Chapter 1

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1.1 Working with Numbers:
We will discuss here some basic terminology of arithmetic and its calculation
with different numbers.

Digit is a single figure number. Like 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. A number may

be a combination of any digits.

1.2 Types of Numbers:

i) Natural numbers : 1, 2, 3, 4 …
ii) Whole numbers is a set of all natural numbers including zero:
0,1,2,3,4, …
iv. Integers are positive and negative whole numbers: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
iv) Rational Numbers are the set of all integers and fractions. In other
words, any number that can be written in the quotient of two integers,
0, 1, 1/2, 3/2, 1/7, 1/11 …

v) Irrational numbers are not a rational number. In other words, non

terminating and non repeating decimal numbers are called irrational
numbers or could not be written as the quotient of two integers, e.g.
2 ,  , e, 0.2 12 112 1112 11112…

vi) Real Numbers are the set of all rational and irrational numbers.
0,  ,  1, ,  2, …
vii) Imaginary Numbers are the set of square root of negative numbers.

ix) Complex numbers are set of all real and imaginary numbers.
1 i2, 5  i3, …

ix) Odd Numbers: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, …

x) Even Numbers: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, …
xi) Prime numbers: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, …
xii) Composite numbers: 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, …
xiii) Triangle Numbers: 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, …
xiv) Square Numbers: 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, …

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1.3 Bodmas Rule:

The order of basic mathematical operation in which calculations are done
follows the BODMAS rule (Brackets, of, Divide, Multiply, Add, Subtract).
When more than one of the arithmetic operation appears in a problem, a
specific sequence of BODMAS operation (precedence of operation) must be
followed by name as :

a) Operation within brackets are always done first.

b) All multiplication and Division operations must be carried out first in
order from left to right.
c) Next addition and subtraction are performed in order from left to right.

Examples 1.1:
i). 4 4÷4 + 4 = 8
ii). 4  4 ÷ (4 + 4 ) = 2

Example 1.2:
Find the values of
a) 6 x ( 18 / 2 ) - 3
b) (3 x 6) / ( 2 x 6  3)

a) Bracket first so 18 / 2 = 9
Multiply next 6 x 9 = 54
Subtract next 54  3 = 51

b) First Bracket 3 x 6 = 18
Second Bracket Multiply first 2 x 6 = 12
Subtract 12  3 = 9
Divide 18 / 9 = 2

Example 1.3: Addition and Subtraction method

1) 132 MW - 70 MW = 62 MW
2) –100 Rs. - 50 Rs. = -150 Rs.
3) 100V + 150V = 250V
4) 50 ohms - 100 ohms = -50 ohms

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Example 1.4:
Basic Multiplication rules No. of
minus signs
i. ( +2 ) X ( + 3 ) = +6 None
ii. ( -2 ) X ( + 3 ) = -6 One (odd)
iii. ( -2 )X (-3)= +6
Two (even)
iv. ( -2 ) X ( - 3) X ( - 3 ) = - 18
v ( -2 ) X ( - 3 ) X ( -2 ) X ( - 3 ) = 36 Three(odd)
Four (even)
Note: C-1)n = +1 i If ‘n’ is even number
= -1 i odd
Example 1.5:
i) Add the denominate numbers
5 yd 2 ft 6 inch + 2 ft 7 inch + 6 yd 3 ft

ii) Subtract the denominate numbers

4 yd 3 ft 5 inch - 2 yd 1 ft 7 inch

i) First of all add the same units, we get
11 yd 7 ft 13 inch ------------------------- ( 1 )

Now applying the equivalent unit conversion, Like

12 inch = 1 ft, 3 ft = 1 yd

then, equation (1) become as

= 11 yd 8 ft 1 inch

again applying conversion unit on ft and yd, we get

= 13 yd 2 ft 1 inch
ii) Since, 7 inch > 5 inch

We take 1 ft from 3ft and converting it into inches, we add it to 5 inch

 4 yds 3ft 5 inch becomes = 4 yd 2 ft 17 in

from the we gel
Now subtracting 2 yd 1ft 7in from this we get
4 yd 2 ft 17 inch – 2 yd 1ft 7 in

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= 2 yd 1 ft 10 in
Example 1.6:
1) 1 hr 24 min  3 = 3 hr 72 min = 4 hr 12 min
2) 9 ft 6 in  10 ft = 9.5 ft  10 ft = 95 sq. ft.
3) 50 miles/hr  3 hrs = 150 miles.
4) 2 A  8 ohms = 16 V.
5) 16V  2A = 32 W
6) 16V  2A = 8 ohms.

