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All About the President President of the United States Who Can Be President 35 Years Lived in Natural-born Vote Old U.S. U.S. 14 Years Citizen What the President Does Commander Problem Leader in Chief Solver Every 4 Years © Evan-Moor Corp. + EMC 3232 + Nonfiction Reading Practice 4 Name Our President 12 ‘Nonflton Reading Practice + EMC 3282 + © fran-Moor Corp. Words to Know Words to Know Words to Know Being the \ Working for the President | United States A Strony Leader United States president United States president United States president leader leader leader country country government Constitution George vote Washington signs laws founders laws Constitution government armed forces power laws White House sign Constitution Our President armed forces problems Our President mH ‘© Evan-Moor Corp. ¢ EMC 3232 + Nonfiction Reading Practice 14 Being the President The United States has a president. The president is the leader of the country. It’s a big job. The president must listen to many people. The president must try to be fair. A president has to be a good leader. The Constitution tells the jobs of the president. The president signs new laws. Laws are written rules that everyone must follow. The president is also in charge of the armed forces. He or about hee wroyisan work tayelhont she helps the United States to work with other countries. The president has many meetings all day long. The president works to keep the people of the United States safe and happy. The president lives in Washington, DC, in the White House. The White House has offices where many people work. It’s also a home, though. The president lives there with his or her family. The president works, has fun, eats, and sleeps there. Some presidents have pets in the White House, too. The president is a world leader, but also a real person just like you. ‘The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20500 Our President Nonfiction Reading Practice + EMC 3232 ¢ © Evan-Moor Corp. Name Being the President Fill in the circle to complete the sentence. Then answer questions 3 and 4. 1. The president of the United States works to 5 ® only have meetings rule other countries © be a good leader 2. The president of the United States lives in ® the White House Pennsylvania © another country 3. The author says the president has a big job. Tell one reason why this is so. 4. Write two facts about the president. Write About the Topic Use the Writing Form to write about what you read. What does the president do? Write to tell about | the president’s work and life. | {© Evan-Moor Corp. + EMC 3232 « Nonfiction Reading Practice OurPresident 15 Working for the United States The president of the United States is the leader of our country. The first president was George Washington. He became president in 1789. Washington helped to set up our nation. He was one of the founders. Washington and the other founders decided what the government would be like. Washington also helped decide eae ce what kinds of laws the new nation would have. These things were written in the Constitution. There have been more than 40 presidents since George Washington. They have signed new laws. They have helped the country grow. They have worked to keep the people of the United States safe and happy. All of the presidents have had a big job. They’ve made the United States a great place to live. A president works to help the people who live in our country. Each new president works to make the country even better. Our President Nonfiction Reading Practice * EMC 3232 © Evan-Moor Corp. Name Working for the United States Fill in the circle to complete the sentence. Then answer questions 3 and 4. 1. The president is the leader of ® other countries © the United States © past presidents 2. George Washington became the first president in ® 1776 ® 1789 © 1797 3. Where did the founders write rules for the new nation? 4, What does the author think about the job presidents do? Write About the Topic Use the Writing Form to write about what you read. Write to tell details about what the first president, | George Washington, did. {© Evan-Moor Corp. * EMC 3232 + Nonfiction Reading Practice Our President B17 A Strong Leader The United States has a president. The president is the leader of the nation. The president's job is one part of the government. The government is made up of all the people who help run our country. The president is chosen by the people every four years. People in the United States vote for the president they want. If you are 18 years old, you can vote. fem You can help choose the next leader of the United States. The president of the United States is a very important person. However, even