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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I

English 9
Quarter 2 – Module 1:
Make connections between texts
to social issues, concerns, and
dispositions in real life

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English- Grade 9
Quarter 2 – Module 1: Make connections between texts to social issues,
concerns, and dispositions in real life
First Edition, 2020

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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand
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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Management Team: JOANN A. CORPUZ

Division Design & Layout Artist: ALDRIN Y. PAGUIRIGAN

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Quarter 2 – Module 1:
Make connections between texts
to particular social issues,
concerns, or dispositions in real
Introductory Message

This Contextualized Learning Module (CLM) is prepared so that you, our

dear learners, can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities,
questions, directions, exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to
understand each lesson with ease.
This CLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-
step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.
Pre-test is provided to measure your prior knowledge on the lesson. This will
show you if you need to proceed in completing this module or if you need to ask
your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better understanding of the lesson.
At the end of this module, you need to answer the post-test to self-check your
learning. Answer keys are provided for all activities and tests. We trust that you
will be honest in using them.
In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher is also
provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how they
can best help you in your home-based learning.
Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any
part of this CLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises and
tests. Likewise, read the instructions carefully before performing each task.
If you have any question in using this CLM or any difficulty in answering the
tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.
Thank you.

What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help
you master in making connections between texts to particular social issues,
concerns, or dispositions in real life. The scope of this module permits it to be used
in many different learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse
vocabulary levels of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard
sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them can be changed to
correspond with the textbook you are now using.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. identify the type of presented texts;
2. recognize the social issues reflected in the presented texts;
3. compose a paragraph regarding a social concern;
4. apply the things learned about texts to answer given questions;
5. examine the given statements to identify which one is true or false;
6. classify the presented titles based on their text types.

What I Know

Before you proceed, check your knowledge on the lesson that you are about
to learn. Test yourself by answering the questions below. Take note of the items
that you cannot answer correctly so you could look for the right answer as you go
through this module.

Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answer on a separate sheet of

1. __________ is a language unit in spoken or written form that communicates a

A. text B. book C. story D. essay

2. Texts that inform, instruct, or persuade using facts and information are
A. factual
B. literary
C. descriptive
D. argumentative

3. __________ texts are set to entertain, enlighten, or elicit emotion through a
creative use of language and structure.
A. Factual
B. Literary
C. Persuasive
D. Explanatory
4. A text type that informs readers about events of the day is called __________.
A. news item
B. expository
C. persuasive
D. argumentative
5. It is a text that gives information describing a scene, person, or object.
A. news item
B. expository
C. descriptive
D. argumentative
6. A type of text that is presented with a clear organizational text structure
which includes chronology, comparison, cause-effect, and problem-solution.
A. narrative
B. expository
C. descriptive
D. persuasive
7. __________ is a type of text that presents reasons or claims about both sides
of an issue.
A. Persuasive
B. Descriptive
C. Instructional
D. Argumentative
8. “Super Typhoon Goni batters Philippines, kills at least 10” is an example of a
__________ text.
A. news item
B. descriptive
C. instructional
D. argumentative
9. __________ text explains how to do, make something, or achieve a goal.
A. Persuasive
B. Descriptive
C. Instructional
D. Argumentative
10. In this type of text, the author tries to convince the reader to adopt a
particular opinion or perform a certain action.
A. persuasive
B. descriptive
C. instructional
D. argumentative

Lesson Make connections between texts to
1 particular social issues, concerns,
or dispositions in real life

What’s In

In Quarter 1, you learned how to: 1) express permission, obligation, and

prohibition using modals; 2) articulate arguments using conditionals; and 3)
employ communicative styles in various situations.

This time, you will discover how to connect different types of texts to social
issues, concerns, and dispositions in real life.

What’s New
Have fun as you learn!

Activity: Connect through a Concept Map

Directions: Think of a word or group of words that you could associate to the
concept “text”. Copy the concept map below. Write your ideas inside each square.