1.5 Fractions:
A fraction is a part of whole thing or unit. A fraction is an indication that
division is to be performed. So,

Example 1.7:
Given geometrical model of a circular disc showing the pieces of disc cutting
in three equal parts, with each part mathematically written as 1/3:

Figure 1-1: Division of a circular disc

In the fraction, the upper number is called numerator and the lower number is
called denominator. So, in other words

1.5.1 Types of Fraction:

Basically, There are two types of fraction.
i) Common Fraction : Example : 2/3, 3/2, 7/5, 9/4, …
ii) Decimal Fraction : Example: 0.5, 1.5, 0.1111, 0.090909, 0.142857142857, ...

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 Common Fraction:
Common fraction has further two types i.e. Proper fraction and Improper fraction.
A proper fraction is a form of division in which numerator is less than
denominator i.e. The value of fraction is smaller than one.

Example 1.8:
2/3, 4/5, 5/6, 8/9, …

An Improper fraction is a form of division in which the numerator is

equal to or greater than the denominator i.e. The value of fraction is
greater than or equal to one. It is also called mixed number.

Example 1.9:

3/2, 5/4, 16/5, …

Example 1.10: Addition and subtraction of common fractions

Ferric chloride is a chemical used to etch printed circuit boards. This
solution contains 1 2/3 gal of water and 4 1/3 gal of concentrate. How
many gallons are in the mixture?

Fractions with different denominators are added after the fractions are
expressed as equivalent fractions with identical denominators.


 The volume of mixture is 6 gal.

Example 1.11:

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Fuses will stop the current in a circuit if the current exceeds the value
of the fuse. The current in the circuit is 1 7/8 amperes and fuse is 2 ½
amperes. How many more amperes of current will cause the fuse to
2 ½ A fuse


I =1 7/8 A
Solution : The required current I

Hence of current is required to blow the fuse.

Example 1.12: Multiplication of common fractions

Example 1.13: Division of common fractions

Examples 1.14:

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1. The current gain of an amplifier is the output current divided by

the input current. The input is 3/10 mA and the output is 7 1/2
mA. Find the current gain.

Given that
Input current = mA

Output current =
Gain = G =?


2. Frequency, in hertz, is the number of cycles of a signal that occur in

one second. Find the frequency if 12 cycles occur in 1/5 second.


 Decimal Fraction:
Another convenient representation of fraction is known as decimal
fraction. A placement of a point (called decimal point) separate the whole
numbers and its parts. It implies that numbers to the left of the decimal
point are Whole numbers and those to the right of are decimals parts.

Example 1.15:
0.25, 1.25, 2.75, 1.333

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There are three types of decimal numbers:

i. Terminating decimal numbers :

½ = 0.5, ¾ = 0.75 etc.

ii. Repeating decimal numbers:
1/3 = 0.3333…, 1/11 = 0.09090909, 1/9 = 0.1111,
= 0.1428571428571

iii. Non-terminating decimal numbers:

e = 2.7182818…,  = 3.141597…, 2 = 1.4142136…

Example 1.16:
Ahmad receives Rs 2.5 pocket money each week. He saves 1/2 of
it and of the remainder he spends 1/5 on sweets and 1/7 to his
i) How much money is left?
ii) What fraction of his pocket money is left?
½ of Rs 2.5 is Rs 1.25
Ahmad was left with Rs 1.25
1/5 of Rs 1.25 = Rs 0.25
1/7 of Rs 1.25 = Rs 0.18
 Amount spent = 0.25 + 0.18 = Rs 0.43
Amount left = 1.25 - 0.43 = Rs 0.82
Fraction left = 0.82/2.5 = 82/250
Example 1.17:
A school has 726 students. In a survey it was found that 5/6 of the
students traveled by bus. What percentage of students did not travel by
No. of students travelling by bus = 5/6 x 726 = 121 x 5 = 605
No. of students not travelling by bus = 726 - 605 = 121
Percentage of students not travelling by bus = 121/726 x 100 %=
1.6 Percentage:

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Percentage is denoted by symbolically as %. It means 1/100 (one hundredth

part of a unit). We care calculate percentage as a fraction.

