Ule M. Dela Cruz (DATE/ May 30 2022)

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(DATE/ May 30 2022)



The social media is a platform where people connect and interact with each other through a

communicating system that is based on the internet. The definition of social media is “the

relationships that exist between network of people” (Walter & Riviera, 2004). This is where

people share their thoughts, personal interest, any events, background, or real-life problems. The

effects of social media to the young generations especially students have been significant to

them. Social media has become part of their lives, it may be personal or for school activities

especially this pandemic social media serves as the platform to connect the teachers and the

students easily. There are devices that students use to be active on social media such as laptops,

cellphones, tablets etc. to check the news, timelines, and any personal happening on their friends,

celebrities, politics etc. on any platform mostly on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. And

because of social media people may be drawn to different types of lifestyles that may affect the

student’s behavior. There are some social media sites that help students to be more active and

capable. “There are two main theoretical explanations for why media can influence people's

behavior. First of all, it can change their beliefs by providing relevant information. Second, it can

have a direct effect on behavior, independently of people's information, through persuasion” (see

DellaVigna and Gentzkow 2010). Social media can be highly addictive in some circumstances

that they could adapt and can be the reason of changes on their behavior. One of the reasons why

that they may act strangely is from the celebrities they follow on social media. Akhtar (2013)

revealed that immoderate usage of internet can result to addiction among students, and it could
lead to poor academic attainment. Suhail and Bargees (2006) conducted a study on the effect of

social networking in Pakistan using the internet effect scale (IES) to determine the effect of some

factors specifically that which includes behavioral issues, educational problems, internet abuse,

interpersonal problems, and psychological issues as well as its consequences. The purpose of this

study is to determine the effects of social media and to further understand how it can affect many

behaviors of the students regarding to junior and senior high school students. This study is for us

to further acknowledge how social media works. As a result, the purpose of this research is to

determine the influence of social media on junior and senior high school students' behavior.


Social media has been part of every people’s lives. It has also been a great help to the society.

However, it is also a risk and troublesome, you cannot assure whether the news that has been

roaming all over the internet is true. And up until today there are still cases of news and articles

that is spreading all around the globe that is not true or what we call a “fake news”. This is one of

the reason teenagers should be careful of what they are sharing, and they should not believe

easily what is shown on social media. The popular negative effects of social media students may

engage to are cyber bullying, unhealthy sleep patterns, sexual context, pornography, and

addiction. These are all serios and a major issue to the students especially for high school

students that they may experience. Peer pressure often happens to high school students that can

make their viewpoint different from before and they could adopt what their friends are implying

that they may have also seen and adopt it from social media. In general, high school students are
also unaware of what the delicate balance of online privacy is, and they would often overshare

their personal lives that would be a risk for the reason that some people are distrustful and may

view it at a different point of view. Besides the negative effects we still need to recognize and to

know that there are still some positive effects of social media. Students benefit tremendously

from social media sites in school, primarily by communicating with one another on school

assignments and collaborative group projects outside of class. However, in spite of the positive

benefits social media has bought, the use of social media has been a negative consequence for

the students. Throughout this paper, I'll go over several important details that I discovered during

my research: social media and the effects on students’ behavior.



The theoretical framework is the structure that can hold or support a theory of a

research. The theoretical framework introduces and describe the theories about the

effects of social media to students and explains why the research problem under this

study exist. Therefore, the theoretical framework for a study should incorporate the

necessary knowledge components.


The effects of social media on the behavior of junior and senior high students
This paper presents the theories of different researchers of how the social media

affect the student’s behavior. Based on (Presky, 2001) the students today have been

labeled as the digital natives. In view of the fact that "They spent their entire

childhood surrounded by and using computers, videogames, video cameras, digital

music players, cell phones, and all of the other toys and gadgets of the digital age," as

he claims. "According to Pew Research Center research from 2010, 73 percent of

youths (namely students) use some type of social networking through incorporating

social media into their lives. Social media has been a useful to students especially this


figure 1: Theoretical framework

Social media

Peer Pressure

The effects of social Students’

media Behavior

Social/ Celebrities’

Trends on social


Figure 2: Conceptual Framework

Behaviors of junior
Social media and senior high

Figure 2 presents the conceptual framework of the study. It consists of two variables, social

media as the independent variable and Junior and senior high students’ behavior.

