Summer Assignment (English) - Class-Ix

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�The Fun They Had

1. what date did Margie make an entry in her diary about the real book?

2. What did Tommy find?

3. How old was Margie?

4. How old was Tommy?

5. What was the real book, that Tommy found, about?

6. What did Margie hate?

7. What had the mechanical teacher been giving to Margie?

�The Lost Child

1. Where did the child go with his parents? ...

2. What attracted the child towards the balloons? ...

3. Parents were in a hurry to reach the fair but the child was delaying them. ...

4. Why did the little boy lag behind? ...

5. Why didn't the boy wait for an answer after he had pleaded for sweets?

�The Road Not Taken

1. Identify the line from the given extract that describes the road that the poet took ?

2. What does 'the other' refer to ?

3. What is the antonym for the word 'fair' ?

4. Which expression means that nobody walked on the road taken by the poet ?


1. What is parsing? How can you identify parsing in a sentence?

2. What are the kinds of sentences? Please mention them with examples.

3. Fill in the blanks with articles if necessary.

1. ………………….. man is mortal. ...

2. I am …………………. university student. ...

3. She goes to the temple in ……………….. mornings.

4. Kiran is …………………. best student in the class.

5. ………………….. camel is the ship of the desert.

6. This book has won ………………….. Booker prize.

7. Harishchandra was …………………. honest king.

8. I am fond of ……………….milk.

9. ...........chair has four legs.

10. .......cows are domestic animals.

4. Fill in the blanks with suitable VERBS.( Syntax)

1. Many a student has/have come.

2. The number of the students is/are very few.

3. A lot of money has/have been spent.

5. A flock of sheep is/are coming.

6. My glasses is/are new.

7. Who believe/ believes a liar?

8. Her physics is/are very strong.

9. Sufi as well as i is/am/are happy.

10. The percentage of these students is/are decreasing day by day.

Writing Skill


Question 1.

All the news channels were reporting the earthquake in Nepal on 25 April 20XX. After watching the
effects of the natural disaster, write a diary entry about what you were feeling at that point in time.

Question 2.
You are Naresh. You happened to go to Agra on a crowded bus on a hot summer day. Record your
experience in 100-150 words in your diary.

Question 3.

You are Neha. Today is your birthday and your father has gifted you a laptop. You are very happy to own
it as you wanted to have for a long time. Before going to bed you intend to share your joy with your
diary. Write a diary entry in 100-150 words expressing your feeling.

Question 4.

The annual examination results have been declared and you found out that you have secured first
division but your closest friend was unsuccessful. Write a diary entry about how that made you feel and
what you think would help to motivate him/her to work harder and try for a re-examination.

Question 5.

A peaceful protest march was launched by students all over India against the growing crime against
women in the capital city. All the news channels gave wide coverage to the rally inviting different
opinions on the issue. Make a diary entry in 100-150 words expressing your feelings oh the same.

Question 6.

You recently participated in the All India CBSE National Quiz Competition and reached the finals. The
final round was telecast over the national channel where you and your team won the quiz. Describe
your feelings in 100-150 words through a diary entry.


Question 1.

You love your father very much, for he is an ideal father. Describe him in your own words in 100-150

Question 2.

One of your friends, Raman, is very gentle and polite to you. You regard him as your best friend.
Describe him in 100-150 words.

Question 3.

Describe your favourite dancer in 100-150 words.

Last summer vacation you went to your friend’s village. His grandmother looked after you as if you were
her grandchild. Describe her in 100-150 words.

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