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‫עשרת הדברות‬
The 10
10 Commandments
‫ָאֹנִכי ה׳ ֱאֹלֶקיָךֲאֶׁשר הֹוֵצאִתיָךֵמֶאֶרץ ִמְצַרִים‬
1 Elishevitz
The first commandment of the 10 commandments is “I
am Hashem your G-d Who took you out of the land of

The first word of the 10 commandments is Anochi

which means I. It is actually an Egyptian word. Hashem
tells us before giving the rest of the Mitzvos, that we
need to only have him as Hashem, and accept Him as
the creator and ruler of the Universe. When Hashem
took the Yidden out of Mitzrayim and punished the
Egyptians, all the Yidden recognized that it was
Hashem who is in control of the world.

It would be impossible for us to do any of the Mitzvos if

we didn't accept Hashem as our King first.

‫ֹֽל א ִיְהֶיה ְלָךֱאֹלִהים ֲאֵחִרים ַעל ָּפָני‬

Hashem is the mightiest G-D. Nobody can even compete
with Him. That's why the second of the 10
commandments that Moshe gave to the Jews is “We are
forbidden to serve any other gods”.

Like, when the Frierdiker Rebbe was in jail and

threatened with a gun he said, “the only people scared
of that toy are people with 2 gods and 1 world because
they think their life is ending, but a person with 1 G-D
and 2 worlds is not afraid of the gun because He knows
Hashem is in charge. If he gets shot he goes to
shamayim, which is like another world. This story
teaches me that when things get hard and make you
worried, you'll remind yourself that there is 1 Hashem
running the world. You aren't worried because Hashem
will do what is best for you.
‫ֹלא ִתָּׂשא ֶאת ֵׁשם ה׳ ֱאֹלֶקיָךַלָּׁשְוא‬
The 3rd commandment is not saying Hashem's name in
vain. An example is that you can’t just say "I swear in
Hashem's name that I'm gonna turn on the light
tomorrow." It might be true, but it's not necessary to
swear about it. Hashem's name is so holy. That's why we
want to try to not say it for an unnecessary reason. And
now a story:
There once was a man who was very wealthy. He was so wealthy because he made sure never to swear.
When he was dying he told his son never to swear. After he died, some thieves heard that the son wouldn't
swear, so they said that his father owed them all his money and even took him court. The judge asked him
to swear that the money was not meant to be given to them, but he would not swear. So he lost all that
money and ended up in jail. His wife didn’t want to take out any loans, so she got a job washing laundry.
One time, when she was near the river, a boat came by and they asked if she could wash clothes for them
and offered her a big sum of money. She gave it to her oldest child, but then when she gave back the
clothing, they started going without letting her get off the boat. Her oldest child realized he could use the
money his mother gave him to get his father out of jail. After the father came out of jail the children got
kidnapped. He finally cried out, "I never swore, why is all this happening to me?" Then he heard a voice that
said “it was all a test, all your family will come back and you'll be rewarded.” And so it happened.

‫ָזכֹור ֶאת יֹום ַהַּׁשָּבת ְלַקְּדׁש ֹו‬

The second Commandment is Shabbos. Now what I
learned about Shabbat is that many people had mesiras
nefesh to keep Shabbat. Shabbos is special to me because
it’s a time that Hashem set aside for us. We should feel
grateful that He gave us free time to have a break.

Now, I want to share a story:

The Ohr haChaim was traveling with a group to Eretz
Yisroel in a caravan of camels. The Ohr haChaim asked one
of the leaders if they could stop, because it would be
Shabbat soon. They said no, it’s too dangerous to stop here in the middle of the desert. There could be
robbers, or dangerous animals and things like that. The Ohr haChaim wouldn’t travel with the group on
Shabbat so he stopped with his students and started to set up for Shabbat. They started to daven, but they
suddenly see this big lion coming towards them. The lion came next to the Ohr haChaim and lay down next
to him, and it stayed there the whole Shabbos. So obviously no robbers would want to come near the ohr
haChaim and his scary lion friend. When Shabbos was over the lion put his head down and the Ohr
haChaim with his students climbed on top. Then, the lion ran really fast until they caught up with the
group and dropped off the Ohr haChaim and his students.

Have a great Shavuos!

‫ַּכֵּבד ֶאת־ָאִביָךְוֶאת ִאֶּמָך‬
Aryeh Leib
The Mitzvah of honoring your parents is the fifth
Commandment of the Torah. Hashem gave us two luchos.
One for the relationship between us and Hashem, and the
second one for mitzvos between each other. The law of
honoring our parents is written in the first set of luchos.
Here are some ways we can do this Mitzvah. Number one,
don't sit on their chair. This is a way of being respectful
and honoring. Number two, don't wake them up. Your
parents need sleep, they work hard to get food, and help
you start a family in the future. Number three, try to make
them a tea, coffee, or water. Do something nice for them.
I know that the fifth commandment requires us to honor our parents. But are all parents are worthy of
respect? What if someone's mom didn't treat them so well, and now she's old and needs help. It might be
really hard to feel like she deserves that respect. There has to be at least one thing nice she has done for
you. Since we are Hashem's children and the Rebbe's children, we've learned how to find the nice things
she must have done. If only because she gave birth to you and gave you life, you should respect her as if she
does something nice to you every day.

