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(Fourth Revision)


/2v! IRc fio�



(Fourth Revision)

Published by
Jamnagar House, Shahjahan Road,
New Delhi-110011

Price Rs. 1601-

(i'lus packing & postage)
IRC : 6-2000 :

First published in December, 1958 LOADS AND STRESSES

Reprinted May, 1962
Reprinted September, 1963
2nd Revision October, 1964 Clause Page
3rd Revision in Metric Units : Qctober, 1966 No. No.
Reprinted October, 1967 P l ersonneor f B g p ecifications & (i) to
Standards Committee (iii)
Reprinted November, 1969
Reprinted March, 1972 (incorporates Amendment Scope 4
No. 1- Nov. 1971) 201 Classification 4
Reprinted February, 1974 (incorporates Amendment 202 Loads. Forces and Stresses 5
No 2 - Nov. 1972) 203 Deleted 7
204 Deleted 7
Reprinted August 1974 (Incorporates Amendment
205 Dead Load 7
No. 3 - April 1974 and No. 4 - Aug. 1974) 206 Deleted 10
Repritted July, 1 977 (Incorporates Amendment 207 Live Loads 10
No. 5 - October, 1976) 208 Reduction in the Longitudinal Effect on Bridges 15
accommodating more than two,traffic lanes
Reprinted Sept., 1981 (Incorporates the changes as given in detail
209 Footway, Kerb, Raillings, Parapet and Crash Barriers 15
in the last two sub-paras of introduction at page 3) 210 Tramway Loading 20
Reprinted November, 1985 211 Impact 22
Reprinted September. 1990 212 Wind Load 26
213 Horizontal Forces due to Water Currents 29
Reprinted January, 1994
214 Longitudinal Forces 32
Reprinted January, 1997 215 Centrifugal Forces 3
Reprinted March, 1999 2;6 Buoyancy 3t+
4th Revision December, 2000 217 Earth Pressure 3''
218 Temperature 40
2 19 Deformation Stresses 4
220 Secondary Stresses 45
(Rights of Publication and of Translation are reserved) 221 Erection Stresses and Construction Loads V.
222 Seismic Force t7

223 Ship!Barge impact on Bridges S'•

224 Snow Load 51
225 Vehicle Collision Loads on Bridge and
Flyoker Supports 52
Printed at Dee Kay Printers, New Delhi-110015 226 Indeterminate Structures and Composite Structures 54
(1000 copies) Appendix-1 55
IRC : 6-2000


(As on 19.8.2000)

Prafulla Kumar" D G ( R D ) & A d d ! S e c r e t a r y , M i n i s t r y o f R o a d T r a n s p o rt &

(Convenor) H i g h w a y s T r a n s p o r t B h a w a n , N e w D e l h i -1 1 0 0 0 1
N.K, Sinha M e m b e r ( T e c h n i c a l) N a ti o n a l H i g h w a y s A u t h o ri t y o f I n d i a ,
(Co-Convenor) I , E a s t e r n A v e n u e , M a h a r a n i B a g h , N c W D c l h i -1 1 0 0 6 5

The Chief Engineer (B) ( V V e l a v u t h a m ) , M i ni s t r y o f R o a d T r a n s p o r t & H i g h w a y s

S&R (Member-Secretary) T r a n s p o r t B l i a w a n , N e w D e l h i -I 1 0 0 0 1

4. K.N. Agarwal C h i e f E n g i n e e r , I ' \ V D Z o n e I V , P W D , M S O B u il d i n g , I P E s t a t e ,
N e w D e l h i -1 1 0 0 0 2

5. C.R. Alimchandani C h a i r m a n & M a n a g i n g D i r e c t o r ( S T U P C o n s u lt a n t s L t d ,

1 0 0 4-
5 R a h e j a C h a m b e r s , 2 1 3 , N a r i m a n P o i n t M u m b a i -4 0 ( $) 2 1
6. D.S. Batra
C o n s u l ti n g E n g i n e e r S r O w e n W i ll i a m s I n n o v e s t m e n t L t d
I n i l o v e s t m e n t H o u s e , 1 0 7 2 S e c t o r -3 7 , N o i d a -2 0 1 3 0 3
7. S.S. Chakrahorty
ManagingDirector,ConsultingEnggSenvices(1)Ltd, 57
Nehru Place New Delh i - 1 1 00 19

S. C.V. Kand
C o n s u l t a n t E - ' 7 _ / 1 3 6 , M a h a v i r N a g a r , B h o p a l -4 6 2 O l 6
9. D.K. Kanhere
C h i e f E n g i n e e r , B l o c k N o A -8 , B o n d i n g N o -1 2 , H a j i A l i O c e r s '
Q t r s , M a l r a l a x m i , M u m b a i -4 0 0 0 3 4
10. Kristian Kant
C h i e f G e n e r a l M a n a g e r N a t i o n a l H i g h w a y s A u t h o ri t y o f I n d i a ,
I , E a s t e r n A v e n u e M a h a r a n i B a g h , N e w D e l h i -! 1 0 0 6 5
11. Ninan Koshi
D i ( R D ) & A d d l S e c y M O S T ( R c t d ), 5 6 , N a l a n d a A p a r t m e n t s ,
V i k a s p u r i N e w D e l h i -1 1 0 0 1 8
12. Di. R. Kapoor
1 3. Vijay Kumar
M a n a g i n g D i r e c t o r , U P S l a t e B r i d g e C o r p o r a ti o n L t d , S c t u
B h a v u u , l b , M a d s n M o h a n M a l v i y ; a M a r g , L u c k n o w -_ ' 2 6 0 0 1
14. N V. Mlerani
I ' r i n c i p a i S e c y , M a h a r a s h t r a P W D ( R e c d ) A -4 7 , 1 3 4 4 , A d a r s h
N a g a r , W o r l i , M u m b a i -4 } 1 0 0 2 5
15. M.K. Mukherjee
4 0 1 8 2 , C R P a r k , N e w D e l h i -1 1 0 0 1 9
16. A.D. Narain
D G ( R D ) & A d d l S c c y , M O S T , ( R e i d ) , B -1 8 6 , S e c t o r 2 6 ,
N O I D A -2 0 1 3 0 1
1 7. M.V.B. Rao
H e a d B r i d g e s D i v i s i o n , C e n t r a l R o a d R e s e a r c h I n s ti t u t e , P O
C R R I , N e w D e l h i -1 1 0 0 2 0

* ADG(R) being not in posi(ion.

T h e m e e t in g w a s p r e s id e d b y S h r i Pr a f ult a K u m a r, D G ( RI ) ) a n d
Addl. Secretary to the Govt, of Indi a, MoR 'f&1 1

( i)
SRC: 6-2000
(RC: 6-2000

1, 8. Dr. T.N. Subba Rao Chairman, Construma Consultancy (P) Ltd., 2nd Floor. Pinky 38. The Director d. Head Bureau of Indian Standards, Manak Bltavan, 9, Fiahadurshah
Plaza, 5th Floor. Khar (West), Mumbai-400052 (Civil Fogg) Zafar Marg. New Delhi- 110002

1 9. I ). Srccrama iivlurthy Chief Engineer (Recd.), H.No.8-3-1158, Ciul:nar, Enclave, Flat 19. 'The Executive Director. (A.K. Harit), Executive Director (Bridges & Structure) Research,
No.203, Srinagar Colony, Hyderabad RDSO Design & Standards Organisation, Luck nuw-726001

211. A. Karnakrishna President (Operations) & Dy. Managing Director. Larsen & 40. The Addl. Director (Krishan Kurnar). Addl. Director General. CPWD. Central
Toubro Ltd., FCC Constn. (iroup, Mount l cnnamallec Rnad. CPWD Design Orgn.. Ninnan Bhavan, New Delhi-I 1 001 1
Mannapakkani, I'.D. Box Nu.979, Chennai-6000xs9
Ex-Officio Nfernbers
21. S.A. Rcddi Dy. Managing Director. Gammon India Ltd., Gammon House,
Veer Savarkar Marg. Prabhajevi, Mumbai-400025 41. President M.V. Palil. Secretary (Roads).
2 R:nani Sannah Indian Roads Congress Mallaras!ura P.W.J., Mautralaya.
Secretary to (he Govt, of Mcghakaya, Public Works Department,
Lower Lachumi ere, Shi {long-79 3001

23. N.C'. Saxena Lxecutive Du'ectof, hrtereuntinental ('ousttltants &'I'echniiera[s 42. DG(RD) Pralulla Kumar, Director General Road Development) &
I'vt. Ltd.. A-11. Green Park. Ncw Dcllii-110016 Addl. Secy. to the Govt. of India, Ministry of Road Transport
Sc Highways, New Delhi-l MOW
24. G. Sltar:rn Secretary, (RC & Chief 1ngineer, \linistl v of Road Transport &
Highways, Tr nsport L3havan. New Delhi-1 10001 43. Secretary. 1RC G. Sharan, Chic: Luginccr.
Ministry o1 Road transport 6t Highways.
25. S.R. Tanibc Sec.retar}, Maharuh(ra PWD (Recd.). 72, I'ranit I. Palkar Nlarg, New Delhi-I 10001
Opp. Podar I lospital, Worli, hlumhai-400025

26. T)r. M.(i, Tantltankar Fmcritus Scientist, Structural Engg. Res. Centre- 399, Pocket F, Corresponding hlenrhc+-c
Adavvur Viltar Phase 11 Delhi-I 10091
44. M.K. Agnnyal I=ngineer-in-C hiei (Rctd.), H.No.40, Sector 1 ancu a-1341 1 3
Mahes1t 1; Mton Managing Director , Tandon Consultants (P) Ltd.- I?, Link Road.
Jangpura. Extn., New Delhi-I 10(111 45. Dr. V.K. Raina U-13, Scclor-14, Noida-20 1301

25. P.B. Vijay D(i (Works), CIWD (Rctd.t, A-39'B, DDA Plats. (Muni- a. 46. Shirala Sharan ChiefCoosultant, Consuhittg Engg. Services (!) Lid..
New Delhi-1 10062 5 , Nehru L'lacc. New Dcihi-110019

