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● S23 – sources within and without

● S32(a) – gross income
● S32 (b) – exclusions
● S30 – exempt corporations (last paragraph)
● S39(a) – meaning of ordinary asset as distinguished from capital asset
● Income Tax Situs
● Tax Base; Tax Rates


● Tax Treatment
○ Schedular – individual TP (different); income tax treatment varies and depend on
the category of taxable income; provides for different tax treatment and rates;
categorizes income
○ Semi-schedular – may be subject to some uniform rules (NRATEB subject to
uniform rule – 25%)
○ Global – corporate TP (uniform); views indifferently a tax base; treats in common
all categories of taxable income (Corporate rate – 30%)
○ SFQ: How does Tax Code tax income of corporate TP? – corporate rate is
uniform (30%)
● Allowability of deductions
○ Net income taxation – method of taxation which allows deductions, as the tax
base is net income; applies to:
■ RC
■ RA
○ Gross Income taxation – does not allow deduction, as the tax base is gross
income (entire income); applies to:
○ NR Singaporean spent more than 180d in PH; there is a vacation in between (not
continuous) – only requires aggregate period of more than 180 days stay; does
not require continuous and uninterrupted stay; Singaporean is NRAETB
○ WON RFC or NRFC – RFC if there is continuity of commercial dealings in PH
● Collection
○ In both systems, taxes are collected in advance by withholding
○ Final withholding tax system – “final” means that such tax withheld constitutes a
final or complete settlement of tax liability on those items of income; considered
as passive investment income’ “passive” means that income need not report
such income in ITR, you just simply receive such; these are subject to FWT: RP
■ Royalties
■ Prizes – subject to FWT if more than P10k; subject to graduated income
tax rates if not more than P10k
■ Winnings – subject to FWT; PCSO and lotto winnings are exempt only up
to P10k (if more than 10k – subject to FWT)
■ Interest income
■ Dividend income – subject to FWT if received by individual or from DC;
exempt if received from DC by another DC or RFC
■ Share of partner of net taxable income of business/taxable
partnership/joint venture – source must be business or taxable
partnership; if source is GPP, subject to graduated income tax, not
subject to FWT
■ Fringe Benefits
■ Branch profit remittance tax
○ Creditable withholding tax system – tax withheld are intended to approximate the
tax due; TW may be credited against the income tax due; income must be
reported in ITR (not final settlement - TP may still be required to pay difference
between tax withheld and tax due)
■ Senior Citizens’ 20% discount; is this tax credit or tax deduction? – TAX
DEDUCTION; deduction from gross income
■ Tax credit – taxes withheld are credited against the income tax due
(taxable income*tax rate)
■ Tax deduction – may be deducted from gross income; one of allowable

Income Tax Situs

● We have adopted a Comprehensive income tax situs – we consider the residence of TP,
citizenship, location where income is derived (RPN)
○ Residence – Resident citizens, Resident aliens, RFC
○ Place/Location where income is derived – NRETB, NRANETB, NRFC (only tax
from sources within)
○ Nationality/Citizenship – citizens of PH, domestic corporations

Tax Base

● Basis of TP’s taxable income – computed on basis of TP’s Annual accounting period
● Calendar year period -
● Fiscal year period – accounting period of 12 months beginning on Jan 1 and ending on
Dec 31
● Individual TPs are only allowed to adopt calendar year period
● Corporate TPs can adopt calendar/fiscal year period
● Individual TPs – tax rates are progressive (0 to 35%); income increases as tax increases
● Corporate TPs – uniform (30%)

Tests of taxability: CRABS

● Claim of right doctrine

○ Provides that Illegal profit is subject to tax
○ Sec. 32(a) – gross income includes income derived from whatever source
● Realization test – Apply to sales or exchanges of property; 2 conditions:
○ Earning process must be complete
○ Exchange must have taken place
● All events test – Taxable when there is right to receive income; requisites: USA
○ Unconditional, valid, and enforceable
○ Susceptible of accurate estimate
○ Amount shall be paid in due course
● Benefit/Control
○ Taxable if recipient has free disposal of amount
○ Exception to the rule that there is obligation to return of whatever has been paid
by mistake
● Severance test
○ Separation of capital from something of exchangeable value – result to taxable
○ Example: separation of interest from deposit


