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Chapter 6

Food for Good Health

#Short answered question
1. What is balanced diet?
Ans: A balanced diet contains all the essential nutrition in proper amount.

2. How can we get a balanced diet?

Or How can we choose the balanced diet?
Ans: We can get a balanced diet by choosing the proper amounts of food from each of the
food groups.

3. Why do we have to eat balanced diet?

Ans: We have to eat balanced diet to stay healthy and our body needs proper nutrients to
work effectively.

4. How does the demand of food and nutrition vary?

Ans: The demand of food and nutrition varies according to the age and work.

5. What happens if a baby does not consume essential nutritious food?

Ans: If a baby does not consume essential nutritious food-
1. It suffers from malnutrition.
2. It faces the risk of growth and development problem.
3. It suffers from more prone to disease, infection, fatigue and poor performance.

6. What does mean eating a balanced diet?

Ans: Eating a balanced diet means choose the proper amount of foods from each of the
food groups.

7. What are the six food groups?

Ans: The six food groups are-
1. Carbohydrate
2. Vitamin
3. Mineral
4. Protein
5. Calcium
6. Oil and fat
8. Write the names of three food elements.
Ans: The names of three food elements are-
1. Carbohydrate
2. Protein
3. Fat
9.Give two examples of food group protein.
Ans: The two examples of food group protein are fish and meat.

10.What is food preservation?

Ans: Food preservation means to stop wastage of food and slow down spoilage of food.

11.Write the names of two scientific method of food preservation.

Ans: The names of two scientific method of food preservation are
1. Sun drying
2. Cold storage

12.Give four ways of food preservation.

Ans: The four ways of food preservation are
1. Sun drying
2. Cold storage
3. Using salt or ice
4. Using sugar, vinegar or oil

13. How will olive/plums/mangoes be available to eat throughout the year?

Ans: Olives/Plums/Mangoes will be available to eat throughout the year by-
1. Using sugar, vinegar or oil
2. Making Jam, Jelly and pickles.

14.Write the names of some food items to which artificial colors are added?
Ans: The names of some food items to which artificial colors are added are-
1. Sweet
2. Jelly
3. Candy
4. Ice creams
5. Cakes
6. Soft drinks

15.Which diseases are occurred by the food containing artificial colors?

Ans: The diseases are occurred by the food containing artificial colors are-
1. Cancer
2. Attention deficit disorder
3. Hyper activity
16.Which chemical is used in to preserve the food?
Ans: Formalin is used for preserving the food.

17.What do dishonest dealers or businessmen use to ripen fruits?

Ans: Dishonest dealers or businessmen use carbide to ripen fruits.

18.Which chemical is used to ripen fruits?

Ans: Carbide is used for ripening fruits.

19.Write two names of chemicals added in food.

1. Formalin and
2. Carbide

20.Write two sentences on why the use of formalin or carbide is dangerous to food
Ans: Formalin or carbide can cause many diseases such as-
1. (It cause) Dysfunction of liver
2. Kidney problem.
3. (It) Cause cancer.

21.Which diseases are occurred by the food containing chemicals?

Ans: The diseases are occurred by the food containing chemicals are-
1. Cancer
2. Dysfunction of liver and
3. Kidney problem

22.Why can kidney and liver be dysfunctional?

Ans: Foods containing chemicals such as Formalin and Carbide can cause dysfunction of
liver and kidney

23.What is junk food?

Ans: A food containing excessive sugar, salt, fat and can be prepared and served easily.

24.Write the names of junk food.

Ans: Popular junk food includes-
1. Burgers
2. Pizza
3. Potato chips
4. Fried chicken
5. Soft Drinks etc.
#Descriptive Questions
1.Write the five importance of balanced diet.
Ans: The five importance of balanced diet are given below
1. Our body needs proper nutrition to work effectively.
2. Without proper nutrition our body becomes more prone to disease, infection, fatigue
and poor performance.
3. Children suffering from malnutrition run the risk of growth and developmental
4. Eating too much food may cause over weight issues.
5. We should eat a healthy balanced diet in the right amounts to age and work.

2.Write the ways of food preservation in five sentences.

Ans: The ways of food preservation are given below:
1. Crops like rice, wheat, pulses etc. can be preserved by sun drying.
2. Fish, meat, vegetables and fruits can be preserved in the cold storage or refrigerator.
3. Jam, jelly and pickles are processed from fruits and preserved in airtight pot.
4. Fishes can be preserved by using salt or ice.
5. We use sugar, vinegar or oil to preserve olives, plums, mangoes etc. for long time.

3.Write the importance of food preservation.

Or How does food preservation give us many benefit?
Ans: The importance of food preservation is given below-
1. Food preservation can stop wastage and spoilage of food.
2. Food preservation helps prevent the growth of bacteria that causes spoilage.
3. Food preservation makes the seasonal food throughout the year.
4. It makes easy to transport food to far places.
5. It fulfils the future demand of food.

4.Write some benefits of keeping or preserving foods (fishes and meats) in refrigerator.
Ans: Some benefits of keeping or preserving foods (fishes and meats) in refrigerator are-
1. To keep food in good condition.
2. In order to supply in the market throughout the year.
3. To stop wastage.
4. To slow down spoilage of food by the prevention of the growth of bacteria.
5. To make easy to transport food to far places.

5.How do artificial colors of food harmful to our health?

Ans: Artificial colors are added to foods to make them appealing and desirable. There are so
many foods such as sweet, jelly, candy, ice-cream, cakes and soft drinks that contain
artificial color. Food containing artificial colors may have potential health problems such as
cancer, attention deficit disorder and hyper activity.
6.Using chemicals in food is harmful to our health. Explain why?
Ans: Dishonest dealers add harmful chemicals to food. Formalin is used for preserving
foods. Chemicals such as carbide is used for ripening fruits. Food containing chemicals can
cause many diseases such as dysfunction of liver and kidney. People may get cancer by
those chemicals.

7.Why is eating burgers or junk food too much harmful to our health?
Ans: Junk foods contain a lot of sugar, salt or fat that our body needs a little bit. Eating too
much junk food instead of regular food is harmful to health which causes several problems.
Such as-
1. It may cause nutritional deficiencies.
2. It may cause over weight problem.
3. The efficiency of the body may decrease.
4. It may cause obesity.

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