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1]which java relted things you have used in ur selenium coding?


colections what u use?

diff:list allow duplicate while set does not allow duplicates.

use of final keyword:

can be used with class,var,method
class:we cnnot create child class
method:we cant overridr
varibale: we cant reassign its value

finally:in exception handling

it is block.resource deallocation

finalize:coe from objclass to clear the obj(unused obj)

webdriver(interface) driver(ref var)=new(keyword) chromedriver(constructor),

explicit wait:
visiblity of elements

DOM(document object model)-->XPATH is basically works

on dom structure

from root node

if any change is there in webpage the xpath gets broken

javascript executer:
scrolling webpage

how to handle multiple windows; sritchtowindow

getWindowhandle--> returns the session id of the currrent window
returns string type
getWindowHandles-->returs ids of all the open windows
returns set of string

how many number of options how to find
in select class we can use get options as list
then use size in list to get it
Select s = new Select(driver.findElement(By.xpath("//select[@name=’selType’]")));
// getting the list of options in the dropdown with getOptions()
List <WebElement> op = s.getOptions();
int size = op.size();

mouse: action is a interface

acition class

TestNg: difference
hard--if a condition fails the next line will not get executed
soft--it will execute even if a condtion fails
then we will have result of failure as we give the assertAll

in testng if we give like

here for 0 it will execute based in alphabetic order
then 1 will execute

100 tc some fail some passed

second you want to execute oly the failed tcs how will
you do that?
test-output folder
we will have failed test cases in xml file using that
we can execute only failed test cases

combination data driven
using utility
module wise writting

how freq u run automation:

when the build is stable
new build
before moving to prod to ensure all working fine

how many bugs you found automation?

how u report to dev:jira
how many tc u automated?

benifuts of maven proj:

build creation and testing
dependency jar
plugin,confirgration(testng thorugh xml)


Data driven testing:

1 testcase executed with multiple test data
read for excel etc
keyword driven:
by identifying elemnts in the webage,accessing them
and peform or tasks
TDD-Test Driven Development approach
ocuses on creating unit test cases before developing the actual code

abstract class:

xpath has only id: test_123(123 dyamic---contains)

element not interactable--how to handle stale element
why getting dom refreshed,dom changes ele coming from prev dom we inetracting
with new dom --usefluent wait

if you have only one parameter id that is dynamic how to write xpath?
selenium grid

1]parallel testing in selenium:
selenium grid we can use
2]testNg advantages
3]sequence of annotations in testng
4]before test and before method difference
5]100 textcase beofre method will u do ur setup method?is it right approach--yes it
is right approach
because it is always good to keep our test cases independent of each other.If we
do before @test
we make it dependent when one test case fails the other dependent test cases will
be skipped.
6]best practices to write independent test cases?for best execution percentage
-->it should not be dependent
7]TDD vs BDD
8]who all will participate in BDD(po,qa,dev) and TDD
9]who is writting the feature file?
10]on what basis feature file is written?
11]what is diff between when,given,then,and---keywords
13]background and hooks term BDD
14]parallel execution of 1 feature file in testNG file
15]can u run parallel test in cucumber?
16]wwindow-->link -->getWindowHnadles,swithvTo--35.15

mthis overloading:
login(otp,userid pass,mobile nu)
payment method(card,upi,gpay)
search method(diif filters name,color,proce))

absrtact clas and interface--when to use

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