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Name: Sharish Kumar

Id: s11159623
Campus: labasa

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Human development- A lifespan Approach is a fascinating zone of study. Nevertheless, the ideas
of different theorists have helped a lot in the improving of the people’s life. Human is mostly
based on the opportunities to the lives of the people which the person value. “Through this
course, it makes students aware of the scientific understanding of human development through
the lifespan particularly from early youth, center adolescence, puberty, through to old age”. “As
well as looking at the development process that occur at different ages, it simply looks at some
broader themes that run through the whole of life. The main parts are firstly, the essay will look
the upbringing of a child, in relation to the aspects of human development”. “It will look at the
child rearing practices of an Indian community. Secondly, the essay will discuss the some of the
beliefs that is being practiced today. Thirdly, it will be looking at the western theories of human
development ideas of development psychology; methods of studying, perception, play and moral
development”. “Lastly, it will discuss how I consider cultural beliefs important.

Firstly, looking at the point which is explaining about the upbringing of me. “To reflect this topic
on my background, I have been raised up in a Fijian country and a mixed Fijian Indian culture”. I
have been brought up in the extended family, with my grandparents, uncles and aunties. “I will
basically elaborate more of my Indian culture and Fijian culture”. “In an Indian culture, the
religious activities and cultural rituals are important in an Indian culture”. Important days after
the child’s birth are; the sixth day, the twelfth day where the removal of hair ceremony is done
also at the wedding ceremony. “These basically are some of the important dates in an Indian
culture”. On the other hand, talking about a Fijian culture may differ because of its difference in
culture but some of the important dates that we commonly are aware of are the koti ceremony
(the removal of hair from the baby for the first time), the 21 st birthday, wedding and most
importantly the land is given to the child which is inherited from the child’s ancestors.
Therefore, both the cultures are important for me in the cultural context.
Secondly, Burrows. A. Has stated that it is very interesting to live in a country where the
physical punishment is not allowed in school and not even at home. At times people usually
misuse and start abusing the child. Parenting and child rearing is the process of promoting and
supporting the physical, emotional and intellectual development of a child”. (Baumrind.D.) has
stated that Child rearing practices are associated with competence and the child have to attend
the preschool. The parents play an important role in rearing the child. In an Indian culture a
strong intergenerational family is important and plays an important role to the success of a
society. The parents provide the social safety for their children. “In Indian culture mothers were
telling the importance to maintain the high levels of mental arousal and activity of their child”.
The mothers can should read to the child when the child goes to the pre-school. The family are
required to have the dinner with the family members. The parents can encourage the child to
develop skills at each week and should give spend most of their time with the children.
Thompson .S. has stated that in an Indian society, people usually live in extended family. The

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elders especially grandparents live with the grandsons and daughters in order to raise them with
good moral and values. The grandparents are more typically involved in the child care. The head
of the family is mostly the father, he mostly deals with the outside behavior. “In an Indian culture
parents have much more authority over the lives of their child”. Children were more obedient
and respectful toward for their parents and elders. “Children are also expected to do well in the
school work as education is highly respected in an Indian society”. The parental care is
important as it facilitates the development of a child. Therefore, the family plays an important
role in rearing the child.
Thirdly, as we are approaching to a modern world the traditional and cultural beliefs are
changing in all the society and even in all the countries. However, to some extent some of the
child rearing practices are still in practiced today in some Indian society, the people are living
with the extended family while in some in some society people have started to live with the
nuclear family. Nowadays the mothers have started to work and leaves the baby with the baby
sitter. The children are seems not to respect their elders and parents due to the advancement in
technology. It is evident that the children are modernized with and the want to be more
independent. The life styles of a person is changing day by day. The language have been changed
since, I have been raised in Fiji the English is the most common language that is spoken by the
person. The dressing styles have been changed for example in the past. Women’s used to wear
sarees and they were not allowed to work. Jain .A. Have stated that westernization is destroying
the traditional cultures and beliefs. Technology have changed the lives of the people in this era.
Nowadays the girls are allowed to choose the suitable partner on their own. Therefore, cultural
beliefs are important in the society.
“The second aspect of Human development is the Western Theories of Human Development”.
“The western theories of development talks about three different theories altogether that includes
John Locke theory”. He stated that thought relies on the object that could be given to a person.
The two perspectives clearly explains how a person experiences the outside world, like external
changes happening around him/her and also how a person experiences the changes within
him/her, most likely your own inner being. “For instance, a student who has never been to the
city to experience city life, let me take a student who is new to Laucala campus for an example,
may tend to face new changes and experiences due to the new environment”. “This also applies
to the inner experience like the changes he/she faces externally may affect the student internally,
mentally and spiritually”. These are some of the changes or experiences that I can relate to John
Locke’s Theory. “Hence, western theories of development under John Locke’s theory is indeed
fitting for a child’s upbringing since it helps in experiencing life externally and internally”.
“In addition to the second aspect of Human development based on the western theories, Piaget’s
theory perceived that an energetic build up the children can get new capacities to our mental
social gathering”. “Piagets theory as revised from the notes provided, he sketched out four types
of Human change”. These changes are; the sensorimotor change, preoperational, formal activities

