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ENGLISH FOR CRIMINOLOGY (66044163) GRADO EN CRIMINOLOGIA NO SE PUEDE UTILIZAR NINGUN TIPO DE MATERIAL. INSTRUCCIONES: 1. Responda a las preguntas en Ia hoja de lectura optica. Las respuestas incorrectas no restan puntos. 2, Puntuacién de la prueba: 10 puntos. Se debe aplicar a la puntuaci6n final obtenida la ponderacién correspondiente segiin se haya entregado o no la PEC (ver guia). 3- Sipor algiin motivo fuera necesario anular una pregunta del examen, se repartiré ja puntuacién de esta proporcionalmente entre el resto de preguntas. Elija la opein correeta para cada una de las siguientes preguntas. 1. According to the materials studied in this subject and in the specific context in which the following appears, choose the correct option for the expression in square brackets: “Title VI of the Constitution is given over to the [Poder Judicial], with Article 117 stating that the principle of the unity of the judicial power is the basis for the organisation and operation of the courts”: [1 pto] Judiciary b. Magistrature ¢. Judicatur d. Magistrates es : following appears, choose the correct option: “When there's more than one judge siting together they sit ”.[1pto] chairs n bench c.on the dock din the seat 3. A lin the materials studied in this subj und in the sific mntext in which the following appears, choose the correct option: “Crime is some action or omission that causes ina situation that the person or group responsible ‘ought’ to be held and _, irrespective of what the law books of a state say”. [1 pto] a. problems, blamed, disciplined b. damages, responsible, sentenced . trouble, condemned, released & harm, accountable, e- punished fe ; : : fbllowing appears. choose the correct meaning of the term “sequestration” in Legal English: (1 pto] a. kidnapping b. abduction =e freezing of assets d. hijacking 5. According to the materials studied in this subject and in the specific context in which the following appears, choose the correct option: “ ‘means ‘you shall have the body’. It is a legal action (AKA writ) that prevents unlawful detention”. [1 pto] a. Mens rea b. Actus reus ‘=e Habeas corpus d. Prima facie 6. According to the materials studied in this subject and in the specific context in which the following appears, choose the correct option: “A person who illegally enters buildings and steals things”. [1 pto] a. thieve b. shoplifter c. pickpocket od burglar 7. According to the materials studied in this subject and in the specific context in which the following appears, choose the correct option: “An order to confiscate something is a ___ order”: [1 pto] =. confiscation b. retaining c. expropriating 4. confiscating 8. According to the materials studied in this subject and in the specific context in which the following appears, choose the correct option: “In Britain today all policemen (to refer) as ‘Bobbies’. Originally though, they (io know) as ‘Peelers’ as they were the creation of one Sir Robert Peel. The Peelers were the Metropolitan Police Force, which Sir Robert (to found) in the early 1800s when he was Home Secretary in Lord Liverpool's Tory Cabinet”. [1 pto] a. were referred to, were known, founded bare referred to, were known, founded c. were referred to, are known, was to be founded d. are being referred to, are known, was founding 9. According to the materials studied in this subject and in the specific context in which the following appears, choose the correct passive form (tense and structure) for “They will demonstrate the program to the students”. [1 pto] a. The program should be demostrated to the students. b. The program will have been demostrated to the students. c. The program has been demostrated to the students. =&. The program will be demostrated to the students. 10. According to the materials studied in this subject and in the specific context in which the following appears, choose the correct option: “The Directive also aims to facilitate the prevention of such offences and to improve cooperation between and other competent authorities.”: [1 pto] =e judicial b. judiciary c. juridical d.judge

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