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💫10 Most Recent Pointer Stories for Practice by Issb Materials:

1) During a hiking trip he was left alone in forest then.............

2) He was Going on Lonely road Suddenly he saw...........

3) After Facing Failure he started complainning about..........

4) He wanted to become a fashion model but his family denied then.......

5) After getting fed of his life he..............

6) She started Studying but.............

7) He plan well but caught...................

8) She was driving in hurry then Suddenly..........

9) Due to his poor background he could not continue studies then...........

10) Her Car broke down in forrest and her mobile also then...............

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✨Recent Pointer Stories in ISSB:

1. Her Car Suddenly Broke down in a forest and her Phone was also dead,then......

2. She was Walking alone on road at Night Suddenly.....

3. After lots of Preparation......

4. She wanted to become a model but her parent's didn't give her Permission then.........

5. His Slowly and Steady work made him......

6. He was about to Join her in dance party.....

7. Her aim was to become a doctor,but.........

8. She has a Great Plan but suddenly Caught......

9. His Classmate used to bully him so one day he.....

10. She wanted to become a fashion model but her family.....

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💫Recent Pointer Stories

1. A girl Travelling from a Jungle and her car broke,and she had no phone as well then….

2. You are Walking on a Road at night,Suddenly…..

3. He forgot his way in forrest,Then…..

4. She Finally become a Fashion designer,But her Partner…..

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