the president must follow the laws of the Constitution. The Constitution tells about the powers and duties of the president. It gives the president the power to sign new laws. The president is also in charge of the armed forces. The president meets with leaders from other countries. They talk about world problems. They try to work together to make the world a better place for everyone. Being the president of the United States is a hard job. But the president is able to help many people with his or her work. Senha Shatertrkcomm 18 our President BEB ‘Nonfiction Reading Practice * EMC 3232 ¢ © Evan-Moor Corp. Name A Strong Leader Fill in the circle to complete the sentence. Then answer questions 3 and 4. 1. The president of the United States is chosen every ® two four © six years. 2. The group of people who work together to run the United States is called the i ® government ® country © president 3. What are two powers the Constitution gives to the president? 4, What is the main idea of the text? Write About the Topic Use the Writing Form to write about what you read. Write to tell about the president. How does he or she work for the United States and the world? (© Evan-Moor Corp. + EMC 3232 * Nonfiction Reading Practice Our President HE = 19 Harriet Tubman’s Escape to Freedom Delaware DELAWARE Harriet Tubman’s Escape to Freedom al = Haris Roate oe Romer © Evan-Moor Corp. + EMC 3232 + Nonfiction Reading Proctice Cem 21 Name Harriet Tubman 22 ‘Nonfiction Reading Practice * EMC 3282 « © Exan-Moor Crp. Words to Know Words to Know Words to Know An American Hero | A Brave Escape clans tor enslaved southern Harriet Tubman slaves plantations plantation | owned crops southern i horrible enslaved enslaved Harriet Tubman slaves slaves South forced forced free escape punished secretly punished escape danger danger freedom North Harriet Tubman guided caught North Underground ' Railroad | hero ; freedom i hero Harriet Tubman Bt Harriet Tubman BE Harriet Tubman BE ‘© tvan-Moot Corp, + EMC 3232+ Nonfiction Reading Practice 23 An American Hero Long ago in the United States, some people enslaved African people. They called them “slaves.” Slaves lived and worked on large farms. They worked hard, but they didn’t get paid. They didn’t get to choose how to live their lives. Farmers who owned slaves could sell them whenever they wanted. It was a horrible life. Harriet Tubman was an enslaved African. She lived in Maryland, which was a state in the South. Tubman knew that slaves could be free in northern states. Harriet Tubman wanted to be free, so she secretly ran away. She had to hide because she was in danger. It was a long way to the North. If she were caught, she would be sent back. Harriet Tubman was born around Harriet Tubman made it to 1820 and died in 1913, Pennsylvania, a northern state. She was free! But Tubman wanted to help other slaves, too. So she went back to the South to help more slaves leave. She went back and forth many times. Tubman helped almost 300 slaves get to the North. She helped them become free. Today, Tubman is remembered as a great American hero. 24° — Hartict Tubman ‘Nonfiction Reading Practice * EMC 3282 «© Exan-Moos Corp. Name An American Hero Fill in the circle to complete the sentence. Then answer questions 3 and 4. 1. Slaves were people who had to ® work for no pay © travel to other states © own other people 2. Harriet Tubman was able to be free in ® Maryland ® the South © Pennsylvania 3. What was Tubman'’s trip to Pennsylvania like? 4, Even more than being free, Harriet Tubman wanted other slaves to be free. How do you know? Write About the Topic Use the Writing Form to write about what you read. Write to tell what Harriet Tubman’s life was like | before and after she became free. | el © Evan-Moor Corp. * EMC 3232 + Nonfiction Reading Practice Harriet Tubman 25 A Brave Escape Long ago, there were large farms in the southern United States. These farms were called plantations. The plantation owners grew many crops and needed a lot of workers. They bought enslaved African people to do the work. They called them “slaves.” The slaves were forced to work for no pay. Slaves had very hard lives. If they tried to escape, they would be caught and punished. Slaves who ran away were putting themselves in danger. Harriet Tubman lived in the South. She was a slave on a plantation in Maryland. Tubman knew that slaves could be free in the North. She ran away Harriet Tubman (far left) with her fami who were also former slaves, at her house from her plantation. The in Auburn, New York, in 1887. road to freedom was scary and difficult. Tubman had to walk through dark woods and swamps. She had to hide during the day and run at night. She made it all the way from Maryland to Pennsylvania. She was free! Harriet Tubman wanted more than her own freedom. She wanted to help other slaves get to the North, too. She went back and forth from the North to the South 17 more times. Tubman cared more for the freedom of others than for her own freedom. She was a true hero. 26 = Harriet Tubman BE ‘Nonfiction Reading Practice * EMC 3232 * © Evan-Moor Corp. Name A Brave Escape Fill in the circle to complete the sentence. Then answer questions 3 and 4. 