Levels of Autonomy in Synthetic Biology Engineering: Commentary

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Levels of autonomy in synthetic

biology engineering
Jacob Beal* & Miles Rogers

Engineering biological organisms is a be so easily controlled. It may therefore be course, does not exist in a vacuum, but
complex, challenging, and often slow more helpful to think beyond automation to makes use of externally supplied reagents,
process. Other engineering domains have autonomy. While specific definitions of instruments, protocols, etc. Such dependen-
addressed such challenges with a combi- autonomy vary (e.g., Beer et al, 2014; Kaber, cies do not disrupt the notion of autonomy,
nation of standardization and automation, 2018), the general theme is that automation but merely imply additional standards and
enabling a divide-and-conquer approach is any machine taking over actions from a compatibility requirements, just as with a
to complexity and greatly increasing human, while autonomy is automation oper- vehicle’s analogous use of gasoline, automo-
productivity. For example, standardization ating with resilience and independence in a tive parts, satellite navigation, and so on.
and automation allow rapid and predict- complex open environment. Figure 1 illustrates our proposed levels of
able translation of prototypes into fielded autonomy for synthetic biology, adapting
applications (e.g., “design for manufac- Levels of autonomy the concepts from the SAE LoDA to this
turability”), simplify sharing and reuse of domain. The primary axis is the six vertical
work between groups, and enable reliable We would like to begin by proposing a levels of increasing degree of autonomy:
outsourcing and integration of specialized working definition of autonomy for synthetic
subsystems. Although this approach has biology engineering, to use both for evaluat-
also been part of the vision of synthetic ing the degree of autonomy offered by • Level 0, No Autonomy: No autonomy is
biology, almost since its very inception current systems and for considering options the current condition of most work in
(Knight & Sussman, 1998), this vision still for future development. While there is a most laboratories, with essentially all
remains largely unrealized (Carbonell wide variety of definitions and frameworks work carried out by humans.
et al, 2019). Despite significant progress regarding autonomy, we propose that a • Level 1, Investigator Assistance: The first
over the last two decades, which have for particularly well suited framework to adapt level of autonomy introduces narrowly
example allowed obtaining and editing is the Levels of Driving Automation (LoDA) scoped systems assisting with specific labor-
DNA sequences in easier and cheaper framework, which was developed by SAE intensive tasks, such as “high-throughput”
ways, the full process of organism engi- International and is now widely used assay instruments, pipetting robots, or
neering is still typically rather slow, throughout the automotive engineering specialized software packages. However,
manual, and artisanal. community. This framework consists of six humans are still intimately entangled with
levels (0 through 5) of incrementally their operation, which typically requires
Mol Syst Biol. (2020) 16: e10019 increasing autonomy. The lower three levels careful set-up for each task to be executed.
in the LoDA framework, that is, no automa- • Level 2, Partial Autonomy: Partially auton-

erhaps it is time to take a more tion, driver assistance, and partial automa- omous systems provide proactive assis-
systematic approach to automation in tion, can be met by isolated subsystems tance to the investigator. For example, a
organism engineering, to better under- supervised by the human driver. The higher system may validate its operation against
stand the barriers to productivity gains. In levels, however—conditional automation, a checklist of potential problems or fill in
electrical, mechanical, and chemical engi- high automation, and full automation— details of a more abstract experiment plan.
neering, where automation and high produc- require that the system be fully integrated Since the system needs to reason about its
tivity have become the norm, the success and capable of closed loop operation. operations, this level also requires
has come from breaking down complex By analogy, we may consider a synthetic increased use of standards, calibration,
processes into simple, well-understood steps biology investigator as the “driver” of a process controls, and extraction of “intu-
in a precisely managed environment. laboratory, and the collection of assistive itive” knowledge about the task into a
However, when engineering living organ- equipment therein the vehicle that the inves- machine-interpretable form.
isms, we are dealing with complex and tigator navigates toward an intended organ- • Level 3, Conditional Autonomy: The third
imperfectly understood systems that cannot ism engineering goal. A laboratory, of level of autonomy marks a major transi-