❖ Requisites of income/gain
➢ Gain or profit
➢ Gain is Realized
➢ Amount is not excluded by Tax Code or law
❖ Included in Gross Income
❖ Compensation for services
❖ Income from business
❖ Gains from dealing in property
❖ Interest
❖ Rents
❖ Royalties
❖ Dividends
❖ Annuities
❖ Prizes and winnings
❖ Pensions
❖ Partner’s distributive share of gross income of general professional partnership
❖ “derived from whatever source”
● Recovery of bad debt
○ Bad debt - debt which had become worthless (if during the year from which a
deduction is sought, a situation developed; as a result of which, there remained
no practical prospect that the debt would ever be paid)
○ S34(e): bad debt is an allowable deduction from gross income
○ When recovered, BD shall be included in gross income
○ Tax Benefit rule
■ Previous taxable year - TP enjoyed a tax benefit when BDs were written
off as deduction (TB: reduction of net taxable income, presupposes that
there was net taxable income)
■ Subsequent taxable year - TP recovers the bad debts; he is required to
declare as taxable income the amount of tax benefit enjoyed
○ Example:
■ 2020 - there was net loss of 150k; BD claimed as deduction is 20k; total
net loss is 170k;
■ 2021 - 20k subsequently recovered; it did not result in tax benefit (there
was no net taxable income in the previous year that can be reduced);
hence, 20k subsequently recovered is not taxable
● Tax refund
○ S34(e): considered as part of gross income from year of receipt
○ Tax benefit rule – applies
○ Taxable income if tax refunded is a deductible tax
○ SIDE – if subsequently refunded, their refund does not amount to taxable income
because they do not reduce taxable income in previous year
■ Special assessment tax
■ Income tax
■ Donor’s tax
■ Estate tax
● Cancellation of indebtedness
○ It may amount to taxable compensation income – if creditor is employer and
debtor is employee (employer condones obligation by way of payment of
services rendered by employee); compensation income may include those paid
in kind
○ It may result to taxable donation subject to donor’s tax – condone obligation with
generosity as consideration
○ It may result to taxable capital transaction – creditor may be a corporation;
stockholder is debtor; when corporation condones, SH receives an indirect
dividend, and this is taxable
● Lost profit
○ GR: Damages are not taxable
○ Damages awarded representing lost earnings – taxable because had it not been
for that accident, TP would have earned such profit/income
● Illegal gains
○ Claim of right doctrine
● Mistake (payment by mistake)
○ Exception to the rule that payment by mistake is not taxable because there is
obligation to return it


● Proceeds of life insurance

○ Just an indemnification for loss of life; no gain/profit realized
● Amount received as a return of premium
○ These are amount other than those paid by reason of death of insured
○ Just in the nature of return of capital
○ exempt only up to the amount of premiums paid
● Liquidating dividends
○ Excess after winding up period
○ In effect a return of investment
● Moral/exemplary damages
○ Moral damages – NOT taxable because there is really no flow of wealth; it is an
approximation of a person’s sufferings; there is no gain/profit
○ Exemplary damages – NOT taxable because it is a direct consequence of injury
Amounts of any damages received on account of injuries or sickness - exempt
● Stock dividend
○ S73(b): not taxable because it represents transfer of surplus to capital account; it
just amounts to increase of SH’s interest in the corporation, there is really no flow
of wealth
○ Redemption of shares of stock may or may not result in taxable dealing
■ If source is initial/original capital investment – not result in taxable income
■ EXP: If redeem during operation of corporation – result in taxable income
○ EXP: If recipient is usufructuary – taxable by way of exception
○ EXP: Disguised dividend – appear to be stock dividends; but are not because
they are declared in the absence of unrestricted retained earnings; increase
results to taxable dividend


● Items of exclusion because there is really no income/gain
● Refer to: PALMS
● Items of exclusion representing subject to another internal revenue
● Gift/donation
○ Donation inter vivos – subject to donor’s tax
○ Donation mortis causa – subject to estate tax
○ If amount is received on account of services rendered - subject to
graduated income tax because Compensation income
❖ Items of exclusion because expressly exempt from income tax (There is really an
income/gain; but are excluded by express provision of law): GRAFTERS Others
● Gift/donation - refer to above
● Retirement benefit –
❖ If received under retirement plan: FORT
■ Fifty (5) years old at least
■ Once – can be availed of once
■ Applies only to private employees; If subsequent employer is
government, he will receive retirement benefit
■ Reasonable retirement benefit plan - in accordance therewith
■ Ten (10) years at least of service
❖ If received under existing CBA
❖ In absence of RBP or CBA
➢ 60-65 yrs old
➢ 5 years at least of service
❖ Retirement benefits from foreign government agencies - received by
citizens and resident aliens
● Awards/Prizes
○ in recognition of SCRA LEC: Scientific Charitable, Religious, Artistic,
Literary, Educational, Civic achievement
■ Recipient - no action to enter the contest
■ Recipient - not required to render substantial future services as a
condition to receiving the prize or award
○ for sports competitions
■ Sports competitions - sanctioned by their national sports
associations (have imprimatur of Philippine Olympic Committee)
■ Applies only to local and amateur athletes
● Foreign government/financial/regional institution
○ Income from loan extended by foreign government – tax exempt
● Thirteenth month pay – to the extent of P90k
○ Including other benefits, productivity incentives, and Christmas bonus
○ Lump sum limitation – add the 3 above
● Exchange/Sale/Retirement of bonds/indebtedness – with maturity of more than 5
years, gains realized therefrom
○ If interest on loan (gain not covered here) – subject to tax
● Redemption of shares – issued by a mutual fund company, gains realized by
investor therefrom
● Separation Pay
○ Separation is for causes beyond the control of employee/official
○ Terminal leave pay – Zialcita case: compulsory retirement is beyond the
control of the employee, hence all payments received as a result thereof
are exempt
● Others
○ Revenues of Nonstock, Non-profit Private Educational Institution (NNPEI)
used Actually, Directly, and Exclusively for educational purposes
○ Business profits of a foreign corporation from sources within the PH
○ Duly registered cooperatives
○ Income exempt under treaty - Pacta sunt servanda
○ SSS benefits
○ GSIS benefits
○ Income derived from any public utility
○ GSIS, SSS Medicare and PAG-IBIG Contributions