1. Slaves were forced to work in ® Pennsylvania Maryland © dark woods and swamps 2. A plantation is a ® big swamp dark woods © large farm 3. What usually happened if slaves tried to escape from their farm? 4. How do you know Harriet Tubman cared more about others than about herself? Write About the Topic Use the Writing Form to write about what you read. Write to tell about Harriet Tubman. How did she | help other people? Why did she help them? © Evan-Moor Corp. + EMC 3232 * Nonfiction Reading Practice Harriet Tubman M27 Fighting for Freedom Harriet Tubman was born on a plantation in Maryland in about 1820. The plantation was a large farm. Maryland was a southern state, where the law allowed farmers to own enslaved Africans called “slaves.” Harriet Tubman and her family were slaves. Life was hard. There was a lot of work on the plantation. Slaves were forced to do farm work without being paid. The slaves were not free to live their own lives. They were punished if they tried to escape. Harriet Tubman was very brave. She Harriet Tubman was | a the first African decided to run away and live in the North. American woman to be shown on a United She knew that slaves could be free there. states otamp, |e 19702 Tubman escaped from the plantation and found freedom in Pennsylvania. But she wanted to do more. Harriet Tubman. wanted other slaves to be free, too. Tubman went back again and again to the South and secretly guided slaves to the North. They traveled on the Underground Railroad. This wasn't a real railroad, and it wasn’t underground. The Underground Railroad was a number of safe houses on the trip north. Kind people in the Underground Railroad hid the slaves in their homes. Tubman guided 300 slaves to freedom. It was said that she never lost a passenger. She was a strong and brave woman. Harriet Tubman . "Nonfiction Reading Practice * EMC 3232 « © Evan-Moor Corp. Name Fighting for Freedom Fill in the circle to complete the sentence. Then answer questions 3 and 4. 1. Harriet Tabman grew up in —__. ® Pennsylvania ® Delaware © Maryland 2. Southern farmers made slaves work on their ® railroads ® plantations © houses 3. What was the Underground Railroad? 4, Harriet Tubman found freedom, but she went back to the South. What does that show about her? Write About the Topic Use the Writing Form to write about what you read. Write to tell about Harriet Tubman. How did she | help other people? Why did they need her help | © Evan-Moor Corp. + EMC 3232 + Nonfiction Reading Practice Harriet Tubman ME = 29. The Statue of Liberty wall is star-shaped when seen from above © Evan-Moor Corp. * EMC 3232 * Nonfiction Reading Practice 31 Name About the Statue of Liberty ‘Nonfiction Reading Practice EMC 3232 « © Evan-Moor Corp. Words to Know Words to Know Words to Know A Famous Statue A Gift of Art | Building the Statue Statue of Liberty Statue of Liberty Statue of Liberty United States community art i United States torch artist {symbol community art engineer freedom symbol France engineer freedom United States France France symbol iron tablet freedom metal Roman numerals torch copper concrete tablet built museum Roman numerals museum crown, history important The Statue of Liberty Bl The Statue of ibery MM |The Statue of Liberty NEL © Evan-Moor Corp. + EMC 3282 + Nonfiction Reading Practice 33 34 A Famous Statue The Statue of Liberty welcomes people who are coming to the United States. The statue holds a torch to light the way for visitors. The Statue of Liberty is community art. It belongs to everyone in the United States. It’s a very special statue. It is a symbol of freedom. The Statue of Liberty was a gift from the people of France. It was built on Liberty Island. The island is in New York Harbor. Millions of people visit the statue every year. The woman in the statue is holding a tablet. The tablet has a date on it. It is written in Roman numerals. The date is July 4, 1776. This date is the birthday of the United States. The statue was a present for the country’s 100th birthday. The Statue of Liberty stands on a concrete and stone wall. The wall is shaped like a star. There is a museum inside. Together, the statue and the base are 305 feet (93 meters) tall. The statue has been holding her torch high to welcome all visitors ‘The Statue of Liberty's tablet reads: duly IV MDCCLXXVI. The lette who come to see her. Roman numerals that stand for July 4, 1776. ‘The Statue of Liberty HI Nonfiction Reading Practice * EMC 3232 » © Evan-Moor Corp. A Famous Statue Fill in the circle to complete the sentence. Then answer questions 3 and 4. 