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Behavioral Based Interviewing Skills:


Introduction to Behavioral Interviewing.................................................................................................................................................3

What is behavioral interviewing?.........................................................................................................................................................3

Why use behavioral interviewing?.......................................................................................................................................................3

How does behavioral interviewing help make good decisions?.........................................................................................................3

Interview Anatomy.....................................................................................................................................................................................3

Types of Interviews....................................................................................................................................................................................4

Telephone Interview..............................................................................................................................................................................5

Panel Interview......................................................................................................................................................................................5

Serial Interviews....................................................................................................................................................................................6

Informational Interview........................................................................................................................................................................6

Screening or Telephone Interview.......................................................................................................................................................6

Individual Interview..............................................................................................................................................................................6

The Second or On-Site Interview..........................................................................................................................................................7

Behavioral-Based Interview..................................................................................................................................................................7

Task Oriented or Testing Interview.....................................................................................................................................................7

Stress Interview.....................................................................................................................................................................................7

Legal Aspects of the Interview Process....................................................................................................................................................7

Behavioral Interview Questions................................................................................................................................................................8

Sample Behavioral Interview Questions..............................................................................................................................................8

Developing and Analyzing Answers..........................................................................................................................................................9

Notes and Follow-Up................................................................................................................................................................................10

Your Notes................................................................................................................................................................................................12


Behavioral interviewing is based on the concept that the best predictor of future performance is past
performance. Interviewers who use behavioral interviewing ask for specific examples of past
behaviors/actions in order to draw conclusions about how a candidate would perform in a similar
situation in their organization. This is in contrast to a more traditional interviewing format that
might ask candidates questions concerning hypothetical “what if” kinds of situations.


Many experts believe that behavioral interviewing offers the best opportunity both for candidates to
showcase their accomplishments, and for interviewers to assess the potential for future success in the
organization. Behavioral questions should be based on the specific competencies of the job being
interviewed for, as the answers will demonstrate whether or not the candidate has previously
demonstrated those required competencies.


Quite simply, a candidate who has demonstrated required competencies in the past is much more
likely to be successful. It is possible to make better, more objective hiring decisions because the data
you are using is based directly on job-related factors and competencies. In the long run there can be
a positive effect on retention…employees who are a good “fit” are more likely to stay with the


Many interviewers and many applicants don’t understand that a good interview actually has a
structure. A good interview doesn’t just happen. To be effective, an interview needs to be carefully
structured, and the questions well thought out. An interview consisting only of a random set of

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questions will benefit neither interviewer nor candidate. Regardless of whether you are the 4
interviewer or the candidate, you will benefit from understanding the “anatomy” of an interview.

So what does a typical interview structure look like? The percentages are approximate, but one
typical structure looks like this:

Opening/Ice Breaker (5%)

Job/Organizational Culture (10%)

Questioning/Information Gathering (75%)

Candidate Questions (5%)

Wrapping-Up/Next Questions (5%)

As an interviewer, you need to plan ahead the structure of your interview and the questions that you
will ask. Going into an interview “cold” with no preparation ahead of time is a virtual guarantee that
you won’t come out with the critical information you need to make a good hiring decision. This can
be a very costly mistake.

As a candidate, understand that a good interviewer will be prepared with an interview structure and
questions. The interviewer needs to maintain control of the interview in order to obtain the
information critical to decision making. Be sure that you are cooperating by providing the
information that the interviewer is seeking. If you do feel that you’ve neglected to provide some good
specific examples in answer to a question, or that an important facet of your background hasn’t been
covered, you’ll have an opportunity to cover those areas towards the end of the interview.


Different types of interviews call for diverse strategies. Each of the types of interviews described
below has distinct advantages and disadvantages, but depending on the situation all serve valuable

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Telephone interviews are commonly used in a number of situations. Most often, they are used for
initial screening because of the time and money that they save the organization. They can also be
useful, however, in situations where people in a variety of geographic locations need to interview the
candidate, or for some reason the candidate is not available to travel to the interview site.

Advantages of telephone interviews:

 Inexpensive
 Less time consuming, especially for screening multiple candidates
 Require less logistical arrangements

 Can be used when distance/travel are issues Disadvantages

of telephone interviews:

 More difficult to get an overall impression of the candidate

 Can be more stressful for candidates

 Tough to establish rapport


Panel interviews are commonly used when several people need to interview the same candidate. The
typical format is several people gathered around a conference table with the candidate at one end. All
the interviewers share the role of asking the candidate questions.

