with increasing the degree of sites occu-
sorbent can be considered homogeneous, and pation (Farooq et al., 2010). This model is used
all binding sites are alike; and (3) each heavy to estimate the biosorption intensity of heavy
metal from aqueous solution will interact with metal ions toward a given microalgae biosorbent
a corresponding binding site from the microal- and can be expressed in linear forms with the
gae surface, while this process is independent relation:
of the degree of sites occupation.
Starting from the mathematical expression of lgq ¼ lgKF þ lgc (3)
this model (Eqn. (2)) (Chong and Volesky,
1995; Bulgariu et al., 2007): where KF and n are constants of the Freundlich
isotherm model, which can be determined from
c 1 c
¼ þ (2) the slopes and intercepts of lg q versus lg c
q qmax $ KL qmax dependences. A favorable biosorption process
TABLE 4 Freundlich Isotherm Parameters for the Biosorption of Heavy Metals on Some Microalgae

Microalgae Heavy metal R2 n KF, mg gL1 References

Chlorella vulgaris Cr(VI) 0.980 0.42 18.90 Gokhale et al. (2008)

Cd(II) 1.000 2.13 2.92 Aksu and Donmez (2006)
Ni(II) 0.999 1.81 3.68
Chlorella sorokiniana Cr(III) 0.877 2.85 10.67 Nasreen et al. (2008)
Scenedesmus quadricauda Cd(II) 0.807 2.01 10.06 Mirghaffari et al. (2014)
Pb(II) 0.840 1.42 10.01

tends to have Freundlich constant n between 1 ions to the surface of biosorbent. The most
and 10 (Febrianto et al., 2009). Larger values of frequently used are pseudo-first-order and
n (smaller values for 1/n) indicate strong interac- pseudo-second-order models.
tions between biosorbent and heavy metal ions, The pseudo-first-order kinetics model considers
while a value of n equal to 1 suggests a linear bio- that the rate of occupation of biosorption sites is
sorption process, leading to identical biosorption proportional to the number of unoccupied sites
energy for all sites. The values of Freundlich (Gerente et al., 2007) and can be written in its
isotherm parameters obtained for the biosorption linear form as given by Eqn (5):
of some heavy metal ions on microalgae bio-  k1
sorbents are summarized in Table 4. log qe  qt ¼ log qe  t (5)
It should be noted that the Freundlich isotherm 2:303
model cannot be used to predict the biosorption where qe and qt are the amounts of metal ions
equilibrium data at extreme concentrations of retained on the microalgae biosorbent at equilib-
heavy metal ions. This is because the mathemat- rium and at time t, respectively (mg g1), and k1
ical equation is not linear at very low concentra- is the rate constant of the pseudo-first order
tions and has no limited expression at very high kinetic model (1 min1).
concentrations (Febrianto et al., 2009). Fortu- The pseudo-second-order kinetic model is based
nately, this is not a problem, because a moderate on the fact that metal ions displace alkaline-earth
concentration range is frequently used in most ions from the algae biosorption sites and, there-
biosorption studies. fore, with respect to the biosorption sites, the
metal ions sorption can be considered to be a
pseudo-second-order reaction (Ho and McKay,
6. KINETICS MODELING 1999; Gerente et al., 2007). The linear expression
OF HEAVY METALS of this model is given by Eqn (6):
¼ þ (6)
qt k2 $ q2e qe
Mathematical models that can describe the
kinetics of batch biosorption process operated where k2 is the rate constant of pseudo-second
under different experimental conditions are order kinetic model (g mg1 min)
very useful for scale-up studies or process opti- The parameters of the pseudo-first order and
mization. Various kinetic models can be used the pseudo-second order kinetics models, calcu-
to investigate the mechanism of the metal ion lated from the linear plots of log(qe-qt) versus
biosorption from aqueous solution onto various t in the case of pseudo-first-order model, and of
microalgae and to explain the transport of metal t/qt versus t in the case of pseudo-second-order

TABLE 5 Kinetic Parameters for the Biosorption of Heavy Metals on Some Microalgae

Pseudo-first-order kinetics model Pseudo-second-order kinetics mode

2 2
Microalgae metal R qe, mg g L1
k1, 1 min
R qe, mg gL1 k2, g mgL1 min References

Scenedesmus Cd(II) 0.638 7.54 0.08 0.999 35.84 0.09 Mirghaffari

quadricauda Pb(II) 0.929 8.11 0.08 0.999 32.36 0.07 et al. (2014)
Oedogonium Pb(II) 0.903 30.22 0.018 0.996 63.29 0.01 Gupta and
Rastogi (2008)

Oedogonium Ni(II) 0.982 25.37 0.004 0.982 28.11 0.007 Gupta et al.
hatei (2010)

Ulothrix As(III) 0.862 1.4 0.039 0.999 4.2 0.151 Tuzen et al.
cylindricum (2009)

kinetics model, for the biosorption of some attention in recent years since it has good effi-
heavy metals onto various types of microalgae, ciency, minimizes secondary (chemical or bio-
are summarized in Table 5. logical) wastes, and uses low-cost materials.
In most cases, the heavy metals binding on Data presented in studies from the literature
microalgae complies with the pseudo-second order have shown that these biosorbents can be suc-
kinetic model, which suggests that the rate control- cessfully used for the removal of heavy metals
ling steps in the biosorption process are the chem- from large volumes of aqueous effluents,
ical interactions involving ion exchange and/or with relatively low metal ion concentrations
sharing of electrons between heavy metal ions (10e100 mg L1).
from aqueous solution and superficial functional Microalgae are available in large quantities in
groups of biosorbent. Similar behaviors have many regions that can grow both in salted and
been reported for various types of low-cost bio- fresh water, and their utilization as biosorbent
masses used as sorbents (Donmez et al., 1999; is mainly determined by the variety of functional
Febrianto et al., 2009; Montazer-Rahmati et al., groups and relatively uniform distribution of
2011). In addition, the high values of rate con- these on the biosorbent surface, as well as by their
stants (k2) obtained in the case of these biosorbents reduced preference for alkali and alkali-earth
indicate that the rate of the biosorption process is metal ions, in comparison with heavy metals. In
limited by the availability of heavy metal ions and biosorption processes, the microalgae act as a
the accessibility of functional groups from chemical substrate of biologic origin, with a resis-
biomass surface to interact. When the availability tant structure, where the functional groups from
of the superficial functional groups is higher, as is biomass skeleton represent the binding sites from
the case of salted water microalgae, the rate of bio- heavy metals from aqueous solution.
sorption process is also higher. When designing bioremediation processes for
the removal of heavy metals by biosorption on
microalgae, the following have to be considered:
7. CONCLUSIONS (1) The efficiency of biosorption process de-
pends on several factors related to both the
Bioremediation of aqueous effluents that microalgae characteristics (particle size, growth
contain various heavy metals by biosorption on and development conditions, pretreatment of
microalgae is a simple method that has received cells, etc.), and the retention process (solution
pH, biosorbent dose, contact time, temperature, Bayramoglu, G., Tuzun, I., Celik, G., Yilmaz, M., Arica, M.Y.,
work methodology, height of biosorbent bed, 2006. Biosorption of mercury(II), cadmium(II) and lead(II)
ions from aqueous system by microalgae Chlamydomonas
flow rate of aqueous solution, heavy metals con- reinhardtii immobilized in alginate beads. Int. J. Mineral
centration, etc.), which must be optimized; Process. 81, 35e43.
(2) The biosorption process can be easily Bulgariu, L., Cojocaru, C., Robu, B., Macoveanu, M., 2007.
modeled using several equilibrium and kinetics Equilibrium isotherms studies for the sorption of lead
models that are very well known and that pro- ions from aqua solutions using Romanian peat sorbent.
Environ. Eng. Manag. J. 6, 425e430.
vide useful information about the mechanism Bulgariu, L., Lupea, M., Bulgariu, D., Rusu, C.,
of heavy metals biosorption on microalgae. The Macoveanu, M., 2013. Equilibrium study of Pb(II) and
experiments must be started in batch conditions, Cd(II) biosorption from aqueous solution on marine green
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possible applicability of biosorption systems on Chong, K.H., Volesky, B., 1995. Description of two-metal bio-
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Bioremediation with Microalgae: Toward
Sustainable Production of Biofuels
J. Paniagua-Michel
Laboratory for Bioactive Compounds and Bioremediation, Department of Marine Biotechnology, Centro de
on Científica y de Educaci
on Superior de Ensenada (CICESE), Ensenada, BC, Mexico

1. INTRODUCTION 2011; Rahman et al., 2012). This chapter presents

the roles played by the bioremediation on waste-
The increased global shortages of fossil fuels, water effluents in selected species of microalgae
and their respective contributions to pollution that can be used as feedstock biomass for the
and global warming, have negatively impacted production of liquid biofuels. Coupling bioreme-
almost all the primary activities of all societies diation to the carbon neutral production of bio-
and industries. New options for renewable and fuels can be considered as a promising low-cost
sustainable energy sources have become a prior- alternative to reduce the cost per yield of liquid
ity because of the increase in population growth, biofuels affordable for a demanding sector.
which has impacted the human condition and
life quality at the global level. Under these
circumstances, the development of sustainable 2. BIOREMEDIATION AND
and eco-friendly sources of energy has become REMOVAL OF NUTRIENT IONS
one of the most important challenges in this WITH MICROALGAE
century, and new sources of renewable feed-
stocks that would produce sustainable replace- Municipal wastewater effluents are one of the
ment fuels have become a priority. Under this largest sources of pollution, by volume, being
scenario, bioprospecting for renewable and discharged to surface water bodies in aquatic en-
cost-effective sources of energy for the future vironments (Zamora-Castro et al., 2008). These
is mandatory for the world’s societies and effluents from municipal treatment plants
governments (International Energy Agency (WWTPs) are heavily charged with nutrients (ni-
IEA, 2013). Recent reports have indicated that trogen and phosphorus) affecting both fresh-
microalgae can be utilized for low-cost and water and sea life, causing eutrophication and
environmentally friendly wastewater treatment degradation of the marine ecosystem (Sriram
and bioremediation when compared to other and Seenivasan, 2012). Advanced wastewater
common treatment technologies (Pittman et al., treatments exhibit several advantages when

Handbook of Marine Microalgae 471 © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

integrated to the microalgae biomass production The biochemical composition of microalgae has
(Christenson & Sims, 2011; Pittman et al., 2011). been considered an attribute for an alternative
Recently, wastewater bioremediation has been feedstock source for biofuel production, besides
envisioned as one of the most viable alternatives their several advantages over traditional land
for cost-effective liquid biofuels production and crops to produce higher biomass productivity
renewable energy (Schneider et al., 2013). A on the basis of land area (Fathi et al., 2013;
wide number of microalgae have been used for McGinn et al., 2011). The high productivity
the successful removal of pollutants and biore- exhibited by microalgae, up to 100,000 L he1,
mediation of wastewater effluents, such as Chlor- is an excellent outcome when compared to pro-
ococcum (Zamora-Castro et al., 2008; Rosales and ductive crops (palm, yield 5959 L he1
Paniagua-Michel, 2014), Arthrospira (Spirulina), (Schneider et al., 2013). In general terms, practi-
Scenedesmus, Chlorella, Chlamydomonas, Phormi- cally, microalgae can double their biomass
dium, and Botryococcus (Fathi et al., 2013; Kong within 24 h and accumulate an average oil con-
et al., 2010; Pittman et al., 2010; Stephens et al., tent in most of them up to 30e80% by weight
2010). In general terms, photoautotrophic bio- of dry biomass (Cho et al., 2012; Chisti, 2007).
logical assimilation of wastewater nutrients can For biofuel production, algae need to have a lipid
be less expensive, more efficient, and ecologi- content exceeding 20% (Dalrymple et al., 2013),
cally safer than physical/chemical removal and some researchers even suggest 40%. Usable
processes (Christenson and Sims, 2012; Oswald, lipids were assumed to be 20% and 50% of the
2003). Microalgae can be placed as efficient algae dry weight for moderate-strength waste-
bioremediators of wastewater and organic water and low-strength pond water, respectively
wastes and at the same time a safe producer of (Dalrymple et al., 2013). In these calculations, an
biomass for recycling (Paniagua-Michel et al., algal oil-to-biofuel conversion efficiency of 80%
1987) in other bioproductive industrial applica- was used, which is similar to that obtained for
tions, viz, biofuels. It is expected that the vegetable oil. Microalgae oil production per
combination of bioremediation of domestic unit area of land far exceeds other oil crops
wastewater, biomass production, and industrial such as corn, soybean, coconut, and oil palm by
energy generation could help overcome the pre- as much as two to three orders of magnitude.
sent obstacles of unsustainability. Specific microalgae, like Botryococcus braunii
and Nannochloropsis sp., are well suited for this
alternative (Sydney et al., 2011). Furthermore,
3. MICROALGAE AND BIOFUELS they do not compete for arable land, can be pro-
PRODUCTION duced year-round in suitable climates, and are
likely to recover more quickly from adverse ef-
In principle, microalgae grown under normal fects. The biofuel potential for the various algae
and induced conditions are able to accumulate is shown in Table 1. The total potential volume
20e75% of lipids as part of their dry biomass of biofuel obtained is approximately 269,545,
(Sivakumar et al., 2012). Photosynthetic algae which can, on average, fuel 450 cars per year
use energy from the sun to sustain their (assuming 15,000 miles year1 with an average
fast growth rate and to accumulate a high quan- of 25 miles per gallon) (Dalrymple et al., 2013).
tity of lipids and reserve of oil, carbohydrates, Concerning the production values of algae under
polysaccharides, proteins, pigments, vitamins, lab-controlled conditions, a rough estimate
minerals, and other cellular substances suscepti- yields from 3000 to 14, 000 gallons of oil/acre/
ble to be biotechnologically exploited (Schneider year, which is a 130-fold increase over soybean,
et al., 2013; Paniagua-Michel et al., 2012). the leading feedstock for biodiesel production
TABLE 1 Biomass and Lipid Productivities of Selected Microalgae Cultured on Wastewater of Different Origin

Biomass (DW) Lipids

Wastewater Microalgae (mg LL1 dayL1) (mg LL1 dayL1) References

Municipal (centrate) Chlamydomonas 2000 505 Kong et al. (2010)

Municipal (ST) Scenedesmus obliquus 26a 8e f

Municipal (ST) Botryococcus brauni 345.6b 62 g

Agricultural (piggery B. braunii 700c 69 h

Agricultural (dairy Chlorella sp. 59d 17 i

wastewater) Micractinium sp.

Actinastrum sp.
Industrial carpet mill Dunaliella tertiolecta 28 4.3

DW, Dry weight.

ST, Secondary treatment.
Estimated from the biomass value of 1.1 mg L1 h1.
Estimated from the biomass value of 14.4 mg L1 h1.
Estimated from the biomass value of 7 g L1 after 10 days.
Estimated from lipid productivity and lipid content value.
Fatty acid content and productivity determined rather than total lipid.
Martinez, M. E., Sanchez, S., Jimenez, J. M., Yousfi, F. E., Munoz, L. (2000). Nitrogen and phosphorus removal from urban wastewater by the microalga
Scenedesmus obliquus. Bioresour. Technol., 73, 263e272.
Orpez, R., Martinez, M. E., Hodaifa, G., Yousfi, F. E., Jbari, N., Sanchez, S. (2009) Growth of the microalga Botryococcus braunii in secondarily treated
sewage. Desalination, 246, 625e630.
An, J. Y., Sim, S. J., Lee, J. S., Kim, B. W. (2003). Hydrocarbon production from secondarily treated piggery wastewater by the green alga Botryococcus
braunii. J. Appl. Phycol., 15, 185e191.
Woertz, I., Feffer, A., Lundquist, T. and Nelson, Y. (2009). Algae Grown on Dairy and Municipal Wastewater for Simultaneous Nutrient Removal and
Lipid Production for Biofuel. Feedstock. J. Environ. Eng., 135, 1115e1122.
Chinnasamy, S., Bhatnagar, A., Hunt, R. W., Das, K. C. (2010). Microalgae cultivation in a wastewater dominated by carpet mill effluents for biofuel
applications. Bioresour. Technol., 101, 3097e3105.
Modified after Pittman et al. (2011); Rawat et al. (2011).

(Sturm et al., 2011). In Figure 1, these microalgal 2008). Moreover, once the biodiesel process is
properties and uniqueness have been integrated developed, after hydrolysis, the residual biomass
with respective strategies for the enhancement can potentially be used for bioethanol production
of the feasibility of algae-based biofuels. (Schneider et al., 2013). During the process of
reproduction and biomass accumulation, microal-
gae accumulate a large quantity of triacylglycer-
3.1 Transesterification and Biodiesel
ides (>50%) of their dry mass and free fatty
Production from Microalgae acids that can be used to produce biodiesel
Biodiesel is currently recognized as a green and (Lam et al., 2012; Chisti, 2007). These long-chain
alternative renewable fuel because it is nontoxic, hydrocarbons can be converted to biodiesel and
biodegradable, and has lower emission of GHG jet fuel or cracked like petroleum for liquid fuel
when burned (Lam et al., 2012; Demirbas et al., (Sivakumar et al., 2010; Niehaus et al., 2011). Algal
2011). From microalgae, this biofuel is made biodiesel production essentially involves two
from triglycerides and of three chains of fatty main steps: (1) extraction of oils from the biomass,
acids linked by a glycerol molecule (Hu et al., and (2) conversion (transesterification) of oils

FIGURE 1 A schematic representation of the integration of strategies for improving the feasibility of algae-based biofuels.
Modified after Gimpel et al. (2013).

(fatty acids) to biodiesel (alkyl esters) (Schenk obtained at 100% (wt./wt.oil) catalyst concentra-
et al., 2008). To date, biodiesel production from tion. Velasquez-Orta et al. (2012) developed a
algae biomass has been generally performed by successful process of alkaline in situ transesterifi-
one of the following methods: (1) A two-step pro- cation in Chlorella vulgaris; their results were com-
tocol in which algae oil is extracted with organic parable to those obtained with an acid catalyst
solvent and then converted to biodiesel using a (Miao and Wu, 2006). The algae biomass-to-
catalyst, such as an acid, a base, or an enzyme; methanol ratio (w1:12) is considered a clever issue
(2) direct production of biodiesel from algae to optimize lipid recovery (w18%) and FAEE con-
biomass using an acid catalyst at atmospheric version (96.1%) (Martinez-Guerra et al., 2014).
pressure and ambient temperature; and (3) one-
step, single-pot conversion to biodiesel at high 3.2 Bioethanol from Microalgae:
pressure and high temperature in the absence of A Potential Biotechnology
a catalyst (Martinez-Guerra et al., 2014; Chen
et al., 2012). Chlorella sp. exhibited a maximum Bioethanol, or perhaps fuel ethanol, is a
lipid to FAME conversion of around 88% after a biomass-derived, biodegradable, and environ-
reaction time of 2 h, using 0.04 mol of sulfuric mental friendly fuel produced from different
acid, 500:1 mol of methanol, and a temperature feedstocks such as cellulosic biomass. Bioethanol
of 90  C (Martinez-Guerra et al., 2014). The in is produced from biomass by the fermentation of
situ transesterification process is applied on available carbohydrates, usually simple sugars,
microalgae for biodiesel production (Ehimen into bioethanol and carbon dioxide, via the
et al., 2010). Lipids are extracted from the biomass following chemical process:
by methanol and catalyzed by the acid, which
concurrently transesterifies the extracted lipids to Cn H2n On ðSugarÞ/n=3 C2 H5 OH þ n=3ðCO2 Þ
produce fatty acid methyl esters (Figure 2). Recent þ Heat
studies on in situ transesterification using an acid
catalyst for the production of biodiesel were
developed using Arthrospira platensis. The total Most carbohydrate molecules ((CH2O)n) have
lipid content of A. Platensis was 0.1095 g g1 the potential to produce bioethanol; however,
biomass (El-shimi et al., 2013). The optimum the primary sources for current bioethanol
level of fatty acid methyl ester (84.7%) was production are sugar, starch, cellulose, and

Tryglycerides Methyl Esters

CH2 – OOC – R1 R1 – COO – CH3 CH2 – OH

CH – OOC – R2 + 3CH3OH R2 – COO – CH3 + CH – OH

Methyl alcohol
CH2 – OOC – R3 R3 – COO – CH3 CH2 – OH

R1, R2, R3 are three fatty acids

FIGURE 2 The main reaction and steps of transesterification applicable in microalgae feedstock for biodiesel production.

hemicellulose (Harun et al., 2014; Kim et al., sources: fossil fuel, water, and biomass (Beer
2004). During microbial hydrolysis, these carbo- et al., 2009). Photosynthetic eukaryotic microal-
hydrate polymers are broken into simple sugars, gae and some cyanobacteria have the ability
followed by fermentation to yield bioethanol to simultaneously photoproduce molecular
(Kumar et al., 2013). Microalga genera such as hydrogen and oxygen, using water as the only
Chlorella, Dunaliella, Chlamydomonas, Scenedes- electron donor, a process called water bio-
mus, Nannochloropsis, and Spirulina are some of photolysis (Ghirardi et al., 2007). Photosynthesis
the most abundant organisms on earth, existing as the clever photosynthetic water-splitting
in salt or fresh water. Studies in marine microal- agent, in coordination with the activity of hy-
gae reported dark fermentation in the marine drogenase enzymes, is functionally linked to
green algae Chlorococcum littorale, which pro- H2 production. A remarkable feature is that
duced 450 mmol ethanol g1 at 30  C (Ueno green microalgae and cyanobacteria contain
et al., 1998). Despite the real potential of microal- only one of two major types of hydrogenases,
gae biofuel, its feasibility for commercialization [FeFe] or [NiFe] enzymes (Ghirardi et al.,
is still questionable. Recent calculations have 2007). In spite of the fact that biohydrogen pro-
increased the expectation to have lower cost duction from wastewater still is not developed
per yield, a condition associated with their abil- on an industrial scale, great progress in the
ity to reduce greenhouse emissions through the development of such technologies is underway.
replacement of fossil fuels (Fathi et al., 2013; Expression of algal cells [FeFe]-hydrogenase
Brune et al., 2009) concomitantly with the use enzymes that catalyze the following ferredoxin
of low-cost nutrients. (Fd)-linked reaction occurs under anaerobic
conditions (Kosourov et al., 2012):
3.3 Hydrogen Photoproduction by 2H þ 2Fred H2 þ 2Fdox (2)
Microalgae and Wastewater
Studies by Batyrova et al. (2012) have indi-
Bioremediation cated that sustained H2 photoproduction can be
Hydrogen is one of the ideal alternative en- induced by subjecting Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
ergy sources to replace fossil fuel (Li, and Yu, cultures to sulfur and phosphorus deprivation,
2011; Hallenbeck and Ghosh, 2009). Hydrogen respectively. Studies on the maximum H2 output
can be obtained from one of the following have registered w70 ml L1 in cultures with Chl

content of w1mg/l (Batyrova et al., 2012). microalgae requirement. In spite of the efficiency
C. reinhardtii cultures deprived of inorganic sulfur of certain microalgae to taking up nitrogen and
are capable of prolonged H2 photoproduction, phosphate from the surrounding media, efficient
not only in fresh water but also in marine strains, strategies for nutrient recycling need to be devel-
but obstacles due to the high concentrations of oped if algae are going to be used to produce sig-
sulfates in seawater make sulfur deprivation a nificant amounts of fuel. In either case, the
hard task for hydrogen gas photoproduction by potential to expand the variety of nutrients uti-
microalgae. Moreover, the photoproduction in lized by algae can be harnessed, and therefore
nutrient-deprived algae cannot be assured improve the overall yield of products. Microal-
due to the high degradation of the RuBisCo gae can be grown photoautotrophically or
enzyme at the moment that H2 photoproduction heterotrophically. The heterotrophic or mixotro-
begins (Kosourov et al., 2012). The possibility phic algal culture on a reduced carbon source ex-
that nutrient-deprived algae utilize H2 gas by hibits several advantages, viz, the culture
the chlororespiration pathway from [FeFe]- conditions are highly controlled and reproduc-
hydrogenase(s) to O2 through Fd, NADPþ/ ible and higher cell densities can be achieved,
NADPH and the PQ pool can be considered which decreases harvesting costs (Rasala et al.,
(Kosourov et al., 2012). Under these circum- 2013). A great number of microalgae species,
stances, bioremediation plays an important role however, are strict autotrophs, which can be
considering the limitations in nutrients for the in- exploited more practically in bioremediation
duction to the photoproduction of hydrogen, viz, programs. The enrichment of glucose in the
phosphate and sulfate from wastewater/ growth media generates a remarkable produc-
seawater. Bioremediation with microalgae offers tion of 150% more hydrogen by transformed C.
the possibility of control, counterbalance and reinhardtii cells than the parental strain (Doebbe
regulated nutrient sufficient, enriching and/or et al., 2007). Despite the advantages of heterotro-
exhausting conditions in ionic components of phic culture for biofuel production, the enrich-
wastewater and seawater with their different ment by a carbon source produces an
technological alternatives and circuits. undesirable increase in cost when compared to
phototrophic systems, because the special condi-
tions of the high risk of contamination require in-
4. BIOREMEDIATION: TROPHIC door enclosed bioreactors.
PATHWAY TOWARD It is recognized that the development and pro-
SUSTAINABLE BIOFUELS duction of economically viable biofuels, mainly
biodiesel of algae, depend on the yield and qual-
Bioremediation is a biotechnology that in- ity of production of oil. Different strategies aim-
volves the use of organisms to remove, break ing to increase oil production and lipid quality
down, and control or neutralize pollutants nutri- have been developed. In C. vulgaris, values of
ents from a contaminated site into less toxic or 0.2 kg m3 d1 oil were reported when first
nontoxic substances (Paniagua-Michel et al., grown under nutrient-sufficient conditions fol-
2005). Particularly, microorganisms and microal- lowed by nutrient deprivation, but higher lipid
gae under certain circumstances have the ability contents were reported when the cells depleted
to generate different levels of ions nutrients. The their N naturally (Scott et al., 2010). Many algae
ability of bioremediation to accomplish different can grow heterotrophically with an external car-
ratios of micro- and macronutrients, carbon:ni- bon source, rather than photosynthetically. In
trogen:phosphorus (C:N:P), allow supply of the this condition the N:C ratio is altered, and the
required nutrient condition according to the lipid production is increased as the effect
produced when growing algae with low N levels Sims, 2011). For instance, cellular lipid yield
under autotrophic conditions. For example, an can be increased by blocking the metabolic path-
enhancement in the lipid levels was seen when ways involved in the biosynthesis of starch or by
sugars were added to photosynthetically grown diminishing lipid catabolism (Radakovits et al.,
cells of C. protothecoides, resulting in lipid levels 2010; Radakovits et al., 2011).
of up to 11.8 kg m3 day1 and 58% of oil con- The cellular oil content of microalgae is a key
tent per dry weight (Xiong et al., 2010). factor to achieve an efficient yield of biodiesel. C.
vulgaris grown under nutrient-sufficient con-
ditions accumulated a lipid content between
5. ADVANCES IN GENETIC AND 14% and 30% of dry weight (Illman et al.,
METABOLIC ENGINEERING OF 2000), a condition related to the insufficient N
MICROALGAE BIOFUELS for protein production necessary for growth,
while excess carbon from photosynthesis is
Nowadays, genetic and in silico develop- deviated into storage molecules (TAGs or
ments have advanced in the characterization of starch). In cultures with N-depleted media, the
microalgal genomes aiming to harness biofuel total fatty acid content on a per cell basis
production (Gimpel et al., 2013). Sequences of increased by 2.4-fold, after 72 h, and the total
microalgal genomes of academic or industrial in- fatty acids (higher than 60%) are esterified to
terest are actually accessed from the different TAG in oil bodies, a condition indicating that
bank of sequences, which has greatly facilitated TAG formation depends on de novo synthesis
genetic manipulation (Radakovits et al., 2010). of fatty acids. The presence of a major lipid
Introns, which initially were conceived of as self- droplet protein (MDLP) was shown by proteo-
ish genes, are widespread in microalgal ge- mic analysis, which was particularly abundant
nomes. The presence or absence of introns has in the microalgal lipid bodies. A direct correla-
been used for identification of open reading tion was confirmed between the MLDP mRNA
frames in genomic DNA, and has recently been transcript abundance, with a corresponding
used to resolve identification and differentiation increase in lipid droplets after N depletion in
between closely related species of carotenogenic C. reinhardtii, corroborating that this protein
microalgae (Olmos et al., 2012). The current regulates the lipid droplet size in this microal-
advances in microalgal genetics for biofuel pro- gae. This process also provides information on
duction include genetic transformation and sta- gene transcript, protein, and metabolic activities
ble heterologous gene expression. At present, during lipid accumulation in algae (Scott
the advent of genome sequences for algae opens et al., 2010). In the case of starch-deficient C.
the possibility to apply metabolic engineering as reinhardtii strains, increased accumulation levels
a significant mechanism for increasing yields of of TAGs during nitrogen deprivation were
TAGs or engineering pathways for novel algal identified as a response of interference in
biofuel molecules (Scott et al., 2010; Yoon et al., its ADP pyrophosphorylase or isoamylase
2011). In the case of C. reinhardtii, all three genes, respectively (Sivankumar et al., 2012;
genomesdnuclear, chloroplast, and mitochon- Wang et al., 2009). The engineering of this Chlor-
driadhave been successfully sequenced (Rasala ophyte occurred in photobioreactors that were
et al., 2013). It is well known that the mecha- exposed to 200e400 mmol m2 s1 (w10e20%)
nisms that control lipid production are basic (Sivakumar et al., 2012; Gordon and Polle,
steps to enable genetic manipulation of microal- 2007), which increased biomass yield by down-
gae for enhancing growth and sustainable regulation expression of its light-harvesting
photoproduction of biofuels (Christenson and antenna complexes (Beckman et al., 2009).

FIGURE 3 General scheme of the integration of bioremediation of secondary wastewater effluents to the microalgal culture
and respective potential for development of a biorefinery and biofuels.

plant to produce flue gas (Dalrymple et al.,

6. COUPLING BIOREMEDIATION 2013). This approach essentially reduces the
AND MICROALGAL BIOFUEL: cost of algal production and consequently leads
SUSTAINABLE APPROACHES to the sustainable production of biofuels, while
preventing eutrophication and mitigating CO2
Successful photoautotrophically produced emissions (Chynoweth et al., 1993).
microalgae in municipal wastewater can be The lipid production for algae grown on waste-
grown once the control of parameters such as water with nitrogen levels of w30 mg L1 was car-
concentrations of dissolved inorganic nutrients, ried out by Woertz et al. (2009), obtaining 3 g dry
primarily ammonium and phosphates, as well wt m2 day1 and 30% lipids by dry weight,
as light limitation and fluctuations in tempera- respectively. Integrating microalgal biomass
ture are achieved (Park et al., 2012; Apt and production with municipal wastewater treatment
Behrens, 1999; Lee, 2001). Anaerobically digested and industrial CO2 emissions are alternative to
agricultural waste materials and catfish process- achieve cost-effective microalgal production
ing waste have been used to feed algal cultures, yields. Effective removal of N and P from munic-
which were used as feedstock to produce micro- ipal wastewater is limited by the processing
algal oil and methane energy, as well as other capacity of available microalgal cultivation sys-
by-products, for example, fertilizer (Sivakumar tems. The selection of the biofuel of interest
et al., 2012; Prajapati et al., 2013). Since algae (biodiesel, bioethanol, or biohydrogen) and the
are known to grow in wastewater, a possible syn- microalgal strain will determine the bioprocess
ergistic solution is to co-locate and integrate algal and treatment methods of biomass to coupling
production with nutrients obtained from rich bioremediation and biofuel production, as exem-
wastewater and utilization of CO2 from power plified in Figure 3. Nevertheless, some remaining
challenges on the production of biofuels and bio- Chynoweth, D.P., Turick, C.E., Owens, J.M., Jerger, D.E.,
products using algal biomass have been handi- Peck, M.W., 1993. Biochemical methane potential of biomass
and waste feedstocks. Biomass Bioenergy 5, 95e111.
capped by an inability to find a reliable and Dalrymple, O.K., Halfhide, T., Udom, I., Gilles, B., Wolan, J.,
cost-effective method of producing and harvest- Zhang, Q., Ergas, S., 2013. Wastewater use in algae pro-
ing large quantities of algae feedstock duction for generation of renewable resources: a review
(Christenson and Sims, 2011; Chisti et al., 2008). and preliminary results. Aquatic Biosystems 5, 2.
The respective integration of microalgae with Demirbas, M.F., 2011. Biofuels from algae for sustainable
development. Appl. Energy 88, 3473e3480.
light and mineral ion utilization, carbon flow, Doebbe, A., Rupprecht, J., Beckmann, J., Mussgnug, J.H.,
and engineering of biofuels’ substrates will Hallmann, A., Hankamer, B., Kruse, O., 2007. Functional
contribute to the reduction in the cost per yield integration of the HUP1 hexose symporter gene into the
and the achievement of carbon-neutral condi- genome of C. reinhardtii: impacts on biological H(2)
tions, key factors to achieve sustainable biofuels production. J. Biotechnol. 131, 27e33.
Ehimen, E.A., Sun, Z.F., Carrington, C.G., 2010. Variables
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Biomethanation of Microalgal Biomass
Poonam Choudhary, Arghya Bhattacharya, Sanjeev K. Prajapati,
Prachi Kaushik, Anushree Malik
Applied Microbiology Laboratory, Centre for Rural Development and Technology, Indian Institute of
Technology (IIT) Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi, India

1. INTRODUCTION (Prajapati et al., 2013a). The advantage of using

neat wastewater for algae cultivation lies in the
Microalgae have been considered as potential possibility of enhanced biomass production
feedstock for renewable energy to reduce global attributed to the synergistic growth of algae
warming and treat wastewater. Being photosyn- with native bacteria in the selected wastewater
thetic, microalgae use CO2 from the atmosphere (Rawat et al., 2011). Moreover, algal biomass pro-
or waste gases, uptake nutrients from waste- duction could be enhanced further by providing
water, and grow into a biomass rich in carbohy- elevated CO2 levels using waste gas streams,
drates, proteins, and lipids. However, microalgal such as flue gas (Kumar et al., 2010). Anaerobic
technology still requires innovative scientific and digestion (AD) is another attractive technology
technological breakthroughs to make it feasible. for bioconversion of produced biomass into
The main challenges identified include low pro- methane. However, the biomass compositiond
ductivity for large-scale processes, as well as the and hence the methane potentialdof wastewater-
high costs associated with the recovery and pro- grown algae might differ from the algae grown in
cessing of biomass to convert biofuels and other standard nutrient medium. Another attractive
products. If the approach is coupled with other feature of AD is the resulting nutrient flux in
low-input co-processes, such as wastewater the form of digestate, which could be used as a
treatment and CO2 sequestration from flue nutrient supplement for algae growth.
gases, it would greatly aid in the economics of In the case of algal biomethane production, it
the entire process, as well as contribute to green- is possible to construct a closed-loop process for
house gas (GHG) abatement by not producing its coupling with phycoremediation and nutrient
additional fossil fuel as is generally required recycling. Lifecycle assessment (LCA) provides
for product formation. an excellent platform for assessing the environ-
Various reports have targeted microalgae culti- mental impact and feasibility of such a closed-
vation in wastewater for biofuel production loop process. This chapter reviews the current

Handbook of Marine Microalgae 483 © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

state of the art of algal-related work on cultivation mode can be adopted. For example,
phycoremediation-coupled biomass production heterotrophic cultivation is a favored mode
along with CO2 sequestration, AD of algal when high lipid productivity is desired. Large-
biomass, and possible closed-loop processes. scale production of microalgae has a lot of poten-
LCA-based assessment is also discussed to tial in wastewater treatment as well. Wastewater
predict the feasibility of such processes. that has an excess of nitrogen and phosphorus
content when discharged into the environment
leads to eutrophication (Christenson and Sims,
2. WASTEWATER AS A POTENTIAL 2011). Microalgae production can use different
NUTRIENT SOURCE FOR types of nutrient-rich wastewater, thereby
MICROALGAE CULTIVATION reducing the water and fertilizer demand consid-
erably, as well as improving the water quality to
Microalgae are photosynthetic organisms. dischargeable limits (Prajapati et al., 2013b).
Under natural environmental conditions, algae The minimal nutritional requirements of a
grow by absorbing sunlight, assimilating CO2 microalga can be estimated using the approxi-
from the atmosphere, and deriving nutrients mate molecular formula of microalgal biomass:
from the aquatic habitat. In addition to the photo- CO0.48H1.83N0.11P0.01 (Chisti, 2007). Any growth
trophic method (i.e., sunlight as energy and CO2 medium that is utilized for the production of
as carbon source), microalgae can be grown microalgae must provide inorganic elements,
through heterotrophic (organic carbon as the en- such as nitrogen and phosphorus, in excess to
ergy and carbon source), mixotrophic (growth constitute the algal cell. Microalgal biomass
under the phototrophic and/or heterotrophic also contains approximately 50% carbon (on a
mode), and photoheterotrophic (light as energy dry-weight basis), which is usually derived
and organic carbon as carbon source) cultivation from carbon dioxide. The artificial cultivation
methods. Depending upon the application of of microalgae in wastewater under natural
microalgae and the available resources, a suitable conditions is demonstrated in Figure 1.