In figure 2, social media as the independent variable pertains to the online site when everyone

connects and interact with each other. It is an internet base form of communication where people

exchange and share their thoughts. In fact, because of social media, it has been easy to the people

to connect and interact with each other especially for the student and the teachers to

communicate since pandemic.

Another variable, junior and senior high students’ behavior refers to how the social media has

effect and the impact to them in various ways. Meaningfully this is how may the social media

affect their behavior.


The aim of this study paper is to find out how social media affect the behavior of junior and

senior high school pupils. The researcher made a survey through a google form and send it

randomly to some junior and senior high students. What kind of social media platform mostly the

respondents have been using during this pandemic, how can they avoid any relevant topic on

social media that may affect their behavior overtime, how often do the respondent use social

media in a day, and do the social media affect them? This study is seeking to determine whether

students who use social media have positive and negative effect. The findings of this paper

specify that social media does affect and influence them. This will help the readers know more

about this certain topic. The purpose of this study is to look unto the effects of social media on

the behavior of junior and senior high school pupils.


Research Question:

Do students who spend their time more on social media will affect their behavior?

Students who spend their time more may adopt what is mostly shown or what mostly they are

seeing on social could affect their behavior.


This hypothesis is the prediction of the outcome of the study of the social media that could affect

their behavior by spending more time on the internet, this may occur that the social media can be

a positive or a negative effect on them.


This study focuses on the effects of the social media to the behavior of junior and senior high

students. The data collected will be conducted too the 15 respondents that were conducted to the

junior and senior high students at different schools SY. 2021-2022 who will represent the

population of the study. This study represents how the social media will affect each of their

behavior and how much time do they spend on social media and the platform they mostly use

that could cause the changes of their behavior. This study which who are not part of the junior

and senior high students are not part of the research. This study is done through a survey using a

google form as a survey. By this the researcher will know how the social media does have affect

the behaviors of junior and senior high students.


This research would be a positive effect for the students in the fact that they would know how the

social media could affect their behavior. In this study the students can be aware and know the

things how social media can be crucial to them if they will not use it properly and consume their

time using it. This research would also be beneficial to the parents of the student for them to

know more about in this certain field. This will help them guide their children and avoid any bad

influence on social media. The parents can easily cope up with their children’s changes on their

attitude and the risk they are willing to take on social media. This could help them be aware of

the news and articles that are spreading that could be a risk and troublesome for their children.

This could also be beneficial for the future researcher as they will have some preferences and

idea and can possibly answer their questions.


To clarification, here are the important terms that are used in this study that has been defines.

The following terms are:

Social media this is an internet-based form communication where people can share and

exchange their thoughts, this is also where people connect and communicate with each other.

Behavior refers to on how a person act and does to make something happen, to make something

change or to keep things the same. It is also a response to the things that are happening.

Junior and senior high students this is considered as the secondary education or middle school.

Junior high school are grade 7-10 and senior high are grade 11-12 in this level this is where the

junior high graduate chooses the strand they want such as ABM, HUMSS, STEM, GAS, TVL,

and ICT.
Fake news refers to the misleading information presented as news. This often aims to damage

the reputation of a person or entity or making money through advertise revenue.

Social media platform means to the internet-based system. Such as Facebook, Instagram,

Twitter etc.




The previous chapter deals with a brief introduction. A different descriptions and

variables namely about the effects of social media towards the behavior of junior and senior high

school students of different schools, background of the study, theoretical and conceptual

framework, statement of the study, hypothesis, and scope and delimitation of the study.

In this chapter a brief review of related literature was describe related to the variables like

social media, behavior, and junior and senior high students.

A review of related literature is an essential aspect of investigation in this study. The

word "review" means "to look over" or "to refer back on." It suggests finding.

Examining and analyzing pertinent research reports, as well as published papers, research

abstracts, and reports of haphazard observations and opinions about an individual's planned

research project (Agrawal 1998). Moul claims that

"The review of related literature offers a broader understanding," says y.