 Percentages Change into Fraction and Decimal as

Example 1.18:

1. 2% means 2 out of 100 i.e. = 0.02

2. 5% means 5 out of 100 i.e. = 0.05

Example 1.19:
Change 2 ½ % to a) a fraction b) a decimal


Example 1.20:
A school has 726 students. In a survey it was found that 5/6 of the
students traveled by bus. What percentage of students did not travel by

No. of students travelling by bus = 5/6 x 726 = 121 x 5 = 605
No. of students not travelling by bus = 726 - 605 = 121
Percentage of students not travelling by bus

1.6.1 Calculation on percentages:

1) Percentage of Number:
Example 1.21:

i) 70% of 132 MW =

ii) 70 MW is what % of 132 MW =

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2) Percentage Error or Change:

Change = Original value – Measured value

Percentage Change =

Example 1.22:
Due to corrosion a bar of cross-section 20mm x 15mm is reduced to
19mm x 14mm. Find the percentage decrease in cross-sectional area.

Area of original cross-section of bar = 20x 15 = 300mm2
After corrosion, area of cross-section of bar = 19x14 = 266 mm2
Change in cross-section = 300 – 266 = 34
Percentage decrease in the area of cross-section =
= 11.33% Ans.
Example 1.23:

A carpenter cut a timber , when he measured the piece, found

only 145 cm long. What is the percentage error?


Example 1.24:
Change 5/8 to percentage.


Example 1.25:

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Find 2 ½ % of Rs 7.60

Example 1.26:
What % is 3.20 of 120.00
Rule: “is” / “of” x 100
 Percent = 3.2/120 x 100 = 8/3 %
Example 1.27:
If 27 % of a number is 108. Find 100 % of the number.

Find by unit method, Given that

27% = 108
1 =

100% =
= 400
 Number = 400

Example 1.28:
A shopkeeper adds 30% to his cost to set his selling price. If he sells an
item for Rs. 65. Calculate his cost price.

130% = Rs. 65
1% =

100% =
 Cost = Rs. 50
1.7 Ratio:

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The concept of a ratio was first met when rational numbers were defined. A
ratio is simply a quotient between same quantities or units.

Example 1.29:

If one piece of metal weighs 50lbs and another 10lbs, we say that the
former is 5 times as heavy as the latr. It can write in terms of ratio.
5 : 1

Ratios can be simplified like fractions. So,

50 : 10 is the same as

With in respect to parts, we can say that 5 : 1 means divide an amount

of 6 parts into 5 parts and 1 part.

For example , Some thing is divided into two sub-units in the form of two parts
and three parts. So, the total parts of 3:2 is 5 parts. So, that ratio is a method to
represent the fraction in a manner

Example 1.30:
An alloy is made up of copper and zinc in the ratio 3:2 respectively find
the percentage composition

The given ratio implies that 3 parts are copper and 2 parts are zinc. The
total parts are 5 parts. So,

5 Parts is equivalent to 100%

1 Part is equivalent to 20%
3 Part is equivalent to 60%
and 2 Part is equivalent to 40%
 An alloy is a composition of 60% copper and 40% zinc.

Example 1.31:

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A alloy has a percentage composition by mass as 75% copper, 15% tin

and 10% zinc.
Find mass of each metal in 1 Kg of alloy.
Total percentage composition is 100% So, by unitary method
100% alloy weight 1 Kg.
100% alloy weight 1000 gm.
1% alloy weight 10 gm.
75% alloy weight 750 gm.
15% alloy weight 150 gm.
10% alloy weight 100 gm.
The mass of copper, tin and zinc are 750gm, 150 gm and 100gm. In the form
of ratio it is represented as 15 : 3: 2

1.8 Proportion:
One ratio is equal to another is called a proportion provided their values are a
constant. In other words
A proportion is a statement of equality between two ratios. For example
8 :4 = 2: 1


a:b = c:d
It states the primary rule of proportions that is.
Product of extremes = Product of means.

a  d = bc

There are two types of proportions, direct and indirect. In direct proportion as
one value increase, so does the other. In indirect proportion as one value
increases the other decreases.
i) Direct Proportion:
The best familiar example is Gay lissac’s Law it states that
The pressure is directly proportional to the temperature. Provided volume
constant if the.

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p  T or p = KT where K is a constant of proportionality.

If a system having pressures p1 and p2 and temperatures T1 , T2 then their

proportionality represented by

Example 1.32:
The ratio of the weights of two castings is equal to the ratio of their
volumes. The first casting has a weight of 10 lbs and a volume of 39 cu
in. If the weight of the second casting is 12 lbs, find its volume.

