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7 Certificate

2 Acknowledgement
Introduction to Soap

Procedure: for Soap making

5 Preparation of Nail Polish

6 Preparation of shoe polish

7 Preparation of Vanishes

8 Preparation of Shampoo

Preparation of Perfumes

10 Bibliography
South City Publie Sehool


This is to certify that Mavank Kashvap, a student of
class 12th has successfully completed the project title
"Preparation of Soap, Nail Polish, Boot Polish,
Varnish, Nail Polish Remover, Shampoo and Scents"
under the guidance of Mr. S.S. Chanuhan (Subject
Teacher). During the academic year 2017-2018 in
partial fulfilment of Chemistry practical examination
conducted by

Siguatene o Signatere of
Eerual Examiner Physics Teacher
Siguatare of Prineipal
In the accomplishment of this project successiuly,
many people have best owned me their blessings
and the heart pledged support, this time I am
utilizing to thank all the people who have been
concerned with project.

Primarily I would thank god for being able to

complete this project with success. Then I would like
to thank my principal Mrs. Kavita Pandey and
Chemistry teacher Mr. Shivam Singh Chauhan,
whose valuable guidance has been the ones that
helped me patch this project and make it full proof
success his suggestions and his instructions hasserved
as the major contributor towards the completion of
the project.

Then I would like to thank my parents and friends

who have helped me with their valuable suggestions
and guidance has been helpful in arious phrases of
the completion of the project.
Preparation OF Shoe Polish
INTRODUCTION: In moderm day Engineering,
carying out some research tuying to minimize the amount of resouroes

spent on production so in this project you will be seeing one

this work in
terms of using some locally made material. A waste product tends to be one
of the major causes of environmental pollution, which is aproblem to both
the environment and its habitant. It is very important thatthese waste

products are at thefr minimum. In so doing, the production of some

a way of from locallymade
environmental sourceand
sanitation thatalso
is waste
as a prochuct willtend toourserve
way of managing as
resources. Due to the limited resources available in the production of

consumer products and the high demand of the consumers, the recycling of
used products nto other useful materias plays an important role in the
production industry. We shall also look at the vanous ways in which shoe
polish can be produce using battery extract (carbon blac). Used battery
which are harmfül to
most times is a waste which consist of component
it very
health. As aresult of its hamful effects of living things, is important
that battery waste is collected and recycled into other useful product.


otjective of this stady is to produce shoe polish using an extractfrom a
dry cell battery (a mixture of manganese dioxide powdered
carbon as à dye in the shoe polish and to produce high quality shoe

poliah..2 SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDY. This study illastrates the

csentals ol recyclingg waste product will other useful materials. Forof
the of waste product result in the reduction
example, recycling
environmental pollution. Also to produce shoe polish of shiny luster, casily
applied and of long and good durability. It should also be less toxic.

M 2K17
Shoe polish or boost polish, usually a waxy paste or a clean, is a consuner
product used to
shine, water
proot, and restore the appearance of letter
shoes or boots, thereby extending the footwear's life.

USAGE OF SHOE POLISH: Shoe polish is applied to the shoe using

a ray, dloth or brush. Shoe poish is not a cleaning production and
therefore the footwear should be both clean and dry before application: A
vIgorous rubbing action to apply the polish evenly on the boot, followed by
furtherbuffering with aclean dry cloth or brush, usually providesgood
results. Another technique, knowm as spit-polishing or sweating, involves
gently rubbing polishinto the leatherwith a cloth and a drop of water or
spit. 1his achieves the miTor-ike, highgloss finish as aspit shine which is
especialy valued military organizaion. Polishes containing carmauba wax

can be used as a protecive coating to extend the lile and look of a leather
shoe. A less time-consuming method of achieving a high gloss finish is to
buli the shoe with a nylon legging (1)
Shoe polish consist ofa waxycolloidal emulsion,asubstance composes of
a number of partially immiscible iquids and solids mixed together. It is
usually made from ingredients inchuding some or all of naphtha, lanolin,
turpentine, wax ofien cargaiuba was gum Arabic, ethylene glycol, and if
required a oolourant
ordye, suchascarbonand black,
ittypically hasa65%
gTavity of 0.8, negigible soluble in water, made between
77% volatiles- usually naphtha. The high amount of volatile substance

means that theshoepoish willdryoutand harder afterapplication, while

raioning shine. Lanolin, hydrophilic grease from wookbearing animals
such as sheep or goats, acts as both a waterprooling agent, gving the shoe
polish itsgreasy feel and texture. Italso preventsthe naphtha fromn
evaporatingg until the polish has been spread and bulied nto a thin fim on
the leather surface. An essential ingredient in shoe polish is a thickener,
without this the polish would be too runny, making it dificult to use. Gum
Arnbic, a substancefrom two sub-Sahara species of the acacia tree is
commonly used to increase the viscosity of the product.

