Technology and Its Negativity: English For Academic and Professional Purposes Performance Task 2: Position Paper

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Alliah Angela C.

Technology and its Negativity

Just take a moment to look around you and think about it. Technology is everywhere, can’t you
INTRODUCTION agree? Spare me a period and look at your pocket or in what you are currently holding right now, I proved
my point right? In our modern times, technology is evolving and providing users with even more methods to
entertain and simplify their lives. Basically, it has brought many great things and makes everything better.
This has emerged since the 1980s, to methods ranging from as simple as stone tools to complex genetic
engineering and information technology. From smartphones, tablets, computers, and so on, our life is
surrounded by various technology. Even social media to televisions and tablet- based toys, today’s kids and
generation are constantly inundated by technology. Hand a smartphone to a toddler, chances are they’ll
figure out how to open it in a matter of seconds. As kids, children, and teens developing an aptitude and are
learning from a very young age about technology, they’re making huge strides as they grow being prepared
for the future. On the contrary, with all this constant immersion in technology, there has become growing
concerns regarding the negative effects of these advancements and have serious consequences into the
young lives of our children. Unfortunately, too much usage of these technological advancements has
provided countless negative effects on children’s development, from their social skills to their physical
health, and even to mental well- being of our young teens. Of course, this doesn’t mean parents need to
ban technology entirely, but it is essential for parents to be aware of the possible negative effects of
technology on the growth of children.

Technology has completely changed the way we interact with each other. Even as an adolescent
BODY myself, I am more prone to send a text versus make a phone a call. Similarly, we often behave differently
on social media than we would in person. These differences aren’t exclusive to adults. As kids spend a
significant amount of time on social media, they’re more apt to be virtually connected with family and
friends, rather than spending time together. This then results in diminishing of relationships and leads in
issues with face-to-face social interactions of children. When they spend a significant amount of time on
social media, it can lead to lower self- esteem and cause impairment in the development of social skills.
Moreover, children may become isolated and fail to have normal communication. There is also a chance
that they are less able to identify social cues and be less attentive. A child may avoid social interaction to
spend more time using electronic devices to avoid social situations due to social anxiety because of
underdeveloped social skills. In general, technology use can cause social and behavioral problems in
children since it minimizes the amount of time kids spend interacting with others.

While we tend to do our everyday tasks, electronic devices and technology has made it convenient
to keep our children occupied. Whilst children seem entertained using gadgets, many studies show that
this innovation of technology may have negative impacts on the mental well- being of a child. With
accordance to a conducted study, it was found that young teens who persistently logged on to social
media were more likely to present with psychological issues such as mania, paranoia, aggressiveness,
antisocial behavior, and narcissism. They can also be more impulsive, moody, and have difficulty
maintaining focus. Harmful implications on children’s brain can also be a result. When there is an excessive
use of electronics, it can cause gray matter atrophy, the shrinkage or loss of tissues volume in the brain. At
a young age, the brain is still in the process of development which makes it more susceptible to
environmental influences. Furthermore, investigations shown that children who regularly use the
Alliah Angela C. Matoza

internet and play video games exhibit more anxiety and depression. Depression is a key issue that is
correlated with more media use. This has increased suicide rates and has led to more youth needing
mental health interventions like counseling. Experts believe that time spent on social media or even using
technology can directly be tied to increased risks of mental health issues.

With children spending more time typing or tapping on a screen, they are naturally spending less
time outside or engaged in physical activities. The overuse of mobile devices can be harmful to children’s
physical health, as the more they use gadgets, the less exercise and physical movement they do. In
addition, when children choose to play their devices over physical activity, they often couple their activity
with mindless snacking and other unhealthy habits. This has been proved by research findings stating that
children and adolescents may engage in more mindless eating while watching TV or playing video games.
As children spend more time in front of those screens, the less time they spend outside playing, running,
and burning off calories. As a result, over time, we’re seeing habits that can lead to significant weight gain,
increased obesity rates, and other physical health problems in children.

Although technology has aided humanity with many advancements and convenience, providing
our children the enhancement of learning, developed them as future technological leaders, and improved
decision making, the uncountable negative effects and impacts still outweighs these aspects for they have
much more great influence than those of positive circumstances that is needed to be addressed and
required an immediate attention

Over the past decade, screen-based technology has continued to infiltrate children’s lives.
CONCLUSION Similarly, people will always argue that innovation of technology offers many benefits in their day-to-day
lives. However, the downside of devices is the reality that children may use technological advancements
too much that screen time may result in various negative effects in their development. It is evident and
proved to us by many research studies that it is more detrimental in young lives of children than most
people realize. Technology is destroying children’s social abilities and causing dependency on constant
stimulation. Leading in harmful physical health problems in the future and having an immense impact on
the mental well-being of these little ones that we would not even think of them having one. Think about
the future of our children. It does no good and no favors to overuse technology in the way that majority of
the people are currently overusing it. To avoid the frightening ramifications as discussed and mentioned
throughout this paper, changes must be made in our youth and in the way this country raises their
children. It’s not too late to start making positive changes in the lives of children, parents and health care
professional can help a child live a healthier life by encouraging them, demonstrating use of technology,
and establishing good habits early on for offsetting the negative impacts of technology on children.
Remember and always take a note that, not all technology is bad, it is measured on how one makes use of
it in their own way.

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