Advantages of panel interviews:

 Less time consuming for multiple interviewers
 Allows multiple interviewers to hear and evaluate the same answers to the same questions
 Provides consistency, if each interviewer asks same questions of each candidate
 Relatively easy for interviewers to share impressions/opinions about candidates

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Disadvantages of panel interviews:
 More intimidating for the candidate
 One or two interviewers may dominate the questioning

 Allows less opportunity for follow-up questions


A series of one-on-one, or serial interviews is probably the most common corporate interviewing
format. A candidate is brought in for several hours or a day, and interviewed in succession by several
interviewers. A “host” interviewer generally starts and finishes the day with the candidate to provide
continuity. That person is typically also the point person for follow-up

Advantages of serial interviews

 Typically less intimidating for candidate
 Allows each interviewer private, one-on-one interview time with the candidate

 Easier for interviewer to pursue follow-up questions

Disadvantages of serial interviews

 Can be exhausting for candidate
 If not well coordinated, same questions asked repeatedly
 More difficult for interviewers to debrief with each other

 More time consuming

The objective of this interview is to ask for advice and learn more about a particular career field,
employer or particular job.  Interviewing experts in their field is one more way to become more
occupationally literate.  The knowledge that you gain here will make you a sharper and more informed. 
You will also make a contact and further develop your network.
A phone interview is a very cost effective way to screen candidates.  These can last anywhere from 10 to
30 minutes.  You should prepare for it like an open book exam.  It is recommended that you have in front
of you your resume, the job description, a list of references, some prepared answers to challenging
questions and perhaps something about the company.  The vast majority of communication is non-
verbal.  Because they can’t see your body language, it is critically important to have positive and
polished answers with energetic tone and inflection.  Be sure to ask what the next step is.

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This is the most common type and often called a “personal interview.”  It is typically a one-on-one
exchange at the organizations offices.  In order to best prepare you will want to know the length of the
interview which can usually range from 30 to 90 minutes.  If the interview is 30 minutes you have to be
concise and have a high impact with your answers.  If it is 60 or 90 minutes you will want to go into
much more depth and use specific examples to support your generalizations.
After your first interview, you may be asked back again for a “second date.”  They like you enough that
you made the first round of cuts, but they would like to know more about you before making their final
decision.  Second Interviews can last either a half or full-day so it is best to check again and get an
agenda.  You may be meeting with three to five individuals.  This may include a representative from
Human Resources, the department head, the office staff and the department head’s supervisor.  Be alert
and enthusiastic at all times!  The more you know about the structure of the process, the less anxious
you are going to feel and the better you will perform.  This is the last step before an offer is made.
The theory behind Critical Behavioral Interviewing (CBI) is that past performance in a similar situation
is the best predictor of future performance.  CBI probes much deeper than traditional interviewing
techniques.  You should prepare by thinking of specific examples that demonstrate your competence in
core behaviors such as teamwork, problem-solving, communication, creativity, flexibility and
organizational skills.  You will want to tell your story and structure it by stating your answers in terms of
the situation, the task, what action you took, and what was the result or outcome.
This is a problem-solving interview where you will be given some exercises to demonstrate your
creative and analytical abilities.  A company may ask you to take a short test to evaluate your technical
knowledge and skills.  Sometimes a presentation to a group is necessary to determine your
communication skills.  Try to relax as much as possible.
During this rare type, the interviewer tries to bait you, to see how you will respond.  The objective is to
find your weaknesses and test how you hold up to pressure.  Such tactics as weird silences, constant
interruptions and challenging interrogation with antagonistic questions are designed to push your
boundaries.  The question you have to ask yourself is: Do I want to work for a company that treats me
this way even before the offer is made?  Rethink the corporate culture.


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One of the most challenging areas for many interviewers is making sure that they stay within8 legal
boundaries as they move through the interview process.


When planning behavioral interview questions or preparing for a behavioral interview, it is important
to consider the core competencies for the position. What situations, skills, and behaviors will
demonstrate those competencies? What specific evidence will address the core competencies?