MK- 2K17
METHOD OF MANUFACTURE: Various substances have been used
in the production of shoe polish for hundreds of
years, starting with naturl
substances such as wax and tallow Shoe polish can be manufactred using
large rates, reasonably powerful heaters and an air conditions. There is no
set method of manufacture; although most method use pressure of two
atmospheres to ensure the naphtha does not boil off, and temperature of
up to 856. The first step in the manufactire of a typical shoe polish is the
melting of the wax with the highest melting point in an electric heäter.
Following this, all other waxes point. Whist this wax is held ata constant
temperare, the emulsion - a mixtire of the various oils and if used, tats

are then heated separately at around 85%C. the heated emulsion is then
added to the waxes, along with distilled water.
When the mixire reaches
around 800C,urpentine oilis added. This mixtureisthen mixedand
continualy stilled for
half an hour.Ancty Dyes, süch as carbon blanks, are
added and, mixed in turpentine oils if it is nota neutral polish. The mixed
mass is reduced slowly to 500C, and as
its viscosity increased, it is poured
funnel intoacooling chamber. The pouredprocess
slowly, providing unifom distrnbution. The
considered straight forward and the required is relatively easy to acquire.


While a number of older heater presenting products existed (including the
risk heater punch, which was first made in 1851, and the German Brand,
Erda, which went on sale in1901), the first shoe polish to resemble the
moden varieties claimed primarily at inchuding shine) was Kiwi Scottish
expatriates william Ramseyand Hamilton McKesson began making "boot
polish in a small factory in 1904 in Melbourne, Australia. Their formula
was amaorimprovement on previous brands.lit preserved shoe leather,
made it shine, and restored colour. By the time Kiwi incorporated agents
that added suppleness and water resistance. Australian-made boot polish
was then considered the world's bestblack and a range ofcolours become
available, and exports to Brtain, continental Europe, and New Zealand
began. It has been suggested that, at a time when several symbols were

weakly associated with New Zealand the world enhanced spared of Kiwi
shoe polish around the Wordd Enhanced Kiwi's populardemand and
promoted it at the expense of the others. The cost of establishing shoe
polish manufacturing facilities has been estimated at around $600,000 (as
of 2005). Above #87,000.000 Shoe polish manufacturing faciliies has been
estimated at around S600,000 (as of 2005). Above #87,000.000 Shoe polish
istraditionally packaged in flat, round, 60-gram (2-ounce) tins, usually with
an easy-open facility. Because ofamount ofshoe polishthat needsto be
apply is small, and the shoe polish will desiccate die to volatile ingredients,
such as naphtha, a large container would dry out before being.faly used.
The traditional flat, round tins have since become synonymöus with shoe
polished. (6) Shoe polish produces are low-value items that are infrequently
purchased. Demand is inelastic or largely insensitiveto price change, and
sales volumes are generally low. In the shoe polish tharket as a whole, some
26% of sales are accounted for by pastes, 24% by creams, 2396 by aerosols,
and 13% by liquids. In recent years, the demand for shoe polish products
has cither been static or declined; one reason is that gradual replacement of
formal foot were with sealers for everyday use. There are numerous brands
available as well as store brand. There are two chef areas of shoe polish
sales:to the general public, and to specialist and trade, such as shoe
repairers, and cobblers. The sales percentages between the two oudets are
roughly comparnble.
Kiwi remain the most predominant shoe polish brand around the world,
being sold over 180 countries and holding a 58% market share worldwide.
Today, it is maufactured in Australia, Canada, France, South Africa,
United Kingdom etc, Other leading brand include shinola, Lincolnshoe
polish, Melatonin, and Chemy Blossom.In India, shoe shine boys are
knownas booth polishstation.
boys,and can stillbefoumd in operation today,
particularly railway


