Part 1: A Report.: Interestocom Are A Multi-National Marketing Services Company. They Are

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Your assignment is to produce a portfolio.

It has 3 parts:

1. A report. (60%)
2. A development plan. (30%)
3. A review (10%)


 You must answer all three sections. Please read the question and the
marking criteria carefully before answering. Make sure you answer all parts
of the question.
 Each section is worth a different percentage toward your final mark. The
marks for the individual sections will be combined to calculate the portfolio
mark. You will pass the module with a mark of 50% or more.
 You must submit all sections in one document.

 You must comply with the University of Hertfordshire Policy on Academic

Integrity and Misconduct:
o Properly acknowledge the work of others. Use quotation marks
when quoting from a source.
o Make sure that everything in your assignment is your own work.
o We will be using Turnitin software to identify cases of academic
misconduct and plagiarism.

Part 1: A report.
This is the scenario for the report.
You are a management consultant. You have been asked to write a report for a
company called Interestocom. (Interestocom is not a real company. It is fictitious
company made-up for the purposes of this assignment)

 Interestocom are a multi-national marketing services company. They are

expanding into different markets around the world.
 Next year, Interestocom expect to promote 50 managers - the managers
come from the regional offices in Africa, Asia, The Americas, Europe, and
 The managers will be promoted to new Global Director roles.
 The new roles will involve increased responsibility. It includes international
 Interestocom would like to run a leadership development programme for
the newly promoted global directors.

Interestocom would like your report to cover the following areas,

1. Should Interestocom run a single global leadership development

programme for all the new leaders, or should they run separate leadership
development programmes in each region? What are the advantages and
disadvantages of each option?

2. What leadership theory should the development programme be based on?

You are advised to choose one theory only (you can opt to combine
theories e.g. transactional + transformational. You can choose a theory that
has not been covered in the module – if you do this you must discuss with
a tutor before writing your report). You will need to explain the leadership
theory you choose and provide some critical analysis. Why did you choose
this leadership theory? Why is it suitable for the future of global business?

3. Give examples of 3 specific skills/behaviours that should be included in the

development programme. Why are these skills/behaviours important? You
should back-up your choices by citing academic and practitioner sources.

4. Provide a conclusion to your report and propose your recommendations

for the next steps to take. Include a brief explanation of how you could
measure the success of the programme.

Your report should be no more than 2000 words.
Your report should follow the standard report format for Hertfordshire Business
The table below gives guidance about what you should write in each section.

Contents for
Section Writing style Contents

This should be short and

Title precise. It should tell the
"A Report of reader what the report is
Not included in
  recommendation about, e.g. A report into the
word count
s for...” feasibility of establishing a
  student run catering service
at HBS.
"The growing
popularity of
Internet shopping
has been
accompanied by a
The executive summary is a
rapid growth of
self-contained summary of
courier delivery
the whole of your report -
services. It has
it summarises what the
been argued
report does. It should
(Green, 2018)
Executive therefore be written last
that the delivery
Summary and is usually limited to one
aspect of any e-
Approx. 50-100 commerce
words business is crucial ● The question being
to its success.  investigated.
This report
investigates this ● Main findings
relationship with
● A conclusion and
respect to
companies in the
Hertford area. 
The report... “  

Include all headings and

Table of Contents sub-headings used in the
Produce a table of report and their page
Not included in  
contents numbers (do this last)
word count (See CASE Guide IT for HBS

Introduction Introduce the “The rapid The Introduction ‘sets the

topic area of growth of e- scene’ for your report; it
Approx. 300 International commerce, does this in two ways:
words Leadership. particularly in
relation to large § By introducing the reader
volume trading in more detail to
sites, such as the subject area you are
eBay, has dealing with
provided local § Through presenting
courier your objective
businesses with
the opportunity
for rapid
expansion of
services. For
Couriers’, based
in Hertford, have
developed a text
booking system
for eBay
customers which
ensures rapid
collection and
delivery of
secured items.

‘Investment into This is the most important

drone-enabled and longest section of your
Your discussion delivery has been report. It helps the reader
should include: reported to have to understand the
significant risk relevance of your research
Your choice of a and recommendations in
(Driver, 2020).
Discussion single global this business subject area.
This has not
  prevented some
development This is your chance to
businesses going
  programme or discuss, analyse and
ahead, Flyer
different regional interpret your research in
Approx. 1100 development relation to the scenario
words programmes. described in the question.
What leadership drone delivery You should discuss
theory should be using the advantages of the
used and why. following risk approach/theory you have
mitigation chosen and any criticisms,
actions:” limitations.

You should give 3

specific examples
Examples for leadership You can use a table if you
Approx. 300 skills/behaviours   prefer or write 3
words that should be paragraphs.
included in the

Conclusion Brief conclusion "Findings from Summarise the key points

this research already made and the main
indicate that
communication issues arising from your
Approx. 50 words
needs report.

Recommendation Recommendation “To improve Recommendations follow

s s for the next the conclusions. Your
steps to take. recommendations should
Approx. 250 the organisation
be realistic for the scenario
words   should…”
in the question.

Give details of work

References by all other authors which
Full reference list you have referred to in
Not included in  
Harvard format your report (see CASE
word count Guide to Harvard

Appendices should only be

used for material that is
relevant to your report but
is not essential to the main
Appendices discussion, e.g. data about
Not included in     different regional
word count differences (e.g. ‘See
Appendix 2’ - this signals to
the reader that Appendix 2
contains all the data

Part 2: A development plan

Write an individual development plan for yourself. The aim of the plan is to develop
the skills/behaviours you need to be a global leader.

1. You should select 3 specific skills/behaviours.

2. Complete the table below.
3. Write a maximum of 600 words on how and why you chose those
skills/behaviours and actions.
You should use insights you have gained from your reflections about the
module and the discussions you have had with fellow students in the
tutorials. You should include a minimum of 3 references to show how your
choices/actions relate to theory/research.

Action you will take

Skill/ Why is it How will you
What is it? within the next 3
behaviour important? develop it?





Part 3: Workshop review (10%)

You should write a review of either (no more than 150 words):

1. The workshop about International Negotiation


2. Workshop about the China Leadership case study

Your review should contain:

1. Why was the session useful to your studies of Leadership & Management
in International Business?
2. What were the 2 or 3 most important things that you learnt?
3. How you plan to apply this knowledge to your studies or to your future

Write about one of the workshops only – do not write about both workshops.
This part should be written in the first person e.g. ‘I attended the workshop on…’

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