Unit 11 Science Nature Lesson Plan

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Planning Template for ECE Programs

This template can be used for the planning of daily or weekly learning experiences and/or routines, and for the planning of
introducing a new interest area and/or materials.
(This planning process is similar to the process of planning for a typical “lesson.”)
Name/Focus of Experience A seed grows
or Classroom Routine
Essential Question How does a seed grow?
Date 4/15/21
Prepared By Stephanie Rosales

Stage 1: Desired Results

Name(s) of Children
Is this planning for a whole Kinder/first grade group
group experience, a small
group, or an individual?

Essential Learning Experiences/Curricular Outcomes Developmental Significance

Anticipated Learning Goals Connect to the CA Preschool Learning Foundations
Will this learning experience -
focus on Prekindergarten
ELEs/Kindergarten curricular -
outcomes or a particular ECD

Stage 2: Assessment
Originating idea Observations and Interpretation of Children’s Conversations with Parents
The idea might come from Strengths, Interests, Talents
your observations of the ● The originating idea came from observations
children or from your from the classroom.
conversations with parents, ● They seemed very interested when they did n/a
or both. there butterfly observation. How it went
through stages inorder to transform into a

Documentation Assessment for Learning Assessment of Learning

Plan Children’s Representations Recording and Sharing the Learning
Artwork, Artifacts, Recorded Thoughts, etc. Anecdotal Records, Photographs, Videotaping,
SeeSaw, Learning Story, etc.
- record what children say throughout the activity
and look for evidence of new learning. - They can predict and record how many days
it will take for the first leaf to appear
- Draw the lima bean as it grows
- Measure the stem on the first day and then
a couple of days after to see how much it

Stage 3: Procedures
Setting/Area and Time Inside the classroom during their free time

Lima bean, ziplock bag, dixi cup, paper towels , water, markers, soil

Description of
how would you create a conversation, opening to the activity, example conversation.

- Give background information about lima beans, what we will need inorder for the lima bean to grow

Possibilities for Intentional Refer to the CA Preschool Curriculum Framework

Learning/Teaching Strategies
Include supports and -
adaptations that might be
required when considering
the learning needs and
diversities of all children and

Possibilities for Questions you can ask children you want to know what they are thinking
Open-Ended Questions - What do you need inorder to keep the lima bean alive?
- How did it grow from when it was just a bean to now?

Stage 4: Analysis and Reflection

Personal Reflection

Next Steps

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