Under natural conditions: Autotrophic growth Under artificial conditions: Mixotrophic growth

Light source CO2 sparging

Artificial light source


NO3–, NO2–, PO43– CO3–, HCO3–,

H 2O other C-
from WW
NO3–, NO2–, PO43–

Wastewater Algal cells

Aquatic body Algal cells

FIGURE 1 Schematic representation of algal cells undergoing autotrophic and mixotrophic modes of growth.
In mixotrophic growth, the simultaneous occur- channel (Figure 2(b)). Although open-pond sys-
rence of phototrophic and heterotrophic modes tems for microalgae cultivation are relatively
may occur. The CO2 requirements of microalgae inexpensive to build and operate, they suffer
may be met by either direct sparging of the gas from a major limitation: low productivity, which
into the wastewater or through the carbon-rich is due to contamination, poor mixing, and evap-
sources (carbonates, bicarbonates) present in orative water loss leading to inefficient use of
the wastewater. CO2 (Chisti, 2007).
Photobioreactors (PBRs) are closed-culture
tubular systems made of transparent material
2.1 Types of Potential Wastewater
(glass/plastic) and are based on single-specie
and Nutrient Availability
microalgae culture. The configuration of tubular
Researchers have used different types of PBRs may use a vertical (Figure 2(c)), horizontal
wastewater that are rich in nitrogen and phos- (Figure 2(d)), or helical design (Figure 2(e)). Lim-
phorus for the cultivation of microalgae with itations posed by open-pond systems related to
subsequent treatment of the wastewater. Some contamination, mixing, evaporative loss, and
of the studies have been tabulated in Table 1. pH and temperature control can be overcome
Data indicate the utilization of different microal- with the use of PBRs, leading to higher cell den-
gae for the treatment of wastewater, ranging sities (Prajapati et al., 2013a).
from highly specific livestock wastewater to a Open-pond and closed-culture bioreactors
more variable urban wastewater. Microalgae are based on suspended microalgae growth
remove nutrients such as nitrogen and phos- systems, which are often limited by the problems
phorus from wastewater through direct uptake faced during harvesting of the culture. Thus,
into the algal cells. It is important to note that immobilized/attached-growth microalgae cul-
effective removal and utilization of nitrogen ture systems (Figure 2(f)) have been developed;
and phosphorus take place at a suitable these systems have an added advantage of
nitrogen-to-phosphorus ratio of the wastewater, high biomass density and require less water
which varies by microalgae species. and land (Christenson and Sims, 2011). Different
materials, such as polystyrene foam, cardboard,
2.2 Microalgae Cultivation Systems polyethylene fabric, and loofah sponge, have
been used to fabricate attached-growth systems
Utilizing Wastewater
for microalgae (Johnson and Wen, 2010).
Different configurations for the cultivation If a comparison is made between the nutrient
methods have been proposed by researchers removal efficiency and biomass production po-
for the production of microalgae using waste- tential of different cultivation methods, higher
water as the cultivation medium. These configu- biomass production (20e45 g m2 day1) has
rations can be broadly classified into the been observed with tubular PBRs, compared
following three groups: open ponds, closed reac- with the 10e20 g m2 day1 biomass production
tors, and immobilized systems (Christenson and obtained with raceway ponds. However, greater
Sims, 2011). An open pond used for commercial phosphorus removal has been observed in
microalgae production can either be a circular raceway-pond configurations (96% removal
pond (Figure 2(a)) or a raceway pond; in this compared with 86% in tubular PBRs). Another
closed-loop recirculation channel, mixing and cultivation method, the rotating algal biofilm
circulation are achieved using a paddlewheel reactor (RABR), was tested by Christenson and
and the flow is guided through bends and baf- Sims (2012); they achieved average removal rates
fles, which are intermittently placed in the flow of 2.1 and 14.1 g m2 day1 for total dissolved
TABLE 1 Wastewater Treatment and Algal Biomass Production

Nutrient concentration


Wastewater Algae species (mg LL1) Algal productivity Nutrient removal References
1 1 1 1
Wastewater from Chlamydomonas TAN: 67; TDP: 120 2.00 g L day TAN: 55.8 mg L day ; Kong et al. (2010).
metro plant reinhardtii TDP: 17.4 mg L1 day1
Artificial urban Scenedesmus TAN: 32.5; NO3eN: 2.0; GR: 0.401 day1 TAN: 100%; TDP: 83.3% Ruiz-Marin et al.
wastewater obliqus TDP: 2.5 (2010).
Chlorella vulgaris GR:0.377 day1 TAN: 60.1%; TDP: 80.3%
Municipal Chlorella sp. COD: 2250; TAN: 71.8; GR: 0.948 day COD removal: 83.0%; TAN: Wang et al. (2010).
wastewater TDP: 201.5 78.3%; TDP: 85.6%
Concentrated Chlorella sp. COD: 2389; TAN: 85.9; 0.92 g L1 day1 COD removal: 90.8%; TAN: Li et al. (2011).
municipal TKN:132.3; TDP: 215 93.9%; total nitrogen
wastewater removal: 89.1%; TDP:
Concentrated Auxenochlorella COD: 2324; TAN: 91; 1.1 g L1 COD removal: 79.10%; Zhou et al. (2012).
municipal protothecoides TKN:134; TDP: 212 TAN: 100%; nitrogen
wastewater removal: 90.60%; TDP:
Drain wastewater Chroococcus sp.1 COD: 310.46; NO3eN: 1.05 g L1 COD removal: 70.0%; TAN: Prajapati et al.
9.8; TAN: 10; TDP: 26.89 100% (2013b).
Urban wastewater Desmodesmus NO3eN: 0.60; TAN: 0.138e0.227 g L1 TAN: z 100%; TDP: Samorì et al. (2013).
communis 33.62; TDP: 1.54 day1 z 100%
Livestock Chroococcus sp. 1 COD: 2965; NO3eN: 4.44 g Le1 COD removal: 76.6%; Prajapati et al.
wastewater 74.67; TAN: 160.67; NO3eN removal: 83.7%; (2014e).
TDP: 201.67 TAN: 98.0%; TDP: 84.5%

COD: chemical oxygen demand; GR: growth rate; TAN: total ammoniacal nitrogen; TDP: total dissolved phosphorus.

FIGURE 2 Microalgae cultivation systems: (a) Circular pond (Lundquist et al., 2010). (b) Raceway pond (http://algae- (c) Vertical tank (Chinnasamy et al., 2010). (d) A 1000-L helical tubular photo-
bioreactor (Chisti, 2007). (e) Horizontal tubular photobioreactor (Bitog et al., 2011). (f) Attached-growth system (Ozkan et al.,

phosphorus and total dissolved nitrogen, respec- uptake by the algal cells. Therefore, the reactor
tively. Biomass production in RABR systems configurations and cultivation methods, as well
ranged from 5.5 g m2 day1 at bench scale to as the algal species and its acclimatization to
as high as 31 g m2 day1 at pilot scale, which the wastewater, play important roles in nutrient
is better than raceway ponds but less than removal. Microalgae belonging to the Chlorella,
what has been achieved with tubular PBRs. Spirulina, and Scendesmus genera have been
widely employed for the removal of nutrients
from wastewater. Prajapati et al. (2013b)
2.3 Biomass Production Potential
compared the performance of aquatic and terres-
in Wastewater trial counterparts of microalgae isolated from
The growth of microalgae in wastewater is the drain wastewater and surrounding soil, respec-
most important parameter for the simultaneous tively, in removing nutrients from wastewater
removal of nutrients from wastewater and and biomass production. Their results indicated

that native isolates (from wastewater) produce GHGs; because of the likelihood of further in-
higher biomass compared with those isolated creases, there is an urgent need to address car-
from soil when grown in drainage wastewater. bon sequestration technology more rationally
Moreover, the better synergy of the isolated and effectively (Singh and Ahluwalia, 2012).
strains with native microbial populations in The existing carbon capture and storage technol-
removing nutrients from unsterilized waste- ogies (absorption, adsorption, cryogenic distilla-
water demonstrates the superiority of such tion, gas-separation membranes) are considered
strains in wastewater treatment processes. to be short-term solutions with no environ-
Because the wastewater characteristics vary mental sustainability (Kumar et al., 2010). A
largely depending upon the source, site-specific promising technology could be the
algalewastewater combinations need to be photosynthesis-driven microalgal fixation of
worked out to avoid failures. Furthermore, CO2 due to its simple nutritional requirements,
certain other modifications, such as nutrient sup- unmatched CO2 fixation rate over higher plants,
plementation, CO2 sequestration, etc., can be car- and lack of requirement for the further disposal
ried out to increase the biomass production of the trapped CO2. The ability of microalgae
potential of wastewater. to use low-quality water, such as municipal, in-
dustrial, or agricultural wastewater, as a source
of nitrogen, phosphorus, and minor nutrients
can be rendered more sustainable by coupling
microalgal fixation of CO2 generated by agricul-
tural or industrial processes (Figure 3). Hence,
MICROALGAE CULTIVATION the combination of CO2 fixation from flue gas
IN WASTEWATER and nutrient utilization from wastewater may
provide economic and environmental benefits
3.1 Microalgal Carbon Dioxide Fixation as a result of the decreased cost of water and
Increasing carbon dioxide concentrations in chemicals required for microalgae growth, while
the atmosphere are responsible for more than providing a pathway for wastewater treatment,
50% of the global warming potential of all reduction of overall carbon emissions, and the

IntegraƟon of microalgae producƟon , wastewater treatment, and biofuel producƟon

Sun light Reclaimed water

(energy source)
Water and nutrients Microalgae • Biodiesel
DomesƟc, industrial, and culƟvaƟon • Methane
agricultural wastewater • Hydrogen
• Open-pond
Waste CO2 and Heat raceways Co-products
• Power generaƟon • Closed • Animal feed
• Industrial and photobioreactors • FerƟlizers
agricultural processes • Polymers

FIGURE 3 An integrated system for coupling microalgae-mediated CO2 sequestration with wastewater treatment. Modified
from Kumar et al. (2010).
subsequent utilization of the generated biomass ensure nutrient availability, and prevent micro-
for energy production. algal sedimentation (Zhao and Su, 2014). These
parameters can be addressed by designing
suitable PBRs to maintain an optimum flow
3.2 Mechanisms and Key Parameters
rate and mixing and increase mass transfer
of Microalgal CO2 Fixation (Jajesniak et al., 2014).
Microalgal photosynthesis converts carbon
dioxide into organic compounds using light en-
3.3 Process Kinetics and Critical
ergy and releases molecular oxygen by the CO2
concentrating mechanism (CCM). CCM directly
Parameters Affecting CO2 Sequestration
results in an increase of the photosynthetic rate After selecting a suitable microalgal strain, the
by the enhancement of CO2 levels at the active next step is the selection of an appropriate culti-
site of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase- vation system or conditions. On an industrial
oxygenase (Rubisco) by transporting inorganic scale, two systems that have been extensively
carbon or carbon dioxide into the cell and ulti- used are open-pond and closed PBR technolo-
mately decreasing photorespiration. The main gies (Brennan and Owende, 2010). However, it
enzyme involved in the process called carbonic is still unclear whether an open-pond or closed
anhydrase (CA) assures the availability, conver- PBR system is better for CO2 sequestration.
sion, and equilibrium of dissolved inorganic car- Although raceway ponds are the most
bon forms inside microalgal cells. commonly used artificial growth systems
Because microalgal CO2 fixation performance because of their cost-effectiveness, they are
is mainly controlled by CA enzymes, the factors limited by large surface area requirements,
influencing the enzyme activity are key factors in high cultivation costs, low biomass productivity,
controlling CO2 sequestration technology. Apart and significant CO2 losses to the atmosphere.
from suitable CO2-fixing microalgae, the factors Closed PBR configurations, including vertical
influencing microalgaleCO2 fixation usually column reactors (bubble columns or air-lift),
include physicochemical parameters (e.g., CO2 tubular reactors, and flat-plate reactors, utilize
concentration, sulfur and nitrogen oxides in CO2 much more efficiently than open systems
combustion flue gas, initial inoculation density, because of their efficient light distribution and
culture temperature, light, nutrients, pH) and higher mass transfer (Pires et al., 2012).
hydrodynamic parameters (e.g., aeration, mix- A comparative analysis of two different culti-
ing, mass transfer). The physicochemical param- vation modes for growth and CO2 biofixation of
eters of extremely high or low values of CO2 a Chlorella sp. showed that closed cultivation
concentration, pH, and temperature directly substantially enhanced microalgal performance,
affect the activity of CA and Rubisco (Rawat with 1.78- and 5.39-fold greater growth rate
et al., 2011). Therefore, maintaining an optimal and carbon biofixation, respectively (Zhao
range or value for these parameters is important et al., 2011). Most of the research on microalgal-
for efficient CO2 fixation. CO2 fixation technology has been done on a
Unlike the physicochemical parameters, laboratory scale, with limited reports on pilot-
hydrodynamic factors affect microalgal photo- scale implementation. The performance of
synthesis or CO2 uptake indirectly. For microalgal-CO2 fixation and biomass production
instance, the appropriate flow and mixing in heavily depend on the culture process condi-
gaseliquidesolid (CO2emediumemicroalgae) tions; for example, microalgal growth under
are necessary to enhance mass transfer, ensure flue gas conditions is usually more complex
efficient light and temperature distribution, than under atmospheric conditions.

Waste gases from industries typically contain either depend on using thermophilic microalgal
3e30% CO2 as compared to atmospheric CO2 species (e.g., Synechococcus elongates) or installing
(approximately 0.036%) and can be an effective a heat-exchange system.
supplement to stimulate microalgal growth Previous research initiatives (Nakajima and
(Kumar et al., 2010). Kao et al. (2014) investi- Ueda, 2000) suggest that practical CO2 utiliza-
gated the growth of a mutant Chlorella sp., tion from flue gases using microalgae still re-
aerated with flue gases from a coke oven, hot quires innovative scientific and technological
stove, and power plant of a steel plant; they breakthroughs to make this a feasible technol-
found two-fold higher growth rate than those ogy. Unless coupled with other technologies,
obtained using air or 25% CO2 aeration. The microalgal technology is unlikely to make a
reason could be the tolerance of mutant species considerable contribution to solving the CO2
to high CO2 levels. However, at high concentra- problem globally. Potential couplings include
tions of CO2 (>5%), growth for intolerant micro- wastewater treatment, production of useful me-
algae can be suppressed. This is often attributed tabolites, and biofuels. Supplementation with
to acidification of the cellular content, which CO2 in wastewater is expected to increase algal
eventually hinders growth (Kumar et al., 2010). biomass productivity and could be a viable
Considering CO2 concentrations in flue gases approach because process requirements and ob-
(3e30% CO2), it is important to identify strains jectives overlap significantly. However, CO2 up-
capable of growing under very high CO2 concen- take efficiency under wastewater conditions
trations. Additionally, microalgal growth can be become more complex because of high turbidity
maintained at a 100% CO2 concentration by con- and suspended matter. For instance, Chlorella
trolling changes in pH and only releasing CO2 to vulgaris was cultivated in wastewater discharged
the microalgae on demand (Olaizola, 2003). by steel-making plants to develop an economi-
Besides CO2, flue gases also contain NOx, SOx, cally feasible system to simultaneously remove
and heavy metals such as nickel, vanadium, and ammonia from wastewater and CO2 (15% v/v)
mercury. According to researchers, the presence from flue gas (Yun et al., 1997). The CO2 fixation
of NOx in flue gases poses little or no problem for and ammonia removal rates were 26.0 and
microalgal growth; difficulty arises in the pres- 0.92 g m3 h1, respectively. In another study,
ence of SOx, which decreases the pH due to the Chinnasamy et al. (2010) cultivated native mixo-
formation of sulfurous acid (Kumar et al., trophic algal strains (Chlamydomonas globosa,
2010). Also, particular concentrations of nickel Chlorella minutissima, and Scenedesmus bijuga)
(>1 ppm) and vanadium (>0.1 ppm) decrease in untreated wastewater from the carpet indus-
microalgal productivity, whereas mercury can try using raceways, vertical reactors, and poly-
be remediated by certain microalgal species bags aerated with 5e6% of CO2. The highest
(Van Den Hende et al., 2012). To avoid these lim- biomass productivity was obtained in poly-
itations, pretreatment by denitrification and bags (21.1 g m2 day1) followed by vertical tank
desulfurization, along with cooling, dedusting, reactors and raceways (5.9 g m2 day1).
and the selection of CO2-tolerant microalgae
(Dunaliella tertiolecta, Tetraselmis sp., and Chlorella
sp. T-1) could be suitable options. Apart from
3.4 Challenges and Process Advances
toxic components, the temperatures of flue gases Research on microalgal CO2 fixation has
are extremely high (around 120  C) and could expanded greatly in recent years, both in scope
have an adverse effect on cells if incorporated and diversity. However, several challenges for
directly (Kumar et al., 2010). Therefore, the feasi- microalgal CO2 sequestration remain unad-
bility of sequestering CO2 from flue gas would dressed and needs intensive research. Significant
advances have been made (Jajesniak et al., 2014) as CO2 from ammonia plants or flue gases
in targeting all stages of large-scale algal cultiva- from power stations. However, due to the pres-
tion, from CO2 uptake to product extraction ence of toxic sulfur and nitrogen oxides, flue
(Table 2). Apart from the advances in PBR engi- gas may hamper algal applications in the medi-
neering, future research should consider open cal and food markets. Hence, CO2 from existing
systems for the widespread use of biological manure plants or novel algal-based biogas plants
CO2 mitigation. Among these, technologies that could be incorporated into algal PBRs, resulting
supply adequate and continuous CO2, nutrients in enhanced biomass production with subse-
and light to microalgal cells, consume minimal quent utilization into biogas production, making
energy, and release less CO2 into the atmosphere whole process economically and environmen-
are in demand. Enhanced CO2 levels needed for tally sustainable.
efficient microalgal growth and metabolism
have been provided by existing sources, such
TABLE 2 Recent Advances for Process Improvement
in Microalgal-Based CO2 Sequestration MICROALGAL BIOMASS
As discussed in the previous sections, micro-
Process algae have unmatched potential for wastewater
parameters Recent advances References
treatment-coupled biomass production. Also,
CO2 supply Using hollow fiber Kalontarov et al. the biomass production of microalgae can be
and mass membrane (HFM) (2014) further increased by using waste CO2 as a carbon
transfer source. Once the algal biomass is available, the
Photobio- Design of an airlift- Ketheesan and next step is to convert the biomass into biofuels.
reactor driven raceway Nirmalakhandan There are several routes available for algal
reactor (2012) biomass to biofuel conversion, including bio-
External Putt et al. (2011) diesel, bioethanol, direct combustion, and
carbonation column gaseous fuels such as biomethane. However,
Design of a Kong, Shanks, drying/dewatering is an essential step in most
photobioreactor and Vigil (2013) biofuel production processes, including for
using Taylor vortex biodiesel. On the other hand, the process of
flow biomethane production through AD uses algal
Biomass Dissolved air Singh and Olsen slurry instead of dry biomass. Furthermore, the
recovery flotation (2011) superiority of algal biomass over other AD sub-
pH-mediated algae Liu et al. (2013) strates could be attributed to its relatively
flocculation balanced biochemical composition and availabil-
Light supply Solar-tracked PBR Hindersin et al.
ity of essential micronutrients for AD microbes
(photobioreactor) (2014) (Prajapati et al., 2013a,b). Additionally, during
algal AD, nitrogen, phosphorous, and other
Microalgal High-throughput Liu et al. (2013)
strain screening method
micronutrients stored in algal biomass are
for rapid released into the digestate, which could serve
identification of as a concentrated nutrient source for further algal
microalgae with growth (Prajapati et al., 2014a). However, such
high CO2 affinity or nutrient recycling is not feasible in other biofuel
production routes. Because of these advantages,

microalgae have emerged as a potential feedstock of the wastewater (Prajapati et al., 2014c). On a
for biomethane production. However, industrial mass scale, microalgae cultivation for biofuel
explorations of algal biomethanation have been applications is generally carried out using waste-
limited. The different aspects of algal biomethane waters, so it is necessary to consider the varia-
generation are discussed below. tions in algal biomass due to changes in the
nutrient profile of wastewater. Furthermore,
the light conditions (e.g., dark:light cycle, light
4.1 Biomass Composition and intensity, color) also affect the algal growth and
Theoretical Methane Potential biomass composition (Monlau et al., 2014).
Interestingly, sometimes the harvesting method
One of the basic criteria for selecting an algal
can also affect the biomethane potential. For
biomass for AD is its biomass composition. The
instance, during fungal-assisted algal harvest-
major components of algal biomass are divided
ing, significant enhancements in TMP were
into three major groups: lipids, carbohydrates,
observed due to the additional carbon contrib-
and proteins. Furthermore, as reported by
uted by the biomass of the fungal strain used
Prajapati et al. (2013a), if the biochemical compo-
(Prajapati et al., 2014c).
sition of any substrate including microalgae is
Hence, along with the biomass composition,
known, the theoretical biomethane potential
the methane potential of algal biomass can be
(TMP) can easily be estimated. Alternatively,
greatly affected by the cultivation conditions
stoichiometric methane potential (SMP) instead
and growth medium. An algal strain with high
of TMP can also be used to describe the possible
lipid content would have high TMP because
methane potential of any given algal biomass.
the specific methane yield for lipids is signifi-
The values of SMP can be estimated using the
cantly higher than for proteins and carbohy-
equation by Symons and Buswell and the empir-
drates, whereas microalgae with high-protein
ical formula of algal biomass (Prajapati et al.,
contents would have low TMPs. In contrast,
2014b). Although TMP and SMP give rough esti-
microalgae with higher lipid contents will have
mates of the methane potential of algal biomass,
poor digestibility compared with microalgae
they could easily augment the time-consuming
that have high carbohydrate and protein con-
and tedious laboratory-based approach for prac-
tents. On the other hand, if microalgae have
tical methane potential estimation.
significantly higher carbohydrate content, it is
possible that its AD may fail with the accumula-
4.2 Effect of Cultivation Conditions tion of volatile fatty acids due to the relatively
quick digestion of carbohydrates. Similarly, AD
on Biomass Composition and Methane
of high-protein microalgae may suffer from
ammonia accumulation and inhibition. Also,
As discussed previously, the TMP/SMP the low carbon-to-nitrogen (C/N) ratio of micro-
solely depends on the biomass composition. algae with high protein can reduce the activity of
This, in turn, depends on the cultivation condi- anaerobic microflora. Hence, microalgae with a
tions. For instance, microalgae accumulate lipids balanced composition of lipids, carbohydrates,
under nitrogen starvation conditions (Menon and proteins may be the most suitable choice
et al., 2013) and carbohydrates under phospho- for fermentative biomethane production
rous limitations (Markou et al., 2013). Hence, through AD (Prajapati et al., 2013a). Chroococcus
the biomass composition of the same alga sp. (Prajapati et al., 2013b, 2014d) is an excellent
may differ when grown in different types of example of an algal biomass with a balanced
wastewater, depending on the nutrient profile composition and hence good methane
potential and digestibility. However, the effects Some reports have indicated the suitability of
of cultivation conditions and growth medium/ biological methods for algal biomass pretreat-
wastewater need to be considered in the deter- ment. Mu~ noz et al. (2014) investigated the use
mination of the actual biomethane potential of of cellulolytic marine bacteria for enzymatic pre-
microalgae. treatment of algal biomass and observed
methane yields that increased by 140e159%.
Similarly, Miao et al. (2013) used natural storage
4.3 Anaerobic Digestion of Microalgal
as a pretreatment and recorded a 37% improve-
Biomass and Process Hurdles ment in biomethane yield. Such biological
Because of their great potential for bio- methods have been reported to show excellent
methane and relatively favorable composition, performance in laboratory-scale studies and
microalgae have been subjected to extensive have great potential to improve the feasibility
research for AD. The various studies on algal of algal-based biomethanation processes. How-
AD have been summarized in our review ever, further scale-up and validation are still
(Prajapati et al., 2013a). Among the reviewed required to successfully apply these approaches
strains, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii was found to on an industrial scale.
have the highest biogas production (up to The C/N ratio of algal feed can be improved
0.587 m3 kg1 VSfed (VS, Volatile solids)) with a through its codigestion with carbon-rich waste/
digestion time of 30 days. Although microalgae substrate. In our study, it was observed that the
have good composition and potential for bio- methane yield from Chroococcus sp. biomass was
methane potential, there are certain limitations enhanced by 44% under its codigestion with
in this process. The identified hurdles in the algal cattle dung at a 1:1 ratio (on a VS basis). This
AD process are two-fold: the algal cell-wall resis- could be attributed to the improved C/N ratio
tance to AD and the poor activity of anaerobic (13.0) of feed under codigestion compared with
microflora due to low C/N ratios. The optimal microalgae alone, which have a C/N ratio of
C/N ratio of AD lies between 20 and 30, whereas 9.26 (Prajapati et al., 2014e). Similarly, Zhao
algal biomass usually have a C/N ratio of 6e9 and Ruan (2013) observed good results for the
(Prajapati et al., 2014e). Furthermore, most uni- codigestion of algal biomass with kitchen waste.
cellular microalgae possess cell walls composed The diverse strategies that can be adopted to
of mainly cellulose, with some amount of hemi- improve the feasibility of algal AD, including
cellulose/xylan and chitin, which makes the coupling with phycoremediation, are depicted
algal cell wall recalcitrant for AD. in Figure 4.
A popular approach for overcoming the di-
gestibility problem is the pretreatment of algal
biomass before AD. A range of physiochemical 5. THE CLOSED-LOOP PROCESS
methods are available for algal biomass pre-
treatment. However, high costs and energy in- Microalgae is an attractive option for the
puts in the pretreatment stage make these bioremediation of wastewater and simultaneous
processes nonviable on an industrial scale. energy recovery. Using sunlight and CO2
Furthermore, the formation of furanic and available from the atmosphere, microalgae can
phenolic compounds during the thermochem- utilize the nitrogen and phosphorus present
ical pretreatment of algal biomass could reduce in the wastewater to produce biomass. The
the biomethane production by inhibiting wastewater-grown microalgae can then be used
growth and activities of AD microflora to produce energy via a variety of routes, such
(Monlau et al., 2014). as biomethane, biodiesel, bioethanol, and

Waste CO2
Wastewaters as
Growth Medium

Algae CulƟvaƟon Byproducts of Thermal Pretreatment

(Furanic and phenolic compounds)

Advanced HarvesƟng Harvested Biomass

Methods Biomass Pretreatment

Improved Methane
InhibiƟons to AD CO2
Possible Improvements

Adapted Inoculum
Biogas Enriched Biogas

FIGURE 4 Schematic for the central theme of phycoremediation-coupled biomethane production.

biohydrogen, using processing technologies cultivation. Also, recycling the supernatant after
such as AD, pyrolysis, gasification, catalytic algal harvest reduces the overall water demand
cracking, and enzymatic or chemical for the process.
transesterification. The first use of a closed-loop concept dates
The basic idea behind a closed-loop process back to 1959, when Golueke and Oswald used
is to reuse the waste from these processes for the algal-digested slurry directly for algal
the cultivation of microalgae. The digestate ob- growth. Studies by Iyovo et al. (2010) demon-
tained from AD is rich in nutrients, such as ni- strated a closed-loop process where poultry
trogen and phosphorus. Similarly, the waste manure, paper pulp, and algal waste sludge
from biodiesel production consists of a solid were mixed in varied proportions for co-
that is rich in fatty acids and a nutrient-rich digestion to produce biomethane. The solid
aqueous phase. Also, the CO2 produced during part of the digestate was used as a fertilizer
these processes can be coupled with microalgal and the liquid part was used as a nutrient source
biomass cultivation to earn carbon credits. for microalgae cultivation. Prajapati et al. (2014a)
Nutrient recycling of the waste from algal bio- showed the feasibility of such a closed-loop pro-
fuel production seems to be a feasible option cess, using different concentrations of digestate
for mitigating the environmental impacts and for the cultivation of Chroococcus sp. Uggetti
offset a part of the nutrient requirement for et al. (2014) demonstrated that the digestate
Additional Wastewater Treated water Biomethane
(≈ 713 L day–1) (≈ 2600 L day–1) (≈ 1.0 m3 day–1)

Algal biomass
(≈ 3.15 kg vs. day–1)
Algal Cultivation
Facility (≈ 3.13 103 L)

(≈ 1323 L day–1)
Liquid Digestate
(≈ 567 L day–1)

Solid digestate
(≈ 2 – 3 kg day–1)

FIGURE 5 Schematic diagram of a closed-loop process (biomethane production capacity of 1.0 m3 day1). Adapted from
Prajapati et al. (2014a).

slurry was an effective substrate for microalgal 2. Inventory analysis: Inventory analysis collects
growth, promoting biomass production up to all the data of the processes within a system
2.6 gTSS L1. Figures 5 and 6 illustrate the and relates them to the functional unit of the
concept of a closed-loop process for the produc- study. Inventory analysis results, which
tion of biogas.

5.1 Assessing the Feasibility of a Closed-

Loop Process Using LCA
Due the rapid exhaustion of conventional en-
ergy sources, the focus is very much on the pro-
duction of algal biofuels. LCA of algal biofuels
might be an effective tool to compare alternative
energy routes in terms of environmental impact
and indirect natural resource costs (Pittman
et al., 2011). LCA is often referred to as a
“cradle-to-grave” analysis, which consists of
the following steps:
1. Goal and scope definitions: This defines the
purpose of the LCA study and the basis of the
functional unit that is the quantitative
reference for the study. For example, for the FIGURE 6 A closed-loop process involving production of
production of biodiesel, the functional unit biomethane from microalgae integrated with an existing
can be chosen as 1 ton of biodiesel. biogas plant. Adapted from Wang et al. (2013).

consist of a flowchart relating various utilized and the GHG emissions from the entire
processes to the functional unit, are called the process. The energy efficiency was evaluated
lifecycle inventory table. by the net energy ratio (NER):
3. Impact assessment: Results from the previous 
NER ¼ Ep ELC (1)
step are analyzed to understand the
environmental impacts of the process. This where Ep is the energy of the product and ELC is
aids in taking mitigating measures for the energy of the lifecycle processes. If a process
minimizing the possible impact. is to be feasible, the NER value should be greater
4. Interpretation: This step aims to evaluate the than 1. For the production of 1 GJ of energy
results from inventory analysis and impact (1000 MJ), an input of 650.42 MJ of energy was
assessment and compare them with the goal required. Hence, the NER came to be around
of the study, as defined in the first step. 1.54, indicating that it is a favorable process.
PBR infrastructure only takes up 4.7% of the total
5.2 LCA Analysis of a Closed-Loop energy process, but the sparging and CO2 injec-
tion increases the energy cost. Also, due to the
Process of Microalgal Biomethane
self-shading of a vertical PBR, its height cannot
Production be increased without limitations. Hence, culti-
There are few reports on LCA of microalgal vating microalgae in open raceway ponds where
biomethanation (Dave et al., 2013, Zhang et al., possible may increase the NER value, but it will
2014). One of the relevant studies by Wang also increase the footprint of the process. Thus,
et al. (2013), which reported an LCA analysis of for regions where there is a tropical climate,
microalgal biomethane production integrated this type of a closed-loop system is a feasible
with an existing biogas plant in Sweden, is dis- option for increasing biomethane production.
cussed here.
The waste from a biogas plant in V€ axtkraft 5.3 Suitable Approach for a Closed-Loop
in V€ asterås, Sweden (production capacity of
54,000 GJ biomethane and 1979 t CO2 annually)
is integrated with microalgal cultivation. Due The closed-loop process appears to be an
to the cold climate for the majority of the year, interesting approach for offsetting the nutrient
the cultivation of microalgae was done in a requirements for microalgal growth and proper
PBR during the warmer months. The liquid disposal of the wastes generated from algal bio-
digestate and CO2 from the biogas plant were fuel production. However, this process has yet
used for microalgal cultivation. The cultivated to be used on a commercial scale. Although
microalgae were then concentrated by the the wastes from algal biofuel production pro-
methods of natural settling and centrifugation, cesses are nutrient rich, they cannot be directly
then used for biomethane production. The su- used for the mass cultivation of microalgae.
pernatant was recycled for microalgae cultiva- Prajapati et al. (2014a) showed that the algal
tion. Because the production of energy was a digestate from AD needs to be diluted first
concern, the functional unit was chosen as 1 GJ with water for use in microalgae cultivation.
of biomethane produced. The system boundaries A concentration of more than 30% of slurry
included feedstock production to biomethane inhibited the growth of microalgae. This was
sold at the gate of the biogas plant, including due to the fact that the dark color of the slurry
the stages of cultivation, concentration, biogas provided a shading effect, which hindered the
production, conditioning, and transportation. photosynthetic activity of the microalgae. Also,
The study mainly focused on the total energy the ammonia concentration was high due to
high nitrogen content, which could also be toxic cow dung, but this needs more realistic imple-
to the microalgal cells. The slurry obtained after mentation. The biogas production from microal-
biofuel production process has to be processed gae creates methane as the main product and
in order to be reused. Because it is a colloidal so- nutrient-rich digestate (i.e., slurry) as a byprod-
lution, separating the solid and liquid parts adds uct. Recycling the nutrients from the slurry and
to the cost. The solid and liquid parts need to be assimilating them into algal biomass can result
separated because the solid particles shield the in further feedstock for the process without addi-
sunlight and interfere with the photosynthetic tional costs for nutrient media, while simulta-
activities of the microalgal cells. Hence, to neously performing remediation of the waste
make the closed-loop approach a commercially stream.
feasible and acceptable process, these issues To assess the economic feasibility and envi-
need to be addressed carefully. ronmental sustainability of this coupled process,
LCA is an essential tool. LCA can identify prob-
lems during different stages of the process and
6. CONCLUSION AND can highlight the environmental performance
PERSPECTIVES and technological innovation opportunities.