What It Is

I hope that the activity helped you activate what you already know about
texts. This part of the module will give you a wider perspective of our lesson.
A. Text Defined
The moment we open our eyes after a sleep, or go out for a walk or errands,
we see or encounter group of words or phrases on our gadgets, newspapers,
signages, or tarpaulins in a single day.
You have also been asked by your teachers in your previous school years to
read a paragraph or two and examine its gist. Or maybe, you have already
bought a book for yourself.
You have been reading texts all along. To some, the first thing that pops in
their mind when they hear the word “text” is the message they receive through
SMS or Messenger. But the concept of what comprises a text has developed
over time. In social media for example, emoticons and emojis transport a
message. However, let us dig deeper into what a text really is.

A text is:
 a piece of written or spoken material in its primary form;
 a stretch of language that can be understood in context;
 as simple as 1-2 words (such as a stop sign) or as complex as a novel;
 any sequence of sentences that belong together conveying a thought;
 delivering a content rather than form.

There are numerous ways to classify the broad scope of texts we read in a
day. Nonetheless, we should consider thinking of them in terms of two main
categories: factual and literary.

B. Main Categories
A. Factual texts aim to inform, instruct, or persuade using facts and
B. Literary texts intend to entertain, enlighten, or elicit emotion by the
creative use of language and structure.

Within each of these two categories are several sub-types which we will

Let us look closely at the text types under factual.

C. Factual Text Types
1. Expository text
 provides facts in a way that is educational and purposeful to explain
some natural or sociocultural phenomena
 is fact-based and gets to the point quickly and efficiently with the
goal of exposing the truth through a reliable source
 Examples are textbooks, news articles, language books, and the like.

Anxiety is a common emotion when dealing with daily stresses and
problems. But when these emotions are persistent, excessive and irrational,
and affect a person’s ability to function, anxiety becomes a disorder. There
are different types of anxiety disorders, including phobias, panic and stress
disorders, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Symptoms are apprehension, confusion, on edge, a sense of
helplessness, repeated negative thoughts, muscle tension, palpitations and
difficulty of breathing.
Simple strategies, such as relaxation techniques and regular exercise,
are effective in reducing anxiety and contributing to emotional well-being.
Psychotherapy can help and is sometimes used together with medication to
reduce and eliminate signs and symptoms.
From Anxiety to Schizophrenia: Mental Health Conditions Explained by Lynn Chan

2. Instructional text
 a non-fiction text which gives instructions on how to complete a task
 gives the steps to follow such as words to indicate sequences of
actions, the use of imperatives, and conditional/purpose adjuncts

COVID-19: How to Treat Coronavirus at Home
As with other viruses such as colds and flu, taking it easy and looking after
yourself are crucial to your recovery. You should:
 Drink plenty of fluids. Drink enough water so that your pee is a pale, clear
color. Avoid alcohol as this will make you more dehydrated.
 Get plenty of rest. You should isolate yourself at home if you have any
symptoms of coronavirus and avoid any strenuous activity while you are
 Use over-the-counter medicines to treat some of your symptoms.

3. News Item
 has the key function or communicative goal to inform readers or
listeners or viewers about happenings of the day that are observed
newsworthy or relevant.


Gov’t has money to aid survivors Super Typhoon Rolly – DBM chief
By Gabriel Pabico Lalu

