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To Study Explore The Uniqueness of Goan Cuisine

A Research Project submitted in partial fulfilment of the

requirements for the B.Sc. in Hospitality Studies

Aditya Deepak Farde

Gr : 04 Roll No :09
BATCH 2021-22
Goa is located on the west coast of India, along the shore of the Arabian
Sea, Goan cuisine is dominated by spices and flavours. The staple food of Goa is
rice and fish curry. Most of the dishes incorporate coconuts, rice, fish, pork,
meat and local spices like kokum. The cuisine of Goa is mostly dominated by
seafood which includes shark, tuna, pomfret, and mackerel fish. Goa was a
Portuguese colony prior to 1961, and hence, the Portuguese influenced most of
their food.
The unique cuisine of Goa developed out of a merger of various cultures
that it came into contact with over the centuries such as the
Portuguese,Arab, Brazilian, African, French, Konkani, Malabari, Malaysian
and Chinese. The three major communities of Goa - Hindus, Muslims, and
Christians, contribute to the culinarytradition in their own manner.
The Konkan farmers and fishermen consume fish and rice on a wide scale.
The Christian community patronises items such as beef, seafood, and pork.
The intermixing of multiple cultural elements is mirrored within the
cuisine of Goa in a distinctive mix of richness and subtlety.
Goan cuisine is characterized by a liberal use of rice, coconuts, fish, kokum,
cashews, spices, and vinegar. Fish and rice are the staples, supplemented by
meat, beans, and vegetables. Pez, a rice porridge prepared with leftover
curries and pickles, is a common mid-morning meal. The most popular fish
on the menu is kingfish, followed by tuna, shark, pomfret, mackerel, and
doumer. The Vindaloo is considered to be a signature Goan dish. Sol Kadhi,
an appetizing drink, is well known for its health benefits.
It’s the sound most Goans wake up to each morning. The 'poder’s' honk Serves
as a morning alarm, signaling the arrival of fresh pao for breakfast. Poder, in the
local Konkani language, is the bread seller. Every morning, as the first light of
dawn bounces off this emerald green state nestled by the sea, thousands of
Poders pedal into sleepy villages and towns on bicycles fitted with large wicker
baskets covered with tarpaulin. The honk signals their arrival on your street,
waking homemakers and children who rush out to buy their daily pao—or Poi,
Unne and Katri pao—traditional varieties that are popular with the locals but
haven’t found an audience outside.
Goan Spice mixed

20 whole red chillies, 4 sticks of cinnamon (1 inch each) ,15 green cardamom
15 cloves, 03 gm black peppercorn, 03 gm cumin, 10 gm garlic,30 gm ginger, 150 ml malt vinegar,

Goan fish curry

15 whole red chillies,15 gm coriander seeds, 05gm cumin seeds
05 gm turmeric, 05 gm garlic, 20 gm ginger, 40 gm tamarind

08 whole red chillies, 4 sticks of cinnamon (1 inch each),
03 gm cumin,10 gm coriander seeds ,03 gm turmeric, 10 gm garlic, 30 gm ginger, 100 ml malt vinegar

05 whole red chillies, 05 gm black peppercorn, 03 gm cumin
03 cloves, 03 green cardamom, 05 gm garlic, 30 gm ginger

Literature Review

Goa's beaches, nightlife and adventure are the major crowd-pullers, but one more thing that attracts
swarms of tourists to Goa every year is Goan cuisine. As Goa was a Portuguese colony for four
centuries, and also ruled by Muslim and Hindu Kingdoms for brief periods, all of these influences
are evident in the Goan cuisine.
Basic Ingredients & Cooking Styles of Goan Cuisine
Rice, coconut milk and fish, along with local spices, are the basic ingredients of Goan cuisine. Other
main ingredients widely used in Goan cuisine are kokum, tamarind, red Goan chillies and cashews.
Seafood such as pomfret, prawns, crabs, lobsters, mussels, ladyfish, oysters and clams are used to
make soups, pickles and curries. Meats like pork, beef and chicken are staples of the Goa Christian
Goan specialties
Goan cuisine is incredibly rich and delicious. Fish curry and rice are the staples of Goan cuisine. The
most common fish on the menu is Kingfish, followed by tuna, shark, pomfret, mackerel and doumer.
Pork and seafood dishes are also prominent. Some specific Goan specialties are fish Recheado, fish
Caldeirada, fish Caldeen, prawn Balchao, pork Assad, caldo verda, bebinca and sorpotel.

