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Mehran Sahami Handout #14

CS 106A October 8, 2007

Based on a handout by Eric Roberts

Chapter 5 introduces the concept of methods in Java, which are analogous to those you
created in Karel. In contrast to the topics of expressions and control statements, the
material in Chapter 5 involves far fewer details. On the other hand, the ideas introduced
in this chapter are far more important. If you plot overall importance on a scale of 1 to
10, the switch statement probably weighs in somewhere around 2 (and I'm being very
generous here... poor old switch statement); methods are definitely a 10.

The common idea that links methods in Karel and Java is that both provide a service to
other, higher-level parts of the program and therefore act as tools. In both languages, the
run method can call subsidiary methods to accomplish parts of the overall task. Those
methods in turn call other methods that perform simpler operations, and so on. The caller
views the method in terms of the effect it accomplishes. The method supplies all the
details about how that operation is done. By hiding the details of complex operations,
methods simplify the conceptual structure of a program considerably and allow you as a
programmer to view it at varying levels of detail.

The fundamental difference between methods in Karel and their counterparts in Java is
that Java makes it possible for data to pass back and forth between the caller and the
method. Callers supply information to the method by supplying arguments; methods
give information back to their callers by returning results. The entire process of passing
this data between the two levels is in many respects the most important issue for you to
understand in Chapter 5. In particular, you should take note of the following:

Methods can be applied to other objects. In this case, the syntax of the call is


Arguments in the calling method are assigned to the corresponding formal parameters
in the callee according to their position in the argument list. Thus, the first argument is
assigned to the first parameter name, the second to the second, and so on. The names
of the variables are completely irrelevant to this process.
Arguments are copied rather than shared. If you change the value of a formal
parameter, the corresponding actual argument even if it is a variable with the same
name is unaffected.
The return statement causes a method to return immediately to its caller and also
indicates the value to be returned as a result.

Methods can return values of any of the types you have encountered so far. Most of you
will have little trouble with methods that return numeric data because you are familiar
with this concept from high-school algebra. For some reason, methods that return objects
or Boolean data seem harder, although the basic idea is precisely the same. Methods that
return Boolean values, which are usually called predicate methods. are extremely
important to programming.
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Mehran Sahami Handout #15
CS 106A October 8, 2007
Section Handout #2 Simple Java
Based on a handout by Eric Roberts

1. The Fibonacci sequence
In the 13th century, the Italian mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci as a way to explain
the geometic growth of a population of rabbits devised a mathematical sequence that
now bears his name. The first two terms in this sequence, Fib(0) and Fib(1), are 0 and 1,
and every subsequent term is the sum of the preceding two. Thus, the first several terms
in the Fibonacci sequence look like this:

Fib(0) = 0
Fib(1) = 1
Fib(2) = 1 (0 + 1)
Fib(3) = 2 (1 + 1)
Fib(4) = 3 (1 + 2)
Fib(5) = 5 (2 + 3)

Write a program that displays the terms in the Fibonacci sequence, starting with Fib(0)
and continuing as long as the terms are less than 10,000. Thus, your program should
produce the following sample run:

This program continues as long as the value of the term is less than the maximum value,
so that the loop construct you need is a while, presumably with a header line that looks
like this:

while (term < MAX_TERM_VALUE)

Note that the maximum term value is specified using a named constant.
2. Drawing a face
Your job is to draw a robot-looking face like the one shown in the following sample run:

This simple face consists of four parts a head, two eyes, and a mouth which are
arranged as follows:

7KH KHDG The head is a big rectangle whose dimensions are given by the named
constants HEAD_WIDTH and HEAD_HEIGHT. The interior of the head is gray, although it
should be framed in black.
7KH H\HV The eyes should be cricles whose radius in pixels is given by the named
constant EYE_RADIUS. The centers of the eyes should be set horizontally a quarter of
the width of the head in from either edge, and one quarter of the distance down from
the top of the head. The eyes are yellow.
7KHPRXWK The mouth should be centered with respect to the head in the [-dimension
and one quarter of the distance up from the bottom of the head in the \-dimension.
The dimensions of the mouth are given by the named constants MOUTH_WIDTH and
MOUTH_HEIGHT. The mouth is white.

Finally, the robot face should be centered in the graphics window.
Mehran Sahami Handout #15A
CS 106A October 10, 2007
Solutions for Section #2
Based on a handout by Eric Roberts
1. The Fibonacci sequence

* File:
* --------------------
* This program lists the terms in the Fibonacci sequence up to
* a constant MAX_TERM_VALUE, which is the largest Fibonacci term
* the program will display.

import acm.program.*;

public class Fibonacci extends ConsoleProgram {

public void run() {
println("This program lists the Fibonacci sequence.");
int t1 = 0;
int t2 = 1;
while (t1 <= MAX_TERM_VALUE) {
int t3 = t1 + t2;
t1 = t2;
t2 = t3;

/* Defines the largest term to be displayed */
private static final int MAX_TERM_VALUE = 10000;


2. Drawing a robot face
/* File: */
/* This program draws a robot face. */

import acm.program.*;
import java.awt.*;

public class RobotFace extends GraphicsProgram {

/* Parameters for the drawing */
private static final int HEAD_WIDTH = 100;
private static final int HEAD_HEIGHT = 150;
private static final int EYE_RADIUS = 10;
private static final int MOUTH_WIDTH = 60;
private static final int MOUTH_HEIGHT = 20;

public void run() {
addFace(getWidth() / 2, getHeight() / 2);

/* Adds the entire face centered at (cx, cy) */
private void addFace(double cx, double cy) {
addHead(cx, cy);
addEye(cx - HEAD_WIDTH / 4, cy - HEAD_HEIGHT / 4);
addEye(cx + HEAD_WIDTH / 4, cy - HEAD_HEIGHT / 4);
addMouth(cx, cy + HEAD_HEIGHT / 4);

/* Adds the head centered at (cx, cy) */
private void addHead(double cx, double cy) {
double x = cx - HEAD_WIDTH / 2;
double y = cy - HEAD_HEIGHT / 2;
GRect head = new GRect(x, y, HEAD_WIDTH, HEAD_HEIGHT);

/* Adds an eye centered at (cx, cy) */
private void addEye(double cx, double cy) {
double x = cx - EYE_RADIUS;
double y = cy - EYE_RADIUS;
GOval eye = new GOval(x, y, 2 * EYE_RADIUS, 2 * EYE_RADIUS);

/* Adds a mouth centered at (cx, cy) */
private void addMouth(double cx, double cy) {
double x = cx - MOUTH_WIDTH / 2;
double y = cy - MOUTH_HEIGHT / 2;
GRect mouth = new GRect(x, y, MOUTH_WIDTH, MOUTH_HEIGHT);

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