MANILA, Philippines — The national government has P3.622 billion in

calamity funds, some of which may be used to help those affected by Super Typhoon
Rolly, Budget Secretary Wendel Avisado assured President Rodrigo Duterte in a
high-level briefing on Monday.
Avisado explained that the money was the remainder of the budget of the
Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (NDRRMO) — originally amounting to a
P16-billion in calamity fund and later augmented with P5 billion under the Bayanihan
to Recover as One Act, or Bayanihan.
Bayanihan 2 was intended as a stimulus fund for the country as it battles the
COVID-19 pandemic.
Avisado noted that a lot of people had been asking if the government had
money to deal with the latest calamity.
Duterte praised him for being “transparent” by revealing how much was left of
the calamity fund. It was important for people to know that there was money for them
and that it would be used properly.
He then expressed confidence that the people would understand that the
government “stretching to the limit” its money, considering that it was also fighting the
COVID-19 pandemic.
“We have been transparent, that’s good[…] for as long as we spend it for the
purpose which it was intended to be appropriated,” Duterte added.
Super Typhoon Rolly, which battered the Bicol Region and Southern Luzon
over the weekend, was not the first natural calamity to strike the Philippines recently.
Late into 2019, a series of earthquakes rocked Mindanao. Then last Jan. 13, Taal
Volcano erupted, affecting thousands of residents, farmlands, and tourism
In light of these events, some lawmakers questioned why the calamity fund
had been cut down, pointing out that the Philippines had long been vulnerable to
natural disasters, particularly typhoons and earthquakes due to its being in the Pacific
ring of fire.
Rolly is not also the first destructive weather disturbance to hit the country. In
October, Bicol and other parts of Luzon also endured Tropical Depression Ofel,
shortly followed by Tropical Storm Pepito that moved across Aurora and the rest of
Central Luzon.
Then Typhoon Quinta barreled through Southern Luzon, again affecting Bicol,
days before Rolly entered the Philippine area of responsibility.

4. Descriptive text
 usually focuses on describing a single location, object, event, person, or
 aims to engage the readers evoking their five senses to understand the text
 a kind of text with a purpose to give information

The Thunderstorm
I watched a thunderstorm, far out over the sea. It began quietly, and with
nothing visible except tall dark clouds and a rolling tide. There was just a soft murmur
of thunder as I watched the horizon from my balcony. Over the next few minutes, the
clouds closed and reflected lightning set the rippling ocean aglow. The thunderheads
had covered up the sun, shadowing the vista. It was peaceful for a long time.
I was looking up when the first clear thunderbolt struck. It blazed against the
sky and sea; I could see its shape in perfect reverse colors when I blinked. The
thunder rumbled and stuttered as if it could hardly keep up. There were openings in
the cloud now, as if the sky was torn, and spots of brilliant blue shone above the
shadowed sea.
I looked down then, watching the waves. Every bolt was answered by a
moment of spreading light on the surface. The waves were getting rough, rising high
and crashing hard enough that I could hear them.
Then came the rain. It came all at once and in sheets, soaking the sand, filling
the sea. It was so dense I could only see the lightning as flashes of light. Everything
was rhythmic light and shadow, noise and silence, blending into a single experience
of all five senses.
In an instant it stopped. The clouds came apart like curtains. The rain still fell,
but softly now. It was as if there had never been a storm at all, except for a single
signature. A rainbow, almost violently bright, spread above and across the water. I
could see the horizon again.

5. Persuasive text
 is a text where the main purpose is to present a point of view and seek to
persuade a reader
 is organized to include a ‘statement of position’, ‘arguments’ and a
‘reinforcement of position statement’
 The statement of position expresses an overview of the argument and
reveals the position to be argued.
 The arguments are a series of points with supporting evidence. Here, the
writer tries to convince the reader into believing his/her point of view on a
particular issue. There should be at least three main argument points.
 Lastly, a summary of argument points shall be recapitulated.


I am sure that you know that smoking harms your body. Then why do you
continue smoking? Maybe you do it because you have not really become conscious
about all the effects that smoking has. There are a lot of reasons why you should not
smoke. Some of them are that smoking affects your health, that you spend a lot of
money on cigarettes, and that when you smoke you are not respecting people around
The first reason why you should not smoke is that smoking affects your health.
If you smoke, your physical condition will be negatively affected, so it will be very
difficult for you to succeed in sports. Also, smoking produces lethal diseases like
cancer and reduces the length and quality of your life. Maybe you don’t notice all the
physical effects of smoking immediately, but you surely will be sorry one day.

I have said just some reasons of why you shouldn’t smoke, so I hope that now
those of you who smoke are able to think a little and try to make a smart decision.
In addition to all the reasons I’ve said, I would like you to think about how
much you love yourself and then whether you want to continue harming yourself.
Think also about all the people who love you, like your family who doesn’t want to see
you suffering or sick. If you decide to continue smoking, what a pity. But if you decide
to stop smoking, congratulations! Remember that "If you can dream it, you can do it."