Let volume of second casting = x

or 10/12 = 39/x
or 10x = 39 x 12
x = (39 x 12) / 10
= 234 / 5
= 46-4/5 cu. inch

Here we see that as weight increases volume also increases. Hence this is a
direct proportion.

ii) Indirect Proportion:

According to Boyl’s law that the pressure is inversely proportional to the
volume. it implies that if one parameter increase than the other parameter will
decrease. This relation is called “inversely proportion” or Indirect proportion.
Some physical examples of indirect proportion are as follows:

1. When a belt connects two pulleys , the pulley with the larger diameter
has fewer rpm. Hence the number of rpm is inversely proportional to
the diameter.

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2. When two gears mesh, the gear with the larger number of teeth has the
smaller rpm. The number of rpm is inversely proportional to the
number of teeth.


3. Pressure is inversely proportional to volume provided the temperature
is constant.

4. Speed is inversely proportional to time provided the distance is


Mathematically represented by

i) P or PV = K, So, P1V1 = P2 V2 = K, or

ii) V or VT = S , So, V1 T1 V2 T2 = K, or

iii) R or RD = K, So, R1 D1 = R2 D2, or

In inverse proportion the relation between one parameter of two things is equal
to the inverse of the other parameters of the two things.

Example 1.33:.
A train takes 1 hour to reach destination A at a speed of 80 mph.
How much time it will take to reach A if travelling at a speed of 100 mph.
We know that rpad and time are inreersely proportional to each wither
let the required time is ‘x’.

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or 100 x = 80

x = = 0.8 hour

Here we see that as speed increases, the time decreases. Hence this is
an indirect proportion.
Example 1.34:
In order to dilute a bottle of orange squash it is recommended to
mix squash and water in the ratio 2 : 5
i) How much squash should be put into a glass that holds 280 ml?
ii) A large jug of squash is to be made up, using a full bottle of
orange that holds 0.8 liters. How much drink can be made from
this bottle?
i) 2 + 5 = 7 parts in total
280  7 = 40 ml in 1 part
Hence amount of squash = 2 x 40 = 80 ml
ii) 0.8 liters = 0.8 x 1000 = 800 ml
Amount of water to be added = 5/2 = 2.5 times
the amount of squash
= 2.5 x 0.8 l
= 2 liters.
Hence amount of squash = 2000 + 800 = 2800 ml
= 2.8 liters.
1.9 Technical Data:
The processing of technical data may be two types.

1. Counting data or Discrete data or Exact date.

2. Measuring data or Continuous data or Approximate data or Inexact data.

1.9.1 Exact data:

They are positive integers.

Example 1.35:

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(1) Number of books in a KINPOE library. For example 5,000.

(2) Number of gages in a power plant. For example 1567.

1.9.2 Inexact data:

These are decimal fraction. Consider the readings of a car mile counter before
and after the end of a journey.

End 23621.4
Start 23615.6
Difference 5.8 mile

Here 5.8 miles is an approximate number because:

a) The oddometer might be registering higher or low.

b) 0.4 might be higher or lower in its opening then the 0.6 was when read.

In technical work we have to use significant figures.

1.9.3 Rules for determining the Significant Number of Figures

Rule is defined as

“To count significant digits start, at the first non-zero digit from left hand and
count one for each digit through to the right hand end of the number”. For

a) Exact Numbers
The number is exact or integer then all its digits are significant.
Given First Last Significant
Number non-zero digit digit Digits

27 2 7 2
1027 1 7 4
01027 1 7 4
1270 1 0 4
b) In exact Numbers:

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i) For a decimal number with zeros between non zero digits, all
digits are significant.
ii) For a decimal number with no zeros, all digits are significant.
iii) For a decimal number with zero before the decimal point and
non zero digits after the decimal point, all digits are significant.
iv) For a decimal number starting with a zero before the decimal
point the number of digits from the first non zero digit to the
last digit are significant.
v) For a decimal number beginning with a non zero digit and only
zeros after the decimal point all digits are significant.
vi) For numbers in scientific notation all digits of the number are
significant with powers of 10 ignored.

Example 1.36:
Number Significant Figures

27 2
For Inexact Numbers: i) 58.003 5
ii) 186.9 4
i) 500.3 4
iii) 0.234 3
iv) 0.00265 3
v) 50.0000 6
vi) 5.23 x 103 3

19.4 Addition and Subtraction w.r.t. Significant Digits: Rule for Addition:
The number of digits to the right of decimal point in the answer is determined
by that quantity (number) which has the least number of digits to the right of
decimal point.

Example 1.37:

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4. 123

Number which has least number of digits to the right of decimal point is 26.46.
 In answer two digits should be on the right of decimal point.
Hence 30.583  30.58 . Rule for Multiplication & Division:

The number of significant digits in the answer equals that of the number which
has the smaller number of significant digits.

