Thibodaux Mayor Letter

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RESPONSE TO AG LETTER FROM CALVIN COOKS It is apparent that our City Marshal has begun a process of retaliation against my office and the City because I requested an opinion from the State Attorney General relative to his authority outside the purview of the operations of City Court. The purpose of requesting the opinion was due to the fact that the new Marshal decided it was his duty to patrol areas within his jurisdiction which had no connection with his duties as an officer of the court. The n received from the Attorney General stated that he could exercise police powers without any further authority from the City, Parish or State. Since these powers were never exercised by the former City Marhsals over the past 50 years, my concern was that he was, excercizing these police powers without a formal set of policies and procedures. The enactment of those policies and procedures are paramount in limiting the exposure of the City and Parish relative to potential litigation involving the exercising of those powers. That is more evident now than ever in today’s world. Since | exercised my due diligence as Mayor to protect our citizens and taxpayers from any unnecessary liability, Mr. Cooks has decided to retaliate against me and my employees by submitting a letter to the attorney General accusing me’and two of my employees of ‘committing the crime of injuring public records. In his feeble attempt to smear my stration and the reputation of two outstanding public servants he has forgotten one al thing; proof that it occurred. On the other hand the City’s records prove that his allegations are not only unfounded, but are simply an outright lie. As an administration we have worked tirelessy to provide a safe and progressive community that all our residents are proud to call home. Although these efforts over the past 12 years did not necessarily feed the ego of Mr. Cooks, they have proven to have been an exemplary example of effective, good and transparent government. At this point, | have absolutely no concern over Mr. Cooks allegations and will investigate the ramifications of accusing elected officials and public servants of a crime with no evidence. Although I know it won’t happen, Mr. Cooks should not only be embarrassed of his actions, but he should also apologize to the fine City employees he insulted with his baseless accusations.

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