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Business is as much about communication as it is about closing deals

and finding new customers. This is especially true for importers and
exporters, who are constantly in contact with buyers, suppliers and other
trading partners across the world. While business communication comes
in many forms, the humble email remains an important tool. It is perhaps
the easiest, simplest and most direct way to make a product pitch, send
a business proposal or quote, update your client on an ongoing
transaction, deal with queries, trouble shoot, and so on.  

But just sending an email isn’t enough. It must be done right. This blog
explores the importance of writing professional yet simple emails for
your import-export business. You’ll find:

 Tips on writing emails

 Easy email templates you can use

The importance of effective communication

Your written words tell your buyer or supplier a lot about you:

 A prospective customer will most likely form their first impression

of you from your emails 
 If you respond quickly, it shows them you are attentive and that
their queries matter to you
 If you are not afraid to tell them about a problem, it shows them
you are willing to take responsibility. They might be annoyed with
you initially but they will appreciate a business partner who keeps
them informed and deals with problems promptly          
 Emails give you the opportunity to tell potential clients about your
business/company. But instead of writing only about yourself, write
about what you can do for their specific needs

Writing tips you need to know  

Given the importance of a business email, writing one calls for some
expertise. Thankfully, it’s not that difficult. Here are some useful tips: 

 Be concise and precise. Most of us don’t have the time or patience

to read long, rambling letters. Keep your email short but include all
the information relevant to you and your prospective client.  
 Be professional. You can be politely friendly but not too familiar.
Avoid jargon, emoticons and fancy fonts that might distract from
your topic.
 Be informative. If you are making a product pitch, include
photographs, infographics and video clips.  
 Include a subject line. The more specific it is, the greater the
chance of your email being read.   
 Put some thought into your greeting line. Find out how greetings
work in your chosen market/country. Usually, addressing the client
by their second name preceded by a Mr/Ms is a safe bet. In India,
it is acceptable to use Sir or Madam. Don’t address a client by
their first name unless you are on very familiar terms.       
 End your email with a call to action. You can set a flag on your
calendar to make contact on a later day and encourage your
reader to do the same. 
 Edit. No one likes to read a sloppy email. Check for typos, spelling
and grammatical errors, inappropriate language and other
mistakes. There are many free digital tools , such as Grammarly , to
help you clean up your email.
Cogoport’s ready-to-use email templates to grow
your import-export business

Following these tips, we have prepared 10 email templates for common

situations in the import-export process. Pick them up, fill the blanks with
your details and you’re ready to go.

I. Pre-quotation emails

1. Embassy email

Subject: Company introduction to establish business ties in COUNTRY



The Indian Embassy,



We are <COMPANY NAME>, a company that specialises in the

manufacture, supply and export of <PRODUCT NAME>. We would like
to introduce ourselves to you as we wish to do business in <COUNTRY
NAME> and require your help in this.
As a representative of India, the Indian embassy in <COUNTRY NAME>
is known to help entrepreneurs from India build trade ties with
businesses there. Therefore, we would be grateful if you could provide
us with the details of prominent buyers, importers, wholesalers and
traders of our product. We would also appreciate your help in making
contact and getting acquainted with those businesses.

Over the past <XX> years, our company has built a reputation for quality
products, ethical practices and trustworthy service. You will not regret
helping us gain a foothold in <COUNTRY NAME>.

Included here are our company details:

 Company name: <COMPANY NAME>

 Business type: <Manufacture/supply/export> 
 Year of establishment: <DATE/MONTH/YEAR>
 Product: <PRODUCT NAME>
 Production capacity: <XX tons/month>
 Registration/affiliation: <NAME OF GOVT/TRADERS’ BODY> 
 Target customers: <Importers/wholesalers/traders/suppliers>

We look forward to your cooperation.

Thank you,


Note: You may replicate this email to request similar assistance from
the Export Promotion Councils in India, which help Indian exporters

2. Introduction email

Subject: Business introduction 

Dear MR/MS <NAME>,

We, <COMPANY NAME>, are a company that manufactures, supplies

and exports <PRODUCT NAME>. Since its establishment in
<DATE/MONTH/YEAR>, our company has made a name for itself in the
<PRODUCT NAME> market. That is because we believe in making only
the highest quality products and supplying the same to our valued
customers. We are proud of our skilled workforce, our knowledge of the
market in India and abroad, and our commitment to providing the very
best in customer service.

As we look to take our business to greater heights, we hope to be able

to work with your esteemed organisation/company. Attached below is a
detailed business proposal. You may also visit our website <LINK> to
find out more about us.

Feel free to contact us if you have any queries. We can also schedule a
meeting at a time of your convenience. Looking forward to hearing from

Thank you,


II. Quotation emails

1. Quotation

Subject: Quotation and product specifications

Dear MR/MS <NAME>, 

Thank you for your interest in our <PRODUCT NAME>. As requested by

you, we, <COMPANY NAME>, have put together relevant details of our
product, including the price. You will find our price reasonable and our
quality of the highest level. We also assure you of the best service.      