Raytheon BBN Technologies, Cambridge, MA, USA

*Corresponding author. E-mail: jakebeal@ieee.org
DOI 10.15252/msb.202010019 | Mol Syst Biol. (2020) 16: e10019

ª 2020 The Authors. Published under the terms of the CC BY 4.0 license Molecular Systems Biology 16: e10019 | 2020 1 of 5
Molecular Systems Biology Jacob Beal & Miles Rogers

Machine investigator A number of projects have demonstrated
Humans only set goals and receive results. that high levels of autonomy are indeed
possible in synthetic biology. For example,
LEVEL 4 Level 3 autonomy has been demonstrated
Highly-autonomous investigation with organic synthesis via an integrated flu-
All protocol execution and data analysis by machines.
Humans handle interpretation of data with respect to goals. idic system and machine learning classifier
(Granda et al, 2018) and in other chemical
LEVEL 3 investigations via a mobile robotic system
Conditional autonomy and Bayesian sample design (Burger et al,
Machine can do ‘closed loop’ experiment batches, making
Increasing interpretations of routine analyses, flagging anomalies for humans.
2020). The “Adam” and “Eve” robotic
degree of science systems (King et al, 2009) arguably
autonomy LEVEL 2 attain Level 4 autonomy, via systems biol-
Partial autonomy ogy knowledge representations that allow
Higher-level control: automated checklists, experiment details.
both experiment configuration from mecha-
Requires machine interpretable calibrated data/designs, process controls.
nistic hypotheses and hypothesis adjustment
from results.
Investigator assistance However, just as with early demonstra-
Machines handle specialized protocol tasks, routinize curation. tions of autonomous vehicle navigation,
there is a sizable gap between demonstrating
LEVEL 0 that high-level autonomy is possible and
No autonomy actually increasing the level of autonomy
All experiment design, execution, and interpretation handled by that is broadly deployed. These demonstra-
humans. Data cannot be readily compared.
tions, while impressive, are still fragile,
narrow in scope, and require considerable
Increasing scope prior investment in configuration and cura-

of applicability
tion to set up an experimental program.
Returning once again to the vehicle analogy,
the prior systems are all still driving on a
Figure 1. Levels of autonomy in synthetic biology workflows, incrementally rising from no closed test course and not the open and
autonomy to fully autonomous machine investigation.
unpredictable urban environment of most
synthetic biology research.
At present, any automation is generally
tion, in which the machine is able to • Level 5, Machine Investigator: At this provided at the level of components and
close the design-build-test-loop, running highest level, the human moves from partial systems. The commonly discussed
multiple cycles without human interven- investigator to manager, essentially notion of a design-build-test-learn engineer-
tion, beginning to interpret routine anal- removing themselves from laboratory ing cycle can be useful in understanding the
yses, and involving humans only in case operations except for setting goals and challenges in moving from the current state-
of anomalies and at the completion of a receiving results. of-the-art to a more generally available high-
batch. This means that all individual Orthogonally, we may also consider the level autonomy. Figure 2 illustrates this
workflow components must be at least scope of a system’s applicability. At the lower cycle, coloring components by the highest
Level 2, and they also must be inte- levels, scope may refer to how much of a level of broadly available automation. It also
grated and able to adapt to results from workflow is covered by a system. Scope may includes two other commonly elided
other parts of the workflow. For exam- also refer to the system’s versatility in applica- aspects: configuration and curation. Config-
ple, if an automatically designed bility: a narrowly scoped system might only uration connects the output from one engi-
construct fails in the build or test stages, apply a certain test protocol, while a more neering phase to the inputs of another
the next iteration of design should adapt broadly scoped system might apply to a wide engineering phase, such as setting up a
at least enough to not propose the same range of build or test protocols. test phase experiment using genetic
construct again. This does not necessarily mean that we constructs from a build phase plus infor-
• Level 4, Highly Autonomous Investiga- expect to achieve all of these levels. For mation about their design intention and
tion: At the fourth level, the system is example, Level 5 autonomy might well hypotheses from the preceding design and
essentially a laboratory assistant, taking likely require rather sophisticated Artificial learn phases. Curation provides the
over all protocol execution and routine Intelligence. Nevertheless, having this machine-interpretable information required
aspects of data analysis, while the human framework in hand will allow a more quan- for both execution and configuration, such
is still required for interpreting data with titative assessment of the current state-of- as protocols to be used in a test and the
respect to goals and adjusting plans the-art and will indicate key barriers to inventory of available equipment,
accordingly. improved productivity. constructs, strains, and reagents.