PERFORMANCE IN THIESE AREAS? High shine finish? Very high
hydrophobicity? Oleoplobility? Ease of cdeaning? Coveringstuff marks?
Providesuppleness? Vapor permeability.Paste wax, cream polish, or liquid
poish dispensed I aerosol, applicator pad, tins or even disposable shoe
wipes.whatever their shape and form, many quality shoe polishes use

Dow Coming Silicones. Traditional. Paste Products (containing a high level
of waxes) Dow Coming silicones increase buffing and shine with a unifom,
water resistant, protective but vapour permeable film. Cream-type products
(emulsioncontaining water) their composition is however very similarto
that of the pastes. Dow ConingStlhcone provides very valuable
characteristics in many types of shoe polish. Aerosol and applicator pad
formulations their composition issubstantially diference in that they have a
slighly lower overall solids level and often are solvent free. They principally
use silicone and wax emulsions to achieve the desire propertücs, aid
Corning Silicones arean excellent choice in these applicationsshoe wipes.
The use Silicone and Wax emulsions,
ol when modified with rheological
additives, can also provide the desired properties for this application.
Additionally, this form can incorporate a blend of neal siicones.

3.2.1 Parafin Wax. This is white solid substance room temperature that
serves as a
thickener in slow polish. It melts into liquid when heated at
85%Cand alsosolidifies at 37ocwhen allowed to cool after
will be to0 runny making
diflicult to
this wax in shoe polsh, the polish
used.3.2.2 Parallin this is a viscous liquid that gives the shoe polish its
glossy fcature and also adds to the viscosity ol the shoe polish.3.2.3
Lanolin: This is hydrophilic grease from wool bearing animal sillk as sheep

or goats. lt acts as both a water prooting wax and a bondng agent, gving thec
shoepolsh its greasy teel andhastexture. It prevents the mineral spint romon
evaporating until the polish been spread and bulted into a thin fim
the shoe surface.3.2.4 Turpentine this is used to give the shoe it's shiny
shoe polish.
appearanceIt consttutes one of the major components of the
tThis the shoe
polish fom
drying quickly.8.2.5 Battery
black mixture of manganese dioxide and powdered carbon gotten
fori a leclanche's dry cell. It hasa sandy texture and is not completely
soluble in water or other liquids like turpentine but it forms precipitates
which settes at the bottom of the liquid, with constant stiming and heating
it tends to dissolve.3.2.6 Mineral spint: This is
volatile liquidoffthat

the shoe
and also prevent the drying
preservative to the shoe polish

MK 2K17
METHOD OF PRODUCTION, og of paraffin was melted
using a pan, by means of a heater, whilst the wax was held at a constant
temperature, 30g of lanolin was added to the already meted wax and it was
allowedto met wax and it was allowed to melt completely. 4Oml of parafin
oil was heated separately at around 800C, then the melted paraffin, usualy.
Using a mixer, 30g of the battery exract was dissolved in 70ml of
turpentine and stirred continuously to allow complete dissolution of the
battery extract in the turpentine. The solution is then added to the mixhure
ofthe paraffin wax, paraffin oil and lanolin witha continuoussirringat
800C for itto mix property. After the proper mixing, the pan was put down
from the heater and cool down to 45% before adding 1Oml of mineral spirit
and it was
stirred for about two minutes before pouring it into the container
and it was left to solidity. The glossy and shiny finish was possible as an
the combination of the individual constituents of polish. The
paraifin was the major impact ofthis shine. It rellected high rays on it.L
The characteristicsdrying out of polish ismade posibleby the presence of
valuables.Onceevaporate they leave behind a thin, waxysolid onthe
surface to which polish was applied. For cracks to be eliminated or
completely avoided, binders and emulsifiers such as Gum Arabic should be
added to the polish during production. Through expensive, Gum Arabic is
an essential ingrecient in shöe polish manufacturing (production). The
cracking of polishmighetheafect the surface ofthe shine as well. This can
shoe surface and hence reduce the life span of
lead to
the breaking of
the leather.

REcOMMENDATION Shoe polish is recommended to everybody because

of the following
Allows the leather to retain its shine
Prevents the leather irom absorbing waler.
Allows for easy cleaning of the leather
iv. Covering of scuff marks.
.Provides fleribility of the leather. Itis recommended, based on the
result obtained inthis project that all possibleingredientsshould
be employed in production. Otherwise, close substitutes of these
vi materials (chemica) should be used. It is recommended that Gum
MK 2K17 ArabiC is added to shoe polish to prevent cracking.

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