Phycoremediation-coupled biomethanation is
a promising technology because it leads to the Acknowledgment
production of biofuels (or other industrially
This study was supported by the Ministry of New and
important products) together with a potential Renewable Energy, Government of India. The authors grate-
reduction of GHG emissions and the treatment fully acknowledge the Senior Research Fellowship and
of wastewaters. However, many challenges Research Associateship granted by Council of Scientific and
encountered during CO2 sequestration still Industrial Research, Government of India.
need to be addressed, such as improvements in
microalgal cultivation systems to capture CO2
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N2-Fixing Cyanobacteria: Ecology and
Biotechnological Applications
Kirsten Heimann1,2,3, Samuel Cires1,2,3
James Cook University, College of Marine and Environmental Sciences, Townsville, QLD, Australia;
James Cook University, Centre for Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture, Townsville, QLD, Australia;
James Cook University, Comparative Genomics Centre, Townsville, QLD, Australia

1. PHYSIOLOGY AND GENETICS most advantageous physiological strategies

OF NITROGEN FIXATION developed by microorganisms. In cyanobacte-
ria, N2-fixation occurs via nitrogenase com-
1.1 Introduction plexes, the central enzyme of which is
denominated nitrogenase 1. Nitrogenase 1 is a
As an essential component of biomolecules,
molybdenum-dependent adenosine triphos-
including amino acids and nucleic acids, nitro-
phate (ATP)-hydrolyzing complex of two metal-
gen (N) is one of the key elements for life.
loproteins: a MoFe-protein (dinitrogenase a2b2
Together with phosphorus, N is considered to
heterotetramer) that contains the active site for
be the main limiting factor in aquatic ecosys-
the reduction of N2 and a Fe-protein (dinitroge-
tems. Photoautotrophic prokaryotic cyanobacte-
nase reductase g2 homodimer) that transfers
ria assimilate N from combined nitrogen sources
high-energy electrons to MoFe-containing dini-
(ammonium, urea, nitrite, and nitrate) and, in
trogenase. Nitrogenase reduces one molecule
diazotrophic species, from atmospheric nitrogen
of N2 into two molecules of NH3 (Eqn (1)) at a
gas (N2). Ammonium and urea are readily incor-
high-energy cost (16 ATP molecules), due to
porated into organic compounds as NHþ 4 , which the need to break the stable triple bond between
is the preferred intracellular form of N, whereas
the N atoms in N2- and generating H2 as a
intracellular nitrate (NO3 ) requires reduction to byproduct (Eqn (1)):
nitrite (NO2 ) and subsequently to NHþ4 by the
enzymes nitrate reductase and nitrite reductase, N2 þ 8Hþ þ 8e þ 16 ATP/2NH3 þ H2
respectively. (1)
 þ 16 ADP þ 16 Pi
Given the scarcity of NH3/NHþ 4 and NO3 in
many aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, the Nitrogenase 1 is inactivated upon oxygen
ability to fix atmospheric N2 (comprising 78% binding. This suggests that nitrogenase origi-
of the atmospheric gas) became one of the nated before the Great Oxygenation Event,

Handbook of Marine Microalgae 501 © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

more than 2200 million years ago. According to cyanobacteria are located within orders Nosto-
Latysheva et al. (2012), cyanobacteria were the cales and Stigonematales (Table 1), equivalent
first organisms releasing oxygen to the atmo- to subsections IV and V in the bacteriological
sphere as a byproduct of photosynthesis. To classification. To date, more than 100 heterocy-
overcome the incompatibility of N2-fixation in tous genera have been described; some of the
an oxygenic atmosphere, cyanobacteria have most common are the nostocalean Anabaena,
developed a number of strategies to counteract Aphanizomenon, Nostoc, Calothrix, and Tolypothrix
the inactivation of nitrogenase by photosynthetic and the true-branching stigonematalean Fischer-
O2, including the separation of photosynthesis ella and Mastigocladus.
and N2-fixation in space (e.g., in the heterocys- The heterocyst and vegetative cells of cyano-
tous cyanobacterium Anabaena) and in time bacteria are examples of cellular specialization
(e.g., in the nonheterocystous Lyngbya), as well normally associated with higher organisms
as the restriction of N2-fixation to microaerobic (plants and animals). Heterocystous cyanobacte-
or anaerobic conditions (e.g., in nonheterocys- ria are filamentous organisms capable of aerobic
tous Leptolyngbya boryanum; Table 1). N2-fixation due to the production of specialized,
differentiated, nonphotosynthetic cells called
1.2 Separation of N2-Fixation and heterocysts. Heterocysts possess only photo-
system I providing ATP for N2 fixation, but
Photosynthesis in Space: Heterocystous
not the water-splitting and oxygen-producing
photosystem II; in addition, they are surrounded
Following the traditional classification of by a thick wall to limit the entry of oxygen. The
cyanobacteria into five orders, heterocystous heterocyst wall is a thick double layer, with the

TABLE 1 Classification on N2-Fixing Cyanobacteria

Separation of
N2-fixation photosynthesis
Group behavior and N2-fixation Morphology Orders Some genera

Heterocystous Aerobic Spatial Filamentous Nostocales Anabaena

Stigonematales Fischerella
Non-heterocystous Aerobic Temporal Unicellular Chroococcales Gloeothece

Pleurocapsales Chroococcidiopsis
Filamentous Oscillatoriales Lyngbya
Aerobic Spatial and Filamentous Oscillatoriales Trichodesmium
temporal Katagyneme

Anaerobic - Filamentous Oscillatoriales Leptolyngbya

Bergman, B., Gallon, J., Rai, A., Stal, L., 1997. N2 Fixation by non-heterocystous cyanobacteria. FEMS Microbiol. Rev. 19, 139e185.
Gallon, J., 2005. N2 Fixation by Non-Heterocystous Cyanobacteria, Genetics and Regulation of Nitrogen Fixation in Free-Living Bacteria.
Springer, pp. 111e139.
first polysaccharide layer being for mechanical The heterocysts store fixed N in cyanophycin
support. The second “laminated” layer limits ox- polar bodies (Figure 1), which are clearly visible
ygen diffusion into the cell and is composed of under the light microscope (Figure 2(a)).
unusual glycolipids (heterocyst glycolipids)
(W€ormer et al., 2012). Heterocysts also lack ribu-
lose-1,5-biphosphate carboxylase (RuBisCO),
1.3 Nonheterocystous Cyanobacteria
thus being incapable of fixing CO2 and instead Until the 1960s, only heterocystous cyanobac-
relying on adjacent photosynthetic vegetative teria were believed to fix N2. Since then, N2-fixa-
cells for their carbon supply (Figure 1). Organic tion has been described in about 17 genera,
carbon is delivered to the heterocyst in including 70 strains of nonheterocystous cyano-
the form of disaccharides (e.g., maltose), bacteria within orders Chroococcales, Pleurocap-
whose metabolism supplies the reducing power sales, and Oscillatoriales (Table 1), in most cases
(NADPH) required for N2 reduction via the when incubated in micro-oxic or anoxic condi-
oxidative pentose phosphate pathway enzymes tions (Bergman et al., 1997). Although less con-
(glucose-6-phosphate and 6-phosphogluconate spicuous than their heterocystous counterparts,
dehydrogenases). Glutamine synthetase (GS) nonheterocystous cyanobacteria are important
catalyzes the incorporation of ammonia, pro- contributors to global N2-fixation. The highly
duced by nitrogen fixation, to form glutamine. important nonheterocystous Trichodesmium alone
The heterocystous glutamate pool is generated is estimated to contribute 42% (240 Tg N2 year1)
either by endogenous synthesis or by transport of newly fixed N2 to the earth’s nitrogen
from the vegetative cell. In return, glutamine is budget, with the total input through nonhetero-
exported to the vegetative cell, where it forms cystous cyanobacteria believed to exceed 50% of
glutamate via glutamate synthase (GOGAT) for the annual global N2-fixation rate (Berman-Frank
incorporation into vegetative cell metabolites. et al., 2003; Gallon, 2001).

FIGURE 1 Schematic view of N2-fixation in heterocysts and carbonenitrogen exchanges with vegetative cells in diazotro-
phic filamentous cyanobacteria. PS I, photosystem I; PS II, photosystem II; RIB5P, ribulose-5-phosphate; 6PGLUC,
6-phosphogluconic acid; G6P, glucose-6-phosphate; GOGAT, glutamate synthase. Modified from Lea (1997).

(a) (b)

FIGURE 2 Planktonic N2-fixing cyanobacteria in temperate freshwaters. (a) Anabaena crassa (syn. Dolichospermum crassum),
one of the most common species in temperate freshwaters. H, heterocyst (N2-fixing cell); Ak, akinete (resting stage). (b) Mass
proliferation (bloom) of Anabaena flos-aquae in a Mediterranean freshwater body (Cueva Foradada reservoir, northeast Spain).

The filamentous nonheterocystous Leptolyng- microaerobic environments (e.g., filamentous

bya boryanum (previously known as Plectonema Trichodesmium) (Table 1). With the exception
boryanum) can fix N2 under continuous illumina- of Trichodesmium, Katagyneme, and Symploca,
tion at low-light intensity if an O2-free atmo- which confine nitrogenase to specialized
sphere is generated by sparging gas (Ar, Ar/ but not differentiated cells (see Section 2.3
CO2, or N2/CO2) or by adding inhibitors of for details on Trichodesmium N2 fixation),
photosynthetic O2 production (DCMU (3-(3,4- nonheterocystous cyanobacteria fix N2 during
dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea)) or sodium the dark phase of an alternating light/dark
sulfide) (Bergman et al., 1997). When transferred cycle. Circadian control of N2 fixation is
to N2-free medium, N2 fixation is derepressed achieved through differential expression of
for 2e24 h in L. boryanum, after which temporal the nitrogenase-encoding genes (nif genes, see
separation of O2 production and N2 fixation is Section 1.3), with transcription being restricted
effected under continuous illumination, but not to the night phase and destruction of the
when grown in dark/light cycles (Bergman enzyme during the day phase in the unicellular
et al., 1997; Gallon, 2005). Although the physi- Gloeothece and Cyanothece. In contrast, genes
ology of anaerobic O2 fixation is not fully under- encoding reaction center proteins of the O2-
stood, experiments suggest that during the releasing photosystem II (psb genes) and photo-
photosynthetic phase light energy is transferred system I (psa genes) are only transcribed during
to the O2-evolving photosystem II, whereas dur- the light phase (Gallon, 2005). In Lyngbya, nitro-
ing the N2-fixing phase light energy is transferred genase levels persist during the light period and
preferentially to photosystem I, which does not activity is controlled through modification of
generate O2 (Gallon, 2005). the Fe-protein of nitrogenase to a larger form,
Although more restricted, aerobic nonheter- which is presumably inactive under aerobic
ocystous N2-fixation has been described in growth conditions (Gallon, 2005). Thus, a recip-
several unicellular and filamentous species rocal rhythm of photosynthetic O2 production
capable of circadian separation of photosyn- and O2 consumption to support N2-fixation is
thesis and N2 fixation (e.g., unicellular created, with increased respiratory require-
Gloeothece and filamentous Lyngbya) and/or ments for N2 fixation supported by enhanced
containing certain cellular adaptations to create carbohydrate breakdown (Gallon, 2005).

1.4 Nif Genes: Phylogeny and Molecular

Although the origin of nif genes has not been
fully determined yet, phylogenetic studies using
As detailed in Section 1.1, N2 fixation 49 cyanobacterial genomes suggest that they
in cyanobacteria is carried out by the may have a very ancient precyanobacterial
central enzyme nitrogenase 1, a molybdenum- origin, arising approximately 3 billion years
dependent complex of two metalloproteins: a ago under the Early Earth atmosphere
FeMo-dinitrogenase heterotetramer whose a (Latysheva et al., 2012). Despite their long evolu-
and b subunits are encoded by the nifD and tionary history, the apparently low rates of hor-
nifK genes, respectively, and a Fe-dinitrogenase izontal gene transfer resulted in highly
reductase homodimer encoded by the gene conserved sequences, thus making nif genes suit-
nifH. Other than the nifHDK genes, at least 13 able as molecular markers. Among the nif
other genes are involved in N2-fixation, 10 of operon, nifH is the most sequenced. For example,
which are also denoted as nif genes (nifWX- 23,847 nifH sequences are available in the
NEUSBVZT) arranged in a tight 15-kb cluster database by Gaby and Buckley (2012), hence
(Stucken et al., 2010). In addition to nitrogenase becoming the marker gene of choice for
1, some heterocystous cyanobacteria, such as researchers studying the phylogeny, diversity,
Anabaena variabilis ATCC29413, contain a second and abundance of nitrogen-fixing microorgan-
alternative Mo-nitrogenase (encoded by the nif2 isms, including cyanobacteria. Furthermore, a
operon) that is transcribed in both vegetative wide range of oligonucleotides for polymerase
cells and heterocysts under anaerobic conditions chain reaction (PCR) amplification of cyanobac-
and/or an alternative vanadium-dependent terial nifH in cultures and environmental
nitrogenase (encoded by the vnf genes) that is samples exist (Table 2). Generally, nifH-
transcribed in heterocysts under molybdenum based phylogenetic trees show an overall sepa-
deficiency (Thiel and Pratte, 2013). ration of nonheterocystous and heterocystous

TABLE 2 Selection of PCR Primers Suitable for nifH Amplification in Cyanobacteria

Primer Sequence (50 e30 ) Product size (bp) Specificity References

nifH3 ATRTTRTTNGCNGCRTA 473 Universal, external Zehr and Turner (2001)c

nifH1 TGYGAYCCNAARGCNGA 359 Universal, internal
CNF CGTAGGTTGCGACCCTAAGGCTGA 375 Cyanobacteria-specific Olson et al. (1998)b

cylnif-F TAARGCTCAAACTACCGTAT 220 Cylindrospermopsis- Dyble et al. (2002)a

Note: NifH3 and nifH4 are often used as external primers in combination with internal nifH1 and nifH2 in a nested PCR approach (Zehr and
Turner, 2001).
Dyble, J., Paerl, H.W., Neilan, B.A., 2002. Genetic characterization of Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (Cyanobacteria) isolates from diverse geographic
origins based on nifH and cpcBA-IGS nucleotide sequence analysis. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 68, 2567e2571.
Olson, J., Steppe, T., Litaker, R., Paerl, H., 1998. N2-fixing microbial consortia associated with the ice cover of Lake Bonney, Antarctica. Microbial Ecol. 36,
Zehr, J., Turner, P., 2001. Nitrogen fixation: Nitrogenase genes and gene expression. Methods Microbiol. 30, 271e286.

cyanobacteria, with subgroups within hetero- 2012) and a major habitat for N2-fixing cyanobac-
cystous (branching Stigonematales vs. Nosto- terial communities. The diversity of those com-
cales) and nonheterocystous (filamentous munities is illustrated by a study of 38 soil
Oscillatoriales vs. unicellular Chrococcales). samples from rice fields in Bangladesh, where
However, nifH trees are often more convoluted 84 species of cyanobacteria, 42 of which were het-
than this, because some nonheterocystous erocystous diazotrophic species, of 14 different
members cluster close to heterocystous taxa. genera were identified (Khan et al., 1994). Addi-
There are also many cyanobacterial species con- tional studies of 102 soils from four countries
taining two to three nonidentical nifH copies, found that half of the cyanobacterial genera re-
leading to clustering in different parts of the ported were heterocystous (Anabaena, Aulosira,
trees (Yeager et al., 2007). Calothrix, Cylindrospermum, Fischerella, Gloeotri-
Besides its generalized use in phylogeny, nifH chia, Nostoc, Scytonema, Tolypothrix, Wollea); their
has been widely used in studies of N2-fixing cya- presence was strongly correlated with pH and
nobacterial diversity in environmental samples, P concentrations (Whitton, 2002 and references
such as by density gradient gel electrophoresis therein). Within those genera, Fischerella, Nostoc,
and clone libraries of DNA (Ininbergs et al., and Calothrix are considered widespread, often
2011; Omoregie et al., 2004) as well as in persisting as epiphytic communities, such as
reverse-transcriptase PCR approaches to eval- Nostoc sp. growing on the macrophyte Chara vul-
uate gene expression (nifH transcription levels) garis. Additionally, the symbiosis between the
in a range of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems freshwater fern Azolla and the N2-fixing cyano-
(Omoregie et al., 2004; Zani et al., 2000) or in bacterium Anabaena azollaedused for centuries
response to environmental factors in cultures as a natural biofertilizer for rice fields in China
(Vintila and El-Shehawy, 2007). and Vietnamdis widely distributed in Asian
paddy fields.
A number of in situ investigations have
revealed the enormous magnitude of cyanobac-
terial N2-fixation in rice fields. Roger and Ladha
(1992) estimated the N contribution from cyano-
bacteria to w80 kg N ha1 crop, clearly outper-
2.1 Soils and Agroecosystems forming N input from heterotrophic N-fixing
N2-fixing cyanobacteria can be considered bacteria in the rice rhizosphere (31 kg N ha1
one of the greatest natural biological fertilizers crop). In Spanish rice fields, indigenous
in soils with varied agricultural uses. In those cyanobacterial N2-fixation seems to follow a
ecosystems, N2-fixing cyanobacteria thrive in crop-cycle seasonal pattern, with low values at
benthic, epiphytic, and subaerophytic habitats, the beginning of the crop (May), maximum
as free forms or in symbiotic association with values at the end of the tillering stage (June),
plants such as Azolla. and declining again with the end of the cultiva-
Within the variety of crop-derived ecosystems, tion cycle (September) (Quesada et al., 1998).
rice fields are particularly remarkable given Over the annual cycle, N2-fixation by indige-
their economic relevance and the ecological nous cyanobacteria has been estimated to pro-
importance of N2-fixing cyanobacteria for rice vide 0.23e75.5 kg N ha1 year1, representing
field sustainability. Approximately 90% of the a remarkable natural N input that could poten-
rice production occurs in wetland fields, consti- tially reduce the need for urea fertilizer by
tuting the most dominant anthropogenic wetland 25e35% (Whitton, 2002 and references therein).
ecosystem worldwide (Scott and Marcarelli, In a pilot study in Chile, Pereira et al. (2009)
demonstrated that the use of biofertilizer from Anabaenopsis, Aphanizomenon, and Cylindrosper-
indigenous Anabaena iyenganii and Nostoc mopsis, with benthic members developing mostly
spp. reduced the amount of synthetic nitrogen in shallow waters. N2-fixing planktonic nostoca-
fertilizer (50 kg N ha1 year1) by 50% while lean contain intracellular gas vesicles (aerotopes),
providing the same yield of 7.4 t rice ha1. enabling them to regulate their position in the
The agricultural tradition in Asia (e.g., in water column in response to environmental gra-
Bangladesh) includes growing cyanobacteria dients. During certain periods of high tempera-
in open cultures settled on ground parcels tures and calm winds, these taxa generate mass
with nutrients and afterward draining the par- proliferations (blooms), which visibly accumu-
cels and drying the biomass under the sun or late in the water surface due to overbuoyancy
directly applying it as fertilizer to the rice field. (Figure 2(b)) and on occasion produce cyanotox-
This potential of cyanobacterial biofertilizers ins (microcystins, anatoxin-a, saxitoxins, cylin-
has been overlooked in rice fields elsewhere in drospermopsin). Most N2-fixing planktonic
favor of using synthetic fertilizers, which cause nostocalean differentiate akinetes (Figure 2(a)),
serious eutrophication of water systems and resting stages that are able to survive desiccation
gravely compromise the environmental sustain- and low temperatures, which germinate when
ability of rice production. water conditions improve (Cires et al., 2013). Aki-
netes remain viable after transport by winds or
migratory birds, allowing for the invasion of
2.2 Freshwaters
new habitats (Sukenik et al., 2012).
N2-fixing cyanobacteria are widely distributed In running freshwaters, N2-fixing cyanobacte-
in lentic freshwater ecosystems (lakes, dammed ria develop as benthic forms in epilithic habitats,
rivers, lagoons, wetlands) and running waters forming mats together with other filamentous
of all latitudes. Investigations since the early and unicellular cyanobacteria. Some of the most
1980s have traditionally linked the dominance common N2-fixing taxa are the heterocystous
of N2-fixing cyanobacteria to low nitrogen:phos- Calothrix, Nostoc, Rivularia, and Tolypothrix, and
phorus ratios in water. Nevertheless, extensive nonheterocystous Schizothrix (Mateo et al., 2010).
monitoring data seem to contradict this N2 fixation rates by benthic diazotrophic
commonly accepted dogma, confirming a lack cyanobacteria can reach 8.4 mg m2 h1, with
of relationship between N:P ratios and the abun- spatial and temporal differences driven by
dance of N2-fixing cyanobacteria in 102 German nutrient availability (Scott and Marcarelli, 2012).
lakes (Dolman et al., 2012). Diazotrophic cyano- Additionally, some of these N2-fixers (e.g., Rivu-
bacteria are of crucial importance for the N cycle laria, Tolypothrix, Nostoc, Schizothrix) are impor-
in freshwaters, where N2-fixation can provide up tant contributors to the recycling of organic P
to 1.5 g N m2 year1 (Scott and Grantz, 2013), in oligotrophic streams due to the production
compensating for up to 35% of N-deficiency in of extracellular phosphatase enzymes (Mateo
freshwater ecosystems (Wiedner et al., 2014). et al., 2010).
Other than nutrient availability, temperature
seems to be directly correlated with the efficiency
of freshwater cyanobacterial N2-fixation (Scott
2.3 Oceans: Trichodesmium
and Marcarelli, 2012). Trichodesmium is an important tropical, fila-
Deep thermally stratified lakes and reservoirs mentous, nonheterocystous cyanobacterium,
in temperate regions host important populations providing new nitrogen to the oligotrophic seas.
of planktonic N2-fixing cyanobacteria, such as Filaments can cluster into puff or tuff colonies;
the bloom-forming nostocalean genera Anabaena, the reasons for these filament bundlings are

poorly understood and not species specific. Tri- closes the nutrient recycling cycle and ensures
chodesmiun can occur at a depth of 200 m and proliferation of the food web; thus, Trichodes-
can represent up to 60% of the chlorophyll a in mium blooms make a direct contribution to
the top 50 m of the water column. It also contrib- high tropical ecosystem biodiversity.
utes more than 20% of the primary productivity nifH gene sequences are unique for the genus
of the area. Trichodesmium forms extensive annual Trichodesmium, containing roughly seven recog-
blooms (Figure 3(a)), stretching for 1600 km along nized species identified by filament width and
the Queensland coast and covering an area of up cell length:width ratios (Janson et al., 1995).
to 52,000 km2, as observed by Joseph Banks in The 16S sequences place them close to species
1770 on the Endeavor with James Cook “Vast in the order Oscillatoriales (Capone et al.,
quantities of little substances . floating upon 1997). Trichodesmium contains the strongest
the water in large lines a mile or so long . either gas vesicles discovered in cyanobacteria, with-
immediately upon the surface or not many inches standing pressures of w3.5 MPa in T. contortum
under it. The seamen . began to call it Sea and T. thiebautii, 14 times stronger than those of
Sawdust” (Walsby, 1978). freshwater cyanobacteria, which presumably
Blooms can be terminated through cyano- represents and adapts to occurrence at great
phage infection, grazing by the harpacticoid depths (200 m ¼ 2 MPa) (Walsby, 1978). Gas
copepod Macrosetella gracilis, oxidative stress, ul- vesicle collapse studies showed that large col-
traviolet (UV) damage, or nutrient limitation onies (larger filament diameter species of Tricho-
(N and P). Nutrient limitation activates pro- desmium) had greater floating velocities and sank
grammed cell death via the proteolytic caspase faster after gas vesicle collapse induction at
pathway in Trichodesmium, a pathway typically 6 MPa, with initial floatation speed to sinking
thought to be confined to higher order plants speeds after pressurization ratios of 1.17, 0.61,
and animals (Berman-Frank et al., 2004). As the and 0.54 for T. erythraeum, T. thiebautii, and
blooms decay, they also provide an important T. contortum (Walsby, 1978).
source of organic carbon (Figure 3(b)) and phos- Trichodesmium shows Diel vertical migra-
phate (P). The end of a Trichodesmium bloom tion, retreating to nutrient-rich lower water

(a) (b) (c)

FIGURE 3 Trichodesmium blooms. (a) Bloom streaks in open Queensland water. (b) Trichodesmium crust of dried washed-up
material (Courtesy of John Webster, EPA). (c) Trichodesmium bloom decay (foam on the beach) at Saunders Beach, Townsville,
Queensland Australia. Courtesy of John Webster, EPA.
during the night and migrating to the surface at many microalgal species. DOP exists as mono-
the onset of day. This is achieved through carbo- phosphate esters, making up 75% of the TDP,
hydrate and polyphosphate ballasting. Cyano- with the rest being phosphonates (25%; many
phycin content does not appear to have a herbicides are phosphonates). Trichodesmium is
functional role (Romas et al., 1994). supposed to have acquired the genes necessary
Trichodesmium is a nonheterocystous cyano- for the phosphonate-lyase pathway, typically
bacterium where N2-fixation is also under circa- present in bacteria, through lateral gene
dian control. However, in contrast to N2-fixation transfer before speciation occurred (Dyhrman
by other nonheterocystous diazotrophic cyano- et al., 2006). Harboring the phosphonate-lyase
bacteria, nitrogenase activity is downregulated pathway is a unique feature of Trichodesmium,
during the night and is established 1e3 h after as it has not been found thus far in other cyano-
the transition to the light phase, reaching peak bacteria, and it is nutritionally activated.
activity at midday (Ohki and Fujita, 1988). The
oxygen sensitivity of the nitrogenase complex
is also solved through cell differentiation, with
the production of diazocytes instead of hetero-
cysts. Unlike heterocysts, diazocytes are indistin-
guishable from vegetative cells at the light
microscopical level but are ultrastructurally
3.1 Bioremediation of Wastewaters
different; they are characterized by dense
thylakoid networks partitioning the vacuole- N2-fixing cyanobacteria have been the subject
like space, less extensive gas vacuoles, and of broad research for wastewater bioremediation,
fewer and smaller cyanophycin granules given their natural presence in wastewaters (e.g.,
(Fredericksson and Bergman, 1997). In addition, Nostoc sp. found in municipal wastewater from
Trichodesmium is capable of both temporal and Brazil; Furtado et al., 2009), their well-known
spatial segregation of oxygenic photosynthesis metabolic flexibility, and their tolerance to
and N2-fixation; photosynthetic activity is high- harsh conditions. Studies have used cultures
est in the early morning and lowest at midday, and consortia, including diazotrophic Nostocales
when nitrogenase activity is highest and/or (Anabaena, Calothrix, Cylindrospermum, Nostoc,
diazocytes may be aggregated in clusters, allow- Rivularia, and Tolypothrix), Stigonematales (Hapa-
ing for simultaneous N2 fixation and oxygenic losiphon, Mastigocladus, and Stigonema), and less
photosynthesis (Berman-Frank et al., 2001). frequently, Chroococcales (Gloeocapsa and Cyano-
Large blooms of Trichodesmium are supported thece), to remove contaminants from a variety of
by an organism’s capability to simultaneously domestic, industrial, and synthetic wastewaters
utilize additional nitrogen sources, such as (Table 3). Contaminants remediated included
ammonium generated by grazers and other N (NO  þ 3
2 , NO3 , NH4 ) and P (PO4 ) sources
mat-associated organisms with cell surface responsible for eutrophication of aquatic sys-
amino acid oxidases (Mulholland and Capone, tems, organic matter (chemical oxygen demand),
2000). and persistent and highly toxic pesticides (e.g.,
Dissolved inorganic P is typically low in trop- lindane) and heavy metals (e.g., Cd, Cr, Hg,
ical waters, but alternative pathways exist for Pb). Removal efficiencies obtained were gener-
phosphate acquisition, such as the use of dis- ally high (>80%), although with wide variations
solved organic P pools (DOP), which are a signif- (13e100%) depending on the target contaminant,
icant portion of the total dissolved P pool (TDP) water characteristics, and the species used
or alkaline-phosphate liberated P, as realized in (Table 3).

TABLE 3 Wastewater Bioremediation by N2-Fixing Cyanobacteria

Type of wastewater Species Target contaminants efficiency (%)

Open fish pond effluent Aulosira fertilissima NO þ

2 , NH4 100
Primary treated effluent Anabaena sp., Westelliopsis sp, NO3eN, NH4eN 90e100
Fischerella sp.a PO4eP 98
COD 87
Mixed domesticeindustrial Anabaena oryzae COD 74
Tolypothrix ceytonica Cu, Zn 86e94
Industrial (plating industry) Nostoc sp. PCC7936 Cr(III), Cr(VI) 60e99

Industrial (paper production) Anabaena subcylindrica Cu, Co, Pb, Mn 33e86

Nostoc muscorum Cu, Co, Pb, Mn 22e85
Synthetic (pesticide-containing) Nostoc sp. Lindane 87e94
Nodularia sp. Lindane 76e98
Synthetic metal mixtures Anabaena spp. Ag, Au, Cd, Cu, Hg, Pb, Zn 29e85
Calothrix spp. Ag, Au, Cd, Cu, Hg, Pb, Zn 13e88

Cylindrospermum sp. Cd, Pb 52e65

Gloeocapsa sp. Cd, Pb 96
Hapalosiphon spp. Cd, Hg, Pb 13e90
Mastigocladus spp. Cd, Hg, Pb, Zn 29e89
Nostoc spp. Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, Zn 22e94
Rivularia sp. Cd, Hg, Pb 76e88

Scytonema schmidlei Cd 98
Stigonema sp. Cd, Hg, Pb 80e89
Tolypothrix tenuis Cd, Cu, Hg, Pb, Zn 53e94

Removal efficiency is expressed as a percentage of contaminant removed compared to the initial concentration (growth periods varying between
2 and 15 days). COD, chemical oxygen demand.
Consortium includes N2-fixing and non-fixing strains (Renuka et al., 2013).
Lindane [g-hexachlorocyclohexane (g-HCH)].
Information from De Philippis and Micheletti (2009), El-Bestawy et al. (2007), Brayner et al. (2007), Colica et al. (2010), El-Sheekh et al. (2005).

The capacity of N2-fixing species to remove exopolysaccharides (EPS) usually produced in

metals and metalloids from synthetic metal high amounts by many N2-fixing strains. Cya-
mixtures is particularly remarkable (Table 3). nobacterial EPS are exocellular polysaccharidic
Although mechanisms behind this phenome- layers classified according to their features,
non are not fully understood, a big part such as sheaths (thick layers with high mechan-
of the metal retention is attributed to the ical and physicochemical stability), capsules
(a gelatinous layer associated with the cell produce uncountable products that may
surface), and slime (an amorphous mucilagi- reach high economic value but whose markets
nous material loosely dispersed around the are still to be developed, including cyanotoxin
microorganism) (De Philippis and Micheletti, standards and cyanotoxin-derived pharmaceu-
2009). The complex chemical composition of ticals, UV sunscreens, anticancer compounds,
EPS seems to be strain dependent. Metal EPS-derived cosmetics, and metal nanopar-
sorption occurs by binding of cationic metals ticles. Furthermore, N2-fixing cyanobacteria
to the negatively charged surface of EPS, represent an environmentally friendly source
mainly via carboxylic groups (in particular for bioplastics and biofertilizers, which may
at low pH), with a minor role for other reach an enormous market as substitutes for
functional groups (e.g., sulfonate and amino traditional highly energy-consuming and
groups, particularly at high pH). Besides contaminant petrol-derived plastics and chemi-
EPS, the intracellular polyphosphate granules cal fertilizers (Table 4).
and the metal-chelating proteins metalothio- Furthermore, N2-fixing cyanobacteria may
nines are also involved in the seques- also play a role in the increasing field of biofuel
tration of metals by cyanobacteria (Turner and and bioenergy. The production of biohydrogen,
Robinson, 1995). with applications for transport and electricity,
has been described in at least 14 cyanobacterial
genera, including the N2-fixing Anabaena, Calo-
3.2 Bioproducts and Bioenergy
thrix, Chroococcidiopsis, Cyanothece, Gloeobacter,
Cyanobacteria are a prolific source of bio- and Nostoc. Cyanobacteria generate hydrogen
products, derived from their very active and (H2) either as a byproduct of N2 fixation
versatile metabolisms. Within cyanobacteria, using nitrogenase (see Eqn (1) in Section 1.1)
diazotrophic species share most applications or by a reversible NADPH-dependent [NiFe]-
with their non-nitrogen-fixing counterparts hydrogenase (Peters et al., 2013); however,
but with the added advantage of potentially more research is still needed to understand
lower costs (and/or carbon and water foot- the metabolic pathways that influence H2 rates
prints) for mass production. N2-fixing cyano- and yields in these organisms. In addition, N2-
bacteria offer potentially reduced culturing fixing cyanobacteria are often rich in carbohy-
costs (no nitrogen fertilizer necessary) and drates (starch), therefore representing a good
harvestingedewatering costs. Many species feedstock for bioethanol generation by yeast
are self-settling, thus reducing centrifugation/ fermentation (John et al., 2011). Studies also
filtration costs, and/or can be grown in low- demonstrate the natural production of hydro-
water containing biofilms. However, these ap- carbons (alkanes and alkenes) by at least 13
plications have not been fully explored on a N2-fixing cyanobacterial genera (Coates et al.,
commercial scale. 2014). Some of these hydrocarbons (e.g., penta-
Cyanobacterial bioproducts include high- decane) could be directly used as biofuel
value compounds with an ongoing worldwide without the need for transesterification, as
market, such as phycocyanin and fatty acids required for fatty-acid-based microalgal bio-
(Table 4); these are currently produced commer- diesel. Additionally, the feedstock-agnostic
cially from non-nitrogen-fixing microorgan- process of hydrothermal liquefaction is opening
isms, such as the cyanobacterium Spirulina promising avenues for the use of wet cyanobac-
(phycocyanin), or eukaryotic microalgae, such terial biomass to generate cheaper jet biofuel,
as Nannochloropsis (fatty acids) (Borowitzka, which remains to be explored in N2-fixing
2013). In addition, N2-fixing cyanobacteria cyanobacteria.
TABLE 4 Bioproducts and Bioenergy from N2-Fixing Cyanobacteria


Global market
Product Applications Main N2-fixing producers Price ($/kg) US$/annum)c

Phycobiliproteins Biomedicine (fluorescent markers) Nostoc, Anabaenaa 50,000 60

(phycocyanins, Food coloring
phycoerythrin) Pharmaceuticals
Fatty acids (omega-3 and Neutraceuticals Anabaena, Anabaenopsis, 0.88e3.8 700
omega-6) Animal feed (aquaculture) Aphanizomenon, Calothrix,
Nodularia, Nostoc
Bioplastics Substitute for nonbiodegradable Anabaena, Aulosira, 1.5 e
(Polyhydroxyalkanoates) petrochemical-based plastics Chlorogloea Gloeocapsa.
Gloethece, Nostoc,
Scytonema, Trichodesmium
Metal nanoparticles (Ag, Au) Chemical industry (catalysis) Anabaena, Calothrix e e
Environmental remediation
Biomedicine (gene therapy, biomarkers)
Ultraviolet sunscreens New-generation sunscreens Anabaena, Aphanizomenon, e e
(Scytonemin, mycosporine- Pharmaceuticals (anti-inflammatory, Aphanothece, Calothrix,
like aminoacids) antiproliferative,) and cosmetics Chlorogloeopsis, Gloecapsa,
Gloethece, Scytonema
Cytotoxic (anticancer) Alternative anticancer therapies Anabaena, Calothrix, Nostoc, e e
compounds (leukemia cell-apoptogens, protection Nodularia
against chemoresistance)
Biofertilizers and Agriculture (N, P, and trace element Anabaena spp, Aulosira, e 5  109
phytohormones (gibereline- sources; soil conditioners; enhancement Chroococcidiopsis, Nostoc,
like compounds, indole-3 of plant growth) Tolypothrix., Scytonema sp.
acetic acid)
Exopolysaccharides Cosmetics Anabaena, Calothrix, e e
Biomedicine (antioxidants, blood-clotting Cylindrospermum,
agents) Gloeocapsa, Nostoc,
Chemical industry (thickening agents) Tolypothrix

Cyanotoxins (microcystins, Analytical standards Anabaena, Aphanizomenon, e 1e3

anatoxins, saxitoxins, Biomedicine (potential pharmaceutical Cylindrospermopsis,
cylindrospermopsin) applications) Raphidiopsis, Umezakia
Hydrogen Bioenergy Anabaena, Calothrix, e e


Cyanothece, Gloeobacter,

Bioethanol (from yeast- Bioenergy (liquid biofuel) Nostocb e e

fermented cyanobacteria)

Borowitzka, M., 2013. High-value products from microalgaedtheir development and commercialisation. J. Appl. Phycol. 25, 743e756.
Brayner, R., Barberousse, H., Hemadi, M., Djedjat, C., Yepremian, C., Coradin, T., Livage, J., Fievet, F., Coute, A., 2007. Cyanobacteria as bioreactors for the synthesis of Au, Ag,
Pd, and Pt nanoparticles via an enzyme-mediated route. J. Nanosci. Nanotech. 7, 2696e2708.
Sharma, N.K., Rai, A.K., Stal, L.J., 2014. Cyanobacteria: An Economic Perspective. John Wiley & Sons, UK.
Liu, L., Herfindal, L., Jokela, J., Shishido, T.K., Wahlsten, M., Døskeland, S.O., Sivonen, K., 2014. Cyanobacteria from terrestrial and marine sources contain apoptogens able to
overcome chemoresistance in acute myeloid leukemia cells. Mar. Drugs 12, 2036e2053.
Phycobiliproteins ubiquitous in cyanobacteria, only high yield (8e17% dry weight) phycocyanin-containing N2-fixers specified (Moreno, J., Rodríguez, H., Vargas, M.A., Rivas, J., Guerrero, M.G.,
1995. Nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria as source of phycobiliprotein pigments. Composition and growth performance of 10 filamentous heterocystous strains. J. Appl. Phycol. 7, 17e23.).
Potentially from all high carbohydrate N2-fixers, but only genera with high-starch content after oil extraction are included (John, R.P., Anisha, G., Nampoothiri, K.M., Pandey, A., 2011.
Micro and macroalgal biomass: a renewable source for bioethanol. Biores. Technol. 102, 186e193).
Actual market values for phycobiliproteins and fatty acids in 2013 (Markou, G., Nerantzis, E., 2013. Microalgae for high-value compounds and biofuels production: A review with focus on
cultivation under stress conditions. Biotechnol. Adv. 31, 1532e1542.) and projected market estimates for biofertilizers (soil conditioner from N2-fixers) and toxins (Sharma, N.K., Rai, A.K.,
Stal, L.J., 2014. Cyanobacteria: An Economic Perspective. John Wiley & Sons, UK.).