2 of 5 Molecular Systems Biology 16: e10019 | 2020 ª 2020 The Authors

Jacob Beal & Miles Rogers Molecular Systems Biology

Significant automation capabilities have creators’ curation of library of high-quality environment for bioinformatics and omics,
been developed for each of the four primary device characterization data, which is still a or microscopy packages such as SuperSegger
phases: design, build, test, and learn. At largely manual process with at best Level 1 and FogBank. Nevertheless, organizing data
least in some domains, there are systems automation. Similarly, Autoprotocol (Miles for analysis is largely manual, and interpre-
providing Level 2 partial autonomy, such & Lee, 2018) (Fig 3B) provides automation tation of results with respect to background
that a well-configured system can perform for build and test protocol execution. knowledge and experimental goals is still
significant reasoning about tasks it executes, However, authoring new protocol scripts is left entirely to human experts.
validate its operation, and provide meaning- a complex process often requiring significant In sum, while automation is available
ful debugging assistance to a human expertise and multiple iterations. The same for any given phase, the current state-of-
operator. authoring challenge exists with all other the-art consistently falls short when it
For example, Cello (Nielsen et al, 2016) current protocol automation platforms, such comes to the configuration of phase-to-
(Fig 3A) automates the design of a class of as Aquarium, Antha, and the OpenTrons phase interconnections and curation of
genetic information processing circuits, API. In the learn phase, we find analysis information to satisfy preconditions for
given a specification of a desired logic func- packages like TASBE Flow Analytics (Beal execution. Some representational standards
tion and library of device models, using et al, 2019) (Fig 3C), which carries out auto- have already been developed to address
those models to guide design and predict mated processing and quality control assess- configuration and curation challenges, for
expected behavior. Notably, while Cello is ment of flow cytometry data, using example, SBML for composable models of
not the first tool that in principle allows such heuristics and a checklist of common issues learned information, SBOL for linking
a design process—others include BioCom- to effectively implement partial autonomy in between design information and the rest of
piler, GEC, and GenoCAD—the success of analysis. Similar automation exists for other the engineering cycle, and workflow inte-
Cello circuit design is largely due to its assays, such as the Galaxy workflow grations have been demonstrated making
use of these standards.
Nevertheless, three major gaps still
remain unaddressed. First, there is not yet
any standard representation for protocols
Component and protocol interfaces, complementary to
SBOL and SBML. Such a representation is
Design needed for configuration of build and test
Interpretation specification
Domain and models automation within larger workflows.
knowledge Second, curation of information into stan-
SI dard representations—a precondition for
automation—is still a slow and highly


manual process, requiring rare joint exper-
Analysis Protocol
configuration specifications tise in both knowledge representations and
Inventory the particular application domain targets
of curation. Level 2 (partial autonomy)
tools are needed in order to act as assistive
NA/Strain partners to domain experts, thereby lower-
Analytical build plan
tool APIs Data ing the barriers to curation and decreasing
the need for knowledge representation



expertise. Finally, there is not yet a critical


mass of automation-enabled tools to form
an effective marketplace for automated
Experiment NA/ Strain workflows. While such a marketplace
plan samples
effectively exists within the learn phase for
Executable bioinformatics tooling, a sufficiency of
protocols LEVEL 2
Level 1 and Level 2 automation tools in
Protocol other domains need to be adapted to use
specifications LEVEL 0

Inventory standard representations in order to facili-

tate workflow integration by non-special-
ists across larger portions of the
engineering cycle.
Figure 2. State of the art in autonomy for design-build-test-learn cycle.
State-of-the-art in synthetic biology autonomy, showing both the core design-build-test-learn cycle and also In sum, at present, autonomy in synthetic
the configuration required to connect between stages and the curation required enable autonomy for each biology has been demonstrated as high as
stage and its configuration. Color indicates maximum autonomy level available via publicly available Level 4 (highly autonomous investigation).
reusable components, per the levels shown in Figure 1. At best, current systems are attaining partial While higher levels of autonomy should
autonomy (Level 2) in isolated portions of the cycle, with major gaps regarding stage-to-stage connections
benefit investigators by allowing faster and
and curation.
more effective engineering, nearly all