Exempt Corporations
❖ Requisites for exemption: NOON
➢ Non-Stock or Non-profit organization
➢ Operate exclusively for those non-profit purposes (CRACS)
➢ Organized exclusively for such purposes
➢ No part of its assets accrue to a specific person
❖ Enumerated:
■ Philippine Health Insurance Corporation
■ Local water districts
■ Home Development Mutual Fund
■ Exempt – income from gaming operations
■ Taxable – income from related operations
■ Exempt – Contractees/Licensees – exempt (S13b of PD 1869 so
○ Labor, agricultural or horticultural organization (not organized principally for
○ Mutual savings bank and cooperative bank (without capital stock, operated for
mutual purposes AND without profit)
○ Beneficiary society (operating for exclusive benefit of members)
○ Cemetery company (operating for exclusive benefit of members)
○ Non-stock corporation or association (operated exclusively for CRACS:
Charitable, Religious, Athletic, Cultural, Scientific purposes; AND no part of its
net income shall belong to any specific person)
○ Business league (not organized for profit AND no part of its net income shall
belong to any specific person)
○ Civic league or organization (operated exclusively for promotion of social welfare)
■ Conditions for exemption
● Institution must be proven as NNPEI
● Income must be Actual, Directly, and Exclusively used for
educational purposes
■ Requisites for incidental income from ancillary activities to be exempt:
● Operated within the premises of NNPEI
● Owned by NNPEI
● Operated by NNPEI
■ Requisites for Interest income on bank deposit to be exempt
● Certification from depository bank as to the amount of interest
income earned
● Certification of ADE utilization of said income for educational
● Board resolution regarding the use of interest income (which must
be used for construction or improvement of educational facilities)
○ Proprietary Non-profit Hospital (income is devoted to the charitable object AND
no money inures to the benefit of specific person)
○ Government educational institution
○ Farmers or other mutual typhoon or fire insurance company, or like organization
of a purely local character (income of which consists solely of dues collected
from members AND for sole purpose of meeting its expenses)
○ Farmers association (operated as a sales agent AND for purpose of marketing
the products of its members)

● Charitable Institutions v. NNPEI

○ CI - source of income determines exemption (allowed to engage in activities
conducted for profit, the only consequence is that its income will be:)
■ Exempt - if income is from non-profit activities
■ Taxable income - if income is derived from property OR from activities
conducted for profit
○ NNPEI - destination of income determines exemption
■ Exempt - as long as income is ADE devoted for educational purposes,
even if taxable income because of source
■ Taxable (10% preferential tax) - if income is not ADE devoted for
educational purposes; if gross income from unrelated trade does not
exceed 50% of total gross income derived from all sources
■ Taxable (30% RCIT) - if income is not ADE devoted for educational
purposes; if gross income from unrelated trade exceeds 50% of total
gross income derived from all sources
● YMCA – income from lease of real property by religious institution is taxable, regardless
of the disposition of such income
● St. Lukes Medical – SLM is not qualified as a charitable hospital because it did not
operate exclusively for charitable purposes; gained income from its patients amounting
to P180M; Hence taxable, despite the fact that the income is used for its charitable
wards; But it may avail of the 10% preferential rate
● Non-profit hospital conduct commercial activities - still a non-profit hospital; though not
exempt because to be exempt, it must OPERATE EXCLUSIVELY for charitable
purposes; But it may avail of the 10% preferential rate.
● De Las Salle – NNPEI; last paragraph of S30 does not apply to NNPEI (if applied, it
subjects NNPEI to taxable income, regardless of disposition of such income); exempt by
applying the exemption on Constitution (merely requires that income be ADE used for
educational purposes); Constitution also applies to exemption from RPT
● SFQ: UP derives income from bank deposit; is the interest income subject to 20% final
tax? - YES; here, last paragraph of S30 applies (taxable regardless of disposition made
of such income); BUT NO if CCB are present
● SFQ: La Salle income from sale of property - exempt as long as ADE used for
educational purposes; BUT if seller is government educational institution, last paragraph
of S30 applies (taxable regardless of disposition made of such income)

Individual TP rules Corporate TP rules Common Rules

● Compensation income ● Minimum Corporate ● Classification of Asset

● Fringe benefit Income Tax ● Capital loss limitation
● Interest income from ● Improperly Rules
long-term deposit Accumulated ● Sale of Shares of
● Partners’ share in Earnings Tax Stock
GPP ● Branch Profit ● Passive Income (final
● Holding period rule Remittance Tax tax)
● Net Capital Loss ● Tax sparing credit rule ● Allowable deductions
Carry Over ● Offline International ● Tax benefit rule
Airline ● Tax situs
● International Carriers
● Offshore/Multinational
● Exempt Corporations

Compensation Income

● Test – presence of Er-Ee relationship (Er is creditor, Ee is employee)

