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Population Poison for Hindus

In a village called Noorpur in Aligarh, UP, a wedding procession of Dalits was

attacked as it passed by a mosque on May 26. Altercation followed and so did
violence. An AIMIM leader announced no Hindu wedding procession will be allowed
on that street. As Hindus faced attacks, many houses had painted a “For sale” notice
on their houses. Some persons have been arrested but the case will go on. In Assam,
24 Muslims were arrested for brutally assaulting a doctor because their relative died
of Covid and the doctor’s clinic had no setup to treat him. Sometime back a doctor
was assaulted in Bengal, again by Muslims, causing a strike. The more this
community riots, the more violence they indulge in, the more govts, both Centre and
States, have mollycoddled them. They still call it “minority” when they could be
around 20 Crs in India. PM Narendra Modi, in particular, has emboldened and
encouraged their lawlessness across the country. This is now too jarring to escape
notice or ignore.

The monsoon has hardly begun in the Western parts of India and already buildings
are collapsing in Mumbai causing death and destruction. You wonder why and in
which areas these incidents happen – Bandra, Malad, Mumbra, Kurla,
Sion etc. And most times, the incidents happen in Muslim ghettos. No law applies
there. The builders build what they want, no police ever go there, no building or fire
inspector goes there, no permissions are required. These ghettos are mushrooming
across India and while their population grows without control, they want to continue
being called a ‘minority” and their demands and the govts financial doles to them
keeps growing alarmingly:

It is in this context that the announcement by Assam CM Himanta Biswa

Sarma on family planning must be welcomed. Although I suspect his method of
doing this is flawed, one should hope that he makes a serious attempt. However, the
first reaction to this announcement was by a Muslim MLA, Hafiz Raziqul of
AIUDF. He claimed HBS has 6 children himself so he cannot lecture others on family
planning. Maybe that is perhaps the reason HBS wants to implement family planning
or the moronic AIUDF MLA should learn that in the present day, a Hindu having 6
children is quite a rarity but very common in Muslims. Such morons also do not
realise that regardless of their population, Hindus have not threatened the lives of
the Muslim community anywhere. It is the reverse that is happening that is a cause
for worry and HBS is naturally concerned unlike Modi:

Whether it is Noorpur and other towns in UP, Mewat in Haryana, whether Kashmir

where Hindus are more or less extinct, whether Kerala, Bengal and Tamil Nadu
where Hindu-extinction is work in progress the pattern is consistent. The
moment Muslim population grows, Hindus are being driven out of villages, then
towns, then cities, then states. In Punjab, Malerkotla has been turned into a new
district but Malerkotla city has 68% Muslim population. You can make a wild guess
where that town is headed in the future. In the seven years that he has been PM,
Narendra Modi has deluded himself and the country with a fake notion of India’s
population being a great advantage. He knows this is a LIE and he willfully LIES.
Someone, taught this village bumpkin the term “Demographic Dividend” and he
has been using this foolish term to cover up the failures in population control and in
Muslim appeasement. The growth in population of India is in a segment that is most
unproductive and worthless – mostly uneducated youth. There is no such
demographic dividend from it:

Multiple schemes and programmes created by Modi are languishing and are dead
ducks from the start – Skills India, Start-up India, Make in India. All these fancy
schemes have gotten nowhere and job losses and unemployment have been high even
before Covid struck in full force with lockdowns and lay-offs. When China screwed
India at the LAC  Modi came up with yet another bogus term of “Atmanirbhar” as
if he had discovered water on Mars. India has been aspiring for self-reliance since
Nehru was born in this country and it is nothing new. But the fact is that
Indian imports from China have now gone up after a slump in 2020 mostly
because of medical imports. For Modi, everything is like the “Flavor of the day” –
suddenly Balochistan, suddenly Atmanirbhar and suddenly he will
blabber population control is patriotism. Nobody has fooled such a vast
population with such nonsensical blabber:

In his I-day speech in 2016, Modi grandly talked about Balochistan and his
bootlicker-media grandly claimed it’s a game-changer. What happened after that? I
am sure international powers such as US, China, France must have told him to scale
down his rhetoric against Pakistan and that his boots aren’t that big yet. So,
Balochistan disappeared from the agenda. One fine day he blabbers population
explosion is a threat to the future generation and its control a form of patriotism.
After that, it’s all gas. Of course, Modi added to his list of moroneries by calling the
AMU ghetto a “Mini India”. This is to insult the Hindus who see such ghettos as a
threat to them. And AMU and their students and faculties have not exactly been
friendly to India and their slogans not very endearing. This rotten ghetto is “Mini
India” for Modi. What happened in Noorpur, Aligarh is there for all to see.

The entire problem of India is that currently the policies and programmes of the GOI
are based on the whims and moods of Narendra Modi and his hypocrisies. There is
no ideology, no policy framework for anything except for adhocism. Most of what
Modi said prior to 2014 to get elected and during his campaigns in Gujarat all look
like a huge mountain of lies now. Far from action against the corrupt, Modi is now
the protector of the corrupt and the murderers. Where minority appeasement and
Madrassa funding is concerned, Modi again turned out to be a hypocrite and a liar.
He also turned out to be a liar where his outlook on population control is concerned.
Here are some samples of what he said in 2002 in Gujarat:

“Hum paanch, humare pachees”. We know what that means and who Modi is
referring to. Modi asks if the govt should open child-producing centres. He also
states those produced from Madrassas are useless to the state. Now the
same Modi grandly funds Madrassas as if he has sworn on the Quran to do so. Those
who have only religious education (meaning in Madrassas) would only be a burden
on Gujarat said Modi. How come he doesn’t find them a burden on India now? The
whole govt in the last seven years has been a roller-coaster of lies, appeasement and
doles to the detriment of Hindus. And the more the ghettos grow, the more
the slow extinction of Hindus. Many Hindus, unfortunately, are too blind not to
see this. They are like frogs being boiled slowly but most of them brag that they
survived 1000 years and will survive in the future. Survival should never be a
goal in itself.

