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cow lV iv Vv v FOURTH SEMESTER ‘Course Title : STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT ‘Course Code: M20MB4010 ‘Course Description: The Strategic Management course is designed to explore an organisation's vision, mission, examine principles, techniques and models of organizational and environmental analysis, discuss the theory ‘and practice of strategy formulation and implementation such as corporate governance and business ethics for the development of effective strategic leadership. ‘Course Objectives: The objective of this course ito 1, allow students to examine strategic management processes and to encourage debate, discussion and reflection provide in depth understanding of external and internal factors for strategic formulation and. choice. 3. develop the strategic thinking and decision making abilities of students, especially in relation to understanding the application of various strategies in different situations 4._ provide in depth understanding of strategic implementation and control, ‘Course Outcomes: On successful completion of this Course students shall be able to CO1: Describe the practical and integrative model of strategic management process that defines. basic activites in strategic management ‘CO2: Apply the knowledge gained in analyzing the competitive situation and strategic dilemma in dealing with dynamic global business environment. (COS: Distinguish the grand strategies & demonstrate the knowledge and abilities in formulating suitable strategies and making strategie plans. (COS: Evaluate challenges faced by managers in implementing and evaluating strategies based on the nature of business, industry, and leadership differences. ‘Course Pre-requisites: analytical, budgeting, and business planning abilities. Good communication, computer and Internet skills. Pedagogy: Direct Method, ICT, Case based iP. Course ype HC Conte Hows: Unt Dette Ss conte T co Tai Iaeaicion of Smeg Wamegenenr weaning, ma inporance] 13 COT an rene, The Site Management Perse = Copore | tain Business and Functional Levels of strategy. Vision, mission and purpose -Business definition, objectives and goals — Stakeholders in business and theirroles in strategic management. Relationship between a Company’s Strategy and its Business Model, Balance scorecard Unit 2 [External and Internal Analysis: The Strategically relevant | 13 | CO2 components of a Company’s External Environment Analysis, | hours Industry Analysis - Porter's Five Forces model ~ Industry diving forces ~ Key Success Factors. Analyzing a company’s resources and competitive position - SWOT analysis ~ Value Chain Analysis — Benchmarking Units | Competitive Strategies: Generic Competitive Statesies: Low cost,| 13 | COS Differentiation, Focus. Grand Strategies: Stability, Growth | hours (Diversification Strategies, Vertical Integration Strategies, Mergers, Acquisition & Takeover Strategies, Strategic Alliances & Collaborative Partnerships), Retrenchment, Outsourcing Strategies. Tailoring strategy to fit specific industry - Life Cycle Analysis - Emerging, Growing, Mature & Declining Industries. Portfolio Analysis: BCG Matrix ~ GE 9 Cell Model Unit-t [Strategy Implementation and control Stategy implementation; | 13 | CO# Organization Structure ~ Matching structure and strategy. Behavioral | hours issues in implementation ~ Corporate culture ~ Me Kinsey's 75 Framework. Functional issues — Functional plans and policies — Financial, Marketing, Operations, Personnel, IT. Strategy Evaluation — Operations Control and Strategic Control ‘Text Books: 1. Crafting and Executing Strategy - Arthur A. Thompson Jr, AJ Strickland II John E Gamble, 18/e, Tata MeGraw Hill, 2012. 2 Strategic Management: Analysis, Implementation, Control—Nag A. 1/e, Vikas Publications, 201 3. Strategic Management : An Integrated Approach - Charles W. L. Hill, Gareth R. Jones, Cengage Learning, 4, Strategic Management - Kachmu U, Excel Books, 2009, 5. Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases - David R ,13/e, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd, 2011 6. Strategic Management: Building and Sustaining Competitive Advantage- Robert A. Pitts & David Lei, 4/e, Cengage Learning 7. Essentials of Strategic Management - Hunger, J. David, S/e, Pearson, 2011 Strategic Management ~ SarojDatta, jaico Publishing House, 201 9. Business Envieonment for Strategic Management - K Ashwathappa and G. Sudarsana ReddyHimalaya Publishing House Pvt. Lid..2017 10. Contemporary Strategic Management-, Grant, 6/¢, Wiley India, 2012. CO&PO mapping POI [POD | POS POs | POT [POX [POF [POI [FSI | POF | PSs cor Tor g ele]-}4 al4[ef4

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