Understanding the problem and its critical parts guarantees that no superfluous steps are


duplication.” A review of related literature is helpful in understanding the problem holistically

and the level of progress in the study field on the subject. A review in related literature or as

known as the RRL a comprehensive examination of current literature on a thesis or dissertation's

topic. This is where you talk about the knowledge and finding from the existing literature that is

relevant to your topic.

It considers and investigates novel ideas for acceptable technique and research design. The

following functions and purpose are frequently included in a review of related literature is to:

 Establish a foundation of knowledge about the subject.

 Identify inconsistencies, such as research gaps, disputes from earlier studies, and

unanswered questions.

 Determine the relationship between works and their contributions to the topic and other


 provide important insight into the phenomenon being researched.

 Resolve apparent contradictions between earlier studies.

A successful research project will build on and utilize prior knowledge. After determining

and considering a research topic, the researcher must seek for academic and research journals,

books, and other similar documents that contain reports of prior research studies on a topic

connected to the current study. This is referred to as a literature review or a literature review of

relevant literature. It entails locating, arranging, and analyzing material about a study topic.

Conducting a literature review is crucial because it avoids studies from being duplicated and
helps you avoid pitfalls that others have encountered. A literature study can also reveal how to

quantify the research variables in question and which research strategies will be most effective.

The complexity of discussion, analysis, and interpretation of findings is reflected in a thorough

literature research conducted prior to the study's implementation.


In Syria and Iraq, jihadist militants use a variety of social media apps and file-sharing sites,

including Ask.fm, Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Pal Talk, viper, JustPaste.it, and Tumblr. In

conversations with journalists, encryption software such as TOR is utilized to disguise locational

information. However, events conspire to make Twitter the most popular app. It is designed

specifically for cellphones and is simple and inexpensive to use. Images and text can be used in

posts (tweets), and connections to other platforms can be included. An incoming tweet can also

be forwarded to everyone in an address list with ease. Some types of social media require 3G or

Wi-Fi connectivity, however Twitter may be utilized without either. Individuals are using more

online social networking (OSN) sites as a result of the rapid development of Web 2.0

technologies. Millions of people use social media sites like Facebook practically every day

(Brailovskaia et al. 2020). Social media has been a risk and beneficial at the same time. Social

media presents many benefits this pandemic in the fact that it made for the students and teachers

to easily communicate with each other among the other things: online modular, LMS, school

purposes, find and interact with people, stay in touch with friends and family, and to engage in

self-expression. However, social media can also expose students to new risk from: appropriate

images, pornography, cyber bullying, unrealistic expectation, fear of missing out, and unhealthy
sleep patterns. High school students use various social media application to extent that is now an

indispensable part of their everyday life for personal and school purposes ( Cao and hong 2011;

Dahlstrom, 2012).


Social media has a significant impact on individuals not only in the Philippines but around the

world, particularly young adults. When it comes to sexualized text conversation, exposure to

pornography, online dating, and the possibility of bad behavior, it can be hazardous to a young

adult. Studies employing cellphones on students to explore the link between addictedness and

usage frequently divide them into two groups, according to the Smartphone Addiction Scale

(Kwon et al., 2013). (potential addicts and non-addicts). There are over 24 million internet users

in the Philippines. 51% in which who use social media sites. Social media is an effective

platform for information dissemination and engagement with one another. In the Philippines, the

government has seen that many people have been victims of cyberbullying, and that many young

people are engaged in sex messaging, which can lead to sexually transmitted infections and early

pregnancy. A health problem is one of the effects of social media on people. Many Filipinos use

social media in a variety of ways, and some of them forget to sleep or eat because they are so

focused on what they are doing on their computers. The government, particularly the authority,

has grown aware that many Filipinos have utilized social media for malicious purposes. The

internet is knowledge and convenience, therefore embrace it and don't make it an inconvenience

for yourself.


Individuals are using more online (OSN) sites as a result of the rapid development of Web 2.0

technologies. Millions of people use social media sites like Facebook practically every day

(Brailovskaia et al. 2020). Individuals can use OSNs to showcase themselves in virtual

communities, communicate with their social networks, and keep in touch with others

(Brailovskaia et al. 2020). As a result, the use of OSNs has remained popular among young

adults, particularly students (Kokkinos and Saripanidis 2017; Paul et al. 2012). Many educational

institutions (e.g., universities) have used OSNs to sell their educational programs and engage

with students because to their popularity and the rising number of students of various ages (Paul

et al. 2012). 67 percent of Americans agree. Internet users said social media helped them deepen

their bonds with their family and friends (Fox and Rainie, 2014). Furthermore, social media-

facilitated interactions can assist people in adjusting to new surroundings and coping with

difficult issues, particularly when they enter a new location, culture, or nation (Lin, et al., 2012).

