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Mata Pelajaran : English Nama :
Waktu : 90 menit Kelas : IV

I. Berilah tanda silang (x) pada huruf a, b, c, atau d yang merupakan jawaban yang paling
1. I … at 5 in the morning.
A. sleep B. wake up C. run D. study
2. my mother cooks noodle in the … .
A. living room B. dining room C. kitchen D. bathroom
3. “Breakfast” in Bahasa is … .
A. makan siang B. makan pagi C. makan malam D. cemilan
4. Juki … the book in library.
A. read B. reads C. reading D. watch
5. I usually wash clothes in the afternoon, “wash” in Bahasa is … .
A. membuat B. mencuci C. menggosok D. melipat
6. After study, we clean the classroom, “clean” in Bahasa is … .
A. memasak B. membaca C. belajar D. membersihkan
7. “mandi” in English is … .
A. have a shower B. wash C. comb D. wake up
8. Susan … 2 eggs in the kitchen.
A. cook
B. cooking
C. cooked
D. cooks
9. Juki … 5 times in a day.
A. prays
B. praying
C. prayed
D. pray
10. We … basketball in the yard.
A. play B. plays C. playing D. played
11. Andri … his shoe.
A. put of C. turn on
B. put on D. turn off

12. “Angkat tanganmu” in English is … .

A. sit down please B. stand up please C. raise your hand D. fold the origami
13. Andi tinngi, “tinggi” in English is … .
A. short B. tall C. long D. fast
14. My family and I go to Ragunan zoo, there are many animals such as bird, snake, elephant, and
turtle. Elephant is a big animal. “big” in Bahasa is … .
A. tinggi B. kecil C. kurus D. besar
15. “tua” in English is … .
A. young B. younger C. short D. old
16. Yoga is … than Namira.
A. Taller C. bigger
B. Shorter D. longer

17. Diki walks faster than Dini, “faster” in Bahasa is … .

A. cepat B. lebih cepat C. sangat cepat D. sangat pelan
18. Motorcycle is cheaper than car, “cheaper” in Bahasa is … .
A. lebih mahal B. mahal C. murah D. lebih murah
19. My grandfather is … than my father.
A. old B. older C. young D. younger
20. My little sister is … than me.
A. young B. younger C. older D. youngest
21. Budi is the tallest boy in my class, he is 150 cm. “tallest” in bahasa is … .
A. tinggi B. lebih tinggi C. paling tinggi D. pendek
22. The national monument is the … building in Jakarta.
A. tallest B. biggest C. largest D. oldest
23. Elephant is the … animal.
A. biggest B. smallest C. fastest D. longest
24. Ani is the fastest girl in our school. “fastest” in Bahasa is … .
A. palingg cepat B.paling lambat C. paling besar D. paling kecil
25. Paling Panjang in English is …. .
A. longest B. longer C. long D. short
26. I (suka) playing basketball.
A. likes B. like C. dislike D.dislikes
27. Ipeh: Hello mumun, do you like playing basketball?
Mumun: Hai Ipeh. No, I dislike playing basketball.
Ipeh: so, what do you like?
Mumun: … .
A. I like playing badminton
B. I likes playing badminton
C. I dislike playing badminton
D. I dislikes playing badminton
28. Mrs. Dinda is teaching at the school. So, she is a … .
A. Nurse
B. Teacher
C. Head master
D. Singer
29. Jane loves singing, she wants to be a … .
A. dancer B. singer C. florist D. pilot
30. My father flies a plane. he works in the airport. He is a … .
A. pilot B. sailor C. orderly D. policeman
31. This is a … .
A. pencil B. 2 pencils C. 2 strawberries D. 5 books
32. My father drinks 2 cups of coffee. “2 cups of coffee” in Bahasa is … .
A. 2 gelas kopi B. 2 cangkir kopi C. 2 bungkus kopi D. 2 buah kopi
33. my sister eats a … of noodle.
A. plate B. box
C. bowl D. glass

34. My cousin is a dentist. “dentist” in Bahasa is …. .

A. dokter B. dokter gigi C. perawat D. dokter spesialis
35. “Perawat” in English is … .
A. doctor B. surgeon C. janitor D. nurse
II. Isilah titik-titik dibawah ini dengan benar!
36.Turn on the television please. “turn on” in Bahasa is …. .
37. Dinda membaca buku diperpustakaan, “membaca” in English is … .
38. We have a breakfast at 6 o’clock in the morning.
The underline word means … .
39. Justin (tidak suka) reading newspaper.
“Tidak suka” in English is … .
40. My pencil is shorter than your pencil.
The underline word means … .
41. Translate into English!
Ibu lebih tinggi dari saya.
Answer with how much/how many
42. … pencils do you buy?
I buy 2 pencils.
43. … sugar do you need?
I need 2 spoons of sugar.
44. … strawberries do you eat?
I eat 5 strawberries.
45. … rice does your mother buy?
My mother buys 2 liters of rice.
Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan benar!
46. Mention 3 kinds of jobs!
-. … .
-. … .
-. … .
47. Mention 3 kinds of countable nouns!
-. …. .
-. … .
-. … .
Read the text to answer question 48-50!

48. Who likes math and playing badminton?

49. Who likes dancing very much?
50. Mention the writer’s friends!

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