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An Overview of Harmful Algal Blooms
on Marine Organisms
Panchanathan Manivasagan, Se-Kwon Kim
Pukyong National University, Department of Marine-Bio Convergence Science and Marine Bioprocess
Research Center, Busan, South Korea

1. INTRODUCTION ecologically important functions. The organisms

present within a community contribute to ecological
Harmful algal blooms (HABs) are a global functions by their individual metabolic capabilities
threat to living marine resources and human health and through interacting metabolic networks.
(Band-Schmidt et al., 2010). These events impact Examples include marine systems, where autot-
all coastal U.S. states and large portions of coastal rophy make a significant contribution to global
Canada and Mexico (Mudie et al., 2002; Hern andez- carbon cycling. In contrast to any positive impact
Becerril et al., 2007; Anderson et al., 2008; they might have on atmospheric carbon, periodic
Band-Schmidt et al., 2010). HABs have had signifi- blooms of dinoflagellates can have devastating
cant ecological and socioeconomic impacts on the ecological and economic consequences through
Pacific coastal communities of North America for toxin production and localized oxygen depletion
decades, and their prevalence and impacts on living (Morey et al., 2011). The processes of bloom initi-
resources in this region have increased markedly in ation, maintenance, and termination are poorly
frequency and geographical distribution in recent understood (Cloern et al., 2005; Anderson and
years (Anderson et al., 2008). The HABs that Rengefors, 2006; Adolf et al., 2008).
threaten the water quality, health of living Large accumulations of phytoplankton, mac-
resources, and economies of Pacific coast commu- roalgae, and, occasionally, colorless heterotrophic
nities are diverse and often extend beyond jurisdic- protists are increasingly reported throughout the
tional boundaries. A comprehensive understanding coastal areas of all continents. Aggregations of
of the causes and impacts of west-coast HABs will these organisms can discolor the water, giving
therefore require a regionally integrated approach. rise to red, mahogany, brown, or green tides;
Effective HAB management will depend on inter- they can float on the surface in scums, cover
state and international collaboration and coordina- beaches with biomass or exudates (foam), and
tion (Lewites et al., 2012). deplete oxygen levels through excessive respira-
Communities of microscopic organisms are tion or decomposition. Alternatively, certain
ubiquitous and perform an enormous range of species in HABs can exert their effects through

Handbook of Marine Microalgae 517 © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

the synthesis of compounds (e.g., toxins) that can and mitigate the adverse impact of HABs,
alter the cellular process of other organisms, various strategies have been applied to control
from plankton to humans. The most severedand their outbreak and persistence, involving treat-
therefore most memorabledeffects of HABs ment with chemical agents such as copper sulfate
include fish, bird, and mammal (including hu- (Anderson, 1997), flocculation of microalgae with
man) mortalities; respiratory or digestive tract clay (Sengco and Anderson, 2003), and other
problems; memory loss; seizures; lesions and physical techniques.
skin irritation; as well as losses of coastal re- Although effective in controlling blooms,
sources, such as submerged aquatic vegetation chemical and physical approaches are considered
and benthic epifauna and infauna (Sellner to be potentially dangerous because chemical
et al., 2003). In this chapter, we evaluate HABs agents could cause serious secondary pollution,
on marine organisms. and they could indiscriminately kill multiple
organisms in the aquatic ecosystem, which may
alter marine food webs and eventually impact nat-
2. MARINE ALGAE ural fish communities (Jeong et al., 2008).
Biological agents, including bacteria (Mayali
Algae are eukaryotic organisms. The presence and Azam, 2004), viruses (Nagasaki et al., 2004),
of chlorophyll and other pigments helps in car- protozoa (Jeong et al., 2008), and macrophytes
rying out photosynthesis. The true roots, stems, (Nakai et al., 1999; Jin and Dong, 2003), are
or leaves are absent. Algae can be multicellular considered to be potential suppressors in
or unicellular. Mostly, they are photoautotrophic controlling the outbreak and maintenance of algal
and carry on photosynthesis; some of these are blooms.
chemoheterotrophic and obtain energy from chemi- Bacteria play an important role in nutrient
cal reactions, as well as nutrients from preformed regeneration and energy transformation in aquatic
organic matter. Microalgae can fix CO2 using so- ecosystems (Azam et al., 1983). Therefore,
lar energy, with an efficiency that is 10 times algalebacterial interactions are of particular inter-
greater than terrestrial plants (Wang et al., est; they have been considered to be potentially
2011). Many species of algae are present, such important regulators of algal growth and toxin
as green, red, and brown algae, which belong to production (Doucette et al., 1998). Research into
the groups of Chlorophyta, Rhodophyta, and Phaeo- the relationships between algae and bacteria
phyta, respectively. Algae belong to a wide range have resulted in the isolation of strains of algicidal
of habitats, such as fresh water and marine water, bacteria, which mainly belong to the Cytophaga/
in deep oceans and in rocky shores. The plank- Flavobacterium/Bacteroidetes group or to the g-pro-
tonic and benthic algae can become important teobacteria group, and to the genera Cytophaga,
constituents of soil flora and can exist even in Saprospira, Alteromonas, and Pseudoalteromonas.
extreme conditions, such as in snow, sands/ These bacteria show algicidal activity through
desert, or hot springs (temperatures above 80  C). either direct or indirect attack on the target algal
cells (Mayali and Azam, 2004; Su et al., 2011).


HABs are often linked to significant economic BLOOMS
losses through massive fish killings, shellfish
harvest closures, and the potential threat to Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) are the earth’s
humans from shellfish poisonings. To manage oldest known oxygen-producing organisms, with
fossil remains dating back w3.5 billion years of cyanobacteria (cyanoHABs), both in plank-
(Schopf, 2000). Cyanobacterial proliferation dur- tonic (Steinberg and Hartmann, 1988) and
ing the Precambrian period is largely responsible benthic (Baker et al., 2001) environments.
for the modern-day, oxygen-enriched atmo- Mass development of cyanoHABs increases
sphere and subsequent evolution of higher plant turbidity and hence restricts light penetration
and animal life (Schopf, 2000; Whitton and Potts, in affected ecosystems. This, in turn, suppresses
2000). This long evolutionary history has served the establishment and growth of aquatic macro-
cyanobacteria well, enabling them to develop phytes and benthic microalgae, thereby nega-
diverse and highly effective ecophysiological ad- tively affecting the underwater habitat for
aptations and strategies for ensuring survival benthic flora and fauna (Scheffer et al., 1997;
and dominance in aquatic environments under- Jeppesen et al., 2007). CyanoHABs also cause
going natural and human-induced environ- nighttime oxygen depletion through respiration
mental change (Hallock, 2005). Today, they and bacterial decomposition of dense blooms,
enjoy a remarkably broad geographic distribu- which can result in fish kills and loss of benthic
tion, ranging from polar to tropical regions in infauna and flora (Watkinson et al., 2005; García
northern and southern hemispheres, where and Johnstone, 2006). Persistence of cyanoHABs
they are capable of dominating planktonic and can lead to long-term loss of benthic habitat.
benthic primary production in diverse habitats. Lastly, numerous planktonic and benthic cyano-
As a “microalgal” group, the cyanobacteria bacterial bloom genera produce toxic peptides
exhibit highly efficient nutrient (N, P, Fe, and and alkaloids (Berry et al., 2008; Liu and
trace metal) uptake and storage capabilities. Rein, 2010). Ingestion of these cyanotoxins
They are the only oxygenic phototrophs capable has been linked to liver, digestive, and skin dis-
of using atmospheric dinitrogen (N2) as a nitro- eases; neurological impairment; and even death
gen source to support growth via N2 fixation (Carmichael, 2001). Hence, toxic cyanoHABs
(Gallon, 1992). Furthermore, many planktonic are a major threat to the use of freshwater eco-
genera are capable of rapid vertical migration systems and reservoirs for drinking water and
by altering their buoyancy, allowing them to irrigation, and freshwater and marine fishing
exploit deeper, nutrient-rich waters while also and recreation (Carmichael, 2001).
taking advantage of radiant-rich conditions
near the surface (Ibelings et al., 1991; Walsby
et al., 1997). Lastly, some genera have formed 5. THE HARMFUL PROPERTIES
symbioses (as endosymbionts) in diatoms, OF HABs
sponges, corals, lichens, ferns, and mutualistic
associations with a variety of other organisms, HABs are harmful in two fundamental ways
which provide protection and enhance nutrient (although not all HABs have both properties).
cycling and availability in nutrient-depleted The first is the production of toxins that may
waters (Paerl and Pinckney, 1996; Carpenter kill fish and shellfish or harm human consumers.
et al., 2001). The range of toxins produced by HABs is quite
Over the past several centuries, human extensive, including brevetoxins, which cause
nutrient over-enrichment (particularly nitrogen neurotoxic shellfish poisoning; saxitoxins, which
and phosphorus) associated with urban, agricul- cause paralytic shellfish poisoning; okadaic acid,
tural, and industrial development has promoted which causes diarrheic shellfish poisoning;
accelerated rates of primary productiondthat is, domoic acid, which causes amnesic shellfish
eutrophication. Eutrophication favors periodic poisoning; azaspiracid, which causes azaspira-
proliferation and dominance of harmful blooms cid shellfish poisoning; and numerous others

(Landsberg, 2002). Toxins may kill shellfish or summer, when aerosol optical depth values
fish directly. Alternatively, they may have little range between 0.4 and 0.7 (Vinoj and Satheesh,
effect on them, but may cause illness or death 2003; Gherboudj and Ghedira, 2014). At high
when shellfish that have accumulated the algal concentrations, the deposition of aerosols can in-
toxins are eaten by humans or other consumers crease the activities of toxic phytoplankton, as
in the food web (Landsberg, 2002). There are was observed during the dry seasons of 2000
no known antidotes for poisonings caused by and 2008 over the Arabian Gulf (Richlen et al.,
HAB toxins. Some HABs, while not directly 2010; Al-Shehhi et al., 2012).
toxic, have physical structures, such as spines,
that can lodge in gills, causing irritation and 6.3 Seabed
eventual suffocation.
The other fundamental way in which HABs The seabed is also considered to be an impor-
are harmful is through high biomass accumula- tant source of nutrients for phytoplankton blooms.
tion, which may lead to environmental damage, In fact, a common hypothesis in the region of the
including hypoxia, anoxia, and shading of sub- Arabian Sea is that the formation and distribution
merged vegetation. Each of these, in turn, can of blooms are related to the cold eddy, which in
lead to a multitude of negative environmental turn is associated with the poor oxygenation of
consequences (Landsberg, 2002). water and the presence of nutrients that are
brought up from the seabed to the surface. If the
cyclonic eddy is affected by higher vertical veloc-
6. HARMFUL ALGAE BLOOM ity and more heat loss, the growth of phyto-
FORMATION plankton increases (Tang et al., 2002). For
instance, a blooming period of a month was
6.1 Formation of HABs observed in the Arabian Sea in November 1996
over 100 km, up to the Gulf of Oman, where a
The primary factor causing the occurrence cold eddy had occurred (Richlen et al., 2010).
of HABs is the presence of high nutrient concen-
trations in water bodies (Cloern, 1999; Houser
and Richardson, 2010). Several research studies 6.4 Human Activities
have demonstrated that the effect of these nutri-
The increasing population worldwide has
ents on HAB formation is intensified by wind
resulted in increased demands for food, medicine,
monsoons, water temperature, and cold eddies.
goods, and habitats. All of these issues are directly
The following sections present the multiple
or indirectly associated with marine problems,
sources of nutrient (natural or anthropogenic)
such as overfishing, increasing emissions of phar-
discerned over the region.
maceuticals and other emerging contaminants,
increasing activity of Ship breaking and recycle
industries (SBRIs), and increases in plastic waste,
6.2 Dust Deposition oil exploration, transportation, and algal blooms
Dust deposition can be a main source of nutri- (Figure 1). In particular, algal blooms are closely
ents (iron). These aerosols are emitted naturally connected to increases in organic matter (DOM
from the surrounding areas by wind, then trans- and particulate organic matter) inputs and the ef-
ported to precipitate later over the seas when the fects of global warming (Mostofa et al., 2013b).
wind speed slows down, or they are washed out The fast depletion of fish stocks by overfishing
during rainfall events. Aerosol concentration and environmental deterioration is both an
decreases in the winter and increases in the economic and an ecological problem, ruining

FIGURE 1 Relationship between increasing human population and problems in marine ecosystems.

fishing communities and seriously damaging the

whole fishing-based supply chain. An example is
demonstrated by the difficulties encountered by
fisheries in the Mediterranean Sea, which has
undergone overfishing for decades (Grigorakis
and Rigos, 2011). The release of pollutants to ma-
rine environments is a serious threat to human
health, because food consumption (including,
most notably, seafood) is a major route of trans-
mission of Emerging contaminants (ECs) to both
humans and other organisms (Figure 2).
To have an idea of the pollution load, one can
consider that the world’s population was 3 billion
in 1960, 7 billion in 2012, and will be approxi-
mately 10.6 billion in 2050 (UNFPA, 2011). The
present pollution of marine waters by human ac-
tivities can be roughly assessed by considering
FIGURE 2 Transmission of contaminants to humans and
that each person can pollute 20 L day1, which other organisms through food consumption.
equals approximately 5.1  104 billion L year1
worldwide (Mostofa et al., 2013a). This volume
might seem small when compared to the total vol- estuarine zones, which can be key breeding
ume of waters in oceans, which is approximately areas for some marine species. Considering the
1.37  1012 billion L (Garrison, 2006). However, demands of the world’s population, marine eco-
one should consider that a considerable fraction systems could be polluted approximately three
of the pollution is concentrated in coastal or times more in the next 50 years compared with

the last 50 years (Mostofa et al., 2013a). At equal Kimura, 2008; Southard et al., 2010; Yates
technology, there seems to be little doubt that and Rogers, 2011)
some control of the world’s population could be • Shellfish or finfish poisoning caused by
important to solve problems in marine ecosystems. neurotoxic compounds (brevetoxins),
produced by blooms of red-tide
dinoflagellates such as Karenia brevis or other
algae (Backer et al., 2005; Moore et al., 2008)
7. ALGAL TOXINS • Illness or even death of higher organisms or
humans, associated with consumption of
Algal toxins, or red-tide toxins, are naturally
contaminated fish, seafood, and water;
derived and toxic emerging contaminants pro-
inhalation of contaminated aerosol; and
duced during HABs in surface waters (Imai
contact with contaminated water during
et al., 2006; Prince et al., 2008; Castle and Rodgers,
outdoor recreational or occupational activities
2009; Yates and Rogers, 2011). The occurrence,
(Backer et al., 2005; Fleming et al., 2005; Moore
abundance, and geographical distribution of
et al., 2008)
toxin-producing algae or cyanobacterial blooms
• Adverse health effects (e.g., eczema or acute
have substantially increased during the last few
respiratory illness) from direct contact with,
decades because of increased anthropogenic input
ingestion, or inhalation of cyanobacteria or
of organic matter pollution and nutrients and
various toxins during recreational or
because of global warming (Phlips et al., 2004;
occupational activities (e.g., water skiing,
Yan and Zhou, 2004; Luckas et al., 2005; McCarthy
water craft riding, swimming, fishing)
et al., 2007; Mostofa and Sakugawa, 2009).
(Fleming et al., 2005; Jeong et al., 2008; Moore
et al., 2008); such effects can be observed
when algal scum appears on the water
8. IMPACTS OF ALGAL TOXINS surface, in coastal sea beaches, or in
freshwater ecosystems.
Algal toxins produced during algal blooms in
surface waters are responsible for physiological,
ecological, and environmental adverse effects,
including the following:
• Deterioration of water quality with high
eutrophication (Howarth, 2008; Castle and Remedial measures are needed for controlling
Rodgers, 2009) algal blooms, particularly in coastal seawaters
• Depletion of dissolved oxygen below the (McCarthy et al., 2007; Prince et al., 2008; Castle
pycnocline (Jeong et al., 2008) and Rodgers, 2009; Yates and Rogers, 2011).
• Loss of seagrasses and benthos (Bricelj and Prevention measures are basically centered
Lonsdale, 1997) on avoiding eutrophication (Ollikainen and
• Loss of phytoplankton competitor motility Honkatukia, 2001; Imai et al., 2006; Elofsson,
(Prince et al., 2008) 2010). In fact, control of organic matter inputs,
• Inhibition of enzymes and photosynthesis including both dissolved organic matter (DOM)
(Prince et al., 2008) and particulate organic matter, can reduce the
• Cell and membrane damage (Prince et al., regeneration of photoproducts, microbial prod-
2008) ucts, and nutrients ðNHþ 4 ; NO3  ; and PO4 3 Þ:
• Mortality of fish, coral reefs, livestock, and Such measures would reduce photosynthesis
wildlife (Bricelj and Lonsdale, 1997; Imai and and, as a consequence, primary production in
natural waters, while also limiting the positive periods of higher temperatures and water col-
feedback processes described above. Unfortu- umn stability coincide with higher benthic light
nately, such measures may be less effective penetration and thus increase growth and pro-
in already-eutrophic environments because of ductivity for L. majuscula (Watkinson et al.,
the nutrient regeneration phenomenon. In such 2005). These changes may also directly or indi-
cases, removal of algae or phytoplankton during rectly change other physiological features, such
algal blooms using fine, small-mesh nets and the as toxin production. For instance, it has been
removal of sediments (when feasible) could demonstrated that concentrations of the bioac-
reduce the further photo-induced and microbial tive compound pitipeptolide A in L. majuscula
release of DOM and nutrients from primary increase under high-light levels.
production (Mostofa et al., 2013c).

In conclusion, the HAB problem is significant
Lyngbya majuscula occurs in tropical and sub- and growing worldwide. HABs pose a major
tropical environments and grows at maximal threat to public health, ecosystem health, fish-
rates between 24 and 30  C (Watkinson et al., eries, and economic development. The HAB
2005). The high-temperature requirements for problem and its impacts are diverse, as are the
L. majuscula are similar to those reported for causes and underlying mechanisms controlling
other cyanobacteria (Robarts and Zohary, 1987; the blooms. HABs may be caused by the explo-
Paul et al., 2005; Paerl and Huisman, 2009). Pro- sive growth of a single species that rapidly dom-
jected temperature increases this century may inates the water column, but they may also be
increase the bloom persistence and duration of the result of highly toxic cells that do not accu-
L. majuscula where they already occur, as well mulate in high numbers. Winds, tides, currents,
as increase its geographic range. This has already fronts, and other features can create discrete
been observed in Moreton Bay, where small pop- patches or streaks of cells at all scales.
ulations of L. majuscula now persist through A full understanding of the many biological,
winter months. Its northern range on the east chemical, and physical processes that underlie
coast of the United States may be expanding, HABs will continue to be a challenge, given the
with extensive blooms observed during the sum- many different species and hydrographic systems
mer months in Provincetown, Massachusetts, involved. HABs are a serious and growing prob-
and Penobscot Bay, Maine. lem in the global coastal oceandone that requires
Beyond affecting growth, temperature, and the interplay of all oceanographic disciplines, as
physical factors in the environments where well as other fields, such as public health and
blooms occur may also influence secondary resource management. Only through a recogni-
metabolite accumulation in cyanobacteria tion of the diversity of these interactions will
(Watanabe and Oishi, 1985; Sivonen, 1990). progress be made toward the goal of scientifically
Although temperature has not been directly based management of HAB-threatened resources.
linked to increased toxin production in L. majus-
cula, maximum toxin concentrations typically Acknowledgments
occur at the peak of bloom abundances, which
This research was supported by a grant from the Marine
often coincide with temperature and growth Bioprocess Research Center of the Marine Biotechnology
maxima (Osborne et al., 2007). Given that bloom Program, funded by the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries,
initiation of L. majuscula is in the benthos, R and D/2004-6002, Republic of Korea.

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Microalgae-Derived Toxic Compounds
Zhong-Ji Qian1, Kyong-Hwa Kang2, BoMi Ryu3
College of Food Science and Technology, Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang, PR China;
Department of Marine-Bio. Convergence Science and Marine Bioprocess Research Center, Pukyong
National University, Busan, Republic of Korea; 3School of Pharmacy, The University of Queensland,
Brisbane, QLD, Australia

1. INTRODUCTION The toxins produced by some microalgae

demonstrate the highly effective bioactivity of the
Microalgae are eukaryotic photosynthetic mi- compounds they may contain. This is mostly evi-
croorganisms that can produce hydrocarbons, denced in shellfish, which are depurators and
proteins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, can accumulate high concentrations of toxins. At
carotenoids, and other chemicals (Borowitzka some times of the year, blooms of such microalgae
and Borowitzka, 1988). A review by Raposo can become very dangerous because of paralytic
et al. (2013) outlined the great potential of ma- shellfish poisoning (neurotoxic compounds pro-
rine microalgae for applications in a variety of duced by the dinoflagellate Alexandrium lusita-
areas, including for human nutrition and feed nicum), diarrheic shellfish poisoning (DSP;
in aquaculture; as biofertilizers and in the treat- substances like okadaic acid (OA) and dynophyso-
ment of effluents; and as anti-inflammatory, toxin, produced by the dinoflagellate Dinophysis),
antiallergic, and analgesic agents. These re- and amnesic shellfish poisoning compounds
searchers also highlighted the fact that some ma- (ASPs; such as the amino acid domoic acid (DA),
rine unicellular algae, such as Porphyridium and produced by the diatom Nitzschia pungens; Pulz
Rhodella (rhodophytes), and cyanobacteria, such and Gross, 2004). On the other hand, the cytotoxic
as Arthrospira, can produce sulfated polysaccha- activity of these compounds has been applied in
rides, which have already found applications as anticancer treatments (Sirenko et al., 1999).
antiviral agents, either in vivo or in vitro (Hulei- Furthermore, gambieric acids from the dinoflagel-
hel et al., 2002), as well as nutraceuticals (Dvir late Gambierdiscus toxicus have antifungal activity,
et al., 2009), agents to prevent tumor cell growth as reported by Donia and Hamann (2003). The
(Gardeva et al., 2009), therapeuticals (Arad and gambieric acids were 2000 times more potent
Atar, 2007; Guzman et al., 2003), and even ion than amphotericin B, with only moderate toxic
exchangers (Lupescu et al., 1991) and drag re- side effects, both in vivo and in vitro (Nagai
ducers (Gasljevic et al., 2008). et al., 1992a, 1992b).

Handbook of Marine Microalgae 527 © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

The therapeutic value of all toxins has not yet Microalgae represent an important part of the
been completely investigated. Several studies aquatic ecosystem, being responsible for more
have reported the following: than half of the global net primary biomass pro-
duction (Field et al., 1998). However, several
1. Cytotoxic activity has been found to be
algal species are very sensitive to environmental
important for anticancer drugs (Sirenko et al.,
stress, which can decrease their capacity for
biomass production. For example, Dunaliella ter-
2. Antiviral activities were founddmainly in
tiolecta, a model marine alga, shows a high sensi-
cyanobacteria, but also in apochlorotic
tivity to the effects of various pollutants, such as
diatoms and the conjugaphyte Spirogyra,
metals, solvents, pesticides, and petrochemicals
where certain sulfolipids are active (e.g.,
(Samson and Popovic, 1988; Okumura et al.,
against the herpes simplex virus;
2001; DeLorenzo and Serrano, 2003; Carrera-
Muller-Feuga et al., 2003).
Martínez et al., 2010). In microalgae, OA was pre-
3. Antimicrobial activity has been investigated
viously found to decrease the growth rate of
as part of an effort to find new antibiotics.
D. tertiolecta and of other non-OA producing
Although the success rate is about 1%
algae (Dunaliella salina, Thalassiosira weissflogii,
(Muller-Feuga et al., 2003), there seems to be
G. toxicus, Coolia monotis) (Windust et al., 1996;
some promising substances from microalgae,
Sugg and VanDolah, 1999). Conversely, species
such as the cyanobacterium Scytonema.
producing OA were found to be very resistant
4. Antifungal activity has been found in
to OA’s effects (Windust et al., 1996; Sugg and
different extracts of cyanobacteria (Nagai
VanDolah, 1999). Although the role of OA as a
et al., 1992a, 1992b).
major allelopathic compound responsible for the
5. Antihelminthic effects were found for
dominance of harmful algae in blooms was found
Spirogyra and Oedogonium (Muller-Feuga
to be unlikely (Sugg and VanDolah, 1999; Jonsson
et al., 2003).
et al., 2009), the sensitivity of non-OA producing
Many species of marine microalgae are algae to the effects of OA indicates that the pres-
capable of producing or accumulating biotoxins, ence of this toxin in the aquatic ecosystem during
which can accumulate in filter-feeding shellfish. harmful algae blooms may induce deleterious
This chapter reviews the most important fea- effects in the algal community, which are still
tures of microalgae-derived toxic compound unknown and should be investigated.
applications. OA intoxication occurs rapidly after the inges-
tion of contaminated seafood, with symptoms
such as vomiting and diarrhea. Although it is
2. TOXIC COMPOUNDS FROM not fatal, it represents an increasing global concern
MARINE MICROALGAE AND regarding both health and economic burdens (Van
THEIR APPLICATIONS Dolah, 2000). The main molecular targets of OA
are the serine/threonine phosphoprotein phos-
2.1 Okadaic Acid phatase classes PP1A and PP2A, which have half
OA and its close chemical dinophysistoxin an- maximal inhibitory concentration values in the
alogs are major DSP toxins found worldwide nanomolar range; other classes of protein phos-
(Figure 1). OA was first isolated in the black phatases are less sensitive or insensitive to the
sponge Holichondria okadai (Takai et al., 1987) toxin (Bialojan and Takai, 1988; Cohen et al.,
and later in the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum lima 1990). Acting in opposition to protein kinases
and Dinophysis acuta (Daranas et al., 2001; Dickey and phosphorylases, protein phosphatases are an
et al., 1990; Vale and Botana, 2008). important group of enzymes involved in the

FIGURE 1 Chemical structure of okadaic acid and dinophysistoxin-1, -2, and -3.

regulation of numerous signaling pathways; methyl groups (Dominguez et al., 2010). DTX-1
consequently, they help to controlling a number is the dominant toxin in Japan, Canada, and Nor-
of cell functions, including cell cycle progression, way (Lee et al., 1989; Quilliam et al., 1993).
metabolism, ion balance, gene expression, cyto- Whereas OA is the predominant toxin in Europe;
skeletal rearrangements, and cell movement high amounts of DTX-2 have been detected in
(Vale and Botana, 2008; Van Dolah, 2000). This Spain and Portugal (Blanco et al., 1995; Vale
broad spectrum of potential targets probably ex- and Sampayo, 2000), and it is also the predomi-
plains why OA has also been termed a tumor pro- nant species in Irish mussels (Carmody et al.,
moter, due to its ability to induce skin 1996).
carcinogenesis in the mouse (Suganuma et al., OA and the DTXs are free polyether acids that
1988). Previous works demonstrated that OA in- inhibit serine/threonine phosphatase; they affect
duces severe genotoxic and cytotoxic effects in a the secretion and gene transcription of nerve
cell typeedependent manner. These effects growth factor (Pshenichkin and Wise, 1995;
include DNA strand breaks and micronuclei in- Garcia et al., 2003). OA and its derivatives,
duction, alterations in cell cycle and DNA repair, DTX-1 and DTX-2, were found to be associated
oxidative DNA damage, decrease of viability, with dinoflagellates of the genus Dinophysis;
and apoptosis (Le Hegarat et al., 2004; Lago they are considered to be diarrhetic (Hamano
et al., 2005; Souid-Mensi et al., 2008; Valdiglesias et al., 1986) and tumorogenic phycotoxins (Fujiki
et al., 2010, 2011a,b,c). and Suganuma, 1993).
DTX-1 is the methyl derivative of OA,
whereas DTX-3 is the DTX-1 ester (7-O-acyl-
2.2 Dinophysistoxin derivatives of dinophysistoxin-1). The 7-OH in
The main toxins responsible for DSP are OA DTX-1 can be esterified with fatty acids ranging
and dinophysistoxin (DTX)-1, -2, and -3 (Yasu- from tetradecanoic acid (C14:0) to docosahexae-
moto et al., 1985; Figure 1). OA and the DTXs noic acid (C22:6w3); palmitic acid is the most
are polyketide compounds containing furan common fatty acid found in DTX-3 (Yasumoto
and pyran-type ether rings and an alpha- et al., 1985). DTX-1 and DTX-3 have been only
hydroxycarboxylic function; the only difference isolated from shellfish samples, and DTX-3 is
between them is the number or position of the absent in wild and cultivated plankton samples;

for this reason, it has been proposed that the O

acylation of the 7-OH in DTX-1 only occurs in CH3
shellfish. The underlying mechanism of action H
associated with these toxin activities is explained OH
mainly by their potent inhibitory action against H
ser/thre protein phosphatase (PP) 2A, 1, and 2B; H H
H 3C
the latter is inhibited only at high concentrations O OH
of phycotoxin (Bialojan and Takai, 1988; Rivas FIGURE 2 Structure of domoic acid.
et al., 2000). DTX-3 does not inhibit the enzymes
(Takai et al., 1992) but is easily hydrolyzed to
DTX-1 by digestive enzymes, such as lipase. in 1987, when blue mussels grown off Prince
DTX-2 is the primary DTX produced by Edward Island, Canada became toxic (Wright
Dinophysis spp., but DTX can be found in a vari- et al., 1989) after a long-lasting bloom of Pseudo-
ety of forms, with at least 15 different deriva- nitzschia multiseries (Hasle) Hasle, intoxicating
tives presently identified (Miles, 2007; humans (Bates et al., 1989). Apart from DA, other
Anonymous, 2009). Most of these are believed less toxic isomers of DA exist, of which two-
to occur only as metabolites in shellfish, howev- disodomoic acid A and isodomoic acid Bdhave
er (Suzuki et al., 1999). Dinophysis acuta nor- been found in Nitzschia navis-varingica in
mally contains OA and PTX-2, as well as different combinations and relative amounts
either DTX-1 or DTX-2, but the cellular content (Kotaki et al., 2005; Romero et al., 2011); isodo-
of each toxin can vary a lot (Pizarro et al., moic acid C has been found in Pseudo-nitzschia
2008, 2009; Fux et al., 2010). Aune et al. deter- australis (Holland et al., 2005).
mined that DTX-2 is approximately 40% less DA functions as a glutamate agonist and ex-
toxic than OA by intraperitoneal injection in erts excitotoxicity via overstimulation of gluta-
mice (Aune et al., 2007), and it is also less toxic mate receptors (AMPA, NMDA) in the central
in primary cultures of cerebellar neurons nervous system (CNS) (Berman and Murray,
(Perez-Gomez et al., 2004). 1997). DA-mediated increases in glutamatergic
activation may alter cellular transcriptional re-
sponses; if gene product formation follows tran-
2.3 Domoic Acid
scriptional changes, this could lead to changes in
To date, production of the neurotoxin DA has synapse structure and function, dendrite and
been found in 12 Pseudo-nitzschia species from nerve terminal integrity, and neuronal injury.
different parts of the world (Lundholm et al., Changes in synaptic function and loss of select
2012; Trainer et al., 2012); most research on toxic glutamatergic neurons, or their synapses, occur-
diatoms has focused on these species (Figure 2). ring during neurodevelopment or in the aged
In addition to Pseudo-nitzschia spp., DA has may be particularly deleterious for normal CNS
been reported in the benthic diatom Halamphora function (Morrison and Hof, 1997). Toxicological
coffeaeformis (Agardh) Levkov (previously Am- studies with animals show clinical signs and
phora coffeaeformis) (Maranda et al., 1990) and brain lesions, which are mostly consistent with
in several strains of a single Nitzschia species, those in naturally exposed humans and sea lions.
Nitzschia navis-varingica Lundholm and Those clinical signs included seizures, periods of
Moestrup (Kotaki et al., 2004, 2005). DA has marked lethargy and inappetence, vomiting,
been reported worldwide and has caused ASP muscular twitching, central blindness, blepharo-
in sea birds, mammals (sea otters, sea lions, and spasm (often unilateral), and abnormal behavior
whales), and humans. ASP was first discovered (Goldstein et al., 2008). Based on the data for sea
lions, the authors suggested that the conversion that bioaccumulate and biotransform in fish
from acute to chronic exposure is possible. tissues up the trophic chain (Yasumoto, 2005;
In a model system with rats, seizures with Figure 3). Dinoflagellates of the genera Prorocen-
increasing magnitude over a period of 6 months trum, Ostreopsis, Coolia, and Amphidinium coexist
were induced in animals by the application of with Gambierdiscus spp. in ciguatera endemic
low-dose, repetitive DA (Muha and Ramsdell, regions and have sometimes been associated
2011). Low levels of DA (0.20e0.75 ppm) caused with ciguatera (Anderson and Lobel, 1987). How-
no toxic symptoms in humans and nonhuman ever, their involvement in CFP is debatable
primates, but clinical effects were apparent at a because these genera do not produce CTXs but
concentration of 1.0 ppm. The tolerable daily produce other types of toxins (Holmes et al.,
intake (TDI) of DA for humans was calculated 1995; Kobayashi et al., 1991; Murakami et al.,
to be 0.075 ppm. For razor clams and crabs, the 1982; Taniyama et al., 2003).
TDIs were found to be 19.4 and 31.5 ppm, The hazard of ciguatera in a specific area may
respectively (Costa et al., 2010). be difficult to assess. The processes of transmis-
sion, bioaccumulation, and biotransformation
of CFP toxins through the food web are poorly
2.4 Ciguatoxin understood and involve long-term toxin trans-
Ciguatera fish poisoning (CFP) is a seafood fer. The CFP toxin transvectors (e.g., fish) are
intoxication caused in humans by the consump- mobile and toxins accumulated in the fish could
tion of tropical coral reef fishes that have accu- result from long-term processes, so their toxin
mulated ciguatoxins (CTXs) in their tissues content may not represent the cell density of
(Lewis, 2001). Produced by Gambierdiscus dinofla- microalgae at the time and place when the fish
gellates, CTXs are potent polyether neurotoxins have been caught. Rarely, ciguatera intoxication



FIGURE 3 Structure of ciguatoxins. (a) The major Pacific ciguatoxins: P-CTX-1 R¼OH, P-CTX-2, and P-CTX-3 R¼H.
(b) The major Caribbean ciguatoxin, C-CTX-1.

or accumulation of toxins in fish has been related potassium channels (Birinyi-Strachan et al.,
to observable punctual events of Gambierdiscus 2005), resulting in further increased neuronal
blooms. The cell abundance and toxicity of natu- excitability. The pharmacological action of
ral populations of Gambierdiscus in fishing areas CTXs on Nav in excitable cells results in a range
may be used as an indicator of local ciguatera of pathophysiological effects, including sponta-
risk (Chinain et al., 2010; Darius et al., 2007). neous action potential discharge, release of neu-
However, the cell density of Gambierdiscus in nat- rotransmitters, increase of intracellular Ca2þ,
ural populations does not always correlate with and axonal Schwann cell edema (Katharina
its CTX production. The existence of genetically et al., 2013).
determined CTX “superproducing” and nonpro-
ducing strains within the same natural popula-
2.5 Gambieric Acids
tion of Gambierdiscus was proposed by Holmes
et al. (1991). CTXs accumulate in fish through the food
Clinically, ciguatera is associated with gastro- chain, starting from the dinoflagellate G. toxicus
intestinal disturbances of limited duration, (Adachi and Fukuyo, 1979). Some strains pro-
particularly nausea, diarrhea, and abdominal duce not only CTXs but also other polycyclic
pain, with neurological disturbances being the ethers, such as gambierol (Morohashi et al.,
predominant presentation. The neurological 1998) and gambieric acids (Morohashi et al.,
symptoms of ciguatera include distressing, often 2000). Interestingly, gambierol exhibits toxicity
persistent, sensory disturbances such as perioral toward mice, whereas gambieric acids are
and distal paraesthesias, dysesthesias, pruritus, nontoxic but potent antifungals. Gambieric acids
headache, and asthenia (Pearn et al., 2001; AeD (1e4; Figure 4) are marine polycyclic ether
Schnorf et al., 2002). Of these neurological distur- natural products isolated from the culture me-
bances, temperature dysesthesia, or cold allody- dium of the ciguatera causative dinoflagellate
nia, is considered pathognomonic and occurs in G. toxicus (Nagai et al., 1992a, 1992b).
up to 95% of those with ciguatera (Bagnis et al.,
1979; Schnorf et al., 2002). At the molecular level,
CTX is the most potent known activator of
2.6 Karatungiol A
voltage-gated sodium channels (Nav) (Strachan Karlotoxins (KmTxs) are a group of potent
et al., 1999). CTX also inhibits neuronal amphipathic ichthyotoxins produced by the

H Me Me H H
R1 O O F
Me H H H H
H 1 2 Me O
gambieric acid A (1): R = R = H Me
HO2C Me 1 2 H
gambieric acid B (2): R = Me, R = H Me
1 2
gambieric acid C (3): R = H, R =
1 2 CO2H OR2
gambieric acid D (4): R = Me, R =
O Me
FIGURE 4 Structure of gambieric acid AeD (1e4).