This is especially true for new college students who are experiencing significant changes in their

academic and living settings (Feldt, et al., 2011; Ponzetti, 1990; Ross, et al., 1999; Tinto, 1993).

Furthermore, due to their high levels of social media use on a regular basis, college students are

more likely to use social media sites for appropriate social support or adjustment. As of 2008, 85

percent of college students in the United States had a profile on an online social networking site

such as Facebook, according to a nationwide survey (Jensen and Peace, 2008). According to a

2014 study, 89 percent of people in the United States aged 18 to 29 use Facebook (Duggan, et

al., 2015). An research will aid scholars in better understanding how existing theoretical

perspectives and empirical findings in the areas of social media, social support, and social

adjustment apply to this understudied demographic. The study's findings will also aid higher
education administrators and policymakers in better understanding the effects of social media use

on international students' social support and adjustment in the United States.


The widespread usage of social media in the Philippines has had a significant impact on how

Filipinos connect and communicate. Many people operate in "always on" mode. The Philippines

is a heavily networked culture, despite not being an information society. Social media use is

currently one of the most common pastimes among children and teenagers. Social media

includes well-known social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, as well as

well-known video sites like YouTube and blogging sites. These social media sites are a form of

social contact, communication, and enjoyment for young people that has been rapidly developing

due to the high demand for smartphones, computers, and other electronic devices. According to a

2010 Universal McCann global study titled "Power to the People- Wave 3," the Philippines

ranked first among other countries with 83.1 percent of Filipinos using social networking sites,

and Filipinos also became the top users who frequently shared photos and videos on their social

media sites. Students or Filipinos aged 15 to 24 appear to be the fastest rising demographic of

social media users.



Methodology refers to the analysis of the methods used appropriate to a field of study. It is a

systematic way of accomplishing certain task and is defines as collection of procedures,

techniques, tools and documentation aids that helps a software developer to speed up and

simplify the software process ( Pressman, 2001).

In this study, there is research methods was used, description of respondents and sampling

technique. This chapter describes the methodology for the effects of social media towards the

behavior of junior and senior high students.



Descriptive research can be defined as a description of the current condition of affairs with the

researcher having no control over the variables. Furthermore, "descriptive studies might be

defined as attempts to determine, characterize, or identify what is, whereas analytical research

tries to figure out why something is the way it is or how it came to be. Descriptive studies, in

essence, are used to characterize many features of a phenomenon. Descriptive research is used to

characterize the features and/or behavior of a sample population in its most common form. Some

research questions for descriptive studies are as follows:

 How often do you use social media in a day?

 Does social media influence you?

 In what purpose do you mostly use social media?

 Do you enjoy spending you time on social media?

 How helpful is social media during this pandemic?

 What form of social media do you mostly use?

 Do you think that social media can affect your behavior?

A descriptive survey design was used in this investigation. Surveys are used in

descriptive survey research to collect data on a variety of topics. This information seeks to

determine the amount to which these subjects can be exposed to various situations. This design is

appropriate for the research study because it seeks to learn about respondents' social media


Table 1: 15 Respondents of junior and senior high students from different schools.


Grade 9 None Female

Grade 9 None Male

Grade 10 None Female

Grade 12 Humss Female

Grade 12 Humss Female

Grade 12 Stem Male

Grade 12 Stem Female

Grade 12 Stem Female

Grade 12 Stem Male

Grade 12 Stem Male

Grade 12 Tvl Male

Grade 12 Stem Male

Grade 12 Abm Female

Grade 12 Stem Female

This is the 15 respondents from different school that is enrolled during this school year 2021-

2022. These students are enrolled either junior high and senior high in academic track.


This sources of data are the junior and senior high school students enrolled during this school

year 2021-2022 of different schools here in Bacolod City Negros Occidental. The set of

questionnaires offered mostly considers their general profiles, strand, and gender.