Example 1.38:
2.61 x 1.2 = 3.132

Number 1.2 has less (two) significant digits as compared to 2.61 (three)
significant digits.

 3.132  3.1

1.10 Rounding off

The processing of reducing a given number into another number with fewer
digits is called Round off.

i) Locate the place (value) to be rounded, and
ii) Raise the last retained figure by one if the next digit 5 or greater,
otherwise no change is to be made in the last retained digit.
iii) Exactly one half unit, the round off is to the nearest even digit.

Example 1.39:
Rounding off to the nearest unit:

Given Rounded off to
No. The nearest unit

54.37 54
54.16 54
54.5 54

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53.5 54
54.51 55
55.5 56

The rounding off a number doing by two methods:

i) By significant figure
ii) By place value or number of decimal place
(See Appendix-B for more information)

Example 1.40:
Rounding off the following upto four decimal place (ten thousandth)
a. 69.875045 b. 0.99855

Solution: a. 69.8750 b. 0.9986

Example 1.41:
Rounding off 98726495  v to nearest millions.

99, 000,000  v

Example 1.42:
Round off 69.1446 up to five significant figures.


Example 1.43:
Consider the Following table

Given Expresses Unrounded Significant Round off

Ans Digit Answer

2.61 x 1.2 3.132 2 3.1

3.060x123 376.380 3 376
293x267 139641 3 1.40x105
0.25x0.25 0.0625 2 6.3x10-2
152 2.0 76.0 2 76

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1.11 Standard form of Scientific Notation:

Any extreme range or exceptionally small numbers may be expressed in a form
of power of ten as “The product of a number between 1 and 10 and some
power of 10”, is called scientific notation. The standard from of scientific
notation is denoted by
x.dd  10n

Where ‘x’ is a number between 1 and 10 and ‘dd’ are digits after decimal point
for example, 1400 expressed as 1.4 x103 and 1345 expressed as 1.35x103.

 Rule for scientific Notation:

To write a number in scientific notation

i) Move the decimal point in the ordinary decimal notation to the first
non-zero digit, and
ii) Multiply this new number by a power of 10 whose exponent is

a) +n if the decimal point is moved n places to the left.

b) –n if the decimal point is moved n place to the right.

Example 1.44:

1) The largest Russian dam is at Nurek and contains 75,900, 000

cu. yd. of earth.

Scientifically written as
7.59 x 107 cu. yd.

2) An international nautical mile is

6076.115 49 ft

In scientific notation will be written as

6076.11549 ft = 6.08 x103 ft.

3) A micron is 0.000,039 37 inch.

It’s simplified form will be

0.000,039,37 = 3.94 x 10-5 inch.

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1 micron = 3.94 x10-5 inch

Example 1.45:
Consider the following electronics calculation
1) Express 100 mV in Volts:
100 mv = 100  10-3 V
100 mV = 100 

100 mV = 100 
100 mV = 0.1V
2) Express 50 A in miliampere:
50 A = 50  10-6 A  1 = 10-6
50 A = 50  10-3 X 10-3 A
50 A = 50   1 = 10-6

50 A =
 50 A = 0.05 mA

3) Express 150  in kilo-ohms:

150 = 150  100 X 
150 = 150  103-3 
150 = 150  10-3 X 103 
150 = 150 K

150 = K
150  = 0.15 K
1.12 Laws of Exponents:
It is also called laws of power or laws of indices. Let ‘a’ and ‘b’ are any two
numbers called bases and ‘m’ and ‘n’ are indicate the power of ‘a’ and ‘b’.
Then, the following laws of exponent are defined as.

1.12.1 Exponent Law 1 :

The product of any two power terms ‘am’ and ‘an’ are defined as
am x an = am+n

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This is called the law of power of product.

Example 1.46:

i) X9 . X7 = X9+7 = X16
ii) 2X2 . 3X3 = 2.3 . X2. X3 = 6 . X2+3 = 6X5
iii) 10-3 x 107 = 10-3+7 = 104
1.12.2 Exponent Law 2:
The power of any power term is defined as

(am)n = (an)m = amn

This law is called the “law of power of power “.

Example 1.47:
1. (x16)3 = x16X3 = x48
2. (102)3 = 102x3 = 106
3. (32)2 = 32x2 = 34

1.12.3 Exponent Law 3:

The power of any product term ‘ab’ is defined as

(ab)m = am . bm
This law is called “law of power of a product”.

