Applied Economics Principles, Tools and Techniques in Creating A Business What's More

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Module 1
Principles, Tools and Techniques in Creating a Business

What’s More
Form of Business Ownership
Partnership Corporation Cooperative
Business Option The form of
1: To introduce business
a new product ownership that
or service based suits for option
on unmet needs 1 is cooperative
because it
usually deals
with unmet
Business option
number 2 suits
the Sole
form of
Business Option
ownership as
2: To select an
the product you
will be selling is
product/ service
already present
from one
in the market
market and
which would
offering it in
mean it would
another market
be easy to
where it may
manage it as
not be available
you can seek
insights and
tips from the
already existing

Business Option Corporation

3: To invest on suits option
tried and tested number 3
formula that because starting
has worked a franchise
elsewhere such requires a lot of
as a franchise funds and
operation investors or
which are both
present in a
corporate form
of ownership.

What I Can Do
1. The business that I want to put up is a restaurant with a 5 different cuisine menu
because it is nice to eat if you have a variety of choices of food and suitable for
everyone's taste. Aside from that, I want to let people taste the cuisine from the
other parts of the world without traveling and spending a lot of money.
2. I am going to enter a partnership because I believe that putting up that kind of
business is hard so it is nice to have someone who will help you start your
business especially when it comes to finances. I have someone who shares the
same idea with me regarding the said business so it is much easier for me to put
up a business if you have someone who shares the same idea or goal.
3. I believe that we will be needing a lot of money when starting this business. A
place where we will be putting our restaurant and equipment are some non-
monetary assets we will be needing. I think that I need some people who know
about my chosen business, chefs and other food experts to be particular.
4. I think my business will be successful because I will be bringing something new
to the market. It is not literally as new but I think it will become successful since
it is rare to see a restaurant with 5 different cuisines. Also, the food that we will
be serving is surely excellent as we will hire chefs who exactly know how to make
food taste 5x better.

1. C
2. D
3. C
4. B
5. C
6. D
7. B
8. D
9. B
10. B

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