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Mata Pelajaran : Nama :
Waktu : 90 menit Kelas :

I. Berilah tanda silang (x) pada huruf a, b, c, atau d yang merupakan jawaban yang paling
1. Adam sweeps the floor using … .
A. mop
B. broom
C. dustbin

2. This is Doni, this is … book.

A. his
B. her
C. my

3. This is a … .
A. mop
B. broom
C. dust pan

4. How many books are there?

There are … books.
A. eleven
B. twelve
C. fifteen

5. Tas in English is … .
A. bag B. book C. pencil
6. He is my friend. he is very smart. “he” in bahasa is … .
A. kita B. dia perempuan C. dia laki-laki
7. She is a good girl. “she” in bahasa is … .
A. kamu B. dia perempuan C. dia laki-laki
8. There is … .
A. dustbin
B. rag
C. broom

9. Andi: how many books do you have?

Agung: I have eleven books
Eleven in Bahasa is … .
A. 11 B.12 C.13
10. This is Danu, this is his … .
A. bicycle
B. car
C. bus

11. 21 in English is … .
A. twenty-one B. thirty-one C. eleven
12. Joko goes to Malang by … .
A. train
B. bus
C. plane

13. Plane in Bahasa is … .

A. pesawat B. kapal C. kereta
14. Kereta in English is … .
A. train B. plane C. bus
15. There are … .
A. two buses
B. three buses
C. four buses

16. In Yogyakarta, there are many … .

A. Bajajas
B. Cars
C. Pedicaps

17. Ship in Bahasa is … .

A. pesawat B. kereta C. kapal
18. There… 23 planes in the airport.
A. are B. is C. was
19. There are 23 planes in the airport, 23 in English is … .
A. thirteen B. twenty three C. thirty three
20. Doni has 13 erasers, 13 in English is … .
A. thirteen B. twenty three C. thirty three

II. Isilah titik-titik dibawah ini dengan benar!

21. This is a … .

22. We have 11 pencils in our home, 11 in English is … .

23. Broom in Bahasa is … .

24. The plane is very big, plane in Bahasa is … .

25. Kereta in English is … .
Jawab dengan he/she
26. Agung is a good boy. … is my friend.
27. Siska is my friend. … is very beautiful.
28. … reads a book.

29. My mother mops the floor using mop. “mop” in Bahasa is … .

30. Please throw the rubbish on the dustbin
Dustbin in Bahasa is … .

III. Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan benar!

31. What is Indonesian language for:
- Twenty
- Fifteen
- Ten
32. Mention 3 kinds of cleaning tools!
33. What English language for:
Dia laki-laki
Dia perempuan
Jawab dengan is/are
34. There … a book.
35. There … nine planes.

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