Purposive sampling was used in this investigation. Respondents were junior and senior high

students from several schools in Bacolod City during the school year 2021-2022. They were

contacted by messenger and asked to complete a survey using Google Forms, and 15 junior and

senior high students consented to participate. Those who accepted to participate in the survey

must complete the google form.


The study used a validated questionnaire to measure the impact of social media on junior and

senior high school students' behavior. This scale consists of eight questions that they must

answer. Each item is a simple yes or no decision. The purpose of this poll was to examine the

impact of social media on the. Aside from responding to the poll, respondents also filled out a

profile area to identify their year level, preferred social media platform, and academic strand.

Since today it is now easy to make survey forms through the internet. The researcher used the

google forms in order to make a survey and send it through the messenger using a link in order to

reach out to the target respondents. After the survey the researcher gathered the data using also

the google forms as it sates there the number of respondents and their answers it was interpreted

and analyze by different students from different school of school year 2021-2022 of Bacolod



Since we are still experiencing the pandemic covid 19 we are not allowed to go on our respective

campuses to gather information in the library in which the research gathered data from the

internet such as research gate, google scholar, google, and etc. from which the researcher was

able to site information and idea in the study to provide the researcher a better idea of what to

expect from the study. The internet provides variants of information about the study and it help

the researcher to have knowledge in the chosen topic. The junior and senior high students, being

the data's primary source received the survey through the messenger and answered by them



Since it is pandemic and we are not allowed to have a face to face classes at the moment. This

study was conducted at home where the junior and senior high school students of different

schools participated as the respondents.


This chapter presents the findings, analysis, and interpretation of data gathered whose main

subject is to know the effects of social media to the behavior of junior and senior high students.

In this chapter deals with the data analysis, interpretation, and discussion of the study's primary

findings. The social-demographic data is provided and examined first, followed by data on

research topics, which is presented and analyzed in relation to the field findings.


Table 4.1.1: a frequency distribution of the respondent’s gender/sex.


FEMALE 8 53.33%

MALE 7 46.66%

TOTAL 15 100

Figure 4.2.1: Gender of respondents in percentage



Female Male

Table 4.1.1 Shows the frequency distribution of the respondents’ gender. It illustrates that there

are more female respondents which are 53.33% than male which is 47% or 46.66%.

Table 4.1.2: Grade level of respondents




TOTAL 15 100

Figure 4.2.2: Grade level of respondents in percentage




Junior High student Senior high student

Table 4.1.2 Shows the frequency distribution of the respondents’ grade level. It illustrates that

there is more senior high respondent which are 80% than the junior high which is 20%.



In this chapter is where you can see the summary of findings or the research work undertaken,

the conclusions drawn and the recommendation made as an outgrowth of this day. This study

focuses on the effects of junior and senior high students and their profiles.

On the students age, strand, and grade level were undertaken in this study.

This study discloses that in terms of gender 53.33% are all females and 46.66% or 47% are all

male. In terms of grade level 20% are all junior high students and 80% of the survey are all

senior high students.

The finding concludes that the students that are rarely exposed to social media does not affect

their behavior easily. These finding indicate that the more the students are exposed to these

things the more they will engage into the platform. However, these social media platforms are

sometimes distracting the students’ academic performance.


1. Almost half of the respondents are female.

2. The more a student is engage to the social media the more it affects its behavior.

3. Almost of the respondent are senior high school students

4. Almost of the respondents agree that the social media affect their behavior.

5. Social media has positive and negative effects towards their behavior.


The following recommendations are made in light of the observations and conclusions reached:

1. Since students who are more expose to social media affect their behavior they

should guide their children.

2. Parents should be open minded on whatever their children are asking and explain

it to them for them to be able to understand more about this.

3. Parents should guide and teach their children the proper way to use the social

4. Students should minimize their exposure towards social media to avoid any


5. Parents should teach their children to be wise and aware of what is the do and

don’t on social media

6. Students should not overshare their personal lives on social media.

7. Parents should guide their children about what is right and wrong about what is

shown on the social media.









(4) https://educationaltechnologyjournal.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s41239-021-00240-












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