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Pie Charts


Caselet 1:

Against Australia, Yuvraj played ODIs and Gambhir played 11 Tests. So, India played at least 18 + 11 = 29
matches against Australia. Similarly, we can say that India played at least 24 + 12 = 36 matches against
England, at least 12 + 11 = 23 matches against Pakistan and at least 19 + 32 = 51 matches against the
West Indies.

Let the total number of matches played in Indian Cricket team in 2008 be x.
𝑥 𝑥 3𝑥
⟹ India played 4 matches with Australia 5 matches with South Africa, 10 matches with the West indies.

⟹ x should be multiple of 4,5,10 and 20.

⟹ x should be a multiple of 20.

As India played at least 29 matches against Australia (against whom it played 25% of all its matches in
> 29, 𝑥 ≥ 116.
𝑥 2𝑥
Similarly, ≥ 36 or x ≥ 180, ≥ 51 or, x ≥ 213.33,
5 20
𝑥 3𝑥
≥ 23 or, x ≥ 230 and 10 ≥ 51 or, x ≥ 170.

But x has to be an integral multiple of 20 and hence thee least possible value of x is 240.


a) Option b

b) Option d)
India played at least 240 x 10 = 72 matches against the West Indies in 2008, out of which Yuvraj played
32 + 19 = 51

⇒ Yuvraj definitely did not play in at least 72 – 51 = 21 matches against the West Indies in 2008.


Option c)

Since Raina played all the ODIs against England in 2008, therefore India played a total of 14 ODIs against
England in 2008. As we know that India played at least 240 x 20 = 36 matches against England that year,
it must have played at least 36 – 14 = 22. Test matches against England.

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Caselet 2:

a) Option b

b) Option c

Caselet 3:

Let the number of students who participated from East, West, North, South and Central regions be 20k,
16k, 21k, 25k and 18k respectively, where ‘k’ is a natural number.

The total number of students who participated from the five regions is equal to 100k.

⟹ (180 + 116 + 175 + 200 + 150) + 279 = 100 k

Let the number of students who participated in Swimming and Cycling from the West region be x and y
respectively, where x + y = 60.

The final table is given below.

a) The sum of the number of students who participated from the West region in Swimming and Cycling
is 60. Since 60 when divided in the ratio 3 : 5 does not give integer values, 3 : 5 is the answer.

b) The number of Swimming the number will be highest if x = 59, y = 1, and in case of Cycling the
number of students who participated in Badminton will still be the highest among the six events.

In case of swimming the number will be the highest if x = 59, y = 1, and in case of Cycling the number will
be the highest among the six events

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Caselet 4:

The given data can be tabulated as shown below.

p + q = 320 – 240 = 80

r + s = 250 – 200 = 50

t + u = 250 – 225 = 25

a) The Mean Index can be calculated for Harish (60). Karan (46) and Larry (50).

b) The HL Index of Indira was 34, it implies that 40 was her lowest score. So she must have second
between 40 and 50 in stage 1.

The maximum possible score of Indira in stage 1 was 49. Therefore, the minimum possible score of
Ajanta = 10. Hence, the minimum possible score of Ajanta in the test = 31 + 10 + 125 = 166.

c) Clearly, Harish did not score the lowest.

Let us check the minimum possible scores of the other four persons in the test.

Ajanta: 31 + 10 + 125 = 166.

Indira: 31 + 74 + 40 = 145

Karan: 70 + 46 + 10 = 126

Larry: 50 + 80 + 10 = 140

Their maximum possible scores:

Ajanta: 49 + 40 + 125 = 214

Indira: 49 + 74 + 40 = 163

Karan:70 + 46 + 15 = 131

Larry: 50 + 80 + 15 = 145

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Karan must have sored the lowest in the test as his maximum possible score was less than the minimum
possible scores of the other four persons.

Caselet 5:

As company D had the highest percentage decreases in percentage share, to calculate the least overall
increase we have to assume that D had at least the same sales in 2007 as in 2006.

If total sales volume in 2006 is 100a, and that in 2007 is 100b.

15a = 10b
𝑏 15
∴ =
𝑎 10

∴ The total sales volume in 2007 was at least 50% more than that in 2006. Choice (d)

Let the total sales volume of two-wheeler in the years 2007 and 2006 be 100k1 and 100k2 respectively.
Given that sales volume off each company increased.

⟹ 10K1> 15K2⟹ > 1.5

The sales of the five companies in the two years are as below.

We are required to find the company which definitely had the lowest absolute increase in its sales

Form the above table, it can be observed that D is the company to have the lowest increase in sales
volume. It can be verified as under.