6. Argumentative text

 a type of text that presents arguments about both sides of an issue

 It could be that both sides are presented equally balanced, or it could be that
one side is presented more forcefully than the other. It all depends on the
writer, and what side s/he supports the most.

 A good argumentative essay will use facts and evidence to support the
argument, rather than just the author’s thoughts and opinions.

 The general structure of an argumentative essay follows this format:

1. introduction: attention grabber / hook, background information, thesis
2. body: three body paragraphs (three major arguments)
3. counterargument: an argument to refute earlier arguments and give
weight to the actual position
4. conclusion: rephrasing the thesis statement, major points, call to
attention, or concluding remarks.


As online learning becomes more common and more and more resources are
converted to digital form, some people have suggested that public libraries should be
shut down and, in their place, everyone should be given an iPad with an e-reader

Proponents of this idea state that it will save local cities and towns’ money
because libraries are expensive to maintain. They also believe it will encourage more
people to read because they won’t have to travel to a library to get a book; they can
simply click on what they want to read and read it from wherever they are. They could
also access more materials because libraries won’t have to buy physical copies of
books; they can simply rent out as many digital copies as they need.

However, it would be a serious mistake to replace libraries with tablets. First,

digital books and resources are associated with less learning and more problems than
print resources. A study done on tablet versus book reading found that people read
20-30% slower on tablets, retain 20% less information, and understand 10% less of
what they read compared to people who read the same information in print.

D. Social Issues, Concerns, and Dispositions in Real Life

A social issue is:

 an issue that has been acknowledged by a community as a problem
 something that prohibits a society from performing at its best
 a condition of concern in the society caused by need, suffering,
abandonment, or injustice

It is important that as you read, you are not only aware of who or what you are
reading about but also of the matters or points which the author would like you to

Texts that tackle social concerns serve as eye-opener to the readers to have them
think of what is right and what needs to be addressed with action.

What’s More

Activity: Sort of
Directions: Read the adapted excerpts of texts that follow. Identify their type as
texts. Write E for expository, I for instructional, NI for news item, D for descriptive,
P for persuasive, and A for argumentative. Write your answer on a sheet of paper.
____ 1.
The number of teenagers getting pregnant around the age of 15-17 is
concerning. Although most teenage pregnancies are unintentional, it still means
that there are chances of teens becoming pregnant. Being pregnant at an early
age is not only bad for the mother, but also for her child and the society. Girls
must be able to make their own decisions about their body and future and must
have access to appropriate healthcare services and education.

____ 2.
For those obvious reasons (I was clearly not in the top of the social
hierarchy) ‘they’ turned against me. ‘They’ were a group of 6–10 guys. I wasn’t
sure back then what I had done or didn’t do to them. What I was sure about was
that I didn’t had a proper defense, not in any way, shape or form. The moment
‘they’ turned against me, was the moment I turned into ‘prey’.
A Short Story on Bullying by Erilk Smith

____ 3.
Depression is when everything feels too hard. When you feel so low that
things you previously enjoyed no longer hold that same joy. You wonder how
you ever enjoyed anything at all. You wonder what other people have that you
can’t get a hold of. You find it harder and harder to get out of bed in the morning.
You drag yourself through each day. You find it difficult to go to bed at night. The
low is so low that it seems to take over, overwhelming you in a way that you
could not have imagined beforehand.
Depression – An Open Letter to Someone Struggling by by Jannah Walshe

____ 4. Since the breakout of COVID-19 and the implementation of national

lockdown, many schools, universities and other educational institutions have
started remote education by setting up online classes. Attending classes from
home might seem like a great idea as it saves a lot of time and is more
comfortable, but it’s not as simple as it sounds. Many students struggle with
maintaining the same level of focus they have when they are in a classroom as
it’s easier to get sidetracked at home. It’s difficult enough to concentrate for a
long time and now, students have to think about ways to focus on classes while
staying at home as well. Attending online classes is definitely new territory for
most students, so here are some tips to stay focused and make the most out of
the situation.
____ 5.
There are mountains of reasons why great poverty is still colonizing the
Philippines. Some can be helped but most of it cannot be saved anymore. No
matter how the government strives to give jobs to the Filipinos, it will remain as a
nonsense act. Filipinos are not going to help themselves out of this poverty. It
was stated by Mahatma Gandhi that poverty is the worst form of violence. It is
really the worst and it cannot be helped anymore.
Fixing Poverty in the Philippines: Mission Impossible by Dr. Marianne Gaerlan

