"Think - Pare - Share" TPS Snippet

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TPS Snippet

1: Case Snippet 1

A) A pollution control inspector suspected that a riverside community was releasing

semi-treated sewage into a river and this, as a consequence, was reducing the level
of dissolved oxygen of the river. He drew 15 randomly selected specimens of river
water at a location above the town and another 15 specimens below to check this.
The dissolved oxygen readings, in parts per million, are given in the accompanying

Above Town Below Town

5.2 4.2
4.8 4.4
5.1 4.7
5 4.9
4.9 4.6
4.8 4.8
5 4.9
4.7 4.6
4.7 5.1
5 4.3
4.7 5.5
5.1 4.7
5 4.9
4.9 4.8
4.9 4.7

Is the suspicion of the pollution control inspector valid? Did he have to do any assumptions
to test his suspicion?


 𝐻0H0: 𝜇𝐴μA - 𝜇𝐵μB = 0 i.e 𝜇𝐴μA = 𝜇𝐵μB
 𝐻𝐴HA: 𝜇𝐴μA - 𝜇𝐵μB ≠≠ 0 i.e 𝜇𝐴μA ≠≠ 𝜇𝐵

Ho(Null Hypothesis) = The mean dissolved oxygen at the location above town and below
town is same.
Ha(Alternate Hypothesis) = At least for one of the location mean dissolved oxygen is
Where Alpha = 0.05
If the p-value is < 0.05, then we reject the null hypothesis.
If the p-value is > 0.05, then we fail to reject the null hypothesis.

Confidence Interval – 95%

Level of Significance = 0.05

Two-sample t-tests beings performed which compare the means of precisely two groups.

Based upon the data received and by analyzing and performing Two Sample T test in excel
and python notebook, the results given below:

Above Town     Below Town  

Mean 4.92 Mean 4.74
Standard Error 0.04047339 Standard Error 0.08269278
Median 4.9 Median 4.7
Mode 5 Mode 4.7
Standard Deviation 0.15675276 Standard Deviation 0.32026775
Sample Variance 0.02457143 Sample Variance 0.10257143
Kurtosis -0.8838457 Kurtosis 1.33897817
Skewness 0.00513553 Skewness 0.52867165
Range 0.5 Range 1.3
Minimum 4.7 Minimum 4.2
Maximum 5.2 Maximum 5.5
Sum 73.8 Sum 71.1
Count 15   Count 15
Two Sample T Test assuming Equal Variances:

t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances    

  Above Town Below Town
Mean 4.92 4.74
Variance 0.024571429 0.102571429
Observations 15 15
Pooled Variance 0.063571429  
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0  
df 28  
t Stat 1.955114296  
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.030309123  
t Critical one-tail 1.701130934  
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.060618247  
t Critical two-tail 2.048407142  

Mean for Above Town = 4.92, Mean for Below Town = 4.74

Degree of Freedom = n1 + n2 – 2 = 28

T_Statistic = 1.955

P_Value( 2-Tail ) = 0.0606

Python Output by using statistical methods:

Boxplot graph:
Distplot diagram:

Based upon the output found in Excel and Python:

We fail to reject (H0) Null Hypothesis (Accept H0), P value > 0.05 level of significance as P value =
0.0606. We came to the conclusion that there is no indication of any difference in mean dissolved
oxygen at the location above town and below town.

Candidate Name: Rishi Kalpa Mukherjee

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