1. The Statue of Liberty is in @ France ® New York Harbor © Rome 2. The Statue of Liberty was a gift from the ® United States ® city of New York © people of France 3. Tell why the items the Statue of Liberty is holding are special. 4. What do you think the Statue of Liberty would say if she could talk? Write About the Topic Use the Writing Form to write about what you read. Explain where the Statue of Liberty is. Write three details about this famous statue. © Evan-Moor Corp. # EMC 3232 + Nonfiction Reading Practice The Statue of Liberty M35 36 A Gift of Art The Statue of Liberty is community art. It is for everyone to enjoy. The statue was made by an artist named Frederic Bartholdi. An engineer named Gustave Eiffel helped Bartholdi to make his statue strong. These two men lived in France. The people of France gave the statue to the people of the United States. It is a symbol of freedom and friendship. People can go to Liberty Island to see the statue. The island is in New York Harbor. The woman in the statue holds a torch. She also holds a tablet. The tablet says July 4, 1776, in Roman numerals. This is the birthday of the United States. The Statue of Liberty stands on a wall shaped like a star. There is a crown on Liberty’s head. There are broken chains near her feet to show she is free. The statue faces southeast. This is so it can face the ships coming into the harbor. The Statue of Liberty welcomes people to the United States. People can buy special tickets to visit the crown. They have to climb 377 steps Inside the statue to get to the crown. ‘The Statue of Liberty Hm ‘Nonfiction Readling Practice + EMC 3232 + © Evan-Moor Corp. Name. A Gift of Art Fill in the circle to complete the sentence. Then answer questions 3 and 4. 1. The artist who made the Statue of Liberty was from ® France the United States © England 2. The statue stands on a wall that is shaped like a @ tablet © torch © star 3. Why is the Statue of Liberty a symbol of friendship? 4. What symbol does Liberty have near her feet? What does it mean? Write About the Topic Use the Writing Form to write about what you read. Write to tell about the Statue of Liberty and why it was made. © twan-Moor Corp, * EMC 3232 + Nonfiction Reading Practice ‘The Statue of Liberty B37 338 Building the Statue Even if you haven't been to New York City, you probably know about the Statue of Liberty. This statue is a special piece of art. It’s for everyone in the United States. The statue is a symbol of freedom. It welcomes people who are moving here. It also reminds us how special it is to live in the U.S. The Statue of Liberty was made by Frederic Bartholdi, an artist. He hired the engineer Gustave Eiffel to help him make the statue strong. The statue was a gift to the United States from France. It took a long time to make the statue. It has iron, a strong metal, on the inside. The outside is made of a thinner metal called copper. Workers put together the statue in France. Then they took it all apart again. It was shipped to the United States in 214 wooden boxes. When all of the pieces arrived, workers built the statue on Liberty Island. It was ready for visitors in 1886. Today, people can see the statue from parts of New York and New Jersey. They can also buy boat tickets to go to Liberty Island. There is a museum in the bottom of the statue about the statue and its history. The people of the United States are proud of this piece of art. It reminds us how important freedom is. Each year, millions of visitors ride in ferry boats to go to Liberty ‘The Statue of Liberty HHH Nonfiction Reading Practice * EMC 3232 + © Evan-Moor Corp. Building the Statue Fill in the circle to complete the sentence. Then answer questions 3 and 4. 1. The Statue of Liberty was a gift to ® people in France everyone in the United States © travelers who visit New York 2. The outside of the Statue of Liberty is made from ____. @ thin copper © heavy iron © plain wood 3. Why do you think people go to Liberty Island? 