The phrasing of behavioral questions is key. Typical questions might start out with wordings such as
“Tell me about a time…” or “Describe a situation…” This kind of wording encourages the candidate to
think back to a real life situation that will demonstrate the competency you’re looking for. The
questions should never be vague, but should focus in on specific skills or behaviors. Answers should
also be very specific, and focus directly on skills or behaviors.

Follow-up questions may also be part of a behavioral interviewing scenario. An interviewer may feel
the need for more information on a topic or want clarification. Follow-up questions are a signal to an
applicant of the need for more specific examples and evidence.


Competency: Client Service

 Tell me about a time when a client came to you angry (although not necessarily at you). How
did you work with the client to resolve the issue?

 Tell me about a time when your supervisor wasn’t satisfied with an assignment that you

 Describe a situation in which you went the extra mile to please a client.

 Tell me about a situation in which you had to deal with a dissatisfied customer. Competency:

Interpersonal Skills

 Think back to a situation in which you were involved in a conflict. What did you do to resolve
the conflict?

 Describe a project on which you were the team leader. How did you work with and motivate
your team to complete the project successfully?

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 Tell me about a situation in which you disagreed with a co-worker. How did you handle
9 it?

Competency: Self-Management

 Tell me about a professional risk you took. What was the outcome?

 Describe a learning opportunity you pursued to increase your professional knowledge.

 Describe a situation in which you had to balance multiple demands. Competency:

Change Management

 Describe a time when you had to lead your team through a major change. How did you
manage their adjustment to the change?

 Tell me about the most difficult work-related change that you’ve been through. What was
your role, and what specific steps did you take to succeed?

Competency: Decision Making

 What was the most difficult decision you had to make in the past year? Describe the process
that you used to make the decision.

 Describe a difficult workplace decision that you had to make. How did you make the decision,
and what was the outcome?

Competency: Communication Skills

 Describe a recent professional presentation that you were asked to give. How did you
prepare? What feedback did you receive?

 Tell me about a difficult piece of business writing that you had to do.

 Think back to a time when you had to give a piece of difficult feedback to someone. How
did you prepare to give the feedback? How was the feedback received?


As a candidate, you need a simple but effective structure to answer behavioral interview questions.
As an interviewer, you also need such a structure to analyze the answers that candidates provide.
Without the structure, answers can meander all over the place without addressing the key
competencies the questions was designed to solicit.

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One way to for both a candidate to develop answers to questions, and for an interviewer to assess
10 the
quality of the candidate’s answers, is the “STAR” method. The “STAR” method provides a clear picture
of the:



Action taken

Result or outcome

 Situation: The interviewer wants you to present a recent challenge and situation in which you found
 Task: What did you have to achieve? The interviewer will be looking to see what you were trying to
achieve from the situation.
 Action: What did you do? The interviewer will be looking for information on what you did, why you
did it and what the alternatives were.
 Results: What was the outcome of your actions? What did you achieve through your actions and did
you meet your objectives? What did you learn from this experience and have you used this learning

In other words, a good answer to a behavioral question should

 Describe specifically a relevant situation or task

 Outline clearly the action(s) taken

 Summarize concisely a result or outcome.

The “STAR” method provides a framework for both developing an answer, and assessing the value of
an answer to a behavioral interview question.


A good interviewer takes some very rudimentary notes during the interview, and will write up more
formal notes immediately after the interview is complete. By writing up notes immediately, the
interviewer will be more likely to remember details of the interview and the candidate’s answers. In
addition, some organizations require written documentation of all interviews. That documentation is
crucial in the event of a court case.

As a candidate, limit your note taking during an interview. Extensive note taking will distract you
from the interviewer’s questions, and the quality of your answers. It is an excellent idea, however, to

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make notes about the interview as soon as possible after it concludes. In particular, make note
11 of
anything on which you need to follow-up, and anything you want to mention in your follow-up thank-
you to the interviewer.

You should plan to follow-up your interviewer with some sort of thank-you. Some career professionals
disagree as to whether the thank-you should be in the form of an e-mail message, or a more traditional
hard-copy letter. The best advice is to consider the type of organization at which you interviewed and
its culture. An interviewer at an innovative high-tech organization will probably respond best to an e-
mail message. If you interviewed at a more traditional organization, a hard-copy letter will probably
be a better bet. In either case, a thank-you will show good follow-up on your part, and could set you
apart from the competition.

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