?9. '1 11 e Ch:c1 Lug: (Leer iN H) Public Works Department. 'D' \Vinc. 1.,t Floo . 47. S.P. Klludkar Hindustan[ C'onstn. Co. Ltd.. Hincon House, Bahadur Shastri
Sa(pufa 13h:rvan, Bhopal-16-2004 Mar;;. Vikhroli (W), Mumbai-400083

3 (1_ The Principal Secy. to M.P. Janular), R&B Department. 13luc:k No.14, Ind Flour. 43. The Technical ! )irector (H. Guha V'iawas), Simplex Concrete Piles (1) Pvt. Ltd.,
the Govt ofGujerat Ncw Sachivalay'a.Gandhinagar-382010 Vaikunt. 2nd Eloise. 82, Nehru Place, New Delhi-110019

31 The Chief Engineer (NH) (I ..K.K. Roy), Public: Works (Roads) DepU., Writers' 131tildin ,
Block -(i'. 4th Flour. Calcutta ?00001

32. 1 he Chief Engineer (NH) (K.(;. Srivastava), U.P. Public Works Department, Luclmow-
226 (101

33. (he Chief Engineer (NH) Punjab P.W.D., B& P. Branch. Pal iala- 14-7001

34. The Chief Engineer (R) Blrat(acharya), Ministry of Road Transport &Higlnvays,
S&R T& 1 Transport Bhavan, New Delhi-I 10001

35. The Engineer-in-Chief C&B, K.R. Circle, Bangalore-560001

36. The Director (V. Llango), Highways Research Station. P.R. No.23 $ 1. 76.
Sardar Palel Road, Chennai-600025

37. 'I lie Dy. Director General (B.K. Base, VSM. SC), Chief Engineer, Dy. Director (icneral
(Bridges). Directorate General Border Roads, Seema Sadak
11havan, Naraina, Delhi Canlt., New Delhi-11001(1
IRC : 6-2000


The brief history of the Bridge Code given in the
introduction to Section 1 "General Features of Design" applies to
Section II also generally. The draft of Section 11 for "Loads and
Stresses" as discussed at Jaipur Session of the Indian Roads
Congress in 1946 was considered further at a number of
meetings of the Bridges Committee for finalisation. In the years
1957 and 1958. the work of finalising the draft was pushed on
vigorously by the Bridges Committee.

At the Bridges Committee meeting licid at Bombay in

August, 1 958, all the comments received till then on the
different clauses of this Section were disposed off finally and a
drafting Committee consisting of Sanvvashri S.B. sushi, K.K.
Nambiar, KF. Antia and S.K. Ghosh. was appointed to work in
conjunction with the officers of the Roads 1t'in for fina lisin'
this Section.
This Committee at its meeting held at New Delhi in
September, 1958 and later through correspondence finalised
Section II of the code which was printed in 1955, reprinted in
1 962 and1963.
The second revision of Section II of the Code (1964
edition) included all the amendments, additions and alterations
made by the Bridges Committee in their meetings held flora
time to time.

The Lxecutive Committee of the Indian Roads Congress

approved the publication of the third revision in metric units, in
IRC : 6-2000 IRC; : 6-2000,

The Bridges Committee at its meeting held in 1971 Dr. M.G. Tamhankar Convenor
approved certain amendments in light of the Fourth Revision of P.K. Agarwal Co-Convenor
Section I and Section Ili. These amendments, vide Amendment T. Viswanathan Member-Secretary
No. 1 of November 1971 (amending Clauses 204, 207, 209, 212 Members
and 216) and Amendment No. 2 of November 1972, (regarding P.L. Bongirwar Dr. C.S. Surana
sub-clause 201. l) have been included in this Edition. The present Prafulla Kumar Dr. A.K. Chattcijec
reprint also incorporates Amendment No. 3 of April 1974, K.N. Agarwal Prof. S.K. Thakkar
regarding sub-clause 211.2 and erratum to sub-clause 209.4(c). M.K. Mukherjee B.C. Roy
V.R.Javadas Dr. Krishen Kr. Kliurana
As suggested by the Bridges Committee and approved by Vijay Kumar Prof. Sudhir Kr. Jain
the Council, in the introduction to IRC:78-1979 "Standard Mahesh Tandon CE(B) S&R (V. Velayutharn)
Specifications and Code of Practice for Road Bridges, Section : S.G. Joglekar Director. HRS, Chennai
VII-Foundations and Substructure, 2000 Part I : General CE(NH). UP PWD. Lucklrow
Features of Design", the provisions given in Appendices 4 and 5 Ex-Officio Members
of that Code are transferred and incorporated in this Code President, IRC DG(RD) & Addl. Secy., MOST
(reprinted in September 1981) with necessary editorial changes to (K.B. Rajoria) (Irafulla Kumar)
convey the correct sense as applicable to this Code. Appendix 4 Secretary. IRC
referred to above is amalgamated in Clauses 202 and 203 and (S.C. Sharma)
:'Appendix 5 replaces Clause 222 of IRC:6-1966 Bridge Code Corresponding Members
Section 11. Consequential to the transfer of Appendix 4, Clause Dr. N. Rajagopalan P.R. Kalra
221 of this Code is replaced by note (iv) under item I of loads Dr. G.P. Saha Rep. of RDSO, Lucknoxv
and stresses of Appendix 4 of IRC:78-1979. C.E.(R) Bhubaneswar (S.S. Gupta)
(D.K. Nayak)
As approved by Council in its meeting held at Bangalore on
22.5.98, the changes in Clause 218 - Temperature and a new
Clause 223 on Ship; Barge Impact on Bridges have been The Bridges Specifications and Standards Committee in its
incorporated. meeting held on 19.8.2000 approved Draft Revision to Clauses
The Loads and Stresses Committee in its various meetings of IRC-6 except Clause 212 and authorised the Convenor (13-3)
finalised the Clauses 202.3, 203, 206, 207, 208, 209, 212, 214, Committee to modify the same in light of the comments of
217, 220.1 (c), 224. 225 and 226 on 29.10.99. The personnel of members for placing before the Executive Committee. The
the Committee is given below Executive Committee in its meeting held on 30.8.2000 approved
the modified clauses and later by the Council in its 160th meeting
held on 4th November, 2000 at Calcutta.

IRC : 6-2000

IRC : 6-2000
The object of the Standard Specifications and Code of
Practice is to establish a common procedure for the design and areas. Structures with timber spans are to be regarded as
construction of road bridges in India. This publication is meant temporary structures for the purpose of this Clause.
to serve as a guide to both the design engineer and the
For particulars of the above three types of loading, see
construction engineer but compliance with the rules therein does
Clause 207.
not relieve them in any way of their responsibility for the
stability and soundness of the structure designed and erected by
them. The design and construction of road bridges require an
extensive and through knowledge of the science and technique
involved and should be entrusted only to specially qualified equal to that of the highest standard load class whose effects it
engineers with adequate practical experience in bridge engineer- can safely withstand.
ing and capable of ensuring careful execution of work.
loads in each bridge class, and forms the basis for the
classification of bridges,.
201.1. Road bridges and culverts shall be divided into
classes according to the loadings they are designed to carry.
I.R.C. Class AA Loading : This loading is to be adopted shall be
within certain municipal limits, in certain existing or contem- classified in the appropriate load class indicated in Clause 201.2.
plated industrial areas, in other specified areas, and along ceilaili
specified highways. Bridges designed for Class AA Loading 202. LOADS, FORCES AND STRESSES

Should be checked for Class A Loading also, as under certain 202.1. The loads, forces and stresses to be considered in
conditions, he'�. vit;i stress: may be obtained wider Class A designing road bridges and culverts are
Loading. 1. Dead load
2. Live load Q
Note : "Where Class 70-R is specified, is shall be used in place of 1RC Class 3. Snow load
AA loading" (see note i)
4. Impact due to vehicles Qr
I.R.C. Class A Loading This loading is to be normally
5. impact due to floating bodies or
adopted on all roads on which permanent bridges and culverts
vessels as the case may be
are constructed.
6. Vehicle Collision load
I.R.C. Class B Loading : This loading is to be normally Wind load
tdoptcd for temporary structures and for bridges in specified 8. Water cu1TCnt

lRC : 6-2000 ERG: 6-2000

9. Longitudinal forces caused by tractive 202.2. All members shall be designed to sustain safely
effort of vehicles or by braking of
vehicles andlor those caused by
restraint of movement of free
bearings by friction or deformation l /F ..l- various combinations of the above loads and stresses covered by
10. Centrifugal force F ,r the design.
11 Buoyancy
12_ Earth pressure including live load The load combination shown in
surcharge, if any F., sible Increase in Stresses -.
Ill. Temperature effects F�.