● Condonation of obligation – made in consideration of services rendered
● Life insurance premiums – Er obtained life insurance policy for employee; payment is
made in consideration of services rendered by employee
○ If over the life of manager – subject to Fringe Benefit Tax
○ If over rank and file employee – taxable as compensation income

Fringe Benefit

● Basis – grossed up monetary value

● Tax rate – 35% final tax
● Exempt fringe benefits: TEAM
○ Temporary house – employee stays therein for at least 3 months
○ Employer’s premises – inure to the benefit of employer; for convenience of
○ Adjacent Housing Unit – within 50 meters from employer’s premises
○ Military Housing Unit
● Exempt De Minimis Benefits (11)
○ of small amount
○ Purposes - CHEG: Contentment, Health, Efficiency, Goodwill of employee
● Common De Minimis Benefits: MR PUG C
○ Medical – not exceed 10k/year; 250/month
○ Rice subsidy – 2k/month
○ Private employee – 10day vacation leave credit
○ Uniform benefit – 6k/year
○ Government employee – irrespective of number of days; vacation/sick leave
○ Christmas gift - exempt as de minimis benefit up to 5k a year

Interest income from long-term deposit: FIBA

● Five years - long term in a sense that has maturity period of at least 5 years
● Individual - recipient (not a corporation); not all individual may be covered (NRNETB -
cannot avail of such exemption)
● Bank - depository must be a bank
● Account - investment account, trust account, time or savings account
● If FIBA is met - exempt from tax

Partners’ share in GPP

● GPP - exempt from corporate income tax

● Each professional partner - share in net income is subject to profressive rates of 0-35%
● In case of partner’s share in net income of Taxable Business partnership - subject to
final tax; need not be reported in gross income of partner
Holding period rule

● Only applies to individual TPs

● Capital Asset (not RP) Held for more than 12 mos - Capital Gain is 50%
● Capital Asset (not RP) Held for 12 mos or less - CG is 100% recognized/taxable
● Possible tax avoidance scheme - not selling capital asset within 12month period;
because within such period, taxable gain is 100%

Net Capital Loss Carry Over

● S39(D) - EXP to the rule that you cannot carry over an expense; Here, Net Capital Loss
will be carried over as a deduction in CG in the succeeding taxable year
● NCL - excess of capital loss over capital gain (to apply, CL must be more than CG)
● Limitation: Amount carried over must not be in excess of the net income in that particular
● Net income - 100k; NCL - 150k: only up to 100k may be carried over
● Net Operating Loss (NOLCO) - may apply to individual and corporate TP; may only be
carried over in succeeding taxable year
● NCLCO - may apply only to individual TP; may be carried over to 3 succeeding taxable


● Tax Rate: 2%
● Basis: Gross income (unlike in RCIT: Net Taxable Income)
● Taxpayer: DC/RFC (not applicable to NRFC because purpose of the law is to prevent
prevalent practices of corporations in overclaiming deductions to reduce income tax
● Applicability: 4th taxable year from commencement of business operations, whenever it is
higher than RCIT (corporations are expected to incur losses in the initial years)
● Can substitute only the 30% RCIT; Cannot substitute special tax rates
● Creba v. Romulo – rationale is that DC owes their corporate existence to the
government; thus, it is fair for government to make reasonable contribution to the public


● Tax Rate: 10% (not a final tax)

● Basis: Amount of profit improperly accumulated
● Covered: DC that are close held corporations (at least 50% of OCS is owned by not
more than 20 individuals)
● Exempt: BPI
○ Banks/non-bank financial intermediaries
○ Publicly held corporations
○ Insurance companies
● Allowed accumulated earnings (not subject to IAET)
○ Below and up to 100% of paid up capital
○ in excess thereof, when used for reasonable needs of business
● Immediacy Test – “reasonableness needs of business” means the immediate need of
the business to accumulate earnings and profits; “immediate” means “reasonable”
Branch Profit Remittance Tax – BRPT

● Tax Rate: 15% (final tax)

● Basis: Profits applied/Earmarked for remittance (not only those actually remitted); by PH
branch to Foreign head office (outbound remittance)
● Exempt: PEZA registered enterprises
● Need not be reported because it is a final tax; completely settles tax liability
● If profits are coursed thru branch office – effectively connected with the conduct of
business; subject to BRPT
● In case of conflict, Tax treaty (imposing lower tax on remittance) prevails over NIRC

Tax Sparing Credit Rule

● Subject: dividend income (from a DC to a NRFC)

● Tax rate: 15% (final tax); need not be reported by NRFC
● Condition: Foreign government shall allow tax credit of the taxes paid by NRFC to the
PH government (credit against the tax claimed by foreign government)
○ If condition is not met - apply RCIT of 30%
○ To encourage foreign investment in PH (mababa na nga yung tax nyo,
makecredit nyo pa yung binayaran nyo rito against sa foreign tax nyo)
● Tax credit – there need not be proof of actual tax credit; what is important is that there is
a provision in the foreign revenue code allowing tax credit


International Carriers

● Onshore – must have landing rights in any PH port

● Tax Rate: 2.5%
● Basis: Gross Philippine Billings

Offline/Offshore international carriers

● Offline - No landing rights; treated as RFCs because it designated a permanent agent