ª 2020 The Authors Molecular Systems Biology 16: e10019 | 2020 3 of 5

Molecular Systems Biology Jacob Beal & Miles Rogers

A Cello B Autoprotocol C TASBE Flow Analytics














Figure 3. Examples of level of autonomy analysis for synthetic biology tools.

Example level of autonomy analysis for state-of-the-art partially autonomous (Level 2) systems in synthetic biology, indicating level by color as in Fig 1: (A) Cello (Nielsen
et al, 2016) genetic circuit design software, (B) Autoprotocol (Miles & Lee, 2018) for build and test protocol automation, and (C) TASBE Flow Analytics (Beal et al, 2019) for
learning from analysis of flow cytometry data. Note that collectively such systems cover nearly all of the design-build-test-loop, but are effectively isolated in current
practice by gaps in curation and configuration.

investigations are still minimally automated, Once a critical mass is reached, network that marketplace to obtain a competitive
at best having only fragments of a workflow effects will incentivize widespread adoption edge and as tool providers aim for sales
even as high as Level 2 (partial autonomy). of standards, as investigators make use of within it. At that point, we should expect an

From autonomy to society

Box 1. Further reading
The gaps noted above, protocol representa-
1 SAE levels of driving automation.
tion, lightweight curation, and automation SAE International (2016) Taxonomy and definitions for terms related to driving automation
Markets, all point to the critical role that open systems for on-road motor vehicles. Technical Report J 3016 201609, SAE International.
standards must play in enabling autonomy in 2 Automation methods.
synthetic biology. For any business involving 
Afgan E, Baker D, Batut B, Van Den Beek M, Bouvier D, Cech M, Chilton J, Clements D, Coraor N,
technological innovation, Joy’s Law is the Gru€ning BA et al (2018) The galaxy platform for accessible, reproducible and collaborative
principle that: “No matter who you are, most biomedical analyses: 2018 update. Nucleic Acids Res 46(W1): W537–W544
Beal J, Lu T, Weiss R (2011) Automatic compilation from high-level biologically-oriented
of the smartest people work for someone
programming language to genetic regulatory networks. PLoS ONE 6: e22490
else.” This reflects the fact that the expertise Chalfoun J, Majurski M, Dima A, Stuelten C, Peskin A, Brady M (2014) Fogbank: a single cell
needed for complex problems is diverse, segmentation across multiple cell lines and image modalities. BMC Bioinformatics 15: 431
highly specialized, and difficult to transfer. Czar MJ, Cai Y, Peccoud J (2009) Writing DNA with GenoCAD. Nucleic Acids Res 37(Web Server
Research and development in synthetic biol- issue): W40–W47
Pedersen M, Phillips A (2009) Towards programming languages for genetic engineering of living
ogy is a particular extreme in this respect,
cells. J Roy Soc Interf Roy Soc 6: S437–S450
given its wildly diverse and interdisciplinary Stylianidou S, Brennan C, Nissen SB, Kuwada NJ, Wiggins PA (2016) Supersegger: robust image
nature. Thus, unlike autonomous driving, segmentation, analysis and lineage tracking of bacterial cells. Mol Microbiol 102: 690–700
high-level autonomy in synthetic biology is a
3 Standards and Integration.
problem that needs to be solved not once but Hucka M, Finney A, Sauro HM, Bolouri H, Doyle JC, Kitano H, Arkin AP, Bornstein BJ, Bray D,
countless times, as every laboratory has its Cornish-Bowden A et al (2003) The Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML): a medium for
own particular set of needs, goals, protocols, representation and exchange of biochemical network models. Bioinformatics 19: 524–531
and available equipment. Myers CJ, Beal J, Gorochowski TE, Kuwahara H, Madsen C, McLaughlin JA, Misirli G, Nguyen T,
Closed or bespoke systems, like those Oberortner E, Samineni M et al (2017) A standard-enabled workflow for synthetic biology.
Biochem Soc Trans 45: 793–803
that have achieved high levels of autonomy
Roehner N, Beal J, Clancy K, Bartley B, Misirli G, Grnberg R, Oberortner E, Pocock M, Bissell M,
in the past, simply cannot bring to bear the Madsen C et al (2016) Sharing structure and function in biological design with SBOL 2.0. ACS
level of marketplace resources that can be Synth Biol 5: 498–506
marshaled with the aid of open standards.