____ 6.
PNP to help clear roads, monitor prices in Rolly – ravaged areas
by Cathrine Gonzales
MANILA, Philippines — Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Gen.
Camilo Cascolan has instructed police units in affected regions to initiate
clearing operations in highways and major thoroughfares affected by Typhoon
Rolly’s rampage to ensure the smooth passage of emergency service vehicles,
relief caravans and commercial cargo.
Cascolan ordered directors of Area Police Commands to lead disaster
clean-up, relief and rehabilitation operations of regional and provincial police
offices in areas hardest hit by the onslaught of Rolly, which earlier reached the
super typhoon category and was declared the world’s strongest storm so far for
this year.
“In the spirit of Bayanihan, the PNP is linking arms with local government
units, state agencies and NGOs (non-government organizations) in rebuilding
and rising from the devastation left by Typhoon Rolly,” Cascolan said in a
statement on Monday.
Cascolan added that the PNP will assist the Department Trade and
Industry in enforcing a price freeze on basic commodities and essential goods in
areas that will be declared under state of calamity.
He explained that an automatic price control is up in areas that are
declared under state of calamity for a period of not more than 60 days under
Republic Act 7581 or the Price Act of the Philippines.
Aside from basic necessities and prime commodities being monitored by
the DTI, Cascolan said the law also covers those under regulation of the
Department of Agriculture and Department of Health such as rice, sugar, poultry
products, dairy products, cooking oil, cooking fuel, medicine and medical
Meanwhile, Cascolan also assured that the PNP national headquarters
will provide appropriate support for offices of police units that suffered
infrastructure damage because of the typhoon.
Last Friday, Brig. Gen. Bartolome Bustamante, Bicol regional police
chief, placed all operating units in the region on full alert status to ensure
availability of all personnel. Cascolan earlier vowed the PNP will maximize the
deployment of its troops in areas affected by Rolly.

____ 7. Everyone has some imaginary place where he or she hides from the real-
world troubles and worries. Some go back to that place before they go to sleep
just to dream about something pleasant and release their mind from stress.
Others visit that place when they meditate – exercise their mind by consciously
controlling feelings and emotions. I like meditating as well and find this practice
extremely helpful for my emotional well-being. One of the exercises I typically
perform is going to my imaginary place where I feel calm, relaxed, and
comfortable and where I can get rid of negative emotions and obtrusive
thoughts. I would like to describe this place to you in detail.
Source: › Blog › Descriptive Essay Samples

____ 8. Education teaches people how to reason, and if they are taught how to
reason well, then they help subdue their own thoughts of ignorance. For
example, there are lots of posts and websites on the Internet about childhood
vaccinations and how dangerous they are. Ignorant people who never learned
how to reason will look at them, believe them and support them. If a person is
taught how to reason then he or she will know how to recognize empirical
Why is Education Important in Our Society? by Lona Glenn & Maria Castle
____ 9.
Flying around the world is an extravagance the majority of society may
not be able to afford; life is chock-full of esoteric luxuries only a special
association will fully enjoy. However, life does not have to encompass the
additional commodities that people claim to be necessary. Throughout humanity
there have been innumerous individuals who never delved into the most desired
rarity-true love; much like the trips around the world, true love, is a nonessential
of life. Although love is always sought after, as if life’s’ buried treasure, a human
being can live in happiness without it.

____ 10.
True love is our willingness to be as compatible with our partner as
possible. We have to be ready to teach them and to learn from them. That’s one
more essential aspect of good relationships. Our partners are the only ones who
can honestly tell us about our weaknesses. Parents do not do that because they
love us. Our friends don’t do that because they don't care about our self-
development. But when we hear the words of criticism from our loved ones, we
take it as an attack.