● Tax Rate: 30%
● Basis: net taxable income

Offshore/Multinational Companies

● Offshore Banking Unit

○ Income from foreign currency transactions with residents - 10% final tax
○ Income from foreign currency transactions with residents - exempt
● Regional Operating Headquarters of Multinational Companies – 10% of net taxable

Classification of Asset (S39)

● 2 classifications
○ Ordinary Asset - 4 exclusive OA: SOUR
■ Stock in trade of the taxpayer
■ Primarily held for customers in the Ordinary course of trade or business
■ Depreciable asset Used for trade or business
■ Real property used for trade or business
○ Capital Asset - not among the 4 exclusive OA
● Capital Loss Limitation Rule: Capital loss is NOT deductible from ordinary gain - Only
business-connected expenses are deductible from gross income; capital loss is NOT a
business-connected expense, hence not deductible (Principle of matching of costs
against revenues)
● BUT Ordinary loss is deductible from capital gain - not prohibited in the law; ordinary
loss is a business-connected expense; hence deductible
● Substantial improvement test - if substantially improved land, and primarily held for sale;
convert capital asset into ordinary asset (Calasanz v. CIR)
● Business/ Continuity Test - ordinary asset converted into capital asset if business is not
continued by the heir (Tuason v. Lingad)
● S24(D) v. S27(D)

S24(D) - 6% CGT S27(D) - 6% CGT

● Individual as seller/TP ● DC as seller/TP

● Sale of Real property ● Sale of Lands/buildings (not used in
● Conditional/absolute sale business)
● Option of individual seller to apply 0- ○ Does not include machinery
35% or 6% (if buyer is government) (may be considered as RP; if
● Tax avoidance scheme is allowed: used in ordinary course of
NOTED business, it is ordinary asset -
○ New principal residence CGT applies only to capital
○ Once every 10 years - asset)
exemption availed of only ○ Absolute sale
○ Thirty days from date of sale - ● No option - only 6%
within such period, notify BIR ● Tax avoidance scheme is not allowed
regarding the intent of seller to
avail of tax exemption
○ Eighteen months from date of
sale - within such period,
utilize entire proceeds in the
construction of PR
○ Deposit of 6% CGT deposited
in escrow account - security for
compliance with the utilization

● Common provisions S24(D) and S27(D)

○ Basis of 6% CGT - higher amount between GSP and Zonal Value
○ Presumptive gain - the law considers that when a seller sells RP considered as
Capital Asset, he is presumed to have derived gain; hence subject to 6% CGT
(even if there is really a loss because seller incurred loss from sale)
● Capital Asset - exclusion
○ 6% applies to extrajudicial auction sale
■ presupposes that there is failure by mortgagor to redeem within the 1-yr
redemption period;
■ basis of 6% is the highest bidder’s price;
■ payment must be made within 30d from expiration of 1yr redemption
○ Sale of machineries and equipment; not used in business - not subject to 6%
CGT; subject to RCIT

Sale of Shares of Stock

● Not listed and traded thru local stock exchange - 15% of net capital gain
● Listed and traded thru local stock exchange - 6/10 of 1% of gross selling price

Passive Income

● Interest income (from bank deposit) - 20%

● Royalties - 20%
● Interest income (from foreign currency deposit unit); depositor is Resident TP - 15%
○ If depositor is non-resident TP - exempt

Allowable Deductions from Gross Income

● Itemized deductions (available to TPs engaged in business OR practice of profession in
○ Business/Professional expenses
■ must be ordinary or necessary; otherwise, it is a capital expenditure (not
○ Interest
○ Taxes
○ Losses
● Optional standard deduction (available to TPs deriving income not subject to final tax) -
○ Individual - Gross sales/receipts
○ Corporate - gross income
● Jurisprudence
○ Capital expenditure - cannot be deducted
○ All events test - accrual of expense requires:
■ Fixing liability to pay
■ Availability of reasonably accurate determination of such liability
○ Production test - expense must be incurred in production of such an income
■ Margin fee is not deductible because it is not incurred in production of
income; but is incurred after
■ Requisites: Expense must be BPI
● Business connected; ordinary and necessary
● Proof of business expenset - supported by adequate invoices or
● Incurred during taxable year - you cannot carry over an expense
Tax Situs
● Interest income - residence of debtor (taxable as long as resident of PH); even though
the transactions occurred abroad


Administrative Remedies of the Government

● Assessment - requisites for validity
○ There must be written notice and demand seeking for final liability of TP in the
unpaid taxes which is fixed (if still requires computation, invalid assessment)
■ There must be clear indication of kind of tax assessed
○ Must state the law and facts upon which it is based (mandated by due process)
○ Must be duly served on TP; for him to answer it intelligently (Pascor v. Realty)
■ EXP to the presumption of regularity in performance of official function -
burden of proof is with BIR to prove that written notice and demand was
received by TP
● If invalid assessment - protest is proper
● Requisites of a valid assessment for purposes of RPT - must indicate: KAMLU
○ Kind of property
○ Assessed taxable value of property
○ (current) Market value
○ Level of assessment
○ (actual) Use - assessed on the basis thereof
● When assessment is made: MRS - when Mailed, Released, or Sent
● Methods used by government in making an assessment: NPC
○ Net worth method
○ Presumed gross sales method - made by BIR; if TP fails to file the requisite
books; no violation of due process because it can always be rebutted by TP;
based on Best evidence obtainable
○ Excess of Cash expenditure method - if TP has cash in the bank and incurred
expense, excess is the basis of assessment
○ Others:
■ Comparable sales approach method - considers the value of property and
market income that may be derived therefrom
■ Income approach method
■ Replacement cost method - considers the cost in replacing such property