Literature Review
In august 2020, i was watching an episode from season twelve of ''MasterChef
Australia.''Enjoying the show in my Guwahati home during mealtime had become a daily routine
for my companion and me. This episode was an elimination episode with two rounds. Round
One's challenge was to cook a classical dish, selected from a list provided by the show's producers,
in a constrained amount of time. MasterChef contestants often must cook dishes from global
recipes, but this episode triggered childhood memories for me because on the list was a Goan
dish—Beef Vindaloo paired with naan and rice. Naan is not a traditional pairing for anything
Goan, and thankfully no one chose to cook it. But what got me reflecting on my cultural cuisine
was a judge's instructions to contestants to ''cook one of them and cook it perfectly. Do not stray
from the path of being classic. Do not trick it up. Just make it exactly how it was intended to be
made and make it perfectly.''Another judge added:''We want the classic version. We don't want
any tricks. We don't want any reconstructions. None of that.''What constitutes a classic dish?
Vindaloo is a dish that integrates colonial and cultural histories of Goa. It has different versions
as you move geographically, and even as you move between households. I grew up eating it, but I
can only be confident about the version that belongs to my mother's kitchen. My mother's hands
prepared it. My father's tongue tempered it. This dish was not just a cultural marker; nor are
''classic dishes''always prepared in an atmosphere of loving, familial tradition. In our household,
the celebration of food was also built on exploitation, fear, anxiety, and hurt—where failures to
meet my father's standards often resulted in domestic violence.

Research Methodology
Methodology Used:- Quantitative Analysis.

Sample Size:- 110 Repondents

Research Approach:- Primary data was collected through online Survey

with the help of Questionaries and Secondary data was collected with
Research Papers online Website, books etc.

Research Methodology
1) To study Goan cuisine
2) To study the spices used in Gaon cuisine
3) To Study importance of Various Ingredients in Goan cuisine.

H1:- Goan cuisine is famous in Maharashtra.
HO:- Goan Cusine is Not Famous in Maharashtra.

Data Analysis & Interpretation


47.1% of the Respondents have Enjoyed Prawns Balchaw.

8.7% of the Respondents have Enjoyed Pork Vindaloo.

27.9% of the Respondents have Enjoyed Chicken Xacuti.

16.3% of the Respondents have Enjoyed Chicken Caffreal.

29.7% of the Respondents have Tasted Gadbad Ice-cream.
1% of the Respondents haven Tasted none of them.
20.8% of the Respondents have Tasted Chorizo Pav.
32.7% of the Respondents have Tasted Ros Omellete.
15.8% of the Respondents have Tasted Croquettes.

Results & Conclusion
This is the Result we got from the Responses.
Most the Respondents have Visited and had tasted Goan Cuisine
in or out side the Goan and it can be Goan Gravies, Goan Breads, Desserts
or any Goan Street Food. They are also Confortable with the large use of
Vinegars and Coconut in the Goan Dishes also feels the Importance of it.
Accordinding to the last Question Respondents can also have the
Authentic Goan main Course in a fine dine Restaurant over other Dishes.

According to the Responses Peoples of Maharashtra Like and know Goan


By the Reponses of the Respondents we can conclude that the Goan Cuisine
is famous in Maharashtra.

Outcome & Scope of Study
1)To study the ingredients use in Goan cuisine.

2)Explore the Famous Fishes use in Goa.

3)To understand the Importance of ingredients used in Goan cuisine.

4) Explore the Famous recipes from Goa.

5)Explore the Famous Desserts from Goa.

6)Explore the Famous Breads from Goa.

1)The study was conducted during covid-19 pandemic due which the
sample size is very limited.

2)Due to Pandemic the research couldn’t approach the people and ask
them questions face to face so it was conducted through online method in
the Google form.

3)The collected primary data is also limited as collected through internet.

4) Sometimes data was irrelevant in Google.

5)There is insufficient sample size for the statistical measurements

6)The lack of connectivity problem as the wifi was not good at all times

Thank You !

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