Congrats, learner, you’ve come this far.

To check your answer, refer to the answer
key at the end of this module.

What I Have Learned

Activity: Can you Tell Me?

Directions: Study the following excerpts from adapted texts. Identify the social
issue, concern, or disposition in life conveyed in them. Write the letter of your

“Baliw,” “kulang-kulang,” “luka-luka.” (Crazy, imbecile, lunatic.) Over the
years, I have heard these obnoxious terms repeatedly screamed at potentially
mentally ill individuals roaming the streets, the mocking often followed by
laughter. This is but the most common manifestation of Philippine society’s deep-
seated and overlong neglect of the issue of mental health.

A. mental disorder C. poverty

B. peer pressure D. depression

My school is far from our place. It is located at the city of our province
almost 100 kilometers from our hometown. Only a few students from our place
are able to study in college because it is more expensive to live in the city where
most of the university and colleges are located. Aside from school obligation, we
have high cost of living and space for us to live. The prices of groceries are
increasing. Some students go home once a month because of expensive bus
fare. Because of this given situation, I decided to be a working student so that I’ll
be getting free of board and lodging that student also spend aside from tuition

A. poverty C. racism
B. unfairness D. depression

A bribe involves a payment made to any official for the exchange of
use of his official powers. It involves two parties: the one who pays for any
favor and the one who accepts the payment for official powers.

A. bullying C. corruption
B. teenage pregnancy D. poor education

While it is possible for a teen, who becomes pregnant, to experience a
healthy pregnancy and be an excellent parent, many pregnant and parenting
teenagers struggle with multiple stressors, health risks, and other complex
issues. Being pregnant as a teenager puts you at higher risk for having a baby
born too early, with a low birth weight and, tragically, higher risk of death.

A. gender inequality C. corruption

B. teenage pregnancy D. women’s right

What should you do if you or friends are being bullied? Frist, you should
try to stand up for yourself or your friend. If that does not work, tell an adult. Most
of the time they can do something about it. One thing you can do to feel better is
to talk about your feelings or find a hobby that you enjoy. If mean rumors are
spread about you or a friend, try to talk to people and say they are not true. Also,
you should talk to a trusted adult about the situation.

A. suicide C. divorce
B. addiction D. bullying

What I Can Do

Suicide has been one of the alarming concerns across the world. In the
Philippines, close to 800,000 people die due to suicide every year. Worse, teenagers
like you, who seem to be happy-go-lucky, do not exempt themselves from this act
because they would like to be spared from their problems.
Most teens interviewed after attempting a suicide reveal that they did it
because they were trying to run away from a situation which they deemed difficult
to deal with. To them, at that particular moment, dying seemed like the only way
Now, it is your turn to do something for someone out there who is
attempting to end his or her life now. How are you going to convince him or her not
to commit suicide?
Do that by writing at least two instructional paragraphs. Use a whole sheet
of paper to write down your thoughts.


Directions: Read the items carefully and write the letter of your answer.

1. What is the purpose of a persuasive text? It is to __________.
A. recount events
B. describe how a scene looks like
C. advise you how to do something
D. convince the reader to believe that the writer’s opinion is valid

2. The following passage is an example of expository text: True, false, or both?

Sirib Express is a school-based program of the province providing assistance
and services to the youth like medical, scholarship, employment, and tackles other
concerns brought by the beneficiary.

A. true B. false C. both D.


3. What type of text would you need to use to tell someone how to write a movie
A. persuasive B. instructional C. persuasive D.