4. Is the Statue of Liberty important to you? Why or why not? Write About the Topic Use the Writing Form to write about what you read. Write to tell about why the Statue of Liberty was built. © Evan-Moor Corp. * EMC 3232 « Nonfiction Reading Practice The Statue of Liberty HE = 39 Kinds of Military Groups st tay U.S. Coast Guard (© Evan-Moor Corp. EMC 3232 + Nonfiction Reading Practice a Veterans Day Words to Know ' Words to Know A Military Holiday Words to Know Celebrating Thanking Veterans Veterans Veterans Day United States United States national holiday national government holidays United States national holiday veterans honor veterans military veterans military service served served military branches countries country ‘wars government parades brave honor service World War I f ; Veterans Day BB ‘© Evan-Moor Corp. + EMC 3232 « Nonfiction Reading Practice [words to Know EE 44 Thanking Veterans Veterans Day is a national holiday that happens every year on November 11. It is a special holiday in the United States to honor veterans. Veterans are men and women who have served in the military. The United States military is made up of five different groups. There are the U.S. Army and the U.S. Navy. There are the U.S. Marine Corps and the U.S. Air Force. The U.S. Coast Guard is also part of the military. We honor all of the people who have worked in these groups on Veterans Day. Veterans Day is a holiday across the whole country. Many businesses are closed that day. Many people don’t have to go to work or school. Post offices are closed and no mail is delivered. Some places have big military parades. Other places have large parties to thank their veterans. You can celebrate, too. If you see someone in the military on Veterans Day, say, “Thank you for your service!” That person worked hard to keep us safe and free. Veterans Day Bl Nonfiction Reading Practice + EMC 3232 + © Evan-Moor Corp, Name Thanking Veterans Fill in the circle to complete the sentence. Then answer questions 3 and 4. 1. Veterans Day is a national ® parade ® business © holiday 2. Veterans are people who have served in @ the military ® schools © other countries 3. What is the purpose of Veterans Day? 4, What is one way you would like to celebrate next Veterans Day? Write About the Topic Use the Writing Form to write about what you read. Write to tell about veterans. Tell how people celebrate Veterans Day. © tvan-Moor Corp. + EMC 3232 + Nonfiction Reading Practice Veterans Day B45 The United States has certain national holidays. On these days, many businesses are closed. Most schools are closed, too. People celebrate the holiday together. One special holiday is Veterans Day. Veterans are people who have worked in the military. There are five military groups. They are the Army, the Navy, the Marine Corps, the Air Force, and the Coast Guard. People in these groups work hard for the country. Their service has helped keep the United States safe and free. Veterans Day happens on November 11 for an important reason. That was the day World War I ended. World War I happened from 1914 to 1918. It was a long, hard war. Millions of people from many countries died. The United States government wanted to honor the people who fought in the war. In 1954, Veterans Day became a national holiday to honor veterans of all wars. On November 11, remember to thank the |7 people you know who have served in the military! States National Anthem. Put your right hand over your heart when you sing the song. 46 Veterans Day HEL ‘Nonfiction Reading Practice + EMC 3232 » © Evan-Moor Corp. Name. A Military Holiday Fill in the circle to complete the sentence. Then answer questions 3 and 4. 1. Veterans Day became a national holiday in ® 1914 ® 1954 © 1918 2. Veterans are people who have ® celebrated holidays closed their businesses © worked in the military 3. What do people in the military do to serve their country? 4. What is the main idea of the text? Write About the Topic Use the Writing Form to write about what you read. Write to tell three facts about Veterans Day. Tell how people celebrate this holiday. © Evan-Moor Corp, # EMC 3232 + Nonfiction Reading Practice Veterans Day BE 47 Celebrating Veterans In 1954, people in the United States government created a new national holiday. It was called Veterans Day. We still celebrate this holiday today. Veterans are people who have worked in the United States military. They have served this country by working hard to keep the people who live here safe and free. There are five branches, or parts, of the United States military. The branches are the Army, the Navy, the Marine Corps, the Air Force, and the Coast Guard. People in these branches do many different jobs. They help other countries fight against enemies. They fight in wars. Some parts of the military help when floods or earthquakes happen. They help give out food and water to people in troubled times. They work in the United States and other countries. The 5 people of the military are strong and brave. They all deserve our thanks. Do you hs Le a L 7 7 6} 17, e {| know a veteran? Veterans Day is a good time to thank the ce | | veterans you know. 7 ates m0 La Veterans Day happens on November 11 every year. 48 Veterans Day HEH Nonfiction Reading Practice * EMC 3232 © Evan-Moor Corp. Name. Celebrating Veterans Fill in the circle to complete the sentence. Then answer questions 3 and 4. 