(sec note ii)

14. Deformation effects F,
15. Secondary effects f
16. Erection effects FL•r on foundations for which provision made in relevant IRC Bridge
17. Seismic force Fr,, Code shall be adopted.
I S. wave pressure F,,
(see note iii)

19. Grade Effect G

(see note iv)
r,otcs 205. DEAD LOAD
records in the particular area or local practices, if existing.
(ii) Temperature effects (F,„) in this context is not. the frictional
force due to the mo entent of bearing but that which is caused
by rib shortening, etc.
considering drawing and inertia forces etc. on single structural

group of piles, piers etc., proximity effects shall also be

case the actual weights as thus determined shall be used.
(iv) For bridges built in grade or cross-tall. the bearings shall

where the bearings are required to be set parallel to the inclined

grade or cross-tall of the supersin,cture, an allowance shall be *
& Code
'w° Deleted as relevant provisions are covered lit iRC;7$-'?oU11 Standard SpeciftCJtL nt;
made for the longitudinal and transverse components of the of Practice for Road Bridges. Section vii
vertical loads on the bearings.
6 7
IRC : 6-2000

lRC : 6-2000 tlm'
1. Ashlar (granite)
E rS
2. Ashlar (sandstone)
a 3. Stone setts
' 0� 3 c
'y �J 'd 2.6
sa s Ui altt!`�lluaad Pv v v (a) Granite
(b) Basalt
4. Ballast (stone screened, broken, 2.5 cm
L L1 ZU11SS3xd '»,']'� to 7.5 cin gauge, loose)
zo UIslas (a) Granite
1 .6
(b) Basalt
S1l�IJ.'J UO1113.ld
5. Brickwork (pressed) in cement mortar
s1��JJ 3 :(lepuo:laS 6. Brickwork (common) in cement mortar
1 .8
7. Brickwork (common) in time mortar
`i :O. -I uoli0RIU jaU
8. Concrete (asphalt)
�jo .t odula.L 1 .4
9. Concrete (breeze) `1 ')

U1iS Jd l�Ur [ 10. Concrete (cement-plain)

^ � 1 y J -r
1 i. Concrete (cement-plain with plums)
.1]UCAOII�J 2.4
L L r 12. Concrete (cement-reinforced)
ua.) Concrete (cement-prestressed) 25
J\iOI )l:9 »1U 1 C 13. 1.9
1 4. Concrete (lime-brick aggregate) 2.1
15. Concrete (lime-stone aggregate)
16. Earth (compacted)
j 7. Gravel 1.8

18. Macadam (binder premix)

1 9. Macadam (rolled)
20, Sand (loose)
1 9
2l Sand. (wet compressed)
22. Coursed rubble stone maso1iry (cement
23. Stone masonry (lime mortar)
1 .0
24. Water
25. Wood
0 7.2
26. Cast iron
27. Wrought iron
-I- 7.8
28. Steel (rolled or cast)


I RC : 6-2000 IRC : 6-2000

1. The nose to tail spacing
201. LIVE LOADS between two successive vehicles
207.1. Details of J.R.C. Loadings shall not be less than 90 m
2. For mu l t i -lane bridges and
201.1, the culverts, one train of Class AA
} tracked tracked or wheeled vehicles
wvhiChCVCt Creates SevereI Con-
,4ppeiudi I. The trailers attached to the driving unit are not to ditions shall be c onsidcrc l for
every two traffic lane width.
e considered as detachable. 35
2.900 No other live loud shall be
TRACKED VEHICLE considered on any part of the
s: id 2-1ane wide carriageway of
the bridge whe.I above
OMWEWAY VA01H.__. mentioned train of vehicles is
1--J.-- 2.350 MIN.
crossing the bridge.
ances between a vehicle and the roadway kerb
3. The may imum loads for the
benveen two passing or crossing iii Figs. tol3, r-, wheeled vehicle shall he 20
are not encroached upon. tonnes 101:. a S11i le :ale i r tti
totnn-,s for a bogie of u o +xles
3 15 spaced not more than 1 2 tr
625 6'25 centres.
a position causing ntaximittn stresses. 4, The minimum ClearanCC

between the road face of the kerb

and the outer edge of the wheel
or track, C. Shari be as under:

Carriageway i siuniil.tu l
width value of C'
Single-Lane Bridges
;.8 m and above 0 it,,
\MInlti-Lane Bridges
Less than 5.' m 0.0 nn
TRACKED v' EIl ICLE 5.; 111 or above 1. m
Clas�; %ALl',WkCdand��hcrlrJvchicle3fCisusc't)?.i}fronicl.l Fi 1. Class AA tracked and �. Axle loads in tomlc linear
g. dimensions in metre.
fZcfCr IU C'l Ht . 112 Ot iKC:`-1')`e`; wheeled vehicles (C lauSC 20%.1 j
to 11
IRC : 6-2000
IRC : 6-2000

6.B 2.7 2.7 11.1 1 1 4 6.0

Class A train of Notes :

6.8 6.6
vehicles 1. The nose to tail distance between successive
Notes :
trains shall not be less than 18.4 m. Class B train of vehicles
1. The nose to tail distance between successive
2. No other live load shall cover any part of the
trains shall not be less than 18.4 m.
carriageway when a train of vehicles (or trains of
2. No other live load shall cover any part of tile
vehicles in multi-lane bridge) is crossing the
carriageway when a train of vehicles (or trains of
3. The ground contact area of the wheels shall vehicles in multi-lane bridge) is crossing the
be as under :
3. The ground contact area of the wheels shall be
Axle load Ground contact area
as under
(tonne) B Min W mm
Axle load Ground contact area
I--' .soo_ 11.4 250 500 Btrim Winn
SECTION ON P-P 200 380 (tonne)
6.8 SECTION ON P-P 200 1180
r 1 soo 2.7 150 200 6.8
1.800 4.1 150 300
1.6 125 175
!;LEAP. :,1JY?U �wpf NY1 y
.4-- 4-

O l �. 9
� I
J; between outer
e= 4'-
P 4. The minimum clearance,
edge of the wheel and the roadway face of the.
kerb, and the minimum clearance, g, between the ir 4. The minimum clearance, .t, between outer
outer edges of passing or crossing vehicles on edge of the wheel and the roadway face of the
kerb, and the minimum clearance, g, between the
multi-lane bridges shall be as given below
outer edges of passing or crossing vehicles on
I Clear carria- :
f multi-lane bridges shall be as given below,
geway width g Clear carria
_j _W 5.5. in to niti�rmly increasing f
PLAN 7.5 m from 0.4 m to 1.2 m e l g
1.2 m 5.5. m to nifo>la'nly iilcreasinti
Above 7.5 m PLAN 7.5m rom 0.4 m to to 1 1.2.2
Fig. 2. Class 'A' train of 5. Axle loads in tonne linear dimensions in 1.2 m r.,
vehicles (Clause 207.1) metre. Above 7.5
Fig. 3. Class `B' train of 5. Axle loads in tonne linear dimensions in
12 vehicles (Clause 207.1) metre.
IRC : 6-2000 IRC : 6-2000
207.1.4. Vehicles in adjacent lanes shall be taken as
headed in the direction producing maximum stresses.
207.1..5. The spaces on the carriageway left uncovered by Reduction in the longitudinal effect on bridges having
the standard train of vehicles shall not be assumed as subject to more than two traffic lanes due to the low probability that all
any additional live load. lanes will be subjected to the characteristic loads simultaneously
207.2. Deleted shall he in accordance with the table shown below.
207.3. Dispersion of Load through Fills of Arch Bridges Number of lanes Reduction in longitudinal effect
The dispersion of loads through the fills above the arch For two lanes No reduction
shall be assumed at 45 degrees both along and perpendicular to For three lanes 1 0`0 reduction
the span in the case of arch bridges. For four lanes 20% reduction
207.4. Combination of Live Load For live or more lanes 20% reduction
This clause shall be read in conjunction with Clause 112.1 Note : 1 1owever, it should be ensured that the reduced l.on iiud hi Mal effec:',..>
IIZC':5 l9c) .The carrirgeway, live load combination shall be are not less sever than the longitudinal-cffcer. r s.,lt u t front
simultaneous load en two adiacent lanes.
considered for the design as shown in Table 2.
Table 2. Live Load Combination 209. FOOTWAY, KERB, RAILINGS, PARAPET .AN[) CRASH
Nulm bet et lane. L:?ad c6mrihinatlon
Carr17:1.e',�a4 :`.iJib
for t)e5i�n 1xmrpOseS 209.1. For all parts of i�ridge floors accessible only to
Lcs:, than 5.3m I One Jane of Clas A pedestrians and animals and for all footways the loading shall be
considered to occupy 2.3m. 400 kt?!m`. Where crowd loads are likely to occur, such as on
The remainin, width of
carriageway shall he loaded bridges located near towns, which are either centres of pilgrim .
with 500 Ii rn1 age or where large congregational fairs are held seasonally, the
5.3m and above but 2 One lane,, of Class ;OR OR intensity of footway loading shall be increased from 400 kg.--'m'
r less titan two lanes of Class A
to 500 leg; m'.
�:.6,n artr! above but 3 One lane of Class ;'OR
less than 1 3.1 ni with one lane of Class A 209.2. Kerbs, 0.6 ni or more in width, shall be designed for the
OR 3 lanes of Class A
above loads, and for a local lateral force of 750 kg per metre, applied
1 3. tnt and above but One lane of Class 70R for
less than 1 6.611 every two lanes .N ith one horizonttill y at top of the kerb. If kcrt7 width is less than 0.6 m., no
lane of Class A for the live load shall be applied in addition to the lateral load specified
5. 16.6m and above but remaining lanes, if any, or above.
than 20.1m
l l'Sti one lane of Class A €or
each lane Note : The horizontal Three need not be considered in the design of the
6. 20.1 m and above huh plain structural members of the bridge.
less that 23.6m

14 !5
IRC : 6-2000
IRC : 6-2COC

209.3. Deleted
insurmountable obstacle, such as truss
209.4. In bridges designed for any of the loadings described in
Note : A footway kerb shall be considered mountable by vehicles.
Clause 207.1, the main girders, trusses, arches, or other
members supporting the footways shall be designed for the 209.6. The Pedestrian/Bicycle Railings/Parapets
following live loads per square metre for footway area, the
loaded length of footway taken in each case being such as to
variety of construction. The design loads for two basic types are
produce the worst effects on the member under consideration :
given below:
(a) For effective span of 7.5 in or less, 400 kg/m2 or 500 kg/m2 as the
i) Type: Solid/partially filled in parapet continuously
case may be, based on sub-clause 209.1.
cantilevering along full length from deck level.
(b)For effective spans of over 7.5 in but not exceeding 30 in, the
Loading: Horizontal and vertical load of 150 kg/m, acting
intensity of load shall be determined according to the equation
simultaneously on the top level of the parapet ,
1'40L--300 ical posts cantilever-
ii) Type: Frame type with discrete vert
P=P' - 9 ing from the curbldcck with minimum two rows of
l horizontal rails (third row bring the curb itself, or
(cf For effective spans of over 30 in,. the intensity of load shall be curb replaced by a low level 3rd rail}. The rails
determined according to the equation : may be simply supported or continuous over the
480011 16.5-W
P= P' -260 + ! Loading: Each horizontal railing designed for horizontal
and vertical load of 150 k1-:m, acting simulta-
neously over the rail. The filler portion, supported
,. here P = 400 kg/m' or 500 kelm2 as the case may be, based on
between any two horizontal rails and vertical rails
sub-clause 209.1.
should be designed to resist horizontal load of 1 50
1' = the live load in kg/m2, kg/n2. The posts to resist horizontal load of 150
kg x spacing between posts in metre acting on top
L = the effective span of the main girder, truss or arch in
of the post.
ni, and
209.7. Crash Barriers
TV = width of the footway in in.
Crash barriers are designed to withstand the impact of
209.5. Each part of the footway shall be capable of
carrying a wheel load of 4 tonne, which shall be deemed to
include impact, distributed over a contact area 300 mm in
on the road while keeping the level of damage to vehicle as well as
diameter; the permissible working stresses shall be increased by
to the barriers within acceptable limits.
25 per cent to meet this provision. This provision need not be
made where vehicles cannot mount the footway as in the case of