● Suspension of prescriptive period
○ Interest of government or TP
■ Bond requirement - cash or surety bond; must not be double the amount
of property involved; subject to EXPs below
○ Waiver of Statute of Limitations
○ Request for Reinvestigation
● EXP to the rule that bond must be posted (may be dispensed with): UP
○ Unlawful method used in collection of tax
○ Prescription has set in
● May a collection be made
○ NIRC taxes - BIR is not required to rule on such assessment; collection may be
made by BIR by filing action for collection even if there is pending the protest on
assessment; collection can only be restrained by suspension order of CTA
● Collection of local tax
○ Absence of provision on no injunction rule (only found in NIRC) - local taxes may
be restrained by regular courts by a writ of injunction
○ Requisites for injunction
■ Right in esse
■ Violation of such right
■ Irreparable injury that will be sustained

Administrative Remedies for Collection

● Tax Lien - preferred over all other claims
○ NIRC: S219
○ LGC: S173
○ RPT: S257
● Distraint - personal property
○ NIRC: S207(A)
○ LGC: S175
○ (not available in RPT)
● Levy - real property; common provision on public auction
○ NIRC: S207(B)
○ LGC: S176
○ RPT: S258
● Maritime Shipping v. NLRC
● Tan v. Bantegui - allows delinquent TP to prevent public sale by paying interest, cost
and expenses; public sale is proceeding in personam; publication of notice is insufficient
Prescriptive Periods
○ 3 yrs; if no FFF (Fraudulent return; False return; Failure to file return)
■ If return was filed before the last day prescribed for the filing thereof -
within 3yrs from last day for filing
■ If return was filed beyond the last day - within 3yrs from actual filing
○ 10 yrs; if there is FFF - from discovery of omission, fraud, or falsity
● LGT:
○ Within 5 yrs from the date local taxes became due
○ Within 10 yrs from discovery of fraud or intent to evade payment (In case of fraud
or intent to evade)

○ 3 yr; if no FFF - within 3 yrs from date of assessment
○ 10 yr OR 5 yr; if there is FFF
■ If no prior assessment - within 10 yrs from discovery of omission (to file
■ If there is prior assessment - within 5 yrs from date of assessment
● LGT: within 5yrs from date of assessment
● RPT:
○ Within 5yrs from the date RPT become due
○ Within 10 yrs from discovery of fraud or intent to evade payment (In case of fraud
or intent to evade)
○ Grounds for suspension of prescriptive period for collection - refer to first 4 in
enumeration below

A and C - Grounds for suspension of prescriptive period for assessment and collection
○ CIR is prohibited from making assessment OR beginning distraint and levy; for
60d (i.e. When a case is on appeal at CTA, CIR is prevented from filing an
ordinary action to collect tax in regular courts)
○ TP makes a Request for reinvestigation
○ TP is out of PH
○ TP cannot be located in the address given by him in the return
○ Waiver of statute of limitations
■ Must be in writing (No requirement for notarization)
■ Must be executed and accepted (no specific form) before the expiration to
assess/collect (or before lapse of period agreed upon)
■ Must be signed by TP himself or duly authorized representative (group
supervisor can sign waiver). In case of corporation, waiver must be
signed by any responsible official
■ Expiry date of period agreed upon to assess/collect tax after the regular 3
yr period of prescription should be indicated (no unli-waiver)
■ Waiver of prescriptive period to collect must indicate particular taxes
assessed; Waiver of prescriptive period to assess may simply state “all
internal revenue taxes”
■ Two material dates must appear on the waiver:
● Date of execution (date of acceptance not anymore required)
● Expiry date of the period the TP waives the statute of limitations
○ Interest of TP - No injunction rule (218) does not apply to CTA; CTA has authority
to suspend collection of tax
■ Bond requirement - cash or surety bond; must not be double the amount
of property involved
○ Warrant of distraint and levy is duly served upon TP; but no property could be
● LGT - refer to 1st four above

Judicial Remedies of Government


● Civil Action ● Civil Action ● Civil Action

● Criminal Action

Prescriptive Period
● Civil action - (same as Prescriptive Periods in Administrative Remedies)
● Criminal Action
○ NIRC: S281 - 5 yrs from discovery AND institution of judicial proceedings for its
investigation and punishment/filing of case before prosecutor