1. Veterans Day isa ® branch ® national holiday © country 2. We celebrate on Veterans Day. ® people who have served in the military workers in other countries © the United States government 3. What is one way people in the military help others? 4. How do you know the author thinks Veterans Day is important? Write About the Topic Use the Writing Form to write about what you read. Write to tell about veterans. Tell why we honor military workers on Veterans Day. (© tran-Moor Corp, + EMC 3282+ Nonfiction Reading Practice Veterans Day Bm 49 Uses of Fresh Water E I water for plants swimming and playing 51 (© Evan-Moor Corp. + EMC 3232 * Nonfiction Reading Practice Name Lakes 52 Nonfiction Reading Practice * EMC 3232 + © Evan-Moor Corp, Words to Know Words to Know Making a New Words to Know Freshwater Lakes Lake Lake Mead freshwater lakes humans lakes drinking live live living things oceans oceans freshwater salt water salt water salt water fresh water melting oceans lakes snow man-made rivers mountains river man-made rivers machines Lake Mead pipes flow Nevada Arizona area Rocky Mountains Lakes Bl Lakes Bm (© Evan-Moor Corp. * EMC 3232 © Nonfiction Reading Practice CED 53 Freshwater Lakes Freshwater lakes are very important. People and animals need fresh water to live. Plants also need fresh water. There is a lot of water in Earth’s oceans. People can’t drink ocean water, though. Oceans have salt water. That’s not the kind of water that people and animals drink. Freshwater lakes get their water in different ways. One way they get water is from melting snow. The snow is on the tops of mountains. When the snow melts, the water goes into rivers. Some of these rivers run into lakes. Rivers and lakes have fresh water for insects and other animals to drink. There is fresh water for certain kinds of fish to live in. People take fresh water from the lakes, too. They run pipes from the lakes into their towns or cities. Now there is water for people to drink! Lakes Nonfiction Reading Practice + EMC 3232 + © Evan-Moor Corp. Name Freshwater Lakes Fill in the circle to complete the sentence. Then answer questions 3 and 4. 1. People and animals need to drink ®@ salt water ® ocean water © fresh water 2. Some freshwater lakes are made from ___. @ city pipes ® melted snow © kitchen sinks 3. Why is fresh water important to people, plants, and animals? 4. Why do you think is it important to have clean lakes and rivers? Write About the Topic Use the Writing Form to draw and write about what you read. Draw a freshwater lake. Write to tell one way the water can get into the lake. © Evan-Moor Corp. * EMC 3232 + Nonfiction Reading Practice Lakes 55 Making a New Lake People and animals use lakes in many different ways. Cities and towns use lakes to get drinking water. People play and swim in lakes. Lakes are homes for some kinds of fish. Insects and other animals also drink from lakes. Water is very important to all living things. Freshwater lakes are important to people because people shouldn't drink salt water. It will make them very sick. Only a small number of lakes have salt water in them. Salt water is also in Earth’s oceans. So what do people do if they don’t have a freshwater lake close to them? They can make one! These kinds of lakes are called man-made lakes. Some are made by dams. Others are made by taking water from a river. People use machines to dig a large hole. Then they make the river flow into the hole. There will be a new freshwater lake for everyone to enjoy. Before 56 Lakes BE ‘Nonfiction Reading Practice EMC 3232 « © Evan-Moor Corp. Name Making a New Lake Fill in the circle to complete the sentence. Then answer questions 3 and 4. 1. The kind of water people need for drinking is ® fresh water © salt water © ocean water 2. People can make man-made lakes by using ____.. ® ocean water ® river water © city water 3. Do people drink ocean water? Explain your answer. 