FIGURE 5 Structure of karatungiols A and B (1e4).

dinoflagellate Karlodinium veneficum. This organ- structurally similar to lingshuiol (Huang et al.,
ism, first described as Gymnodinium galatheanum, 2004) and were amphidinol analogs with a
was collected from Walvis Bay, Namibia, in 1950 ketone moiety and a terminal saturated alkyl
during the second famed Danish Galathea expe- chain moiety, as in lingshuiol. Karatungiol A
dition (Braarud, 1957). Gymnodinium veneficum exhibited potent antifungal activity against
was collected from the English Channel in the NBRC4407 Aspergillus niger and antiprotozoan
same year. The organism has been associated activity against Tritrichomonas foetus. Karatun-
with fish kills worldwide ever since (Kempton giol A showed antiprotozoan activity against
et al., 2002). Trichomonas sp. as an amphidinol derivative.
The taxonomic identity of the organism has
changed several times, with synonyms now
including Gymnodinium/Gyrodinium galatheanum, 3. CONCLUSIONS
Gymnodinium micrum, Gymnodinium veneficum,
and Karlodinium micrum (Bergholtz et al., 2006) Marine microalgae and cyanobacteria are
Several hemolytic, cytotoxic, and ichthyotoxic very rich in several chemical compounds.
compounds were first described from then Therefore, they may be used in several biolog-
K. micrum following an investigation of a large ical applications with related health benefits.
mortality event at HyRock fish farm in Mary- This chapter reviewed the bioactive compounds
land, USA, in 1996. produced by marine unicellular algae, as
Karlotoxins appear to function by nonspecifi- directly or indirectly related to human health.
cally increasing the ionic permeability of biological Many species of marine microalgae are capable
membranes, resulting in osmotic cell lysis. They of producing or accumulating biotoxins, which
kill fish through damage to sensitive gill epithelial can accumulate in filter-feeding shellfish.
tissues (Deeds et al., 2006). The physiological ef- Dinophysis spp. are among the very few toxic
fects of the karlotoxins suggest similarities with microalgae that rely on chloroplasts sequestered
the amphidinols, a series of amphipathic linear from their prey. The main microalgae-derived
polyketides isolated from various species of the toxic compounds (OA, dinophysistoxin, DA,
dinoflagellate Amphidinium. CTX, gambieric acids, karatungiol A) and bioac-
Karatungiols A and B (Figure 5) were isolated tives are potentially useful in many applications.
from the cultured marine dinoflagellate Amphidi- These special toxic properties increase the
nium sp. Using spectroscopic analysis and degra- applicability of marine microalgae-derived com-
dation reactions, the structures of A and B were pounds in biological and biomedical fields,
determined to be novel polyol compounds especially in the protection of the marine
(Kazuto et al., 2006). Karatungiols were environments.

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Toxicity Bioassays on Benthic Diatoms
Cristiano V.M. Araujo1,2, Ignacio Moreno-Garrido1
Institute of Marine Sciences of Andalusia (CSIC), Research group of Ecotoxicology, Ecophysiology and
Biodiversity of Aquatic Systems, Excellence International Campus of the Seas (CEIMAR), Puerto Real,
Cadiz, Spain; 2Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí (ULEAM), Central Department
of Research (DCI), Manta, Ecuador

1. INTRODUCTION stability to fine sediments (de Brower et al.,

2000). In freshwater, the importance of epipelic
At the end of World War II, the old stated microflora (the term microphytobenthos is related
dilution paradigm (the solution for pollution is more often to estuarine and marine environments)
dilution) began to be replaced by the boomerang as a key compartment in nutrient recycling and
paradigm (everything you throw away can come pollutant dynamics is also recognized (Admiraal
back and beat you) (Newman and Unger, 2003). et al., 1999).
Concern about ecotoxicology slowly took place The need for the establishment of normalized
in governments and populations, and regulatory and reproducible methods to measure toxicity
guidelines began to be legislated. In marine envi- of sediments is a keystone in ecotoxicology
ronments, sediments can act as sink but also as a (Simpson et al., 2005). This chapter provides a
future source of pollutants (Chapman and brief survey of the normalized planktonic micro-
Wang, 2001; Radakovitch et al., 2008). In spite algal toxicity test; a description of a revision on
of this, little attention has been paid to the effects the rationale, previous attempts, and potential
of pollutants on the microflora that inhabits the problems for sediment toxicity tests on sedi-
sediments (Langston et al., 2010). ments to microalgae; and a proposal for a guide-
Microalgae are responsible for more than a half line for a sediment bioassay on benthic diatoms.
of total carbon primary production in our planet Finally, a survey on the new perspectives in
(Falkowski, 1980). Any process able to alter micro- benthic diatom bioassays, including new end-
algal populations will affect trophic nets in aquatic points and methodologies, is presented.
systems. Microphytobenthos (microscopic algae
that inhabit the first millimeters of the submerged
or intertidal sediments) (MacIntyre et al., 1996; 2. TOXICITY BIOASSAYS ON
Miller et al., 1996) play a key role in the coastal tro- MICROALGAE
phic aquatic nets (Ara ujo et al., 2010a) as well as in
the geological coastal dynamics, as exopolysac- First attempts to measure the effects of pollu-
charides extruded by these organisms confer tion on microalgae were done in the first decade

Handbook of Marine Microalgae 539 © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

of the twentieth century, but it was not until the 1990), and a limited quantity of atoms or mole-
mid-1960s that microalgal bioassays methods cules of the toxicant in a closed environment
were validated and published. From the pioneer- removes the results from environmentally rele-
ing Algal Assay Procedure Bottle Test (US EPA, vant data. Pollutants can also be inactivated by
1971), designed in order to detect aquatic eutro- cellular exudates or metabolized by microalgae
phication, many guidelines for microalgal toxicity (Ozturk et al., 2010). Associated bacterial flora
tests have been developed (Rand, 1995). in non-axenic cultures can also interfere with
Basically, the current standard microalgal bio- toxicity results (Levy et al., 2009), with the same
assays for substances and effluents involve batch result. Some of those problems could be solved
cultures of 50 mL in borosilicate flasks with an with the design of continuous-flow toxicity tests
initial cellular density of 104 cells mL 1, contin- (Chen et al., 1997), although other problems could
uous light, temperatures of 20  1  C and 72 h appear, such as the dilution of the cellular den-
incubation, with four total cellular density sity. This can be avoided by cellular immobiliza-
counts (day 0, 1, 2, and 3). A good example of tion, but new adsorption surfaces for pollutants
these tests can be found in ISO (1995) for in the immobilization matrix are then provided
seawater (involving Phaeodactylum tricornutum and immobilization can protect cells from toxicity
or Skeletonema costatum) and in OECD (1998) (Moreno-Garrido, 2008). Thus, in spite of their
for freshwater environments (involving Raphido- limitations, microalgal bioassays in batch cultures
celis subcapitata, formerly known as Selenastrum can provide useful and comparable information
capricornutum and Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata, about the toxicity of substances and effluents.
Scenedesmus subspicatus, or Chlorella vulgaris).
Culture media and certain other parameters
could vary slightly, but some validation criteria 3. SEDIMENT TOXICITY TESTING
stands in almost all the guidelines: cell density ON MICROALGAE: RATIONALE,
in controls should increase at least 16 times in PREVIOUS ATTEMPTS, AND
72 h and pH value should not vary more than POTENTIAL PROBLEMS
one unit. Added nutrients must be carefully
watched as some chelators such as EDTA can Even though batch toxicity bioassays present
interfere with toxicity of some pollutants clear limitations (discussed above), environment
(metals, for instance). Bioassay data treatments mimetic conditions in bioassays should be
for microalgae are clearly and substantially dis- maintained as far as possible, and bioassays
cussed in the reference work of Nyholm (1990). on extracts, elutriates, or interstitial water could
Batch cultures for toxicity tests have often not be as complete as direct toxicity tests on
been criticizeddfor good reasons. Toxicity of whole sediments. Thus, the design of bioassays
substances is often underestimated when those involving the photosynthetic microorganisms
protocols are used, as part of the toxicants can that inhabit sediments (microphytobenthos)
be removed from the media by adsorption to and low altered sediments was lacking and
vial walls or the surfaces of living or dead cells. needed to be developed. The use of laboratory
In the case of metals, for instance, adsorption strains instead of local natural microalgal
to the cellular surface seems to be a very quick assemblages is strongly recommended as adap-
process (Garnham et al., 1992) and real metal tation to toxicity can occur in local populations
concentration in culture media can dramatically submitted to pollutant pressure (Erickson
decrease in a few hours or even minutes. Cells et al., 1984; García Balboa et al., 2013).
can also accumulate toxicants in special struc- Some benthic microalgae have already been
tures in their cytoplasm (Maeda and Sakaguchi, used in toxicity bioassays. Stauber and Florence
(1985) determined the influence of iron in copper used for these bioassays, as this is the natural
toxicity to the benthic diatom Cylindrotheca clos- habitat of microphytobenthos. Second, in natural
terium. Other research by the same authors deter- sediments local flora and, generally local fauna,
mined the toxic mechanisms of copper on this could greatly influence the laboratory microalgal
species (Florence and Stauber, 1986; Stauber population growth by nutrient competition or
and Florence, 1987). In later years, attention directly by predation. Thus, those populations
was also paid to other benthic diatom species must be eliminated from the sediments altering
such as Entomoneis cf. punctulata or Nitzschia cf. the sediment as little as possible. Finally, benthic
paleacea, as they showed better results when microalgae are similar in size and Stokes
flow-cytometry and esterase inhibition tech- numbers (sedimentation velocities) to a large
niques were used (Franklin et al., 2001). All of part of the particles present in fine sediment,
those studies on benthic diatoms were not per- and thus it is not easy to separate the microalgal
formed in sediments but in aqueous matrixes. populations from sediment particles. Generally,
First attempts at designing bioassays on whole in fine sediments counts at bright-field micro-
sediments were carried out on artificial sedi- scopy of the microalgal population can present
ments spiked with metals or surfactants by difficulties as discrimination of cells is not easy
Moreno-Garrido et al. (2003a,b, 2006) and for nontrained eyes. All of these problems need
Mauffret et al. (2010) as well as on and natural to be solved when toxicity tests on natural sedi-
polluted sediments (Moreno-Garrido et al., ments are performed. This will be discussed in
2006). In these cases, C. closterium was selected the following section. The benthic diatoms (Bacil-
as the target organism. Those incipient bioassays lariophyceae, order Pennales) C. closterium (for
determined that particle-size distribution could freshwater environments) and Nitzschia palea
affect population growth if cultures were shaken (for freshwater environments) have demon-
daily, but this effect did not appear if cells were strated to be good target organisms for whole-
gently disposed over the sediments and a single sediment bioassays. For estuarine environments,
cell count was performed at the end of the test the limit of salinity between these two species
(72 h). Normalized bioassays on phytoplankton seems to be around 12, salinity that does not
stated an initial cellular density of 10,000 cells imply an inhibition of growth higher than 20%
mL 1, as this is the lower threshold of counting with respect to the assumed optimal salinity for
for Neubauer counting chambers. In bioassays each species (36 for the marine species and 0 for
involving planktonic species this density is not the freshwater species) (Figure 1).
completely realistic as it is quite elevated, but
in sediment bioassays, assuming 3 cm of radius
in the borosilicate flasks used, this cellular den-
sity will rend a cellular surface concentration of
1.8  103 cells cm 2, which is within the range
of the cellular concentrations found in natural lo-
cations (Delgado, 1989).
4.1 Sediment Sampling and Preparation
However, the good results obtained on artifi-
cial sediments were not expected on natural sedi- As mentioned, sediment bioassays involving
ments from real locations, as some problems can microphytobenthos are restricted to surface sed-
arise when this material is used. First, redox con- iments. Thus, if specific devices such as those
ditions of the sediment can alter the pH of the described in Araujo et al. (2009) are not avail-
used media. Therefore, only surface sediment able, attention must be paid when sediments
(first 10e50 mm) (Lohse et al., 1995) should be are sampled and care must be taken in order

Cylindrotheca closterium (marine)
Nitzschia palea (freshwater)
% Growth inhibition after 72 h






0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36

FIGURE 1 Growth inhibition for Cylindrotheca closterium (C) and Nitzschia palea (B) after 72 h when cultured at different
salinities. Control (assumed 0% inhibition) for C. closterium is at salinity of 36; control for N. palea is at salinity of 0. Salinity of
around 12e14 does not imply higher inhibitions from 20% (dotted horizontal line) (figure is original from the authors).

to collect only the first sediment layer. Samples the bioassays. For control flasks, acid-washed
should be stored in a dark, cold place (a refriger- sand from a nonpolluted area should be used.
ator) until treated at the laboratory. Once in the
laboratory, sediment samples should be me-
chanically homogenized with a nonmetallic
4.2 Bioassay
spatula and submitted to a frozen pulse by Bioassays will be performed by triplicate. Prop-
immersion in liquid nitrogen in order to elimi- erly washed borosilicate flasks of 125-mL capacity,
nate microfauna and microflora (Ara ujo et al., topped with artificial cotton (Perlon) will be used.
2009, 2010b,c). It should be noted that this is Wet sediment weight equivalent to 2 g of dry sedi-
not a method for sediment storage, as sediment ment will be disposed in each flask, and 45 mL of
conditions will change with time (Malueg et al., synthetic marine or freshwater media will be
1986; Ara ujo et al., 2008). This pulse can be per- added. The use of synthetic media is recommen-
formed dropping liquid nitrogen on a tray con- ded: ASTM Substitute Ocean Water (ASTM,
taining the sediment or, more properly, 1975), enriched with NO3 (150 mg L 1), PO34
submerging plastic vials containing the sedi- (10 mg L 1) and SiO2 (50 mg L 1) can be used
ment in nitrogen for 5 min. After this, sediments for marine microalgae. Media similar to those
must be immediately thawed. Subsamples described in Fabregas et al. (2000) can be used
should be taken in order to measure, as soon for freshwater species, but metals and EDTA
as possible, water content of the sediment, as must not be used in all the cases for the fabrica-
equivalence of dry sediment will be used in tion of experimental media in order to avoid
potential chelation of metals present in sediments. sufficiently successful for possible use as a stan-
Thus, aquatic experimental media and sediments dard toxicity test due to ecological relevance,
must be mixed, pH values adjusted to 8.2 in ma- feasibility, and good interlaboratory
rine media and to 7.0 in freshwater media, and reproducibility.
then sedimentation of the particles must be
permitted for at least 1 h.
Three-day-old (exponential-growing) cultures 5. NEW PERSPECTIVES IN
of the diatoms should be used for the bioassays: BENTHIC DIATOM BIOASSAYS:
appropriate volumes should be gently centri- IN SITU BIOASSAYS AND
fuged and resuspended two times in the experi- AVOIDANCE BIOASSAYS
mental media in order to remove the stock
culture media. Care should be taken when In the 1990s, a new approach for toxicity
centrifuging some microalgal cells: high speeds testing was adopted in order to increase the
or long centrifuging times can damage cells ecological relevance of the toxicity bioassays.
that would be apparently unharmed after centri- The idea was to carry the target organisms to
fugation. For the two species recommended, the field instead of taking samples to the labora-
(C. closterium and N. palea) 0.6 rfc and 4 min is tory and there expose the organisms to the
enough to ensure good cell recovery and cellular sampled water or sediment (Pereira et al.,
integrity. 2000). The development of these so-called
After sediment decantation, 5 mL of concen- in situ bioassays has a clear restriction due to
trated culture with a fixed cellular density of the small size of the involved organisms. Muna-
0.1  106 cells mL 1 should be gently dropped war and Munawar (1987) tried to use dialysis-
on the flasks without disturbing the deposited membrane chambers containing algae but some
sediment. Flasks must be placed for 72 h in cul- problems arose from the difficulty of water ex-
ture chambers under continuous light (around change in low-energy aquatic systems and the
40 mmol m 2 s 1) and 20  1  C and not shacked material in suspension in high-energy aquatic
until the end of the bioassay. systems, which could cover the pores of the
Cellular counts, after vigorously shaking the membrane. A possible solution is the use of
flasks, will be performed in Neubauer-type calcium-alginate immobilized microalgal cells
counting chambers, after 72-h incubation, by (Moreira dos Santos et al., 2002). Many microal-
the use of fluorescence microscopy (Moreno- gal species (including diatoms) have been shown
Garrido et al., 2007b). The use of excitation to be able to live and grow inside this matrix
blue light and a barrier filter of 530 nm permits (Moreno-Garrido et al., 2005). In spite of this,
to discriminate the living microalgae by the many problems, such as the covering of the
intense red fluorescence of the chloroplasts. calcium-alginate beads by the tide-moving sedi-
Assuming 100% growth of the cellular concen- ment, need to be solved in order to translate the
tration of controls after incubation, percentage good results from the laboratory to the field
of growth inhibition can be calculated for a (Moreno-Garrido et al., 2007a).
determined sample. Avoidance assays are a recent approach used
The present bioassay used to assess whole- in ecotoxicology to assess the ability of organ-
sediment toxicity on benthic diatoms was isms to detect contamination and move toward
applied in a ring test in which six laboratories a less-contaminated environment. Recently, as-
in Spain and Portugal participated (Ara ujo says in which avoidance has been used as an
et al., 2010d). Data indicated that the whole- endpoint have employed a multicompartmental
sediment assay on C. closterium was considered system where a contamination gradient is

formed and organisms can freely move and References

choose less-contaminated compartments (Ara ujo
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et al., 2014a). Avoidance has been studied on Ivorra, N., Lehmann, V., Nystr€ om, B.A.H., Paulsson, M.,
freshwater organisms with considerable active Sabater, S., 1999. Short-term toxicity of zinc to microbe-
displacement (e.g., cladocera, tadpoles, fish), nthic algae and bacteria in a metal polluted stream.
and results have shown the high sensitivity Wat. Res. 33 (9), 1989e1996.
Apoya-Horton, M.D., Yin, L., Underwood, G.J.C., Gretz, M.R.,
and reliability of this response to different con-
2006. Movement modalities and response to environ-
taminants (Rosa et al., 2012; Ara ujo et al., mental changes of the mudflat diatom Cylindrotheca closte-
2014a,b). For organisms that are not expected rium (Bacillariophyceae). J. Phycol. 42, 379e390.
to move quickly, drift, characterized by the Araujo, C., Blasco, J., Moreno-Garrido, I., 2010a. Microphy-
displacement of the organisms by means of the tobenthos in ecotoxicology: a review of the use of
marine benthic diatoms in bioassays. Environ. Int. 36,
water flow (Brittain and Eikeland, 1988), may
be an alternative mechanism to move sufficiently Ara
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long distances. Benthic diatoms are organisms Sanchez, A.L., Espíndola, E.L.G., 2014a. Avoidance
that present different modalities of movement response of Danio rerio to a fungicide in a linear contamina-
(Apoya-Horton et al., 2006), but they are not tion gradient. Sci. Tot. Environ. 484, 35e42.
ujo, C.V.M., Shinn, C., Moreira-Santos, M., Lopes, I.,
distinguished by high displacement velocity.
Espíndola, E.L.G., Ribeiro, R., 2014b. Copper-driven
Therefore, drift could be an alternative to run avoidance and mortality by temperate and tropical
much more quickly if environmental conditions tadpoles. Aquat. Tox. 146, 70e75.
are disturbed. The first approach employing Ara
ujo, C.V.M., Diz, F.R., Laiz, L., Lubian, L.M., Blasco, J.,
drift as response to stressful conditions devel- Moreno-Garrido, I., 2009. Sediment integrative assess-
ment of the Bay of Cadiz (Spain): an ecotoxicological
oped on the estuarine benthic microalgae C. clos-
and chemical approach. Environ. Int. 35, 831e841.
terium was studied by Ara ujo et al. (2013). The Ara
ujo, C.V.M., Diz, F.R., Lubian, L.M., Blasco, J., Moreno
ability of C. closterium to drift when exposed to Garrido, I., 2010b. Sensitivity of Cylindrotheca closterium
stressful decreasing salinity was compared to copper: Influence of three endpoints and two test
with standard population growth inhibition as- methods. Sci. Tot. Environ. 408, 3696e3703.
ujo, C.V.M., Diz, F.R., Tornero, V., Lubian, L.M.,
says; based on this, both growth and drift re-
Blasco, J., Moreno-Garrido, I., 2010c. Ranking sediment
sponses were combined to estimate how samples from three Spanish estuaries in relation to its
population could decline (Ara ujo et al., 2013). toxicity for two benthic species: the microalga Cylindro-
These authors showed that the species theca closterium and the copepod Tisbe battagliai. Environ.
responded by drifting when exposed to stress Tox. Chem. 29 (2), 393e400.
ujo, C.V.M., Moreno-Garrido, I., Diz, F.R., Lubian, L.M.,
by salinity; nonetheless, population growth
Blasco, J., 2008. Effects of cold-dark storage on growth
was slightly more sensitive. Although effects of Cylindrotheca closterium and its sensitivity to copper.
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most frequent endpoint used in toxicity testing, Ara
ujo, C.V.M., Romero-Romero, S., Lourençato, L.F.,
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Santos, M., Ribeiro, R., 2013. Going with the flow: detection
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anism for avoiding a less favorable area. benthic diatom Cylindrotheca closterium. Plos One 8 (1),
Therefore, given that spatial distribution of e81073, 1e7.
benthic microalgae could be partially deter- Ara
ujo, C.V.M., Tornero, V., Lubian, L.M., Blasco, J.,
mined by disturbance level that could trigger van Bergeijk, S.A., Ca~ navate, P., Cid, A., Franco, D.,
Prado, R., Bartual, A., Gil-L opez, M., Ribeiro, R., Moreira
displacement by drifting to different environ-
dos Santos, M., Torreblanca, A., Jurado, B., Moreno-
ments, the use of drift response of benthic dia- Garrido, I., 2010d. Ring test for whole-sediment toxicity
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Ciguatera: Tropical Reef Fish Poisoning
Kirsten Heimann1,2, Leanne Sparrow1,2
James Cook University, College of Marine and Environmental Sciences, Townsville, QLD, Australia;
James Cook University, Centre for Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture, Townsville, QLD, Australia

1. INTRODUCTION areas, (2) gastronomy/tourism in endemic

ciguatera regions, and (3) the income of affected
Ciguatera (tropical reef fish poisoning) is the people (Bagnis et al., 1990; Botana, 2000; Lewis,
most reported seafood-associated illness in the 1986a,b). In addition, public health budgets are
world occurring regularly in tropical and sub- also being penalized for the diagnosis and treat-
tropical regions (Donati, 2006). Despite the origin ment of ciguatera, as treatment costs are esti-
being tropical/subtropical, it is now well recog- mated to range from US$1850 to US$8950 per
nized that tropical reef fish exports make cigua- person (Arena et al., 2004). Less severe cases of
tera a global, yet neglected disease. It is ciguatera are often misdiagnosed as people
estimated to annually affect 50,000e500,000 peo- only experience gastrointestinal symptoms that
ple globally (Anderson and Lobel, 1987; Arena are often related to flu, viral, or general food
et al., 2004; Chinain et al., 2010). This 10-fold dif- poisoning illnessesdthis is further impacted
ference in estimates can be attributed to several by travelers who are misdiagnosed after return-
reasons, including the geographic isolation of ing to nonendemic ciguatera regions. These fac-
many tropical island nations, lack of medical tors have contributed to an estimated less than
and technical infrastructure, preference for local 10e20% of ciguatera cases being reported in
bush remedies, and not seeking medical assis- endemic regions (Arena et al., 2004; Lewis,
tance in mild cases. It does not help that no quick 2006). Reported cases of ciguatera have expanded
diagnostic ciguatera-specific test kits exist for into nonendemic regions throughout the world,
either unequivocally diagnosing the illness or to particularly over the last 10 years, which has
enable testing for ciguateric fish either at the mar- been linked not only to the increased affordability
kets (prior to distribution to shops) or on the boat of travel but also to the increased demand for the
for commercial/recreational fishers. import of frozen tropical fish supported with
Economic losses (hundreds of thousands of modern technological advances. Currently,
dollars) induced by ciguatera can be grouped preventative solutions such as an affordable
into losses in (1) the primary industry through and reliable clinical test kit for detection of cigua-
loss of faith in the product or market/export toxins in fish and monitoring systems for
restriction for certain fish species from certain ciguatera-causing dinoflagellates have not yet

Handbook of Marine Microalgae 547 © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

been developed. Prevention remains limited to (a) (b)

restrictions and bans on fish species for commer-
cial purchasedthis method has been in use by the
Sydney Fish Markets since the major outbreak of
ciguatera in 1987 from fish purchased at this mar-
ket. Although no other ciguatera outbreaks have
occurred since the implication of these restrictions
and bans, this method has negative implications
for commercial fisheries in the tropical regions.
The development of local marine fisheries in the (c) (d)
Caribbean and Pacific regions is constrained by
ciguatera with many dependent on export trade
in addition to local consumption (Anderson and
Lobel, 1987; Olsen et al., 1984). The local economy
of the Pacific island nation of Kiribati was
severely impacted after the loss of their export
trade with Hong Kong due to an outbreak of
ciguatera from their exported fish. The loss of
this export trade closed the local fishery trade FIGURE 1 Toxic benthic dinoflagellates co-occurring
with Gambierdiscus spp. Light micrographs of Gambierdiscus
for Kiribati as well as caused a loss of
sp. (a) Prorocentrum (b), Coolia sp. (c) and Ostreopsis (d).
AU$250,000 annual income to their local econ-
omy (Laurent et al., 2005). Yet, to truly reflect Gambierdiscus belizeanus, Gambierdiscus carolini-
ciguatera-associated economic losses and health anus, Gambierdiscus carpenteri, Gambierdiscus cari-
costs, a much more in-depth understanding of baeus, Gambierdiscus exentricus, Gambierdiscus
distribution and seasonality patterns, prevalence, polynesiensis, Gambierdiscus pacificus, Gambierdiscus
and incident rates is required. ruetzleri, Gambierdiscus scabrosus sp. nov., and Gam-
Fish become ciguateric (capable of inducing bierdiscus yasumotoi; Nishimura et al., 2014 and ref-
ciguatera in consumers) via trophic accumulation erences therein) currently being recognized in
and bioconversion of toxins produced by dinofla- addition to Gambierdiscus toxicus, the latter believed
gellates of the genus Gambierdiscus (Figure 1(a)), to be the main causative organism for ciguatera-
yet the trophic transfer routes are poorly under- poisoning events (Lewis, 2006). The genus, howev-
stood or unambiguously documented. Likewise, er, contains cryptic species, and it can be expected
it is presently still debated whether the severity that future morphological and molecular analyses
of the illness is solely influenced by the dosage of of field samples will add to the taxonomic diversity
toxin ingested and/or the toxin type or whether of this genus (Murray et al., 2014).
toxins produced by co-occurring dinoflagellates,
such as species of Prorocentrum, Coolia, and
Ostreopsis (Figure 1(b)e(d)) (Nishimura et al., 2. MICROALGAE CAUSING
2014) influence severity and symptomology CIGUATERA
(Lewis, 2006; Tosteson et al., 1988). Regardless,
ciguatera induced more intense research in areas 2.1 Gambierdiscus spp.: Gambiertoxin-
with endemic ciguatera, and this has revealed
Producing Dinoflagellates
that the genus Gambierdiscus is more complex
than previously assumed. There are 11 additional Species of the genus Gambierdiscus are
species of Gambierdiscus (Gambierdiscus australes, armored dinoflagellates, where cellulose plates
are deposited in thecal vesicles between the TABLE 1 Morphological Differentiation between
inner and outer continuous membranes (the Eight Species of Gambierdiscus Based on
Amphiesma). The regions where the thecal plates 20000 and 20 Plate Morphology
overlap (the sutures) gives rise to a complex Gambierdiscus 20000 plate 20 plate
pattern of plate arrangements called tabulation, species morphology morphology
which is used to distinguish genera and species
G. belizeanusa Narrow Hatchet
of armored dinoflagellates (Nishimura et al.,
2014 and references therein). For species of the G. pacificus Narrow Hatchet
genus Gambierdiscus, however, differences in G. ruetzleri b
Narrow Hatchet
tabulation are very subtle, so that light- and c
G. yasumotoi Narrow Hatchet
scanning-electron microscopy alone is insuffi-
cient for unequivocal identification (Murray G. australes Narrow Rectangular
et al., 2014; Nishimura et al., 2014). G. scabrosus a
Narrow Rectangular
Cells of Gambierdiscus are typically photosyn-
G. excentricusd Narrow Rectangular
thetic, anteriorly/posteriorly compressed and
lentil to ellipsoid in shape (except for G. ruetzleri G. carolinianusa Broad Hatchet
and G. yasumotoi, where the cells are globular G. toxicusa Broad Hatchet
(Litaker et al., 2009)) containing a dorsally
G. polynesiensise Broad Hatchet
located u-shaped nucleus (Nishimura et al.,
2014). The 20000 (1p) plate of the hypotheca and G. caribaeusa Broad Rectangular
the 20 plate of the epitheca are useful morpholog- G. carpenteria Broad Rectangular
ical descriptors for differentiating between mor- a
Nishimura et al., 2014.
phospecies of this genus (Litaker et al., 2009), b
Chinain et al., 1999.
in addition to differences in the apical pore com- c
Holmes, M.J., 1998. Gambierdiscus yasumotoi sp. nov. (Dinophyceae),
plex (APC) (MacKenzie, 2008). The morphology a toxic benthic dinoflagellate from southeastern Asia. J. Phycol. 34,
of the 20000 plate allows for differentiation 661e668.
Fraga, S., Rodríguez, F., Caillaud, A., Diogene, J., Raho, N., Zapata, M.,
between two morpho groups of Gambierdiscus, 2011. Gambierdiscus excentricus sp. nov. (Dinophyceae), a benthic
G. caribaeus, G. carolinianus, G. carpenteri, G. poly- toxic dinoflagellate from the Canary Islands (NE Atlantic Ocean).
nesiensis, and G. toxicus having a broad 20000 plate Harmful Algae 11, 10e22.
Litaker et al., 2009.
with an average length-to-width ratio of 1.48,
while G. australes, G. belizeanus, G. pacificus, and
G. scabrosus have a narrow 20000 plate (mean L:
W ratio 2.15) (Nishimura et al., 2014 and refer- Gambierdiscus excentricus also having a narrow
ences therein). Morphology of the 20 plate reveals 20000 plate, but a rectangular 20 plate, and G. caro-
another grouping where G. belizeanus, G. carolinia- linianus, G. polynesiensis, and G. toxicus having a
nus, G. pacificus, and G. toxicus are characterized broad 20000 and hatchet-shaped 20 plate, and
by a hatchet-shaped plate, while G. australes, G. caribaeus and G. carpenteri also having a broad
G. caribaeus, G. carpenteri, and G. scabrosus have 20000 but rectangular 20 plate (Table 1). As such,
a rectangular-shaped plate (Nishimura et al., these two morphological characteristics allow
2014 and references therein). Combining these forming four distinct groupings within the genus
two plate morphologies allows for four group- Gambierdiscus.
ings within the genus Gambierdiscus: G. belizea- Further differentiation based on morphology
nus, G. pacificus, G. ruetzleri, and G. yasumotoi between the species is difficult; however, the 300
having a narrow 20000 plate and a hatchet- plate (equal to the 400 plate in (Chinain et al.,
shaped 20 plate, G. australes, G. scabrosus, and 1999; Faust, 1995; Litaker et al., 2009)) of the