IRC : 6-2000
IR.C : 6-2000
Following are the three categories for different applica- Table 3. Minimum Design Resistance
ItemRequirement Parapet Type
Category Application Containment for P1 Insitu/ P2 Insitu/P3 -insitu
P-1: Nomial Bridges carrcing Expressway, 1 5 Ton vehicle at i 10 Precast .Precast
Containmentor equivalent km/h, and 20° angle of i Shape Shape on traffic side to be as per IRC-5,
impact or New Jersey (NJ) Type of 'F' Shape
'-2: Lov, All other bridges except 1.5 Ton vehicle at 80 km/hr designated thus by AASHTO _
Containmentbridge over railways. and 20° angle of impact 2 Minimum grade of ;t'I-40 M-40 M-40
11-3: high At hazardous and high risk concrete
30 Ton vehicle at 60 kmlhr
Containmentlocations, over busy railway and 20° angle of impact. 3 Minimum thickness of 180intn 150mm 250mm
lines, complex interchanges, R C wall (at top)
etc. 4 Minimum moment of 15 kNm/m 7.5 1 00 kNmiiit

The barriers can be of rigid type, using cast-in-situ/precast resistance at base of the kNm/m for end
wall [(see note (i)] for section and
reinforced concrete panels, or of flexible type, constructed using
bending in vertical plane ?5 ki'dm!tr,
metallic cold-rolled and/or hot-rolled sections. The metallic type, with reinforcement 1 C�r in�enne-
called semi-rigid type, suffer large dynamic deflection of the adjacent to the traffic diate section
order of 0.9 to 1.2m, on impact, whereas the 'rigid' concrete type face (see note (ii)]. ; sec note
suffer comparatively negligible deflection. The efficacy of the (i'-i)]
two types of barriers is established on the basis of full size tests 5 Mini.cnum moment of 7.5 kNm/m 3.75 40 kNni!nini
resistance for bending kNm/m
carried out by the laboratories specialising in such testing. Due to in horizontal plane with
the complexities of the structural action, the value of impact reinforcement adjacent
force cannot be quantified. to outer face [sec note
A cc,. tificate from such laboratoty can be the only basis of 6 Minimum moment of 22.5 kNmim 1 1.25 -
acceptance of the semi-rigid type, in which case all the design resistance of anchorage kNm/in
details and construction details tested by the laboratory are to be at the base of a pre-
followed in tcto without modifications, and without changing cast reinforced concrete
relativ e strengths and positions of any of the connections and
7 Minimum transverse shear 44 k_Nrn/m 22.5 -
resistance at vertical jointsof joint kNm/m

Foe the rigid type of barbcr,. the same rnelhod is accepta'bh. between precast panels,
or at vertical joints made
Hovwcvcr, in absence oat testitr;/i_st certificate, the minimum between lengths of in-situ
des_gn resistance shown in Table 3 should he built into the parapet.
Section. 8 Minimum height 800 mm 800 min 1500 min
IRC : 6-2000 IRC : 6-2000

Note :
i) The base of wall refers to horizontal sections of the parapet
within 300mm above the adjoining paved surface level. The
minimum moments of resistance shall reduce linearly from the
base of wall value to zero at top of the parapet,
ii) In addition to the main reinforcement. in items 4 and 5 above,
distribution steel equal to 50% of the main reinforcement shall
be provided in the respective faces. SINGLE TRUCK (SINGLE DECK)
iii) For design purpose the parapet shall be divided into end
sections extending a distance not greater than 3.0m from ends
of the parapet and intermediate sections extending along
remainder of the parapet.
iv) If concrete barrier is used as a median divider, the steel is
required to be placed on both sides.
v) In case of P-3 in-situ type, minimum horizontal transverse
shear resistance of 1 35 kNm/in shall be provided.

209.8. Vehicle Barriers/Pedestrian Railing between Foot- BOGIE CAR (SINGLE DECK)

path and Carriageway

Where considerable pedestrian traffic is expected, such as
in/near townships, rigid type of reinforced concrete crash barrier
should be provided separating the vehicular traffic from the
same. The design and construction details should be as per 1__?.

Clause 209.7. For any other type of rigid barrier, the strength la�_

should be equivalent to that of rigid RCC type. BOGIE CAR (DOUBLE DECK)

For areas of low intensity of pedestrian traffic, semi-rigid Notes : ROLLING STOCK WEK d-UI'
I. Clearance between passing
type of harrier, which suffers large deflections can be adopted. LoadedUnloaded
single deck bogie cars on straight Description weight weight
tracks laid at standard 2.75m tonne tonne.
track centres shall be 300 mot. Single truck 9.6
210.1. When a road bridge carries tram lines, the live
2 Clearance between passing (single deck)
load due to the type of tram cars sketched in Fig. 4 shall be double hogie cars on straight Bogie car 15.3
computed and shall be considered to occupy a 3 m width of t ricks laid at standard 2.75 rn (Sin'-le deck)
roadway. track centres shall he 450 nttn. Bogie car 21.5
3. P0
Linear dimensions in metre. (Double deck)
210.2. A nose to tail sequence of the tram cars or any
other sequence-which produces the heaviest stresses shall be Fig. 4. Average dimension of tramway rolling= stock
considered in the design. (Clause 210.1 }


1l.C : F,-2_00; i II.C 6-2000

210.3. Stresses shall be calculated for the following two
conditions and the maximum thereof considered in the dcsi,-,n :
(a; Train loading, followed and preceded by the appropriate standard
loading specified in Clause 207.1 together with that standard
loading on the traffic lanes not occupied by the train car lines.

(h) The appropriate standard loading specified in Clause 207.1 4.ithout

any trans cars.

211.1. Provision for impact or dynamic action shall he Yh b

made by an increment of the live load by an impact allowance

expressed as a fraction or a percentage of the applied live load. {
211.2. For Class A or Class B Loading : In the
members of any bridge designed either for Class A or Class B
loading (vide Clause 207-1), this impact percentage shall be
determined from the curves indicated in Fig. 5. The impact
fraction shall he determined from the following equations which
are applicable for. spans between 3m and 45 m.

(i) Impact factor fraction for

reinforced concrete bridges = 4.5

(ii) Impact factor traction for steel bridges = 13 +1. FT-
1 4-

where L is length in metres of the span as, specified in Clause 21 1.5. T -1, .4 IK i

2113. For Class AA Loading and Class 70 R Loading:

file value of the impact percentage shall be taken as follows

f a) For spans less than 9 in :

(i) for tracked vehicles 25 per cent for spans upto 5 in
linearly reducing to 1 0 per cent
for spans of 9 in
") M N N -
(ii) For \ehecled vehicles : 25 per cent 39tl1tV33213d lytldilI
IRC: (,.200
IRC : 6-2000
fl-,) For spans of 9) in or more
(i) Reinforced concrete bridges
211.6. In any bridge structure where there is a filling of not
less than 0.6 m including the road crust, the impact
Tracked vehicles : 10 per cent upto a span of 411 in
and in accordance with the curve percentage to be allowed in the design shall be assumed to be
iii Fig. 5 for spans lit excess of one-half of what is specified in Clauses 211.2 and 21 1.3.
40 ill.
21 1.7. For calculating the pressure on the bearings and
Wheeled vehicles 25 per cent for spans upto l2 in
on the lop surface of the bed blocks, full value of the appropriate
and in accordance with the curve
in Fig. 5 for spans in excess of impact percentage shall be allowed. But, for the design of piers;
12 in abutments and structures, generally below the level of the top of the
(ii) Steel bridges bed block, the appropriate impact percentage shall be
Tracked vehicles to per cent for all spans multiplied by the factor given below :
Wheeled vehicles 25 per cent for spans upto 23 ni
(a) For calculating the pressure at the
and in accordance with the curve
bottom surface of the bed block 0.5
indicated in Fig. 5 for spans in
excess of 23 in. (b) For calculating the pressure on the 0.5
211.4. No impact allowance shall be added to the top 3 to of the structure below the decreasing
bed block uniformly
footway loading specified in Clause 209.
to zero
211.5. The span length to be considered for arriving at
(c) For calculating the pressure on the
the impact percentages specified in Clauses 2 1 1 . 2 and 21 1.3 portion of the structure more than zero
shall he as follows 3m below the bed block
(a) For spans simply supported or continuous or for arches
the effective span on which the load is placed. 211.8. In the design of members subject, among other
stresses, to direct tension, such as hangers in a bowstring girder
(b) For bridges having cantilever arms without suspended spans
the effective overhang of the cantilever anus bridge, and in the design of members subject to direct
reduced by 25 per cent for loads on the cantilever arm and the compression, such as spandrel columns or walls in an open
effective span between supports fnr loads on the main span. spandrel arch, the impact percentage shall be taken the same as
c; For bridges having cantilever arms with suspended span that applicable to the design of the corresponding member or
the effective overhang of the cantilever arm plus
members of the floor system which transfer loads ,,) the tensile
half the length of the suspended span for loads on the cantilever
arm, the c:Siective length of the suspended span for loads on the or compressive members in question.
suspended span and the effective span between supports for loads 211.9. These Clauses on Impact do not apply to the
on the main span.
design of suspension bridges.
Note : For individual ineinbers of it bridge such as it cross girder or deck
slab etc. the value of L mentioned in 211.2 or the spans mentioned
in 21 1.3 shall be the effective span of the member under consider-
IKC : 6-2000 IRC : F, 2000

212.1. All structures shall be designed for the following

l ..trra! wind forces. These forces shall be considered to act
l orizontally and in such a direction that the resultant stresses in
the rnsnriber under consideration are the maximum.
212.2. The wind force on a structure shall be assumed as
a horizontal force of the intensity specified in Clause 212.3 and
acting on an area calculated as follows
(a) For a deck structure :
The area of the structure as seen in elevation including the floor
ea of perforations in the hand railint
system and railing, less ar
or parapet walls.

