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Electronic health recordings:


Drug checking, prescriptions, automatic reminders.

Distribute records in the structure.

Transition: no one back to the paper records, no hand writing. Ability to transform clinical research. Look at
info across a large number of patints. Notes on patients, results at home, in the office


easier access and manage to information, converting all of paper records in techonolgical version

EMR: electronic medical records

HER: electronic health records

EMR: allows scheduling and billing digitally, better way of handling info. Share info with labs, insurance
companies, pharmacies, hospitals. It is intra-office, records you generate within your office never travel
digitally outside

EHR: data communicate with a multitude of entities outside the practice

EMR give not the possibility to communicate with the medical network outside the office

HER is the new digital solution for every aspects that can connect your practice to the entire medical
service world

Princess Alexandra Hospital:

The project links specialists at Princess Alexandra Hospital in Brisbane with clinicians,
GP's, health carers and patients in regional and remote communities in Queensland.
technologies to deliver patient-centric healthcare and chronic disease management in areas such
as endocrinology, geriatrics, dermatology and cardiology.
quality to patients living far away from specialist health services predominantly available in
major cities.
who don't have to travel 1000 kilometers for a ten minute consultation.
The Telehealth centre has provided us an opportunity to expand and see patients elsewhere in Queensland.
It's great for patients and family because they don't have to go to a metropolitan area,
they don't have to find accommodation, they don't have to pay for travel. Its not a daunting
experience for them.
 The patient is a lot more relaxed and comfortable here in their own environment.
for people who live at a long distance, it's either a big journey to come and see them
or the doctors have to travel and in both case its terribly inconvenient. Telehealth
become available to a much wider community through Telehealth.

Women in Tanzania:

model where each partner leads one or

more components to implement this safe
pregnancy and motherhood SMS service
across Tanzania partners support the
technical implementation the zero rating
of messages the multimedia campaign

as the registration of men and women in

villages and health facilities with the

making a huge impact in the lives of

everyday health care workers pregnant
mothers mothers with newborns and male
supporters alike about delivery

your patients without meeting them in

person otherwise you'd have to see all
the hundreds in your clinic which may

ARUBA: iot of things

the rise of the Internet of Things has

potentially lifesaving applications
within the healthcare industry

collecting data from bedside devices

viewing patient information and
diagnosing in real-time the entire

healthcare organizations don't apply

data from connected devices to other
business processes an issue that creates
inefficiency potential for data loss and
mistakes in diagnosis effective health

care depends on speed and accuracy and

we have seen a huge range of devices
becoming connected as IOT takes hold

over 50% of devices on healthcare

networks in the next two years will be
IOT devices like those you see here from

for caregivers the ability to easily

monitor and manage patient health can
save precious minutes every day

without having to manually visit each

patient the expert can give a remote
diagnosis and track medical assets

more efficiently using sensors and Wi-Fi

the ability to locate the right
Department in a hospital while
retrieving essential information becomes
straightforward for both caregivers 

effective environment through a single

application on a mobile device patients
and staff can securely manage IOT data


Proton beam therapy is a highly advanced new form of

radiotherapy that could help these
patients whilst also limiting possible
side-effects (for children that are sensitive to radiation in radiotheraphy)

Useful for cancer to brain or spine, difficult to reach by surgery

therapy is a highly advanced new form of

radiotherapy that could help these
patients whilst also limiting possible

in the US or Switzerland but it's tough

pounds in two new high-energy proton

beam therapy centers one here at
University College Hospital London and
here at Christie in Manchester

 it's a
super precise form of radiotherapy that
only delivers its lethal payload of
radiation in the tumor and not beyond it

example children with brain cancer

hitting only the tumor means that they
avoid potential side-effects such as
learning disabilities a

packets of light called photons in the

direction of the tumor a bit like
throwing a small ball at a big thick
jelly they enter fast gets slowed down a
bit and pass on at the other side even

x-rays can still cause damage to all the

tissues they pass through protons are
particles from deep inside an atom now

don't travel as far and quickly come to

a dead halt but their unique trick is
that they release a sudden burst of
energy as they stop that the lethal
payload bit 
additional challenge much of it is being
built underground so these two centers
are a triumph of science engineering and

very limited the two new facilities will

treat around 1,500 patients a year and
the cost of treatment will be around

today there are three main types of treatment to fight cancer surgery chemotherapy and radiotherapy unlike
traditional radiotherapy that uses photons to irradiate and kill tumor cells. proton therapy is an advanced form
of treatment using protons these
particles give proton therapy its many

therapy is its accuracy and its ability

to spare healthy tissues conventional
x-rays are made of photons that pass
through the body and deposit
considerable energy before and after the tumore

they're able to deposit less energy on

their way to the tumor and do not affect
tissues beyond it this property allows
to confine the radiation dose to the

the proton originates from the ion

source where hydrogen atoms are
separated into electrons and protons the

then these high-power protons are sent

through an energy selection system and a
DES grader that adjust their energy the

beam is steered across the target volume

one layer at a time pixel by pixel to
precisely match the shape of the tumor
with this active scanning technique the

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