15k1 – 20k2> 10k1 – 15k2

⟹ 5k1> 5k2⟹ k1> k2 which is true.

Similarly, the other increase can be verified to be more than that of D.
∴ x is company D. Choice (c).

Caselet 6:
For the points scored by B in the tournament to be maximum, we have to assume that in matches where
B’s share of points was higher, the team’s total points was maximum i.e. in matches the team scored
only 50 points each.

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50 points scored by B
14 12 12
= 100 x 150 + 100 x 150 + 100 x 50

= 21+ 6 + 24 + 6 = 57
The share of points A and C in the matches are
Match I – 46%
Match II – 42%
Match III – 24%
Match Iv – 34%
For the points scored by A and C together to be the least we have to assume that the team scored the
maximum (150) points in matches where the contribution of A and C
∴Points scored by A and C
46 42 24 34
= 100 x 50 + 100 x 50 + 100 x 150 + 100 x 150

= 23 + 21 + 36 + 51 = 131
Required percentage = 400 = 32.75% choice (d)

The different between the share of points of D and F (D – F) in different matches are
Match I = -2%
Match II = 6%
Match III = 12%
Match Iv = 12%
To have the maximum differences, the team’s score in matches III and IV must be 150 each and that in
matches I and II must be 50 each.
12 12 6 2
∴ The required differences = 100 x150 + 100 + 100 x 50 - 100 x 50 = 38

Caselet 7:
Given, expenditure of Pratish is more than that of Preetish but less than that of Praful. Let expenditure
of Pratish, Preetish and Praful be b,c, and d respectively.
∴ d > b > c.
Let us analyze each of the options in detail

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Option a)
Expenditure of Pratish on food is 15b
Expenditure of Preetish on food is 2c.
We cannot say whether 15b > 2c as it can be true or false.
Option b)
Combined expenditure of Pratish and Praful on food is more that of C on books.
.15b + .25d > .15c + .25c i.e…4c
⟹ 15b + 25d > 4c. Hence it is true.
Option c)
Combined expenditure of Pratish and Preetish on gadgets is 25b + 10c
Expenditure of Praful on gadgets is 3d.
We cannot say that 25b + 1c > 3d.
Option d)
Combined expenditure of Preetish and Praful on travel = 3c + 2d.
Expenditure of B on travel = 4b
We cannot say that 3c + 2d > 4b
Let the incomes of Pratik and Praful be a and d respectively.
Let their savings be x%. We know that
𝑎 ×x% 2 𝑎 2
𝑑×x% 3
⟹ 𝑑
𝑎− 𝑎 2
Their expenditure is 𝑑𝑥 = =
𝑑− 𝑑 3

2 𝑥 20% 4
The ratio of their expenditure on gadgets is 3 𝑥 20% = 9

Let the total expenditure of Pratik, Pratish and Praful be a,b,c, and d respectively.
Given 30% a = 40%b, 20% b = 30%c
⟹ 30% a = 60% c and 40% c = 20% d
⟹ 60% c = 30% a ⟹ 40% c = 20% a
⟹ 20% a = 20% d ⟹a:d = 1:1

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Expenditures on food of Pratish and Praful are equal.

15% of b = 25% of d ⟹b : d = 5 : 3
Their savings are in the ratio of 5 : 3.
As both expenditures and savings are in the ratio of 5 :3, their incomes also will be in the ratio of 5 : 3.
Caselet 8:
Ratio of incomes of X and Y is 3 : 1.
Assume the incomes are 300 k and 100 k
∴ Savings X = 90𝑘 x 100% = 66.67% of total savings.

To have his savings invested under the least number of heads, he needs to invest his savings in
insurance, bank and cash, i.e., under three heads. option (d)
Let us assume the income of X and Y are 100a and 100 b respectively.

it is given that,
10 20 20 x 100a 30 x 100b
x (100b) = 100 ( 100
+ 100 )

⟹ 10 y = 4a + 6b

⟹ 4a = 4b


Assuming that savings is also part of the expenditure we will get the answer as option b) which is 1:1. If
we treat savings as not part of expenditure we will get option c), both of which are true.


According to the given information the way in which they invested under different heads of savings can
be understood graphically as follows

Y invested (30% / 6) = 5% of his savings under each head.

As, X did not invest in exactly one head, all the amount in that head (I.e. heads 6) must be of Y and that
head must be gold.

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∴ 8% of total savings = 5% of Y’s income.

∴ Y’s income = 160% of total savings of Y’s savings = 48% of total savings.