(h), For a through or half-though structure

.indward taws as specified at
The area of the clevatio;> of the -�
(a) above plus half the area of elevation above the deck level of
all other trusses or girders.

2 12.3 .The intensity of the wind force shall he based on

wind pressures and wind velocities shown in Table 4 and shall be
al]ot.ed for in the design. The pressures given therein shall
howei er, be doubled for bridges situated in areas such as the
Katliiawar Peninsula and the Bengal and Orissa coasts shown
batched in Fig. 6.
212.4. The lateral wind force against any exposed moving
live load shall be considered as acting at 1.5m above the roadway
and shall be assumed to have the following values :
Highway bridges, ordinary 300 kgrlinear m
highway bridges, carrying tramway 450 k&/linear in
" given ;r. the Table it Vc-, c 2'2
While calculating the wind force on live load, the clear
r'uuble th� values it; the T?ble in (;louse 21^.5
distance between the trailers of a train of vehicles shall not be
omitted. Fig. 6

26 27
IRC : 6-2000

Table 4. Wind Pressures and Wind Velocities IRC : 6-2000

H. V. P. 212.8. In calculating the uplift in the posts and anchor-
P. H. V.
o so 40 30 14, 141 ages of high latticed towers due to the above mentioned lateral
91 52 40 155
forces, stresses shall also be investigated for the condition of
2 157
4 100 63 50 162 decking being loaded on a traffic lane or lanes on the leward
6 107 73 60 168 side only.
10 118 91 80 177 202 213.1. Any part of a road bridge which may be
15 128 107 90 180 210 submerged in running water shall be designed to sustain safely
20 136 119 100 183 217 the horizontal pressure due to the force of the current.
25 142 130 110 186 224 213.2. On piers parallel to the direction of the water
current, the intensity of pressure shall be calculated from the
where. H the average height in metre of the exposed surface above the
mean retarding surface (ground or bed level or water level).
following equation :
V = horizontal velocity of wind in kilometre per hour at height H.
P = horizontal wind pressure in kgim' at height H.
"where P intensity of pressure due to water current, in Lg/m'

V = the velocity of the cuuTcnt at the point where the pressure

any live load when the wind velocity at deck level exceeds 130 intensity is being calculated, in metre per second. and
km per hour. K = a constant having the following values for different shapes
of piers illustrated in Fig. 7 :
according to Clauses 212.2, 212.3, 212.4 and 212.5 shall, (i) Square ended piers (and for the
superstructure) : 1.50
(ii) Circular piers or piers with
semi-circular ends 0.66
other similar spans, and not less than 450 kg per linear metre on
(iii) Piers with triangular cut and ease waters.
deck spans. the angle included between the faces
being 30 degrees or less: 0.50
(iv) Piers with triangular cut and case waters,
the angle included between the faces
being more than 30 degrees but less
combined wind forces as per Clauses 212.2 and 212.3, 212.4,
than 60 degrees: 0.50 to 0.70
212.5 or by the wind force as per Clause 212.6.
(v) - do - 60 to 90 degrees : 0.70 to 0.90

RC : 6-2000

(vi) Piers with cut and ease waters of

Piers \V1tll square ends
equilateral arcs of circles :
(vii) Piers with arcs of the cut and ease
waters intersecting at 90 degrees :

Circular piers or piers with senli-

213.3. The value of V= in the equation given in Clause
cii.cular ends
213.2 shall be assunled to vary linearly from zero at the point of
deepest scour to the square of the maximum velocity it the free
_ Piers .vitlt triangular cut and ease surface of water. The maximum velocity for the purpose of this
-ST f
waters, the angle included between sub-clause shall be assumed to be times the nmaxin_unn mean
the laces being 30 degrees or less
velocity of the current.

Piers With triangul ar cut and ease Square of velocity at a

waters. the angle included between height .1• from the point
the (aces berms more than 10 de- of deepest
? Fees but less than 60 degree::

scour 1_
.lhers .� ith triangular cut and ease
eaters, the angle included between where 1'1s the tuaxt-
the faces being 60 to 90 degrees. 111ttw mean \'i 1O1it} .

213.4- When the current strikes the pier at an angle, the

velocity of the current shall be resolved into two Co tnpOllents -
Piers with cut and ease waters of arcs Of circ!cs
one parallel and the other normal to the pier.
(a) The pressure parallel to the pier shall he determined as
indicated in Clause 213.2 taking the velocity as the ci mplicnt
of the velocity of the current in a direction parallel to the bier.
Piers with arcs oi the cat and case (b) The pressure of the current, normal to the pier and acting on the
waters interscetint, at 90 degrees. area of the side elevation of the pier, shall be calculated
similarly taking the velocity as the component of the velocity of
the current in a direction normal to the pier. and the constant K
Fig. 7. Shapes of Bridge Piers
as 1.5, except in the case of circular piers where the constant
f Clause 213.2)
shall be taken as 0.66.

30 11
IRC : 6-2000

214.2. The braking effect on a simply supported span or

IB.C : 6-2000
a continuous unit of spans or on any other type of bridge unit
213.5. To provide against possible variation of the shall be assumed to have the following value :
direction of the current from the direction assumed in the
(a) In the case of a single-lane or a two-lane bridge : twenty per
design, allowance shall be made in the design of piers for an
cent of the first train load plus ten per cent of the load of the
extra variation in the current direction of 20 degrees; that is to
succeeding trains or part thereof, the train loads in one-lane
say, piers intended to be parallel to the direction of current shall only being considered for the purposes of this sub-clause.
be designed for a variation of 20 degrees from the normal Where the entire first train is not on the full span, the braking
direction of the current and piers originally intended to be force shall be taken as equal to twenty per cent of the loads
inclined at 0 degrees to the direction of the current shall be actually on the span.
designed for a current direction inclined at (20 10) degrees to
(h) In the case of bridges having more than two-lanes: as in (a)
the length of the pier.
above for the first two-lanes plus five per cent of the loads on
213.6. In case of a bridge having a pucca floor or having the lanes in excess of two.
an inerodible bed, the effect of cross-currents shall in no case be
taken as less than that of a static force due to a difference of Note : The loads in this Clause shall not be increased on
head of 250 mm between the opposite faces of a pier. account of impact.

213.7. When supports are made with two or more piles 214.3. The force due to braking effect shall be assumed to
or trestle columns, the group shall be treated as a solid act along a line parallel to the roadway and 1.2 to above it.
rectangular pier of the sank overall length and width and the
value of K taken as 1.25 for calculating pressures due to water While transferring the force to the hearings, the change in the
currents both parallel and normal to the pier. vertical reaction at the bearings should be taken into account.

213.8. The effects of the force of water currents shall be 214.4. The distribution of longitudinal horizontal forces
duly considered upto the level indicated in Clause 214.7. among bridge supports is effected by the horizontal deformation of
bridges, flexing of the supports and rotation of the founda-
tions. For spans resting on stiff supports, the distribution may be
214.1. In all road bridges, provision shall be made for
assumed as given in Clause 214.5 below. For spans resting on
longitudinal forces arising from any one or more of the
flexible supports, distribution of horizontal forces may be carried out
following causes:
according to procedure given in Clause 214.6 below.
(a) Tractive-effort caused through acceleration of the driving
214.5. Simply Supported and Continuous Spans on
(b) Braking effect resulting from the application of the brakes to
braked wheels; and Unyielding Supports
(c) Frictional resistance offered to the movement of free bearings
due to change of temperature or any other cause.
Note : Braking effect is invariably greater than the tractive- 33
TRC : 6-2000 IRC : 6-2000

214.5.1. Simply supported spans on unyielding sup- are provided, horizontal force in the longitudinal direction at the
ports bearing level shall be For a simply supported span with fixed and F;
free hearings (other than elastomeric type) on stiff supports. o r p R whichever is greater

horizontal forces at the bearing level in the longitudinal direction

shall be greater of the two values given below: clastomerie hearings at each end resting on unyielding supports.
Fixed bearing Free bearing Force at each end
(i) 1''h-lift Rrt) tr (Rq + Rg)
r-+ yr I
or (ill ------r Ei(R, -1 Rq) u (Rg - Rq)
2 V = shear rating of the clastomer hearings
\V here. i = movement of deck above hearing, other than that due to
Fh = Applied horizontal (force applied forces.
Rg Reaction at the free end due to dead load
Reaction at tree end duc to live load
Coefficient of friction at the movable hearing which shall designed for 10 per cent variation in movement of the span on
he assumed to have the following values: either side.
dge with one fixed bearing and
(i) For steel roller bearings 0.03 214.5.2. For continuous bri
(ii) For concrete roller hearings 0.05 other free bearings:
(iii) For sliding hearings:
Free hearing
(a) Steel on cast iron or steel on steel 0.4 Fixed bearing
(h) Gray cast iron Case-I
Gray cast iron (.Mectranite) 0.3 ([tR-[tL) +,.e Ph acting in +ve direcrion
(c) Concrete o\ er concrete with (a) If .fh >2uR R2V
bitumen laver in between ti.5 Fh-(pRi PL)
(d) Teflon on stainless steel .(.,3 and .0-9
(hi If Fh<2pR
whichever is
Fh (RK RL.)
Note: Unbalanced dead loads shall be accounted for properly. In
seismic areas, the fixed bearing shall also he checked for Case-Ii
full seismic and hrakinC.:tractive force. (RR-RL) ,rvc and Fh acting in -se direction
(a) if 11.1 2[iL hR . 'For simply supported reinforced concrete and
presr+essecl concrete superstructure, the span upto which planc
(b) If Fh =.2tLL
hearings can he used shall be limited to 15 metre.
i-h (lilt 1zL:) In case of simply supported small spans uplo 1 -l
10 metres resting on unyielding supports and where no bearings Whichever is greater,
34 3s
IRC : 6-2000