Example 1.48:
1. (x.y)5 = x5 . y5
2. (5x6)2 = 52 x 62 = 25 x 36 = 900
3. (2a)3 = 23. a3 = 8a3
Note :

The power of a negative number is odd then the result will be negative other
wise positive e.g. (-x)3 = - x3
In other words –x4  (-x)4

1.12.4 Exponent Law 4:

The quotient of same bases with different power is defined as

a m / a n = a m-n

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This is called law of power of quotient

Example 1.49:
xn / xm = xn-m
1.12.5 Exponent Law 5:
The power of quotient with different bases is defined as

This law is called ‘law of power of a quotient’.

Example 1.50:



1.12.6 Exponent Law 6:

The power quotient of a base is defined as

(a ) m/n = (a m ) 1/n = n (a) m

This law is called the “ Law of fraction power” .

Example 1.51:

( 5 ) 2/3 =

Fraction power of a negative number always generate an imaginary number,
which is defined as
i = (-1)

1.13 Powers of ten

Powers of ten are of considerable importance. They are used extensively in

technical work. In technical work we often write numbers down as a product

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where the second term in the product is a power of ten. The advantages of
powers of ten are follows as

i) It saves the nuisance of writing ( and reading) a string of zeros.

ii) It saves the problem of not having names for very large or very small
iii) In a number written 5.96  108 the accuracy inferred is three significant
digits. In 596,000,000 it is not clear what accuracy is intended
iv) Once the methods are understands, arithmetic with these numbers is
easier than with ordinary numbers.

This table of common powers of 10 will be helpful to under stand the power of
100 = 1 100 = 1
10 = 10
10-1 = 0.1
102 = 100 10-2 = 0.01
10 = 1 000
10-3 = 0.001
10 = 10 000
10-4 = 0.000 1
105 = 100 000 10-5 = 0.000 01
10 = 1 000 000
10-6 = 0.000 001
107 = 10 000 000 10-7 = 0.000 0001
10 = 100 000 000
10-8 = 0.000 000 01
109 = 1 000 000 000 10-9 = 0.000 000 001

By using powers of ten we make a prefix table as in Appendix –B. All law of
exponents hold in the power of ten.

Example 1.52:
Calculate the number of disintegration per second in a 500 curi source.
It 1 curi is that quantity of a radioactive substance which disintegrates
at the rate of 3.7 x 1010 disintegrations per second.

500 curi = 5  102 curies

Therefore, rate of disintegration = 5  102  3.7  1010

= ( 5  3.7)  (102  1010)
= 18.5  1012
= 1.85  1013 dis/sec.

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Example 1.53:
Simplify ( -104 )(-10)4 (-10 -4) = 10 4+4-4 = 104

Example : 1.54
Consider the following expression

2.93  105 + 1.62  104 + 9.85  103 = 293  103 + 16.2  103 +
9.85  103 = 319  103 = 3.19  105

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1. Write down a rational number between 2/3 and 5/6.

2. Write down an irrational number between 2 and 3.
3. Solve

c) 24.32  6.40  4.367  22.64  14.3  0.63
2 3
e) of 3
3 4



4. A bar long is to be cut into 4 equal parts. Allowing

cm waste for each of the 3 cuts, find how long each pieces will be?

5. A bar of metal weighs Kg. If one cubic centimeter of metal weighs

3/8 Kg, how many centimeters of metal are in the bar?
6. Solve according to the significant rule:

a) 0.75 + 0.03125
b) 5.3 + 2.009 + 6.38
c) 0.75 x 0.015
d) 0.750 x 0.0156
e) 0.75 - 2.398
f) 0.084 - 0.056
g) 0.324 x 0.0039

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Version (1.0)

h) 0.89 x 0.963
7. Change the fractions to their simplest form.

a) 0.005 b) 0.15 c) 2.25

d) 1.12 e) 0.6

8. Write in scientific notation:

a) 0.00638 b) 369.27 c) 1008.4
d) 0.052 e) 0.367

9. Write values of the following in ordinary numbers.

a) 3.69 x 103 b) 0.052 x 10-3 c) 486.9 x 102

d) 0.00053 x 104 e) 5.39 x 106

10. Solve using powers of the ten.

a) b)

c) d) e)

11. Indicate the number of significant digits for each of the given numbers given
125, 21.62, 0.157, 0.0157, 0.000157, 296.00157, 0.0100001, 2.0000 x 10 3,
90.01, 9.59 x 10-4, 49, 2.000, 9 x 103, 50.0001, 50.0000, 10. 000000