4. Identify the type of text reflected in the following passage.

The boy was astonished by what he saw inside. Never could he have
imagined that there in the middle of the desert, there existed a tent like this one. The
ground was covered with the most beautiful carpets he had ever walked upon, and
from the top of the structure hung lamps of hand-wrought gold, each with a lighted
A. persuasive B. instructional C. narrative D. descriptive

5. A cooking recipe is an example of which type of text?

A. persuasive B. instructional C. news item D. descriptive

6. The following are normally used in descriptive texts EXCEPT __________.

A. adverbs C. step by step action to be taken by the reader
B. adjectives D. comparisons to enable the reader to picture

7. Which of the following is NOT an example of an expository text?

A. a novel
B. a church newsletter
C. an obituary in a local newspaper
D. a doctors’ surgery leaflet about services provided

8. Which of the following is a persuasive text, as taken from a letter appealing
against a parking fine?
A. I have an up-to--date resident’s parking permit.
B. I was given a parking ticket for parking in a suspended bay/space.
C. As there had been no previous warning, I would appreciate being let off this
D. There were no warning signs or notices to say the parking area was to be
suspended the next day.
9. Persuasive text encourages the reader to take a certain action. What is the
reader encouraged to do in this example of a letter from a clairvoyant?
The reader is encouraged to __________________________.
I would like to help guide you through this difficult time so that you can have
the wonderful life that you deserve. If you would like the advice you need to help you
find the love and riches you have always looked for, write to me immediately. The
sooner I can send out your 12-month reading and start you on your path to happiness
and success, the better.

A. fall in love C. phone the clairvoyant

B. write to the clairvoyant. D. attend some clairvoyant sessions

10.Identify the type of text reflected in the following passage.

Measure the first side. Measure three foot on the first side and mark it off.
Measure four foot on the second side and mark it off. Adapted

A. narrative B. instructional C. informative D. descriptive

TASK 2. Directions: Examine the two statements in each of the items. Determine
their validity to identify your answer from the choices that follow:
A. First statement is true, second is false. C. Both statements are true
B. First statement is false, second is true. D. Both statements are false.

1. A. In a news item, the events are recounted in a summary form.

B. It is based on what the writer thinks of what is true.

2. A. Descriptive texts are concerned with the location of persons and things in
B. They include text forms such as definitions, explications, summaries and
many types of essay.

3. A. A persuasive text is backed by evidence to support writer’s point of view.

B. It uses flowery words to convince the readers.

4. A. Expository texts often start with the negation of a statement which attributes
a quality or characteristic activity to something or someone (esp. scholarly
B. They identify and characterize phenomena.

5. A. Argumentative texts may be subjective (essay) or objective (summary,

explication, definition)
B. Expository texts depart from the assumption that the receiver’s beliefs must
be changed.

Additional Activity


Directions: Examine the pool of titles below. Classify them based on their text type.
Copy the table and write the letter of your answer to the corresponding column of
each type of text.

A. A Lesson of History – A Lesson of Life

B. Using mobile devices in class during discussions
C. What are the consequences of drug addiction?
D. Reasons why mobile phones are not 100% safe
E. Why are snacks and fast-food harmful?
F. The Heaven for Every Woman
G. Internet Access Must Be Limited to Students
H. Fight Depression
I. DepEd urges schools to ease burden of teachers, students
J. Violent video games should be prohibited

Expository Instructional News Descriptive Persuasive Argumentative


Answer Key

What I Can Do What I Have What I Know

Students’ answers Learned 1. A
may vary. 1. A 2. A
2. A 3. B
3. C 4. A
4. B 5. C
5. D 6. B
What’s More 7. D
8. A
1. P 9. C
2. D What's New 10.A
3. E
Students’ answers
4. I
may vary.
5. A
6. NI
7. D Assessment
8. P
Task 1. Task 2.
9. A
10.P 1. D 6. C 1. A
2. A 7. A 2. A
3. B 8. C 3. A
4. D 9. A 4. B
5. B 10. B 5. D

Additional Activity
Expository Instructional News Item Descriptive Persuasive Argumentative



For inquiries and feedback, please write or call:

Schools Division of Ilocos Norte – Curriculum Implementation Division

Learning Resource Management Section (SDOIN-CID LRMS)

Office Address : Brgy. 7B, Giron Street, Laoag City, Ilocos Norte
Telefax : (077) 771-0960
Telephone No. : (077) 770-5963, (077) 600-2605
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