4. People in your town want to make a man-made lake. Write a plan for how to do it. Write About the Topic Use the Writing Form to draw and write about what you read. Draw people making a lake. Write to tell how these lakes are made and why they're important. (© Evan-Moor Corp. * EMC 3232 + Nonfiction Reading Practice 57 Lake Mead Humans need water to live. There are huge oceans on Earth. We can’t drink ocean water, though. The oceans are filled with salt water. People will get very sick if they drink too much salt water. Humans and animals need fresh water instead. Plants and insects need fresh water, too. We can get fresh water from lakes and rivers. Sometimes people make lakes when a certain area needs water. Lakes that are built by humans are called man-made lakes. There are many man-made lakes in the United States. You may know someone who has gone swimming in a man- made lake. Lake Mead is a huge man-made lake in Nevada and Arizona. It was made by Hoover Dam. People who lived in that area didn’t have enough fresh water. The area was very hot and dry. Hoover Dam was built in 1935. Years later, people could use water from Lake Mead. It stores water from the melting snow of the Rocky Mountains. Today, Lake Mead is still giving water to those who need it. It’s also a fun place to go camping, swimming, and boating. They can play or sit in the eunshine- 58 Lakes. . Nonfiction Reading Practice * EMC 3232 + © Evan-Moor Corp, Name Lake Mead Fill in the circle to complete the sentence. Then answer questions 3 and 4. 1. People can’t drink too much salt water or they will get ® full ® sick © sad 2. Lake Mead is a ® man-made saltwater © hot and dry lake in Nevada and Arizona. 3. What can people do if they need more drinking water? 4. What problem did Lake Mead solve? Tell how. Write About the Topic ‘Use the Writing Form to draw and write about what you read. Draw a family at Lake Mead. Write to tell how the lake was made and why it’s important. (© Evan-Moor Corp. * EMC 3232 Nonfiction Reading Practice Lakes BH Exercising at the Park © Evan-Moor Corp. # EMC 3232 « Nonfiction Reading Practice 62 Nonttction Reading Practice “ EMC3282 »© Bran-Moor Corp. Words to Know Words to Know Words to Know Let’s Exercise! A Strong Body Aerobic Exercise exercise body exercise body healthy body healthy exercise healthy stronger activities aerobic lungs working oxygen heart heart i breathe energy muscles lungs muscles energy heart bones weight muscles brain brain bones scientists oxygen, lungs experts brain : mind ad (© Evan-Moor Corp. * EMC 232 * Nonfiction Reading Practice 63 Let’s Exercise! Exercise helps keep your body healthy. What is exercise? There are many ways you can exercise. You can play basketball with your friends. You can ride a bicycle or do yoga. You can go swimming. You can dance to your favorite songs. You can do push-ups or sit-ups. Almost every part of your body gets stronger when you exercise. Your lungs and heart eee will give you more energy. Your inky game ae a tronger: muscles will stretch and get stronger. Your bones will grow and get stronger, too. Exercise even helps your brain think better. The more you exercise, the better you will feel. Scientists have learned that even simple exercise is good. Walk, skip, or play tag. Ask others to exercise with you. You can help your friends and family stay healthy, too. ‘Stretching Is one way to exercise. It helps blood move through your body. 64 Exercise B Nontfetion Reading Practice * EMC 3232 « © Eran-Moor Corp. Name Let’s Exercise! Fill in the circle to complete the sentence. Then answer questions 3 and 4. 1. Exercise helps to keep your body ____. ® hungry ® sleepy © healthy 2. Exercise can help your lungs and heart to ® give you more energy © think better © stretch 3. Name someone you could help to get exercise. Tell how. 4. Is walking your dog a good way to exercise? Which paragraph tells you? Write About the Topic = Use the Writing Form to draw and write about what you read. Draw yourself exercising. Write to tell why exercising is good for you. © Evan-Moor Corp. + EMC 2232 « Nonfiction Reading Practice Exercise B65 A Strong noe a Your body needs many things to stay healthy. One of Wig s ~ those things is exercise. There py lo 8. are many kinds of exercise. You probably get exercise st a without even thinking about it. You might go for a walk or Sn ae eee, . . . Play music you all enjoy arun. You might dance, swim, or skip. and move your body. You might ride a bike or go rollerblading. All of these activities are good for your body. Exercise helps your body keep working in the right ways. It makes your heart and other muscles grow stronger. Exercise helps your body turn food into energy. This helps you stay at a healthy weight. Exercise even helps your brain get more oxygen so it can think better. If you exercise each day, it can help you feel your best. How much exercise do you need? The experts say children should exercise for 60 minutes each day. You don’t have to do it all at one time, however. You could do push-ups in the morning, play tag at You can recess, then ride your bike after school. 20'minutes It all adds up! Exercise will help you stay healthy and happy. 66 Exercise BE Nonfiction Reading Practice + EMC 3232 + © Evan-Moor Corp.

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