12. Round off the following numbers to the nearest unit:

a) 2.16 b) 0.275 c) 0.0012 d) 270

13. Round off the following numbers to the nearest hundredth

a) 2.675 b) 17.29

14. Add according to significant rule to the following sets of numbers:

a) 26.51, 9.324, .0153 b) .00173, .0941, .1623

c) 15.01, .27, .0002 d) .00291, 16.7, 1.001

15. Subtract the following according to the significant rule:

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a) 16.21 - .1159 b) 232.11 - 493.0149

c) .0158 - .002591 d) 215.0 - .0159
e) 0.001 - 0.01005
16. Indicate the number of significant digits for the following questions:

a) 245.3 x 19 b) 10 x 567.52
c) 926 x 1.0005 d) .00015 x .00002673
e) 29.5 x 1.00008 f) 2.36 x 93

17. A milk man has 30 liters of milk. He sold of it to the first customer, th
to the second and to the third customer. How much milk is still remaining
with him?

18. The capacity of a water tanker is 4000 liters. of water was supplied to a

certain locality and sold of the remaining to a hotel owner. Find the
remaining quantity of water in the tanker

19. A building casts a shadow 357 feet long when a foot fence post casts a shadow
3 feet 6 inches long. Draw a sketch. Set up an equation in the form of a
proportion and solve for the height of the building.
20. Two gears in mesh have 80 and 88 teeth. If the smaller gear turns at 400 r.p.m,
find the r.p.m. of the larger gear.
21. A drill press is belt driven from a back shaft which in turn is belt driven from
an 1800 r.p.m. motor. The motor has a 6” pulley belt connected to a 17” pulley
on the back shaft. The drill press has a 9” pulley belted to a 4.25” pulley on the
back shaft. Find the speed of the drill press. Solve by setting up equations
involving proportions.
22. 37.5 Canadian gallons are equivalent to 45 U.S. gallons. How many U.S.
gallons can be put into a Canadian 48 gallon drum? Set up a proportion and
23. Find ratio of the following quantity
i) 2 V to 250 mv
ii) 400  to 1.6 K
iii) 120 mA to 20  A

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Version (1.0)

24. Find the missing quantities

ii) 5.6 K  : 0.2 k  = x : 10K 

25. 1 Kilowatt-hour is equivalent to 3415 Btu. Calculate the number of kilowatt-hours

equivalent to 1 million Btu. Express in scientific notation.
26. It requires 3.1  1010 fission per second to produce 1 watt of energy. How many
fission per second are required to produce 200 megawatts. Express in power of

27. The mass of an electron is 0.00055 a.m.u. and 1 a.m.u. is 1.66  10-24 gms.
Calculate the mass of the electron in grams. Express in scientific notation.
28. 1 lb = 454 grams. 235 grams of U 235 contains 6.02  1023 atoms Calculate the
number of atoms in on ton (2000 lb) of U235 . Express in scientific notation.


1. Add the following

i. 575 volts ii. 7 500 ohms iii. 5 600 ohms iv. 100 microfarads
308 volts 680 ohms 390 ohms 33 microfarads
84 volts 3 300 ohms 22 000 ohms 50 microfarads
327 volts 180 ohms + 10 000 ohms + 220 microfarads
+ 119 volts + 8 200 ohms

v. 80 millihenries vi. 68 000 ohms vii. 17 832 kilometres viii. 847 miles
45 millihenries 33 000 ohms 4 963 kilometres 2 623 miles
170 millihenries 56 000 ohms 8 038 kilometres 5 487 miles
25 millihenries 4 700 ohms + 24 100 kilometres + 383 miles
+ 358 millihenries + 20 000 ohms

2. Fuses protects electronic equipment. During the first half of the year a supply
house shipped 4 800, 12 000, 8 700, 950, 15 000, and 15 000 fuses. Find the
total number of fuses shipped.

Post Diploma Training Manual: PD003 1-30

Version (1.0)

3. Kirchoff’ voltage law states that the sum of the voltage drops around a closed
loop equals the source voltage. Find the source voltage (Es ) in this circuit.

Note: Es = E1 + E2 + E3 + E4 + E5

E1 = 8 E2 = 17
ES = 7 E3 = 6 V
E5 = 11 E4 = 14

4. Kirchhoff’s current law states the sum of currents into a point equals the
current out of the point. What is the current out of the point in this diagram?


6A current out=?

5. A transformer may change electrical energy from one level to another. It is
construct by winding 180 number of turns of wire into a primary. Another set
of 39, 810, 1800 and 10 turns are wound to form one or more secondaries. Find
the total number of turns in the secondary of the transformer in this diagram.
6. The peak-to-peak voltage of an altermating of an alternating current is found
by adding the positive and negative peak voltages. Find the peak-to-peak
voltage in this diagram.

