No Se Puede Utilizar Ningún Tipo de Material.: English For Criminology (66044163) Grado en Criminología

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1. Responda a las preguntas en la hoja de lectura óptica. Las respuestas incorrectas
no restan puntos.
2. Puntuación de la prueba: lo puntos. Se debe aplicar a la puntuación final
obtenida la ponderación correspondiente según se haya entregado o no la PEC
(ver guía).
3. Si por algún motivo fuera necesario anular una pregunta del examen, se
repartirá la puntuación de esta proporcionalmente entre el resto de preguntas.

Elija la opción correcta para cada una de las siguientes preguntas.

1. According to the materials studied in this subject and in the specific context in which the
following appears, choose the correct option for the expressions in square brackets: "Numerous
[juzgados y tribunales] exist, among which the work is distributed according to
criteria for determining jurisdiction — [materia] , amount, person, function or
region": [i pto]
a. courts, issue
b. tribunals, matter subject
c. courts, subject matter
d. tribunals, affair
2. According to the materials studied in this subject and in the specific context in which the
following appears, choose the correct example of Anglo-saxon root vocabulary: [i pto]
a. superfluous
b. near
c. spouse
d. postpone
3. According to the materials studied in this subject and in the specific context in which the
following appears, choose the correct option: "Member States shall take the necessary
measures to ensure that, when committed intentionally, the access without right, to the whole
or to any part of an information system, is a criminal offence where
committed by infringing a security measure". [i pto]
a. punishable as
b. actionable as
c. condemnable as
d. sentenced
4. According to the materials studied in this subject and in the specific context in which the
following appears, choose the correct option: "A lawyer who is working/in active service is
called a(n) lawyer". [i pto]
a. practical
b. exercising
c. practising
d. active
5. According to the materials studied in this subject and in the specific context in which the
following appears, choose the incorrect use of "linking words": [i pto]
a. The media have a strong influence on people. However, can they increase the fear of
b. However many people claim that there is a strong link between media violence and fear
of crime, there is no body of evidence to support this claim.
c. Hardly anything had been done before. Therefore, a need was felt to conduct this study.
d. Research indicates that the majority of public knowledge about crime and justice is
derived from the media. As a consequence, it is imperative to examine the effects that the
mass media have on attitudes towards crime and justice.

6. According to the materials studied in this subject and in the specific context in which the
following appears, choose the correct use of the subjunctive in English: [i pto]
a. I demanded that he apologises.
b. I demanded that he apologised.
c. I demanded that he should apologise.
d. I demanded that he apologise.
7. According to the materials studied in this subject and in the specific context in which the
following appears, choose the correct option: "They campaigned the dangers of
one-sided reporting". [i pto]
a. against
b. away off
c. into
d. in the side of
8. According to the materials studied in this subject and in the specific context in which the
following appears, choose the correct option: " is a procedural defence,
incorporated in the US Constitution Fifth Amendment, which states that you cannot be tried
for the same crime twice". [i pto]
a. Double crime
b. Double jeopardy
c. Pleading
d. Presumption of innocence
9. According to the materials studied in this subject and in the specific context in which the
following appears, choose the correct option: "Before beginning an in-custody interrogation,
the suspect has to be advised of his or her constitutional rights. This is called the
". [i pto]
a. Arizona warning
b. Miranda advice
c. Miranda warning
d. Arizona caution
lo. According to the materials studied in this subject and in the specific context in which the
following appears, choose the correct option: "They thought the defendant was responsible for
the damage, but no one could anything against him". [i pto]
a. charge
b. acense
c. talk
d. prove

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