FIGURE 2 Plate morphological characteristics used to differentiate between species of Gambierdiscus.

epitheca is valuable to differentiate between (Aligizaki and Nikolaidis, 2008; Litaker et al.,
G. belizeanus, G. caribaeus, G. carpenteri, and 2009; Villareal, 2006), yet occurrences in tem-
G. scabrosus being symmetrical in G. caribaeus perate regions have been reported for Australia
and G. belizeanus but asymmetrical in G. carpen- and Japan (Heimann et al., 2011; Nishimura
teri and G. scabrosus (Nishimura et al., 2014). et al., 2014). For example, Gambierdiscus sp. is
Except for G. exentricus, for which no plate sym- now regularly found in the cold waters of Mer-
metry information for plate 300 could be obtained, imbula, New South Wales, Australia (Heimann
only two of the 12 described Gambierdiscus et al., 2011), and G. scabrosus occurs in Itsumo,
species can be unambiguously identified: Kishimoto, Wakayama, Japan (Nishimura et al.,
G. caribaeus and G. carpenteri (Figure 2). Further 2014).
differentiating characteristics are cell shape and Whether or not these temperate distributions
size and additional details of the tabulation, are temporary, for example, occurring only dur-
but the APC details appear to be of little value ing the warmer weather and distributed there
(Litaker et al., 2009). passively on warm ocean currents or whether
these populations are permanent, for example,
adapted to the cooler/colder winter periods is
2.2 Occurrence of Gambierdiscus spp. yet to be established, but the global warming
Gambierdiscus spp. are marine benthic species of sea surface temperatures and the strength-
occurring on a variety of substrates ranging from ening of, for example, the East Australian current
life corals, dead corals, and sand grains to mac- can replenish these populations and assist their
roalgae. They are distributed throughout trop- range expansions (Heimann et al., 2011).
ical and subtropical regions across the world Although it is unknown whether species
occurring in temperate regions produce toxins 2.3 Coinhabiting Dinoflagellates
and which factors regulate toxin production, and Their Characteristics
the wider range distribution of some species
bears the risk of broadening the endemic range Several species of Gambierdiscus typically occur
of occurrences of ciguatera. together (McCormack, 2007), and the community
Based on reported ciguatera cases, potential also harbors other toxic, benthic dinoflagellates,
distribution hot spots can be identified (Donati, such as species of Prorocentrum, Coolia, Ostreopsis
2006). For Australia, high seasonal ciguatera (Figure 1), and Amphidiniium (Nishimura et al.,
risk exists at Bremer Island, East Woody Island, 2014). Coolia spp. produce cooliatoxins, Osteropsis
Cape Arnhem, and North East Island, and spp. ostreotoxin and palytoxin analogs, Prorocen-
Connexion Island, northeast and northwest off trum spp. okadaic acid, and Amphidinium spp. he-
Groote Eylandt, respectively (Donati, 2006). In molytic monoacyl-galactolipids (Botana, 2000;
contrast, although ciguateric fish are most Tosteson et al., 1988).
frequently obtained from Queensland waters, Prorocentrum species are characterized by
only two high-risk areas have been identified desmokont flagellation, where the transverse
for Spanish mackerel: Hervey Bay and Platypus and longitudinal flagella arise apically
Bay on the Hervey Bay side of Fraser Island (Heimann et al., 1995; Roberts et al., 1995),
(Heimann et al., 2008). Other hot spots for cigua- while all other species show dinokont flagella-
tera are the Virgin Islands (UK), New Caledonia, tion, where the transverse and longitudinal
French Polynesia, and Tuvalu, while other small flagella arise ventrally. In the athecate (unar-
islands have lower ciguatera incident rates mored) Amphidinium, the cingulum is apically
(Heimann et al., 2008). displaced resulting in a very small epitheca
The validity of basing the distribution of with a nose-like appearance (Patterson and
Gambierdiscus spp. on the occurrences of cigua- Burford, 2001). Unlike the thecate dinoflagel-
teric high-order predatory fish is questionable, lates, species identification of Amphidinium
as fish are typically not affected by the toxins, using plate tabulation is not possible, as the
and buildup of the toxins, which persists for Amphiesma vesicles do not contain cellulose
years in the fish flesh, could be a result of plates. In species of Ostreopsis, the thecal plates
repeated ingestion of small amounts via their are very thin, but the epitheca and hypotheca
diet rather than accumulation originating from are not noticeably different in size and
a Gambierdiscus bloom (high cell numbers per cells are anteriorly/posteriorly compressed
unit volume) event. Likewise, it remains to be (Faust and Gulledge, 2002). In contrast, species
resolved whether high abundances of Gambier- of Coolia are more or less spherical with a me-
discus spp. are a sound indication for ciguatera- dian cingulum dividing the cell into an epitheca
risk areas, as these could simply be the result and hypotheca of roughly equal size
of reduced predation, which would in itself limit (Momigliano et al., 2013). The genus Coolia
the trophic transfer of the toxins. In addition to contains many cryptic species, and morpho-
these issues, it is known that the same species logical identification of species must be accom-
can be toxic or nontoxic, with the drivers that panied by molecular data for unambiguous
induce toxicity yet to be determined. Further- identification (Momigliano et al., 2013). For
more, not all species may be toxic, but in the example, the species Coolia monotis was
absence of identified toxin genes, the potential described in 1919 and remained monotypic for
for toxicity is hard to establish, especially since 90 years before molecular data shed light on
toxin production is typically not observed in the true biodiversity of the genus (Momigliano
cultured material. et al., 2013).

3. CIGUATOXINS and 2, P-CTX 3, P-CTX 3C, 2,3 dihydroxy

P-CTX 3C, 51-hydroxy P-CTX 3C, P-CTX 4A
Ciguatoxins are highly oxygenated lipid solu- and B with levels of toxicity being 0.25, 2.3, 0.9,
ble cyclic (13 or 14 rings) polyether compounds 2, 1.8, 0.27, 2, and 4 mg kg1, respectively (Lewis,
and are heat stable (not destroyed through cook- 2006)). Thus among the ciguatoxin derivatives,
ing or freezing), and different strains of Gambier- P-CTX 1, P-CTX 3, I-CTX 1 and 2, P-CTX
discus produce different toxins that have varying 3, and C-CTX 2 being the most toxic
levels of potency (Lewis, 2006). Ciguatoxins are (1 mg kg1) and P-CTX 4B, C-CTX 1, P-CTX 1,
bioconverted within the food web from the pre- P-CTX 3C, and P-CTX 4A being the least
cursor toxin, gambiertoxin, the latter of which is toxic (2 mg kg1). Different toxins show strain
produced by species of the genus Gambierdiscus. and predator characteristic distributions with
The organism and toxin were named after the P-CTX 4A and B being derived from G. toxicus
Gambier Islands in French Polynesia where and found in herbivorous fish, while P-CTX
ciguatera is endemic with high incident rates 3C, PTX 4A and B are found within the dinofla-
(Heimann et al., 2008). The trophic conversion gellate itself (Lehane and Lewis, 2000; Lewis,
of gambiertoxin results in an array of ciguatoxins 2006), providing evidence that bioconversion of
that differ in potency and induced symptomolo- toxins is possible without trophic transfer. All
gies of ciguatera. Moreover, toxin levels vary other ciguatoxins have been found in carnivorous
between herbivorous and carnivorous fish in fish (Lewis, 2006).
certain regions of French Polynesia (Bagnis
et al., 1990; Lewis, 2006), indicating that toxin
dose and storage play a fundamental role in 3.2 Mechanism of Toxicity
ciguatera severity. The variation in toxin levels Like the dinoflagellate brevetoxins (Heimann
and profiles within different fishes is not well et al., 2012 and references therein), gambiertoxins
established and may depend on ratios within and gambiertoxins exert their toxicity through
the diet, the fishes’ digestive properties (e.g., interaction with voltage-gated sodium channels
adsorption, metabolism, and excretion of the (Lewis et al., 2000). Sodium channels are mem-
toxins), and the oxidation state of the toxins brane integral transmembrane proteins forming
(Lehane and Lewis, 2000). a sodium-selective pore within the plasma mem-
brane for the passive diffusion of Naþ along the
3.1 How Many Different Ciguatoxins concentration gradient. The sodium channel con-
sists of approximately 2000 amino acids, which
are organized into four homologous repeats
Twelve different ciguatoxins have been iden- (IeIV) where domain IV interacts with domain I
tified to date showing geographic specificity to form the channel. Each repeat contains six a-
(Lewis, 2006). C-CTX 1 and 2 are characteristic helical segments (S1eS6) (Lewis et al., 2000).
for the Caribbean with reported potencies of Binding of ciguatoxins to segment 5 via interac-
3.6 and 1 mg kg1, respectively, while I-CTX 1 tion with a receptor near the S5eS6 loop of
and 2 (0.5 mg kg1) are characteristic for the In- domain IV, which is the same receptor used by
dian Ocean, both being more toxic than their brevetoxins, opens the sodium channel (Strachan
Caribbean counter parts. While there appears et al., 1999). Competition experiments with CTX 1
to be only two dominant ciguatoxins for the and later with CTX 2 and 3 established that the re-
Caribbean and Indian Ocean, eight ciguatoxins ceptor for ciguatoxin is the same as for breve-
are characteristic for the Pacific Ocean (P-CTX 1 toxin, but the receptor had a 30 times greater
affinity for CTX 1 over brevetoxin (Lehane and of oxidation and potentially a higher affinity for
Lewis, 2000). In contrast, competition experi- binding to the receptor of the voltage-gated so-
ments with tetrodotoxin, the toxin of the puffer dium channel exert immediate toxicity effects
fish, abolished binding of ciguatoxins (Lewis with the level of severity depending on the con-
et al., 2000). Other polyethers produced by Gam- centrations ingested at an incident event.
bierdiscus spp. include gambierol and gamberic
acid, which competitively interact with the
voltage-gated sodium channel in the same way
as brevenal, preventing ciguatoxin binding
(MacKenzie, 2008). All Gambierdiscus species
have been shown to produce potent water-
4.1 Bioconversion of Ciguatoxins
soluble maitotoxins, which have no structural
similarity to ciguatoxins but cause similar symp- It is thought that the interaction of environ-
toms (MacKenzie, 2008), yet their poor accumula- mental and physiochemical parameters in asso-
tion in fish flesh and oral uptake efficiency predict ciation with predation results in the sporadic
that these toxins are less likely to contribute or and patchy distribution of Gambierdiscus popula-
induce ciguatera (Lewis, 2006), although they tions. Ciguatoxin produced by Gambierdiscus
accumulate in large quantities in the gut of her- cells also retains uncertainty in key parameters
bivorous fish (MacKenzie, 2008). The discovery that drive toxin production. Ciguatoxin is hy-
that maitotoxins can be bioconverted to ciguatox- pothesized to accumulate along coral reef fish
ins (Hambright et al., 2014) and the production of food chains resulting in higher order predatory
maitotoxin precursors in other toxic benthic fish, such as Spanish mackerel and coral trout,
microalgae that are part of Gambierdiscus commu- accumulating measurable concentrations of cig-
nities (see below), however, indicates that the uatoxin (Lewis and Sellin, 1992). While trace
above traditional view of the contribution of mai- metals have been shown to effect toxin produc-
totoxins to ciguatera must be taken with caution. tion by benthic toxic dinoflagellates, Prorocen-
As explained below, it will be essential to conduct trum lima and Ostreopsis siamensis (Rhodes
controlled feeding experiments to resolve the et al., 2006), this has not been explored with Gam-
contribution of maitotoxins, as well as bioconver- bierdiscus species. The influx of some trace metals
sion routes and trophic vectors, with any degree (Figure 4), through either natural or anthropo-
of certainty. genic events, may be influential in the production
Sodium influx upon ciguatoxin binding or inhibition of ciguatoxin thereby contributing
leads to membrane depolarization, which at a to its sporadic occurrence within fish sourced
threshold level generates an action potential, from ciguateric-endemic tropical regions.
which in severe cases can lead to severe nerve The bioconversion of gambiertoxin to cigua-
depolarization, which can explain the tingling toxins is not yet resolved, but it has been sug-
and the sensation of temperature reversal gested that cytochromes catalyze the oxidation
(Lehane and Lewis, 2000). It has been shown reactions in the liver of fish (Lehane and Lewis,
though that ciguatoxins are also stored within 2000). It has been proposed that P-CTX 2 and
fat tissues, but it is yet to be determined which CTX 4 are derived through oxidation from CTX
mechanisms govern interactions with voltage- 4A, while CTX 4B is the possible precursor toxin
gated sodium channels versus storage. A for CTX 3 and CTX 1 (Guzman-Perez and Park,
possible route for storage would be that less 2000). The oxidative metabolism in the predators
oxidized and hence less potent ciguatoxins are yields toxins within increasing polarity, and it
diverted to storage while those with a high level appears that this is positively correlated with

toxicity (Guzm an-Perez and Park, 2000). In substrates, herbivorous fish have been tradition-
contrast, CTX 4B, P-CTX 3, and P-CTX 1 can be ally implicated in the acquisition of toxin precur-
derived through a reduction of CTX 4A, sors and their partial oxidation to the more
P-CTX 2, and P-CTX 4, respectively (Guzm an- potent ciguatoxins (Cruz-Rivera and Villareal,
Perez and Park, 2000). 2006; Hales et al., 1999; Heil et al., 2004). Macroal-
While maitotoxins are traditionally not impli- gae, however, display different levels of palat-
cated in ciguatera (see below), it has been shown ability to herbivorous fish, and Gambierdiscus
that these can be bioconverted to ciguatoxins by loads can vary between patches and with macro-
herbivorous fish and invertebrates (Hambright algal strain (Cruz-Rivera and Villareal, 2006), that
et al., 2014). This is disturbing as maitotoxin pre- is, unpalatable species of Halimeda spp., Caulerpa
cursors are also produced by the co-occurring spp., Chaetomorpha spp., and Laurencia spp.
benthic, toxic dinoflagellates Prorocentrum spp., can carry high loads of Gambierdiscus spp. (Hei-
Ostreopsis, spp., C. monotis, and Amphidinium car- mann et al., 2008). As such, the contribution of
terae (Hambright et al., 2014). It could thus be unpalatable macroalgae with high loads of Gam-
possible that maitotoxins are an additional bierdiscus to trophic transfer requires further
inducer of ciguatera albeit causing different investigation. Another aspect is that present
symptoms; they interact with voltage-gated cal- research focuses on high abundances of Gambier-
cium channels, thereby causing depolarization discus on their substrates, yet high abundances
of the membrane and calcium influx. The Ca- would suggest low grazing pressures (i.e., low
ions in turn interact with smooth and skeletal ingestion rates). It will therefore be essential to
muscle in vitro (Hambright et al., 2014). Activa- correlate fish migration and the seasonality of
tion of the voltage-gated calcium channels Gambierdiscus abundance with potential vector
also leads to the secretion of hormones and (prey, food chain organisms) abundances and
neurotransmitters and the breakdown of phos- distributions to unambiguously resolve trophic
phoinositides, which play an important role in transfer routes.
regulating the function of integral membrane In the context of the above, the potential role
proteins (Hambright et al., 2014). and contribution of invertebrates have received
little attention to date (Heimann et al., 2008),
although herbivorous invertebrates could play
4.2 Potential Bioaccumulation Routes
a significant role in the trophic transfer of cigua-
There is a paucity of information on vectors toxins (Lewis, 2006). Coral trout, grouper, mack-
for gambiertoxin and ciguatoxin biotransfer, erel, and snapper are sought-after table fish with
their distribution, and seasonal abundances, as a diet consisting of benthic crustaceans and bony
well as their mobility for direct uptake, conver- fish (Heimann et al., 2008). For example, the tro-
sion, and bioaccumulation (Heimann et al., phic transfer of ciguatoxins to Spanish mackerel
2008). The resolution of these processes is impor- (Scomberomerus commerson) has been suggested
tant for developing biomonitoring processes and based on gut content analysis to occur
to more comprehensively establish risk areas, via the Alpheid shrimps and Saddle Grunt
risk diets, and risk groups in people, specifically (Pomodasys maculatus) in Platypus Bay, Queens-
in remote island locations. Most information land, Australia (Lewis, 2006). In contrast, Sphoer-
comes from gut analyses of fish, ciguateric oides maculatus (another Spanish mackerel)
or otherwise, which can provide misleading predates round herring (Etrumerus teres) and
information due to the potential for toxin anchovy (Anchoa hepsetus) (both bony fish),
storage and accumulation in fatty tissues. As which feed on planktonic crustaceans (Heimann
Gambierdiscus spp. occur primarily on macroalgal et al., 2008). The latter case illustrates that gut
contentebased analyses are insufficient for the such as chicken, peanuts, alcohol etc. (Donati,
resolution of trophic transfer routes for cigua- 2006). Digestive system symptoms are nausea,
toxins and call for direct feeding experiments. vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal cramps,
The latter are hampered by the fact that the level while cardiovascular symptoms are low blood
of toxicity of wild populations and the taxo- pressure and an erratic pulse (Donati, 2006).
nomic mix of such communities are difficult Neurological symptoms are headache, sweating,
to establish, while toxicity is typically not convulsions, fatigue, fainting, intense itching
present in cultured communities. In addition, and numbness, tingling, joint and muscle pain,
maintenance requirements for many inverte- audiovisual hallucinations, sensation of temper-
brate vectors are yet to be established, a research ature cold-hot reversal, and muscular paralysis
area in which aquaculture can make a significant (breathing difficulties) (Donati, 2006).
contribution. In the Caribbean, gastrointestinal symptoms
appear to be more frequent in contrast to the
Pacific region where neurological symptoms
5. CIGUATERA SYMPTOMOLOGY predominate (Lewis, 2001). The average percent-
age of symptoms in reported ciguatera cases
This illness remains diagnostic and is repre- also indicates the dominance of gastrointestinal
sented by an array of gastrointestinal, neurolog- symptoms in the Caribbean (Figure 3(a)). The
ical, and cardiovascular symptoms. Diagnosis is most frequently reported neurological symptoms
further complicated as the severity is person and include paresthesia of extremities, joint pain, mus-
toxin dose dependent as well as variability in cle pain, temperature reversal, circumoral pares-
the time delay to onset of symptoms (generally thesia, weakness, and fatigue (Figure 3(b)). With
1e48 h after consuming fish), absence in seq- the exception of weakness and fatigue, the average
uence of symptoms experienced, and regional percentage of these neurological symptoms in
variation in symptoms. The toxins affect the reported ciguatera cases supports the dominance
digestive system, the cardiovascular and the within the Indo-Pacific regions including Australia
neurological systems (Botana, 2000) can persist (Figure 3(b)). These data support that toxin-dose
for months or even years and can be retriggered but also the ciguatoxin type (see above) affects
by the consumption of nonseafood-based foods, ciguatera symptomology.

FIGURE 3 Averaged percentage of gastrointestinal symptoms (a) and neurological symptoms (b) in reported ciguatera

6. GEOGRAPHIC RANGE OF be attributed to the temporary or permanent

CIGUATERA reversal of dominance from coral to macroalgal
substrate. These parameters include natural
Ciguatera-causing dinoflagellates have a disturbances such as cyclones, storms, crown-
distribution from 35 N to 35 S and typically of-thorn plagues, and coral bleaching as well
do not grow to large populations (bloom, as man-made disturbance events including
high cell numbers per volume) (Lucas et al., dredging, anchorage, overfishing, and pollut-
1997). The geographic range of ciguatera is ants (Figure 4). It is difficult to identify key para-
influenced by several factors, including popula- meters that influence the expansion of macroalgal
tion growth of Gambierdiscus spp. and other substrates as quite often a reef ecosystem experi-
benthic toxic dinoflagellates, movement of ences more than one parameter within a short
ciguateric fish, as well as previously mentioned time frame.
affordable travel to popular exotic locations and It is thought that the dominance or expan-
export of frozen tropical fish (see the chapter sion of macroalgal substrates is followed by
introduction). the expansion of Gambierdiscus populations
The expansion and migration of Gambierdiscus that in turn leads to increases in the incidence
populations can result in a temporary or perma- of ciguatera. An increase in incident rate has
nent increase of ciguatera risk within endemic been observed 3 months following a population
geographic boundaries as well as expanding boom of Gambierdiscus cells (Chateau-Degat
into new geographic regions. In ciguatera- et al., 2005). An increase in ciguateric fish has
endemic regions, coral reefs are dynamic ecosys- also been observed following disturbance
tems with a number of parameters that can events, particularly herbivorous fish species.

FIGURE 4 A hypothetical model

of ciguatoxin bioaccumulation
within a coral reef ecosystem under
existing seasonal and climate
change conditions. Kx: scenario un-
der applied parameters to predict
ciguatoxin accumulation in fish
food chains.
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Dunaliella Identification Using DNA
Fingerprinting Intron-Sizing Method and
Species-Specific Oligonucleotides
New Insights on Dunaliella Molecular Identification
Jorge Olmos Soto
Molecular Microbiology Laboratory, Department of Marine Biotechnology, Centro de Investigacion
Científica y de Educaci
on Superior de Ensenada (CICESE), Ensenada, B.C., Mexico

1. INTRODUCTION production. Several investigations have demon-

strated that both species produce more than
Biflagellate and halotolerant species from the 10% of the dry weight (Olmos-Soto et al., 2002).
Dunaliella genus are the microalgae most ubiqui- Lutein, chlorophyll, and other pigments and ca-
tous in hypersaline environments (Massyuk, rotenoids are also produced by species of Duna-
1973). Taxonomic studies among Dunaliella liella, under the same stressful environmental
have identified several new species since the conditions (Guedes, 2011; Lordan et al., 2011;
initial identification by Teodorescos in 1905. Skjanes et al., 2013). Lipids for aquaculture, hu-
However, the high plasticity in the green stage man nutrition, and biodiesel production have
and the almost indistinguishable differences in also been investigated in Dunaliella species (Bre-
the red phase make identification and differenti- uer et al., 2012; Da Silva et al., 2013; Fu et al.,
ation of species very difficult and time- 2012).
consuming (Olmos et al., 2000). The Dunaliella There are 28 reported species in the Dunaliella
genus includes a reduced number of species genus, but only 23 have been accepted taxonom-
that when exposed to elevated luminous inten- ically. D. tertiolecta, D. salina, D. bardawil, and D.
sities, high saline concentrations, and limited parva are the most studied and cultivated on a
conditions of oxygen and nitrogen accumulate large scale for commercial and scientific
great amounts of b-carotene and glycerol (Ben- applications. However, their identification is
Amotz et al., 1982; Borowitzka, 1981). Dunaliella time-consuming and nonspecific, making the
salina and Dunaliella bardawil are the most production of commercially important com-
important species of the genus for b-carotene pounds difficult. For this reason, the application

Handbook of Marine Microalgae 559 © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

of molecular methodologies such as the intron- species. There is a single, large posterior chloro-
sizing method described here is a useful tool to plast occupying most of the cell volume. It is
simplify the specific identification of Dunaliella either cup-, dish-, or bell-shaped and contains a
species (Olmos et al., 2009; Olmos-Soto et al., pyrenoid in the thickened basal part in all
2012). species except some of the freshwater species
(Borowitzka and Siva, 2007).
Vegetative cell division in D. salina initiates
2. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS with nuclear division that is followed almost
OF THE GENUS DUNALIELLA immediately by an in-furrowing of the cell, usu-
ally first observed at the flagellar (anterior) end
The first description of a unicellular biflagel- of the cell between the flagella and then, soon af-
late red-colored alga living in concentrated ter, at the opposite (posterior) end of the cell
brines was made in 1838 by Dunal, who reported (Borowitzka and Siva, 2007). Isogamic sexual
occurrence of the organism we know today as reproduction in Dunaliella initiates with the
D. salina in the salterns of Montpellier, on the fusion of two equally sized gametes to form a
Mediterranean coast of France (Dunal, 1838; zygote (Hamburger, 1905; Massyuk, 1973;
Oren, 2005). Descriptions of Dunaliella (Chloro- Teodoresco, 1905). Lerche in 1937 reported
phyta, Chlorophyceae, Chlamydomonadales, Duna- sexual zygote formation in five of the six species
liellaceae) as a new genus were presented in studied (D. salina, D. parva, D. peircei, D. euchlora,
1905 by Teodoresco from Bucharest using Roma- and D. minuta).
nian salt lake samples and by Clara Hamburger
from Heidelberg using samples from Cagliari,
Sardinia (Hamburger, 1905). The Dunaliella 3. COMMERCIALLY IMPORTANT
genus mainly includes halophilic species COMPOUNDS PRODUCED BY
adapted to hypersaline environments (1e5 M DUNALIELLA
NaCl), high luminosity (200e1000 mmol photons
m2 s1), high pH (8e9), and low concentrations Microalgae include a very diverse group
of oxygen and nitrogen, with sizes varying of eukaryotic organisms that play important
5e25 mm in length and 3e13 mm in width (Ben- ecologicaleenvironmental roles and constitute
Amotz et al., 1982; Borowitzka and Borowitzka, a natural source of a variety of bioactive com-
1988; Chen and Jiang, 2009; Hejazi and Wijffels, pounds and molecules for pharmaceutical,
2003; Ramos et al., 2011). Due to the extreme food, and cosmetic applications (Guedes, 2011;
environmental conditions in which these algae Paniagua-Michel et al., 2009). With fast growth
grow and because Dunaliella do not have cell rates and low production costs, microalgae pro-
walls but are only enclosed by a thin elastic vide useful cell factories for the production of
plasma membrane, species of the genus present valuable compounds and recombinant products
a vast morphological variability with respect to like lipids, biofuels, vaccines, antibodies, and ca-
environmental conditions (Butcher, 1959; rotenoids (Fletcher et al., 2007; Greenwell et al.,
Lerche, 1937; Massyuk, 1973). The cells of Duna- 2010; Mayfield et al., 2007; Skjanes et al., 2013;
liella can be ellipsoid, ovoid to almost spherical, Vilchez et al., 2011).
pyriform, or fusiform. Dunaliella cells are radially The commercial production of b-carotene that
symmetrical, bilateral, or slightly asymmetrical comes from Dunaliella species has been the third
(Figure 1). Motile cells are biflagellate, with the most important microalgae industry since 1986.
flagella inserted at the anterior end of the cell The companies involved in its production are
and with flagella length varying between mainly in Australia, Israel, India, Spain, China,

FIGURE 1 Dunaliella species isolated from environmental samples.

and the United States. The annual worldwide different high-value products has been pre-
production of Dunaliella reported in 2006 was sented (Skjanes et al., 2007, 2013). Production
1200 tons of dry weight (Spolaore et al., 2006). of biofuel from algae is dependent on the micro-
b-Carotene products derived from Dunaliella algal biomass production rate and lipid content
include extracts of pure b-carotene for medical (Mata et al., 2010). Both biomass production
and pharmaceutical use, Dunaliella powder and lipid accumulation are limited by several
for human food, and Dunaliella powder for ani- factors, of which nutrients play a key role
mal feed. The prices of these Dunaliella products (Chen & Jiang, 2009). Microalgae-derived lipids
are between US$3000 and US$300/kg, respec- are an alternative to vegetable and fossil oils,
tively (Ben-Amotz, 2004). but lipid content and quality vary among micro-
Microalgae are also used as a source of biofuel algae strains (Da Silva et al., 2013). Selection and
such as biodiesel or bioethanol, and significant identification of a suitable strain for lipid pro-
research has been done over the last several duction are therefore of paramount importance
years in order to make conversion of microalgae (Breuer et al., 2012). Additionally, palmitic, lino-
biomass to fuel a viable process. A combined lenic, and oleic acids account for more than 85%
multidisciplinary process for using solar energy of the total fatty acid content of D. salina (Lordan
to capture CO2 while producing biofuels and et al., 2011).

4. THE 18S RDNA GENE AS A presented by the 18S introns of Dunaliella species
MOLECULAR MARKER OF (Figure 2). These characteristics offered the
DUNALIELLA SPECIES possibility to develop a consistent and very
IDENTIFICATION powerful 18S rDNA-fingerprinting technique to
make an easy, fast, and precise identification of
The 16S/18S molecules have been utilized D. tertiolecta, D. salina, D. bardawil, and D. parva,
extensively for facilitating the identification of obtained from natural samples or culture collec-
microorganisms and elucidating the confusion tions. With this methodology, neither cultivation
between species of different genera, and even nor exhausting taxonomic studies of the species
from the same genus, especially when they are needed, avoiding large periods of purification
look very similar (Amann et al., 2001; De Long and microscopic identification (Olmos et al.,
et al., 1989; García and Olmos, 2007; Hern andez 2009). However, we do agree that a first correla-
and Olmos, 2006; Olmos-Soto et al., 2012; Olsen tion must be done appropriately between taxo-
et al., 1986). nomic and molecular characterization, to assign
In more than a century that has passed since a unique and precise name to Dunaliella species
its formal description (Teodoresco, 1905), (Borowitzka and Siva, 2007).
Dunaliella has become a convenient model organ-
ism for the study of salt adaptation in algae. The
establishment of the concept of organic compat- 5. DUNALIELLA MA1-MA2
ible solutes to provide osmotic balance was CONSERVED AND DSs-, DBs-, DPs-
largely based on the study of Dunaliella species. SPECIFIC OLIGONUCLEOTIDES
Moreover, the massive accumulation of b-
carotene by some strains under suitable growth The classification of organisms based on con-
conditions has led to interesting biotechnological served and specific sequences from the 16S/18S
applications (Oren, 2005). However, several rDNA is a common procedure in phylogenetic
Dunaliella strains in culture collections are misi- studies (Amann et al., 2001; DeLong et al.,
dentified, and unfortunately these names have 1989; Olsen et al., 1986). In this sense, the identi-
been perpetuated in the literature, leading to dif- fication of conserved sequences preferentially
ficulty in reconciling published information, from the 50 and 30 regions of the 18S rDNA
resulting in potential confusion and loss of infor- opened the possibility to amplify by PCR the
mation, especially if no information is given complete sequence of this gene. MA1 (forward)
on the strain being studied (Borowitzka and and MA2 (reverse) conserved oligonucleotides
Borowitzka, 1988; Loeblich, 1982). In this sense, were designed from the beginning and the end,
the utilization of molecular markers like the allowing the amplification of the 18S complete
18S rDNA gene since the year 2000 has led to sequence from Dunaliella species (Olmos et al.,
easy, fast, and precise identification and differen- 2000). MA1-MA2 18S amplification generated
tiation of Dunaliella species from environmental PCR products of w1700 bp to D. tertiolecta (no
samples and culture collections (Olmos et al., introns), w2100 bp to D. salina (one intron) and
2000). Molecular characterization of the 18S w2500 bp to D. bardawil (two introns) and
between Dunaliella showed different sizes D. parva (two introns) (Table 1). The obtained re-
and sequence variability mainly on introns of sults offered the opportunity to distinguish
b-carotene producer strains (Olmos-Soto et al., between Dunaliella strains with and without
2002). Therefore, the intron-sizing method is introns inside the 18S rDNA gene (Figure 2).
based on the size and also the sequence variability Introns from the analyzed strains presented an
MA1 FIGURE 2 Graphical representation of 18S
rDNA gene in different species of Dunaliella.
D. tertiolecta 5’ 3’
The arrows indicate the binding sites of
MA2 conserved and specific primers. Intron I
conserved sequence. Intron II conserved
sequence. Intron different specific
sequences. Exons conserved sequence.
D. salina 5’ 3’


D. bardawil 5’ 3’


D. parva 5’ 3’


approximate size of 400 bp and contain the most finding of species-specific sequences contained
variable sequences of the 18S rDNA genes, open- exclusively on the 18S rDNA introns created the
ing the possibility to design specific oligonucleo- opportunity to design species-specific oligonucle-
tides to differentiate between Dunaliella species otides and to make an easy, fast, and precise
(Olmos et al., 2009; Olmos-Soto et al., 2012; identification of Dunaliella species, avoiding
Wilcox et al., 1992). confusion and misclassification (Olmos-Soto
D. salina and D. bardawil are b-carotene over- et al., 2012). Thus, D. salina-specific (DSs), Duna-
producer strains that in the green and red liella bardawill-specific (DBs) and D. parva-specific
stages do not present enough taxonomic differ- (DPs) oligonucleotides were designed selecting
ences to be classified as two Dunaliella species sequence variability localized precisely on their
(Borowitzka and Borowitzka, 1988). This lack of introns (Table 1). The utilization of each one of
differences induced a disagreement between these specific oligonucleotides in combination
two of the most prestigious researchers in the with the MA2 conserved primer (DSs-MA2,
field, which still remains. Additionally, in the DBs-MA2, DPs-MA2) produced PCR products
gene bank of the NCBI a great confusion remains with a specific fingerprinting profile for each of
with respect to Dunaliella classification, due non- the analyzed species (Figure 2). Knowing the
certification is being applied when sequences are fingerprinting pattern for the species of Duna-
submitted. Similarly, some Dunaliella strains liella, their identification in the green or red stage
from culture collections are misclassified and un- is not difficult because with the intron-sizing
necessary names have emerged, increasing the method we do not depend on the taxonomic
confusion (Olmos et al., 2009). In this sense, the characteristics but only need to know that the

TABLE 1 Sequence of the Primers Used to Amplify the 18S rDNA Gene of Dunaliella and Size of the PCR-Amplified

Primers Sequencea Strain PCRpb


MA1-MA2 D. tertiolecta w1700
MA1-MA2 D. salina w2100
MA1-MA2 D. bardawil w2500

MA1-MA2 D. parva w2500



DSs-MA2 D. salina w750

DBs-MA2 D. bardawil w1000
DPs-MA2 D. parva w1000
Does not include restriction sites.
PCRp ¼ PCR products.

strain belongs to the Dunaliella genus. Further- 6. IDENTIFICATION OF

more, b-carotene producer species (D. salina, D. DUNALIELLA SPECIES FROM
bardawil, and D. parva) coming from culture CERTIFIED CULTURE
collection or natural samples are also identified COLLECTIONS AND
comparing their fingerprinting profiles, and no ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLES
cultivation nor taxonomic characterizations are
needed (Olmos et al., 2009; Paniagua-Michel et At the end of the 1990s, D. bardawil LB 2538
al., 2009). Additionally, glycerols, polyunsatu- was obtained from the University of Texas
rated fatty acids, luteins, and other important (UTEX) the Culture Collection of Algae, the chro-
pigments and carotenoids are mostly produced mosomal DNA was purified, and a PCR amplifi-
by the same Dunaliella overproducer species (Bre- cation of the complete 18S rDNA gene was done
uer et al., 2012; Lordan et al., 2011; Mata et al., using the MA1-MA2 conserved primers (Olmos
2010; Paniagua-Michel et al, 2012; Skjanes et al., et al., 2000). The PCR product was evaluated to
2013). Moreover, genome sequencing, develop- corroborate the presence of introns inside the
ment of molecular tools, and the construction of 18S and to elucidate for the first time its complete
recombinant strains are being principally applied sequence (AF150905). Two introns were local-
on D. salina (Smith et al., 2010). In this sense, the ized to provide an 18S full size of w2500 bp
utilization of the intron-sizing method assures an using the MA1-MA2 conserved primers. Addi-
easy, fast, and precise identification of the most tionally, DBs species-specific oligonucleotide
commercially important Dunaliella species and designed from the first intron of D. bardawil
avoids wasting time and a great deal of money. presented a PCR product of w1000 bp in
combination with MA2 conserved primer mentioned above (UTEX, CCAP) to improve
(Olmos-Soto et al., 2002). In those times, we iso- the certification of Dunaliella species that they
lated some b-carotene hyperproducer strains of are providing to the scientific community.
Dunaliella from places around Baja California, The precise identification of Dunaliella species
Mexico. One of these strains matched perfectly from environmental samples has increased
with the fingerprinting profile obtained from exponentially since the first publication of the
the D. bardawil strain isolated from Israel MA1eMA2 conserved and DSs-, DBs-, DPs-
and deposited by Dr. Ben-Amotz (LB 2538). specific primers (Olmos et al., 2000; Olmos-Soto
However, 10 years later we acquired the same et al., 2002). In this sense, we are going to
strain from UTEX and, surprisingly, this ampli- mention some of the researchers from around
fied a PCR product of w2100 bp utilizing the the world who have been utilizing our conserved
MA1eMA2 conserved primers and w700 bp us- and specific oligonucleotides to identify its iso-
ing the DSs-specific primer, indicating that we lated strains (Elsaied, 2013; Raja et al., 2007;
were working with “Dunaliella salina var Teod” Sathasivam et al., 2012; Sharma et al., 2012). All
instead of D. bardawil (Olmos et al., 2009). The of them concluded that the intron-sizing method
amount of b-carotene produced by these two facilitated the precise identification of Dunaliella
species is practically the same (w10%), and species that came from environmental samples.
also their taxonomic characteristics; however, Additionally, other researchers combine molecu-
the growth conditions and environmental pa- lar identification (intron-sizing method) with tax-
rameters required for carotenoids production onomical characterization of Dunaliella species,
are quite different between both species (in prep- achieving excellent results (Jayappriyan et al.,
aration). In this sense, b-carotene production in 2011; Mishra et al., 2008; Preetha et al., 2012;
D. bardawil is more difficult to induce than in Tempesta et al., 2011; Wang et al., 2014). Further-
D. salina, therefore some isolates of D. bardawil more, research such as that by Dr. Hejazi and co-
have been identified and classified as non- workers when using the intron-sizing method
b-carotene producers (Jayappriyan et al., 2011). has served to identify new species of Dunaliella
Microscopic analysis of D. salina 19/18 sam- with a different intron arrangement (Hejazi
ple obtained from the Culture Collection of et al., 2010). Moreover, our conserved and spe-
Algae and Protozoa (CCAP) showed two cific oligonucleotide methods that have been
different strains of Dunaliella: one red and one done for the identification of microalgae strains
green. Molecular fingerprinting determination have great potential for biofuel production
using MA1eMA2 18S rDNA conserved primers (Davey et al., 2012; Pereira et al., 2011, 2013;
from the 19/18 DNA sample presented two Ramos et al., 2011; Yilancioglu et al., 2014).
PCR products: one band of w2100 bp that be-
longs to the b-carotene hyperproducer species
of D. salina, and a second product of w1700 bp 7. CONCLUDING REMARKS
from a Dunaliella species that never turns red-
colored, indicating that the original sample con- The production of commercially important
tains other nonidentified Dunaliella strains compounds like pigments, carotenoids, lipids,
(Olmos et al., 2009). In this sense, the intron- glycerols, and other bioactive metabolites by
sizing method provides an easy, fast, and precise Dunaliella and other microalgae genera repre-
identification that is based on the 18S rDNA- sents a great opportunity to solve several needs
fingerprinting profile of Dunaliella species. Thus, of human consumption. However, the isolation
this methodology could be recommended for and growth of the strains and the production
its utilization by the algae culture collections and purification of their compounds are done

at huge cost. Therefore, we need to assure the Chen, H., Jiang, J.G., 2009. Osmotic responses of Dunaliella to
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Note: Page numbers followed by “b”, “f” and “t” indicate boxes, figures and tables respectively.