Remedies of Taxpayer
● Protest
○ NIRC: S228 - within 30d from receipt of FAN
○ LGT: S195 - within 60d from receipt of such assessment, filed with the local
○ RPT: S252, LGC - within 30d from payment of RPT
■ The requirement of “payment under protest” is a condition sine qua non
before a protest or an appeal questioning the correctness of an
assessment of real property tax may be entertained.
● Tax Refund
○ NIRC: S229 - within 2y from payment regardless of any supervening cause that
may arise after payment;
■ may not be suspended by any supervening cause; doctrine of
supervening cause is not applicable)
○ LGT: S196 - within 2y from date of payment OR from the date the TP is entitled
to a refund (when there is decision that TP is exempt);
■ may be suspended by any supervening cause; doctrine of supervening
cause is applicable
○ RPT: S253 - within 2y from the date the taxpayer is entitled to such reduction or
■ may be suspended by any supervening cause; doctrine of supervening
cause is applicable
● Compromise
○ S204, NIRC - grounds
■ reasonable doubt as to the validity of the claim against the taxpayer exists
(doubtful validity) - not less than 10% of assessed tax
■ financial position of the taxpayer demonstrates a clear inability to pay the
assessed tax (financial incapacity) - not less than 10% of assessed tax
○ All criminal violations may be compromised EXCEPT:
■ (a) those already filed in court, or
■ (b) those involving fraud.

Protest (S228) and Refund (S229) - NIRC

Protest (S228) Refund (S229)

What to file ● Request for Written claim (there must be

reconsideration OR categorical demand for
● Request for refund)

Who will file ● TP or ● TP or

● Authorized ● WHA (WHA is not
Representative only an agent of
government, but also
an agent of TP in filing
payment of tax)

Where to file ● CIR or CIR

● Duly Authorized
Representative (DAR)

When to file Within 30d from receipt of Within 2y from date of

FLD/FAN payment
● for corporate TP -
from filing of final
adjustment return
● Not suspended by
supervening cause;
(EXPs: Assurance OR
Agreement that the
refund will be granted

● S176 - Option to Carry Over:

○ When there is excess in quarterly corporate income tax, corporate TP carries that
○ Option to carry over, NOT the claim for refund, is irrevocable
● S58(a) - application of 2yr period
○ “Whichever comes first” from filing date of final adjustment return and deadline


● Self-assessment - TP files tax return
● Tax Audit - Revenue Officers examines the books of TP to determine correct tax
● Notice of Informal Conference (NIC) - ROs inform TP of discrepancies in payment
● TP files position paper
● Assessment Division or CIR/Duly Authorized Representative issues PAN - if there is
sufficient basis to assess TP for deficiency taxes
○ TP should file a Reply - within 15 days from receipt of PAN; if he fails to file, no
liability arises, just proceed below
○ When PAN is not mandatory: MACEN
■ Mathematical error
■ Actually remitted tax, there is discrepancy with that of tax withheld
■ Claim for refund/tax credit and Carry over of same amount claimed
against estimated tax liabilities for succeeding taxable year
■ transfers to non-Exempt person
■ Notice of conference must be made within the 30d period
● AD or CIR/DAR issues FAN/DL


● TP should file a Protest - within 30 days from receipt of FAN/DL; if he fails to file, FAN
becomes final and executory
○ Unlike in Local Taxation, Assessed Income Tax need not be paid upon protest
(will not make business of TP illegal)
○ 2 forms of Protest
■ Request for reconsideration - based on existing records
■ Request for reinvestigation (TP shall submit supporting documents) -
within 60d from filing of letter of protest; based on newly discovered

● Final Decision on Disputed ● Final Decision on Disputed

Assessment - CIR/DAR denies protest Assessment - CIR/DAR inaction
● 2 ways to proceed (within 180d from)
○ CIR/DAR Denies: Without ○ date of filing of protest, if
intermediate appeal Request for Reconsideration
■ Judicial Appeal to CTA OR
- within 30d from ○ date of submission by TP of
receipt of FDDA required documents, if
○ DAR denies: With intermediate Request for Reinvestigation
appeal (optional) ● 2 ways to proceed
■ Administrative Appeal ○ DAR inaction:
with CIR (Request for ■ Appeal to CTA - within
Reconsideration) - 30d from lapse of 180d
within 30d from receipt period
of FDDA ○ CIR inaction: (mutually
■ Decision on exclusive)
Administrative Appeal ■ Await for the FDDA of
by CIR CIR, and
■ Judicial Appeal to CTA ■ Appeal to CTA - within
- within 30d from 30d after receipt of
receipt of FDDA (not FDDA
tolled by Administrative
Appeal with CIR)

● Motion for reconsideration with CTA Division - within 15d from CTA Division
(mandatory; not allowed before the CIR)
● Appeal to CTA En Banc - within 15d from receipt of CTA Div’s decision
● Appeal to SC - within 15d from receipt of CTA En Banc’s decision (optional)


● TP pays the assessed tax - within 30d from receipt of FAN/DL

● TP files claim for refund or tax credit (ground: erroneously paid) - within 2 years from
date of payment

● Final Decision - CIR/DAR denies ● Final Decision - CIR/DAR inaction

claim (when 2 year period is about to expire,
● Appeal to CTA - within 30d from consider inaction as denial)
receipt of denial; but within 2 years ● Appeal to CTA - within 2 years from
from date of payment date of payment