 Price per unit: <$XX>
 Total price: <$XX>
 Price valid for: <XX days>
 Payment terms: <XX% advance, balance on delivery> 
 Delivery time: <XX days>
 Port of origin: <NAME>
 Port of destination: <NAME>

Feel free to contact us for clarifications and/or queries, or if you wish to

receive a product sample. We would appreciate your response by

Thank you,


2. Invoice for sample

Subject: Sample shipped, invoice attached


As requested, we are pleased to provide you with samples of our

<PRODUCT NAME>. We are confident that you will not be disappointed
with the quality.

The samples have been shipped to the address provided by you and are
scheduled to reach you within <XX days>. We charge <$XX> per
sample and have included the invoice for this with this email. Some
invoice details follow:

 Invoice number: <XXXX>

 Invoice date: <DATE/MONTH/YEAR>
 Product sample: <PRODUCT NAME>
 Number of pieces: <XX>
 Price per sample: <$XX>
 Total sample price: <$XX>
 Country of origin: <NAME OF YOUR COUNTRY>
 Country of destination: <NAME OF BUYER’S COUNTRY>  

Kindly acknowledge receipt of the samples once delivered. We look

forward to your feedback and to taking this partnership further.

Thank you,


3. Negotiation

Subject: Discussion regarding terms of purchase

Dear MR/MS <NAME>,

Thank you for your interest in our <PRODUCT NAME>. You have
conveyed your requirement for <XX> pieces of our product by
<DATE/MONTH/YEAR>. We would be delighted to fulfil this order and
can guarantee that the required number of goods will be delivered to
you by your stated date. However, the price per product you are willing
to pay, which is <$XX>, does not meet our manufacturing and shipping
costs. We can sell you the products for <$XX> a piece. You will not find
a more competitive rate for the quality we are offering. Therefore, we
humbly urge you to reconsider your price.

We look forward to a deal that is favourable to both parties. Feel free to

contact us at any time for further discussions. You can call us at

Thank you,


III. Shipment updates to customers

1.  Shipment advice 

Subject: Shipment advice        

Dear MR/MS <NAME>,

We are pleased to inform you that your consignment of <PRODUCT

NAME> was dispatched by ship on <DATE/MONTH/YEAR> as per our
contract <(CONTRACT NUMBER)>. It is scheduled to reach the port of
destination in <XX> days. Please find below the shipment details:


 B/L No: <XXXXXX>
 Carrier: <CARRIER NAME>
 Port of origin: <NAME>
 Port of destination: <NAME>
 Product: <PRODUCT NAME>
 Quantity: <XX PIECES/TONS>
 Weight: <XX kg>
 Price: <$XX>
 Invoice No: <XX>

Our team will send you regular status updates of your shipment. You
may also track it on the <CARRIER NAME> website <(LINK)>. We are
available for any further queries.

Thank you,


2. Apology for shipment delay/transhipment delay/shutout

Subject: Shipment delay/Transhipment delay/Shutout

Dear MR/MS <NAME>,

We regret to inform you that your shipment of <XX PIECES/TONS> of

<PRODUCT NAME> has been delayed due to <CAUSE OF DELAY>.
Your shipment will now reach you by <DATE/MONTH/YEAR>. 

We apologise for the delay and for any problem this might cause your
business. In our sincere effort to soften the blow, we have arranged
Please accept our apologies once again. We hope we can look past this
setback and continue doing business together. 

Thank you,


IV. Post-shipment emails

1. Acknowledgement of receipt of goods

Subject: Goods received

Dear MR/MS <NAME>,

We at <COMPANY NAME> acknowledge the receipt in full of the

Furthermore, the <PRODUCT NAME> has been found to meet our

We appreciate the care taken by you to meet our conditions. We look

forward to the same prompt service in our future dealings.

Thank you,

2. Proof of delivery

Subject: Proof of delivery

Dear MR/MS <NAME>,

We trust you are doing well. I have received a proof of delivery

statement from the <SERVICE PROVIDER NAME> and am forwarding
the same to you. From the statement, which has been signed by you, we
gather that the shipment of <PRODUCT NAME> reached you on the
scheduled date and in good condition.     

Please acknowledge by email that you have received a copy of the proof
of delivery. We also request you to share the copy with the issuing bank
so that it can proceed with the payment for the goods under the terms of

We thank you for your business and hope to be of service to you again.

Thank you,


3. Settlement of outstanding balance

Subject: Request for payment of outstanding balance


Dear MR/MS <NAME>,

We trust you are doing well. Our records indicate that you have an
outstanding balance of <$XX> towards a consignment of <PRODUCT
NAME> shipped by us on <SHIPMENT DATE> and received by you on
<DELIVERY DATE>. The due date for this payment was <DUE DATE>.
Please find attached a copy of the invoice <(MENTION INVOICE

Please make the payment by <NEW DUE DATE>. If not, we will be

YOUR COMPANY. If you have already made the payment, ignore this
email and accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Thank you for your cooperation. We hope to continue to do business

with you.

Thank you,


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