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Name: Argefe Llanos Juegos Instructor: Professor Najifah Macaraya

Subject: Ethics Date: 27/04/2022

Ethics in Ramadhan
1. What do you think is the proper ethics in Ramadhan?
There are many ethical codes in observing Ramadhan and some of the things that
were highlighted in the discussion is that surely:
 Non-Muslims or Christians can greet people during Ramadhan because in
times of Prophet Muhammad people also give greetings for the
 In servings meals it should be only be in moderation, “Walang labis, walang
kulang” in order to avoid wasting food when it can’t be consumed. The
serving of meals should also be simple, not extravagant, and not noticeable
by many since there are people out there who don’t even have the penny
to buy or supply their own food. There are unfortunate ones who were
celebrating Ramadhan that can’t serve meals during “Sol” and “Buka”.
 This time of the month is way that Islam people reset their minds, to
repent their sins and give praise to Allah so it should be in an outmost
 Eating in font of someone who is fasting is not ethical, we should show
respect and empathy.
2. How will you relate Aristotle’s concept of virtuous act in relation to the
traditional practices of Ramadhan?
During Ramadhan, the spirit of giving especially during Iftar and with the acts of
kindness, the self-restraint and temperance are some of the highlight and are
multiple practices that are usually observed. Since these acts are practiced on a
daily basis, according to Sir Ahmad Suharto, it becomes a habit. When something
is done constantly, in a daily basis, it becomes a habit and praying is also a big
example. These ideas correlates to philosophy, especially to Aristotle's concept of
Virtual Ethics. It states that to develop a moral virtue, we must have a good habit
and develop good habits. By integrating good dids into our deliberate actions we
also develop our own moral character
3. As a non-Muslim, is it ethical to eat in front of a fasting Muslim?
In times of this month when Islam people show their sincerity and devotion in
their faith, us Christian's, should be sensitive and respectful. When someone is
fasting, let's show the solidarity, respect and empathy by not eating our meals in
front of them or even trying to make jokes that involves about eating when they
are around. I have also heard and I've read of something that those women or
other person who can't participate the fasting or can't fast due to some reasons
hides themselves when they eat or they don't make it obvious when they eat in
order to show respect for the ones who's fasting. So even Muslims practice these
things how much more of the Christians and non-Muslims? Aside from that and
again, it is a way to show respect to our Muslim brothers and sister and respect is
an initiative act, an act of kindness that manifest our own moral standards.
So this concludes that it is not ethical to eat in front or near someone who's
celebrating Ramadhan, especially for the ones who fast.

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