BEFORE ASSESSMENT by Local Treasurer

● TP files Administrative Appeal with SOJ (Questioning constitutionality or legality of

tax ordinance) - within 30d from effectivity; appeal shall not suspend the effectivity of
● Decision of SOJ - within 60d from receipt of appeal
○ Denying the appeal
■ Appeal to court of competent jurisdiction (CA) - within 30d from receipt
of denial
○ Inaction
■ Appeal to CCJ (CA) - within 30d from lapse of 60d

AFTER ASSESSMENT by Local Treasurer

Proceed without payment (S195) Proceed with payment (S195 and 196)
● TP files Protest (questioning validity ● TP files a Letter-Protest/Claim for
and correctness of assessment) - Refund - within 60d from receipt of
within 60d from receipt of Notice of NOA
● Decision of LT - within 60d from filing
● Decision of LT- within 60d from filing
● TP appeals with CCJ (MTC/RTC; then ● TP files an Action in court
CA) - within 30d from receipt of denial (questioning validity and correctness
of protest OR from lapse of 60d of assessment AND seeking refund) -
○ NIRC – TP has option to wait within 30d from receipt of denial of
for BIR decision, even beyond protest OR from lapse of 60d
180d period ○ Depart from S196: TP cannot
○ LGT – TP has no option to
seek a refund at any time
wait; required to go to CCJ
within 30d within the full period of 2 years
from the date of payment
(judicial action for refund must
be filed within 30d from receipt
of denial of or inaction of LT)


● TP files a written claim for refund duly supported by evidence of payment

(Administrative) - with LT
● Decision of LT
○ If denial - TP files a judicial claim for refund (Judicial)
○ If inaction, AND the 2y period is about to expire - consider the inaction as
denial; TP files judicial claim for refund
- Administrative and Judicial claims - both must be within 2y from date of payment OR
date the TP is entitled to a refund

● Local Treasurer makes Appraisal and Assessment of RP

Erroneous Assessment (administrative Illegal Assessment (judicial remedies) -

remedies) - disputing the correctness of the made without authority under the law
amount assessed ● TP files for an injunction before the
● TP Pays under Protest - annotate on RTC - to enjoin the LGU from
the receipt the words “paid under collecting the RPT
protest” ● Decision of RTC
● TP files Protest - within 30d from ● TP appeals to CTA by way of Petition
payment of the tax to LT for Review (R43) - within 15d
○ Cases where protest may be (jurisdictional basis - complaint being
a local tax case decided by RTC)
dispensed with (MIA)
● Decision of the CTA
■ If there is payment by ● TP appeals to SC under Rule 45
mistake - may claim for
refund; could not be
expected to protest a
payment it honestly
believed to be true
■ Illegal assessment
(because TP is
■ If there is issue as to
the authority of LGU to
make such assessment
● Decision of LT - within 60d from
receipt of protest
● TP appeals to Local Board of
Assessment Appeals (LBAA) - within
60d from receipt of the written Notice
of Assessment
● Decision by LBAA - within 120d from
the date of receipt of such appeal
● TP appeals to Central BAA (CBAA) -
within 30d from receipt of the decision
● Decision of CBAA - final and
● TP appeals to CTA En Banc - within
30d from receipt of CBAA decision; by
● Decision of CTA En Banc
● TP appeals to SC - by R45

- Appeals does not suspend the

- Without prejudice to subsequent
adjustment depending upon the final
outcome of appeal

● Decision finding the assessment Illegal/Erroneous - Tax is accordingly reduced or

● TP file written claim for refund - with the local treasurer; within 2 years from the date
the taxpayer is entitled to such reduction or adjustment
● Decision of local assessor - within 60 days from receipt of written claim
● TP appeals to Local Board of Assessment Appeals (LBAA) - within 60 days from
receipt of the written notice of assessment; does not suspend the collection
● Decision by LBAA - within 120 days from the date of receipt of such appeal
● TP appeals to Central BAA (CBAA) - within 30 days from receipt of the decision of
● Decision of CBAA - final and executory

Refund/Tax Credit (S112) - VAT Refund

● Written claim for Refund or Tax Credit
● 2yr period from close of taxable quarter where payment was made
● CIR - 90d to resolve
● 30d period (do not apply 2 year period anymore, unlike in NIRC)
● CTA Division
● 15d
● Motion for reconsideration
● 15d
● CTA En Banc
● 15d
● SC

Requisites of Filing for Tax Refund under S112: RICE (?????)

● Registered TP
● Input tax not applied against input tax
● Engaged in 0 rated or effectively 0 rated sales
○ Need not be decision on the merits if an action is filed in court; considered
appealable to CTA
○ Ruling of BIR commissioner may be appealed to CTA
○ Interlocutory order of CTA in Division may be appealed to CTA en banc under
○ Interlocutory order of RTC involving taxes may be appealed to CTA en banc
under R65
○ Where to appeal the case involving BIR - Secretary of Justice (PD242); SoJ has
jurisdiction over controversies involving agencies of governments including
GOCCs (PD 242 is the recent law that must prevail over RA1125)

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