IRC : 6-2000
nL or nR = number of free bearings to the left or right of fixed
bearings, respectively. 214.8. The effects of the longitudinal forces and all other
yL or /4R = the total horizontal force developed at the free horizontal forces should be calculated upto a level where the
bearings to the left or right of the fixed bearing resultant passive earth resistance of the soil below the deepest
respectively scour level (floor level in case of a bridge having pucca floor)
PRr = the net horizontal force developed at any one of the balances these forces.
free bearings considered to the left or right of the
fixed bearings. 215. CENTRIFUGAL FORCES
Note: In seismic areas, the fixed bearing shall also he checked 215.1. Where a road bridge is situated on a curve, all
for full seismic force and braking/tractive force.
portions of the structure affected by the centrifugal action of
214.6. Simply Supported and Continuous Spans on moving vehicles are to be proportioned to carry safely the stress
Flexible Supports induced by this action in addition to all other stress to which
they may be subjected.
214.6.1. Shear rating of a support is the horizontal force
required to move the top of the support through a unit distance 215.2. The centrifugal force shall be determined from the
taking into account horizontal deformation of the bridges, following equation :
flexibility of the support and rotation of the foundation. The If-IV,
distribution of 'applied' logitudinal horizontal forces (e.g., brak- C 127R
ing, seismic, wind etc.) depends solely on shear ratings of the
supports and may be estimated in proportion to the ratio of Where C= centrifugal force acting normally to the traffic (1) at
individual shear ratings of a support to the sum of the shear the point of action of the wheel loads or (2)
ratings of all the supports. uniformly distributed over every metre length on
which a uniformly distributed load acts, in tonnes.
214.6.2. The distribution of self-induced horizontal force
lf-_ = live load (l) in case of wheel loads, each wheel load
caused by deck movement (owing to temperature, shrinkage, being considered as acting over the ground contact
creep, elastic shortening, etc.) depends not only on shear ratings length specified in Clause 207, in tonnes, and (2) in
of the supports but also on the location of the 'zero' movement case of a uniformly distributed live load, in tonnes
point in the deck. The shear rating of the supports, the per linear metre.
distribution of applied and self-induced horizontal force and the V = the design speed of the vehicles using the bridge in
determination of the point of zero movement may be made as per km per hour, and
recognised theory for which reference may be made to publica- R the radius of curvature in metres.
tions on the subjects.
215.3. The centrifugal force shall be consi'iered to act at a
214.7. The effects of braking force on bridge structures
without bearings, such as arches, rigid frames, etc., shall be height of 1.2m above the level of the carriageway.
calculated in accordance with approved methods of analysis of 215.4. No increase for impact effect shall be made on the
indeterminate structures. stress due to centrifugal action.

IRC : 6-2000 JRC : 6-2000

215.5. The overturning effect of the centrifugal force on limited to 15 per cent of hull buoyancy.
the structure as a whole shall also be duly considered. 216.6. In case of submersible bridges, the full buoyancy
effect on the superstructure shall be taken into consideration.

*216,1. Deleted 217. EARTH PRESSURE

216.2. In the design of abutments, especially those of 217.1. Structures designed to retain earth fills shall be
submersible bridges, the effects of buoyancy :;hall also be proportioned to withstand pressure calculated in accordance
considered assuming that the fill behind the abutments has been with any rational theory. Coulomb's theory shall be acceptable,
removed by scour. subject to the modification that the centre of pressure exerted by
the backfill, when considered dry, is located at an elevation of
216.3.1 Deleted 0.42 of the height of the wall above the base instead of 0.33 of
216.4. To allow for full buoyancy a reduction is made in that height. No structure shall, however, be designed to
the gross weight of the member affected, in the following withstand a horizontal pressure less than that exerted by a fluid
manner weighing 480 kg/m`_ All abutments and return wall, shall be
designed for a live load surcharge equivalent to 1.2m earth fill.
(a) When the mernhcr under consideration displaces water only.
e.g., a shallow pier or abutment pier founded at
nr near the bed 217.2. Deleted
level, the reduction in weight shall he ^,qu ; to that of the
217.3. Reinforced concrete approach slab with 12mm dia
volume of the displaced water.
1 50mm c-c in each direction both at top and bottom as
(b) When the member under eonsitlera
tjo ; di::place-, water and reinforcement in M30 grade concrete covering the entire width of
also silt or sand, e.,'., a deep pies or abutment pier passing the roadway, with one end resting on the structure designed to
through strata of sand and silt and foundeci on �.imilar material, retain earth and extending for a length of not less than 3.5 m into
the upward pressure causing the reduceion in weight shall be the approach shall be provided.
considered as made tip of two factors - 217.4. All designs shall provide for the thorough drainage
(i) Full hydrostatic pressure due to a depth of water equal to of back-filling materials by means of weep holes and crushed
the difference. in levels between the free surface of water rock or gravel drains, or pipe drains, or perforated drains.
and the foundation of the member under consideration, the
free surface being taken for the worst condition: and
217.5. The pressure of submerged soils (not provided
(ii) Upward pressure due to the ubmcr ej weight of the silt
with drainage arrangements) shall be considered as made up of
or sand calculated in accordance with Rankine's theory for two components
the appropriate angle of internal friction. (a) Pressure due to the earth calculated in accordance with the
method laid down in Clause 217.1. the unit weight of earth
216.5. In the design of submerged masonry or concrete being reduced for buoyancy, and
structures, the buoyancy effect through pore pressure may be
{b) ball hydrostatic pressure of water.
"Refer Clause 202.3

3u 39
IRC : 6-2000

IRC : 6-2000

217,6. Deleted
218.1. General : Daily and seasonal fluctuations in shade aJ n ON CATA UP TD 1151 WPM-ED
f ir NWA I(i0711dfJ=L
air temperature, solar radiation, etc. cause the following: M =ON.

a) Changes in the overall temperature of the bridge, referred to as

the effective bridge temperature. Over a prescribed period there
will be a minimum and a maximum, together with a range of
11 +' 1
effective bridge temperature, resulting in loads and,or load PUR �IyIrFR XAUOR 1 PUR Ih
3 (!.0 A�I ,.
effects within the bridge due to: "I"' r.S WS�L

i) Restraint offered to the associated expansionicontraction OT, IR E -- -rISHEOPUR J

by the form of construction (e.g., portal frame, arch, VAOOrw 1_

flexible pier, elastomeric bearings) referred to as tempera- 80 ia4 II , - PURI

ture restraint; and � wuu "n'`M
ii) Friction at roller or sliding bearings referred to as
frictional bearing restraint;

b) Differences in temperature between the top surface and other j \ ��9 W1akE , UACR S II �I
r sas _ i ' \�_. es.o 1_
levels through the depth of the superstructure, referred to as
temperature difference and resulting in associated loads and./or
load effects within the structure.

Provisions shall be made for stresses or movements

resulting from variations in the temperature.
218.2. Range of Effective Bridge Temperature : Effec-
tive bridge temperature for the location of the bridge shall be
estimated from the isotherms of shade air temperature given in Tlic territorial waters of India extend into the sea to a distance I f :, �clve
nautical miles measured from the appropriate base line.
Figs. 8 and 9. Minimum and maximum effective bridge
Based upon Survey of India map with Permission of the Surveyor f.iencr;l of
temperatures would be lesser or more respectively than the
corresponding minimum and maximum shade air temperatures.
Government of India Copyright 1993.
In determining load effects due to temperature restraint, the
Responsibility for the cotrcctness Of internal details rests with the publisher: .
effective bridge temperature when the structure is effectively
restrained shall be taken as datum in calculating expansion up to
the maximum effective bridge temperature and contraction Fig. 3. Chart Showing Highest Maximum Temperature

IRC : 6-2000 IRC : 6-2000

down to the minimum effective bridge temperature. Given below

are the extreme ranges of effective bridge temperatures:
(a) Metal structures :
from -35°C to 50°C

(b) Concrete structures :

Temperature rise Temperature fall
25°C 25°C

But in both cases, i.e., (a) and (b) intermediate values may be
assessed based on Figs. 8 and 9.
218.3. Temperature Differences : Effect of temperature
difference within the superstructure shall be derived from
positive temperature differences which occur when conditions are
such that solar radiation and other effects cause a gain in heat
through the top surface of the superstructure. Conversely, reverse
temperature differences are such that heat is lost from the top
surface of the bridge deck as a result of re-radiation and other
effects. Positive and reverse temperature difference for the
purpose of design shall be assumed as shown in Fig. 10. Design
temperature loads shall be reviewed after the in-situ data from
bridges located in different parts of the country becomes
available. These design provisions are applicable to concrete
bridge decks with about 50mnin wearing surface. So far as steel and
composite decks are concerned specialised literature may be
68 72 76 so 84 M M referred for assessing effect of temperature gradient.
The territorial waters of India extend into the sea to a distance of' twelve
nautical miles measured from the appropriate base line. 218.4. 1 Iaterial. Properties : For the purpose of calculat-
Based upon Survey of India map with permission of the Surveyor General ing temperature effects, the coefficient of thermal expansion for
of India. reinforcing steel and for concrete may be taken as 11.7 x 10
c.: Government of India Copyright 1993. degree centigrade.
Responsibility fur the correctness of internal details rests with the publishers. 218.5. Permissible Increase in Stresses and Load Cori
Fig. 9. Chart Showing Lowest Minimum Temperature binations : Tensile stresses resulting from temperature effects

I RC : 6-2000 IRC : 6-2000
not exceeding in the value of two third of the modulus of rupture
17.8' 10.6,
may be permitted in prestressed concrete bridges. Sufficient
amount of non-tensioned steel shall however be provided to
control the thermal cracking. Increase in stresses shall be
allowed for calculating load effects due to temperature restraint
under load combinations.