A Algal nutrition, 56e57 Apicomplexa, 28e29

AA. See Arachidonic acid Algal production Aquaculture, 93e94, 263e264
aadA. See Adenine aminoglycoside optimization, 152e154 microalgae in formulated feed,
transferase system, 61 99e100
Abiotic nutrient removal, 443e444 autotrophic production system, aquaculture hatcheries, 100
ACCase. See Acetyl Co-A carboxylase 61e62 microalgal strains using in
Acetosyringone (AS), 422 heterotrophic production system, hatcheries, 100e101
Acetyl Co-A carboxylase (ACCase), 62 protein source, 106e113
433e435 mixotrophic production system, supplement for nutritional
Acyl carrier protein (ACP), 435 62e63 enhancement, 101e106
AD. See Alzheimer’s disease; Algal toxins, 522 Aquatic Species Program (ASP), 135
Anaerobic digestion impacts, 522 Arachidonic acid (AA), 70, 104, 224,
Adenine aminoglycoside transferase Algal turf scrubber system 260, 300, 406
(aadA), 288 (ATS system), 33e34, Arthrospira, 527
Adenosine diphosphate-glucose 449e450, 450f Arthrospira maxima (A. maxima),
pyrophosphorylase (AGPase), Allophycocyanin (APC), 259e260 300e301
18e19 Alpha linolenic acid (ALA), 106, Arthrospira platensis (A. platensis), 73,
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), 15, 260 300e301
56e57, 354e355, 388, 501 a-tocopherol, 273 AS. See Acetosyringone
ADHD. See Attention deficit and Alternative initiation, 269 Ascorbate peroxidase, 272
hyperactivity disorder Alzheimer’s disease (AD), 226 ASP. See Amnesic shellfish poisoning;
AF. See Atrial fibrillation Aminoglycoside transferase (aphA), Aquatic Species Program
AGPase. See Adenosine diphosphate- 288 asRNAs. See antisense RNAs
glucose pyrophosphorylase Amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP), Assimilatory nutrient removal, 443
Agrobacterium tumefaciens- 527 Astaxanthin, 236, 258e259
mediated transformation, 422 Anaerobic digestion (AD), 483, Atlantic salmon, 112
Agroecosystems, 506e507 491e492 Atomic layer deposition (ALD), 248
ALA. See Alpha linolenic acid Analysis of variance (ANOVA), ATP. See Adenosine triphosphate
ALD. See Atomic layer deposition 323 Atrial fibrillation (AF), 224
Algae, 14, 429 Animal feed, 2, 71 ATS system. See Algal turf scrubber
AlgaGEM, 364 ANOVA. See Analysis of variance system
biofuel economy, 137e138 Antenna size truncation, 179 Attention deficit and hyperactivity
biomass, 429 Antibodies, 282e288 disorder (ADHD), 226
Algal expression system, 423 Antifungal activity, 5 Automated techniques, 51e52
algal-produced human vaccine Antimicrobial activity, 5 Autotrophic production system,
production platform, 423e424 Antioxidant protection, 88 61e62. See also Heterotrophic
lack of production systems, Antioxidants, 277 production system;
424e425 antisense RNAs (asRNAs), 359 Mixotrophic production
therapeutic proteins expression in, Antiviral activities, 5 system
423te424t APC. See Allophycocyanin Autoxidation, 85, 269
Algal Functional Annotation Tool, aphA. See Aminoglycoside Avoidance assays, 543e544
341 transferase Azaspiracid, 519e520


B with high carbohydrate content, metabolic pathway engineering,

Bacillariophyceae, 32e33, 37 198e199 390
Bacteria, 114, 518 microalgae biomass C. reinhardtii, 391e399
BAMMBO. See Biologically active saccharification, 200e204 green microalgae, 390
molecules of marine-based pretreatment, 200e204 from microalgae, 161, 162te169t
origin sugar composition, 200t areas of progress, 184e185
Batch systems, 461, 463 Biofertilizers, 407 challenges, 177
BBM. See Bold Basal Medium Biofilm photobioreactor (BPBR), commercialization and economy,
bCOD. See biodegradable organic 448e449 183e184
pollutants ATS, 449e450, 450f culture parameters, 172
Behavioral disorders, 226e227 configurations for WWT, 449t effective and cost efficient, 185
b-carotene, 71, 235e236, 240, EBPRs, 450, 450f enzymes in, 172e173
257e258, 560e561 enclosed flat panel algal-bacterial ethical issues, 188e189
b-glucuronidase (GUS), 419e420 PBR, 450, 450f hydrogen, 161
b-Ketoacyl-ACP reductase, RBAPs, 450, 450f industries, 188
435e436 Biofilms, 33e34 integrated biohydrogen process,
Benthic diatoms Biofuel production, 472e476 170te171t
bioassay, 542e543 from algae light utilization, 179e180
avoidance assays, 543e544 biodiesel, 17 microalgal culture systems,
cellular counts, 543 bioethanol, 17e18 173e177
exponential-growing cultures of biomethane, 18 photosynthesis, 161
diatoms, 543 metabolic pathways of microalgae, production systems, comments on
in situ, 543 198f key features for, 181te182t
whole-sediment toxicity, 543 from microalgae, 146, 148 scale-up, 180e183
sediment sampling and preparation, cultivation, 149 sensitivity to oxygen, 177e179
541e542 energy conversion process, SWOT analysis, 186te187t
BF production. See Biopharmaceutical 146f microalgae and cyanobacteria,
production extraction, 149e151 383e384
BHA. See Butylated hydroxyanisole fast pyrolysis principles, 148f pathways in bacteria and
BHT. See Butylated hydroxytoluene fatty acids profiles, 155t microalgae, 384f, 386f
Bioactive molecules, 71 gasification, 146, 148, 148f photosynthesis and biophotolysis,
Biocontainment, 344e345 harvesting, 149e151 388e390
biodegradable organic pollutants hydrolysis, 147 Biological carbon dioxide
(bCOD), 441, 443 lipid production, 151e154 sequestration, 70e71
Biodiesel, 6, 17, 70, 317 properties of, 154e155 Biologically active molecules of
feedstock, 69 pyrolysis, 146e147 marine-based origin
microalgae lipid composition, 70 separation scheme for liquefies (BAMMBO), 405e406
microalgal species, 70 microalgal cells, 147f BioMARA project, 136
PUFAs, 70 source of energy, 149 Biomass, 471e472
Biodiesel production, 473e474 Biofuels, 4e5, 371, 374e375 factors, 461
microalgal feedstock-based, 76 microalgae and, 160 Biomass object function (BOF),
algal strains selection and genetic photosynthesis as microalgal 361
engineering, 76 metabolism for development, Biomethane, 18
fatty acid composition 128e129 potential of wastewater-grown
optimization, 76e77 Biohydrogen, 6, 134, 159e160 microalgal biomass, 491e492
Bioeconomy demand, 233e234 energy flow from sun to, 180t anaerobic digestion of microalgal
Bioenergy, 35e37, 512te513t Biohydrogen production, 383. See also biomass, 493
Bioethanol, 6, 17e18, 197 Photobiohydrogen production biomass composition and TMP,
from microalgae, 197e198 hydrogen-catalyzing enzymes in 492
carbohydrate content, 199t microalgal metabolism, effect of cultivation conditions,
carbohydrate metabolism, 386e388 492e493
199e200 key studies in genetic engineering for phycoremediation-coupled
fermentation process, 205e206 microalgal, 392te394t biomethane production, 494f
Biopharmaceutical production diatom-derived, 245e246 Carbon Trust, 136
(BF production), 281 drug release from diatom silica Carbon-to-nitrogen ratio (C/N ratio),
in mammalian cells, 281e282 microshell, 252f 492e493
in microalgae, 282 isolation and characterization of, Carbonic anhydrase (CA), 489
antibodies, 282e288 248e250 Cardiovascular diseases (CVD),
C. reinhardtii, 288 Biosorbent dose, 462 224
D. salina, 293e294 Biosorption, 458 Carotenoids, 3e4, 234e236, 240,
genetically engineered microalgae Biotoxins, 528 273e275, 274f, 314, 406
clones development, 283f Bivalve mollusks, 111e112 Cascade system, 173e174
H. pluvialis, 294 bleomycin antibiotic resistance Catalase, 272
Nannochloropsis spp., 295 (ble antibiotic resistance), 337 Cauliflower mosaic virus 35S
P. tricornutum, 288e293 Blue-green algae (Cyanophyceae), 1, promoter (CaMV 35S
recombinant proteins, 288 11, 148 promoter), 417e418
recombinant vaccines, 285te287t BOF. See Biomass object function CCAP. See Culture Collection of
platforms, 282 Bold Basal Medium (BBM), 57 Algae and Protozoa
Biophotolysis, 385, 389 BPBR. See Biofilm photobioreactor CCM. See CO2 concentrating
direct, 389 Brain development and function, 226 mechanism
indirect, 389 Brevetoxins, 519e520 CCS. See Carbon capture and storage
two-stage hydrogen production, Broken plus intact cells model, 320 cDNA library establishment
389e390 Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), full-length, 431e432
Bioproducts, 35e37, 36t, 512te513t 238e239, 270 putative fatty acid genes
Bioprospecting, 43 Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), representation in, 434t
Biorefinery, 407e408, 408f 238e239, 270 RNA isolation, 431
Bioremediation of heavy metals, 457 Sanger sequencing, 432
aqueous effluents, 458 C sequence assembly and analysis,
biosorption, 458 C-phycocyanin (CPC), 259e260, 432e433
conventional remediation methods, 302e303 CE/MS. See Capillary
457e458 C-reactive protein (CRP), 224e226 electrophoresis-mass
microalgae characteristics, 458e459, C/N ratio. See Carbon-to-nitrogen spectrometry
459t ratio Cell factories, 353
optimal experimental conditions, CA. See Carbonic anhydrase Central nervous system (CNS),
462t Calcium spirulan (Ca-SP), 304e305 530e531
uptake mechanism, 459 Calvin cycle, 355 Centrifugation, 46, 64, 150
biosorption of heavy metals, 460 CalvineBenson cycle, 56e57, 129 CEP. See Crude ethanol precipitate
complexation interactions, CaMV 35S promoter. See Cauliflower Cetane number (CN), 155
460e461 mosaic virus 35S promoter CFB. See Cytophaga/Flavobacterium
function of elementary processes, Cantharellus concinnus (C. concinnus), /Bacteroidetes
460 249f CFP. See Ciguatera fish poisoning
structure mobile metals ions, 460 Capillary electrophoresis-mass CFPP. See Cold filter plugging point
Bioremediation with microalgae, spectrometry (CE/MS), 361 Chain-breaking antioxidant function,
471e472 Carbohydrate, 200e202. See also 269
and biofuels production, 472e476 Microalgaedbiomass CHD. See Coronary heart disease
biomass and lipid productivities, saccharification Chemical biosorption, 460
473t metabolism, 199e200 Chemical coagulation/flocculation,
coupling bioremediation and microalgae genetic engineering for 63e64
microalgal biofuel, 478e479 storage, 19 Chemical method, 202
integration of strategies, 474f synthesis in microalgae, 201f Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
trophic pathway toward sustainable Carbon, 56e57 (C. reinhardtii), 18, 282, 288,
biofuels, 476e477 dioxide sequestration, 69e71 295, 391, 416e417
Biosilica, 245. See also Diatoms sequestration, 446 chlorophyll fluorescence changes
application in drug delivery vehicles, Carbon capture and storage (CCS), anaerobic condition, 398e399
250e251 488e489 D1 protein mutant strains, 399,
C. concinnus, 249f CO2 capture, 60e61 399f

Chlamydomonas reinhardtii parameters, 556 Commercial antioxidants, 270

(C. reinhardtii) (Continued) warmer sea surface temperatures, Commercialized cosmetics, 310e312
mutant strains and wild type, 398, 557 microalgae in, 311te312t
398f microalgae causing Common carp, 112e113
PSII reaction centers, 399 coinhabiting dinoflagellates and Complexation, 460
during sulfur starvation, 398 characteristics, 551 Constitutively active promoters, 334
screening, 395 gambiertoxin-producing Contact time, 462e463
biochemical pathways, 396 dinoflagellates, 548e550 Continuous systems, 461
D1 protein, 395 occurrence of Gambierdiscus spp., Conventional remediation methods,
D239e40 mutant, 397 550e551 457e458
DeE loop, 395e396 symptomology, 555, 555f Conventional solvent extraction
genetic engineering, 397 toxic benthic dinoflagellates, 548f (CSE), 204
light conversion efficiency, 398 Ciguatera fish poisoning (CFP), 531 Coolia monotis (C. monotis), 551
mutant strains for H2 production, Ciguatera-causing dinoflagellates, Coronary heart disease (CHD), 224
395 556 Cosmeceuticals, microalgae, 3e4
phenotypic characteristics, Ciguatoxins (CTXs), 531, 552. See also Coupling CO2 sequestration
396e397, 397t Dinophysistoxin (DTX) challenges and process advances,
productive strains, 396t bioconversion, 553 490e491, 491t
respiration-to-photosynthesis cytochromes, 553e554 integrated system for, 488f
ratio, 397 maitotoxins, 554 microalgal carbon dioxide fixation,
during sulfur deprivation, 391 C-CTX 1 and 2, 552 488e489
anaerobiosis, 395 hazard of ciguatera, 531e532 process kinetics and critical
O2 evolution, 391 mechanism of toxicity, 552e553 parameters affecting, 489
PSII, 395 membrane depolarization, Chlorella sp., 489
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii SBPase 553 flue gases, 490
(CrSBPase), 74 sodium channels, 552e553 waste gases, 490
Chlorella protothecoides neurological symptoms, 532 Coupling selectable markers,
(C. protothecoides), 275 potential bioaccumulation routes, 337e339
Chlorella sp., 260e261, 489 554e555 COX-2. See Cyclooxygenase 2
Chlorella vulgaris (C. vulgaris), 29e30 structure, 531f CPC. See C-phycocyanin
Chlorophyll, 236e237 Climate change, 451, 523, 557 CRP. See C-reactive protein
fluorescence changes Close raceway ponds, 47e48 CrSBPase. See Chlamydomonas
anaerobic condition, 398e399 Closed bioreactors, 149 reinhardtii SBPase
D1 protein mutant strains, 399, Closed reactors, 485 Crude ethanol precipitate (CEP), 305
399f Closed system. See Photobioreactor Cryopreservation, 115
mutant strains and wild type, 398, (PBR) CSE. See Conventional solvent
398f Closed-loop process, 493e494, extraction
PSII reaction centers, 399 495f CTXs. See Ciguatoxins
during sulfur starvation, 398 algal-digested slurry, 494e495 Cultivation system for microalgae,
Chlorophyta, 29e30 using LCA 47, 48f
microalgae, 235 feasibility assessment, 495e496 open ponds, 47e48
Chlorophyte Muriellopsis sp., 275 microalgal biomethane PBRs, 48
Cholesterol, 99 production, 496 raceways ponds, 47e48
Ciguatera, 547 suitable approach for, 496e497 Culture Collection of Algae and
economic losses, 547e548 CN. See Cetane number Protozoa (CCAP), 565
Gambierdiscus genus, 548 CNS. See Central nervous system CVD. See Cardiovascular diseases
geographic range, 556 CO2 concentrating mechanism Cyanobacteria, 1, 4e5, 11, 148, 160,
hypothetical model, 556f (CCM), 489 172e173, 179, 331, 383e384,
dominance or expansion of Codon optimization using gene 518e519
macroalgal substrates, 556e557 synthesis, 336 cells, 355e356
Gambierdiscus populations, 557 Codon usage, 294 metabolomic studies, 361
migratory predatory fish species, Cold filter plugging point (CFPP), Cyclic phosphorylation, 354e355
557 154e155 Cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2), 302e303
Cytophaga/Flavobacterium/ Dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), Dunaliella salina (D. salina), 29e30,
Bacteroidetes (CFB), 518 489 293, 559
Cytotoxic activity, 4 Dissolved inorganic P, 509 HBsAg, 293
Dissolved organic matter (DOM), SKTI, 294
D 522e523 transformation methods, 293
D1 protein, 391, 395 DMBA. See 7, 12 dimethylbenz(a) VP28 from WSSV, 294
D239e40 mutant, 397 anthracene Dunaliella tertiolecta (D. tertiolecta), 273
DA. See Domoic acid DMBA-induced squamous cell Dust deposition, 520
DBN. See Dibutyl nitrosamine carcinomas, 303e304 DW. See Dry weight
DE. See Diatomaceous earth DMSO. See Dimethylsulfoxide
DeE loop, 395e396 DNA. See Deoxyribonucleic acid E
De novo fatty acid synthesis, 357 Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), 16, E2A. See Equine rhinitis A virus
Density centrifugation, 45 36e37, 70, 81e82, 261e263, EAA. See Essential amino acids
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), 14e15 300, 406 EBPR. See Enclosed algal-bacterial
Department of Energy (DOE), 145 C. cohnii, 33, 37 biofilm photobioreactor
Dewatering, 33e34 D6-pathway for biosynthesis, Echinoderms, 112
DGDG. See Digalactosyldiacylglycerol 262f ECM. See Extracellular matrix
DHA. See Docosahexaenoic acid DOE. See Department of Energy Ecotoxicology, 539
Diarrheic shellfish poisoning (DSP), DOM. See Dissolved organic matter ED 50. See 50% effective inhibition
527 Domoic acid (DA), 519e520, 530 dose
Diatomaceous earth (DE), 250 functions, 530e531 EDTA. See Ethylenediaminetetraacetic
Diatoms (Bacillariophyceae), 1, 5, 245, low levels, 531 acid
527, 530. See also Biosilica structure, 530f Efficiency
culture and harvest methods in Dried microalgae, 321f of biosorption process, 459, 461e463
production, 247e248 Drug delivery vehicles, biosilica in, of remediation process, 458
diatom-derived biosilica, 245e246 250e251 Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), 16, 37,
on earth, 251 Dry storage, 83 70, 104, 261e264, 300, 406
frustule, 248e250 antioxidant protection and stability, D6-pathway for biosynthesis, 262f
morphologies and diversity of, 246f 88 FAME composition, 155
nanotechnology in biological and lipids stability during microalgal 18S RDNA gene, 562, 563f
medical problems, 252 biomass 18S rDNA-fingerprinting technique,
phylogenetic characterization, 252 lipolysis, 85e86 562
silica, 252 oxidation, 86 Electropermeabilization. See
Dibutyl nitrosamine (DBN), 304 Dry weight (DW), 33e34, 152 Electroporation
DIC. See Dissolved inorganic carbon Drying Enclosed algal-bacterial biofilm
Digalactosyldiacylglycerol (DGDG), process, 85e86 photobioreactor (EBPR), 450,
355e356 techniques, 64 450f
Dihydroxyacetone phosphate DSP. See Diarrheic shellfish poisoning Enclosed flat panel algal-bacterial
(GrnP pathway), 355e356 DTX. See Dinophysistoxin photobioreactor, 450, 450f
7, 12 dimethylbenz(a)anthracene Dunaliella bardawil (D. bardawil), 559 Enclosed suspended growth
(DMBA), 303e304 Dunaliella genus, 258, 559 photobioreactors, 448
Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), 301e302 certified culture collections and Endogenous introns, 336e337
Dinoflagellate, 548 environmental samples, Endoplasmic reticulum (ER), 14e15,
Dinophysistoxin (DTX), 529. See also 564e565 31e32, 339, 430e431
Ciguatoxins (CTXs) compounds production, 560e561 Energy
chemical structure, 529f 18S RDNA gene, 562, 563f recovery, 446
DTX-1, 529e530 general characteristics, 560 use in WWT, 451
DTX-2, 530 isolation from environmental Enrichment
OA and, 529 samples, 561f media, 45
Dinophyta, 33 MA1-MA2 and DSs-, DBs-, DPs- process, 111
Direct biophotolysis, 389. See also specific oligonucleotides, Environmental Protection Agency
Indirect biophotolysis 562e564, 564t (EPA), 346
Dissimilatory nutrient removal, 444 species in, 559e560 Enzymatic method, 202e204

EPA. See Eicosapentaenoic acid; Fermentation process, 205 Gas chromatography-mass

Environmental Protection SHF process, 205 spectrometry (GC-MS), 223,
Agency SSF process, 205e206 342, 361
EPS. See Expolysaccharides Ferredoxin (Fd), 475 Gas exchange, 50e51
Equilibrium isotherm models, 463 FFA. See Free fatty acids Gasification, 146
Freundlich isotherm model, 50% effective inhibition dose (ED 50), microalgal system for fuel
464e465, 465t 304e305 production by, 148f
Langmuir model, 464 Filtration, 64, 150 Gastropod mollusks, 112
mathematical models, 464 Fish meal, 93, 107e108 GAT. See Glyphosate
Equine rhinitis A virus (E2A), 339 “Flashing light” effect, 75e76 acetyltransferase
ER. See Endoplasmic reticulum Flotation, 64 GatewayÒ system, 339
Essential amino acids (EAA), Flow cytometry, 46 GC. See Gas chromatography
106e107 Flue gases, 490 GC-FID. See Gas chromatography-
EST. See Expressed sequence tag Fluidized bed extraction (FBE), 204 flame ionization detector
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid Fluorescence-activated cell sorting GC-MS. See Gas chromatography-
(EDTA), 460 (FACS), 51e52, 372e373 mass spectrometry
Eustigmatophyceae, 32 Flux balance analysis (FBA), 363 Gene functional annotation, 341e342
Eutrophication, 519 FMDV. See Foot-and-mouth-disease- Gene-protein-reaction associations
Expolysaccharides (EPS), 510e511 virus (GPR associations), 362e363
Expressed sequence tag (EST), Food and Agriculture Organization Genetic engineering, 397, 406
429e430 of United Nations (FAO), 227 Genetic/metabolic engineering, 372
Expression systems, 415e416 Foot-and-mouth-disease-virus Genetically modified organism
Extracellular matrix (ECM), (FMDV), 337 (GMO), 345
29e30 Fossil fuels, 159 Genetically modified strains
Extracted microalgal oil, lipids Fouling, 64 (GM strains), 339
stability in, 86 Fourier transform infrared Genomics, 357e359, 358t
spectroscopy Gentamicin. See Water-soluble drug
F (FTIR spectroscopy), 45e46 Geographical diversity, 13
FA. See Fatty acid Free fatty acids (FFA), 82 GFP. See Green fluorescent protein
FACS. See Fluorescence-activated cell Freshwaters, 507 gfp gene. See Green fluorescent
sorting Freundlich isotherm model, 464e465, protein gene
FAME. See Fatty acid methyl ester 465t GHG. See Greenhouse gas
FAO. See Food and Agriculture Frustules, 245 GLA. See Gamma linolenic acid
Organization of United FTIR spectroscopy. See Fourier Global positioning system (GPS), 44
Nations transform infrared Glu-Cys-Gly. See Tripeptide
Fast pyrolysis, 150e151 spectroscopy Glutamate via glutamate synthase
Fatty acid (FA), 2, 151, 210e216, Fuels from marine biomass, 136 (GOGAT), 502e503
261e262. See also Functional foods, 228 Glutamine synthetase (GS), 502e503
Polyunsaturated fatty acids Functional group, 459 Glutathione (GSH), 272e273
(PUFA) Glutathione peroxidase, 272
binding protein, 436 G Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate
composition, 217te220t Gambierdiscus genus, 548, 550 (PGAL), 74
composition optimization, 76e77 Gambieric acids, 527, 532, 532f Glycerol-3-phosphate pathway
of microalgae, 210e216, 211te215t Gambiertoxin-producing (Gro3P pathway), 355e356
secretion, 77 dinoflagellates, 548e549 Glycerolipids, 355e356
Fatty acid methyl ester (FAME), cells, 549 Glyphosate acetyltransferase (GAT),
155 morphological differentiation, 549t 339
FBA. See Flux balance analysis plate morphological characteristics, GM strains. See Genetically modified
FBE. See Fluidized bed extraction 550f strains
Fd. See Ferredoxin Gamma linolenic acid (GLA), 260 GMO. See Genetically modified
FDA. See U.S. Food and Drug Gas chromatography (GC), 223 organism
Administration Gas chromatography-flame GOGAT. See Glutamate via
Feedstock, 471 ionization detector (GC-FID), glutamate synthase
[FeFe] hydrogenases, 387 223
Golden algae (Chrysophyceae), 1 HBsAg. See Hepatitis B surface High value-added biomolecule
GPR associations. See Gene-protein- antigen (HVAB), 405e406, 410f
reaction associations HDL. See High-density lipoprotein in microalgae, 406
GPS. See Global positioning system Heart failure (HF), 224 biorefinery, 407e408, 408f
Green algae (Chlorophyceae), 1 Heat shock protein (HSp70A), carotenoid metabolism, 407
Green fluorescent protein (GFP), 288, 334 carotenoids, 406
336 Heavy metal removal, 445e446 lifestyle-related diseases, 406e407
Green fluorescent protein gene Heavy metals biosorption on microalgal proteins, 408
(gfp gene), 419e420 microalgae polysaccharides, 407
Green microalgae, 35, 295, 390 influencing factors, 461 pathway engineering of microalgae,
Green nutraceutical, 260e261 batch systems, 463 408e409
Green water biomass, 461 C. reinhardtii, 409
CO2, 118 biosorbent dose, 462 D. salina, 409
rearing technique, 100 biosorption of heavy metal ions, N. oceanica CY2, 409
Greenhouse gas (GHG), 69, 405, 463 P. lutheri, 409
483 contact time, 462e463 High-density lipoprotein (HDL), 224,
GrnP pathway. See Dihydroxyacetone influence of temperature, 463 305
phosphate process, 461 Higher vegetation, 14
Gro3P pathway. See Glycerol-3- solution pH, 461e462 HIRAP cultivation system. See High
phosphate pathway kinetics modeling, 465, 466t rate algal pond cultivation
GS. See Glutamine synthetase pseudo-first order kinetic model, system
GSH. See Glutathione 465 HPV. See Human papillomavirus
GUS. See b-glucuronidase pseudo-second order kinetic HRAP. See High rate algal pond
model, 465e466 HSp70A. See Heat shock protein
H Langmuir isotherm parameters for, HSV. See Herpes simplex virus
H cluster, 387 464t Human butyrylcholinesterase
HABs. See Harmful algal blooms Hematococcus pluvialis (H. pluvialis), (huBuChE), 334
Haematococcus pluvialis (H. pluvialis), 102, 294 Human food, 71
29e30 Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), Human papillomavirus (HPV),
Haptophyta, 31e32 293 423e424
Harmful algal blooms (HABs), Herpes simplex virus (HSV), HVAB. See High value-added
517e518 282e288 biomolecule
algal toxins, 522 Heterocystous cyanobacteria, 502. Hybridoma technologies, 281
impacts, 522 See also Nonheterocystous Hydrocarbons, 429
climate change, 523 cyanobacteria Hydrogen, 146, 172
formation, 520 aerobic N2-fixation, 502e503 photoproduction, 475e476
dust deposition, 520 cyanophycin polar bodies, 503 Hydrogen atom transfer (HAT), 270
human activities, 520e522 Heterotrophic cultivation, 484 Hydrogen-catalyzing enzymes,
human population and problems Heterotrophic production system, 62. 386e387
in marine ecosystems, 521f See also Autotrophic production hydrogenases, 387e388
seabed, 520 system; Mixotrophic nitrogenases, 388
transmission of contaminants, production system Hydrogenases, 386e387. See also
521f HF. See Heart failure Nitrogenases
harmful properties, 519e520 High rate algal pond (HRAP), 47e48, enzymes in microalgae, 387f
marine algae, 518 441, 446 [FeFe] hydrogenases, 387
possible solutions to controlling, design and operation parameters, [NiFe] hydrogenases, 388
522e523 448t 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA),
Harmful cyanobacteria blooms, design guidelines, 446e448 301e302
518e519 primary-settled domestic
eutrophication, 519 wastewater treatment in, 442b I
“microalgal” group, 519 High rate algal pond cultivation IA. See Index of atherogenicity
Harvesting techniques, 63e64 system (HIRAP cultivation IL. See Interleukins
HAT. See Hydrogen atom transfer system), 33e34 Immobilization techniques, 383e384