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and concrete operational stage. “To summarize these changes that he has mentioned, I would say
that at different stages that a child goes through he/ she is able to respond to the activities given
to them to work on, the child is also able to mingle and understand and imagining things in their
own perspective, when they reach a certain stage like 11 years of age, they tend to play with the
other children and for the last stage as I have mentioned which is the concrete operational stage;
this is when the child starts to comprehend the situation and think of a possible solution to the
situation”. “Hence, the western theories of development under Piaget’s theory is indeed
satisfying in relation to the child’s development”.
“Still on the second aspect of Human development based on western theories, the last theory will
be talking about is the Vygotsky’s theory”. Vygotsky’s theory is based on child’s social
development which is engraining the child’s level of social background”. “He showed that the
scholarly modifications is innovative through the use of social relationship with the society”
Children who are part of various culture get development experience. “In his other hypothesis he
stated that in the Zone of proximal improvement the child can play out the endeavor separated.
The tyke would also consider improvements with the help of others”. “In addition to his
hypothesis, he also talked about more knowledgeable which tells that another person is more fit
than the person who will learn, this is because the person has the idea to explain in detail to the
child. Thus, the theories mentioned above is suitable for child’s development”.

Moreover, the western theories states that the children live in many different situations. “The
discipline of child development has not had the scope or methodologies to make account of the
majority of the children”. “It is important to know how children lived at other times and even
more importantly, to know something about the variation in their circumstances”. People’s
expectation of children and childhood have been – and continue to be – very different, and those
differences are worth exploring. According to John Locke, “children are born as blank slates,
ready to absorb whatever is given to them, it is during the formative years, according to Locke,
that all of the child's experiences form and shape a child's personality and nature. While others
believe a child's nature is something he is born with, Locke taught that the nature is determined
by experiences”. “However, a child can assimilate learned facts, the child must be educated in
other life lessons”. “For example, a child needs a strong concept of moral values and virtues
before learning to add and subtract”. “Early lessons would start to mold the child's eventual
sense of being and personality”. “A child who was taught morals, values and virtue would grow
up to be a strong and principled adult, according to Locke's child development theories”. “As
therefore, it is a need to know the certain level of development in human life in order to guide


In my aspect cultural beliefs are important since it is a powerful forces that affect the health and
culture of a person. Dr.Ballick has explained that cultural beliefs influence the spiritual concern

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of a person. The traditional beliefs portrays the critical piece of a culture. The cultural beliefs
shows the principles of the ancestral background. The parents reinforce the values and beliefs
and show the traditions of their backgrounds. Cultural beliefs defines the evolutionary identity of
us, it gives the ancestral values and gives the meaning of life. Every society in the world exist
with the certain cultures and values
In conclusion it can be analyzed that human development helps in Understanding of the human
improvement that is basic for some reasons. “For one, it helps you pick up a superior
comprehension of yourself”. Understanding of the constituents expected to be a part in the
youth’s advancement can help you comprehend the individual you are today”. “Learning human
advancement can likewise help you to better comprehend your own youngsters”. Regardless of
whether you are as of now a parent or a wanting to end up plainly one knowing the brain
research behind your kid's development can be extraordinarily useful. You'll pick up a superior
comprehension of how to connect with kids. “Concentrate human improvement will likewise
give you a more prominent valuation for your own particular advancement all through life”.
“Finally, you'll pick up the capacity to decode between what is typical and what is most certainly
not”. “Something that can prove to be useful in a few circumstances”.

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Reference list
Baumrind.D. 1967, child care practices antceding three patterns of preschool behavior.
Child Development. (2013, November 19). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Retrieved May 8, 2014, from
Jain. A. PGDIM, fore school of management.
Triandis, H. C. (1989). The self and social behavior in differing cultural contexts. Psychological
Review, 96(3), 506-520.
Mesquita, G. R. (2012). Vygotsky and the theories of emotions: In search of a possible dialogue.
Psicologia, Reflexão e Crítica, 25(4), 809-816.
Retrieved from

Webster.M. Child rearing definition. Retrieved from https//>

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