= 20% of his income

∴ X’s savings in insurance = 52 x 20% of his income = 5% option (b)

Caselet 9:


The number of people in the different department in 2003 and 2006 in the age group 35-50 are as

2003 2006
Mechanical 24 Mechanical 12
Electrical 20 Electrical 18
Civil 16 Civil 9
Computers 12 Computers 21
Electronics 8 Electronics 15

At least twelve profession would have crossed the age of 50 in the civil department and two in electric

At least 12 + 7 + 2 = 21 profession should have crossed the age of 50 from 50 from 2003 to 2006.
option (d)


At least 18 i.e. 9 in computer and 7 Electronics departments crossed the age of 35 years.


We do not know the number of professors who crossed the age of 50 between the years 2003 and 2006.
In the different departments. So the number of the new entrants into the age group of 35-50 cannot be
determined. Since number of people who crossed 35 in 2006 (who were above 32 in 2003) cannot be
determined, we cannot find out which department had the highest number of assistant professors in
2003. Option (d)


Since a minimum number of professors were in the 47-50 age group in 2003, the number of professor
who crossed the age of 50 in 2008 in minimum which is 21. Even though minimum number of professor
crossed the age of 50, in the mechanical department, their average age need to be the highest. Similarly,
nothing can be said about the average age of faculty in the Civil engineering department. The number of
professor who crossed the age of 50 between 2003 and 2006 is at least 21.

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Caselet 10:


Ramesh got 75 marks in LA. Total number of 1-mark questions in LA is 60. He can attempt correctly a
maximum of 59 1- mark questions in LA. So, he has to get remaining 16 marks from 2-marks questions in
LA. So, a minimum of 8 questions of 2-marks must have been attempted correctly by Ramesh. A
maximum of 284, 1—mark questions could be attempted. Choice c)


Total number of 1-mark questions = 400

Total number of 2—marks questions = 100

⟹ Maximum total marks = 400 x 1 + 100 + 2 = 600 Choice (a)


Ramesh got 30 marks in DI and there were 5 questions of 2-mark type in DI. He may attempt all those 5
questions and the remaining 20 marks must be from 1-mark questions.

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∴Minimum number = 5 + 20 = 25. Choice (a)


In DI, only 5 questions (of 2-mark type) were there but in LA, 20 questions (of 2-mark type) were there.
From solution to Q.75, he must correctly attempt a minimum of 8 questions out of these. So, the
number of 2-mark questions attempted correctly in DI (Whatever the number may be) has to be less as
compared to LA. Choice (b).

Caselet 11:

As there are five parties, the minimum votes to be scored by a party in order to win the election is more
than 20%.

From the line diagram, we can see that Democrats secured more than 20% votes in three elections, viz.
2000, 2008 and 2012.

However, in the pic diagrams given by Democrats secured 10% in one of the elections and 25% votes in
the other election ⟹ The pie diagrams represent 1996 and 2000 elections. In 2000, Labour Party
secured more votes than the Democrats ⟹ Democrats might have won a maximum of two elections.


The first pie-diagram pertains to the year 1996.

Conservative party secured 1,80,000 votes

⟹1,80,000 x 30
= 21,60,000 votes were polled in 1996.

The number of votes polled in 2004 election = 21,60,000 x (1.1)2 = 26,13,600

Number of votes secured by Democrats in 2004 = 26, 13,600 x 100 = 4, 70,446 Choice (c)


Let the total number of votes pulled in 2000 be x.

⟹ Total votes pulled in 2012 = 1.1 x 1.1 x 1.1 x 𝑥 = 1.331x

Number of votes secured by Democrats = 100 x 1.331x

⟹ 100 x 1.331x = 251559 ⟹ n = 9,00,000

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Number of votes secured by Republicans in 2000

= 9,00,000 x 360 = 2,10,000

Caselet 12:

Profit = Sales Revenue - Expenses

Expenses = Sales Revenue - Profits

Expenses ratio = 1 - Profitability

Thus the expenses ratio will be lowest for the product for which profitability is the highest.

Let the total profits be P

Profitability of the given products is

Term Life Insurance = [(18/360)*P]/75 = P/1500

Accident Insurance = P/1000

Group Insurance = P/1600

ULIPs = 9P/7000

9P/7000 > P/1000 > P/1500 > P/1600

ULIPs would be the least.

Choice (D)


Let the total profits be P.