Post Diploma Training Manual: PD003 1-31

Version (1.0)

+ PEAK = 170
- PEAK = 170

7. When capacitors are placed in parallel the total capacitance is found by adding
the individual capacitor values. Find the total capacitance (Ct ) in this circuit.
(Note: Ct = C1 + C2 + C3 + C4 + C5)

C1 C2 C3 C4 C5

100 500 360 pF 68 pF 270

PF pF pF

8. The power gain of an amplifier is the output power divided by the input
power. The output is 18 W and the input is 3/16 W. Find the power gain.
9. When inductors are connected in series the total inductance (L t ) is the sum of
the individual inductors. Find the total inductance, in millihnries in this circuit.
(Note: Lt = L1 + L2 + L3 + L4)
10. An electronic mixer can produce the difference between two input frequencies.
The input signals are 1 200 000 hertz and 745 000 hertz. Find the difference

11. Power, the rate of doing work, is measured in watts. Power (P) is equal to the
voltage (E) across a device times current (I) through the device. Find the power
consumed by a load that draws 3 amperes of current with an 18-volt drop
across it.

12. An oscillator generates an alternating current signal at a frequency determined

by its components. An oscillator’s output is 5 500 cycles per second. How
many cycles does it produce in 35 second.
13. Solve these problem and express answer in the units indicated. (By using
Prefix table in Appendix-A)

1) 12 K + 3 K = 

Post Diploma Training Manual: PD003 1-32

Version (1.0)

2) 0.15A – 42 mA = A
3) 150 mW x 37 = W
4) 1.02 M Hz + 650 K HZ = KHz
5) 0.002 mF+ 900 PF = pF
6) 12V  1.5 = Mv
7) 0.01S X 84 = ms

14. Write each of the following number in scientific notation. Round all data to 4
significant digits.

i) The mass of an electron is

0.000, .000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 910,85 gm.
ii) The proton of an atom is much heavier then an electron and has mass
0.000, .000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 001, 674,74 gm.
iii) An election of an atom has electrical charge of 0.000, .000, 000, 000,
480, 288 electrostatic unit (esu).
iv) The largest dam in the world is the for peck dam, containing 125
600,000 cu. yd. of earth.
v) The angstrom unit is used to measure wavelength of light. It is
0.000, .000, 000, 1 m.
vi) An international nautical mils is
6076.115 49 ft
vii) The maximum distance from sum to the planet Neptune is 2,
187,400,000 milers.

viii) The planet Saturn is closer to the sun,

935, 570, 600 miles away, than Neptune.
x) A British ton contain 2240 1b.

x) The modern electronic computer can do an arithmetic operation in

0.000, .000, 002,4 seconds.

15. Expressed the following statements as numbers in ordinary form.

i) An atom has a radius of 1.5x10-8cm.
ii) An atomic nucleus has a radius of 4.1x10-13.

Post Diploma Training Manual: PD003 1-33

Version (1.0)

iii) One million electron volts (1 Mev) is equal to 3.83x10-14 calorie.

iv) An MeV is equal 15 4.45 x1010 kilowatt hours.
v) Absolute zero on the Fahrenheit scale is a temperature of –4.6x102 F.
vi) Absolute zero on the Celsius scale is a temperature of –2.732 x102 C.

16. Convert the following scientific notation into a proper prefix from the table of
i) The speed of light in a vacuum is 2.99 x1010 cm /sec.
ii) An international steam table Calais is 4.197 x107 erg.
iii) The average distance of the mass form the sum is 1.41 x108 mile.
iv) The mean distance of moon form the earth is 2.389 x 105 miles.
v) The atomic tine unit is 2.419 x 10-17 sec.
vii) The Boher radius of the circular orbit in which an electron
revolves about a proton in a hydrogen atom is 5.29 x 10-11 m.
viii) An erg is 9.48 x 1011 British thermal unit (Btu)

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Appendix - B

The International Commission has adopted for worldwide use the name listed in

Power of 10 Name Abbreviation Units

1010 Tera T Trillion

109 Giga G Billion
106 Mega M Million
103 Kilo K Thousand
102 Hecto h Hundred
10 Deka da Ten
10-1 Deci d Tenth
10-2 Centi c Hundreths
10-3 Mili m Thousandths
10-6 Micro (mu) Millionths
10-9 Nano n Billioths
10-12 Pico p Trillionths
10-15 Femto f
10-18 Atto a

Post Diploma Training Manual: PD003 1-36

Version (1.0)

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