(for steel bridges only)

219.1. A deformation stress is defined as the bending

stress in any member of an open web-girder caused by the
vertical deflection of the girder combined with the rigidity of the
joints. No other stresses are included in this definition.
219.2. All steel bridges shall be designed, manufactured
and erected in a manner such that the deformation stresses are
reduced to a minimum. In the absence of calulations, deforma-
tion stresses shall be assumed to be not less than 16 per cent of the
dead and live loads stresses.
219.3. In prestressed girders of steel, deformation stresses
may be ignored.


220.1. (a) Steel structures : Secondary stresses are
additional stresses brought into play due to the eccentricity of
h3 connections, floor beam loads applied at intermediate points in
a panel, cross girders being connected away from panel points,
lateral wind loads on the end-posts of through girders, etc., and
6.6 stresses due to the movement of supports.
hi = 0.3h 0.15E hl = h4 = 02h a 0.25m (b) Reinforced concrete structures : Secondary
h2 = 0.3h 0.10m it = h3 = 0.25h a 0.20m f
e 0.25m stresses are additional stresses brought into play due either to the
a3 = 0.3he 0.15m
movement of supports or to the deformations in the geometrical
Fig, 10. Design Temperature Differences shape of the structure or its rpember, resulting from causes such

i`1,/ 1i C f 10 E
IRC : h-2000 IRC : b-2000

as rigidity of end connection or loads applied at intermediate c} Unbalanced effect of a temporary structure, if any, and
unbalanced effect of modules that may be required for
points of trusses or restrictive shrinkage of concrete floor beams.
cantilever segmental construction of a bridge.
220.2. All bridges shall be designed and constructed in a d) Loading on individual beams and/or completed deck
manner such that the secondary stresses are reduced to a system due to travelling of a launching truss over such
minimum and they shall be allowed for in the design. beams/deck system.

220.3. For reinforced concrete members, the shrinkage e) Thermal effects during construction due to temporary
co-effecient for purposes of design may be taken as 2x 10-'
fl Secondary cffccts, if any, emanatiiW from the system and
221. ERECTION STRESSES AND CONSTRUCTION LOADS procedure of construction.

221.1. The effects of erection as per actual loads based g) Loading due to any anticipated soil settlement,
on the construction programme shall be accounted for in the h) wind load during construction as per Clause 212. For
special effects such as unequal gust load and for special
design. This shall also include the condition of one span being
type of construction such as long span bridges specialist
completed in all respects and the adjacent span not in position. literature may he referred to.
I1owever, one span dislodged condition need not be considered Seismic effects on partially constructed structure as per
in the case of slab bridges not provided with bearings. Clause 2'_2.
2.21.2. Construction loads are those which are incident
upon a structure or any of its constituent components during the
construction of the structures. 222.1. All bridges shall be designed for seismic forces in
A detailed construction procedure associated with a Zone V. Major bridges i.e. with total lengths of more than 60 in
method statement shall be drawn up during design and consid- in Zones Ill and IV shall be designed for seismic forces. Bridges
ered in the design to ensure that all aspects of stability and on Zones I and IT reed not be designed for seismic forces.
strength of the structure are satisfied. 222.2. For the purpose of determining the seismic forces,

221.3. Examples of Typical Construction Loadings are the country is classified into five zones as shown in Fig. 1 1
given below. However, each individual case shall be investi- 222.3. The vertical seismic coefficient shall be consid-
gated in complete detail. ered in the case of structures built in Zones IV and V in which
stability is a criterion for design or for overall stability analysis
for structures except as otherwise stated in the relevant clauses.
a) Loads ofplont and equipment including the weight handled
that might be incident on the structure during construction. The vertical seismic coefficient where applicable may be
b) Temporary superimposed loading caused by storage of taken as half of the horizontal seismic coefficient.
construction material on a partially completed a bridge Both horizontal and vertical seismic forces may also be
taken into account to be acting simultaneously.

46 47
IRC _ 6-2000 222.4. The scour to be considered for design shall be
based on mean design flood. In the absence of detailed data the
scour to be considered for design shall be 0.9 times the maximum
design scour depth.
222.5. Horizontal Seismic Force : The horizontal
seismic forces to be resisted shall be computed as follows except in
the case of long span bridges with spans greater than 150 in
where special studies have to be undertaken based on dynamic
approach :
FW = a(3XG
F = Seismic force to be resisted
StiTJ'-t-i�•• ary Horizontal seismic coefficient depending on loca-
tion (for portion below scour depth this is zero) as
given in Table 5.
R= A coefficient depending upon the soil foundation
system as given in Table 6.
?� = A coefficient depending upon the importance of the bridge as given below
Important bridges 1.5
Other bridges 1.0
Note The importance of a bridge shall be decided on local conditions
considering the various issues like the type of structure, strategic
IEGtub importance, vital communication links, etc.
c1 iJ = ice'

Mm ror* .
® iovi n `° e I O .a i' Table 5. Horizontal Seismic Co-efficient
rout Y

�� •;HIEY-. Zone No. Horizontal Seismic

Co-efficient, a
V 0.0$
IV 0.05
III 0.04
Fig. 11. Map showing the seismic zones of India
II 0.02
I 0.01

48 49'
'fable 6. Values of � for Different Soil and Foundation System IRC : 6-2000

Values of P for
Type of Soil Bearing piles Bearing piles Isolated RCC Well avoided unless appropriate methods. of compaction or
mainly resting on resting on footings with-founda- stabilisation are adopted.
constituting soil type I soi] type 11 & out the beams tions
the founda- or raft III, friction or un- 222.9. Use of unreinforced masonry or concrete arches
lion foundations piles, com- reinforced shall be avoided in Zone V.
bined or strip founda-
222.10. Parts of the structure embedded in soil shall not be
isolated RCC tions
footings considered to produce any seismic forces.
with beams
Type I Rock 1 .0 1.0 1 .0 1.0
or Hard soils 223.1. The bridge portion located in navigable water (as
(For N 30) well as other portions where possibility of vessels reaching the
Type 11 1.0 1.0 1.2 1 .2 same exists) shall be designed for ship/barge impact.
Medium Soils
N bet een 223.2. The ship impact forces and their points of applica-
(10 and 30)
Type III soft 1. t) 1 ,2 1.5 1.5
soils (N 10) I

Note : N. stands for the standard Penetration Test value. waterways, piers shall be protected by building independently

222.G. These horizontal forces due to the seismic effect

shall be taken to act through the centre of gravity of all the loads
'.ender consideration. The direction of these forces should be'such
that the resultant stresses in the member under consideration are
.be maximum. piers and pier shafts head on by the vessel bow or sides=gays by
100 t
222.7. The seismic force due to live load shall not be the vessel head. The design impact force shall atleast be
considered when acting in the direction of traffic, but shall be acting at a height of I m above HTL/HFL, inspite of fenders
considered in the direction perpendicular to traffic. being provided.
222.8. In loose sands or poorly graded sands with little
or no fines the vibrations due to earthquake may cause
liquefaction tction or excessive total and differential settlements. In The snow load of 900 Kg/M3 where applicable on the
bridge deck shall be taken in the following three conditions to be

50 51
IRC : 6-2000 IRC : 6-2000

checked independently. 225.3. Collision Load

(i) A snow accumulation of 25 cm over the deck shall be taken 225.3.1. The nominal loads given in Table 7 shall be
into consideration while designing the structure for wheeled considered to act horizontally as Vchiclc Collision Loads.
Supports shall be capable of resisting the main and residual load
(ii) A snow accumulation of 50 cm over the deck shall be taken
component acting simultaneously. Loads normal to the carriage-
into consideration while designing the structure for tracked
vehicle. way below and loads parallel to the carriageway below shall be
(iii) In case of snow accumulation exceeding 50 cm maximum
considered to act separately and shall not be combined.
snow accumulation based on actual site observation shall he Table 7. Nominal Vehicle Collision Loads on Supports of Bridges
considered without live load.
Load normal Load parallel Point of application on

225. VEHICLE COLLISION LOADS ON BRIDGE AND to the to the bridge support
FLYOVER SUPPORTS carriageway carriageway

225.1. General below below

Ton Ton At the most severe point
225.1.1. Bridge piers of wall type, columns or the frames Main load 50 100 between 0.75 III and
built in the median or in the vicinity of the carriageway component 1 5 in above
supporting the superstructure shall be designed to withstand calTlageway level
vehicle collision loads. The effect of collision load shall also be Residual load 25 50 At the most severe point
considered on the supporting elements, such as foundations and component between 1 in and 3 m
bearings. For multilevel carriageways, the collision loads shall be above carriageway level
considered separately for each level. 225.3.2. The loads indicated in Clause 225.3.1. are
225.1.2. The effect of collision load shall not be considered assumed for vehicles plying at velocity of about 60 Km/hr. In
on abutments or on the structures separated from the edge of the case of vehicles travelling at lesser velocity, the loads may be
carriageway by a minimum distance of 4.5m and shall also not be reduced in proportion to the square of the velocity but not less
combined with principal live loads on the carriageway supported than 50 per cent.
by the structural members subjected to such collision loads, as 225.3.3. The bridge supports shall be designed for the
well as wind or seismic load- residual load component only, if protected with suitably de-
225.2. Increase in Permissible Stress signed fencing system taking into account its flexibility, laving a
minimum height of 9.5 m above the carriageway level.
The permissible stresses in both steel and concrete shall he
increased by 50 per cent and the safe bearing capacity of the
founding strata increased by 25 per cent when considering the
effect of collision loads.
52 53
IRC : 6-2000
ills. 6-=0010
Apptmlix I
Stresses due to creep, shrinkage and temperature, etc. HYI'O"[iul:TIC.AI. VEHICLES FOR CLASSIFICATION OF
should he considered for statically indeterminate structures or Vi:IIICLES AND BRIDGES (REVISEDi