All that Hindus do on SM is brag about the glorious past, their ancient temples and
some ruins. History means anything only if there is continuity. Presently, Hinduism
is being slowly wiped out in Kerala, TN, Bengal, JK, Punjab, Andhra and Telangana.
The govts everywhere see temples only as a property to be looted. And along with
Hinduism, Hindus are also being slaughtered in quite a few states. The
ModiSarkar presides over this mass-murder of Hindus, particularly in
Bengal. The lop-sided population growth is perhaps the slow poison for
Hindu society. Of this Hindu society, 63% are OBC or SC/ST who are slowly being
weaned away from Hindus. The ones to be marginalized are about 13% of UC Hindus
and then the extinction progresses faster as the OBC-SC-ST are targets for
conversion. There is a war on Hindus without any swords or weapons, so to say, and
their slow extinction is being directly helped by all govts. And reckless population
growth is quite a big weapon.



Jai Shri RamJune 13, 2021 9:27 AM

What an eye opening article on civilizational war which Hindus are facing
unknowingly. These eye opening facts should be the part of mainstream
news so that each hindu becomes aware of the existential crisis he/she is
in. Pathetic is the situation that so called Rakshaks (Bjp,Rss) have also
become bhakshaks in this slow poisoning of Hindus. Time has come for hindu
math, mandir become centre of hindu kattarta propagation.Gurus,
shankaracharyas, skharas start serious planning and enable hindu samaj
become ruthless powerhouse towards hindu ethos. While masjids do it for
muslims, church do it first Christians.. template is set. Time for each
mandir to do it for Hindus. No hope from any political party, they should be
forced to work for hindu ethos by hook or by crook. It's now or never for

mdbiyaniJune 13, 2021 6:40 PM

RSS the famous villian , what have they been doing since 75 years? not 1 Mai
ka Lal in the establishment , politico , media ever talked about it. the
famous Sanjay Gandhi nasbandi all vanished . hum2 hamare 2 official Indira
Gandhi dead ! never have I seen a family planning targeetted specifically .
not 1 advt /promotion ever in say no to #hum5hamare25 , not I advt of
traffic violence by a large Muslim family in 2/3/4 wheeler ! not1 Muslim
comparison of prosperous small family v/s large family. not 1 sterlization
camps outside masjids. not 1 azim premji , hamdard, Himalayan product or
Brahman masala run by talibanis spending their CSR money here ! &.RTE
destroying hindu schools . only missionary. can happen only under Indian
guran out to wipe hindus from the earth ! Allah oh Uber !


JKJune 13, 2021 7:31 PM

Lesson learnt is we should choose or vote for local leaders based on his
presence and performance and not by going through slogans and looking at
top leadership falthugiris.

Local must be local and someone who is among us.

Modi is just parachuted guy on Gujarat and slowly he destroyed that

localisation culture in Gujarat-BJP those who opposed where sidelined in

Not sure how many today knows Jayanthi Kapasiya once strong BJP leader
from Amraiwadi Area-Ahmedabad? Harin Pathak from Maninagar? Modi
brought with him Hero Worship....those opposed are denied ticket.

By the way what was reason for placing A CM from Saurastra Belt, when
enough leaders are there from Ahmedabad and surrounding belts. And
Saurastra has been always strong Congress hold. Many Ahmedabadis, Surtis
(they are called Gasiyas in Surat as they work in Diamond polishing
factories), Barodians don't like Kathiyawadis because of there Buttering
attitudes. It's like rubbing salt on wound.

If they introduce "Ame Katiyawadi" response from Ahmedabadis will be

"Saru" no talk no Bhaibandi with them.


Vijay KumarJune 14, 2021 8:43 AM

Eye opening article Ravinar sir. Add UP, Bihar, Maharasthra, Haryana and
NorthEast to list of extinction belts. Only hope is whether army will come to
our rescue as all political, law enforcement agencies have completely
abandoned Hindus. Once Hindus are eliminated then I'm pretty sure it will
be the same fate for other minorities.


AnonymousJune 15, 2021 6:43 PM

India is historically a Hindu country ravaged by invasions.Muslims were kept

back after Partition to continue the 1,400 year old jihad against Hindus and
Islamise India.They were granted minority status though it should have been
granted to Hindus if Historical Injustice were the criterion.The word
"Secular" in the constitution has not been defined but interpreted by each
one according to his liking.There is no defining belief as to who is a Hindu-a
cording to Constitution and Law all who are not Christians or Muslims are


JKJune 16, 2021 9:21 PM

Yogis visit has nothing to do with regime change or critical of his govt, after
his visit Mallu Journalist was let out on bail by court in UP, seems Modi
kicked him asking not to argue much against his bail appeal. 4 Mallu girls
waiting at Main Gate

- Afghan entrance ISI returnee, can't bring them so easy, so in exchange got
Mallu Journalist released...

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