‫ֹלא ִּתרָצח‬

Avi Baskin 6
The sixth Commandment tells us, meaning the Jews, not
to kill. Then a debacle comes up, a crazy question! Why
would Avraham be willing to kill his son at the Akeida?
Obviously, I would have done the same if Hashem told
me, but still?! Even if Hashem commanded him to do it,
murder is murder, a BIG no-no.
Murder is a bad thing in general, I would not like to end a
life. A life should go to heaven for good reasons, not “I
was murdered by so-and-so“.
Hashem is nice, but if the sixth commandment is not to kill, why did Hashem tell Avraham to kill his own
son? The answer is that Avraham was going through tests to see if he was worthy to serve Hashem. It was
all a test of faith, but murder was never the plan. Never ever kill someone, even if they bother you.

What we can learn from this is that we should see how precious life is, and never to take it for granted.
‫ֹלא ִּתְנאף‬
Chaim Avrohom
The seventh commandment is ‫( ֹלא ִּת ְנ ָא ף‬don't commit
adultery). in Me’am Lo'ez it says that the first 5
commandments and the 5 last commandment are
connected. That means that the 7th commandment
is connected to the 2nd, do not worship idols. How is
"do not commit adultery" connected to not
worshiping idols? The answer is, just like we
shouldn't be unfaithful to the person who you are
married to, so too we shouldn’t be unfaithful to

A person shouldn't even think about marrying

someone or acting like they are married with
someone who they can’t marry. A person shouldn’t
even smell the perfume of a person who he cannot
marry. Someone shouldn't even hang out, or be 2. It is like worshiping idols.
friends with someone who commits adultery or 3. It is against the Torah and Hashem.
thinks like this.
When people commit adultery they usually
Here are 3 reasons why you shouldn't commit try to hide it, but they're forgetting that
adultery: Hashem's watching. We must keep in mind
that Hashem is always watching and to not
1. It is completely inappropriate to commit adultery. commit adultery. Have a Happy Shavuos!

‫ֹלא ִּתְגֹנב‬

Ira Shamay 8
Stealing is when you have, let's say, a very cool new i-
Phone, and then your friend sees it and wants it but
does not have enough money to afford, it so he steals
it, or takes it without permission. That is what
stealing is.

The story:
One day, Mr. Bean is walking down the street and, all
of a sudden, he sees another man walking toward
him. The man looks poor, and has bedraggled clothes
on that look a little tight. The man gets closer and closer, and then-BAM-the man walks right into Mr.
Bean!! The man then apologizes and walks away. Later that day, Mr. Bean realizes that the poor man stole
his wallet! The next day, Mr. Bean was walking down the same street and he saw the poor man again.
When Mr. Bean got closer to the man, the man handed him his wallet, with an ashamed face. “I am so sorry
that I stole your wallet!” he said. “It is OK,” said Mr. Bean. “I understand why you did it, but I am happy that
you gave it back!”
‫ֹלא ַתֲעֶנה ְבֵרֲעָךֵעד ָׁשֶקר‬
Yehudah Yisroel
(Rolly) Rudnick
The ninth Commandment is “to not bear false witness”,
‫ֹלא ַת ֲעֶנה ְב ֵר ֲע ָך ֵע ד ָׁש ֶק ר‬. This means not to lie in court
about something you saw or didn't see.

An example would be like this; if you think your friend

or someone does something wrong, but you don't know
fully if they did that or not. So you tell people and
maybe get that person in trouble for something that
they didn’t do. HaShem says He will punish this aveira
by keeping the rain back, and there will be a famine.
Here is a story of a false witness. There was this guy named Jimmy who went to a new school, and this guy
named Bob accused Jimmy by telling people that Jimmy was stealing toys from other people. Jimmy
didn't actually steal anything which made Jimmy sad. That is an example of a false witness.

‫ֹלא ַתְחֹמד‬
Daniel Ariel
Khaimov 10
The Commandment not to be jealous is a really hard
commandment to keep. Sometimes it's really hard to
keep this Commandment because sometimes you are
jealous inside of your mind because someone else has
something that you don’t have. I believe that the
hardest part is not to even think about being jealous.
Sometimes your neighbors have a cool car or house or
any object that you are jealous of. But one of The
Commandments is not to be jealous. I think it's the
hardest commandment.
Jealousy is the 10th commandment and the last commandment is always the hardest. Sometimes it's
impossible not to be jealous, but we just have to try. People are always jealous so don't feel bad if you are
jealous, just work hard to make it better.
Almost all MMSC kids
from grades 4 and
higher spent much of
their free time learning
for the Chidon Sefer
HaMitzvos. Over the
course of five years and
five books, they will
learn all 613 Mitzvos in
depth! Here are a few
pictures of the 4th -5th
grade as they bring
their learning into

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