composite members consisting of steel or concrete prefabricated NOTES FOR LOAD CLASSIFICATION CHART
elements and cast-in-situ components for which specialist 1 The pu;sihle variations in thee wheel )pacing; amt lgr- si;.es, liar the hr;r:teat sir:_,!c .i.s1 >
literature may be referred to. Creep and shrinks produce - cols. (f) and ill?. the heaviest bogie riles •.ol. (j and alx tOl the hl :1"' cat ;(.x It' of the.:
train vellicle of cuts. tLt and (g) are given in cols. ki, tl i, tn1) : r.c in'!. TIC >:um p.utcrtt
permanent stresses and hence no relaxation in permissible of wheel arrangement rung be assmned for Al axles of 1lie wli cl uain shown ill pals. iei
stresses shall he allowed. and '.g) as for the heaviest axles. The overall v,idth of (Vii in nun Irvin he cafes as cyua!
0 1I Sft+(p-1) 571, where "r - represents the km-id nn tyre ;n tomes, as user :er a:e (.-2 si'cis
are not specified on the chart.
Contact areas Of Ceres on the deck roan he oh[.lin;r: lo-m the •ceirreepondia, tyre I ,::is,
max. tyre pressures col- I p) and width of lyre beasts-
?. The first ahrrrenstcnt (if tvrc sire refers to the ix-sal! .,icth of tyre aitc sCCUUJ .line n.n•:
to the rim diameter of the tinge. Tyre tread width may be taken as i ;,:gall (; rr widll: utia1.s
25 nun for t>res opts 225 nun v:ulth, and minus. 5(1 suit fort rci os.rr „5 nun ;i•.aa.
4. l tic spacing wee ii SLLC'cesm ve '.chuck., 'w:It ht ',(l in. TI: is spacnt>. will h: uiie u>umd
from the rear-most point of ground contact ul' rite l_adiuc to Iar i r ud-most
point of gr0LHiJ conlaet of Lilt tyilli,taing 'sr-hick: in case •:it tracked rrhiclrs: for cltc• id
wchie1eS, it measure[: to-l'.) the centre of (tie rear-[;ills[ axle of the Tiradiu_ ';elii.I ,,, ilu:-
centre of the list axle of rule following vehicle.
5. The classification cut the bridge ;hall he determined hg the sal,' Ii:nt cawing it,, v .,l
the weakest Of all (he structural members including the :Bain irdrrs. .Strin-,crs (iir (earl
bearers), the decking, cross bciuers (or transumeu beaiins�s. pica ;:nc ahuuur'i,;. ic,:Ci-
tigated under the track. wheel axle and hogic loads shun, it for the s;Lrious eta;se:. :\a;'
bridge upto and including class 41j Will he marked with it single Cla>s nutid es - ih:
highest tracked or lied standard load Mass a'Llitch the i rid'ge can s;ifcly V. iiii,t,md. ,any
bodge.; over clays 4(1 %kidl be marked with a single. class number if thr •.vhceh ,1 to ; trer.k:xl
daces are the same, and with dual classifirati•./a Sign shOwinut hoih 1 and V. la.; d
classes if the T and W classes are diffc:c»t.
6. The calculations dtienuining th e ale load carrving capacitc still al:.c> illi..'. I,>r the
effects due mu'.mpact. wind pressure. I[ro nudinal forces. CIC:., AN de.irihed in the rel. ; alit
Clauses of this Code.
7. The distributiUC of loud between due main guid. Ls 01'a bridge is not ncc'..;sttnl : c hiral, and
shall be assessed from co^skleratiuns of the s1i cinlg ul the ;uaiu eu(lers, ti Lent lc:asisrti c
stiffness, tlexibitity of the cross hearers, rite -.width of rvadwav surd the width ail ifs:
vehicles, etc, by any iati[mal method 0l c.rtculanous.
N. The maximwtt single axle loads >howwn in culunm, i1i and lhl and the hae,te axl•: loads
shown in column () correspond to the heaviest axles of the trains, sti•aasn in evil in iii:. •:c1
and fgi in load-(lasses upto and including clas, iii the cane of higher i ou cl:L,sen.
the single axle loads and bogie axle loads sludl be assumc:l to belong In collie 0 (11CI
hyporlietical vehicles and their effect,> worked out set+sratel nn the ruoipnnrnts lit h: iik:r
9. The minimmu clearance between rite road race of the kerb and the oulti edge -,i %,
or track for any of the hypothetical •-ehirles shall he the sabre as for Class AA it kwIe.,
when there is only otie-lane of traffic moving on it bridge. If a bridge s to b e d c s i ; t a e r l
for two-lanes of traffic leg an y type of vehielcs given in Lhe (hLu t, the cleLranCe tow be
54 decided in each case depending upon the ciri:umslances.
Width Width ain �e --- sl °g�e11ox. bogie --- -`-'- ----'-- Uox,lyre load klox. re ty
Clout of
axle Remarks
over Four wheelers Six ahaeles axle load Minin-sn; when gporin9 and tyro sites of crilicot (Heaviest) axles- on m,n.tyre size.pressure
track track load
o b c d e load a h k m n o p 4
1.8t 2.421 0-55 t or.
r I. 1.1 t `.a Q.. 370 2.46
an xoa oe. col. (k)
' ' 1� --''�I -=900 -�D e1 r
SA. 150 410 x k g /cm2
�T- 1sox41D
SA. ror 220x510 -
5.5 l 5.41 Q 1.7 1 on 4.218
1984. 3.4 t 2221 4.51 (k)
SR -" 230 1980 i+ ys u SA 1 90 410 410 ( , col. 2
Nose e to tail ,e w 1A -uzr1o a • EA 190 x 410 80.. 1 k-r 410 a cm 9/
Length .51 - I~ --220x410
---- --- g. t S1 for i 300x510
IOt 2.9 t on
1U67Qltt2 Z4 0 t 5.273
fl iS
SR "- " 300
9-2 3.51 7.01 co1-51
2130 1 5-8 t o ss 1z2o mo SA. 30 x 510 M S 50 x510 for {fl
Nose to toil , +4 m sx�o 250x 510
Length 4270 -p Bk 230 x 5:0 M0 x 1 5 510
1 Brtso 510
1 2.3i SA. fog ('`) 360,510 }
1 21 121 3.751 on

2290 45 rs
7.5 t 4.81 9.61 0 low tpo $Q6 col. (k) 5.273
N ose t oa
em w
z.+ SA. 250 x 510 $A 230 x510 ro. {r) kg/c.2
�Dlzoo _ y 360x610
Lengfh 4880 __ I 6A. 250 x 510
191 -- Ikk1k, 10
-- -- -_________ i SA. for __ _ 10x610 I �16ri1� 5 5 on
JO50 15.5 t 711 �� I f 5.273
18R ° 360 2360 e +o0 10.0 1 1.4. , 7.61 Ib 2130 cal. (k)
Nose to to 1220 o+o 15.21 kg/cm2
1 4 ID
3°60- i SA. 360 x 5 0 S(230 x510 W ;1)
.-...__ _ -Length _
1 BA 360 x 510 SA220 x5I G' 410x610
Iz5t - S4. for I 410x610
&1220 x 510 2.1E ;
nnmmnmmmnrnl 201 21 $of-ztio
6ODl 01 5.273
24R 36 (t 12.a 3 a 17.ot 5q 4WD x 610 sa.3oo x5-o to. (1) 1M cal. (k)
360 2440 a 110 ss 54.309 x510 ror (t) kg/cm
Nose to toil
Length 5490
' zn 'D 1 1z t0 °'0 - DA 41C x 610 Sa73G x510
8 (230 x 510
S R2.YJ x 5 10
B(i30 x 510

30R 36w 0
38 t
s 0 'D 0 at 0 0 uc fli m t 5.2732
--'" 410 2590 ,, s. 14-0 t 20 1 2'sD I.`200 col. (k) kg/cm
41 lzzo SA 530 x 610 5 2 01..360 x510 04.100 x510
N oseoo t t il Ad. at0059 80. 51 0 84.230 x 510 530x610
Length 6440 1220 84 460 x E10 91190 0 5,0
s slo
55 1 zs o zs,p
56D 2740
0 1Axo
r o'YfD 50A '
Y r.n
12. 110
111 K1 _
1 6 -0 t
26 1
eP�'i^0 SA
Q Qfl
3 on m m i ;ox w
eD col(Wl
5 273
k cm29/
Nose to toil SIL36.0 xF10 5 (360 X10
Length 7320 1070 530 x 610 64300 x 510 SA 300 510 to ,fl.
BA 460 x 610 5 (190 x..10 for wind 4".0
-gtn or -hiJe
90,110 x 510 De obumsd 2440
2 y re load
1 32 f I 2}w uu ) Q Q
4 ro s.s + ss
610 2790 Ja00 'D 12 ]0 1 _ 1D _ -0 j 9+° 1 k9/cm 4.36 1 on 410x610
Nose to loll 5'w 7.` I K*M ooaong`` $1470 x 610 SA 414 610
g 7540 }070 f DIT TO
PA.. x 610 81360. 610 - 1. ttno
- .-. ---
51190 x510
rmnmTmnrrttnmlr+ln 74 t �f� --- 41190. 510
36 t Ol r -3Er• -0fl f l Q Q fl 7 n1 0 5.273 2 Actual max. tyre load

oo m m m
4570 0 2s rs 16o a.o
66R I-- 760 2840 I. H 1 x 4.75 t on 410x610
soso c.C t mg

Nose to toil -� 1-- sa6o _, -^�,- lOr - O -614 SA 410 510 SA 22Q x510 9/cm
Length 7920 -l o o t k&410 c 610 86410 x 610 04 220 x 510 ,
�7 120 10 170 20 t 40 t �°'� 2?90 �Tec _
r�1 [ 0 00 0
® 170:
01'- :>ao `•� LQ 0 0 51QW I.0 tU ttl 2 Actual rnax tyre load
6570 1]D +1.U a 22oa
70R -- - -�" 840 2900 p1o s96o 1s2o 2130 I7 I0 loco �„I>' x w 1.47so DIT TO m 5:D t on 410x610
Nose t0 toil '� - -- ` x410 x610 S ,510 S( <<'30 x510
Length 79,0 1 I 06410 x 610 8K41 Q0 610 BA 230 x 510

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