Profitability of Medical insurance = 0.45

(54/360 * P)/125 = 0.45

-> P =375

Profit of Group Insurance is (90/360 * P) - 93.75

Expenses of G.I = Sales Revenue - Profit = 400 - 93.75 = 306.25 Choice (B)


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Profit on ULIPs = 500 x 162/360 = 225 crore

Expenses on ULIPs = 350 - 225 = 125 crore

Profits on Group Insurance = 125 crore

Expenses on Group Insurance = 400 - 125 = 275 crore

Required percentage = 125/ 275 x100 = 45.45%

Choice (A)

Caselet 13:

The total revenues of the company in each of the years is 2007 – (75 + 60 + 45 + 45)/0.75 = 300 crore

2008 – (100 + 100 + 80 + 60)/0.85 = 400 crore

2009 – (70 + 105 + 125 + 100)/0.80 = 500 crore

2010 – (80 + 97 + 75 + 18)/0.90 = 300 crore

2011 – (120 + 100 + 150 + 140)/0.85 = 600 crore

In 2007 A, B, C, D & together earned Rs. 225 crore. As C and D earned 45 crore each, none among E and
F can more than Rs.45 crore. As the total revenue in 2007 is Rs. 300 crore, the minimum that a
department can earn is 300-225-45 = Rs. 30crore. Thus, the revenues of E and F for 2007 range between
Rs.30-Rs.45 crore.

In 2008 A, D, E & F together earned Rs.340 crore. As D earned Rs.60 crore. None among B and C can
earn more than Rs.60 crore. As the total revenue in 2008 is Rs.400 crore. The minimum that a
department can earn is 400 – 340 – 60 = Rs.0 crore. Thus, the revenues of B and C for 2008 range
between 0 – 60 crore.

Similarly, for 2009, the revenues of D and E range between 30 – 70 crore

For 2010, the revenues of C and E range between 0 – 90 crore

The minimum and maximum possible revenues for each of the departments will be as follows

Department A B C D E F
possible 2007 75 60 45 45 30 30
2008 80 0 0 60 100 100
2009 70 105 120 30 30 100
2010 12 18 75 80 97 12
2011 120 100 0 150 0 140

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possible 2007 75 60 45 45 45 45
2008 80 60 60 60 100 100
2009 70 105 125 70 70 100
2010 18 18 75 80 97 18
2011 120 100 90 150 90 140
Total 363 343 395 405 402 403


If the minimum possible revenues from a department are more than the maximum possible revenues of
every other department, than we can say that particular department had the highest revenues during
the given period. From the above table, no department satisfies this condition. Hence the department
with the highest possible revenues cannot be determined. Choice (d).


The revenues of department A, when arranged in ascending order are (12 – 8), 70, 75, 80 and 120.

Thus, irrespective of the revenues in 2001, the median of revenues for A is 75 crore.

The revenues of department B are 18, (0 – 60), (0 – 60), 60, 100 and 105 crore. Thus, irrespective of the
revenues in 2008, the median is 60 crore.

The revenues of C are 45, (0 - 60), (0 – 90), 75 and 125 crore.

Thus the median of revenues for C, depends on the actual revenues of C in 2008 and 2011. Hence the
median cannot be determined. With the similar logic, the median of E also cannot be determined.

The revenues of F are (12 – 8), (30 – 45), 100, 100 and 140 crore. Thus, irrespective of the revenues of F
in 2007 and 2010, the median is 100 crore.

Hence, the median of the annual revenues can be uniquely determined for three departments.
Choice (b)


The value is maximized if the revenues of department B are maximized and that of department A are
minimized. Hence the required value is 343/357 = 96.1%

d) Difference between maximum and minimum value is

A – 363 – 357 = 6 crore

C – 395 – 245 = 150 crore

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E – 402 – 257 = 145 crore

F – 403 – 382 = 21 crore

Thus, the difference is maximum for department C. Choice (b)

Caselet 14:


As it is given that, the more the age, the more the income. All the persons with age less than 25 must be
in a lower income group i.e. they must be (1 ≤ 10) and (10 < 1 ≤ 20) groups.

Now, of the income group of (20 < 1 ≤ 30). i.e of the 25% of total. 15% of total will be of the age group
(25 < A ≤ 30)

∴ The remaining 10% of total in that income group must be of an age more than 30 years
10% 𝑜𝑓 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙
∴ Required percentage = 25% 𝑜𝑓 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙
x 100 = 40%

Choice (b)


x is the maximum in the following case.

Teachers ↔ 30 < A ≤ 40, 20 < 1 ≤ 30

Politicians ↔ A > 60, 1 > 100

Traders ↔ A < 25, 30 < 1 ≤ 50

Doctors ↔ A ≤ 25, 30 < 1 ≤ 50

Engineers ↔ 25 < A ≤ 30, 10 < 1 ≤ 20

∴ x can be at most 5.

Choice (a)


As the number of lawyers form 25% of the members of the club, while the number of people with age
less than or equal to 25 years form only 20% of the total club members, at most 25 x 100 = 80% of the
lawyers would meet all the conditions mentioned.

Choice (c)

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