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Mata Pelajaran : English Nama :
Waktu : 90 menit Kelas :V

I. Berilah tanda silang (x) pada huruf a, b, c, atau d yang merupakan jawaban yang paling
1. Hasna buys a new clock, the shape of clock is … .
A. Circle C. rectangle
B. Square D. triangle

2. I eat a slice of pizza with my friend, the shape of pizza is … .

A. circle C. rectangle
B. triangle D. oval
3. Rectangle in Bahasa is … .
A. segitiga B. persegi C. persegi panjang D. kerucut
4. When I go to alfamart, I buy an ice cream. It looks like … .
A. cone C. cylinder
B. oval C. cuboid

5. Susan: what does the cupboard look like Yugo?

Yugo: it looks like … .
A. cuboid C. cube
B. trapezoid D. hexagon
6. Juki always gets up at five o’clock, five o’clock is … .
A. 04:00 B. 05:00 C. 05:30 D. 05:15
7. My mother always goes to work at 06:15, 06:15 is … .
A. it is quarter past six B. it is quarter to seven C. it is five past six D. it is fifty five to six
8. I sleep at 09:00 and wake up at 05:00 in the morning, so I sleep for … hours
A. 8 B. 7 C. 6 D. 5
9. Zaenab: What time is it?
Andi: it is 08:30
08:30 in English is … .
A. it is eight thirty B. it is quarter to eight C. it is quarter past nine D. it is quarter to ten
10. It is quarter past twelve is … .
A. 12:15 B. 12:15 C. 1:15 D. 1:45
11. It is quarter to twelve is … .
A. 12:15 B. 12:45 C. 11:15 D. 11:45
12. Pencak silat makes us use our part of body such as hands, legs and feet.
The part of body that use in pencak silat are … part of body.
A. 5 B. 2 C. 4 D. 3
13. Juki runs using his … .
A. arm B. hand C. legs D. shoulder
14. Dinda sees a beautiful flower with her … .
A. nose B. mouth C. eyes D. neck
15. Putri eats kebab using her … .
A. mouth B. nose C. hand D. arm
16. Bagus write the note using his … .
A. mouth B. hand C. arm D. leg
17. Jack: what time do you want to go to Bogor?
Omar: maybe at 09:20
09:20 is … .
A. twenty past nine B. twenty past ten C. twenty to ten D. twenty to eight
18. my father bring this box from the office, the shape of the box is … .
A. cuboid C. rectangle
B. cube D. square
19. The shape of my cupboard is cuboid, cuboid in Bahasa is … .
A. jajargenjang B. balok C. kubus D. kotak
20. I have a coin, the shape of the coin is … .
A. cuboid B. cube C. cylinder D. circle
21. The hanger that uses to dry clothes has a shape like … .
A. cone B. circle C. square D. triangle
22. Which picture shows pyramid … .
A. B. C. D.

23. Rhombus in Bahasa is … .

A. jajar genjang B. segi 5 C. kerucut D. belah ketupat
24. the yoyo has a shape like … .
A. ball B. circle C. oval D. cylinder

II. Isilah titik-titik dibawah ini dengan benar!

25. Susi eats seblak, seblak is a delicious food. Susi taste seblak with her … .
26. I draw monas, I hold my pencil using my … .
27. I listen the radio every day, I listen many songs there. I listen to radio with my … .
28. Doni plays with his friend at 03:30. “03:30” in English is … .
29. We go home from school at 12:15. “12:15” in English is … .
Read the text to answer the question 31-35

30. There are … seasons in Indonesia.

31. The other name of rainy season is … .
32. Rainy season happens from … .
33. Disaster that can happen when wet season is … .
34. Flood is bahasa is … .

III. Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan benar!

35. Mention 3 kinds of shape and the meaning!
36. Mention 5 parts of body!
Translate into English!
37. Dinda pergi ke sekolah jam 06:15
38. Juki bermain bola jam 03:45
39. Agung belajar jam 08:20
40. Siska membaca buku jam 07:30

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