4 of 5 Molecular Systems Biology 16: e10019 | 2020 ª 2020 The Authors

Jacob Beal & Miles Rogers Molecular Systems Biology

exponential take-off in the impact of all of us to look for ways that we can contri- biology, machine learning, and automation. ACS
synthetic biology and a wholesale global bute to bringing that future into being. Synth Biol 8: 1474 – 1477
transformation, much as with the manufac- Granda JM, Donina L, Dragone V, Long D-L, Cronin
turing revolution set off by electrical stan- Acknowledgements L (2018) Controlling an organic synthesis robot
dards at the end of the 19th century and the Partial support for this work was provided by NSF with machine learning to search for new
informational revolution set off by computer Expeditions in Computing Program Award reactivity. Nature 559: 377 – 381
network standards at the end of the 20th #1522074 as part of the Living Computing Project. Kaber DB (2018) A conceptual framework of
century. This document does not contain technology or autonomous and automated agents. Theor
Until that point, however, the field is in a technical data controlled under either the U.S. Issues Ergon Sci 19: 406 – 430
tentative state, vulnerable to being stifled by International Traffic in Arms Regulations or the U.S. King RD, Rowland J, Oliver SG, Young M, Aubrey
monopolistic capture (intentional or emer- Export Administration Regulations. W, Byrne E, Liakata M, Markham M, Pir P,
gent), by rent-taking outside forces, or by Soldatova LN et al (2009) The automation of
intellectual property gridlock. The synthetic Conflict of interest science. Science 324: 85 – 89
biology community thus needs to make The authors declare that they have no conflict of Knight TF, Sussman GJ (1998) Cellular gate
active choices to promote markets based on interest. technology. In First International Conference on
open biological standards. Individual practi- Unconventional Models of Computation
tioners should look for ways to gain advan- (UMC98), pp. 1 – 17
tage through becoming early adopters. References Miles B, Lee PL (2018) Achieving reproducibility and
Companies should join open standards closed-loop automation in biological
consortia or create them in those areas Beal J, Overney C, Adler A, Yaman F, Tiberio L, experimentation with an IoT-enabled laboratory
where none exist at present. Investors Samineni M (2019) Tasbe flow analytics: a of the future. SLAS Technol 23: 432 – 439
should look for ways to leverage standards package for calibrated flow cytometry analysis. Nielsen AA, Der BS, Shin J, Vaidyanathan P,
in market plays. Finally, professional soci- ACS Synth Biol 8: 1524 – 1529 Paralanov V, Strychalski EA, Ross D, Densmore
eties should advocate for funding supporting Beer JM, Fisk AD, Rogers WA (2014) Toward a D, Voigt CA (2016) Genetic circuit design
open standards, and government agencies framework for levels of robot autonomy in automation. Science 352: aac7341
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support standards development and adop- 3: 74
tion within their portfolios. Burger B, Maffettone PM, Gusev VV, Aitchison CM,
In the coming decades, those societies Bai Y, Wang X, Li X, Alston BM, Li B, Clowes R License: This is an open access article under the
that invest in open standards for synthetic et al (2020) A mobile robotic chemist. Nature terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License,
biology will experience vast gains in biologi- 583: 237 – 241 which permits use, distribution and reproduction
cal productivity and the corresponding Carbonell P, Radivojevic T, Garcia Martin H (2019) in any medium, provided the original work is prop-
economic and societal benefits. It behooves Opportunities at the intersection of synthetic erly cited.

ª 2020 The Authors Molecular Systems Biology 16: e10019 | 2020 5 of 5

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