Immobilized systems, 485 iTRAQ. See isobaric tagging for Linablue, 312
In silico analyses relative and absolute Linear driving force model
current status, 363 quantification (LDF model), 318
AlgaGEM, 364 Linoleic acid (LA), 260, 300
phenotypes of microalgae, J Lipid radical (L*), 269
364e365 Japanese Ministry of International Lipid(s), 261e263
Synechocystis sp. PCC6803, 363 Trade and Industry (MITI), metabolism, 355e356
metabolic reconstruction and 135e136 de novo fatty acid synthesis, 357
simulation, 362e363, 362t K glycerolipids biosynthesis in
In situ bioassays, 543 Karatungiol A, 532e533 cyanobacteria, 356f
Inclined cascade, 173e174 physiological effects, 533 GrnP pathway, 356e357
Index of atherogenicity (IA), oxidation, 83, 269e270
structure, 533f
227e228 Karlotoxins (KmTxs), 532e533 production, 151
Index of thrombogenicity (IT), Ketoacyl-ACP synthase (KAS III), 435 algal production optimization,
227e228 152e154
Indirect biophotolysis, 389 L pathway, 152
two-stage hydrogen production, L-ascorbic acid, 272 profile, 152
389e390 L/D cycles. See Light and dark cycles total lipid content and microalgae
amino acid sequences, 390 LA. See Linoleic acid fatty acids profile, 153t
process-related problems, 390 Labyrinthulomycetes, 33 Lipids stability
Indomethacin. See Water-insoluble Langmuir model, 464, 464t in extracted microalgal oil, 86
drug Laura Broth (LB), 431e432 lipid oxidation, 83
Inflammation, 224e226 LB. See Laura Broth during microalgal biomass and oil
Inflammatory disease, 224e226 LC, GC. See Liquid and gas storage, 82
Initiation reaction, 269 chromatography during microalgal biomass dry
Integrated “Omics”-solutions, LCA. See Lifecycle assessment storage, 85
374e375, 375f LCPUFAs. See Long-chain lipolysis, 85e86
biological and optical data, 376 polyunsaturated fatty acids oxidation, 86
cellular molecules, 375e376 LDF model. See Linear driving force during microalgal biomass wet
IntelliGeneÔ CyanoCHIP, 359 model storage
Interleukins (IL), 224e226 LDL. See Low-density lipoprotein lipolysis, 83e84
Intron-sizing method, 559e560, Leptolyngbya boryanum (L. boryanum), oxidation, 84e85
564e565 504 peroxide value, 87f
Inventory analysis, 495e496 Leukotriene B4 (LTB4), 224e226 Lipolysis, 83e86
Ion exchange, 460 LHC. See Light-harvesting antenna Lipoxygenase (LOX), 82e83
isobaric tagging for relative and complexes Liquefaction process, 151
absolute quantification LHCII. See Light-harvesting complex Liquid and gas chromatography
(iTRAQ), 360 II (LC, GC), 45e46
Isochrysis (PrymnesiophyceaeC), Lifecycle assessment (LCA), 483e484, Livestock feed, 16
36e37 495e496 Long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated
Isochrysis aff. galbana (T-ISO strain), Light fatty acids (u-3 LC-PUFA),
31e32, 36e37 energy, 353e354 81e82
Isolation techniques, 43e44, 55e56 harvesting machinery, 129 Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty
automated techniques, 51e52 intensity and quality, 49 acids (LCPUFAs), 261e262,
density centrifugation, 45 supply, 61e62 406
enrichment media, 45 utilization, 179 Low-density lipoprotein (LDL), 224,
micromanipulation, 51 antenna size truncation, 179 260e261, 305
sampling, 44 PBR design, 179e180 LOX. See Lipoxygenase
serial dilution, 44 Light and dark cycles (L/D cycles), 49 LTB4. See Leukotriene B4
single cells isolation, 44 Light-harvesting antenna complexes Lumostats system, 48
streak plate, 44e45 (LHC), 477 Lutein, 236
Isotherm, 460 Light-harvesting complex II (LHCII), Lyngbya majuscula (L. majuscula),
IT. See Index of thrombogenicity 385 523
M cosmeceuticals, 3e4 biomass saccharification, 200e202
M-SAA. See Mammary-associated food commodities from, 3f bioethanol yield from microalgae
serum amyloid A protein isolation and culture, 1e2 biomass, 203t
MAA. See Mycosporine-like amino pharmaceuticals, 4e5 chemical method, 202
acid wastewater treatment, 6 enzymatic method, 202e204
Macrophage inflammatory protein 1 Mass balance equation, 57e58 mechanical and alternative
alpha (MIP-1a), 224e226 Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ pretreatments, 204
Magnesium, 56e57 ionization time-of-flight mass cell structure, 14e15
Maitotoxins, 554 spectrometry (MALDI-TOF components, 82
Major lipid droplet protein (MDLP), MS), 359e360 cosmeceutical value, 310
477 MCAN. See Microbial Commercial commercialized cosmetics,
MALDI-TOF MS. See Matrix-assisted Activity Notice 310e312
laser desorption/ionization MCP-1. See Monocyte chemotactic cosmeceuticals, 310e312
time-of-flight mass protein 1 cultivation, 149, 234
spectrometry MDLP. See Major lipid droplet systems, 485e487, 487f
Malonyl CoA-acyl carrier protein protein culture media, 57
(Malonyl CoA-ACP), 430e431 Mediterranean region, 13 culture system development, 71
Malonyl-CoA, 433e435 Mental health, 226e227 with open pond system, 73
Maltodextrin, 202e203 Mesokaryotes, 11 photobioreactors, 72e73
Mammary-associated amyloid, 295 Metabolic engineering, 385e386 culture techniques for, 46
Mammary-associated serum amyloid Metabolic flux analysis, 342 algal growth kinetics, 57e58
A protein (M-SAA), 288 Metabolic networks, 353 algal growth measurement,
Marine algae, 371, 518 Metabolomics, 361 57e58
bioenergy production in, 374f Methane gas production, 145 algal nutrition, 56e57
commercial potential, 371 MGDG. See Monogalactosyl- cultivation system for microalgae,
genetic engineering, 372 diacylglycerol 47e48, 48f
integrated “Omics”-solutions for MI. See Myocardial infarction microalgae culture media, 57
pathway engineering, 374e375, Microalgae, 1, 11, 43, 81, 233, 309, 331, microalgae nutritional
375f 353, 383e384, 483, 527, 539, requirements, 46e47
biological and optical data, 376 560 microalgal growth limiting factors,
cellular molecules, 375e376 advanced isolation techniques 48e51
metabolic engineering, 376e377 automated techniques, 51e52 open vs. closed systems for
species, 295 micromanipulation, 51 microalgal production, 59t
tools and techniques for genetic advances in genetic and metabolic technological aspects, 58e60
engineering in, 372 engineering, 477 food chain in aquatic ecosystem,
bioprospecting of microalgae, algal growth measurement, 46 233e234
372e373 antioxidant protection, 88 genetic modification potential, 18
engineered microalgal mutants, BF production, 282 to enhancing carbohydrate and
373 antibodies, 282e288 protein storage, 19
miniaturization of breeding C. reinhardtii, 288 to enhancing lipid storage,
systems, 373 D. salina, 293e294 19e20
photobioreactors, 373 genetically engineered microalgae to improving photosynthetic
reverse genetics approaches, clones development, 283f efficiency, 20
373e374 H. pluvialis, 294 harvesting, 451
Marine microalgae, 1, 227e228 Nannochloropsis spp., 295 high value-added biomolecules in,
applications, 2 P. tricornutum, 288e293 406
animal feed, 2 recombinant proteins, 288 biorefinery, 407e408, 408f
fatty acids, 2 recombinant vaccines, carotenoid metabolism, 407
nutraceuticals, 2e3 285te287t carotenoids, 406
average nutritional composition, 4t bioethanol from, 474e475 lifestyle-related diseases,
biofuels, 4e5 and biofuels, 160 406e407
blue-green alga identical as biomass, 145 microalgal proteins, 408
species, 5f biomass, 221e222 polysaccharides, 407

Microalgae (Continued) constraints, 117e118 mass production experiments,

hydrogen photoproduction, 475e476 feed ingredients and microalgae 130e131
industrial/commercial relevance, species, 108t microalgae large-scale production,
409e411 fish meal, 93 130
isolation and culture development, fisheries, 93 microalgae blooms, 127
43 in formulated feed for microalgal biofuel research
isolation techniques, 43e44, 55e56 aquaculture, 99e113 global projects, 135e137
lipids stability during microalgal nutritional features, 96e99 time travel for genetic evolution,
biomass and oil storage, 82e86 unconventional feed ingredients, 134e135
mass production 94 Microalgae-based wastewater
algal principles, 60e61 protein content, 209e210 treatment, 439
algal production system, 61e63 purification techniques, 43e44 energy recovery and carbon
biofuel production integration, 61f density centrifugation, 45 sequestration, 446
drying techniques, 64 enrichment media, 45 environmental impact
harvesting techniques, 63e64 sampling, 44 climate change, 451
microalgal diversity, 12e13 serial dilution, 44 energy use, 451
geographical diversity, 13 single cells isolation, 44 land use, 451
in terrestrial green microalgae, streak plate, 44e45 water footprint, 451e452
13e14 ROS, 270e277 implementation, 452
nutritional requirements, 46e47 screening, 45e46, 55e56 microalgae harvesting, 451
phylogenic scheme, 12f sediment toxicity testing on, pollutant removal mechanisms,
pigments, 234e237 540 441e446
biological activities and health artificial sediments, 541 pollutants, 440t
benefit effects, 237e239 benthic microalgae, 540e541 process design and operation, 446
new trends in commercial silent features, 405 BPBRs, 448e450
applications of, 239e240 stability during storage, 88 suspended growth systems,
potential application, 313t strain selection, 45e46 446e448
potential of microalgal antioxidants and screening criteria, 45e46 Microalgae-derived skin care
current knowledge and under stress conditions, 406 products, 3e4
applications, 277 techno-economic impact and Microalgae-derived toxic
future perspectives, 278 commercialization potential, 21 compounds, 528
as potential source for fuels and toxicity bioassays on, 539e540 CTXs, 531
chemicals, 15e16 batch cultures, 540 hazard of ciguatera, 531e532
biofuels products from algae, substances and effluents, 540 neurological symptoms, 532
17e18 transesterification and biodiesel structure, 531f
dietary and pharmaceutical production, 473e474 DA, 530
source, 16 valuable sources, 312 functions, 530e531
livestock feed, 16 carotenoids, 314 low levels, 531
producing carbohydrates, 209 MAAs, 312e314 structure, 530f
products storage mechanism polysaccharides and DTX, 529
and genetic modification phycoerythrin, 314 chemical structure, 529f
potential, 18 Squalene, 314 DTX-1, 529e530
to enhancing carbohydrate and Microalgae evolution DTX-2, 530
protein storage, 19 algal biofuel economy, 137e138 OA and, 529
to enhancing lipid storage, 19e20 discoveries in photosynthesis, gambieric acids, 532, 532f
to improving photosynthetic 128e129 Karatungiol A, 532e533
efficiency, 20 food source, 127e128 physiological effects, 533
protein application to fuel, 129e130 structure, 533f
advantages, 116e117 biodiesel, 131e132 OA, 528
alternatives to fresh microalgae, bioethanol, 132 chemical structure, 529f
113e116 biogas, 132e133 intoxication, 528e529
in aquaculture, 94e96 biohydrogen, 133 microalgae, 528
chemical composition, 95t closed photobioreactor, 130 studies, 528
Microalgal biofuel research primary endosymbiosis, 28 nutraceutical benefits, 256
global projects, 135 secondary endosymbiosis, 28 astaxanthin, 258e259
ASP, 135 genetic data, 26 beta-carotene, 257e258
BioMARA project, 136 green freshwater microalgae chlorella, 260e261
Carbon Trust, 136 micrographs, 34f lipids, 261e263
OMEGA, 136e137 human social organization, 25 omega fatty acids, 261e263
RITE, 135e136 labyrinthulomycetes morphological spirulina, 259e260
time travel for genetic evolution, and biochemical characteristics, nutraceuticals, 256, 264f
134e135 31t uses and applications, 257f
Microalgal biohydrogen production, phyla/class characteristics of Microalgal PUFA production
161, 162te169t Chlorophyta, 29e30 closed systems for, 221f
culture parameters, 172 Dinophyta, 33 detection and quantification expedite
enzymes in, 172e173 Haptophyta, 31e32 methods, 223
hydrogen, 161 Rhodophyta, 30 extraction from microalgae,
integrated biohydrogen process, Stramenopiles, 32e33 223e224
170te171t Microalgal culture system, 173 microalgae cultivation and,
photosynthesis, 161 closed system, 174e177 216e221
Microalgal biomass, 60e61 open system, 173e174, 174f modulation of PUFA content,
Microalgal biotechnology, 69 Microalgal feedstock-based biodiesel 221e222
animal feed, 71 production, 76 small-scale raceway for, 220f
bioactive molecules, 71 algal strains selection and genetic Microalgal strains
biodiesel feedstock, 69e70 engineering, 76 in aquaculture hatcheries, 100e101,
biological carbon dioxide fatty acid 102t
sequestration, 70e71 composition optimization, oil contents of, 104te105t, 107t
biological limitations, 73 76e77 Microalgal transformation
photobioreactor, 75 secretion, 77 technology. See also
photosynthetic efficiency, 74 Microalgal genomes, sequencing and Therapeutic protein
protective mechanism, 74 functional annotation of, production
CO2 fixation ability and biomass 340e341 Agrobacterium tumefaciens-
productivity of, 72t Microalgal growth limiting factors, mediated transformation, 422
culture system development, 71e73 48e49 developments in, 417
human food, 71 contamination, 51 promoters, 417e418, 419t
microalgal feedstock-based biodiesel gas exchange, 50e51 reporter genes, 419e420, 420t
production, 76e77 light intensity and quality, 49 selectable marker genes, 417
photosynthetic productivity in media pH, 50 methods, 420e421
microalgal mass culture, 73 mixing/turbulence, 50 cell wall-deficient strains, 421
pigments, 71 photoperiod, 49 electroporation, 422
solar irradiance, 75e76 salinity, 50 glass beads method, 421
Microalgal carbon dioxide fixation, temperature, 49e50 particle bombardment, 421
488e489 Microalgal mass culture, silicon carbide whisker method,
mechanisms and key parameters, photosynthetic productivity 421e422
489 in, 73 Microbial Commercial Activity
Microalgal classification Microalgal metabolism, 388e389 Notice (MCAN), 346
algae phyla distribution as kingdom hydrogen-catalyzing enzymes in, Micromanipulation, 51
classification, 27t 386e387 Microphytobenthos, 539
biotechnological applications hydrogenases, 387e388 Microprecipitation, 461
bioenergy, 35e37 nitrogenases, 388 Migratory predatory fish species, 557
bioproducts, 35e37, 36t Microalgal nutraceuticals “Milking the algae” method, 21
waste waters bioremediation, aquaculture, 263e264 MIP-1a. See Macrophage
33e34 fatty acids from microalgae, inflammatory protein 1 alpha
diversity origin, 27e28 264t MITI. See Japanese Ministry of
phylum Dinoflagellata, 29 marine and freshwater ingredients, International Trade and
plastid-bearing members, 28f 255 Industry

Mitochondria, 15 Mycosporine-like amino acid (MAA), NIR spectroscopy. See Near infrared
Mixotrophic production system, 312e314 spectroscopy
62e63. See also Autotrophic Myocardial infarction (MI), 224 Nitrogen (N), 56e57, 501
production system; Nitrogen fixation
Heterotrophic production N heterocystous cyanobacteria, 502
system n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids aerobic N2-fixation, 502e503
MLS. See Multilayered structure (n-3 PUFA), 224 cyanophycin polar bodies, 503
MoFe nitrogenases, 388 biosynthetic pathway, 225f Nif genes, 505
Molecular approach, 178e179 health benefits, 224 N2-fixing cyanobacterial diversity,
Molecular genetics exploitation, 331. behavioral disorders, 226e227 506
See also Microalgae brain development and function, PCR primers, 505t
advances in molecular tools for 226 phylogenetic studies, 505e506
chloroplast and nuclear gene CVD, 224 nonheterocystous cyanobacteria,
expression, 332e334 inflammatory disease, 224e226 503
computational tools, 341e342 mental health, 226e227 L. boryanum, 504
genetic engineering of microalgae, N2-fixing cyanobacteria unicellular and filamentous
337e340 biotechnological applications species, 504
sequencing and functional bioproducts and bioenergy, 511, physiology and genetics, 501e502
annotation of microalgal 512te513t Nitrogenases, 388
genomes, 340e341 wastewaters bioremediation, nitrogenase 1, 501
transgene expression and 509e511, 510t nitrogenase-catalyzed biohydrogen
recombinant protein yield, classification, 502t production, 388
334e337 in environment NMR. See Nuclear magnetic
companies and academic algae freshwaters, 507 resonance
programs, 333t soils and agroecosystems, 506e507 Noncyclic phosphorylation, 354e355
implications for regulatory control Trichodesmium, 507e509 Nonessential amino acids (NEAA),
over GM algae, 345e347 in heterocysts and carbon-nitrogen 106e107
metabolic engineering application, exchanges, 503f Nonheterocystous cyanobacteria,
342, 343t planktonic N2-fixing cyanobacteria 503. See also Heterocystous
biocontainment, 344e345 in temperate freshwaters, 504f cyanobacteria
trait discovery campaigns, NADPH. See Nicotinamide adenine L. boryanum, 504
343e344 dinucleotide phosphate unicellular and filamentous species,
Monocyte chemotactic protein 1 Nannochloropsis spp., 37, 154, 295 504
(MCP-1), 224e226 National Renewable Energy Nonprotein nitrogen, 108
Monogalactosyldiacylglycerol Laboratory (NREL), 145 Nonredundant database
(MGDG), 83e84, 355e356 NATO. See North American Treaty (NR database), 433
Monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA), Organization North American Treaty Organization
210e216 NEAA. See Nonessential amino acids (NATO), 227
Motile cells, 560 Near infrared spectroscopy (NIR NR database. See Nonredundant
MUFA. See Monounsaturated fatty spectroscopy), 45e46 database
acid Net energy ratio (NER), 496 NREL. See National Renewable
Multi-omics data, 357 Next generation sequencing Energy Laboratory
genomics, 357e359, 358t (NGS), 357e359 Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR),
metabolomics, 361 Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide 45e46, 250
proteomics, 359e361 phosphate (NADPH), Nutraceuticals, 2e3, 255e256
transcriptomics, 359 354e355 Nutrients, 471e472
Multicomponent antioxidant system, Nif genes, 505 Nutritional enhancement,
98 N2-fixing cyanobacterial diversity, supplement for
Multilayered structure (MLS), 506 lipids, 104e106
29e30 PCR primers, 505t minerals, 102e103
Municipal wastewater effluents, phylogenetic studies, 505e506 pigments, 101e102
471e472 [NiFe] hydrogenases, 388 taurine, 103e104
Mutual shading, 50 nifH genes, 505e506 vitamins, 102e103
Nutritional features of microalgae, 96 P Photobiological hydrogen
algal polysaccharides, 97 Palmitoyl thioesterase, 436 production, 133
biochemical composition, 96 PAR. See Photosynthetically active Photobioreactor (PBR), 21, 48, 149,
cholesterol, 99 radiation 174, 221, 485, 489
high protein content, 97 Paracel transcript assembler (PTA), closed cultivation systems as,
improving larvae production, 98 432e433 59e60
marine environments, 99 Parkinson’s disease (PD), 226 configurations, 60f
microalgal biomass, 98 Pathogen removal, 444e445 design, 75e76, 179e180
synthetic colors used in food Pavlova (PavlovophyceaeC), 36e37 fermenter-type, 176e177, 177f
industry, 98e99 Pavlova lutheri (P. lutheri), 409 in-house designed tubular, 320f
PBR. See Photobioreactor panel type, 175f
O PC. See Phycocyanin photosynthetic culture, 75
OA. See Okadaic acid solar stage, 174e175
PCR. See Polymerase chain reaction
OCD. See Optimal cell density system, 2
PD. See Parkinson’s disease
OEC. See Oxygen evolving complex tubular, 176, 176f
PDS. See Phytoene desaturase
Offshore Membrane Enclosures for uses, 72e73
PE. See Photosynthetic efficiency
Growing Algae (OMEGA), Photoperiod, 49
PEG. See Polyethylene glycol
136e137 Photophosphorylation, 354e355
PER. See Protein efficiency ratio
6-OHDA. See 6-hydroxydopamine Photorespiration, 161
PG. See Phosphatidylglycerol
Okadaic acid (OA), 519e520, 528 Photosynthesis, 70e71, 354e355,
3-PGA. See 3-phosphoglyceric acid
chemical structure, 529f 388e389
PGAL. See Glyceraldehyde-3-
intoxication, 528e529 ATP synthesis, 355
microalgae, 528 biosynthetic process, 355
PGE2. See Prostaglandin E2
OMEGA. See Offshore Membrane hydrogenase in thylakoid membrane
PHA. See Polyhydroxyalkanoate
Enclosures for Growing Algae functions, 355
Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Omega fatty acids, 261e263 light-dependent, 354f
(P. tricornutum), 288
u-3 LC-PUFA. See Long-chain as microalgal metabolism for biofuel
antibodies in microalgae species,
omega-3 polyunsaturated development, 128e129
fatty acids organic energy molecules, 355
BF, 291te292t
Omega-3 fatty acids, 16 Photosynthetic
production, 288e293
Open bioreactors, 58 mechanism, 15
modification in expression system,
Open cultivation method, 2 oxygenation, 441, 446e448
Open ponds, 73, 149, 485 productivity in microalgal mass
reporter/marker genes, 291te292t
Open raceway ponds, 47e48 culture, 73
Pharmaceutical drugs, microalgae as
Open reading frame (ORF), 337, 435 Photosynthetic efficiency (PE),
sources of, 227e228
Open system, 173e174, 174f 20, 441
Pharmaceuticals, 4e5
Optimal cell density (OCD), 75 Photosynthetically active radiation
Phenolics, 276
ORF. See Open reading frame (PAR), 74e75
radical scavenging scheme,
Organic matter, 446e448 Photosynthetically associated genes
Organic pollutant removal, 441e443 (PsbA), 334
Phosphatidic acid, 356e357
Original blue nutraceutical, 259e260 Photosystem I (PSI), 161
Phosphatidylglycerol (PG), 355e356
Oxidation Photosystem II (PSII), 161, 383e384
3-phosphoglyceric acid (3-PGA), 15,
in fresh wet microalgal paste, Phycobilin, 259e260
84e85 Phycobiliproteins, 237, 312
Phospholipases, 83
of lipids, 82e83, 86 Phycocyanin (PC), 71, 240, 259e260
Phosphorus, 56e57
Oxidative stability of food systems Phycoerythrin, 314
Photobiohydrogen production, 385.
commercial antioxidants, 270 Phycoremediation-coupled
See also Biohydrogen
lipid oxidation, 269e270 biomethane production, 494f
Oxidative stress, 276e277 Phylum Dinoflagellata, 29
hydrogen in anaerobic dark
Oxygen, sensitivity to, 177e178 Physical biosorption, 460
conditions, 385
molecular approach, 178e179 Physical quenching, 274e275
microalgae and cyanobacteria,
two-stage approach, 178 Phytoene desaturase (PDS), 339
Oxygen evolving complex (OEC), Phytomer, 310
PQ pool, 385

Pigments from microalgae, 71, n-3 PUFA health benefits, 224e227 Pseudo-second order kinetic model,
101e102, 234, 235t, 309 of u3 and u6 families, 70 465e466
biological activities and health in Spirulina, 300 PSI. See Photosystem I
benefit effects, 237e239 Pond cultivation system, 47e48 PTA. See Paracel transcript assembler
carotenoids, 234e236 Porphyridium spp., 312, 314 PUFA. See Polyunsaturated fatty
chlorophyll, 236e237 Potassium, 56e57 acids
distribution, biological activities, and Potential bioaccumulation routes, Purification techniques, 43e44.
applications, 238f 554e555 See also Isolation techniques
phycobiliproteins, 237 PP. See Protein phosphatase Pyrolysis, 146e147
trends in commercial applications, PPO. See Protoporphyrinogen fast pyrolysis principles, 147, 148f
239e240 oxidase
Plasmodesmata, 14 PredAlgo, 341e342 R
Plastid, 26 Primary endosymbiosis, 28 R-PC. See R-phycocyanin
Plastoquinone, 355 Process factors, 461 R-phycocyanin (R-PC), 303
Plectonema boryanum (P. boryanum). Products storage mechanism, RABR. See Rotating algal biofilm
See Leptolyngbya boryanum 18e20 reactor
(L. boryanum) Promoters, 417e418, 419t Raceway ponds. See High rate algal
Pollutant removal mechanisms, 441, Propagation reaction, 269 pond (HRAP)
441t Prorocentrum species, 551 Randomized controlled trial (RCT),
heavy metal removal, 445e446 Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), 224e226 226
heterotrophic growth, 441 Protein efficiency ratio (PER), 112 RBAP. See Rotating biological
nitrogen and phosphorus removal, Protein phosphatase (PP), 529e530 algal-bacterial photobioreactor
443 Protein source, 106 RbcS2. See Ribulose bisphosphate
abiotic nutrient removal, 443e444 amino acid profile, 109t carboxylase/oxygenase small
assimilatory nutrient removal, 443 aquaculture and agriculture, 107 subunit
dissimilatory nutrient removal, Atlantic salmon, 112 RCT. See Randomized controlled trial
444 bivalve mollusks, 111e112 Reactive oxygen species (ROS), 237,
organic pollutant removal, 441e443 common carp, 112e113 270
passive and active mechanisms, 445f compositions of feed and feed/gain cellular pathways, 271f
pathogen removal, 444e445 ratio, 107, 107t detoxification in microalgae, 272
photosynthetic oxygenation digestibility measurements, 109 antioxidants, 277
principle, 443f echinoderms, 112 enzymatic antioxidant protection,
Polyethylene glycol (PEG), 421 fish meal, 107e108, 110 272
Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA), 407 fish oil, 110 nonenzymatic antioxidant
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), gastropod mollusks, 112 protection, 272e277
505e506, 505t nonprotein nitrogen, 108 formation sites, 270e272
Polyphenols, 275e276 short-term studies, 110 generation by energy transfer
Polysaccharides, 314 shrimp, 113 production, 271f
Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), zooplankton, 110e111 Recombinant DNA, 281
2e3, 37, 209e210, 263e264, Protein storage, microalgae genetic Recombinant proteins, 288,
310, 312. See also Microalgal engineering, 19 331e332
PUFA production Protein synthesis, 19 Red nutraceutical, 258e259
in animal nutrition, 96 Proteomics, 359e360 Red-tide toxins. See Algal toxins
for aquatic animals and humans, microalgae, 360e361 Reporter genes, 419e420, 420t
151e152 Synechocystis sp. PCC6803, 360 Research Institute of Innovative
biological role, 262e263 Protists, 25e26 Technology for Earth (RITE),
microalgae Protoporphyrinogen oxidase (PPO), 135e136
FA profile, 210e216, 211te215t 339 Response surface analysis
as functional foods and sources of PsbA. See Photosynthetically ANOVA, 327t
pharmaceutical drugs, 227e228 associated genes CCD matrix, 326t
n-3 PUFA in, 216 Pseudo-first order kinetic model, 465 of microalgae, 324e328
n-3 and n-6 PUFA biosynthetic “Pseudo-green water” rearing predicted vs. actual yields of
pathway, 225f technique, 100 microalgae oil extraction,
Response surface methodology SCFE. See Supercritical fluid SMP. See Stoichiometric methane
(RSM), 320 extraction potential
experimental designs for, 321e323, Scottish Association for Marine Sodium channels, 552e553
323t Science (SAMS), 136 Soils, 506e507
Rhodella reticulate (R. reticulata), 30 SCP2. See Sterol carrier protein 2 Solar irradiance, 75e76
Ribulose 1, 5-bisphosphate Screening, 55e56, 63 Solid-fluid binary system,
carboxylase (RuBisCO), SDA. See Stearidonic acid 323e324
29e30, 502e503 SDR. See Short chain dehydrogenase/ Solution pH, 461e462
Ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/ reductase Soxhlet solvent extractions, 320
oxygenase small subunit SE. See Steryl ester Soybean Kunitz trypsin inhibitor
(RbcS2), 417e418 Se-PC. See Selenium-containing (SKTI), 288, 294
Ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate (RuBP), phycocyanin Spirulina, 259e260, 299
15, 74 Sea surface temperatures (SST), 557 biochemical composition, 300
RITE. See Research Institute of Seabed, 520 natural habitat and source,
Innovative Technology for Secondary endosymbiosis, 28 299e300
Earth Sedoheptulose-1, 7-bisphosphatase pharmaceutical properties, 301
RNA interference (RNAi), 376e377 (SBPase), 74 anti-allergic activities, 303
RNA isolation, 431 Sedoheptulose-1, 7-bisphosphate anti-cancer activities, 303e304
RNAi. See RNA interference (SBP), 74 anti-diabetes and anti-obesity
ROS. See Reactive oxygen species Selectable marker genes, 417 activities, 305
Rotating algal biofilm reactor homologous and heterologous anti-inflammatory activities,
(RABR), 485e487 chloroplast transformation of 302e303
Rotating biological algal-bacterial microalgae, 419t anti-oxidant activities, 301e302
photobioreactor (RBAP), 450, nuclear transformation of anti-viral and anti-bacterial
450f microalgae, 418t activities, 304e305
RSM. See Response surface Selectable markers, 339e340 biological activities, 305
methodology Selenium-containing phycocyanin safety assurance, 301
RuBisCO. See Ribulose 1, 5-bisphos- (Se-PC), 304 use as human food, 300e301
phate carboxylase SEM. See Scanning electron Spirulina maxima (S. maxima), 300e301
RuBP. See Ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate microscopy Spray drying, 64
Separate hydrolysis and fermentation SQDG. See
S (SHF), 205 Sulfoquinovosyldiacylglycerol
S/V. See Surface-to-volume ratio Serial dilution, 44 Squalene, 314
Salinity, 50 protocol, 55 SSF. See Simultaneous
Sampling, 44 SET. See Single electron transfer saccharification and
SAMS. See Scottish Association for SFA. See Saturated fatty acid fermentation
Marine Science Shellfish, 527 SST. See Sea surface temperatures
Sanger sequencing, 432 SHF. See Separate hydrolysis and Stearidonic acid (SDA), 300
SAR. See Stramenopiles, Alveolata fermentation Sterol carrier protein 2 (SCP2),
and Rhizaria Short chain dehydrogenase/ 436
Saturated fatty acid (SFA), 210e216 reductase (SDR), 435e436 Sterol carrier protein-x (SCP-x),
Saxitoxins, 519e520 Shrimp, 113 435
SB16C12 clone, 435e436 Shrinking core model, 318e320 Steryl ester (SE), 151e152
SB1H07 clone, 433e435 Silaffins, 245 Stichococcus bacillaris strain siva2011,
SBP. See Sedoheptulose-1, 7- Silica, 245, 248 429e430
bisphosphate Silica-based morphologies, cDNA library establishment
SBPase. See Sedoheptulose-1, 7- 250 full-length, 431e432
bisphosphatase Simultaneous saccharification and putative fatty acid genes
SC-CO2. See Supercritical carbon fermentation (SSF), 205e206 representation in, 434t
dioxide Single cells isolation, 44 RNA isolation, 431
Scale-up, 180e183 Single electron transfer (SET), 270 Sanger sequencing, 432
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), SKTI. See Soybean Kunitz trypsin sequence assembly and analysis,
248, 324 inhibitor 432e433
SCD. See Sudden cardiac death

Stichococcus bacillaris strain siva2011 kinetic models, 319te320t Therapeutic protein production
(Continued) LDF model, 318 advantages, 416e417
ESTs analysis of fatty acid pathway materials and methods, 320 expression systems in, 415
genes in, 433 RSM, 320 eukaryotic microalgae, 416
b-Ketoacyl-ACP reductase, shrinking core model, 318e320 plants, 416
435e436 Supercritical fluid technology, 204 unicellular eukaryotes,
ACCase, 433e435 Superoxide, 270e272 415e416
ACP, 435 dismutase, 272 recombinant protein expression
fatty acid binding protein, 436 Surface-to-volume ratio (S/V), 137 systems, 417t
Ketoacyl-ACP synthase, 435 Suspended growth systems, 447f Thermochemical liquefaction,
palmitoyl thioesterase, 436 enclosed suspended growth 152
fatty acid, TAG, and hydrocarbon photobioreactors, 448 Thermochemical process, 6
biosynthesis, 430e431 HRAPs, 446 Thin layer cascade, 173e174
gas chromatography mass design guidelines, 446e448 Thin-layer chromatography (TLC),
spectrometry profile, 430f key design and operation 45e46, 223
Stoichiometric methane potential parameters of, 448t Thioesterases (TEs), 77
(SMP), 492 Synechocystis sp. PCC6803, 353 C-labeled organic substrates,
Strain improvement, 134 Systems biology, industrial 342
Strain selection, 55e56 applications of, 365 Titanium chloride (TiCl4), 248
Stramenopiles metabolic reconstruction, 366 Titanium oxide (TiO2), 248
Bacillariophyceae, 32e33 microalgal in silico models, 366 TLC. See Thin-layer chromatography
Eustigmatophyceae, 32 photosynthetic carbon flux, TMP. See Theoretical biomethane
Labyrinthulomycetes, 33 365e366, 365f potential
Stramenopiles, Alveolata and TNF-a. See Tumor necrosis factor-a
Rhizaria (SAR), 28e29, 28f T Tocopherols, 273, 273f
Streak plate, 44e45 t-butyl hydroquinone (TBHQ), Tocotrienols, 273, 273f
Streaking, 55 270 Tolerable daily intake (TDI), 531
Sudden cardiac death (SCD), 224 Tabulation, 548e549 Total dissolved P pool (TDP), 509
Sulfoquinovosyldiacylglycerol TAG. See Triacylglycerol Total soluble protein (TSP), 334
(SQDG), 355e356 TAGs. See Triglycerides Toxic Substances Control Act
Sulfur, 56e57 TBHQ. See t-butyl hydroquinone (TSCA), 346
Sun-drying, 64 TDI. See Tolerable daily intake Toxins, 527, 529, 531
Supercritical carbon dioxide TDP. See Total dissolved P pool TPBR. See Tubular photobioreactors
(SC-CO2), 317e318 Techno-economic impact, 21 TRAIL. See Tumor necrosis factor-
Supercritical fluid extraction (SCFE), temperate distributions, 550e551 related apoptosis-inducing
317e318 potential distribution hot spots, ligand
C. vulgaris, 320e321 551 Transcriptomics, 359
of microalgae, 323e324 toxins, 551 Transesterification, 473e474, 475f
oil yield comparisons, 317t Temperature role in microalgae, Transformation vectors, 339e340
process flow diagram, 322f 49e50, 76e77 “Transgenic” strains. See “Wonder”
response surface analysis TERA. See TSCA Environmental strains
ANOVA, 327t Release Application Triacylglycerol (TAG), 70, 228, 357,
CCD matrix, 326t Termination reaction, 269 429e431
of microalgae (C. vulgaris), Terrestrial green microalgae, Trichodesmium, 507e508
324e328 diversity in, 13e14 blooms, 508, 508f
predicted vs. actual yields of TEs. See Thioesterases diel verticalmigration, 508e509
microalgae oil extraction, 328f Tetraselmis suecica (T. suecica), dissolved inorganic P, 509
theoretical models, 318 273 nifH gene sequences, 508
broken plus intact cells and TG. See Triacylglycerol (TAG) Triglycerides (TAGs), 151e152
shrinking core combined model, Thalassiosira pseudonana (T. pseudo- Tripeptide (Glu-Cys-Gly), 272e273
320 nana), 246e247 Trophic transfer, 548, 551, 554e555
broken plus intact cells model, Theoretical biomethane potential Tropical reef fish poisoning.
320 (TMP), 492 See Ciguatera
TSCA. See Toxic Substances University of CaliforniaeSan Diego Wastewater treatment (WWT), 6,
Control Act (UCSD), 346e347 61e62, 439
TSCA Environmental Release University of Texas (UTEX), 564e565 Water
Application (TERA), 346 Untranslated region (UTR), 334 activity, 85
TSP. See Total soluble protein US. Department of Agriculture’s footprint, 451e452
Tubular photobioreactors Animal and Plant Health water-insoluble drug, 251
(TPBR), 448 Inspection Service (USDA water-soluble drug, 251
design and operation parameters, APHIS), 346 Wax ester (WE), 151e152
448t UTEX. See University of Texas Wet microalgae, 321f
Tumor necrosis factor-related UTR. See Untranslated region Wet storage, 83
apoptosis-inducing ligand UV. See Ultraviolet antioxidant protection and
(TRAIL), 288 stability, 88
Tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a), V lipids stability during microalgal
224e226 Vacuole, 15 biomass
Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis Vitamin C, 272e273 lipolysis, 83e84
(2DE), 359e360 oxidation, 84e85
Two-stage approach, 178 Waste gases, 490 White spot syndrome virus
(WSSV), 282
U Wastewater, 471e472, 484
VP28 from, 294
U.S. Food and Drug Administration algal cells, 484f
biomass production potential in, “Wonder” strains, 376e377
(FDA), 256, 346 World Health Organization (WHO),
UAE method. See Ultrasonic-assisted 487e488
bioremediation, 33e34, 475e476, 209e210
extraction method WSSV. See White spot syndrome
UCSD. See University of 509e511, 510t
microalgae cultivation systems, virus
CaliforniaeSan Diego WWT. See Wastewater treatment
uidA gene, 419e420 485e487
Ultrasonic-assisted extraction minimal nutritional requirements, X
method (UAE method), 204 484e485 Xylanase (xyl1), 337
Ultrasound, 204 nutrient availability and types of
Ultraviolet (UV), 3e4 potential, 485 Z
damage, 508 treatment and algal biomass Zooplankton, 110e111
production, 486t

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