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Rulers of Indus Valley Civilization?

According to the Panchang who were the rulers of Indus Valley Civilization?

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Most of our friends have not understood the question.

A few friends have objected to the post on the ground that Panchang is only a
calendar and not a historic document. We overlook the fact that every
calendar is the result of an important historic event.

For example, from the Julian (now Gregorian) calendar we learn that Julius
Caesar and Jesus Christ lived around 2021 (solar) years before today. Similarly,
from Hijri calendar we learn that prophet Muhammad migrated from Mecca to
Medina about 1443 lunar (not solar) years before today.

From Vikram Sambat we learn that King Vikram consolidated his empire around
2071 years before today and from Shalibahan Shakabda we learn that King
Shalibahan completed his victory over the Shaka intruders about 1943 years
before today.

In addition to all the aforesaid, and a few other, calendars the Panchang gives
KALIYUGABDA which is the basis of all important (festival and otherwise) days
of the solar as well as lunar year.

There have been concerted and systematic (partly successful) attempts by the
Muslim and Christian invaders to make the Indians forget about KALIYUGABDA;
but somehow it has refused to be forgotten.

The year KALIYUGABDA 5124 started from 2nd April 2022 AD. Thus, it was
started by the rulers who ruled about 5124 years before 2022 AD which was
the time of Indus Valley Civilization. The fact that KALIYUGABDA has remained
pivotal to Indian culture for more than five millennia shows the strong hold of
those rulers over the entire civilization.
Those who have studied Indus Valley Civilization must have noticed that the
“consolidation phase” of Indus Valley Civilization started around 5000 years
before today. The consolidation was possible because of the strong hold of the
rulers of the dynasty over the entire civilization and other parts of India.

Now which king of which dynasty started the calendar of KALIYUGABDA?

It is common knowledge that Kaliyuga started when Bhagwan Krishna left his
mortal body; but it did not start on the same day; it was the date of the
coronation of King Parikshit the grandson of Arjun as King Yudhishthira
abdicated the throne and along with his brother and their wife left for the

Thus, the descendants of King Parikshit were the paramount rulers of the Indus
valley and the rest of India from around 3100 BC till about 1600 BC. All the
surviving traditions and literature of Hinduism were codified during that period
and popularised through the religious tradition of tourism that we call

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